#( * ° ; question the answers | warren graham )
sukunasbow · 2 years
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐑 - ( 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞 ! )
synopsis -> in which you finally get to go on tour and some secrets unravel !
 warnings -> part two of milkshake, mentions of drug and alcohol use, not yet proof read !
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Eddie - So, after the first concert, everyone was just, so pumped, you know? Billy was doing his own thing in a separate part of the bus while Daisy was in her hotel room with her loser of a husband or whatever.
(Y/N) - And everyone else, they were doing lines and drinking beer, whatever. I wasn’t, I was with Billy.
Billy - (Y/N) never left my side during that tour.
“(Y/N), go have fun. I’m fine.�� Billy shakes his head, sitting up on the couch. “I am having fun.” You smile, holding up your book and resting your legs over his legs. “I don’t need a babysitter.” He huffs. “I know, I’m not babysitting you, I’m sitting with you.” You roll your eyes, pressing your lips together in a line, annoyed at Billy’s stubbornness. “Fine.” The man gives in, simply watching you read in silence, well, except for the sounds of everyone else partying.
About an hour later, Eddie walks into the small space of the bus. “Hey.” You mumble. “Hi.” He whispers, noticing Billy’s asleep, his head resting on your shoulder. “What’s wrong?” You raise an eyebrow, carefully placing your book down and moving some hair out of Billy’s face. “Can we talk?” Eddie asks, clearly high as he’s barely able to make out the words. “Sure.” You say. You gently get off of the couch, making sure Billy doesn’t wake up. “Let’s talk somewhere else.” You grab Eddie’s hand, not wanting to wake up your other band member. You walk past everyone, eventually reaching the beds. You close the thin door, then sitting down on the edge of the bed with Eddie. “Okay, what’s up?” You breathe out, brushing some hair back from your face. “I think I love you.” He laughs, showing off his classic smirk. “Oh my-” Your expression immediately turns grim, your heart shattering into a million pieces. Normally, you’d be over the moon about this, but he’s not in the right headspace for a love confession. “No, I know I love you.” He reassures, nodding his head. “Fuck you.” You harshly say. Eddie’s eyes widen, clearly hurt by your words. “What?” He questions. “Fuck you, Eddie. Fuck you!” You stand up, and he does as well, not expecting it when you start hitting his chest. “You know what? I have loved you since the day I met you, and you are not about to give me some shitty, fake, confession while you’re on drugs!” You yell. “Quiet, everyone can hear you.” He whispers. “I don’t give a fuck!” You cry out. “It’s not fake! Like, how they say, uh, what’s that thing?” He sighs, pausing to think, “Drunk words, sober thoughts. Something like that.” He snaps his fingers. “Yeah, yeah?” You glare at him, “Get out.” You push him away from you. “Okay, I’m sorry, let me explain. I love you, seriously, I’ve loved you for, like, forever. I just didn’t have the courage to do anything.” He explains. “Oh, you didn’t have the courage until you got high?” You shake your head. “Yes, you get it!” He walks back towards you, ready to kiss you. “No, get out of here.” You don’t back down on your word. “We can talk tomorrow, when you’re sober.” You add, wiping away your tears. “Wait, I’m sorry-” Eddie steps even closer to you, but you press your hand on his chest. “I know.” You breathe out, ushering him out of the room.
You wake up to the sound of people shuffling around the bus, causing you to get out of bed and exit the room, wearing the same outfit from yesterday, your hair messy, and makeup smudged. “Good morning.” Billy smiles at the sight of you, handing you a takeout bag. “What’s this?” You ask him. “Pancakes from some diner down the street.” Warren answers your question instead, gesturing for you to sit next to him on the couch. “Thanks.” You turn away from Billy and move towards the couch, sitting beside Warren and opening the paper bag, taking out a small tray of pancakes. “Where are Karen and Graham?” You take a bit out of the warm pancakes. “Probably having sex.” Warren laughs. “What?!” You practically choke on your food, slamming the utensils down on your plastic plate. “Kidding.” He grins, causing you to hit his side, “Ow! Chill!” He huffs. “Okay, I’m going for a run before we leave.” Billy says, leaving the bus before you can say anything. “Uh oh, troubles with Daisy.” Eddie suddenly walks into the room, immediately moving in between you and Warren. “Shut up.” You scoff. “Damn, who pissed in your cereal?” He jokes. “Don’t make me slap you.” You reply, your tone now serious. “Okay, that’s my sign to leave!” Warren shakes his head, getting up from the couch and walking away to the beds. “Now, let’s talk.” Eddie turns to face you. “I want to apologize.” He stops, “But what I said last night was true.” He continues. You open your mouth to protest, but he doesn’t let you, moving towards you and kissing you, placing his hands on your waist. You want to stop him, but you also don’t, it feels good, it feels right. You let yourself go, simply staying in the kiss. “See? Drunk words, sober thoughts.” Eddie laughs, pulling away from the kiss. “Shut up and kiss me again.” You grin.
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i-hate-people-1 · 2 years
I noticed that there is a very little amount of DJATS fanfic so I wrote this in like an hour so it’s pretty short but I might write for it more
Warren Rojas X Fem Reader
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Y/N "It all started out very simply; all I did was find the cheapest place that was available for rent."
Warren "Man, that day was wild. It was three weeks after the first tour went up in flames. Me and the guys saw her moving in and decided to help her."
Eddie "I mean, she was hot as hell, so of course we were going to help her."
Karen: "The guys wanted to help her because she was hot, but I just wanted another girlfriend because there was entirely too much testosterone around me and she was awesome."
"What on earth are you guys doing?" Karen asked the boys who were all huddled by the window.
"Shhhh," Graham shushed her, not bothering to look at her.
"Why does she have to be quiet?" It’s not like the hot girl can hear us." Warren asked.
"Yeah, if anything, she’s going to see us and think we are creeps," Eddie added, not looking away from the window despite his statement.
"You are creeps" Karen said joining the boys. Looking out the window to see a girl struggling to carry a car full of boxes inside the house next door, "we should help her." Karen paused, looking at the boys who looked confused, "Come on, it doesn’t look like she has any."
"Yeah we should" warren said "yeah" Eddie agreed. Graham just nodded as they started walking to the front door.
"Dibs!" Warren yelled, taking off running toward the house. "What no fair !" Eddie yelled, chasing after him. Graham and Karen just laughed, slowly running after their friends.
You were on your way back to the car halfway down the steps when a guy with black curly hair ran in front of the steps, making you jump back. "I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you." The guy was cut off when a blonde guy tackled him to the ground. Two more people ran up after him, a brunette boy and a blonde girl.
"I am so sorry about them," she exclaimed.
"Get off of me, you ass!" the black haired boy pushed the blonde off of him quickly jumping to his feet "I’m Warren" he said casually, sticking his hand out for you to shake.
"Y/N," you answer confused, but shake his hand anyway.
"I’m Karen," the blonde woman introduced herself, "and that’s Eddie, and this is Graham." She added, pointing to them individually, "we saw you moving in and figured you could use some help."
"Y’all really don’t have to do that" you say quickly worried they were just asking to be "nice" .
"Oh, no, we want to," Eddie replied, turning around and walking towards her car. Karen and Graham following him.
"I really don’t want to inconvenience you," you said, still trying to fight this and not wanting to burden them.
"Stop being difficult," Warren told you, slinging his arm around your shoulders and flashing you a kind, genuine smile. You could tell because of the way it reached his eye that the brown orbs were shining brightly. "Look, man, I know they didn’t tell you this in the lease agreement thingy, but this place comes with six crazy neighbors and a baby," Warren told you simply.
"Is that so?" You questioned.
"Oh yeah, you are in for a real treat; we’re kind of awesome," he shrugged. "Well, I look forward to getting to know y’all and your awesomeness," you laughed, which was something you hadn’t done in a while, and it felt nice.
"Hey dipshit you gonna come help us or what!" Graham yelled from the car.
"Yeah, yeah, we’re coming. Don’t cream your pants." Warren yelled back, removing the arm from your shoulders (a feeling you oddly missed) and walking to your car. You giggled again, shaking your head, as you joined the group.
This was going to be interesting…
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reasonsmandy · 1 year
Smarty Pants
Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
✧.* requested by @holymotherfxrkingshirtballs — Eddie Roundtree fix based off of Jackie and Hyde from that 70a show?? Basically Eddie hates her cause he thinks she's shallow and a bit spoiled sometimes but she ADORES Eddie. I'm just asking for that one scene where Jackie tries to make Hyde jealous by bringing this guy and Hyde is like "it's... cool" but deep down he's jealous and he's like "pull yourself together man" to himself. And the guy she brings is calling her a bitch and stuff and Hyde is like "oh no" and punches him. Then he's like just in denial about liking her then everyone tells him he likes her and he just comes to his senses.
✧.* summary — Eddie had a back foot when it came to you, some disagreements between you made him think that you were spoiled and that you thought too much of yourself. However, that wasn't going to stop him from defending your name.
✧.* warnings — Eddie being kinda mean.
✧.* word count — 2.3k
✧.* 🎸 — Eddie's masterlist
✧.* mandy's notes — I had never watched the series before and I had so much fun watching the episode, writing this was very satisfying. Hope you like it as much as I do 🫶🏾
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"Eddie man you're not making any sense, right now." Warren says, sipping some of his beer. "She's great, everybody likes her…."
"Yeah man, Warren is right." Graham continues, receiving from Roundtree just an eye roll. "Tell me, what's the reason you don't like her? The real reason."
"She's just annoying, you think she's cool because you're not the ones who have to listen to her guesses on your stuff!" Eddie settles back in his chair, taking a long drag on his cigarette.
"Can't get you bro, sorry to tell you that." Warren shrugs as he takes out a cigarette to smoke. "Not to mention she likes you man, she enjoys your company."
"I just answered your question!" He shrugs. "It's not that I don't like her at all, I just think she sticks her nose in a lot."
"That looks like passion, huh." Graham says with a smirk on his face, Roundtree grabs the nearest pillow and throws it at the younger Dunne.
Graham's words left Roundtree thoughtful, after all this would never have been a possibility for him, you were always so irritating, so intrusive in his point of view that to suggest that he's in love with you was almost absurd. You would never have done anything to anger Roundtree for harm, but your way of helping was considered invasive in his view, apparently.
You adored him, you always had a lot of admiration for him since you were a small band in Pittsburgh and knowing the incredible potential he had you always encouraged him and gave him advice to improve and be better. It wasn't a secret to anyone, after all you never wanted to hide it, that you admired him a lot, and your friends already knew that you liked him in a way more than just admiration.
However, in the last few days you've noticed that he avoids you, that your presence and your comments make him roll his eyes and "snort" with irritation, you don't understand why and what you could have done to trigger this type of reaction. You then decided to have a frank conversation with him, trying to understand what could have happened, but for a change you always missed each other at the house, or rather... He always avoided you at the house.
Hate was not the word that would define Eddie's feelings for you, perhaps the ideal would be bother. There was something about you that moved him, that made him think, question, and consequently bothered. He knew you were very talented, from the day you got in band he knew you were a point to take off from, that you would always grow in there, but from the moment you started to give him too many tips and advice he got extremely bothered. His view began to change about you, he knew that any time you communicated with him it would be you giving a tip on his solos, or anything else related to the way he played.
As he was leaving his room one day, you caught him in the hallway. "Hey Eddie, can we talk for a bit?" you asked.
He raised an eyebrow. "What smarty pants, you want to tell me how to play my guitar again?"
You dropped your gaze, fidgeting with the rings on your hand. "No, I just wanted to know if you're coming to Cami's party tonight."
"Why do you care?" Eddie asked, crossing his arms.
