#( — chat; hansa. )
linesandlattes · 7 months
thak gayi hoon 'me and who' karte karte
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ae-azile · 4 months
About 15k into Chapter 29 of Progression, so I figured I would share another scene as an apology for my tardiness. Definitely going to be a long chapter, unless I split it. Trying not to do that though.
The Updated and Still Complicated Family Group Chat
Khun: Arm and I are embarking for our trip tomorrow night! You know what that means!!!!!! 🪨🍃😈🥬🟫
Nalin: Weed brownie night?!?
Arm: Please tell me you didn't add my younger sisters to this group chat.
Khun: Well, I didn't add Preeda! She went to rehab! 😱 Mustn’t tempt her. But of course I added Nalin! If Macau and Chay can be in the group chat, then she can be too!
Nalin: Don't be sexist, Hia. 🙂
Vegas: Someone needs to watch my baby.
Pete: Why is she only your baby when you talk about her?
Vegas: Because she's mine.
Malai: Someone needs to watch my babies too. I want to join.
Hansa: I don't mind watching the girls.
Vegas: Is my baby included with these girls?
Hansa: Sure. 🙂
Vegas: I want six references, your resume, and a background check.
Hansa: By tonight?
Macau: Hia, she owns a flower arrangement and gardening shop. Chill.
Vegas: I am chill. And reasonable.
Pol: I can sit out and help with the girls too. 🙂
Vegas: You can also give me six references, a resume, and a background check. 🙂
Pete: It's literally Pol.
Vegas: I don't know him like you do.
Pete: Consider me his and Hansa’s first reference.
Khun: Consider me their second! 2️⃣🥈🕑
Porsche: I'm their fourth!
Chay: Hia, you skipped a number.
Porsche: He wouldn't have even noticed if you hadn't pointed it out, brat. 🙄
Chay: Sorry. I guess I will fill in the third spot, then.
Kim: I’ll fill the fifth.
Chay: Hia, switch spots with Kim so we can be next to each other.
Porsche: No. I went out of order and called fourth for a reason. It's mine. 😏
Macau: I’ll take the sixth spot so Chay can't grab it!
Porsche: Good thinking, Macau!
Kim: ?
Chay: 😤 🖕🏽
Vegas: Macau, just because you are close with Nalin doesn't mean you know her sister well enough to be her reference.
Arm: Define “close”.
0272781005: I’ll call second!
Kinn: Whose number is this?
Khun: I demand that you reveal yourself!!! Arm! Do a search and find out who this intruder is. 😡
Arm: It's a number provided from a text app.
Arm: The text came from the property.
Khun: PA?!?!?!?
0272781005: Nam. 🙂
Porsche: MA?!?!?!?
Chay: MA?!?!?!?
Khun: Everyone stop! It might be Pa playing a trick to test us! Play it cool!
Khun: Oh, silly Pa! You know Namphueng can't talk! She sits there and says and does nothing! Such a bore! 🥱
0272781005: If Korn enters chat, I will stab. 😌
Pol: 😳 That sounded like her.
0272781005: Hi, son!
Porsche: Ma?
Chay: Ma?
0272781005: I am adopting Pol soon. When I have answers. He's my future son. He already knows. I told him. Accept, thanks.
Porsche: Wow.
0272781005: He has no family! Sad for him! Sucky life. 😢
Pol: Wow.
Chay: Kim and I just got back from walking Koda and checked on Ma. Who gave her an ipad?
Arm: Not me.
Kinn: Not me.
Porsche: Not me.
Vegas: Not me.
Kim: Not me.
Chay: Kim, you told me you didn't in person. You didn't have to text it.
Kim: I just wanted to make sure Porsche knew.
Porsche: Aw, Kim. I feel so close to you recently. ❤️
Kinn: 🤨
Chay: 🤨
Pol: Not me!
Hansa: Not me.
Pete: Not me.
Malai: Not me, but Korn has infringed on her rights and she deserves communication with the outside world, despite the power he still holds over everyone.
0272781005: Friend. 🙂
Hansa: Malai, his sons are in this group.
Kim: We agree with her, it's fine.
Khun: I also agree that Namphueng should have all of the technology she wants! 😤
Khun: But I didn't give it to her either.
Arm: I am also in agreement that she should have a way to reach us, but also didn't give her the iPad.
Kinn: You sure? You have the most access to extra technology in the compound.
Nalin: Fine. Preeda and I got it for her. She's our lesbian ma. 🥺
0272781005: Daughter!
Porsche: Ma, please. Nalin, while that was a nice gift, Chay and I should have been informed prior to her getting something like that. We have to be very careful around Korn.
Nalin: She promised to be careful with it! We downloaded some digital art apps! If Korn does happen to see her use it, Preeda plans on telling him that she downloaded the apps she uses for art so Nam can try new mediums!
Macau: They were being thoughtful. And they're right. Nam deserves to have a way to reach out to any of us, anytime she needs.
Nalin: 🥹 🩵
Macau: 🩵
Arm: 🤨
Chay: I think they're right, Hia. She deserves a way to reach out to us. She's gotten a lot better and she would be able to talk to Fern, Vegas, Pete, and Macau whenever she isn't at their house. It's time.
0272781005: I already made an email so I can make a YouTube account to subscribe to other lesbians. 🙂
Malai: As you should.
Porsche: Fine, Ma. You can keep the iPad. Just keep it hidden. And be RESPONSIBLE with it.
0272781005: I MADE AN EMAIL.
0272781005: BY MYSELF.
0272781005: 🖕🏻
Porsche: You found the middle finger emoji. Great.
0272781005: Glad it's settled. I will bring ipad to weed night. So I can watch YouTube while I'm high.
Porsche: Ma, I don't know if that's a good idea.
0272781005: That's because it's not just good. It's great. Bye. I will get ready now. Meet you in ArmKhun suite.
0272781005: 💃🏻
Khun: How did she add herself to the chat?
Nalin: Preeda probably snuck into your phone and added her. She is the one who programmed everyone’s numbers into the text app.
Hansa: Sounds like Preeda.
Preeda: Sure does. 🙂
Preeda: I never stopped weed.
Malai: Which we don't condone.
Arm: ⬆️ What she said.
Preeda: You hypocrites are literally all gathering at Vegas’s to get high tonight. 🖕🏻
Preeda: I'm joining.
Khun: But you're so young…
Preeda: If I am not invited, then I will go hang out with Korn. Willingly. All night. Just for fun.
Khun: Ew!
Preeda: Your choice. 🤷‍♀️ Bye. 💃
Vegas: Just invite her.
Macau: Yeah, I would prefer her giggling because of a weed brownie than having a self-inflicted all-nighter with Uncle Korn. 😳
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thepenguininspace · 3 months
chat listen. i started reading this comic yesterday and I've already finished it. you have. no clue. how much. i appreciate and adore your work. The lore is perfect and molds into itself perfectly (yk whos perfect? hasna.), The romance is SO INTERESTING AND ADORVES OHMYGOSH (yk whos adorbs? hasna.), The characters and the diversity is beautiful and creative (yk who else is beautiful and creative? yes you, but also hasna.), and you've got NO FREAKING CLUE HOW OFTEN I LOOK BACK AT PANELS AND JUST STARE AT THEM BC OH MY GOSH THE STYLE IS SO LOVELY AND THE EXPRESSIONS ARE SO SPOT ON ADN WELL DONE AND AWESOME AND CREATIVE AND COOL AND UGHHHHHHHHHHHHGHGHGHWSHXNNJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJHSBUIWEYRT*OWHHUAHLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLSMJWNDHEBHDBNJSKILOVEITSOMUCHIMOBSESSEDANDGEEKINGOUTHELPPPPPP I seriously look up to you and your work, trust, and if you ever think nobody cares abt it and doesn't like it anymore, I DO, AND YOUR WORK IS VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. again, I look up to you and your art you have no clue. i srsly want to be as creative as you are when I grow up, trust man. your super talented, and your super cool too. every panel w hansa in it genuinely gets me foaming at the mouth (I absolUTELY love him sm he's so bbg ngl). anyways, pls take all the time you need bc depression is (obv) no joke and I srsly care 4 yu lots/gen
one day i hope you feel better, but until then keep your head up! :)/gen
Tbh there are times when I really wonder if my comic is worth anything, but that's just me getting to my head, and the daily struggle of a creator online lol, but still I appreciate the kind words!
TYSM!!! I'll try to remember this when I feel down hahah.........
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bamf-jaskier · 2 years
What do you think of Witcher Blood Origin?
Well, if you can't tell from my recent posting I am massively in love with it.
I got the chance to live chat through it in a sever @spilledbutter set up and I had so much fun live-reacting.
