#( aye it sal's family )
abominationchild · 2 years
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        HENRY FISHER  ( 1956 — 1999 )                  sal’s  father,  the  man  who  cared  too  much  and  then  not  enough.    recovering  alcoholic.    married  to  diane  ricci  until  her  death  in  1984,  remarried  to  lisa  johnson  in  1996.    killed  by  sal  fisher  in  1999.         DIANE FISHER  ( 1956 — 1984 )                 sal’s  mother,  the  woman  who  sacrificed  herself  to  keep  her  baby  alive.    born  to  italian  immigrant  parents  as  diane  ricci.    married  to  henry  fisher  until  her  death  in  1984.    killed  by  the  devourers  of  god  in  1984.         SAL FISHER  ( 1976 — 2004 )                  the  sally  face  killer,  the  boy  who  did  everything  to  stop  the  end  of  the  world.    born  to  henry  and  diane  fisher  in  1976.    married  to  raven  aolani  while  in  prison  in  2001.    father  to  sally  fisher.    sentenced  to  death  by  electrocution  in  2004.    resurrected  by  raven  aolani  in  2004.         LISA JOHNSON-FISHER  ( 1956 — 1999 )                 sal’s  stepmother,  the  woman  who  loved  her  children  more  than  anything.    born  to  spanish  immigrant  parents  as  lisa  garcia.    married  to  jim  johnson  until  his  disappearance  in  1986,  remarried  to  henry  fisher  in  1996.    killed  by  sal  fisher  in  1999.         LARRY JOHNSON  ( 1975 — 1999 )                 sal’s  best  friend  and  stepbrother,  the  boy  that  always  listened  when  sal  needed  someone.    born  to  jim  and  lisa  johnson  in  1975.    died  via  suicide  in  1999.         RAVEN AOLANI-FISHER  ( 1977 — )                 sal’s  wife,  the  woman  that’s  there  for  him  no  matter  what.    born  in  1977.    married  to  sal  fisher  while  he  was  in  prison  in  2001.    mother  to  sally  fisher.    resurrected  sal  fisher  in  2004.         SALLY FISHER  ( 1999 — )                  sal’s  daughter,  the  girl  who  loves  him  unconditionally.    born  to  sal  and  raven  fisher  in  1999.         GIZMO  ( 1987 — )                   sal’s  cat,  the  emotional  support  animal.    given  to  sal  by  his  therapist  in  1987.    completely  spoiled  and  unlike  any  other  animal.         BINX  ( 1987 — )                   raven’s  cat,  the  familiar.
0 notes
harudnae · 5 months
Time to slowly get back into fandom! (I still suck at being social but I'm working on it, please bear with me.)
Here's a gift for @taraneedspizza!
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Also posted on AO3 on 2024.04.20
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Roger x Rayleigh x Gaban x AFAB!GN!Reader, the focus is on x Reader ships
Summary: Shanks and Buggy run around and make you trip over yourself. Your lovers relay themselves to take care of you while you're injured.
Content warnings: polyamory, found family, hurt/comfort, fluff & smut, oral sex (reader receiving), fingering, sex, squirting, creampie, Reader wears a dress for smut convenience but no pronouns are used.
Word count: 5.3k
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Careful, adj. :
marked by wary caution or prudence
marked by attentive concern and solicitude
marked by painstaking effort to avoid errors or omissions
exercising or taking care
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❤️‍🩹 Careful
You briefly glance behind you when you hear the cabin boys' laughter echoing across the decks. You smile to yourself, happy to see them eager for a new day.
Shanks bumps into you, throwing a quick "Sorry!" over his shoulder.
Buggy runs by you as well, but you manage to avoid collision with a quick step to the side.
"Careful, boys!", you yell after them.
They throw you a hurried "Aye, aye" and slow down just a bit, happily trotting away.
You shake your head, fondly exasperated, and join the rest of the crew for breakfast in the galley.
Rayleigh and Gaban assign chores afterwards as usual, and everyone scurries off to their posts.
You’re halfway to your own when you hear the cabin boys’ laughter again. You wonder what they're up to this time, but you’ve got work to do so you figure you’ll find out later on.
Hurried steps behind you give away their whereabouts, and Shanks runs past you fast enough that your dress flies up around your knees.
You adjust your stance in his wake, but fail to notice the other boy running by your other side.
Buggy’s hand catches in the fold of your dress, and he pulls you around, effectively throwing you off balance.
You trip over your feet and fall with a yelp. You wince and writhe on the wooden floor, stunned by a sudden burst of pain in your ankle.
Buggy crouches next to you. "Hey, I'm sorry. Are you okay?"
You take a deep breath and wait for the fog in your brain to dissipate.
Shanks comes beside you too, a worried frown across his forehead. "(y/n)? Are you hurt?"
Another deep breath, and you finally manage to exhale a strained "Shit." You inhale again, and you try to get up. Another burst of pain drags a pained yelp out of your throat. "Fuuuuck–" You pant. "I need to see Crocus. Now."
Buggy's mouth seals shut while his eyes go wide as saucers.
Shanks pales and swallows. "Okay. Okay. I'll get someone." He scrambles up to call for help, and eventually comes back with Gaban.
Buggy hasn't said a word since you mentioned the doctor. He's still kneeling by your side, posture stiff and gaze bewildered.
Gaban slides a hand under your arm and helps you up. "There, there. What happened?"
"Kids were running. Bumped into me. Ow–" You wince when you stand and your ankle twists a bit with the movement. "Holy shit, that hurts."
Buggy quietly gets up, and follows Shanks and the rest of you to the infirmary.
Crocus examines you, earning a couple of undignified yelps when he manipulates your ankle. "It's sprained", he diagnoses once he's done, "I'll splint that ankle and give you painkillers, but what you need for the next couple of days is rest." He turns to Gaban. "Can you bring (y/n) back to–"
"Hey Crocus, do you still have some of that burn sal–" Rayleigh cuts himself as he enters the infirmary, pressing a wet cloth against his hand. "What happened ?"
"Sprained ankle", Crocus says, motioning towards you.
Rayleigh tilts his head and glances at the cabin boys. "How ?"
Shanks pulls his straw hat over his head, concealing the tears he tries his best to blink away.
Buggy hunches his shoulders. "We were running and we made (y/n) fall."
Rayleigh scowls at them and heavily sighs.
"What happened to you?" You motion towards Rayleigh's hand when he raises an inquiring eyebrow.
"I was helping in the kitchen. Burned myself on a hot plate. Nothing serious."
You shrug. "Still hurts."
"It'll be gone faster", Crocus says as he gets up. He rummages through a cabinet, then throws a pot of ointment to Rayleigh. "Twice a day until it's gone. Too much won't help more than making sure it soaks in."
"Aye, aye." Rayleigh turns back to the cabin boys. "I sure hope you're proud of yourselves."
Shanks stiffens and tightens his grip over the hem of his hat.
Buggy grits his teeth and nods the affirmative.
Gaban pats the boys' shoulders. "Well I hope you've learned your lesson."
Buggy lifts teary eyes towards you. "We're really sorry you got hurt because of us."
Shanks nods the affirmative, salty drops freely falling down his cheeks. "We promise we'll be more careful."
Your gaze softens, but you figure the lesson will stick better if the boys understand that you're really hurt, so you don't say a single word. You simply sigh and nod the affirmative.
The kids exchange a worried glance.
Rayleigh grabs both of them by the collar and drags them outside for extra chores.
Gaban frowns in their wake. "You're too hard on them."
Crocus huffs. "Serves them right." He sits back next to you with what he needs to brace your ankle. "Supplies are limited, and I've got enough on my hands as it is: I don't need to treat the result of friendly fire too!"
You roll your eyes. "It's alright, I'll be okay in a few weeks just like you said. I just want them to remember what happened, so they're more careful later on."
Gaban shrugs and exhales an unconvinced hum. "Meh, anyway. You–" He points a finger at you. "–take it easy for a few days, I'll get your chores reassigned while Crocus treats you and then I'll take you back to your cabin. Good?"
Warmth spreads in your chest. "Sure, thanks."
Crocus makes quick work of immobilizing your ankle, and he provides a pair of crutches to help you up and around. "Do not set your foot on the floor until three days from now. No weight on it, no pressure, nothing."
"Aye, aye."
"You'll need help for showers and such, but I believe you'll find that easily?" He throws you a knowing look and a smirk.
Your cheeks heat up a little, and you smile back. "Yes, thank you. Anything else, doc?"
"Come see me in four days, I'll examine you again and I'll see when you can start physical rehabilitation. The sooner the better, if you want to get back in shape fast."
"Aye, aye."
"Now, don't go wandering around on your own and wait for Gaban here. I'm going to give you more painkillers, too." He rummages in another cabinet and fetches some herbs and a couple of vials. "You've got enough in your system for a few hours, I'll have someone bring you the rest later on. One spoon of the preparation I'll make you, one glass of water to wash it down, every four hours if it hurts, less often if it doesn't. Clear?"
"Crystal: one spoon, one glass, four hours. Thanks, Crocus."
"Bah. I'd rather be preparing more salves and other daily things, but a couple of brats decided I didn't have enough backlog", he deadpans.
You shake your head and huff a small laugh.
Gaban comes by a while after, beaming. "Your chores are taken care of until further notice!" He sits beside you and leans in, murmuring with a conspiratory air. "Roger volunteered."
Your eyebrows shoot up. "Oh, that's nice."
"Captain's pet."
You slap his arm with the back of your hand. "Oh, come on."
He grins. "Just kidding. But it was worth mentioning."
You huff a laugh. "True. Help me up, would you?"
"Yep. Hold onto me." He opens his arms, and closes them around you when you brace your arms around his neck. He lifts you up and supports you with one arm while he grabs your crutches with his other hand.
You throw a "Thanks, doc" behind your shoulder when you leave the infirmary, and you try to get used to the crutches. Your arms hurt a little from being used in an unusual way, and you're relieved when you're finally back to your cabin. You sit on your bed and set the crutches aside, within reach. You lift your legs up and stretch the healthy one, still wary of the injured one.
Gaban sits beside you and helps you comfortably lay on the bed. He tucks a pillow under your calf, making sure no weight or tension remains on your ankle. Then he places a hand across your other leg, gently squeezing. "Are you going to be alright? Do you need anything else?"
You lay your hand across his thigh. "You're such a sweetheart."
He tilts his head to the side. "That's just me taking care of you." His fingers trail up, skirting a little under your dress. "Nothing more." His cheeks glow a shade darker, but you can tell he's just mindlessly seeking more contact, and he's really doing it without giving it much thought.
That doesn't change how his bare hand across your skin, his voice and the innuendo beneath affects you, though it was probably unintentional. Your breath catches in your throat when warmth pools in your gut, and you only barely manage to restrain an undignified sound.
Gaban raises an eyebrow and grins. "Unless you want me to take care of you another way ?"
You pretend to glare, but you know the way your gaze flickered to his lips just now already gave you away.
Gaban's smile widens. "What do you want, love?"
Your cheeks heat up and you bite your lower lip. You glance down and wriggle your healthy ankle, slightly pouting. "I can't do shit like this."
"Who said you had to do anything?"
You uncomfortably shrug. "It's not fair."
"Who said that? I get off plenty watching you get off", he huskily says, his other hand running up inside your other thigh.
You shiver under his touch, warm and gentle, so, so careful. Your insides twitch when his large hands squeeze around your thighs and you instantly know your underwear are done for. "Oh, fuck."
"Need something, babe?"
"Kiss me", you breathe out.
Gaban scoots closer, removing his hands from your thighs only to grab your face and pull you in for a fierce kiss.
You sigh into his mouth and moan around his tongue as it slides between your lips.
You're positively breathless when he finally leans back, wearing a confident smile on his glistening lips. "Anything else?"
You half-heartedly glare, but a small moan gives you away. "Maybe", you concede. "Wanna put that smart mouth to good use?"
Gaban's cheeks flush a shade darker and his smile falters just a bit before he heartily nods. "Oh, yeah." He leans back and slides his hands under your dress to slide your underwear down." Naughty", he huskily comments when he pulls the garment away and finds it soaked.
You lightly pout. "Is that a complaint?"
He softly laughs. "Nope." He removes his glasses and sets them aside a little further on the bed.Then he lays his face down between your thighs, he hooks your legs above his broad shoulders and his hands around your hips, keeping you steady beneath him while he dives in tongue first.
You're thankful Gaban's muscular back provides support for your sprained ankle because the first swipe of his tongue elicits a full body shudder. One of your hands tangles in his curly hair, keeping him close.
He exhales a delighted hum into your folds when his tongue dives inside you, earning a soft encouraging groan. The wet muscle pokes in again, avidly exploring and tasting you.
You moan louder and it's becoming increasingly difficult not to writhe around under Gaban's delicious ministrations. You can tell an orgasm is building up pretty fast by the way your inner walls squeeze around his tongue and your clit throbs against the tip of his nose where it presses against you, and you cast a pleading glance down when Gaban's tongue recedes, leaving you hot, bothered, and fluttering around nothing.
Gaban's eyes shine with mischief when he dives back in to suck your clit. He holds your gaze while he unlocks the arm that's not supporting your sprained ankle, and he watches you intensely while he slides two fingers in, up to the last knuckle.
"Oooh, fuck." Your eyes roll back and flutter shut, and the moan that leaves you next is downright sinful. You glance down again and bite your lower lip at the view.
Gaban is focused on you alone: his eyes trained on your face, his fingers spreading either across your skin to keep you steady or inside you spreading around your juices, his mouth is diligently sucking and licking the swollen length throbbing under his tongue. And with all that, crinkling eyes and lips turned upwards, eyes shining with mirth…
You card your hand deeper into his mane and moan. "You're so– ngh– so handsome..." You rub your fingertips against his scalp, earning a low groan. You dig your other hand into Gaban's hair and pull him right where you want him, pressing your hands harder into his head.
Gaban slides his fingers out only to put three of them back in. He growls in response to the sound you make then, and when your cunt squeezes around his fingers in turn he curves them just right and starts thrusting them.
"Ooh... Fuck, fuck–" You pull Gaban against your core, gently digging fingernails harder into his skull. He growls around your clit again just as he sucks it harder and rubs his tongue underneath, and it's enough to tip you over the edge of your climax. You cum with a wail and a choked curse at the back of your throat, holding onto Gaban for dear life while he keeps eating you out and fingerfucking you until you settle down.
He finally recedes with a contented sigh when you slump down and release your hold on his hair. He licks his glistening fingers and lips and offers you a playful smile.
You return him a dopey grin and a light laugh.
