#( answered ~ steve trevor )
everythingheard · 2 months
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@legaciestold said: ❛ Pandas don’t eat macaroni. ❜ (diana to steve)
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It's so much more convenient being an insomniac in the twenty-first century.
That being said, Steve's not entirely certain that's what he is, but it's what he feels like. Falling asleep is no longer an activity he relishes as he once did, when he would go for stretches of time where catching more than a few hours of rest in a comfortable bed was almost euphoric. Now, it rather unsettles him instead. Although Steve doesn't think knows that the gods won't rescind their decision to restore life to him again ( he's too useful to them, they would likely deem it a waste ), he can't help the discomfiture that prickles the back of his mind when he lays there in the dark. What if he closes his eyes, submits to the weight of slumber, and never comes back?
That won't happen, it won't, just — what if?
So, sometimes, when the question grows louder and louder until it drowns out the ticking of his watch on the bedside table, he foregoes falling asleep at any reasonable hour all together. At the very least, there are plenty of twenty-first century ways for Steve to occupy himself without disturbing Diana in the bed beside him. He can listen to any music he wants or these radio programs they call ' podcasts ' now with wireless earbuds, use a softer light from his phone to draw or write — hell, he can even read a book on the damn thing! Insane.
The latter is precisely what he's doing when Diana begins to shift around beneath the covers. For a moment, Steve wonders if he's bothered her until he catches sight of the furrowed expression upon her face. Is she having a nightmare?
"Diana? Diana." Setting his cell aside, he leans over to gently grip her shoulders. However, the nonsensical phrase ( ' Pandas don't eat macaroni ' ) that falls past her lips before she finally opens her eyes leaves him utterly bemused. As their gazes meet, a grin creeps across his countenance. "Shit, what kind of dream were you having?"
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timeguardians · 7 months
"Sometimes I look at you and I'm reminded of that night in Veld, dancing with you." (for Diana Prince)
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How could any one man manage to leave her as breathless as Steve Trevor did? The soulfulness of his eyes always caused her heart to flicker and churn with unnatural force. His lips were likened only to the soft billowy clouds, ones that resembled what humans refer to as cotton-balls. And when he spoke, when he uttered any string of syllables, Diana couldn't help but devote every ounce of her attention to him.
There it is. Housed upon his countenance is a look Diana can discern well. The breadth of fondness is undismissable. Steve's remembrance draws her lips inching upwards into a radiant grin. Crimson blazes into her cheekbones as Prince drops the task she had been working on, to cross the room to him. "You-- you do?" A jovial lilt underscores her remark.
A hand is proffered to him, every porcelain finger wishing to collapse around his own. "Did you know," the brunette starts softly, "that was the first moment I knew." Her voice more powdery than solid. "I knew that I could live without you no more than I could live without air." She uses her free hand to cup the warm globe of his cheek. "You -- you alone became my everything. I -- I wanted to experience it all with you. The quiet morning breakfasts in bed, a couple of children running around, a nice house where we could grow old." That dream hadn't changed.
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helpersofindie · 2 years
Hi, I hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas and are enjoying the start of the New Year. I was wondering if you could please give me some FC sugguestions for a young Steve Trevor, with Chris Pine in mind, thank you so much.
the first person that came to mind was luke benward (27) but i could also see matt cornett (24), hero fiennes tiffin (25), asa butterfield (25), christopher briney (24), thomas doherty (27), austin abrams (26), gavin casalegno (23), axel auriant (25), dylan sprayberry (24) or fionn whitehead (25). i hope these help!
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Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) - Chapter 4
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Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) Reader Insert: she/her pronouns Word Count: 5438 Warnings: death, violence, fighting, bloody wounds, angst, infuriatingly oblivious love interest, slowburn Spoilers: Young Justice Seasons 1-3 plot partially, but it ended in 2022 so catch up.
Y/N Prince - miracle daughter of Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor - and Dick Grayson - first adoptive son of the Batman himself - have been best friends since day one. They went to school together, trained together, kept each other's alter ego secret from everyone else, and they founded the Young Justice alongside their friends together. 
But as time progressed, Y/N and Dick grew up and Y/N found herself wanting more than friendship with Dick. But he never seemed to indicate that he reciprocated her feelings. And when Wally died and Dick abandoned the team, Y/N realised he never would. So she heads to the one place she knows will help her become a stronger warrior so that one day she can take her mother's place: Themyscira.
Two years after his leave, Dick reaches out to his old friends to help him with a mission. But when he finds out Y/N left too, he chases after her in the hopes to bring her back.
However, when the two finally reunite, it isn't as warm as he hopes. Not to mention Themyscira becomes under siege as they go to war against Echidna, the Mother of Monsters in Greek Mythology, and her army of monstrous children.
Will Dick and Y/N be able to put their past behind them and save the Amazonians' homeland? Or will they fall, unable to tell one another their true feelings?
Dick stood on the pure white sands of Themyscira, though he did not recall how he got there. But he could not mistake the marble columns and houses higher up the mountain side, nor the crystal blue waters with the odd looking fish swimming. Without ever stepping on the great island before, Dick knew.
It felt like home.
Once Dick realised where he was, he realised another thing. He was alone. Where is everyone? he thought, deciding to walk along the beach in search of someone, anyone.
'Hello?' he called loudly, but the stone walls of the mountainside just echoed his voice back at him. And there were no stairs leading off the beach that he could find. He was truly alone.
Dick stopped when he realised it, accepted it. Devastation threatened to swallow him as the white sand did his feet. The ocean waves lapping the shore quieted for a moment, giving space for laughter and music to dance in their place.
Dick looked longingly up at the buildings on the mountainside. A childish want to join the party overtook him, and his mood soured even more, feeling left out of something huge.
The call of his name cut through all other sounds, silencing the rest of the world so Dick could focus on the source of the call. He swivelled, hope pumping from his heart to the rest of his body, to find the most gorgeous of women standing before him. Only - her face was obscured so he could not make out her exact features.
'Nightwing.' Her voice was like smooth velvet, like soft thunder rumbling his name into the electric air.
'Y-Yes?' Dick wasn't sure how this woman knew his vigilante name. He wasn't in his Nightwing attire, just civvies.
The woman started walking towards him in answer. With each slow, deliberate step she took, her image changed before Dick's eyes. She started off muscular, then grew curves, then was small and petite, then grew to stand taller than Dick himself. One moment she was childish and youthful, the next a frail and wrinkled elderly lady.
Her hair changed colour and texture and style too, as did her skin - as if the light of the sun from different angles highlighted everything this woman was, and what she could be.
She remained faceless all the while, for not just one woman could be every woman all at once and have the same face, the same history.
But by the time she stood before him, she'd shrunk to just under his eyes, her hair morphed and her skin changed shades again until the woman started to look familiar.
Still faceless, the woman reached a hand up behind Dick's neck and brought him down so she could whisper in his ear. 'Wake up.'
'What?' He didn't understand. He was awake - wasn't he? But more importantly, why did the woman sound like Y/N?
'Nightwing.' Now that she was talking right into his ear, her voice was clear as day. 'Wake. Up.'
Dick's eyes flew open as he gasped, as if he'd been holding his breath for too long. He blinked a few times to adjust to the darkness flooding his vision. He quickly realised it was nightfall, and he was staring up at the night sky through a circular hole in the ceiling.
He sat up quickly and realised that was a mistake, as a throbbing pain pounded in his right temple. He hissed as he laid back down, gently brushing his fingers against the sizeable egg that had formed above the injury.
He was briefly distracted as someone removed his hand from his temple, and placed a cool cloth in his hand, then pressed it back on the source of his pain. Dick released a relieved sigh as the coolness eased the throbbing slightly.
'Thank you,' he half said, half whispered, tilting his head to the left to see his saviour.
The only light that filled the room were bowls of fire situated atop pillars all around the circular room. There was a slight breeze, making their flames dance and cast a myriad of shadows around the room. But from what Dick could make out, there were other beds like the one he was situated on - ones of stone, pillows and fabrics - and a table of instruments and tools beside each one.
He didn't recognise the place, which had him searching the face of the person at his bedside more earnestly, wanting answers. But he was not met with the gentle smile nor the soothing voice of an angel.
Instead, he made eye contact with a very stoic and silent Y/N, her bright (e/c) eyes cold and unfeeling. Not even the firelight could cast a flicker of warmth on the expression she looked down at Dick with.
'Y/N,' he groaned, trying to sit up.
'You shouldn't do that,' she said, and her voice was just as stoic and monotone. 'You were hit... quite hard.'
Dick ignored her and pulled himself into a seated position so his back pressed against the back wall. He was relieved to find he was still in his civvies from when he arrived on the island.
'You mean you hit me quite hard,' he countered, pressing the cloth once more to his temple with a slight hiss. 'Not the kind of welcome I was thinking of...'
'Well I certainly hope you didn't expect a big parade or fireworks in your name,' Y/N bit back, keeping her voice low and contained, something she never used to do before. 'Besides, Themyscira doesn't usually get visitors. let alone male ones.'
'In that case, I'm sorry to... disappoint?' Dick wasn't sure what to say. This was a far cry from how he imagined seeing Y/N again.