Reasons I enjoyed it:
The Seven are amazing characters because not only do they have very distinct personalities and character design but they also all have great chemistry together
it's hard to balance a large main cast like this show had but I think they did a great job
it reminded me a lot of Heroes, which was one of my favorite shows when it was coming out
Each character has interesting motivations and is fleshed out really well for a show with only 4 episodes
the costume design is just gorgeous. At this point Merwyn is carrying the witcher universe when it comes to fashion. I just know I'm going to be reblogging so many posts of her outfits.
The music is also amazing, I haven't really made it a secret but I was massively let down by the season 2 soundtrack and it's great to see them have super good musical backing and the original songs are fabulous and I have been listening to them a lot
Eile and Fjall were a big reason I got as invested in the show as I did
twn is sort of infamous for how little screentime and build up Yennefer and Geralt have as their main romance so it was really great to see a relationship that actually felt like they got a good amount of plot attention, screentime, and chemistry
the whole Larkstone (Eile and Fjall) relationship really kept me going and the actors did such a good job
I think their relationship is easily one of my favorite parts of the show
the friendship between Meldof and Callan (Brother Death) is also something I didn't expect to love as much as I did
which goes back to what I was saying about the chemistry of The Seven
They just fit perfectly together and complimented each other
it very much had Hansa vibes in the best way possible
and even the characters like Scian who had these previous connections to characters (Scian helped teach Eile) were able to add new dynamics
I was so impressed with the chemistry the show was able to create with so little time. I'm super sad they cut it from 6 to 4 episodes because I just know those other two episodes contained amazing stuff
there is so much more I could say but I'm just going to tell you all to watch it yourselves. At this point it's a rambling train of thought more than an easy list.
It's only 3.5 hours to watch it all and it has really revitalized my interest in The Witcher and it was just super well done.
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years
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announcing a witcher books-centric discord server
This is a server created for the discussion of the Witcher (Wiedźmin) books series written by Andrzej Sapkowski (Original Polish 1993 - 1999, English trans. 2007 - 2017). This discussion involves talking about favorite characters, passages, or scenes, analyzing the themes and messages, or theorizing about the politics and lore of the series.
This server was also created for the purpose to create community amongst the Witcher book fans, spurred by a lack of book-centric online spaces in the Witcher fandom within the past few years.
All are welcome to this server, including if they have not read the books, read the books recently, or finished reading the books - but know that this server is not spoiler-free for the Witcher books.
(Note that this server takes a negative perspective on the Netflix “Witcher” series created by Lauren Hissrich in 2019 and invites criticism of it into discussion. Positive discussion of the Netflix series should not be an expected encounter in this server.)
This is a public server, so anyone may join! Please take a minute to read the rules, send an introduction, and select roles.
Feel free to reblog this post to share. If you'd rather use Twitter, there is a tweet version of this post to retweet.
(image descriptions for accessibility under cut.)
All graphic images used are from the Polish 1st edition, 3rd version covers illustrated by Tomasz Piorunowski and published by SuperNOWA. The covers of Miecz przeznaczenia and Chrzest ognia have been edited from their original depictions of the characters.
[Graphic 1.
Image: A green background. The cover of Miecz przeznaczenia (EN: Sword of Destiny). An 8 year-old Ciri, a girl with green eyes and messy, leaf-strewn, ashen-grey hair, stares uneasily at the viewer. Geralt, a man with long white hair and a black leather jacket, stands in the background. He rests his sword on his shoulder.
Text: Witcher Books Discord Server. Join today! https://discord.gg/tWBAsEG8Ea
[Graphic 2.
Image: An orange background. The cover of Krew elfów (EN: Blood of Elves). An anonymous young man rears up on his black armored stallion. He wears a cloak, black Nilfgaardian armor, and a helmet deocrated with the wings of a bird of prey. He holds a sword in his right hand. Fire artistically engulfs the rear hooves of the horse.
Book-canon centric
Not spoiler-friendly
Must be 18 or over
[Graphic 3.
Image: A cool grey background. The cover of Chrzest ognia (EN: Baptism of Fire). The archer Milva dynamically takes aim at an unseen target. She has tawny brown hair and wears a leather cuirass and dark green shorts. She is standing amidst overgrown forest greenery.
Discussing characters
Analyzing passages and scenes
Looking at themes and messages
Chatting about headcanons
Sharing art, writing, and OCs
Watch parties (if there is interest!)
[Graphic 4.
Image: A cool off-white background. The cover of Czas pogardy (EN: Time of Contempt). The young unicorn foal Ihurraquax stands over a 14 year-old Ciri collapsed in the heat of the desert. Ciri wears a yellowish-green jerkin and leather riding boots.
Text: Dedicated channels for:
general shipping
geralt x yennefer
geralt X dandelion
geralt X regis
char dynamics:
geralt, yen, & ciri
the hansa
wolf witchers
calanthe & court
meve & court
lodge of sorceresses
aen seidhe
aen elle
and more...
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openedbooks · 3 years
[ HESITATE ]:     startled by a sudden hug from the receiver, the sender pauses for a moment, before hesitantly returning the embrace. ( cahir for regis, specifically in game verse )
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Regis isn't certain what to expect when he arrives to Corvo Bianco. Geralt had invited him, so naturally he had thought to find the man himself somewhere on the grounds. Instead, he finds a beautiful vineyard, complete with painted walls, a cellar stocked to the brim with wine, and, of course, a most lavish stable for Roach. A collection of staff mill about the courtyard and the fields beyond, contentedly chatting away amongst themselves and greeting Regis pleasantly as he pokes curiously through the place.
He had never imagined Geralt to be the type to settle down, but then again perhaps that's why he's found no sign of the man in his own home. Though, in his cursory search, the vampire has found an extensive garden, packed full of herbs and blooms, the sight of which brings a fond smile to his lips.
He pulls himself away after a moment of admiration and instead makes his way towards the main house, wondering if he'd perhaps find his would-be host inside. Coming to a stop at the door, Regis looks up at the leafy mural painted along the exterior. It's subtle and delicate, decidedly not the sort of thing Regis would expect to result from a request of Geralt's. Perhaps he's relied on another's expertise...
Regardless, the barber-surgeon lightly raps his knuckles against the front door, wondering with no small amount of amusement why, if he was not going to be here, would the witcher ask him to come?
When the door begins to open, Regis has a clever greeting at the ready, but stops short the moment he catches the scent of the person on the other side. It is most certainly not Geralt, but it is no less familiar, scored into his memory like a scar upon skin, and for a moment he thinks he may only be imagining it because it can't be.
Yet once the door has been pulled wide, it's plain to see that-- as impossible as it feels-- this is no phantom, conjured by his ever-aching heart, but Cahir himself, standing in the doorway in front of him.
Regis has been struck speechless on very few occasions; some of which necessitated lacking the ability to speak at all, but he stands silent on the threshold now, lips parted as if trying to find any words at all. His voice sticks in his throat, however, and all he can do is stare, dark eyes wide and helpless as they search the face of the man before him.
In that instant he recalls it all-- Cahir's trepidation around him and the moments in which it began to fade. The many breakfasts shared among their hansa during the long days trapped in a dream in this very Duchy. A stroll under the stars, arm-in-arm, as they shared snippets of their pasts, along with their desperate hopes of an unlikely future.
The last moment Regis had ever seen him had been but a moment too late.
Surrendering to a sudden surge of impulsivity, Regis finds the strength to move, lurching forward across the doorstep to throw his arms around Cahir. He drags the taller man down into a tight embrace, certain that he's startled him but disinclined, in the moment, to regret doing so.
It's another beat of silent stillness before the vampire feels arms curl around him in return-- slow and stiff, at first, marked by hesitance, but so very Cahir that his heart soars. It's with his face pressed into the Vicovarian's shoulder that Regis finally finds his voice-- a subdued whisper, though it may be.
" How...? "
He draws back, though the last thing he wishes to do is release him. Regis' hands, so perfectly steady, despite it all, remain at Cahir's shoulders, holding him at arm's length as the vampire looks him over once again, as if making absolutely certain he hasn't suffered some kind of hallucination.
" You-- " A smile breaks onto Regis' face-- wide, brilliant, and for once, unrestrained, " You're really here, aren't you? Geralt could have at least told me. It isn't as if he hasn't had the time. I-- "
The vampire takes a moment to subdue his surprised ramblings. He lowers his hands from Cahir slowly, his touch lingering until the last possible moment, and folds them politely in front of himself, his smile taking on a softer, apologetic caste. " Forgive me. May I come in? "
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things done while hugging ( accepting ) // @closedcoffins
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lemon, hansa yellow, golden deep, rose, oxide of chromium, sepia :)
hi aubs! i hope you’re having a wonderful day💛
lemon - what’s your comfort food?
pasta, pasta and more pasta
hansa yellow - what’s your guilty pleasure song?
never gonna give you up - rick astely. the song goes hard ok.
golden deep - what’s your favourite season?
rose - what’s something really positive in your life right now?
i’m ahead on my school work haha. oh and i found an original pressing of y&t’s “black tiger” on vinyl yesterday at the record store and that made me happy!
oxide of chromium - what’s your favourite book?
the maze runner series & duff mckagan’s its so easy and other lies
sepia - name 5 things that always make you happy
going to the record store
my cute friends
warm weather
hysteria by def leppard
80s movies
chat with me!
