#( austin — photographs. )
clarkkantagain · 10 days
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luke austin photo
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stephstars08 · 5 months
Austin Butler x Reader
Warnings: Long Intro (Sorry!), Angst, Mention of Jealous!Austin, Some Adult Language, Tension, Suspicion, Mention of Cheating, Fluff, and Possibly Some Grammar Errors. (Sorry if I forgot any!)
Summary: Y/N is a photographer who takes pictures for movies and tv shows. Y/N and Austin met on the set of Elvis and became a couple right after the production of the movie wrapped up. They have been together ever since then and everything had been going great between them till Y/N hired a male assistant that causes fights between her and Austin due to his jealousy.
Word Count: 2,188
Author’s Note: Here is my first Austin Butler one shot for all of the Austin girls out there! I hope you all enjoy it and let me know what you all think!
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Y/N is a photographer for celebrities who star in movies and tv shows. She’s worked on a couple small films that got released on streaming services. The biggest movie she has worked on so far in her career so far is Baz Luhrmann’s Elvis. Y/N took all the pictures of the cast and did all of the promotional photos for the movie. She even got to take pictures of the cast behind the scenes as well.
Y/N got along well with the whole cast and crew especially the star of the film, Austin Butler who played Elvis. Austin was the first actor Y/N met on set and they instantly connected. They were always around each other on and off the set. Since Y/N and Austin were staying in houses that weren’t that far away from each other they would take turns hanging out at each others residence.
As time went on everyone knew that Y/N and Austin were quickly falling for each other hard. But, as the production continued neither one took the big step which was ask the other person out on a date. The only thing that has happened between the two is just flirting.
As time went on Y/N really wanted to go to the next level with Austin but she was too shy and is never the type of girl to ask a hot guy out on a date. Y/N was always hoping that Austin would make the move but she also knew that right when Elvis started production he had just got out of a long term and serious relationship with someone else, so he was most likely not ready for another relationship.
As the production of Elvis was coming to an end, Y/N really thought that nothing was going to happen between her and Austin till the last day on set, Olivia the actress who played Pricilla in the film, convinced Y/N to just take a chance and just ask Austin out on a date. Olivia told her that it was going to be her and possibly last chance to do it. Y/N knew that Olivia was a hundred percent right, so she used all of the confidence she had and asked Austin out on a date and he said yes. Ever since that first date, Y/N and Austin have been together as a couple.
They live together in a condo that’s right on the beach in California. Even though their careers have made them have a long-distance relationship they were still unbreakable. Everything had been going perfect till just two months ago. Y/N had hired an assistant named Drake. Since Y/N was getting hired to do so many photoshoots she was having trouble doing everything on her own so that’s when she hired Drake.
In the beginning Austin had no problem with Y/N having a male assistant till he met Drake. Every-time Austin was around Drake would act super rude towards him. The only time Drake played nice with Austin was if Y/N was in the room. It drove Austin crazy. Austin also couldn’t help but get extra jealous when Drake would be spending so much time with Y/N because he hated the way Drake looked at Y/N and the way Drake acted around Y/N. It’s like Drake is being rude on purpose.
Austin feels like Drake is trying to push Austin out of the picture. However, when Austin would mention Drake’s behavior to Y/N she would just brush him off which always led to an argument between the couple.
Y/N was peacefully sleeping when she got woken up by her alarm clock blaring. Y/N let out a soft sigh as she opened her eyes and snoozed the alarm. When she rolled over onto her back, she saw the other side of the king-sized bed empty. Flashbacks of her fight with Austin last night flashed through her mind.
This was the worst argument they have ever had. It was so bad and intense that Austin decided to sleep downstairs on the couch. Of course, it was another stupid argument about Drake. Y/N doesn’t understand why Austin gets so jealous. He is the only one she wants to be with. Austin always tells her that she is so oblivious to Drake’s actions.
Y/N could feel her eyes start to water due to the flashbacks, so she wiped the tears away from her eyes and got out of bed. She got changed into a fresh pair of clothes and went into the bathroom connected to the bedroom to brush her hair and teeth. She decided to put her hair up into a ponytail since the photoshoot she’s working on today is going to be outside and since she moves around a lot, she gets hot real fast. After she finished in the bathroom, she walked back into the bedroom to put on a pair of her comfy sneakers. She grabbed her phone off the charger and put it in her back pocket of her blue jeans. She grabbed her big bag that had her laptop and camera in and wrapped the bag’s strap around her shoulder.
Y/N walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs. When Y/N walked into the living room she saw the pillow and blanket Austin used last night laying on one end of the couch. The blanket was placed on top of the pillow that was laying flat on the couch cushion. She knew that Austin had to be in the kitchen. Y/N took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen where Austin was sitting at the kitchen island drinking a cup of coffee.
Y/N immediately felt the tension between her and Austin right when she walked into the room. Y/N didn’t say anything to him as she walked over to the counter where the coffee machine was. She got out one of her traveling mugs from the cabinet and poured some coffee into the mug.
“Do you want me to fix you something quick to eat?” Austin asked breaking the tension that was floating in the air. “No.” Y/N answered not looking at him. “I’m just going to stop somewhere before I go to my office.” Y/N added as she put the lid on her cup.
