#( ☕ ) … asks !
kidconsky · 4 months
Some touaki things I love.
I love how the reason Akito blushes is always Toya! (It's really so cute!!!)
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Akito leaning on Toya
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These cards....
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Dating cards
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This line...
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Aun no Beats
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takami-takami · 1 year
Oh you know exactly what I want😈
Keigo + Primal Play
Go wild with it! ❤️
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When it comes to primal instincts, Keigo Takami is king.
For all the years of sexual repression he endured as he focused on work, of shoving down his desires like neatly folded clothes in an overpacked suitcase, he didn't anticipate a curveball such as yourself to go ahead and unlatch the lock.
It starts the moment he lays eyes on you. Pretty little thing, he thinks, so excited to shake his firm hand and introduce yourself to the number two.
His gaze drops to the flesh of your neck.
You're unmarked.
He can keep it locked a little longer, over the months and years you get to know each other, as you become intertwined in your perfect little romance of an origin story.
You let your guard down around him, he thinks one afternoon, with your feet propped lazily on his couch. He tries not to watch out of the corner of his dilated eyes, the way your legs absentmindedly kick back and forth. The vulnerable to prey pipeline in his mind isn't one he prefers to give any credence to; but frankly, it is quite loud. Pressure builds and builds, and a dog held back by its kennel will grow restless in the absence of an outlet for such instincts.
It drives him up the wall, the way you'd let him do anything to you. Thoughts plague his mind on repeat as he stares up at his ceiling in the middle of the night, twisting a single feather between his thumb and index finger. Do you even know what you're asking for? Oh, he thinks you do. When he presses you down against the bed with a kiss, your legs fall open, entirely subconsciously. When he grips you with his nails tight enough to leave marks, you choke out a moan.
It takes every ounce of his cognitive effort to tap into the rational part of his mind, the part that wants to give it to you slow and sweet.
Saccharine as you are, sweet is what you deserve. But Keigo can see it in your eyes, in the wide-eyed way you blink up at him when he's on top of you, the way you roll your head to expose your jugular: sweet isn't what you want.
The last of his resolve cracks when you lean in and whisper, "you can do whatever you want to me. I want you to."
From that moment on, he starts to allow himself those indulgences. If he wants to make hickies bloom in obscene places, he'll do it. With his eyes so lidded he can barely see, he obliges your request and clicks a collar around your neck. He twists and stares in the mirror at the crimson claw marks on his back after each nightly shower, feathers trembling with a giddy thrill.
Satisfied, finally.
This newfound game of cat and mouse keeps him perfectly stimulated, feeds his need for enrichment and satiates his instincts exactly as he needs it. When you ask him what he'd think about playing a less than innocent game of hide and seek, he swears he's died and gone to heaven.
You're just perfect.
His favorite little chewtoy.
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I just want to add to the home thing: homes are being BUILT CHEAPER now too. If you pay attention to the weather you may notice there have been some of the most violent and powerful tornadoes of recorded history in the past year… yet you may also notice that there hasn’t been a tornado rated an EF-5 in 13 years. Why? Because the neighborhoods they are FLATTENING are TOO POORLY BUILT to determine if the tornado was capable of destroying a “sturdy structure”… not only can people not afford their homes, but it’s also being destroyed and they are dying because it’s so poorly constructed as well… it’s evil
Yeah I did notice actually, I thought that was weird af. It genuinely hasn't occurred to me that just meant home quality went down.
Ofc capitalists who have to rebuild homes constantly don't wanna actually pay for good material and construction every single time. Fuck the people who actually have to live in them ig 🙄
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iluvapplesxh · 11 days
do u have any fav writers or fics?
Heyy, I absolutely have some!
@xoluvx, my love <3, @tan1shere fabulous 🛐, @naturesapphic just amazing!, @xxra7ed so good 💖, @creative-caramel-coffee <33, @r3dcherri3s 🤗, @eilishsmuse (it won't let me tag her but I might be just dumb)
Definitely not all but can't think of anyone else rn! and fics? well I love a lot, don't really make favs but here's some I adore! :
comfortable silence is so overrated no need to persuade hit me hard (and soft) canines LUNCH series <33 all the ways I love you thirst comments you're my comfort her favorite pt1!
spread the love, you guys! (all the fics are billie x reader btw!)
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aleksanderscult · 8 months
That may seem random 😭 but I want to know what your favorite pro Darkling bloggers are.