'A bit too late to be apologising now, isn't it?' Y/N asked, and Dick couldn't help but feel she was indicating to something else. But before he could answer, she continued, stoically, 'Don't worry about it now. Rest up. The Queen wants to speak with you as soon as you wake up. And believe me when I say she is not so easily charmed as other women.'
Dick's heart thumped faster with confusion and fear. This was all going so wrong. Where were the hugs, or even the slaps to the face and the screaming? Anything but this... coldness.
Just as Y/N was walking to the doors of the infirmary, Dick called out to her. 'Hey, wait.'
To his surprise, Y/N did stop, though she only gave him a slight turn of her head so she looked over her shoulder at him. He didn't care. He would take anything. 'It's good to see you.'
Y/N didn't respond straight away, but when she did, Dick questioned whether or not he should've listened to his friends' warnings.
'A sentiment that, I must say, is not shared,' she replied coldly, then proceeded to walk out of the room, giant wooden doors clanging shut after she left.
Dick suddenly became unaware of his throbbing temple as he stared at the doors where Y/N just was. Instead, he became increasingly aware of the twisted feeling growing in his stomach.
He wasn't sure what it was, but it kept him up until the early hours before sunrise, into which he had three hours of dreamless sleep before some women in white robes and pinned or braided back hair woke him up.
They greeted him with gentle smiles and soothing voices, checking he was all right before they prepped him for his chat with the Queen. Any other occasion he would've tried to charm the beautiful women who did not praise him, but treated him with an innocent kindness that he imagined they treated any and all with.
But he still felt as if he was going to throw up, and his mind was preoccupied by the startling image of Y/N's cold, unfeeling eyes staring back at him the previous night. She'd never looked at him that way before. Similar to M'gann, Dick wasn't even sure Y/N was capable of such indifference.
And yet, she'd looked at him just that way, and it stung more than any injury he could imagine.
He'd been allowed to wash and dry himself, and put his dirty civvies of jeans, boots, white t-shirt, and black bomber jacket back on. Then the women sat him in front of a mirror and combed his dark hair, tidying him up one final time before a guard of six strong women came to collect him from the infirmary.
The six women flanked him as they led Dick through the palace made of white marble. If it weren't for the rich colours in the rugs and the wall dressings, the place would be as cold as the sea water lapping the shoreline. Women of different sizes, skin colours, and ages milled about the palace, each of them greeting the guards warmly before looking curiously and even fearfully at Dick as they walked by.
Dick did not let their looks distract him from the real worry ahead of him, though.
Soon enough, the guards and Dick reached a giant set of doors with gold intricately painted over the door and on the archway around it. The front two guards stepped up to open the doors, and stepped aside to allow the rest of the party to enter a spacious room.
Actually, a room wasn't the accurate description for it. There was a ceiling and a floor, but the walls constituted of a few pillars holding the ceiling above the floor, allowing a stroking view of the rest of Themyscira to surround anyone in the room. From the city just below, to the mountainside further along, and then the sand and ocean at the bottom.
Every aspect of Themyscira could be witnessed from what Dick assumed was the throne room, for at the far side of the room was a simple but intimidating throne made of marble, intricately designed to have vines and fruit pop out along the arm rests, and swords and shields to support the back of the throne. Only two people occupied the room other than Dick and the six guards: Y/N - who stood beside the throne in the same leather uniform as the other guards, sword strapped to her hip - and a regal looking women with with ebony hair that billowed out behind and over her white cladded shoulders.
Grey streaks striped through her hair, and Dick could make out a few smile wrinkles on her forehead from where he stood. She wore a white cloth that wrapped around her body as she sat on the throne, pinched by a golden belt that matched the golden leaf crown holding back her hair from her face.
Though she sat down and looked smaller than Dick, she radiated a power that he even recognised to be respected. As the soon as the doors closed, the six guards kneeled to the floor and placed one arm over the chest as they bowed their heads.
'Our Queen,' the said in unison, and suddenly Dick felt very self-conscious as he looked around at the women then looked up at the Queen herself made eye contact with him.
Dick looked around at the women kneeling before their queen. Either he was hit harder in the head than he thought and he could somehow understand Greek suddenly, or they somehow knew English this whole time.
Either way, Dick rushed into a flimsy kneeling position. 'Y-Your Majesty,' he stuttered, hiding his cringe as he kneeled. The first time you meet a queen and you stutter? Good work Grayson, he internally berated.
The Queen offered a kind but hard smile. 'Please, rise, young man. Any friend of my granddaughter is a welcomed guest here on Themyscira.'
Dick's eyes widened, looking to Y/N for confirmation. 'Granddaughter? So... So that would make Y/N-'
'A princess of Themyscira,' Y/N answered monotone. 'But I can assure you, Nightwing, that I do not consider myself exempt from work because of the newfound title. I believe in strong connections, on working with others and creating a strong unit with which to fight alongside.'
Y/N looked directly at Dick, her eyes piercing his as if asking a silent question. What about you? Do you believe in the same?
Dick didn't know why he felt slightly ashamed, but he did, and feeling a great need to be rid of such a compressive feeling, he stood upright once more and addressed the Queen directly. 'I was informed by your Princess that you wanted to speak with me, Your Majesty.' Dick dialled up the charm - opened his arms in offer, and let a loose and charming smile curl his lips upward. 'I am yours to question.'
But the Queen only offered a half-smile in return, amusement never quite reaching her eyes like Dick was used to when charming other women.
'How... noble of you to think you are helping us out,' the Queen said, arms resting peacefully on the throne's armrests, but her eyes locked Dick to the ground with their intensity and fire. 'But let me make one thing clear. You are our guest because I deem it so. I'm sure you are well aware that our island isn't meant for man or mere mortals. You are not meant to be here, so it would be wise of you not to take our hospitality for absolute fondness or security.'
While always the usual jokester, Dick had always understood from a young age when someone was being serious with him. And especially when he wasn't the one in power in a situation such as this.
Dick nodded his head solemnly, and mustered up his most serious expression and voice to express his sincerity. 'Of course, Your Majesty. How can I help you?'
'Well, to begin with,' she said, pleased with his new compliant demeanour, 'you can start by telling us how you found Themyscira.'
'Through old sailing legends and odd encounters fisherman have had in this area,' Dick answered, briefly looking at Y/N as he continued. 'My friends and I collaborated and researched and came to the conclusion that this area - an area which has no volcanic or underwater mapping of any kind - would be my best bet at finding the island. That, and some reporting of odd-looking fish.'
Dick couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous he sounded. 'I'll admit that was a stretch, but one of my friends comes from the sea himself. I trust his judgement on all things sea-related.'
The Queen nodded her head thoughtfully, and Dick wondered if she was impressed by his deduction. 'But if others have been swayed for hundreds and thousands of years by our defences, how come you were not?'
Dick went to answer but quickly stopped himself. Blinked once. Twice. It was a good question.
'I-I don't know, Your Majesty,' he admitted. 'All I know is that, one moment I was talking with Alfred - a guardian of sorts, but he's pretty much family - and then I hit something invisible, twice actually, and my line to him was cut.
His gaze flickered between her and Y/N, who looked at him with a mixture of annoyance and curiosity. 'We were discussing your Princess, actually. We were just hoping she'd be out here, that's all.'
'Is that why you've come, then?' the Queen asked. 'To speak to my granddaughter.'
'Well, not just speak, Your Majesty,' Dick said. 'I wanted to recruit her for a mission back home.' He spoke directly to Y/N then, eyes locking. 'We could really use your help. I could really use your help, Y/N.'
One of the guards beside him raised her spear to point at his neck. The tip of the blade was a hair's breadth away from his bobbing Adam's apple.
'How dare you talk to our Princess directly,' she growled. 'Show some respect.'
Y/N raised a hand up. 'Easy, Calliope,' Y/N said with a soft but commanding voice that resonated like a melody through the room. The guard - Calliope - looked long and hard at Dick until she eventually returned to her post beside him, quiet and still.
Dick allowed himself a steadying breath. How many times can I be almost killed in the shortest span of time? he asked himself, before looking back to Y/N.
'If talk is what you want, Nightwing,' Y/N said for the whole room to hear, 'then talk is all you shall get. But if you intend to take me back with you, then I am afraid your breath will be wasted on words I will not hear.'
'But, Y/N, you don't even know what I am going to say,' Dick objected, disbelieving that Y/N Prince - Wonderess, his best friend for nearly a decade, the one person he always thought would be there when he needed her - was looking down at him now with no warmth, no familiarity, no room for hope and belief.
Y/N opened her mouth to speak, perhaps berate him and shun him more, but the Queen interrupted. 'He has a point, dearest,' she said, and gracefully rose from her throne.
Immediately, a guard was there helping her down the few steps from the dais that held the throne. Now that she was standing, Dick saw how her robes drowned her, and imagined how frail she was underneath it all. She spoke and appeared strong, but obviously immortality had its limits. Even the strong had to age at one point.
'We shall leave you and our guest to discuss your... personal matters,' the Queen explained further, looking between Dick and Y/N with scrutinising eyes. But she was quickly hurried out of the throne room, leaving Dick and Y/N alone together for the first time in two years.
