#( could be the day after seonho offered him the position! )
lilacsongs · 1 year
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when  kyungsoo  hears  the  song  hummed  by  eden  who’s  busy  working  on  a  painting  at  the  end  of  the  room,  he  cannot  keep  his  smile  from  widening  even  more.  “hello  there.”  kyungsoo  has  snuck  up  to  the  painter  without  making  a  sound,  before  he  whispers  into  the  man’s  ear  when  he  is  only  inches  behind  him.  “what’s  gotten  you  in  such  a  good  mood  today?”  kyungsoo  has  already  left  the  art  supplies  he’s  picked  up  from  the  store  on  the  work  desk,  alongside  the  letters  he’s  gotten  out  of  the  mailbox  only  minutes  ago.  his  gaze  skims  over  eden’s  outfit  before  his  brows  narrow  in  confusion  and  something  that  can  almost  be  called  endearment.  “wait  —  is  that  my  shirt  you’re  wearing?”  he  might  be  mistaken,  but  he  doubts  that  eden  would  have  the  exact  same  shirt.
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Let’s Play Forever
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 3.8k
Summary: Yeonjun had always been confident. Some would say too confident even. It’s you, you’re some. It isn’t until he gets passed over for the leader position that you seem him doubting himself for the first time, and you gotta say, you don’t like it one bit.
A/N: this was gonna be a really nasty femdom fic but I got soft and it turned into a fluffy switchy mess, but it’s still nasty don’t worry and still femdom
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Anger bubbles up in your throat and you grit your teeth to try and keep it down as you watch the instructor berate Soobin for the hundredth time.
“I’m sorry, Seongho-nim. I didn’t have enough time to practice.” Soobin mumbles with his head down.
“Yeonjun had the same amount of hours to practice and yet he executed the moves perfectly. Why can’t you?”
Of course he’d bring up Yeonjun, the star trainee. He was good at everything, and he was insufferable about it, parading around and showing off to anyone who would listen.
When you’d first gotten into the company and didn’t know any better, he took you to the wall where the names of the top trainees in each category were written, except they were all the same name–Choi Yeonjun. Your confusion only lasted a second before he smugly proclaimed that he was Choi Yeonjun. He’d gotten on your nerves ever since.
You hated how arrogant he was, but most of all, you resented how his proficiency in everything he set out to do only served to highlight Soobin’s mistakes, making them all the more glaring, and that was just unfair. Soobin worked just as hard as Yeonjun did, it’s not his fault that he’s naturally more clumsy and forgetful. Not everyone can be born blessed with impeccable coordination and sense of rhythm.  
“I guess he’s just the better dancer.” Soobin replies meekly.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Yeonjun smirking at you and you turn your head to glare at him.
“Yeah, no shit. You better get your shit together soon or you won’t be here for much longer.” The instructor growls at the poor boy, and Soobin’s head hangs even lower. “Yes, Seongho-nim.”
You wait until the instructor is out of the room, all the while staring daggers at his retreating back, before you rush forward to comfort Soobin.
“Don’t listen to him, Binnie. You’re a great dancer!” You clasp your arm around his back, trying to shake him out of the horrible mood he was in.
“I don’t know, noona. I just can’t seem to get anything right. Maybe I should just quit.” You gasp. Quit? He can’t quit! You wanted him to stay.
“Don’t say that, sweetie.” You coo softly. Just then, an idea pops up into your head. “I know what we can do! I can help you practice. You’ll get better in no time!”
At that, his head shoots up and he smiles brightly, and you swear you could just smother him in kisses with how happy you’ve made him look. “Really? You’d do that for me?”
“Of course, I’d do anything for you.” There was no hesitation in your words. You’d really do anything for the precious boy.  
“You’re so nice to me, noona.” Your heart swells even more until you feel like it could just burst. And then it does, but not in the way you’d hoped. “You know, you remind me of my own noona. With you around it’s like she’s here with me.”
“Oh. That’s nice.” You choke when he engulfs you in a warm hug.
“Thank you for being here for me. I don’t know what I would do without you.” He pulls back but his arms remain around your waist as he smiles down at you innocently, not knowing what his proximity is doing to you.
You were in hell. On the one hand, it felt so good to be held like this by him. You were starved for any kind of intimacy from him. But on the other hand, the way he was looking at you was nothing but genuine and pure, and it killed you that he felt nothing but platonic love for you.
“It’s really no problem.” You say awkwardly, breaking the bittersweet embrace yourself. “Why don’t you go take a shower now. You stink.” You slap his arm lightly, and he laughs.  
“Ok. You’re the best, noona!” He kisses your cheek and runs around collecting his stuff.
As soon as he leaves the room, a boisterous laugh erupts from behind you.
“Wow, getting sister-zoned. That’s gotta hurt.”
“Fuck off, Yeonjun.” You turn towards the boy with a mean scowl on your face.
“Come on, noona, he’s never going to be interested in you. He’s too much of a good boy. He can probably sense that you’re bad news, like a little mouse smelling a snake.” He grins, sticking his tongue out between his teeth and making a hissing sound. “I don’t know why you bother with him when you’ve got me right here.”
You rake your eyes over his seated form, eyeing up his long limbs and his pretty face. He was staring you down too, his mouth slightly parted and his eyes dark. He looked hungry and sinful and that’s precisely why you didn’t want him. You liked good boys like Soobin, not arrogant assholes like Yeonjun.  
Turning away from him, you start gathering your own stuff. “Thanks but no thanks.”
“Why the fuck not?”
“You’re not my type.”
He scoffs, offended by the mere notion. “I’m everyone’s type. You’re just a frigid bitch.”
That brat!
You round on him, stomping towards him and leaning over him with a sharp frown. “No, I’m just not interested in selfish brats who cares about no one but themselves.”
“I’m not selfish.” You hear him protest as you turn your back on him, but you ignore him, grabbing the last of your items before leaving.
“You know this isn’t gonna make me do you, right?”
“I’m not trying to get you to do me.”
You glare at him suspiciously, obviously not believing him. There is no way in hell that Yeonjun would voluntarily offer to help you help Soobin practice unless it benefitted him in some way.
He rolls his eyes at your clear distrust of him. “I’m doing this to prove to you that I’m not selfish.”
“So you’re only doing this to make yourself look better? You’re right, that’s not selfish at all.”
He glares at you, “Yeah, and what about you? You’re only helping Soobin because you want to get into his pants.”
“That’s not true!” You splutter. “I care about him as a person!”
“And I care about you.” He shrugs.
“Whatever, as long as it helps Soobin.” You grumble, reluctantly accepting his assistance.
And it did help. To be honest, before Yeonjun joined you, you and Soobin were getting nowhere. Your efforts combined were just not as good as Yeonjun’s and despite the significant improvement, his skills still couldn’t compare to Yeonjun’s. Until the boy in question decided to offer his help.
After that, you weren’t needed that much anymore. Yeonjun was a much better mentor than you were, but you still hung around whenever they practiced together. At first because you didn’t trust Yeonjun. Maybe he was doing this to undermine Soobin in some way or just to generally bully him and lower his spirits. But much to your surprise, Yeonjun was a better instructor than even the company appointed one. He was strict but never abusive. He got frustrated with Soobin sometimes but that was only because he thought he could do better. And he was very creative in explaining things to Soobin–if the younger boy didn’t understand something, he found another way to teach it to him.
You had always suspected that Soobin was a good dancer and singer that could shine if he was given the proper direction and nurture, and with Yeonjun’s help, that’s exactly what he got. And you found yourself growing fonder of Yeonjun the more Soobin thrived under his guidance.
Now instead of attending their practice sessions to make sure Yeonjun wasn’t doing something fishy, you would go just to witness the older boy in his zone. You’ve never really paid much attention to him before–you refused to just because that’s what he wanted you to do–but now that you do, you could see how exceptional he really was. Yes, he was still annoying and his ego was larger than life, but you found yourself softening up to him.
The first time Soobin’s performance got praised instead of insulted by Seonho-nim because of Yeonjun’s help, you were so ecstatic that you had pulled the older boy out of the room and kissed his face off.
“I thought you said this won’t make you have sex with me.” He had smirked at you.
“It won’t.” You shut him up, kissing him again.
Ever since then, you couldn’t stop thinking about his lips. They were always so plush and inviting, especially when he pouted at you, which seemed to always be happening these days as he kept trying to get closer to you.
You didn’t mind it anymore, Yeonjun was an interesting person and you enjoyed spending more time with him and getting to know him. You had learned that, among the trainees, he’d been here the longest and that some of his friends who had left the company have already debuted–something that only fueled his determination to debut more.
Now that you think about it, Yeonjun wasn’t obligated to care for Soobin. For all he knows, Soobin might not even end up in the debuting team, or worse, he might beat Yeonjun for a position.
That’s why it must’ve stung so much when Soobin was chosen as the leader for Bighit’s new boy group instead of Yeonjun.
It was disconcerting to see him doubting himself. You were so used to his cocksure attitude and easy confidence that you almost forgot that he was human too and was subject to the same doubts and fears everyone was.
It shouldn’t bother you this much. Soobin was getting the acknowledgement he deserved at long last, and he was more than appreciative to you for it, gushing about how he never would’ve had the courage and will power to continue if not for your help. But you found yourself only half-listening to his words of gratitude, your mind occupied by the crest-fallen boy who for the first time ever actually looked unsure of himself.
“It’s not the end of the world, Yeonjun.” You told him, back at your apartment. You don’t know why you even invited him over, but you couldn’t handle seeing him look so angry and lost. “These leader positions don’t go to the best trainee. They go to the one who could mediate the group the best, and Soobin is a good mediator.”
“I deserve that position! What can he do that I can’t do?” He asks, and for once, it’s a question rather than a proclamation.
“Listen!” You yell out in frustration, “A good leader needs to listen and you never do.”
“I can’t believe that after all I’ve done, I still lost.”
“Don’t be stupid, Yeonjun. You didn’t lose shit. You still got into the group.”
“Yeah, but I’d have to take orders from him from now on.” He laments bitterly, and you know he doesn’t mean it like that. He’d come to be close with Soobin too, but it must hurt to have the person you helped train get chosen over you. “I’d rather quit.”