That's a beautiful question actually. Because it also gives me an excuse to give kudos to some amazing pro Darkling bloggers out there.
I won't rank them of course and I have many but my most favorite are:
@stromuprisahat (I agree with everything she says about the Darkling. Also I absolutely love her posts where she throws dirt at the good guys. Like, yes girl remind me how they suck actually 😭)
@starlesszova (her love for the Darklina ship is immense. Also she gives light to the Darkling's dark side as well but that doesn't stop her from stanning him and standing by his side even more!)
@theweeklydiscourse (if you haven't read her metas, go read them now. She puts her thoughts into words so beautifully and the things she criticizes the Grishaverse and its author about are only facts)
@is-today-tomorrow-in-nz (same thing as @theweeklydiscourse. Her criticism about the good guys' bullshit and actions is so true and she understands the Darkling so well)
@greensaplinggrace (her page is only facts about the Grishaverse and the Darkling. She brushes off neither his bad actions nor his good ones)
@darklinaforever (the way she has exposed the fandom's and the antis' bullshit needs to be applauded)
All these pages support Aleksander and none of them ignore his bad side. But they just prefer to dig deeper not only inside his psychology but also the Grishaverse's problematic messages and the author's failed attempt to deliver a cohesive, satisfying and non-problematic story. They also acknowledge how toxic that fictional world and society is and how it had affected the characters' personality and actions.
Also, all of them have critical thinking. They don't eat whatever the author says with the spoon but on the contrary they judge based on their own opinion and common sense. Which is something very important.
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loser-otaku-girl · 1 day
Moot!! Hii! :3
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How are you? ^^
Hello mootie!!!
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Im good! Hru ^^
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Hello and welcome ! It’s great to see another x reader account on here:D Hope that you will have a good day in the fandom
Nonetheless, may I request some romantic Rocket x reader from you ?
Hello! It's an absolute pleasure and I'm glad to have received such a warm welcome, I assume you simply want general headcanons. Be warned that since I am newer to PHIGHTING! this may be a tad out of character, but I appreciate the ask nonetheless.
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~ Will try to impress you by doing stupid things with his gear ~ "HEY LOOK HOW FAR I CAN SHOOT MYSELF :D" "what- no no nO NO WAIT-" ~ Safe to say that for his sake you need to keep this man on a LEASH ~ WILL tackle hug you ~ Sees you on the other side of the Crossroads and immediately RUSHES towards you while yelling your name ~ This man is SMITTEN ~ Just likes watching you sometimes with barely contained excitement ~ Cuteness aggression whenever he sees you ~ Rants about you soooo much to Sword & Zuka WHENEVER he gets the chance ~ It's YOU!! And he LOVES- no ADORES you!!! And oh my SFOTH how did he get so LUCKY??? ~ Randomly appears out of nowhere and asks to go out with you (was this how he asked you out the first time? Maybe...) ~ You guys go out A LOT and he loves spending time with you (this dudes love language is quality time istg-) ~ Tries to be flirty and suave but always trips up (both figuratively and literally) ~ ABSOLUTELY holds the door and does the whole "after you" thing ~ If you're also a PHIGHTER then you're a DEADLY duo ~ If you guys are on opposing teams he STRUGGLES between either leaving you completely alone or focusing on you ~ That's his beloved :((( how could he hurt them??? But SFOTH it would be funny... ~ Goes behind enemy lines to give you a little kissy and runs away (he's never been caught and it's always a jumpscare for you) ~ Glued to your side if you guys are on the same team ~ Will pay as much attention to your health as possible (if only he did that for himself smh-) ~ After phights you both go to a cafe or something similar and wind down from the chaos ~ He absolutely adores you, you have no idea.
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syrups-fanfic-cafe · 1 year
Good Morning,
I would like to order to order some headcannons of the main Hazbin casts (Charlie, Angel, Vaggie, Husk) with an S/O whose known through hell as a no nonsense tough-as-nails powerhouse (think Nico Bellic from gta IV) but one day they find an abandoned little imp girl and adopt them as their own. The girl has obviously been through a lot, and in time they slowly develop a good relationship, with the others find out about their caring, kind, fatherly side.
Good morning And of course! I hope you like the headcanons! - Mod Syrup
Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, and Husk finding out their stoic s/o has a fatherly side
Charlie Morningstar
She never knew you had a soft spot, you were one of the toughest people she knew, and you didn't like wasting your time with anything. So when you had come home with a little Imp girl in your arms, she had a lot of questions.