Dick hated the silence that seemed to suffocate them, but he couldn't find the words to breathe new air into the space. So he just looked at her. She was both entirely the same and entirely different at the same time. She'd gained more muscle in her arms and legs, her face had sharpened with maturity but not to the point she looked harsh. She looked fierce, and the leather skirt, sandals, and plated armour top alongside her sword certainly added to that effect.
Dick had always found her fierce, the most fierce out of their entire team when they first formed. It had sometimes just got lost when she laughed, when she smiled, when she didn't know modern world slang because her mother never knew either.
But she wasn't smiling now, nor laughing. Now, she stood before Dick, the picture-perfect warrior, as if she was born to be as such.
As if it were her destiny.
'So...' Dick started, hoping Y/N would set the ball rolling.
'So,' she echoed back, her tone unamused and bored.
'So...' Dick found himself repeating, then realised she was never going to continue, so he did. 'There is a huge problem with the illegal trade of meta-humans and meta-human testing globally-'
'I am aware, I was fighting it when I was still with the team,' Y/N interrupted, her words unfazed, unfeeling almost.
Dick internally winced at his mistake. 'Of course you were, sorry. So anyways, there is this royal family who-'
'I don't care to hear about your problem, Nightwing,' Y/N cut in again, this time with annoyance and anger threatening to sharpen her words. 'Nor do I care that you infiltrated our island, crashed on our beaches, and waltzed into my people's home with swagger and self righteousness.'
Now Dick was getting annoyed. 'Stop calling me Nightwing, Y/N. You know my name, and I'm not even in uniform right now-'
'You've waltzed into my home,' Y/N interrupted, and finally, a spark of ire igniting in her previously cold e/c eyes, 'and have demanded I help you, when you couldn't even spare me one word over the past two years.'
Suddenly sheepish, Dick didn't know how to respond. Y/N finally stepped down from the dais and walked over to him. She only stopped when she was two steps away from him, and he could see it then, how she was straining against something internally. It was in her tight jaw - clenching and unclenching - and it was in her stiff posture.
'We might've been friends when you left,' she said softly, heatedly, 'but I found a new purpose, a new family - one that will never abandon me when times get tough or when I need them.' Y/N looked Dick up and down, then took a half step towards him so he could feel her breath. 'If you expected me to sit around waiting for you to come back like some lost puppy, you never knew me at all.'
Dick swallowed thickly as he kept eye contact with her. 'We were more than just friends,' he said softly, causing her angry facade to drop for a moment in confusion. 'We were best friends, Y/N, and I am sorry. For everything that I didn't do these past two years.'
The anger returned, and Y/N just pushed past him, knocking his shoulder hard in the process as she strutted towards the doors to exit. 'Best friends or not, sorry doesn't make up for your ignorance, Nightwing. Nor does it endear me to want to help you anymore than when you did when you entered this room.'
'Please, Y/N,' Dick said, racing after her and clasping his fingers around her wrist. He winced at how she tensed at his touched, but continued. 'I know I messed up. Believe me, everyone made me more than aware of it before I came here. But however you felt about me, I knew I had to come see you. Try and get you to come home.'
Y/N flung around with furious eyes, her h/l, h/c hair flinging as she did. 'This is my home,' she said with absolute resolve and conviction. 'This is my home, and by sundown tomorrow, you will be on a boat headed back to Gotham City or wherever you call home these days, and out of my life. For good.'
Dick's heart cracked at the insinuation. Had he really done this to her? His precious Y/N - kindhearted, welcoming, fun-loving, protective Y/N. Was he the reason for such coldness, such animosity?
'But, Y/N, the team-'
'The team were the ones who encouraged me to leave,' she answered. 'They saw I was meant for something more than just silly little missions that got us nowhere. They saw how much I'd given to the team, and saw I needed to go find myself again. They saw, because they were there.'
Y/N ripped her wrist away from Dick's reach. 'I am not some girl you can charm into thinking she is special and wanted. I know I am, and I know my place is here, with people who actually care about me. So do me and everyone on the island a favour and stay in the infirmary until your departure where you can't lie and hurt anyone ever again.'
Before he could reach out again - he wasn't sure what he'd say if he got her to stop anyways - she was opening the doors and slamming them shut again, leaving Dick alone in the throne room, the crashing of waves and the rush of wind the only sounds to be heard.
Dick stood looking at the door for a little while longer, the image of Y/N's hurt and angry eyes imprinted in his brain. He'd been warned, boy had he been warned. By Kaldur, Connor, M'gann. But he never could've expected Y/N to be so... hostile.
Are you really doing this for Y/N's sake, or for yours?
Connor's question echoed in his head as turned his attention to the ocean that lay outside of the room. Maybe he was right, Dick thought. Maybe this was all a big mistake. The biggest indicator had been in her eyes. She'd never looked at him, let alone anyone, like that before. Like she'd rather be anywhere in the world than be in the same room as him.
You're my best friend...
He raised his little finger to the door, though he was sure she was long gone. 'Alway have been,' Dick whispered, and some inner hope of his was waiting for Y/N to come back and finish their vow.
But she never did, and so he dropped his hand entirely.
After some time, his party of guards from before came back in to collect him and take him back to the infirmary. Feeling deflated and having no other reason to be there, he silently complied.
Y/N slammed the doors to the throne room so loud she was sure the whole island heard them.
She let out a controlled but shaky breath as tears threatened to burst from her eyes. Thank Athena Y/N escaped when she did, or she wasn't sure how much more slander she could throw at Dick.
She'd decided as soon as she saw him at the training field that she wanted nothing to do with him. That the best way to handle him was to give him no room to charm, to speak, to be his usual self and get under her skin. So she'd knocked him unconscious, been curt and unfeeling with him, denied him passage to her mind again.
She'd convinced herself that Dick Grayson was nothing more than a lying, self-centred and self-righteous boy - and yet she found her hands yearning to embrace him, her eyes wanting to inspect him and note all his changes, and her heart yearning for the unconditional love she knew Dick to be capable of.
Y/N jumped at the call of her title, but when she noticed it was only Calliope, she relaxed. 'Yes, Calliope, what is it?'
'Queen Hippolyta would like to see you in her personal chambers.'
Y/N nodded. 'Of course, thank you.'
She quickly made her way to her grandmother's personal chambers. The first half of the chambers doubled as a meeting place on more than one occasion for Y/N and her grandmother, usually preferring to discuss important matters in the comfort of lounge chairs as opposed to stiff and cold meeting rooms made of stone.
Y/N entered the Queen's chambers, walking into an open floor-plan lounge and foyer entrance, with lounges and chairs draped in fine and rich velvets and satins. Attached to the lounge was a big balcony overlooking the city of Themyscira.
She found her grandmother leaning against the balcony's edge, looking over the island, when she walked out to join her.
Y/N braced for her grandmother's first words. Would they be harsh? Would they be enraged? Disappointed even? But they didn't come initially, and Y/N welcomed the peace that came with the silence. She looked over the balcony to the city below, and the forestry and ocean below that.
This is my home, she reiterated to herself, unlike how she'd talked to Dick just moments before. Even then, her gaze slipped to the horizon line far off in the distance where it became almost indistinguishable where the sky and sea met.
If she were being honest with herself, she hadn't thought about her old life, her old friends since she stepped foot on Themyscira. Guilt tugged at her heart, but she reminded herself that it was them that encouraged her to leave, to find herself again.
Even so, with Dick's unexpected arrival, Y/N realised one thing. She missed them all dearly.
But not Dick Grayson. Absolutely not.
'Your friend,' Queen Hippolyta finally said, eyes never leaving the view in front of her, 'he is... charming, to say the least.'
Y/N scoffed and rolled her eyes. 'So he likes to think. And he's not my friend. Not anymore.'
It was silent again for a moment, and Y/N wondered for a moment if her grandmother had heard her at all. 'Either way,' her grandmother continued casually, 'he has certainly highlighted some weaknesses in our defences that we will need to remedy straight away.'
'I can get Cora and the rest of the Guard onto that right away,' Y/n said, grateful for the escape.
'Not just yet,' Queen Hippolyta said, bringing Y/N back to the balcony begrudgingly. 'Are you okay, dearest?'
Y/N scrunched her brows in confusion. 'I'm... fine? Why do you ask?'
Queen Hippolyta gave Y/N a knowing look that silently said Don't play dumb with me. 'Isn't he the boy who broke your heart?'
Embarrassment flooded Y/N's cheeks in a wave of red heat as Y/N shook her head furiously. 'He didn't break my heart. He made me realise I was better off without him.'
'Perhaps, but you are not better off without friends.'
The gentle touch of a hand on her arm brought Y/N's attention solely on her grandmother, who looked at her knowingly.
'I can see your love for this place, dearest,' the Queen said. 'From the moment you have arrived, you have thrown yourself into our way of life, into our community and given it your all.'
'Because this is where I come from, grandmother,' Y/N said. 'This is where I belong.'
'Right now it is, but it is not your home, Y/N.' When Y/N gave a confused expression, the Queen continued. 'The women all love you, so do the children, but they do not know you, you do not let them see you - the real you. Only the you that is Princess of Themyscira.'
