#( hibiki ; inspo )
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neosprites · 5 months ago
Heyy!! How have u been? I hope youre well! Could I please rq some kamen rider hibiki stamps? (Ep 1 & 2 are on youtube!) Thank you!
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pls credit if you use
best seen on dark mode
Hey!!! OMggg lifes been busy as heck, hence why it took me so long to get these done lol. But otherwise can't complain :) I'd be happy to make episode 2 into some stamps if you wanna put in another request, just felt like breaking it up. Thanks so much for the tip the episodes are on youtube, was a life saver!
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multishipper-baby · 2 years ago
Anyway I'm bored and decided to make some SDRA2 fankids, but couldn't decide on what pairings to make, so I spun a wheel with all the characters for some inspo and possible combos:
Teruya x Nikei: #1 Mikado hater. Sorry both your parents died super unfairly, little one. Hopefully you don't end up consumed by revenge or some other thing that will also lead to your own unfair death.
Sora x Yuki: Oh wholesome canon ship, nice. Time to roll out the AU where everything is good and they can have their little happy family.
Emma x Shinji: I don't think these two even interacted but they'd be pretty good parents I think? So their kid can't end up too bad. Just keep them away from the snow and ice.
Hajime x Sora: I feel like this child would be genuinely very terrifying but also a huge loser. Not sure why but the Vibes are there.
Yuri x Hajime: AU where everyone truly does survive after the simulation ends and somehow Hajime killing Yuri ends up as a funny meet cute story they tell their kid many times during their childhood. Between this and Yuri's dream of dying for women, this kid definitely does consider murder to be romantic. Rip to them.
Hajime x Nikei: Hell fucking yeah I got my OTP. Not sure how they'd be with kids though... Hopefully it works out? They got practice taking care of Iroha so it can't be too bad- unless they inherit their parents' bad luck. Then it's really, really bad.
(Then I got Hajime for the fourth roll in a row, so I promptly kicked him out of the wheel so he'd stop having so many damn kids).
Setsuka x Yuri: Their kid is definitely fun at parties. And very annoying literally anywhere else. But hey, they have Setsuka as a mom- what more could you possibly want?
Sora x Hibiki: Honestly no ideas for this one. Head empty.
Setsuka x Yuri: What are the odds I got the same combo twice. Guess their first kid gets a sibling/twin? Good for them.
Kanade x Nikei: This kid is so fucked. Like literally straight up fucked. Not as much as my Kanade/Syobai fankid (that I made without the wheels interference, just for fun) since Nikei has like, morals, but still. There's no way they turn out even remotely alright. The therapy bills will be astronomical.
BONUS: I wanted at least one Mikado baby and the wheel didn't give me a single one, so I just spun for one character as the partner and got Shinji. A cross between the worst boy and the most wholesome boy... That's ought to be interesting.
So uh I might try to think about some of these later while doing homework (or procrastinating on doing my homework). If I get any good ideas I might even draw one of them...
Also only one WLW ship (which isn't even one of the ones I like) and no Yoruko representation. Big L.
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decepti-thots · 6 months ago
@honorarycassowary ok now I am interested in this show. Shattered Glass and Yuri?!
yep. very weird thing, that! trigger is famously Full of transformers fans, and yeah, almost every major character design in their gridman show/reboot draws EXTREMELY direct inspo from the original Funpub iteration of shattered glass. look at this. also this. nuts!
it's not just visual gags, even- yuta hibiki, the main lead of the show, is based off non-SG cliffjumper. this is because the original SG comic funpub made has this framing device of normal!cliff getting isekai'd into SG, where he's the fish out of water. hibiki has a similar thing going on, role wise; he wakes up amnesiac in media res, basically.
rikka is based on SG megs, and akane is based on SG optimus (not only in colour scheme/etc, but their rough personalities/archetypes are also clearly aligned, with akane especially being very in line with the original depiction of SG optimus as seemingly affable but unhinged underneath). and yeah, there is MASSIVE yuri bait shiptease going on there. (if i recall correctly, on the level of 'stuck a pride flag in one shot', lmao.) so uhhhh MegOP Yuri Real, In Gridman, Somehow, yeah.
