#( do all soldiers feel so lonely? some must; surely. )
fatuismooches · 2 years
Could you please write about the Harbingers and their voice lines for the reader? Like them telling the traveler about you and stuff :)
♡𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬’ 𝐕𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ♡
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synopsis: The Traveler expected the Harbingers to be cold and ruthless in pursuing whatever the Fatui's goals were. Hearing their loving voice lines on you was certainly the opposite of what they predicted.
includes: all harbingers (platonic pulcinella) w/ gn! reader
notes: I've wanted to do something like this for a while. It was rather cute and fun to write! Includes five voice lines about you for each Harbinger.
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About You - His Lover:
“So you’ve already met [Name], Traveler? I’m not surprised, they like to talk to people, especially when they see me speaking to others. They’re quite energetic and bouncy, aren’t they? But I can’t say I dislike that about them. They are a bright light in my life.”
Chat - Walks:
“Much of our time spent together is on walks outside in Sneznhaya, with the snow gently melting on us. It’s a rather simple activity to most, but irreplaceable to both of us. I hope, after everything is said and done, I can take them on walks in other places.”
About Your Patience:
“They never comment on it, but I know they get lonely without me. For most of the day, they do not see me due to my work, and even when they try to stay up late for my return, they end up falling asleep sometimes. I truly wish I could spend more time with them. But I know, after fulfilling the Tsaritsa’s dream, I will give them everything and more.”
Something To Share - Meals:
“I don’t think about what I eat or when I do very often. It doesn’t matter much to me, but [Name] clearly disagrees. Instead of the maids preparing my meals, they started cooking everything for me and adding little notes too. It’s very endearing of them, but I don’t think I’ll ever live it down when the other soldiers saw me eating heart-shaped cookies with smiley faces on them…”
About You - A Second Home:
“I remember the destruction of my homeland clearly. It is something I will never forget. But even though I have only a small portion of time with them, they never fail to make me feel… content. With them, I can forget about everything, even if it is just for a few minutes. Heh, sometimes I foolishly wish they lived in Khaenri’ah with me for a bit, if only to experience a normal life with them.”
About You - His Lover:
“There is nothing I cherish more than [Name]. Many people often comment on our relationship, after all, we are quite different in all aspects. But I have them to thank for many things. They have taught me many things I could have never learned on my own.
Chat - Souvenirs:
“Traveler, you have been to many nations for extended periods of time. Would you share some items that would make good souvenirs? I always make sure to bring something back for them. If you have any recipes to share, that would be greatly appreciated as well. Whenever I am back home, [Name] always insists on having all of our meals together.”
A Special Item - The Kamera:
“You must be wondering why someone like me carries around something like this. I never cared for the device until [Name] told me about it and asked me to take photos on my expeditions. I guess I’ve unintentionally become a master without knowing it because they always praise the pictures I take when they organize them in their scrapbook.”
Something To Share - Smiles:
“I am not adept at smiling at all, or very expressive in general, something [Name] has an issue with. Oftentimes, they sit on my lap and try to get me to show some emotion on my face. Reading stories, telling jokes… they try it all quite frequently. While I don’t think it’s working very well, I enjoy their antics.”
About You - Reminiscing:
“I remember once I walked in on them trying on my helmet and coat. They hadn’t noticed me yet, and I couldn’t help but notice how small they looked buried under my clothes. But quickly I worried about whether their head could take the weight of my helmet. Before I could say anything, they saw me and scurried away in embarrassment. I never brought it up again, but it was rather cute.”
“Huh… Paimon would have never guessed Capitano was like this. When we go to Snezhnaya, we have to find this guy’s mansion somehow! Paimon wants to meet [Name]!”
About You - Her Lover:
“Hmm~hmm~♫ Oh, hello there, Traveler. Ah, I see you’ve brought [Name] with you too, come here, my dear. Hmm? Oh, I guess I forgot to tell you. They are my partner in love, music, in everything. Perhaps you should come to one of our shows one day. I’d say we are quite good.”
About You - Favorite Pastimes:
“I love going to watch plays with them. The theater is one of the places where we spend a lot of time. I always end up humming along to the songs. Sometimes, when the theater is unoccupied, we act out certain scenes together. Say, Traveler, have you ever heard of Romeo and Juliet?”
Chat - Naps:
“Hmm… what time is it? The weather just feels perfect for a midday nap. [Name] always indulges me whenever I want when I want to doze off. This surface is no match for their pillowy softness, but it’ll have to do for now…”
“Hey, you can’t just fall asleep in the middle of- oh… Paimon doesn’t know how she can knock out that quickly.”
Secret Hobby - Poems About You:
“Your bright smile that can go on for a mile,
Unmatchable style with a laugh that never ends for a while.
Sweet lips that I want to savor,
Ah, I am so glad I am in your favor.
Or should I say “For you make me ever the more braver”...? What do you think, Traveler?”
Something Interesting - Liyue Opera:
“Traveler, I hear that there is a talented opera troupe in Liyue with beautiful music and songs. Oh, you’ve met them yourself? I would love to attend it with [Name]. They love listening to music from around Teyvat, and I have to agree with them. Haha… I can’t wait to take them out of Snezhnaya for a bit.”
About You - His Lover:
“Hmph, you wish to know about [Name], I hear?”
“Yeah! Paimon wants to know what kind of person would stay with a madman- I mean! A Fatui Harbinger! You know, since that’s quite dangerous and all.”
“Hehe, is that so? Too bad, because I have no obligation to tell you. But they are truly… ah, never mind.”
“Aww… Paimon really wanted to know what he was going to say.”
About You And The Segments:
“Some of the segments are quite fond of them, while some do not know them very well. After all, they were cloned at different parts of my life, before and after I met them. I must say… it’s can be hard to get some of the other segments away from them. I didn’t think they would hoard [Name]’s attention so much…”
“Is it just Paimon, or does Dottore’s attentiveness towards them grow as each clone gets older? And hey, is Dottore jealous-”
“Shush Paimon, before he hears you!”
About You - Whereabouts:
"It's time for their medicine... Hmm, have you seen them, Traveler? You saw them leave and go into the city? And you didn't stop them? Tch, useless. I must simply go and find them myself... Now that I think about it, I wouldn't want you talking to [Name], anyway."
About You - Health Concerns:
“Ever since our Akademiya days, [Name] has been plagued with an unknown and virtually incurable disease. It is essential that they take their medicine every day, but they often try to avoid it, after doing it for so long. This is why I and the clones always keep an eye on them.”
“Aw, so that’s why [Name] always looks so tired whenever Paimon sees them… That must be so hard.”
“… I don’t care what methods or tactics I have to employ, or if the Gods or even you, Traveler, get in my way. I will cure them of their sickness. Nothing will stop me.”
When The Sun Is Out:
“Hm, it’s a perfect day for [Name] to take a walk. The fresh air is always good for their health. Perhaps a boat ride is in order as well.”
“Oooh, Paimon loves the sound of that! Maybe we can fish and eat it too!”
“Why would I ever invite you to be with us? I’m sure your very existence would give them a headache.”
“Hey, how rude!!”
About You - Relationship:
“You were fighting some hilichurls when someone called [Name] joined you? And they ended up lighting an explosive barrel? Wherever that child goes, they always bring trouble with them. But don’t hold it against them. They are a lovely person to be around.”
Stories To Tell:
“They always pester me to tell them stories. Though, this is not a bad thing at all. Not many are willing to listen to this old man ramble on willingly. Ah, youth is a wonderful thing. Would you like to join us next time, Traveler?”
Chat - New Things:
“Indeed, they have taught me many things. The latest trends, songs, books, and more that their generation is into. Sometimes I struggle to understand some of what they say too… the world is changing so quickly.”
About You - Baking:
“We bake together quite often. Most of the time, I have to direct them, otherwise, they will burn down the kitchen which has happened multiple times before. Pantalone was not happy. I have never seen a youngster with such little aptitude for cooking, but surprisingly, it is great fun.”
About You - Family:
“Ever since they were young, they were quite rebellious. Running away from the castle, pretending to be asleep after bedtime, beating up all the Fatui soldiers during sparring without hesitance. If anyone else besides me had to take care of them, it would not have ended well. But, I am truly glad they are in my care. I have thought of them as my own child for a long time. If it wasn’t for the possible danger, I’d have officially adopted them long ago.”
About You - His Lover:
“Huh? How do you know about [Name]?”
“Well, we just happened to see them with you once. You were actually smiling! And later we went up and spoke to them for a bit, and they were really nice! They told us that they were your-”
“Ugh, that idiot! Always trusting people so blindly… Anyway, I don’t need you to know anything else. It isn’t your business.” 
A Little Secret:
“I wonder if they could make dango for me again… it’s been a long time since I’ve had it. But how do I get them to make it without directly asking? How bothersome… huh? How long have you been there, Traveler? You didn’t hear anything, did you?!”
Something To Share - Burdened Feelings:
“I once tried to wipe my emotions and feelings of them away into nothingness. It felt preposterous to me that I could feel something for a human, one that could barely fight nonetheless. But when I lost the Gnosis, when I lost everything, as I fell down, the only thing that I saw in my mind was their stupid smile…”
When It Rains:
“Whenever it rained, they would always huddle themselves close to me under my hat. At first, I pushed them away, but the look on their face made me allow them to continue. Sometimes, I make sure to take them out on a day that’s expected to rain just to see them do that. Don’t you dare tell them that though, Traveler.”
About Beelzebul:
“[Name] is always telling me to reconcile with her, but what would she think of me, or of them? How would she act toward me? Would she even remember me? There’s that irritating shrine maiden too… Hmm? It’s nothing. Let’s keep moving.”
About You - Her Lover:
“[Name]? Yes, they are my partner. I suppose those Fatui recruits can’t keep their mouths shut about other people’s business for very long. Hmm? You’re surprised that I was so direct about it? Well, there’s no reason to hide it. But I would prefer that this discussion ends here. I like to keep my time with them private.”
When It’s Sunny:
“This weather is not my favorite. I prefer the cold much more than this blistering heat. But I did hear [Name] say that they would like to visit a beach someday. Hmm… say, Traveler, is Yaoguang Shoal a good spot?”
Something To Share - Quietly Loving:
“I’m sure you have realized by now that I am not very good with words or emotions. These things are far from my expertise. However, they seem to not mind my behavior, talking enough for both of us. But if they ever requested anything from me, I would do it without hesitance. No one else comes close.”
Chat - Coffee:
“One cup of coffee, with whipped cream, syrup, and sugar please.”
“…Eh?!! Arlecchino, what are you saying? You always order your coffee black!”
“I know. To be honest, I could not care less about all these extra ingredients. But… they always used to try and add things to sweeten the drink behind my back. I suppose I… miss them. This reminds me of them, a bit.”
“Aww… Paimon guesses that even the scariest and coldest of people can have someone special to them.”
About You - The Orphanage:
“They often spend their time with the orphans. I was initially surprised at first, and so were the other soldiers, but it worked out in our favor. The children love them far more than they will for me or the recruits. [Name] is a gentle and patient soul, after all. Reading stories, putting the kids to sleep… they are quite hard working despite having no need to.”
La Signora:
About You - Her Lover:
“My darling [Name] is the most perfect lover one could ask for. They are beautiful, inside and out. How I love to pamper them so… actually, there are a couple of new outfits I want them to try on. I can’t wait to see how they look. They are all mine.”
When It’s Windy:
“Tch, this wind is messing up my hair and clothes. [Name] used to always brush and take care of my hair after a long day, after I showed them how to do it correctly of course. Traveler, I’m afraid I have to go now. I must see them again.”
About You - Letters:
“Hmm, hmm, hmm… and it’s done.”
“Hey Signora, what are you writing?”
“Just a letter to my dearest. They are expecting something from me soon.”
“Wow, so you can send letters with your fire moths? That’s resourceful!”
“Of course. I always let a few stay around [Name] as well. If any of them happen to be extinguished, I’ll know if anything happened to them.”
About You - Favorite Pastimes:
“There’s nothing that pleases me more than seeing them all dolled up in the latest fashion. They look simply exquisite, especially when we do each other’s makeup. But I also adore seeing them lounge around in their favorite hoodies. They look great in anything, really.”
Something To Share - Past Grief, New Happiness:
“Sometimes, it feels just like yesterday when I lost him. Grief and bitterness wrapped around my heart like a cocoon that would never hatch. But when I fell in love with them, I felt something that I had not felt in far too long. That cocoon started to shatter little by little, as I started to remember how to love again. I truly love them wholly with whatever’s remaining of my heart.”
About You - His Lover:
“So, you’ve met [Name], I hear. What do you think of them? Beautiful, am I right? Of course, they are nothing short of perfection to me. Hardworking, determined, helpful… I could go on about them. Say, Traveler, would you be so kind to direct me to some of the best shops around here? I would like to find some gifts to send to them while we’re here.”
Worries - Financial Concerns:
“Traveler, I have a great issue on my hands. [Name] has apparently forbidden me from spending any more Mora on them. They keep saying that they do not need anything else, but how can I restrain myself from spoiling my darling?”
About You - Favorite Pastimes:
“Oftentimes, we like to end off the day with some leisurely reading. The feeling of them laying against my chest, legs intertwined, as I whisper certain parts of the book softly into their ear, delighting as they turn warm- oho, your face is all red. Did I make you embarrassed? Apologies, I get carried away when talking about them.”
About You - First Meeting:
“My childhood is not something that I like to remember. But, despite everything, it is pleasant to think about the first time I met them. They were poor, just like me, barely scraping by, though they never failed to greet me every day with a big smile. [Name] would take over the grueling working shifts for me and the younger kids sometimes, and sneak bits of food out the window to me. Even with the fact that I was surrounded by poverty, I couldn’t help but think I had a true gem right in front of me. ”
When It’s Cold:
“I confess, I do enjoy the cold, but most of it is due to how adorable [Name] looks all bundled up in my fur coats. Or how they always dive under the covers and refuse to get up for anything. It is always a struggle for even me to get up from bed when they are so warm, too.”
About You - Her Lover:
“They are my loyal assistant and lover, always willing to help out with any experiment I ask. I have known them for a very long time. They have always been the one to drag me out of the lab to get some fresh air… as a matter of fact, I think it’s about this time when they come to harass me. Somehow they’ve gotten half the robots on their side, too.”
When It’s Raining:
“This weather is good for testing how waterproof my robots are and the joints of my Automatons. A long time ago, I built a feature for an umbrella into some of my creations so whenever [Name] and I went for walks and it rained, we would be fine. Huh, you’re asking if you can use it? No, you can’t.”
About You - Favorite Pastimes:
“Eh? Sandrone, what is all this? You’re all dressed up!”
“Oh, it’s you. I’m simply preparing for my favorite event with my dear lover. We’ve just finished repairing an ancient Automaton, and they’ve decided a tea party is in order.”
“Wow! Even the robots have spiffy suits on! It smells so good here too, hehe, Paimon wants a taste of the tea and cookies too- w-woah! Where’d all these big robots come from?! Hey, let Paimon down!”
“This is for [Name] and I only. Now shoo. The tea party is set to begin soon, and I must welcome my honored guest…”
Inspiration - New Creations:
“Before I met them, I had never thought of using my skills to create mundane things that weren’t war machines or destructive Automatons. I thought anything else would be a waste of time, but surprisingly, it is not too bad. It’s quite nice to feel their fascinated face in the crook of my neck while I work. I usually gift these creations to them, anyway. They’re not much use to me, but [Name] likes these kinds of things.”
The Future - Fontaine Frenzy:
“I hear that I am set to head out to Fontaine soon. I would love to see the faces of those poor souls when they realize their technology is nothing compared to what the Fatui has created. Ah, I guess that means I’ll be seeing you there too. Will you be able to keep up with [Name] and I, Traveler? I must warn you, they are a formidable foe, with their refined skill and raw power from my mechanical attachments. Now that I think about there, there were some new weapons we wanted to try out… hehe, I can’t wait.” 
About You - His Lover:
“Oho, interested in [Name] are you? I don’t blame you - they are truly an amazing person. Sweet, kind, and caring, not to mention, they are incredibly strong as well. Teucer loves them too, always wanting piggyback rides. I can’t wait to introduce them to the rest of my family.”
About You - First Meeting:
“I clearly remember the first time I laid eyes on them. I was passing through Liyue when I heard of an archery competition, and naturally, I was eager to test my skills. I was sure that I would win first place, but what did you know! Someone called [Name] had stolen that spot from me. Long story short, I pestered them until they fought me, and they really did beat me down. Haha, it feels so long ago, now that I look back on it.”
When It Snows:
“I once took [Name] to Dragonspine, because they wanted to see the snow as it was a rare occurrence in Liyue. You should have seen them, hah! Shaking and sniffling like it was the end of the world. And it wasn’t even that cold, as least compared to my homeland. Why didn’t I take them to Snezhnaya? Don’t worry, I plan to, very, very soon…
About You - Whereabouts:
"Have you seen them, Traveler? No? Haha, they must be hiding from me again. I guess I’ve asked them to spar too many times. Comrade, if you happen to see [Name], tell them I’m waiting at Northland Bank for them. Xinyue Kiosk, my treat.”
About You - Safety:
“Heh, I wonder what they’re doing right now. I hope they haven’t been roped into any strange commissions again. They are too helpful for their own good. If anything happened to them while I’m gone… Traveler, if you happen to be around, please help them. I’ll owe you, comrade.”
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sorceresssundries · 4 months
The Light in the Shadows
Anon writing request -
BG3 pride prompt! This game helped me realize I'm bi. Perhaps Tav didn't realize either? And one of the tadfools who normally wouldn't have caught their attention is suddenly occupying every other thought?
Anon, i'm so sorry your ask fell into the void so i'm having to do it as a separate post! This is for you, my friend. Happy pride month!
Pairing: Shadowheart x Fem Tav
Warnings: Female masturbation, smut.
Word Count: 1.5k
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Tav had been tasked with keeping the campfire alight, which basically meant she could keep angrily prodding at it and snapping pieces of dry wood to throw with more enthusiasm than necessary. Her gaze kept flicking through the dancing flames to the cleric sitting on the other side of camp.
Stubborn, standoffish, uncooperative—how could someone with practically no memory be so distant and unwilling to accept any kind of help? Surely, she must feel lonely. Surely, it must get cold in her self-imposed darkness. And why were her clothes always so tight?
Has she always been like this? Tav wondered. Before the nautiloid, before the tadpole. Which parts of herself had she sacrificed at Shar’s altar? Which soft, delicate traits had the Goddess carved from her with a ritual knife and deemed a worthy loss?
How light had her heart been before the shadows settled there?
Shadowheart was tough; Tav knew that. Yet despite that devout toughness, there were times when uncertainty flecked her green eyes and softened the hard jade into moss. Moments when the sharp bite of her laugh loosened, and Tav could hear bright, unfiltered joy seep through the cracks.
Tav tried to list the things she had learned about Shadowheart so far:
She was scared of wolves. She loved night orchids. She couldn’t swim. She read silly, smutty novels, and she had a rare smile that could part clouds.
Tav watched her now, reading a book outside her tent, sitting cross-legged with Scratch’s head in her lap, fingers fussing his fur absentmindedly.
She was very, very frustrating.
“Are you about to fuck her, or fight her?”
Tav hadn’t even heard Karlach sit herself down next to her; she was so lost in her exasperation.
“Fight,” Tav grumbled, prodding the fire.
“Huh.” Karlach stretched her muscles out and threw some wood at the flame. “I would have placed money on the other option.”
“It’s not like that.” Tav huffed. “She’s closed off and distant, and never accepts any help.”
“Yeah, and she’s got a stupid fringe.” Karlach snorted.
“I like her fringe, actually,” Tav mumbled, playing with her own hair. “It frames her eyes.”
Karlach tutted at her and shook her head. “Man. You must have it bad.”
Tav looked over at Shadowheart once more and felt her breath catch. Her lips were slightly darker than usual from her wine, and as she drank without thinking, a small trickle escaped her mouth and ran down her chin. She wiped it with her wrist and then sucked away the drop before licking her lips with just a delicate flash of her tongue.
Fuck. Maybe she did have it bad.
‘I don’t... I’m not...’ Tav struggled to get the words out, to express the feelings which seemed all knotted and tangled. “I’ve never been with a... a...”
“Cleric?” Karlach tilted her head at Tav in mock confusion. “Elf? Amnesiac with a bit of a bitchy personality?” She winked knowingly.
“Erm, yes. All of those.” A woman, Tav wanted to add. 
“Well... Does that matter, really? That’s all just... boring stuff. Superficial bits and pieces.” Karlach waved her hand dismissively.
Tav held her head in her hands. “It’s just all new. Like there isn’t enough going on. And she’s so annoying!”
“I think you’re overthinking things, soldier.” Karlach laughed. “Fight who you want to fight, fuck who you want to fuck.” Her smile was wide, full of the beautiful, optimistic simplicity of someone who had suffered unimaginable cruelty and still held tight to the kindness she was built of. She was a wonder.
Karlach looked up at the cloudless night sky and massaged her chest, as though in pain. “In the end, we’re all the same really - just hope and stardust”.
Tav moved her hand towards Karlach’s, not able to touch her, but close enough to feel some of the heat radiating off her poor, scarred skin. Karlach’s voice became wistful, “We all just want to be touched, so... let yourself. One day, you may not be able to.” In that moment, Tav would have gladly taken any of the pain from holding Karlach’s hand, just for a second, just long enough for Karlach to know the feel of another person. But she jumped up before Tav had a chance. 