“Listen Y/N about what happened last night I- “Austin started to say but she cut him off. “Austin, I have a big photoshoot today so if you want to continue last nights conversation you can wait till, I get home.” Y/N told him as she looked over at him with a stern look in her eyes. Austin just gave her a nod and took a sip of his coffee.
Y/N grabbed her keys off one of the hooks on the wall and walked out the door. She didn’t have the energy or motivation to say I love you or goodbye to Austin which did scare her. What if the next fight she gets in with him it’s so bad that they end up breaking up?
Y/N just finished up her long photoshoot for an upcoming film and was packing up her equipment with the help of Drake. After they packed all of the equipment into Y/N’s car they got into the vehicle to go back to Y/N’s office. Y/N let Drake drive since she was so tired from the shoot. The whole car ride back to the office was quiet which concerned Drake since she actually hasn’t spoken much to him all day. Right when they got back to the office, they carried all the equipment inside.
“Are you okay?” Drake asked her with concern in his voice as Y/N was packing her laptop and camera back into her bag. “You’ve been really quiet today.” Drake added which made Y/N let out a sigh. “I just had a rough night last night.” Y/N told him looking over at him after she zipped up her bag. “Another fight with Austin I’m guessing.” Drake said which he got a nod from Y/N as the answer.
Drake is the person Y/N talks about all of the arguments she has with Austin. “This fight got so bad he slept on the couch.” Y/N told him.” Damn, sorry to hear that.” Drake said as he shook his head.
“I don’t know why he gets so jealous of the bond we have. He should know that I would never cheat on him.” Y/N said with nothing but frustration in her voice. It hurts her that Austin would ever think that she would cheat on him. Especially with how long they have been together. They have been through a lot together.
“Yeah, if anything it should be the other way around.” Drake said which quickly confused her. “What do you mean by that?” Y/N asked him with a mixture of confusion and curiosity in her voice. “If one of you was to cheat it would be him.” Drake told her which took her by surprise. “No, Austin would never cheat on me.” Y/N told him in a stern tone which made Drake let out a harsh laugh. “He’s an actor Y/N. Isn’t that what always happens. He could get casted in a movie with a pretty girl and end up cheating on you with the actress behind the scenes. It’s happened so many times throughout Hollywood.” Drake told her.
Hearing Drake say this about Austin wasn’t just taking her by surprise, but it was also pissing her off. “Get out!” Y/N hissed now taking him by surprise. “What?” Drake asked her in shock. “I’m not going to let you stand here and talk shit about Austin when you don’t even fucking know him like I do so get the hell out!” Y/N told him in a snappy tone. “You’re firing me?” Drake asked still in shock. “That’s what I mean when I say get out!” Y/N told him as she folded her arms over her chest. “Get your shit and leave! Last time I’m telling you!” Y/N told him in a warning tone. Drake grabbed all of his stuff and left.
Y/N let out a big sigh as she ran her hands down her face. She couldn’t believe what just happened between her and Drake. Now she knows that everything Austin was telling her about Drake was true. Y/N couldn’t help but feel bad, but she also knows she has to make it right as well.
Y/N was driving home in her car. After what just happened with Drake she couldn’t wait to get home and see Austin. After firing Drake, she felt a weight that has been on her shoulders be lifted off.
Y/N parked her car right behind Austin’s vehicle that was parked in the driveway. She turned the car off and did a sigh of relief. She took off the seatbelt and grabbed her bag from the passenger seat. When she got out of her car, she locked the doors and put the strap of her bag around her shoulder. She closed the car door and walked through the door that led her inside and into the kitchen.
She noticed right away that the lights were dimmed and there were rose petals scattered all over the floor that was leading into the dinning room. Y/N took the strap of her bag off her shoulder and sat it down on the kitchen island counter. She followed the rose petals into the dinning room where Austin was. The table was all set for a romantic dinner. Austin had cooked her her favorite dish which made her heart feel all warm.
“Welcome home.” Austin said walking over to her. “What’s all this?” Y/N asked him in a curious tone. “Not that I’m complaining.” Y/N added in quickly which made Austin laugh. “I wanted to apologize for all of the fighting and accusing you of picking Drake over me. I shouldn’t be taking my jealousy out on you. To be honest I shouldn’t even be jealous.” Austin told her. “Actually, I should be the one apologizing.” Y/N said which made Austin look at her with confusion.
“Drake was talking a lot of shit about you, so I fired him.” Y/N told him which took Austin by surprise. “You fired him for me?” Austin said in surprise. “I don’t want an assistant that is rude and talks shit about the best boyfriend in the whole world.” Y/N told him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She leaned in and connected her lips with his soft lips.
The kiss was full of love and and passion. Y/N felt her heart flutter in her chest when Austin put his hands on her hips. It’s been a while since Y/N and Austin have shared a kiss that was filled with so much passion. When they released from the kiss they stayed into each other’s embrace.
“I love you so much.” Y/N told him as she stared up into his memorizing green eyes. “I love you more.” Austin told her staring back into her gorgeous eyes.