it doesn't tend to get brought up very often there's also like… story parallels etc? alongside the visual inspirations (I suspect because a lot of the TF fans who bring it up as trivia haven't actually watched it, haha.) it's weirdly intricate as far as references go, as well as being such a strange thing to do a deep cut reference to in the first place. (the OG shattered glass stuff is objectively pretty obscure!) especially since it's not like it's even an original Trigger property they just decided to do a legally distinct TF adaptation with, it's a reboot of a preexisting IP totally unrelated to TF they ALSO slapped this onto! just wild all around. tickles me greatly. you'd really think after all that takara would just ask them to do a show, tbqh. one day..!
everyone is of course now saying STUDIO TRIGGER TRANSFORMERS ANIME WHEN!!! but to be completely fair, ssss.gridman kind of counts. we can probably consider it least, like, honorary.
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iheartgod175 · 3 years ago
Betty Rubble - Flintstone Fighters Part 2
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Still think she needs the police? 🤣
So, showed the Fred Flintstone drawing to my family and they loved it. My mom asked me to draw Betty since she's the most underrated member of the cast. Which is true, sadly. And after playing around with her pose for hours, I finally got it done! And she looks so awesome 😎
Originally, I kinda wanted to model her after my best girl Hibiki from Symphogear, but I couldn't come up with a good design for gauntlets, plus drawing her fingers was a pain in the back 😩 I eventually changed up the design, instead drawing inspo from Chun Li, and basing her pose on Sailor Jupiter's transformation end pose.
I was going to base her outfit on Chun Li, but then I remembered that I needed to make the outfit recognizable as Betty, and not a copy of Chun Li 😅 I DID borrow some inspiration for her gloves, making it out of rocks and having pebbles as knuckledusters.
Her costume was kinda fun as well. I based this off of Kallen's Ritual Imayoh costume initially, but I didn't want to show off a lot of skin like Kallen's suit does. While I know a lot of female fighters get the "hot and sexy" treatment, I figured it'd fit Betty's personality to be both sexy and classy. So I gave her some shorts, as well as some thigh highs, and slippers. And I buffed her up a little bit; muscular girls for the win 💪👍
Overall, this actually turned out pretty badass 😁
Hope you enjoy!
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fairybond · 2 years ago
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About Page  |  Headcanon Page  |  Canon Divs  | Verses  | Tags | Trivia
Below are points I consider to be important regarding my muse and I hope they will be kept in mind during plotting/writing. Links to specific headcanon or divergence posts may be included in the below and I may add to this post in the future, as I go back over the manga or think about things further.
Note: filler arcs/chapters and the 100 Year Quest are not included as canon here.
Any of the unnecessary nudity seen throughout the manga – instances where Lucy’s clothes are totally destroyed, removed etc, especially when combined with her being forced into proximity with Natsu, are not included as canon. This includes the ‘quick, warm Natsu with your naked body, Lucy!’ scene in ch512. Any groping scenes (whether by Natsu or Cana or anyone else) are likewise excluded because – 1) its just not necessary, its demeaning to Lucy, 2) per plotting/portrayals of those muses (via chaoticor and hearternal), it’s not something they would do.
The running gag of Lucy trying to use her ‘sex appeal’ is not a thing here – while she knows she’s quite pretty (objectively) and she loves to look good, she is not that confident in herself in that way and would instead either use her wits or play the damsel-in-distress (acting helpless and innocent, big puppy eyes).
Lucy does not like to be called ‘princess’ and has asked that Virgo and her other spirits not call her that. She also never refers to herself as being the ‘owner’ of the spirits.
