#( april 24 )
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metamorphesque · 10 months ago
Facing The Facts: Resources on the Armenian Genocide
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Frequently Asked Questions About Armenian Genocide
Sample Archival Documents on the Armenian Genocide: U.S. Archives
Sample Archival Documents on the Armenian Genocide: British Archives
Map of the 1915 Armenian Genocide in the Turkish Empire
Talaat Pasha's Official Orders Regarding the Armenian Massacres, March 1915-January 1916
The Massacre of the Armenians (”Ambassador Morgenthau describes the forced evacuation of one group of Armenians from their homeland to the Syrian desert.”)
American Documents
British Documents
Russian Documents
French Documents
Austrian Documents
Public Lectures
Eye Witnesses
Aurora Mardiganyan's book, "RAVISHED ARMENIA" (14-year-old girl who managed to escape)
The Turkish Woman
That is all right, but who killed hundred of thousands Armenians?
Einar af Wirsen
The Story of Anna Hedwig Bull, an Estonian Missionary of the Armenian Genocide.
"That's How It Was"
Report by an Eye-Witness, Lieutenant Sayied Ahmed Moukhtar Baas
Letters of Turkish doctors addressed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkey
Martyred Armenia: Eyewitness account of the Armenian genocide by Faiz El-Ghusein a Turkish official
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norasakavictweets · 11 months ago
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vampireradio · 10 months ago
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the most dungeons and dragons of all time
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callmebrycelee · 10 months ago
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newyorkthegoldenage · 10 months ago
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Sunshine and cloudless skies lured hundreds of visitors to Coney Island on Sunday, April 24, 1938. Many were seen promenading on the boardwalk, but some ventured on the rides in Steeplechase Park.
Photo: George Rinhart via Corbis/Getty Images/Ranker
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happybirthday-unusannus · 10 months ago
Happy 4th Birthday to
“Running Internet Drama Through Google Translate”
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chalamet-chalamet · 10 months ago
4/24/24-Cudi talking about how he wants Timothée and Jaden Smith to join him in the Sonic universe
IG credit to mtvuk
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piovascosimo · 11 months ago
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lulublack90 · 10 months ago
Prompt 24 - Camp
@jegulus-microfic April 24, Word count 583
Previous part First part
Regulus leaned his forehead against the lower bar of the Astronomy Towers railing. It was pretty superfluous as there was some sort of air charm that gently lifted whatever had fallen over the edge of the tower back up. He supposed it was there for the more nervous astronomers. 
His thoughts were still swirling with what had happened earlier. He’d had to escape up here when Evan and Barty banged their way into the dorm, disrupting his spiralling thoughts. 
He banged his head against the bar. 
“Stupid, stupid, stupid. It just had to be him, didn’t it? Like he hasn’t ruined enough of my life, now he has to poke his nose into my love life as well!” It wasn’t that Regulus didn’t find James attractive. He was there was no denying that, but Sirius had picked him over Regulus. The second Sirius had gotten onto that train and been separated from Regulus, James Potter had snapped him up, and they’d been lost to each other. 
His head whipped around when he caught the sound of a stumbled step. There was nothing there. He raised his wand. “Who’s there?” He asked the darkness. Silence. “If you don’t leave now, you will regret it!” He hissed. 
James Potter stepped impossibly out of the shadows. There was nowhere he could have been hidden, but yet he’d been there. “What are you doing here?” He snarled. He wasn’t prepared for this. He hadn’t had time to school his emotions. 
“Same as you probably. Sometimes I come here to think.” James replied, shrugging. 
“More likely you’re waiting on some poor foolish girl to meet you up here for a snog.” He scoffed. James actually laughed at him. He reached up and rubbed the back of his neck, grinning goofily at Regulus.
“Contrary to popular belief, I’ve never snuck up here to kiss people. In fact,” James’s expression changed. His face flushed with embarrassment. “I’ve never kissed anyone before.” Regulus felt his jaw drop. 
“Not anyone?!” Why was he asking?! Pull yourself together, Regulus Arcturus Black! James gave a half-shrug.
“Nope. I was saving myself for someone, but I think I’m going to give up on her. No point waiting for something that’s never going to happen.”
“That almost sounded smart,” Regulus smirked at him. This had to be the most they’d ever spoken to each other. He’d, however, had plenty to say about James behind his back. 
“Gee, thanks.” James chuckled merrily. “Room for one more?” He continued, pointing at the lengthy space beside Regulus. 
“No, there is not.” Regulus scowled and turned away. 
He breathed in sharply through his nose when he heard James’s footsteps growing nearer and caught the movement out of the corner of his eye of him sitting down a few feet away and facing out into the night air. 
“So why have you set up camp here then?” James asked the stars. 
“That is absolutely none of your business.” He took James's lead and spoke out to the starlit sky. 
The wind picked up, rustling James’s hair before it made its way to Regulus, bringing with it that tantalising scent of cedar, summer days and bergamot. He couldn’t help it. He inhaled greedily. Something in James’s eyes flickered, but it was gone so fast Regulus couldn’t make it out. 
James didn’t speak again after that. They sat quietly, staring up at the twinkling stars, silently letting that breeze tease them over and over again until they turned together and their eyes met.  
Do we want another part? Let me know.
Next part
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throwbackgaylor · 10 months ago
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april 24, 2015 | nine years ago today
taylor tweeted a scan of her interview with glamour magazine uk where she said about karlie:
“Karlie is pure sunshine, and anyone who has met her would tell you that. She thinks of everyone else before she thinks of herself. She tries to make everyone around her better and stronger. She buys random presents and stops by (just to say hi and give you a hug). She has a million things to juggle and I've never seen anyone do it so gracefully, all the while putting herself last on her list of concerns."