Queen Hippolyta's hand travelled down to clasp one of Y/N's tightly, looking at her earnestly. 'Your real friends are the friends you left behind, the ones who have fought and lost and loved and laughed with you.' Her gaze flickered to the doorway briefly then returned to Y/N knowingly. 'And one of them came all the way across the world to find you, on the word of sailor stories and a lucky scientific guess.'
Y/N rolled her eyes again, and pulled her hand out of her grandmother's grasp. 'He is not my friend,' she repeated, turning her attention back to the sea, trying to focus on anything by Dick Grayson's stupid smiling face. 'He only came here to make himself feel better, not because he actually cares about me. Maybe once I needed his validation, but I know who I am now. And if he is what a friend is meant to be, then I think I am better off without them.'
'Y/N, dearest, just-'
'I would kindly ask that we never talk about Nightwing again, grandmother,' Y/N interrupted. 'Soon enough, he will be out of our lives - out of my life - forever...'
Queen Hippolyta remained silent for a moment, until she blew out a defeated sigh. 'If that is your wish,' she said, deflated.
'Yes, it is,' Y/N said with conviction, ignoring the painful tugging of her heart, ignoring the inner voice that wanted to scream otherwise. If Y/N was going to leave Dick Grayson behind, she needed to stop listening to her stupid heart and listen to reason. Like Athena, who was technically her ancestor in some respect.
Y/N turned back to the Queen and bowed a farewell. 'If you don't mind, I will go talk with Cora to discuss how to fix our defences right away.'
Queen Hippolyta gave a small nod, which Y/N took as dismissal enough, and so set a quick stride to the chamber doors. But just as she was about exit the balcony, her grandmother stopped her again.
'It's odd, don't you think,' she started, her tone coy, 'how, not even for a moment, he forgot his mission as he neared our island. Not once did he get deterred by our magic.'
Y/N turned around to face her grandmother, who gave a small knowing smile to her. 'He must have a strong will to resist such forces, or was motivated by something of equal power, don't you think?'
Y/N didn't say anything, her thoughts taking her back to the conversation they all had back in the throne room, when Dick was questioned about how he resisted the defences.
We were discussing your Princess, actually. We were just hoping she'd be out here...
Y/N rushed to exit the chambers, not even bothering to close the doors on her way out to fresh air.
What did Grandmother mean by that? she asked herself, and felt the tell tale signs of hope blooming in her. The increase heart rate, the tingles at the ends of her fingers, the small but warm ball sitting heavily in her chest. Surely she didn't mean...
Y/N shook her head; the tingles faded, the ball dissipated. I will not be tricked again, she told herself, proceeding to find her way to the training grounds, where she stayed until dusk fighting out her fears and squashing her childish hopes.
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hmslusitania · 10 days
Thoughts on Absolute Power (and also, tangentially, Watchmen):
When I first went to pick up the initial issues from my local comic book shop, the proprietor, with whom I've become social, and I got into a conversation about the event as a whole. Some people on his Facebook group where he talks about comics (being as he is a fifty-something man in possession of a brick and mortar comic book retail outfit) were complaining that there were now multiple major events in a row where Amanda Waller was the antagonist, and I remarked that it really, really felt like this was kinda gonna be the last Amanda Waller-led major crossover, on account of there's nowhere for her to go from here.
And I stand by that, but I couldn't fully and concretely explain why until just now.
I didn't manage to grab a printing of Task Force VII #1 the week it came out, but I found it today while I was browsing due to my comics guy having supplier troubles. But reading it, now that I have it, I understand why I'm absolutely convinced this is going to take Amanda Waller so entirely off the chess board, and probably kill her.
At the back of the issue, Steve Trevor is dropped off at Gamorra for his new assignment, and is analysing the tactical situation because he may officially work for the United States government and therefore at this moment for Waller, but he's Diana's man through and through, and he has the panel of introspection:
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And it clicked: both why Waller is under the impression she's going to win, and why she actively will not.
She has taken the question "who watches the watchmen" and answered it with "I do", which wouldn't really be a recipe for utter failure except that... she's running on Watchmen the Snyder Edition. And the thing that has always bothered me about the Snyder movie (there are many; I have an on-tap rant) is that the reason, in the original comic run, that Ozymandias (the Smartest Man Alive!!!!) doesn't frame John Osterman (Dr Manhattan) for the major disaster is because it would only... be an American problem. Ιf Dr Manhattan attacked New York? American on American violence. If Dr Manhattan attacked literally anywhere else? American aggression. The whole entire reason Ozymandias goes through the trouble of creating a giant monster that is so obviously alien and then dropping it in New York to create a cataclysm is elucidated throughout the comic, via such panels as the flashback to Vietnam where one of the reporters points out "You said 'Superman is real and he's American?" and the general responds, "No, I said 'God is real and he's American.'"
Dr Manhattan is unquestionably American, and so if Ozymandias is trying to foster world peace, he cannot under any circumstance have Dr Manhattan appear to be responsible for any unifying atrocity.
The Snyder film version of Watchmen, while visually exact and nearly perfect on solely the metrics of cast and art direction, utterly and completely fucks the dog on this major plot point. Ozymandias, unlike Zack Snyder, is supposed to be the smartest man alive. He would not make a major atrocity that could unite the world by framing A Notably American Superhuman Who Might Essentially Be God.
Amanda Waller in Absolute Power is doing her goddamn best to be Ozymandias. She's set up all metahumans to take the fall. She's been working on actively destroying their public rep since Dark Crisis and only furthered her aims during Lazarus Planet and Beast Wars. But she's not going to fix any of her problems, because at the end of the day, Amanda Waller and her task forces are notably American agents, now with all their own consolidated superpowers. She wants to believe she's Ozymandias. She is, regrettably, Zack Snyder.
And also? While I will of course reserve judgement since the event isn't over yet, basically Every comic writer since Alan Moore has done their level best to try and mimic Watchmen or V for Vendetta in some capacity, all ultimately without success and with an overall worsening effect on the artform. Having a major crossover event that's touching basically all of DC comics that seems to be very intentionally setting itself up to have the protagonist (Amanda Waller) follow in specifically Snyder!Ozymandias's footsteps and therefore for a very specific brand of failure, is... deeply compelling to me.
The point of Watchmen is that Ozymandias ultimately fails because Rorschach sent that journal outlining his plans, of course, but in the Snyder version, that was unnecessary set dressing. In the Snyder version Ozymandias failed by the very outline of the plan itself. Amanda Waller has failed at the planning stage, despite the literal decades we've seen her working on it in the Origins tie in.
Also I have read Watchmen arguably too many times
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Dating the Girl of Steel
Kara Zor El Headcanons
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On your world, you were the child of Diana Prince and Steve Trevor, a demi-demi god so to speak. Your mother sent you out with your sword and shield to protect the Earth from the arrival of Zod.
Didn’t take long for the Barrys to seek you out, you were more than happy to join them.
You met Kara when you helped the Barrys and Bruce free her.
You were the first kind hand to touch hers. Her hand immediately wrapped around yours. “You’re safe” you tried to reassure her.
You aided this makeshift Justice League, as Barry Prime called it, in the battle against Zod. In fact, it was you that saved Kara from Zod’s arm blade. You were struck in the shoulder but it allowed Kara an opening to kill Zod and send the Kryptonian army fleeing, saving the earth.
“I though i lost you” Kara whispered as she held you
“Not yet” you answered back with a smirk.
Kara was stuck like glue to you from that point on, even after Barry Prime went back to fix his timeline
You, Kara, Barry 2, and Bruce, meanwhile, began forming your own version of the Justice League, scouring the globe for other hidden meta humans. It’s still a work in progress but hey that’s being a team.
You and Kara train daily, both in the Batcave and in your personal quarters ;)
It took a long time for Kara to begin showing any emotion or affection. You didn’t blame her, it was hard for her, growing up in a Serbian prison cell that had no care for her.
You took your time with her, showing her little signs of love, gentle caresses of her hand, shoulder touches, little gifts for her. The little things that slowly brought her out of her shell.
Now that she’s free to show love, she can’t stop showing it to you. She jumps on your back, kisses your lips and neck whenever she can. She holds your hand any chance she can.
Kara loves going on dates with you when you’re not both busy saving the world.
She’ll take any sort of date. Library, dinner, movie, walking down the streets of Gotham.
One of her favorite things to do is take a nice warm shower with you. Something about you just holding her as the water cascades down your backs just makes her feel loved.
Barry, a little jealous, still cheers the two of you on, “your ship totally beeves!”
You and Kara still don’t know what that means.
“You’re like a power power couple!”
Bruce, while he may look disapprovingly on you, he actually approves.
Kara helps Barry hone his speed skill and slowly but surely become his universe’s fastest man alive.
Kara loves sleeping as the little spoon. Makes her feel safe to have your arms wrapped around her.
Energy? Kara can go for rounds in training. And many rounds in your room.
Bruce bought you and Kara an apartment in the best part of Gotham. And since he didn’t have kids of his own, Bruce got legal documents listing Kara as his adopted daughter. Makes it easier to get places for missions. Or so Bruce says.
After saving the world countless times, you and Kara decided to take a leap year, time to travel the world and just enjoy each other’s company.
It was during this trip that Kara officially met your parents on Themyscira. Diana took a liking to Kara immediately.
