#'you can't use a sequence here.' okay why not. i though we loved sequences here.
supercantaloupe · 2 years
getting real tired of turning in hw for counterpoint class where i have to compose something that sounds nice and follows proper voice leading, only to be told that what i wrote is wrong and bad because of some arbitrary rule that was never mentioned until now.
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dduane · 1 year
hi ms duane (who is rlly cool and i love your books btw),
any advice? one of my favourite book series (released 30 years ago) was never finished... it's rumoured the last book was written but never published . ever since i have discovered this i have been heartbroken 😔. how do i cope with the cliffhanger? is it okay to approach the author and ask him about it? (he has written other books since + has other social medias) what do i dooooooo?
Well—per the second-to-last question, and speaking as someone who started one novel series more than forty years ago, and still haven't finished its last main-sequence book (and hears about it more than occasionally from the readership)—my immediate reaction would be:
From where I'm sitting, no, it's not really okay. So don't.
To clarify the thinking behind this, a couple of questions need to be answered.
(1) How sure are you about whether the rumor accurately reflects reality?
(2) Is the author someone you'd care about possibly hurting?
(And #2 is more important than #1, but bear with me.)
First of all: rumors are, well, rumors. I wouldn't approach an author about something like this if a rumor was all there was to go on. In particular, if the author's ever been asked about this and declined to answer, there may be legal complications in the background that they can't or don't want to deal with in public.
Secondly: if the book does indeed exist but was never published, three decades back, then there are numerous reasons that could be behind it, and all of them are painful to consider. A couple that immediately occur to me are:
The publisher decided they didn't like the last book enough to take the risk of publishing it (or sales figures for preceding books had been poor or declining), and/or no other publisher wanted the final book because they couldn't also publish the front end of the series. (I.e., the original publisher refused to revert those books' publcation rights.)
The author decided for some reason after completing the book that they didn't like it (and/or the series preceding it), and pulled it.
And there are many other possibilities... but I'm not going to get into a long list of maybes here. The point is that there's a better-than-even chance that having someone turn up on social media or in their inbox with a question about Oh Sweet Gods Not This Again, will cause the author pain.
And the issue of whether (for whatever reason) some people might think the author deserves the pain is completely beside the point. Hamlet's got it right here: "Use every man after his desert, and who shall 'scape whipping? Use them after your own honor and dignity—the less they deserve, the more merit is in your bounty."
So if I was standing where you are, after thinking about it a bit, I'd say "...yeah, no." ...and let the author be.
Now as for the question "How do I cope with the cliffhanger?": well, you pull on your Thoughtful Reader Pants—pull them right up high— and remind yourself that:
(a) Powerful though all art can be, it also can be fragile, especially as regards completions... because entropy, and sometimes mortality, can get in the way.
(b) And while we're discussing mortality: Cliffhangers are an inescapable part of the human condition. One day, you and I and everyone we know will suddenly depart this scene, and leave everyone else who knows us wondering what would have happened if... and never finding out. Maybe this is why we have a certain amount of trouble with cliffhangers in literature, on TV and in other arts: because "art is supposed to reflect life" (...long pause...) "But not like that!"
(c) In the meantime: Read the author's books that you do have. Celebrate what that person's made in that particular universe that you've got access to. And know that, in the fullness of time, eventually your heart will mend, and be stronger after the break as a result.
And finally: never give up hope. That author, and that book, might surprise you some day, when you most need it. :)
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autistichalsin · 11 months
Here is an analysis, line-by-line, of why Halsin's conversation with Oliver persuading him to return to Thaniel is so lovely.
Halsin: Oliver, nobody is making you leave. This is your home.
First, using Oliver's name establishes a bond and familiarity. It shows that he knows Oliver is a person.
Then, the "nobody is making you leave. This is your home." This shows that Halsin is both aware of Oliver's wants and needs, and acknowledges that they are just as important as anyone else's- even if Oliver is just a child spirit, and even if he was once part of Thaniel. He's still his own being, and Halsin acknowledges this fully.
Halsin: But it is dark, empty... lonely. I don't want you to be alone. I want you to be with Thaniel.
Now, after acknowledging why Oliver wants to stay, Halsin, in the gentlest tone imaginable, tells him why it can't be so. It's not just because Halsin said so, or even just because Thaniel himself needs Oliver: it's because this place, shadow-cursed and dangerous and lonely, is unsuitable for a playful child. It isn't about what Oliver can do for them, even though there are things they need; it's about Oliver's safety.
Halsin: No. You were stolen from each other. Neither of you are to blame.
In a few different branching dialogues, if the player doesn't have Halsin handle it, Oliver laments that everyone likes Thaniel more than him. He feels unwelcome- he knows on some level he is just the remnant from Thaniel, that no one sees him as Oliver, but as something "wrong". Halsin, here, reasserts Oliver's status as his own person, and one who has nothing to be sorry for.
Halsin: And I know your pain. I truly do.
This establishes empathy, of course, but more than that; by showing that he, a very big adult, has these conflicted emotions of loss as well, he is modeling for Oliver how this process goes- as the next few lines show.
Halsin: Thaniel was my friend also. I played with him, grew up while he stayed the same. He made me who I am today, and then he was ripped away from me, same as for you.
By emphasizing childhood memories first, he makes the pain more understandable for Oliver, who, in the brief glimpses we have seen, is hurting due to not having friends or a family. Halsin is validating that pain by showing Oliver that it hurts him, an adult, just as much. Thaniel was important to him too. It's okay to feel devastated and lonely without him.
Halsin: But you need not be alone any longer. You need not invent friends. Thaniel is back. He is waiting for you.
And again, Halsin is centering Oliver's needs. Yes, Thaniel needs just as much from Oliver, but this isn't about that, right now; right now, it's about Oliver, who is lonely, friendless, family-less, and how there is a boy his own age, a boy he was once a part of, waiting for him so they can be playmates. It's okay to feel sad and lonely, but here is a solution to that, right here- they can help each other.
And all said with the softest, gentlest, but not at all condescending tone. The way you should address a scared, lonely, lost child.