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sukifms · 4 years
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            *  GET  A  LOAD  OF  THIS  GUY  .  well  ,  well  ,  look  who  it  is  ....  late  and  highly  ashamed  of  it  :  it’s  me  ,  it’s  kofi  .  as  mentioned  in  my  intro  within  the  di.scor.d  chat  ,  i  prefer  she / her  or  they / them  pronouns  and  i  reside  in  the  eastern  tz  .  i’ll  be  introducing  the  too  hot  to  trot  sukanda  baramichai  ,  known  affectionately  around  the  world  as  suki  .  i  already  know  i’m  about  to  write  a  NOVEL  so  strap  yourself  in  ladies  ,  gents  ,  and  non - binary  pals  !
            read   all   about   sukanda  ‘suki’  baramichai,   otherwise   affectionately   nicknamed   the  prom  queen.   the   twenty  three  year  old   model  and  podcaster   is   widely   known   for   being   scintillating,  poised,  bellicose,  and  vampish,   and   recently   made   headlines   when   they   allegedly  was  seen  vacationing  on  a  yacht  with  an  older  man  who  is  married  and  has  children.   apparently   judas   claims   to   be   sitting   on   an   even   bigger   story   involving   them   -   whatever   the   truth   may   be,   i'm   sure   it   won't   stay   hidden   for   long.   &   luxurious  satin  robes  brushing  against  tan  skin,  crystalline  eyes  glassed  with  glittering  tears,  the  lingering  scent  of  peach  vanilla  long  after  she’s  gone,  and  a  practiced  smile  highlighted  by  bright  stage  lights.   ◜   ⭒   ◞
trigger  warning(s)  :  mentions  of  an  eating  disorder  and  poor  parenting  .  
stars  can’t  shine  without  darkness  .
name  :  sukanda  baramichai .
nickname(s)  :  suki  ,  the  prom  queen  .
age  +  date  of  birth  :  23  +  may  25th  ,  1997  .
astrological  sign  :  gemini  .
myers - briggs  personality  type  :  esfp  ,  the  entertainer  .
enneagram  type  :  the  individualist  .
moral  alignment  :  chaotic  neutral  .
gender  +  pronouns  :  cis  female  +  she / her / hers  .
place  of  birth  :  pathumwan  ,  thailand  .
place  of  residence  :  manhattan  ,  new  york  city  .
sexual  orientation  :  bisexual  .
romantic  orientation  :  biromantic  .
occupation  :  former  beauty  queen  ,  sugar  baby  ,  model  +  podcaster  (  suki  &  sage  )  .
nationality  :  thai  ,  obtained  american  citizenship  in  2018  .
ethnicity  :  thai  .
language  spoken  :  english  ,  thai  ,  and  basic  japanese  .
instagram  handle  :  sukichai  .
what  would  you  wish  for  if  you  had  one  more  chance  ?
            sukanda’s  story  begins  in  the  beautiful  district  of  pathumwan  ,  where  she  was  the  second  child  of  five  .  the  first  child  in  the  baramichai  family  was  her  older  brother  phya  ,  who  was  three  years  older  and  absolutely  terrified  of  the  baby  that  didn’t  speak  .  by  the  time  sukanda  was  three  ,  the  two  had  become  best  friends  ,  and  although  sukanda  couldn’t  keep  up  with  him  and  his  friends  ,  he  always  made  sure  to  play  with  her  once  big  tears  collected  in  her  eyes  .  after  sukanda  ,  the  baramichai  family  was  filled  with  three  other  children  :  two  daughters  named  hansa  and  tulaya  ,  and  lastly  with  a  son  named  daeng  when  sukanda  was  thirteen  .
           while  growing  up  ,  sukanda  lived  in  a  world  of  wealth  .  her  mother  ,  kamlai  was  known  throughout  thailand  for  being  one  of  the  country’s  best  dermatologists  and  also  owning  chai  cosmetics  ,  a  luxurious  skincare  brand  .  her  husband  ,  suran  ,  is  a  highly  respected  cardiothoracic surgeon  at  one  of  the  best  teaching  hospitals  in  their  country  .  the  two  made  a  lavish  living  for  their  children  ,  continuously  taking  them  on  trips  around  the  world  ,  educating  them  at  the  best  schools  ,  and  never  allowing  them  to  leave  with  a  hair  out  of  place  .  for  sukanda  ,  though  ,  her  mother  seemed  to  take  more  of  an  interest  to  her  .
           of  course  ,  sukanda  was  a  little  girl  who  liked  to  play  with  her  mom’s  makeup  ,  and  would  ask  for  her  mom  to  put  lipstick  on  her  while  she  was  getting  ready  in  the  mornings  .  she  appreciated  clothes  and  shoes  ,  and  even  formed  a  love  for  perfume  when  her  mom  let  her  wear  it  to  school  once  .  naturally  ,  kamlai  took  sukanda’s  interest  and  decided to  run  with  it  .  when  sukanda  was  four  ,  her  mother  put  her  in  her  first  beauty  pageant  .  despite  not  being  trained  ,  it  was  evident  that  sukanda  had  a  natural  talent  for  pageantry  ,  so  that  became  her  way  of  bonding  with  her  mother  .  she  also  entered  dance  classes  for  her  talent  in  the  show  ,  and  naturally  ,  sukanda  was  good  at  that  as  well  .
           as  she  grew  older  ,  though  ,  sukanda’s  mother  began  to  take  more  interest  in  ensuring  that  she  was  the  most  perfect  out  of  siblings  .  when  they  were  playing  outside  ,  sukanda  was  kept  in  the  house  ,  running  through  her  pageant  routine  over  and  over  again  until  her  eyes  were  heavy  from  sleep  .  during  the  school  year  ,  she  did  her  homework  ,  went  to  dance  practice  ,  practiced  her  routine  ,  slept  ,  and  did  it  all  over  again  the  next  day  .  sukanda’s  love  for  pageants  never  changed  ,  but  she  was  beginning  to  resent  how  much  she  was  unable  to  enjoy  the  things  that  her  siblings  and  friends  were  able  to  .
oh  ,  but  you’re  so  pretty  ,  the  stars  would  cry  .
          start  of  trigger  warning  --  sukanda  was  fifteen  when  she  began  to  train  for  the  miss  teen  thailand  pageant  ,  and  her  mother  changed  for  the  worst  .  sukanda  spent  her  days  working  out  and  dancing  ,  and  if  she  so  dared  to  reach  for  something  unhealthy  during  her  meals  ,  her  mother  would  throw  a  fit  and  berate  her  .  ‘  do  you  want  to  be  fat  ?  ’  her  mother  would  ask  while  throwing  the  food  away  .  ‘  do  you  want  to  start  losing  because  you  can’t  fit  into  your  dresses  ?  ’  the  constant  belief  that  she  would  lose  due  to  her  weight  made  sukanda  think  twice  whenever  it  was  dinner  time  .  she  suddenly  began  to  have  protein  shakes  for  breakfast  and  lunch  ,  there  was  no  snacking  in  her  diet  ,  and  dinners  were  always  small  .  workouts  became  most  important  ,  and  her  pageant  dress  in  the  closet  continuously  loomed  over  her  head  .
          the  stress  of  wanting  to  win  continuously  took  over  the  young  girl  ,  and  she  wanted  nothing  more  than  to  win  ,  and  she  did  .  at  the  age  of  sixteen  ,  sukanda  earned  the  title  of  miss  teen  thailand  ,  but  she  didn’t  stop  there  .  she  continued  on  her  journey  ,  and  it  was  unfortunate  that  food  had  become  the  enemy  .  she  wanted  nothing  more  than  to  remain  skinny  ,  to  remain  beautiful  ,  and  to  remain  a  winner  .  her  siblings  noticed  the  change  in  sukanda  ,  and  would  often  try  to  sneak  food  to  her  at  night  ,  but  were  often  caught  by  their  mother  .  the  punishments  for  natasha  seemingly  never  ended  ,  and  it  all  came  to  a  head  when  she  was  eighteen  years  old  .