"Well, Warren will be late and Graham and Karen already left," you explained. "I thought maybe we could go together."
Eddie chuckled wryly. "You and me? Yeah, that's a great idea," he said sarcastically. "Sorry, I'll pass. See you later."
He leaves towards his room leaving you with a tightness in your chest as you watch him leave, the frustration is suddenly replaced by an impulse of anger. You got to the phone and dial the number of the man from the record company who has been hitting on you lately. He answers on the second ring.
"Hi, is this Jay's number?" You say after you hear a noise on the line.
"Hey, Y/N! What's up?" he says.
"Hey, I was wondering if you're free tonight," you say, twirling a lock of hair around your finger.
"Of course, for you, always," he says, his voice dripping with charm.
"I'm going to Cami's party, and I don't want to go alone. Do you want to come with me?" you ask, your heart beating faster as you wait for his answer.
"Absolutely. I've been wanting to spend more time with you," he says, and you can hear the smile in his voice.
"Great, I'll pick you up at 9?" you say, already starting to plan your outfit.
"Sounds perfect. I'll be ready," he says.
You hang up the phone, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. You've never really considered him in that way, but he's always been sweet and attentive to you. Maybe tonight is the night to give him a chance. That was what you tried to convince yourself of, but deep down you knew that your desire was to make Roundtree jealous, to play games and see if he really didn't care about you.
Later that night, you arrive at the party with him by your side. The house is beautifully decorated with fairy lights and balloons, and the music is already thumping.
You spot Cami and a group of friends by the drinks table and head over to say hi. As you chat with them, you can't help but feel a bit disappointed that Eddie isn't here yet, but you try to push those thoughts away. Deep down you expected him to show up at your bedroom door, telling you that he changed his mind and that he would love to go with you to the party, but obviously that didn't happen, and there you were feeling ridiculous to think he could consider you even once.
"Honey, are you alright?" Karen whispers in your ear, noticing you distant.
"Yes, of course." You lie, forcing a smile. Karen raises her eyebrows noting how sincere you weren't being "I just need to get some air." You say walking away, letting your companion know you wanted some air.
Eddie caught sight of you and Jay a few moments before you left. He hadn't taken his eyes off you since he arrived, intrigued by your company, he sees you walking away for a smoke- he guessed, and his eyes narrowed for a moment before he composed himself. He walked over to you with a nonchalant expression, but you could see the tension in his shoulders.
"Hey, Smarty Pants. Looks like you found yourself a date," he said, gesturing to Jay.
You feel a pang of annoyance at his comment. "I couldn't come alone," you reply coolly.
"Well, I'm glad you found someone," he says, offering you a cigarette. You accept, and he lights it for you before turning to go back to the rest of the band.
As he walks away, you can't help but feel a twinge of regret. Maybe you shouldn't have come to the party with Jay after all. But you shake your head, trying to clear your thoughts.
"Look if it's not my favorite bassist." Rojas says approaching you, he was clearly stoned. "Why are you here looking like a stray dog? Let's have fun! Come with me."
You laugh at his state, and follow him to the "dance floor", Warren distracted you for so long that you didn't notice that Eddie approached Jay a few minutes ago.
"Look who it is," Eddie said as he approached Jay and sat down beside him. "My replacement for the night."
"What man?" Jay asks without understanding Roundtree's speech.
"Nevermind." Eddie says crossing his arms. "So you and Y/N, uh? What's the deal man, I mean…"
Jay shrugged. "She's hot, man. I've had a thing for her since the first day she appeared at the label. Okay, her conversations are very boring and I almost fall asleep when she opens her mouth but."
Eddie laughs at the comment, interrupting him. "Ah, it's not like that either, sometimes she's a little too much but with time you get used to it."
"But I won't have to learn to deal with her either." He shrugs and Eddie frowns. "I just want to get into her pants anyway. I've been crazy to fuck her ever since we first met."
"Are you fucking serious?" Eddie's voice was low, full of hate.
Jay just shrugs. "She's hot, and you must know that when a man has his needs he does it his way. What's the big deal?"
Eddie's face contorted with anger. "The big deal is that she's not just some piece of meat, you fucking asshole. She's a person with feelings, and you're treating her like she's nothing."
Jay rolls his eyes. "Relax, man. I was just joking around."
"It's not a joke," Eddie snaps. "And I don't want to hear you talk about her like that ever again."
Jay smirks again. "Or what?"
As you dance with Warren, you notice Eddie and Jay sitting in the backyard together. You can't hear what they're saying, but their body language is tense. Suddenly, Eddie stands up, looking furious, and says something to Jay that makes him laugh.
"What's going on over there?" Rojas asks, nodding in their direction.
"I don't know," you reply, feeling a sense of unease. "I'll go see what it is."
"Hey hey niña, it seems to be getting ugly." Rojas stands in front of you, preventing you from going. "Stay here."
Eddie's eyes flash with rage, and he lunges forward, punching Jay in the face. Jay falls back onto the grass, and the two of them start fighting, rolling around on the ground and throwing punches.
"Warren!" You exclaim running towards the two, little by little the whole party saw the scene and were watching from afar.
Billy separates the fight and Eddie gets up, dusting himself off. He turns to Jay, who's still lying on the ground with a bruised face.
"I hope you got the message, asshole," Eddie says, his voice cold and dangerous.
Jay scrambles to his feet, holding his nose which is bleeding now, and runs away from the party, while the other guests disperse, muttering to themselves. Eddie walks away, heading into the house to clear his head and calm down. He still didn't understand the reason for his sudden outburst, but he wasn't going to let anyone talk about you that way!
You go towards him, finding him in Billy and Camila's room, you decide to go to the kitchen first to get some ice for his hand. When you return, you knock three times on the door calling the blonde's attention. He smiles weakly at you, and soon you walk in and sit next to him.
You rush over to Eddie, who's holding his injured hand. "Are you okay?" you ask, concern etched on your face.
"I'll live," he replies, wincing as you gently examine his hand.
"What the fuck happened out there?" You asked, putting the ice on his hand. "You shouldn't have done that," you say softly, shaking your head.
"He deserved it," Eddie says, his eyes burning with anger. "I won't let anyone talk about you like that."
You look up at him, surprised by his words. "What do you mean?" you ask, curious.
"I mean, he was objectifying you like you were just some kind of toy," Eddie says, his voice softer now. "You're more than that, Y/N. You deserve better and that prick was overcoming all the boundaries."
"Let me see that hand," you say, taking his hand gently and examining the wound. You drag him to the bathroom, clean it up as best as you can with a tissue, and he winces at the sting of the alcohol.
Eddie doesn't take his eyes off you for a second, and you feel his gaze on you. "You're confusing you know?"
"What?" He says, being taken aback by you.
"I genuinely thought you hated me." You laugh, looking him in the eyes. "But now I don't know what to think anymore."
"I don't know how to explain what I feel for you smarty pants." Eddie whispers, getting closer to you. "I just know I wasn't going to let that bastard talk about you like that and pass it off."
"Thank you, you didn't have to do that..." You say turning your focus back to his wound. "How are you going to play now huh grumpy?"
"I have no idea." He says laughing. "I think this would be a good opportunity to take a day off."
You nod, thinking that would be the end of it, but he opens his mouth to speak and gives up multiple times.
"Just say it already." You chuckle.
"I was just thinking that maybe I could, like, I don't know..." He looks nervous, and you stop touching his hand to give him your full attention. He takes a deep breath. "That maybe, you know... Do you want to spend this day with me?"
You are taken aback, a smile spreads across your face. "Wow, let me get this straight. Is Eddie Demetrius Roundtree asking me out?"
He laughs sheepishly, running his free hand through his hair. "Yes, I'm asking you out Y/N L/N"
"Friday at 3pm." You say finishing the bandage. "I'll wait for you in my room."
You walk out of there leaving him with a silly smile on his face. Hitting someone had never been so worth it. And he looked forward to seeing what this new thing would lead to.
"A date on Friday, huh?" Warren's voice catches him by surprise. "I thought she was annoying."
"Were you spying on us?" Eddie says with raised eyebrows.
"Spying is a strong word, I just passed by and ended up listening to you guys" Rojas winks, and Eddie rolls his eyes.
Warren Rojas: I was definitely spying on them.
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
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gamesofmuggles · 2 years
warren and june.
a little image.
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summary : june, billy's and graham's little sister is a part of the band in her own way. she told us in exclusivity how she found the inspiration for all the most successful songs!
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Billy's little sister, Graham's little sister, The Dunne Sister. In the background, discreet, calm, sweet as honey. The secret ingredient that not many people know of regarding Daisy Jones and the Six.
Interviewer : You’ve been secretly writing most of the band songs over time without people knowing about it. Why?
June : (chuckles) well not everybody wants the spotlight.
Interviewer : The most beautiful lyrics, the more remembered, the critics' favorites are songs with a common factor: love. Where does everything start for you?
I agreed to come to the house in LA, of course. Graham was so pushy about it, I think he was afraid that I would get bored without them and that ill wouldn’t write for them anymore. Billy, oh Billy was just happy to be my big brother and protect me. I was the first fan you know, and I will be the last. I remember there wasn’t enough room in the house, but Graham and Camila urge me to accept the nicest room. « To keep her mind fresh,» said Graham before dropping my suitcase on the bed. « I’m coquette too you know » I heard Warren say to Graham after he closed the door.
Warren: I slept in the bathtub for a while.
June: Karen arrived a few days after, finding Graham, Warren, and Eddie fighting in the living room. I was on the couch supervising the points, it was my first encounter with her. She asked « is it always like this » with a raised eyebrow. « Most of the time » I answered. Then I show her her room.
Warren: I wore her hoops back then, I looked fabulous in them.
June: I said to Warren I needed the hoop back. But he did look fabulous in it. To return to the question, my inspiration, well all the nights at the Filthy Mc Nasty, in the back writing while smoking and listening to the band play, alone except for the barman sometimes with more crowd. All the hangover brunch near the beach. The movie nights on a dusty screen. The fighting was because nobody -especially not women- wanted to clean those boys' mess. The adventurous meal cooked with cheap cans. Yeah, that was the inspiration. « June, how is your mind so powerful? » Graham asked me one day reading some of my last work. « can’t recall some of the highest heights / but I’ve memorized you, yeah we need to use this in the future» he added. Lyrics that were used for Midnight, I’m very proud of this song. I remembered I tried to hide blushing, cause every writing was always easy when I was thinking of Warren.
I had found the perfect spot in the Filthy McNasty so I could have an eye on him behind all those men on stage. I knew how he liked his eggs and his beer. His taste in movies. The curve on every one of his hair. I watched him a lot, a writer needed a muse you know? But also what a muse if he didn’t know he was one. Cause I never wanted to meddle with the band whatsoever and wished to keep my feelings very private, except when I wrote the songs of course. Every flirting interaction Warren may had have with me was pure imagination, it must be. Also, Warren was always a flirty guy.
Warren: It was no imagination. We were all clueless, awkward, and well, a little bit high back then. Every time I thought about it, I had to go out and smoke some. The small idea that everything could go to shit because of a tiny crush was frightening. But how could something could go wrong with June, sweet June who makes my eggs, perfect eggs every morning she can. Who went to search for the best curls cream for my hair. Imagine how someone could be this important that no matter the numbers of tits fans show you, you only want one?
June: He said that? How romantic. Where was I?
I remembered one night. We were on the beach, Graham and Billy playing guitars. Eddie Karen, Warren, and I are in the waves. Eddie wanted to fight, he’s such a fighter sometimes. He picked up Karen on his shoulder, Warren did the same with me. I was on top of his shoulder alarmed to move after the sudden physical touch. I was no prude and it was the 70s there was no secret but yeah. Karen took my hesitation for a win and pushed the both of us in the waves, Warren's hands still holding onto me. He asked if I was alright. Yeah. He had brushed my hair away from my face, a big smile on his. I remembered, ok. I need to have this smile in my life forever.