“Oi, Gale!” She yelled at the wizard’s tent, dusting off the mournful moment with her usual iron resilience  “Are you going to teach me some magic or what?! I want to learn how to smush things from really far away.” 
Tav heard Gale sigh from inside, followed by the sound of a book snapping shut.
His head poked out from the flap, wearing a frown. “The Weave is a delicate, intricate coalescence of energies which surrounds us all and breathes arcane intention into existence. It is not about smushing.”
Karlach stood with her hands on her hips. “If it isn’t something you’re skilled enough to teach, then no worries! I’ll just go find Halsin…”
He placed his fingers on the bridge of his nose and inhaled sharply. “Okay. Fine, this lesson we’ll cover the basics of smushing, but next time…”
“Fuck yes!” Karlach punched the air in well-earned victory before turning to Tav to give a pair of farewell finger guns. “Taters, soldier! Stop thinking about things so much. You’ll get brainache.”
Tav smiled as the two of them walked off together. In the lasting glow of Karlach’s hopefulness, she nearly mustered the courage to approach Shadowheart. But a persistent inner voice cautioned her, whispering that now wasn't the right time. Confused and exhausted, Tav retired to bed.
Sleep did not come as easily as hoped that night. Hours had passed, and Tav lay wide awake, thoughts of Shadowheart still clouding her mind. The cleric had spent most of the day's journey complaining about her aching feet. She had groaned and sighed. Tav could have helped her if she weren’t so stubborn and hard-headed. She could have kneaded her fingers into the soft arch of Shadowheart's soles, working out the discomfort, listening for the sounds of relief as she massaged and caressed, waiting for Shadowheart to throw her head back and grant her one of those rare, soft smiles.
Without realising it, Tav's hand had settled under her shirt, resting on the skin below her belly button. As her eyes closed and her thoughts drifted, so did her hand, lower and lower, until she was absentmindedly running her fingers through the hair between her legs. She thought of the way Shadowheart’s glossy braid swung in the sunshine, how the silver metal caught the light. She pictured the firm set of her jaw when she was determined or annoyed, how she offered barbed jabs with a sly smile and a glint in her eye.
Her hand moved lower still, caressing herself with no real purpose—just playing, just exploring, just touching her own body and thinking of the woman who had burned through her thoughts all day. Shadowheart's skin was always so soft, silken and unblemished, cool as velvet despite the harsh conditions and the relentless sun. Earlier, when Tav had grabbed her arm to stop her from stumbling, her thumb had swept against the delicate skin of her wrist. Shadowheart had gasped, breathy and quiet, and the sound had made Tav’s mouth dry.
Tav gasped now as she brought the memory into clear focus and stroked herself. She was wet, and there was now purpose where before there had been only curious, easy exploration. She wondered how Shadowheart’s skin felt in the cool places the sun didn’t reach. She wondered how she tasted.
Her hip bones, the shell of her ear, her wine-stained lips. Tav imagined each part of her body as though they were delicacies to be savoured. Sugared treats you would hold against your tongue to prolong that first, craved tang of sweetness before licking off every bead of sugar and swallowing. Her wrists, each finger, her cunt. Tav flicked through each body part she had imagined like beads on a prayer chain. She wanted to worship each of them.
She fell further, chasing the thought of her mouth against Shadowheart’s cunt, imagining her noises from earlier and how she wanted to hear her make them again. Louder and longer. More of them. Until the breath was stolen from her lungs and all she could do was gasp and shudder.
Tav wanted to taste all her hidden colours. She wanted to lick out her secrets and savour them sharp on her tongue, make her call out prayers she thought she had forgotten to gods she did not even worship. In desperation and in total ecstasy.
The thought of it sent Tav over the edge. Fucking herself to the image of Shadowheart coming undone against her tongue, she unraveled completely.
She was totally unaware that the lust-filled sighs she had been imagining were now filling Shadowheart’s tent not far away, ignited by the very same thoughts.
It didn’t take long for Tav to drift off, finally peaceful. Her dreams were full of night orchids, and warm days, and green eyes creased with laughter. 
Full of hope and stardust.
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A little one shot that refused to leave my head until I had written it!
Buck and Tommy were both on their 48 hours off. It always felt kind of magical when their schedules lined up perfectly. They were sitting on Tommy's couch, Buck's head in Tommy's lap as he slowly ran his fingers through Buck's curls. At some point, the conversation turned to their favorite calls they'd ever been on.
"Tommy, it was so sweet and beautiful," Buck began, his eyes lighting up with the memory. "This guy, he did everything he could to make it home to his family in time for his daughter's Christmas concert. He'd been deployed for months, and it was going to be a surprise."
Buck's voice grew more animated as he continued, "We managed to get him there just in time. The look on his daughter's face when she saw him in the audience... God, Tommy, it was incredible. They had missed him so much."
Buck began to choke up, overwhelmed by the emotion of the memory.
Tommy nodded with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Sounds great, sweetheart," he said in a low, rough voice. "Really... really special."
Buck, caught up in his recollection, didn't notice the slight strain in Tommy's voice or the way his smile seemed forced. Tommy continued to stroke Buck's hair, but his mind seemed elsewhere.
"What about you?" Buck asked, turning his head to look up at Tommy. "What's your most memorable call?"
Tommy hesitated, his hand stilling in Buck's hair. There was a flicker of something – pain, perhaps – in his eyes before he masked it. "I... I'm not sure," he said finally, his voice distant. "There have been so many."
Buck frowned slightly, sensing something off in Tommy's demeanor. "Hey," he said softly, reaching up to touch Tommy's cheek. "You okay?"
Tommy took a deep breath, his eyes growing distant. "I just... those soldier homecoming things are hard for me," he admitted, his voice thick with emotion. "Soldiers coming home to their loved ones. Everyone so excited to see them. Telling them how much they missed them. I just... that wasn't my experience when I came home from Iraq."
Buck sat up, turning to face Tommy, his expression filled with concern and understanding. He took Tommy's hand in his own, encouraging him to continue.
Tommy's voice was barely above a whisper as he shared his memory. "I came home on a plane full of soldiers. When we arrived and exited the plane, there were signs and people hugging and crying. And I just stupidly stood there with no one waiting for me."
Buck's heart clenched at the pain in Tommy's voice. He squeezed Tommy's hand, his own eyes filling with tears. "Oh, Tommy," he said softly. "I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how lonely that must have felt."
Tommy nodded, swallowing hard. "It was... it was tough. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for those who have people waiting for them. But sometimes, hearing those stories, it just brings back that moment of feeling so alone."
Buck pulled Tommy into a tight embrace. "You're not alone anymore," he murmured into Tommy's ear. "I'm here. And I promise you, I'll always be here.
As they held each other, Buck realized how much there was still to learn about the man he loved.
"Thank you for sharing that with me," Buck said softly as they pulled apart. "I love you, Tommy. All of you, including the parts that hurt."
Buck's eyes were filled with tenderness and determination as he continued, his voice low and sincere. "If you let me and trust me, I will do everything I can to bandage the broken parts of your heart."
Tommy's breath caught at the depth of emotion in Buck's words. He cupped Buck's face gently, his thumb tracing Buck's cheekbone. "Evan," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "You already do. Every day, just by being you, you heal parts of me I didn't even know were broken."
Buck leaned into Tommy's touch, his eyes brimming with tears. "I want to be there for you, always. To create new memories that overshadow the painful ones. To be the one waiting for you, no matter what."
Tommy pulled Buck close, burying his face in the crook of Buck's neck. "You are," he murmured. "You're my home now, Evan. The best home I've ever had."
And they settled back into each other's arms, there was a new depth to their connection, born from both vulnerability and understanding.
In that moment, Tommy felt lighter than he had in a long time. He smiled at his boyfriend, a newfound warmth in his eyes. "So, my favorite call," he began, his voice soft but content, "it all started with an old friend reaching out to me about a missing cruise ship..."
Buck's eyes widened in recognition, a slow smile spreading across his face. He playfully punched Tommy's shoulder, his heart swelling with love and appreciation for the man beside him.
And as Tommy began to recount the story – their story – Buck snuggled closer, hanging on every word.
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kurogxrix · 1 year
All Of My Love ( V. )
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(Series Masterlist)
Neteyam x Avatar!reader
IN WHICH Neteyam’s mother and clan disapproves of your relationship, because you’re a dreamwalker. When you both advance in your relationship, the clan cannot help but attempt to ruin things for the both of you.
WC: 14k (wow)
Based on All My Love by Led Zeppelin
Warnings: mommy issues, finally awaited FLUFF, kissing and making up, slightly suggestive. this is rushed, the ending is rushed THE EDITING IS RUSHED.
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The blinding lights of the lab reflected off the shiny protective glass that shielded your avatar from the human air. You brought a hand up to hide your eyes from the sudden gleam of light that blinded you, before moving yourself to resume your staring. You couldn’t really tell how long it had been since you had been full on just fixated on your avatar, but you had failed to hear the sound of someone entering the room. 
“Looks like you’ve finally decided to drop that fake body of yours,” you heard a feminine voice say from behind you. You dreaded the moment when you’d have to turn around, because you knew exactly who this voice belonged to. You didn’t even want to look at the glassy material anymore, because you knew that you’d eventually spot her in the reflection. 
Her stiletto heels clicked against the floor at every step and you could hear them getting closer and closer at every click. You didn’t even flinch when she reached a hand upon your shoulder, only turning around to meet the woman that stood at your height. The room was already loud from the outside noises of people loudly talking. 
She had to agree that you had grown greatly, no longer being the troublesome little girl that used to hold Norm’s tail at every opportunity given. You were a young adult now and she knew that. “Thought I made it clear that you must knock before entering?” your question went waltzing into the tense air as you looked down at your shoes, your mother completely ignoring you. 
Your eyes couldn’t help but survey her work outfit, one that seemed a little out of place, or even inappropriate for a workplace. She wore a tight pencil skirt that seemed okay just on its behalf, but she had ridden up to rest just above her round thighs. Her blouse was just as skin-tight as her skirt, and you were sure that many eyes of the lone soldiers must’ve been attracted to her charm. 
“That alien family of yours left you?” she chuckled slightly, not wanting to seem too hostile because you were still her kid. Even if somewhat back then she had managed to get rid of you while you were still developing in her womb, or when she had abandoned you with the other scientist after your birth to drown in her own sorrows, you would always be her daughter whether she liked it or not. 
You rolled your eyes involuntarily at her comment, but somewhere in your heart did it truly hurt. “That alien family was more present in my life then you ever were,” you mumbled, moving your focus to the stash of paperwork on the office that was next to you. It was not your work to do, but you’d rather complete some rando’s work then talk to your mother. 
“Don’t think that i’m an incompetent person now,” she replied, little to no worries for your sorrows. Everything about this conversation somewhat made you angry. For one, you could never understand her feelings, because she was always so closed off towards you. 
Your mother sighed as you refused to look at her once more. She brought a hand up to undo the first two buttons of her blouse, the tight material suffocating her more than the tension in the room. She contemplated putting a hand down on your forearm, but she knew that you’d only repulse from her touch. 
“Don’t resent me because I haven’t been there for every step that you took, I couldn’t always be there at your side,” 
“You were never even there!” you snapped at her, hands firmly holding you up on the metallic table. Your rings clashed against the table at your outburst, causing a loud ringing to chime throughout the lab. You brought a hand up to soothe your temples in frustration because of the woman that stood besides you. She was as silent as a grave and the only noise that came from the both of you was the sound of you shuffling with the nearby files. 
Your mother watched you with woe as you tried not to snap at her again just for being in the same room as her. 
“Why were you never there?” you grumbled, 
“I-“ you cut her off from whatever she was about to tell you. “When you could’ve been.” you turn your head towards her, a desperate glimpse in your eyes. There was something more than want in your eyes, there was need. You needed to know why she had never been around to watch you grow, maybe to soothe your inner child that awaited for those answers every single day. 
“You’ve never really…,” she paused, hesitating at what she was going to tell you. You looked expectantly at her, anticipating the words that she was failing to express. “You’ve never really had a father.” her eyebrows creased together, and her eyes just couldn’t help but peer at anything but at your upset form. 
You deadpanned at her, that was her reasoning? Because of her failed hookups, you had to be the victim of her neglect? The look that you gave her made her bones shudder in discomfort and she felt intimidated under your unruly eyes. She felt as though you judged her from every aspect of her life, but she knew that you were somewhat right if you did.
“It’s not that I’ve never had any company, lord, kind of the opposite actually,” she boasted, and you internally gagged at her over sharing of personal information. Matter of fact, you didn’t need to know how your mother used to get regularly pounded on this early Monday morning. Her mere presence had already ruined your day, now she was tripling that with her odd storytelling. 
“And I was always safe every time, so there was no way that it was any of them!” she said, now frustrated as she failed to understand the story that she herself was revealing to you. 
“You’ve never had a father, Y/N” she called out for your name, trying to make you understand what she couldn’t voice out audibly. The irritating feeling had completely faltered by now, and you couldn’t really understand where you mentally stood now. The feeling of disbelief was all you could feel for now, because her story made little to no sense. 
You were not that oblivious to the stories that came from your mother’s land. The story of their saviour and the same god that was preached amongst something that they called religions. Unlike the na’vi, the humans praised a man that harboured 3 forms of which were physical and spiritual. They believed that their god had formed the earth, and everything that lay upon. You had heard of the story of the Virgin Mary, and your mother’s tale was getting a little too similar to this. 
“I had to carry the burden of bearing an unwanted child, so you have no right to resent me for not being in the life of a daughter that I've never wanted!” your mother quavered, her lips trembling as she spoke to you. You couldn’t find it in yourself to retort, to disprove the tears that trickled past her waterline. Despite not understanding your own birth story still, you couldn’t find it in yourself to resent the woman no more. 
For, it was because of you that your mother would never be the same ever again, no matter how much you would pray to the Great Mother. She had changed drastically after your birth, ignoring the presence of both Norm and Max as they grew closer to you. Matter of fact you had been practically raised by both men, and the other avatars that worked in the program. 
Was it so wrong for you to wish that she was present at the moment? You were so confused with everything, with Neteyam, with Neytiri, with the omaticaya, with yourself. You pushed those feelings away though, because there was no one else that you could blame but yourself for her detachment. You had seen pictures of when she was happy, when she was younger and free. 
You were the reason as to why she was so distant nowadays but you were also the lost kid that needed a mother’s reconfort at the moment. 
You watched quietly as the older woman recomposed herself, passing a hand over her already-straightened blouse in an attempt to appear less awkward. Her stiletto heels clicked against the floor once more, though this time the sound was getting further away from your hearing at each step. Soon enough, the obnoxious sound had completely dissipated from your hearing range, leaving you to bask in the deserted silence of the lab room. 
Neteyam was the only thing that your mind would present to you on replay. He was everything that your heart wanted and at times you only wished to rip the organ out yourself to cease this feeling. He was in everything, like the feather that dangled from your chest piece. The same one that swayed with the wind each time that the cool breeze would brush over you. 
Sometimes you wondered if you should just fall out of love with the na’vi boy, but you wondered if you’d even be able to. You would most likely end up falling in love with him again, and you couldn’t afford more heartbreaks than you had already acquired. Your admiration for Neteyam was like a thread of an endless yarn ball, on which only a blade can cut through. 
So here you found yourself again, in the midst of the forest. That was the only place you seemed to find inner peace at within the past few weeks. You felt a strong connection to the nature around you. You felt oftentimes as though the animals spoke specifically to you, but you failed to understand because of the language barrier. You felt like the trees were your true home, not the ton of metal that was called a lab. 
Perhaps it was not the best of ideas to be jumping from tree to tree in your short human body. The forest na’vi body was built for those long and dangerous leaps unlike your small and frail current body. The thrill was what motivated you to keep moving, and exceptionally that one berry that hung from the complete top of the tree. It shone through the rays of sun that poked through the heavy leaves and it attracted you to no end. Like some shiny jewel to a robber, you couldn’t help but make it your personal mission to retrieve it.
You had to admit that the first few minutes of climbing were literal hell. Through the scratches and numerous times that you had nearly fallen, it seemed like Eywa herself was telling your stupid ass to just give up and go home. Thought you were no loser, so you would get that berry one way or the other. You ignored the way your arms ached as you encircled them around the thick bark of the tall tree, your feet digging into whatever spot they could find in the log. 
To your misfortune, Eywa had really seemed to want you to descend from that tree. You had trusted your instincts a little too much, like a natural predator trusted his own instincts. Though you were just a human woman and no palulukan. You brought your foot up, trying to lodge it into the next hole or branch that presented itself before you. Though before you knew it, your right foot had met with the solid and moist grassy feeling of moss, and you had slipped before your brain could even register it.
It would be a funny scene for any na’vi passing, the fresh view of a sky person falling from leaf to leaf while cascading down the top of a tree. You let out the most ground breaking yell as you broke through the branches, body hitting with what felt like every single branch in this damned forest. You groaned as your foot set caught in the last branch of the tree, saving you from what could have been a fatal fall. You would’ve loved to laugh at yourself in any other situation if it hadn’t been for your near death.
You could practically hear your own heart beating as you came down from your fright, and you were sure that creatures from miles away could hear it pulsating way faster than it should as well. Cold sweat ran down your neck onto your hair because of your upside down position, and your exopack was irritating you ten times more than usual.
Your uncomfortable positions made your growing bruises throb as the branch applied pressure everywhere it shouldn’t. You felt dizzy from the blood flowing down to your head, but you knew that you couldn’t let your guard down, because the forest was like a huge death trap for a human of your size. Your ears picked up on the sound of footsteps, eyes darting all over the place as a hurried way of searching for its owner. 
Much to your fortune, the intruder seemed to be a na’vi. You called out for them, waving your hands in the air like a maniac as you tried to make a call for the blue alien. 
She ignored you and your desperate cries for help and you felt as though you were being more and more suffocated as time passed by. You could see that she heard you from the way her ears twitched irritably at each of your yells and soon enough, she had turned to you with a stern gaze.
Neytiri’s judgemental eyes stared right through you as you could not even do much to hide yourself from her gaze. Great, now you were both upside down and extremely humiliated as you stood stupidly before your ex-lover’s mother. You brought both of your hands to your face in a goofy attempt to rescue your decency from this pure humiliation and the woman only rolled her eyes at your antics. 
She kept on eyeing you from the side, clearly hesitant about something that you could not know what for now. Neytiri tried to distract herself by picking her herbs in the sheer silence, but her nerves only aggravated things, making her accidently rip the fresh stem of the flower that she was picking. 
“As much as I don't like you, my son refuses to speak to me because of you.” Neytiri spoke sternly as she kept her back turned away from your prying eyes. Her slim fingers pulled at herbs from the ground, unrooting them from the fresh soil as she stored them in her basket. “So we must come to even terms,” 
Your heart did backflips at her words, multiple backflips at that. Neytiri, THE Neytiri, was finally accepting you? In some way. 
You couldn’t believe it, visually because you beamed at her comment, bringing your body forward as you seemed shocked at her confession. Your body swayed at your actions, unwillingly unlatching your legs from the branch. Your body hit the floor with a loud thud and the groan that left your mouth indicated that it was no light fall. 
Neytiri wasn’t looking at you when it had happened, and you prayed your thanks to the Great-Mother. She turned around suddenly at your loud noise, shaking her head in disappointment when she found you face to face with the moist soil. Well not really face to face because of the mask that was binded to your face. She felt a tiny bit of worry at first, worried that your mask had injured you during your fall. Though you praised the Great-Mother once more for blessing you with the quick ability to have been able to move your arms in order to protect your masked face from the fall. 
Was this really who her son was so in love with? You reminded her so much of Jake’s old self at the moment, and she could only be happy for Neteyam acquiring her patience. 
She continued to look at you through unimpressed eyes as you put your hand up in the air, flashing her a thumbs up that you were sure she must’ve understood with Jake being around. Neytiri moved towards you, rolling you over on your back since you were still pretty much making out with the dirt beneath you. Dirt specks covered your mask but you were too dazed to even care at the moment. 
You groaned once more at the new position, feeling every single rock digging into the flesh of your back. Neytiri raised an eyebrow bone at your suffering, clearly amused by your human body’s fragile state. Her ears rose up in the air at her obvious hilarity and you swallowed back the raging need of rolling your eyes at her. 
“I’m not saying that i’m accepting you in my family,” and there it was, the huge rock that came and crushed all of your hopes that you had built up for yourself. 
“For now…” 
You raised your hand for them to rest besides your face, body being sprawled out like a starfish as you grunted satisfyingly at the soothing position. You wanted so badly to sit up and crack the tense muscles in your neck, but this would do for now. 
You thought about what Neytiri had told you, how she was willing to make an effort for the sake of her eldest son. But things don’t always go the way we intend to and she was about to learn it the hard way. “It will never work out,” 
she looked at you curiously now, abandoning her previous activity of staring at the nature that surrounded you. She tilted her head to the side in confusion as she looked at you expectedly, awaiting an answer from you. 
“We are not together anymore, I'm pretty sure that Eywa herself is separating us at this point!” you laughed dryly, and the downturned smile that graced your face could tell Neytiri everything that she needed to know. Her ears piqued down as she now knew why Neteyam had been so upset with her. She had thought that maybe it was simply because she was trying to keep them from being together, but now she knew that it was more than that. Her own son’s heart had been wounded because of her selfishness, her first child that she had vowed to protect from any wrong of this cruel world.
She moved to sit next to your sprawled out form, crossing her legs gracefully besides you. Your neck hurt too much to even bother looking at her, so the tall trees were what you’d be observing as she spoke to you. “If Eywa has a plan for the both of you, then nothing is really over.” she looked up to the trees as you did, leaving you to contemplate what she had just told you.