           sukanda’s  father  ,  suran  ,  had  taken  her  out  to  have  their  annual  father - daughter  date  .  it  was  filled  with  fun  and  shopping  ,  but  when  suran  had  taken  sukanda  out  for  lunch  ,  he  noticed  how  despondent  his  daughter  was  .  she  simply  sipped  her  water  and  munched  on  small  pieces  of  food  ,  but  she  never  ate  anything  more  than  that  .  worried  ,  suran  confronted  his  wife  about  sukanda’s  eating  habits  ,  and  was  disheartened  to  know  that  she  had  been  eating  that  way  for  a  long  time  .  suran  was  upset  with  himself  for  not  noticing  his  daughter’s  changed  behavior  or  his  wife’s  ,  and  when  sukanda  fainted  from  fatigue  and  lack  of  nutrients  ,  it  was  the  final  straw  .  
          she  was  sent  off  for  treatment  ,  as  was  her  mother  ,  and  her  health  was  instantly  a  priority  .  for  two  years  ,  sukanda  had  to  slowly  relearn  that  food  was  not  the  enemy  ,  and  that  she  had  to  take  better  care  of  herself  .  it  took  months  of  struggles  to  eventually  grasp  with  this  concept  ,  and  she  was  able  to  place  herself  as  a  priority  --  end  of  trigger  warning  .  once  sukanda  returned  home  following  a  year  of  treatment  ,  she  decided  that  she  wanted  to  continue  with  pageantry  .  although  her  mother  was  still  working  through  her  own  treatment  ,  sukanda  wanted  to  provde  to  herself  that  she  was  much  happier  and  healthier  than  she  ever  had  been  .  she  trained  well  and  made  sure  to  take  care  of  herself  ,  and  when  she  was  twenty  ,  sukanda  had  won  the  title  of  miss  world  .
you  smiled  at  the  stars  like  they  knew  all  your  secrets  .
            sukanda’s  life  was  finally  back  on  track  ,  and  she  knew  that  she  needed  to  remain  on  that  path  ,  so  she  decided  to  move  out  on  her  own  .  she  had  gotten  her  own  apartment  ,  and  gained  even  more  recognition  when  she  attended  the  show  for  michael  kors  spring  2019  .  that  same  year  ,  sukanda  went  on  to  participate  in  the  miss  universe  pageant  .  although  she  placed  as  first  runner  up  ,  sukanda  was  honored  that  she  had  gotten  the  chance  .  following  the  pageant  ,  she  was  signed  to  img  models  ,  and  her  career  soared  from  there  .  insert  my  talenti  break  here  CFNJCBHVC  .  she  appeared  on  magazine  covers  such�� as  harper’s  bazaar  ,  allure  ,  nylon  ,  vogue  hong  kong  ,  vogue  korea  ,  elle  korea  ,  dazed  ,  and  many  more  .  she  became  the  muse  of  celine  in  2019  as  well  ,  and  due  to  her  growing  demand  ,  sukanda  decided  to  leave  thailand  and  make  los  angeles  her  home  .
            within  a  few  months  of  living  in  manhattan  ,  sukanda  decided  to  rebrand  herself  under  the  nickname  suki  ,  and  it  aided  in  her  meteoric  rise  .  she  soon  decided  to  launch  her  own  podcast  ,  suki  &  sage  ,  where  she  primarily  talks  about  lifestyle  &  wellness  with  special  guests  every  week  .  suki’s  podcast  is  known  for  being  frank  about  various  aspects  such  as  sex  ,  relationships  ,  and  having  ‘  girl  talk  ’  sessions  .  very  recently  ,  suki  was  named  as  the  global  ambassador  for  bulgari  .
look  among  the  stars  .
           as  for  suki’s  personality  ,  the  only  word  that  comes  to  mind  is  chaos  .  she  lives  for  having  good  time  ,  and  it  mostly  stems  from  everything  that  she  missed  as  a  child  .  she  can  be  very  fun - loving  ,  and  she’s  definitely  the  girl  who  doesn’t  want  to  go  home  when  the  club  is  closing  .  she  likes  to  laugh  ,  and  she  loves  to  be  around  people  who  make  her  happy  .  she  has  a  VERY  strong  idgaf  attitude  on  the  outside  ,  but  definitely  worries  about  potentially  relapsing  on  her  ED  ,  but  she  remains  in  therapy  to  help  when  those  thoughts  arise  .  she  can  have  an  over - inflated  ego  at  times  ,  so  be  careful  when  giving  her  a  compliment  !  she’s  super  provocative  and  nows  how  to  use  her  sexuality  in  order  to  get  something  she  wants  .  suki  is  not  so  secretly  a  sugar  baby  (  in  relation  to  her  rumor  )  ,  and  she  mostly  does  it  because  it’s  fun  !  she  likes  attention  ,  very  much  an  attention  hog  ,  and  even  if  the  people  that  she  interacts  with  are  only  paying  attention  to  her  in  exchange  for  money  ,  suki  doesn’t  really  care  .
           i’m  super  late  in  terms  of  plotting  ,  but  i  will  definitely  be  posting  a  list  of  plots  that  i’d  love  to  have  for  suki  !  i  want  to  try  and  get  it  done  before  i  hop  into  doing  some  homework  ,  but  if  there  are  some  plots  where  suki  could  fit  ,  please  let  me  know  !
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roxxelll · 4 years
cadmium yellow; hansa yellow; yellow ochre; naples yellow for the ask game! 💛 (i really like yellow can you tell lmao)
Yellow is the colour of happiness! 💛
cadmium yellow; when you think of the word “happy” what’s the first thing that comes to mind?
sitting down with a nice cup of coffee and being able to focus on a painting and not worry about anything else 
hansa yellow; what’s your guilty pleasure song?
oh man I have so many but I used to be a HUGE 1D fan (I kind of still am) and I still adore Ready to Run and Clouds <3 I miss them :<
yellow ochre; name an artist/band whom you just discovered & can’t get enough of!
Noah Kahan is a real gem. Also BANNERS has some really cool songs! 
naples yellow; where do you feel most at home?
I think any place where I can be surrounded by loved ones and friends, having a fun over board games or chatting about nonsense over a nice bottle of wine :>
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riviae · 5 years
sapkowski really robbed us of more interactions btwn dandelion & regis for no reason, huh? like you’ve got arguably the (2) nosiest ppl in the series who both happen to be good friends of geralt & ur telling me they didn’t end up chatting more?? where’s dandelion’s slowly growing admiration & trust in regis after nearly fainting at the revelation of regis’ true nature?
dandelion was (though somewhat rudely) also the only one really brave enough to question regis/his past, even if his methods of doing so were a bit obtuse. like we get a whole masterclass on regis/vampires in the witcher universe /because/ dandelion, out of understandable fear, not so subtly asks if regis drinks blood or needs to drink blood to survive.
obviously dandelion is more open-minded than most characters (he’s friends with geralt, after all), but what a shock that must’ve been. sure, a witcher isn’t human, but they aren’t really monsters either. they have one foot in, one foot out so to speak, spanning both categories, sometimes being shoved in one role or the other depending on their actions. geralt had always been human to dandelion. remember, dandelion is a scholar, has heard all the discourse & philosophy surrounding what makes someone human, & he chooses to follow geralt, to tell his story, to be his friend when no one else would.
but regis? regis is terror personified. a monster in the shape of a man, masquerading so well that not even a trained witcher notices the cracks in his persona. at first, dandelion is worried—& for good reason. regis has lived centuries, spent centuries behaving like a monster. he has no reason to believe that regis is genuinely a changed man, not even after he’s fixed up his head wound bc surely a vampire could play some sort of long con? to kill them all once he’s gained all of the hansa’s trust, smiling a cruel, sharp smile.
but then geralt trusts him & everything shifts. dandelion’s trust in geralt allows him to slowly learn to trust regis after his true identity is revealed. all i’m saying is that for as much as the witcher games parody dandelion’s character to that of a cowardly womanizing player w/ questionable morals, he’s so not these things. of all the characters in the series, he’s the first who befriends geralt w/o any ulterior motive. who is so unaplogetically himself. who loves music & wine & the finer things in life, but chooses to follow geralt on the path anyway. & that actually makes him fairly brave, doesn’t it?