You and Kara found yourselves just loving to hike and enjoy the sights of your home island.
It was on one hike on Themyscira that Kara asked you an important question.
“My love,” she asks you uneasily, “if we ever have a baby boy, can we name him Kal?”
“Kal? After your cousin? I love it!” You gave her a little hug and kiss on the forehead, earning a giggle from the Maiden of Might.
You love Kara with all your being. You pledged your soul, your sword and shield to her.
“Is that your way of proposing?” She asks you with a giggle.
“Maybe it is”
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hollow-keys · 1 year
I suffered through Tom King Wonder Woman so you don't have to, here's the review:
The set up is that Amazons become outlaws because one Amazon attacked a guy who assaulted her, then all the guys in the bar attacked her because of it, a full bar brawl happened and she killed them. Already, this feels very uninspired.
Instead of being told through Diana's perspective, the entire story is narrated by a guy who's unnamed for most of the story. Wonder Woman is a secondary character in her own book and isn't even on most of the pages.
Additionally, a lot of important information is glossed over. The political atmosphere and lead up to the bill outlawing the Amazon's should be the focus of the first issue. We should see Wonder Woman and her allies organising and reacting to the events, but this is all handwaved away by a few narration boxes from the currently unnamed guy I just mentioned. He tells us that she protested the governments outlawing peacefully, but it's not shown. The only time we see Diana up to this point is a brief nothing-conversation with Steve Trevor.
When the act is put in place 300 amazons are killed or imprisoned. We don't see her defend them once. We do see a lesbian amazon get gunned down because apparently the government somehow got bullets that can cut Amazon steel.
When we first see Diana after the act's in place she's at the graves of those guys who were killed and she tells the government agents that are after her that she's trying to solve their murders? Homegirl, your people are being genocided.
She doesn't actually seem to care, she appears like an emotionless slate who talks of "obligation" to the Amazons like this is a job, not her people being hunted. The most emotion we get is being told by an Amazon ambassador that she gave her sword to her to resist the temptation of using it, which could point to her being enraged by all this but, again, it's not like we hear from Diana herself.
Edit: I forgot she got angry when a gov agent called her a bitch but yeah that's it on the emotion front.
She then talks to Steve about the situation, again, and then we're finally fully introduced to the narrator guy, The Sovereign. He is part of a dynasty of men that have been secretly ruling America for centuries wielding the lasso of lies. No, seriously.
Firstly, putting America's problems at the feet of an entirely made up guy who's secretly subverting democracy is exactly the type of overly simplistic bullshit I would expect from an ex-CIA operative like Tom King. It's a neat explanation that doesn't require you to consider structural problems, all you gotta do is dispose of this one guy.
Secondly, the idea of a person/group secretly pulling the strings is deeply tied to anti-semitic cabal conspiracy theories, even the word cabal comes from Yiddish. Sure, not all people who believe this type of thing believe that it's a Jewish person/group controlling the world, but the further you get in conspiracy circles, the more prevalent anti-semitism becomes. This guy also has a big nose, which is a common stereotypical Jewish feature.
Thirdly, the lasso of lies? Seriously? Why? Questions, questions and no good answers.
All of this is written in Tom King's unmistakable style (derogatory) where all the dialogue is disjointed, all the characters are sad + stoic and the political commentary is meaningless at best.
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
What about dating trevor and meeting Stevie for the first time and seeing how good of an uncle he is and how much he loves her
You didn’t mean to pry or listen to his conversation but you couldn’t help get the feeling he was speaking to another girl.
“Yeah you come here at the weekend and I’ll even take you out for dinner, that sound good? good. I’m glad” you scowled, thinking of who he was speaking to.
“Baby girl I gotta go but I’ll call you later ok? love you”
When Trevor returned you were annoyed, visibly “You okay?”
“Did you just seriously sneak away to call another girl and you’re asking if I’m ok?!”
He looked confused for a second before he started laughing “Stevie? Oh no, no! She’s my god daughter! She’s two years old”
You felt a blush settle on your cheeks and you felt embarrassed “oh… sorry”
He threw himself down on the couch next to you “Don’t be, I think your jealousy is cute”
During the movie you turned to him and pressed a kiss onto his jaw “I’d love to meet her”
He looked down “Stevie?” You hummed in response.
“I’ll ask her, she’s very particular” and that was that.
Until Sunday when Trevor texts you to say they’re going for brunch and Stevie wants to meet you.
You show up, you’re the there first and you’re nervous for some reason.
When they appear Stevie is holding Trevor’s hands and she’s wearing a black crewneck that has the ducks logo on it and you can see on the back it has his name and number.
“Steve, come sit up” Trevor instructs, she’s too busy staring at you.
He pulls out a chair and allows her to climb up before tucking it in. He circles the table, giving you a kiss and saying “Morning Beautiful” before sitting next to Stevie and across from you.
Stevie is still staring at you and she smiles before whispering really loudly in Trevor’s ear “She really pretty!”
He laughs “She’s beautiful, right?”
“She Jamie friend?” Trevor looks almost offended “No you little rat! She’s mine”
Stevie rolled her eyes before looking at you “Uncle Jamie is cool”
Trevor’s hand clapped over her tiny face “Steven stop trying to set her up with Jamie! It took me a year to wear her down!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at their dynamic, they were like a couple best friends from a sitcom.
When the waiter brought the menu’s Stevie just said “Pancake please!” And Trevor ordered her juice.
You asked Stevie questions and she to you. Trevor sat with heart eyes watching you interact with his niece.
“So I from the jersey and my daddy and Luke and Nico and Dawson and-“
“You don’t have to name the whole team baby, it’s just the devils” Trevor interrupted and she nodded, slightly out of breath from listing them all.
“And uncle winny plays in the Canada” you assumed that was Quinn, having spoken to Trevor before about the Hughes’
When the food arrived you watched carefully as Trevor cut up Stevie’s food and did the airplane thing with her and the fork.
She demolished her pancakes and Trevor took some of his and held it to her “Here Steven, try this I think you’ll like it”
She rolled her eyes at the name but took the food then proceeded to eat the rest of Trevor’s breakfast too.
When it came time to pay you pulled out your purse and Stevie says “Zee has all the monies! He pay!”
You looked at him, astonished and he shrugged “You heard the woman!”
You decided to take a walk for a while and it put Stevie into a food coma, Falling asleep on Trevor’s shoulder.
You walked him back to his car and said “This was real fun, I think she’s a good kid”
He beamed “she’s the best”
“I think you’re really hot when you act all… fatherly” you added, kissing his cheek lightly before brushing the hair from stevie’s face.
“She’s my world” is all he answers before putting her in the car. Once she’s securely strapped in and still passed out he turns to you
“I wouldn’t be opposed to this life”
“After seeing you like this? I don’t think I am either”
Your role in Trevor’s life was only solidified more when you received a birthday card from the Hughes’
On the bottom you saw a scribble and what you assumed was her mom’s handwriting clarifying what it said
aunty y/n I love you! happy birthday
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I didn't make a proper bracket image because there's too many names but here's a list of our 44 contestants under the cut!
REMINDER: I'll answer questions about the choices but if people start to be rude, anon will be turned off and I will start blocking.
If your guys didnt make it in just know I was happy to see all the nominations anyway so at the very least you put a smile on my face :)
The Showdown is finished!!
let me know if you want another one!
The contestants!
Tulio/Miguel/Chel (Road to El Dorado), Yoo/Han/Kim (Omniscient Reader), Mane 6 (My Little Pony), Sasha/Anne/Marcy (Amphibia), Rey/Finn/Poe (Star Wars), The Doctor/Rose/Jack Harkness (Doctor Who), DaveJadeKat (Homestuck), Sora/Riku/Kairi (Kingdom Hearts), Cosmo/Kathy/Don (Singing in the Rain), Ferris/Sloane/Cameron (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off), Amaryllis/Sir Damien/Lord Arum (Penumbra Podcast), Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot (High Noon Over Camelot - The Mechanisms), Star Allies (Kirby Star Allies), Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi (Iron Widow, Hardison/Parker/Elliot (Leverage), Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer (The Witcher), Sadie Kane/Walt Stone/Anubis (The Kane Chronicles), All 1008 Pokémon (Pokémon), Suki/Sokka/Zuko (Avatar: TLA), Sonic/Knuckles/Shadow (Sonic), Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy (Scooby Doo), Luka/Adrien/Kagami/Marinette (Miraculous Ladybug), Sweet/Cap’n/K_K (Deltarune), Shiver/Frye/Big Man (Splatoon 3), Wonder Woman/Superman/Batman (DC Comics), Megaera/Zagreus/Thanatos (Hades), Dekubowl (My Hero Academia), Jolyne/Ermes/Foo Fighters (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure), Bocchi/Nijika/Ryo/Kita (Bocchi the Rock), Tsukasa/Emu/Nene/Rui (Project Sekai), Trevor/Sypha/Alucard/Greta (Castlevania), Heizou/Kazuha/Scaramouche (Genshin Impact), Rachel/Chloe/Max (Life is Strange), Quanxi/Tsugihagi/Pingtsi/Long/Cosmo (Chainsaw Man), McCoy/Spock/Kirk (Star Trek), Frodo/Sam/Rosie (Lord of the Rings), Cassandra/Rapunzel/Flynn (Tangled Series), Vivi/Lewis/Arthur (Mystery Skulls Animated), Aizo/Yujiro/Hiyori (HoneyWorks), Panchito/Donald/José (The Three Caballeros), Catra/Adora/Glimmer/Bow (She-Ra and The Princesses of Power), Amethyst/Peridot/Lapis (Steven Universe), Hunter/Willow/Luz/Amity (The Owl House), Bucky/Steve/Peggy/Angie (Marvel)
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everythingheard · 3 months
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@legaciestold said: ❛ Some things can’t be told. You live them or you don’t. ❜ (diana to steve)
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It's strange, the weight of the relief Steve feels flood through him as Diana's voice fills the night air between them. The way her cadence resembles music had unsettled him somewhat when they met, as if she was truly the angel that he had believed her to be when he awoke on the shores of Themyscira in 1918 — unearthly, like he harbored no right to hear it. Between then and his death, the sound had instead become the one he listened for everywhere: in a crowd, in the quiet, always.