“You are resilient, hardheaded and always going back to my son even after I threaten you!” Neytiri snarled, though it was more playful than the usual venomous tone she held when she used to speak to you. You allowed yourself to snicker at her teasing, before she started again. “So what’s different now? Why did you give up on my son so early?” 
Neytiri always had this hardness in her tone when she spoke to people that she wasn’t necessarily fond of, but you knew not to take it at heart. She sighed at the silence that you granted her, standing up on her feet as she brushed off the dirt that stuck to the back of her legs. You had so many things that you wanted to say to her, like how it was all different now. Though her words had you thinking deeply, so deep that you fell deaf upon her retreating footsteps. 
You were left with your own questioning self and the racking thoughts that ran throughout your head. Your body still stuck to the depths of the forest floors as the pain resurfaced once more. You forced yourself to stand up, your body urging you to tend all of your tense muscles as you walked yourself back to the lab. 
You peeled the sweaty top from your drenched body, sweat from your previous fall still rolling off of your skin. Drops of sweat ran from your neck and drenched the delicate fabric of your clothes. It was complicated to do with your mask still on, but you pushed through either way. Your top was also wet due to your impulsive decision of jumping in the lake still fully clothed. 
Courtesy of the scorching sun affecting your brain capacity, or so you said. The detour that you had made at a nearby pond seemed almost crucial, because you cringed at the thought of going back to the lab all covered up in dirt and dust. The scenery around you was beautiful, as much as it should’ve scared you. The fish that swan around in the natural pond were humongous compared to the pond fish on earth. Though you wouldn’t know of them, it made obvious sense that they were bigger than the earth ones when a fish as big as your upper thigh brushed past you.
You thanked Eywa for their gentle minds as you twisted your top to remove the excess water. You had just managed to strain the water out but it seemed as though something was coming for you. Lord may it not be a man, because you were clad in nothing but your bra and underwear. You brought your hands back under water as the sounds got closer and closer, drenching the clothes that you were once trying to wring.
Out of nowhere, a tall and blue na’vi jumped out from behind the bushes, startling you. Well, jumping out wasn't really the term that you could use to describe it, more like ‘they peacefully walked out from behind of the bushes but it scared me and I nearly pissed myself.’ 
What was with people running up on you while you were trying to have some alone time today?
You panicked for a minute, scared that it was a male na’vi that was going for a little swim and that was about to walk in on you half naked. So by reflex, you threw whatever you had in hand and onto them. Though you only had your wet clothes, and the wet sound of your clothes sploshing against their face resonated throughout the whole area.
You winced audibly at the force that you had sent your wet clothes, feeling a little bad for whoever was behind the wet stack of woollen clothes. Your guilt only tripled when you looked down at the na’vi, the obvious pair of breasts behind the feathers that hid them indicated to you that it was no man. You stayed in your spot for a second as the victim of your accidental assault brought a hand up to their face, sliding the mess off of their face. 
Your eyes widened like saucers when you were met with the sight of your old best friend. The voice box that resided in your throat failed you for what seems like the 6th time today as you opened your mouth to tell her something, remaining voiceless like a fish out of water. Zeppi seemed obviously shocked as well, her ears raised and her pupils dilated as she stared at you. 
She couldn’t help the loud resonating of her laughter as she replayed the scene in her head. The sight of your terrified face as you first spotted you, before her vision got engulfed by an uncomfortable darkness. You wanted to laugh too, but the feeling of embarrassment and discomfort was too overwhelming. There was no need to say that the scene was truly funny, but you also couldn’t deny that the person that stood besides you had lied to you, despite being the only person you could rely on back then. 
Zeppi noticed the obvious switch in your mood as she stood on the dry grass. She quickly fiddled with her own clothes, leaving them dry unlike yours on the shore. You knew that you couldn’t just keep on staring into her yellow eyes until someone decided to make a move, so you decided to be the bigger person and apologize first. 
“I’m sorry for,” you brought your hands up as they splash water slightly around, turning your hands in front of your own face to mimic what you wanted to say. “Whatever just happened…” your voice faltered, dying of embarrassment. Zeppi only laughed at your antics, showing you that she didn’t take it to heart. 
“You don’t have to apologize for anything, matter of fact you could’ve thought that I was a big bad predator!” she brought her hands towards her mouth, making some weird sound as she mimicked fangs that she already did have. You groaned at her attempt to tease you, snickering slightly after. 
“If anyone should be apologizing, then it should be me,” she trailed off, shame written all over her face. She knew that you turning your face away from her should've discouraged her, but she was too resilient to even think of giving up. “I should’ve never kept that from you, it should’ve never even been a secret in the first place!” 
You sighed, looking at the way that the water rippled as the both of your bodies moved in the pond. “But you still lied to me, Zeppi, and no amount of apology will take that away,” you muttered and her ears visibly deflated at your words. She was such a nice girl, the first ever person that had learned to accept you. Despite the Sully kids taking you in their little group, she was always someone out of that little circle that had been nice to you. Zeppi had taught you countless things, and you just couldn’t keep on resenting her for something that you had already gotten a clear explanation on. 
“I guess that I can learn to forgive you, because I know that you’re sincere,” Zeppi snapped her eyes towards you, her tail swaying wildly behind her. An upside down smile graced her face, looking at you for confirmation before she threw herself into your arms. The sheer force of her embrace sent the both of you staggering, and her arms wrapped themselves from the top of your shoulders as her hands rested on the small of your back. Your size difference was insane, your head ending up on her stomach as you hugged her back. 
She pulled back slightly, her larger palms resting on your bare shoulders as she beamed at you. Her smile was just as contagious as in the rumours, and soon enough you had found yourself laughing along with her. 
“If it makes you feel any better, I've never loved Neteyam! Never even looked at him in such a way, and I'm sure that his eyes were too busy trailing over a little someone else to even notice me.” she rambled and you held back a chuckle as you watched the taller girl get lost in her nonsense. Your heart fluttered at her subtle mention of Neteyam being hooked on you. “My own heart beats for someone else,” she says shyly and you turnt your head to the side in puzzlement. 
Who could be the lucky person that the omaticaya’s golden girl had finally chosen? It was no secret that she was well sought amongst the forest na’vi, but she had never shown any interest in anyone until now? 
“You’ll tell me when I come back tomorrow, I'm afraid of getting sliced and diced by a viperwolf if I stay until it’s dark!” you laughed, moving from your spot and you picked up your damp clothes from the shore. There was residue of dirt stuck onto it, but you didn’t want to enter a laboratory full of men with nothing but underwear on. So dirty cloth it shall be. It sort of contradicted the reason as to why you even came to the pond, but oh well.
“I better see you as a tall, blue na’vi the next time my eyes lay onto you! I’m counting on you.” Zeppi yelled once more as your figure diminished from her field of view. The girl sighed contentedly, sinking deeper into the cool waters of the pond one last time. 
Zeppi ran back home with the biggest grin on her delicate features. Her smile was so big that her own mother feared she would rip her face in her half if she continued for any longer. She hopped her way to her tent, spreading joy amongst the gloomy na’vi by her own joyous presence itself. 
How could she not be happy? She had just reunited with her long-lost best friend. Her heart throbbed with many emotions, those that she could not even confine to her own family because she feared their reactions. She was over the clouds because of your forgiveness, even though reluctant. She felt for you however, because she knew that you were still hurting because of what had happened with your past lover.
She knew that deep down, even with the blessing of your forgiveness, there would always be a part of you that would pain because of their lies. No matter how much you understood why they did it, no matter how much you tried to rid yourself of these unwanted thoughts. Zeppi shook her head, trying to shake the bad thoughts away. She smiled again as her sharp canines poked through the space between her opened lips. 
She walked back to the high camp confidently, her hips swaying in beat with her tail as she sauntered. Her glimpse of joy had gotten rudely interrupted as someone had grabbed onto her arm, making her yelp loudly. She turned around abruptly to face whoever it was, her tail stuck in between her legs in a hostile way. Her eyebrow bones furrowed in perplexity as she was met with the sight of the eldest Sully girl. Sure they were not necessarily the bestest of friends, probably ones to have a conversation only when needed. 
The sight of Kiri holding onto her confused her to no end. “You may want to come see what’s happening,” Kiri said, adding no further explanation whatsoever as she dragged the other girl towards a big crowd. Similar to the one of the time where you had been intercepted by her father, and Zeppi cringed at the painful memory of watching you get dragged around by the elders in front of everyone. 
Her plans of informing Neteyam about her conversation were now completely thrown out of the window, mainly because when she arrived on sight, the same exact boy was standing before the whole clan. Kiri could only pray to the All-Mother that her brother would not do anything stupid, for he was never known for anything of such. 
His hand was raised before his people, as though one raising his cup full of confessions as he made a toast. His ears were upright as he showed no signs of anguish standing here before so many na’vi. Or so he liked to make himself believe. Neteyam made a call for the omaticaya clan, his voice loud and clear above the din. The crowd of people eventually calmed down, turning their impatient eyes towards the Sully that stood before them. 
His nerves racked painfully as he feared their reactions, rightfully so, but he wouldn’t allow himself to show them. He’d show them the brave and outgoing Neteyam that they had always known and loved. 
“I….” he started, but his confidence seemed to have vanished along the way. Eywa, he cursed himself for getting discouraged so early, what happened to his previous devotion? He had gassed himself up for 20 whole minutes in his head, and he was cowering now? His sharp eyes scanned the crowd, pupils dilating in delight as he spotted Zeppi and Kiri amongst the crowd. Lo’ak stood not too far away from them, and he just knew that his brother would be so proud of him for standing up for himself at once. 
“I’m here to make things clear, that I will not keep this alliance between Tarsem’s daughter and I going.” he finally said in a clear tone, and the said family’s ears raised in bewilderment. On one hand, Zeppi couldn’t help but be both thankful and proud of Neteyam for being the one to do the first step. For they both lived in a loveless arrangement, their hearts lying in other people’s hands. Tarsem however, was not as understanding as Neteyam had wished for him to be.
What was Neteyam implying by this, that his daughter wasn’t good enough for him? Then it clicked inside of his head, his braids waving around as he visibly shook from anger. Neteyam was breaking things off publicly with his daughter for that demon. 
It was borderline insulting to him at how Neteyam could just break this betrothal off so easily before everyone. And when his nerves took the better of him, his wife was quick to calm him down. Tarsem’s ears flickered backwards as she restrained him, a steady hand placed upon his chest as she prevented him from approaching the young man. She was Zeppi’s mother after all, and a mother knows all. Just like she knows that Zeppi would not have been happy if she had truly ended up mating with Neteyam, so she believed that this was for the best.
Neytiri’s tail flickered wildly behind her at her eldest son’s statement. Had Neteyam really lost his mind? Was he really about to give up everything that was built for him for the past 18 years just for a foreign girl? Though when she thought about it deeper, your relationship truly reminded her of her very own.
She had risked everything that was thrown upon her after the death of her sister. She had abandoned her betrothed for the one that her heart had frankly beaten for. She couldn’t blame Neteyam for breaking away from a loveless arrangement, but it didn’t mean that Neytiri wasn’t upset nevertheless. She was happy that Neteyam was standing up for his love, but did he really have to cause a whole scene before the entire clan? 
Eywa, the whole of Pandora seemed to have been against Neteyam as of recently. At first, his clan and mother failed to accept his lover, then came their separation, and now no one was taking his words seriously. He was out and tired of living under other people’s rules, may it be his father or mother’s too. Neteyam thirsted to rebel for the first time in his life, ever since he had been born and deemed the perfect son. He was tired of having his whole life planned out for him, he wanted to be the one that held the marking stone in his life plan for once. 
Though as of now, there was nothing that he could do to calm the crowd. Not as the future Olo’eyktan, and certainly not as the young teen that everyone still saw him as. 
Zeppi turned around to meet the gaze of the Sully sister, but to her misfortune, she was no more by her side. Instead, one of her closest friend was; Lo’ak. The both of them suddenly turned to each other in their alarmed states. Everything was going to absolute shit. The people were up-roaring and neither the Neytiri or Tarsem seemed particularly pleased by Neteyam’s sudden outburst. Lo’ak watched as his brother stood lost between the crowd, his tail moving in circular motions as he tried to calm the people. 
This was not what he had expected when he had decided to express the afiliation he still felt for you out in the open. It’s not like he had expected joyful cheering of encouragement, but he had sure as hell had not expected this. Zeppi looked back at Lo’ak and her heart did backflips as she spotted that familiar smirk plastered upon his face. She tried so hard to retain the eye roll that had inconveniently slipped by her.
That smirk of his resembled his father’s when he had been younger, and although none of them had been even born to witness it, they all knew that it sparked no good sense. “You know what we must do to obtain the attention from the all-so golden son?” the sully boy snickered as he raised his eyebrows tentatively at the girl before him. 
Zeppi rolled her eyes once more at the boy as she understood what he meant at the first try, but a single look at the poor, distressed Neteyam was enough to change her mind. She turned back to Lo’ak before muttering a quick ‘‘make sure it works before i skin you.’’ 
Lo’ak’s eyebrows raised in bewilderment as she actually accepted his stupid idea, in order to save his own brother from the unwanted attention. Plus some heed from the clan wouldn’t do any bad to the youngest Sully son. He brought two of his fingers together, pressing them in an ‘O’ shape as he placed them carefully beneath his tongue.
The shrill tune of his whistle was enough to distract the people from their bickering, and redirect their attention to the two teens. Zeppi felt her blood running cold as her father observed her with narrowed eyes, but she told herself that it was for a good cause. Jake shot him a knowing look, tilting his head in a hostile way as he silently demanded for his son to retain himself from whatever foolish action he was about to commit in front of the whole omaticaya clan. 
He looked straight into Tarsem’s eyes as his wrath turned its aim towards the young man. He watched carefully as Lo’ak’s hands wrapped around his own daughter's waist, pulling her flushed onto his body as he caught her midway into a searing kiss. Tarsem’s and Neytiri both gasped audibly at their children’s actions and Kiri and Jake could only shake their heads from the sidelines. There was just as much platonic love between those two as there was between Zeppi and Neteyam, but they just had to suck it up for the sake of the future Olo’eyktan. For, it was just a simple little innocent kiss.
It didn’t last more than two seconds, but it was enough to startle the crowd from their previous bickering. He unlatched himself from the girl, his hand still resting in the crevice of her waist as he taunted the older man that stared daggers at him and his own daughter. His blood ran cold as Neteyam just stared dumbly at the both of them, standing still in his spot like a tree firmly rooted to the soil. 
Lo’ak shot a subtle annoyed look at his oblivious older brother, signalling him to leave as he distracted their people. Neteyam’s ears raised in astonishment at his brother’s sacrifice (for, he was about to get his ass whooped once they all got back home) and discreetly made a run for it. 
Though he failed to escape the keen eyes of his grandmother, The all great Tsahik. She saw everything, and she knew everything through Eywa’s will. 
Mo’at knew that there was no reason to keep her grand-son away from the sky person that he had fallen so deeply for. Not like she even could if she wanted to, because she knew her grandson like the back of her hand, and she had heard of Eywa’s plans for them anyways. She watched through her piercing yellow eyes as he slipped through the crowd, making a call for his mountain banshee, Seze. 
Mo’at rubbed a hand deeply over her face as she tried to soothe her own frown, because she knew that after this, there was a way bigger crowd of frowns that required her help to soothe. She feared that the father of Zeppi would most likely kill Lo’ak himself if Neytiri hadn’t already. Though when she turned around, she was met with the sight of an empty ground and the sight of some very disappointed parents ahead. 
Once you got back to the lab, you shivered from the sudden gust of cold air that blew past your back. The air conditioner did not mix well with the damp clothes that stuck uncomfortably to your body and you were sure that if you didn’t jump in a warm shower right now, you’d die of sickness. The weird looks that you received while entering with your dirtied clothes did not make you feel welcomed in any type of way.
Your injuries burnt as your shirt pressed down against your cuts and growing bruises. Lord knows what kind of infection you’ll receive from those if you don't get them treated anytime soon. The lab was getting noisier and noisier as dinner time approached, and you could spot Norm and Max from afar. Though you didn’t catch on to the communication device that norm had around the throat, his fingers pressing along the buttons as he ended a conversation. 
Strangely, he was in his avatar. You shrugged it off as he probably went out to get some samples, and going out as a human was very dangerous. You and your numerous injuries would know that as of now. Max had been the first to spot you, getting up from his chair in the dinner hall as he waved at you. 
“Ey’ little one, I've gotta job for you,” Norm started, placing his hands upon your shoulder as he pushed you the other way around. You grunted as he pushed his fingers into the flesh of your shoulders and you shrugged his hands off of you. 
“After I've had a shower,” you started walking away towards your cabin. “And a good shoulder massage too.” 
Norm quite literally rushed after you, blocking your passage as you rolled your eyes at him. Dear lord, give yourself some strength before you beat the scientist up right now. You clearly remember not having written 'Please disturb me!’ in bold on your forehead, so why was everybody doing so?
“Just give me a second to explain myself, then I'll let you go!” Norm promised, giving you that sincere look of his. You guessed that a couple more minutes of your time really wouldn’t cost you your life, so why not. You tilted your head to the side, now becoming your signature move for saying; carry on. 
He reestablished his shoulder pushing, directing you towards the avatar program lab. Your suspicions were risen to the top but you’d allow him to explain himself before going off for nothing. Norm had made a promise to the very fed up Jake earlier through his throat mic and he would make you leave in that avatar vessel on this night even if it meant getting his hands bloody. Well he wouldn’t go that far. Maybe. 
Jake was a close friend of his, even if they hadn’t necessarily started on a good foot. It’s been 15 years ever since the great massacre of the home tree and Norm had watched Jake and his little family grow, watching as Neteyam was presented to the clan as well as his first steps on this vicious planet. 
“I need you to go out and fetch some samples for me, and you’re not leaving like this at night.” he said, sounding like a father scolding his daughter for wearing a slutty dress on a night out. You raised an eyebrow at his oddly fatherly tone before it clicked in your brain. Norm was asking you to go out in your avatar. 
“You know what I vowed to myself,” Norm shook his head at your stubbornness and he sighed unimpressed as you began walking away from him again. Though he wouldn’t allow you to, he could only owe Jake and his family so much after everything that they had lived through together. If you did not know of the reasons why he would ask you such a demand for now, you’d sure as hell find out later. 
“And you broke that exact vow like what, twice?!” Norm beamed, and you shot him a distasteful look. Really? Norm was really asking you all of this while he was in his avatar? Why couldn’t he do it himself? So many questions ran wild in your mind, but you kept them from the scientist. Max would always reprimand you when you would speak back to Norm, telling you that he knew what he was doing and that you always had to listen to him. 
“Third time’s the charm!” you chirped humorlessly. 
“Please,” he pleaded “I’ll do anything in return for you!” you cursed yourself for actually considering his demand. After all, how could you deny one of the men that had raised you when your own paternals had not? You sighed from all of the day’s exhaustion, it seemed like you could not catch a rest at all as long as you stood on the lands of Pandora. After securing your message and 3 months free of chores from the older man, you were ready to embark on the adventure that Norm had in reserve for you. 
It was painfully humiliating to re-enter your avatar’s consciousness after pledging so many times that it was the last. Though there was no one around to poke fun at you for it right now, you’d just hurry and get it over with. You grabbed your satchel before leaving, repeating over and over again the name of whichever plant it was that Norm had told you to get. The photo that he had shown you from his iPad was engraved in your brain from how many times he had shown it. 
Watching you leave the lab doors brought foreign feelings up into Norm’s chest, like watching your daughter leave for good as she moves on to her own life. He knew damn well that after tonight, you would be changed, a part of you would not be the same as it once was. Though he knew it would be positive changes, he dwells on the fact that you’re soon to start a seperate part of your own life. 
He tries not to feel too bad about it, instead laughing it off with Max about the fake image of the flower that he had shown you. Maybe if you had taken the proper time to actually observe the picture well, you would’ve noticed the obvious photoshop. Norm grinned to himself, only wishing for Jake’s plan to be successful.
Stupid, idiotic Norm. Couldn’t he have gone to fetch his own sample in his own damned na’vi body. Here you were now, in plain sight in the middle of  eclipse as you scavenged for a singular plant for what seemed to be ages. The image that Norm had shown you was starting to get blurry in your brain as time went by, and you were really considering going back to the lab and calling quits for today. 
Though the further you walked into the forest, the closer you seemed to be getting to an open land area. You couldn’t really see it clearly due to the bushes that blocked its entrance, but you knew better than to be noisy while approaching an unknown territory.
The endless adventures that you had lived within the trees in the vast forest had taught you loads, and you knew better than anyone else that predators were hiding from every inch of the woodland. A na’vi’s hearing is known to be just about 4 times better than a human’s hearing, so the obvious wing flapping that could be heard by just about anyone didn't fail to go noticed by you. 
it was useless to try and fight whoever had ambushed you, because you were just about weaponless. Thought your physical strength had grown ever since you had started training, and muscles had even started rippling upon your body. You could only wish that whoever was there was not some taekwondo master of some sorts, because then your muscles would have been rendered useless.
Seze, Neteyam’s ikran was who you had first recognized as you had turned around. It was very obvious to you as to who was the rider, because ikran’s are loyal to only their tamer during their whole life period. His ikran swooshed up dust particles as it settled down on the floor, and now you could properly see the na’vi. 
