draconicfool · 2 months
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"Hey, Miss Proxy-!" Despite their tail wag indicating an obvious excitement, their greeting is kept low. Whispered essentially as they make to walk step in step with the other. Hands in the pockets of their much too big hoodie.
"I wasn't expectin' t' see ya out an' about t'day! Doin' anythin' fun?"
@phaethonblue || sc.
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clochanam · 2 months
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there comes a day, every so often, where she has to do something. doesn't necessarily have to be anything huge. sometimes it's just re-arranging the mugs in the cupboard, or going for a run. but it has to be active, and unfortunately for phee, this day coincides with their morning ritual of hot tea and fresh cinnamon rolls from the oven. " we should repaint the kitchen. " she pauses, ponders over it, then concedes a few other options. " or go for a hike. oh! or a picnic! we should just get up and about for a bit, don't you think? or there's a band playing out at the park tonight... "
@theresastargirl liked THIS POST for a starter using aisling's new fc!
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pxgeturner · 1 month
bf didnt want to see my target haul…he hates me 😔 (he didnt answer me on facetime)
would like to say that if i was yr bf i would never let ur calls go to voicemail… ur too precious not to answer (btw i move back to uni next week so i’ll be available to call wayyyy more.. i love hauls especially when it’s from friends….) ily sm baby 💕💕💕
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halchron · 8 months
@danhang ♡'d for a starter !
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❝ oh, uh, i'll have to pass on karaoke, thanks for the offer though. ❞
yu waves his hands mercifully at rise, pleading for her to take pity on him after the embarrassment that was the king's game. he was surprised that they were even allowed to be here still, rise's influence or not. if dojima knew what they were doing... he shivers at the thought. shaking the thought away from his mind, yu looked back up at the idol.
❝ maybe we should just go back to the hotel, you know, get some shut eye... ❞
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everseens · 24 days
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"it's not that easy..." fran began with an uneasy expression on her face, brow scrunched only to eventually make eye contact with the other. "i can't just up and leave-- i have a family, a husband, who love me very much. i feel like i'm stuck, but... what else can i do?" / @sheisolucky
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gutshift · 2 months
@saovaene liked! / merrill & faye!
"I don't know why you bother with them." It's a lie, of course — Faye knows intimately well the feel of loving and sacrificing for the sake of a family that blames you for every dark cloud, that resents and hates and sometimes - fears you. ( carver's blood still feels fresh under her nails. mother hasn't apologized for blaming her. faye doubts she will. ) But it seems clear to Hawke that she deserved the cruelty — and Merrill does not. "If they don't appreciate you, just cut them out like a tumor."
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hegrudges · 2 months
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❝         if   you   throw   one   more   fuckin'   thing   at   me   gambit. so   help   me   god.         ❞         hand   clenches   'round   handle   of   his   blade.         ❝         i'm   gonna   fuck   you   up.         ❞   / @cyberno
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whskyneat · 2 months
@ofcrxwns based on ! ( childhood sweethearts )
" be honest. did you really think you guys were gonna last? like genuinely, truly believed that you guys were endgame? "
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sunlessea · 4 months
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it does not do social calls, nor take interest in the individual human-adjacent vampyr whom litter the streets of london's gaslit cities without purpose. it is too busy, and far too important a figurehead among the neath's populace to mingle with those so far beneath it ... and what a divide it creates between itself and its workers, who all scatter to and fro as it walks through them, like the zee itself were parting for its massive figure. it stands out, even before it stops before him, claws of decorative metal 'pon its fingertips lifting to point directly at him. its cloaks fall wayside of its arms, but do little to reveal much of the master who looms underneath them.
still, its presence is an imposing one over the public. there's a blanket of fear over the staff surrounding them, under which all its very own employees almost seem to cease breathing. they are waiting for this man to be torn to shreds in front of them ... but mr pages is not a boorish savage, like its peers. it is not mr veils.