I could make a thousand posts about how much I love this sequence and it still wouldn't be enough.
The only thing I don't like is that in this exchange, you don't get to see Oliver teasing Halsin for crying (and Halsin crying period) like you do when you're the one to persuade Oliver.
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felixcloud6288 · 20 days
PMMM Rebellion Movie
Those images during Homura's explanation of things have some real witch art-style to them.
Those tears(?) formed a spiral at the end.
This opening has real Fantasia vibes.
Madoka!? Why are you in the ballerina crowd?
I really want to know how that bear thing is animated. It looks like a real item made using stop motion.
SAYAKA!!! and Kyouko!!
A musical?
Why is the dessert witch here?
I'm not even five minutes in and have written all this.
It's the same family scene from episode 1.
So Hitomi and Kyousuke are already dating in the movie.
I saw it! Madoka has that magical girl mark on her left middle finger. Can't tell what it is but it's pink.
This opened with Homura explaining the law of cycles so I'd assume this is after the main series but things are definitely not adding up.
Madoka does the late for school run complete with toast in mouth.
ClaRis returns to make the opening theme.
Opening theme remarks: This is so obviously going to be about Homura. I love how the others are able to be carefree and have fun. Even though it's supposed to represent some tragic thing (I don't know, does Homura feel isolated and the others don't know her distress?), there's something funny about her moping while the others are doing a cheerful dance.
First time seeing Kyouko in a school uniform.
Sayaka and Kyouko's interaction over the homework is such a perfect microcosm of how they view what a magical girl is.
Oh great. Teacher's a conspiracy nutjob.
And her rambling sets the story to shortly after December 21, 2012.
It's Moe-mura. So is this an earlier loop?
Nevermind. What's a nightmare? The anime ended saying they're hunting demonic beasts.
Another shot where I could see Madoka's finger mark. It looks like it's just a pink line.
Hitomi has a fairy-tale princess bed.
Oh, so that's what nightmares are.
I'm SO OBSESSED with staring at everyone's fingers!!! I never saw Mami's mark in the anime and I can see she has one too. It's orange, but I can't tell exactly what it is. I think it might be a diamond.
Bebe? Okay. Why is that little witch living with Mami?
Got a good laugh seeing Mami use magic to curl her hair.
So glad Sayaka realized that Kyousuke isn't worth being upset over.
I'm so happy Kyubey hasn't said a single word. I hope just shuts the fuck up for the whole movie.
A full sailor Moon-esque transformation sequence.
Something felt off about Homura's transformation. I had to rewatch everyone's transformation sequences and while Homura's wasn't the only one that had witch runes appear, it was the only one where they interrupted the tranformation rather than being part of it.
Everything about Homura's transformation sequence dripped with sheer awkwardness. She does not know how to be flashy or cool.
I actually had a PTSD flashback when Bebe got real close to Homura's face.
Do they actually have to sing to dispel the nightmares? That felt like the kind of song you'd sing to a kindergarten class.
Okay. Their soul gems get replenished by the power created by turning nightmares into happy dreams.
Loved seeing them all work together. We never got anything like that in the anime.
Bebe keeps talking about cheese. Is that why she ate Mami in the anime? Cause Mami's head looks like a cheese wheel?
What's with the math teacher's face? Oh it's everyone.
Anime cabbage rule: All drawings of food must look amazing.
Maybe all this is some nightmare of Homura's? I think she's implying to Kyouko that everything she doesn't know is kind of being awkwardly filled in.
"Veni, Vidi, Mitaki Hara"
We're already in weirdo limbo world and we haven't reached the final stop?
Bus driver is really unconcerned that someone jumped from the roof onto the engine.
Is Mitakihara the name of the city the story takes place in?
Everything is creepy.
Moe-mura was just an act.
I bet Kyubey is behind all this. I have no proof but I need an excuse to hate him.
Hold on a second. Were Bebe's familiars mouse-themed because she's obsessed with cheese?
Every time Homura pries into something she doesn't know, things get weird.
Homura, you shouldn't accuse the cheese freak when Kyubey is RIGHT THERE!!
There's a drawing of Bebe with a Mami palette-swap and a moustache at 46:08.
All the billboards are BEBE.
Wraiths? Is that what we call the demonic beasts?
The witch wants to keep things the way they are. Oh dear. It's Homura.
Bebe and Sayaka know too much. They and Madoka should not exist in this world.
Why are those "children" throwing tomatoes at Homura?
Madoka's finger mark is just a line. LAME!!
Madoka was literally trying to make Homura go back to how she was at the start and Homura ended up rejecting the false reality where Madoka never vanished.
Why are creepy children chanting Homura's name while the world ends? Why is this movie so creepy!?
Oh great, there's more of them.
Witch Homura's familiars are a mix of British Royal guards that look like Homura and children. Homura wished to relive her time with Madoka but be able to protect her instead, so the royal guard theme makes sense.
Awesome! It IS Kyubey's fault!
Kyubey and his entire race really are just the worst.
Loving the montage of Homura being singly obsessed with killing Kyubey forever.
Oh so Homura's familiars aren't royal guards. They're a prisoner escort. So I guess those children familiars are the onlookers mocking the prisoner on their way to their execution.
Sayaka can command her witch form.
Sayaka and Bebe are commanding familiars from all the witches from the anime.
Now that I think about it, we never saw Sayaka pull of any actual pagical feats. This is cool seeing her create music sheet platforms.
Sayaka/Kyouko OTP!!
Sayaka's witch form is wielding a copy of Kyouko's spear.
Kyubey's final words being "I don't understand at all" is so appropriate when getting destroyed by the power of love.
A familiar of the Walpurgis Night is escorting Sayaka and Bebe.
There's still 20 minutes left. Something bad is totally going to happen.
Homura, what are you doing?
Why is that spool of thread a recurring item in the movie?
Okay. I have no idea what just happened, but I guess Kyubey's going to suffer for eternity so I think it's a net positive.
Homura looks so tired.
Oh Homura's mindset did not change from when she became a witch. She just doubled down. Even her familiars hate her.