Gaban cautiously lays you back down on the bed and gets a wet cloth to clean you up. Afterwards he considers putting your underwear back on, but he scrunches his nose when he remembers the state it's in.
You chuckle behind him. "Your fault."
"Ehh, guilty." He shrugs, then he retrieves clean underwear into your closet and helps you get dressed up again.
You pull him in for a kiss. "Thanks."
He rolls his eyes, then kisses your forehead. "Of course." He stands up and quickly glances around, making sure you've got everything you need within reach. "I gotta go on laundry duty, but if you need anything just yell, I made sure there's always someone nearby."
You reach out for his hand and give a gentle squeeze. "I love you."
He grins wide. "Me too."
You use the occasion to read a book you've been postponing for a while. You're glad you finally get some time to dive into it, and you only stop reading because your eyes are starting to get tired. You feel a little lonely too, now, but fortunately it's around lunchtime, and Roger soon brings you a tray.
"Hey", he breathes out as he comes in, uncharacteristically quiet. His gaze follows your stretched leg, finds your braced ankle, resting across a pillow. He sighs and offers you a soft smile. "How do you feel?", he softly asks as he sets the tray on the nearby table.
"I'm okay", you shrug, "Crocus took good care of me. And I'm not made of sugar." You poke his arm. "It hurts, but I'll be okay in a few weeks."
Roger sighs of relief, and his whole posture visibly relaxes. He sits on the bed, and he cautiously snuggles close to you. He places a hand across your belly, softly patting you, holding you close to him. He frowns a little when he confides, "The kids are miserable, I thought you were hurt real bad."
You wince. "Ah, fuck. I wanted them to learn a lesson, but maybe I went too hard on them. Gaban was right." You sigh and slump a little. "I mean– We all get hurt on the regular. Hurting a nakama sucks, but it's not like they did it on purpose. I wanted them to be more careful, not to feel guilty forever..."
Roger offers you a soft smile. "Do you want me to tell the kids to come here, so you can tell them yourself?"
You nod and hum in approval. "Yeah, thanks."
"Alright." He brings you the tray. "Here, eat some. I grabbed you some extra in case you're hungry later on. I brought you Crocus' medicine too."
You grin wide. "Sweet. Did you eat already?"
"Yeah. Dig in."
You nod and do just so.
Roger watches you get your fill, a soft smile on his face. He places a hand on your bare leg, gently squeezing, just seeking the contact of your skin while you're together.
You squint and ask between two mouthfuls, "What?"
"You eat well. That's good."
You chuckle around your next bite.
Once you're done with your lunch, Roger puts the tray away and comes back by your side. His hand travels up, sliding up your side, then your arm, and pauses across your shoulder, gently squeezing.
You look up and meet an eager gaze and a wide smile. You squint a little, but the hint of a smile curls your lips. "What?"
"If you're not too hurt... Does that mean you can still..." He waggles his eyebrows.
You throw him an unimpressed stare. "Really", you deadpan, but the laughter bubbling in your chest betrays your interest.
Roger slightly pouts. "I always want you."
Such an infamous, fearsome, powerful pirate, pouting and searching for physical attention. The sight would be incredibly absurd for anyone who doesn't know Roger, but it's usual for those who do know him, and terribly endearing for the ones who love him.
You cup his cheek and pull him in for a kiss.
Roger all too happily kisses you back, shifting on the bed so he can reach out for your bare arms, bracing his own around yours. Personal space is barely a concept with Roger: he's invasive and overwhelming, always reaching out for more contact, more skin, more, more, yet always in the best of ways. This time he shows more restraint, keeping his hands to your torso in order to avoid hurting you. His large hands cup your chest and gently rub the pads of his thumbs against your clothed nipples, earning a few soft moans.
You break the kiss for air, panting and slightly light-headed. You swallow and turn half-lidded eyes to your lover.
He grins and dives in, peppering your neck and shoulder with wet, hungry kisses.
"Mmh, Roger..." You card a hand in his hair and you gently tug on the dark strands, earning a low growl.
One of Roger's hands wanders lower, pressing into your side, petting your belly, squeezing your hip…
You buck your hips up when his fingertips find the hem of your underwear beneath your dress.
He leans up and slides both of his hands under your dress. "Can I ?"
You squint a little. It's rare he asks, more so when you made your interest clear. Then it hits you like a brick–
He's being extra cautious because you're injured.
Your gaze softens and you exhale a light chuckle, amazed at his ability to make you fall harder for him with every bit of affection. "Yeah, of course."
Roger lifts your dress up and bunches it around your waist, then he slides his hands down your sides and tucks his thumbs into the waistband of your underwear. He quickly glances up, then carefully slides them down once you've nodded your approval.
Then he sits cross-legged in front of you and braces your thighs over his, putting your private parts on display while your legs comfortably rest over his thighs.
"Oh, dear." Your insides flutter around nothing under his hungry gaze, and you try to close your thighs a little but his hands are already spread over them, pushing them open.
"So pretty..." He brings a hand between your thighs, places his whole palm over your cunt and presses his thick fingers around your clit.
It throbs under his touch, and a lewd moan leaves you unprompted when Roger starts rubbing his whole hand, gently stroking your clit between his fingers and pressing the heel of his palm against your twitching entrance. "Holy fuck–"
Roger grins wide. "It's just me, babe."
You half-heartedly glare, but your protest dies in your throat when he moves his hand up to slide two thick fingers inside you with his other hand. "Nghh–"
He starts thrusting, slow and deep, taking the time to rub his fingertips inside you while his other hand is still busy stroking your clit. He exhales a small satisfied sound when he finds the spot that makes you turn into jelly, throbbing against his fingers with a whimper. Then his smile turns hungrier, and he rubs that same spot again, and again, and again.
"F-Fuck, fuck, fuck–" Your eyes open wide and you writhe under the intense stimulation, but a twinge of pain reminds you of your injury. You glare at Roger and his shit-eating grin, he has you right where he wants to and he doesn't even need to hold you because you'll hurt yourself if you move too much. "Bastard– ngh–"
"Nah, I don't think so." Roger slides his hand up, pressing the heel of his palm against your clit while his fingertips dig into your lower belly. His other hand rubs harder inside you, pinching your sweet spot between both sets of fingertips and sending an electrifying jolt of pleasure across your whole body.
"Oh, fuuuck–" It's increasingly harder to restrain your own moves when he's driving you crazy like this. Liquid pleasure builds up inside you and you're getting closer to an orgasm, very fast.
Roger puts his elbows above your knees, holding them open, pinning you down with the weight of his torso. His intense gaze is locked onto you while he moves faster, harder, eagerly waiting until your inner walls clench faster around him. When you open your mouth to wail as you cum, he presses his hand hard over your clit and keeps rubbing his fingertips against your sweet spot, extending your high until you're a whimpering, panting mess.
You blink stars away from inside your eyelids when you come down from cloud nine. "Wow."
Roger grins wide. "You're welcome."
"Cocky bastard."
"You love it", he counters, leaning in for a sweet kiss. He cleans you up and pulls your dress down afterwards.
"Wait, where's my–"
Roger tucks your soaked underwear into his pocket.
You scrunch your nose. "Gross."
Roger playfully draws his tongue out, pats his pocket with a grin and leaves without further ado.
You sigh in his wake, amused and sated all at once. The post-climactic high works wonders to dull the pain, and you figure a quick nap won't hurt anyone.
Timid knocks on your door stir you awake.
"Cm'in", you slur, blinking away the sleep.
Buggy sniffles as he quietly enters, looking at his feet.
Shanks shortly follows, joining his fingers with his friend while he pouts. After a short while he says, "Captain Roger said you wanted to talk to us."
Buggy sniffles again.
Suddenly much more awake, your gaze softens and you pat the space beside you on the mattress. "Come here, boys."
They sit next to you, their hands still linked together.
You place your hand over theirs. "I know you didn't want to hurt me."
Their eyes finally turn up to yours, teary and full of hope.
"It does suck and it does hurt, but I'm aware that you didn't do it on purpose. I do want you to be more careful from now on, but I am not going to hold a grudge against you forever. I want you to care for your nakama as much as I care for you. I love you both, and it'll take much, much more than an involuntarily sprained ankle to change that."
Buggy throws his arms around you. "I was so worried", he whines between soft sobs.
You pet his hair. "There, there", you softly say. "You're alright. I love you both."
Shanks is quietly smiling through tears, and he grabs your free hand, gently cradling it in his palms. "We love you, too. We're so sorry–"
"Enough of that", you cut him, squeezing his hands, "I know you are, and all I want now is for you to get over it and act better in the future."
Both boys heartily nod. "Uh-huh. Yeah. Of course."
Buggy meets your gaze again and cracks a small smile. "You're going to be okay, right?"
You grin and nod the affirmative. "Sure am."
Shanks asks, "And you'll recover and still be a badass fighter, right?"
You chuckle. "Of course."
The boys excitedly look at each other.
You grab their hands and flash them a dangerous smile. "You better go train right away, because I'm going to kick your asses over the Red Line as soon as I'm back."
The kids yelp, but their smiles betray their eagerness. They run away laughing and bickering about who's going to have it worse once you've recovered.
You happily sigh in their wake, relieved that they've learned their lesson in a healthier manner. Parenting is a full-time job no matter how many parents are around, and there might be books about it but none of them is the perfect instruction manual. You're figuring it out as it goes, along with the rest of the polycule and extra help from the crew, and you think you're doing reasonably well. And speaking of books... You resume your earlier reading now that your mind is a little more fresh.
Rayleigh comes to check on you later in the afternoon. "The kids are smiling again. What did you tell them?"
"That I wouldn't hold a grudge forever, and that I just wanted them to be more careful from now on."
"Hm. Good."
"Better than you being all stern and scowling all the time", you tease.
He throws you an unimpressed stare.
"Ah, good ol' deadpan. Thanks for proving my point." You triumphantly grin.
Rayleigh tilts your chin up with a couple of fingers, then he leans in, close enough that his breath fans across your slightly parted lips.
Your breath catches in your throat and your smile falters a bit.
His eyelids fall a little and he huskily says, "But you like when I'm strict too... don't you?"
You exhale a shaky breath while warmth pools in your gut. "What's with y'all today?"
Rayleigh lightly shrugs, and the hint of a smile curls his lips when he says, "We just want to take care of you." With that, he leans in for a deep kiss that leaves you breathless. He leans back with a smirk. "Also I tasted you on Gaban's lips this morning. Been driving me crazy since then. And then Roger's hand smelled like you, so."
Your cheeks wildly heat up and you glance away. "Fair", you concede after a while.
Rayleigh cups your cheek and turns your head back towards him, making eye contact. "Do you want me?"
You bite your lower lip. "Of course I do."
He softly smiles and sits on the bed beside you, glancing at your sprained ankle. "How do you feel?"
"The medicine works well so the pain is manageable, but I really need to be careful with how I move this side."
Rayleigh hums, purses his lips, and moves over you, caging you under his body. He steals your breath and a kiss, then he moves away to the other side, smirking. "I know what I can do." He lays you on your uninjured side, and places a couple of pillows next to your bent legs. Then he pulls your knee across a pillow, and your splinted ankle over the other. He lets you adjust your position so there's no strain on your injury, and once you're comfortable enough he pulls your dress up, exhaling an interested hum. "Going commando, are we?"
You roll your eyes. "I did wear something before. Blame Roger."
He lightly laughs. "I'm not blaming anyone, though." He lays on his side behind you, and his hand explores your body, trailing goosebumps in its wake and earning soft sighs. He gently squeezes your thigh, your ass, then his fingers slide between your thighs where you're getting wet already.
A sudden realization hits you, and you indignantly say, "You're all taking advantage of the fact that I can't move!"
"Guilty as charged", Rayleigh says in the crook of your neck before he plants a kiss there.
"Sly bastard."
"I can stop", he retorts.
You huff. "No, thank you."
"Thought so." A couple of fingers part your folds and spread your juices around before sliding inside you.
You softly groan at the intrusion, and you slightly buck your hips back for better access.
Rayleigh thrusts his fingers slowly, spreading them around and lingering where he earns the loudest moans.
You try to ignore the fact that you're already soaking wet but it's made impossible by the slick noises echoing in your bunk. You breathe more heavily, and the way Rayleigh rubs his fingertips just enough to tease but nearly not enough to please just drives you crazy.
The bastard knows what he's doing too, because he soon asks, "Want something more, darling?"
"I want you", you whine.
He chuckles and pulls his fingers out of you. He removes his pants and underwear, then he lays back down behind you. One of his hands guides his cock between your thighs while the other grabs your hip and pulls you closer.
You exhale a moan when the tip of his cock slides in. A few soft sighs leave you while he pushes deeper in, and another, longer, delighted one once he's fully sheathed in.
Rayleigh fucks you slow and deep, and his hand travels up to fondle a breast and rub a nipple while his mouth latches onto your neck and shoulder. It's almost torture. Delicious, delicious torture, when he fucks you like this, gentle and teasing, letting you savor the way his throbbing cock stretches your inner walls with each thrust, the way the curve of his shaft perfectly rubs against your sweet spot, the way his fingertips roll around your nipple, the way his tongue soothes your skin after a bite.
You feel yet another orgasm building back up but you know you won't come like this. It's a little frustrating but you had your fair share of small deaths today so it's alright.
Rayleigh's getting closer though, you can tell by the way his thrusts get a little erratic.
You moan a little louder when his cock pulsates harder inside you. "Oh, fuck, that's good– Cum inside me, Ray–"
He exhales a strained moan then, and he buries his cock deep inside you one last time. His balls spasm against your ass while he unloads deep inside you, and a series of soft sighs and groans are exhaled against your neck. Once the intense throbbing subsides a little, his hand travels back down between your thighs. He slides his fingers around your clit and starts rubbing. "Come on sweetheart, cum for me..."
Your inner walls clench around his still throbbing cock and you tip over the edge quickly, whimpering in his embrace.
After he's peppered your neck and shoulder with a series of soft kisses, Rayleigh cleans you up with a damp cloth and helps you get dressed up again. He retrieves the tray Roger brought you and tells you, "Gaban will bring you dinner. We'll come by afterwards to tuck you in."
You curiously glance up. "We...?"
"Of course, darling, we all want to take care of you." He winks.
You shake your head and exhale a fondly exasperated sigh. "Poor me. Be careful, okay?"
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Actor AU
Ruby:*looking at cameraman* You know in the show how we ham up the fact Blake likes fish? Well actually.... *points behind her*
Blake:*stuffing down sushi roll*.....What?
Ruby:Absolutely nothing changes. That sushi bar is her playground.
Nora:Aye cuz, you ready for your big scene!?