“What is it with you boys and quitting? No one is quitting!” You scold him.
“What do you care anyway? Isn’t this what you wanted all along, for me to fail and Soobin to succeed?” He crosses his arms, leaning against your table and looking at you like a wounded puppy.
You roll your eyes and march over to him, “I never wanted you to fail, Yeonjun. I just wanted Soobin to feel better.”
He scoffs, averting his eyes. “Well, he must feel like a fucking champ right now.”
Stepping ever closer to him, you corner him between your body and the table, “And what about you, how does that make you feel?”
“Like shit?” It comes out like a question as he stares at you in suspicion, his eyebrows furrowing and his lips in a pout, trying to figure out what you were going to do.
You place your hands on either side of him on the table, effectively trapping him. He looks so cute like this, all vulnerable and lost. You weren’t used to him being so docile, but it was fucking turning you on. And when his tongue darted out to nervously wet his lips, you couldn’t hold yourself back.
You cut off his startled question as you capture his mouth with your own. Taking advantage of his momentarily shock, you press your lips against his in small kisses that end before he gets to fully enjoy them, teasing him. His lips were as plump as you remember, and you take the bottom one between your teeth and bite down, making it swell up even more. His mouth opens in a gasp and you soothe over his now red lip with your tongue before slipping it into his open mouth.
Once he feels your tongue against his, he reciprocates the kiss, wrapping his lips around your tongue and trapping it inside his mouth as his own tongue moves against yours. When he starts clutching onto you, panting and hard, you pull away, earning yet another pout from his full and wet lips.
“Shh,” You can’t resist pressing one last quick peck against his glistening lips before moving along his jaw and down his neck, your kisses getting rougher the needier he gets.
“Are you doing this just to make me feel better?” He gasps out, pressing your body to his. You could feel how hard he was already and it made you want to devour him.
“Maybe.” You whisper in his ear before sucking on the sweet spot under it, earning a choked moan from him as his hips involuntarily buck forward. Truth is, you’ve wanted to do more than kiss him for a long time now.
“I’m worth more than a pity fuck.” He grumbles, and then gasps when you slip your hand down his pants, wrapping it around his hot member. “You are.”
He moans as your palm swipes over his slit, and spreads his legs to give you better access, his back arching as his hips buck up in time with your strokes.
Pulling on your hair gently, he pulls your mouth away from his neck and makes you face him. “Say it.”
Looking him straight in the eye, you say genuinely, “You deserve so much more, baby. You’re one of a kind.” You stroke him faster, watching hungrily as he gasps for air.
“And what about Soobin?”  He prods, one of his hands slipping under your shirt.
“He’s a good boy too.”
He frowns at that, pushing your bra up and pinching your nipple. You gasp, your back arching into his touch and your hand tightening around his length.
“But I’m better, right?“ He bites his lip, but his moans still come out as your strokes become more firm the more he plays with your breasts.
“This is what you wanted Soobin for, right? To be your obedient little fucktoy?” He asks brattily, one measure mocking and the other spoiled, and you feel your underwear sticking to you uncomfortable with how wet you were becoming. “It’s okay, noona, you can play with me instead. I’ll be your good boy.”
Taking your hands off him, you push him away to slip your pants and underwear down to your legs and kick them away. Then you switch positions with him so you’re sitting on top of the table and he’s standing between your legs.
Grabbing his dick, you slide it up and down your soaking slit. Every time it touches your hole, you push just the head of it inside before pulling it back out, leaving you aching and clenching around nothing, but it’s worth it to hear his whimpers each time.
“What a filthy mouth you have, baby. Such a bad boy who knows how to act good to get what he wants.”
“Hmm,” He buries his face in your neck, sucking big, wet kisses all over your skin. “Let me fuck you then.”
“How much do you want it?” You tease as you push more of him inside and squeeze your walls around him, only to pull it back out once again.
“So fucking bad.” He whines, grabbing your ass and bucking his hips forward, his dick sliding wetly over your pussy. “I can just fuck you stupid.”
“Yeah, is that what you fantasize about, Junnie? Fucking me until I break on your cock baby?” You goad him, rubbing the head of his cock against your clit.
“Yeah I want to fuck you until you’re so filled up with my cum and your pussy is so sore, I’ll ruin you for other men.” He takes his cock from your hand and lines himself up with your entrance and pushes inside.
“Go slow.” You moan, throwing your head back. He huffs into your shoulder as his body becomes flush against yours. His mouth continues abusing your neck as his hips swivel and grind against yours, the friction making you involuntarily close your legs, bringing him even closer to you.
“Good boy.”
“Yeah, I’m your best boy.” He boasts, hips pulling back ever so slight just to snap forward again, hitting you deep inside  in sharp little bursts. “You like having my cock in you? It fills you up just right, huh?”
“Yes, you’re just perfect, baby.”
“I can feel how your pussy is just dying to milk me dry.” He pulls back to take your shirt and bra off, and cups your breasts in his hands, pushing them together. “Can’t wait till you’re all stuffed full of my cum.”
"You can’t have it all, Junnie.” Your voice shakes as his thumbs twirl around your nipples, “Either you get to fuck me how you want or you get to cum inside me. You can’t have both.”
“And why not?” His hands massage your breasts as his hips keep grinding against yours, making you feel like you could cum just from this.
“Because it’s more fun for me this way.” You grin, dragging your nails down his chest and making his hips jump forward.
“So this is how you wanna play, huh?” He challenges, “Fine by me.”
Pushing you flat against the table, he grabs you by the hips and snaps his hips into you, fucking you roughly.
“Shit.” You bite down on your tongue, getting overwhelmed with the sudden spike in pleasure. If you had known the sex would be this good, you would’ve fucked him a long time ago.
“Is it as good as you imagined it, baby boy?” You tease him, using your own hands to play with your tits.
“Yes, noona. You’ve kept me waiting for too long.” He growls, his tight grip on your hips barely enough to hold you in place against his sharp thrusts.
“Poor baby.” You purr, tightening yourself around him and drawing out a long moan from his throat. “Is it too much for you?”
He scoffs and his hips stop moving.  You frown, “Why did you–”
You gasp as you feel him squeeze a finger inside of you, stretching you out almost painfully as your pussy widens to accommodate the extra girth. You whine and squirm in discomfort as his finger prods around the tight space, but he presses his other hand down on your abdomen and holds you in place.  
“Yeonjun, I swear to god–oh fuck!” You suddenly cry out as his finger hits just the right spot inside of you.
A grin stretches across his face as you realize what he’s doing but it’s too late because then he’s fucking you with both his dick and his finger, the combined stretch of his dick and the incessant way he was rubbing against your sweet spot has your legs shaking and trying to close up, the stimulation too much. But his body prevents you from closing your legs, forcing you to lie there and take it.  
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” You grit out, feeling the sharp pleasure shoot up your body as he adds another finger to the one already inside.
“Yeah, cum on my cock, noona.” He groans and fucks you even harder, the slapping sound of his thighs hitting yours and your slick squelching around his fingers filling the room.
When you cum, your pussy almost couldn’t contract around him for how much it was stretched. “Fuck, I can’t, I can’t!” You cry out, your eyes closing against the intense pleasure and your body shaking under him.
“Ah–I’m gonna c-cum, noona.” He whimpers quietly but you hear it, and it tears you out of your hazy orgasm. You summon all your strength and sit up, pushing him out of you and closing your fist tightly around the base of his dick.
“No, no, no.” He shouts, his hips humping the air as he tries to hold onto his orgasm, but with your hand wrapped tightly around him, only a few drops of cum drip down his cock as it twitches in vain.
“What did I say about cumming inside, Junnie?”
“You’re a fucking sadist.” He growls, resting his forehead against yours as he tries to catch his breath and calm down.
“Now I could not let you cum just for that attitude.” You chastise.
“No, please, let me cum, please. I’m sorry.” He whines, kissing you, hot and desperate. His body vibrates in your hold and you could practically taste his desperation. “Please.”
“Okay.” You relent, if only because of the delicious burn in your pussy from the orgasm he brought you just seconds ago. As you jack him off, you spread your legs, putting your pussy on display for him, taunting him with what he can’t have. “Maybe if you’re good, you could cum inside me next time.”  
He was so close already that it only takes him a couple of strokes to cum, his seed landing on your pussy and inner thighs, contrasting prettily against your skin. He must like it too because he stares at like he’s committing it to memory.
“Fuck, thank you.” He grunts, taking off his shirt and wiping the mess between your legs with it.  
“Oh, you didn’t have to.” You say sheepishly, feeling sorry for ruining his shirt.
But he doesn’t care, chucking it to the floor and enveloping you in a sudden embrace, his breath warm against your ear. You let him hold you for a bit, stroking his back as his breathing evens out and his heartbeat slows down.
Pulling back ever so slightly, you cup his face between your hands and whisper to him, “I meant it, by the way. I think you’re amazing and you’re gonna do huge things in the future.”
“I know.” He retorts cheekily, and you roll your eyes and pull him in for a kiss.
A/N: Feedback is greatly appreciated mwah
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luvouz-blog · 5 years
School Rapper; The real you
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 | Lisa Yamazaki ‘ The show judges ‘ mention of other show contestants
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 | In the second episode Lisa has to show a rap that portrays the real her.
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 | fluff & a little mention of angsty
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄(𝐒) | Please know that this is written as it was an MNET video. The Italics will be used for Judge comments. The girl in the gif is Lee Jieun, she was a contestant of HSR season 1 and 2, she is extremely talented but was portrayed by MNET as a pretty face. So please do check out her music on soundcloud.
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The room got tensed after many unexpected good rappers have audition. Each time a name was called it made her feel nervous, she could feel her heart beating fast on her throat, she tried to ignore the nerves and continue to practice her lines in her head. That until her name showed on the screen, she stood up and fixed her clothes before walking to the stage. Mummers and cheers for her were heard ass he walked towards the stage.
“Hello everyone this is 16-year-old Yamazaki Lisa also known Kira B who loves making art”
“The last time we saw you on the cypher round you were on a tie with Vinxen, How does this make you feel?”