Wait what?
Madoka is wearing the ribbon her mother didn't recommend.
That same montage of events from episodes 1 and 10.
I genuinely do not understand the ending at all. Did Homura just completely nullify the entire magical girl system and Kyubey, witches, and all that just exist as things outside existence?
There shouldn't be stars on the dark side of a half-moon. The moon is literally cut in half.
Homura just threw herself off a cliff. And the half-moon and cliff perfectly divide the scene. I guess Homura has figuratively and literally gone off the deep end and plunged herself into the darkness.
Kyubey is scared. Kyubey is SCARED!! Emotions are a mental illness to his race. Homura drove him mad.
Y'know, a theme in the series is that there's no such thing as a selfless wish. Everything has a selfish motive and the entire witch system banked on girls trying to be that selfless person they're told they should be and consequently making wishes that don't give them any happiness. Even though Madoka's wish destroyed the witch system, it was still one of those 'selfless on the outside, selfish on the inside' wishes cause she always wants to be helpful. And Kyubey's system still existed but in a less effective way.
Homura effectively made an absolutely selfish wish in the end. She wanted to make sure that Madoka can always be with her, and she rewrote the universe to destroy the entire cause and effect preventing her from having that desire.
Ironically, it looks like this is the good ending because no one has to suffer from the magical girl system at all. And all the aspects about it still exist to keep things running, but don't actually effect anything. The only one who will suffer is Kyubey.
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TBB s3 ep9 Thoughts!!
I’ll start off by saying this season is my favourite so far. I’m having WAY too much fun with these lololol
Crosshair having a little domestic moment, helping out at Pabu <3
“Does it matter? We’re not handing her over.” Oh, mans is out for blood huh?
The fact that this episode is called “The Harbinger” and then Batcher immediately runs into a cave and gets scared…
This is when the Empire gets to Pabu, isn’t it…
Okay so clearly Ventress wants her own little Padawan
But why was that fight sequence so sped up hahahahahah
It was almost comedic
Loved her and Cross fighting though
dare i say first time this season? about time
different colour sabres aaaaaa
that’s actually super cool because the colour of your sabre depends on how you connect to the force when you find your kyber crystal and if you wanna change them you have to meditate on them for SO LONG so like Ventress committed to neutrality (gotta read up on her story in legends again, but i know girl went through it)
“You’re being naive.” *slowly turns to him* “bitch say it again”
Love how all of them are standing on the shore watching Omega train
Cross practically running down the stairs to help Omega into the ship
Also I am already 100% that Ventress and Cross are gonna have a thing
So Omega does have a high M-Count, she just can’t tap into her skills yet?
Okay, all in all i really loved this episode! It was fun and relaxed but still somehow a bit plot driven. Here’s the thing though @phantom-of-the-501st correctly pointed out that we’re nearing not just the end of the season but the end of the show. And there are still SO MANY loose ends. Up until last weeks episode all the other eps were very plot driven, and it’s only the last two that felt like filler. I’m thinking the show runners are giving us a quick breather until just full on deep diving into the seasons end with one heart-wrenching episode after the other. That, or they’re going to put more filler episodes in and rush the actual plot, but I'm really hoping it's the first.
also, seriously, what are Rex and Echo cooking that prevents Echo to be in literally all the episodes? are we gonna get a really sad arc here soon? im having a feeling that says yes, echo is gonna give us more drama soon. can't wait 🫠
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allwormdiet · 3 days
Tangle 6.6
Well hell, not a whole lot getting worse when one of you has a gun to their back
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"Surrender." "No." is kind of the vibe, isn't it.
And yeah, fuck this was smart, but now the offensive has ground to a halt thanks to Armsmaster's interception
...Also it's cute that he fell for Tattetale's fib
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Yeah exactly. Information control, an incredible asset
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She's picking him apart, and his tools as well, but she either doesn't realize she's playing with fire or doesn't care
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This is a fight, so I'm not gonna act like Armsmaster swinging on Tattletale is somehow a foul, but it does feel a little like a foul considering that's the only swing he makes for another while here
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Are we sure Miss Militia is more likeable than Armsmaster? Bc Armsmaster isn't the one putting a bladed weapon at someone's neck, and I don't think you can "rubber bullets" your way out of a machete blow
Also the exchange between Grue and Regent is amusing
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Hi again, Emma, hope you're having an awful time <3
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Oh, that's why Tattletale was willing to risk the fucking sucker blow from Armsmaster; she knew that was gonna be the assist the others could use to get the score
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God that's kinda great though. This business is about reputation and pageantry and they can use this stage, with an audience of rich and important people, to get a shitload of leverage against the heroes
Also the machete really is a bad look, like c'mon
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And the reluctance to swap the machete out for a fucking baton or something doesn't look much better, why does Taylor still think she's cool at the end of this arc?
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Fucking good job on Regent's part here. Outrageously gross, but it gets the job done.
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And another really fucking clever maneuver. I dunno what Armsmaster is talking about, this was a fucking slick maneuver. Minimal harm taken and she gets to keep her bugs up, that's obviously the play
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So this is actually a neat way to work around the whole "speedster" concept. Velocity's still good at what he does, but he's not the kind of low-key god that Flash is
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Yeah, exactly, he doesn't need to hit hard to make this a problem, he just needs to hit enough
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So Taylor is in fact gonna keep going for the eyes, got it
At least Velocity gets to keep his, last guy wasn't so lucky
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Okay so first off, who the fuck at the Protectorate signed off on this man not wearing a cup? Extra mobility and reduced friction my ass, that's a sacrifice you make so your dick doesn't get punched clean off your body
Also Taylor, honey, I really don't know if there's something he'll ever accept as recompense for this, especially because I don't think the two of you are ever gonna work together outside of truce conditions. Even if you do manage to swing becoming a hero (which I think she does) there's no way they're having you work alongside someone you beat and humiliated this thoroughly
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Yeah this man is not the local Protectorate boss for nothing, no kidding he's kicking ass like this
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For all that I think Armsmaster has acted like a massive tool, his versatility and competence really can't be understated. I think there's still bad match-ups for him, even or especially in the Bay when you're looking at hitters like Purity, but I don't think that's really insurmountable for him. Hard, absolutely, but not insurmountable.