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gayregis · 4 years
Im so glad you dislike the Netflix version. Im kinda scared to post anything negative cause idk what the fans will do. I was wondering if messaging you to talk about it was ok? (Totes fine if not tho i get it) anyway thank bye!
oh yes of course! anon, i’m glad you can find some solace in the complaining. that’s tbh why i’m so loud about it on here — because there was very little criticism of it for a long period of time, and it became almost taboo to say anything bad about it, lest you get a fuckton of hate. creativity doesn’t thrive in a vacuum, art and stories do not derive from monotony. and if someone complains and makes a fuss, then others who agree may not be as intimidated to share their opinions as well! i want to make it so no one has to feel like praise to mediocre and disrespectful media is a requirement to interact in a community. because for a while it was that if you disliked or, god forbid, hated on twn you would have no witcher friends/a very limited amt of people to befriend.
and if it helps, i personally haven’t had what i’d call a bad experience — i only get ‘hate’ occassionally and none of it has been violent so far, i have friends i enjoy talking to abt the witcher, the only annoying thing is that this is a sideblog, so when people block me i can still see their content unless i mutually block them, and rarely they have hansa content i want to reblog, but i have to live with the consequences or my actions 😔✌️i’d rather speak up than be silent, even if it’s for something as inconsequential and silly as the witcher, a book series and fandom on the internet
and yeah ofc!! feel free to message me (i think i turned my messages so anyone can message me regardless if they follow or not? i hope so. i’m on mobile rn but i will look at it on my laptop when i’m not so lazy)
also if you’re interested there’s a small witcher discord server (made a post abt it on here, i will find it... edit: here it is...) but also i get that being in group chats (which are effectively what discord servers are) can be intimidating to some!! so no pressure just an option
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ansgar-martinsson · 4 years
The Best Intentions - Part 11
“And I’ll undress you a hundred – no,” he purred, “a thousand times more in my mind tonight, but it’s just the one time that will matter.” As the car rounded a corner, he leaned in, took her face between his thumb and forefinger and turned her to him, pressing his lips to the corner of her mouth. “You are absolutely radiant,” he murmured over her skin. “Those shoes create the most elegant lines of your legs.”
“Like what you see?” she mimicked his earlier boast. She nuzzled against the bristles of his beard.
“I liked them from the first moment I saw them.” He tipped back and dotted the tip of her nose with a warm, soft kiss.
“They’re er… they’re not mine,” she admitted.
“I know.” He brushed his lips over the arch of her cheekbone. “But it doesn’t matter to me whose they are. They could belong to one of the Kardashians for all I care.” He faced her, ghosting the backs of his fingers over the line of his kisses. “I don’t want you for your Louboutins. I would buy you a hundred pairs if you asked it of me.”
She smirked. “Well, that’s a bit much.”
“Okay,” he bobbled his head, “one or two pairs. Regardless,” he sighed. “I am gobsmacked by how beautiful you are. I mean, you stabbed at my heart before, but now… you slay me.”
“Thank y –,” she whispered, but before she could get the sentiment out, he had canted his head, cupped her cheek and kissed her. He kissed her deeply. So deeply that her words of gratitude whirlpooled into whimpers and moans. Her sharp breaths echoed in his mouth as his hand drew down her shoulder to rest upon the open skin of her neckline, just teasing the skin above her breast.
“Mmmm,” he hummed, “I’ve been waiting all day to do that again.”
“Yeah,” she licked her lips, “I wasn’t able to concentrate on work very much today.”
He chuckled. “Me neither. But I will have you know that we did manage to make a nice dent in the little theater cleanup.”
“I hate to think of what your bill is going to be when all is said and done.”
“Jorah has already submitted the information to the Opera House’s property insurer,” he said. “Got a claim started for you and everything. They’ll be sending us a check in two days for the initial clean up, and then they’re going to have an adjuster come out and look at the space tomorrow for the rest. Apparently,” he sat back, curled his fingers over and made as if to study his fingernails, “your board of directors made the wise decision to purchase a full replacement cost policy on the building.”
She frowned. “What does that mean?”
“It means,” he grinned pridefully, “that you will get your brand new little theater paid for, minus the deductible, of course, by Trygg-Hansa. And, from what I understand, my amazing insurance liaison has managed to convince the mighty insurers to throw in an extra bit for new lighting rails, a new light board and sound board, a new lift system, and a new catwalk… something about the moisture contributing to the decay of the metal and the electrical components?”
Joline stared at him, wide eyed, for a long moment.
“We will have plans drawn up within the next two weeks, ready to present to your board by the end of the month. I mean, it’s awful that the pipe broke; but if you really think about it, it is rather fortuitous, isn’t it?”
She kept staring.
“Well?” Ansgar perked. He shook his head and raised his brows in anticipation. “What do you think? Surprise!”
“I think,” she said slowly, her lips curling into an immense grin, “I could kiss you.”
He shrugged. “I’ll take it on account,” he said, indicating out the window. “It looks as if we’ve arrived.”
The driver pulled the car to the kerb and lowered the divider. “What time would you like me to return, Herr Martinsson?”
Ansgar leaned forward, resting his hand on the partition. “Take the rest of the night off, Tomas,” he said. “My building isn’t far from here, and it’s a beautiful night. I think we will walk.”
“Very well, sir,” Tomas nodded.
“Ansgar Martinsson. So good to see you again.”
“And you, Helene darling,” Ansgar replied. He extended his hand. “It’s very good to be back.”
Helen, a prim, professional-looking blonde dressed in a Saint Laurent suit took his offered hand, covering his with her other. “Yes, and we are so glad you’re back. And you must be Froken Lindberg,” Helene smiled warmly at Jolene and held out her hand. “I am Helene Soderberg, the manager. Ansgar has told me so very much about you. I am very happy to meet you, and I am certain that you will enjoy your experience tonight.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Froken Soderberg,” Joline replied, giving the other woman a slight bow. “But, what do you mean by… experience?”
Ansgar grinned as he wrapped his arm around Jolene’s waist. “I’ve brought you to Ekrastedt, darling,” he said. “This will not just be a meal, it will be an adventure.”
“Have you ever dined with us before, Froken Lindberg?” Helene asked.
Jolene let her eyes rove quickly around the inside of the restaurant. “No, never.”
Helene gestured them into the restaurant space. “Then, please follow me,” she said. “We’ve prepared your room for you.”
Joline frowned. “Room?”
“Herr Martinsson has his own private area in our establishment, reserved only for his use.”
“Oh, I’m sure you made good use of it, seating others in there whilst I was gone this past year, Helene.” Ansgar said.
Helene stopped and turned, her hand on the handle of a mullioned and stained glass French door. “No,” she shook her head, her eyes intent upon him, “we didn’t.” And with that she opened the door, and gestured inside.
The room was small and intimate, centered around a natural timber table for four set elegantly for two. Gleaming flatware and white linen napkins accompanied white plates lined with delicate gold. The walls were pine panel, decorated with tapestries and metal vines that cast long shadows in the low light from a dimmed chandelier above. One door off to the left provided access from the kitchens, and another to the right led to a private restroom.
“Please,” Helene said as she pulled out the chair for Jolene, “sit down and be welcome. Gustav will be in momentarily to guide your explorations of our wine selections, and then Nicklas will tell you the story of our menu for this evening.” She bowed respectfully before backing out of the door. “Enjoy. I will check in with you later.”
The door closed with a click behind dear Helene, dropping the two of them in a noticeable hush. A sly smile pulled at the corners of his lips when his eyes landed on Joline. “What is it?” Ansgar discovered his date assessing him.
She dropped the distinguishing gaze, displaying a coquettish smile. She shook her head bashfully, lifting her hands to the sanded and treated table. Her splayed hands stretched out in front of her, arms straight, the natural wood feeling sensual against her forearm. Goddamnit, even the lighting felt erotic. She could only attribute is to the company she kept. “You surprise me, Ansgar Martinsson.”
“How so?” He bit his lower lip enjoying… her. Just her. “The theatre? The repairs?”
“Well, yes, of course that, but that’s not what I meant.”
He watched her fingers play with the winged linen napkin. Her nails were unpainted, and the white semi-crescent tips were rounded. He only noticed because Faye’s nails had always been decorated bright red. He thought that maybe he preferred the natural look. “What did you mean?”
A coy grin appeared and she looked up to him from under her lashes. “This. Wine, dinner, private accommodations. I’m not sure what I expected, but this wasn’t it.”
Concern fell over him. “Are you disappointed? We can go elsewhere if you prefer.”
Joline blinked, taken aback that he’d misread her. “Oh, no… no, that’s—no, everything is fine. No! More than fine. More than that. Charming, impressive… and unexpected!”
“I’m relieved to know it, Joline.”
She shrugged one shoulder, “Helene said that you told her… about me?”
He smirked at the flattered tone. He took one of her outstretched hands and brought it to his lips to kiss her palm. “Make no mistake, Joline. I’m proud to have you with me and I would tell anyone willing to listen.”
Gustav entered with a gentle knock and an approval command from Ansgar. Joline tugged at her hand, but he held fast to it. She didn’t want the server to think he’d interrupted. The wine selection was vast and varied, but fell on deaf ears. Ansgar took control of the situation, having made up his mind. “I’ve heard enough, thank you,” he cut in before Gustav got too far in his practiced list. “Two glasses of Asti Cinzano. Chilled.”
Politely, Gustav bowed and exited obediently.
Joline raised her eyebrows in question at his choice.
Focused solely on her, Ansgar spoke slowly, “I want you. I will not have my sense dulled when I have you. You, Joline, will be just as sober to experience everything I do to you.”