Penny:*getting face painted* Time to die! Wooo!
Nora:Woooo! *whispers* she’ll be back. Ssssshhh!
Blake:Now most people might think Yang and Adam would cause some friction offset with all drama in the show. *looks at food bar*
Adam and Yang: *dancing while eating doughnuts*
Blake:*snickering* They are the biggest clowns here. Ruby, come get your sibling before they choke!
Ruby:Real or fake one!?
Weiss:*balancing on chair* Boom! Told ya I could do it. All balance baby.
Yang:This her fifth attempt. Please tell me we got the second one on film?
Weiss:So Blake, What is wro-aaah! *smacks against the door.*
Yang:*wiping her tears* God that was hilarious. Her body just went wham!
Weiss:Shut up!
Weiss:Psssst! Look at this bitch over here. Practicing for his debut.
Whitley:*reading his lines*......!? *flips her off*
Weiss:*smiles* He’s gonna do great.
Whitley:Imma steal all your light. *smiles* They’ll make me the new ‘W’ for RWBY.
Weiss:Brothers, I tell ya. I don’t know if he’s more annoying on or off set. Got a whole ass trailer with his name on it. Such a diva. I’m so proud.
Ruby:I just wanna say I’m the greatest sister ever. I got connections and influence so... *points to set*
Coco:*winks* Surprise!
Ruby:I got her a small part. Got siblings all up through this set.
Adam: *chilling on a roof* I actually earned my part!
Ruby:Somehow! “PerFect! SeT THe ChARgeS!” What kind of line delivery!? Hahaha!
Coco: “YaNG! IS tHat yOu!?”
Adam: “YAng!? Yaaaaaaaannnnnng!”
Ruby:*red* Shut up!! That was my first read and I was younger!!!
Weiss:Your mom kidnapped me!?
Yang:You kidnapped her!?
Raven:And proms tomorrow!? Yes I kidnapped her! I’m a god damn bandit!
Yang:*keeping it together* Y...You fiend! How could...hehe. H-How.....
Raven:*snickering* You...you good?
Yang:Why prom!?
Raven:I don’t know!?
Vernal:*activley laughing*
Pyrrha: You know I asked my girlfriend is she ever misses me on set. *smiles* Smart ass said if I did then you’d be alive.
Cinder:*barges in* Am I wrong though!?
Emerald:You just can’t go to Vacou! Cinder-
Mercury:Forget about her. You’re backing the wrong horse here. She doesn’t care! See ya around Em. *kisses her and walks away*
Emerald:......*looks at camera, then the hall* Di..he didn’t realize..?
Tyrian:I don’t think he has!
Mercury:*walking back* Did I just kiss you?
Emerald:*holding laughter* Took you long enough! It’s only been what fans wanted forever! Eight volumes Mr.
Mercury:*face palming* My bad everyone.
Tyrian:I was just stunned! I thought I missed part of the script! Couples, focus man! I know you love your girlfriend but I need ya too hate her a bit right now!
Emerald:*laughing* Please put this in features!
Salem:*controlling grimm*
Oscar and Neo: *flossing off camera*
Salem:....Fuck *smiles* Damn you two! Let me be serious!
Ren:You cheated your way into Beacon!
Jaune:And you cheated on Nora!
Jaune:WITH ME!
Ren:IT WAS ONE TIME! *hits bike* I WAS SO AFRAID, AND YOU WERE SO WARM!!!! *tears up*
Yang:*Amazed and confused* And the plot thickens!!!
Oscar:James, you need to calm down. Now I know you miss Oz-
Ironwood:I miss no one. *shoots Oscar* No one.
Ozpin:*off screen* Nooooooooo!
Oscar:I’m not upset you left. I’m upset you came back.
Ozpin:Fine I’ll go get some milk and cigarettes. Shit, wanna be alone so much.
Oscar:Oh my god hehe...d-dad no! Wait! Haha c-come back! What do I tell mom!?
Jaune:And that was the last time Ozpin ever showed up.
Cinder: You know I hope I get another fight scene with you Jaune.
Jaune:Why’s that?
Cinder:You know, took your partner’s heart and rearranged your crush’s guts. *smiles* Jealous?
Nora:My lord...
Jaune:This is who I deal with off set. Cinder unchained. Witty as hell.
Penny: *dancing with Oscar*
Nora:You know...starting to think my cousin wasn’t excited to comeback for me. Fine, I’m not salty. I bet Cardin would love to come back. Get the whole family up in here.
Soldiers:*aiming guns*
Ironwood:Making progress? *strokes beard*
Watts:*strokes mustache*.........Yeah.
Watts:......Huh? Oh are we filming!?
Ironwood:Oh my-yes! Haha! For like a minute.
Watts:My bad, zoned out.
Ironwood:Man is just stroking his mustache out of character as guns are pointed at him! *nudges him*
Watts:I..I got nothing. *face palms*
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Ok uh DND HEADCANONS aka welcome to fantasy queer eye
Ava: A tiefling paladin. Bonar Fidea ("BONER?" "Shut the fuck up Sal.") Is sworn to her mission to protect the group of travellers she's met. Especially when faced with a particular half orc,,,ahem, Bonar is intent on doing good, not for the cost of gold, but to perhaps wipe her hands of bloodshed left over from a suffocating war that she refuses to talk about....just a shame that the rest of her party doesn't agree with the motives.
Mimi: Dwarf fighter named Viet Clearwater ("'Cause she drags her enemies through the fucking mud!"). Dwarf milf -
("wait," Lace squints and Mimi grins. "How is she a milf??" "WELL. You know that thing where a woman gets out of the fire and shakes her head? That's that." Everyone waits for a moment before nodding appreativatevly.)
- who worked in a blacksmiths for many years before meeting Sal's character and ending up joining his kid onto becoming fantasy bounty hunters for a few months before meeting the others. Viet's personal mission is to get a beach day yet each plot ends up derailing her from it each and every time.
Finn: Druid Elf called Roisen-Mae Maylar who worked in fantasy Greggs before Bonar robbed them and Roisen-Mae was the one who was sent after her due to him being "the new guy". Long story short, Roisen-Mae realised he was underpaid and joined Bonar in her avenging for justice, quickly realising that "justice" was conceived of breaking into places and killing people in order to free others. Roisen-Mae kinda wishes he could go back to Fantasy Greggs but...he likes the feeling of adventure in his blood, likes helping people in such a freeing manner.
Sal: Elvish Bard named Chester. Out here playing the top hits of "I want thy love" and "I was created for loving thee." With the backups of Wulf's character. Realised that he could get more cash and that there was...fuck, there was something magic about his voice that struck the monsters and mysterious assassins often sent after the party for some reason.
("Wait so you're some sort of siren?" Pascal had begun to laugh as Sal sqwuaked in indignation. "No! Its- its magic! Shut up you solar piece of shit!")
Sure, murder wasn't was Chester was expecting. But fuck if it ain't gonna be fun (skksks ngl I'm...half wondering if Sal would let his dnd character be in love like I am with him and me being ace sksk)
Mahogany: No character since they struggle with grasping the game but they usually have someone sitting on their lap while they watch everyone play and suggest actions. Sometimes they're allowed to be monsters but often Mahogany is just there to get some cuddles.
Pascal: Orc rogue named Solgrindr The Rugged. 100% he's here to get jacked and each mission allows him to gain One Ab. His guns are huge but his heart is even huge-er and Solgrindr speaks with a fiery passion to sell his training regime and to collect a million fantasy numbers. Since. U know. Solgrindr has earned these by now.
("So you're a Chad?" Mimi squints and Pascal lifts up a hand in offense before Sal interjects. "YEAH PASCAL YOU AN INCEL?" Pascal cried a minute later. He just wanted to be ripped, was that too much to ask?)
Solgrindr is but a man of his whims and what's a bigger whim than a fiery battle and an even hotter romance? ("His sole goal is to romance Chester." Pascal says, smiling viciously when Sal chokes from across the table.) Its just a shame he hasn't been able to live up to his full power yet...
Edith: A half-orc paladin called Yanag Broifstïgnäh who is...basically a carbon copy of Edith but no one's gonna exactly argue with a 6'something Norse angel who everyone excluding Wulf and Dae, are attracted to her. Yanag fights with the same ire and power anyone else would have done to protect her party entirely. She gets a magical axe that apparently washes her into an entirely new and powerful form only once every game.
(Finn frowns, tilting his head curiously. "You made Edith into a magical girl?"
Doe blinks and for a moment, Finn shudders when his own eyes meet his. "Yeah. Is that what that's called? Coolio.")
Yanag saves and romances a woman with every town they go to, but it raises questions when she seems to deny their affections, just as its suspicious how black tar-like veins seem to spread on her the more she uses this power.
Wulf: A human ranger called Bob Greenson. Your average, typical human man who just so happens to believe in fate and adventure! He shall charm everyone and fight the good battles!
("So." Ava squinted and Edith tried to not smile. "He's playing as himself...but a human man?" Her question seemed to get a rough snort out of Edith and a slight nudge of the shoulders. "Aye, but 'tis what makes the man happy I suppose.")
Of course, Bob is on a strict mission to product review as many weapons as he possibly can for his company, Weap'n'throw, while perhaps finding a few good spots to camp out for the ol' family? How's it goin' neighbour? Sure there are some sale issues, what with everyone wanting to murder Bob, but what sales pitch doesn't come with a bit of haggling, hm? With his mighty band of sales assistants, please speak to Chester on aisle three for magical trumpets!
Adonai: Dungeon Master! It's a relief to be themselves and to still be able to interact with the games and everyone else. Doe was worried at first that they would have been left out while everyone got to be something different. They would have joined, but the idea of yet again forming a whole new identity, trying to find the balance and shifts...it sounded exhausting. They couldn't handle it.
Ava patted them and told Doe that they didn't need to be someone. They could think up the scenarios and risks and Joys. It wasn't often that they got an opportunity to take over and simply have fun with risking Mimi's life or trying to create romantic scenarios between Edith and Ava. Doe takes great pleasure in being the DM and it isn't uncommon for them to modify their body for certain campaigns.
Lace: A half-elf wizard named Elvish Presley (Everyone groans. Mahogany weeps. Edith demotes her Valkyrie ways. Sal becomes a nun.) Elvish is interested in learning all sources of magic and why their world works. Is there anything connecting them all? A reason for them being here? Elvish is determined to find out, no matter what the cost...mostly of himself though.
Whether he admits that he wouldn't allow his team to get hurt or not, that is entirely Elvish's thoughts and feelings alone. Quick! Put that healing spell away! We can't let these people know that we feel and yearn! But little does Elvish Presley know, everyone is aware that he is a giant nerd with a giant heart that weeps when Bonar rescues him from the angry orgre who's wagon dealership they ruined in a quest.
Dae: A dragonborn ranger named Torpa Armani who dreams of becoming a famous writer-
("Th-that's bas-basically what y-you do anywh-anyway." Morde squints as Wulf grins while Dae flushes and shakes his head. It's a weak argument, to hear your clone try and deny the elaborate romance novels he writes about his friends.)
-But! Sometimes you just get whisked away onto wild and heart melting adventures. Its hard to ignore how good it deeps to help other people with their problems. It seems that Torpa may just be finding out that there's more to life than romance or tragedy books for them. Especially if they seem so insistent on carrying a weapon and being willing to put their trust and faith within other people once more after being outcasted for who and what they are.
Peach: A tiefling ranger named Puddles Skipclear. Puddles was once a water nymph, but had been cursed into a more physical form that didn't allow her to touch water. She is bound to dry lands until Puddles is able to break her curse. Unfortunately, Puddles doesn't even seem to know what curse bounds her and changes her for possibly forever.
(Morde is quiet for a moment, not meeting his clone's eyes guilt makes his eyes and body dim and slouch. Dae does the same towards Mordecai and everyone tries to ignore the guilt that isn't there's suddenly shifting around the room.)
She likes the people she has chosen to travel with. They're silly and their quests don't always work out, but they're honest in helping Puddles and she wants to trust in them when they say that they will help her remove her curse. They're all rather different from her water sisters that faded away and slipped out of Puddles' too physical fingers, but she's begun to have high hopes about what this mission could mean for her along the way.
Mordecai: Orc rogue named Vecivus Brogun, who is a well renewed theft despite his size. Parties could only dream of having him upon their sides. It's easy to steal things from countless people, but it's harder to steal the secrets. Especially when such a strange party seems to hold so many of these secrets. Some of them have simple ideas and wants, but others?
Oh, there's mystery to them and contrary to what others believe about orcs, Vec is far more easily aware and shifty than most. If only the others would realise these and help him out with a few gigs...after all, is it so bad to steal from a dragon if said dragon had so many riches that he would have hardly noticed if a few went missing?
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ultraviolet-phantom · 4 years
Ultra: *hugging Kuro* well don't worry no one can beat this super family! now lets all take after Kuro and catch some Z ay? *meanwhile Jackxy's in her room cuddled up with Sal she invited them over for a sleep over!* Jackxy: *scratching Sal's shell!* you're so warm and comfy Sal! you're the best! ((night bro! love ya! and don't forget to tie yourself down! or ya might wake up missing a limb!))
Everyone falls asleep
Sal is happy
((lmao I wish /hj, night Jax, love you too!))
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years
Self-Promo Sunday: Bedtime Stories
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Summary: Every night, Killian reads to his and Emma's twin daughters. What he doesn't know is that Emma sits in the hallway and listens each night.
Rating: G for family feels
Note: This story was written before we knew about Hope Jones. They have twin daughters instead in this fic. I am NOT “erasing Hope” (though writers can create any Jones family they wish, in my opinion, and shouldn’t get any hate for it, but I digress . . . )
Words: About 1k
Books quoted (in order):
* Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey
* Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans
* The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton
* Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
* The Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf
* Tikki Tikki Tembo by Arlene Mosel
* Horton Hears a Who! by Dr. Seuss
On Ao3 until 11/17/19 but here on tumblr for the first time and here it shall remain :)
Tagging the usuals: :@snowbellewells​ @jennjenn615​ @kday426​ @let-it-raines​ @teamhook​@kmomof4​ @bethacaciakay​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @thislassishooked​ @tiganasummertree​@whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @snidgetsafan​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​​ @winterbaby89​​ @distant-rose​​@shireness-says​​ @xhookswenchx​​ @optomisticgirl​​ @spartanguard​​ @branlovestowrite​​ @welllpthisishappening​​ @hollyethecurious​​ @stahlop​
Bedtime in the big blue Swan-Jones house, like bedtime in many houses, consisted of a ritual of baths, teeth brushing, and kisses goodnight. And like many households, it also included story time. For the Jones twins, it was daddy who did the honors. Snuggling down between them in their wrought iron double bed covered in a fuzzy purple Rapunzel blanket, Killian Jones would read to his girls.
