#( harley quinn was my first rp muse )
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nghtmarish · 6 months ago
okay but what if i add harley quinn but set in a boys verse? and by what if, i mean i totally am.
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jesytr · 1 year ago
Roleplay history;
the rules are simple! post characters you'd like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can't think of ten just tag how many people you can and tag that number of people. )
Current Muses.
harley quinn. DC comics & original lore.
wonder woman. DC comics & headcanon based.
lucy Quinzel. DC comics & original lore.
and too many more! check out hubmuses for the list.
Want To Write.
lady deadpool / Wanda Wilson. ( TBH her blog is being set up. ) Marvel comics.
gwen stacy. ( Tbh she has a soft spot in my heart since she was my first ever real RP account back in 2012. Her old blog I lost the password to but it's @gwenolater she operates more as an OC and the original Gwen that died by green goblin. ) Marvel comics.
enchantress. DC comics.
punchline. another partner in crime to the joker?? but I know barely anything. >°> DC comics.
Have Written.
a few OCS.
Rikku from FFX and ffx-2.
moxxie. borderlands.
Gwen Stacy. marvel comics.
Disney princesses/princes.
lady Deadpool. she was like a test muse awhile back.
Would Write Again.
Gwen Stacy.
& moxxie.
tagged by; stole it!
tagging; @jokethur , @banschivs , @chaoticjoke , @brokentoys , @whyscserious , @ecopoison , & whoever else is interested! feel free to tag me!
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shinigxmi-muses · 1 year ago
Verse: Marvel’s Crossover
    Been wanting to go into detail on a crossover I’ve been doing on Discord, since I’d like to make occasional references to it! A literal years-long writing project between me and my boyfriend...
   ...I still can’t come up with a better name than the above. Anyways-!
Muses involved:
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Harley Quinn
    The first one to arrive in the Marvel Universe. She was “lucky” enough to be found by a local web crawler- Spider-Man- and bummed at his place for a time.
    ...That is, before she realized he was a hot mess and needed her support, more than the other way around.
    All it took was some work between Dr. Strange and Stark, a lot of pleading on Peter’s part...and she had a bunch of freshly made documents. Utilizing them, she took up an old hobby: psychiatry. Now working on R.A.F.T. for the big bucks, she’s been able to get her own apartment (that Peter also lives in) and restart some crime... Keeping it small time, however. Surely nothing would go wrong...?
Current Plot: So far, Kraven (and his brother, Chameleon) is on the loose. Again. She’s flattered Mysterio into reviving his ego. Met Ben Reilly, and caught on rather fast that something was off with “Peter.” As well, a promise has been made with Mr. Negative- AKA Martin Li- to find irrefutable proof that Oscorp sucks.
At the current moment in the RP, she and Peter are locked in the escape effort of all time against “Peter” (Ben); he’s found their retreat at the most expensive hotel in NYC, and attempting to make Harley pay for running off with “his clone”... Oops. 
Later plans involve sneaking into Oscorp to get some answers...but not without visiting Aunt May first. (If all can be said and done easily, hopefully this latter part can still be achieved without shit going full-explosive. Again.)
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Hinata Hyuga
    A little over a year after Harley’s arrival, Hinata showed up. Although currently unknown to the general populace, a fight with another high-ranking Otsutsuki resulted in them opening a portal...and sending her there, while trying to make an attack on them. The portal closing behind her...
    Although trapped in the city for the time being- at least, according to Dr. Strange, who’s getting increasingly concerned at the multidimensional shenanigans happening lately- she’s been rooming with Eddie Brock & Venom. Her ability to help them in keeping the city safe hasn’t gone unappreciated...although her strength and odd appearance has made fitting in a bit of a struggle.
    It’s starting to work out for her, in a surprising way, however... Who would’ve known that her looks were good enough for modeling to be an option?!
Current Plot: After a night of kicking ass, saving people, and buying chocolate... The waiting period for Dr. Strange’s call continues. (And...it may never come, given that Harley would have to go home first for Hinata to have her chance. Barring the Otsutsuki showing up again... She’s gonna be here for a long while. Something Venom may be too pleased with, much to Eddie’s concern.)
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Himiko Toga
    Currently, it’s unknown if Toga was born into this world or dropped into it... (We haven’t fully decided yet, as her Quirk is interesting to attempt to work into Mutations as they are known in the Marvel sense.) But-! What with her birth family falling out with her and surrendering her to the foster system, Toga got...tugged around a bit. Ended up in America, as a transfer student and foster to an American couple.