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"you." it speaks, and all at once, the people around breathe a sigh of relief as the ministry regains life. they start to move again, reassured by the melodic trill to pages' voice. it isn't raging today! a blessing in disguise, considering the circumstances. "i tranquested someone be sent post-haste with experiliarity in machine repair. that is you, little star, is it not? you are not of my literary staff." its ears flick, expectantly... yet it hardly gives him a chance to answer, merely assuming it's correct. "we print through means of steam-powered platen press. its state of being is an inconvenuisance, and thus, it must be fixed today."
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@hcpebled / for zachery ⋆
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draconicfool · 13 hours
"And there's th' face I love seein'." Eros' voice came out a gentle purr as he made his way to greet Feixiao at the door. Poking his head out for just a moment to make sure there was nobody else. He'd grown a bit more wary since Moze's little...visit.
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"T' what do I owe t'day's pleasure~?"
@plicatum || sc.
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rhysie · 4 months
the high lord winnows in, glorious depths of night swirling in the air, spine straightening. “ hope you don't mind. cassian has other matters to tend to, it'll just be me today. apologies. " voice lacks any hint of sincerity for crashing their meeting, flashing a smile that doesn't meet the ice of his gaze. he adjusts lapels as shadows settle, tongue clicking. “ ah, but that reminds me ... word to the wise, if you wish to keep this deal of ours — i would suggest you stop poking at my general. i'm afraid if he decides to act out, my hands will be tied. " / @literare, for eris
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muzelor · 5 months
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OH, TO BE AGAINST HER WILL AGAIN — the suicide squad days are long behind her, buried in the past. or so she thought. because there's harley quinn, surrounded by a bunch of heroes. leaving gotham was supposed to be a fresh start : no more joker, no more ivy. JUST HARLEY. only that harley doesn't get to reinvent herself. nah, she's caught up in yet another dangerous plan to save the world. or something among those lines, she hasn't paid too much attention to ironman's utterings. how could she, when there was caviar lying around on a silver platter? bats could neva. the psychologist she reprimands is wary of her surroundings : ceruleans look for the quickest way out and she seizes all individuals to know who to avoid at all costs. she's learned her lesson with the clown. but there's someone in particular that catches her attention. she saunters over, squinting as she leans closer to take a better look at @mecwmellc, or to intimidate him. she couldn't tell just yet. ❝ y've gotta be kiddin' me. ain't ya spiderman? like da spiderman? ❞ another quick scan up and down, index finger pointing along with the direction of her gaze, ❝ yer barely a boy. how are ye even allowed in this room? ❞
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halchron · 8 months
@danhang ♡'d for a starter !
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❝ well well well, look who the cat dragged in. ❞
ironic, given exactly who kuroo was. nonetheless, he gives oikawa a halfhearted wave before he went back to lounging sideways on one of the chairs. he could count the number of times he's interacted with the setter on one hand, though he had to admit that talking to and teasing him was always a joy. feeling the familiar itch of wanting to start something, the captain sits up to actually speak with oikawa.
❝ where's your little fanclub at ? i would've figured they'd follow you around like some groupies when you weren't playing. ❞
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everseens · 24 days
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"wasn't expecting to see you here..." seb greeted the other as he sat behind bars. "are you here to bail me out or are you just gonna laugh at me for getting into this mess?" / @fcrtnite
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faultyconscience · 5 months
@lunawish gets a starter (for shadowheart)
"Leadership? Not really my strong suit, let’s be honest."
She's not exactly sure how she ended up in the position where anyone is looking to her for guidance, she couldn't be more of a fish out of water than she is right now, but here they are. All she really knows is that whatever the hell that thing put in her eye, she wants out, and she's no exactly going to be turning people down offering to help to that end, but being in charge? Leading the way? Not so much.
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jadebone · 6 months
          "     we should be good people,     "     everyone laugh  !  he's making a joke.  there's nothing good about anyone who steps foot inside the skyscraper his grandda owns,  and everything that one of the kauls sets their sights on dies.  not his fucking problem,  if he had any say in it.  hilo grins,  all sharp teeth dripping bitter sarcasm.     "     wouldn't it be nice to wake up in the morning and not feel like a fuckin' piece of shit  ?     "
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               FOR BRADBAKSHI  @bakshiis  ,  FROM  HILO     !
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