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Tattletale getting desperate, I think. Obviously the hostages worked great against the Wards last time, no reason to think it wouldn't work against the Protectorate, except of course Armsmaster isn't going to allow a hostage to be taken
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Bitch ilu
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No for real, Bitch I love you
What an incredible display of defiance and trust. She doesn't bother with the head games, she's just like "oh you really don't want to turn your back on Skitter, she'll fuck you up like she did Lung"
Of course Skitter does kinda fumble on the pass but that's okay, she's learning
EDIT: also, of course her smile is unnerving Taylor, it’s a threat display, you know this about her
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Haha, oh no
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I wonder if this whole sequence would've gone differently if Emma wasn't there to fuel Skitter's rage and spite. Probably, right?
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So, they're both idiots, is the thing
Skitter knew going into this that Armsmaster has an ego thing, that he soured on her between their first and second meetings because she tarnished the big win on his record. So far her team has defeated and embarrassed every Ward and Protectorate member in the building except for him, and as the leader of the latter and mentor of the former that already reflects poorly on him, setting aside the fact that villains crashed a fundraiser to lift morale and trust in the Protectorate/PRT. There was no way he was ever going to fold on this.
Meanwhile, Armsmaster has already completely written Skitter off as a loss. She cost him the glory of taking Lung down, she absolutely punked the Wards during the bank job (which again reflects on him as a mentor), and she's clearly in over her head as a rookie. But he could still pull her out of the villain life at this point, she's still got a hand outstretched even though their last meeting broke down (because he was having a fit over his tarnished glory) and all he has to do is meet her there. And he doesn't, because he can't compromise like that. Because it might reflect poorly on him. Because this apparently certain win against some upstart thieves is worth more than a hypothetical takedown of whoever is backing them.
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And now Armsmaster has to eat seven hundred wasps for his trouble
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Alright cool now get the fuck out of there
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Taylor what are you fucking talking about, you could not be more bound to the Undersiders at this point
Current Thoughts
Armsmaster really put up the numbers on this chapter, man was fighting like eight-to-one for most of this sequence and it was a close fucking thing. It's a shame his personality sucks or else I'd almost be tempted to root for him in a way
Still thinking about how Miss Militia resorted to a machete to pin Regent down, like how is that one not a threat of lethal force
Velocity made a good showing, got some hits in, but. Nobody in their right mind should ever skip out on protecting the groin. Points deducted for an easily avoidable loss
And holy shit the Undersiders managed to pull this one together. They've still got Dauntless and an absolutely pissed Armsmaster to still deal with, but the worst kind of defeat is already cleared and even if they were to lose they'd have still dealt a massive blow to the heroes
...which is why I'm still a little stunned that between the mission and the conversation with Armsmaster Taylor still thinks she can walk away from this clean. Lil delusional on that one, hon.
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msmc-796-official · 2 months
Mission Report: Comms Transcript #1
Angel: [static noises as the audio cuts in] -get outta my way, Slipshod! I can't line up my shots with your Toku's fat ass in the way.
Slipshod: Like hell I will! Go steal one of Kennedi's kills, you thief!
Angel: Not that one, dipshit, the one behind y- shit! Slipshod, watch your six!
Slipshod: Huh-? Ah, fu- [radio cuts out]
[transmission picks up a barrage of gunfire]
Lockbreaker: Heads up!
[transmission picks up the loud THWACK! of metal on metal, followed by a burst of Flayer shotgun fire]
Lockbreaker: You're welcome. Be more careful next time, Slipshod; you're lucky my D/D wasn't charged.
Slipshod: Oh, piss off. Was that the last of them?
Angel: Command says there's one more left. Big one, from the looks of it. Approaching due north-northeast, though they can't get a clean scan of it.
Lockbreaker: Command, this is Lockbreaker. Requesting coordinates of remaining hostile; do you copy?
[transmission picks up faint radio chatter]
Lockbreaker: Coordinates incoming. Is that it over there? The big grey thing?
Slipshod: Big grey...? Aw, fuck, not another Balor. Son of a bitch. I'm already pushing heat cap. Welp, might as well torch some nanites on the way out.
Angel: Balor? Why does it... wait... no... [radio cuts out]
Lockbreaker: Command, this is Detachment 796 "Heaven's Fury" reporting in, requesting permission to break formation and engage with the enemy. Lancer MSMC-796-1 "Lockbreaker" is active and ready to engage. Slipshod, Angel, status report.
Slipshod: Lancer MSMC-796-2 "Slipshod", active and ready.
Angel: ... [extended radio silence]
Lockbreaker: Angel! Status report!
Angel: [muffled] Something is wrong...
Slipshod: Phoenix? Are you okay?
Angel: Something is wrong. Something is not right. Why do we know you? Why do I- we- I- [radio cuts out]
Slipshod: Phoenix! Shit, fuck, not now! Command, this is Slipshod. Lancer Angel has been compromised. I repeat, Lancer MSMC-796-3 "Angel" has been compromised. Requesting disengagement from combat on her behalf, over. [radio crackles in the affirmative] Kennedi, do you think you can keep our Balor friend distracted for a bit? I gotta get Phoenix to snap out of it.
Lockbreaker: I can certainly try. Any advice on engaging?
Slipshod: In a word? Don't. Greywash is sentient and hungry and wants to eat you alive. Keep your distance, and whatever you do, do NOT get hit by anything its nanites turn into.
Lockbreaker: Roger that. Engaging the target! Commencing D/D charge sequence!
[transmission picks up Flayer shotgun fire]
Slipshod: Angel! Angel, do you copy? I'm gonna get you outta the line of fire, hang tight!
[transmission picks up the sound of a ramjet firing]
Angel: Something is- something- we- I- whuh? Hello? Is someone there?
Slipshod: Angel! It's Slipshod! Do you copy?