    ...Now a certain Spider-Man the Second is having to deal with this oddball in his school. What that means for the long term... Good luck, my guy.
Current Plot: Has met Miles and is curious about him, but he’s not on her list...yet. He just showed her to class, and skedaddled away to get to Spidey-work. Himiko tends to need a little time to figure out people that interest her; however... It’s understandable that Miles would be rapidly climbing ever higher onto said list. Good luck, indeed! He doesn’t know what he got himself into, really...
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stxrfaced · 8 days ago
SYLVIE. What did you do when you were the ages of the characters you muse? (I want to see if you're projecting lol)
I project on some of my OCs and also Ranpo BSD who I dont muse but he's literally me so. BUT ANYWAY
UM when I was 11 me and irl oomf watched a girl in our science class deliberately drop a weight or smth mid experiment on our teacher and because we were witnesses they had our little kid selves writing up WITNESS REPORTS??? Idk man. At 11 I also did Discord rp in a FairyTail server, but that whole situation was a ??? moment! I went to my first comic con and my dad n me went back to buy another rare fairytail figure and i bought a harley quinn cosplay from there!!!
At 14, I schemed to run away with a different oomf but nothing came of it til I ran away on my own at 15???? 14 I got into music tech and decided i wanted to go to british college for that, I did a lot at 14! Me and oomfs had FUN like we'd explore random places on the walk home??
At 16, literally recently, I went exploring abandoned buildings with my new friends and same friend from 14!! I met strangers off facebook to explore with too and never got kidnapped so W!!!!
At 18-19...I don't have an answer because I'm 17 😭😭😭 ask again next year
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pinkxtrauma · 2 years ago
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@deafandstoned send: ☎️ my first character i ever roleplayed 🍷 a character i want to write but never made a blog for 🔥 my hot take about the roleplaying community
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☎️ my first character i ever roleplayed
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Harley Quinn, based in the Arkham games was my first EVER rp character. Had my humble beginnings on Bebo ( a BLAST from the past). My first character on tumblr was The Phantom from Phantom of the Opera.
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🍷 a character i want to write but never made a blog for
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ngl there's not many characters I want to write at the minute because I know i'm going back to nursing school so I can't really do that. Kakashi from Naruto is the only character recently because he's been my number one comfort character this year but I'm taking a break from Naruto Shippden (although considering resuming it shortly)
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🔥 my hot take about the roleplaying community
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I still firmly believe there's a bias against female ocs but I don't wanna get into it because it's a topic that's been done to death but considering the fact I really have to tone down my character for the slightest bit of interaction when I've written male muses who are just as unhinged but get praise and love for doing the absolute bare minimun is honestly so telling sometimes. I'm tired and completely over it now.
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muutosarchive · 2 years ago
8. did you have a muse you tried to play, but didn’t feel connected to?, 17. what was your first muse?, 30. what are your favorite RP tropes to play? (angst, hurt-comfort, etc…)
mun questions / @thcsevoices
oh my god, uhh - well papa emeritus iii is on my secret muse list and i write him from time to time/in fics but it's like pulling teeth ok? i kinda hate it.
my first muse on omegle was dean winchester from spn, so i'd say him! but on tumblr it was harley quinn!
i love angst, i love toxic stuff - hurt comfort is even better when there's something sinister there. also smut is always fun! i'd say fluff is also only really really fun if it's only gonna lead to more pain later, as ben would say lmfao.
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hime-memes · 3 years ago
              • Harley Quinn & Deadshot - # 1 •  ( Comic )  
These starters have been taken from the ' Harley Quinn & Deadshot ‘ comic !
As always: Feel free to change anything within these starters that you see fit to make it work for your muse & the receiver’s muse !
Recommended For:  villain / antihero / crimefighting - muses/plots/timelines.