First of which being where you even found the child. She looked very young, and she assumed that maybe the little one just, wandered off, she knew that some parents in hell just weren't that attentive to their children. She even fears that her parents might've been killed, she was an Imp, after all, Imp's weren't exactly treated the best down here...
You reassured her thought you had found the young child wandering the streets alone. You had asked where her parents were, but she refused to talk about it. You would've pushed her for more information, but... you could tell it really bothered her, so you had just caved and decided to adopt her.
Charlie was a bit wary about you, keeping a close eye on you two. She was so afraid that you might act harshly against the Imp girl if she did something wrong. But so far, you seemed to be a decent parent, a little rough, but she could tell you genuinely liked spending time with the child.
Then, that faithful day came, your new daughter had been playing to recklessly and accidentally broke a vase in the house, some that both she and Charlie assumed you'd get mad over... except, you didn't.
You didn't even yell at her when you saw her standing over the broken vase, crying as she tried to carefully clean up the pieces without hurting herself. Carefully, you kneeled down and shooed her hands away from the sharp glass, carefully looking at them for a moment to make sure she wasn't hurt...
Charlie watched the whole ordeal from the end up the hall, watching as you comforted your new daughter, before helping her pick up the glass and clean up any cuts she might've gotten. It was the sweetest thing she had ever seen out of you. She had only ever known you as the cold, no-nonsense demon who took no shit, someone who would've killed over something as simple as a mistake.
It was oddly nice, seeing this side of you for once.
Needless to say, Vaggie has just as many questions as Charlie, if not more. Where did you find this kid? Where were her parents? What happened to her parents? How did you manage to just, stumble across a completely unsupervised imp child within the city?
You seemed to just role your eyes at her panic and questions. What the hell were you supposed to do? Just leave the child there, that'd just be irresponsible. Just cause you were tough as nails doesn't mean you didn't know what responsibility was.
Eventually, Vaggie gave up on asking questions, and just started doing research, wanting to at least help with raising the child. But you were insistent that you knew what you were doing. And to her surprise, you actually did.
Most would actually consider you a near-perfect parent. Which is a surprise, most people would've seen an abandoned imp child and not even give the thing a chance. You on the other hand are trying your hardest to make sure this kid grows up well. Vaggie was awfully proud of you.
That is until you came home looking like you had just gotten into a fight. Which you actually had gotten into a fight! Why? Well, it's simple, someone made one single derogatory comment about your daughter, and you fucking lost it.
When she asked why you acted so drastically you simply stated that you had to make sure your kid knew how wrong those people were about her. Besides, it's not like anybody really gives a shit anyways.
Vaggie wasn't sure if she was a bit scared, or more proud of you than before. Either way, you and your daughter seemed happy, so she decided to be your impulse control at most.
Angel Dust
Angel didn't even question where you had got the kid. Don't get me wrong, he definitely wanted to know where you found a random, abandoned imp girl, but at the same time, this was hell, it probably wasn't that hard to find children just wandering the streets.
He did ask if you were gonna help find the girls parents or if you had actually adopted her. Upon telling him that you were adopting the child, he was a mix between excited and confused. You were the toughest person in hell, Angel had to literally work his ass off to rope you into a relationship, so the fact that you saw an abandoned child on the street and decided to adopt her without question... it made Angel a little jealous.
Angel was more than happy helping you take care of the kid. Yeah he wasn't the best at it, but he was fun, and in his eyes, that was all that counted. In fact, he might've grown even more attached to the little girl than you did.
He knew how much you cared about the little girl and wanted to make her happy. But he never expected a day in his life that he'd walk in on the girl having a little tea party with you and Fat Nuggets. You had even let her put make up on you. You still had your stoic, tough-as-nails expression, which almost made the whole thing even cuter and maybe a little bit funny.
"Hello Angel, care to join us?" You didn't even have any emotion in your voice. It was like you were only doing this out of obligation. Though of course, Angel just had to join, he couldn't help it, he just thought it was so sweet that you were playing along with your new daughter's antics. Plus, Fat Nuggets looks so cute in a tiara.
Afterward, Angel helps you clean the makeup off your face and put your daughter to bed. You tell him that if he tells anyone it'll be over for you two. Of course, Angel tells literally everyone he can, how could he not? It was adorable, and he knows you won't just up and leave him.
Husk doesn't really care about most of the things you do he knows that if you're doing it, then you can probably handle it yourself. That's why he didn't exactly question or care about the fact that you now had an imp child with you.