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metamorphesque · 10 months ago
Talaat Pasha's Official Orders Regarding the Armenian Massacres, March 1915-January 1916
March 25th, 1915
To Djemal Bey, Delegate at Adana:
The duty of everyone is to effect on the broadest lines possible the realization of the noble project of wiping out of existence the well-known elements [note: Armenians] who for centuries have been the barrier to the empire's progress in civilization.
We must, therefore, take upon ourselves the entire responsibility, pledging ourselves to this action no matter what happens, and always remembering how great is the sacrifice which the Government has made in entering the World War. We must work so that the means used may lead to the desired end.
In our dispatch dated February 18th, we announced that the Djemiet has decided to uproot and annihilate the different forces which for centuries have been a hindrance; for this purpose it is forced to resort to very bloody methods. Certainly the contemplation of these methods horrified us, but the Djemiet saw no other way of insuring the stability of its work.
Ali Riza [Note: the committee delegate at Aleppo] harshly criticised us and urged that we be merciful; such simplicity is nothing short of stupidity. We will find a place for all those who will not cooperate with us, a place that will wring their delicate heartstrings.
Again let me remind you of the question of property left. This is very important. Watch its distribution with vigilance; always examine the accounts and the use made of the proceeds.
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norasakavictweets · 11 months ago
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chic-a-gigot · 10 months ago
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La Mode illustrée, no. 17, 24 avril 1892, Paris. Robe en cachemire d'Écosse. Robe de visites en crépon uni et gaufré. Modèles de chez Mmes Coussinet-Piret, rue Richer, 43. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
Robe en cachemire d'Écosse.
Cette robe en cachemire d'Écosse vert naissant, est ornée d'une broderie en soie vieux rose; on la garnit de rubans de velours vieux rose de différentes largeurs; elle se compose d'une jupe et d'un corsage complété par une jaquette brodée; la jupe doublée est garnie au bord inférieur avec du ruban de velours. Le corsage court, fermé devant, est garni d'un plastron uni, orné de ruban, auquel se rattache une ceinture en ruban de velours; on compléte le corsage par une veste Figaro, brodée, doublée en soie. Col droit, garni d'un ruban de velours; manches ornées de velours avec bouillonnés de manches brodés.
Scottish cashmere dress.
This dress in green Scottish cashmere is decorated with old pink silk embroidery; we garnish it with old pink velvet ribbons of different widths; it consists of a skirt and a bodice completed by an embroidered jacket; the lined skirt is trimmed at the bottom edge with velvet ribbon. The short bodice, closed in front, is trimmed with a plain bib, decorated with ribbon, to which a velvet ribbon belt is attached; we complete the bodice with a Figaro jacket, embroidered, lined in silk. Straight collar, trimmed with a velvet ribbon; sleeves decorated with velvet with embroidered sleeve cuffs.
Robe de visites en crépon uni et gaufré.
Ce costume, se composant d'une jupe et d'une robe de dessus, est fait en crépon uni gris, et crépon gaufré gris et vert; on le garnit avec du ruban de velours vert; le bord inférieur de la jupe est garni avec du ruban de velours; ainsi que le bord extérieur de la robe de dessus. Celle-ci, faite en crépon gaufré, croise devant; on la ferme sur le côté; on l'ouvre devant et derrière en carré; on recouvre la doublure avec du crépon uni, bordé de velours. Manches bouffantes en crépon gaufré, terminées par des manchettes étroites en crépon uni; col en crépon, garni de velours; rosace en velours garnissant la taille.
Visiting dress in plain and embossed seersucker.
This costume, consisting of a skirt and an outer dress, is made of plain gray crepon, and gray and green embossed crepon; we garnish it with green velvet ribbon; the bottom edge of the skirt is trimmed with velvet ribbon; as well as the outer edge of the outer dress. This one, made of embossed seersucker, crosses in front; we close it on the side; we open it in front and behind in a square; we cover the lining with plain crepon, edged with velvet. Puff sleeves in embossed seersucker, finished with narrow cuffs in plain seersucker; seersucker collar, trimmed with velvet; velvet rosette trimming the waist.
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todaysdocument · 10 months ago
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News Note: A Bill Has Been Introduced in the Illinois Legislature Limiting Women's Hats to a Diameter of Eighteen Inches
Record Group 46: Records of the U.S. SenateSeries: Berryman Political Cartoon Collection
This illustration entitled, "News Note: A Bill Has Been Introduced in the Illinois Legislature Limiting Women's Hats to a Diameter of Eighteen Inches", by cartoonist Clifford Berryman, which appeared in the Washington Evening Star on April 24, 1909, depicts the serious nature of issues caused by women wearing large hats, especially for men sitting behind them at sporting events.
Two women with enormous hats sit in the front row of a sporting event.  One is holding a scorecard and pencil.  The men behind them are maneuvering to see around them.  A man further back is standing up calling to a policeman, “Officer, do your duty!”  The man wears a sport coat, tie, starched collar, and a straw hat.  The other men in the stands are similarly dressed.  The police officer is standing amid the crowded stands.  His helmet says, “Hat Cop.”  He holds an 18 inch ruler and measuring tape.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 10 months ago
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Lee Moates and Tonita Malau show their winning dance style during a Lindy contest on the block-long floor of Harlem's Savoy Ballroom on April 24, 1953.
Photo: Hans Von Nolde for the Associated Press via the Deseret News
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adam-trademark · 10 months ago
21 years old.
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Thank you so very much to everyone who likes all of my posts here on Tumblr! You are all the best and I appreciate each and every one of you!
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