#( event: nightmare on nash street )
radicheart-a · 5 months
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"Good evening, deer listeners! I know it's been a while since I hosted one of these events, and I do apologize for that — but allow me to make amends by kicking it off one day early!
"Are you bored? Looking for something to do? Feeling mischievous, or even violent? I sure am! Why not give ✨ Harassing Travis ✨ a try? Not only will you get to flex your creativity and let out some pent-up frustrations, but it’ll earn you friendship points with me!“
"Did I forget to mention it’s absolutely free?
"For those that are new or have forgotten, Travis resides at 3816 Nash Street and likes to frequent a bar in Pentagram called The Cackling Crow. He is almost always at one of these locations when he isn't working at the Porn Studio. Do with this information as you see fit!"
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"I’ll be watching!"
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radicheart · 3 days
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“Good evening, deer listeners!
"Are you bored? Looking for something to do? Feeling mischievous, or even violent? I sure am! Why not give ✨ Harassing Travis ✨ a try? Not only will you get to flex your creativity and let out some pent-up frustrations, but it’ll earn you friendship points with me!“
"Did I forget to mention it’s absolutely free?
"For those that are new or have forgotten, Travis resides at 3816 Nash Street and likes to frequent a bar in Pentagram called The Cackling Crow. He is almost always at one of these locations when he isn’t working at the Porn Studio. Do with this information as you see fit!”
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“I’ll be watching!”
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copaceticjillybean · 3 months
https://www.tumblr.com/radicheart/746415968787578880/good-evening-deer-listeners-are?source=share @radicheart
With a satisfying 'CLICK!', Jillian switched off her radio and got to her feet, brown fox feet silent against her carpet. "Well, with that kinda advert, how can I say no?" she mused to herself with a chuckle, rushing off to her bedroom to get ready. It wasn't her usual night to go a-hunting, but if Alastor himself recommended it, how could she pass up the opportunity? Once she was nicely dolled up- tempting black dress on, hunting knife slid into the side of her boot and trusty orange carpet bag packed and and ready. So, with a quick application of her blood-red lipstick, the woman was out the door, on her way to The Cackling Crow. Once she arrived, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous- Alastor said he'd be watching, and she'd hate to disappoint!
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smiledotdeer · 2 years
Some people didn’t claim their prize money from the bet today! I’m going to put it into the unofficial Baby Supply Fund!
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homerforsure · 3 years
Whumptober No. 5
betrayal / misunderstanding / broken nose
(Hockey AU)
He’d always thought the night Jay took the picture would be the worst of it.
Buck’s hands were clutching the rails of Jay’s iron headboard, where Jay had wanted them, where Jay had placed them after stripping Buck of his clothes, saying “Don’t let go.” His slow, sexy, predatory smile was the last thing Buck saw before the silky black blindfold was tied in place. Jay was gone after that, climbing off the bed, telling Buck how good he looked and what he thought he might do and Buck had arched into the words until he was begging to be touched.
“Be patient,” Jay had purred, appeasing Buck with a single finger drawn shiveringly down his thigh. Buck could feel that he’d climbed back onto the bed, but Jay was too far away and he wasn’t teasing; he just wasn’t there. Stretching out longer on the mattress, trying to find him, he’d said, “What’s going on up there?”
Then the flash went off, the bright light cutting through the thin fabric of the blindfold. Jay swore, “Shit. Fuck,” and when Buck let go of the bed with one hand (one hand because maybe he misunderstood, maybe it was fine, maybe he’d laugh and put his hand back and they’d-)to push the tie away, he’d seen Jay, crouched above him with his phone in his hand.
If he’d asked, Buck might even have agreed. He liked posing. He liked having his body appreciated. But Jay’s expression was the alarm of being caught red-handed and Buck knew, knew with a sinking feeling of dread and betrayal, that Jay wasn’t just taking a memento to savor later. He was taking a picture of Rangers center Evan Buckley, naked, smirking, and vulnerable, to use exactly the way those kinds of pictures get used.
Buck forced Jay to delete the photo, made him prove that he’d done it, and then had somehow managed to get himself dressed and down to the street to get a ride without throwing up. His face burned the whole drive home and for half of the night.
And that was the worst of it until five years later. In a new city. When Buck was finally playing the way he’d always known he could. When he was finally earning the respect of his team and the hockey world at large. When he started thinking he might stay. That was when the anonymously authored post was retweeted and reblogged and shared and gleefully discussed on all corners of the hockey internet.
The Good, the Bad, and the Kinky
His agent’s was the first text he saw when he got done with practice: “Do NOT respond yet. Call me first.”
It had taken another couple messages before Buck realized what he wasn’t supposed to respond to and in the meantime, the texts kept rolling in. Half of them from numbers he didn’t even have saved in his contacts.
“Dude, is that shit true?”
“Are you okay?”
“Do you know who it is?”
“You dog 😜”
“You never told me you were into that 👀”
“Ignore it, Buck.”
“We’re all with you.”
“Fuck that guy.”
“Hey if you need something to take your mind off of it💋💋💋”
“Evan, Mike from the Tribune. If you want to set the record straight, please give me a call.”
From the looks on the faces of his teammates as they tried to pretend they weren’t stealing glances at him, they were getting messages of their own. Hen was the first one to start to approach him with a look of concern, but Buck avoided her, grabbing his bag and sneaking out the door without bothering to hit the stationary bike like usual.
“What the hell did you do to piss this guy off?” Geoff said as soon as he answered Buck’s call. “More importantly, what else does he have on you?”
“Nothing!” Buck answered, nearly merging directly into another car as his hands shook on the steering wheel. “What do I do? How do I fix this?”
“I don’t know, Buckley. None of my other clients get up to shit like this. You need to get yourself a publicist. I’m going to get in touch with Grant and make sure they’re not already shopping you.”
His agent hung up and Buck’s phone continued to buzz and chime all the way back to his apartment.
There were cameras outside which there almost never were. Mostly only hockey fans cared about pictures of hockey players and the press was limited to the arena and their official events. Maybe one or two regular guys who Buck knew by name. It was just his luck that he lived in LA where there were almost more cameras than there were disasters to photograph.
“Buck! Do you know who the author is?”
“Have your teammates seen the post?”
“Are you worried about other former partners coming out with similar stories?”
Buck pushed past them, but the questions followed him inside. His phone didn’t stop. His mentions were a nightmare on every platform. He shut Twitter as soon as he opened it and saw his name in the trending topics. The statements put out by the Kings and Buck’s agent condemning the piece and the interest in it were drowned out by outlet after outlet picking up the post and sharing it out wider and wider.
Can you guess this NHL player by his sexcapades? (Hint: It’s exactly who you think)
Hockey players used to be the humble, hard working gentleman of sports. What happened?
Should the Kings trade Evan Buckley? Can they?
Nash should make Buckley sit for embarrassing the team like this.
Aw, man, don’t do that. Sitting’s a little tough for Buckley right now
And I thought it couldn’t get worse than the time he fucked that mascot in Carolina
{This post may contain explicit content}
Excuse you, Gritty has standards
[98 more posts]
Whether from a latent masochistic streak or just because he didn’t want to look away and find that the story had gotten bigger while he was gone, Buck couldn’t stop refreshing the pages. He read Jay’s words over and over again as his stomach roiled. If it had all been lies, Buck wouldn’t have spent the morning pressed into the corner of his couch, hoodie pulled up over his head like armor. If it had all been lies, he could have made a fiery statement, condemning the mystery author and condemning everyone who thought they had a right to consume and critique another person’s sex life.
There were some lies, of course, but it was true enough that Buck’s heart clenched with it. True enough that he could remember how he felt when it was happening, during the three times they’d been together before the photo. Soft and desired and joyful. There was a part of him that was still exposed to Jay, that always would be, this man with the sharp wit and the sharp smile who got Buck bare, begging and biddable all to make him a joke. As he read the smug asides in the unforgiving narrative, he could hear Jay’s voice in his ear.
The sixth time he read it, there was an addition.
Edit: Ha ha wow this really blew up. Doing an AMA at 6 eastern if you’re looking for more dirty details.
And for the first time, Buck felt the burn of tears in his eyes. Furious. Powerless.
The buzz of his phone started making his skin crawl so he shoved it between the couch cushions and tried not to think about it. He sat with his knees pulled up to his chest and his arms wrapped tightly around, rocking just a little as he felt panic creeping in.
What else could Jay possibly have to say? Would he make up more and more audacious lies as long as he had an audience? Would an NHL team want to touch Buck when he was done?
Were there more pictures?
It was the fourth night, the night that Buck caught Jay. Not the first night with the blindfold. What if? Buck shuddered, sinking lower, deeper into the couch, folding himself tighter and smaller, trying to crush the mounting, hopeless fear. He was there for a long time.
When the gentle knock hit his door, Buck jumped and then crouched tighter into his ball. He didn’t answer. There was no one he could face right now.
The knock came again.
Then the door opened.
Buck was up like a shot, nearly falling over the coffee table as he whirled around toward the intruder. Eddie stood in the doorway, holding up one empty hand and pulling his key out of the door with the other.
“Just me.”
“What are you doing here?” Buck asked, shoving his hands into the pocket of his hoodie to hide the fact that he’d been digging his nails into his palms for the last hour.
“Well, you took off. And you weren’t answering your phone.”
Hot shame flushed across Buck’s skin. Eddie knew. Eddie had seen the article and the articles about the article and the tweets about the articles and been shouted at by the cameras outside and Buck wanted to sink into the floor.
“Notice you didn’t take the hint.”
The attitude in Buck’s response didn’t faze Eddie at all, “Do I ever?”
And that almost made Buck feel like smiling, because no, no he didn’t. He said, “No. But there’s always a first time.”
Eddie came a little further into the apartment and Buck felt crowded. Eddie always seemed to take up so much space around him. Maybe it was just that Buck felt his presence most strongly than anyone else’s. Especially when he was like this: arms crossed, focused, not letting Buck wiggle out of a conversation that he didn’t want to have.
This time was no exception. When Buck turned and went back to the couch, compulsively refreshing the comments on Jay’s post again as he went, Eddie followed right after him.
“I came by to make sure you were okay,” he said and Buck flinched again, hating that Eddie knew. Hating that the team knew.
“I’m fine,” he answered, keeping his eyes down and away from Eddie. “Coach is going to rip me a new one tomorrow, but my agent hasn’t called me to tell me I’m being traded so yet so I guess that’s-”
“Who the fuck said you were being traded?” His voice was loud enough that Buck looked up, surprised to see the intensity of anger in Eddie’s face.
“THN. NHL Network did a round table on it too, but they didn’t think anyone would take me. Oh, then Kirk Davis did a radio interview.”