Billy: Are you asking me If I knew my little sister had a crush on Warren? Well, Ringo Starr was always her favorite so take a guess. Graham: I knew of course. Karen: Graham is gonna say he knew but he was clueless. They were pretty damn secret at first. But Warren was taking too many drugs to keep his mouth shut you know? Daisy: June still sends me Christmas cards. She was what glued this band I can tell you that. Eddie: I still can’t believe Warren scored this well.
June: I was scared of Billy’s reaction. Nothing happened at this point but I kept thinking about it. We were at a diner, the band suffered from the lack of notoriety while working their ass off. I wanted to comfort him. At least the band had a shiny new name.
Eddie: About damn time!
Warren: That night, I was ready to join that couch as always. Breaking my back. When June ask me to meet her in her room after everybody was asleep. So I did. At 2 am, I knocked and enter. She was wearing Billy’s old Black Sabbath tee shirt, writing on her stomach. Man oh, man.
June: I was very nervous, but It was time I also lived a little bit. Also whatever occurred it would have been good materials for the band you know (chuckles). He entered and he was wearing his flannel pant. I nearly jumped out of bed and I ran to his side, practically smashing him against the door and I kissed him. I (blushing) I never was nearly as adventurous as Karen, or Camila. It was a bold move for me you have to know that.
Karen: I heard a bang, yeah. Thought it was the ghost of my room. Or a bird.
Warren: Man oh man, I can’t tell you more about that night.
June: You have your answer, but you knew about it don't you?
Warren: You just wanted the sweet story to cover the bad ones don't you?
Interview : (smiles) sunshine after the rain, and by the way congrats on your 10th anniversary.
June: thank you.
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sempiternalmuze · 1 year
Hey, love your work :) Maybe you could write something for Eddie along the lines of him having a crush on the reader, but thinking the reader and Graham are in a relationship bc they are so close, but the reader also has a huge crush on Eddie and they have some sort of fight or talk, where they realise they both have a crush on each other :)
eddie roundtree/loving x f!reader
description: req!
word count: 1.4k
warning(s): none
a/n: yesyesyes! Thank you so much by the way, I try :,). I've never written something like this before, so give me a chance here. Some slight deviations from the story we know and love. Thank you for the prompt <3 sorry it took like 5 months to get it done!!
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Graham’s arm wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you against him as you lounged on the couch together, whispering like you usually did. You whispered something to him, making him laugh so loud that Eddie could hardly keep pretending to focus on the TV set. He rolled his eyes, readjusting himself on the love seat as he tried to drown out the laughter of you and Graham.
“You know, there’s rooms all over this house you two could go to if you need some time alone.” Warren laughed, teasing the two before sliding himself down next to Eddie, pushing his legs off.
Eddie couldn’t help but glare at him, rubbing at his temple. A few hours ago he had felt so good, so refreshed when you came walking through the door, bags in hand for a two week visit from upper Cali. Eddie had been home with Warren, watching some sitcom, bored out of his mind. When he saw you standing in the doorway he almost knocked you over by how quickly he wrapped his arms around you, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“God, I’ve missed you.” He sighed, pulling away enough to look you right in the eye.
You couldn’t help but look away in an attempt to hide the heat rising in your cheeks. You smiled, taking in the way his fingers pushed against you, the way he carried this glint in his eye that you swore he held only for you. “Could say the same for you.”
Warren entered the room with open arms asking where his hug was. You placed a hand on Eddie’s cheek before pulling away to give Warren a much more casual hug. You’d spend a few hours with the two, mostly answering questions asked about what you had been up to, if you’d been booked lately, how long you would be around. Then the Dunne brothers had arrived and Graham had all but scooped you off the couch, the two of you laughing and quick to fall into step in order to catch up on everything you’d missed while being away. 
So now Eddie was stomping around the house like some big kid, making his annoyance known. And you picked up on it, watching from your peripheral as he paced around the kitchen, picking at the leftovers in the counter and cold beers in the fridge.
Graham leaned over to you, poking at your shoulder before whispering another joke into your ear that made you giggle.
“I’m going for a smoke.” Eddie muttered, slamming the fridge shut and walking out to the balcony. You bit your lip as he walked out, contemplating if you could go join him.
You went to the kitchen and grabbed a beer. Warren waltzed in and grabbed a box of cereal, pouring a bit into his hand and giving you a goofy smile.
“Hey, need help?” He pointed at the bottle in your hands which you handed to him gladly, glancing out the back door to Eddie who was leaning against the railing, the cigarette glowing a soft red against the low light.
“He’s had the biggest crush on you forever y’know?” Warren laughed, popping the lid of the bottle and returning back to his cereal.
You whipped your head around to look at Warren, eyes wide. “What?”
You asked, trying to figure out if you may have been hearing things. Warren was high, that's why he was eating cereal out of his hand and giggling like a mad man.
“Dude, you’ve never wondered why he always looks like a ray of sunshine everytime you come around? Or why is he the first one to get up and hug you like it’s the last time he’ll do it?” Warren shook his head, grinning. “That’s not just because he wants to.” Warren walked away, leaving you to consider what he told you.
One one hand, he was high, and giggly with or without the leaf. On the other hand, there was something about the way Eddie held you, the way he kept you near him even if some model or groupie had her arm slung around him.
Eddie looked back, quickly straightened up when he saw you coming through the door, smiling softly when you leaned against him. The two of you remained silent until you plucked the cigarette out of his hand, taking a hit of it before stomping it out under your foot.
“Those things will kill you, you know?” You asked, looking up at him. He smiled down at you and motioned towards the beer.
“You aren’t doing much better, how long do you think casting directors will let you get away with the drinking?” He teased, referring to the booked shoots you had told him and Warren about.
Your smile faltered a bit, something he was quick to pick up on. “What’s wrong love?”
“Oh Eddie,” you teared up but quickly wiped them away and bit your lip to try and deter the tears, “I haven’t gotten booked in months. My mom’s threatening to send my brothers to come get me, doesn’t want me to be up here anymore, not if I’m not working.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” He asked, eyebrows furrowed as he hesitated to wrap his arms around you. You leaned against him, tears still rolling softly. His hands ran themselves against your hair, doing his best to comfort you. “Does Graham know?”
You nodded a yes. “It doesn’t matter. He thinks it would be good for me to see my family for a bit, and maybe stay there. I was never made for the California lifestyle like you guys.”
Eddie scoffed, shaking his head. He pulled away from you, walking back towards the balcony. “Well that’s a shitty thing. Why would he encourage you to go back? Doesn’t he love you enough to try and keep you here, help you anyway he can?”
“You guys have so much going on with the band- I mean you’re on the brink of hitting it big, I don’t wanna be a bother either.”
“No.” Eddie walked back to you, gently taking your arms into his hands as he held you softly. “You could never be a bother okay? Not to me, never. I-” He hesitated, choosing his next words carefully. “I’d do anything to have you stay by my side. Anything.”
Your breath hitched. For a second you forgot that you and Eddie weren’t alone. You forgot that a few feet away your friends sat drinking and smoking and that the balcony wasn’t your own oasis to share with the boy you were sure you had loved since you were 16, the first time he performed on a stage that wasn’t set up in someone’s backyard and there had been something more than just a passion for the music.
“Eddie…I really like you.” You smiled, watching his face for any kind of reaction.
His eyebrows furrowed and he stepped back slightly. How could you say that? How could you admit that you had feelings when your boyfriend was sitting feet away from the two of you. “What about Graham?” he asked, eyebrows furrowed.
You follow suit, looking back at the house then back at Eddie. “Why do you keep asking about him?”
Eddie stayed silent, a blush rising to his face as he pushed his hair out of his face, looking out towards the city. “I thought the two of you were going steady.”
You stood there not really sure how to react. You wanted to laugh, ask him if that’s why he’d been so sour the minute the Dunne’s had arrived. But the more overwhelming sense in you wanted to grab him and kiss him, show him that you and Graham had never been anything but best friends and that he’d been the one you thought about late at night. Eddie was the one that you had dreams and hopes for, more so than the boys you’d known since birth.
And so you did. Before you even knew it you captured Eddie’s lips against your own, your hand resting gently against his cheek as his hands found their way against the small of your back. And he smiled. He smiled against your lips like he was the happiest man in the world. When you both pulled away you looked up at him but his eyes remained closed.
“What’s wrong?” “Just scared I’ll open them and it’ll be a dream.”
You laughed, hitting against his chest softly. “Why didn’t you say anything?” “Was worried about losing you.”
“Hey”, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. He looked down at you, his arms finding their way around your body, like it was the most natural thing to him. “Not one person is more important to me than you.”
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parkerslatte · 1 year
Songbird || SEVEN
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Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1.5k
Part Summary: After the night Y/N and Eddie spent together, they talk through it.
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Sunlight streamed through the gap in the curtain directly onto Y/N’s face. Blinking awake, Y/N looked around confused about her surroundings. Looking down she noticed that her body was covered in nothing but a sheet. Y/N looked to her left and saw a figure laying there, facing away from her. 
Y/N groaned, “Eddie, Eddie wake up.”
Eddie mumbled something that Y/N didn’t understand.
“Wake up.” Y/N says, nudging him.
Opening his eyes, Eddie sighed at the light. He turned his head to face Y/N. The two looked at each other, not knowing what to say. 
“So,” Y/N says, breaking the awkward silence, “That happened.”
“Yes it did.” Eddie says. 
The two fell into silence once again. Y/N didn’t know what to think, she had slept with one of her closest friends. Turning to lay on her back, Y/N faced the ceiling. 
“Just so we’re both on the same page, that was a one time thing right?” Y/N questioned, turning her head to look at Eddie.
Eddie let out a sigh of relief, “Yeah, we’re on the same page.”
“Good,” Y/N said, “Because I was worried that this would make things really awkward.” 
Eddie laughs, “No, what will make things awkward is if everyone else knows, I can only imagine what they’d say.”
“It would be relentless teasing,” Y/N says, “Especially from Warren.”
“Especially from Warren.” Eddie repeats with a chuckle. 
“You know you said that you would never lie to me again?” Y/N says, “Can you promise me something?”
“Why?” Eddie says, suddenly defensive.
Y/N laughed, “Just answer the question.”
“Depends what the promise is.” Eddie says. 
Y/N smirked, “Promise not to fall in love with me, I’ve already got men lining up, I don’t need another.”
“You flatter yourself too much,” Eddie says, “There’s no chance of me falling in love with you, it’ll fuel your ego too much. I can promise you that.”
“Ego? You want to talk to me about ego?” Y/N says with a laugh. 
Eddie didn’t reply, he only laughed along with Y/N. The two layed there a moment longer before Y/N turned to Eddie, leaning forward to press a kiss to his cheek.
“What was that for?” Eddie asks, a smile spreading across his face.
“For still being friends after this and that there’s no awkwardness between us,” Y/N says, “Now, we should be getting back to the house, the others are probably wondering how our nights went.”
As Y/N and Eddie entered the house, Graham, Karen and Warren sat around the kitchen table eating breakfast. When Y/N entered the room, she tried her best to sneak past everyone, but she failed miserably. 
“Guess who had a good night last night.” Warren teased. 
Y/N stopped in her tracks, turning to face the three sitting at the table. Rolling her eyes, Y/N completely abandoned trying to sneak past, joining the three at the table. Walking in not too far behind her was Eddie, everyone’s attention turned to him.
“And where did you wander off last night?” Warren asked Eddie, who sat in a chair opposite Y/N. 