Angel: I - we- no no nO NO NO GET AWAY-!!!
[transmission picks up the sound of stray gunfire]
Slipshod: Shit! Phoenix, hold it together! It's me, Slipshod! You're okay! I'm not going to hurt you.
Angel: [erratic] Something is wrong, something is not right, why are you here, where did it go, why do we know it, why does it know us, where are we, I'm going to die, we're already dead, no, no, please-
Slipshod: Phoenix! Please, calm down, you're okay-
[transmission picks up a concentrated burst of Flayer fire, followed by a low drone that crescendos into an angry buzzing whine]
Lockbreaker: Slipshod! It keeps eating my bullets! I need to charge my D/D to get a clean hit on its hull; can you take over for me?
Slipshod: Phoenix is still out of it; she's having DHIYED flashbacks again. I think the Balor may have triggered something. I'll swap, but for the love of RA, keep her away from it! The fighting's only making it worse.
Lockbreaker: ...roger that. Is she hostile?
Slipshod: No, I don't think so - her weapons systems are still active, but she's too disoriented to aim properly. Just keep close and she won't be able to get a shot on you. Restrain the arms if you gotta. Now go, and watch your four! I'll cover you!
[transmission picks up the sound of a ramjet firing into the near distance, followed by an explosion of Annihilator fire]
Slipshod: Hey, asshole! Come get some! [radio cuts out beneath the sound of blaring warning sirens]
Lockbreaker: Phoenix? Phoenix! It's Kennedi! Are you in there?
Angel: Something is not- something is- hello? Hello? Who's there? Show yourself!
Lockbreaker: Phoenix! It's Kennedi! I'm a friend! You're alright, you're alive, you survived. You're still here.
Angel: We- I- we're alive? I-I'm alive... still alive... Kennedi, why are you here? You have to go, we have to- [radio cuts out]
Lockbreaker: Phoenix, please, you're completely safe. I'm here. We're here. We're alive, we're okay.
Angel: I... we... I'm alive. I'm still here. It's just me, and Kennedi, and we're alive together, and we're safe, and we're okay. I... oh, my head...
Lockbreaker: Phoenix? Are you okay?
Angel: I... I'm fine. I just... ngh... I'll be okay. What's going on? Where are we? Where's Slipshod?
Lockbreaker: Slipshod's busy fighting a Balor. We're still in combat. They got you out, and I swapped out for them to draw fire away from you while you were out. Does that make sense?
Angel: The Balor... yes... oh, shit, wait, the Balor! Slipshod, I copy! I'm back! Where are you?
Slipshod: Phoenix, Kennedi, over here! [radio cuts out as the nanite droning hits fever pitch, then recedes] -therfucker, get back here! Don't you dare lose interest now! HEY! Eyes on me, jackass!
[transmission picks up sounds of gunfire mixed with the sizzle of plasma and whine of nanites]
Angel: I got your six, Slipshod! Keep at it!
Lockbreaker: My D/D is charged and ready to go! Can you get clear, Slipshod?
Slipshod: Yes ma'am! Eat plasma, you sonofa- [radio cuts out beneath the noise of a ramjet firing]
Lockbreaker: Bracing for impact! D/D 288 weapons system is charged and aimed! Clear the area!
Angel: Area secured; you're all clear!
Slipshod: Give 'em hell, galpal!
[transmission picks up nanite droning, interspersed with the mechanical whine of thrusters spinning up and crackling plasma]
Lockbreaker: Opening fire! DEEDEE GET OUT!!!
[transmission cuts off with the sound of thunder, cut with the mechanical screech of nanites]
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warriorsweaver · 19 days
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Original Warriors covers vs new covers, a tangential word vomit analysis by me: ORIGINALS Into the Wild really pulls you in. Who are they? Why does the one on the right look vicious? What's up here?
Fire and Ice is like, "Shit's going DOWN." The little square with Fireheart and Graystripe sitting for their vigil is beautiful. Love the moon. Love the difference in colors between the square and the battle in the background.
Forest of Secrets is breathtaking. It's easily one of my favorite book covers ever. Fireheart's back is exposed, the story dives into betrayal, and the cats crossing the stepping stones is ... just perfect.
Rising Storm with the hunting sequence and itty bitty fluffy lil baby Cloudtail. I wanna scoop him up and snuggle him and give him churus. The background looks beautiful. I want to go there. It contrasts well with the tension of one cat stalking another.
A Dangerous Path with that LIGHNTNING IN THE BACKGROUND omg middle school me was obsessed. That's the one I remember seeing my friend read and then I finally asked her what those books were. I remember thinking, "I can't wait to get to that book," because it was clear some big stuff was going on in it.
The Darkest Hour is so calm and really gives eye of the storm vibes, and Firestar seeing his reflection as a lion is beautiful and an excellent payoff.
NEW COVERS The new covers are like, "This is a cat," and that's about it. Great. Yeah, that's a cat. A pretty kitty, one might say.
Into the Wild's is okay. Rusty looks a bit baby-faced, as to be expected, and his eye is well-done. I like the grass, but also it looks like he's just popping up from it even though I feel like the intent is that he's supposed to be stalking through the foliage? On Fire and Ice's cover, I can tell that's Tigerclaw. Looks like the still shot of a villain in an anime while they're plotting their Evildoings and you can hear their inner monologue. But he also looks like a very old bearded man, for some reason. The little embers against the wintry background is a nice touch. Why is Forest of Secrets golden? Why is the river piss? Why is it sparkly? This does not invoke long-buried secrets being unearthed and changing lives, reputations, and social statuses. It has more of a "summer vacations that last forever" bright and pretty vibe. Rising Storm is ... eh. Red. Fiery. Okay. But the overly airbrushed, sparkly-eyed kitty doesn't show me that tensions are building. It just looks like kitty is doing a photoshoot for their Insta. I think that's Yellowfang?? A Dangerous Path is, like, where is that light coming from and why? Nothing here looks dangerous. The cat looks like it's being blinded. I don't even know which cat that's supposed to be. The forest background is dark to remind us that this is a DANGEROUS path but forests are dark at night and not inherently dangerous because they're dark. Aaannd then we get to The Darkest Hour. All they had to do was include a fucking lion somewhere. It would've been cool even if it was sitting behind Firestar. It doesn't look like he's looking at his reflection. It looks ... I don't even know. The water effect would work much better if it looked like it was rippling outward from somewhere? Instead, they made it look like the water is moving in an outline around his head, which doesn't make any sense. It's sourceless. Where does the movement start? Where is it going? I don't know. I can't tell.