What the girls didn’t know was that their mother listened to story time, too. Emma was fairly certain Killian didn’t know, either. For one, this bonding time between her husband and their daughters warmed her heart. After so much struggle for their happy beginning, it was a balm to her soul to hear the girls giggles harmonize with Killian’s deep laugh.
But it wasn’t just that.
Killian Jones also had a way with words; even with words that weren’t his own. Truth be told, any woman would willingly listen to the man read the menu on the wall at Granny’s. His deep timbre and rolling accent had always been able to simultaneously stoke the flames of desire and warm Emma’s soul like a comforting embrace.
But it wasn’t just that, either.
Belle helped Killian select books on his frequent visits to the library, and she ensured that the Jones children were fed the best of classic children’s literature. Every time Emma saw a new stack on the coffee table, the titles and cover illustrations took her back to her own childhood. Back to all the books her parents never read to her. The books every other child knew as well as the most familiar Christmas carol.
So Emma sat in the hall, listening to her husband read. He did all of the sound effects with dramatic flair.
Little Sal picked three berries and dropped them into her little tin pail . . . kuplunk, kuplank, kuplunk!
The rhymes rolled off his tongue like a melody.
In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines lived twelve little girls in two straight lines. They left the house at half past nine in two straight lines in rain or shine. The smallest one was Madeline.
He made the simplest beginnings sound like epic fairy tales
Once upon a time there was a Little House way out in the country. She was a pretty Little House and she was strong and well built.
Moments of excitement and adventure became absolutely epic under the command of Killian’s voice.
And when he came to the place where the wild things are they roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws till Max said, “BE STILL!” and tamed them with a magic trick.
Stories seemed to resonant on a deeper level as the words poured like honey over and under Killian’s accented voice.
Once upon a time in Spain there was a little bull and his name was Ferdinand. All the other little bulls he lived with would run and jump and butt their heads together, but not Ferdinand. He liked to just sit quietly and smell the flowers.
When he read “Tikki Tikki Tembo,” Killian could say the long, rollicking name of the main character so fast and so easily, it would set the girls off giggling every time.
Oh, Most Honorable Mother, Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo has fallen into the well!
And sometimes, like tonight, his voice and the story combined to touch that deep part of Emma’s soul where that little lost girl still resided.
. . . some poor little person who’s shaking with fear that he’ll blow in the pool! He has no way to steer! I’ll just have to save him. Because, after all, a person’s a person, no matter how small!
Emma felt a tear slip down her cheek and wiped at it hastily. To get so emotional over a children’s book! What was wrong with her? And yet she sniffled the rest of the way through Dr. Seuss until finally Horton saved the Whos. Emma was still sitting there, her knees pulled up to her chin, when Killian stepped out their daughters’ room, pulling the door closed silently. When he saw her, he startled, nearly dropping the book. So he didn’t know about her nightly routine.
“Emma, love, what are you doing out here?” he asked, squatting down beside her. He reached out and brushed a tear away with his knuckles.
Emma shook her head, suddenly embarrassed. “I guess you may as well know. I sit out here every night when you read to the girls. Though why I’m crying all of a sudden, I have no idea!”
Killian gave her a soft smile in understanding. She was an open book to him, after all. “These are the stories of your realm, Swan. Stories all children are supposed to hear as they grow, am I right?”
Emma nodded, embarrassed when her chin wobbled and fresh tears filled her eyes. She cleared her throat and took a deep breath to steady herself. “And our girls will hear them all.”
Killian smiled in understanding. “Aye, Swan, that they will.”
“Besides,” Emma teased, cocking her head to one side, “you have a very sexy reading voice.”
Emma expected him to arch an eyebrow and toss her an innuendo. Instead, he took the book he held under his left elbow and waved it at Emma as he blushed, “You mean I make Dr. Seuss sound sexy?”
Emma thought about it for a minute, and then grinned, “Yeah. At Christmas your Grinch voice gets me all worked up.” Then Emma wiggled her own eyebrows in imitation of her husband.
Killian laughed, then stood and scooped her up into his arms. “Well, since you find my voice so sexy, why don’t I give you your own private story time?”
Here was her cocky pirate! “Oh, and what will you read to me?”
Killian swiped his tongue across his lower lip as he gazed at her with lust-filled eyes, “Oh no, love. This will be an original tale about a buxom blonde locked in a tower who taught a cowardly deck hand the ways of the world. If you catch my meaning.”
He winked as he carried her over the threshold of their room, and Emma bit her lip as she looked deep into his eyes, “Sounds like quite the sordid tale. How does it begin?”
Killian cleared his throat dramatically as he deposited her on the bed. “As most stories do: Once upon a time . . .”
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captainkurosolaire · 5 years
Interview : Captain Kuro Solaire
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► Name ➔  “Captain Kuro Solaire”
► Are you single ➔ <Laughs audibly.>
► Are you happy ➔   “There’s always a reason. The eye of mine has the knack to see beauty where all wind directs.”
► Are you angry? ➔   “Seems like a waste if was right now, better left to channel in bed, no?”
► Are your parents still married ➔  “The ole man still wears the band but he lacks the resolve of goodbye to which is parted. We’ll get him there. Better fer everyone for a step of anew.”
► Birth Place ➔ “Shite-side of Ul’dah.”
► Hair Color ➔  <Clears voice> “Pitch black like my soul of crippling realization of reality is an empty void.and I am the abyss -- Oh sorry about that! I picked this up in the corner of Quicksands.” Tosses a scripture diary back to the corner of the Tavern. 
► Eye Color ➔ “Gold like the finest of Glint.”
► Birthday ➔  “6th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon”
► Mood ➔   “Lustin”
► Gender ➔  “Let me check...” <Moments later after pulling his pants from him> “Aye, bonafide man, still.”
► Summer or winter ➔ “Summer.”
► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Dawn”
► Are you in love ➔ “Very”
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “If the compass points me, I am obligated and directed to learn of why I am in that destination. There needs not th’ question of belief.”
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “Time’s scar as often I am stolen from”
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔  “Do ye see, what I am? Even my hands are inadequate and only tailor to those who trust a broken to hold a heart fit meant to rule Kingdoms.”
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “It’s another fancy word fer gambling is that not?”
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Geez, I wish. Who could ever indulge me in such kindness.” <Fake sobs> “Oh sorry, another scrap of paper I found in the other corner!” 
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “Not sure why they’d be secret, I literally have my crotch visible all the time nearly, like why blueball yerself? That’s sadism.”
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “That thing is in pieces, I failed it. But despite it coal and black, I entrusted it elsewhere to a mender and caretaker who is better than, I, to take care of it for ideally eternity.”
► Love or lust ➔ “Feverish Love that leaves a Lust forever.”
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Neither unless fill that with alcohol.”
► Cats or Dogs ➔ “I’m a pussy preferred kinda guy. -- But ye know having a b*tch isn’t too bad either. Did I just f**king get censored? Seriously who keeps creating that beeping!?”
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “More the type to trust treasured friends in my company, the backstabbing leaves quite a road on my back, I dislike.”
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “The wild suits me”
► Day or night ➔ “Day.”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “Learn t’ not get caught when I was a lil’ scamp”
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “Rum. - Enough said.”
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “So; is my Greed, my breed o’ blood n’ flaw.”
► Wanted to disappear ➔ “Become Free”
► Smile or eyes ➔ “I’ll extract both to my whim and maintain thy attraction.”
► Shorter or Taller ➔ “So... Challenge or Kink? Fun, regardless.”
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔  “Well intelligence goes along way, I mean one of us is gonna need it, I don’t carry that attribute! Now. I’m, more of a crackle my knuckles and burst the door open type of bloke.”
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “Neither, a bond, is my pref.”
► Do you and your family get along ➔  “Ye looking to apply to the crew?”
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “Ha, that is what it means to be free. Chaos follows and disarray what is normal is no longer a thought to worry, that is the beauty, that is the puzzle I uncovered that I implore all to.”
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “Ye think the Brass tacks was gonna keep me there? They could hit some cardio instead of just standing like statues all Sun’s pass.”
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “I push the envelope for entertainment.”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “Hate is dangerous especially for me, I wouldn’t be able to contain it as a secret.”
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “They trust and handle me that far to be considered a friend to me so therefore, I consider them personally as crew, at that point. Now if they scorch or back-stab me, eh, so is the pirate life. We talk about it later after I beat em’ around. But they’ll always be cherished. ”
► Who is your best friend ➔ “My wives.... And Sol, I suppose.”
► Who knows everything about you ➔ “I don’t even know everything about myself, though I’d say the Moon knows me more than anything.” Tagged by  : @lavender-hemlock​ (Thanks gorgeous.) Tags below cut - Also tagging anyone/everyone that may want to take this.
Tagging these lovely spirited treasures - @witch-hause @shur-kha-ffxiv @aylamoenwyb @roxinova @the-ruby-rogue @fracturedfantasia @under-the-blood-moonlight @ruviquutea @xiv-endora @ala-mhinyan @ashura-amariyo @raspberry-rebel @valde-draesia  @yuki-yukichan @zahkis-ffxiv @zhauric @theredlilycrew @desertwildcatte @seaborne-xiv @cahli-tia @eorzean-ladies @eorzeasfrozenknight @daughteroflyrre @paleshadeofrose @velarishiku @veloxaraptor @lulubell-vixen @lulu-ffxiv @viridian-dragoon @dragon-sound @wildgirlcinna @megotama @cadrenebula @luckiselki @fated-fallacy @aliapohno @alesanapetrova @foxracinggurl @autumncabbit @autumnslance @moth-to-a-flame-ffxiv @moonstruck-ffxiv @gal-the-violet @shroudblessings @shard-kilamarii @ghostlyfoxangel  @smolcatte @temujin-gesi @brytedarklyt @sibutum @mai-takeda @rina-astraea @merosmillionmains @valiant-flower-kamelia @vayduh @jax332 @issa-arwa @grave-touched-kitsune @enlightened-palace @mischiefandmystics @az-ffxiv @lavenderlarksong @yvainethorneathidrial @tanh @brandt-highwind @samurai-from-another-land @ze-dominant-demon @rhev-it-up @benes-diction @hingan-fox  @clouded-vxle @neko-lareine @lukawarrioroflight @morha-ffxiv @yokasaris @sweetly-cet @lilac-memorials @raspberry-rebel @snowcoeurl-xiv  @michikodhol @vysaldhe @thorcatte @kyrie-silverwings @under-the-blood-moonlight @zhauric @ladyrivienne @yorushikka @kri-babe @red-hare @lihzeh @rael-eryut @weaveroftruth @tales-of-nine @sakuramoonffxiv @tales-of-wanderer-sal @jkehytia @sivanawra @thelastwintermere @east-to-the-sea @final-aria-fantasy @saakyo  @the-gunsmith-cat @ssytxiv @kiyi-ghale @moonstruck-ffxiv @smolcatte @kha-merc-ffxiv @antoinautfierlaine @skysinger-musings​ @resistance-ranger​
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samadalingsabi · 5 years
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CCP | Cinema Under the Stars
Naenganyo akong sadyain 'to dahil (1) sa pelikula, (2) libre at (3) pakulo na cinema under the stars. Alam kong malabo yung pangatlo (na under the stars) dahil masyadong malala ang light pollution sa ka-Maynilaan, tyaka masyado lang akong literal para sa "under the stars" hahahah. Nakuha lang ako ng ideya na outdoor ang film showing.
Pan de Salawal | Tunay na nakapag-iwan ng ngiti sina Aguy at Mang Sal sa puso ko. Si Aguy ay ang misteryosong bata na nakakapanggamot sa pamamagitan ng pisikal na pananakit-- nanununtok, nananampal, o kaya nangungurot. Sa kakayahan niyang iyon ay nakakararamdam ng ginhawa ang maysakit na nakikita niya. Habang si Mang Sal ay panadero na mag-isa sa buhay na may sakit sa bato.
Ang Pan de Salawal ay tila isang episode sa Wansapanataym. Simple ang plot pero hindi sobrang babaw. Classic na family-friendly ang tema. Nagbibigay ng pag-asa sa kabila ng hirap na pinagdaraanan. Ipinapaalala na ang sakit at hirap ay mairaraos, at sa kalaunan ay may ginhawa na makakamit.
Isa sa mga layunin ng direktor ay mabuhay muli ang magical realism sa mga pelikulang Pilipino. Layunin na mabuhay ang makulay na family fantasy sa mga palabas.
Gayun pa man, sa kabila ng pagiging magical ng pelikulang ito, naipakita pa rin nito ang mahinang sistema ng bansa pagdating sa medikal na pangangailangan ng marami sa'tin. Sinalamin ang pagkapit ng ilan sa mga faith-healers sa pagbabakasaling gumaling.
Nag-iwan rin ng marka ang gabing ito sa'ming manonood. May eksena sa pelikula na hinahanap ni Mang Sal si Aguy hanggang sa inabot siya ng ulan. Nang mga sandaling yon ay umambon rin pero maraming hindi nagpatinag kaya nagsilabasan ng payong. Halos patapos na rin ang palabas kaya pinili na lang ng ilan na manatili. Tuluyang umulan ng matapos makapagpasalamat ng host.
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mystblbk · 5 years
Chavela Valdes--Chapter 6
I try not to show my nerves as I walk Valentina to the table and also try to ignore the staring from the clientele. I do this by staring at Val or at the floor, anywhere else is dangerous. At one point I pass the table of the girl from this morning and catch her conversation with her friends, but how could I not with them basically whisper yelling at each other.
“Who is that?”
“I don’t know but she looks familiar!”
“Familiar? Is she famous or something?”
“Guys that’s Valentina Carvajal! The model!”
“What the hell is she doing with—”
A tap on my shoulder gains my attention. I look over to Valentina and see her smiling patiently at me. A smile blooms on my face as she rolls her eyes in a dismissive fashion.
“Don’t worry about them, I’m used to people like that,” she tells me, “You’re not put off by all this though?”
I shake my head, “No. I was at first, I'm not going to lie, but I figured I met the real you on that bench.”
Valentina stares at me then looks away with a blush to her cheeks. I smile softly as I watch her process and come up with something to say. The walk to her table is long enough for her to take a few seconds to think.
“You did,” she mumbles, “It really helped me put things into perspective.”
“I’m glad,” I tell her with a grin, “Sometimes it's people on the outside that see something you can’t see.”
Val nods, “Your words helped me keep my spirits up for the past month. Eva and Lúcia came up with this sudden truce. It was like you predicted it would happen!”