“ I actually feel quite honored, I am a fan of Vinxen’s music and Kiff Clan overall”
“ You know that we all fell in love with your cypher. You got voted as one of the most highly anticipated contestants of this season, and after seeing your live performance in the cypher just proves why you were voted so and exceeded my expectations. Now that you know how we feel about you, how does that makes you feel”
“ For the past few days, I haven’t been able to sleep properly since I was so busy perfecting my pitch and my lyrics as well as making sure that the beat was perfect. And knowing that you believe in me makes me feel honored but nervous at the same time the thought of not meeting the expectations terrifies me, even though I know I am talented there’s always the little doubts”
“The story that I want to show the world is about a little girl who’s own parents gave her inferiority complex and depression leaving her wondering if she’ll ever enough but who thanks to music is able to overcome her demons and become the best of herself making art in any time of form. I’ll take you to the painful journey of the memories of a heartbroken kid, This song is called Good Enough.”
Lisa got in position on the center of the stage, she felt nervous but she was not gonna let them get the best of her. The moment she grabbed that mic her facial expressions completely changed to cold ones to get in character.
“From West to East DJ Drop the KILLAH BEAT !
The beat kicked in, takin by surprise the expectations along with the judges, the aggressive beat wasn’t from a popular artist but an original Killa Beat
“And all I ever asked was to hear the words I Love You which I never did and keeps me wondering every night, Was I ever good enough?! the last part being almost yelled, her voice almost cracks from how emotional she had become.  At the end of her performance, he received a standing ovation from the judges who were clearly touched by her words.
The female judge clears her throat before speaking, "I got goosebumps, this is definitely what art is".
" Kira you are one of the kind, thank you so much for sharing a piece of your art today. All I have to say is that if you joined our group we can help you with the your music production skills "
" Look at you Lisa, you have all the judges almost begging you to join their team. You captivated all of their hearts with your music. " said the host with a grin on his face
" Let's proceed with the final voting for the presentation of Kira B/ Lisa Yamazaki " informed us the show host.
" The final score for Kira's presentation Is ...... 190 points ". Lisa was thrilled, she was only one point off to beating Haon or being again in a tie with him. But moreover to that, she was even more thrilled that so many people voted for her to have that number. She bowed before walking off the stage and sat besides Vinxen who offered her a handshake and a small smile.
" You did really good, congrats." she heard a voice say from the side and indeed it was Byunjae himself talking to her.
" Thank you so much, it means a lot to me " Lisa gives him a small smile before looking back at the stage and continue watching the next presentations.
Just like that Lisa was able to gain that little confidence that she needed in life and was able to make really good friends like Byeongho, Haon, Jinyoung, Rohan, Seonho and many others.
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rkwon · 6 years
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( tw !! abuse ) 
thinking back, he can barely believe how long it’s been since he last performed for an actual audience — not other trainees grateful for the break from their usual long, stressful schedules or just company staff with watchful eyes. the mgas and their bonus m!countdown appearance had been his last experiences in front of a live audience and whilst he’d done well then, it doesn’t make any difference to the nerves he feels heading into this performance. 
he wishes he could say he’s well rested and mentally prepared for what’s to come, but in truth, even just the dress rehearsals had taken it out of him. physically, no one would notice a difference because for the sake of a few minutes, won refused to allow himself to slack. he has enough energy to push through all this, but he hates the feeling of heavy eyelids and the fact that he’s looking forward to it all being over so he can go home. being out here, sharing a stage with freshly debuted and long-established groups should be, and is, an honour. he isn’t ungrateful for this opportunity, but seeing people around him drop like flies earlier in the week before they’d even flown out here forces him to the edge. he’s fidgety, beyond the point of tired because as much as he hoped he could, at least for a few days, sleep without mingyu’s comfort, he can’t. waking up every thirty minutes to an hour, it could be worse, but when won is so exhausted from everything else, it begins to stack. 
at first, he’d been excited. travelling beyond the borders of seoul is something he’s never done. when his birth family had gone on vacations, he hadn’t been invited, though a complaint never passed his lips. he took any chance to be apart from them, and if he didn’t fear what would happen when they finally got in, he’d have changed the locks while they were gone. 
that adrenaline rush had been short-lived when he realised the rooming arrangements, spending the next few days whining to his boyfriend about how unfair it is as if it’ll change anything. he ever tries to prepare himself for the suffering of snoozing cold and alone, and when it works, he feels a little of that hope and excitement return. 
it dies out again when they really get into the meat of their performance. as he watches the other trainees struggle with the dance standing front and centre, himself tucked at the back trying to guide their movements with patient teaching and watching one another in the full wall mirrors, he tries to swallow the disappointment settling in his chest. he might not be that familiar with jazz or contemporary, but he learns fast where dance is concerned— at least faster than those whose other talents far excelled their dancing skills. if so jisub has all these fantastic vocalists, why isn’t this dance-vocal performance at the very least? there’s comfort, sadly, in that other dancers are lumped at the back with him. outwardly, he doesn’t let it show, but whilst he isn’t jealous of those who got picked ( it isn’t their fault — there hadn’t been a sign-up sheet or anything ), he can’t help nagging thoughts creeping in. maybe he isn’t good enough after all. maybe he had only done so well in the mgas because he danced things he already knew, styles he had so much practice in. it could be as simple as not having been here long enough yet to be trusted to pull it off, but that doesn’t feed the narrative his insecurities have made for him — the one that launches him into his own thoughts, only ever pulled to the edge when interacting with others, as if they’re holding his wrist as his feet dangle over a dark, seemingly endless hole. 
he takes a deep breath. 
the concept itself, at least, he really likes. it’s a little cheesy ( but all the best things are — chick-lit, pizza ) playing on the company’s name, but he won’t ever pass up the opportunity to dress up like a prince. admittedly, he relates their costumes a little more to his favourite musicals and the way his eyes twinkle as he teasingly calls mingyu the phillip carlyle to his p.t barnum is more than enough to prove that. he messes with his collar far more than he should as their seniors finish up ‘tell me’ ( it’s so much better in person; far more so than his attempt on the mgas ). they’re up next and his palms are sweaty. he knows this choreography like the back of his hand; he could do it in his non-existent sleep if he wanted to, but there’s more faces out there than he had initially realised there would be, louder screams and more at stake. he just has to make it through this. adjusting his mask, he nods to himself, glances at his boyfriend for a last bit of luck and enters onto stage with the rest of the trainees. 
when the stage lights up, they’re frozen in place, a picturesque masquerade ball beginning with the chime of a familiar melody. ( he thinks he could hum this song in his non-existent sleep, too, though he can’t imagine that’d be as disturbing to see— or technically hear. ) ballroom isn’t his strength, even if he’d pretended it was at sujin and hyunwoo’s wedding, his hand on mingyu’s chest and mingyu’s on his waist, their remaining locked together at shoulder height. but as the speed picks up, so do their movements, twirls and jazz elements faded into the choreography. 
walking to the front of the stage isn’t difficult for anyone in royal’s trainee roster ( he hopes ), but the moment he reaches his position, ready to tear off his mask, he feels his stomach churn. what are the chances he pokes himself in the eye with its corner and must finish the rest of the dance with half his ordinary sight? what are the odds he throws it and it pitifully falls to the floor an inch from him and he immortalises himself as the royal boy who can’t throw for shit? ( unfortunately, scarily high. ) slender fingers reach for his mask. just like every rehearsal, he thinks, as he dramatically rips off his mask, launches it weakly like a frisbee, watching as it doesn’t knock out anyone in the front row nor flop sadly in front of him. maybe it doesn’t matter how the rest of the performance goes. ( it does. ) maybe he’s happy with that tiny, insignificant victory. ( he is. ) 
finally, his favourite part of the special stage begins. their style takes a much stronger jazz influence. though the centres might be the focus, it’s the trainees around them that continue the dance. ( nowadays, he’s seen this a hundred times, but at first, he’d thought the image of youthful soohyun — who can barely believe is over a year older than him — beside vibrant seonho — who he can absolutely believe is over three years younger than him, even if it makes him feel old — had been ridiculously sweet. they’re the kind of pair won can see as the leads in a music video or a full drama. he’d watch that. clearly, so jisub — or whoever had decided on this stage and its centres — agrees. ) 
it’s easier to focus on his own movements now, after so much practice, growing so used to the bodies moving around him that he instinctively doesn’t look at anyone or anything besides the crowd and the cameras. practising, he’d found his eyes wandering to the other trainees, looking for things he could help with or learn himself. now, he offers the crowd a small smile as he moves because despite all the thoughts that have been weighing him down, the insecurities and the upset, he is genuinely having fun on stage. it takes more than being pushed to the back to really dampen won’s enjoyment of performing, especially for a crowd, as a whole. even when the mgas took their toll on him, he felt elated as he finished up each round. 
unfortunately, it’s not long after he’s finished with the ‘best’ bit that he slowly exits the stage, replaced by established dancers that accompany hyoni as the stage fades into her recent release. forming their half circle around rose, he begins to step back, wonders how so much work over the past month or so can boil down to a little less than three minutes, but mostly—
he’s just glad to be going home. home to a familiar bed, warm arms. home to clear thoughts, practices that don’t make him feel inadequate and guilty. to routine— normality. finally. 