Eddie’s eyes widened slightly, his brain not thinking of an excuse quick enough.
“It was funny, after I exited the room I was in, I bumped into Eddie leaving, he definitely had a good night, his hair was sticking up everywhere and he had this stupid smile on his face.” Y/N teased.
Eddie looked at her from across the table, the corner of his lips, threatening to rise up. 
“And how was your night?” Graham said, joining in the teasing, “Because the last I heard, Y/N, you were looking at every guy at that party like you were going to eat them alive.”
Y/N chuckled, “I had a great night, he definitely knows how to use his hands.” From across the table, Eddie hid a smile in his drink.
“And how was your night Eddie, how was the lucky girl?” Karen questioned.
“She was alright, nothing too special.” Eddie says, looking directly at Y/N, a glint in his eye. 
Y/N rolled her eyes as a small smile creeped onto her face, glad that there was no awkwardness between the two and they could joke about it. 
WARREN ROJAS: It was a confusing time, for everyone.
Having nothing to do with her day, Y/N decided to sit with the band while they auditioned a new front man, she regretted that decision very quickly. Y/N watched as front man after front man stood at the microphone and sang their heart out, her ears were screaming. 
As the final person stood at the microphone and began to sing, Y/N tried to stifle her laughter. Turning into Warren’s shoulder she continued to laugh, which caused Warren to laugh and ended up creating a domino effect of everyone trying to contain their laughter. 
When everyone had calmed down and the man was long gone, Warren turned to Y/N, “Well, welcome to the band Y/N, you’re our new front woman!”
Y/N let out a snort, “Yeah, I love you all but absolutely not.”
Karen let out a sigh, “I feel like we’ve seen every bloody front man in the whole of California.”
“Not everyone.” Eddie says. One by one, everyone turned to face him.
“What?” Warren says.
“I can do it, guys.” Eddie says.
“Yeah, Eddie…” Graham started but was cut off instantly.
“I can do it. I’m a better guitarist than Billy, I can sing almost as good,” Eddie began listing off things, “Come on, just give me a chance.”
“I mean, he’s already up there.” Warren says.
Eddie picks up a guitar and begins to sing. Everyone around the group begins to nod, pleasantly surprised with what they were listening to. Y/N, however, watched with shock, she had never heard Eddie sing before and she didn’t even know he could sing. When Eddie sang the final words, he opened his eyes and made eye contact with Y/N, who looked at him like he hung the stars. Eddie smiled.
While everyone went off to do what they wanted, Y/N dragged Eddie all the way to his room. He looked surprised at her urgency. He sat down on his bed while she stood in front of him.
“You can sing?” Y/N questioned, “Since when?”
“Since always.” Eddie replied.
“Why did you never tell me!” Y/N exclaimed.
“You never asked.”
“Your voice…”
“What about it?” Eddie asked, suddenly feeling anxious of Y/N’s opinion.
“It’s beautiful,” Y/N says, “I don’t know but there’s this specific kind of rasp to it which I love.”
Eddie smiles, eyes looking down for a brief moment before he makes eye contact again.
“That doesn’t seem like you though, not telling me you can sing,” Y/N says, “You always want to one up Billy, so being able to sing, play guitar and play bass, I’m pretty sure you’ve one upped him.”
Eddie laughed, while Y/N continued to pace, “I can’t believe you can sing.”
“Believe it,” Eddie says, “Because I’m pretty confident that I’m the new front man of The Six.”
Y/N sighed before sitting down, “You really think Billy is done completely?”
“Sure,” Eddie says, “He seemed pretty adamant on it.”
“I don’t particularly like the guy but I don’t really see him giving up on the band.” Y/N says. 
“Well he has, okay?” Eddie says, quite forcefully.
“Wow, okay,” Y/N says, standing up, “I was only stating my opinion Eddie, there’s no need to snap at me for it.”
“Y/N, I didn’t mean-”
“I know, Eddie,” Y/N says, “You don’t like Billy, neither do I, but you don’t have to jump down everyone’s throats at the simple mention of his name.” 
“Y/N, I’m sorry,” Eddie says, rising to his feet, taking her hand gently in his, “I didn’t mean to snap at you like that.”
“Eddie, it’s okay-”
“No, Y/N, I shouldn’t have done that,” Eddie says, his hand coming up to lightly cup her cheek, “I’m sorry, forgive me?”
Y/N gave him a small smile, “I forgive you.”
The two stood there a moment longer, Eddie still cupping her cheek and holding onto her hand. A few more seconds went by before the two realised the position they were in. Clearing his throat, Eddie stepped back while Y/N took her hand out of his, folding her arms across her chest. 
“I should get going,” Y/N says, “I’ve got a lot of things to work on.” She lied, “I’ll see you later.” Y/N slipped out of the room without another word, leaving Eddie alone.
Standing and staring at the door where Y/N had left, Eddie shook his head and sighed.
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: I tried really hard to keep the promise I made, but it got harder and harder and I didn’t want to lie to her but I did.
@itsthegamemaster @pinkdaiisies @atrimmunson @siredstiless @jihyoforlife
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sincere1ystar · 4 months
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Late Night Tunes
Graham doesn’t know how to reveals his feelings to you so he does what he does best: sing a song
You and Graham were friends for god knows how long. Friends he would remind himself, just friends.
Yet one night when he and the rest of the Six are playing a gig at a local cafe that reminder flies right over his head. You give him a little wave and suddenly he forgets he has to stick to the setlist. In the middle of one of their songs Graham starts playing an entirely different tune. Eddie and Warren give each other a confused look while the others just stop playing entirely. Although they are all lost one thing they all don’t fail to notice is that Grahams singing… a love song?
You look at him confused from the audience as your head tilts sightly giving a confused look at Karen, hoping to get some answers as she just shrugs. It takes you a moment but then you realize that Graham’s looking right at you. Not at something behind you or something beside you but right at you as he sings his lyrics of love. Your mind goes blank as you stare back at him, heart beating out of your chest as butterflies swirl around your stomach.
It’s not until after the song ends and Graham runs up to you when your mind starts to register what’s happening again. While your mind starts to gain consciousness again, his mind is only forced on one thing: you. The way his dreams reside within your eyes, the melody of your laugh, and how your face lights up when you smile.
And before you can say anything to him, he pulls you outside. Your heads spinning as it’s filled with questions but before you can get any of those thoughts out you look into his eyes and your mind just goes blank.
“I wrote that song”, Graham says intercepting your thoughts.
“I thought you could say that you were a horrible songwriter”, you say failing to hide your nervousness as you awkwardly joke around.
“I am. No I was.. I got… inspired”, he says pulling a string of words together.
At first it’s quiet, you feel as if the silence is going to drag on forever. That is until you and Graham start laughing. There was nothing funny going on in particular, but your smile gleams in the moonlight as Graham laughs along with you. Because that’s how it felt to be with Graham, it felt like being able to laugh and laugh with not a care in the world. It felt as if the two of you could talk for hours and hours and you would still be left with the urge to still spill your thoughts to him. It felt as if the two of you were made to find each other no matter how confusing it might seem, like the pieces of a riddle.
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swiftgreatest · 2 years
Kill You to Try | Warren Rojas x Fem!Reader
request by anon: "Hey!!! Could you please write a Warren Rojas x reader fic where the reader is a director and gets to direct a music video for the band and warren is pining for her ?"
a/n: hello!! i hope u like, this is my first fic from a request!! and if you want, can request more. thank you! 💜
tw: warren being anxious, grammatical mistakes because i didn't review this..
words: 1.7k
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Everything happened so fast, with the big hit of "Aurora", the band started to receive more attention, yes the problems behind the scenes helped with the fame, but the good songs and the rock n roll lifestyle makes them more famous.
And that attracted your attention for Daisy Jones and The Six, a lifestyle with parties, drugs, sex and the rock, things from the classic rockstar life. A kind of life that you like and know so well. Being one of the big and requested directors, makes you famous. You had work with several bands and artists of the 70's rock scene and you stood out in a place full of man and prejudice.
But this doesn't let you down, you still stand, fight and work to show your talent. You have your own work and the people can feel the truth and your love for your work. You have a presence and no one can ignore you, everybody knows you, they adore you and your work.
One of these "fans" is the famous drummer of The Six, Warren Rojas. He knows your work for a long time, since the time of "The Dunne Brothers" he sees his favorite bands having music videos directed by you and is enchanted with your job and you. He's always anxious for your next job and keeps this appreciation in a secret. So it is easy to wonder his reaction when he knew who was going to direct the next music video of the band.
The band just have some videos of the "Aurora Era" and are going to start the new tour, for this reason, Teddy and Runner Records chose to make a new music video for the band, to have more visibility to the songs of "Aurora". And the selected song is "Kill You to Try". The record wants something big and ambitious for this new hit. So it didn't take a long time to get a phone call from Teddy Price inviting you to direct this project.
You're so happy to work with the band, you love "Honeycomb" and falling in love with "Aurora", and making a job with the number 1 band in the charts brings more highlights and fame to you and your career. A job like the others, it's what you think, but nothing is like we think.
After the annunciation for the band about the new video, take only 3 days to recording start, everybody be so excited and anxious (in the good way), especially the drummer with curly hair. Since the announcement, Warren just was thinking of you, he's going to meet you in person, work with you, he's so happy and anxious with this and don't realize how nervous he is, and especially when the recordings started.
Warren watches you talking with his friends, the band and you get along so fast, talking about music you like. Daisy, Karen, Graham and Eddie liked you, they liked your way and the passion for your work. He admires you all the time, his heart beats faster every time you smile or laugh, you're so beautiful and looking at you makes him feel so good and lucky.
"Hey dude! What 's going?" Asked Eddie. Bassist is the first to realize how nervous his friend is. The drummer usually passes his hands in his hair and mustache or walks in the set.
"Hum? Nothing dude, is everything good here, is nothing wappen" Warren said
"But it looks like you're going to have a collapse any time, walking in the set like a racing car. Is it mescaline again?"
"Mescaline is a powerful drug man, i learned this in Billy and Camilla wedding"
"Good, but this doesn't answer my question. What's happi-" Roundtree doesn't complete the sentence because he and his friend have been interrupted by S/n.
"Hi guys! Sorry for interrupting, but i would like doing scenes of you two with your instrument and scenes of the band together" Before filming solo scenes of Billy and Daisy, Karen and the piano and Graham on guitar, you just need takes of the drummer and bassist.
"Of course! You're going first Warren!" Eddie said and walked away leaving his friend alone with you. The drummer doesn't understand, but Eddie knows that Warren changes before you come around. Being more nervous, sweet and careful around you. The bassist knows you're the reason for all this drama.
"Great! If u feel ready Warren, we could start now" Like Warren you've your secrets too! Of all the members Warren is the one who gets your attention, his looks are not the only thing that attracted you, his attitude and talent too. You caught yourself admiring him on the drums sometimes and thinking what those hands could do.
"Y-yes, i'm ready for it" He confirms as shake his head and gives a smile that can light up this whole town. You notice a different attitude of him in relation to you, he talks with everybody except you, this worries you, makes you think that he doesn't like you and for this reason ignoring you.
You explain to him what you want for his scene with drums. He listens in silence and differs from his bandmates. He doesn't ask or talk nothing with you, it was as if he held himself around you. But you don't know that man is a big mess now, only because of you, you stay in his head all the time and he fights to try to say anything to you.
He's enchanted, you're like a pretty and harmony melody, you've your own shines and bewitched the body and soul of this man. His scenes were fast to record, he had a natural charm and his drum solo was your favorite part, you and he looked at each other all the time, it was like he couldn't take his eyes off you. You try to talk with him at the end of scenes but he walks away from you, leaving you alone and confused.