I blink then giggle, “I’m no bruja but I know that family is all you have, and it just has to be enough sometimes. It’s just me and my mom now. There are things I don’t agree with her and others that tick me off, but I love her. She is all I have. We have to rely on each other.”
Val abruptly stops, making me stumble into her, and I look over at her. She’s a few inches taller than me with her heels on but my boots even things out enough so we're only two inches in difference. I stare at the girl and wait for her to speak.
“That’s what my dad told me,” Valentina says, “After our mother died he told us we had to rely on each other, my siblings and I.”
“He sounds like a smart man,” I whisper with a smudge of jealousy.
“He was,” Val answers.
Val stares at me and I let her read my thoughts through my eyes. Somehow, she reads me because she moves her hand down from my elbow to my hand to hold. She rubs small circles on the area where my thumb and pointer finger meet. The action soothes me somehow and my anger dissipates to sadness. Val smiles kindly at me and then turns around to pull me by my hand to her table.
My eyes don’t leave her as she pulls me through the maze of tables and people. I’m mesmerized as her long hair sways from left to right like a metronome’s arm. I feel a warmth spread through me, similar to the safety I feel when my mother holds me but also very different. A song makes its way into my mind as she looks over her should for a second to smile at me. I can practically hear the strums of two guitars as she looks back forward.
Salías de un templo un día llorona
Cuando al pasar yo te ví
Salías de un templo un día llorona
Cuando al pasar yo te ví
Hermoso huipil llevabas llorona
Que la virgen te creí
Hermoso huipil llevabas llorona
Que la virgen te creí
The lyrics pull on my heartstrings and a thought comes to me.
I like her.
I could even come to love her.
And I just met her.
Ay, de mi llorona, llorona, llorona
De un campo lirio
Ay, de mi llorona, llorona, llorona
De un campo lirio
El que no sabe de amores llorona
No sabe lo que es martirio
El que no sabe de amores llorona
No sabe lo que es martirio
“So, when he came to my house I told him to go to hell and to find himself a new girlfriend,” Val says, “I mean who leaves their girlfriend outside of church?”
I don’t know how long she has been speaking as I have been entrapped in a daze staring at her from behind. I do understand what she’s saying but my mind processes it in the background as the song plays in my mind.
No sé que tienen las flores llorona
Las flores de un camposanto
No sé que tienen las flores llorona
Las flores de un camposanto
Que cuando las mueve el viento llorona
Parece que está llorando
Que cuando las mueve el viento llorona
Parece que está llorando
“Oh, and there’s my brother Guillermo that you have to meet. He’s standoffish but so kind and wonderful,” Val prattles on, “I think you two will be good friends!”
Ay de mi llorona, llorona, llorona
Llévame al río
Ay de mi llorona, llorona, llorona
Llévame al río
Tápame con tu rebozo llorona porque
Me muero de frío
Tápame con tu rebozo llorona porque
Me muero de frío
“And so Guille ended up late again! So obviously he has a girlfriend! I mean how dose one person that only live for work show up late to work with his clothes inside-out,” the girl laughs.
Dos besos llevo en el alma Llorona
Que no se apartan de mí
Dos besos llevo en el alma Llorona
Que no se apartan de mí
El último de mi madre Llorona
Y el primero que te di
El último de mi madre Llorona
Y el primero que te di
I blink twice and shake my head with my eys closed. Finally dragging my mind away from the song, I look up at Val and am greeted with a curious and humorous look in her eye.
“I know I talk really fast, but I didn’t know I was boring you that much,” the girl giggles.
“Oh no,” quickly speak up to assure her, “I just remembered a song I heard once. It sort of…reminded me of you…”
Valentina’s expression changes to a surprised and fond look, “Well that means you have to play it for me.”
I blush and nod. The other girl grins and leads me the last few feet to her family. I feel nervous as we reach the table, Eva’s laser-sharp stare pinning me down like a messenger pigeon. I straighten up just another millimeter under her gaze, determined to look at least a little bit decent under the woman’s gaze. We come to a stop at behind the sixth chair that was unused, I look over at Val and she reads my mood in an instant. The girl squeezes my hand then smiles and introduces me to them.
“So, you already know my sister Eva and stepmother Lúcia,” Valentina says as she points to the women.
The brunette’s eyes stay staring at me then she offers me her hand to shake. The blonde smirks at her stepdaughter’s actions before turning to me with a sparkle in her eye. I slowly remove my hat again and place it under my left arm. With a small bow of my head, I shake both women’s hand with a respectful smile.
“Nice to see you here again, Miss Lúcia. Miss Eva,” I bow to them, “I hope you enjoyed the show. This time I was trying.”
Miss Lúcia laughs, “We could tell, Juliana. It was amazing.”
Miss Eva nods with a small smile, “Yes it was quite something. I’m supprised you manage to stay up on your feet after all of that dancing and jumping during the first number.”
I blush and rub the back of my neck, “Oh, it’s nothing really. Salvador and I made sure that the number was impactful but not too much of a strain on my voice. We’ve only been doing it for the past two weeks so I’m still messing up towards the end.”
“Wait,” one of the men speak up, “You and the leader planed the choreography and the set-list?”
I nod slowly, ignoring the proud and amazed look that Val and Miss Lucia were giving me. The man lets out a ‘huff’ and shakes his head.
“Well then it is even more impressive,” he extends his hand with a smile, “Nice to meet you, Juliana. My name is Mateo Luna, Eva’s husband.”
I smile back at him and shake his hand with a firm shake. He looks impressed and turns to the other man across from him. The younger man sighs and turns to me with a calm expression. He offers me his own hand and I take it firmly.
“Guillermo,” he introduces himself, “It was a fine show. I also enjoyed the food very much.”
At this comment, I grin, “That’s good to hear. My mother is working in the kitchen.”
“Your mother,” Eva asks with surprise.
“Yes,” I nod with a sad smile, “She had to change jobs. There was a man that tried to come onto her at the bar she worked at. I managed to convince her to come work here. Salvador’s grandma, Doña Perita, gave her a kitchen job.”
The Carvajal clan looks at one another before Eva speaks up for them.
“You’ve been through a lot,” the woman says with furrowed brows.
I shrug, “It's much better than from when we started.”
This catches Mis Lúcia’s attention.
“Oh,” she gapes, “Is it something you can tell us about?”
I bite my lip and look out to the stage. My guitar sits on the stand near Sal’s guitar. The instrument is my most valuable possession and my heart aches at that thought.
I furrow my brows and let my memories spill from my lips, “We ran away to get here. My dad was a gangster. And I found that out a few months ago when the leader of the gang showed up to…”
I grit my teeth forcefully and feel anger boil under my skin; I can feel an angry blush fill my cheeks. My nose flares and I shake my head before continuing.
“My mom and I ran down here to stay safe. She thinks he’s still out there, but I honestly don’t care if he was,” I growl, “We ended up looking for my mom’s friend, Panchito, and we’re staying with his aunt for now. So it’s safe to say that even though we’re in a place unknown and strange with only a few changes of clothes, we’re safe and thriving.”
I continue to stare at my guitar then look back to the family. They all have a look of surprise and empathy. For some reason it makes my chest hurt even more so I smile to them and bow my head again. I swiftly put my hat back on and almost pry my hand out of Val’s.
“If you excuse me,” I mumble out, “I have to change and go see if the servers need help cleaning up.”
I quickly spin on the heel of my boot and walk away not looking back. I pass table filled with families and friends, each filled with joy and happiness at this luxurious outing. A stab feeling makes me grab the spot under my tie directly over my heart. I hiss and ignore it but also make note of it. This wasn’t the first time that this has happened. I’ve had this feeling come back during stressful moments like mom’s run-in with Alacran a week ago. It makes me want to cry to know that something is wrong with me on top of all that is happening.
I reach my group’s room and lock the door behind me. Eyes tightly closed, tears begin to stream down my cheeks and onto my vest. I make no noise as I cry, I’ve had to learn how to, and stay in the dark room until I collect myself again.
“No point in crying,” I hiccup, “It won’t change anything, Juliana.”
I glare at the wall and turn to face the door. I punch the hardwood then push myself away.
“No point,” I whisper.
“Juliana,” I shout out as the girl walks away, “Ju—”
“Leave her be, mija,” Lúcia says while leaning over to take my hand, “She probably hadn't spoken about it to anyone and had all her feelings bottled up. I’m sure if you leave her to her thoughts she will be fine. Perhaps wait a few days and come look for her then?”
I look over to my stepmother and she sighs upon seeing my discouraged face. The woman smiles sadly and stands up. I watch as she comes to stand in front of me. Lúcia’s hands come up to cup my face. I look into her green eyes and find comfort and understanding that only a mother could give.
“She’s at odds with her mother, Val. She hasn’t had anyone to vent her feelings to. Just give her space for a moment,” Lúcia explains, “I’ve been in her shoes. Things are changing too fast for her to process. Just be a friend to her and you’ll see that I was right.”
I huff out with a bittersweet smile, “Mom’s know?”
“Always do,” she winks then signals to my seat, “Go finish eating so we can leave to rest. We have a long week ahead of us.”
I nod and kiss her cheek in gratitude. I quickly finish eating but not before looking around for signs of Juliana. Before I know it at least half an hour passes by and we’re leaving. After Lucia leaves Anita her number to give to Juliana and after Mateo and Guille leave her and the band a large tip, we’re on our way out.
I’m following behind my family as they chat about work when my phone starts ringing. I sigh and take it out of my purse. The second I see Lucho’s name on the screen I growl and force it into my bag again.
“Excuse me?”
I jump and look up embarrassed at being caught. The girl in front of me smiley smiles and ignores my actions. Instead, she pulls out a folded over piece of paper. I look at the paper with a curious look as she hands it to me. I look up and she shrugs.
“Juliana’s number,” she explains, “I figured you wanted it. Sal asked me to keep an eye on her and I noticed she left you in a hurry. I’ll talk to her if you—”
“No,” I raise my hand with relief, “Thank you for the offer though…and her number. I’ll try to talk to her after giving her some space.”
The girl nods, “Yeah that seems like the best thing. She’s a quiet one so its hard to tell when she’s upset until she lashes out. I’m Carla by the way, Salvador’s cousin.”
I smile and shake the offered hand, “Thank you, Carla.”
The young woman smiles and waves to me as she leaves to continue her work. I watch her leave then look down at the folded paper. Nine neatly printed numbers are written in between the lines of the server’s paper. I trace my finger over them for a moment then fold it carefully to place in my bag.
A shout from my brother gets me to leave the building but now with a hopeful smile on my face.
The Monday sun shines on me as I pace back and forth. I bump into a few people but ignore their remarks, I’m too focused on my nerves to say anything back to them. Finally, I stop and look up and see the giant skyscraper shine from direct sunlight.
“Okay,” I sigh, “You’re here on business matters. That’s it.”
I nod to myself on finally time and force myself to walk up the stairs and into the building’s lobby. As I push open the glass doors I start to feel like a child compared to the upscale décor. Two women and a burly security guard look up at me with suspicions eyes from their seats behind the long counter. I push my fear down deep inside and square up my shoulders as I walk up to them. Under their gazes, my worn leather jacket and t-shirt, jean combo feels dirty and underwhelming.
I come to a stop at the counter and pull out my wallet. I slowly pull out my Texas ID and place it on the counter.
“Holla,” I struggle out, “Miss Lúcia asked me to come see her today?”
The women look at each other then the lighter haired one turns to her phone and dials a number.
“Name,” the darker haired of the two asks.
“Juliana Valdes,” I answer, “Here is my ID, Miss.”
The woman raises a brow and takes the plastic card. I look around the lobby as a way to ignore the security guard and gain some nerve.
“Yes, she is down here now.”
My brows furrow but I don’t look over until the woman with my ID tells me to take it. I turn to her and take the card and slide it into my wallet again. The man then opens a drawer but the light-haired woman stops him, the phone still held up to her ear.
“I’ll have her fill them out before sending her up,” the woman says to the speaker, “Yes ma’am. Have a nice day.”
The woman then hangs up and sighs. I stay still as she turns to me and looks me over. After a long pause, she moves some papers on her desk and then walks to the door behind the counter. I watch as she disappears for a moment then return with a stack of papers.
“Can I have your ID again,” she asks, “Also, please fill these out.”
My eyes widen and I stumble to do as she says. After handing her my ID again I take the papers and pen. The security guard points to the coffee table and chairs of the lobby and I take the hint. I try not to trip as I take a seat and fill in the papers. To my surprise, the papers are in English. I internally sigh in relief as I start filling out the papers. It takes me about five minutes to fill all ten papers up but I finish and walk back to the counter.
“Thank you,” the woman says and takes the stack, “Now if you could follow Jaime please?”
I look at the guard as he stands and signals for me to follow. I do as he says and we walk down a long hallway and into a large office filled with machines and files.
“Stand there and wait,” he says while pointing to a white wall.
I nod and stand where he points. He comes back pushing a large rolling cart with what looks like a printer on top. He moves over the machines and then nods. The tall man pulls out a camera and stands in front of me.
“Alright,” he sighs, “This is for your badge. You now have mid-level clearance now, so you can go almost everywhere. The only places you can’t go without an escort are anything to do with security or housekeeping. If you lose it, you have to let us know so we can get you a new one and disconnect the old one. Understand?”
“Yes sir,” I mumble with shock.
He nods and points the camera at me, “Smile."
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maxhoemo · 6 years
1923 - That Evening
Max was smiling so wide, his face was starting to hurt. It was actually quite uncomfortable but there was nothing he could do about it. One of Ian’s staff had rushed to help Max carry his bags when he came through the door. Max felt like a total gold digger, but he wasn’t ashamed in the slightest. “You really didn’t have to carry all of that for me...” Max told the man as they arrived at Ian’s bedroom door.
“It’s what I’m paid for, Sir,” he answered simply. 
Once he’d left, Max collapsed on the bed, looking out at the sea of purchases. And he still had money left over! Being a gold digger was the bees knees! Speaking of which, Max decided to unpack his new things. He didn’t even remember everything he bought. It had been a bit of a frenzy. 
Max had never been shopping at a department store before. When he has first stepped inside, it was overwhelming. Just like seeing Ian’s house for the first time, he didn’t know where to look first. It must have been pretty obvious that he was lost because a salesgirl approached him almost immediately and asked if he needed help with anything. He was far too embarrassed to admit the truth.  
