#( c: Amos )
dancingwithghcsts · 1 year
“Quit whining,” Pallas said, her voice a low mutter directed at herself. She stuck her thumb in her mouth to stop the bleeding -- she’d been repairing a torn shirt for a friend, one of the few he had that still fit. Having tucked her small frame on a stack of moldering crates, which held her weight just enough to give her a height advantage and hide her from any Peacekeepers. She was working under the faint glow of a streetlamp, and as she held up her injured thumb to the light, she lost her balance, the crates crumbling beneath her. She gave a little squeak as she toppled to the ground. Fortunately, it wasn’t far, though the breath was knocked out of her. Laying on her back, looking up, she saw a familiar -- albeit upside-down -- face looming over hers. “Hi,” she wheezed, rolling over onto her side to get up. “You didn’t see that, did you?” So embarrassing.
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ktzart · 2 months
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a strange sort of intimacy
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sharkissm · 3 months
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"erva venenosa" - minnie e miyeon, (g)-idle; (capa + speed edit) (versão 1)
Notas: eu odiei essa capa. Conversei c a mari (@leemochilo ) sobre essa capa e venho aq dizer e ela n ficou do jeito q eu queria por motivo de: CADE O CAOS QUE A MÚSICA QUE ME INSPIROU A FAZER ELA TRAZ?!?!?!?!!? ERA PRA ESSA PORRA DESSA CAPA SER CAÓTICA LOUCA LALALALLALALALALAL MAS QM FICOU LOUCA CAÓTICA FUI EU PQ CADE O CAOS NESSA MERDA (a música é smells like teen spirit do nirvana) e ela me deu uma ideia mt boa 💥💥💥💥 q eu vou fazer 💥💥💥💥💥 por isso tá lá em cima como versão 1 pq vai sair a 2 🔥 e se eu por algum motivo n gostar da dois eu faço a 3 se pá 🙏(mas acho q isso n vai rolar pq eu tenho quase certeza q vou gostar da versão 2 pq a ideia q a mari me deu foi MUITO BOA MSM, mt obgda dnv bb!!!!). Mas agr sobre o processo demoníaco q foi fazer essa bosta aí q eu fiz: podemos ver q eu sabia MUITO BEM oq eu tava fazendo 😃👍 tanto é q no início era da yuqi, daí foi p minnie, daí do nada a miyeon aparece, daí papapapappapapa PEGA A VISÃO e tá pronta pq o resto foi só merda atrás de merda, tentei meter uns template de Internet q eu tenho salvo a décadas e até dois dias atrás do dia q eu tô postando isso aq (sábado, dia 29 as 23h) eu n tinha usado, daí eu finalmente usei e odiei como ficou nessa capa, talvez em alguma capa futura isso daí role mas nessa daí n rolou, tive q ir atrás de fonte nova q eu odiei tbm essa bosta dessa fonte tá até vou eliminar ela pq q bosta viu, marketing enganoso pq ela n tem o tracinho em baixo qm tem q fazer eh a gnt, fiquei puta c isso mas eu tbm já tava puta c essa capa tanto é q fiz ela rapidinho. Daí eu fui e pappapapa meti uns desenho meia boca nela e odiei tbm daí eu tentei mudar ele daí eu odiei mais ainda (podemos ver q eu tenho mt ódio p dar p essa capa), e quando eu terminei essa porrinha aí eu disse hm bem q seria legal se eu fizesse um gif nela né, mas daí eu desisti pq daria mais trabalho + estresse e eu já tava quase tacando meu celular na parede e arrancando os cabelo de tanto ÓDIO q eu fiquei dessa capa 😍😍😍😍😍 odiei o título odiei a fonte odiei o jeito q ela saiu odiei as cores odiei a vibe verão odiei TUDO ABSOLUTAMENTE TUDO EU ODEIO ESSA CAPA ATE A 7 GERAÇÃO DELA mas n eh por isso q ela tá feia ela só n me agrada 👍 oq já eh uma evolução pq quando eu odiava uma capa minha no meu iniciozinho como capista eu nem postava ela nem nada eu só guardava ela por guardar msm pq eu odiava até o resultado final ent podemos ver q já evolui a mentalidade né 🔥 e eh isso q importa 💥🫶 (eita nota longa do capeta hein slk falo d+ pqp alguém faz eu calar a boca viu puta merda) (se vc leu até aq pfv comenta um "eu te desculpo" pq me desculpa msm eu falei p caralho agr, pprt me desculpa viu pessoal por ter feito vcs lerem tudo isso)
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kissdeficiency · 3 months
hearing stolas giggle and have a fun time healed me, actually 💖💖
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scribledon · 1 year
So uh… this post I made 2 years ago has almost 100 notes and is still getting them which is pretty cool….. but it sucks so I redrew it. This time the characters are directly from the movie rather than a mix of the broadway revival and the movie. (I’m sorry Joel Grey I love you)
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derangedrhythms · 1 year
can't forget the things you never said
Tori Amos, Blood Roses
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ntl-vngs · 2 years
Llegué a la conclusión de que estoy profundamente enamorada de ti.