After many scenes, you reported that you have enough content to the video and thank the band for the opportunity and the good moments. They were kind and nice, you have talks with everyone. Except Warren, this frustrated you, the only member owner of your attention is the one to ignore you and run from you.
Before you go, you see the drummer go into a room. You can't hold yourself, you can't go without knowing the reason why he doesn't like you. You close the door of the room and scare the drummer. Only you and him in the close room.
"S/n? What are you doing? What happened?"
"I'm the one who should ask this for you! You've been ignoring me all day! I know we don't know each other but this is the opportunity to do this, I'm expecting to come closer to you and talk with you. You're the one who I most want to talk to, but you ignore me! Like I'm nothing to you. So you need to say to me, what I did to you? Did I do something bad?"
You pressed him to a anser, he was shocked with your honesty, different from him, you're honest and open about your feelings, now he's blaming himself for being a coward and makes you feel wrong. Please, you're perfect in his opinion. This time he chose to say the truth and fight with the nerves who put him down.
"I feel so sorry if I did you thinking I hate you or something like that, you got it wrong. The truth is…" Warren breathed deep while caught all the courage to confess your feelings "I'm crazy for you. I know this sounds crazy, but I admire you and your work for a long time. You're an inspiration, like a good old song who makes everyone happy, the only in my mind. I've been longing for you for a long time. And now we're working together and I don't know how to act around you. I did wrong, so I want to ask you for one chance to make different. Only one chance with you could calm down my heart and my mind" He's so deep in his confession that don't realize how you look at him now with shiny eyes and hold a smile and happy laugh. Oh this man looks so funny now, he's still talking until you interrupt him.
"Hey Warren!! Breathe! Now I understand and I'm not going to lie to you. I'm couldn't take my eyes off you any moment in the day, you stay on my mind since the first meet, your eyes, your lips, anything on you, i couldn't touch, just wonder how it feels and this kill me slowly and have you ignore me makes me burn in inside, but now i know the truth. So come on, I just need one chance". He comes so close while smiling, so close to your breath and the beats of your and his heart becoming one only. Warren holds himself to screaming of happiness for knowing you both feel the same thing. "Let's make this work. Saturday night, in my house, just me and you and no one else".
And that is the first step of a new story.
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thank you for reading!! if u like reblog and like please!! my requets is open, look at my rules first ❤️ all the love xx.
daisy jones and the six masterlist
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ryuismoving · 4 months
⟢ Unsolicited
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pairings: Nathan Prescott/reader Warren Graham/reader
warnings: gunplay, stalking, rape, kidnapping, no lube, choking, consensual non-consent
chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Word spreads fast in a place like Blackwell. Rumors fly. But this was no rumor, he knew this was fact. When I have someone like Victoria as a best friend, I often get the best gossip. But this... He didn't wanna fucking hear. He was pissed. He wanted to fucking destroy Warren Graham, take what was rightfully his! Nobody fucks with him.. Nobody.
It was late and I’ve been doing some late night studying in the library. I’m starting to feel a little tired, and I promised my boyfriend (whom I’ve been with for about a week now) that I’d go out with him on a date tomorrow. I smile to myself, thinking about how cute he was as I gather my things and leave. I start heading back to the girls campus when suddenly a firm hand grabs me and pulls me aside. "Gah-! Hey, what's the big idea?!" I snap, whipping my head around to see who my attacker was. "..Nathan Prescott?? What do you want?"
"Shut your fucking mouth, bitch!" He growls. I think I can see something in his hand but it's dark so I can barely tell. "You're gonna do as I fucking say, got it?!"
"No way! Get off me, dude-!" I start struggling before he whipsout a gun and points it right in my face. I stiffen, blood running from my face as my pale skin pales further.
"I said," He steps closer, getting up in my face. "You're gonna do as I say."
I swallow thickly. He really is serious... I see him twitch a little and remember what everyone tells me about him. 'He's unstable', they said. 'He's dangerous, stay away from him!' they tell me. I always brushed it off as people just being cruel, but... It seems they're right.
"H-hey, I don't want any trouble now... P-put the gun down-" I start before he huffs through his nose. "Don't even try to tell me what to do, you're g-gonna follow my fucking orders, you hear me?!" He growls, aiming the gun at me more. With a whimper, I nod, and he starts leading me into the parking lot. This is scary... I feel like I’m going to be sick.
He stops in front of what is probably his vehicle, and turns to me roughly.
"Get the fuck in." He looks stressed honestly, but now is not the time to feel bad for him. I comply, getting into the passenger seat as he gets into the driver's seat. He's still holding the gun… "If you try a fucking thing, I will kill you, hear me bitch?"
"N-Nathan, p-please, let me go-!" I start, thinking maybe begging will get me out of this situation. "Shut up!" He raises his voice, gritting his teeth. Without another word, he starts driving. It isn't long before I arrive at my destination: The middle of nowhere.
"...Nathan.. Why are we here?.." I say quietly, hoping that perhaps if I try a more gentle approach he'll go easy on me with whatever he plans on doing. "Get out." He grunts, refusing to answer my question.
I swallow hard and get out as he exits too. He aims the gun again and gestures with his head to the boot. "By the trunk. Now." I rub my arm nervously but head over to the drunk, facing it. A..am I supposed to open it?
"W-what now-" I begin but are quickly cut off by a forceful hand slamming my head down onto it. I yelp in pain, it's not enough to knock me out but my head is spinning and there's a throbbing sensation building up in the side of my head. "You... Why the fuck would you ever fuck somebody like him?!" He sounds personally offended, or maybe even hurt. "He's such a fucking loser.. How can you stand to let him touch you like that?" He pushes my head against the boot harder.
"Agh-! I don't know w-what you're talking about-!" I whimper out, trying to push myself away from the metal. "Your fucking boyfriend, duh!" He grunts and grips my hair, pulling me up roughly. With a sharp gasp, I grip at the hand pulling at my hair, ripping at my scalp from the force. "He n-never deserved you..." He mutters into my ear and I can feel the cold tip of the gun pressing into my back. "N-no one does..."
"N-Nathan!!" I cry out, eyes brimming with tears. "P-please stop this-! AH-!" I cry out as he slams my face back down into the metal, bringing the gun up to my head aggressively. His body pressed against mine, breathing hard. "Stop fucking talking!" He shouts, pushing the gun against my head. "Shut the fuck up! I'll make y-you pay.. N-No one will ever want you again... I'll ruin you..." It's almost like he's just talking to himself at this point.
I hear the sounds of shuffling then a zipper being pulled down. "Ngh... W-wait, what-" I’m cut off by my shorts suddenly being pulled down roughly, exposing me to the cold night air. I tense, and struggle. "N-No-!!" He quickly slaps a hand over my mouth and cocks the gun to my head. I stiffen further, sweat dripping down my forehead.
"You're gonna keep y-your damn mouth shut... Or I'll blow your brains out..."
He's breathing quite heavily.. It's possible he's high right now, but this could be his normal behavior for all I know. I feel him press against me and I whimper as he forces his way in. It hurts like hell, I can feel him tearing into me. I choke back a sob and he wrenches my head back by the hair. He starts pounding hard and rough, really manhandling me. Tears are falling down my cheeks but I’m trying my best to stay quiet. He's grunting angrily, taking out all his frustrations on me. He slams my face into the boot one more time, this time causing blood to spill out of my nose. I’m pretty certain it's broken.
I sob, finally letting myself cry out from the agony he's causing me. He huffs and pulls my face around towards him. "Open your f-fucking mouth, dirty whore." He grunts, still pounding into me. I snap my mouth shut, muffled sobs trapped inside. Nathan, visibly angry, smacks my head with the back of his gun. "Open!" I comply, to which he just shoves the gun in there. I whimper against the cold metal, eyes wide and red. "Y-you should've been mine..." He growls, slamming into me harder. He huffs a little but tries to keep his focus. "I b-bet you fucking like this, don't you? S-slut." He smiles and pulls the gun out roughly.
I make a little sound when he suddenly spits in my mouth and forces it shut. "Swallow. Now." He huffs, shuddering a little. He's getting off on this far too much... my eyes water from humiliation and pain and I swallow obediently. He smirks a little and lets me turn my head away. "T-that's better." He keeps pounding into me,going back to being violent and ragging my hair around as he slams into me, pushing me against the boot. I try to zone out, try not to feel anything as he suddenly thrusts into me and cums.
“Oh f-fucking hell.. y-you feel better than I imagined” he says as I cry silently. This day could not get any worse.
He zips his pants back up as I drop to the ground, feeling weak. His gun is pointed right beside my ear, holding it lightly. I’d run away now if I didn’t feel like hell.
My cries are louder, I’m getting braver when the gun isn’t pointed at me. He got what he wanted, can’t he just kill me now?
“Let’s go,” he drags me back to the passenger seat, “I don’t have time for this, try something and I won’t hesitate to shoot.” He points the gun at me again as I get inside. He puts the gun back in his pocket and starts driving.
I take a look at his face, still slightly manic. I want to cry. so. bad.
“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to do that, Y/N? A long time. All for it to go down the drain, because what, he gives you one good fuck?” I wish I could punch his face right now, “If a word of this gets out, you’re dead, including your boyfriend.” he says as he parks his car. I don’t wanna get out yet, this is so fucking humiliating, but God I don’t wanna be in this prick’s car any longer.
I get out of the car, adjusting my skirt. I feel so guilty, my poor Warren was left hanging while I was getting raped by Nathan Prescott, of all people. How am I gonna explain this to my boyfriend? Should I just not tell him? I don’t wanna do that.. I won’t break his trust.
It’s like he read my mind the way he answered, “Here’s what’s gonna happen: you tell your little boyfriend that you took a supposedly quick nap in the library, and accidentally forgot your stupid date, alright?” he commanded, his voice stern and low. Lying to my boyfriend? This is a first, and with the things he said in the car, I’m sure this isn’t the last. I miss Warren so bad.
Nathan starts walking to the dormitories and I follow, “Wait here a little while, I don’t want people to see us together,” he says, “and I want you to break up with that good-for-nothing bitch.”
I internally sob, “I’m giving you a week, you know what happens if you don’t follow,” he looks back at me as he slightly pulls his gun out from his back pocket then continues walking. I dig my nails into the palm of my hand as I clench my fists. I immediately pull my phone out to text Warren.
: i need to talk to you!
: u up?
Warren: i am now
Warren: where were you?
Warren: did you forget about our date?
: i fell asleep
Warren: did you? i went to the library earlier and you weren’t there
Warren: you even left your book
: shit.. im sorry
: ill explain later, im coming to your dorm
I run as fast as I can to Warren’s dorm, surely by now, Nathan’s in his, right? I find Warren’s dorm and I knock a couple times, he opens by the second one. I come in, releasing the breath I didn’t even realize I was holding. “Woah, are you alright?” he asks. I feel the tears starting to flood in.
“Warren I am so sorry” I cry but I keep it down. “Shh shh, what’s wrong? What happened? I’m here.” he reassures as he puts his arm over my shoulder while I have a breakdown on his floor. “He.. he!” I stammer, I can’t even find the words to explain, will he even believe me? Even I barely believe myself at this point, I want to think that this is all just a nasty dream, a nightmare. “Who’s he, babe?” I sniffle, “N-nathan.. he.. fucking raped me!”
His eyes widen. “What?” he asks, “He- he kidnapped me and took me in the middle of nowhere and he just-!” I bawl my eyes out, this is too much for me.
“Holy shit, I’m gonna kill that dude-!” he yells as he goes for the door, “No wait!” I scream then I cover my mouth so fast, “He’s got a gun..!” I whispered. He drops his arms in defeat and just goes to hug me instead.