“How did you find me, here specifically out of anywhere else?” Neteyam pointed towards your beloved ikran, staying silent as he dismounted his own. Shit, you cursed yourself, his ikran must’ve followed the scent of your own all the way until here. 
Though Neteyam’s quiet presence was not what you had desired at the moment, there was really no way of forcing him to go back home. This was the forest, not some private property that you could banish him of. 
Apart from that, that weird clearing that you had spotted earlier was still itching a spot deep into your brain, and if you didn’t explore how, then when would you? You grabbed Neteyam’s hand into yours as you grabbed him towards the area, since he was here, he might as well be of use in case you get attacked by some creature of any sorts. 
Silence is all that lingers between the both of you as you usher him towards the weird scene. Between the longing stare that he subtly sends you, there’s no words exchanged between the both of you. An acrid smell fills both of your nostrils as you pass through the leaves that were used as what it seems like restraints to the zone. 
The burnt grass felt weird and ashy under your feet, leaving a residue of sticky ashes on your skin the more you walked through the area. Neteyam followed shortly after you, dark ashes tainting his dark blue skin. 
He knelt down to ground, bringing his middle and index down to rub against the dried up residue. The ashes spread along his fingers as he brought them up to his nose, sniffing deeply the powdered substance. Neteyam scrunched up his features at the odd smell, researching the power through his developed odora. He could tell that the place had been devastated from weeks before, but by who? And why had nothing regrown or advanced yet? 
There’s an odd patch of lively green grass and moss in the middle of the area, and everything just gets more confusing as the both of you advance towards the centre. The sight was sort of eerie at first, but you soon grew to enjoy the peaceful silence. 
“This is the most romantic place that you found to pour your heart out to me?” you placed your hand hovering your heart, allowing yourself to joke around with the na’vi boy. Neteyam gave you a toothy grin, chucking at your teasing. He turned his face away from you, allowing himself to really bask in the views of this place. He stood up from his kneeling stance, moving on stable legs towards you. 
The both of you stood in what seemed to be a circle of chaos. There was no vegetation that surrounded the both of you, only dried and burnt up grass that blew off with every brush of the breeze. The trees were black from being burnt by whoever had decided to assault this beautiful part of the forest. 
Neteyam tried to move forward towards you, before his foot got stabbed by something on the ground. He threw his hands up in the air rather ungratefully, jumping on one leg as the other sent painful spiky receptions throughout his whole body. You brought a hand to your mouth in an attempt to stiffen your laughter, crouching down before his assaulter as he kept on overdramatizing his injury. 
At your eyesight stood a little growing plant, and you were about to bash him for overreacting his pain. You brought a finger to touch the baby plant, and to your surprise, the growing tree was not soft like you had expected it to be. It pricked your finger softly as you touched it, and you immediately retracted your whole arm back towards you.
Just what exactly was this place? Last thing you remember, there was no warning of a raid or any news about the aftermath of it. So why did you seem to have arrived on a dead man’s land, and why had the Great-Mother guided the both of you to it?
“Listen,” Neteyam’s back is turnt to you now, the only sight that you received was the one of his toned back. You’d love to complain about it, but why even would you when he looked this good? Even during this moment of vulnerability that he has, he’s still just as attractive as he is when he’s fully confident about himself. “I’m sorry, and again I know that a simple apology won’t fix everything that has been happening over the past few weeks.” 
He paused as he looked at you for confirmation. He had expected you to lash at him or to cut him off like you had done numerous of times before, but your focused silence was something that he had not expected and somehow that had grounded him. It gave him the courage to advance, stepping closer and closer towards you. 
“I’m sorry for everything that has happened, I'm sorry for not believing in you when I know that I should've. I trust you with my whole life Y/N, and I’m sorry that I haven't been showing that to you recently.” he apologised for what seemed like the 100th time and now your silence was starting to become unsettling for him. He sighed, probably making a fool out of himself as he spoke for nothing. For, you had no reasons to forgive him, but he was hanging onto a thin thread of hope that you would. 
“I want to stay mad at you forever, for as long as your lungs continue to pump air even!” you yelled, throwing your hands up in the air like a lunatic woman. Neteyam’s eyes widened comically at your historical state, but he was scared to approach you because even with his incredible nocturnal vision, he couldn’t properly see the spiky tree of earlier times. 
You were standing at your full height now, no more crouching before the little plant that had pricked the both of you. His silly fear of the prickly plant had now dissipated as he got lost in your words. They swivelled around his brain and filled his heart with even more ambition. 
“But I know that my heart will always continue to beat for you and no one else, and it hurts just a little when you’re not around,” you teased him, making a ‘little bit’ hand sign to him. It felt like a mountain of worries had just been lifted off Neteyam's shoulders from your playful sentence and relief was written all over his face. 
Neteyam made you feel like you were living, and not just existing. 
“So you forgive me?” he mumbled, full of hope. 
You pretended to think about it for a second, bringing a hand to your chin as you mocked him playfully. There’s another wave of silence that enveloped the both of you and you thought that Neteyam looked a little too serious at the moment. Poor boy just doesn’t know when to let go. 
His intentions were clearer than the pond water that you had bathed in earlier as he approached you with big steps. He seemed almost impatient as he now stood nose to nose with you, one of his hands brushing the hairs behind your head. His touch sent goosebumps to your arms, and you were sure that the little hairs on your arms were standing straight from his touch. 
“I cannot wait for us to do tsaheylu, because then i know that you will not run away from me again.” you flushed because he was already thinking that far ahead. Though usually you would’ve responded with some sort of self deprecating cooment, this time you had simply accepted it. You accepted that Neteyam found you worthy of being his mate instead of arguing with him about how you were some 5 fingered freak that didn’t even have a stable body. 
He was unrelenting, and if he truly did find you unworthy then he wouldn’t have chased you all the way here into this clearing. If indulging in the boy you loved so much despite your differences meant being selfish, then you would gladly take the abhorring title. 
“You sound like you’re trying to baby trap me,” you snickered, using an expression that you had seen on the web that was traditionally used upon the humans on earth. 
“I’m what?” he shook his head, unfamiliar with those strange human tones. God, even his accent was enough to send shivers down your spine. 
“I'm not trying to actually trap you,” he frowned and you only looked at him with a funny look on your face. 
You couldn’t quite pinpoint how much time it had been since you had been staring into his warm amber eyes, but there was a new kind of look that graced his eyes, and you couldn’t even decipher it even if you truly wanted to. There was a mixture of yearning with an accompaniment of want. 
His eyes captured the entirety of your face, from the way that your eyes were doing the exact same thing to him, or the way that your lips looked so inviting. The sudden feeling of his lips against yours was grounding and you had not even had the time to even properly even close your eyes before he had moved. 
The feeling felt rewarding, considering that you both had been waiting for reconciliation after so long. You melted into the kiss, tilting your head to the sides as you allowed yourself to indulge in him. His hands travelled from places to places on your body, starting from the crevice of your neck as they trailed downwards to hold you tightly by the waist. 
Yours were too busy keeping your stable upon his chest. Your knees felt weak from the pure impact that this boy had on you and you were glad that his grip was keeping you standing. The both of you pulled away when air became a necessity, or else you were sure that you could’ve kept going until sunrise and back at it again until sunset. 
Neteyam panted lightly as he recollected himself, laughing softly against your mouth at the both of your tiredness. The feeling of fullness invaded your mind from being so close to your lover after so long, and tight now close just wasn’t close enough. 
“R-right here? I thought you said that it wasn’t romantic enou-“ he panicked, scared that your desires were overpowering your judgement. He didn’t want you to wake up the next morning and be disappointed at what had happened, or even worse, at him. 
You only laughed at his distressed state, Your hand was resting on his heart as you could feel its fast paced pulse. “I’d let you take me at the old shack if it meant being able to be with you, Neteyam” 
“Closer, with you.” you pulled out your queue from the back of your head, the bundle of nerves firmly protected by your long braided hair. He could see your fangs sneaking past your lips as you smiled at him, and who was he to refuse that adoring smile of yours? 
He pulled out his own braid, not hesitant but leisurely. There was no sign of a want for doubling back as you lowered your tendrils towards his, the pink nerves desperately wavering around for something to latch onto. Once they found his, the both of you were hit with a wave of euphoria.
Nothing could compare to the feeling of tsaheylu, and you now understood why it was spoken so highly of. No amount of highs could make you feel as connected or full as you felt while connected to your mate, and you could feel every single part of him. You could feel his ragged breathing, or the way his stomach recoiled with nerves as he stared at you. 
There was something so deep about queue bonding, and it was not  just the fact that Neteyam and you were actual mates now. No it was the intense feeling of love and lust that you could not conceal, and soon his lips had found you again in a passionate bruising. The yearning and want that Neteyam felt earlier was 10 times stronger now, and you could feel it too. 
Wandering hands and starving mouths fed themselves amongst the other, basking in the feeling of the other for as long as the sun was away. May it be true that this place was not as beautiful as the normal na’vi mating grounds, but your love required no astonishing background for the both of you to function. All you needed was the two of you and your wavering hearts and that was just about enough. 
Warm sun rays enveloped your vision, despite your eyes being shut close. The bright light passed through your closed eyelids, forcing you to painfully pry them open as you awoke from your slumber. There was not a single sound around you in the forest, from where you laid on a bed of moss. 
The moss felt so comfortable, so inviting as you felt yourself drifting back to unconsciousness. The feeling of euphoria was still running thick through your veins and a new smile graced itself on your soft features. You felt someone shifting besides you, a pair of arms caging you protectively in their embrace. 
Wait, moss? The last thing you remembered was falling asleep on a tiny patch of barely grown grass, next to the tiniest growing tree. Your eyes swaggered over the whole area as you face was still smushed against Neteyam’s torso. 
The chest that served as your pillow was firm and warm and you couldn’t help yourself but to dig your face further into it. Your personal warmer grunted as you applied force to his torso, going silent once more as he fell back into slumber. It had been so long since the both of you had gotten sleep this good, and you blessed tsaheylu for allowing this sense of comfort from one body to another.  
Warmth spread all over your body, from your face that was still busy basking in the sun, to the odd feeling of heat that laid over your back. Confusion and concern overtook your senses as Neteyam could feel it through the bond, his amber eyes peeling open reluctantly. There was a solid moment that passed by before any of you made a move, before you decided to sit up. A weird feeling of coarse hair and a warm body sliding off of you made chills raise up your spine, sitting up further in an alarmed way.
Neteyam followed shortly after you as he shoved an arm protectively around your waist, urging you closer to him. You couldn’t tell if your heart was fluttering from his romantic action or if it fluttered from fear of the viperwolf family that had been sleeping back to back with you. You watched with fright as the mother woke up from her slumber, stretching her paws out towards her cubs as she failed to notice you both at first. 
Neteyam felt your fear, a primal feeling in him awakening the need to protect you above all. The both of you had no weapons other than your bare fists, but he was a strong warrior after all. His shuffled movements sent awareness towards the mom and her cubs, waking them all up in one go. The light blue creature stared at you first, eyes voided of any fear as she softly grunted at you, then its eyes moved towards Neteyam. 
It happened faster than the both of you could even acknowledge it, and soon enough the whole family were left running away from the sight of the warrior. Baffled, the both of you could only stare at the way in which the viperwolves ran away, before the both of you burst into laughter. You turned your head to throw him a ‘what in the hell just happened’ kind of look, but he was already staring at you. 
Your smile faltered as his eyes made way across your features, but it didn’t mean that you were no longer happy. The complete opposite of that. You watched as his eyes scanned your nose, then back to staring straight into your eyes. Neteyam held eye contact with you for a couple of seconds before his eyes dipped towards your lips. Your mouth was slightly agape as you stared back at him, and he leaned down to seal your mouths in a soaring kiss. 
Eyes closed and ears laid back, you both enjoyed each other for a while before pulling away. His heart was beating so much faster than yours, and you could feel it through your bond. You could feel everything just as you had yesterday, you could feel his heart that still pulsated swiftly for you as it had done the previous night. 
“I told you that you had a connection with the Great-Mother.” he referred to the strange encounter with the viperwolves, and you shrugged knowingly. It had made sense to you from the minute your mother had told you of the absence of a biological father, but you wished not to jump to conclusions back then. One of his hands moved up to tuck the a stray braid that framed your face. 
“Look around you, ma Neteyam.” he flushed at the loving name, but executed your demand right after. His eyes widened at the scenery besides the both of you. How was this even possible? Just about last night, Neteyam had been rubbing his fingers over the ashes that engulfed this dead land. Now upon your awakening, the place looked as though a wonderland from any human fairy tail movie. 
The freshly grown grass ran along the whole area, and short trees were still growing to their full potential. Neteyam looked back at you finally, not quite believing what had happened around the both of you while you were sleeping. Surely it must’ve been a sign of some sorts from the All-Mother, because there was no natural explanation for this. 
Your braids laid between the both of you, tendrils still intertwined strongly together. You brought a hand up to pull amongst yours, disconnecting them against your own will and the dissatisfied grunt of Neteyam. “We must go back, your family will start to worry for you,” you stated, acknowledging the fact that the both of you had awakened later than any other na’vi usually did. 
The both of you were too busy in your peaceful slumbers to even bother waking up, if it hadn’t been for the blinding sunlight and the viperwolf jumpscare that you had both received. You looked up to a clearing within the thick leaves of the trees that surrounded you as you noticed a flock of ikrans flying above the both of you. The forest was just waking up, and so had the both of you before any of you manage to get busted by a wandering thanator.
“For us,” Neteyam corrected you, and you tilted your head in confusion. “They will be worried for us.” he said, making your fangs stick out as you grinned at him. He leaned in to give you one last peck, before standing up and dusting himself. Like the gentleman that he had been raised to be, he helped you up with little to no effort.  
The way back home was endearing. Since the both of you had missed so much time together due to everything that was going on priorly, you made it your task to catch up while going back home. The forest welcomed you back into its embrace, and oh how amazing it felt to be back home. To be back in the body that you loved so much. 
Entering the village meant receiving the numerous prying stares, but Neteyam had vowed to you that he didn’t not mind yesterday. He had promised you that it was something that he would go through if it meant being with you. So he took it with pride, clasping your hand in his tightly for everyone to see. His back was straight, head up high as he walked besides you. 
You felt more confident then you had ever done in your years of walking on the lands of this clan. You were mated now, and if they wanted to kick you out, then they’d have to kick Neteyam out too. No one dared to mess with Neteyam, because he was their future Olo’eyktan but most importantly the current Olo’eyktan’s son. It was immoral to do so and only a fool could oppose Neteyam. 
It felt as though you were reborn as one of them, walking through their lands like you were one of them. But you were, and Neteyam had made it his duty to remind you of it every second yesterday. 
You didn’t quite understand why they called it ‘the walk of shame’ until you had to walk to Neteyam’s family tent. Where inside you knew that his entire family was waiting for the both of you, and it was obvious that two young adults left alone in the forest at night would do a little more than just discussing. 
lo’ak had been the first to spot you, much to your misfortune. A knowing smirk was plastered on his face as he looked between the two of you. He just couldn’t wait two more minutes to tease his older brother and he had no shame in doing it before his family. Tuk was quick to follow behind him, simply happy to see her family coming back. 
Lo’ak threw a hand over Neteyam’s shoulder, glancing at him from the with that taunting smile. 
“You are a man now, brother! Keep the babies for later, Tuk is already too much.” his older brother ignored him, only rolling his eyes as Tuk yelled at Lo’ak for his remark. He flinched pathetically as the little girl yelled at him, afraid of her wrath because she resembled their mother a little too much. And damn had he received a punishment from Neytiri after that stunt that he had pulled just the previous night. 
“He has been a man for a long time now.” Kiri stepped in and Neteyam’s cheeks flared at her remark. She referred to the one time that she had caught him sneaking out at night, a little after your relationship had been made public. You brought a hand up to your mouth to stifle your laughter.
Jake and Neytiri didn’t bother getting up from their spots, instead they awaited you from inside the tent. The scent of fresh fruits was almost overwhelming and you felt yourself begin to crave for the sweet delicacy. You scrunched up your nose as the sugary smell invaded your senses. There was a curt moment where Neteyam had laughed at your antics, before grabbing your hand to pull you inside. 
Neytiri had a knife in hand, and for a second you feared that she would cut you in the throat if she knew that you had mated with her son. Though she noticed the way you were dying the food with so much want, she invited the both of you to sit besides her and Jake. 
The air was not stiff like it usually was and their home was clear of any tension for the first time while you sat in it. It felt so gratifying to be able to have a normal meal with Neteyam’s family without Neytiri trying to pull the both of you apart. You were quick to dive into the platter full of a variety of fruits, holding yourself back from completely assaulting that platter because you still did have manners. 
Neteyam sat beside you, his stomach rumbling but he failed to do anything about it. He just couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You mesmerised him in a way that he couldn’t explain, and all you were doing was eating a bowl full of fruits. he felt like he was in one of those corny romantic movies that Norm used to show his little siblings, where the main character was so enamoured by their love interest that the world around them just goes deaf to their ears.
Though Jake just had to ruin that.
Neteyam’s ears flicker at the sound of his father’s voice calling out for him, and he reluctantly snapped out of his in-love stance. His eyes move towards his mother first, who is quiet but she’s smiling nevertheless at what his father must've said during his daydream. 
“I said you must eat, regain your forced from all that 
energy you’ve spent!” Jake teased his son in all the most fashionable Sully ways, and Neytiri hit him across the back of his head with the bottom of her palm. Dear lord, could anyone in this tent other than Tuk please just stop embarrassing the both of you. 
Neytiri rose from her silent state, as she got serious despite her former laughing form. “The future Tsahik cannot keep on detaching herself from her body to tend to another, she has to always be present.” your eyes widened and you nearly turnt your whole body towards your mate at his mothers words. She was considering you as their future Tsahik, Neytiri was acknowledging you in front of her whole family, 
Though she had no other choice now, because you had bonded with her son. You had so much more to learn about the roads on how to become a good Tsahik, but your strong connection with Eywa was already a good start. Neteyam however, looked like he had seen a ghost. His face was a little paler than usual, and he didn’t seem to be responding either.  
“You’re implying that…” he trailed off, looking for any sort of reconfort in his dad’s eyes. You quickly brought a hand over to squeeze his own, despite not knowing what he was so afraid of, your mate was clearly distressed and you couldn’t just stand there and watch him be. His ears flattened at your contact, his features softening slightly as he looked back on you. 
The sound of Lo’ak fake gagging from behind of you threw everyone out of whatever state Neytiri’s words had casted over you all, and he thanked his brother in some way. 
“She doesn’t have to, we'll discuss it later on.” Jake tried to soothe his son’s nerves, casting a warning look towards Neytiri so she does not open her mouth and frighten their eldest son once more. He knew that things were already stressful upon Neteyam’s shoulder, as they had always been, and he did not wish to stress his son furthermore on a day that he’s supposed to be enjoying. 
Nevertheless, breakfast was spent basking in the warmth of your now in-law family’s tent in the arms of your husband. You didn’t know what Neteyam was fearing so bad but you told yourself that you didn’t need to know for now, it could be discussed later on, as Jake had let it be known. 
For now, all you could be focused on was the piping hot meal that was served to you and Neteyam. He was clad in one of his best outfits, one that covered his torso fully, but he didn’t need to be half-bare to still be outstanding. You grabbed one of the teylu from your own plate, bringing it towards Neteyam as he looked at you in suspicion. 
“Cmon it’s going to fall!” you urged your mate, wiggling the worm before his face as though he was a puppy looking for a reward. Neteyam rolled his eyes playfully at your antics, opening his mouth as you shoved the teylu straight into his mouth. He gagged from surprise at first, his eyes widening at the dirty trick that you had played on him. Oh that’s how you were deciding to play? Then he could play that game too. 
Your ears flattened as you noticed him placing his wooden platter down, urging his body towards yours as he stood up. Eywa, you didn’t even have the time to put your own plate down as he ran after you, chasing you throughout the whole camp. Both of your laughter resonated around the camp and Mo’at watched from afar with pride at how far the both of you had reached. 
It didn’t take you both a lot of running and jumping to dodge a bunch of sitting logs before you had ran across a certain silent girl that you had learnt to be fond of. You stopped abruptly in your tracks, sending Neteyam nearly running into you. His arms caged your waist as he was sent to a sudden stop, holding your platter quickly in his hands before you could drop it. 
The incredulous look that he had on his face was like a reward and you leant forward to give him a quick peck on his cheeks as if asking for forgiveness. 
“I was looking for the both of you, I see you have finally found each other,” Zeppi said, a deep meaning in the simple words that she had spoken to the both of you. Her voice cut both of you off from whatever sappy romantic gesture that was going on. You eyed your best friend besides her, and you noticed how her eyes kept on flickering back and forth towards the taller girl besides her. 
Zuko, and how could you forget her. The girl that had taught you how to see without words. The same girl that had helped you when you were in desperate need and now the same exact girl that you had made your own personal mission in helping.
Helping her because Eywa were both oblivious. Standing in front of them was like standing before two awkward teens that had just confessed to each other, but that didn’t know what else was to ensure. 
God and it was painful to watch too, you couldn’t even imagine what it felt like to be any of them at that moment. Zuko was practically beaming purple as she looked at Zeppi, and you nudged your mate slightly in the stomach for him to look. 
The mute girl smiled at you, hesisting to hug you as you made the first step. It had been so, so long since you had last seen your best friend, and she had missed you loads. She had been spending more time with the daughter of Tarsem as of recently, Zeppi. It helped her to come clear with her own feelings, and her heart no longer ached as she saw you happily bonded forever now with Neteyam. 