Everyone had picked up those soundbites. Even through the heavily bleeped broadcast, the future hall-of-famer’s opinion on Buck had been crystal clear. At least that wasn’t new information for Buck. Davis had all but refused to shake Buck’s hand when he first joined the Predators and was a big part of why his tenure there had only lasted until the trade deadline.
“Kirk Davis is a fucking asshole. There’s a reason they never made him captain.”
“He’s not the only one who said it.”
“Then he’s not the only fucking asshole out there.” When he didn’t respond, Eddie came around the couch to stand face to face with him, noticing the open comments page as he did. “Christ, have you been reading that shit all day?”
Somehow it made Buck laugh. “It’s the same shit I’ve been reading for 8 years. Since I got drafted. Buckley’s a distraction to his team. Buckley’s an embarrassment to the game of hockey. Buckley cares more about getting laid and partying than he does about winning. It’s guys like Buckley that hurt the NHL.”
His voice pitched up as he recited the familiar accusations, staring somewhere over Eddie’s shoulder because Eddie already knew all this about him. Eddie was the opposite of Buck in every way. He would never make himself the center of attention. He’d never do anything to make his teammates ashamed to play with him. He’d never be so stupid as to go home with a guy like Jay.
“Buckley’s finally getting what he deserves.” Buck whispered.
“Look at me,” Eddie said. When Buck couldn’t, Eddie reached out, setting a light hand on his shoulder that got tighter when Buck tried to shrug out of the hold. “Hey. Look at me.”
He moved his head into the space where Buck was staring into the middle distance and waited. Until Buck couldn’t help but flick his gaze to meet Eddie’s. Once he did, he found a furious compassion that startled him.
“You don’t deserve this, Buck. You did nothing to deserve this. It is not your fault. Nobody in our room thinks it is. Bobby doesn’t think it is.”
Buck shuddered under the weight of the words. He wanted to pull himself free and he wanted to step in closer, “My agent told me I should own it. Post a couple thirst traps and a middle finger on instagram and just wave it off like another classic Evan Buckley weekend.”
There was a time when he would have. Times when he had. But this wasn’t a ridiculous paparazzi photo outside a bar, it was… It was private. It hurt.
As if reading his mind, Eddie said, “That’s not what this is. Fire him if he wants to make you pretend this is okay.”
“I just keep thinking if I was anyone else. If I was someone good, they’d all go after him and not me. I didn’t even do anything to him, Eddie. I didn’t-”
Before he could finish his sentence, Eddie tugged him forward and his arms were tight around his back. Buck should have tried to fight it, but he couldn’t help but fall against his chest and cling on. “You are someone good,” Eddie said, making Buck’s breath hitch. “And if you weren’t, it wouldn’t matter. It’s wrong. They’re wrong.”
“I shouldn’t have trusted him,” Buck confessed into the soft fabric of Eddie’s shirt. “I was so stupid back then. I just wanted- I wanted him to like me. And I’m still- It still hurts that he didn’t. How fucked up is that? He did this. And I still just wish he liked me.”
One of Eddie’s hands moved up to cradle the back of Buck’s head. They were swaying, just a little, Eddie rocking them gently. “I know,” he said. “I’m so sorry.”
He managed to keep from crying, but Buck couldn’t stop his breath from coming out in soft, stuttering gasps. Couldn’t keep his fingers from digging into Eddie’s back. If he thought about it, he could imagine this post too (Evan Buckley cried like a baby on my shoulder AMA), but Eddie would never do that. The warm heat of him against Buck’s chest was like a blanket hiding him from the world. It was the most vulnerable he’d been all day and the most sheltered.
Eddie didn’t let go until Buck pulled back and even then he didn’t go far, “Have you eaten since practice?”
“I didn’t think I’d be able to without throwing up,” Buck said honestly.
“Do you want to order something from-”
The timer on Buck’s laptop shrieked and they both jumped. Eddie recovered quickly, but Buck’s heart leapt into his throat. He’d almost forgotten. How could he have forgotten? Pulling away from Eddie, he turned off the timer and refreshed the post, looking for the link he knew would be there.
“Come on, Buck, really?”
Eddie reached out to slam the laptop closed, but Buck shoved his hand in the way. “I have to, Eddie. He’s doing an AMA. I have to-”
“I’m not going to let you torture yourself reading what a bunch of sick assholes have to say, Buck. No way.”
“I have to.”
“No, you-”
“Yes, I do!” He shouted it, standing up to look Eddie in the eye. “I have to read it. I have to see it now because if- if- if I wait and it gets reposted- I have to know if he has- I have to-”
“Buck,” Eddie said, putting his hands on Buck’s arms, trying to rub calmness back into him even as Buck’s heart-rate accelerated. “What does he have? What could be worse than what he already-”
“Pictures,” Buck yelled. “I have to know if he has pictures.”
A dark, dark look came over Eddie’s face and he stopped rubbing Buck’s arms to squeeze instead. “You think he has pictures?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” Buck whimpered. He saw himself as if from above, stretched out long and lewd against Jay’s sheets. He imagined ten thousand other people seeing it. “He took- I caught him taking one. Once. But I don't know if it was the only one. I don’t- I can’t let them get out. If he has them, I have to know. I have to report the post. I have to-”
“No,” Eddie said.
“Yes, Eddie. I have-”
“I hear you. Okay? I hear you, but I’m not letting you do that. I’m not letting you put any more of that garbage in your head.”
“I’ll do it. I’ll report every goddamn post.” Lifting one hand, Eddie stroked a thumb softly along Buck’s hairline. “Let me do it. Let me protect you.”
Buck swallowed hard, fear and relief and longing fighting for control of the tears that were building up again. He didn’t want Eddie to see any of that. He didn’t want Jay’s words in Eddie’s head. But Buck really really didn’t want them in his own. He wanted someone to protect him. “Thank you,” he said, falling forward again to rest his head on Eddie’s shoulder.
“I’ve got you,” Eddie replied, rubbing his hands firmly up Buck’s back.
Eddie wouldn’t let Buck sit on the couch while he monitored the thread. He fished Buck’s phone out of the couch and made him answer the important messages. From Maddie. From Bobby. From Hen and Chimney. Then he’d told him to order food from the Lebanese place they always ordered from when Eddie came over, asking for extra of the pickled turnips. All the while, Eddie’s fingers slammed onto the keyboard, that sound the only reaction he gave to any of the posts.
It should have been unbearable, letting Eddie comb through the messages. Even without seeing them, Buck knew what they were like. He blocked people every week for the same kind of thing. But Eddie had a defense against them that Buck never had: he didn’t believe they were true. Not even a little bit. He didn’t believe there was a chance that Buck was getting what he deserved for being a show off, for never being a points leader, for being open and soft hearted, for being himself. Eddie believed Buck deserved to be protected and he was ruthless about it.
“No pictures,” he said, a while later, when Jay had finally stopped replying to every comment on the page. “And the rest of it is… well. It’s nothing new.”
“Really. I think it’s done.”
Eddie closed the laptop as if by making that gesture of finality, he could make the words true. Buck, allowed back on his own couch, let himself believe it too. Let himself lean into the safety of Eddie’s arm over his shoulders, breathing in a deep sigh of relief as they caught the Canucks game.
The next morning, Jay’s story was hardly anywhere to be seen. It was replaced. By an essay in The Players’ Tribune. It excoriated Jay. It called out Kirk Davis by name and hundreds of online posters by their bad intentions. It praised Buck’s grace, tenacity, and backhand shot and it demanded respect and compassion and privacy from anyone who called themselves a hockey fan. And it wasn’t anonymous.
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What other fandoms are you familiar enough with to use as an AU prompt? Pokemon Trainer AU? Homestuck AU (they'd still probably die but at least there are lots of ways to come back to life)?
I’m not that familiar with Homestuck, definitely not enough to do an AU.  I read the novelizations of the Pokemon show as a kid but never saw the show or played any of the video games.  I did play the super-obscure Pokemon board game, but most of my trading cards were printed in Japanese (I had a strange childhood), so my experience there is, uh, probably not quite overlapping with everyone else’s.