“He.. he told me to break up with you within a week.. or else he’ll..” I cry. I can feel his hands ball into fists. “N-no, we’ll find a way, he can’t break us up, baby. I won’t let him.” he reassures, though I can feel him shaking.
“I know.. I know” I cry into his shoulder. “Now let’s get some sleep, you’ve had enough trouble for tonight, hm?” he offers as he picks me up and places me on his bed. “T-thank you..” I say, “Your voice is hoarse, stay here while I go get some water.” he says. He has no idea that there’s no place I’d rather be in right now than on his bed, with him as company.
My phone dings and I groan internally. The water pouring noise is enough to get me to sleep but I get my phone anyway as I wipe my tears. I clench my phone upon seeing who it’s from. None other than Nathan freaking Prescott, the one and only. “nite, whore.” I’m not intimidated, I actually think he’s a loser for doing this. The reason why I gave Warren a chance was simply because he was brave enough to say it, whilst Nathan needed to have a gun, and even then I would never like him, it only had the opposite effect.
I don’t bother replying as Warren gives me a glass of water. As I swallow, I feel my throat restricting around the cold water. It felt like the best glass of water I’ve ever had. I really needed that. I down it all and put it on his bedside table. He lays down beside me on his bed and cuddles me to sleep. My heartbeat slows down as I relax around him, drifting to sleep.
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bmacreadz · 2 years
"Daisy Jones and The Six" by Taylor Jenkins Reid
"Daisy Jones and The Six" is one of the most inventive books I think I've ever read. I admit I am a little lost for how to write this review about it.
"Daisy Jones and The Six" is written as an oral history, which took me pleasantly by surprise. Maybe I'm the only one who didn't realize it was going to read the way it did when I first picked it up, but it's what makes the story so unique. I've never read a book like that, but it was such a unique reading experience that I'm glad I didn't know. I probably wouldn't have read it otherwise.
The first half of the book focuses on the separate lifestyles and startups of Daisy Jones and the members of The Six. The second half focuses on who they all were together. They tell their own histories about each of these moments, which leaves a lot up for interpretation by the reader. We start to get a clearer view of what might have been actually going on by the end, but there's still so much left unsaid and we really don't get those questions answered. The personalities of each character really jumps off the page, though, because of this. We're getting a firsthand account of their own experiences and it's easy to understand who they might have been and what role they played in their group. It was honestly fascinating.
Was this a love story? I would say yes, I think. Just not a conventional one by any means.
This book was about Daisy Jones and Billy Dunne, but it was also very much about Camila Dunne. Though she wasn't in every scene or every bit of the story, she was the center of it all. At least in my opinion. She was the reason behind the songs (even the ones Daisy wrote and you know why), Billy's inner struggle, and Daisy's ultimate undoing and salvation. Camila was the reason for everything. It was so unique in that way. It wasn't a conventional love story, but it was definitely a love story. It was about Billy and Camila's family, and Daisy's love for herself. It was about Karen and Graham, Warren, Pete, and Eddie - even Rod and Teddy. It was about all of them loving this moment of their lives that they were in together. It wasn't normal, but it wasn't weird. It was beautiful in its own way, enjoyable, and inexplicable.
Would I read it again? I don't know, honestly. But I'm glad I did read it. Now, I'm anxious to see what Prime Video has done with the show. I'm a little hesitant because so much in the book was left up for interpretation. So much was left for the reader to decide what did and did not actually happen, especially at the end. I've seen the previews and it seems as though the show did a lot of filling in those blanks, which I don't think was supposed to be the point.
"Art doesn't owe anything to anyone."
"The truth often lies, unclaimed, in the middle."
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minerscanary · 3 years
Just Another Night
Whumpmas in july day 3, with the prompt ‘sleep’.
CW: This ones pretty bare, more of a dull pain and comfort rather than hurt. Medication mention, some barely self destructive behavior, does this even count as whump? Nathan Prescott.
Nights rarely went without being woken up.
Whether that be in a cold sweat, his clothes drenched and teeth chattering as he climbed out of bed to the shower, or with a burning pain tearing and pulling at his leg. The meds all hit each other terribly, but after so much trial and error you begin to be okay with the side effects. It was either this, or staying in bed all day doing nothing, unable to do anything. He could sacrifice a little bit of sleep anyways, it wasn’t worth it.
But now… There was him in the picture.
Nathan worried about waking him up every time he would wiggle out from under the sheets. Worry about waking up as he would slip into the shower, or pull on his shoes to leave the apartment. If he did decide on the former, like tonight, he would wonder if Warren would notice and mention it in the morning over coffee, just before he had to run off for the day. He ran through a million and one different scenarios on what he would say, how to answer perfectly.
Someone like him, it would be a miracle from god if he didn't have nightmares. Nightmares trapped behind a glass wall, being locked out from doing anything, only able to watch the blood spill and robes burn, stuck just behind his eyes through a thick haze. He turned the knob all the way to the left first, letting burning steam and water splash against his skin, opening his pours and all the dirt stuck in them from when he inevitably forgot to wash his face. It always seemed to be the smallest things, the mundane and ritualistic things he couldn’t quite get. It was better when Warren was there, someone to keep him on the schedule, on some sort of routine, but some nights just fell through the cracks.
He flexed his toes against the white linoleum floor, just to get the feeling back in his leg. His hands were just barely shaking, rubbing at his face, through dirty blonde locks that had days of product in it. Some things just fell through the cracks.
Nathan could almost melt in the heat of the steam, let it sink into his skin and follow it down the drain. Just melt away from the world, the fluorescent and disinfectants. It was a nice thought, to just step away from the world for a second, to let it all melt away from you.
But again… There was him. Warren. The dipshit that he let in his dorm room once and couldn’t get enough of. Somehow they landed out here, away from the hills of Arcadia Bay, in a studio apartment Nathan's father did not trust him with, alone at least. Warren was his little secret, someone that his old world wouldn’t be able to touch, not over Nathan's dead body.
He let out a little breathy laugh in the steam, just at the thought, then reached out to turn the dial the opposite direction, icy cold. It was just a quick burst, enough to give his skin life from all the heat had taken. He wasn’t under it long before turning it all the way off, hearing the smallest knock at the door.
“Nathan?” He heard from the other side, eyes down as he watched water drip from his body.
Drip drip drip, down the drain, anywhere else.
Conversations with the man were hardly anything to be scared of, he wasn't. But conversations at all, through a door, in the middle of the night, were generally nerve inducing.
There was a small pause, then trying to open the door, “Sorry, are you almost done? Nathan’s breath caught in his throat, just standing in the shower with nothing else. He quickly grabbed his towel, patting himself down before throwing on a clean set of clothes. The dirty ones were thrown on the floor, he could take care of them later. Warren didn’t say anything else, the studio was silent, listening to Nate’s feet against the wet linoleum, then, the door clicked. His hair was wet and messy, face flushed from the quick change in temperature. Water soaked the neck of his clean t-shirt, on the back of his neck where his hair dripped.
Warren gave this tilted kind of smile, arms out straight, and Nathan fell right in them. The younger brunette had filled out over the years, lanky limbs finally looking right when he grew to his full height. He was definitely bigger than Nathan, enough to rest his chin on the top of his head as he held him against his chest. “How are you feeling?” It felt like a dumb question, but Warren asked it anyways.
“Just fine, Graham.” Nathan locked his hands around Warren’s waist, the others over his shoulders, holding him as they stood outside the bathroom door. “I’m just fine.” He felt the hesitancy in the others movements, and spoke again. “I’m not fucking sensitive.”
Well. It came out wrong, but the meaning got by nonetheless.
He felt the other’s hand slip into his hair, brush at oily and wet locks, push them back and away from his forehead. That water dripped down his neck, onto Warren’s hand. “Do you need some advil or something? I got those strawberry melatonin things, if they’d help.”
Nathan let out a breath against Warren’s shirt, then in again, taking in the cedar scent of his cologne, mixed with the seaside smell of their laundry detergent.
Their laundry detergent, it sounded so fucking domestic.
“You should try and go back to bed,” Warren spoke again, resting his chin on top of Nathan’s wet hair. “Just a few more hours before we gotta be up.”
We this, and ours that, Nathan’s teeth clenched together, throat warm and tight as he gripped tighter around the tall brunette's waist. Someone looking out for him, who seemed like they cared about him, who wanted to take care of him, it all feld similar. Like a sweater you meant to throw out, scratching at your skin, yet you wear it regardless, lest it go to waste.
Warren’s voice was grating, scratching at Nathan’s ears like wool. He gulped, pulling away in a harsh movement, letting his messy hair fall back over his eyes. He couldn’t even say a word, too frightened of the cracks in his voice, almost stomping to his bed, grabbing one of the blankets before stopping back in front of Warren. He couldn’t look up at him, just squared his jaw with mumbled words, “I’m sleeping on the couch. Go back to bed.” He didn’t wait to see if Warren would, chances were he would probably just start the coffee machine and leave. Nathan just took the blanket to the living kitchen dining area, pulling it over him as he fell onto the couch. 
It was a cheap thing he managed to buy with his own money, dragged up the steps of his building, and into his apartment. It didn’t cost much, but nuzzling his face into the corner of it, back to the TV, the smell of mothballs in his throat, the plush blanket draped over him. 
Just alone. 
Completely alone. 
It was nice. 
Empty, and nice. 
No one to pull him one way or the other, even if he could hear footsteps through the rooms. Warren didn’t matter right now. Nothing mattered right now. Just the few hours he could strangle until he had to be a functioning human being.
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keiths3dart · 3 years
The Keith’s LiS art AU
So I had to come up with a reason I do some of the renders I do. This kind of grew into a fully fleshed out but probably still illogical Alternate Universe designed to answer the questions viewers might have regarding post-lis appearances by characters.
Firstly; none of the principal characters died in the storm. And yes that means there WAS a storm and the bae ending has been canonised (No Spanish Sahara here, thank you)
The Set up:
Max Caulfield found one day that her powers had morphed once more. Where she had previously been able to rewind time, and to travel back in time into photographs of herself she now discovered that she could travel back into ANY photograph though the effort was herculean and left her dangerously ill and weak afterwards.
Max had been wracked by guilt about allowing the storm to ravage Arcadia Bay and while she had found no workable way to save Chloe from death without the Storm occurring she tried to approach the situation from another angle. What if she, instead of removing Chloe from the Blackwell bathroom equation, removed Nathan Prescott?
But how to remove Nathan? With the resources Max had at her disposal, she entered the photograph she had found in The Dark Room of Rachel Amber. Arriving in the Dark Room behind Nathan as he leered over a bound and helpless Rachel she swiftly hid herself away. Noticing a loaded syringe on a worktop, she quickly emptied it and refilled it with water before returning it.
As Max hid herself behind the worktop she took out her phone. With relief she found that it retained all the numbers from her present time. She texted Chloe Price urging both her and David Masden to come to the Dark Room’s location to rescue Rachel.
Nathan drugged Rachel to keep her quiet, but as he only injected her with water, she didn’t overdose and die as in the prime timeline. Max returned home via the photograph.
Chloe and David rescued Rachel. Nathan was committed to a psychiatric hospital after being deemed to be suffering a psychotic breakdown.
Nathan blew the whistle on Mark Jefferson’s repeated abductions of female students and he is currently in prison.
Rachel was so unnerved by the experience she accelerated her plans to leave Arcadia Bay. But she did so with Frank Bowers, breaking Chloe’s heart although they eventually reconciled as friends.
Other than Chloe not being shot, and Nathan not being at School events at Blackwell Academy that week happened much as they did in the Game. Max did come across Chloe in the girls bathroom but it was due to Chloe being there to sell weed and the two rekindled their relationship over the course of that week leading up to the storm.