Her heart sought someone else, stronger than it had for you. Because maybe she deemed that the both of you were soulmates, platonic soulmates. You were someone who had seen her when no one else did, and she had taught you to see in areas that you couldn’t. Though her feelings now fluttered for someone else, and she was sure of it. 
“And I see that so have you,” Neteyam added, making the both women flustered at their oblivious states. You snickered slightly, happy that everyone rejoiced all at once. You had promised the both of them that once you were done and over with your new duties, that all of you would go ikran racing together once more. Neteyam was the cockiest, affirming that he’d win again, and they all laughed at the memory of Neteyam winning a race that he wasn’t even part of.
“What are you thinking about?” Neteyam’s voice startled you, nearly making you drop your songcord. The new bead that had been added marked the new life that was offered to you and Neteyam, and it made you sentimental just to think about it. You couldn’t give him a verbal answer just yet, because you were afraid that you would burst into tears in that overwhelmed state of yours.
It was getting late at night, and the both of you had already moved all of your belongings into your new hut. Well all of Neteyam’s belongings, given that you had yet to go and fetch your things from the lab yet. The soft sounds of the crickets filled the void of noise between the both of you, filling in the comfortable silence. The only lights surrounding you both came from the soft moonlight, and your luminous freckles shone beautifully across your faces. 
You patted the grassy spot next to you, and Neteyam wasted no time getting seated besides you. His arm wrapped itself around your shoulders, bringing your head to lay comfortably against him. His nose scrunched up at the sweet smell of your perfume, one that you had made from crushing some sun lilies together into a liquid that you’d apply to your skin with your fingers. He felt so relaxed in your presence, like he was allowed to lay his guard down at anytime that you were near. 
He found comfort in you, being the person that he goes to everytime he feels like being vulnerable. And it worked in both ways, because that’s what being mated is like. 
You both had the life that you dreamed of and now your shared hut was awaiting your presence for the first night. It felt like a dream because you had never imagined that one day you’d finally be able to be freely happy with Neteyam. For as long as you remember, there always had to be some na’vi up your ass or trying to mess with your relationship and now that those times were over, you just felt so content. 
Content that Neteyam and you were getting the happy ending that you both deserved and content for the people that had helped you earn this life. You wouldn’t forget to go check up on Norm and Max tomorrow morning to let them catch up on everything, because they were family to you. 
You felt Neteyam’s calloused hands grip onto your chin, bringing you out of your daze. His eyes were full of love as he stared down at you, and just a year ago his stare would’ve been filled with annoyance or even distaste. The broken promises that he had once made to you were now granted but he had yet to make the biggest one yet. Though as you sit before each other, hearts full of adoration and futures empty for the both of you to write, he just can’t help but say it to you. 
“I promise to always give you all of my love.” Neteyam said, before crashing the both of your lips together in a passionate kiss. Your hands slivered over the back of his neck as you held him close to you, like he would disappear if you let go. There were little things that you both knew on this gigantic planet and you were still both so young, but the night was just as young and you couldn’t wait to spend the rest of your life with the man that had changed your life. For the better. 
Tags: @uwu-i-purple-you @love13tter @melsunshine @bratsuki @jyoungmom @ihonestlydontknowwhattonamethis @fanboyluvr @ashlatano7567 @laylasbunbunny @gabithefanwriter @alwaysandforever22 @jjkclub @koalalafications @doggyteam2028 @navs-bhat @miawastakens @innersuitcasehairdoscissors @peachinsomniac @hlhl99 @loakloverr @chucklefuvk @hellok1ttycake @tsuteysyawntu @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @idktbhloley @saltedcoffeescotch @kikookii @anxietydrogz @inluvwithneteyam @avatarmasterlistblog @doulcha @dreamergirljen @parrotpeggy @liasstarlight @ikaeryn @jdbxws @wheeeelys @lovedbychoi @neteyamsmate4life @liyahsocorro @simp4ff @ptsmplekaramele @myheartfollower @pinkpantheris @naynay2808 @szchaql @zoetrope1997
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pink-apollo · 2 years
Can I request for 141 with a reader who's only 18( platonic of course) and they were trained to be a soldier from a very young age so
Bonus points if the reader has daddy issues
This had me in the feels….
I hope this was okay??? And I hope gaz doesn’t seem too ooc. First time writing for him so😭😭
Warnings: mention of truama, young solider, parental issues, mentions of mental health
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💜Price has seen many things in his time of being in the task force. Has seen and been through things that no one should go through at any age.
💜The moment you join the task force he was well surprised but also worried to say the least. How could someone so young be here?? Is very protective of you. He knows you can protect your self and are capable of many things! But he just can’t fathom the idea of you dying because of him
💜It was never spoken nor mentioned how price had become a parental figure in your life. He’s seen you angry, loosing control because of the frustration. So he took it upon himself to be that figure, to be that parent. And I must say, he’s one hell of a dad
💜As very impressed of your marksman skills and had you often with him and gaz on missions
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🖤Sees himself in you a lot and it hurts him. How you just go quiet when on missions, dropping people left and right shakes him to the core at times. Will never admit that but will do his best for you to have a better life with the 141 task force
🖤He knows very little of your background but knows that it wasn’t easy. Fighting every day to just stay alive, barley sleeping, always on the move
🖤Although Simone is very protective of you, possibly a little more than price but in a brotherly way. Helps to show you how to keep your aim steady, breathing tactics, and how to be stealthy
🖤Isn’t very open with his past and bring up, but he’ll tell a little for you so you don’t feel alone like him. Nothing better than relating traumas with one another
(It’s actually very therapeutic and to feel like you’re not the only one who’s going through or have been through something, just clarify)
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(With the heigh comparison to ghost, is soap a short king? Or am I tripping?)
❤️Was unsure how to handle you joining 141. Wasn’t against the idea of you joining at all, but felt sad. It takes a lot to join the squad and to see you in your gear standing before them made him go cold
❤️Honestly did scare him at one point and soap wasn’t sure how to feel about it but shook it off only knowing how you felt was much worse. Took it upon himself to engage with you everyday so you felt less lonely and more like a team
❤️Soap has read some of your profile and knows how back at home you were trained to be a solider. Thinks that is more than enough to traumatize a child but here you are. Standing tall with a look of death in your eyes
❤️Honestly likes having you around. If anything, Soap had been the one to break you out of your shell along side gaz too! Is blown away by your humor and loves to hear your witty remarks
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💕Gaz honestly thought with how you handled yourself was in your 20’s. How you spoke with absolute might in your voice, taking orders like a pro without asking questions, overall a typical well trained solider. Only to find out…you were only 18
💕Was quite curious of you and tried his best to befriend you without annoying you like soap had done before. Of course he meant well but sometimes can’t tell when enough is enough😅 which is we’re gaz comes in! The more quiet friend if you will
💕Has teared up hearing your stories from your home and past. Hates how you were forced to be a soldier at such a young age and how it changed your way of life. Gaz does his absolute best to play the big brother part in your life by taking time out to go to places with you like arcades and what not. Just because you’re a solider doesn’t mean you can’t learn how to have fun
💕Has because your best friend to talk to if you feel uncomfortable, scared, or depressed. Of course the others will always listen, but gaz just has the affect I suppose which he is happy if it means it will help you!
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nightlyrequiem · 1 month
The Other Side of Paradise
2) Sing My Praises and I Will Bow to You
Cross posted from AO3
Ch.1, Ch.2, Ch.3, Ch.4, Ch.5, Ch.6, Ch.7, Ch.8, Ch.9, Ch.10, Ch.11
You try to make the best of your life working at a small bakery in a city with rising cartel violence. One slower day, a man starts harassing your coworker. Despite the obvious threat, you stand up to him anyway. Unbeknownst to you, Valeria just so happened to be there to witness it.
A/N- All chapters containing smut will be labeled mature. The fic is fully written with the whole thing on AO3 but chapters on Tumblr will be posted one a day.
Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Dual POV, Happy Ending, Plot with Porn, Graphic Violence, Inappropriate Use of a Knife, Masturbation, WLW
You took the day off. You actually took a few days off. You feel cowardly hiding up in your apartment, but you were just too afraid of that guy coming back. You should really learn to think before you speak. Trying to be a hero only works out in books and movies. In Las Almas, it gets you shot.
Unfortunately, no matter how afraid you may be, the bills won't pay themselves. You get ready for work. Neck uncomfortably moist with sweat. The AC must be broken again. You can do nothing but hope it will be fixed before you get back. Otherwise, you'll have bust out the old fan to keep you at a reasonable temperature while you sleep.
You grab your keys, phone, and wallet and walk towards the front door. It's so quiet in your apartment that you're glad to be getting out, even if it is just for work. Staying holed up in your apartment for three days did nothing but remind you of how lonely you are. It doesn't help that the only notifications you received were full storage warnings.
You leave and start your short walk to work. Greeting the elderly man that owns the small corner store below your apartment. It's a nice day today. A little too warm but the sky is blue, and the trees are green. There are children running around. It would be perfect and picturesque if it weren't for the 'soldiers' skulking around.
You've spent most of your life living in Las Almas. Such a shame it is to watch it fall into the wrong hands. It's not like the cartel sprouted up overnight like an invasive plant. It belonged to La Araña, then sometime over the last ten years power shifted to El Sin Nombre. Whoever that may be.
The cartel has always been around. It just wasn't as big of a presence when you were a child. Whoever ran it back then had the decency to keep things lowkey. You spot a murial. Splashes of colour put together by someone who clearly takes pride in their work. Too bad the person used their talents to support El Sin Nombre.
You reach the bakery and walk inside. Eyes automatically scanning the crowded room for the man from last week. You almost feel sick with relief when you don't see him. You quickly go behind the counter and grab an apron. You're not entirely sure why they make you wear it. It's not like you are the one making the treats. More often than not you're on dish duty. Which is your first task today. Lucky you.
You go around back and begin to fill the sinks. While you're letting the dishes soak, your manager, Mateo appears behind you. Silent as a cat and scaring you out of your skin.
"Christ!" You exclaim quietly.
"Mateo." He corrects. Judging by his serious expression he's not here to have a friendly chat. "I heard about what happened on Thursday." He says. "I get what you were trying to do, but we have a good thing here." He continues. "Don't go bringing trouble."
He leaves before you can respond and you feel annoyed. People only ever talk to you to tell you what to do or tell you what you're doing wrong. You pick up a rag and scrub at a plate angrily. Although, you do see some sense in what Mateo said. You will be more careful in the future. That's what you tell yourself.
Your shift goes by pretty quickly. Afternoon turns to dusk. You go from dishes to working the counter, to cleaning. You're the only one closing tonight. You still have forty minutes left but you haven't seen a single customer in the last hour. You decide to start your closing tasks early, Mateo doesn't care. There are only five things left in the display case. Not one for wasting you decide to just put them in a basket to take home later.
You start sweeping. Pushing dust and crumbs and whatever else to the center of the room. The bell above the door chimes and you look up. It's Valeria. You straighten, feeling a little flustered because you weren't expecting customers. She sees the lack of other people and you sweeping.
"Are you closed?" She asks. Her voice is pleasant. Smooth and feminine.
"No." You reply. "What would you like?" Valeria turns to look at the display case and you follow her gaze. Feeling like an idiot when you remember you already took everything out. "Uh, there's still some stuff left in the back, I'll go and get it." You say quietly.
You set the broom against the wall and hurry off behind the counter, clipping your hip on the edge. You hope she didn't see that. You bring over the little basket containing leftover treats and take out a couple of mini cheesecakes and three cookies. Meager pickings but if she wanted better, she should've come in earlier.
Valeria looks over her options. She looks back up at you with a lazy expression. "Do you have any conchas left?"
"Sorry, this is all that we have." You say apologetically. She looks a little disappointed but doesn't comment. Instead, she just looks at you. It starts to border on rude when she finally speaks again.
"We went to the same school." She remarks. You already knew that. You're a little surprised that she recognized you. You didn't exactly run in the same crowd. You nod in response. "I don't quite remember your name...?"
You tell her and she nods. She doesn't share hers. Probably assuming that you already know it. Another uncomfortable silence settles over you two like a too-warm blanket. You're trying to think of something to say to ease the awkward tension when she speaks again.
"Do you make the pastries?" She asks, tilting her head slightly. You shake your own in response. Starting to pick up the food from off the counter. Putting the items back into the basket. "What do you do here then?" You look at her and study her expression. Wondering if she's being hostile. Her expression looks relaxed.
You move the basket to the side. "I help out." You reply. She can probably guess what you do. It's not like a service worker's tasks are top secret knowledge.
"Cleaning, selling treats, and security." She murmurs. "You're quite the package." So that's why she's talking to you. You were wondering why. She was here last week; she witnessed the events that transpired. You had seen her in her corner. Why should she care though?
You shrug. She continues. "That man is in the cartel." She states obviously. Because clearly you couldn't tell. "I've seen him patrolling."
"Yes." You reply. Suddenly a little less eager to talk to her. She's wearing jeans and a tank top that shows off toned arms and tattoos. Is she a part of the cartel? You feel a little judgmental for thinking that way. Don't judge a book by the cover and all that. Even though that's the whole point of the cover.
Leaning against the counter in a way you hope comes off as nonchalant, you try to do some damage control. Just in case she is in the cartel. "He can be whatever he wants to be," you say. "But he doesn't have the right to come in here and throw his weight around." Actually, that might not be the best thing to say to someone you suspect of being in a dangerous organization.
Valeria smiles. "You're right." She says. You feel like a child being told 'good job' by a teacher. "Some people seem to think that just because they have a gun, they're invincible."
You like what she's saying. Your feelings do a one-eighty, and you decide you do like talking to her.
"It's refreshing to hear someone be more honest with their opinions." Valeria praises. "I can respect that." You feel flattered. You know a few people who are pretty honest about their opinions but clearly, she doesn't. That's fine with you. As long as she keeps complimenting you.
Valeria's phone buzzes and she takes it out from her back pocket to check. You're caught off guard by how outdated it looks. Not everyone can afford or wants the newest phone on the market, but seeing a flip phone catches you off guard. Her easy-going expression falters only for a few seconds before she relaxes her facial muscles again.
"I have to get going," she says. "I enjoyed talking to you though. I'll be seeing you tomorrow." She gives no room for response or protest. She just smiles once then turns and walks out. You finish cleaning. Feeling slightly giddy. You also feel nervous, going over your conversation in your head.
You go home after closing and bound across the sidewalks. Feeling as light as a feather and bright as the sun. Your pleased mood sours slightly when you enter your apartment. It's sweltering and humid. The AC is still broken.
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regheart · 11 months
regulus becoming a death eater at sixteen is something that i have a hard time wrapping my mind around, mostly because i can't imagine him doing a lot between joining and dying
the only other case that we know for sure of this happening is draco malfoy, but under very different circumstances. draco was marked after nine death eaters, including his father, were arrested, and tasked with the seemingly impossible task of killing dumbledore. the main purpose of this was to torment his family and, later on, ensure his collaboration
i think something similar to this secondary goal might be involved in recruiting soldiers so young
at sixteen, your brain is not fully formed and it's hard to see nuance, hard to structure arguments, you don't know enough of the world and it's easier to get attached into worldviews or political parties or philosophies or cults
i think that, to voldemort, ensuring the collaboration of these boys when they were at their most eager would guarantee their loyalty later on
because, realistically, there's not much he could have done with teenagers inside hogwarts. spy on dumbledore? he would know. have them sneaking out at night to hogsmead and side apparating to go kill some muggles and then be like oh sorry gotta comeback i have charms in the morning
so young death eaters — in 'padfoot returns' sirius lists some names he knew who were friends in hogwarts and later were arrested or killed — would have little use in the killing and torturing, but they still could be potential recruiters, feeding discourse into their colleagues, radicalizing other children, creating the illusion for other people that they are already winning and there's no point in fighting against it
so for the specific case of regulus, i can see him growing up with parents who believe in pureblood supremacy, his brother gets chastised for acting out and he doesn't want to be like sirius, does he? everybody in slytherin is talking about the dark lord and his oldest cousin who is so smart says he is the greatest wizard to ever exist — and he falls into the trap
he's obsessed, he's only sixteen, he's got his parents approval for his politics (what does a sixteen years old knows of politics?), sirius left and he feels lonely, he fills up a wall with paper cuts of everything that's it's being talked about the dark lord, because the dark lord is all people talk about these days
finally, he's attractive to voldemort because of his name. he must be reasonably smart. and bellatrix recommends him. that's it
i can lay it all in a way that makes sense to me, not only from what we know of regulus, but also from what voldemort might do as a military leader. ultimately, i believe sirius was right in assuming regulus was unimportant to voldemort, that's something i've always assumed from 'kreacher's tale,' volunteering a house elf was his first chance of being properly useful and that was why he was so eager to do it
(he died in '79, either still on school or in the first semester after graduating, not older than eighteen)
note 1: barty crouch jr was described as a teenager at the time of trial, later in 1981, meaning he was also recruited very young. he would have been attractive to voldemort for the possibility of spying on crouch sr, and he was one of the most fanatical followers
note 2: it's safe to assume regulus became a death eater not long after sirius ran away and while i think the aftermath played a role in his mental state leading up to that point, putting the blame on sirius doesn't make any sense because there were many other factors, sirius was right in leaving a place where felt unsafe and he had no responsibility to calculate all of the possible repercussions of his actions in influencing his already blood supremacist brother of joining a cult
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stevetonyweekly · 1 year
SteveTony Weekly - July 23rd
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Happy Sunday, folks! I went on a bit of a sportsball kick this week so--enjoy those recs. It’s also @Cap-Ironman rec week this week--I’ll be sharing all of my daily recs later today so look for that, and be sure to follow the tag for everyone’s recs. 
Be sure to comment/kudos! 
Average Avengers Local Chapter 7 of New York City by hetrez
Steve and Tony accidentally start a national do-gooders association and fall in love.
No time for losers by gottalovev
Tony Stark: Playboy. Millionaire. Philanthropist. Hockey superstar.
(featuring among other things an unexpected trade, learning to get along with new teammates, pining, the Olympics, and a happy ever after)
Ice Ice Baby (The Hockey Fic) by youcancallmearrow
Tony Stark is a star center, sidelined by a slip in sobriety. Steve Rogers is a goalie, suspended for a punch thrown off the ice.
When the two meet, they're trying to get their lives back on track, both off and on the ice. It turns out, the saying is true: A burden shared is a burdened halved. At least until Howard Stark gets involved.
(A get together fic full of fluff, supportive friends, dad Rhodey, and hockey! But if you know nothing about hockey, you'll be fine, because neither does the author.)
Things We Learned at the End of the World by JenTheSweetie
1. Even the apocalypse can't keep people away from Olive Garden
2. Smoothies do not replace conversations
3. Tony has really obvious sex hair
4. Home might be a little different, but that doesn't mean you can't go back
Didn't Catch You Saying Grace by isozyme
Tony’s straight: he always picks women, not men, so he must be. Steve’s gay, but that doesn’t mean he has to like it.
how much i’ve been touching you by isozyme 
Steve loves Tony, but not enough to listen about the SRA. He loves Sharon, but not enough to stop coming to Tony late at night.
Destiny Deserves Another Chance by KandiSheek
Steve is absolutely starstruck by the pirate who saves his village from destruction. When the mayor offers an omega's hand as a reward for his heroic deed, Steve wants nothing more than to be whisked away towards a better life. Anywhere would be better than here.
He's devastated when the alpha chooses Sunset Bain instead. He never even looks at Steve, which makes sense, considering Steve looks nothing like a proper omega should, what with his height and muscles. It's probably better that he was spared the humiliation. And it's not like Steve has a chance to win the pirate's heart now that he's promised to another.
Or so he thinks.
A High and Lonesome Sound by misslucyjane 
Some nights, Steve still has trouble breathing.
A castaway where no one hears you on a barren isle in a lonely sea by Wolfsheart
A year and a half (give or take a month) after the divorce, Tony is still fighting the residual depression left behind from the way the divorce went down. Having been granted primary custody of their daughter, he's brought Morgan back to live full-time with him in Malibu, and he decided to surprise her with a trip to Disneyland. He lost his 'magic' back when Pepper left, so he doesn't know how magical Disneyland will feel to him, but it'll make Morgan happy, and that's what matters. However, will running into long-time unrequited crush Steve Rogers change all of that?
D-Day: 70 Years Later by Potterwatch97
70 years later, Steve is forced to face a gruesome part of his past. One that he never thought he's live to see.
Tony Stark and the Super Sleeper, or actually, Soldier by RurouniHime 
The one where Steve keeps falling asleep on Tony.
When Hell Freezes Over by KandiSheek
Tony ingests a drug that amps his insecurities up to eleven. It seems like he's extremely susceptible to Steve's opinion specifically, now that he's like this.
Steve has no idea what to make of it. He only knows that trying to take care of Tony without accidentally revealing his feelings for him is going to be virtually impossible.
He does it anyway.
Fever, gettin' higher by RurouniHime
Yeah, okay, Steve Rogers knows what sexual harassment is. Despite his out-of-fashion upbringing, he’s not some backwater Neanderthal, thank you, he gets why it’s bad. He’ll go to bat for anyone who determines they’re the victim of unwelcome advances in the workplace. He’s not devaluing its impact, for god’s sake. 
But the key word here, as he sees it, is ‘unwelcome.’ And that… might not be what this is.
this will destroy you by silkspectred
The screen flashes in front of his eyes. It takes him entire seconds to realize that it’s an incoming call.