Joline indulged in a long minute to catch her breath and lower her pulse after the intense spike in arousal. The man was determined to keep her wet and ready for him. Goddamnit. “Ansgar,” she swallowed her voice rough. She shifted in her seat, but some higher being threw her a small reprieve.
Nicklas entered with wine-laden Gustav to explain the experience of Ekrastedt, a six course meal, much of it prepared over
  an open fire. Most of it unheard by the patron who needed the lesson on it. She only had eyes for Ansgar, and she trusted him to order for both of them. She was open for anything and she could enjoy all of it.
When they were left alone again, Ansgar seized the opportunity to actually chat her before the amuse bouche was brought in. He kept his fingers dancing and shushing against hers, drugged by the silky soft skin on the top of her hand. “I would like to know more about you.”
“Me? There’s not much to tell.”
“Tell me about America… or how you got your job. Why Opera?”
Joline sat forward and took a tiny sip of her champagne. “After uni, I got an internship to a place in Florida.”
“A place in Florida?”
She squirmed in place, having been caught in her vague attempt to cover her slight embarrassment. “I don’t want to tell you.”
He chuckled, “Why don’t you want to tell me?”
“It’ll cock up my entire image. Taint it entirely.”
“That can’t be true.”
“You don’t know what it is yet!” she exclaimed, an uncontrollable laughter bubbling up to cover.
“Tell me and I will know what it is.”
She dipped her head, gave him the once over, and spilled. “It was just an internship. I was there for about twelve weeks.” She stated it, apologizing for it in the process.
Ansgar fell into her contagious laughter, smiling along with her. “I forgive you.”
“I worked at Disney World,” she admitted covering her eyes, elbow on the table. “It was this hideous production of Robin Hood, it was. Painful, Excruciating. When they say that it’s the happiest place on Earth, they’re fucking lying.”
“I- I can’t see you there.” He shook his head, trying to place Joline with her dark hair, black leathers and motorcycle and it didn’t jive.
“It was awful, and the actual stage show was only thirty minutes, because young kids have the attention span of a fly. We did eight of those fucking performances a day. Hell! Every thirty minutes felt like a year.”
“Where to next?”
Joline sat up a little straighter with the worst of it over. “A lottttttttttttttt of dinner theatres. Soooooooo many. They take on anyone desperate enough to take their shitty jobs. I stayed on that for quite some time. My ex—is that too weird?” She stopped herself and looked to him for approval, flicking her forefinger between them.
“Not at all. Please.”
She took another sip from her flute. “My ex hooked his ride to a governor down there. He was an activist… of sorts. He fell into it and never resurfaced. Last I knew, the governor is now a senator, and Steven is still working with him.”
Ansgar narrowed his eyes in thought, analyzing how this bit of information played into her. “Diplomacy. I can see that. You have to possess that when dealing with so many different departments in a theatre company.”
“I suppose that was it. But I moved onto Los Angeles via Chicago from there.”
“I had you figured for New York, surely…”
Joline slapped her hand on the table, not hard, but just to punctuate the point. “I tried. I didn’t get that job. I did assistant stage manager for the Lyric Opera… in Chicago. Then stage manager for the Los Angeles Opera.”
“How did you go from Robin Hood to opera?”
She laughed at the connection, and how incongruous it was. “I sat in on a masterclass with Salvatore Fisichella. The things he can do with his voice and body blew my mind. It’s a fascinating instrument to play, to master… I just love it. The voice alone can convey so much, and in opera specifically, it’s an art form.”
“Do you study the languages?”
She twisted her face in a moue of disapproval. “No, not at all. I don’t need it. I watch and listen.”
Their first dish arrived and Ansgar reluctantly let her hand go after all that time. The server came in long enough to leave the food and respect the privacy of the two diners.
Joline took the opportunity to let him know that she was still curious about him too. His wedding ring was safely in a small zipper pocket of her clutch. “I’d like to know… still… about your ex and why you went to America.”
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hansac · 3 years
setting: founders’ day event, evening
status: closed | @brionyahn​
                — Hansa had pulled an all-nighter the day before, and now, after a much-needed sleep that had completely ruined her sleep pattern and two bottles of energy drinks later, she was more than ready to put on a cute little costume and join these people in her first Samhain in Astoria. And Founder’s day, too. It was different from how it was celebrated in Veritas, from where she could gather, but nothing too out of control either.
Drink in hand, a Mia Wallace costume on her body and Hansa was a happy camper. They walked around, chatting up with some people they knew, before settling their eyes on a familiar face. Smiling, they waved as they approached the other woman.
“My, my. I’m shocked! Briony Ahn outside her office? This calls for a celebration! Unless--you’re here with someone and I’m meddling?”
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dave44soprano · 3 years
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FC Union Berlin. VfB Stuttgart v Borussia Dortmund. Italian Serie A Spezia v Crotone. Dundee DUN v. Queen of the South QOS v. Arbroath ARB. Ponferradina PON v. Fuenlabrada FUE. Real Oviedo OVI v. Las Palmas LPA. Rayo Vallecano RAY v. Girona GIR. Ascoli ASC v. Monza MON. Brescia BRE v. Cremonese CRE v. Pordenone Calcio PDC. Lecce LEC v. Virtus Entella ENT v. Salernitana SAL. Frosinone FRO v. Cittadella CITT. St Pauli STP. Holstein Kiel HOL v. Troyes TRY. Sochaux SOC. Chateauroux CHAT v. Dunkerque DUN.
Grenoble GRE v. Caen CAN. Niort NIO v. Pau PAU v. Valenciennes VAFC v. Hammarby Visit their website. Excelsior Maassluis EXM 0 - 0.
IJsselmeervogels IJS. Kozakken Boys KOZ 0 - 0. Rijnsburgse Boys RBB. Spakenburg SPK 0 - 0. Noordwijk NOO. De Treffers TRE. Quick Boys QBO 0 - 0. Stromsgodset STR v. Valerenga VAL. Hamrun Spartans HAM v. FC Luzern. Turkey Super Lig. Hatayspor 65'. Greece Super League. Volos Nps. Apollon Smirnis. Atromitos Athinon. Sweden Allsvenskan. Poland Todays football match fixtures. Pogon Szczecin. Warta Poznan. Slask Wroclaw. Australia A-league. Newcastle Jets FT. Sydney FC FT.
Sydney FC. Adelaide United FT. Esperance St. Zamalek Sc. Horoya AC gui. Wydad Casablanca. Italy Serie B. Virtus Entella. France Todays football match fixtures 2. Todays football match fixtures FC. Le Havre. Germany 2. Erzgebirge Aue HT'. Fortuna Dusseldorf. Holstein Kiel. Sc Paderborn 07 Todays football match fixtures. Germany 3. FC Ingolstadt FC Saarbrucken.
Turkgucu-ataspor Munchen. Hansa Rostock. Azerbaijan Premier League. Sabah Fk. Bosnia And Herzegovina Premier League. Zeljeznicar Sarajevo. Bulgaria Southeast 3 Afl. Chernomorets Burgas. Gigant Saedinenie. Rodopa Smolyan. Sokol Markovo. Zagorets Nova Todays football match fixtures. Bulgaria Southwest 3 Afl. Belasitsa Petrich. Chavdar Etropole. Granit Vladaya. Levski Chepintsi. Pirin Gotse Delchev. Bulgaria Northeast 3 Afl.
Botev Novi Pazar. Dunav Ruse. Cyprus Division 3. Apep Pitsilias. Chalkanoras Idaliou. Enad P. Meap Pera Choriou N. Olympias Limpion. Denmark 1. Hvidovre HT'. Viborg HT'. Estonia Meistriliiga. Paide Lm FT. Greece Football League - Group North. Kavala FT. Aep Karagiannion. Olympiakos Volou.
Greece Football League - Group South. Episkopi FT. Asteras Vlahioti. Rhodos As. Hungary Nb I. MTK Budapest. Videoton FC. Ferencvarosi Tc. Kosovo Superliga. Kf Ballkani.
Luxembourg National Division. Victoria Rosport. Etzella Ettelbruck. Racing Union Luxembourg. Fola Esch. Swift Hesperange. Malta Premier League. Hamrun Spartans. Hibernians FC. Lija Athletic. St Lucia. Moldova National Division. FC Floresti.
Today's Football Fixtures
Sheriff Tiraspol. Norway Eliteserien. Odd Todays football match fixtures. Romania Liga I. Sepsi Osk Sfantu Gheorghe. Romania Liga Ii. Aerostar Bacau FT. Metaloglobus FT. Pandurii Tg Jiu FT. Ripensia Timisoara FT. Unirea Slobozia Todaus. CS Mioveni FT. Csikszereda Miercurea Ciuc.