Anyway, if you want list of all my fandoms… Boy howdy.  I don’t think I can come up with them all.  However, I can list everything that comes to mind between now and ~20 minutes from now when I have to end my procrastination break and go back to dissertating.  So here it is, below the cut:
Okay, there is no way in hell I’ll be able to make an exhaustive list.  But off the top of my head, the fandoms I’m most familiar/comfortable with are as follows:
Authors (as in, I’ve read all or most of their books)
Patricia Briggs
Megan Whalen Turner
Michael Crichton
Marge Piercy
Stephenie Meyer
Dean Koontz
Stephen King
Neil Gaiman
K.A. Applegate
Ernest Hemingway
Tamora Pierce
Roald Dahl
Short Stories/Anthologies
A Good Man is Hard to Find, Flannery O’Connor
The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka
I Am Legend, Richard Matheson
Dubliners, James Joyce
Flowers for Algernon, Daniel Keyes
Who Goes There? John W. Campbell
The Man Who Bridged the Mist, Kij Johnson
Flatland, Edwin Abbott
I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream, Harlan Ellison
To Build a Fire, Jack London
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, Ambrose Bier
At the Mountains of Madness/Cthulu mythos, H.P. Lovecraft
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle
The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Washington Irving
The Martian Chronicles, Ray Bradbury
Close Range: Wyoming Stories, E. Annie Proulx
The Curious Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson
Bartleby the Scrivener (and a bunch of others), Herman Melville
Books (Classics)
Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neal Hurston
The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery
The Secret Garden, Francis Hodgson Burnett
Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson
Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte
The Secret Annex, Anne Frank
Nine Stories, J.D. Salinger
Frankenstein, Mary Shelley
Tom Sawyer/Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain
East of Eden, John Steinbeck
To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison
Slaughterhouse-Five, Kurt Vonnegut
The Stranger, Albert Camus
The Call of the Wild, Jack London
Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
Lord of the Flies, William Golding
Atonement, Ian McEwan
1984, George Orwell
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith
The Iliad/The Odyssey, Homer
Metamorphoses, Ovid
Journey to the Center of the Earth, Jules Verne
The Time-Machine, H.G. Wells
The Tempest, Much Ado About Nothing, Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juliet, Henry V, Hamlet, MacBeth, Othello, and The Taming of the Shrew, William Shakespeare
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, Thomas Stoppard
Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett
Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood
Books (YA SF)
Young Wizards series, Diane Duane
Redwall, Brian Jaques
The Dark is Rising sequence, Susan Cooper
The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, Diana Wynne Jones
The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis
Abhorsen trilogy, Garth Nix
The Giver series, Lois Lowry
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams
Uglies series, Scott Westerfeld
Tuck Everlasting, Natalie Babbitt
A Wizard of Earthsea, Ursula K. Le Guin
Song of the Lioness, Tamora Pierce
A Wrinkle in Time, Madeline L’Engle
Unwind, Neal Shusterman
The Maze Runner series, James Dashner
The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, Patricia C. Wrede
Sideways Stories from Wayside School, Louis Sachar
Ella Enchanted, Gail Carson Levine
Ender’s Game, Orson Scott Card
The Phantom Tollbooth, Norton Juster
Coraline, Neil Gaiman
Among the Hidden, Margaret Peterson Haddix
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, Avi
Interview with the Vampire, Anne Rice
Poppy series, Avi
The Secret Life of Bees, Sue Monk Kidd
Tithe, Holly Black
Life as We Knew It, Susan Beth Pfeffer
Blood and Chocolate, Annette Curtis Klause
Peter Pan, J.M. Barrie
The Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum
Haunted, Gregory Maguire
Weetzie Bat, Francesca Lia Block
Charlotte’s Web, E.B. White
East, Edith Pattou
Z for Zachariah, Robert C. O’Brien
The Looking-Glass Wars, Frank Beddor
The Egypt Game, Zilpha Keatley Snyder
The Book Thief, Markus Zusak
Homecoming, Cynthia Voigt
Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass, Lewis Carroll
The Landry News, Andrew Clements
Fever 1793, Laurie Halse Anderson
Bloody Jack, L.A. Meyer
The Boxcar Children, Gertrude Chandler Warner
A Certain Slant of Light, Laura Whitcomb
Generation Dead, Daniel Waters
Pendragon series, D.J. MacHale
Silverwing, Kenneth Oppel
Good Omens, Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
Define Normal, Julie Anne Peters
Hawksong, Ameila Atwater Rhodes
Heir Apparent, Vivian Vande Velde
Running Out of Time, Margaret Peterson Haddix
The Keys to the Kingdom series, Garth Nix
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, Joan Aiken
The Seer and the Sword, Victoria Hanley
My Side of the Mountain, Jean Craighead George
Daughters of the Moon series, Lynne Ewing
The Midwife’s Apprentice, Karen Cushman
Island of the Aunts, Eva Ibbotson
The Night Circus, Erin Morgenstern
The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm, Nancy Farmer
A Great and Terrible Beauty, Libba Bray
A School for Sorcery, E. Rose Sabin
The House with a Clock in Its Walls, John Bellairs
The Edge Chronicles, Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell
Hope was Here, Joan Bauer
Bunnicula, James Howe
Wise Child, Monica Furlong
Silent to the Bone, E.L. Konigsburg
The Twenty-One Balloons, William Pene du Bois
Dead Girls Don’t Write Letters, Gail Giles
The Supernaturalist, Eoin Colfer
Blue is for Nightmares, Laurie Faria Stolarz
Mystery of the Blue Gowned Ghost, Linda Wirkner
Wait Till Helen Comes, Mary Downing Hahn
I was a Teenage Fairy, Francesca Lia Block
City of the Beasts series, Isabelle Allende
Summerland, Michael Chabon
The Geography Club, Brent Hartinger
The Last Safe Place on Earth, Richard Peck
Liar, Justine Larbalestier
The Doll People, Ann M. Martin
The Lost Years of Merlin, T.A. Barron
Matilda Bone, Karen Cushman
Nine Stories, J.D. Salinger
The Tiger Rising, Kate DiCamillo
The Spiderwick Chronicles, Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi
In the Forests of the Night, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
My Teacher is an Alien, Bruce Coville
The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles, Julie Andrews Edwards
Storytime, Edward Bloor
Magic Shop series, Bruce Coville
A Series of Unfortunate Events, Lemony Snicket
Veritas Project series, Frank Peretti
The Once and Future King, T.H. White
Raven’s Strike, Patricia Briggs
What-the-Dickens: The Story of a Rogue Tooth Fairy, Gregory Maguire
The Wind Singer, William Nicholson
Sweetblood, Pete Hautman
The Trumpet of the Swan, E.B. White
Half Magic, Edward Eager
A Ring of Endless Light, Madeline L'Engle
The Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan
Maximum Ride series, James Patterson
The Edge on the Sword, Rebecca Tingle
World War Z, Max Brooks
Adaline Falling Star, Mary Pope Osborne
Six of Crows, Leigh Bardugo
Children of Blood and Bone, Tomi Adeyemi
Parable of the Sower series, Octavia Butler
I, Robot, Isaac Asimov
Neuomancer, William Gibson
Dune, Frank Herbert
The Miseducation of Cameron Post, Emily M. Danforth
The Martian, Andy Weir
Skeleton Man, Joseph Bruchac
Marvel 616 (most of the major titles)
Marvel 1610/Ultimates
This One Summer
Death Note
Ouran High School Host Club
Vampire Knight
Emily Carroll comics
Fun Home
From Hell
American Born Chinese
The Eternal Smile
The Sandman
Calvin and Hobbes
The Essential Dykes to Watch Out For
TV Shows
Fullmetal Alchemist
Avatar the Last Airbender
Teen Titans (2003)
Luke Cage/Jessica Jones/Iron Fist/Defenders/Daredevil/The Punisher
Agents of SHIELD/Agent Carter
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
American Horror Story
Ouran High School Host Club
Orange is the New Black
Black Sails
Stranger Things
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Jurassic Park/Lost World/Jurassic World/Lost Park?
The Breakfast Club
Cloverfield/10 Cloverfield Lane/The Cloverfield Paradox
Attack the Block
The Prestige
Ferris Bueler’s Day Off
Django Unchained/Kill Bill/Inglourious Basterds/Hateful 8/Pulp Fiction/etcetera
THX 1138/Akira/How I Live Now/Lost World/[anything I’ve named a fic after]
Star Wars
The Meg
A Quiet Place
Baby Driver
X-Men (et al.)
10 Things I Hate About You
The Lost Boys
Teen Wolf
Pirates of the Caribbean (et al.)
Die Hard
Most Disney classics: Toy Story, Mulan, Treasure Planet, Emperor’s New Groove, etc.
Most Pixar classics: Up, Wall-E, The Incredibles
The Matrix
Dark Knight trilogy
Friday the 13th
A Nightmare on Elm Street
The Descent
Ocean’s Eight/11/12/13
King Kong
The Conjuring
Fantastic Four
Minority Report/Blade Runner/Adjustment Bureau/Total Recall
Fight Club
Spirited Away
Disturbing Behavior
The Faculty
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Marge Piercy
Thomas Hardy
Sigfried Sassoon
W. B. Yeats
Edgar Allan Poe
Ogden Nash
Margaret Atwood
Maya Angelou
Emily Dickinson
Matthew Dickman
Karen Skolfield
Kwame Alexander
Ellen Hopkins
Shel Silverstein
Musicals/Stage Plays
Les Miserables
Repo: The Genetic Opera
The Lion King
The Phantom of the Opera
The Prince of Egypt
Into the Woods
A Chorus Line
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog
Fiddler on the Roof
Fun Home
Spring Awakening
The Miser
The Importance of Being Earnest
South Pacific
The Wiz
The Wizard of Oz
Man of La Mancha
The Sound of Music
West Side Story
Sweeney Todd
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown/Snoopy
Something Rotten
A Very Potter Musical
Babes in Toyland
Carrie: The Musical
Annie Get Your Gun
25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
The Final Battle
Rock of Ages
Moulin Rouge
The Secret Garden
Reefer Madness
Bang Bang You’re Dead
War Horse
Peter Pan
Sister Act
The Secret Annex
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Disclaimer 1: Like a lot of people who went to high school in the American South, my education in literature is pretty shamefully lacking in a lot of areas.  (As in, during our African American History unit in ninth grade we read To Kill a Mockingbird, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn… and that was it.  As in, our twelfth-grade US History class, I shit you not, covered Gone With the Wind.)  There were a lot of good teachers in with the *ahem* Less Woke ones (how I read Their Eyes Were Watching God and The Bluest Eye) and college definitely set me on the path to trying to find books written/published outside the WASP-ier parts of the U.S., but the overall list is still embarrassingly hegemonic.
Disclaimer 2: There are a crapton of errors — typos, misspelled names, misattributions, questionable genre classifications, etc. — in here.  If you genuinely have no idea what a title is supposed to be, ask me.  Otherwise, please don’t bother letting me know about my mistakes.
Disclaimer 3: I am not looking for recommendations.  My Goodreads “To Read” list is already a good 700 items long, and people telling me “if you like X, then you’ll love Y!” genuinely stresses me the fuck out.
Disclaimer 4: There are no unproblematic faves on this list.  I love Supernatural, and I know that Supernatural is hella misogynistic.  On the flip side: I don’t love The Lord of the Rings at all, partially because LOTR is hella misogynistic, but I also don’t think that should stop anyone else from loving LOTR if they’re willing to love it and also acknowledge its flaws. 