The close-up face shots with little to nothing intriguing going on around the cats doesn't make me wonder anything about the story. It doesn't pull me in. There is so little space around them. It feels like when you wake up and you feel your cat's breath against your nose and their paw is in your mouth and they're yowling at you because they're STARVING and you're like, "Dude, I love you, but get out of my face." ty for reading my rant. please return to your regularly scheduled day. Have a good one.
edit: just wanted to toss out there that the artist of the new covers has amazing work in his portfolio, and my issue isn't with him nor his art as a whole, just that the direction (which is probably on the publishers' end) lacks "oomph" and doesn't do the drama in the Warriors series justice. Also, with as many books as there are in the series, it's important that each book's cover is distinct, and the newer covers don't quite hit that mark.
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loquaciousquark · 1 year
Final Thoughts
Okay! I went back and replayed the final sequence again and was much, much happier with both how everyone looked sans helmets and with some randomly varied flavor text in the background. I remain really, really happy overall with how this game ended both generally and for my particular runthrough.
The run-up to the Morphic Pool was really, REALLY creepy, and I liked the ways they threw all the li'l brainies at you to start wearing down the group resources. It does remain hilarious that the noodle-armed rogue was rowing the boat, though maybe that's why we couldn't get out of the way of the stalactite in time. The brain was fun gross and I couldn't quite tell--was the voice the same as the narrator? That would have been a nice touch! I did absolutely roll a natural 20 on that DC 99 check to Dominate the Brain (loved that setup in the dialogue window), but alas, the brain took off to destroy everything anyway. The biggest issue I had here was figuring out how to get past that dumb pile of rocks for that very mediocre chest.
In the Astral Plane, I managed to get enough brains to craft several potions of psychic resistance that I never used, but which made me feel better to have. There was never a chance my Tav was going to let Orpheus stay bound (I'm still working on her backstory, but I know she comes into the game feeling strongly anti-authoritarian and only gets moreso over the course of the events), so the only question I had was what was going to happen to the Emperor when I made that choice.
Sidebar--the Ansur fight & environ was one of my absolute favorite locales of the entire game. I loved the set design, the puzzles, the music, the reveals, and the final fight--I thought it was a fantastic setpiece altogether, and the reveal that the Dream Guardian was not only an illithid, but Balduran, made me actually gasp. Getting a conclusion to that questline as narratively satisfying as this one made me really happy, and Wyll's response to its conclusion with his dad--becoming the Blade of Avernus--I also thought was incredibly fitting for both that character and the choices he made within this world.
Anyway, I played through becoming an illithid just to see what happened (Astarion's comment about preferring any option that doesn't change your beautiful face--I felt that, bro), and as soon as I saw that grey triangle torso I was like, nope, sorry Prince, tagging you right back in on this one. Just can't do it, even when the fate of the city's on the line. I've spent too many hours looking at her janky eyes and her scarred lip to turn them all into tentacles now. I wasn't surprised the Emperor turned on me, but I didn't expect him to just full-on go Netherbrain and leave us in his rainbow skull.
I loved, loved, love the rally scene in the High Hall. What an awesome way to remind you of how many ways you've made a difference in some of these quests. The owlbear & Dannon along with the Strange Ox were my favorites, but seeing Barcus, Zevlor, and even Isobel & Dame Aylin was just wonderful. Really loved this entire sequence.
This is the first time I've ever really both utilized summoned allies in a big fight like this and also felt how much they turned the tide! A fantastic balanced encounter in the courtyard, and I called down so many Harpers & Fists & the owlbear & the dragonfire (so COOL) and Yurgir (got stuck in a building and did poke damage for the rest of the fight) and Rolan's tower (absolutely LOVED that you could save his fam & they could come live with him). It truly took an encounter that was really, really difficult into something absolutely manageable and in some ways quite easy. They told you to gather allies and by GOD I GATHERED ALLIES. I feel rewarded for my exploration!!
Of course, it then became utterly paramount to keep all summoned allies alive, but thankfully that wasn't much of an issue. My rogue by the end of this had Celestial Haste, two cunning action dashes, extra movement from momentum, and could easily clear 120+ ft a round and still have actions at the end of her movement. Plus she had a longbow that gave Guiding Bolt on a hit (GOD it's such a good longbow, I want to go back and play more combat just to play with it again), so even the few times the mindflayers were able to Dominate some Harpers I was able to get over there with either her or Lae'zel jumping rampart to rampart across the entire map & break their concentration. A super fun, exciting fight with a lot of variety. Orpheus is powerful as a mindflayer! The power is not small! He just doesn't have a horizontal mouth or a nose anymore & I can't do that to Tav!
Still never figured out how to get into that blocked-off area at the south of that map. Found a random forum post that suggested there was a chasm you could jump into to access the "Upper City Sewers," but the only things I found in the chasms was death, womp womp.
Anyway, got up to the brain (very cool cutscene! Not a snowball's chance my Tav was actually able to haul herself up that stem!) and REALLY liked the brain fight. I didn't have any issues navigating it (though a timer on the battle is always cool!) and only got Lae'zel & Orpheus killed once on the first run when I didn't understand how the Marked for Negation electric balls worked. The final cutscene where the brain fell in the water was beautifully animated; I loved seeing those NPCs keep cropping up in this sequence. I liked the image of everyone hauling themselves out of the bay onto the dock & Astarion complaining bitterly about how often he's having to swim on this trip.