He wasn't exactly fond of the child either, yeah he was technically the pseudo-father to the child, seeing as he was dating you and you had adopted the child, but he really didn't see himself as 'parent material'. Still, he did his best to at least put up with the child, especially when you had something important to do that would be too dangerous for her to be around.
He honestly didn't think you'd have that much of a connection with the child either, but you seemed to really care about her. He would've thought it was adorable if he wasn't such a downer.
One day you approached him with the little girl in your arms, and asked him to do a magic trick for her. He was a bit confused, but then you explained that you had told her about how he liked magic, and ever since then she's been begging you to let Husk show her a magic trick or two.
Husk acted as if this was a chore for him, but deep down he was a little bit excited. He loved cheesy magic tricks, and didn't get to do them often, so he was happy that the kid and him shared an interest.
He did a simple magic trick, just the coin behind the ear trick. Immediately after, the girl burst into laughter and clapped her hands. That's the moment when Husk actually started warming up to the kid. So he grabbed a deck of cards, and decided to do another simple magic trick, which she enjoyed just as much.
Husk glanced up at you for a moment, a for the first time since he's met you, he saw you smiling. The tough as nails, emotionless powerhouse, was smiling over the fact that their daughter and boyfriend were enjoying their time together. Of course, you immediately wiped the smile off your face when he noticed.
"What the hell you smiling about?" "I, wasn't smiling..." "Yeah, whatever you say big guy."
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pixelshary · 4 months
Hello! I just found your blog and omg! Your sims are sooo cute! I'm in looove! ♥ Since nobody asked yet, imma ask wcif the hair and orange jumper on your last post? Tumblr doesn't let me copy the post link :( thank you and have a lovely day/night! ♥
hey dear anon! 👋😊 thank you so much!! appreciate that! 🥺🌼 yea it just let you do this with the link when you do it non anon. but it's fine. i knew what you meant .. just took me a bit to find the time to answer. 🙃 the hair is by @/daylifesims - BILLIE HAIR SET - Bury a Friend 👈 and the jumper/overall is from the home chef hustle stuff pack 🍕
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wish you a beautiful day/night! ☕🌿
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kitkatpancakestack · 2 months
Hi K, I know you watch the bear, care to give an elevator pitch? what’s your favorite thing about it? I’m shopping for a new show that I can think about 24/7 🥰
Ok I know u said elevator pitch but I might need to be a bit more long winded bc I LOVE this SHOW!!!
Okay so first of all the bear is a show about cooking and restaurants the same way that 9-1-1 is a show about first responders doing their jobs. Which is to say it's not about that at all but it's simply the vehicle in which they deliver beautifully compelling dysfunctional found family and heartbreaking characters with depth <3
the bear is a love story!! The love of respect. The love of understanding. The love of ambition and sacrifice .The love that couldn't save your family. The love that now tries to save what you have left of your family. The love borne from regret. The love you cling to in the middle of your own destruction. The love that kills you. The love that keeps you alive. The love you don't deserve. The love you are given despite all of that.
Idk man!!! Opinions are all over the place after s3 as you might have seen, but this show is very special to me I do recommend it personally if you have the time <3
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takami-takami · 2 years
Not me just knowing Keigo is into praise, I just feel it in my bones full send. Like please tell him he’s a good boy when he goes down on you, please shower him in praise while he fucks you. How could you not praise this man when he’s giving you the most amazing head you’ve ever experienced?
In the same way he likes being praised, he defo loves to praise you. He’ll hit you with that “you take it so well for me baby” or “fuck you look so pretty with your lips wrapped around my cock, don’t you sweetheart?” My toes are curling, back is arching.
Or even a mixture of degradation and praise? The things I would do to hear him say, “look at my pretty little slut taking my cock so well” is absolutely unholyyyy.
- ☕️ anon
Keigo's the type of man to grab your hand and place it in his hair in a silent beg for you to pet him; simply because he knows a "good boy" is gonna follow it. He chases that praise like a goddamn puppy.
Praise him while he's inside you, and he'll pant and bite the back of his hand. He needs those sweet words to settle him, to make him normal.
As for giving praise, he doesn't even think about it. He just babbles it, rambles and runs his mouth about how good you feel. He spoils you with so many petnames, to the point you can't even keep track of them.
He likes it that way. He's gotta treat his sweet little possession with all the love they deserve, after all!