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weirdpaul · 7 years
Every 12" Vinyl Record I Own
ABC The Lexicon of Love ACCEPT Accept (Lady Lou) Accept (I'm a Rebel) Kaizokuban Metal Heart Restless and Wild Breaker AC/DC High Voltage Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap Highway To Hell If You Want Blood, You Got It Back In Black For Those About To Rock Flick of the Switch Fly on the Wall Who Made Who Let's Get It Up (live) 12" ACE  Five-a-Side ADAM ANT Strip Friend Or Foe  Kings of the Wild Frontier Dirk Wears White Sox Prince Charming CANNONBALL ADDERLEY The Best Of AEROSMITH Aerosmith's Greatest Hits Toys in the Attic AFTER THE FIRE  ATF ALAN PARSONS PROJECT Tales of Mystery and Imagination WOODY ALLEN Stand-up Comic ANGRY SAMOANS Back To Samoa Inside My Brain STP Not LSD Yesterday Started Tomorrow APOLLONIA I Fell For You (12") APRIL WINE Powerplay First Glance THE ART OF NOISE Who's Afraid of the Art of Noise ARTLESS Artless ASIA  Alpha Asia GENE AUTRY Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer HOYT AXTON Road Songs Snowblind Friend THE B-52S The B-52s Wild Planet Girl From Ipanema Goes To Greenland (12") BACHMAN-TURNER OVERDRIVE Bachman-Turner Overdrive II (no sleeve) PHILLIP BAILEY Easy Lover (12") BANANARAMA Bananarama Deep Sea Skiving BARNES & BARNES VooBaHa BELLE BARTH The Customer Comes First For Adults Only In Person If I Embarrass You, Tell Your Friends Battle of the Mothers THE BEACH BOYS Spirit of America Surfin Safari BEASTIE BOYS Hold It Now, Hit It (12") She's On It (12") Shadrach License To Ill BEAT HAPPENING You Turn Me On Beat Happening THE BEATLES Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band (no sleeve) Yesterday and Today Revolver Second Album Beatles VI Hey Jude Magical Mystery Tour (2) White Album (2) Something New Beatles 65 Meet the Beatles (2) Help 1962-1966  1967-1970 PAT BENATAR In the Heat of the Night Crimes of Passion Precious Time Get Nervous Live From Earth Love is a Battlefield (12") Tropico  Seven the Hard Way Wide Awake in Dreamland BERLIN Best of Berlin Count Three and Pray Love Life Pleasure Victim SHELLY BERMAN Inside Shelly Berman BIG BLACK The Hammer Party Songs About Fucking THE BIRTHDAY PARTY The Bad Seed BLACK AND BLUE Black and Blue BLACK FLAG Wasted Again My War Loose Nut Damaged Everything Went Black BLACKFOOT Strikes Marauder Siogo BLACK SABBATH Black Sabbath (2) Paranoid Master of Reality Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (Gatefold) Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (Sleeve) Black Sabbath Vol. 4 (2) Born Again Live Evil Never Say Die Live At Last BLANCMANGE Believe You Me BLIND FAITH Blind Faith BLONDIE Best of Blondie Eat To the Beat Parallel Lines Autoamerican The Hunter BLOODCUM Death By a Clothes Hanger BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS Child Is Father To the Man BLOOPERS The Best of Bloopers Volume 1 All Time Great Bloopers Volume 1 All Time Great Bloopers 3 & 4 All Time Great Bloopers 5 & 6 Pardon My Blooper (best of, yellow cover) Pardon My Blooper 3rd Series BLOTTO Combo Akimbo BLOWFLY Blowfly's Punk Rock Party BLUE OYSTER CULT Fire of Unknown Origin The Revolution By Night BLUE SUNSHINE The Glove THE BLUES BROTHERS Briefcase Full Of Blues BONGOS BASS AND BOB Never Mind the Sex Pistols BOOK OF LOVE Book of Love THE BOOMTOWN RATS The Fine Art of Surfacing VICTOR BORGE Hans Christian Anderson BOW WOW WOW When the Going Gets Tough I Want Candy The Last of the Mohicans DAVID BOWIE Fame and Fashion Tonight Let's Dance THE BRADY BUNCH Meet the Brady Bunch MARTIN BRILEY One Night With a Stranger JACKSON BROWNE Lawyers In Love JAMES BROWN Today and Yesterday JULIE BROWN The Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun DAVE BRUBECK QUARTET Time Out LINDSEY BUCKINGHAM Go Insane BUCKNER AND GARCIA Pac-man Fever KATE BUSH Lionheart The Whole Story BUSTA RHYMES Extinction Level Event CAFE CREME Discomania GODFREY CAMBRIDGE Here's Godfrey Cambridge CAMEO Cameosis (no cover) Feel Me CANNED HEAT Live at Topanga Corral CAPTAIN BEEFHEART Safe As Milk Mirror Man Trout Mask Replica (Straight) Trout Mask Replica (Warner) Bluejeans and Moonbeams Clear Spot Unconditionally Guaranteed Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller) Spotlight Kid Doc at the Radar Station Ice Cream For Crow GEORGE CARLIN On the Road THE CARS Door To Door Heartbeat City Shake It Up Panorama PThe Cars Candy-O Greatest Hits JOHNNY CASH At San Quentin The Johnny Cash Show EUGENE CHADBOURNE Vermin of the Blues Kill Eugene THE CHAMBERS BROTHERS Time Has Come Today RAY CHARLES Modern Sounds in Country & Western CHEAP TRICK Heaven Tonight Dream Police CHUBBY CHECKER Your Twist Party CHEECH AND CHONG Cheech and Chong's Wedding Album Los Cochinos Cheech and Chong Big Bambu Sleeping Beauty Greatest Hit CHICAGO Chicago IX Greatest Hits CHICAGO BEARS Superbowl Shuffle CHILDREN'S RECORDS Six Million Dollar Man 2 Exciting Stories Main Title Themes From the Empire Strikes Back Amazing Adventures of Pac-Man Cabbage Patch Christmas Donkey Kong Rhyme and Reason Captain Kangaroo Sings the Horse in the Striped Pajamas Mother Goose (Boris Karloff) William Castle's Ghost Story Chilling Thrilling Sounds of the Haunted House Famous Monsters Speak The Story of Star Wars The Story of Star Wars (picture disc) The Story of Return of the Jedi Mickey Mouse Disco Bloop Or Blink Uncle Mac One Hour of Nursery Rhymes and Stories Snow White and the Seven Dwarves Pinnochio Alice and Wonderland The Aristocats Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day Winnie the Pooh and the Heffalumps Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too CHRISTMAS  Tijuana Christmas John Denver & the Muppets Christmas Eve On Sesame Street Merry Christmas (Bing Crosby) Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Whistle a Happy Tune Strawberry Shortcake (picture disc) CIRCLE JERKS Wonderful (12") THE CLASH Combat Rock Combat Rock (JP) COCK ROBIN Cock Robin NAT KING COLE The Very Thought of You COMMANDER CODY  We've Got a Live One Here COMEDY ALBUMS Sex is Not Hazardous To Your Health Bottoms Up For Swingers Everything You Always Wanted To Know About the Godfather The Laughing Stock of the BBC My Son, the President My Son, the Surf Nut 24 Greatest Dumb Ditties Beyond the Fringe COMPILATIONS The Second Second Season We're Loud: 90s Cassette Punk Unknowns Every Band Has a Shonen Knife That Loves Them Rutles Highway Revisited A Texas Trip God's Favorite Dog Greatest Rap Hits Vol. 2 The People's Record Troublemakers Showbiz Certified Gold 50 Great Moments of Music Music of the Bavarian Alps The Beat Rock '80 Different Strokes Organ Freakout At the Hop Collector's Records of the 50's and 60's Vol. 1 Collector's Records of the 50's and 60's Vol. 4 Disco Italiano Fonzie Favorites Stiffs Live Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Vol. 3 Guest Stars of the Hee Haw Show Zapped Songs of Our Times 1924 Truckin On Keep on Truckin Discotech #1 ALICE COOPER Greatest Hits Special Forces Muscle of Love Welcome To My Nightmare Goes To Hell From the Inside Lace and Whiskey Constrictor Billion Dollar Babies Killer School's Out Love It To Death Flush the Fashion Zipper Catches Skin Da Da  ELVIS COSTELLO My Aim Is True This Year's Model Armed Forces Get Happy Trust Taking Liberties Out of Our Idiot King of America COUNT FLOYD Count Floyd BILL COSBY Bill Cosby Sings THE CRAMPS Bad Music For Bad People CREDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL Credence Clearwater Revival Live Europe Fantastic Credence Clearwater Revival Chronicle Cosmos Factory More Credence Gold (no sleeve) CROSBY, STILLS, NASH & YOUNG Deja Vu CULTURE CLUB Colour By Numbers THE CURE Japanese Whispers Head On the Door RODNEY DANGERFIELD The Loser Rappin' Rodney No Respect DANZIG Danzig THE DAVE CLARK FIVE The Dave Clark Five Return MILES DAVIS Miles Davis +19 Sketches of Spain Agharta DEAD KENNEDYS Bedtime For Democracy DEAD MILKMEN Metaphysical Graffiti Eat Your Paisley Big Lizard in My Backyard Bucky Fellini Beelzebubba Chris Deburgh The Getaway DEEP PURPLE When We Rock We Rock Machine Head DEF LEPPARD On Through the Night DEMON The Plague DEREK AND THE DOMINOES Layla DERRINGER If I Weren't So Romantic, I'd Shoot You All American Boy DEVO Are We Not Men Duty Now For the Future Freedom of Choice Live EP New Traditionalists Theme From Doctor Detroit Oh No, It's Devo Theme From Doctor Detroit (Dance Mix) Shout Total Devo Now It Can Be Told BO DIDDLEY I'm a Man MARLENE DIETRICH The Complete Decca Recordings DIO Holy Diver The Last in Line DIRE STRAITS Making Movies Brothers in Arms DISCO LUCY I Love Lucy Theme DIXIE DREGS Night of the Living Dregs   DOKKEN  BREAKING THE CHAINS THOMAS DOLBY The Golden Age of Wireless Blinded By Science Dissidents The Flat Earth THE DOOBIE BROTHERS Toulouse Street Best of the Doobies The Captain and Me THE DOORS Greatest Hits DR FEELGOOD Malpractice DURAN DURAN Nite Romantics Duran Duran IAN DURY New Boots and Panties Laughter BOB DYLAN Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits EARTHQUAKE Leveled SHEENA EASTON Best Kept Secret DUKE ELLINGTON Ellington Indigos BRIAN ENO Another Green World ESQUIVEL Exploring New Sounds in Hi-Fi EUROPE The Final Countdown DONALD FAGEN The Nightfly (warped) JAD FAIR Great Expectations FALCO  Rock Me Amadeus (12") FATHER GUIDO SARDUCCI Live at St. Douglas Convent DON FELDER Airborne WEISS FERDL Ein Wagen Von Der Linie FIRESIGN THEATER I Think We're All Bozos On This Bus THE FIRM The Firm THE FIXX Phantoms Reach the Beach FLEETWOOD MAC Kiln House Rumours Tusk FLESH EATERS  Greatest Hits Prehistoric Fits A FLOCK OF SEAGULLS Listen FOCUS Moving Waves Hamburger Concerto JOHN FOGERTY  Centerfield FOGHAT Fool For the City FOREIGNER Foreigner Head Games SAMANTHA FOX Touch Me Samantha Fox Touch Me (12") Naughty Girls Need Love Too (12") REDD FOXX The Best of Redd Foxx Live Las Vegas Doin His Own Thing Mr. Hot Pants Adults Only The Sidesplitter The New Fugg