** Any slight wording changes / sentence break ups made to the original text is to accommodate for RP purposes or more clarity. **
Trigger Warning For: Swearing, Gun Mentions, Innuendo, Alcohol Mention, Murder & Violence
“ ( Name ) ! Why in the hell would you shoot my cowboy pal ?! “  “ Ow ... I think that’s bad luck fer us both ... “  “ -- But worse luck for you, ya big lug ! “  “ What are you talking about ? That’s not a mirror -- ? “  “ Bitch ! Cheap shot ! “  “ Okay - enough of this foreplay ... “  “ Sorry to drop in on yer family get-together with -- guns ? “  “ How ‘bout I even the odds ? “  “ It’s a scanner tapped into the FBI Database on wanted criminals. It’s like a supermarket scanner for food, but for fingerprints. “  “ It gives me an idea if someone is wanted, and what their bounty is worth. “  “ Half a mil for this guy, two hundred grand for his brother, and another three hundred and fifty grand for your cowboy. “  “ His rap sheet was binder worthy, ( Name ). You were in danger and I saved your ass. “  “ My ass didn’t need yer savin’ ! “   “ You should be thanking me. “  “ Yer obviously not listenin’ to a word I’m sayin’, ( Name ) ... so lemme help ya on yer quest fer deafness. “  " ... not enough to get me back ta my happy place. “ “ Kidding, my armor took the brunt of that. “  “ -- But, in the future, don’t mess with my clients. I have a reputation to protect. “  “  Wanna give me a hand with him ? He’s heavier than he looks. “  “ I got some calls ta make an’ a mess ta clean up - do whatcha haveta an’ get out before I make you my next target, got it ? “  “ You’re just lucky I’m in a generous mood, you maniacal twit. “  “ I guess I deserved that. “  “  It all went bad. You gotta give me a few more days. I swear you’ll get every cent back, or my name ain’t ( Ridiculously Dumb Name ). “  “ SWEETSASSY MOLASSY ! “  “ If you had minded your own business, I would have the money I need by now. “  “ That robbery was staged, you melon head ! “  “ First, name-callin’ll getcha sliced lieka six foot hero at a kid’s party, so cool it. Second, I knew there was somethin’ off about that hold up. “  “ Now, tell me everything or I’m gonna sing ta the cops. “ “ As you can figure, I didn’t have the money and I was desperate. “  “ I hired some wannabe actors to pose as thieves to rob my place, so I could collect on my insurance and pay off the debt. “ “ Hurry it up. I’m gettin’ tired of all this backstory. “  “ Well, ( Name ) took off at the first sign of trouble, so my loyalty to them is out the window at this point. “ “ What ? NO ! She wanted it for herself. That girl is a complete hot mess. “  “ She has a couple friends in north Hollywood. “  “ Nope, yer gonna drive me there, an ‘ I’m gonna finish this job once and fer all. “  “ I hope you have a nice car. I don’t wanna be seen in just anything. “  “ Well, I sold the Rolls and Lamborghini to pay off my loan. I still have on car though -- bought it from the prop house on the warner lot ... “  “ Are you sure you aren’t on a bender right now ? That story sounds a bit over the rainbow, ( Name ). “  “ I was hoping you’d let me crash at your place. “  “ You owe me ten large already, why should I give a crap what happens to you ? I could waste you and call it a loss. “  “ I brought a lot of business your way remember ? “  “ What you brought by being here, is trouble. “  “ Let me guess, you’re so stupid - you parked your car right out front ? “  “ I’m leaning towards offing you myself. “ “ So it doesn’t have missile launchers or anything ?! “ “ It’s just a prop car. Nothing in this town is real. “  “ You wait for me. Drive away an’ I’ll hunt ya down and decapitate ya, capeesh ? “  “ Yeah, I get it ... just be careful, you’re on their turf. “  “ Me. Me, who just asked you. Just a second ago. Right here. In front a’ ya. Is it the air out here or the constant sunlight causing the brain damage ? “  “ You got two seconds ta remove yer paw from me. “  “ From the looks a’ yer clientele here, I’m sure one of ‘em can recommend a plastic surgeon ta fix that busted schnozz. “  “ So, hand it to me and I can save you a trip, and a loss of said hand. “ “ Really ? Some little girl robs you and you’re afraid to go after her yourself ? “  “ Well, you just sit tight and let the big boys take care of this ... and ( Name ) ... it better all be there ‘cause the boss said if it wasn’t, he’d allow me the pleasure of gutting you like the pig you are. “  “ Don’t make me more pissed than I am already. It’s gonna get ugly. “    “ Those guys are after ( Name ), I don’t know why they’re coming here. “  “ My name is ( Name ), and I’m part-owner, you decked one of my staff looking for me, remember ? ”  “ Include unlimited juice bar and you have a deal. “  “ You’re whatever we want you to be, so shut it ! “  “ The kid’s a mess and needs help. Anything you do’ll be better than where she’s headed. “  “ Maybe, but there’s fallout. Look at ( Name ) and what happened to ‘em ... She’s lyin’ an’ extortin’ her own mother ta keep the lifestyle. “  “ May I present mama ( Name ) ? This is gonna be fun ... “ “ ( Name ) Before you beat your daughter within an inch a’ her life, can we talk first ? “  “ Your daughter needs help, and as fun as it may seem, I’m afraid a good old fashioned beating is only going to alienate her more. “ “ First, you need to get yourself some help to be able to deal with her and understand what she’s going through. “  “ Boundaries and limits need to be set, getting her away from this town is probably best. “  “ What ... what kind of bounty hunter are you ?! “  “ The cash -- or I tie you both to a truck and drive it over a cliff. “  “ Here’s the setup you’re the wild card, a total unpredictable ball of angst and energy ready to take down anyone that gets in your way. You’re sexy and savage at the same time. “  “ It’s a loan with interest, ( Name ), so don’t get too excited. Plus, you owe me all the sammiches I can eat. “  “ Hey, hot-head, can I buy you a drink ? “  “ Aw, well gee, I’m happy for you an’ still pissed at you for killin’ my cowboy friend. “ “ Anyway, like I was sayin’ the first rule of this business is not to get attached to anyone or anything. You need to learn this right away. “  “ I’m gonna be right back. I'm gonna check ta see if I got re-booked, an’ then I gotta pee. Do me a favor an’ order me another shot. “  “ Ah, you live there, Princess ? “  “ Nope, just gonna do a bit a’ shoppin’. “ 
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miqojak · 4 years ago
✏️, ⚡️, and 🌟!