My first run-through of the final dock conversation made me very sad. I didn't like Minsc's pithy comment about sunflowers for Astarion at all, and I hated watching Karlach's heart break behind that hideous helmet. (The stats were so good, and the aesthetics were so awful...she was in my party 99% of the time so Hide Helmet worked almost always...except when it mattered the most, ugh.) The second time, being able to see her face & Wyll's really helped that scene land and it really, really worked for me. I still don't think there's a fantastic in-universe Watsonian explanation for why we can't fix her engine for good with all these acres of infernal iron we've been collecting, but ACCEPTING THAT ON FACE VALUE FOR THE MOMENT I thought the writing and acting in that entire sequence were beautiful. Karlach's voice actress in particular just wrecked me. Beautiful, beautiful writing at the end; just wish the structural tentpoles were a little stronger to justify the moment.
On my second, helmet-less runthrough, when Astarion started to burn, Halsin made a much more sober comment along the lines of "he will miss that freedom; it may be some time before we see him again," and I much preferred that. It felt right in line with how my Tav felt about the situation, and she was very grateful for his empathy there. I still wish we'd figured out a way to have a celebration or something together, though I appreciate Wyll & Karlach's absence would have put a serious damper on things.
I am glad, I think, that I waited to see Karlach's ending after the patch. This read so determinedly hopeful, even with the very bittersweet sting, that I think to have anything less would have really undercut her journey even more than the options we currently have. All in all, I was very satisfied with sending her and Wyll to Avernus while we figure out how to fix her. Their final cutscene charging into the credits was the bomb.
The Astarion wrap-up scene was almost, ALMOST perfect. The choice to tell him we'd find a way to get him back in the sun was EXACTLY what I wanted to say (which was a theme in this game--there were only a handful of places in the entire game where I was frustrated by not being able to react the way I wanted--so impressive, Larian!). I just wish they'd been able to have one kiss in a room with walls and a ceiling, weh.
Anyway! The game is over, I'm immensely satisfied with all outcomes and party storylines with a few minor asterisks here and there, and I'm already plotting out several pieces to flesh out the places I want to explore. The characters are so rich and dynamic and reactive, the world feels so very real and robust, and I'm eager to live in it a little longer. I don't think I'm going to start another playthrough anytime soon--for me my first run is usually "canon", and I want to sit and marinate in this version of the world a little longer--but eventually I'll probably try a Durge just to see what the deal is. It'll honestly be incredibly hard not to romance Astarion, but we'll see! Maybe I'll just make Tavish again with a tweaked backstory. I don't know much about the Durge at all, so it'd be pretty blind!
What a good game. What a good time! I probably will go back and see what achievements I can pull easily--I was delighted to get one for "saving every tiefling possible through the end of the game," yeah boiiiii. Now to unblacklist everyone and see what the heck I've missed out on while spending every waking moment smooching an insufferable elf!
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bluebudgie · 1 year
So I have this long-standing tradition where, after I finish a video game, I sit down and listen to the soundtrack outside of the game's context.
It serves as a sort of "conclusion" to the experience and simultaneously helps me evaluate the game as a whole a little better... After all the soundtrack is often what sticks with us long after we're done actively playing a game. It preserves the memories we've made along the way.
That means: I have finally found the FF Sixteen OST online in its entirety and could finally follow through with this tradition. (Debatable how much it applies considering I didn't actually play the game myself, but it felt necessary.)
The final missing piece to the pissbaby gamer rage essay. Significantly less raging this time, though.
It's okay. I don't love it. There's worse.
I had very unfavourable opinions of the OST during the game itself which might have been due to the overall pacing issues, where large stretches were filled with the same hub music and then everything bombastic all happened at once and either side of the coin was exhausting in its own way.
I still can't believe there are over 200 songs in the OST when I could have sworn I heard like. Maybe 10 or so during gameplay. A lot of it is very same-y. A large part of the OST can be split into "loud choir explosion" or "sad piano". There isn't a whole lot in between. Good for people who like it, not so much for me.
Which means my biggest issue is the very subjective "I just don't like the style". It's not a bad soundtrack, but I'm just really not a fan of the direction the music took. The battle themes are over the top (fair for the equally over the top DBZ kaijū battles, annoying with 3 wolves that show up on the side of the road). The calmer songs don't really hit right for me. No chord progressions or melodies that hook me. Unfortunate. I did however appreciate the electronic influences in the music when the alien baddies were on screen. (in this fantasy game that is based on medieval reality and that's why people of colour cant exi-)
I have also since learned that there isn't one acoustic guitar song that plays for 20 hours straight. There are like 6 or so that all sound the same. I don't know if that makes it better or worse. I hate them all. (I don't hate acoustic guitars. It's these songs in particular.)
That said - I was curious about which ones are people's favourite tracks of the OST and went checking those out in particular. Consistently in people's tops was Ascension and I can't deny that one's been plagueing (semi-endearing) my memory a bunch the past days. Probably the theme that stuck out the most to me while watching the game. If not the entire theme, then at the very least That Violin Part. If you know, you know.
You know what. If you don't know, here:
(footage stolen from here)
Like damn. Good rhythm going on there with the off beats. Also fits the relevant character nicely in terms of mood. And I like that the battle phase before this one has a more low-key version of this song playing before it goes into this full ham version.
I just kinda wish more of the battle music had been a bit more... this. A bit more... subtle. Like yes it slaps hard but this song legitimately feels calm in comparison to the other battle tracks. This drives me nuts.
There's one other song I keep getting stuck in my head which is one that plays fairly close to the end (in the final... "dungeon" (cutscene? sequence? QTE battle?)). I figured out today that I don't actually really enjoy listening to the song on its own but I like it in-game in combination with the voice perfomance. There's an interesting dissonance in it that blends super nicely with the voice acting. (I'm being held hostage by the game's voice acting. It's unfortunately way too good. Voice actors are once again holding too much power over me.)
Other than that... I have one final criticism. The prelude theme. We must. Leave it. Alone. Enough. It's fine playing once as a gimmick somewhere in the game (I do genuinely like the menu (pause screen?) arrangement) but having it woven into what seems like every 5th song feels like someone is smacking a sign into your face that screams "YOU ARE PLAYING A FINAL FANTASY GAME." Seriously it's unbearable. (Also I did take notice of the FF1 overworld theme being rearranged into a battle theme for the final segment of the game. I don't know why, but fine. Not complaining about that one.)