He's Funny That Way Laff of the Party Vol. 7 Laff of the Party Vol. 1 Wild Party Is Sex Here To Stay Laff Your Ass Off Live Las Vegas CONNIE FRANCIS Sings Jewish Favorites FRANKIE GOES TO HOLLYWOOD Relax (12") (2) Welcome To the Pleasure Dome ARETHA FRANKLIN I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You Aretha Arrives FREAKY FUKIN WEIRDOZ Extra Play STAN FREBERG The Best of Stan Freberg FRED FRITH Gravity DOUG E. FRESH Oh My God FUN BOY 3 FB3 Waiting PETER GABRIEL Peter Gabriel (dripping) Peter Gabriel (square head) GAP BAND  Gap Band IV Gap Band V You Dropped a Bomb on Me 12" MARVIN GAYE Here, My Dear Live at the London Palladium Midnight Love I Want You Let's Get It On What's Going On GENESIS Duke And Then There Were Three Genesis JEAN GENET The Balcony GENTLE GIANT Giant For a Day GINO AND THE GOONS  Shake It! GIRLSCHOOL Demolition Hit and Run Screaming Blue Murder Play Dirty GIRL TROUBLE Hit It Or Quit It BOBCAT GOLDTHWAIT Meat Bob THE GO-GO'S Talk Show Vacation Beauty and the Beat Our Lips Are Pink GOLDEN EARRING Cut THE GOLLIWOGS Pre-Creedence GOOD GOD Good God GOOD RATS From Rats To Riches THE GRACES Perfect View GRANDMASTER FLASH It's Nasty (12") They Said It Couldn't Be Done GRANDMASTER MELLE MEL AND THE FURIOUS FIVE Grandmaster Melle Mel and the Furious Five EDDY GRANT Killer on the Rampage Going For Broke Romancing the Stone 12" GUESS WHO American Woman BUDDY HACKETT The Original Chinese Waiter Comedy Album SAMMY HAGAR All Night Long Rematch Standing Hampton 3 Lock Box VOA HALF JAPANESE We Are They Who Ache With Amorous Love The Band Who Would Be King Music To Strip By DARYL HALL  Three Hearts in the Happy Ending Machine DARYL HALL & JOHN OATES Whole Oates Abandoned Luncheonette War Babies Bigger Than Both of Us No Goodbyes Daryl Hall & John Oates Past Times Behind Beauty On a Back Street Along the Red Ledge Private Eyes Voices  Live Time X Static H20 Rock n Soul Part 1 Big Bam Boom Live at the Apollo Ooh Yeah Method of Modern Love (12") Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid (12") Out of Touch (12") JON S. HALL AND KRAMER Real Men HAPPY FLOWERS Lasterday I Was Been Bad Oof I Crush Bozo My Skin Covers My Body Making the Bunny Pay PAUL HARDCASTLE 19 (12") HARMONICATS What's New Harmonicats The Cat's Meow GEORGE HARRISON Cloud Nine WES HARRISON You Won't Believe Your Ears COREY HART First Offense HAWKWIND In Search of Space ISAAC HAYES Black Moses Hot Buttered Soul Joy HEAR 'N AID Hear 'n Aid HEART  Little Queen Dreamboat Annie Magazine Private Audition Dog and Butterfly Bebe Le Strange Passionworks Heart HELIX Walking the Razor's Edge KARL HENDRICKS TRIO Sings About Misery and Women Buick Electra Some Girls Like Cigarettes (10") DON HENLEY I Can't Stand Still HERMAN'S HERMITS On Tour Hold On! BENNY HILL Sings Old Favorites The World of Benny Hill Ernie the Fastest Milkman in the West HILLARY Kinetic ROGER HODGSON In the Eye of the Storm HOMER AND JETHRO Songs My Mother Never Sang THE HONEY DRIPPERS  Volume One HOT BLOOD Disco Dracula HOUSE OF SCHOCK House of Schock HSAS Through the Fire HUDSON AND LANDRY Hanging In There HUEY LEWIS AND THE NEWS Sports HUMAN SEXUAL RESPONSE Fig. 14 BILLY IDOL  Don't Stop IGGY POP Zombie Birdhouse Party Lust For Life INNOCENCE IN DANGER Innocence in Danger Violate the Video EUGENE IONESCO The Chairs IRON BUTTERFLY Metamorphosis IRON MAIDEN Number of the Beast Piece of Mind J. GIELS BAND You're Getting Even While I'm Getting Odd MICK JAGGER She's the Boss THE JAM The Gift RICK JAMES Throwin' Down THE JAMES GANG Best of the James Gang JEFFERSON AIRPLANE Bark LASSE JENSEN April 2017 ST #5 JERMAINE JACKSON Jermaine Jackson JETHRO TULL Stand Up Thick As a Brick Aqualung M.U. JOAN JETT Bad Reputation Glorious Results of a Misspent Youth Album I Love Rock 'n Roll Up Your Alley JOSE JIMINEZ Talks To Teenagers of All Ages In Orbit In Jollywood THE JIMMY CASTOR BUNCH Phase Two JOBRIATH Jobriath BILLY JOEL The Stranger Glass Houses An Innocent Man DANIEL JOHNSTON Respect (10") 1990 Jad Fair & Daniel Johnston Continued Story Hi How Are You HOWARD JONES The 12" Album Human's Lib SPIKE JONES The Wacky World Of Spike Jones TAMIKO JONES Love Trip STANLEY JORDAN Magic Touch JUDAS PRIEST The Best of Judas Priest Hell Bent For Leather Unleashed in the East British Steel Screaming For Vengeance Defenders of the Faith SYLVIA JUNCOSA Nature TONIO K. Amerika KANSAS Point of Know Return KANTNER, SLICK AND FREBERG Baron Von Tollbooth and the Chrome Nun NIK KERSHAW Human Racing GREG KIHN Next of Kihn ALBERT KING Born Under a Bad Sign DEE DEE KING Standing in the Spotlight KING CRIMSON In the Court of the Crimson King In the Wake of Poseidon KING KONG Old Man On the Bridge KING MISSILE They  Mystical Shit THE KINKS State of Confusion Give the People What They Want KISS Dressed To Kill Love Gun Destroyer Double Platinum Rock 'n Roll Over Music From the Elder Alive Alive II Ace Frehley (solo) THE KNACK Get the Knack But the Little Girls Understand KOOL & THE GANG Emergency KRAFTWERK The Man-Machine Autobahn KROKUS Rendez-vous Hardware One Vice at a Time Headhunter Alive and Screaming The Blitz Change of Address Heart Attack Ballroom Blitz (12") KUBLAI KHAN Annihilation KAY KYSER Kay Kyser LA FLAVOUR Mandalay PATTI LABELLE & THE BLUE BELLES Merry Christmas LAID BACK Sunshine Reggae / White Horse LAUGH-IN Rowan and Martin's Laugh In CYNDI LAUPER She's So Unusual RONNIE LAWS Friends and Strangers Fever LE CHIC C'est Chic LED ZEPPELIN Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II Led Zeppelin III Zoso Houses of the Holy The Song Remains the Same In Through the Out Door Presence Coda RICKIE LEE JONES  Girl at Her Volcano (10") TOM LEHRER Songs By Tom Lehrer Revisited That Was the Year That Was RICH LITTLE Politics and Popcorn SAMUEL LOCKE WARD From the Privilege of the Grave LOS LOBOS By the Light of the Moon LOVE CHILD Okay? LOVE UNLIMITED Under the Influence Of LOVERBOY Get Lucky LENE LOVICH No Man's Land New Toy Flex Stateless THE LOVIN' SPOONFUL The Very Best Of LTD We Party Hearty LYNYRD SKYNYRD  Pronounced (no sleeve) LONNIE MACK The Wham of That Memphis Man! MADNESS Madness MADONNA Madonna HENRY MANCINI  A Concert of Film Music HERBIE MANN Bird in a Silver Cage DEAN MARTIN Happiness Is STEVE MARTIN Let's Get Small Comedy is Not Pretty A Wild and Crazy Guy The Steve Martin Brothers MARX BROTHERS Original Voicetracks From Greatest Movies DENISE MCCANN Tattoo Man MALCOLM MCCLAREN Fans BOB AND DOUG MCCKENZIE Great White North MEATLOAF Bad Attitude MECCA NORMAL Calico Kills the Cat MECO  Encounters of Every Kind MEDIEVAL Medieval Kills MEN AT WORK Cargo METALLICA Kill 'Em All Ride the Lightning Garage Days Re-Revisited And Justice For All MIDNIGHT STAR No Parking On the Dance Floor MISFITS Walk Among Us Legacy of Brutality MISSING PERSONS Spring Session M MISTER ROGERS Let's Be Together Today You Are Special King Friday XIIIth Celebrates MODERN LOVERS Modern Lovers 88 The Modern Lovers Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers MODERN VENDING One Bad Peccary THE MONKEES The Monkees Headquarters THE MONSIEURS s/t MONTROSE Jump On It Montrose Open Fire MONTY PYTHON Matching Tie and Handkerchief Previous Record Monty Python and the Holy Grail Life Of Brian THE MOOG MACHINE Switched on Rock Christmas Becomes Electric Switched On Santa THE MORLOCKS Emerge ENNIO MORRICONE Film Music Vol. 1 MOTLEY CRUE Too Fast For Love Shout at the Devil MOTO Bolt MOUNTAIN  Hard Times (12") MRS. MILLER Mrs. Miller's Greatest Hits Will Success Spoil Mrs. Miller? MARTIN MULL No Hits, Four Errors EDDIE MURPHY Eddie Murphy JIM NABORS Tomorrow Never Comes By Request NAKED EYES Naked Eyes (warped) NEW YORK DOLLS Too Much Too Soon NEWCLEUS Jam On Revenge RANDY NEWMAN Trouble In Paradise OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN Soul Kiss Olivia's Greatest Hits Vol. 2d MIKE NICHOLS & ELAINE MAY  Retrospect 1994 Please Stand By NIRVANA Bleach NEIL NORMAN Greatest Science Fiction Hits ALDO NOVA Aldo Nova TED NUGENT Weekend Warriors Double Live Gonzo Scream Dream GARY NUMAN  Telekon BILLY OCEAN  Carribean Queen (12") THE ODD COUPLE The Odd Couple Sings OINGO BOINGO Oingo Boingo (10") ROY ORBISON In Dreams ORCHESTRAL MANOEVERS IN THE DARK The Best of OMD OZZY OSBOURNE Blizzard of Oz The Ultimate Sin OUR DAUGHTER'S WEDDING Moving Windows GARY OWENS Put Your Head On My Finger GRAHAM PARKER Squeezing Out Sparks Steady Nerves PARLIAMENT Trombipulation JOHN PARR s/t PDQ Bach The Wurst of PDQ Bach CARL PERKINS Original Golden Hits THE PET SHOP BOYS Please EMO PHILLIPS  E=MO2 THE PHOTOS  The Photos PINK FLOYD The Final Cut Meddle (no sleeve) Obscured By Clouds Ummagumma Dark Side of the Moon Wish You Were Here (no outer sleeve) The Wall Animals PINK LADY Pink Lady JOE PISCOPO New Jersey GENE PITNEY Sings World Wide Winners PLASMATICS Coup D'Etat Beyond the Valley of 1984 Metal Priestess PLATINUM BLONDE Standing In the Dark THE PLATTERS Love You 1000 Times POINTER SISTERS Breakout (no sleeve) THE POLICE Regatta De Blanc (10") Ghost in the Machine Every Breath You Take Synchronicity THE POWERSTATION The Powerstation POWERMAD Powermad PATTY PRAVO Patty Pravo ELVIS PRESLEY Elvis King Creole Elvis' Golden Records In Concert A Legendary Performer Volume 3 PRETENDERS Pretenders PRINCE Purple Rain RICHARD PRYOR That Nigger's Crazy Black Ben Greatest Hits PSYCHEDELIC FURS Mirror Moves PYLON  Chomp QUARTERFLASH Take Another Picture QUEEN Flash Gordon The Game News of the World A Night at the Opera QUIET RIOT Metal Health RABID SALESMEN My Tongue Hurts THE RADIO BEATS Ready To Shake GILDA RADNER Live From New York RAGE Nice 'n Dirty RAINBOW Rising Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow Long Live Rock 'n Roll Difficult To Cure Straight Between the Eyes RAMONES It's Alive Ramones Road To Ruin Pleasant Dreams Animal Boy Halfway To Sanity Subterranean Jungle Paco Ramone Ramones Mania Too Tough To Die End of the Century Rocket To Russia Ramones Leave Home Pet Sematary 12" RAPEMAN Two Nuns and a Pack Mule Budd STEVIE RAY MOORE Phonography RAYMOND SCOTT Raymond Scott Quintette LOU REED Rock n Roll Animal RENALDO AND THE LOAF Songs For Swinging Larvae Struve and Sneff REO SPEEDWAGON R.E.O. THE RESIDENTS Meet the Residents Not Available The 3rd Reich and Roll Nibbles Fingerprince Duck Stab / Buster and Glen Duck Stab Eskimo Subterranean Modern Diskomo / Goosebumps Mark of the Mole Tunes of Two Cities The Big Bubble Intermission The Commercial Album Title in Limbo Residue George and James Stars and Hank Whatever Happened to Vileness Fats The Census Taker 13th Anniversary Show God in Three Persons WB: RMX Hit the Road Jack REV AND MRS DANNY KENNEDY Meet Me On the Other Side PAUL REVERE AND THE RAIDERS The Spirit of '67 LIONEL RICHIE  Can't Slow Down THE RITCHIE FAMILY American Generation ROCK GODDESS Hell Hath No Fury ROCKPILE Seconds of Pleasure ROCKWELL Somebody's Watching Me ROLLING STONES Tattoo You Goat's Head's Soup Get Yer Ya Ya's Out Some Girls Black & Blue Got Live If You Want It! Hot Rocks 1964-1971 HENRY ROLLINS Hot Animal Machine Drive By Shooting THE ROMANTICS In Heat LINDA RONSTADT Greatest Hits Living in the USA Prisoner in Disguise ROSE TATTOO Scarred For Life (12") DAVID LEE ROTH Eat 'Em and Smile ROXY MUSIC Siren THE RUBINOOS Back To the Drawing Board!  (no sleeve) RUN DMC King of Rock Raising Hell THE RUNAWAYS Queens of Noise RUSH Rush Fly By Night Caress of Steel Archives 2112 All the World's a Stage Hemispheres A Farewell To Kings Permanent Waves Moving Pictures Exit...Stage Left Signals Grace Under Pressure Power Windows Hold Your Fire THE RUTLES  The Rutles SUE SAAD & THE NEXT Sue Saad & the Next SAMHAIN November Coming Fire Initium Unholy Passion SANTANA  Abraxas SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE NBC's Saturday Night Live BOZ SCAGGS Slow Dancer SCANDAL Scandal Warrior Beat of a Heart (12") PETER SCHILLING Error in the System Things To Come SCORPIONS Animal Magnetism SHIRLEY SCOTT Scottie (no cover) SCRAWL Smallmouth Plus Also Two He's Drunk SEBADOH Weed Forestin The Freed Man BOB SEGER Live Bullet SESAME STREET Merry Christmas Bremen Town Musicians Muppet Alphabet Album 10th Anniversary Album The Count Counts Ernie and Bert's Sing-a-Long Sesame Street Gold TOMMY SHAW Girls With Guns SHEENA AND THE ROCKETS Sheena and the Rockets ALLAN SHERMAN Live - Hoping You Are the Same My Son, the Nut For Swinging Livers Only Allan in Wonderland My Son, the Celebrity SHOWER SCENE FROM PSYCHO Shower Scene From Psycho SLADE Keep Your Hands Off My Power Supply SLAYED SLADE ALIVE SLIM GOODBODY The Inside Story SMOTHERS BROTHERS It Must Have Been Something I Said Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour Golden Hits of the Smothers Brothers Vol. 2 Think Ethnic Curb Your Tongue Knave Tour De Farce Aesop's Fables Mom Always Liked You Best At the Purple Onion Two Sides of the Smothers Brothers Play It Straight SNAKEFINGER Chewing Hides the Sound S.O.D.  Stormtroopers of Death SOFT CELL  Non Stop Ecstatic Dancing Soul Inside SORE THROAT Never Mind the Napalm SOUND EFFECTS Sound Effects in Stereo (red cover, chinese new year) Sound Effects in Stereo (white cover, ocean liner) Sound Effects Volume 1 Sound Effects Volume 3 Sound Effects Volume 5 SOUNDTRACKS Molly Maguires Ghostbusters Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid Zorba the Greek Paint Your Wagon Bolero MGM's 30th Anniversary Album Beverly Hills Cop Wild in the Streets Great Motion Picture Themes From Jean Harlow Films Flashdance American Gigolo Roadie Heavenly Bodies The Great Train Robbery Americathon Themes From Horror Movies (Dick Jacobs) Candy Something Wild They Call It An Accident Zapped Day of the Dead Dune Popeye Butterfly Caddyshack Foul Play Thank God It's Friday High Anxiety Jaws II Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Return of the Jedi Star Wars and a Stereo Space Odyssey Argento Vivo Suburbia (no sleeve) Bye Bye Birdie The Party Heavy Metal The Wild Angels Shaft 1776 Doctor Doolittle Thunder Alley Rocky The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Every Which Way But Loose Goldfinger Live and Let Die Little Shop of Horrors I Had a Ball Greenwillow Dr. No The Silencers Shaft in Africa The World is Full of Married Men Sherlock Holmes Adventures Honeysuckle Rose The Music Lovers Cocktail A Night in Heaven Night Shift Running Scared Visionquest Faces The Trial Of Billy Jack Clockwork Orange Secret Admirer My Stepmother is an Alien SPARKS Pulling Rabbits Out of a Hat Number One Song In Heaven Indiscreet With All My Might 12" SPARTACUS Triumvirat SPECIAL ED s/t THE SPINNERS  Spinners Live Happiness is Being With the RICK SPRINGFIELD Hard To Hold Working Class Dog Beautiful Feelings BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN Born To Run Darkness On the Edge of Town SQUEEZE  Singles Babylon and On ARNOLD STANG Waggish Tales STARZ Violation STEPPENWOLF 7 STEVE MILLER BAND Greatest Hits ROD STEWART Every Picture Tells a Story Foot Loose and Fancy Free Absolutely Live THE STOOGES  Raw Power The Stooges Funhouse STRAWBERRY ALARM CLOCK Incense and Peppermints STRAY CATS Built For Speed STRYPER The Yellow and Black Attack STYX The Grand Illusion Pieces of Eight Cornerstone Paradise Theater SUCKDOG Drugs Are Nice THE SUICIDE COMMANDOS Make a Record THE SUPREMES  The Supremes a go go RACHEL SWEET Fool Around Protect the Innocent And Then He Kissed Me SWOLLEN MONKEYS Afterbirth of the Cool T. REX The Slider TACO  After Eight Puttin on the Ritz (12") TALK TALK The Party's Over THE TALKING HEADS More Songs About Buildings and Food Speaking in Tongues THE TEMPTATIONS Gettin Ready Do the Tempations THANX TO YOU Believe It Or Not THEE SPEAKING CANARIES The Joy of Wine Songs For the Terrestrially Challenged THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS Lincoln THIN LIZZY Jailbreak Johnny the Fox Bad Reputation Black Rose NOLAN THOMAS Yo Little Brother (12") THOMPSON TWINS Side Kicks In the Name of Love GEORGE THOROGOOD Bad To the Bone Live 3-D 3-D THE 3-D INVISIBLES They Won't Stay Dead Vampires A Go Go THREE DOG NIGHT Seven Separate Fools Joy To the World: Greatest Hits It Ain't Easy (no sleeve) THE TIMELORDS Doctoring the Tardis THE TOM TOM CLUB The Tom Tom Club TONY, VIC AND MANUEL A GO-GO Hollywood Night Life TOTAL COELO I Eat Cannibals (12") TORONTO Get It On Credit PETE TOWNSHEND Empty Glass All the Best Cowboys Have Chinese Eyes THE TOYS  Sing a Lover's Concerto TRAFFIC The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys John Barleycorn Must Die TRAPEZE Medusa PAT TRAVERS BAND Go For What You Know Putting it Straight TRIO Trio and Error TRIUMPH Allied Forces ROBIN TROWER Bridge of Sighs THE TUBES The Tubes Outside Inside The Completion Backwards Principle Young and Rich TUSCADERO The Pink Album TWISTED SISTER Under the Blade Rough Cutts The Kids Are Back (12") You Can't Stop Rock 'n Roll Stay Hungry Come Out and Play Love Is For Suckers UFO Phenomenon Lights Out Mechanix Strangers In the Night Heavy Petting ULTRAVOX The Collection THE UNDERTONES Hypnotized USA FOR AFRICA We Are the World 12" UTOPIA Utopia Swing To the Right FRANKIE VALLI Timeless VAN HALEN Van Halen Van Halen II Women and Children First Women and Children First (poster) Fair Warning Diver Down 1984 VANITY Wild Animal Vanity 6 BILLY VAUGHN  1962's Greatest Hits VELVET UNDERGROUND Live at Max's Kansas City THE VENTURES Greatest Hits Vol 2 The Very Best of the Ventures Where the Action Is 10th Anniversary Album Around the World Let's Twist Batman Theme Play Telstar Knock Me Out The Fabulous Ventures Hawaii 5-0 Flights of Fantasy Runnin Strong Golden Greats Underground Fire New Testament Play Guitar With the Ventures Guitar Genius of the Ventures The Ventures' Christmas Album VINNIE VINCENT'S INVASION Vinnie Vincent's Invasion VIRGIN PRUNES If I Die, I Die VIVIANS Vivicide THE WAITRESSES Wasn't Tomorrow Wonderful? TOM WAITS The Heart of Saturday Night Nighthawks at the Diner RICK WAKEMAN Journey To the Center of the Earth JOE WALSH The Confessor WAR Greatest Hits WARLOCK Fight For Rock RUSTY WARREN Portrait of Life Knockers Up More Knockers Up In Orbit Sex X Ponent Bottoms Up Rusty Rides Again Songs For Sinners Banned in Boston Sin-Sational Bounces Back WATERFRONT New Breed of Mermaid WEIRD AL YANKOVIC Weird Al Yankovic In 3-D (2) Dare To Be Stupid Polka Party Even Worse Peter and the Wolf UHF WEIRD PAUL Lo Fidelity Hi Anxiety ORSON WELLES War of the Worlds WET ONES s/t BARRY WHITE Stone Gon Sings For Someone You Love JAMES WHITE AND THE BLACKS  Sax Maniac THE WHO Meaty, Beaty, Big and Bouncy Who's Next The Who By Numbers Live at Leeds Hooligans It's Hard Face Dances WILD CHERRY Electrified Funk WILD MAN STEVE My Man Wild Man Wild!  Wild!  Wild!  Wild! KIM WILDE Kim WIlde ROBIN WILLIAMS Reality...What a Concept WINGS At the Speed of Sound Wings Over America JONATHAN WINTERS Here's Jonathan WIRE  The Peel Sessions STEVIE WONDER The Original Musiquarium Vol. 1 Someday at Christmas THE WONDER SHOW OF BBC RADIO I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again WOODY WOODBURY Looks at Love and Life XTC Black Sea YAZ You and Me Both Upstairs at Eric's Y&T In Rock We Trust Open Fire YES OWNER OF A LONELY HEART (12") NEIL YOUNG Decade Rust Never Sleeps Neil Young Everyone Knows This is Nowhere After the Gold Rush Comes a Time Trans Harvest Time Fades Away PIA ZADORA I Am What I Am FRANK ZAPPA Zoot Allures Ship Arriving Too Late To Save a Drowing Witch Waka/Jawaka Zappa in New York The Grand Wazoo (gatefold ripped off) Joe's Garage Act 1 Joe's Garage Acts 2 & 3 ZEBRA No Tellin Lies WARREN ZEVON Bad Luck Streak In Dancing School Excitable Boy ZZTOP El Loco Rio Grande Mud Tres Hombres Deguello Fandango
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placetobenation · 4 years
The Road to WrestleMania hits its final PPV this Sunday before the biggest event in Tampa this April. It’s the Elimination Chamber with not one, but two chamber matches.