Kate Marsh still attempted suicide. Even without the ‘sex tape’, the extent of the bullying from Victoria Chase and her cabal drove her to the roof where she was talked down by Max.
The Storm still happened. Max had interfered with the timeline to save Rachel but this time the Storm appeared less powerful and there were very few casualties.
After the Storm:
Max and Chloe travelled extensively around the US in Chloe’s beat up truck. Eventually they were married. Chloe chose to have the wedding in full Highland Dress and had Rachel as her Best Woman. Kate, ‘a less of a cow’ Victoria, and Alyssa Anderson were bridesmaids.
Rachel Amber lives and works in Los Angeles as an Actress and Model, she still returns to Arcadia Bay periodically to see her friends.
Kate Marsh lives in Seattle with her dog Matthew. She is a successful children’s author and illustrator.
Alyssa Anderson also lives in Seattle. After being saved by Max during the storm she decided to repay that by dedicating herself to helping others. Aiding first responders during the storm and ultimately becoming a nurse. She rents a room at Kate’s house but between the violin and the howling Dachshund this may be a temporary arrangement.
Victoria Chase splits her time between working at her parents art gallery and working as a photojournalist.
Warren Graham is going out with Brooke Scott. She doesn’t let him out much.
Courtney Wagner and Taylor Christiansen both live and work in Portland where they continue to hang out with Victoria.
Nathan Prescott is in hospital in Portland. He is responding well to treatment and may be discharged in the near future. Victoria Chase is very supportive and visits regularly.
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parkerslatte · 1 year
Songbird || NINETEEN
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Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2.1k
Part Summary: The band arrive in Pittsburgh and enjoy a sense of calm.
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Y/N L/N: When Teddy had his heart attack, I didn’t know what to do, he was the one who believed in my music. I was glad I had the people I did surrounding me.
The clinical feel of the hospital waiting room made Y/N feel unseay. The band and Rod sat in silence, no one said a word. Y/N’s leg bounced up and down, a habit she picked up when she was anxious. Reaching with his hand, Eddie placed his hand gently on her knee, and the bouncing ceased. Y/N looked over to Eddie as he took hold of her hand in his, gently rubbing the back of her hand. 
As the doctor walked into the waiting room, everyone was immediately up on their feet. Y/N stepped forward, standing just behind Daisy.
“There was a blockage in the bloodflow to his heart.” The doctor says.
“What does that mean?” Billy questioned.
“It means we might not know the extent of the damage for a while, but he’s stable.” 
“Okay,” Daisy says letting out a sigh of relief, “Thank you.”
Y/N nodded and stepped back into Eddie as he wrapped an arm around her. She let out a sigh of relief. Y/N sat back down in the seat and placed her head in her hands letting out a long sigh. Eddie placed his hand on her back, rubbing up and down gently. 
GRAHAM DUNNE: I remember after that a sense of calm. 
KAREN SIRKO: The usual band stuff, nothing really out of the ordinary. 
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: Other than Warren dating a movie star.
WARREN ROJAS: I was dating a movie star!
Y/N L/N: I was jealous of Warren, I can’t lie.
DAISY JONES: And Billy and I were…well we were never just one thing. But for the first time I think I could imagine a version of us that might last.
Y/N finished her eyeliner in the mirror and admired herself. For the first time in along time she felt like herself. Everything was calm, the shows were going well and she was just enjoying the days performing with the band, knowing that she wouldn’t be doing it again after the tour. Standing to her feet, Y/N smoothed down her outfit. 
“Woah, where are you going?” Eddie says walking into the room, looking at Y/N’s attire.
“Karen and I are getting lunch,” Y/N says, fixing her hair and turning around. 
Stepping up to Eddie she pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, “I’ll see you later, love you.”
“Love you too.” Eddie called back to her as she left the room. 
Y/N walked the short distance to the room Karen and Graham were staying in. Knocking on the door, Karen stepped out quickly. Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed as she noticed the expression on Karen’s face.
“Are you okay?” She questioned, concern lacing her tone.
Karen looked at Y/N and nodded and tried her best to give her a smile, though it looked more like a grimace. Y/N gently took Karen’s hand and walked her down the hallway to her and Eddie’s room. As they entered Eddie looked up. 
“I thought you were going out for lunch?” He questioned.
“Plans changed,” Y/N says, “Now go and bother Warren or someone else.”
Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed though he got up from the bed and slowly began to walk out of the room.
“What’s going on?” He whispered to Y/N.
“Doesn’t matter,” Y/N says, “Now go, we’re having a girls day.”
As soon as Eddie stepped out of the room, Y/N closed the door and walked over to Karen who perched herself on the end of the bed. Sitting down next to her Y/N took hold of her hand once again. Karen looked at Y/N and it wasn’t a look Y/N was used to seeing on Karen. But that one look communicated everything Y/N needed to know
Y/N pulled Karen into a hug, “It’s okay.”
Karen held onto Y/N and the two sat in silence for a while. 
“Does Graham know?” Y/N asked.
Karen pulled away nodding, “He really wants to be a father, Y/N.”
“But what do you want?” Y/N says.
Karen only looked at Y/N and it was enough of an answer for her, “Karen, whatever you decide I will support you, but make sure you make the decision for yourself no one else.”
Nodding, Karen nodded before Y/N stood up and offered her hand to Karen, “Now how about we go for that lunch and have the day to ourselves? Get your mind off it for a little.”
Karen smiled for the first time since she left her and Graham’s room. Taking Y/N’s hand the two left the room. Karen feeling a little better in Y/N’s company. 
GRAHAM DUNNE: The next day we went home.
KAREN SIRKO: Fucking Pittsburgh.
Felicty sat with Lisa on the plane to Pittsburgh. She stared out of the window as they were landing, a mix of emotions swirling through her. They had a few days free to do whatever they wanted before the show and in that time Y/N knew that Eddie would introduce her to his family and that was something she had never done before. 
“You okay?” Lisa asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Y/N says. 
Lisa cocked her head, “You could never be an actress.”
Y/N chuckled, “That bad?”
Lisa shrugged, “With practice you can be better.”
Y/N sighed, “I’m just nervous to meet Eddie’s family.”
“They’ll love you,” Lisa says, “I’m nervous to meet Warren’s family.”
“You’re nervous?” Y/N says. 
Lisa rolls her eyes playfully, “Yes I am, but you don’t need to worry, Y/N. Eddie’s family will love you.”
“And Warren’s family will love you.”
The plane came to a stop and the doors began to open. From across the plane, Y/N made eye contact with Eddie and he had a wide smile on his face. It caused Y/N to smile, his smile always had that affect on her. Standing up from her seat, she walked the short distance to Eddie.
“You excited?” Y/N asked.
The smile on Eddie’s face gave himself away instantly, “I can’t wait for you to meet my family.”
Y/N let out a puff of air, “I’m excited to meet them as well.”
Eddie held her hand tight, “They’ll love you.”
As the two exit the plane and were finally back on land, Eddie let go of Y/N’s hand and rushed over to his family, “Grandma!” He exclaimed, pulling the woman into a hug followed by hugging his mother. 
Smiling at the interaction, Y/N stood a little away letting Eddie greet his family. As Eddie pulled away to hug his mother fully, Eddie’s grandmother spotted Y/N standing behind.
“And you must be Y/N.” Eddie’s grandmother says, “It’s great to finally meet you.”
Eddie’s grandmother pulls Y/N into a hug that she wasn’t expecting, “It’s great to meet you too.”
Eddie smiled at the interaction.
“My grandson won’t stop fawning about you every phonecall.” His grandmother says pulling away and clutching her hands. 
“That’s enough of that Grandma,” Eddie says, embarrassed. 
A smile spread across Y/N’s face as Eddie’s mother pulled her into a hug. Between both of the women, they made Y/N feel extremely welcomed. 
Wrapping an arm around Y/N’s waist, Eddie pressed a soft kiss to her hairline, “I told you they’d love you.”
“It’s so good to see you again!” Camila says as she wraps Y/N in a hug.
“I missed you a lot.” Y/N says as the two embrace in the middle of Mrs Dunne’s garden, “And I missed Julia, she’s gotten so big!”
Camila smiles fondly at the mention of her daughter, “I know, she’s growing up too quickly.”
“How has she been, with Billy touring?” Y/N asks.
Camila sighs, “She misses him a lot but she’s managing with her phone calls.”
“You should meet us in another city, I’m sure everyone will appreciate it,” Y/N says, “But mostly me.”
Camila smiles, “I’m coming to Chicago but I don’t have any plans after that.”
“Just join us on the rest of the tour, we’ll give you a triangle or something.” Y/N jokes.
Camila laughs but it soon fades away, “How are you holding up? You know still being in the band?”
Y/N had confided in Camila about her decision to leave the band weeks ago, just after she told Eddie. She needed someone else without a bias to tell her that she was making the right decision. 
“I’m enjoying it, I am,” Y/N says, “I feel like I should be grateful, I mean, I’m in the biggest fucking band in the world.”
“But it isn’t what you want.” Camila finished.
Y/N shook her head, “I’ve been writing again recently whenever I’ve had time and I forgot how much I enjoyed it, sure it also drives me crazy and takes me forever to finish one song, but it’s what I should have been doing all along, working on my own music.”
“Y/N, you can leave earlier if you want to, if you feel like it’s right.” Camila says.
Y/N shook her head, “I can’t let anyone down.”
“They’re your friends, they will understand.”
“The tour ends in a few months,” Y/N says, “I can hold out that long.”
Camila sighs, “If it’s what you want.” 
“And this is my beautiful girlfriend.” Eddie says, cutting in the conversation. 
Y/N turns around and looks at Eddie, “What’s happening?” She whispers.
“This girl appeared from nowhere and I don’t know how to get rid of her.” Eddie says, standing behind Y/N a little.
“Hi,” Y/N says, turning to the girl, “I’m Y/N, Eddie’s girlfriend.”
The girl looks surprised before she quickly bids goodbye and leaves and Eddie lets out a sigh of relief, “Thank god, she’s gone.”
Y/N and Camila laugh at hs reaction before Camila turns to Y/N and places her hand on her arm, “I’m gonna talk to the people over there but think about what I said, okay?”
Y/N offers her a smile, “I’ll think about it.”
Camila squeezes her arm before leaving her and Eddie alone. 
Eddie looked between Camila’s retreating figure and Y/N’s face, he wanted to question it but it was best not too. Instead he offered her his drink which she took gratefully, taking a few long sips.
“I didn’t mean for you to drink all of it.” Eddie says as she hands back the bottle with barely a sip left.
“Oh hush,” Y/N says, placing a short kiss to his lips, “You can get a new one.”
Eddie smiled at Y/N as she took his hand in hers and dragged her to the drinks table. 
That evening Y/N sat on the couch in Eddie’s mother’s house. The television was on which was the only source of light. Y/N sat with her back to Eddie’s chest ad his arm wrapped around her. Everything felt calm. For the first time in years, Y/N felt normal, she didn’t feel like a rockstar. She didn’t feel like she was in the biggest band in the world. 
Y/N tilts her head up to look at Eddie. He was focussed on the television. Smiling Y/N admired Eddie. 
Eddie, feeling someone looking at him, looks down at Y/N, “What you looking at?”
“You.” Y/N answers. 
Eddie smiled before he cups her cheek and presses his lips to hers. Like Y/N, Eddie felt calm. Being back in his home and being with his family was a main cause of that but another one was his relationship with Y/N. Whenever he was with her everything else didn’t matter. 
Eddie suddenly pulled away and moved off the couch, turning off the television.
“What are you doing?” Y/N questioned, her voice quiet to not wake Eddie’s mother.
Eddie didn’t reply, he only bent down and connected their lips again, reaching to pick Y/N up from the couch. She let out a quiet laugh as she wrapped her legs around his waist.