The men’s department only made him confused. The sales people were quick to show him all kinds of suites and vests... Max had even tried one on. ‘Ugh!’ he thought. ‘I look like Ian!’. Not to mention he could feel himself begin to sweat almost immediately. No. He’d just kindly asked where he could find the flannel and denim. Much more him. Speaking of which, Max had completely forgotten he’d actually bought a shirt in every colour. 
The next thing he took from the bag was his new coat. He pressed it up to his face. Pure white mink. The warmest thing he’d ever touched! He continued unpacking. There was a lot. Cigarettes, cologne, shoes... The next thing though...Wow, he’d actually bought this, huh? He laughed to himself. It was so ridiculous! But he wanted it! It just felt so... Luxurious. 
It was a bathrobe. Chinese silk. Black with a big peacock embroidered on the back. He loved the way it felt against his skin. He hadn’t got to try it on, but... No time like the present. He slipped out of his clothes and threw the robe over himself. He loved the way it trailed behind him. Like a King in one of his old storybooks. The sleeves and bottom lines with feathers. He did a twirl in the mirror. He nearly didn’t recognize the man staring back at him. Perfectly clean. Brand new frames and expensive clothes. Lounging clothes. Totally unsuitable for working. He grinned at his reflection. “Don’t you know who I am?” he asked himself, like a child playing pretend. “Chippy? Nancy-Boy? You must have me confused with someone else. I don’t need your cheddar!” he scoffed. “Busboy!? Me?” 
He opened the robe up, one sleeve slipping down his shoulder. He didn’t even mind how thin he looked. He looked good, if he didn’t say so himself. Though as luck would have it, just as he was admiring himself he heard a soft chuckle behind him. His face turned red. How much had Ian seen...? 
“Maxy, yer’ so cute...” Max turned towards Ian but didn’t say anything. “Can I see what you bought?” he asked, reaching for one of the bags. Max nodded, plopping down on the edge of the bed. Most of what Ian went though was what he’d expected. New clothes. Couple of little things here and there. “Oh. This one’s heavy...”
Max laughed to himself. “Oh yeah... I know what that is...”
Ian pulled it out, it was a case of cream sodas. He smiled at Max. He really was adorable. 
“They’re my favourite...” he admitted.
“You know, I’ve got a cooler in the kitchen. You can have it. Just ask the gal to bring it up for ya’.”
“Thanks...” Max answered, biting on the edge of his thumb.
Ian continued to pull out some more clothes, a box of chocolates, a few decorative items... “Is that really all ya’ got?” he asked when he was finished.
“All?” Max questioned. “I could hardly take it all home.”
“Next time then, I’ll take ya’ in the car. If that’s all good with you.”
“Of course.” It was Ian’s money after all. And wasn’t the whole point of him being here to keep Ian company? He hadn’t really done much of that yet, had he?
“I’ve got some work to do downstairs,” Ian announced, standing to make his exit. 
“But Ian, I’m hungry.”
“I’ll have em’ bring ya’ something. What would ya’ like?”
“Uhh...” This whole whatever he wanted thing was kind of a lot of pressure. “What about... Mashed potatoes and gravy?”
Ian gave him a warm half-smile. “Done deal.”
As Max was putting his things away, he realized he had completely forgot to call his family like he promised. 
He grabbed Ian’s phone and dialed the bar. It was one of those fancy ones with the ear and mouthpiece attached. “It’s Max....” Max’s entire family crowded around the phone to talk to him. He didn’t tell them about the shopping trip. He couldn’t. He felt too bad. 
By the time the call was over, he had severe hunger pains. Ian probably forgot with whatever work he was doing. With a shrug, Max decided to venture downstairs himself. Not that he knew where the kitchen was. Or where Ian would be working. He wandered down one of the halls, light on his feet, but steady in his walk. Out of curiosity, he creaked open a large oak door. It smelled heavily  like cigar smoke, but nobody was inside at the moment. A billiards room. He thought about stepping inside to explore further, but something stopped him. It just didn’t feel right. He smiled to himself, leaning his head against the edge of the door frame. They used to have a pool table in the pub. They had to get rid of it though, when people started catching on that his sister was fixing games. 
“What is this?”
Max jumped. He didn’t recognize the voice. He turned and saw two men standing behind him. “I’m sorry... I didn’t realize Ian had company...” Oh God! This was humiliating! He was still dressed in the stupid silk robe! He pulled the fabric over his chest and tightened the tie. 
One of them laughed. The other said “You talk funny.”
“Who the hell is Een?” the other chuckled.
Oh. His accent. Normally Max would have chewed them out. But right now he just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.He did his best to slip past them, not really paying attention to which direction he was headed. 
“Hey, don’t walk away!” Max was yanked backward by the arm. The guy’s tone was still sickeningly joyous. 
“Aye!” Max shouted. “Don’t touch me!” He tried to pull out of his grip, but his socked feet just slipped uselessly on the hardwood floor. Both the goons seemed to find this endlessly amusing. Max gave up on that plan, instead trying to pull down. That didn’t work either. Now he was just sitting on his ass, his arms held above him in a tight grip. “What do you want, cunt!?” Max demanded.
“Shit, what a mouth on this faggot,” said the guy behind him.
“We just wanna screw with ya’ a little.”
“Leave me alone!” he shrieked. He was yanked to his feet so fast he thought for a second his arm would pop clean off his body. 
“Sal told me about this kid...” The shorter guy said. “...He’s the hooker from the Aussie bar.”
“I delivered their yesterday.” The taller guy with Max in his grip remarked casually. He pulled Max against his chest. “Does your daddy know you’re a whore?”
“Shut the fuck up!”
“What the hell is going on here!?” Ian.
“They’re hurting me!” Before Max could say another word, he was free and Ian had Tall Guy pinned to the wall. “We were just tryin’ to scare him a little.”
Ian shook his head. “No. Not him. Clear!?” They both nodded. “Apologize to him.”
“I’m... I’m sorry...”
“Good.” Ian let go of the guy. “Now. Kiss his feet.” The guy hesitated, obviously not thinking Ian was serious. “Do it.” Ian stated simply, and the man complied.
Max was shocked watching the guy get on the ground in front of him. Actually making a move for his feet. “No...” Max protested, taking a few steps back.
“Okay, get up. Now both of you scram.” And of course, they did. “Max. I told you to stay in your room.”
“I’m sorry...” Max said quietly. “I was hungry and I wanted the ice and I didn’t know you had people over and...”
“Shh, shh. It’s alright. I aint mad or nothing. Just go up to your room and stay there, alright? Don’t worry. I’ll make an example out of those two.”
Max nodded. His stomach felt sick. He was still shaken from the assault, but Ian had saved him. Ian must really care. But Ian was going to kill them...Max didn’t know what to feel.
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renee-writer · 6 years
I Hear You Are Always Drunk in the Afternoon Chapter 30
"I wish to see Claire." Rupert tells Jamie when they reenter the rig.
"Are ye out of yer bloody mind! Do ye think I would expose her to yer prejudice?" Jamie looks at like he he wishes to hit him. Sal had tried to sooth him after Ross took Rupert out but, he was still rightly furious.
"Look, ye ken why I feel the way I do. But," he takes a breath expanding his chest," but, Ross allowed me to see that I am hurting you with my prejudice, as you put it. I canna say I will ever feel fully comfortable with your relationship with Claire but, I am willing to try to get to know her for you."
"It is a big step," Jamie lets his shoulders drop as he releases his defensive stance," are ye sure ye are ready for it?"
"For you Jamie. I owe you for your many nights when you calmed my clod-heid down when I wanted to kill that bloody bastard."
"I dinna wish to see my own cousin were he needed to be."
"Aye, but were it not for you, Angus, and Murtagh, I would be. So, I can try to see the good in Claire. I know it must be there or you wouldn't love her."
"Thank you," he hugs the big man and they pat each other's backs before they climb back in the rig and head back to work.
"Claire, ye have a visitor." Mrs Fitz announces soon after last group. She assumes it is Jamie to take her home. Her face must reflect it because Mrs Fitz adds," Tisn't Jamie. Although he is here. He will take ye home after."
"Who is it then?"
"His cousin and work partner, Rupert."
"Rupert!" Claire recalls him. His distain for her at their first meeting," must I see him?"
"Weel, ye needn't but. "
"But, I would appreciate it if ye did." Jamie steps in the room behind Mrs Fitz.
"Jamie, can't we just go home?" He looks at Mrs Fitz and she smiles at Claire and slips out.
"I ken how ye feel. He isn't a fan of alcoholics. He has good reasons for feeling thus. But, I and a friend, weel, mostly Ross, our friend, have convinced him to try to get to ken ye. I would really like it if ye tried. He is my cousin and we work together."
"For you. Can I please have my ring back. It gives me courage."
"Aye," he slips it back on her finger and then kisses it and her wrist. She relaxes under his caress.
"Does he know?"
"Aye. No worries lass. Ye are one of the most courageous woman I ken and nae the meek and obedient type. Ye are evenly matched with my stubborn cousin. And, I will be right outside the door. I love ye Sorcha."
"I love you Jamie. Okay, bring him in." He squeezes her hand and goes to do it.
"I hear you don't like me." Claire follows the ' the best offense is a good defense' advice.
"Nae offense lass. I don't like any drunks."
"I've heard. Can you tell my why?"
He nods and does. He tells her all about his step-father and his mam's abuse. "Even in the ICU, she didn't wish to leave him. It took a team with the social worker, the doctor, and Jamie's dad, her brother, and myself, to finally convince her."
"That is horrible. I pray he is rotting in prison."
"Aye lass. But, ye see why I didn't trust a drunk."
"I do. Did your step-dad ever seek treatment?"
"Nae, and I see where you are going. I can see that difference in you and him. But, he promised to change everytime too. After every broken bone. Every bruise. He never did. Even in prison, he only goes to the AA meetings because he must. Doesn't participate. I keep up, you know."
"Good. That you do. Not that he is not trying to get help. Would you like to know why I drank?"
He shrugs and gestures for her to go on.
"I will give you my before and after starting treatment reasons. Before, I would say it was due to my ex, Frank. I found him in bed with my ex-best friend." He winces and shakes his head. "Just so. I drank to forget. I deserved forgetfulness. It is what I told myself. Now, after some treatment and introspection I can say, it was an excuse. One that was easy to believe myself and convince others to believe. The ' poor me' syndrome." He nods urging her to go on. "In reality, I had floated on the edge of alcoholism. From the time I was sixteen, I was drinking. Social at first, always with my friends and family. But, even before Frank, I was drinking more and more. Always justifying it. I had a hard day. It was someone's birthday, and it is always someone's birthday," he smiles at that. She returns it," there was always someone who wanted to go out. And, when I started dating Frank, well, he was on track for tenure so, there was parties every weekend it seemed. Lunches with the.other uni wife's and girlfiends. Just always a reason. And, it helped with the doubts I was already feeling about Frank. It helped with the doubts he was steadily placing in my mind. "Claire, darling, you don't need to work. Being my wife will be job enough." "Claire, sugar, a professor's wife can't express opinions about this or that subject." It was constant. But, I found an escape in alcohol. But, the problems were still there. Worse, with the hangovers and Frank's disaproval of my behavior. I now know that it is easier to face my problems, straight on. I know you have concerns. I will not marry Jamie until I am sure my problems are thoroughly worked through."
"Frank is a right arse. I appreciate you sharing all that. I will try to trust you Claire."
"Thank you. How is your mam now?"
He lights up. It transforms his sore face so completely that it is lime he is a different person. "She is so much better. Has a permanent limb from the bastard but, emotionally and mentally, she is a different person. She is going to meetings herself. Finding out what caused her to feel herself only worthy of an abusive relationship. Making grand progress."
"That is wonderful to hear."
"Aye. I will go fetch Jamie now."
"Thank you. I am glad we had this talk."
"Me too lass."
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qisasqisasqisas · 6 years
La Fanfic de Sherlock Holmes: C1: ‘Awkward Client’
Sherlock Holmes ve John Watson ile birlikte günün son müşterisinin davasına bakmak üzere sinirlerinin yatışması için son on dakikamı ocak başında çayın kaynamasını bekleyerek harcadım. John odanın içinde yürüyüp yürüyüp Sherlock’un suratına bakıp bir şeyler söylemesini bekliyordu. Normalde bu kadar tepkisiz kalmazdı geç kalan bir müşteriye karşı. Ama müşteri geldiğinde zaten bu sakinliğinin sebebi anlaşılacaktı. Neyse ki daha müşterinin gelmesine on dakika var. Çaydanlıktan fokurdama sesleri gelince çayın altını kısıp mutfak masasının yanındaki sandalyeyi çekip John’un koltuğunun yanına koydum.
“Tea will be ready in ten minutes.” dedim ve John yürümeyi bırakıp koltuğuna oturdu. 
“So it will be as a hare’s blood as you Turkish people say, right?”
“Yep.” Başımı salladım ve Sherlock’a baktım. 
“What’s he thinking doctor Watson?”
“Do I look like a telepath?” Bu adam da yaşlanmanın getirdiği aksikilikten her şeye ters cevap veriyor. Bilmiyorum de, çok mu zor be amcacım? 
“Why’s everyone thinking that I know everything about Sherlock?” John ayağa kalkıp sinirle odada söylenmeye başlar. 
“One day!” der bir anda ve ben de ufak bir,
“Bismillah.” derim. 
“Don’t say that word.” der Sherlock ve John’la ben aynı anda ona bakarız. Mükemmel bir ortam. Şimdi 12 saniyelik bir cümleyi 5 saniyede söylemeyi becerecek şekilde konuşacak kesin. O yüzden hızlı okunursa daha etkili oluyor bu cümleler.
“Don’t say that word cause people might think you are related to terrorists. Maybe you really are a terrorist. Still, I cannot find any clue about this hypothesis.”
“Are you serious Sherlock?” John yine ellerini beline koyup Sherlock’un yaptığı herhangi birşeyden çok irrite olmuş gibi konuşmaya ve teröristlerle Afganistan hatıralarından bahsetmeye başlar. Devam et John, benim götü ben kurtaramadım sen kurtar. Bu adam da bir garip hala net bir kanıya varamadım bunun hakkında. Neyse, daha iki aydır bunlarlayım. Umarım John artık yaşlanır emekli olur da tahtına ben otururum. 
“Tık tıık!” diye bir ses gelir kapının arkasından ve bu ses oldukça tanıdık gelir bana garip bir şekilde. Sherlock birden bire yerinden kalkar ve robe de chambre’ını havalandırıp bağlar (evet havalandırıyor). 
“You already knocked the door there is no need to say ‘tiktik’.” 
“Do I come?” der kapının dışındaki kadın. Aksanı tipik bir Türk aksanı gibiydi. Belli ki İngilizcesi de ayyuvidey kıvamında. John kapıya doğru gider ve kapıyı açar.