Indecent Proposal by sabrecmc 
One million dollars for one night. That could change your life.
Lock Screen by betheflame
Everything was fine.
Steve had everything under control.
Until Tony grabbed his phone while they were in the car, and his world shattered.
“This… this photo,” Tony croaked out. “Am I your lock screen?”
“You were not supposed to see that,” Steve said quickly. He reached for the phone while keeping one hand on the wheel.
“Keep driving please,” Tony said with a tone of calmness that ended up sounding terrifying, “and answer my question.”
Second Hand Mate by Morethancupcake 
"The bandages had been his idea. The long sleeves too. Tony traces it with the tip of his fingers, before securing the tape, keeping the words away, safe, buried with the first man who ever showed him love and support.
'Second hand mate.' "
 The first words his mate will use to talk about him.
Tony waits for it to happen.
Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree by Annie D (scaramouche)
Steve doesn’t mind that Tony doesn’t return his feelings. He just would've preferred if it didn’t come with the side effect of his coughing up flowers and possibly dying.
kings of the city by Areiton 
The Irish mob held Brooklyn.
The Spider held Queens.
And where Tony fits in the city has never been clear...
Sometimes though, he thinks he fits here--at Steve's side.
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tf2-oneshots · 1 year
hii !! may i please request some writing abt everyone being really afraid of medic (imagine that this takes place when everyone is still kinda getting to know each other, and left medic out because of his Reputation) but someone eventually bites the bullet to talk to him/give him a chance and they find out that he’s actually decent company (and very, very lonely)?
preferably that Someone is sniper or demo ! whoever you feel more compelled to write. thank you so so much in advance !! adore your writing :]
I think Demo needs some love on this acc!
Warnings: none!
Rating: General
“Alright, now that I have your contracts, you’re free to look around and introduce yourselves. I have to go file these.” Miss Pauling stands from the meeting room chair, walking off with her bundle of papers, agreements, and a handful of amendments a few of the men proposed. Knowing the Administrator, they’ll be lucky if even one of them is processed.
With the door shutting, the nine mercenaries stand to do exactly as instructed: roam about and introduce themselves. They were each given a vague file of their coworkers, nothing more than a work photo and a brief introduction to their class. Anything personal was kept to the discretion of the men.
Medic remains seated, looking around the room. It seems that everyone has gone into their own cliques already. As he stands, he flattens his coat and decides to approach the Scout. He walks up to the young man who was showing Pyro a comic issue.
“Hallo! Scout and Pyro, ja? I’m Medic.” The doctor waves, smiling at the two. Pyro gives him a glance only to hide their face in the pages of the comic. Scout steps back, looking the elder up and down. He rubs his neck, hat shifting slightly from the motion.
“Uh, yeah. I’m Scout.” He turns to his side, trying to avoid the doctor’s gaze. Something about him is…off. Scout can’t tell what it is, but the man isn’t right. His smile is too sharp and evil looking for a supposed doctor.
“Well, you seem like a healthy young man. I imagine your lungs are an excellent shade of pink.” A runner should have the perfect lungs after all! Scout must take care of himself to have this sort of job. Its a strange way of complimenting the man that falls short on Scout.
“Uh…that’s kinda weird.” He shuffles back, trying not to think about what that implies. The runner hopes to wake up with his lungs, and the rest of his organs, in his body by tomorrow. He looks to Pyro who peeks from behind the comic.
“Aheh, I was calling you healthy…” Medic takes his leave. Perhaps not the best way to compliment someone, but he was being honest! A runner needs strong lungs, so Scout must live a healthy lifestyle!
“Look, dude, I read the file. I wanna keep my organs.” Medic had mentioned his joy of experiments and various medical tests. All of which successful despite their frightening nature. Scout just can’t trust a guy who puts hands in guts for a living.
Medic peers around to room, noticing how everyone looks away from him. Well, it is the first day. Surely someone will warm up to him as time goes on. He steps out of the meeting room for the time being. He has birds to unpack.
By the end of the first month, most of the team has found a close friend. Spy and Heavy have afternoon book clubs with coffee, Scout goes rollerskating with Pyro, and Soldier tests sentry durability with Engineer. Everyone has found a companion except Medic.
People only visit when medically necessary. A broken arm, severe burns, and such. Just getting Scout to sit down for his vaccinations was a two day fight. Medic reaches over to stroke Archimedes on his tiny head. The mischievous pigeon has his siblings who flutter along the rafters above.
Even on the battlefield, Medic noticed the distance. He was called on, yes, but once he finished healing a teammate, they scurried away. He watched as his coworkers ran in duos, trios even, across the landscape to destroy the enemy teams. Never with Medic unless he was handing out ubercharges.
He eats alone in his office, coming into the kitchen only to grab his portion. Funny how Medic never gets a turn cooking for the team. The German stares at his lukewarm dinner, picking through it while Archimedes naps on his perch. He really shouldn’t complain; Medic has endless funding for his wild experiments. He just wants company is all.
A creak interrupts his solitude. Someone entered the medbay just now. Medic sighs, grabbing his coat and clipboard. Another injury to take care of. At least it gives him some form of human interaction no matter how brief.
“Hello, Demoman. What seems to be the problem?” Medic says when he sees who entered. He takes a pen, filling in a few sections before looking up to the Scotsman. Probably a blown off hand or a chemical burn in need of treatment.
“I’m fine, lad. Soldier’s too busy, so I figured you and I could see a movie.” Demo holds out two tickets. Soldier had every intention of going if not for a sudden flea crisis with the raccoons. Nothing a kiddie pool of water and flea shampoo can’t fix. Besides, when was the last time anyone actually hung out with the German?
“You want me to go with you?” Medic lowers his clipboard as Demo nods. Is…is this really happening? Finally, a chance at an actual friend from work! The doctor sets down his equipment and straightens his vest.
“Let me feed my doves, then we can leave.” He hurries back into the office quick to dump a scoop of feed into a communal bowl. The birds flock to their dinner, wings flapping loudly in their descent. Medic follows Demo out of the room, excited as ever.
“Don’t you want to know what we’re seeing?” Demo raises a brow. Anyone else would have at least wanted the title let alone ask about the plot. Medic chuckles, shaking his head.
“Oh, I don’t care. I’m happy to get out of my office for once.” Locked behind the wooden door, the doctor spent his days toiling away at paperwork. Most of which unnecessary for some time. Papers detailing orders for supplies, health updates, and such.
Demo couldn’t have asked for a better movie companion. Medic paid for their popcorn and was completely silent throughout the film. Unlike the last person Demo went to the movies with, meaning Scout, Medic didn’t speak out once. He even cleans up after himself!
“Gotta say, lad, this was a pleasure. Don’t suppose you’d like to test a few bombs with me tomorrow? Need to see what damage my new mix can do.” Medic beams. This is it! If he can get on Demo’s good side, then everyone else will want to befriend him. No more lonely nights with the birds for company.
“I would be happy to.” Medic drives them to the base, excited as ever. Demo can see it written all over his face. Maybe everyone was wrong about the doctor, he’s actually a decent man.
Besties -H
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wordycheeseblob · 1 year
Heavy Is The Head That Wears The Crown - Gilbert Von Obsidian x Reader (Ikemen Prince)
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Part of the event Spring Showers Spring Flowers hosted by @violettduchess and @aquagirl1978
Prompt(s): rainy days, a walk in the park
Pairing: Gilbert von Obsidian x Reader
Tags: angst
Word Count: 1400~
Some time has passed since you were crowned empress of Obsidian. Initially It was as easy as saying 'yes' or 'no' to certain moral decisions. Easy as it goes, knowing Gilbert. Now you were finally getting a hand on administrative duties, delving deeper into obsidianite politics as a real empress would. "Some things take getting used to" you thought to yourself, reclined on the carriage window sill. Lonely droplets trickled paths across the crystal wall that kept you in and the world out, once so unfamiliar but that now felt like home. Spring in Rhodelite was a joyous time, floral aroma enveloped the streets mingling with the scent of freshly baked bread, when winter surrendered to the gentle rays of sun. Still, Obsidian wasn't such a desolate wasteland as one might imagine. As the nights grew shorter, the valleys saw their fair share of green. As you close your eyes, you could almost see it. Not as fragrant or floral as Jade or elegant as Rhodelitian fields in their full glory, but there was something endearing in the unassuming and straightforward nature of the daisies and wild flowers that crowned the country's mountainous range.It reminded you of its people.
The carriage swayed lightly bringing you abruptly back from your floral reverie. The view outside was a clear contrast to the your vivid vision. This year winter refused to recede a step. You sigh, forming a small cloud on the glass, as you pass another rank of austere birch trees your mind wanders to the inspection you were heading from, this time alone. You remember the first time Gilbert took you on a military inspection claiming something along the lines that to manage an empire, one must know every part of it well. Deep down it might have been an excuse to drag you along to brighten another rutinary outing, after all, you doubted this was part of an empress's duties. No matter, no one ever questioned the imperial family anyway. And it definitely was more than that; military was one of Obsidians stronger points, it made perfect sense for you to know it its workings in and out.
You clutch the documents in your hands a little tighter. With the recent commotion across the border, your days too would feel increased unrest. Doing logistics, surprisingly, made you feel in control.
The clatter of the wheels came to a stop.
Adjusting your ink black capelet coat, being more appreciative of its wormth than the intricate gossamer of golden embroidery, you alight the carriage. Instantly being greeted by the gray, hyetal weather outside, in the capital city. As much as you wished a feel of chelidonian winds, those that bring the promise of spring, or the last mercy of apricity on your chilled skin, spring was off to a slow, reluctant start.
–To think you'd know better than to let down your guard around me by now
–To think you'd use that cheesy line on me of all people– you turn towards the familiar voice to find Gilbert, merely seconds before losing all balance to a strong tug, familiar with his mannerisms you recognise being pulled for a hug and reluctantly accept your fate.
–How was the inspection?– his breath tickled your skin lightly. –You must be very sure of yourself to bring this little entourage– Gilbert gave a pointed nod in the direction of the small detachment of soldiers where your carriage was stationed. You weren't sure if what you caught in his pitch was the slightest hint of displeasure or amusement.
You wriggle enough in his arms to be able to look up, your eyes locking with his. Gilbert's usual smile is in place but his gaze is probing, as if searching for something. To Gilbert reading people akin to knowing what they were thinking. Some might call it genius, Gilbert preferred to call the process meticulous observation. People had ticks and tells when they lied, everyone was a product of their habits and what are habits if not patterns; something a so called genius had no problem detecting and exploiting.
–If you knew I was off to an inspection then maybe I wasn't as unprotected as you're implying.
Gilbert's smile only widened in response.
At this point you didn't have to ask how he knew, Gilbert had eyes on all sides, that was a given. And so did you at this point, to rule the vast that is Obsidian.
–Also Im pretty sure you already know how it went– You chuckle breaking free of the embrace to start walking along the dimly illuminated street matching his pace
–No idea  what you might be refering to here, I would be delighted to hear your retelling– Gilbert gave a light-hearted laugh linking his hand with yours.
· · ───────── ·᪥· ────────── · ·
It was Gilbert's idea to take a walk around the palace gardens. High above from where the obsidian palace overlooked the city, the air was so frigid you found yourself instinctively hugging his arm closer for some semblance of wormth.
– And that about sums it up. As usual, nothing unusual. You know we should probably head inside soon, the weather isn't looking any better.– you look around noting the dreary herbage and the unkempt weather-beaten hedge, the smell of petrichor still lingering in the air.
–just a little longer
For Gilbert of all people, to suggest staying out in this cold was very uncharacteristic. Did he like the idea of you clinging to him that much or... perhaps it's not the inspection he was trying to talk about. Had he cought onto your recent unease?
–Has something been troubling you?
You struggled to maintain a neutral face, your hesitation, however, gave you away almost instantly.
– Acroite, Tanzanite and Ruby have been acting rather suspiciously as of late, wouldn't you agree?– despite the gravity of what he said Gilbert sported his usual devil-may-care grin as if he had just hit the nail on the head. And he had.
He nodded his head knowingly.
–I'm sure you have a bad feeling about this.
–I had them on my mind for a while now but how did you know?
–People tend to have a sorrowful look when thinking about the past, like you when you remember Rhodelite– you looked at him but Gilbert only shrugged– and an anxious one when thinking about the future.
–Oh...– you avert your gaze to the dampened tiles on the ground. The 'clank' of the man's cane came to a halt.
–You couldn't have possibly thought I would fail to see the increase in your inspections lately.– He paused, sighing almost theatrically– It would do you no good to worry about things outside of your control, you know? Preparing would be a much better use of your time if anything.
Despite everything, Gilbert appeared to be genuinely worried about you. With the influx of duties on your plate, things became increasingly more challenging and there was no way he wouldn't catch on.
– surely... there must be something I can do
– In due time. We have to make sure to greet our guests properly.
You shot Gilbert a quizzical look.
–If they're really planning to attack as you might have come to suspect, someone is bound to come over to test the waters before the main event. We'll ask the questions then and look into the particulars after.
You felt as if the invisible veil that was weighing on you had suddenly been lifted, making it easier to breathe
–I... yes, you're right. Thank you.
–Ahaha would you say this concludes the interrogation then?– Gilbert chuckled breezily.
Way to ruin the moment. Gilbert always did this thing when after a good deed he'd try to downplay it somehow because, of course, how could he ever admit he was simply worried. You think to indulge him, just this once.
–Unbelievable, you seem a bit too fond of using interrogation techniques to make me open up– you cross your arms in fake disbelief. –this is the one where you use my mental fatigue knowing it uhh... hinders my cognitive information processing so I don't withhold anything from you, yes??
–I prefer your angry face to the sad one, it's full of determination
–you wanna go?
–on a date? Pretty much, Yes
You beam giving him a nudge on the arm.
As you wander through the forlorn gardens, hands intertwined, the shadow and light drawn by dusk weave a picture resembling silk satin damask, it's reflections slipping through the dampened tiles. You revel in the stillness, not unlike your own mind, knowing that even when adversity flooded your life, there was no tide you couldn't turn together.
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niece-jemima · 2 months
Hi hi!! How about 0, 4 and 10 for whichever S/I you'd like?
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thank you both so much for these asks!!!
I'm going to talk about one of my Black Jack OCs, since it has the greatest actual development + is really dope IMO
0 (any influences/are they you/are they an OC). Um. So. I have grown up reading a LOT of sci fi. This S/I, in particular, is a very tall bipedal wolf supersoldier bodyguard, given to BJ as a gift for a surgery.
Wolf is bc I'm actually otherkin, specifically wolfkin! As for the other influences, I'm certain there must be some subconsciously, since this is a scenario I've done a few times. The only one that comes to mind is Mewtwo, from the first movie. I think the bodyguard thing came from reading a lot about how people like bodyguard ships, which has never really been my thing. But I wanted to figure out a way to MAKE it into something I'm into, and voila! fucking hugelarge science project who can't integrate into normal society!
1 (how do you develop lore?). tbh? it just kinda happens. as previously established, I really like scifi. so I'll just pull neat pieces of that plus some stuff from all the damn xenofiction I'm reading all the time! The reason I have it exist As It Does is bc in-universe there's already like aliens and surgically turning people into birds and stuff, so I figured having a made-up sovereign nation with animal soldiers wouldn't be all that weird, especially since there's already an in-canon nation with a top-secret military base (the ova Child From the Sky and the chapter it's based on covers this)
4 (what element represents them best?). hm... probably earth? it's very steadfast and unshakeable, sometimes to its detriment. Very good at keeping a damper on its emotions- comes with being born to obey. A big part of its arc is actually learning how to relax. Sure, it could relax back in the home complex, but it also wasn't on-duty and in front of its 'master' 24/7 back on the complex.
5 (symbolism?). HI I LIKE WOLVES AND WOLF SYMBOLISM. okay SO wolves are often associated with the term 'lone wolf.' this is false sucking advertising and a lone wolf is a dead wolf walking. They NEED others, social bonds are crucial!
My S/I went from being part of a 'pack' (the military/science compound) to being the sole guardian of a new home, to which it feels divorced of any sense of belonging. this leads it to act out and needlessly endanger its own life when BJ or Pinoko are threatened.
BUT as time goes on, Pinoko and BJ make it feel like part of their family, instead of a glorified attack dog, which it is in a somewhat literal sense, thus bringing the symbolism full circle!
8 (luck?). to be honest...? luck doesn't much factor into it. It can keep almost dying all it wants, but since BJ's Whole Thing is being really good at keeping people alive, dying's not really on the table.
That said, of course, being randomly selected as the 'gift' was an incredible stroke of luck, giving my S/I a purpose beyond dying for causes it's never been taught about and people who don't know its name.
10 (scariest moment of its life). It claims it doesn't experience fear. It knows (or believes) its life is destined to be violent and short.
But it does know fear. Midway into its character arc, both Jack and Pinoko went missing without a trace. Just as it was starting to learn to trust and to love, everything was ripped away. It spent a week and a half tracking them down, ripping apart anything and anyone between itself and its new pack. When it found them, weak but alive, it could not help but to hold them and cry.
And it realized that that is what fear means to it. It is a synonym for alone. A synonym for helpless. It knew that this was no longer a job it did simply because it was bred for obedience and violence. It would strive to keep them safe because failure is unthinkable.
Again, thank you both! hope this was some valuable insight into the way I write my characters, lol.
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redsavant · 2 years
(CW: Canon-typical discussions of violence, police brutality, blood, death) So this kind of extends from u/Wrigglebuggo’s post on Reddit about TMA as a melancholic walk “amongst ruins”, where most of the people Jon has been reading about and most of the supernatural “community” is dead and gone by the time Jon is Archivist. That, combined with the statement we got in TMA 200, made me realize something about the Fears: they’ve also deteriorated. What the Archivist describes in TMA 200 sounds like a golden age for the Fears. They’re less distinct, less focused, but more in a way that’s hard to describe. Everyone knew them and knew nothing about them. There were no words to explain the fear. Then, people started speaking, they invented language and words, and they started breaking the Fears apart. But we humans have told stories since we had the words to do so, and I can’t imagine how the Fears must have spread over campfires, along long and lonely roads, during watches atop castle walls. The examples the Archivist gives - the Hermit who brings darkness, the Chieftain who breathes decay, the Traveler whose face is a blank - those sound like legends, the kinds of tales that embed themselves in a cultural consciousness and never really go away. "We caught a guy and his creepy cult putting a boy in black water in a warehouse, shot four of them, and arrested the rest" on a police report, as a news story... like, sure, that's disturbing, but 99.99% of people are going to glaze over that in the morning paper while they're busy getting ready for work. But 2500 years ago? A traveling caravan stops by for the night, you trade goods and some stories, and they tell you about the town further to the south that just vanished under a night that didn't end? And then in contrast, we have modern-day society. Like user thevoidcannotbefilled noted, TMA’s heavily shaped by modern capitalist society, from the obvious (Kulbir Shakya “drowning in debt” in TMA 129) to the more subtle (the "Sleep No More” billboard that tormented Lydia Halligan in TMA 79).  But even with elements like debt, the rise of the Flesh as the poster fear for commodification and processing, and so on... The Dark used to be one of the core Fears, and it still informs so many of the others - the unknown, and what could be out there. But the modern-day Dark cultists have to willingly hold their hands over their ears, close their eyes, and go "la la la" to avoid all the things we know. We know so much that they have to try to be ignorant. The Hunt used to be, as the Archivist said, teeth and eyes and fear and blood, an incoherent mess of adrenaline, the chase and being chased, whether that’s for something abstract like El Dorado or for something specific like vampires. But I don’t think it’s coincidence that the most prominent manifestation of the Hunt in TMA is cops - the casual, banal brutality of abusing people who can’t fight back, with interrogation that never ends or with more direct violence. (And I feel like there’s something to be said about the Hunt specifically as a power imbalance Fear, with the direct invocation of conquistadors and the colonizing pillaging of the hunt for El Dorado, but that’s a post for someone else to make). The Slaughter is still around, definitely, with things like drone strikes and improvised explosives - the fear of sudden and terrible violence will never go away. But our perceptions are changing. There are no fifes and drums in war anymore, and the glory has rubbed away, leaving just the capitalist pocketing the soldier’s heart and thanking him for his service. There are plenty of scopophobia-related statements in TMA as well, but how well do those translate to reality? People joke about the FBI agents behind our webcams (thanks Aryashi!), we upload ourselves to Youtube for millions of people to look at, and the Eye itself doesn’t do anything with what it sees - it just stares blankly at the feed, scrolling endlessly, taking momentary pleasure from one tidbit before it’s forgotten and it moves on to the next. Overall, I don’t really know what to draw from this. I won’t go so far as to say the world was better in the past; that’s all kinds of problematic for a whole bunch of reasons.  But there’s also an element of loss to it somehow. The Fears, despite their awful manifestations, despite their (insensate, unknowing) victory, are weakened. There’s less to discover - and while TMA generally lands firmly on the side that it’s better not to get involved in what’s out there, there’s still that feeling that the world is mapped, the mysteries are explained, things are all documented.The monsters started to exist, and then they got named, and then they got shown, and we all know what happens when you show the monster.
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jinmukangwrites · 1 year
Weep little lion man (2/14)
Fandom: Jedi: Fallen Order/Survivor Rating: T Warnings: kidnapping, minor discrimination of injury Ao3 Notes: update schedule for every Thursday somehow going strong. Hopefully I keep on track for next week.