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the-redamancist · 7 years
barista!yoo seonho
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genre: fluff
word count: 1.1k
seonho only started working at his local cafe because he needed the cash
because his good buddy guanlin was getting sick of emptying his wallet for the boy to buy half the menu of every restaurant in the area
the boy got scared by the whirring of the coffee machine when he went in for his job interview, which led to considerate cafe manager jisung placing him in the position of the cashier
and honestly speaking, seonho liked the job
a wide smile thrown at customers and a heart drawn next to their name on the cup was all it needed for him to earn various coos, pinches on his cheeks, as well as unnecessarily large tips left in his box titled ‘fund seonho’s yums’
so it’s understandable that for a while, seonho was happy with his job as a simple cashier
but as time passed, he became more and more intrigued by the large coffee machine just a few feet away, where skillful barista minhyun spent most of his hours perfecting every order they got
during their less busy hours, the barista started to notice that the young cashier would shuffle subtly in his direction, wide eyes onlooking the ‘big machine of doom’ with curiosity
‘do you want me to teach you how to make coffee?’
an enthusiastic nod from seonho’s part was all it took for him to be pulled in front of the machinery, chest puffed out confidently
however, his initial certainty was short-lived, as one sip of his first ever cup of cappuccino was enough for him to spew the burnt-tasting liquid all over minhyun’s pristine apron, the latter sighing in exasperation
it soon became a little game between the other employees of the cafe, that whoever loses in a round of rock-paper-scissors would have to drink a mouthful of seonho’s infamous dark liquid
(waiter hyungseob has lost almost all of the games, and he definitely may or may not hate the young barista-wannabe a little)
(maybe that’s why he doesn’t give seonho the leftover danishes anymore)
almost everyone thought that after a couple of weeks of unpleasant-tasting results, that he would give up out of frustration
but surprisingly, seonho held up, practising endlessly during his lunch breaks and even staying after closing, and his perseverance was enough for jisung to purchase extra coffee beans just for him to experiment on
and finally, finally, finally, after countless hours of hard work, the boy was able to get the coffee-making process down to a science, with the milk frother no longer overflowing and the coffee beans no longer tasting burnt or sour
to say that minhyun cried after tasting seonho’s first decent cup of coffee is an understatement
ever since that miracle, instead of only taking orders, seonho also makes them, hands handling the various cups and bottles with ease
now, in comes you, a suffering college first-year student who has only recently discovered the wonders that coffee does to your overworked and sleep-deprived brain
the first time seonho’s eyes landed on you, he did a double take because how in the world does someone manage to pull off eyebags, unruly hair and sweatpants that well?
his hands were definitely not shaking when he punched in your mumbled order, he definitely did not quadruple the amounts of hearts that he drew around your name, and he definitely did not shove barista woojin away from the coffee machine so he can prepare your drink himself
anyway, the boy was hoping for you to notice the carefully drawn hearts on your cup since there were so many of them, but all he got when you took the cup from his hand was a quiet ‘thank you’
we don’t talk about how he sulked for the rest of the day and burnt his hand twice after that
despite constantly being tired due to the overwhelming college work, you did find the coffee tasty, and on top of the cheaper prices that the shop offered, you gradually became a regular at the cafe that seonho worked in
the cute cashier that took your order every time may also be a reason behind your constant return
the other cafe employees have quickly caught on to the little crush that seonho had developed for you over the course of a few weeks, and the way that your eyes would soften every time you saw the young boy definitely did not escape their eyes
which led for them planning something a little different to a regular surprise for seonho’s upcoming birthday
tired of seeing the barista make heart eyes at you without doing anything about it, hyungseob managed to pull you aside one day, and with the most mischievous smile on his face, explained to you the liking that seonho has taken to you, asking you at the end whether or not you would like to get to know the boy
it came as a huge - albeit pleasant - surprise to you, and you found that you could do nothing but nod in agreement, still recovering from the shock minutes after hyungseob left with a satisfied grin
you fell asleep that night with the biggest smile on your face, heart pounding hopefully at the fact that perhaps, you and the cute barista actually had a chance
on seonho’s birthday a few days later, you entered the cafe in the afternoon after a lecture only to find the whole shop empty, save for the group of employees that were now tugging you insistently towards a booth at the very back of the place
and there seonho was, sitting by himself with two lattes and a plate of cookies in front of him
he looked almost as shocked as you felt when he saw your figure, eyes darting to a smiling minhyun as he silently pleaded for the man to tell him what on earth was going on
his request was met with no answer, however, as the older barista left the two of you to your own devices with only a comforting pat on seonho’s head and an encouraging smile 
you felt your cheeks burn as you slowly took your seat on the other side of the booth, glancing up hesitantly only to see the same blush climbing up seonho’s neck, his eyes focusing on anything but yours
hearing someone whisper the words ‘get comfortable!’ from the counter, you looked up to see a cheerful jisung, shooting finger guns at the two of you with the expression of a proud mother
biting back a shy chuckle, you reverted your gaze back to the embarassed boy in front of you, and cleared your throat
after finally getting him to face you directly, you fiddled with your fingers on your lap, a small, tentative smile playing on your lips
‘nice to finally meet you, seonho’
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entropedie · 4 years
counts the days like beads. hundreds, and hundreds. time that pours into the ocean, filling it in… as if it matters, all the time spent with the world. he’s lost the dollops of measures, again, the cicadas outside the decrepit construct of this house reminding him that it is, once again, evening. flickering flames remind him of vows spat out of unbridled hatred; wonders, for the nth time, if these lies will ever desist. or at least pause, for a moment, unlike the incessant rains that have been drenching the soil of this outskirt. aching heart is ever-present. he trains himself to live in the shadows, nearly nameless, nearly faceless. wonders, for the nth time, if he’s ever able to retrieve what he’s lost: his sister, his friends. and that man, which fills the craters of his bones with so much, so little. at once protecting, at once debilitating. he is nothing if not a product of misfortune that does not grant any lapse for even a single inhale. he’s kept running.
he doesn’t know how long he’s been running.
sure, the telltale years as prescribed by this era, the new country as inscribed on the land by the new king that won the support via deceits, via murders. but he’s not talking about the days and nights coexisting underneath this firmament. years feel too elongated, the time away from yeon another brand of heart apnea. he recalls the heaving, the heavy. the sternum wraps around in knots with an anchor dropped to the depth of this sea to keep him from swimming afloat, adrift. and again, tells himself he’s fine: yeon will be okay. heejae, too. seonho? he doesn’t know. he’s fine. pretends, and he’s been pretending for the last three years to no avail. friends from that crook of childhood; they share more similarities, those hwi does not want to admit, concede. he is as manipulative, perhaps, but he only does so to survive. and sometimes, reverses his train of thoughts: in the beginning, there is nothing if not the void. the cleft that separated nam jeon from his son. he doesn’t believe that the latter in this case is even half as much of a liar as the former. yes, seonho is as manipulative, perhaps, but he only does so to survive, too. perhaps, perhaps, perhaps—
he’s snapped out of the blistering daylight terrors to head out. the paths have learned how to be deserted. and he should, too. after all, what is a man like him, if not the aftermath of loss and love? his friends are the only ones left, now, never engraving another goodbye into his stone of a heart. hardened, but he still retains that chamber in his core for the boy that did not wait for him at the slope of that hill just so that he could weep. and he’s not about to weep tonight. sneaking past the village in the dark has been proven to be an easy feat after years-long training. he doesn’t draw attention at the very least upon entering the premise, the den filled with chatters does not offer him the slightest of their focus dividends. he is quick to make a beeline towards the enclosed room, his shadow supposedly warning seonho of his arrival prior to his entrance. seated, he offers a small smile, which sometimes proves to be wearier, heavier than it should be. today, it is lighter. the man seated across him might as well a stranger: it doesn’t register in hwi’s mind, how the forked riverbeds have led them apart. so far, too far, sometimes he looks at the man before him, asking himself if the boy still exists deep, deep within.
if he closes his eyes, maybe hwi can pretend. but this is no time to play pretense. they start speaking in riddles, yi bangwon a factor to their meeting. reunion, if it suits hwi’s fancy. however, it doesn’t feel right calling it as such when the man before him is a stranger, a monster cloaked in the skin of nam seonho. alas, while he chews on the chicken, he looks at seonho deep into the eyes, never wavering. “how is she?” he inquires. volume low, intent sharp. seonho leaves a lapse in the moment, his hand moving to resume eating, and that’s when the impatience in hwi that erupts every now and then — after all, can anyone fault him for being such when his life has been in disarray, caught between the teeth of political mud, to the point where it’s grown worse than simply losing the last family he had? he grabs seonho by the wrist, looking at him deep, deeper. “take care of her well,” and he sounds like the rapt of horse hooves against the solid ground of forest paths, repeating it over and over again. only when seonho provides the answer, and they fall into the elongated quietude that feels too surreal to even be counted as one, that hwi decides to spill the thoughts clamoring his mind.
“do you regret it, any of the things you have ever done for yeon?” he asks, compelling his gaze to remain still. it is impossibly difficult when he has none but the lament blooming slightly. at this point of life, even when everything has proven to point blames at seonho, he finds it hard to just swallow that, to just cultivate hatred towards the man supposedly partaking in the road forced onto hwi. “for me?” this one that follows falters. voice is just slightly above a whisper. what he wants to say is this: do you regret the times spent with the world, when the world is tainted, intertwined with the boy at the slope of the hill? even the question sounds too… hopeful, coruscating with slight positivity. but what can he expect, right?