Oh? Dumbification? Overstim? Breeding? You mean he stuffs you full with so many loads your pretty little brain shuts down? Till the tremble in your legs makes them give out, till you're his favorite, sweet little braindead fucktoy to play with?
Yeah, that's when he likes you best.
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sleepinginmygrave · 3 months
i have an ASK for you!!!!!! c: ummmmm what would your perfect ideal day out at the beach be like??? what would you eat??? what would you wear???? what would you dO I'M WANNA KNOW (no pressure but i'm sure these replies will be SO AESTHETIC) what do you lisTEN TO <333
AAAAH OMG THIS IS A GREAT QUESTION!! first i know exactly which beach i would be it's in norway where my brothers live hehe i hope it would be a sunny day for once (it's so so fucking rare for them they have rain literally everyday) OR in the méditerranée in any country tbh probably italy or smth in a hidden freak with very clear water :33 there would also have a lot of seashells
OR in la Réunion because they have so many fishies and sharks and stuff!!!!! that would be very cool
hmmm what i would wear lemme find smth on pinterest
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either something like the two first ones or more with flowy skirts mermaidcore stuff yk (the purple skirt i would crochet it myself (i actually would love to if i had the yarn and a pattern)) i love mermaidcore :>
i would eat hmmm that is also a great question maybe like a simple picnic with lots of summer fruits because i adore summer fruits :D also with crêpes. obviously
AND WHAT I WOUDL DO HMMM collect seashells and sea glass and pretty rocks and swim and observe everything underwater and play in the waves and make a sand castle and!!!! yeah lots of great stuffs like that!!! inkl also read and maybe crochet under the parasol (idk the english word) bc i czn't stay too long under the sun (i czn't stand heat😔) OH OH and also collect sea water
YEAH IT WOULD BE A BEAUTIFUL DAYY o hope you would be there with me it would be even more beautiful!!!
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iluvapplesxh · 5 days
yeah i'm gonna have to start charging you rent for it 💖
fuck okay uhm-
I'm stressing 😰
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thesilverlock · 4 months
If Jey participated in the world duel carnival he’d be such a menace
I don’t even know WHAT he’d do, in specifics, but anon u right he would menace.
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But I do know that for each wrong committed, there’d be something else made right.
And vise versa lolol always the balance~
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if-you-feel-lonely · 2 years
marin alive challenge! my birthday is soon. imagine it being reader birthday but them not telling creator? (and birthday is not open to public) CUS IM FEELING SILLY!!!
sorry if it’s a lil complicated. - ☕️
You can't expose me like that
You didn't specify who you wanted, so I did a few short headcanons for each person on my list :]
Pronouns: they/them
TW: none
To you, your birthday was always your business - nobody else's.
You celebrated with your family and your friends in real life
You'd never revealed your birthday to the public
You liked your privacy and it felt a little too risky for your taste
You were showing one of your favourite gifts you'd received today, having forgotten they didn't know your birthday.
It takes Ranboo a second to realise that he didn't know your birthday in the first place. He thought he'd been told and just forgot about it, so he sat there apologising for forgetting about your birthday for a good five minutes.
Tommy is about shouty, tbh. He's in shock that you told him your birthday by showing him the fucking cow print trousers that your mum got you.
Tubbo kind of forgets he didn't already know your birthday. He's just going with it, like he knew all along. He tries not to make a big deal out of it.
Niki is quite honoured that you've told her. She doesn't know a lot about you, since privacy is very important to you, so she's glad you're letting her into that part of your life.
Jack finds it quite funny that this is how he's finding out it's your birthday. Yes, he's glad you trust him with that information, but that doesn't mean it's not quite funny. He'll probably forget you don't share your birthday online though, and he might let it slip.
Wilbur is quite annoyed that you only just told him. Not because he feels entitled to know, but he's annoyed that he hasn't had time to get you anything, so he sends something to your house to arrive tomorrow with Amazon prime.
Schlatt half-thinks it's a joke - a way to throw him off and make him think it's your birthday, when it's actually not. He's quite confused when you laugh at him for thinking that.
C!Techno, though he doesn't act like it, is glad you told him. To everyone else on the SMP, you were a mystery. Nobody knew where you were from or when you were born, so he was quite honoured to know. He tries to throw something together as a small gift, though.
Phil is in disbelief that you've told him with no issues - so casually. He's glad you told him, it proves that your relationship really has changed over the time you've known each other.
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akito-shinonome-stan · 7 months
Can't believe that Anon likes you more than me 💔
Fr... dw I love you more than that anon <3
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