And that had only been the first time Steve died.
By the second, in 1984, it remained true, yet her voice was also solid land in a raging storm. Amid the chaos and transformation of an entirely new world, Diana steadied him and allowed him to feel as if he might belong there — even if he shouldn't. He could still evoke the memory of himself saying, ' I'm already gone, ' of watching her retreat into the frenzied throng of terrified people in the streets so that she could go save the world.
"I need that printed on a t-shirt." You can do that now, just order whatever you want on a piece of clothing through a screen ( even in 1984, Steve would have been shocked to learn that ). "I'm sick of people asking me what it's like to die, as if they expect me to make them feel better about it, or vindicated, or regale them with some monologue like we're in a Fitzgerald novel." Gripping the railing of their flat's balcony, he watches his knuckles turn white; sometimes he lets himself do that kind of shit for a few extra seconds once he realizes it's already happening, like letting his fingernails cut into his palms or biting his bottom lip too hard, because feeling it reminds him that he's real.
When he lets go, he shifts to face Diana more fully. "I'm tired of thinking about death and dying. I'd rather think about being alive." As Steve pulls her in closer by the waist, he takes one of her hands in his and presses her palm against his chest, firmly atop his heart. "And about being with you."
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my adventures with Justice League part 5
As usual I'm going over the usual stuff simply that this is a headcanon about how the Justice League would appear and why and following the themes of young adults and their maximum age limits being 22 to 23.
This next post is inspired by a conversation I had with @madametamma
The next person from the Justice League along with two people who are her friends are Diana Prince aka Wonder woman and her two friends Steve Trevor and Etta candy
(side note I do not know much about Etta candy as I do not read any of the comics but I do see some of the TV shows and animated movies and the only ones I've seen are the first animated Wonder woman movie and bloodlines if any of you would like to give me some general information I'd appreciate it)
Diana like her origin story left her home of Paradise Island with Steve Trevor to come to "mans world" and see what it has to offer it takes a while but she eventually hears about both Superman and Supergirl and deeming them warriors she wants to go to metropolis to meet them in person and battle them giving her battle tendencies.
Diana Steve and Etta head to metropolis to fulfill Diana's wish however finding Superman and Supergirl aren't as easy as they had hoped but they have a running with the four people who know more about them than anyone in metropolis those people being Clark Kent, Kara Kent, Lois lane and Jimmy Olsen at first Diana Steve and Etta don't know who they are but after introductions they said that they know about them and heard about them and their exploits interviewing Superman and Supergirl.
Before they can get any information a bad guy appears and starts threatening the city so the group takes off however Clark and Kara disappear the group worries about them but it is short-lived as the bad guy sets their sights on them and they would have gotten their hands on them if Superman and Supergirl didn't show up at the last moment.
The whole group watches although Diana is eager to help the two of them she at first watches them and she deems them Worthy of being the warriors she heard they are so Diana gives them a hand in stopping the bad guy. when they do a little piece before Diana starts challenging them to a fight well Superman is a little weirded out that they were working together now she wants to fight them supergirl is more than happy to fight her.
Not wanting to scare anyone or destroy the city Superman tries to talk Diana out of fighting and even tries to do the same with Supergirl however Diana's pride as a female warrior gets the better of her and even calls out Superman on making a decision for Supergirl. This causes Supergirl to get a little verbally hostile and Diana isn't helping.
Seeing that there's no way out of this Superman proposes that they take the fight somewhere else which Diana agrees. once they're outside city limits the three battle surprisingly Diana is holding her own against the two of them and the two of them are actually able to put her on the ropes the fight keeps going on and on until another bad guy appears.
This causes them to immediately end their fight only for Diana to say that they're not done and chases after them however they refuse to fight her with a bad guy threatening innocent people and Diana's warrior tendencies also push her into fighting the bad guy and put her fight with Superman and Supergirl to the side. The three of them work together and stop the bad guy however once it's all said and done Superman and Supergirl are nowhere to be seen frustrating Diana.
Diana rejoins the group and find both Clark and Kara with them. They all decide to walk and talk and while doing that Diana Steve and Etta question all four Clark, Kara, Jimmy and Lois and before them have questions for the three of them as well.
As they're walking about and answering each other's questions they all get along well surprisingly.
Clark and Steve get along because of their boy scout personalities.
Diana is a little awkward when it comes to socializing with people from "man's world" outside of Steve and Etta so she doesn't exactly know what to say but she picks up on Lois's fiery passion and Kara's fighter vibe and gets along with them. However Diana tries to pick a fight with them only to remember that they're not like her (one is the other one is in disguise) causing her to be a little awkward. With Lois and Kara Diana's competitive nature tends to land her into awkward situations with them.
Jimmy and Etta actually relate to one another given how they're both in the same situation. But outside of it they get along very well.
To describe all three of them in a group of social friends Diana "the competitive Hot Head who tends to land herself in awkward situations". Steve "the boy scout with a backbone" Etta "the one who came along for the ride but now is actually invested"
Throughout their conversation Clark accidentally touches Diana's lasso of Truth forcefully revealing he's Superman. This gets Diana's attention and shocks the group after hearing this Diana puts two and two together and finds out that Kara is Supergirl. Both Lois and Jimmy try to explain and Steve and Etta try to talk her out of it but Diana is getting ready to fight Clark and Kara again only for Clark to say that he doesn't want to fight her at all not because she's a girl but because he doesn't want to fight someone just for the sake of fighting. Kara on the other hand more than ready to throw down only to be stopped by Clark.
Understanding that fighting just for the sake of fighting which is scare millions of people and destroy stuff Diana decides to back off , much to Clark's relief, but is still unsatisfied with how things were left. With that the seven of them decide to just keep exploring around metropolis and talking.
By the end of the day the group really gets to know each other but Diana, Steve and Trevor have to leave so in order to stay in touch with each other they decide to give each other their contact information and go their separate ways.
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erandri · 1 year
AUgust Day 1- Sightless
Steve's ears are ringing. No, not just his ears, his whole head is ringing,  drowning out the noise around him. He shakes his head but that just makes it worse, and now there's a throbbing in his head beating in time with each pulse.
Just under the throbbing he can feel pain but it's dulled. It feels like the sun shining on him and for the briefest moment he gets a pang of homesickness, for just a moment he remembers the heat of the Hawaiian sun as it beat down on him. Just as soon as the memory comes its gone and just as suddenly comes the full brunt of pain. He screams out against his will. The shock is wearing off now and with it the nice dulling sensation. The warmth he felt seconds ago is now a raging fire, consuming him.
Steve reaches up to his forehead trying to do anything to get rid of the pain. He's not on fire but his hands come away slick with blood. It runs down his hands as a feels around, trying to find where he's wounded but there's blood and pain everywhere and the more he touches his face the worse it gets.
He startles when hands grab him, tearing his hands away from his face and pushing them down and out of the way. Someone is yelling but Steve can't hear them over someone screaming. It's only after some time that he realizes the screaming is coming from him.
When he finally starts to calm himself down he hears the voice still talking to him and zeroes in on it. After a second he realizes that it's Trevor, the teams medic.
"Lieutenant, Steve, can you hear me?" Trevor asks. His voice is firm and calm, it's a voice Steve has heard him use many times as he's patched up other members of their unit. Steve finds himself drawn to it, the even tone calming his breathing.
"I can hear you," he finally rasps out. He's not sure if his voice is raw from the accident or screaming or both but he barely manages to force the words out.
"That's good Steve," Trevor says, still using that even tone. Now that he has something new to focus on Steve can feel him wrapping his head in gauze, the pressure of the compacts helping with some of the pain in his head. "Can you tell me what hurts?"
"Everything. My whole head. What happened?"
Trevor hums and finishes wrapping his head. Steve is pretty sure half his head is covered with bandages, including both of his eyes, and he can feel the fuzziness of painkillers creeping in around the edges of his consciousness. "The convoy was hit by an IED, Lieutenant. Your rig took the full brunt of it."
"Everyone else?"
"The truck flipped, Simmons and Wainwright have some broken bones but they'll be fine. You took the worst of it.
"How bad?" He's almost afraid to ask but he has to know.