✏️ What is your favorite genre to write for in roleplay?
Dark themes are best, in my book. Anything can happen, with villains. There’s always another grand scheme, always an unattainable goal that continues to drive RP and keeps them busy. I fell into dark themes, and found I loved writing them - complex villains/antagonists who explore what humanity is, and what happens when society fails the people. The Joker, Harley Quinn, Cat Woman - all big inspiration. Catra, from She-Ra; Dexter...from Dexter, lol. Most of my favorite villains began as normal people, and society wronged them for being different or poor, or for being a woman...you name it. The study of humanity through a dark lens is one I gravitate to. 
⚡️ What typically leads to inspiration for you when it comes to writing?
Music, music, music. I have to have some music playing when I’m solo-writing, and sometimes I’ll just put a good ‘mood’ song on loop on low in my headphones so I can’t be distracted by anything else. Sometimes in RP if I’m feeling the ADHD bug making it hard to focus, I’ll do the same. Music is my muse first and foremost - but sometimes the right show kicks me right in the inspiration, as well. Lately it’s been a lot of anime...and we’re playing a JRPG, so really it suits, lol. But various shows provide inspiration too (even Lucifer was good inspo last year) - or I find music in them, even, that ends up being the inspiration!
🌟 How do you usually like to start an interaction with someone new, or do you prefer to have them approach you? UH. I just randomly message in some awkward fashion and tell them their character is NEAT and I’d like to RP - usually I ask them to brainstorm fun ideas with me for meeting IC, or having some connection prior somehow, since Jak is such an anti-social brat. But...I don’t always know who’s interested, so people are highly encouraged to reach out.
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crystxlised · 4 years ago
get to know the writer!
repost don’t reblog
———  basics! ♡
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers.
ZODIAC SIGN:  Pisces.  
———  three  facts! ♡
I love dancing but I broke my knee.   I did ballet for 6 years and hip hop dance for another 3/4, but I broke my knee in the worst way and now dancing is pretty hard. I can’t kneel most of the time or it pops lmaooo.
I’m a witch. I’m not like a witch witch but I do love doing little spells, have an altar in my room dedicated to my fave god Apollo so it brings light to my life, and animals adore me.
My first plant just started growing! I’m so fucking happy about my child growing, I feel such a proud mother. I’m so bad with plants, every time I have to take care of the ones in my house cause my stepmom has to leave they die :(
———  experience! ♡
I started writing so randomly on tumblr years and years ago when I was a little child and did little child things and wrote anime characters and then Allison from Teen wolf what a mess that was. At first I had a multimuse with lots of OCs and wrote in Spanish, since I’m from Spain, but pretty soon realized I wanted to try my hand with English and started learning more passionately lmao. My first single-muse blog was for my Demon!OC who I still love very much and might even revamp someday with the iconic url “queencfhell” which tbh slapped. In other forms of writing, I love writing songs or poems. It’s literally all I do on my phone notes all the time, I have lots of random notebooks around my house full with unfinished poems or thoughts. But, it’s really scary for me to show those poems to anyone. Very personal and shitty stuff there.
———  muse  preference! ♡
I’m a mess with muses, I don’t know even if I have a type cause every muse I touch it seems like I’m opening up much more. Used to rp characters who fit with me like Stiles (one of the muses I wrote for the longest time when I was getting into rp), sarcastic, funny and insecure.  Then, I fell deeply in love with writing Harley Quinn and tapping into her psyche, and I would say we do have things in common but not that many. I did write women for a long while, men just harder to grasp for me, but I’ve been trying out Anakin lately and I’m having lots of fun so maybe my type is just characters I love so much I have to understand better? Or characters I want to live happy so I make up their life in my head? 
