#( c: ivy )
cecils-dragons · 9 months
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Been on a bit of a Dino kick lately so why not channel that into some motivation! Featuring the raptor familiar cousins Amber and Jovi, and Ivy and Gilbert, the little raptors are chaotic little guys.
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ofescapisms · 3 months
Peyton pulled out her sketch book and some paints, taking a seat on a large rock by the forest. She smiled at her friend and pulled out a basket of scones she’d gotten from the cafe. “Figured if we were out here for a while we might get hungry,” she smirked. “I know all the trees kind of look the same by now but I don’t think we’ve used this angle before?” She sighed, still life painting was running out of subjects.
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gabealvarcz · 1 year
Outside of K94.5 w/ @ivymunoz​
Every relationship that their issues and despite how golden Gabe and Ivy seemed, they too seemed to struggle sometimes. Despite that, it was clear that neither one of them were ready to throw the towel in just yet, or at all. Gabe knew a good thing when it came into his life and Ivy was most assuredly a good thing. Arguably the best thing that had happened to him. So with that in mind, Gabe tried to prepare himself for the next hurdle of their relationship. He was outside of Ivy’s studio and had sent her a text saying as much. Surprise visits had been a rarity lately given how busy Gabe was at work these days, but he was putting in the effort because he knew Ivy was worth it. When she finally did come out, Gabe’s smile didn’t falter one bit. “Surprise...” Gabe said, revealing the paperbag with pan dulce from the bakery, “Catalina made these for you, but since I’m the one delivering I think I should get all the credit,” he added, grin slightly widening. 
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jackscndarby · 1 year
WHERE: we woof you! event. WHO: @ivysatc & jackson.
For someone who had never grown up with money, Jackson sure spent it now like it was going out of style. Did he really give a shit about a booth selling homemade, organic dog treats? No. But did he toss a twenty at them and snatch up a bag anyway? Sure as shit. And now, as Ivy's eyes seemed locked on something in the distance, he faltered in step, reaching for her hand and tugging her back to a stop as he lifted a cat ear headband and its canine counterpart from a display at a booth.
The woman behind the booth looked about his age, blonde and shiny, glossed lips parting on a smile, batting her eyelashes at him like it might guarantee a sale. Little did she know.... it absolutely would.
"Are you a cat person or a dog person?" she asked, even as Jackson's attention turned to Ivy as he slid the cat-eared headband onto her head.
He grinned down at her, scrunching his nose as he did the same to himself with the dog-eared headband. "What do you think, Ives? Am I a cat person or a dog person?"
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dvstbvnnies · 10 months
" we make a pretty good team, don't you think? "
What else were they supposed to do? Let those kids' ball go into the street? How would they continue their game of kickball! The image of her and @patientlyloves chasing after a bright pink unicorn ball has begun to circulate twitter and she shakes her head at her phone. She laughs, then shrugs up at him. "We're alright," she says and nudges her elbow into his side.
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lcstinthewoods · 11 months
@denydefeat liked for a starter from Poison Ivy!
"I realize the chances of you actually listening are slim but... this is stupid. Like, incredibly stupid."
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marrcelos · 2 years
closed starter for @ivylrz​
“okay,  so  real  talk...  do  you  think  i  would  get  banned  if  i  ask  the  bartender  for  a  drink  singing?”  this  was  a  clear  indication  that  he  had  to  chill  with  the  alcohol,  but  would  he?  most  definitely  not.  “it’ll  be  like  one  of  those  trends  on  tiktok  or  whatever,  where  they  place  an  order  singing.”  he  starts  to  chuckle,  shaking  his  head.  “i’m  sure  he’ll  seriously  hate  me  if  i  do,  but  is  it  bad  i  wanna  get  on  his  last  nerve?  i  mean  come  on...  look  at  his  haircut.”  he  shivers,  clear  disgust  plastering  his  angelic  features.  “if  anything,  he  deserves  the  torture.  what  do  you  say?  as  troy  bolton  once  said...  should  i  go  for  it?”
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niicos · 2 years
closed starter for @ivylrz​
“see  now,  what  did  i  tell  you?”  nico  couldn’t  help  but  tease,  nudging  her  arm  playfully.  “i  told  you  argentina  would  win!  if  it  wasn’t  for  me,  you  wouldn’t  have  even  watched  now,  would  you?”  his  charade  continues,  taking  a  sip  from  his  glass  of  champagne.  “aren’t  you  happy  you  listened  to  me?”  more  teasing?  most definitely.  “i’m  thinking  you  should  post  a  picture  of  me  on  your  instagram  and  caption  it  with  ‘nico  is  the  best  person  ever  for  convincing  me  to  watch  this  game’,  that  would  really  make  my  night.”  he  can’t  hold  back  his  laughter  this  time,  the  smile  ever  so  prominent  on  his  lips.
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dropitdoeeyes · 1 year
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Heathers musical brainrot 🤝 The Mechanisms special intrest
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reegis · 1 year
ur art is literally like the best thing ever i am actually obsessed. thank you for keeling the mechs fans alive in these trying times
just doing my part 🫡
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cecils-dragons · 1 year
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Happy International Asexuality Day from Ivy and Gilbert! I hope all fellow ace folk had a fantastic day and have a fantastic year to come :D
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superkitten-poison · 2 years
i love you characters that are only valued for their looks i love you characters that were made to believe they have nothing to offer but their body i love you characters who use beauty to survive i love you characters whose beauty brings them pain i love you characters who are seen as objects i love you characters who see themselves as objects i love you characters who can't stand to not be pretty i love you characters who can't stand to be pretty anymore
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waterfire1848 · 2 years
Poison Ivy: Batman, we thought you were dead.
Bruce: Sorry to disappoint. We were undercover.
Harley: We?
[ Robin appears next to Batman after dropping out of the Batplane. ]
The Riddler: Is that a child?!
Bruce: Let’s dance.
Harley: How exactly do you plan on-
Bruce: Robin!
[ Dick attacks Two-Face. ]
The Penguin: Be careful! Having a son has only made him stronger and more unstable!
Bruce: You all should have called for backup.
Catwoman: We should have called child protective services.
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martyrbat · 9 months
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the batman chronicles gallery
[ID: a pin-up of Harley Quinn and Pamela Isley, both styled to look like their designs in Batman: The Animated Series. They're standing hip-to-hip with Harley slightly behind Pam and they're both facing the viewer. Harley is beaming gayly as she has her arms wrapped around Pamela's center and one draped around her shoulder, her hand falling right above her breast. Pam smiles slightly as she holds Harley's arm that's over her shoulder and reaches one hand behind her to embrace the back of Harley's head. END ID]
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dvstbvnnies · 10 months
❛  umm, is this seat taken ?  ❜ / for ivy
Ivy's head is buried in her book. It's her first day off she's had in weeks-- months?-- she can't recall. Her legs are curled up under her on the couch inside her favorite coffee shop (it's the quietest on the entire block on any given day). She's right at the climax of the book, heart racing, teeth gently gnawing at her lower lip, hair messy (by her standards). It takes a moment to register that someone's talking to her, but she finally looks up. Her heart skips a beat. No fucking way Alex Claremont-Diaz is talking to her. She all but stumbles over her words, "no-- no, absolutely go for it!" / @patientlyloves
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jaimeski · 8 months
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7th: Au/Post canon
day two of @mcyt-yuri-week with my tinarose fankids maple and ivy in post canon world
plus the sketch version bc i like it more
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