"Glass shrapnel to your whole face." As soon as he finishes speaking Steve can hear the far away thumping of helicopter blades. "Looks like your ride is here."
He's trying to sound upbeat but Steve can hear the underling worry starting to seep through his voice. "How bad is it?" He asks again.
There's a long pause before Trevor finally responds with "It's bad."
"Steven!" His father calls up the stairs to him and he winces, knowing what's coming next, "Did you track sand all through the house!"
It's a rhetorical question so Steve doesn't even bother to try and answer before his dad continues, yelling at him about how they are having company in less than an hour and he had the house all clean and now he has to clean it again.
"I'll take care of it in a second," he calls downstairs when his dad has finished. There's no response so Steve continues to the bathroom to take his shower.
Twenty minutes later he's downstairs, dressed for company and trying to find the broom.
"I cleaned it up already." His dad says from behind him and Steve sighs.
"I said I would do it."
"I know but," his dad doesn't say anything more but Steve can fill in the blank.
But it's faster for him. But he doesn't want to inconvenience Steve. But it's easier for him to clean it when Steve can't even see the mess he's made.
"Dad, I'm blind, not an invalid." He snaps. He knows his dad means well, but constantly getting picked up after just makes him feel like a child.
The doorbell rings, cutting off any response his dad might have had. He sighs, knowing the conversation won't be continued, and listens as his dad moves to the door to answer it. They're having dinner with his dads new partner, some mainland transplant and his family and Steve is less than enthused about it.
As soon as his dad answers the door Steve's quiet world is filled with a barrage of sound. His dad's partner starts talking immediately, complaining about everything from the afternoon traffic to the sand. In the lulls of the complaints Steve can hear the sounds of small feet walking around the living room. His dad had mentioned that his new partner had a child, a daughter he thinks. Now he wishes that he had paid better attention when his dad was talking about them, he can't even remember his partners name.
Steve takes a breath, savoring his last seconds of alone time in the hall before he goes to go greet their guests.
Danny- that's his dad's partners name, Danny Williams- is not what Steve expected. Not that he really had any expectations but if he did, they never would have come close to what Danny is. He's loud, and he takes up so much space, he's constantly reaching out to touch Steve. It was surprising to him at first, the constant little grazes from Danny's hand, but now he expects them. If he's honest with himself he might say that he even likes Danny's little touches.
Most of all though Danny is warm. Every time he talks, every time he touches Steve, he feels that warmth settle over him like a blanket. It's nice. And he's not afraid to say, at least in his own head, that wants more of it.
Grace is amazing too. They've met three times now and every time she has regaled him with things she learned in school, things she did with her mom and Step Stan, or old stories of things they used to do in New Jersey. He is absolutely wrapped around her little finger.
"She calls you her Uncle Steve," Danny says one afternoon. They're out behind his father's house, relaxing after another cook out. His dad has taken Grace down to the waters edge to look for shells, leaving him and Danny alone back at the table.
"Really?" He doesn't even try to stop his smile. It's only been a little over a month since they met and he's been elevated to uncle status. He feels honored.
"Yeah, she loves coming over here. We both do." 
Steve tamps down the little flutter in his heart when he hears that. So maybe there are other things that he likes about Danny than his warmth. And maybe there are other places that he imagines Danny touches him other than his arms. But those are thoughts better left for when he's alone.
"Well we like having you both here." He wonders if Danny can hear the unsaid words. That Steve loves having them there. Not for the first time he wishes that he could see Danny, to see the emotions play across his face. To see if Danny looks at him the same way that he's sure he looks at Danny.
"I have to go into the office," his dad says, coming into the dining room where he and Danny are finishing their dessert, waiting for his return. It's just the three of them tonight, thanks to Rachel and Step Stan taking Grace on a trip to Denver for Stan's job.
"Anything I need to do?" Danny asks. His chair scrapes against the floor and Steve imagines it's because he's stood up, ready to get back to work.
"No, no," his dad protests, "just some paperwork I forgot to sign to close the Kekoa case. You stay here and finish dinner with Steve."
His dad has a tone as he encourages Danny to stay but he doesn't think much of it. It is odd however that he forgot to sign some paperwork. He doesn't think he can remember any other time his dad got called back into the office to sign anything. He doesn't question it though, not if it means getting to spend some time alone with Danny.
"Are you sure?" Danny asks but they can all hear in his tone that he's only asking because he's supposed to.
"I'm sure," his dad says, "I might be a while so don't wait up."
"Okay," Steve says, waving in the direction of his dad's voice. Seconds later he hears the door open and close and then he and Danny are alone.
It's the first time that he and Danny have been by themselves since they met and Steve feels a jolt of nerves at the idea. He doesn't know what to say now that it's just the two of them so he shoves a fork full of the cake in his mouth to pass time until he thinks of something.
"I think this is my fault," Danny says, breaking the silence for him.
"How is my dad forgetting to sign paperwork your fault?" He asks, genuinely confused.
"I don't think there is paperwork. I think he just wanted to give us some alone time."
Steve freezes. His dad wanted to give them alone time? Why? Did his dad know about his feeling for Danny? He's been trying for months to keep his feelings hidden.
"I may have asked your dad if you were seeing anyone." Danny continues before Steve can spiral too much and now he's frozen for a whole new reason.
"You wanted to know if I was seeing anyone? Why?" He asks, his pulse racing. He wonders if Danny can hear his heart beating. It sounds like a drum beat to his own ears, counting time until Danny answers him.
"I wanted to know if there might be any chance for me to ask you out." Danny says it so non chalantly that Steve almost misses the vibration of his leg shaking under the table. It settles something in him, knowing that Danny is just as nervous as he is.
"I'm not… and there is." He says and the vibration from Danny's leg stops.
"So next Friday?"
"I'm available," he says maybe a little too fast.
"Okay. Great," Danny breathes, Steve can hear the joy and relief in his voice. A second later he hears Danny's chair push back and him step around the table. Steve can sense Danny come to a stop just in front of him. And turns his body so that they're face to face. "Can I?"
Steve doesn't know what Danny is asking for but he nods his consent anyway. A second later he feels Danny's hand on his shoulder, the heat from him scorching him through his shirt. Steve's heart races as Danny's hand runs higher, moving up his neck until his fingers can curl in Steve hair. Steve pushes his head into it but Danny moves his head, tilting his chin upward.
"Can I kiss you?" He can feel Danny's breath as he speaks and knows that he must be just inches away. Steve is already moving as he says "Yes," and crashes their lips together.
I don't really know where I was going with this. There was more I wanted to add but it would have taken too long and I wanted to keep this a quick prompt. It's also the first time I've written anything in well over a year and I'm rusty. Anyway, let me know what you think?
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the-red-butterfly · 6 months
20 Questions for fic writers
Tagged by @bad-at-names-and-faces and @i-did-not-mean-to
Thanks guys!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? I have 96 works in Ao3 BUT I have 104 on Fanfiction (yes, I still post there don't judge me.) I think there are just like 3 works that I have on Ao3 that I didn't pu up on FanFiction.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 411,089 (Not too bad, not too bad)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily I write for Tolkien works, Star Wars and Batman (bat fam to be more specific). But I'm very much a, write one for each thing I love kinda gall. Honorary mentions include Sandman, Frozen, Twilight Avengers, Merlin and Teen Titans.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Lonely Stars Drifting In The Black (Star Wars) (so not surprised XD)
Kudos: 2,276
The Unexpected Pop Of Things (Lucifer TV)
Kudos: 1,265
This Isn't What It Looks Like (Lucifer TV)
Kudos: 762
Death of a Star (Lucifer TV)
Kudos: 760
Alone Never More (Batman comics) (you are just an okay story, why are you here? 😭)
Kudos: 729
(I'm kinda surprised and offended that I didn't put Lucifer on the honorary mentions and it still took places 2, 3 AND 4 👁)
5. Do you respond to comments? Oh yes (though I might take a couple of months if I some slip my mind). Almost all of them. I tend to not answer back to emojis because I'm like... I don't know what to answer?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? This was kind of a hard question and it took me way too long to answer, so here, have the three runner ups.
A Crime Of Passion (Twilight: New Moon)
Ends with: Carlisle being forced to drink blood and being unable to deal with it.
At The End Of The Earth (Hellboy del Toro movies)
Ends with: John Myers being mauled by wolves and his last thoughts being of how alone he feels and of dying alone.
She's not a very good mother (Batman comics)
Ends with: Janet Drake dying as she chokes on poison and regrets she wont be able to do better by her son. She always thought she'd have more time.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Unlike the last one, this one was so easy to pick because, yeah... I'm an angsty girly for sure so the pool for REALLY happy endings was SMALL.
Drizzle Bt The Sea (Teen Titans cartoon)
It's quite short and all around just happy in vibes. Just Robin and Jericho playing by the sea under the rain.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I don't remember that I ever have? Thought I thought a couple might get hate, they didn't.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I tired it ONCE. And you know what happened? The sex was interrupted by trauma and they characters had to top to talk about the whole thing.
There is also that other one time but we're not going to talk about it.