———  fluff / angst / smut! ♡    
FLUFF: I like it? One cute soft fluffy thread in a while doesn’t hurt anybody but I find it quite plain to just write fluff with no other intent. With intent I mean like exploring a relationship and how  the characters feel, what they keep silent, etc. I would say, I’m not the biggest fluff fan. I do, however, enjoy bickering and other fun interactions of friendship. But classic fluff.. meh
ANGST: Give me all the fucking angst right now, Angst is all you will find in my blogs probably, and it’s all @pyrewarped ‘s fault. She made me like this. Anyways, if you come to me for plotting angst is what you are getting. If you want to talk about our characters, I’m giving you angst. If you follow me, you agree to these terms. I would never tire of angst tbh.
SMUT: I don’t like smut, I said it. We can discuss kinks and how the sex between our muses would be if they have the kind of relationship that involves sex but I don’t like writing it, it triggers me to be too explicit sometimes so...
PLOT / MEMES: I love both, please send me more memes so I can turn them into paragraphs of suffering for us all. I love plotting, even tho sometimes I plot more than write but who cares? We having fun here. I literally can’t write with someone unless we talk ooc because I like writing specific scenarios and that’s something we should discuss. Plus, I like making friends.
Tagged by: @sungwrath  thank u babe
Tagging:   @pyrewarped,  @battleshot,  @vulpesse,  @scourgeborne,  @verglasregnant,  @asterites  && YOU!!
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wildeycs · 5 years ago
helloooo i’m back looking for more plots and literate rp partners to write with ( i prefer medium length paras!! ). pls find a list of wanted plots below and hmu if u are interested or like this and i’ll come to u!! 
long-term relationships turn sour: think power couple who were there for each other from the start, madly in love and one day it all falls apart and they’re left on the floor, wondering how they even got there. e.g. a high profile celebrity couple ( think bradgelina ) with picture-perfect lives with something rotten underneath, trying to figure out when they start being so wrong for each other and where to go from here
exes!! all the exes!! a couple who broke up knowing they’re the one for each other but it’s just bad timing all around. career opportunities, family obligations etc. years later they meet again in a trip somewhere in a romantic european town, what happens when you meet someone who’s once so right for you and it feels just like the first time except this time, the timing may be right at last???
hp verse: forbidden love ( death eater spy who accidentally falls for an auror, opposing sides of the war, professor/student, just all the coNFLICTS and morally grey area man )
celebrity/non-celeb: imagine two people growing up with dreams of stardom. they support each other along the way and muse a is the only one who succeeds. muse b, whose career stagnates, wants to stay supportive as they always have, but the bitterness is here to stay and the growing tension between them ruins every good part of their relationship. can you stay together when the other’s achievements feels like a mockery of your failures?
forget me not ( also hp! ): muse a and muse b fall in love in hogwarts, muse a is a cheeky ravenclaw who fell for muse b, the arrogant slytherin whose tenderness is only shown to her. young love with all its cuts and bruises and treacherous sweetness. muse b joins voldemort and tried to hide it, muse a finds out later and as the war unfolds, muse b wipes muse a’s memory to keep her safe. muse b hides in the muggle world tending a quaint bookstore years later, one day muse a walks in
runaways ( hp again oops ): the war has finally begun and god knows when it will end. muse a, a slytherin with no desire to die for such a foolish cause, runs away one night into the depths of deserted forests. it’s been months of radio silence until one day, someone intrudes muse a’s tent and muse a is no longer alone. could be a former friend, nemesis, another pureblood traitor, etc.
super rich kids: muse a is new to the neighbourhood. innocent, wild and gullible. muse b, the notorious player decides to help her out and the two become best friends of sorts as muse b helps muse a navigate the terrifying world of the rich and powerful. until one day harmless banters turn into a passionate kiss and muse a becomes one of the girls who get heartbroken by muse b. tangled in a hot mess neither of them know how to get out of.
joker/harley quinn inspired: a therapist falls for a patient who turns out to have a more violent past than she ever imagined. she knows it’s wrong but her feelings keep gnawing at her heart and one day she gives in and there seems to be no going back. isn’t life too short to deny what your heart desires? but what if what your heart desires will kill you? what happens when you fall for someone so terribly wrong, unspeakably deadly yet irresistibly charming? 