Summary: After defeating Dagan Gera for a third and final time, the Compass ends up in Bode's hands without a scratch. He could go back to Jedha with Cal... but he's holding what he wants. He doesn't see the point in pretending any longer. He makes a split-second decision. Or: Bode's betrayal goes a bit differently.
Bode told Kata to pack. Even as he walks into Denvik's office, he can hardly believe it.
He feels like he's living in a daze, walking in a dream. He... actually did that. He has the compass, Kata packing, Denvik none-the-wiser...
And Cal stuffed into the small storage compartment of his fighter jet.
That last one wasn't a part of the plan. The plan was to convince Cal out of giving the compass to the hidden path, or maybe go on a solo "scouting mission" with Cal to Tanalor and reveal everything then. What he just did was impulsive. Foolish. Once Cal wakes up long enough to process everything he's going to hate Bode, he's sure.
But it'll be worth it.
He'd rather have Kata lonely if it means she's safe.
He'd rather have Cal hate him if it means he's alive.
"It's not often you visit in person, Bode," Denvik says, leaning back in his chair with his hands folded neatly on the table. "Something must be important. Tell me, how's the mission? Good news I trust."
"Plans have changed," Bode says. "In our favor."
Denvik grins; predatorial, stomach-churning. "Do tell."
"Kestis had an argument with the rest of his crew," Bode begins the hastily put together lie. "He's planning on returning to Saw Gerrera to work off some steam."
"And how is this in our favor?"
"Cere Junda is not the only one you want, yeah?" Bode says, and Denvik's smile sharpens. "Kestis is in a position right now where he's cut communications with his friends. If he goes, let's say, missing, no one will notice until it's too late."
"That certainly is a development..." Denvik says coyly. "What was the nature of the argument?"
Bode shrugs. "Same thing that caused them to split in the first place. Kestis has made it his life's goal to resist the Empire, the others can't match the mindset. He thinks they're doing nothing, and he wants to feel useful."
"Interesting," Denvik says, "however, this could still be a risk to the operation. The Jedha invasion is not for a few more months, so much could go wrong in that time."
"We have to act soon," Bode insists. "A few months is risky, but he'll be back with Gerrera in a few weeks. It'll be impossible to get him after that, especially once he finds out about the assault on Jedha. Besides, I know what you plan to do with him, you might even be able to have an extra soldier for the attack. All I'm asking for is some... proper equipment for capturing a Jedi. I'm sure you have some Force resistant stuff."
"Oh I do," Denvik assures. "I'm still not convinced this is worth the risk, however."
"You want Kestis under your control don't you?" Bode asks perhaps a bit too coldly, but Denvik doesn't waver. "I'm close to giving you just that. Give me the things I need and he'll be your pet, not Vader's. Surely you know how useful a Jedi under your control is. Imagine having two."
Denvik doesn't say anything as one hand raises to his chin in thought. He stays silent for a few moments, before he looks Bode in the eyes. "And it will not affect the Jedha invasion?"
"On my word."
"And on Kata's safety?"
Bode bristles. "I wouldn't suggest it if that was in the question."
Denvik takes another moment, then he nods. "Very well. I'll see to it you have access to all the equipment you need. I expect results, and quickly."
"You'll get them," Bode assures, careful to not release a breath of relief quite yet. "Trust me, this'll go off without a hitch."
As much as he wants to, he doesn't go to Kata right away. It's been a long while since he's last seen her in person, but he has other things to do right now. What's a few hours added to weeks of waiting?
No one stops him as he travels through the halls of the ISB base, Denvik had already given orders to let him through without question. Various trooper helmets do watch him as he passes, however it doesn't bug him none. For all they knew, he's just another bounty hunter working for the IBS. For all they cared, he's just an order to follow.
There's no one in the supply rooms besides a few guards posted at the door, so he practically has the lines of shelves all to himself. He passes by the various stored weapons, armors, and tools until he gets to where the more useful stuff is. Restraints, ration supplies, survival gear.
He drops a duffle onto a nearby counter and begins gathering what he needs. He goes to the food supply first. He didn't get much from Zee's head about Tanalor, but he at least knows that there is local wildlife that are safe for domestication and consumption. The soil is good for plant growth, and even has local edible species of its own. The problem is that starting up a renewable food supply on an uninhabited planet would take time, so a few months' rations should do them just fine for the time being. Then, he goes to the gear, grabbing blankets and hydrophobic gear and some rope, first-aid.
He grabs other supplies here and there, things he doesn't quite know if he'd need but doesn't hurt to anyways. He only realizes as he's trying to stuff a fire-starter into his bag that he's... procrastinating.
He forces himself to look at the restraints. All shapes and forms stare back. Cuffs for various sizes of sapients. Collars. Muzzles. Some look quite simple, others look like they're made to be painful.
The sight makes him sick.
He's pretty sure the adrenaline was the only thing that made it possible for him to restrain Cal in the first place with his makeshift bindings. Somehow, imagining these... things... locked around Cal... it all feels so much more serious.
He almost wishes there was another way. That Cal didn't care so much. That Bode didn't care so much. He wishes Cal took the options Bode tried to give him. He wishes he never started to worry for Cal's well-being.
Most of all, he wishes that he could go back to his ship, untie Cal, and have Cal understand what he was trying to do here. The good he's trying to do. He doesn't want to restrain and imprison his best friend. The thought makes him sick.
But he has to do what he must. It's only a precaution. Once they're safe on Tanalor, then he can take the restraints off when Cal realizes the situation he's in. This is just to make sure he keeps secure until then, so that he won't attack Bode or stars-forbid Kata.
Bode has to make sure Kata doesn't know about this quite yet either. When he introduces them to each other, he needs it to be under Cal's free will. Kata can't know about this, she's a pure soul and she might not understand if he shows her the unconscious body he has in the storage compartment.
He forces himself to move robotically, tactically.
He grabs the things strong enough to hinder a Jedi, and a few worst-case-scenarios. Before he leaves, he grabs a handful of tranquilizers, stuffs it in his duffle, then leaves before regret can catch up with him.
He's never been more glad for a private hanger to park his ship. There's no guards, no droids, to watch as he approaches his ship and double checks he parked it strategically enough to hide the cargo-hatch from view of the one camera located near the airlock.
Once he's satisfied nothing will catch him off guard, he approaches the hatch and stops to listen for a few loud heartbeats.
He hears nothing, no shifting, no shouts. Nothing.
He takes a deep breath, then opens the hatch.
The sight that greets him is like a punch to the gut. Cal is almost exactly how he left him; stuffed into the compartment, bound hand, arm, knee, ankle. He's curled up in a way that Bode definitely doesn't think would be comfortable, even for a guy half his own size, but it's the only way he could get Cal on the ship other than having the poor guy sit in Bode's lap as he flies. And well, considering how angry Cal might be once he's awake it would be a horrible idea to do that.
So yeah, the sight that greets him is a punch to the gut, but it's also exactly what he was expecting to see. His eyes are still closed, even.
That makes it a bit easier for Bode's sake-of-mind to place down his duffle and dig out various medical tools and a knife.
He begins by carefully cutting the makeshift rope around Cal's knees, however he pauses when Cal suddenly shifts and groans when Bode tries to get at the blaster wound.
He watched Cal's face, heart drilling into his ears, as Cal's eyelids squeeze and another grunt leaves his slightly parted lips. His arms tense... and then he falls still.
Bode knows how light of a sleeper Cal is, but he also knows what a blaster-grip to the forehead could do to a bastard. So either Cal is starting to wake up naturally, or his knee really hurts.
He considers his options but only for a moment. He can't have Cal waking up too early.
He reaches into the duffle and grabs one of the tranquilizers, bending his upper-body into the compartment to press the tranquilizer into the crook of Cal's exposed neck, just below the corner of his jaw.
The prick of the needle has Cal flinching, his breath catching as his eyes fly open.
Bode can't move as Cal startles, eyes flickering wildly. His hand is still under Cal's jaw, and it's like he's been frozen in carbonite as Cal meets his eyes for just a moment. His lips groggily move, his eyelids flickering and closing more and more each time as the tranquilizer takes hold.
And he's out.
Bode stays still for a few moments before he releases a breath.
Get back to work, soldier.
He returns to working on Cal's knee, cutting away the rest of the bindings and some of his singed pants, rubbing bacta on the wound before wrapping it. He doesn't have enough light to see the full damage of the wound, but he'll get more time to check again later once they're on Tanalor.
Once they're on Tanalor.
Free from the Empire.
He swallows, the thoughts euphoric despite how his current actions feel like poison.
He moves on to cutting the rest of the bindings, taking some time to rub Cal's limp wrists where the bindings had dug into his skin before stepping back and... and reaching into the duffle to pull out a simple pair of silver Force-suppressant cuffs.
He takes a deep breath, then maneuvers Cal's arms back behind his back and locks them in place with two twin clicks. Then, it's just a matter of replacing the makeshift with the official.
Soon enough, Cal's arms are not only behind his back, but also his elbows are roped to his sides to prevent Cal getting his hands in front of him. His ankles are shackled, however this time Bode ties his legs together at the shins and thighs to avoid rubbing on the bandages with more rope. Bode feels horrible adding so many restraints, but he out of anyone should know what is needed to properly restrain a persistent Jedi.
Then, once he's no longer restraining Cal's limbs, he moves on to unbutton the collar of Cal's jacket and inspect the lightsaber wound. Even in the dim light of the compartment it doesn't look pretty. The edges of skin around the wound are blistered and irritatedly-red, too red for Cal's skin-tone. He doesn't see any infection, but if left untreated the possibility of one forming is likely. He would curse Dagan Gera's name as he spreads bacta across Cal's chest and tapes on bandages, but as his eyes travel down to his knee, then to his temple, he decides that now isn't the time for hypocrisy.
Not when everything feels so much like regret.
After securing the bandages on his chest, Bode finishes up by adding more bacta to Cal's forehead. He didn't break skin with the blow, but it is bruising. He doesn't think there will be a concussion to worry about but the risk is always there no matter how careful you are.
While spreading the bacta along Cal's temple—the wound he gave him—his eyes can't help but trail down to the constellations of topaz decorating his face. The freckles, Bode's sure, cover every square inch of his body, but seeing them up close like this is like seeing the entire Galaxy from space for the first time.
He blinks, then clears his throat despite no one, not even Cal, being there to witness the moment of... whatever that was.
Get it together Bode, he thinks, finishing spreading the bacta and wiping his hands off on a cloth before stepping back from Cal's prone form.
He looks down to the duffle then sighs.
One last thing.
Sitting neatly at the top of the duffle are two last restraints, though only one will have to be used. He doesn't know Cal's tolerance for tranquilizers, and while a single dosage should keep him out for twelve standard hours, the trip back to Koboh, to Tanalor would take just about that time if not longer.
He can't have Cal waking up and trying to shout while he's flying, not when Kata should remain ignorant of his presence for the time being. He fights off a wave of nausea as he lifts the Imperial-grade muzzle sized perfectly for the facial structure of humans and other sapients of similar build, meant to gag and silence. It latches behind his head, locking in place over his nose, jaw, lips, chin; shaped similar to a work mask or a mask for the sick and contagious, but the material is metallic and seals perfectly to the skin.
The second, Bode swears to himself, the second Kata is safely out of earshot on Tanalor, he will remove the muzzle and hopefully never find the need for it again. This is his best friend and he's demeaned him down to a beast, a wild feral mutt. He almost considers taking the muzzle off—his stomach hurts and it looks so wrong on him—but he knows he doesn't have any better options.
The second piece of equipment... the collar is programmed to recognize measurable shifts in the Force then promptly punish its wearer in the form of electric bursts. However the function isn't reliable, and the electric burns are brutal; the collar is more useful for its second purpose. There's a small compartment where the right corner of the wearer's jaw would be, where one could insert whatever drug, or poison, into the collar and have the collar itself track and administer doses on its own.
The collar's shock function doesn't sense the Force well, not as well as the IBS would hope, but the ability to administer hands-free sedation or depressants keeps a Jedi wearer subdued enough to not be able to use the Force advantageously anyways.
Bode grabbed it as a worst-case-scenario.
As useful as it would be to have more tranquilizers automatically put into Cal's system as Bode's flying to Tanalor as the first dose wears off, he doesn't want to humiliate Cal with the indignity of a collar, even when he's unconscious. He'd rather Cal come-to earlier than planned, but be silenced by the gag and too restrained to make much sound that way.
Besides, tranquilizers aren't fun to wake up from, let alone after multiple doses. Bode's also not sure when the last time Cal ate or drank was, and a second dose would knock him out far longer than what Bode would like.
As much as it looks like it, he doesn't want Cal to be miserable. If Bode had confidence Cal wouldn't try to fight back, take away the Compass and probably try to kill Bode in the process, then he would have gladly not even have considered going this far in restraints.
Cal can be angry with Bode. He can hate Bode. He can kick, scream at, fight, insult Bode all he wants. Kriff, he really could try and kill Bode. Bode deserves it; but he has a daughter to protect. Kata is number one. Bode will make sure nothing can hurt himself so nothing can hurt her. So, for now, until he and Cal can come to some sort of understanding or truce on Tanalor, it's going to have to be this way.
He stuffs the previously removed makeshift bindings into the duffle—so anyone who happens to be checking the camera for this hanger doesn't wonder why he has a bunch of torn up cloth—then seals the duffle. He pushes it into the storage compartment next to Cal's unconscious, restrained, muzzled form, and then forces himself to close the compartment.
He stares at the latch for a moment, letting out a breath he has no idea how long he's been holding.
Next step. He needs to move on to the next step. It's nearly impossible to turn his heels from the ship, like he's stepped in a puddle of tar dragged into the Saloon or into the Mantis by none other than the person he now holds captive.
But he turns anyway. Kata will need his help finishing packing up, then, they can go before Danvik is any wiser. Besides, there's two trackers in his pocket he needs to plant before leaving.
"I can't find Mookie," Kata whines, searching around the sofas and her little play corner.
Bode laughs quietly to himself. Seeing her again in person, to hold her in his arms, it's made everything worth it. That shame, the regret, the fear of losing his best friend, it's nothing compared to seeing her smile, or the way her nose wrinkles when she's thinking hard like her mother had always done, or hearing the frustration in her voice as she searches in all the wrong places for her favorite stuffed animal that usually always ends up in the same place.
Bode kneels under the central control board and lo-and-behold, there it is. He grabs the little plush and straightens back up, his fingers rubbing the soft synthetic fibers that make the orange halo of hair around the creature's blue head. He chuckles, stepping towards Kata before kneeling to be at her eye-level. "You know," he says, "I have a friend who looks like this."
Her nose wrinkles as she takes the plush into her hands. "On your super secret missions?"
He nods, crossing his arms and resting them on his forward bent knee. "Maybe you'll meet him someday."
Her eyes brighten at that, and his chest fills with warmth. She looks down at the plush and pulls on its horns.
He stands and ruffles her hair. "C'mon kid, we've got places to be."
She grins at him, then rushes back to her bag to finish packing her meager belongings. While she does that, he reaches into his pockets and pulls out two locator devices. He hadn't forgotten about them when he took Cal, and honestly he's not sure if one is able to be tracked without the other. Yet it doesn't hurt to have a backup plan. If any of Cal's friends survive whatever is about to happen on Jedha, then they'll come looking for Cal... if they're not already looking for him. If they manage to track these locators, it'll lead them to where he can kill two birds with one stone.
Denvik and the rest of Cal's crew would tear each other apart.
And Bode, Kata, and Cal?
They'll be long gone.
He places them both on the center console, going as far as to hook one up into it and allow it into the IBS system. If anyone's looking for the signal, it being connected to a minor IBS base should make it all the easier to track.
"Come on, princess," he says as he finishes his minor task. She zips up her travel bag and gives him a soft smile, clutching Mookie to her chest. "We got to travel one last time, okay?"
She nods. "Okay."
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nirikeehan · 2 years
Hap Fri!! “Forbearance - Withholding response to provocation” for Dorian and Cullen the chess-playin besties?
THANK YOU RO I love them and haven't had much of a chance to write them. I got very excited and combined this with two other prompts. From @syrupwit:
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And @highwayphantoms:
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Though I definitely cheated and made that thin ice figurative.
Anyway here's a few glimpses into their friendship for @dadrunkwriting
WC: 1514
“Forbearance, Commander,” Dorian says with smug triumph. “You must have forbearance. Withholding response to—”
“I know what ‘forbearance,’ means, Dorian,” Cullen says, scrutinizing the board. The Tevinter mage has a tempestuous playing strategy, all flash and pomp — much like his performance on the battlefield, Cullen suspects. He’s trying to provoke Cullen into a trap, that’s plain as day. Cullen takes a more conservative move, causing Dorian’s brows to knit in confusion. 
“Fascinating,” Dorian mutters, pressing a fist to his mustache, elbow propped up on his knee. “You and your intellect always are a delightful surprise to me.”
“I assume that’s a delicate way of saying you expected me to be a meathead,” Cullen comments blithely. 
He looks up from the chess table in the garden rotunda and catches sight of Thalia entering from Skyhold’s Main Hall. The late afternoon sun catches the auburn in the plait she’s coiled around her head, making it glow like a halo. His mouth feels dry as he watches her, unseen, head to the herbalist to discuss the current potted crop. 
“Meathead? Hardly,” says Dorian, oblivious. “I assumed the Inquisition wouldn’t let an idiot run their army. Now — uncultured? Well, you are from the wilds of…” 
He looks up and trails off once he sees Cullen’s face. He turns and follows the Commander’s gaze. “Ah. My, my. The Inquisitor, eh?” 
“What?” Cullen shakes his head to clear it. “Er, no, of course not. I’ve no idea what you mean.” 
A wide grin spreads across Dorian’s face. Shit-eating is what some of the crasser Templars Cullen has known would call it. “Methinks he doth protest too much.” He chuckles. “I encourage it, my friend. I’m sure she’s lonely, after I had to let her down gently.”
“You?” Cullen cries. “She tried to—?”
“Girlish flirtation only, I assure you,” Dorian says, holding up a hand to calm him. “I got the impression she’s not got much practice, shut away in the Circle all those years. Though who can blame her? I am so devilishly handsome, after all.”
Cullen snorts, resisting the urge to roll his eyes.
Dorian’s tone turns serious as he once again contemplates the chess board. “But you ought to take the initiative soon, I reckon. The moon eyes she makes at that brutish Grey Warden when we’re in the field together are quite unseemly.” 
Cullen stares, unsure if he’s joking. Dorian puts Cullen’s king in check and smirks. “Your move.” 
“What must one do to get a decent glass of Minrathous red around here?” Dorian grumbles at the diminutive barkeep. 
“Pay for importing costs,” grunts Cabot, unimpressed. 
With a tragic sigh, Dorian opts for a local pint of what looks like nug urine and resigns himself to the depths of Herald’s Rest. The tavern is bustling this eve, full of off-duty soldiers, mercenaries, pilgrims and the like. Skyhold has become quite the tourist destination — though given the limited options this far into backwater country, no wonder people are flocking here in droves. 
Dorian has brought along an esoteric tome on the principles of time magic and plans to tuck himself into a nook and read until he comes too drunk to continue. Unfortunately, his journey to the desired alcove is blocked by several large soldiers bearing the Inquisition’s crest. They are deep in their cups, and, Dorian can sense from a lifetime spent in the cutthroat circles of Tevinter elite, out for blood. 
“Since when d’we let Vints have the run of the place?” demands the first lout. 
“Since this one was invited here by the Inquisitor,” Dorian responds brightly. 
“’S not right,” says the second barbarian, even drunker than the first. “Vint, Venatori — I see no difference. You lot always thinking you’re better’n us.” 
“And the dark magic!” Chimes in the third. 
“Yeah, yeah. Damned sorcerers just runnin’ about, uncontrolled, unrestrained—”
“Ah, yes, social mores you’re unaccustomed to in this neck of the woods,” Dorian cuts in, smiling. “Good thing, yes, that your Inquisitor freed all the southern mages as well? So that we can all run about unrestrained together.” 
The thugs pause, too inebriated to sort out whether they’ve just been insulted. Dorian considers a small controlled burn of their breeches to prove his point. A little fear of the power of free mages might keep them in check. He sets down his drink, holding up his bare palm to conjure a flame. 
“Good evening, soldiers.”
The wastrels stand to attention upon hearing the Commander’s voice. Cullen strides into view, hand resting on the hilt of the sword he’s deemed fit to bring with him to dinner. Cullen arches a brow at at his men. “I trust you are not giving the esteemed Lord Pavus any trouble?” 
“No, ser,” grovel the unfortunate degenerates. 
“Glad to hear it,” Cullen says lightly. “It would be a shame if you three were relegated to cleaning detail twice in one month for insubordination.” 
The grunts give their apologies and shuffle away, imaginary tails tucked between their legs. “Where on earth did you come from?” Dorian asks, taking a sip of his subpar ale. 
“The corner right over there.” Cullen points to a round table laden with the tedious paperwork that must take up most of his day. “It has the best vantage point in the tavern.”
“Implying you were watching me since I entered?” Dorian narrows his eyes. 
Cullen shrugs. “You dress so sharply, it’s difficult not to notice.” 
Dorian lets out a guffaw; the Commander’s sense of humor takes him by surprise sometimes. “I appreciate the concern, but I had those ruffians under control.” 
“What was it you said about forbearance?” Cullen sobers. “Don’t let them provoke you. They’re just looking for an excuse.” 
“Mm.” Dorian feels a strange gratitude tugging at him. He takes another swig of ale. “Well, right now I am looking for a place to sit and read this dusty tome. Do you perhaps have room for me, Commander?”