0 notes
wannawrite · 7 years
Don’t I Know You From Somewhere [ pt.2 ]
PD101 / YH's Justin X Reader [ fem ver ] 
part one Fluff, angst Word count: 3637 • your two weeks as a 'mentor' officially commences • it's a struggle not to fall for all 97 of the boys • but Justin has captured your heart and you can't break free • you wish it was forever but it's only temporary ahhhhh thank you for all the love on part one and anon requested part two so here we go :) I struggled a little bit but I hope it's good enough. I love my Yuehua babies
this is a mess
- admin L __________ A round of applause broke out when BoA invited you to take centre stage at the podium. You smiled at the pairs of curious eyes staring at you as whispers started floating about. You inhaled a deep breath. "Hello, wow. It's so surreal to be standing in front of all of you talented people. I'm probably the most inexperienced one in this room." BoA and Kahi offered encouraging smiles. You continued. "I'm honoured to be invited as a guest judge, mentor for this week and I hope that we learn something. I know that... I can address a lot of people here... formally as my uncles or aunts. But I hope that you guys don't overlook me and I'm very excited to work with all of you. We'll be together for a lot of activities, so get used to my face. I'll be around for episodes one and two. Let's work hard! Fighting!" God, Y/N. That sounded like you were running for school president. Presidential rally. You thought, blushing as you returned to your seat. "Yes, yes. We welcome Y/N to the panel for this week. I hope all of you are excited to see what she brings to the table. Y/N will be focussing more on D to F classes but she will be attending to everyone," BoA stated, laughing at the groans that emitted from the A to C class boys. "Awww, you guys have had enough of us?" "Okay, we will be issuing this week's mission." Let the weeks of mentorship begin. ... You walked into the practice room where class F was practicing. They were so focused no one noticed your presence until the chorus of the song. How did they end up in the last rank? They're all so good? What? I don't understand? The world became a blur of continuous bowing. ( remember when Triple H visited and everyone lost their shit bc same ) As soon as everyone had settled, you asked how practice was going. "It's great now that you're here," a trainee, Yoo Seonho, shouted. A blush filled your cheeks as the whole room erupted in shouts. "Aw, thank you Seonho. But seriously, if there's anything you guys need, I can talk to BoA or something. Everyone okay with the choreography?" You scanned the room for even the slightest protest. Another trainee raised his hand and admitted he was struggling a little, face reddening. He seemed young and overall, scared. You beamed. "Ahh, it's okay. Let's work together on it. I'm sure your hyungs would be happy to help. I suppose I can show you the part you need help with too. Should I dance?" You still asked even though you knew the answer. It was what survival show mentors are supposed to do. Everyone cheered even though you swore you messed up like eighty percent of the choreography. It's okay. A survival show can have some gag sometimes. You observed as the trainees danced the choreography in groups and pointed out even the tiniest mistakes, offering advice and tips. The cameras zoomed in on every single bit and honestly, it felt a little overwhelming, even for a person who had faced cameras and the limelight for two years. An hour flew by, you were having a lot of fun practicing with the contestants. Before you left, you watched all of the trainees dance to the song one last time. Satisfied, you applauded enthusiastically. "Great job! You guys worked so hard and I can see obvious improvements. Don't be nervous about the revaluation, don't think and just dance. I believe in all of you. See you guys later!" You waved and bowed goodbye, partially wishing you could spend more time with them. They are such a blessing! They all have bright futures ahead of them. I hope they debut soon. Damn, I know I'm going to emerge out of this place with 97 contacts added to my phone. You followed the staffs who escorted you to the D rank trainees practice room. You knew Justin was in this rank and you hated to admit it, but it made you anticipate their session more. Why was your heart fluttering? Why were you so attached to him? It puzzled you beyond belief. Clearing your head, you stepped into their practice room, beaming. The boys were having a short break, drinking water, and whatnot but all sprung up from their places to greet you. Similar to the F grade boys, they were all cheerful and smiley. You posed a few questions of the workload and if anyone needed specific help. When they all agreed that their performance was showcase ready, you sat back to watch them. They were rather in sync and on the beat, just a few nicks here and there and they would be fine. You pointed out a couple of improvements needed but other than that, there wasn't to do. You could sense that these trainees were a tad bit more confident but you couldn't allow that to get to their heads. ... Justin was still in shock from what was happening. He couldn't comprehend the fact that you, yes, you, a sunbaenim was working with them. Even though all the other mentors were so well established and popular, you just brought a whole new level of energy. It was refreshing. Justin almost messed up his dance because he was so focused on admiring you. He found it amazing that you were being so nice to even some rather problematic trainees. ( i don't believe there were any ?? ) You were so kind and willing to help. Justin couldn't find any flaws in you. You were perfect. It encouraged him even more with the knowledge that you were supporting him. Justin was so captivated by your words of encouragement, he didn't even realise when the rest of the trainees started to bid you farewell so he was late on standing up. He flushed pink when he saw you giggling at him and the blush stayed even after you were long gone. "Yah! Jusssssttttiiin, Justin has a crush!" Kim Sanggyun, a fellow D class trainee teased, poking Justin's cheek. ( guys idk about you but I feel like these two could have been close for the short time they interacted full offence but I wanted it to happen. ) Justin swatted his hyung's hands away gently, huffing, but not in a mean way. "Okay, but who doesn't love Y/N? She's the best! Y/N is my favourite mentor...so far." Another trainee blurted out. Justin felt a sharp pang in his chest but he ignored it, quickly recovering. He tried to keep an unfazed expression but obviously failed. Lee Gunhee noticed his discomfort and patted his shoulder comfortingly. "Justin-ah, it's okay. Come, let's get back to practice so we can perform the best stage. Okay?" He crooned, shooting his dongsaeng a genuine smile. "Work hard Justin, you are doing well." I cannot let simple things like those kinds of comments get to me. Concentrate, Justin. You shouldn't even be feeling this way. ... Over the next few days, Justin managed to conceal his feelings well. Only because you were hanging out with the F class trainees more. But suddenly, you were overseeing the D ranked trainees for two days. Everyone loved you. Unsaid, you were the best mentor. Every time you were around, you made sure everyone got interval breaks and even allowed the boys to eat snacks if they needed to. Still, you held a level of expectations and strictness. No one complained about how you were bossing them around on confessional camera though, it surprised you. "Justin, watch your hand movement that that verse," you remarked before scribbling that down in your notebook. Justin sighed and nodded. Why can't Y/N uplift me with praises? Is there something I'm not doing correctly? He stressed over it for a bit. Seunghyuk had to force open his mouth to drink water when it was break time again. "Hyung, what am I doing wrong?" He asked, staring blankly into space, visibly upset. Seunghyuk pursed his lips together. "Justin, concentrate. You can do this." He rubbed the younger boy's back before retreating to his position in the dance. Hmm, Justin's improving. A little slower but he clearly is. And...he's getting more and more good looking. Stop! Stop, Y/N! Stop getting attached to him. You forced thoughts of the blonde boy to the very back of your head, observing one of the group's performances to point out any flaws. There were very few of which you were grateful for. The bell rang just as you wrapped up the morning session and dismissed them for lunch, congratulating everyone for working hard. The trainees dispersed into their separate groups and disappeared down the corridor to the dining hall, cameras eagerly following. You requested for some time alone so the remaining staffs and your manager stepped out, telling you to join them soon at the usual staff table. Finally. The past few days had been so hectic, you just needed a break from everything. You just needed time alone. It was oddly comforting in the empty dance studio. Sure, it wasn't like the one back in WannaWrite Entertainment, the one you grew up in, but it would do. Your back tensed against the cold and hard ground but you really couldn't care less. You were sprawled out in the middle of the room and in a weird way, it brought serenity to you. There were no cameras, no staffs, no trainees, just you. You liked it. Then again, it would be much nicer if you had a friend or two to talk to. It certainly was not complaining, just listing your sudden lack of luxuries. All of a sudden, the door was flung open and you shot off the floor, nearly breaking your ankle in the process. Your gaze locked with Justin's. His eyes grew large. "Y-Y/N? W-what are you doing here? It's lunch time," he stammered out, obviously surprised that you lingered behind. "Sorry! Did I interrupt anything?" You dismissed it with the flick of your wrist, shaking your head. "Nope. Sorry, you can come in." He shuffled a few paces into the studio. "Why are you here? You okay?" Justin shrugged and pointed to his black baseball cap lying in a corner of the studio. "I left my hat here." He moved to retrieve it but paused, not returning to lunch immediately. "Y/N sunbaenim, you aren't coming?" You blinked then sighed in uncertainty. Rubbing your temples, you apologised. "Sorry, I'm just feeling a bit... off today." Justin was by your side in a flash. "Sunbaenim, do you need anything? I can go call the nurse," he offered, panic evident in his tone. "Justin-ssi, please, just call me Y/N. We are like border lining friends already," you stated matter-of-factly. "O-oh. Um, sure. Y/N? Y/N...uh....do you want me to stay with you? We can talk? If you're okay," he added quickly. "It's fine if you don't want to. I-I'm just...suggesting." You chuckled, patting the spot on the floor next to you as a gesture for him to sit with you. He happily obliged, fixing the hat on his head. "You can rant all you want, I won't expose you," he said. A smile graced your features. "Thanks, I know you ( know ) won't." ... It continued like that for the next couple of days. At random times, right after the cameras cut or during lunch and dinner breaks, you found yourself in the company of Justin. The locations were pretty random too, in the dance studio, maybe a smaller practice room and once, even the picnic tables on the far side of the compound. Though it was tough to avoid the cameras, you were willing to go the extra mile just to bond with the talented Yuehua trainee. Every time you visited them for training, he was improving. In fact, all the boys were. So, you weren't stressed when they received their teams and songs. It did mean that you saw Justin a lot less as he spent more time with his teammates. The selfish part of you hurt and wanted him back but you knew he wasn't exactly yours, to begin with. This was crucial to his survival in the show, you wanted him to fight for his spot. During this time of lack of Justin hanging around you, you ventured out to bond with the rest of the trainees and by the end of Thursday, you had saved at least another forty contacts in your phone. When you flipped through your list, you realised you still hadn't save Justin's. It upset you. But now was not the time to be affected by such things, you would get it from him after his performance, allowing him to focus. Soojung and Doyeon - whom you had grown pretty close to - huddled in your hotel room. Each of you was busy texting your managers or something but eventually, Doyeon set her phone on the coffee table and smiled smugly at you. "Soooooooo," she dragged out, giggling. Soojung caught on after awhile, she gently smacked your phone out of your hands to grab your attention. "Hey!" you protested, getting up to retrieve your fallen phone. "I don't even like him!" The other girls snickered. "Who said anything about liking anyone?" Soojung pointed out. "Awww, Y/N, you just admitted that you like someone. Who is it? Is it Jusssttiinn?" You tried to beat around the bush as much as you could, ignoring the smug stares they shot