“Hi. Please, come in.” der ve başını kaldırıp gelen kadına bakar. Bir anda yüzünde çok garip bir ifade belirir ve Sherlock’a döner.  Sherlock sessizce 
“Yeah, I know” der. Kadın içeri bir adım atar. Başımı eğip kadının kırmızı rugan ayakkabısına ve siyah ince çorabına bakıp üzerindeki kahverengi kadife paltoya bakınca bir anda aklımda bir imaj(image) belirir. Flaş gibi beynimde birinin yüzü çakmaya başlar. Hayır. Bu o olamaz. 
“Helloo! I look for Sherlock Holmes.” der ama benim dışımda kimse anlamaz gibi bakar kadına. Sherlock bana döner ve,
“Explain what she said. From her accent she is indeed living in middle eastern side. The letters are very well pronounced and the way she says my name is-”
“Just shut up Sherlock. You cannot stamp her like a cow!”
“Dr. Watson, he is right. So you don’t have to defend her. I think from now I will be doing that.”
“So?” der Sherlock. Ha bu arada içeri giren kadının kim olduğuna gelecek olursak Sherlock’un ‘deduction’ seansından sonra siz anlayacaksınız zaten. 
“She is looking for you.”
“I am here. Is she blind?”
“Sherlock!” John yine abartı bir şekilde koskoca detektife kızar. Yav bi otur rahatla. Savaş biteli 15 yıl olmuş bi sal be. 
“Ask her why she came here?” Kadına dönüp neden buraya geldiğini sorarım. 
“A- aa! Sen Türk müsün? Ay cennete düştüm valla. Biz senlen gel iki oturup konuşalım sen bunların özetini onlara anlatıverirsin. Olur mu kız?”
“O işler öyle dönse şu ana kadar on iki davayı üç günde çözmüş olurduk ama bu İngilizler’in huyları çok farklı. One at a time gibi bir yöntemleri var. Kafa karışıklığından ve dikkat eksikliğin-”
“Stop chit chatting! Now say what she said.”
“Are you Turkish? I fell into heaven vallahi. Come, we sit two times with you and talk about these and you explain them the summary of it.-”
“Just, stop! Let me do my work and shut her down if she tries to talk to you.” 
“Okay Mr. Holmes.”
“Ay kız bu ne diyor böyle? Kızınca da bi farklı oluyor ama, çok sevdim.” diyip ufak ufak Sherlock’a yürür.
“What I told you assistant?”
“Şey, mümkünse susar mısınız? Bir üzerine üzerine yürümeyin çünkü insanlara karşı alerjisi var beyefendinin.”
“A-aa, o ne saçma şey öyle! Ben bunun alerjisini bitiririm, ruhundaki alevi canlandırırım.”
“Ruhunda alev olduğunu sanmıyorum.”
“Stop it you two! Your words are distracting me!” Ömrümde ilk defa bu adamı böyle görüyorum. Sherlock abi biraz sakinleşir misin? Belki de cidden libidosunu bastırmaktan böyle manyak birine dönüştü. 
“Lütfen bir dakika boyunca sessiz ve yerinizde kalın. Öbür türlü yardım edeceğini sanmıyorum.” dedim kadına. Kadın da gözlerini devirip eliyle saçıyla oynamaya başladı. Odayı incelemeye başladı ve en sonunda John’u gördü ve gözleri biraz pörtledi. 
“A-aa! Bu adam burada mıydı?”
“Size kapıyı açan o hanımefendi.”
“Yok artık. Bu bildiğin emekli. İngiliz emeklisi dimi kız bu? Ay seninle oturup bi çay içelim bu olay bittikten sonra. İstanbul’umun çayını özledim kız ya. Keşke olsa da içsem.”
“Aslında şu anda ocakta çay demleniyor. Eğer sessiz olursanız Sherlock Bey sizinle hemen ilgilenir ben de size çay ve kurabiye veririm.”
“Yani ben çay ile susturacağını sandın ha?”
“Ben değil ama eğer susmazsanız Sherlock Bey size gerçekten yardım etmez.”
Sherlock sinirli bir şekilde bana döner ve mutfağa doğru gidip beni de çağırır. -Haluk Meltem moment-
“What are you talking with her? Is it that urgent to talk about tea and biscuits? And yes I will never ever take her case if she keeps on talking like a whale. So try to shut her up or she will leave. Therefore you will not get paid.” 
“Mr. Holmes, I do wonder what to you think about her.” 
“What’s the deduction?”
Sherlock kapıyı aralar ve kadına bakar. John ile içeriden konuşmaları gelir ama konuşmaların hepsi kesik kesiktir. Kadının eksik İngilizcesi ve John’un kadının her kelimesini anlamaya çalışması yüzünden sıfır iletişimle yine de birbirleriyle konuşmaya devam ederler. 
“So as you can see, she likes to connect with people (ürün yerleştirmesi) but also not open about herself. When she is open you think that she is not but actually all the time she is open. Like a 24/7 kebab station.”
(internal “Whaat?”)
“Her appearance gives a lot. She was poor, then with fame she became richer than she imagined. She couldn’t handle the fame and has no control of her life. I assume she is the youngest child in her family. She wanted attention but no, appreciation. That is why she keeps on doing what she is doing. This is why she could not handle the fame. She is not professional even after years of experience. Silly. But still promising.” 
“Is it done?”
“No. This just my first three seconds.”
“Stop exaggerating. We both know that it is first half minute Mr. Holmes. Even I can deduct.”
“Oh really? You already know who she is. So tell me is she a singer or a comedian?”
“She is neither of them.”
“So what?”
“You can find out Mr. Holmes. You are very good at it.”
“So going back to deduction. She has changed her hair colour (1) several times and lots of wrinkles around her face (2). Her heart has been broken and she walks strange (3). I think she is horribly harassed by someone who is very very and very stupid. In fact he is also famous like her.”
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“Wa-wa-wait! You already knew she was famous right? And you know Turkish?”
Sherlock derin bir nefes alır ve çaydanlığa bakar.
“Give me the damn tea!” Çay bardaklarını çıkartıp tezgaha koydum ve süzgeci de çekmeceden alıp çayları koymaya başladım.
“So Mr. Holmes, how did you learn Turkish?”
“I didn’t.” 
“No you did. So how?”
“I did not learn Turkish. You cannot just learn a language. I decoded it. And of course I would learn your language. At the end I hired you and you can be a spy or a terrorist. Am I right?”
“Yes I am. Hand me my tea.”
“Okay Mr. Holmes but I thought being an assistant in England would be different than in my country. You know. Actually I made mostly coffee when I was an intern and assistant. But-”
“Shame!” Çayını ona verdim ve diğerlerini de tepsiye koyup salona doğru gidecektim ki Sherlock önüme ayağını koydu.
“Where you going?” 
“Mr. Holmes I need to give Dr. Watson his tea and our client Ms.-”
“Hush! Why don’t you go there and just give John’s tea and I will watch how she reacts.” 
“Oh Mr. Holmes this is not a zoo.”
“Do as I say or I’ll-”
“Yes you will fire me and then you decide you need an assistant and you will hire me. I know Mr. Holmes. Okay I’ll do it.” dedim ve sadece John’un çayını alıp içeri girdim. 
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aberrantanomaly03 · 7 years
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MY CHARACTER (newest) (Creepypasta/horror)
Salem Tenebris
Full Name: Salem Lysander Tenebris (Pronounced “Say-lum Lie-sander Ten-ay-briss”)
Nicknames: Sal (Pronounced like the word ‘Sale’, not the name Sal), or Lie
CP Name: Solace
Age: 18
Appearance (Because I’m not the best artist, and for people who might not be able to see the picture): Salem has chin-length, dark brown hair, partially covering his face, with slightly pale skin and dark grey eyes — or.. eye, at least. He is missing his right eye, which is the reasoning behind the bandages (as well as the blood on the bandages/his face). He is about 6’2, and 183 pounds. Lean body type. He has a scar on his shoulder, resulting from a fight, and a few other old wounds, mostly scratches or cuts (usually from trying to run from something) that never healed quite right. The biggest problem, in terms of injury, though, would be his eye — because it does still have a tendency to bleed, which can cause problems as he doesn’t always notice.
Normal Outfit: An olive green biker-style jacket, over a grey t-shirt with a black symbol on it, torn slightly on the right sleeve. Teal-blue jeans, torn at the knees. His shoes can differ, but it’s normally some kind of shoes that are easy to run in.
Weapon: Differs, but is usually something like a jack knife, or maybe even a scalpel. Sometimes it depends on what he can find around him, or if he’s in a particularly bad mood.
Personality: Salem is an incredibly unstable individual, as with most Creepypastas. He seems to be an incredibly jittery person, save for being with a few select people, and rarely speaks to others. He appears to prefer keeping to himself, and will often spend most of his time in his room — doing what, is not too sure. He is normally a fairly cold and distant individual, taking quite a long while to even consider smiling at somebody. He is incredibly paranoid, even of the people he considers friends, depending on how bad he is that day, and will sometimes freak out for no.. obvious reason, though he usually does have one.
When Salem does finally warm up to someone, he actually looks to be a pretty nice guy, excluding his bad days, and often is making jokes or just otherwise being an idiot. As such, he actually is pretty reckless, usually when somebody eggs him on to do something. (He broke his arm jumping out of a tree once because a friend bet him 20 bucks he couldn’t do it.)
However, when he is angry, even his closest friends should steer very clear. He will often snap at anyone that even looks at him wrong on these days, and spends quite a bit of time in his room — not that he spends much time out of his room, but it’s even less likely he’ll come out on these days.
Likes: He doesn’t appear to like many things, though he does have a certain affinity for animals (mostly things like dogs), as well as most bugs. (He especially loves spiders and moths.) He also likes being alone, and will often reject company unless it is one of his close friends — or if he’s having a good day, in which case he’s a bit less picky about who he spends time with. Dislikes: Loud noises, bright lights, and bright colors. (The latter two hurt his eyes quite a bit.) He also seems to dislike conflict, at least within the Creepypastas, as he gets a bit afraid that he might end up the one getting hurt. Backstory: Not much is known about Salem, as he seems to have forgotten quite a bit about his past. What he does remember, however, is that he was in an asylum for about a year, due to a schizoaffective disorder. (For those who might not know, NAMI defines a schizoaffective disorder as ‘a chronic mental health condition characterized primarily by symptoms of schizophrenia, such as hallucinations or delusions, and symptoms of a mood disorder, such as mania and depression.’) (And I’m not trying to say anything bad about schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders, I doubt that all of them end up in asylums, there are medications to handle these, it’s just that Salem’s was that bad.) He stayed mostly away from any of the other patients, and often refused to speak to doctors — or cooperate with them, which didn’t always go too well. After the two years, he finally seemed to have snapped, getting rid of the doctors/guards watching him to escape. He was wandering around for a good long while before he finally settled, deciding to stay around a small town. And, honestly, that’s about all that’s known about him before he met up with the ‘pastas. Friends: So far, his closest friends would be Jinx Zorander, Damien Cromwell, and Carmine Graves. (All other characters of mine.) Enemies: He has angered a few people, but not enough to actually make any real enemies. Family: He doesn’t remember them, and anybody that might know them doesn’t say anything about them. ( @hetaliagurl5 !!! Hi!!! He’s done!!!) (Ugh it’s doing this thing where it refuses to separate into paragraphs on my phone, idk if it’s doing that for everyone..)
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vivalatoons · 7 years
"When Worlds Collide" Review
We’re back from a long hiatus with a 1 hour special, When Worlds Collide. The Turtles would expect a special visit from old allies and enemies. Raphael has been in a funk, missing Mona Lisa. I told him it’ll be ok and just wait. 
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Part 1  
Aww, it’s Sal and Mona; miss them
Look at Mona’s face, OH MY GOD STOP IT! 
I watch TMNT with my grandmom, she asked me “When did we get a new theme song?”; smh, ok moving on 
Awww, it’s the homeless dude and he has a teddy bear 
Ok, this is the second time where Space Heroes is playing and I don’t see Leonardo; WHERE’S MY FANBOY AT?!?! 
The shippers get a moment of their ships doing something; this is for all the Apritello, Leorai, and Miket shippers 
Aye, Raphael on the drums 
“Who needs love? Not this guy. I’m a lone wolf, a rebel, a loner.” Mona Lisa should be calling in 3, 2, 1 
Chompy’s happy for his dada  
The Utom High Council, YES  
Haha, oh I missed Pawn so much 
My Ramona heart is busting with joy, AHH SHE’S HERE AWWW, THEY’RE HUGGING 
“He’s got weird taste.” Says the guy who likes his father’s daughter 
My mom walked in and said “Who is that salamandor? Is that Fozzie?” 
“Chilled? You mean the ice planet where we met?” Ha, I love Mona Lisa 
Newtralizer is getting high on electricity 
“But there’s so much for you here.” Aka “I don’t have to be the lone Turtle and I love you.” 
Aww, Rook and Don are doing science stuff 
April O'Neil is a waterbender, it’s canon. Mae Whitman voices Katara from ATLA, I’m counting it as a reference 
MICHELANGELO! NO! Mikey vanishing was like when Donnie was destroyed by April but, this is 1000 times worst  
Leo and Donnie are shocked; Raphael is more devastated and upset, he loves his little brother and he’s gone 
You should have seen the look on my face when Raphael said Booyakasha 
Lord Dregg is back 
In part 2, the Turtles have to deal with the Newtralizer and Lord Dregg. Michelangelo was Static Shock today, and what he did made me proud. 
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Part 2 
I love how citizens didn’t notice the explosions or electricity going in or out; now that this giant bugship is here, everyone is in full panic mood 
Love the shot of Sal and Mona 
Ok, who’s watching a monster movie when you’re living in one right now? 
“So if you talk to my woman…” Hold up, he did not just 
“I can take care of myself, Raphael, thank you.” You tell him, Mona 
Haha, Raph’s plan isn’t bad, but it’s a bit impossible 
Too soon, April, too soon 
MIKEY!! HE’S BACK!! My electric Turtle is back  
“Like anything we ever do is easy.” We’ve spent 5 seasons of stopping the most impossible things in the world, it’s never going to be easy
KFC reference 
Rip to the Turtle Mech. Leo never even been on the Mech 
“You’re alive.” Donnie, you seen him before 
“It’s like an incest rave party.” Accurate
Mikey self sacrificing himself for the team 
Awww, why do they have to take away his powers? He was so cool 
“I request permission to stay on Earth.” Aka “I want to stay and be with my boyfriend.” 