Oracion Seis arc – Lucy does not defeat Angel/Sorano. She does battle her and receive knowledge of Urano Metria from Hibiki, but ultimately is defeated and it is Sherry Blendy that defeats Angel. The battle taught Lucy a lot and helped her mature and grow as a celestial spirit mage.
Related to the above – Gemini does not disobey Angel during the fight with Lucy and does not later come to Lucy’s aid to help destroy Nirvana (even though both of those points were quite sweet). It also takes months for Lucy to receive Sorano’s keys – they were taken into custody by Rune Knights.
Lucy is very conscious and respectful of the contracts with her spirits, she does not just summon them whenever she feels like it. She also is very polite and thanks them each time they appear.
Tenrou arc – during the battle of her and Cana teaming up against Freed and Bixlow, she did not summon Aquarius (at least not for the ‘strategy’ of having Aquarius attack everyone, as that is not how Lucy rolls). She and Cana still won the battle, but through their teamwork, hard-thought strategies and Cana’s leadership (as it was Cana’s trial after all).
Stardresses – She first unlocked this aspect of Celestial Spirit magic during Tartaros with Aquarius, true, but it’s something that she had to really work hard at over the One Year in order to achieve with her other spirits. She does not still have access to the Aquarius Star Dress, and while she retains the fragment of Aquarius’ key, it contains no power. A new key has not ‘appeared’, but can be potentially reforged using ancient methods – which is something Lucy is trying to gather information on. Regarding some of her other Stardress forms – any of the forms that are overly revealing and impractical in canon (aquarius, aries and taurus come to mind as she wears a bikini top…) are not Like That here and eventually I might try to put an inspo board together for them. The Leo and Capricorn forms are suits.
The One Year – she did not retain her guildmark after FT was disbanded. She maintained contact with her friends where she could and they all made effort to continue to see and support each other. There was some drifting due to everyone being busy and she did struggle with loneliness and other issues for quite some time, but she knew she was not abandoned by her friends and that they still cared for each other.
The Heartfilia line is an ancient one, Lucy is trying to research it and Celestial Spirit magic in general. Certain bloodlines/families were associated to particular Spirits and have inherent abilities related to them – the Heartfilia family is connected to Cancer and has empathic abilities. Lucy is not fully aware of being an empath or her potential with it.
Taurus is not a perv
Brandish – the whole connection between Lucy, Brandish, their mothers, and Aquarius is not a thing here.
She is a current member of Fairy Tail still. The Master is Not Makarov (but my main verse is not set on who the master is yet, so its up to interpretation or general vagueness).
She does not have romantic/sexual feelings for Natsu. Her sexual and romantic preference is very much towards women (but its not something she’s thought too much about yet). When it comes to guys, she is demisexual/demiromantic. 
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jinsoulsscalp · 6 years ago
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INTRODUCING .  .  .  .  .  .                                   ATOZI
nicknamed the ‘people’s girl group’, atozi is a 44-member girl group that debuted in 2017. named to sound like a-to-z, the group claims to be able to do everything under the sun. atozi members were first introduced on a survival show, and then promptly ranked, and fans have complete control over the group-- from who is in what subunits, to what concepts they do, to what positions they’re in. every so often, they are put on another survival show and promptly re-ranked. the full group promotes under the name ‘atozi opal’, with the units being named after colors and the subunits being named after birds. made with @parallelwcrlds​;  i’ve only outlined my own characters below.
for member profiles, please click the read-more.