the night circus inspired: in a world where magical blood has become a rarity, muse a practices white magic as taught by her grandmother and muse b has a flair for displays of blood and gore. one day, muse a joins the circus muse b is working at. just like their shows, the two are as different as two sides of the same coin. what happens when the opposites collide? bonus: a prophet wakes up from a vision about them one night, what it reveals leaves her shivering and desperate for an anchor 
fast car: two young souls in a godforsaken town. both of them from fucked-up families, trying to make ends meet. but their twenties aren’t supposed to be wasted tending to wounds that were never meant to be theirs. they fall in love and decide to run away and start over
hey it’s free therapy: revelation and chats over a coffee in their shivering hands. trying not to shake from withdrawal or have your tears spill out. support groups full of people you normally would never talk to but now they know your wounds better than your families. the immeasurable courage it takes to be that vulnerable in front of strangers. learning how to heal again
any kind of best friends turned lovers cause that’s my fave trope ever
ps. i mostly write m/m, f/m ships ( m occasionally too depending on the muse!! but my muse for m is usually more fickle so bear with me pls! ), f/f is rarer but possible depending on the plot/characters
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pxppinmolly-archived · 5 years ago
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———  BASICS!
NAME: Danielle / Dani !
ZODIAC SIGN:  Sagittarius
TAKEN OR SINGLE: been single since the day I was born baby
HUGE HORROR NERD. I’m a big sucker for horror films, have a growing collection of movies and memorabilia, a horror themed ita bag and even did a whole speech on the evolution of the horror genre for a speech class one semester.
I cosplay!! I go to cons every year and do my thing -- have a handful of cons stories if yall ever wanna hear’em LMAO
Sue me but I like collecting funko pops. I have like.. between 30-4- atm, and my goal w them is to get at least ONE of every harley quinn and also as many horror themed funkos I can
PLATFORMS USED: First started rping on the old days of Gaia, deadass would RP in the Towns or VJ room back when it was a thing and dabbled in forums. I crack rp’d on Facebook, rp’d with V on Skype freshman year of high school and here we are now. On tumblr and discord!
GENDER:   I play EXCLUSIVELY females. I don’t I’ll ever really pick up a male muse, tbh. I have a big issue with being seen as masculine in any sort of way and also don’t feel comfy playing a male character ack ack
LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S):   Hi what the fuck does this mean.
MULTI OR SINGLE:   When I first came on Tumblr my Alice Angel blog was a single ship for awhile. Honestly it was nice and fun buuuuut... Mun didn’t come on much and also like... They were still multi ship themselves and it wasn’t exclusive with me so it was a lil... Yknow? But also tbh? I love all kind of dynamics w diff characters, so. In theory? Single ship is cool but I doubt I could practice is again KSKS
FLUFF :   I ! LOVE MY FLUFF!! Please I love fluff threads a lot -- especially my hurt/comfort stuff man. I’m an emo and sensitive lil thing har har har.
ANGST :   I say it everytime. Im not a fan of Angst BUT! That’s always a lie. I like angst and all that and my GOD does it happen a lot both cus of me and others but!! i like my angst as I said with. Some comfort usually cus im WEAK ok
SMUT :   Mmmm. Hard to exactly say!! I like smut in theory? I’ve always been like. Nervous about it and very selective who I write it with. I fear I’m not exactly great at it considering I havent wrote such things in... Years. And also being an ace girl and no experience in any departments ever Im like. Nyooming. KSKSKS. But I do like to write it on the occassion with muns and muses I know well! I think there’s a lot of potential with smut and so much that could happen and do and forces at play and yadda yadda yadda.
PLOT / MEMES: Please send me memes. I’m terrible at plotting and memes are gr8 ice breaks in my lil lovely opinion. I’m not against plotting, ofc, but Im usually like. Ack. With ideas sometimes unless something rlly hits me. Wah wah!
Tagged by: I saw like a handful of other people do this so I’m taking it nyeh heh heh.
Tagging: this meme can only be seen and tagged by other gay people so
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corrosivequinn · 5 years ago
Get to know me
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1ST  RULE   —   tag some muses you would like to know better.