But all in all I'm much more interested in exploring gen stories ✨
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I LOVE crossovers. I don't have many, but I am plagued mentally by them. I have 3 posted (only one on Ao3). And I'm not sure which one's craisiest. But the 2 on FF are both Rise of the Guardians crossovers, one with Avengers and the other with LES MISÉRABLES. What was younger me smoking? I would really like to know.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware 👁
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I think someone might've asked one or two times? But I honestly don't remember, if it ever happened, it was ages ago.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Oh yes! It's always so fun to me. I've done it a couple of times with @slightly-crimson-tornado and I'm currently working on one with @pushing-daisies-renaissance ✨
14. What’s your all time favourite ship? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Steve Trevor x Diana Prince I think. Close runner up is definitely Satine Kryze x Obi-wan Kenobi. And I'm VERY fond of Bruce Wayne x Selina Kyle.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a stupid amount of wips so I'll just go by posted ones. I have this story idea that I REALLY Like but I came up with it ages ago, and though i still like the idea I'm doubtful that I'll ever give it the time it deserves to go back to ):
Because the truth was too terrible (Avengers)
It's a story about Natasha being trapped inside her mind and Thor getting in to wake her up. I'm still pretty fond of the general gist of it. But it's OLD now.
16. What are your writing strengths? Aaaaaahhh. Trauma management? Like, they way people go about it and navigate it; how they talk about it with others? At least I THINK that's my strength. People keep complimenting those things XD
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I am too flowery with wording and I get sick of myself. It's out of control and I sometimes can't help it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I love it. If I can't get help I'll just wing a google translate, or god forbid do some research on structure. I'm BAD at it, but I love it and use it frequently.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Inazuma Eleven (anime) hehe. Love of my youth, protect me.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? I love this this Twilight one-shot I wrote some years ago. It made me suffer a lot (for reasons you can find in the author's notes) but the idea has always had a tight grip on me. I really like it (and hope to got I can get the sequel out one day).
A Crime Of Passion (Twilight: New Moon)
BUT two honorable mentions. One, my Star Wars series where Obi-wan get's rescued from Death Watch by Jango Fett. And Two, my VERY self indulgent crossover between Avengers x Merlin, I love the story and I'm really super fond of what I've gotten down so far.
Celestial Bodies Of The Lonesome Variety (LSD) (Star Wars)
Of The Old Things Hidden In The World (Merlin x Avengers crossover)
Ya know, just in case you feel like it, tagging @slightly-crimson-tornado , @cilil , @dottie-wan-kenobi , @fishing4stars , @arlenianchronicles , @scary-grace
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sc0tters · 5 months
do you have any au thoughts?
idk if you are asking if there is stuff in my inbox (which yes there is and I will get to that after) but welcome to the random thoughts I’ve had for different aus!
Luke x Momma
Dylan finding out that Luke is the guy who knocked his sister up. I know we have said he isn’t happy about it but how does he try to react when he learns in her hospital room as she’s mid contraction
Jacob x Hughes Sister
The entire au… but specifically I’m looking forward to talking about how the brothers react to finding out they’re together. Maybe they walked into her apartment to find them in a less than impressive position with her in one of Jacob’s shirts and his arms around her in bed. But then as the boys get mad Jacob reminds them that he was the one who was there for her, not her brothers. And to add in some drama she goes to stay with Quinn over a break and he spends her trip telling her all of the reasons why she shouldn’t date Jacob. One of them was a threat about his career as a Canuck so of course she got home and told Steve and Phil to tell Jacob it was for them. And now she’s trying to avoid him at all costs.
Jeremy x Adelia
Brodie decides one night after Adelia went on a girls weekend that she wanted Jeremy to get her from her nightmare and practically ignored her mom for the first few days that she was back.
Will x Junior
She’s absolutely heartbroken for Will having to see him lose. But they weren’t talking after they got back into their fight about the lack of a title on their relationship. To make matters worse she thinks she’s really fucked up when she went to apologise to him (something she never does) and sees a girl leave the dorm in his shirt.
Jack x Mila
he has gone to Czechia for that first game and Mila misses Jack but doesn’t want to distract him since it is his first game back since the surgery so she’s in tears calling Nico to see how Jack is.
Gabe x Jamie
Jamie’s relationship with Tito, I just wanna know how we think those two act around each other because of how close they each are to Mat
Trevor x Blair
Blake has a medical emergency when they learn he’s highly allergic to peanuts and Trevor wasn’t answering his phone as he was out with the boys on the golf course
Jack x Momma
Jack has an injury (this au takes place in this current season) and even though Momma is so mad at him, Luke calls her and says that Jack keeps on asking for her and is stressing himself out each time the nurses deny him the request
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thegentlefem · 1 year
What got you into GFD?
I really love this question, and yet I don't have an exact answer to it. The short answer is that nothing in particular got me into gfd, it has always just been a part of who I am. I enjoy taking care of people and dominating men. I'm an independent person who doesn't conform to the mainstream. I have an innate hatred for the way society promotes toxic masculinity and toxic femininity. So gfd is my perfect niche. I'll give a longer answer below if you'd like to read it. Thank you for the question!
So I just went ahead and wrote an essay in 5 min oops it's probably more information than you wanted
I guess the origins of it can be traced as far back as elementary school. This seems really trivial but I used to be a competitive gymnast, so as a kid, I was constantly surrounded by strong girls (and boys) in the gym training for hours every day. It was normal for me to see girls who could do 50 push ups no problem or climb a rope with no legs, and at such a young age my female and male gymnastics friends were very equal in that regard. On the playground at school, I even remember arm wrestling a few boys during recess and winning. Things like that were fun, and they usually birthed friendships. No really one cared about society's views of femininity and masculinity because we were too young to understand. Good times.
In middle school, puberty hit and I realized that society didn't consider physically strong or independent women to be "normal". We were outliers. Dating became popular in school, although I never participated because it seemed too dumb to me and the girls with cliques or immature boys seemed so exhausting. My strength wasn't a source of friendship or interest anymore, and instead people (guys) were intimidated or weirded out I think. Goodbye male friendships. I was introverted and mature, not charming or cute like other girls. Girls were supposed to like smiling all the time and doing their hair, putting on makeup and acting cute to flirt with their boyfriends, right? I felt like that was foreign to me, that everything was backwards, because I knew that wasn't what I wanted. And no way was I going to sacrifice my personality for a stupid middle school relationship. So I stayed in my introverted lane and didn't get involved in dating drama.
In high school, I discovered more about my sexuality and about what I wanted from a relationship. Have you ever read Is It Wrong to Get Done by a Girl? because that's how I felt. Along with real life things, I also began consuming more media. I discovered movies and books with characters or scenes that sparked my interest. Whether it was seeing a man being tied up, a stoic character being comforted, or a man generally taking a submissive role to a woman, I was hooked. Like a memorable scene was seeing Wonder Woman tie up Steve Trevor in the lasso of truth, mwahaha. So no one event got me into GFD, it was just a desire that always existed within me and became more apparent as I grew.
My sexuality became centered on wanting to take a dominant role, but also on curating a relationship based on respect, love, and affection. I realized that toxic masculinity for men existed just like toxic femininity did for women like myself, and I just wanted to give men the love that the patriarchy of today will never show them. GFD allows me to be the woman that society will never appreciate properly: strong and in control, yet caring. GFD allows my partner to be the man that society will never appreciate fully: vulnerable and passionate, yet strong.
So, I appreciate anyone who has read this much, and I appreciate this anon ask! I also hope other women with a similar experience can read this and realize that they aren't alone in their desires. This really allowed me to reflect on myself and I would gladly answer similar questions.
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secondgenerationnerd · 2 months
How can you depict my tone it’s a freaking message 🤣
So I have this really cool thing called “literary comprehension” and I have a degree in English, where I spent countless hours reading and re-reading texts to understand tone of a message.
So let’s do that with yours! 😁
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The original message is obviously just you asking a question, which I always welcome and I am always honest in them. Please note where I say “I don’t fully understand where Steve Trevor fits in.”
Not who is Steve Trevor.
See I’m very honest with the fact I don’t read the comics, but I do research and go down rabbit holes. So when people ask me about a specific character I don’t know, I’m honest with them. In example, this one from today:
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Now let’s look at the message in which I asked you to check your tone:
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In case you didn’t know, Tone reflects an author’s feelings towards a subject. We will typically see this in, not just the information given, but how the information is given. Things like syntax (sentence structure) and diction (word choice) are the keys to understanding the tone of a text.
Now, as an internet user, typically a sentence that could end with a period ends with a question mark, usually it is so the author can provide context; usually this is done to remind the reader of said information. That was in no way my issue. If it had been left at that I wouldn’t have blinked an eye.
The problem comes at that last sentence “Why else would I mention Steve Trevor lol”. Now, if you remember, my previous response in no way indicated I didn’t know WHO he was. In fact, I would argue that I acknowledge I know who he is, just not where he would fit in.
As many internet users know, when sending a potentially risky or snide comment, adding “lol” is typically used as a way to relax the reader. But what happens when we take “lol” away?
“Why else would I mention Steve Trevor”
The syntax and diction used here are typically used to condescend the reader. As if you have to spell out the entirety of your question for their tiny brain.
So when I ask you to check your tone, and you question my ability to do so, please remember this.
Did that answer your question, my love?
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