U Craiova HT'. Todays football match fixtures Politehnica Timisoara. Romania Liga Iii Serie 1. Acs Foresta Suceava. Bucovina Radauti. Ceahlaul Piatra Neam. Kosarom Pascani. Stiinta Miroslava. Romania Liga Iii Serie 2. Csm Bacau. Csm Focsani Press ESC to show all. Albania: Superliga. Angola: Girabola. Argentina: Primera Nacional - Zona A.
Argentina: Primera Nacional - Zona B. Argentina: Primera B Metropolitana - Apertura. Argentina: Primera C - Apertura. Fixxtures Regionalliga East.
Austria: Regionalliga Central. Austria: Tipp3 Bundesliga - Relegation Group. Austria: Erste Liga - 2. Azerbaijan: Premier League. Bahrain: Premier League. Belarus: Vyscha Liga. Belgium: Jupiler Pro League. Belgium: 2e Klasse. Bosnia and Herzegovina: Premier League. Bosnia and Herzegovina: FBiH. Bosnia and Herzegovina: RS. Brazil: Campeonato Alagoano. Brazil: Todays football match fixtures Brasiliense.
Brazil: Campeonato Catarinense. Brazil: Campeonato Matogrossense. Brazil: Campeonato Paranaense. Brazil: Campeonato Carioca - Taca Guanabara. Brazil: Campeonato Goiano - Group B. Brazil: Campeonato Sergipano - Sergipano. Todays football match fixtures Copa do Nordeste - Group Stage.
Bulgaria: B PFG. Cameroon: Division 1 - Group A. Cameroon: Division 1 - Group B. Chile: Primera Division. Colombia: Primera A - Apertura. Croatia: Prva HNL. Croatia: Druga HNL. Cyprus: 2. Cyprus: 3. Cyprus: 1. Division - Championship Footall. Division - Relegation Playoff. Czech Republic: Druha Liga. Czech Republic: Gambrinus Important site - 1.
Denmark: Viasat Divisionen - Promotion Group. Denmark: 2. Division - Group 1. Division - Group 2. Denmark: Danmarksserien - Group 1. Denmark: Danmarksserien - Group 2. Denmark: Todays football match fixtures - Group 4. Denmark: U17 League - Ligaen U Denmark: 1. Division Women - Relegation Playoff Group 1. Ecuador: Serie A - First Stage. England: Premier League.
England: Championship. England: League One. England: League Two. England: National League. England: Premier League U Faroe Islands: 1. Finland: Suomen Cup - Final Stage. France: Ligue 1. France: Ligue 2. France: National. Friendly Games: Friendly International Women. Germany: Bundesliga.
Football Scores & Fixtures
Germany: 3. Germany: Regionalliga West. Germany: Oberliga Baden-Wurttemberg. Germany: Oberliga Bayern Sud. Germany: Oberliga Bremen. Germany: Oberliga Hessen. Ghana: Premier League. Gibraltar: National League - Championship Group.
Greece: Todays football match fixtures League - Relegation Group. Greece: Football League - Group South. Greece: Football League - Group North. Hungary: NB I. Israel: Ligat ha'Al - Championship Group. Israel: Ligat ha'Al todays football match fixtures Fixtufes Todays football match fixtures. Italy: Serie A. Italy: Serie C - Group A. Italy: Serie C - Group C.
Italy: Serie D - Group A. Italy: Serie D - Group B. Toxays Serie D - Group C. Italy: Serie D - Group D. Italy: Serie D - Group E. Italy: Serie D todays football match fixtures Group G. Eibar 0 0 Levante. Spezia 0 0 Crotone. Parma 0 0 Link Milan. Udinese 0 0 Torino. Mechelen 0 0 Zulte-Waregem. AA Gent 0 0 Charleroi. Caernarfon Town 0 0 Barry Town. Cefn Druids 0 0 Haverfordwest County.
Connah's Quay Nomads 0 0 Penybont. Maritimo 0 0 SC Farense. Boavista 0 0 Rio Ave. Tondela 0 0 FC Porto. Pacos Ferreira 0 0 Benfica. Aston Villa Aston Villa. Crystal Palace C Palace. Chelsea Chelsea. Barnsley Barnsley. Middlesbrough Boro. Birmingham City Birmingham. Stoke City Stoke. AFC Bournemouth Bournemouth.
Coventry City Coventry. Derby County Derby. Norwich City Norwich. Sheffield Wednesday Sheff Wed. Huddersfield Town Huddersfield.
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t-baba · 4 years
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The languages which almost became CSS
#454 — August 19, 2020
Web Version
Frontend Focus
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The Languages Which Almost Became CSS — A fascinating look at the history of all the languages which almost became CSS (for example, the proposed 'RRP' format suggested code like this: @BODY fo(fa=he,si=18)). Well worth a read, and an interesting exercise in thinking about the world that might have been.
Zack Bloom
Working with Accessibility in Chrome DevTools — Umar Hansa demonstrates some useful features in DevTools which can help you improve the accessibility of your website.
Smashing Magazine
Super Fast GraphQL Based Headless eCommerce Service — Launch beautiful and fast eCommerce sites or Apps. Structured product information and rich marketing content in one service - even HD videos. Build your own frontend using your favourite framework like React, Next, Vue or Flutter. Ideal for JAMStack.
Crystallize sponsor
Web History — Chapter 2: Browsers — We linked to part one of this excellent web history series last week and now Jay Hoffman is back with the second instalment, delving into the genesis of web browsers.
Firefox: An Endangered Internet Species? — A sad thing to consider, but even with another recent infusion of cash from Google, the author questions “just how long Firefox will survive as a viable, mainstream web browser”.
Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols
The Cult of The Free Must Die — In relation to the above, PPK posits that Mozilla should request donations from inside Firefox — on an entirely voluntary basis, in an effort to save it. There's also a follow-up post of sorts here.
Peter-Paul Koch
⚡️ Quick bits:
Via the W3C: CSS Grid Level 2 is now a Candidate Recommendation.
Microsoft 365 apps and services will stop supporting IE 11 next year.
Chrome is to start highlighting great mobile web user experiences, based on Core Web Vitals metrics/signals.
Following the recent layoffs at Mozilla, this site has popped up listing open roles at other tech firms.
💻 Jobs
Frontend Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Join the most energizing community for developers and work on projects for Riot Games, FOX, Sony, Coinbase, and more.
Get Tech Interviews This Week — Create a profile on Vettery to connect with hiring managers at startups and Fortune 500 companies. It's free for job-seekers.
➡️ Looking to share your job listing in Frontend Focus? More info here.
📙 Tutorials, Stories & Opinion
How I Structure My CSS (For Now) — In a world with things such as BEM, ITCSS, SMACSS, and others, this independent user experience designer and developer shares his thoughts on the current world of CSS structure.
Matthias Ott
Gradient Angles in CSS, Figma & Sketch — The author notes that copying CSS code didn’t always give the same results across different graphics programs. Here he digs into what’s really going on with gradient angles (and ends up doing some trigonometry along the way).
Nils Binder
The Vue 3 Composition API - Getting Started — Examine the drawbacks of Vue 2 and discover how the Composition API addresses those issues, while simplifying components.
Wijmo, by GrapeCity, Inc. sponsor
Vertical Text Alignment in Buttons and Inputs — How to center text vertically in buttons and input elements using the padding and line-height CSS properties.
Top 10 Social Media APIs for Developers — If you need to work with any social stuff on your site, this guide has plenty of pointers and links out for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, Discord, and others.
Four Subtle Text-Effects to Spice Up Your Site — I particularly like the 🌊 wave effect.
Akhil Arjun
Visualizing CSS Resets — A quick visual explanation between the difference between a CSS Reset and Normalize.
Elijah Manor
What I Learned by Fixing One Line of CSS in An Open Source Project
Benjamin Schachter
VS Code Shortcuts and Tricks That I Wish I Knew Sooner
Hannah Gooding
🗓 Upcoming Events:
You Gotta Love Frontend (August 24-28) — This now online event will feature five talks over five days. Here's the speaker line-up.
International JavaScript Conference (September 2 - 4) — Lots of workshops, sessions and keynotes — now all online.
CityJS Conference (September 14 - 18) — Online conference and workshops. Speakers include Tan Li Hau, Ana Cidre, Kyle Simpson, Maximiliano Firtman and others.
🔧 Code, Tools and Resources
Storybook 6.0 Released: The Production-Grade Front-End Component Development System — Storybook is a widely-adopted and well-regarded open source library for UI compenent development. This major new release is aimed squarely at the requirements of the professional frontend developer community.
Michael Shilman
Layout Shift GIF Generator: Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) Visualiser — Layout shift is expected to be a ranking factor in Google Search at some point. This online tool or CLI allows you to test CLS by generating an animated GIF.