2ND  RULE   —   BOLD the statements that are true for your muse.
muse.  Harleen Frances Quinzel — Harley Quinn
fc.  Natalie Dormer
occupation.  psychiatrist, gymnast, vigilante, mercenary — highly verse dependent
age.  Early 30′s — verse dependent
sexuality.  bisexual
pronouns.  she/her
i  am  5'7"  or  taller.  
i  wear  glasses.
i  have  at  least  one  tattoo.
i  have  at  least  one  piercing.
i  have  blonde  hair.
i  have  brown  eyes.
i  have  short  hair. — verse dependent
my  abs  are  at  least  somewhat  defined.
i  have  or  have  had  braces.
i  love  meeting  new  people.
people  tell  me  that  i’m  funny.
helping  others  with  their  problems  is  a  big  priority  for  me.
i  enjoy  physical  challenges.
i  enjoy  mental  challenges.
i’m  playfully  rude  with  people  i  know  well.
i  started  saying  something  ironically  &  now  i  can’t  stop  saying  it.
there  is  something  i  would  change  about  my  personality.
i can sing well.
i  can  play  an  instrument. — she plays piano
i  can  do  over  30  push–ups  without  stopping.
i’m  a  fast  runner.
i  can  draw  well.
i  have  a  good  memory.
i’m  good  at  doing  math  in  my  head.
i  can  hold  my  breath  underwater  for  over  a  minute.
i  have  beaten  at  least  2  people  in  arm  wrestling.
i  know  how  to  cook  at  least  3  meals  from  scratch.
i  know  how  to  throw  a  proper  punch.
i  enjoy  playing  sports.
i’m  on  a  sports  team  at  my  school  or  somewhere  else.
i’m  in  an  orchestra  or  choir  at  my  school  or  somewhere  else.
i  have  learned  a  new  song  in  the  past  week.
i  work  out  at  least  once  a  week.
i’ve  gone  for  runs  at  least  once  a  week.
i  have  drawn  something  in  the  past  month.
i  enjoy  writing.
i  do  or  have  done  martial  arts.
i  have  had  my  first  kiss.
i  have  had  alcohol.
i  have  scored  the  winning  goal  in  a  sports  game.
i  have  watched  an  entire  season  of  a  tv  show  in  one  sitting.
i  have  been  at  an  overnight  event.
i  have  been  in  a  taxi.
i  have  been  in  the  hospital  or  er  in  the  past  year.
i  have  beaten  a  video  game  in  one  day.
i  have  visited  another  country.
i  have  been  to  one  of  my  favorite  band’s  concerts.
i’m  in  a  relationship. — verse dependent
i  have  a  crush  on  a  celebrity
i  have  a  crush  on  someone  i  know.
i  have  been  in  at  least  3  relationships.
i  have  never  been  in  a  relationship.
i  have  asked  someone  out  or admitted  my  feelings  to  them.
i  get  crushes  easily.
i  have  had  a  crush  on  someone  for  over  a  year.
i  have  been  in  a  relationship  for  at  least  a  year.
i  have  had  feelings  for  a  friend.
i  have  at  least  one  person  i  consider  a  “ best  friend ”.
i  live  close  to  my  school.
my  parents  are  still  together.
i  have /  had at  least  one  sibling.
i  live  in  the  united  states.
there  is  snow  right  now  where  i  live.
i  have  hung  out  with  a  friend  in  the  past  month.
i  have  a  smartphone.
i  have  at  least  15  cd’s.
i  share  my  room  with  someone.
i  have  break–danced.
i  know  a  person  named  jamie.
i  have  had  a  teacher  with  a  last  name  that’s  hard  to  pronounce.
i  have  dyed  my  hair.
i’m  listening  to  one  song  on  repeat  right  now.
i  have  punched  someone  in  the  past  week.
i  know  someone  who  has  gone  to  jail.
i  have  broken  a  bone.
i  have  eaten  a  waffle  today.
i  know  what  i  want  to  do  with  my  life.
i  speak  at  least  2  languages.
TAGGED BY: @thecursedhellblazer​ and @timedriving​
TAGGING: @quipsnquivers​ @charmingxrebels​ @jp-todd-rp​ @flashgotthis​ and anyone else who wants to
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shinigxmi-muses · 2 years ago
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———  basics! ♡
ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn
TAKEN OR SINGLE: polyam w/ one partner
———  three facts! ♡
Roleplayer for over 10 years!
Hypothetical artist, writer, and voice actor. Currently doing them more “for fun,” but would love to take that farther... Someday!
The hyperfocus controls my brain. I do not control the hyperfocus. I am so sorry for the chaos this may cause.
———  experience ! ♡
LARP since elementary school, first RP account on DeviantArt in 2011. Did a lot of roleplays based on OCs, but first canon chara was Chii from Chobits. For Tumblr, my first muse was Harley Quinn (Batman series, almost all continuities)! Approximately started in 2012.