you. Rebutting all the unsaid rumours of you and Justin and denying everything. Doyeon rubbed her lips together, "Mhm, keep telling yourself that, sis." "Unnie!" You whined, shrieking in despair. You raised your hands in mock surrender, "Fine, you caught me." "Red-handed." One of the girls added. Your mouth fell open in shock. "What? When? What do you-. I haven't done anything." Soojung laughed, "Ahhh, Y/N, it is sooo obvious you like Justin. Somi already created a ship name. She said she saw you two spending time... alone in the practice rooms. Hmm, sounds familiar?" Doyeon let out a series of 'oooh's. You allowed yourself to flop onto your bed, groaning. "But so what? I'm only here for like two weeks. It's not going to happen," you cried, it was a painful and desperate one but honestly, short-term pain is better than long-term heartache. Warm tears rolled down your cheek, you quickly brushed them away but no matter how fast you wiped them away, new ones replaced those almost immediately. You felt the arms of your friends wrap around you and they rubbed your back comfortingly. "Y/N, it's okay. If it's meant to be, you two will work it out." ... As you waited in your seat in the panel room, you thought hard about the previous days. Seeing all the trainees grow and learn nearly brought you to tears and you were anticipating all of their showcases tonight. Maybe some a little more. I can't fall in love in such a short time. It isn't love but I definitely....like him. Y/N likes Justin. You, like Justin. I suppose it's only natural. Those words repeated themselves like a mantra over and over in your brain, yet, you were completely captivated by Justin's 'Replay' stage. It also didn't help that the amount of aegyo was enough to destroy the earth. Your heartbeats were abrupt and quick as if you were the one who was dancing and singing. It was pretty clear every fan in the audience felt the same way, you swore that someone had already passed out. Who wouldn't? "Wah, I'm so proud of them. They grew so much over this week," you commented, pleasantly surprised. Cheetah and Don Mills nodded in agreement and it made you glower with pride. The sunbaenims I've been with are actually agreeing with me! "Especially Justin, he did well today." Someone - you couldn't be sure who - added. At the mention of his name, heat rose to your face and you did your best to casually agree. I hope that edit that out! Fans are sure to catch on. They notice even the tiniest of details, form conspiracy theories and solve them better than the FBI. You were out of the room as soon as the last performance ended and the cameras had cut, determined to get to Justin.  The rest of the mentors stared after your disappearing figure in surprise. A staff member made some lame, mildly suspicious excuse but they didn't prod for more details. "Y/N sunbaenim! How wonderful! We were just looking for you." Unfortunately, a handful of staff members caught you and escorted you to the other interview room for a couple of quick questions. You internally groaned, the waiting room was just within reach. You were annoyed, to say the least. Was the universe trying to pull us apart? Wasn't it trying to bring us together a few days ago? Sighing, you obliged but the interview answers were choppy. Your focus was not on that right now and it was quite obvious. "I'm sorry, I'm very tired right now. My apologies," you fibbed, hoping your excuse was legitimate. The crew seemed understanding and cut it short, saying something along the lines of filming it tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow was your last day here. The last day as a mentor. The day before you returned to a normal schedule. Your manager practically had to half carry you to the van, she joked about how heavy you were but quickly zipped up when she saw your miserable expression. The ride back to your hotel was silent, filled with dismal thoughts. What am I going to do? ... Just a few weeks back, I stood on this exact stage, at the same podium, giving my welcome speech and today, I'm bidding this cast goodbye. There was no point in hiding the tears, the fell freely but you continued to smile and reassure all the boys that you were fine. Doyeon nearly dashed out of her seat to embrace you. Wow, there are fewer pairs of eyes on me this time.....what did they do to deserve that? ( referring to the eliminated trainees ) "I-I'm sure all of you experienced heartbreak at tonight's elimination and...last week's one too. I hope, I hope my absence won't affect you too much. Just know, know that I am rooting and voting for you. I want you to continue to work hard and succeed. Each one of you in this room has individual charms and talents and my wish is for you to put them to good use. Never hesitate to call me, many of you now have my phone number. I'll always be here for oppa. Thank you so much to all the crew and staffs and of course, my sunbaenims for the invite," you went on, pausing and sniffling in between words. A couple of your friends were sobbing with you, Justin, being one of them. "Do not be discouraged! I know you will debut! Thank you so much for this opportunity, I will miss all of you a lot." More tears fell as you made your way back to your seat. But before you could, a pair of strong arms caught you, bringing you closer to the owner's chest. You'd recognise his touch anywhere despite your short friendship. Justin. The entire room erupted in shouts and cheers. The loudest ones coming from your fellow idol friends. After you broke away from the hug, you smiled and reached up to wipe away Justin's tears that stained his handsome face. He tried his best to hide the fact that his hurt was beyond belief but it was written all over his face and the pain in your chest worsened. The world was a blur but you two found yourselves in a waiting room, staffs rushing to get water or tissues, cameras off. Without the eyes of the world watching, you sobbed into Justin's suit jacket. "I'm sorry we didn't have more time to hang out." He shook his head. "No, no. You don't have anything to apologise for. We're still friends, right? I'm going to miss you so much, Y/N," Justin confessed bashfully. You threw your phone at him without any words but he got the message and keyed his number in. He waved the new contact in your face. "See? That's me. You can call me anytime." "The same goes for you. Seriously, anytime. I'm so glad I got to know you. You are such a blessing." "No way. I should be the one who is grateful. Y/N, I admire you so much it pains me... to know that... we honestly, can-can' be more, for now." "Call and text me frequently. That way, I'll never forget you. Justin, I like you...a lot but, y-you and I both know how things are right now. Maybe when this is all over.... we'll see," you replied, dabbing away stray, rebellious tears. "Of course but before that, may I?" Your breath caught in your chest when Justin cupped your face with his hands. The thudding of your heart against your rib cage rapidly sped up and you became fully aware that Justin's face was two cm away from yours. You leaned in and closed the gap, planting your lips on his velvety soft ones. He tasted like warm sugar and honey, it made you feel all fuzzy. He pulled away but he wasn't gone forever. On the ride back to the hotel, if you touched your lips, you could recall how his felt against yours. To a certain extent, it was bittersweet but you knew that this blooming relationship wasn't just from anywhere
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imagineproduce101 · 7 years
Hot Summer
You and your boyfriend Kang Daniel decide to beat the heat by heading to the amusement park, and you’re looking forward to the chance to make new memories with him. However, your perfect day is ruined by events that spark Daniel’s jealousy, leading to you two fighting. 
non idol! au
kang daniel ft. somi, sohye, sejeong, daehwi, jihoon and jaehwan (i decided who was dating by who was the same age lolol)
i tried to do angst but it’s not too angsty
you lowkey teach daniel a bit abt rape culture/blaming the victim instead of the perp 
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(i chose the gif bc theyre dancing to touch my body by sistar aka the queens of summer rip, and since this is summer-themed, i thought it was fitting. my mind is a bit strange?)
in addition, i just wanted to thank everyone who has followed this blog and shown the imagines so much love! it’s been a little over a week and the blog has almost 300 followers? i’m so glad that i’m able to contribute to the new beginning of the wanna one fandom ^^. anyways, thank you again!!
You smiled up at the huge sign that showed off your local theme park’s latest attractions. You and your boyfriend Daniel had decided to go on a group date to the amusement park with a few other of your friends, and you couldn’t wait. In all the dramas you’d watched, amusement park dates were super cute and romantic, and you couldn’t wait to make new memories with your boyfriend.
“(y/n), hey!” You heard Daniel exclaim from behind you. 
You turned to face your boyfriend with a huge smile. Accompanying him were Daehwi and Somi, Sohye and Jihoon, and Jaehwan and Sejeong.
“Hey, Daniel,” you took the hand that he offered to you, happily heading towards the entrance of the park. You all had bought your tickets online, so getting into the park was a breeze.
“What rides do we want to ride first?” Jaehwan asked the group, map of the park in hand.
“The scary ones!” Somi laughed, cheering with you. Daehwi vehemently shook his head no, but you two managed to convince him to at least go on one big roller coaster.
Of course, you sat next to Daniel, and the thrill of the roller coaster made you two grip each other’s hands as you plummeted towards the ground, hair whipping behind you as you shrieked loudly. Once you got off the ride, you all made your way to the next ride.
“Did you have fun on the ride?” Daniel asked you with a smile, gently rearranging your hair, which had gotten messed up on the ride.
“I did!” You exclaimed happily, smiling up at him, “the day has barely started and I’m already having loads of fun!”
“Let’s go, then!” Daniel laughed, grabbing your hand and dragging you in the direction of the next ride.
Once you guys had ridden all the major rides that you wanted to, you decided to take a quick break and grab something cool to drink.
“Ah, it’s so hot,” Sohye complained, pressing her cold soda bottle against her face.
“I know, right?” You sighed, shrugging your cardigan off so that you were only dressed in your tank top and shorts. “The weather said it might get to 25 degrees!”
“And it’s just the beginning of summer,” Daehwi complained, “I hate this weather.”
“Why don’t we head for the water park area?” Jihoon suggested, “we might be able to cool off better there.”
“Good idea,” Sejeong nodded firmly, “this heat is seriously too much.”
Daniel was talking with Jihoon, Jaehwan and Daehwi about something, so you hurried forward to join your friends.
“At least it’s not cold,” Somi pointed out, “you can’t really do much if it’s cold, but you can still do things outside if it’s hot.” You all agreed—she had a point. After all, it was better to look at the positives of things.
“Damn girl, those are some legs,” some jerk leered at you as he and his friends walked past your group.
“Lemme get your number, girl,” another guy called to you, and his friends started cat-calling and whistling. You stared at the floor, mortified and embarrassed that something like that would happen—and in front of your boyfriend, too!
Daniel hurried up to you, a slightly upset look on his face. “(y/n), why don’t you wrap your cardigan around your waist?”
You looked up at your boyfriend, slightly upset that he wasn’t understanding how bad your mood had gotten in such a short amount of time.
“It’s hot,” you explained, feeling even worse about yourself now that you had to explain things. “Why should I cover up if it’s some guy looking at me?”
“Because I don’t like guys looking at you like that,” Daniel replied, clearly frustrated. He pulled your cardigan from his bag and handed it to you. “Seriously, (Y/N), you should protect yourself from guys like that. Nobody gets to look at you like that but me. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable with guys staring at you.”
“Yah, Kang Daniel,” you stopped walking, seriously pissed off at his attitude, “You’re making me uncomfortable. If a guy cat calls me because my legs are exposed, that’s not my fault, it’s his for being a fucking perverted asshole. Instead of scolding me for wearing shorts, why aren’t you beating up the guys who made those comments in the first place?” You snapped, feeling tears welling up in your eyes. Daniel was totally blaming you for the whole situation, but it wasn’t your fault at all.
“You should still know that your actions are going to have consequences,” Daniel responded, eyebrows furrowed as he crossed his arms, upset. “Yes, it’s wrong of those guys to cat-call you, but they’re guys, you should know that guys would have those kinds of actions when you wear shorts like that.”