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full name: nakajima tsunade age: 22 sexuality: bisexual position grade: vocalist (d grade) historical ranks:        round one: #16        round two: #23        round three: #24        round four: #1        round five: #1        round six: #1 units:    atozi marmelade: visual & lead dancer    atozi peacock: maknae & vocalist    atozi rosella: visual & performer fc: mina (twice) ship status: singleship open notes:       -very pretty but lacks personality       -her lack of anything real makes it easy for her to fit any concept    -she was fading into the background until a *sexy* concept challenge catapulted her to #1
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full name: jo rayeon age: 22 sexuality: lesbian position grade: dancer (a grade) historical ranks:        round one: #15        round two: #3        round three: #2        round four: #5        round five: #6        round six: #5 units:    atozi cobalt: main dancer & lead vocalist fc: yves (loona) ship status: reserved for ( @parallelwcrlds​ )
notes:       -big gay energy       -one of the most consistently high members of atozi       -very confident, but not in an annoying way
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full name: zhang chunhua age: 25 sexuality: lesbian position grade: rapper (a grade) historical ranks:        round one: #13        round two: #2        round three: #3        round four: #4        round five: #7        round six: #6 units:    atozi cobalt: main rapper    atozi hummingbird: main rapper    additionally: opal’s rap captain fc: ciel (mera) ship status: singleship open
notes:       -was a solo rapper in china before being scouted to atozi’s company       -became very popular due to her well-rounded skills and no-nonsense personality       -her 10+ years of experience rapping earned her the rap captain title
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full name: lee minae age: 28 sexuality: bi position grade: vocalist (a grade) historical ranks:       round one: #10       round two: #24       round three: #30       round four: #32       round five: #3       round six: #7 units:    atozi garnet: leader & main vocalist    additionally: opal’s leader & vocal captain fc: yuna (aoa) ship status: singleship open
notes:       -one of atozi’s parent company’s longest trainees       -dipped in popularity rounds 3&4 because she had a breakdown over not being higher despite her skill level       -is one of the most nurturing and responsible members       -leeah’s older sister
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full name: jung eehoo age: 19 sexuality: pan position grade: dancer (c grade) historical ranks:      round one: #3      round two: #5      round three: #5      round four: #6      round five: #4      round six: #9 units:    atozi bubblegum: lead rapper & lead dancer fc: lua (weki meki) ship status: singleship open
notes:       -the 4d happy virus of atozi       -absolute goofball (dahyun meets yoojung honestly)       -her positivity and goofiness has kept her consistently in the top
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full name: fukui hibiki age: 24 sexuality: lesbian position grade: dancer (a grade) historical ranks:      round one: #5      round two: #6      round three: #8      round four: #10      round five: #14      round six: #11 units:    atozi bubblegum: main dancer & sub rapper    atozi rosella: main dancer & rapper fc: momo (twice) ship status: singleship open
notes:       -one of atozi’s biggest lesbians, and absolutely does not hide it in front of the cameras       -spends all her time practicing her dancing, making her one of the more versatile dancers
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full name: boo serim age: 18 sexuality: straight position grade: vocalist (c grade) historical ranks:      round one: #8      round two: #16      round three: #15      round four: #20      round five: #17      round six: #12 units:    atozi bubblegum: main vocalist fc: lara (dreamnote) ship status: singleship open
notes:       -fans loved her during the first round, so much that they voted her into a vocal position that she cannot maintain live       -often lipsyncs and is ashamed of that but doesn't have the vocal capacity not to
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full name: hazel moon age: 24 sexuality: bi position grade: vocalist (b grade) historical ranks:     round one: #11     round two: #17     round three: #6     round four: #8     round five: #11     round six: #13 units:    atozi lime: visual & main vocalist    atozi peacock: visual & main vocalist fc: bomi (girl crush) ship status: singleship open
notes:       -atozi’s resident sexy member       -particularly popular for being especially risque on camera and on social media       -absolutely shameless