———  muse preference !  ♡
Wildly swinging between “motherly types” and “this is an asshole. May or may not be understandably an asshole.” Honestly... If anyone has a certain “depth” to them that I can get into, I end up there. Whether it means giving extra meaning to kind, sweet characters (they’re more than “boring”!!) to getting to express the darker tones of some “asshole”... I just love that kinda thing.
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: I can never get enough of it, always love to do more. Gentle moments get my heart singing.
ANGST: “I will write less angst,” I whisper to myself, only to end up writing angst again. It just sneaks up on you, and tragedy often follows the muses I pick up... 
SMUT: Another genre that sneaks up on me! Sometimes I’ll think “I’ll take a break” and then the muse takes the reigns before I notice. I do love writing it, though. 
PLOT / MEMES:  Plotting is the very air I breathe. I will make a story happen if it’s needed. Plot bunnies show up so easily! (And AUs, for that matter.) Memes are also a delight, but take me longer to make if it isn’t just shitposting; getting back into art and even making low effort memes is still a task for me, at the moment.
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tagged: [ stolen ]​
​ tagging: [ just take it!! ]
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arcliight · 5 years ago
7. Who was the very first muse you ever wrote?
I actually started my rp career writing Harley Quinn. way back when tumblr was pure and just a baby. I loved her and I miss the hell out of writing her, but honestly the DC and Marvel fandoms are such a mess that I don’t think I could ever go back.
                                  ——————–QUESTIONS FOR MUN .
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muutosarchive · 2 years ago
first OC , first canon muse, and favorite canon muse ?? I can't remember the exact questions dkdkdk
q. who was your first OC?
miss piper falk ! she's simple, based in reality. not my finest work but i stand by her to this day. her bio is kinda embarrassing bc i wrote it when i was like 18/19 years old.. but also, as if i'm going to write it again are you joking? it's probably been through an edit, but oh fuck if i can even do bios for "newer" oc's & honestly duke is 3 ish years old & he still doesn't have one so. i just completely give up at this point lmfao.
q. who was your first canon muse?
on here? harley quinn & tank girl, i think. but oh wow that's so long ago now. i was still in high school for sure. if not it was like, right before high school. but in general (like pre-dating my tumblr rp) prolly dean winchesterrrrrr 🤦😳
q. What is your favorite canon muse?
uhhhh oh my god that's waaaaaay too hard. maybe papa ii & john rambo, probably. if we're talking about favourite characters & favourites to portray.
@raiighn / / questions for the mun
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lcbotomy · 6 years ago
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse?
Lobo x Clark Kent, easily. But...Harley Quinn x Lobo is pretty cute, so I’ll go with that one too. 
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
When it comes to Lobo, Shipping is all over the place. If your character is attractive at all, chances are Lobo is gonna be all over them. Whether or not the flirts are returned are up to you
Really, I’ll rp anything. Even toxic, taboo ships. As long as he’s on top, Lobo doesn’t care how the relationship goes.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Lobo doesn’t even know his own age, he’s implied to be several hundred years old. As long as your muse is legal, he doesn’t care about agegaps. Its...Lobo guys.
Are you selective when shipping
Somewhat, Lobo needs to find your muse hot before anything. Shallow? Yes, but its the character. Chemistry is also appreciated.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
Nothing Lobo does is SFW, honey.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with
I’ve been shipping with Riddler @wrongwiththisright for a while, they’re amazing!
I’ve also shipped with Wally West @flashgotthis, actually my first ship if I’m remembering right!
Also my friend @levixthxn-thegirl‘s OC Rosie
I’ve shipped with @coffeefox2k‘s OC Tajla for a while
Also I love the Talia al Ghul @belovedbrxnette ships with me!
I’ve shipped with pretty much all of @gruselhigh‘s muses on all her blogs.
The Main Man Clark! @americanasitgets
and those are just the one’s i’ve been shipping with the longest! if i didn’t include you, its just because i’m very lazy! i still love all my ships!
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
It help to know, yeah. Just ask, I might say yeah!
How often do you like to ship?
Pretty often actually. More often than I expected.
Are you multiship?
Yeah, I’m multiship.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
I’m not obsessed but I like it?
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Lobo and Superman, wtf do you expect. No one else ships it but me tho.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Just RP with me, if you feel a spark just ask
This also goes if you want a smut thread to go romantic, if there’s chemistry I’ll do it. Just know that Lobo is mostly in it for the sex, and power trips he gets from domming. 
Tagged by:   @atlantisking THANKS HONI Tagging:   @monsieur-de-paris @museatory @flashgotthis @multiversalspider2blog @kryptonfresh @inccnsistency
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