You shook your head, doing your best to hold back tears. “I don’t need this. I’ll be going.” After bowing quickly to your other friends, you quickly raced back towards the exit of the theme park. Vaguely behind you, you could hear Daniel calling your name, but you quickly escaped to a ladies room.
You stared at yourself, doing your best to contain your tears. After splashing water on your face, you headed back out, and did your best to hold your head up high as you bee-lined for the exit of the park.
The bus ride from the amusement park to your small apartment was one of the most difficult times of your life. Every five seconds, you wanted to burst into the tears at the thought of Daniel’s heartless words. Like hell that was your fault! He should have punched each one of those punks into next week, but instead he blamed you?
Finally home, you felt the tears start. Sobbing, you toed off your shoes and yanked the stupid shorts off that had caused the whole mess, opting for your comfiest pair of sweats and t-shirt. After settling down on your bed, equipped with your phone, tissues and ice cream, you curled up into a ball, sobbing into a tissue. Just as you were getting ready to wallow in sadness and despair, the doorbell rang.
Groaning, you yanked the strings of the hoodie so that you could barely see your face and dragged yourself to the door. Daniel stood there, two cats in one hand, roses in the other, and a bag full of your favorite spicy ramen noddles hanging off of his wrist.
“(Y/N), I’m sorry,” he immediately apologized, visibly distressed, “I didn’t mean to lash out at you or make you the victim of the situation. You were right, I should have just punched those guys, but my jealousy that other guys could see how beautiful you were got in the way of me thinking properly.”
“You brought all this just to bribe me into forgiving you?” You asked through a watery half-smile, “I’m not forgiving you that quickly, I really felt bad after you said that about me.”
“I know, and I’m sorry,” Daniel scooted forward a bit, pushing your hood off so that he could see your face better. He tenderly brushed some of your tears away, and pulled you into a hug. “I messed up, and I’m really sorry. I’ll do my best to be a better boyfriend in the future.”
“You’re squishing Rooney,” you informed your slightly idiotic boyfriend, mouth smushed against his chest.
Daniel immediately pulled away, checking to make sure that his beloved cat was alright.
“Does that mean I’m forgiven?” Daniel asked hopefully as he unlaced his shoes. You sighed, pulling your hood up again.
“Make me some ramyun and then we’ll talk.”
“Ah~ (Y/N) accepting bribes, I see,” Daniel grinned cheekily at you, and pressed a kiss first to the tip of your nose, then all over your face and finally your lips. “Was that a good enough bribe?”
Daniel chuckled, pulling you towards the kitchen gently, “you drive a hard bargain, but it’s okay, it’s part of your never-ending charm.”
I have a lot of reading/watching videos/a quiz tomorrow for my online college course so hopefully i am able to complete a chapter of picture perfect and the seonho fluff!! <3 thanks again for all the support!
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woojin-n-out · 7 years
Sunbae, Not Oppa
Member: Seonho
Summary: In which Seonho befriends the new trainee, but doesn’t realize she’s older than him.
“Hey, did you hear? We have another new kid.” Minhyuk said as he took a sip from his cup of coffee.
“Ah, (Y/N)? Of course. She’s my friend’s little sister.” Sungjae grinned.
“A new trainee joined?” Seonho asked eagerly.
Sungjae and Seonho had just come back from their photoshoot together, and were parting ways when they ran into Minhyuk, who was leaving for a schedule. They stood near the entrance of the company, chatting for a bit before the topic of the new trainee came up.
“She’s a quiet one though. Definitely talented, but can be really shy at first.” Sungjae commented. “But that’s her reversal charm. When she performs, her eyes completely change. It’s amazing.”
“Seonho, you must be happy. After being the youngest for nearly a year, you’re finally a sunbae.” Minhyuk chuckled.
The three wrapped up small talk after a few more minutes, and Seonho found his way back to the practice room. Rather than feeling tired after the photoshoot, he felt energized and happy. Thus, he had a little bounce in his steps as he slightly skipped towards the door.
He paused when his hand grasped the doorknob; music was playing from the inside. Curious, he peeked through the window. No one else was scheduled to be in the practice room at the moment.
His eyes lit up when he failed to recognize your back view.
She must be the new trainee!
Excited, he quickly opened the door to introduce himself. Unfortunately, the sudden intrusion startled you, causing you to trip over your shoelaces and stumble to the ground. You felt your face heat up in embarrassment as he profusely apologized.
“I’m so so sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you. I just heard we have a new trainee and when I saw you, I realized it was you so I got a little too excited and-” he blushed when his eyes met yours. “And I’m babbling, aren’t I?”
You recognized the tall male in front of you immediately. You had been keeping up with the second season of Produce 101, and he happened to be one of your favorite contestants. But now, here you stood as his hoobae. It was almost surreal.
You realized you still hadn’t said a word, never mind greet him. You quickly bowed down 90 degrees and said hello in a small voice.
“You’re (Y/N), right? I’m Seonho. Yoo Seonho. It’s really nice to meet you.” he smiled as he extended his hand out.
You shook his hand politely and offered a smile in return.
“Keep an eye on your shoelaces so accidents don’t happen. The first time I went around with untied laces, I was humiliated. I was about to run, but then Guanlin hyung was stepping on my laces at the time, so not only did I face plant to the floor, but my shoelaces also ripped off. In front of Hyuna sunbaenim.” he recalled.
“I’ll keep that in mind, sunbae.” you giggled.
He was ecstatic at the sudden change in status. After looking up to the other sunbaes, he was finally one himself. Feeling proud, he offered to take her on a tour of the company.
By the end of the tour, it was lunch time and you two ended up eating the designated salad given by the company. Sprawled out in the practice room, you listened attentively to his never ending stories. He talked a lot, but you liked it. It was cute how he offered you advice, emphasizing his seniority.
“Don’t worry. Whenever you need help, just come find this sunbae. I’m always here if you need me.” he said.
He then pondered on his choice of words.
“You know what, you can call me oppa.” he said with a pleased look on his face.
Before you could reply, one of the staffs came in and called for him. You bid each other goodbye and the door closed. You never got to tell him that you were pretty sure he wasn’t older.
A week passed since then. You diligently spent most of your time practicing, with Seonho stopping by every now and then. Then came the day where your practice schedule matched his. You were both assigned to the same room, since you guys were paired up for the monthly evaluation.
You had spent the entire week practicing “Crazy in Love”. It was the performance that landed you a spot as a trainee in Cube. Now, you had to choose a different song to perform with Seonho.
“I was thinking of doing “Toxic” by Britney Spears? Or maybe “Shape of You” by Ed Sheeran?” you suggested as you scrolled through your playlist.
“I like “Toxic”. “Shape of You” reminds me of Taehyun hyung, and I don’t think I could ever even come close to his level of dancing.” he laughed. “Then we could slowly transition it to showcase our vocals as well.”
You hummed in agreement. The performance had been a tough one to figure out. Seonho had been assigned as a vocal. Although you haven’t been assigned a position yet, dancing was your forte.
You turned the song on and let your mind go blank. Slowly, the music took over and moved your body to the beat. Bits and pieces of choreography began to come out, leaving Seonho to stare in awe.
By the end of the song, you figured out a general feel of what you wanted the choreography to look like. Your expression stayed serious as you tested certain moves, checking your reflection along the way. You fixated your gaze on your feet as you tried to figure out how to add intricate footwork into the dance.
“Sunbae, does this move look okay?” you asked.
“It's amazing!” he exclaimed with a thumbs up.
“Are you sure?” you asked skeptically.
“Trust me, I'm your oppa.” he answered proudly. “And oppas are always right.”
You couldn't help but let out a giggle at his words. You wondered if this was the moment to burst his bubble.
“Sunbae, aren't you born in 2002?” you asked.
“Yup. I have an early birthday too.” he replied.
“... sunbae, I'm a 2001 liner.” you said.
He went silent for a while before letting out a loud “what?!”
“No way. You look like you're 2 years younger than me!” he gaped.
“Well, if it helps I have a late birthday?” you sheepishly grinned. “I'm only a few months older.”
“But the company is gonna make me call you noona!” he whined. “Aw man, this is Guanlin hyung part two.”
He then suddenly remembered all the times when he showed off about being older. And cringed so hard on the inside. His cheeks slowly tinted as he grew embarrassed.
“Uh, I'm still your sunbae though so um.. yeah.” he coughed, his hand reaching for his nape.
“Yes, sir.” you saluted jokingly.
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daelighthwi · 7 years
After I met you (I haven’t lost the happy memories to the rain)
(Jung Sewoon/Kim Jaehwan) crossposted on AO3!
Sewoon is Jaehwan's sunshine.
alternatively, the three times Jaehwan sang for Sewoon and the one time Sewoon sang for him instead.
❤️️ 1.
The microphone is adjusted and someone clears their throat into the microphone. The whole cafeteria turns to look, including the junior that Jaehwan was hoping to impress. "This song is dedicated to Jung Sewoon." The butterflies in his stomach grow as Jung Sewoon's eyes light up in recognition. His lips form a single sentence: Jaehwan hyung, what are you doing?
Listen to this, Jaehwan tries to communicate with his eyes, I'm trying to tell you something.
He begins to sing. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." Sewoon's hands fly to his mouth as red rapidly colours his cheeks. His eyes open wide and he blinks furiously in shock.
"Is this a dream?" He asks Gwanghyun. "Is my crush actually telling me that he's in love with me?"
Gwanghyun shrugs unhelpfully. "It is what you want it to be. He could also be telling you that he hates you if he's allergic to the sun." That earns him a smack across the shoulder.
When the song ends, a pink Jaehwan walks as coolly as he can to Sewoon. "So, what did you think?"
"I thought it was great," Sewoon says breathlessly. "You were great."
"Did you like it?" The butterflies threaten to spill from Jaehwan's mouth, they're causing such a frenzy in his stomach.
"I loved it." Sewoon whispers shyly as Jaehwan's lips twitch up into a smile, revealing his teeth.
"I like you." The butterflies come forth as words, carrying Jaehwan's feelings with them. "I've liked you ever since I saw you practising with your friend for the annual showcase held by the school."