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full name: gong euijoo age: 15 sexuality: pan position grade: rapper (b grade) historical ranks:     round one: #12     round two: #26     round three: #26     round four: #23     round five: #22     round six: #19 units:    atozi marmelade: maknae & lead rapper    additionally: opal’s lead rapper fc: hanbyeol (dreamnote) ship status: singleship open
notes:       -the baby of atozi and full of energy       -she’s not the best rapper yet, but she works hard and is willing to learn, and has energy and confidence, so shes improving quickly (think blackpink lisa)
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full name: bang mihye age: 20 sexuality: pan position grade: vocalist (a grade) historical ranks:     round one: #40     round two: #33     round three: #27     round four: #36     round five: #35     round six: #21 units:    atozi garnet: main vocalist fc: bora (cherry bullet) ship status: singleship open
notes:       -headstrong and stubborn       -was ranked low initially because she seemed like kind of an ass, but really tries hard to get along with all the members       -minae’s shadow-- determined to learn everything she can from her
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full name: nam heejung age: 18 sexuality: bi position grade: vocalist (c grade) historical ranks:     round one: #43     round two: #34     round three: #37     round four: #34     round five: #21     round six: #23 units:    atozi garnet: lead vocalist & sub-rapper fc: chaeyeon (iz*one) ship status: singleship open
notes:       -heejo’s older sister-- the two are super competitive       -during the survival shows they are always neck in neck, and seem to be in a competition of their own rather than a full blown survival show sometimes       -heejung’s vocals are a little weaker than heejo’s, but heejung is more charismatic
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full name: nam heejo age: 16 sexuality: straight position grade: vocalist (b grade) historical ranks:     round one: #42     round two: #35     round three: #38     round four: #33     round five: #20     round six: #24 units:    atozi garnet: maknae & lead vocalist fc: chaeryeong (itzy) ship status: singleship open
notes:       -heejung’s younger sister-- the two are incredibly competitive       -she and her sister initially ranked quite low because fans were annoyed that they were only ever competing with each other, but they rose in the ranks as it became more charming       -heejo is a stronger vocalist, and could be even better if she didn’t refuse most help
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full name: maki kana age: 26 sexuality: straight position grade: dancer (b grade) historical ranks:     round one: #35     round two: #41     round three: #44     round four: #39     round five: #31     round six: #26 units:    atozi garnet: lead dancer & sub-vocalist    atozi rosella: leader, main dancer & lead vocalist fc: harumi (egirls) ship status: singleship open
notes:       -strong silent type       -was a member of a large jpop group as a preteen before she ‘graduated’ when she was 15; she came to korea shortly after       -she loves to perform and knows basically nothing else.
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full name: baek kyunghye age: 18 sexuality: pan position grade: dancer (c grade) historical ranks:     round one: #25     round two: #27     round three: #28     round four: #41     round five: #8     round six: #29 units:    atozi garnet: main dancer fc: miso (dreamnote) ship status: singleship open
notes:       -the ‘relateable idol’; has a strong following because she shirks most beauty standards in favor of comfort and leisure       -great sense of humor
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full name: matsuoka sakura age: 27 sexuality: pan position grade: vocalist (c grade) historical ranks:        round one: #31        round two: #19        round three: #10        round four: #30        round five: #33        round six: #30 units:    atozi lime: lead dancer    atozi rosella: main vocalist fc: yukika ship status: singleship open  
notes:       -an ex-member of two disbanded kpop groups and a show about kpop groups (like idolmaster.kr-- sakura is very much a fictional japanese version of mintty tbh)       -she refuses to quit and sometimes could be considered the heart of the group       -always there for a pep talk
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full name: lee ahnae age: 23 sexuality: lesbian position grade: rapper (c grade) historical ranks:       round one: #33       round two: #38       round three: #40       round four: #25       round five: #12       round six: #31 units:    atozi marmelade: sub-rapper & sub-vocalist fc: seoyul (berry good) ship status: singleship open
notes:       -minae’s younger sister       -always feels overshadowed by minae, very much feels invisible, or like the least talented sibling       -insecure and a little bitter, but works hard