They shared another sweet kiss and then sat down at the table together to eat the lovely meal Austin made for them.
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roamingtigress · 2 months
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Dutch: "Hosea, I've got a plan!" Hosea: "Oh God . . ." Dutch: "For Friday! Hosea Fucks Friday!"
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anthonyamadeo · 3 months
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Austin Keel by Anthony Amadeo
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brushie-photo · 1 month
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Red-Shouldered Hawk
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looktowardsthesky · 24 days
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Austin, TX
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Cambridge, Massachusetts -- 5/9/21
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oh-austin · 2 years
for all my wives because we can’t stop thirsting over these bts pics
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liked by bazlurhman, oliviadejonge and 8,689 others
yourinstagram early hair and makeup test #elvisfilm
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user3 how did you get these pics?
↳ user5 she’s the film’s photographer, baz hired her
↳ yourinstagram that he did!! I have a very cool job
oliviadejonge making austin look 10x better
↳ yourinstagram it’s hard work 🥱
austinfan6 austin in these pics hnggggg 🥴🥴🥴
↳ austinfan8 makes me feel some sorta way
user11 are you going to post more Elvis bts
↳ yourinstagram my entire feed is now dedicated to pictures of my time in Australia and Elvis 🫶🏼
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liked by user13, yourinstagram and 67,209 others
oliviadejonge yourinstagram and i take on australia
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yourinstagram miss dejonge arent you supposed to be on set right now?
↳ oliviadejonge miss l/n I didn’t think that canoodling with the talent was in your job description 🧐
↳ austinfan16 sorry what?
austinfan18 as if olivia just outed y/n like that
austinfan19 now olivia tell us which cast member y/n was kissing 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
↳ austinfan22 has to be austin
↳ user24 idk dacre was seen in queensland a few days ago…
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liked by user19, austinbutler and 8,992 others
yourinstagram baz and austin in early hair and makeup tests for #elvisfilm
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austinfan22 just admit you’re dating austin
austinfan25 you’re not fooling anyone xo
austinbutler your eye for art never ceases to amaze me
↳ yourinstagram 🖤
↳ user26 what’re y’all doing? .. screwin?
↳ austinfan28 definitely
dacremontgomery you’re an amazing photographer y/n
↳ yourinstagram ❤️❤️
↳ austinfan30 me trying to decode what the different coloured hearts mean 😤😤😤
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liked by austinbutler, bazlurhman and 11,315 others
yourinstagram six months in australia now, so grateful for my job and everything that’s come with it 🖤
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↳ austinfan36 I knew she was a swiftie 😭😭
user37 y/n exposed her and austin I can’t believe this 🫢
austinfan38 ‘A’ AS IN AUSTIN
yourinstagram has deleted this post !
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liked by user41, austinfan43 and 3,766 others
austinupdates OKAY!!! So Y/N L/N, the Elvis film photographer, had the second post up yesterday and then deleted it because she was wearing a necklace with an ‘A’ on it (1st slide) Many people believe that they’ve been together for the last six months or so. Now Y/N has reuploaded the picture with the necklace CROPPED OUT (2nd slide)!!!
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austinfan44 Y/N YOURE NOT SLICK
user47 I understand wanting to keep our relationship private, but now everyone knows they should just tell us
austinfan49 I want y/n and austin content
user53 confused, wasn’t she sending hearts to dacre???
↳ austinfan55 she just replied to his comment with some
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liked by yourinstagram, bazlurhman and 1,199,274 others
austinbutler grateful for this opportunity to fill such big shoes. thank you to my lady for capturing my first time all done up as the king #elvisfilm
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austinfan58 austin being the one to confirm their relationship was not on my bingo card for this year
austinfan61 MY LADY? Someone catch me im swooning
austinfan64 y/n these elvis pics are making me h-word…
↳ yourinstagram me too, it’s okay
user66 I cant wait for this movie
bazlurhman you’re such a talent 🌟
austinbutler 🖤🖤🖤
↳ yourinstagram 🖤
↳ austinfan68 guys i think black hearts are their thing, we might just be dumb 😭😭
oliviadejonge wait.. you’re dating y/n… I’m also dating y/n
↳ austinbutler yourinstagram care to explain?
↳ yourinstagram there’s enough of me to go around, go back to doing your jobs
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floweriiskies · 15 days
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Another day, another post from my backyard
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clarkkantagain · 11 days
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austin gonet by davis bates
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tbyfandoms · 9 months
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everyone say “thank you interview magazine!” because jesus christ
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redsamphoto · 2 months
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New photo on Redsam.com, shot this week at Westcave Discovery Center near Austin, TX. Canon R8, Rf 24-105 f4
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anthonyamadeo · 3 months
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Austin Keel by Anthony Amadeo
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brushie-photo · 2 months
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flowerishness · 10 months
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Rosa (var: "Rock and Roll")
Yea baby, it's a groovy "Rock and Roll" rose. Oh, behave!
[Sorry folks, I watched an Austin Powers movie last night.]
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sushi11 · 9 months
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Planetary nebula, 4x the size of moon
Credit: Bray falls
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