Sewoon beams back at Jaehwan. "I really like you too."
The cafeteria bursts into applause. People come over to thump Jaehwan on the back and offer Sewoon congratulatory words, but the newly formed couple only have eyes for each other, slowly leaning in until their lips meet in a sweet kiss.
This is met with raucous cheering and hoots which continue even after they separate, cheeks tinted pink. Principal BoA has to come and silence everyone, but even then, she gives them a supportive wink as she leaves.
Gwanghyun watches them leave hand-in-hand with a fond expression. Looks like he'll be seeing less of Sewoon nowadays.
❤️  2.
Jaehwan strums his guitar experimentally. He leans into the microphone, taking a deep breath. "Everyone," he greets the audience, "I was nervous about doing this in the middle of Hongdae, but I was assured this would be okay. Today, I'll sing a song dedicated to my favourite dongsaeng." Sewoon shoots him a thumbs up from the front row, smiling widely. "I'll begin singing 'You are my sunshine', by Johnny Cash."
Jaehwan's beautiful voice serenades the crowd as they sway along, hushed whispers travelling around about how lucky his partner must be to have such a great catch by their side. Sewoon tries not to grin too widely.
"You make me happy," Jaehwan winks at Sewoon, "When skies are grey."
Sewoon laughs as Jaehwan attempts to turn 'You are my sunshine' into a more rock style to appeal to Sewoon's secret love for rock music. He'll give Jaehwan a quick kiss later on in the confines of Jaehwan's car.
"You did well today, hyung," Sewoon tells him as they grab ice cream together. Chocolate for Jaehwan, strawberry for Sewoon. "Particularly loved that ad-lib."
Jaehwan face lights up in a pleasant smile. "Ah, you liked it? I was just trying something out."
Sewoon hums in agreement. "Almost like the time you confessed to me in front of the entire school, that was a day to remember." He feigns sadness and pouts. "You don't do anything so romantic for me anymore. Looks like chivalry really is dead."
Jaehwan's eyes sparkle with mischief. "Romantic, you say?" Abruptly, he stands up, nearly knocking over Sewoon's Americano. 
Sewoon very nearly drops his ice cream in shock. 
“Jaehwan hyung, what-”
"Jung Sewoon!" He yells, causing all the patrons to turn their heads and stare. When Sewoon talked about the time he was confessed to, he didn't mean that he wished to relive the attention placed on him. "I love you!" Jaehwan forms a heart over his head with his arms and bends his knees. "Do you love me too?"
Sewoon ducks his head and laughs. When it's clear thar Jaehwan expects an answer, he shouts back. "Yes! I love you too!" He winks at Jaehwan and he bursts out into his trademark psychotic laughter, knees knocking into each other as he topples from the chair onto the ground.
His boyfriend laughs at his plight as he goes to help Jaehwan up. "Yah," Sewoon snorts, "Did you literally just fall for me?"
Minhyun sighs from behind the counter. "Young love, isn't it sweet?"
Jonghyun looks up from where he's dutifully scooping ice cream into a cup for their most regular customer, Yoo Seonho. "Minhyun-ah, we're not that old."
Minhyun sighs again and stares back at Sewoon and Jaehwan who are caught up in their own little world. "Still," he says, eyes not leaving the pair, "They're such a cute couple. I hope they last long."
❤️ 3.
"Sewoonie, wake up." Jaehwan snuggles up to Sewoon. "Come on, it's time for work."
There is no response. Sewoon sleeps on, curling up against his pillow.
"Yah, Jung Sewoon, are you ignoring me?" The only response is a grunt as Sewoon rolls over, hand smacking Jaehwan in the nose as he does so. "I swear if you don't-"
"Shh," Sewoon mumbles, "Not now, hyung. 'm trying to sleep."
"That's the whole problem." Jaehwan leans down. "If you don't wake up, then I won't give you a kiss!"
Sewwon cracks a sleepy eye open and Jaehwan almost coos. Almost. "Doesn't matter," Sewoon mumbles, "You've given me enough already."
Jaehwan begins to roll him around the bed in frustration. "Sewoonie, you have to wake up already. You'll thank me for this later, c'mon."
Sewoon loops an arm around Jaehwan's neck and pulls him down onto the bed beside him. "Less talk, more sleep, hyung." He pecks Jaehwan on the lips and burrows into his chest.
Jaehwan sighs in mild irritation. "You leave me with no choice," he says solemnly rolling on top of Sewoon. He clutches Sewoons face in his hands and leans in close, squishing his cheeks together with much more force than needed. Sewoon gives him an 'are-you-kidding-me" look to the best of his abilities.
"YOU NEVER KNOW, DEAR, HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU," Jaehwan screams in Sewoon's face and he immediately wakes up and grabs a pillow, pinning Jaehwan to the bed. He smothers Jaehwan's face with the pillow and the song dies in Jaehwan's throat as it's replaced with chuckles.
"You clearly hate me," Sewoon voice filters through the bathroom door, slightly muffled. "You don't have a heart if you can wake me up like that."
"Of course I don't," replies Jaehwan from his spread-eagled position on the rumpled sheets, "You've already stolen mine."
❤️ +1
It's already 10pm and Sewoon still isn't home. Jaehwan stares at the cold food on the table and decides to venture out to look for him. Usually, Sewoon is home by 9, but today, he did warn he'd be at least half an hour late due to the pouring rain outside.
He grabs an umbrella as he leaves, pulling his coat around his pyjamas as he walks out into the rain.
Sewoon is right there, across the road, waving happily at him underneath his own umbrella. Jaehwan notes that it's the one that he got him for their fifth anniversary. He picks up his pace as he crosses the road, eyes fixated on Sewoon.
"I missed you!" He shouts happily, feet moving on their own accord. Sewoon throws his head back and laughs freely. It's music to his ears.
Then, everything that could go wrong, went wrong.
He remembers seeing Sewoon's expression turn from relaxed to panicked, he hears the screech of tires against the asphalt, a warm body slamming into him as his umbrella falls from his grasp and the rain pours down onto him, soaking him completely.
He lies there on his back for a few minutes, before the adrenaline dies and his senses return to him.
Jaehwan's heart plummets.
Sewoon lies in a swiftly growing puddle of blood, twitching ever so slightly. The night turns sour as Jaehwan skids to a halt by Sewoon's side, dropping to his knees beside his motionless body. He pulls out his phone shakily, calling for an ambulance. "Hello? There's been an a-accident- yes, Street 34, right beside Gangnam Mall- please hurry! There's someone really injured-"
A tug on his shirt sleeve causes him to look directly into Sewoon's calm eyes. "Hey," he says weakly, before he dissolves into coughs. Blood stains his lips. "Don't worry, I'll be fine."
"You just got hit by a car, you brat! How could you sacrifice yourself for me?" Unshed tears brim in Jaehwan's eyes.
Sewoon smiles a watery smile and strokes Jaehwan's cheek. It leaves behind a bloody trail but they both pretend not to notice it. "Hyung, you're okay, so I'm okay." There's a distant look in Sewoon's eyes and Jaehwan begins to worry.
"Sewoonie, stay with me, the ambulance will be here soon, please just stay with me-"
Sewoon's eyes refocus on Jaehwan. "Hyung, I want to sing for you." Jaehwan still looks uncertain. "Hyung, I might not make it. Let me sing for you."
"Don't say it like that, Sewoonie, you'll make it. Hyung believes in you. Stay with me." Jaehwan grasps his hand and puts his ear next to Sewoon's lips. "Hyung is listening."
"So please don't take my sunshine-" Sewoon coughs up blood all over Jaehwan's shirt and uses his last bit of strength to turn his head and plant a final, lingering kiss on Jaehwan's lips. Jaehwan kisses back with a ferocity he had never had before. A few heartbeats pass and they separate, Sewoon sleepily smiling up at Jaehwan. His eyelids slip shut and the final breath slips past his lips.
Sewoon is gone.
Jaehwan's heart shatters.
"No!" He howls, the tears flowing down his cheeks. "Jung Sewoon, you can't do this to me- Sewoon-ah, Jung Sewoon!" The rain drenches him from head to toe, it's cold, but he pays it no heed. He clutches at his heart. "Hyung hasn't finished his song for you, Sewoon, hyung hasn't finished singing!" Jaehwan rocks back and forth in grief, holding Sewoon's cold and lifeless body in his arms. "Please don't go..."
The ambulance arrives moments too late. He is herded into the ambulance as Sewoon is carefully placed in a body bag. "Honey, does it hurt anywhere?" The nurse enquires, wrapping a warm fluffy towel around Jaehwan. He trembles with cold and welcomes the warmth that serves as painful reminder of the winters he'd spent cuddled with Sewoon together in front of the TV, throwing popcorn at each other and holding cups of hot chocolate in their hands, ignoring the movies playing on the TV. 
Jaehwan stares blankly ahead. He pats his chest with a hand as the tears finally fall, mixing with the rainwater dripping from his hair down his face. "It hurts," he sobs, "It hurts everywhere." He cries harder, remembering Sewoon singing their song to him at his final moments, trying to comfort him. "It hurts everywhere, especially here." He points to his heart. "M-make it stop, please. Make it stop."
It hurts because he's not here, Jaehwan wants to tell her, he's not here because of me. Make him come back to me. Help me get him back.
He knows that the nurse is powerless. The doctor tells him later in the week that he'll get over it soon, that time heals all wounds.
10 years later, and Jaehwan's heart still aches painfully for Sewoon. He places the fresh flowers down on Sewoon’s grave and tears up again. “Today would have been our 12th anniversary, Sewoonie. Today, the radio played our song and I had to turn it off, b-because I couldn’t-” His voice breaks off and Jaehwan ducks his head, tears dripping down his face, reminiscent of the fateful night years ago where he’d held Sewoon in his arms for the last time. He would give anything just to hold Sewoon in his arms again, to feel the puff of his breath, warm and comforting aginst his neck. “Why did you have to leave me? Why couldn’t it have been me instead?”  He scrubs at his eyes hopelessly. “It hurts without you here, please, please, come back.”
Time may heal all wounds, but the pain never stops for Jaehwan.
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