Te podría dar mil y un razones por las cuales me enamoré de ti... Puede ser porque te buscaba sin darme cuenta, por lo simple y tranquilo que era pasar el tiempo juntos, quizá por todos nuestros "cafés" en la Universidad, que al final solo era una excusa para poder hablar y olvidar todo lo malo de la semana.
Quizá me enamoré de ti por como me mirabas, por como me sentía contigo, por nuestros temas de conversación, por esas salidas en donde nos hacíamos tanto bien y en donde las miradas decían todo lo necesario.
Solo sé que me enamoré de ti, sin remedio, sin vuelta atrás... Solo sé que adoro cuando llegan los días viernes, porque significa que podré dormir nuevamente entre tus brazos, pero también sé que odio los días lunes o martes, en donde ya no duermo entre tus brazos y nuevamente debo contar los días para volver a ti... mi hogar.
Llevamos ya 6 meses juntos, en donde definitivamente no ha sido nada de fácil, hemos conocido lo mejor y lo peor del otro, nos hemos amado con todas las fuerzas y hemos tenido roces como todas las parejas.
Sé que no soy la persona más fácil del mundo, pero lo estamos intentando, aprendiendo a cuidarnos, limando esos pequeños detalles, avanzando en lo que tanto soñamos vida mía.
Te quiero recordar que si podremos, que cada día es una nueva oportunidad de mejorar y lograr todo lo que deseamos.
También te quiero dar las gracias por el hogar que me das, por dejarme entrar a tu vida, a tu casa, por permitirme y ayudarme a tener menos vergüenza, por lo mucho que me haces querer a tu familia, por llenarme de deseos de armar el arbolito, de pasar Navidad, año nuevo y mi cumpleaños contigo.
Gracias por ser tú, por tratarme como tu niña, por cuidarme de la forma tan especial que lo haces, por permitirme cuidarte, darte todo lo que te mereces y más, gracias por amarme, gracias por todo mi niño.
Te amo hoy, mañana y siempre ojitos bonitos ❤
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el-chico-perdido · 3 months
Y dijiste que abandone el barco, Pero yo me estaba ahogando junto con el...
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joxdrayton · 3 months
closed starter for @amosdeleon
location: wrightville beach
Ever since she could remember herself, Jo loved the beach. Especially on the long summer days when the heat anywhere else was unbearable but here, the cool breeze pulled the loose strands of her hair in a wild dance across her face and tickled the base of her neck. Tennis was something her father had insisted on when she was a kid; a sport he admired but she only attended lessons for a couple of years before quitting. Still, it held a dear place in her heart, especially after his death, so it was no wonder she decided to join the beach tennis tournament hosted by a dear friend of hers. "So, a little birdy has told me you're finally quitting the big game?" She leaned towards the man, keeping her voice down.
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sublecturas · 3 months
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"La inteligencia de las flores", de Maurice Maeterlinck en la #LíneaC @interZona
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estefanyailen · 4 months
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hedlundholbrookhunnam · 6 months
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marcmorrigan · 1 year
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artfight revenge on @waterloggedsoliloquy!!!
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ruhixmarathe · 5 months
WITH: amos de leon // @amosdeleon LOCATION: amos's house
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Though she had heard a few things about Amos when she moved in, Ruhi always did her best to not let the words of others influence her. After all, she was a strong believer in second and third impressions. His first had been quite personable in fact. Enough that she wondered why the few other neighbors she spoke with had been so lukewarm about the athlete. She received her answer in the form a few sleepless nights. She tried everything in her power to tolerate the blaring music and the constant traffic that filled their streets whenever Amos decided to turn his house into a club. Cotton balls, eye masks, white noise, noise cancelling headphones. Nothing seemed to work and she found herself at his doorstep, shuffling her feet as she waited for him to answer. She had nearly left a few times before pressing the doorbell to force herself to speak with him. Trying to find the most polite way to tell him that he really needed to keep it down for the sake of her own sanity, she figured that others surely had told him the same, right? If they were willing to complain to Ruhi, they must have been more willing than she was to actually confront him. “Good morning,” she greeted with a smile when the door opened, gauging if he was hungover or in a sour mood. “I brought banana bread.”
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scribblevoid · 5 months
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Posting this 2 days after my bday but yeah
I'm 17 now and honestly nothing has change not a single bit
I still feel like when I was 14 or smthn but now I'm one year away from paying taxes
Anyway fuck Israel just bc
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luiwritings · 8 months
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The saints can't help me now, the ropes have been unbound I hunt for you with bloodied feet across the hallowed ground Like some child possessed, the beast howls in my veins I want to find you, tear out all of your tenderness
Gracias @heylelumus, me encantaaaa <3
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