Neither WWE Champion Brock Lesnar nor Universal Champion Bill Goldberg will defend their titles on the event so that their respective WrestleMania matches against Drew McIntyre and Roman Reigns stay intact. But, most of the other titles are either on the line are have #1 contender matches for them coming up Sunday.
Here’s the full card:
Women’s Elimination Chamber Match with winner to face RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch at WrestleMania – Shayna Baszler vs. Asuka vs. Liv Morgan vs. Natalya vs. Sarah Logan vs. Ruby Riott
Intercontinental Championship 3-on-1 Handicap Match: Braun Strowman vs. Shinsuke Nakamura, Cesaro and Sami Zayn
Smackdown Tag Team Championship Elimination Chamber Match: The Miz & John Morrison vs. The New Day vs. Lucha House Party vs. Heavy Machinery vs. Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode vs. The Usos
No Disqualification Match: Aleister Black vs. AJ Styles
RAW Tag Team Championship: The Street Profits vs. Seth Rollins & Buddy Murphy
United State Championship Match: Andrade vs. Humberto Carrillo
Daniel Bryan vs. Drew Gulak
That tag team match in the chamber should steal the show! I wouldn’t expect a ton of surprises, but you never know when Vince McMahon wants to shake things up. After all, we all thought we were getting Roman Reigns vs. The Fiend until Goldberg walked back in the door. Now, it’s John Cena back in the picture as Bray Wyatt looks for a six-year revenge on Cena for his WrestleMania 30 defeat.
WrestleMania Card:
WWE Championship Match: Brock Lesnar vs. Drew McIntyre
Universal Championship Match: Bill Goldberg vs. Roman Reigns
NXT Women’s Championship Match: Rhea Ripley vs. Charlotte Flair
John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt/The Fiend
Star of the Week:
Randy Orton – No one is touching him at the moment! Will be interesting to see what they have in store when Edge returns this Monday night!
RAW Tag Team Title Match: The Street Profits defeated Seth Rollins & Buddy Murphy to win the titles
24/7 Championship Match: Riddick Moss defeated Ricochet to retain title
Aleister Black defeated Karl Anderson
Aleister Black defeated Luke Gallows (DQ)
AJ Styles defeated Aleister Black
Liv Morgan defeated Ruby Riott
Shayna Baszler defeated Kairi Sane
Rey Mysterio Jr. & Humberto Carrillo defeated Andrade and Angel Garza
What we loved:
The @WWEUniverse remains stunned after @RandyOrton gave @TheBethPhoenix an RKO on #RAW! pic.twitter.com/PQaVbVaM9j
— WWE (@WWE) March 5, 2020
The Beth & Randy Story – Such a good angle that Randy Orton keeps delivering week after week. This week, Beth Phoenix was up to the task as well delivering the update on her husband Edge as he tries to comeback from his attack by Orton. When Orton told Beth that it’s her fault that Edge was attacked, you could hear a pin drop! Then, with a show-stealing RKO, Orton’s heel quotient went through the roof! You don’t mess with a man’s wife, right! I’m sure Orton should’ve learned that when he picked on Stephanie McMahon in his feud with Triple H. By far, it’s the best thing going these days in the WWE.
Aleister Black’s gauntlet – Love the push for Black. Having to go through The OC is good way to showcase his toughness while still keeping AJ Styles strong as he heads to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania.
The #StreetProfits now have the #RAW #TagTeamTitles!#AndNew@AngeloDawkins @MontezFordWWE pic.twitter.com/Sk4vBdfGpo
— WWE (@WWE) March 4, 2020
Smoked Champions – With a side assist from Kevin Owens to stun Seth Rollins, The Street Profits are atop the Tag Team Division on RAW as new champs. It’s nice to see a tag team rule the roost and gives TSP some “smoke” in the ring to go with their mic skills. Now, Rollins and the Monday Night Minions will be plotting their revenge against Owens I’m sure for next week.
Holy Claymore! – Once, twice, thrice as nice as Drew McIntyre puts the boots, literally to WWE Champion Brock Lesnar. Let’s have these two get as physical as they can before Tampa’s title tilt at WrestleMania. This should be an all-out war!
What we hated:
Ricochet’s burial – What did Ricochet do to the powers that be in the WWE to make him loss a 2-minute match at Super Showdown to Brock Lesnar in his first shot at the WWE Championship. Then, King Ricochet gets pinned clean by Riddick Moss. Seriously? Losing to the 24/7 Champion in a very ordinary match isn’t what you’d like to see heading into the biggest event of the year. Makes me think something else could be up there.
A tarantula, WTF! – Seriously, after weeks and weeks of Erick Rowan hiding what’s in that damn cage he brings to the ring, we get that fake as anything looking tarantula! And it gets revealed as just a matter-of-fact thing. Typical WWE. Build it up only to see it fall flat in the end. It just seems that it wasn’t thought out and turned into a throwaway. Wasted time and effort, IMHO!
Steel Cage Match: Dakota Kai defeated Tegan Nox
NXT Women’s Championship #1 Contender’s Ladder Qualifying Match: Chelsea Green defeated Shotzi Blackheart
The Undisputed ERA defeated Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan
Austin Theory defeated Isaiah “Swerve” Scott
Steel Cage Match: Roderick Strong defeated The Velveteen Dream
What we loved:
Just when #UndisputedERA thinks they have the answers…@DreamWWE changes the questions!!! The Dream goes after @AdamColePro and the #NXTChampionship inside of the #SteelCage!#WWENXT pic.twitter.com/aTjWCBiHH8
— WWE (@WWE) March 5, 2020
The Dream’s bigger plan – When’s the last time you saw someone throw a win literally out the front door? Well, that’s exactly what The Velveteen Dream did, tossing Roderick Strong out of the steel cage to give him a victory only to keep NXT Champion Adam Cole in the cage with him. The Dream’s new quest for the title could be Cole’s latest nightmare!
It didn't have to end like this. A trapped @TeganNoxWWE_ = a free to escape @DakotaKai_WWE #WWENXT #SteelCage @RaquelWWE pic.twitter.com/YEKnNdOiUf
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) March 5, 2020
High flying in the cage – Dakota Kai and Tegan Nox, with a cross-body block off the top of the cage, put on a high-flyin’ show atop the steel cage at Full Sail Wednesday night. Plus, how about that move by Raquel Gonzalez trapping Nox along the outside of the cage with the backside of the steel cage door. Never seen that one before! Well done!
The intensity from @JohnnyGargano is off the charts when talking about @NXTCiampa!#JohnnyWrestling can't wait for next week on #WWENXT… pic.twitter.com/q0V34KcRZo
— WWE (@WWE) March 5, 2020
You think you know me! – No, it wasn’t Edge making an appearance on NXT, but Johnny Gargano taking it to Mauro Ranallo in a gripping, intense one-on-one interview that got to the bottom of Johnny Wrestling’s betrayal of Tommaso Ciampa at TakeOver: Portland. Love the grit to Gargano’s latest chapter.
What we didn’t love:
Two steel cage matches – While both matches on their own were very good, it’s a bit of overkill to have two on the same show. It takes away the bigness of it.
Next week’s NXT – Are we really getting an NXT show from the WWE Performance Center? Seems like a step backwards rather than branching out into something bigger and better.
Bayley & Sasha Banks defeated Lacey Evans & Naomi
Sheamus defeated Apollo Crews
Liv Morgan & Sonya Deville defeated Carmella & Dana Brooke
Tag Team Gauntlet Match:  Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode defeated Heavy Machinery, The Miz & John Morrison, The New Day, Lucha House Party & The Usos
What we loved:
Not the first thing @HEELZiggler has stolen from @otiswwe in the past month… #SmackDown pic.twitter.com/wQKtOnPyzx
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) March 7, 2020
Otis, My Man – Heavy Machinery nearly runs the gauntlet, beating The New Day, Lucha House Party, The Usos and the tag team champs, The Miz & John Morrison before bowing to Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode. Would’ve thought we’d have a Mandy Rose sighting there in the main event.
Did that glitch out for anyone else or was it just us? #SmackDown pic.twitter.com/AEuiTsJpNj
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) March 7, 2020
The Glitch – Killer Kross & Scarlett Bordeaux?
Is it me? – For being the Smackdown Women’s Champion, Bayley sure does get herself involved in a whole lot of tag team matches.
Is it me, two? – Why the sudden brakes on the Otis-Mandy fun? We know it’s not over with Mandy’s “it’s too late” edict to Otis this week, but this storyline is fizzling after a red-hot start that we thought was headed towards a WrestleMania smooch! Main event, as we stated previously, gave HM a boost in the ring though.