“We’re in your mothers house.” Y/N says.
“Then you’ll have to be quiet.” He mumbled against her lips.
Y/N smiled as Eddie carried her to the bedroom, closing the door behind him. 
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writseo · 4 years
Life Is Strange Preferences | Asking You Out
Characters Included: Max Caulfield, Chloe Price, Rachel Amber, Nathan Prescott, Victoria Chase, Warren Graham 
Max Caulfield 
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      She was a little nervous. However, she kept reminding herself that she could just go back in time if it had failed. Max’s nerves began to calm down as she kept trying to play it cool. During the hangout, everything was normal. Although, you felt a little off, like you had to pay attention to something more. The feeling began to make sense when Max began to confess to you about her feelings. The more words that came out, the more anxious she became. Her words came out in pieces as she began to stutter. After a while of trying to understand, you finally got an idea of what she was trying to say. You immediately said yes to her, smiling at the thought of how it might turn out. The whole day, you kept teasing her about how awful her stutter was. 
Chloe Price
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       Chloe was insanely nervous. Every time she looked into her mirror, she felt as if she had her stomach in her chest. When you came over, the feeling only worsened. Her plan was to reach out and confess at the end of the hangout but as time went and you were beginning to leave, Chloe kept stalling so you wouldn't go. As you started to take notice, you tried to confront her which ended in her trying to sit you down as she confessed her feelings. She barely could get any words out until she just let it go all at once. Chloe immediately regretted it and tried to walk away until you grasped onto her wrist and told that you would love to. You then went home smiling like a dork while she spent the whole night, making fun of herself for overreacting the whole time.
Rachel Amber 
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You always had a feeling that Rachel liked you yet you always brushed it off. Her endless flirting was always easy to disguise as friendly banter. However, one day, she decided to make a move that would stand out from the rest. Rachel was nervous and scared on the inside but as always, she faked her confidence to help reassure herself that it was fine. She had a small plan to make it look like she was joking if all else fails. When she asked you out after slowly making way for the question to be brought up, you were taken back. No matter how much she tried to prepare you for the big question, you were still shocked as hell. Rachel felt tiny regret as she saw you working your way to an answer until you finally said yes. She felt instant relief wash over her. She was surprised as she genuinely thought she would have had to use the backup plan.
Nathan Prescott
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     He always wanted to confess but was too scared to make a move and potentially ruin everything. He eventually invited you to hang out as he thought it was finally time to say something. Nathan was nervous and more fidgety than usual. As time went on, you noticed that he was more in his head than he was in the moment. When you asked him what was up, he cursed himself and started to confess about how he felt, preparing himself for the worse. He then instantly tried to change the topic and mock himself while you immediately said yes to him. A part of him was confused as to why you would do it but instead, pushed the insecure thought away. As you continued your hangout, Nathan let you put your head on his shoulder while smoking a joint together later on.
Victoria Chase 
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     Victoria was nervous as she felt everything in her body shaking from the high anxiety. Rejection wasn't a common thing in her life so to have to face it from her long-lasting crush was dreadful. When she saw you, she immediately tried to change her attitude from an anxious blonde to a confident, cold, straight-to-the-point girl. Using her nails as a small distraction, she began to pick at it while nonchalantly asking you to dinner. You chuckled as you said yes. Victoria flashed a shocked, lit up look on her face before quickly changing it back to the face expression as before. She walked off, playing as if it didn't matter too much to her when in reality, she was more excited than a pyromaniac in a room full of candles.
Warren Graham 
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~Picture Source~
     Warren often would have kept it a secret, though this time, he had a sudden spurt of confidence to finally do it. He felt as if it was now or never so he called you over, despite it being in the middle of the night. After sneaking into the boys dorm and getting in his room, he let it all out the second he saw you. As you started to process what had just happened, he felt waves of crushing anxiety plummet into him as he wanted nothing more than to back out. After you finally got it together and said yes, he let out a huge hunk of air that he had no idea he had been holding in. You began to giggle as you noticed how deflated his chest got when he finally let it all out. At least until he threw a pillow at you and you two ended up play-fighting for most of the night.
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An Explanation of Why Louis and Violet are Both Terrific Love Interests [4/5]
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+Why both romantic routes are not only amazing but better than other games I’ve personally played in the past.
+Why some people are idiots and get off on picking stupid fights.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
[catherine and unlikable love interests/love triangles]
I would rather hop onto a rocket and travel through outer space alone than date either of you- full offense.
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Catherine is a game that... exists. 
Catherine came out in 2011 and follows Vincent Brooks, a man who is tormented by supernatural nightmares while torn between his longtime girlfriend Katherine and a girl who is the embodiment of his dream girl, Catherine.
That’s not confusing, right?
Basically, it’s a romantic-horror-puzzle game where you gotta beat sheep at puzzles in your dreams because if you die in the dream, you die in real life, and you also have to decide which K/Catherine you want while simultaneously cheating on both of them because you're actually dating them both in secret. 
Now, you might be wondering why I would add a game like this and how I could possibly compare it to TWDG. 
Well, there’s a simple answer to that, but first, let me introduce you to Vincent and both the K/Catherines.
Vincent is an idiot and not very likable. He makes dumb choices and does dumb things, and a lot of times, it’s hard to feel sorry for him. Of course, him being the playable character, you can make him better or worse than this, to which he does get a lot better [and yet somehow more infuriating] as the game goes on. 
Love Interest #1: Katherine
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Katherine went to high school with Vincent and they eventually started dating later in life. She’s pretty much the polar opposite of Vincent, and she really, really wants to get married. Like... that’s the whole thing with Katherine: She wants to marry Vincent. 
But, oh no, Vincent doesn’t want to marry her because he’s afraid of commitment and anything adult-related and this irritates her, and that’s fair. 
But then suddenly she’s pregnant and that does nothing but make Vincent freak the fuck out. But then suddenly she’s not pregnant...? I dunno, that part always confused me. 
Overall, Katherine’s alright, but honestly, she’s not my cup of tea. I don’t really remember much about her from when I played the game except that she’s really persistent about marriage even though Vincent obviously isn’t mature enough or committed to her. 
Then we’ve got Catherine who is.... oooof. 
Love Interest #2: Catherine
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Catherine’s some girl that Vincent meets when he gets drunk at a bar and ends up having a longtime affair with her over the course of the game. This Catherine is everything that Vincent wants in a girl, and he even says so himself, however, he can’t remember the time that he spends with her because, spoiler alert, she’s actually a succubus sent to seduce him. 
She’s immature, giggly, seductive, and kind of annoying and a little crazy, not gonna lie. She’s also my least favorite of the two. 
Those are your choices.
Now, your endings based on who you go with...
If Vincent goes with Catherine’s route and ditches Katherine, he literally becomes the King of Hell. 
I’m not even kidding. 
If you get the good Katherine ending, Vincent and Katherine get married and everything’s sunshine and rainbows, but in the good Catherine ending, he overthrows the current King of Hell and takes the throne with Catherine as his queen. 
Those are your endings. 
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Sure, why not?
Now that I’ve told you a little bit about each of the girls and the outcomes of dating them, let me give you my simple answer to the question you may or may not have asked: 
Both of them are unlikeable and I didn’t want to romance either of them. 
That is a big problem in a game that is centered around Vincent growing up and deciding which girl he wants to be with and how that’ll affect the rest of his life!
Another big problem with these two girls and the story is the trope that makes all our eyes roll: Love Triangle.
Now, you might be wondering, “Well... CJ, aren’t all games that present two potential romances considered a love triangle?”
Great question. I believe that there are two types of love triangles: Tolerable and Insufferable. 
When I think of an insufferable love triangle, I think of Character A falling in love with both Character’s B and C, then proceeding to selfishly drag both along because they can’t decide which one they like better for the sake of adding conflict and drama to the plot. 
In Life is Strange, you can totally smooch both Chloe and Warren, but Warren is so forgettable that it feels like Max is just trying to see if she does actually like boys rather than “Oh man, do I like Chloe or Warren more? I can’t decide!” when she 100% decides on Chloe. This is tolerable because it doesn’t matter. 
In Persona 4, you can be a dingdong and date all of the girls [but not Yosuke because Atlus gets off on making me cry] in secret but then you get fucked over on Valentine’s day when you have to break each of the girls’ hearts because you can’t spend time with all of them without being found out as the world’s biggest cheater. That’s not a love triangle, that’s just the protagonist being a huge, cheating ho. 
In ANF, the love triangle is insufferable with David and Javi “fighting” for Kate’s affection and it sucks, as I’ve stated previously
In King’s Quest, they actually gave us a breath of fresh air: Regardless of who you choose, the other will be 100% supportive. If you romance Vee, Neese goes on to say how cute Vee and Graham are. There is no jealousy, there is no Graham being an idiot because he can’t decide which girl he likes better so he tries to romance them both. It’s more like he’s trying to get to know both of them and see which girl he connects with more. Tolerable love triangle. 
But in Catherine, that’s the story: Vincent can’t decide if he should stay with Katherine or pursue a new relationship with Catherine, so he continues to date both of them and be a big cheater. He eventually figures his shit out towards the end of the game based on your choices, but it’s still infuriating to watch him fuck things up more rather than coming clean to one of them and ending it. INSUFFERABLE. LOVE. TRIANGLE.
In TFS, this isn’t an issue because it’s tolerable. You can consider everything with Louis and Violet a love triangle because they both hold feelings for Clementine, but the difference is that Clementine can’t date both of them and then drag them through the mud with her stupid indecisiveness, which results in unnecessary drama and both of them being heartbroken. Alongside that, Louis and Violet won’t hate Clem or each other for her decision.
It’s similar to King’s Quest where Clementine takes the opportunities presented to her to get to know them both before pursuing the one she feels more fond of and wants to romance. 
Louis and Violet don’t get jealous, bitter, pouty, traitorous, or mean if you don’t pick them. I imagine they’re a little bummed because they really did like Clem, but it says a lot about their characters that they don’t lash out at Clementine and/or the one she’s dating. 
I mean, can you imagine?
When you break things off with Catherine, everything seems to go smooth until she runs to the bathrooms and then proceeds to beat the shit out of Vincent. 
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Which yeah, he’s an idiot and you’re actually a succubus from Hell but damn! 
As for the other Katherine, she shows up and breaks up with Vincent like “Oh yeah btw I’m not actually pregnant so.... goodbye, have a nice life.”
So, at least she has a little more chill.
But I still don’t like her and that’s an issue! 
Do you want to know what my canon ending is for this game? The one where Vincent says fuck it and goes to outer space. He defeats the sheep dream demons, decides marriage isn’t for him, bets on a wrestling match, wins, and goes to fucking outer space. 
I decided that being alone in outer space was a better ending than being happily married to Katherine or becoming the King of Hell with Catherine. 
Because when it finally came for the game to end and I got one of the okay Katherine endings, I was so sick of both of them. I didn’t want to be with either of them, I wanted Vincent to be single. 
Can you IMAGINE feeling that way while playing TFS?
That was never an issue with Louis and Violet. 
I love them both, and I had no qualms with choosing an ending with Louis. 
Another thing that I do want to point out is, yes, I understand that the space ending is Vincent freeing himself and doing something he wants for once and that’s apart of his growth as a character. 
I also think that TFS did the whole “Main Protagonist doesn’t want romance so they don’t pursue it” perfectly and Louis and Violet are still amazing in that route, which I can’t really say the same for either of the K/Catherine’s. 
In conclusion: Louis and Violet are some of the most lovable love interests I’ve ever encountered in a game and while their respective endings weren’t perfect, they could’ve been a lot worse. 
Continued in Part 5
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