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full name: tsukada chiasa age: 17 sexuality: pan position grade: dancer (d grade) historical ranks:       round one: #32       round two: #20       round three: #36       round four: #31       round five: #41       round six: #32 units:    atozi orchid: maknae & lead vocalist    atozi rosella: maknae, lead dancer & lead vocalist fc: kokoro (cherry bullet) ship status: singleship open
notes:       -so, so, so, so loud       -she’s like a dog that won’t shut up       -she has some throat issues, and could be a really good vocalist if her voice didn’t cut in and out at weird times
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full name: wong mingzhu age: 20 sexuality: bi position grade: dancer (b grade) historical ranks:       round one: #34       round two: #20       round three: #35       round four: #38       round five: #40       round six: #36 units:    atozi orchid: lead dancer    atozi hummingbird: lead dancer fc: blair (mera) ship status: singleship open
notes:       -was a model in china as a teenager, but decided she didn’t want to pursue that into adulthood       -very easily intimidated and overwhelmed       -has some big boi anxiety
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full name: seo bohyung age: 26 sexuality: lesbian position grade: dancer (b grade) historical ranks:       round one: #17       round two: #25       round three: #19       round four: #17       round five: #25       round six: #38 units:    atozi lime: leader & main dancer fc: jini (gbb) ship status: singleship open    
notes:       -honestly could do well as a comedian       -class clown-- always there with a quick witty joke       -really likes covering boy group choreography
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full name: fujimoto sorano age: 28 sexuality: bi position grade: vocalist (d rank) historical ranks:       round one: #7       round two: #13       round three: #22       round four: #29       round five: #32       round six: #39 units:    atozi bubblegum: lead vocalist    atozi rosella: performer fc: yume (carat) ship status: singleship open
notes:       -very quirky and alternative-- was popular at first, until videos started spreading of her bleaching her eyebrows and cutting her own bangs, prompting fans to think she’d lost it       -very secure in herself and how she likes doing things       -quiet; speaks only when she feels like she needs to
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full name: maira tupkunanon age: 25 sexuality: lesbian position grade: dancer (c grade) historical ranks:       round one: #28       round two: #42       round three: #33       round four: #21       round five: #30       round six: #42 units:    atozi marmelade: main dancer fc: milk (candy mafia) ship status: singlehship open
notes:       -is honestly just happy to be here and be part of something great       -is the quintessential big sister she’ll drive you to the mall or buy you booze or something       -sneaker enthusiast
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full name: riley kim age: 21 sexuality: lesbian position grade: rapper (b grade) historical ranks:       round one: #36       round two: #43       round three: #41       round four: #44       round five: #37       round six: #43 units:    atozi garnet: visual & main rapper fc: elly (weki meki) ship status: singleship open
notes:       -brash, opinionated, loud, stubborn, and a little rude       -talented rapper who had a decent underground career before switching gears to idol training with atozi’s company       -consistently in the bottom-- she thinks its because she’s a ‘real rapper’ and ‘idols can’t handle that’, but really, it’s because of her attitude.       -surprise surprise-- that attitude is a defense mechanism bc she insecure as heck
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moonlightxo · 4 years ago
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷. 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕞𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖
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here are some fast round facts bout me:
i use he/they pronouns
i don’t mind if you call me moon or will or marcy or bunny, they all chill with me
my personality type is isfp
taurus sun - scorpio moon - taurus ascending
likes: candy, warm blankets, puppies, the colors lilac and yellow, anime
dislikes: the smell of rain (i’m sorry), seafood, roller coasters, horror films
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷. 𝕒 𝕤𝕚𝕞𝕡 𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥
i suppose there’s no real harm in sharing what fictional characters have a special place in my heart. so let’s go!
Niijima Makoto
Akaashi Keiji
Morinozuka (Mori) Takashi
Bokuto Kōtarō
Albedo Kreideprinz
Sōma Hatori
Isaac Foster
Kurusu Shou/Syo
Ushijima Wakatoshi
Zen Wistaria
Sakamoto Ryuji
Kentarō Kyōtani
Sōma Kyō
Hyun Ryu
Iwaizumi Hajime
Kou Seiya
Diluc Ragnvidr
Hibiki Ryoga
Tsukishima Kei
Mikaze Ai
Saeran Choi
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post credit idea and inspo by @ moririki
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