Awww, I think Sal sees Mona as his own daughter 
“Awww, that’s so cute.” Same, April, same; April is me 
My name is Olivia and I ship Ramona 
Discussion Breakdown: 
Ramona reuniting. I think at this point, you know that I’m a huge shipper of Ramona. I adore Raphael and Mona Lisa looking, hugging, protecting, and just being together. They’re no longer away from each other. I was gushing, fangirling, screaming into my pillow, just AHHH!! I SHIP THEM SO MUCH!! They’re together and I love every moment of it. 
Raphael. I’m talking about enraged, mad as fuck Raphael. I haven’t seen Raphael this mad since The Invasion. When Mikey vanished from Newtralizer’s electric shock, you can see the look of devastation and anger in his face. Raphael would bug his brother at times and tease him, but deep down he wants nothing bad to happen to Mikey. Remember when Raphael was concerned about Mikey back in S1E14. He doesn’t care what happens to him in a situation, but he truly cares about his brothers and everything that happens to them will destroy him. That scene when Raphael blasted Newtralizer shows that you don’t want to mess with him and his family. 
Mona Lisa. I’m glad that my Salamandian warrior is back. She was badass, a defender of her people, and has a soft spot for her boyfriend. I love the scene when she tells Raphael that she can take care of herself and told Bishop off. Mona didn’t let Raph defend her, she tells him politely that she can handle this. I was happy that the writers didn’t let Raphael defend her girlfriend or fall to the “a man has to defend and protect his woman” thing. Mona isn’t the damsel in distress, she can fight and defend herself. No man is going to degrade her. She continues to be awesome, and I love Zelda Williams voicing her. 
Mikey. He had electrical powers, and sacrificed himself to save his family and friends. Season 5 has been showing Mikey at his awesomeness. I’m proud of my orange turtle, that’s all I have to say. 
This special was good. I was mad at Nickelodeon for the schedule change. I think it’s because of marketing or they don’t care about TMNT 2012, since they’re working on the 2018 reboot. Anyway, I love the Ramona moments. Mikey was a boss in this special. Guest voice actors were great. Basic TMNT special that I enjoy seeing. From the next promo, the Turtles are samurais. So, I’m assuming that Nick is changing Season 5 episode order. It makes me mad, but I can’t be. As the Turtles are samurais, this means that Usagi is coming to the 2012 universe and I’m very excited about it. I’ll be back with a new TMNT review. See you guys next time. Toot da loo!
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d1find · 6 years
FAHM18 - October 26, Korry Rae Valley
Meet D1′s Co-Service Chair, Korry Valley! Korry is a sophomore at Northeastern University! Korry is not Filipino American but her hometown is  Alabang, Philippines and she attended the Brent International School Manila!
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How did you first become involved in the Filipino - American community?
I moved to the Philippines when I was 1! Growing up I was surrounded by an array of cultures, but the Philippine and American cultures around me were the most prevalent! My family was very American, but I grew up with a Yaya, which is pretty much a nanny. She taught me most of the Filipino culture today. She also made me a chubby kid because she would give me Pan de Sal with Milo everyday. 
What part of Filipino culture do you most connect with?
Food and the corny jokes!
What have you learned by being a part of your school's Filipino cultural organization?
I have definitely learned more about Filipino dance, which I had never thought to immersed myself into. I remember the first week of Freshman year, there was a dance sign up form and all I was thinking was "I would NEVER," but as it turns out it's one of my favorite things about Barkada, who knew! (I'm still awful though ~ come see me at Kamayan!) 
In what ways do you see ties in your own culture or background with the Filipino culture?
I grew up in a very family oriented household, and I know that Filipinos are extremely family oriented. I know most of you reading this have "Sundays are family days" where you can't hangout with your friends cause it's reserved for the family. But in short I love my family and I think that was because of my up bringing.
Is having a knowledge of family history important? 
I think it is important to know the history of your family. Our elders went through completely different experiences when they were younger. Throughout their lives they've had numerous lessons taught to them, which we can learn from. They've tried to give us a better life, whether they left the Philippines to come to the USA, or they left the USA to go to the Philippines (aye) they are the reason for the hometown you got to grow up in.
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devnasirali · 7 years
Happy New Year SMS 2018, Quotes and Wallpapers for Whatsapp and Facebook
Cool New Year SMS 2018 is a special page dedicated to variety of latest text messages that you can pick and select and send it to your loved ones. Although many people prefer to just send a simple Happy New Year greeting on  Whats App, but it lacks real excitement. New Year SMS 2018 are usually based on best wishes, motivational messages, and best regards for your loved ones. We are going to share New Year Wishes,SMS,Quote and Status , do share with your family,friends
Happy New Year 2018 Wishes, SMS, Quotes and Status
Upbeat New Year wishes,SMS, Quotes and Status in Urdu: Hey folks Happy New year and in the event that you are hunting down Happy New Year Wishes in Urdu then you are at redress put here we have the most famous Happy New Year Status.
Fun, Joy, Happiness, Peace, Love, Luck, Will Come Near, With My Special Wish Happy New Year! ********
My wishes for you, Great start for Jan, Love for Feb, Peace for March, No worries for April, Fun for May, Joy for June to Nov, Happiness for Dec. Have a lucky and wonderful 2018 ********
Remember the laughter, the joy, the hard work, and the tears. And as you reflect on the past year, also think of the new one to come. Because most importantly, this is a time of new beginnings and the celebration of life.” Happy New Year . ********
Lets welcome the year which is fresh Lets welcome the year which is new, Lets cherish each moment it beholds, Lets celebrate this blissful new year. ********
My wishes for you, Great start for Jan, Love for Feb, Peace for March, No worries for April, Fun for May, Joy for June to Nov, Happiness for Dec. Have a lucky and wonderful 2018 ********
Happy New year 2018 Quotes and Cool WhatsApp Wallpapers
Most Stylish and Beautiful Barbie Doll Images For WhatsApp
Cool New Year 2018 Messages in Urdu
Time to change your year calendar as the 12th month approaches to an end. With high hopes, motivation & determination, challenges, and opportunities, let’s step into the New Year 2018. This new beginning gives you a chance to proceed with those plans which you couldn’t pursue last year. People worldwide plan ahead how to celebrate New Year. They start sending their special New Year SMS messages to loved ones living in distant locations
******** Har sal hum kuch sochtey hein Kabhi tum ko door Kabhi pass patey hein Har saal tumhe kuch naya deney ki try kartey hein Aur sal gift aur dua detey hein Happy new year. ******** December Thehr Jao na Abhi Lmhay nahi Bikhray Abhi mosam nahi Bichhray Meray Kmray Ki thandak mein Abhi Kuch Dhoop Baqi Hy Meray Angan K Sb Poday Abhi Bhi gungunaty Hen Meray BeJaan Honton Pr Abhi muskaan wesi Hy Kisi K Laot Any Ka Abhi Imkaan Baqi Hy December! Ik baat Boloon men, Agr Tum Maan Jao to, December Thehr Jao na December Thehr Jao na Alvida December Alvida ************** Taze Hawa Mey Ph0l0 Ke Mahek H0 Pahli Kiran Mey Chidy0n Ke Chahek H0 Jub V Kh0l0 Ap Apni Palke Un Palk0 Me Bus Khushiy0n Ke Jhalak H0 Happay New Year ************** Sochta Hun is Naye Saal Ki Khushi Mein Apne yaar ko kya tohfa du. Tumhari is ada pe kya jawab du Apne yaar ko kya tohfa du Koi acha sa phool hota to mangvata mali se Jo khud gulab hai usko kya gulab du Happy New Year Yaaaaaaaaar. ******************
DHALTAY SAAL K SATH HI KHATAAEN MUAF KER DENA, “AYE DOST” KIYA PATA JAB PHIR SAAL AAYE TO HUM NA HON..! SPECIAL SORRY TO ALL MY FRIENDS..! ****************** Din guzar gaya hai intezaar mai Raat guzar gayi intezaar mai Naya saal mubark ho aap ko 2018 Beet… ************ Day by day teri khusiya ho jaye double, Teri zindagi se delete ho jaye sare trouble, Khuda rakkhe hamesha… Ρhool Khilen ge Gulshan Mein Khoobsurti Nazar Αaye gi Βeete Saal Ki Κhatti Meethi Yaadein Sung Reh Jaaye gi ******************* NAYA SAVERA NAYI KIRAN KE SATH NAYA DIN EK PYARI SI MUSKAAN KE SATH AAPKO NAYA SAAL MUBARAK HO DHER SARI DUAON KE SATH HAPPY NEW YEAR
Hello December Cool and Inspirational Status With Images
Just Girly Attitude Status Quotes and Poetry in Hindi or Urdu
Happy New Year SMS Messages in Hindi 2018
New Year 2018 is just around the corner. Here are all the Happy New Year 2018 Wishes Quotes and Sayings Images 2018 in English which you’ll need to send your loved ones on this great festival. A fresh new year is once again upon us. Now’s the time to cherish the memories you made in 2017, and think about what could make the next year even better.
नए रंग हों नयी उमंगें आँखों में उल्लास नया नए गगन को छू लेने का मन में हो विश्वास नया नए वर्ष में चलो पुराने मौसम का हम बदलें रंग नयी बहारें लेकर आये जीवन में मधुमास नया नए वर्ष हार्दिक बधाई
आप जहाँ जायें वहां से करें सभी के आंसू उड़ान सब लोग आपको ही माने अपना प्यार आपकी हर राह हो हमेशा साफ़ और खुदा दे आपको एक नया झकास नया साल!
सदा दूर रहो ग़म की परछाइयों से सामना न हो कभी तन्हाईओं से! हर अरमान हर ख्वाब पूरा हो आपका यही दुआ है दिल की गहराइयों से! नव वर्ष की हार्दिक शुभकामनायें!
ये फूल ये खुशबू ये बहार ! तुमको मिले ये सब उपहार !! आसमा के चाँद और सितारे ! इन सब से तुम करो सृंगार !! तुम खुश रहों आवाद रहों.. खुशियों का हो ऐसी फुहार ! हमारी ऐसी दुआ हैं हजार !! दामन तुम्हारा छोटा पर जाए ! जीवन में मिले तुम्हे इतना प्यार !!
आपकी आँखों में सजे है जो भी सपने, और दिल में छुपी है जो भी अभिलाषाएं! यह नया वर्ष उन्हें सच कर जाए; आप के लिए यही है हमारी शुभकामनायें!
बीत गया जो साल, भूल जाए बीत गया जो साल, भूल जाए इस नए साल को गले लगाये! करते है दुआ हम रब से सर झुका के इस साल के सारे सपने पूरे हो आपके! नव वर्ष की हार्दिक शुभकामनायें!
दस्तक दी, किसी ने कहा सपने लाया हूँ; खुश रहो आप हमेशा, इतनी दुआ लाया हूँ! नाम है मेरा एस सम एस, आपको `हैप्पी न्यू इयर` विश करने आया हूँ नव वर्ष की हार्दिक शुभकामनायें!
पुराना साल सबसे हो रहा है दूर पुराना साल सबसे हो रहा है दूर! क्या करें यही है कुदरत का दस्तूर पुरानी यादें सोचकर उदास न हो तुम! नया साल आया है चलो…धूम मचाले, धूम मचाले धूम!
मुबारक हो तुम्हे नववर्ष का महिना, चमको तुम जैसे फागुन का महिना, पतझर न आये तेरी जिन्दगी में, यही हैं दोस्त अपनी तम्मना !!
कबीर जी ने कहा था, कल करे सों आज कर, आज करे सों अब, नेटवर्क फेल हो गया विश करेगा कब 2018 नव वर्ष की शुभकामनायें
एक – खूबसूरती! एक – ताजगी! एक – सपना! एक – सच्चाई! एक – कल्पना! एक – अहसास! एक – आस्था! एक – विश्वास! यही है एक अच्छे साल की शुरुआत! नव वर्ष की हार्दिक शुभकामनायें!
डे बाई डे तेरी खुशियां हो जायें डबल, तेरी जिंदगी से डिलीट हो जायें सारे ट्रबल, खुदा रखे हमेशा तुझे स्मार्ट एंड फिट, तेरे लिये न्यू इयर हो सुपर डुपर हिट!
आप जहाँ जाये वहां से करे फ्लाई ऑल टियर; सब लोग आप को ही मानें अपना डियर; आप की हर राह हो आलवेज़ क्लियर…और खुदा दे आप को एक जक्कास न्यू इयर!
सबके दिलो में हो सबके लिये प्यार, आने वाला हर दिन लाये खुशियों का त्यौहार, इस उमीद के साथ आओ भूल के सारे गुम, न्यू इयर 2018 को हम सब करे वैलकम!
Funny New Year Shayari 2018
दिनों दिन तेरी खुशियाँ हो जायें दोगुनी; तेरी जिंदगी से मिट जायें सभी गम; खुदा रखे तुझे हमेशा स्मार्ट और तंदरुस्त; तेरे लिए नया साल हो सुपर-डुपर हिट।
अगर पप्पू पास हो सकता है; मुन्नी बदनाम हो सकती है; शीला जवान हो सकती है; 7 खून माफ़ हो सकते हैं; आनार कली डिस्को जा सकती है; तो फिर मैं 3 दिन पहले मुबारकबाद नहीं दे सकता क्या? नया साल एडवांस में मुबारक हो!
भगवान करे ये साल आप को रास आए जिसे आप चाहते है वो आपके पास आए अगली साल (2019) तक आप न रहें कुँवारे आपका रिश्ता लेकर आपकी सास आए !!
60 Most Stylish Cool WhatsApp Wallpapers 2017
Romantic Good Night Quotes for Friends at Cool WhatsApp Status
Happy New Year 2018 Wallpaper for Mobile, WhatsApp, Facebook
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Find 2018 largest collection of New Year SMS 2018 messages at Cool Whats app Status , express your feeling with all the New Year SMS text messages of 2018, New Year SMS Quotes, Wishes, Greetings in Urdu, English & Roman Urdu.
Happy New Year SMS 2018, Quotes and Wallpapers for Whatsapp and Facebook
Happy New Year SMS 2018, Quotes and Wallpapers for Whatsapp and Facebook Cool New Year SMS 2018…
Happy New Year SMS 2018, Quotes and Wallpapers for Whatsapp and Facebook
Happy New Year SMS 2018, Quotes and Wallpapers for Whatsapp and Facebook Cool New Year SMS 2018…
Happy New Year SMS 2018, Quotes and Wallpapers for Whatsapp and Facebook Happy New Year SMS 2018, Quotes and Wallpapers for Whatsapp and Facebook Cool New Year SMS 2018…
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