“I suppose I’ll have to move a few stacks of reports,” Cullen quips, a smile tugging at one side of his mouth. “but I think I’ll be able to manage it.”
Cullen misses one chess appointment, then another. Dorian tries not to take it personally, until he does. 
“I understand you are a wholly busy man,” he announces as he strolls into Cullen’s office, “but it is polite when one must cancel an engagement to at least—”
He stops. Cullen stands in the center of the room, holding aloft a philter of glowing cerulean. Easily recognizable: no mage is a stranger to lyrium and its properties. But the way Cullen stares at it, like a desert-choked man stares at his last gulp of water, is unsettling. 
“…Are you quite all right, Commander?”
Cullen jolts, as if freeing himself from a trance. He glares in Dorian’s direction. “Have they not yet invented knocking in Tevinter, Dorian?” 
The enmity in Cullen’s voice surprises him. The Commander is a man of measured tones and biting subtext; direct aggression seems beneath him. Dorian crosses his arms over this chest, struggles to let logic win out over worry. The sheen of perspiration stands out on Cullen’s brow in the dim office’s candlelight. Dark circles stand prominent under his eyes, which are — feral is not quite the correct term, but not too far off, either. 
Dorian licks his lips, considering his next move. He recognizes what’s happening, even if he does not understand why. 
“Ah, no. You see, doors are not a necessity in my homeland. We simply go where we like, when we like, and enjoy a nice warm breeze in the process.” He keeps his voice light and conversational, inching closer — slowly, so as not to startle. “Might I ask what it is you are doing?” 
“I should be taking it,” Cullen mumbles, confirming Dorian’s suspicions. Cullen presses a palm to his forehead, wincing. 
“Why have you stopped?” Dorian asks quietly. 
“Because… because.” Cullen takes a ragged breath. “I cannot be beholden to them anymore. The Templar Order… I want to owe them nothing. But I… I need… the Inquisition needs…” The bottle shakes in his hand. 
“I see.” Dorian takes a breath. Crisis intervention? Not his strong suit. Charm them or mock them — or kill them, that he could do. He thinks of Alexius, of poor Felix, and he feels quite tired. “Then I think we are on thin ice here, Commander. That is the phrase they use in the frigid south, isn’t it?” 
Cullen blinks a few times, as if seeing Dorian for the first time.
“You take the lyrium, and you believe you are fulfilling your duties to the Inquisition, yes? But if you do, you are giving up something it does not seem you want to give.” Dorian tilts his head. “Am I right?” 
“I was told… the lyrium would make us stronger, better. Holier, even.” Cullen shivers at the memory. “They were lies.” He holds out the lyrium bottle, eyes pleading.
“Forbearance, Commander. Remember?” Dorian takes the bottle, relieved that Cullen releases it easily. He holds the Commander’s gaze, nodding. “Don’t let the bastards win.”  
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iviarellereads · 5 months
The Great Hunt, Chapter 21 - The Nine Rings
(THIS PROJECT IS SPOILER FREE! No spoilers past the chapter you click on. Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Wheel of Time, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(Harp icon) In which it's no bad thing to go back to your roots.
PERSPECTIVE: Rand expected the common room to be empty, but half a dozen men are playing dice with their ale, and another man sits by himself. They all have the look of soldiers, the lone man an officer, and all in dark blue.
The innkeeper greets them, and says she'll have rooms prepared for them, their horses looked after, and there's a good table free. Rand stumbles when she asks if they're hunting the Horn, until she explains that she's seen multiple people through already, though the Hunt can't have been declared long yet.
Hurin asks where the innkeeper is from and after some surprise that his man speaks so freely, she says she's from Lugard, but married a Cairhienin man. She was all ready to go back home when he died, but he'd left her the inn and his brother the money when she expected it to be the other way around. Cairhienin to the end, he was.(2)
She's doubly surprised when Hurin sits with them for supper. When they're done, she asks if Rand would let his man favour them with music, she can see the flute in the bundle and her last musician married into a farm family. At Hurin's discomfort, Rand admits that he's the one who plays. The innkeeper instantly withdraws her request, she didn't realize... But he doesn't mind, he says, as he thinks about the dwindling coins in his purse.
He starts playing Heron on the Wing unconsciously, thinking of the heron on his palm. Selene looks at him like trying to figure out who or what he is. He cycles through a number of songs, and at one point the soldiers start singing their local words to one. When they're done, their officer dismisses them curtly, and apologizes to Rand for any offence, introducing himself as Aldrin Caldevwhin. He asks Rand's name and origin, and asks very probing questions, as if testing Rand's honesty in his answers. He's asking Selene her name, when one of the serving girls drops a lamp, starting a small fire.(3) When it's sorted out, Selene says she isn't feeling so well after all.
Rand asks Caldevwhin what the great crystal sphere was, and he says it's part of a statue from the Age of Legends. King Galldrian himself has ordered that it be dug up and brought to the capital, to be mounted outside the city wall. How long will they be staying here? Only the night, Rand says, they leave for the capital in the morning. Cal has some men he has to rotate back to the city, my lord won't mind if they ride with him? It's a rhetorical question, clearly.
Cal takes his leave, early day tomorrow, and leaves the inn entirely. When he's gone, the innkeeper offers to show Rand and co to their rooms. Rand says they'll only be needing the one, thank you. When she's seen them settled and left herself, Rand turns to the others.
“Do either of you know why that captain was so suspicious of us? He was, I’m sure of it.” He shook his head. “I almost think he thought we might steal that statue, the way he was talking.” “Daes Dae’mar, Lord Rand,” Hurin said. “The Great Game. The Game of Houses, some call it. This Caldevwin thinks you must be doing something to your advantage or you wouldn’t be here. And whatever you’re doing might be to his disadvantage, so he has to be careful.” Rand shook his head. “ ‘The Great Game’? What game?” “It isn’t a game at all, Rand,” Loial said from his bed. He had pulled a book from his pocket, but it lay unopened on his chest. “I don’t know much about it—Ogier don’t do such things—but I have heard of it. The nobles and the noble Houses maneuver for advantage. They do things they think will help them, or hurt an enemy, or both. Usually, it’s all done in secrecy, or if not, they try to make it seem as if they’re doing something other than what they are.” He gave one tufted ear a puzzled scratch. “Even knowing what it is, I don’t understand it. Elder Haman always said it would take a greater mind than his to understand the things humans do, and I don’t know many as intelligent as Elder Haman. You humans are odd.”
Rand asks if the soldiers in the morning are part of this Great Game, and neither Hurin nor Loial can say. Sometimes people are just doing as they say, and sometimes... that's the way of the Game of Houses. Hurin suggests asking Selene more about it in the morning, she'll know.
But in the morning, Selene is gone. She's left a sealed parchment with the innkeeper for Rand, though.
I must leave you for a time. There are too many people here, and I do not like Caldevwin. I will await you in Cairhien. Never think that I am too far from you. You will be in my thoughts always, as I know that I am in yours.
Hurin and the horses wait outside the inn, and Cal with fifty mounted soldiers. He asks after the Lady, and Rand says she had to leave suddenly in the night. Cal stumbles at this, and Hurin whispers to Rand that Cal had the inn watched, Selene must have gotten past them somehow.(4) Rand thinks that if there was any chance Cal didn't yet suspect them of something, Selene's gone and finished it off.
Rand mutters to himself about this, and the younger officer in charge of the fifty soldiers, Tavolin, asks if he said something. Rand just says nothing is happening the way he expects it to. Tavolin smiles briefly and suggests they ride. Onward, to the city of Cairhien.
(1) In honour of Rand using Thom's flute again, I expect. (2) And here we get a great intro to the Game of Houses, which yes directly inspired Game of Thrones. Robert Jordan and GRRM were good friends. At any rate, the Game of Houses is similar in some ways if you're familiar with Game of Thrones, but also very different. Everyone will read twenty layers of meaning and intent into your every action and every nitpick detail of your appearance because their lives and livelihoods will literally depend on it. This lovely innkeeper had no clue her husband would apportion his estate so, despite being married to him for years, but he surely had his reasons. That's Cairhien in a nutshell. (3) Lanfear doesn't want to answer your petty questions, man. A little "accident" to give her an exit suits just fine. We saw the Amyrlin hold Nynaeve and Egwene up with weaves of Air, why not a firm pinch applied just so? (4) How could she have gotten out? Well, who knows what talents Lanfear might have. We have very little information about what was known to be possible in the Age of Legends.
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
A Mermaid Princess and A Pirate King
Mermaid In the Moonlight
Motonari had followed Ava around Azuchi for two weeks now. So far, it seemed that bracelet was doing its job, but Motonari didn’t trust anything he didn’t see to with his own two eyes. He had to keep an eye on the Princess and keep her close. That was the only way to be sure of her keeping her mouth shut. Even if it did take him into such uncomfortable territory.
Why the hell all these people like her so damn much? He thought as he grumpily watched her interacting with the soldiers who came in for her care from injuries they received from training. It was clear as day that the men thought she was something. Motonari thought it clever of her to work her way into their good graces so well.
Of course, through his observations…it wasn’t just the soldiers…it was Nobunaga and all of his warlords. It appeared they would all gladly fight tooth and nail for their precious princess. And even the people of Azuchi seemed to love her. It seemed everyone knew her as a great healer… which led Motonari having to follow her into some rather uncomfortable territory. Like when he had to follow her into that house with that sick little girl.
“Don’t know how he can let that bleedin’ heart lead her into those damn places.” He muttered as he sat in the hot bath, scrubbing his skin. “I can feel that damn sickness…feel it on me…” He kept scrubbing. He hated how being in places like that made him feel…he hated even more that he had to clean himself up in someone else’s bath. The maids had wanted to prepare it for him, but he had refused and cleaned the tub out before putting the hot water in it himself. It just delayed how long it took for him to get the sickness off of himself.
Though he was irritated by the entire thing, he made sure to school his features by the time he was finished. Getting the bath and fresh clean clothes helped to settle him some…though he was soon having to sit through another banquet with the Oda forces. That damn Hideyoshi tried to be so friendly… Why’s he gotta be so damn buddy buddy? What’s he want?
Motonari sat by Ava once again, watching her interact with all the warlords. They treated her like some damn precious thing. They all practically fell all over themselves to dote on her…even that damn kitsune…even if he was more subtle about it and there was lots of teasing back and forth between the pair.
As he continued to watch Ava and the Oda, Motonari couldn’t help but to get more aggravated. Why’s she always gotta look at them with that damn smile? Why’s she always look at them so damn happily? He thought, working to keep the frown from his face. Keeping his friendly Shojumaru act up. Though it irritated him more that he was even irritated in the first place. Why did her smile for the Oda and her contempt for him bug him so?
Motonari was rather happy when Ava announced she was ready to turn in for the night, claiming she’d had a long day. Naturally, Motonari got up and followed her…Shojumaru being the ever vigilant guard and gentleman escorting his lady to her room.
“You really that worried that you have to follow me to my room? You know I CAN’T tell anyone anything or do you not believe in the power you hold because of this damn shackle you put on me?” She told him, her frustration with him clear in her voice.
Motonari was glad. She’d spent all damn day making him frustrated and uncomfortable. That wasn’t how this was supposed to go. He was the one in charge. He made people uncomfortable so they would keep their distance.
“I don’t trust nothin’ fish girl. Nothin’ but my own plans.” He told her, deciding to throw her a bone. Also maybe…just maybe she’d get the hint. He had to follow her around because he didn’t trust her.
“Nothing and no one.” She replied. She was more observant than he gave her credit for. “That must get lonely.”
Motonari was caught off guard for a moment by this observation. Tch…someone like her would think it was lonely. “It ain’t lonely.” Trusting people is what got you hurt. “Besides you’re too trustin’ and look what it got you.”
They had reached her room by this time and she had crossed the threshold. For someone in her situation, Ava was glaring at him with such defiance in her eyes. “That I may be in this predicament now, doesn’t mean I regret my choices. No matter the cost to me, I will never regret helping those in need…now good night.” She then slammed her door closed in his face.
Motonari’s eyes widened only a moment before he was chuckling to himself. She could still hold so much venom and fire in her. Clearly she wasn’t as sweet as she had the Oda believing. He was glad she was feeling as frustrated with him as he was with her.
He stayed outside her door for a while, knowing she was sitting on just the other side. He wanted to be sure she was asleep before he could even think of trying to get any kind of rest himself. He was surprised when he heard her moving about again. He knew she was sneaking out of her room.
Discreetly, Motonari followed her. She exited her room and was making her way through the garden. It seemed like she was getting ready to leave the castle, but where the hell would she be going? There was only one thing Motonari could think of and it was that she was getting ready to betray him.
“Where ya think yer goin’?” He asked, deciding to make sure she was aware of him.
Ava seemed to suppress a groan as she turned to face him. “You wanna find out? Just keep following me. Not like I can stop you if I wanted to anyways.”
“But I could stop you.” He reminded her, his eyes going to her wrist.
She glared at him. “It’s no secret meeting to spill all your secrets.” She said, clearly done with him. “Just need to go get out all of this frustration.”
Motonari quirked a brow at her. He had to admit he was curious. Clearly he had gotten under her skin. He wondered just what she planned to do about it. “Alright. Lead the way.” He told her, after a moment.
Motonari was surprised when they ended up on the bank of the nearby lake. She seemed to look out at the water for a moment, letting out a sigh as her posture seemed to relax as if just being near the water calmed her in some way. He was taken by surprise when he saw her hands going to her obi sash and beginning to undo it.
“The hell ya doin’?” He asked, his eyes wide in surprise. Why was she getting undressed?! Wasn’t like he’d never seen a naked woman before…but still.
“What do you think?” She replied.
Motonari grinned. Whatever she was doing, he would throw her off. He wouldn’t let her unbalance him. “Heh, well if ya wanted ta work yer frustrations off, why didn’t ya tell me this was what ya had in mind? We coulda taken care o’ this back in yer room, fish girl.”
“Oh, if that’s what I had in mind, I don’t think you could handle it, ya damn pirate.” She replied as she removed her sash. “You’re the one who keeps calling me fish girl. You’re aware of my people, then you must know what I’m really up to.” She continued to remove her layers.
He had to give her credit. She kept up with him quip for quip. “Late night skinny dippin’ beforehand then?” Motonari asked, leaning in.
She rolled her eyes, practically scoffing at the idea, as she finished stripping down. She now stood before him, completely naked and unflinching. “Think whatever you want, but you ain’t getting this.” She told him before jumping into the water, completely submerging herself.
Motonari’s eyes watched her form illuminated by the moonlight just beneath the water’s surface. He watched as her legs melded together, iridescent scales of blue green that when the light hit just right, appeared almost rainbow. By the time she resurfaced, her legs were gone and her tail was fully formed, fins and all.
“Sometimes a girl just has to stretch her fins.” She declared, looking at him, her tail flicking around her in the water.
Motonari had seen the merfold before…yet there was still something about seeing her like this for the first time. Seeing her transform. Against his will one word flitted through his mind as he looked at her floating in the water, the moonlight shining on her, illuminating her and making her scales sparkle. Beautiful.
“Catfish got your tongue?” Ava asked, grinning at him, seemingly pleased with herself that she had momentarily stunned the pirate.
“Tch…you wish.” Motonari replied, having recovered himself.
“Whatever you have to tell yourself.” Ava replied before turning and diving back under the water, swimming about.
Motonari kept his red eyes on the water, watching for any sight of her. He told himself it was all just to make sure she didn’t escape. She resurfaced a while later, floating on her back, her long hair laying over her chest, her tail stretched out, the light of the moon perfectly illuminating her. She seemed to be looking up at the night sky, taking it all in.
“You’re staring.” 
“Just keepin’ an eye on my investment.” Motonari replied.
“You wouldn’t be the first sailor to fall prey to the charms of the merfolk.” Ava told him, an almost smile on her face.
“I’ve heard the tales.” Motonari replied. “All must be a bunch of bilge water. Ya ain’t no great beauty ta charm me.”
“Then maybe you should tell your eyes to stop looking at me like that.” 
“Tch, think what ya like m’lady.” Motonari replied, turning his face away from her to look up at the moon instead. Though his eyes couldn’t help but to be drawn her way every once in a while. “Just thinkin’...this ain’t the first time ya snuck out to do this.”
Ava turned her head slightly to meet Motonari’s gaze. “Your point?” She asked.
“The Oda…they don’t know…’bout what ya really are do they?”
Ava seemed to be thinking a moment before letting out a sigh. “No…no one knows…”
“‘Cept me.” Motonari said with a smirk, for some reason pleased that he knew something about Ava the Oda didn’t.
“Yes, except you.” Ava replied, rolling her eyes. “It’s not like I told you…you just know from being out at sea so long. You know what to look for.”
“Yeah, I know the signs.” Motonari agreed. “But still, think it’s funny yer precious buddies don’t know somethin’ this big about ya…figured they knew with the way ya run ‘round the place healin’ everyone.”
“No…they think I’m just really good with medicine.” Ava replied, her eyes looking down now.
Motonari noticed that she seemed…sad about that. He wasn’t even sure why it seemed so important to note…but it stuck with him. “So, how’s a fish girl end up posin’ as an Oda Princess anyways?” He found himself asking.
Ava was moving, almost as if she were sitting up now in the water, as she looked at him. “It wasn’t…it wasn’t intentional.” She said. “Not like you posing as a friendly merchant is.”
“Yer tellin’ me that you ain’t putin’ on some kind o’ act? That bein’ with the Oda don’t serve some kinda purpose of yer own?” Motonari asked.
Ava glared at him. “It’s not like that.”
Motonari lifted a brow at her in question. “Pretendin’ ta be some human girl…it gets ya somethin’. Protection from yer arranged marriage, I’d be willin’ to bet.”
“It wasn’t an arranged marriage, more of a forced one and I refuse to be a pawn in anyone else’s power games!” Ava shouted. “That includes you and yours…and how dare you pretend to know me…don’t act like you know anything about me or my life you filthy bastard!”
As Ava raged, Motonari took note of the water around her. It seemed to be moving with her anger…and her eyes…they seemed to glow. Clearly there was more to Ava than he had initially thought. She was even more than any of the other fish folk he’d met in his past.
“You need to calm down, girlie.” He warned her, his voice clearly a command.
Ava groaned as she glared daggers at him. She was clearly having to fight with herself and with the power of the bracelet around her wrist. She then let out a shriek of frustration before diving back under the water and a large wave forming in the wake of her power.
Motonari was up and running, not able to entirely get out of the way of the wave as it came crashing onto the lakeshore. He ended up half soaked. “Damn fish girl!” He yelled out at the water just as Ava resurfaced.
“That’s what you get.” Ava replied, glaring at him.
Motonari glared right back, but didn’t say a word. He was clearly frustrated and pissed off…and soaking wet.
“Not that I care…but there’s a hand towel in my kimono if you want it.” Ava told him after a moment, her rage seeming to be calming.
“I don’t want yer shit.”
“Fine, stay soaking wet and catch a cold. See if I care.” Ava replied.
Motonari just smirked. “Whatever…damn fish girl. I ain’t gonna catch a cold from this. Been soaked worse from the sea herself.”
“Whatever…asshole.” Ava replied, settling herself in the water, as Motonari sat back down on the lakeshore.
They both glared at each other in silence. “Ya got a temper.” Motonari finally spoke up after a small eternity.
“Like you have any room to talk there.” Ava reminded him.
Motonari smirked at her. He had to get control of the situation once again…control of himself. “Ya get yer frustrations out then?” He asked.
“Maybe.” Ava answered. “Splashing you was a bit satisfying.”
Motonari smirked at her. “That was nothin’. I done stepped in puddles worse than that.”
“Want me to get you again?” Ava asked.
“If ya think ya can, go fer it.” Motonari challenged, as he reached his hands up and began wringing the water from his hair and clothes. He didn’t like being wet, but it was just water.
“You’ve ruined the mood.” Ava said, as she swam back towards the lakeshore. She got back on land and Motonari watched as he scales and fins began to slowly disappear, her legs returning. She wrung her own hair out before grabbing the hand towel from her kimono and began drying off.
Her skin seemed to glow under the moonlight. Motonari knew he shouldn’t look…but his red eyes were drawn to her. That word flitting through his mind once again.
“You gonna gawk at me all night?” Ava asked as she stood, drying her body off further.
“I ain’t gawkin’.” Motonari protested, though his cheeks seemed to be getting warm. 
“Sure.” Ava replied with a smirk. 
Motonari glared at her. She was using his own tactics against him. “Ya are naked…and ain’t too bad on the eyes. I’ve seen worse.” He replied. He couldn’t let her know she was getting to him in any way. “If yer still frustrated, I’d consider lettin’ ya work those frustrations off.”
“It’ll be a cold day in hell before that happens.” Ava replied as she picked up her kimono and began to dress once again.
“Whatever, fish girl.” Motonari replied.
Once Ava was dressed, the pair began to head back to the castle. They spent their walk back in silence. Once they returned to the castle and he was alone, Motonari contemplated everything that had just happened. He had to admit, he liked Ava’s fire. The way she talked to him…it was a bit refreshing. It was also actually kinda fun…when it wasn’t frustrating as hell.
In another time and place, there might have been a way for Ava to be on his side. Though she was his enemy and a begrudging tool in his games. And for whatever reason…none of that seemed to settle right with Motonari. It agitated him beyond his own belief. 
“She’s just a damn tool.” He told himself as he stood in his guest room running his hands through his hair in agitation. “And when I’m done usin’ her…I’ll kill her with all the rest.” Though even as he said the words…they didn’t feel right. They made him feel uneasy.
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