Is it me, three? – Kind of odd booking to have your tag team champs lose two straight TV matches after winning the titles in Saudi Arabia. Seems like a lock they win the Chamber match, right?
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@NikkiCrossWWE is living her best life right now. #SmackDown pic.twitter.com/ZtqAoui4n6
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) March 7, 2020
Awkward – Boy, that opening segment of A Moment of Bliss with the NWO was a bit awkward! A bit off in the timing department for sure and it’s sad to see Nash and Hall, once masters on the mic, put in the spot of silly one-liners. But, in this age where the old stars get you ratings – witness Goldberg’s and John Cena’s spike in the FOX ratings last week – it’s what we were going to continue to get. And oh yeah, that start with Nikki Cross was just awful! Alexa Bliss deserves better.
Parting shots:
Relive some of the brash, bruising and biggest moments from @JCLayfield's career ahead of his induction into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2020. #WWEHOF https://t.co/XPGM3ewQpa
— WWE (@WWE) March 4, 2020
Congrats to JBL – The newest nominee to the WWE Hall of Fame is John “Bradshaw” Layfield. Loved JBL’s talk about the way to be a heel this past Tuesday on WWE Backstage. The way he put John Cena over and on the map is a blueprint for bad guys all over the wrestling world to learn from.
Thank you, Matt Hardy, – The end of Matt Hardy’s contract and WWE days came as March rolled in this past week. He went out with a blaze of glory being attacked by Randy Orton. Now, will it be AEW, Ring of Honor, Impact Wrestling or somewhere else for Hardy and one of his alter-egos? Time will tell and the pro wrestling world will be glued!
Thanks for letting us share our thoughts! Shoot me an email at [email protected]. We’d love to hear your comments and suggestions! You can also check out my blog, The Crowe’s Nest as we delve into more pro wrestling, sports entertainment and the World of Sports. My apologies ahead of time – I AM a Patriots and Red Sox fan! If you’re not down with that, I’ve got TWO WORDS for you… NEW ENGLAND!
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latestnews2018-blog · 6 years
Hopefully You Stuck Around For Those 'Sharp Objects' Finale Post-Credits Scenes
New Post has been published on https://latestnews2018.com/hopefully-you-stuck-around-for-those-sharp-objects-finale-post-credits-scenes/
Hopefully You Stuck Around For Those 'Sharp Objects' Finale Post-Credits Scenes
HBO’s artfully deranged miniseries “Sharp Objects” came to an end on Sunday night after eight riveting episodes full of crime, sweat and ghoulish familial relations. 
Those who read Gillian Flynn’s novel, upon which the show is based, were primed to accept the twisted story of the Preaker-Crellin women: Camille (Amy Adams), Adora (Patricia Clarkson) and Amma (Eliza Scanlen). But viewers new to the fictional town of Wind Gap, Missouri, were left with quite the surprise ending.
It’s a surprise that might not have made much sense, unless you stuck around for the show’s two mid- and after-credits scenes. (Warning: spoilers below.)
In the penultimate episode of the series, we learned that Adora, the disdainful but seemingly put-together mother, has something called Munchausen syndrome by proxy ― a psychological disorder in which a caregiver, usually a parent, makes their patient or child sick in a gambit for attention.
This form of abuse led to the death of Camille’s sister Marian. Its current victim is Amma, who has built up a tolerance to the poisonous concoction her mom spoon-feeds her. When Camille finds out ― courtesy of the medical investigation of detective Richard Willis (Chris Messina) and the Bloody Mary-induced confession of Wind Gap fixture Jackie (Elizabeth Perkins) ― she decides to sacrifice herself, submitting to her mother’s care in an attempt to let Amma escape.
The plan, which takes up more than half of the finale episode, almost fails, until the police ― called by Camille’s cancer-stricken editor back in St. Louis ― arrive to find both girls near death’s edge.
Anne Marie Fox/HBO
Adora is arrested, assumed to be the person behind Wind Gap’s unsolved murder cases, the killer of teen girls Camille and Richard have been looking for all along. Meanwhile, Adora’s kept husband Alan (Henry Czerny), privy to the at-home abuse of his daughter but somehow incapable of stopping it, escapes the situation unscathed. Amma ends up moving in with her half-sister in the city, an arrangement that seems to be best for everyone ― until Camille recognizes the flittering of Amma’s mood swings.
When Amma makes a new friend, who bends to her whims like the roller-skating accomplices back in Wind Gap, Camille takes notice. Back at her apartment, she kneels by Amma’s relocated doll house and spies something she hadn’t noticed before: Adora’s infamous ivory bedroom floor has been recreated with teeth.
The clues click into place: Amma’s queen-bee status came in handy when she needed to recruit friends to help murder the girls, Ann Nash and Natalie Keene, whose teeth now line the grisly base of her prized toy.
When Amma appears in the bedroom doorway, she doesn’t fight the epiphany. “Don’t tell mama,” she whispers. The screen falls black, and Led Zeppelin’s “In the Evening” is the only thing to fill the void.
That’s where the show ends. Or so we think. 
If you stick around for the credits, director Jean-Marc Vallée has left a grim treat for the audience in the form of two extra scenes.
In one, we watch as Amma’s friends hold down a girl ― either Ann or Natalie ― who’s screaming for her life, as Amma strangles her. Cut to a scene of Amma torturing her new friend in St. Louis. 
After the credits roll some more, we get a second glimpse of Amma, this time entering the woods as the Woman in White, a figure seen by the sole witness to Natalie’s murder.
In two hazy sequences, we get more of what we might have expected all along ― bread crumbs that help piece together this slow-to-unfurl murder mystery. 
But if we look back, the hints were always there. If you were one of the conspiracy theorists who put their odds on Alan as the butcher, think again. 
Everyone in Wind Gap assumed the killer was a man. 
From the moment the show began, it’s apparent that the townspeople suspect a man committed the heinous murders of two teen girls: either Natalie’s brother John (Taylor John Smith) or Ann’s father, Bob (Will Chase).
But one-liners sprinkled into the later episodes clue viewers in. A woman is almost certainly to blame, even if everyone thinks the ladies of Wind Gap are only good for gossip.
In Episode 3, Bob tells Camille during a visit, “Women around here, they don’t kill with their hands. They talk.” And take Richard and Bob’s confrontation at Calhoun Day in Episode 5. “I’m telling you, we’re gonna get this guy,” Richard tells Bob, who asks, “You gonna strangle him and rip out his teeth?” 
Then, in Episode 7, Amma’s friends have a quick chat with Sheriff Vickery (Matt Craven) while rollerblading down the street. “Word of advice,” he tells them, shortly after John’s arrest. “You keep your eyes open. Some drunk comes flying down this road, he’ll hit you before he sees you.” 
“Or she,” one of them says. “Don’t be sexist, Chief.” 
Amma was always a chameleon. 
Throughout the series, we see Amma go from being a caring daughter in a babydoll dress to a rebellious mean girl in a short-shorted girl squad. She’s sweet and obedient one minute, cruel and haphazard the next, flinging lollipops into her sister’s hair unprompted.
One revealing moment occurs in Episode 5, when Amma, filled with rage after reading Camille’s article, steals her sister’s clothes from the dressing room while she’s trying on outfits for Calhoun Day. This prank forces an emotional Camille to show her scars to her mother and sister, who then flips the switch from naughty to nice. 
“If I can [survive in Wind Gap], you can,” she tells Camille. 
We’ve seen Amma act this way before, talking about her wishy-washy relationship with Ann and Natalie or how her friends do “whatever I want them to.” She’s emotionally manipulative.
The clues were there, they just looked different.
Gillian Flynn has her own murder-mystery shorthand, of which Gone Girl fans are likely aware. Maybe the detectives in Flynn’s story aren’t pinning suspect photos on cork boards or whiteboarding evidence, but clues rear their heads in other ways.
Amma hung out at hog slaughter houses, and in dilapidated sheds and parking lots. She was obsessed with a dollhouse replication of her family home. She kept a secret cellphone. She even wore white in the woods.
Yes, we’re still craving some answers, but the show’s constant hesitation, its withholding nature, is what made it so enthralling to begin with. Showrunner Marti Noxon and her team didn’t tie everything up in a nice bow; we’re left to wonder whether the Preaker-Crellin women have and will continue to pass down deviance. Is Alan still in that mansion, blasting one record at a time? 
We might never know. Thankfully, a second season isn’t happening (yet). So that’s it people. Sorry. Goodnight. Sleep tight. Nightmares will certainly be in your future. Let’s hope HBO’s miniseries-making factory realizes how valuable that is.
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radicheart-a · 3 months
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"Good evening, deer listeners!
"Are you bored? Looking for something to do? Feeling mischievous, or even violent? I sure am! Why not give ✨ Harassing Travis ✨ a try? Not only will you get to flex your creativity and let out some pent-up frustrations, but it’ll earn you friendship points with me!“
"Did I forget to mention it’s absolutely free?
"For those that are new or have forgotten, Travis resides at 3816 Nash Street and likes to frequent a bar in Pentagram called The Cackling Crow. He is almost always at one of these locations when he isn’t working at the Porn Studio. Do with this information as you see fit!”
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“I’ll be watching!”
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radicheart-a · 7 months
“Are you bored? Looking for something to do? Feeling mischievous or even violent? I sure am!”
“Why not give ✨ Harassing Travis ✨ a try? Not only will you get to flex your creativity and let out some pent-up frustrations, but it’ll earn you friendship points with me!“
“Did I forget to mention it’s absolutely free?”
“For those that are new or have forgotten, he resides at 3816 Nash Street and likes to frequent a bar in Pride called The Cackling Crow. Do with this information as you see fit!”
“I’ll be watching!”
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radicheart-a · 4 months
Al's making sure to broadcast the sweet sound of the screams Travis is making as he realizes there's more than one Alastor, mixed with Al's laughter,. (( @gentlemenofhell ))
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And now Cal is laughing, albeit more out of delight than sinister intent. "I do love to hear Travis scream! Thank you, unkind sir!"
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radicheart-a · 4 months
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"So far I've seen a funny little cat and my own self take their own jabs at Travis! Absolutely marvelous! Bravo to both of you!"
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radicheart-a · 5 months
"I have no idea what's going on or who this "Travis" is but it sounds interesting."(chaosmarik)
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"Travis is my father. He is a horrible man and I wish to see him suffer. So, every once in a while, I host these events where I encourage other demons to find and hurt him in whatever manner they deem best while I watch."
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radicheart-a · 3 months
Oh? Violence?
*throws a handful of teeth at Travis*
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"That was pathetic."
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radicheart-a · 3 months
*holding a knife" Ohhhhh Travviiisss~ The Radio Demon sent me to deliver you a surrrprriiise~ >:33
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Oh? Someone's responding to his advert. He's watching, curious to see how this will play out.
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