Chris Johnson
500m End-Users Depend on Our Scalable Chat and Activity Feed APIs
Stream sponsor
Embla: An Extensible Low Level Carousel for the Web — We first came across this over a year ago, but this bare-bones carousel option is still seeing updates and remains a decent dependency-free option. Demos here.
David Cetinkaya
System UIcons: A Free Icon Set Designed for Systems and Products — Use without attribution. Download as SVG files or copy the SVG code for any selected icon.
Corey Ginnivan
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Web2VR: A Library for The A-Frame Web Framework — Dynamically translate HTML and CSS to A-Frame 3D. Plenty of demos here that you can play around with both with or without a VR headset.
by via Frontend Focus https://ift.tt/31cDNFP
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Olgierd and Triss in Novigrad "after Radovid's death" Triss and olgierd develop a relationship without them knowing about the other's past with Geralt
Ooh I read a fanfiction about this pairing a while back. Thanks for the prompt, I’ll do my best! :)
*Okay so I’m adding this after I finished writing everything else. This was gonna just be a small thing but I drew it out into a full story that I will likely continue and post on my AO3. I really like how this turned out so I hope you do too! However, I did diverge from the prompt as Geralt is only mentioned briefly so far. But I have some ideas for more chapters that could lead back to the original prompt with their relationship developing and then how they deal with finding out about the others past with Geralt. Thanks again for the prompt, I hope you enjoy! :)*
The Witcher had given him a second chance on life. A second chance to live and to love. A second chance to use his heart. He would need to learn how again for it had been far too long. First on Olgierd’s list was love. The last woman that he made love to that he cared for was Iris. How long ago was that? Ten, twenty years? There were other women but he didn’t care for any one them. Or maybe he did but he was just unable to realize that. Where would he head for first? Oxenfurt he had already spent too much time in. Toussaint? He heard it was beautiful down there. Iris would have loved it, she loved bright colors. Novigrad? Novigrad, he hadn’t been to the city in ages. Always around it but never actually in it. Too many people for his liking. Too many rules and too many guards as well. They say that Novigrad is the free city. Then why are there so many rules he wondered? But maybe things had changed. The witcher had mentioned that Novigrad was different now. Olgierd figured he would have to see for himself. He could always leave if he didn’t like it.
Olgierd approached the Glory Gate, that was what the sign read at least. His travel here was relatively smooth. Peaceful actually. Walking through the world was different now. He felt emotions towards the forests and the animals. Before he would have hunted but now he had left all the animals unharmed, wondering to himself how he could have ever killed such beautiful and innocent creatures. Only one bandit duo had attempted to attack him. They had noticed he was unarmed and alone and had decided to try their luck. Olgeird made quick work of them. Disarming one of their blade and using it against them. He did not want to kill them but he remembered words that Geralt had told him. “Give a thug a second chance and they will make you regret it.” But then why had Geralt given him a second chance. Maybe it was his strikingly good looks? No matter, he would carry on towards the city.
A few merchants had set up shop outside of the wall. Eagerly awaiting new travelers, trying to temp them with their wares and food. The merchants could be annoying but they were better than what used to be here. Olgierd paid them no mind, waving them off with his hand and a friendly expression that said “No thank you” without words needing to be said. Through the gate he saw many buildings, to his left appeared to be homes but to his right looked to be a tavern. A tavern or a brothel or maybe a theater? He wasn’t sure but he was sure that this would be a good a spot as any to meet a nice lady.
Patrons were gathered inside and out of the establishment. Many were talking and eating and some played cards. What a nice place he though to himself. Through the door, the building was much larger than it looked. He was greeted at the door by a beautiful young blonde woman and he shook her hand. As he did, he noticed a large diamond ring on her finger. Not her then. In his past life he may have attempted to seduce her but now he had care for those he hurt and he didn’t want to hurt anyone anymore. She offered him a seat and a drink but he chose to just look around, leaning up against the wall near the front door. His eyes wandered, all races and people were here. Humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, and what looked to be a troll. Olgeird believed that he overheard the trolls name was “Bart.” What a strange name for a troll and what an even stranger place for said troll to be in. Perhaps Geralt was right, some monsters aren’t monsters at all. Olgierd decided he would talk to this troll but as he went to move something caught his eye. A woman, young, bright red hair not unlike his own, she dressed in a white top that had blue horizontal stripes on it with grayish blue trousers and gray boots. She was stunning, the most stunning woman he had ever seen, second only to his Iris. Her hair was in duo buns. He had never seen a haircut like it, he liked it. He peered at her hands on noticed a ring however this ring was not a wedding ring or an engagement ring but one for fashion. I sense of relief flooded over him. Forget talking to the troll, this was the one he needed to speak with. 
He waited for the right moment to move in. Women were very similar to battle. You must wait for the correct moment and then make your move otherwise it could cost you. She was talking to a red mo-hawked dwarf. What was with all the red heads here? The dwarf left her be after a while. They seemed to know each other. He hoped they were not lovers. Olgierd moved in and introduced himself, asking to buy her a drink. Would she want a drink? That was what he did with other women but she seemed different. Surely all women loved a good drink though. She accepted. Triss immediately noticed that he was nervous. She found it charming. He was an extremely handsome man with a very cool and interesting hairstyle, similar to herself. She had not talked to many men since her chances with Geralt were officially diminished. She hadn’t the time or the want. Triss was happy to be talking to him though. Something about him attracted her. Triss sensed that he was tired much like she was. She had rescued the mages from Novigrad about a year prior and helped them get settled in Kovir. She had now returned to Novigrad, visiting old friends and selling off her property. Initially she was wary of coming back here. But she was assured that the Witch Hunters were taken care of and they were for the most part. This made her happy, Novigrad was an amazing city, one that should not be tarnished by such scum. But this had taken it’s toll on her. Losing her hope of finding love with the Witcher depressed her but saving the mages gave her hope. She was confused about her future. Maybe this interesting man would solve her confusion? 
They chatted for a while, deciding to sit at a table near the stairs that led to the downstairs area of the establishment. Truth be told, he wasn’t the best with women. His temper had always be a problem but now he was different. He was cool, calm, and collected and he was happy to be with this new woman. 
“Care for a game of Gwent?” He asked Triss. Was now really the time for such a question or proposistion. Olgerid was unsure but he was getting nervous and needed something to keep the conversation alive.
“Haha you remind me of a man I used to know. He would ask for Gwent at the most un-opportune times.”
“Was now an un-oppurtune time. I apologize.” He said quickly, his mind racing as he hoped that he did not mess things up.
“Hehe no it was a fine time to ask. Just didn’t know you were into the game. You seemed like the more serious type.”
“Well then, shall we play?”
Triss was never the best at the game or the biggest fan of it. But she always kept a deck on her person for many people enjoyed the game and she didn’t want to be left out. She had sold her Geralt card however. He was still her friend but she preferred not to think of him. Not until she was completely over him at least. Olgeird on the other hand was a true card shark at the game. It was played among the ranks of his hansa. They would play and drink for hours.
Dandelion and Zoltan watched on from the bar, Dandelion standing behind it and Zoltan sitting on a stool in front. Who was this man they wondered and why was Triss seemingly so fond of him? She was giggling a lot as they drank and played cards but then again wasn’t she usually giggling?
Dandelion was happy for her. Part of him hoped that this new man would stick around. She deserved happiness after all she had gone through. Losing Geralt and all. But did she ever really have him? Dandelion though to himself that he should have intervened years ago in their relationship. It would have saved Triss a lot of hurt. But it was not his place so he did not. Anyways, she seemed to be happy now and for this he was also happy.
The night was now very late or the morning was very early rather. Olgierd wasn’t sure what to do now. Should he try his luck and attempt to take her to bed? Or should he wait? But would he get another shot? Would she leave the city and he would never see her again? Risks he did not want to take but realized that he may need to. But as he sat there pondering his question was answered.
“Yes.” Triss simply said and Olgierd looked at her with a confused expression.
“I’m sorry.” He said inquisitively wondering what she meant.
“Yes. Yes to the question you asked, silly.”
“I didn’t ask any question.”
“Oh, I apologize.” Triss said realizing her mistake. Sometimes she read minds accidentally. She had yet to tell him that she was a sorceress but now she would need to. It was a good a time as any she supposed. “I’m a sorceress. I can read minds. Sometimes it just happens during silence. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude.”
Normally he would likely not be so happy. But then his mind rewound to her answer. Yes. She said yes. And he could not be happier.
“No matter. I believe you agreed to my proposition?” Previously nervous, now Olgierd was smug, cocky, seductive, and to Triss, oh so sexy.
She stood up, taking him by the hand and leading him up the stairs. He felt something that he hadn’t felt in ages. Love. Now he once again remembered what all the fuss about it was about.
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