Overall it's a solid "mh" from me. Not the worst OST we've had in the series (thirteen trilogy exis-COUGHAGFNJKN) but definitely on the lower end for me. Not of bad quality, but not my cup of tea at all. Dark Souls III OST executed the epic orchestra choirs better somehow. More interesting composition. Spaced out better throughout the game. Idk.
Welp. Back to getting haunted by voices and violins now o/
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itsdappleagain · 2 years
WOOHOO! Let's kick off #csweekly!
I think I'll dump all of my thoughts onto one post as we go along...and I have a lot of thoughts so sorry this is gonna be LONG
Firstly, before I start the episode, AAA I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!! I haven't actually truly rewatched CS in sooo long
Okay, let's go. Why don't we ever talk about the intros? Like the grabbing of the hat and then later that as part of the black and white/red intro sequence? MWAH.
Chase's headlights illuminate spots on the screen when they turn towards the "camera!"
I love this introduction to the entire show. It really makes us feel like we're part of this mystery, investigating this thief with Chase and Julia (until...well...everything gets directly told to us via flashbacks 8 minutes in..). It tells us everything we basically need to know about how Carmen operates in like 30 seconds.
Let's take a moment to appreciate the art style of this show....oh my gosh. The lighting the texturing the lineless agh its so good
I guess I haven't thought about it for a little while, but I guess Chase slamming on the breaks is supposed to fake us out thinking that he has seen Carmen's shadow. It sets up how idiotic of a detective he is, while Julia is observant and actually makes connections. I really like this early (VERY early) setup to how their relationship is going to work. However, at the same time, the show is really gunning for us to root for Julia when she starts infodumping. Chase is clearly the asshole. I can't help but wondering, though, if the show undercuts the importance of Julia's research by IMMEDIATELY cutting away to something "more interesting" (Carmen) as soon as she starts talking. What do you think?
I like how Carmen just shoots out of the alleyway and looks at them for a solid minute. She's just like 👁️👁️ i mean we KNOW it doesn't take her that long to use her grappling hook. She was just watching them
Chase's damage of cars starts at not even 2 minutes into the entire show <3
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when you think about it does player's character intro ever seem a little clumsy to you? ooh yeah its player glad to hear he's on board girl you've known him for years girl. girl. he's always on board.
i love player's robots and machines everywhere <3
she's so unnecessary <3 you did not have to swing that grappling hook around like a whip but im so glad you did girlie
i adore how her usb is disguised like a lipstick as if subtlety was ever her thing ever. like when on earth would someone catch her in the full red coat and fedora and then be like "oh ok well there's nothing suspicious here other than the grappling hook, hang glider, and taser so I'll let you go ok
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just. just move. you could have just moved out of the way
her hat bending upwards when she's listening against the fake atrium <3
i love carmen's jokes about player being a little internet cave troll do we ever get more of those?? i feel like we don't and I wish we did. their dynamic is so fun when its just the two of them, which is like. never again
sorry. gina's vocal fry when she says "job." that is all
the elevator gag is actually so funny
imagine not taking the stairs 5-9 at a time. chase doesn't skip leg day smh
i love the feeling of suspense this safe cracking gives us paired with chase running up to arrest her. its fun because she gets to show off and have a lot of fun with him. but at the same time, we rarely get this feeling of suspense again when it comes to confrontations- only big boss battles like Coach Brunt, Shadow-san, and cold weather
chase used his whole entire face to ram through that door
the bag tightening is so iconic i can only be grateful that she does it again later on in the show
chase: ive never had one run AT me before
does anyone ever hear the sound that chase's hair makes when it gets slicked back? because it is a SQUISH. his hair is. so saturated with gel that his hair SQUISHES
i like how it takes chase a sec when she's reading his name from the badge I like to think he thinks he's just THAT well known of an agent that she knows him
i also like that he just stands there for a sec after she grapples through the ceiling like shit now what
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free him
carmen is funny i will give her that. she can also FLY apparently because she' jumping like 25 feet no problem
the grabbing of her hat as she jumps off backwards and the backwards smirk and the oh my god im so gay ok
also julia. and the horror on chase's face dhfas
dark carmen let carmen be mean, hot, and speak other languages more and that is why i want her to come back please
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chase what in the goddamn fuck
ever think about how chase landing on this car right now eventually led to julia joining acme because i do
see chase can be smart but like that one tumblr post he can be blindingly intelligent for a minute a day and he does not get to choose when that is
chase continuing to ruin the car as he drives along and keeps failing is the funniest fucking thing. the comedic timing of the airbag.
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driving aggressively, of course
chase is responsible for 85% of carmen's stupid nicknames on the wiki and i love him for that
i think its half funny and half sad that carmen doesn't do anything to defend herself when gray aims the crackle rod at her. its a trend with people she thinks she can trust: she still sees him as her brother, not someone who would kill her, stun her, etc.
i love the dramatic dropping of the bag just because gray esentially gave her the equivalent electric shock of rubbing a balloon against your hair
something i dislike about carmen's character is that whenever it matters carmen is ALWAYS one step ahead of whoever doing whatever. they couldn't have had us start off by seeing her as flawed but competent, cocky but still human by having gray track her here. it would have immediately set VILE up as a real threat. but instead its just the girlboss badass gray is an idiot moment. idk
i like how they had to do the match cut but they also had to make black sheep excited so they just had blacksheep go >:) and then as soon as coach brunt used her vocal cords she went :D !!!!
why is the program only one year is my question
where does coach get all of the phones to dramatically smash
black sheep, at this time knowing full ass well that she has a contraband phone when brunt smashes one: U👄U
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she said SNATCH
gray laughs with all of his teeth out
they gave black sheep insecurities about her past with gray solely so they could show us black sheep having those insecurities about her past with gray to gray by black sheep
google says it takes roughly two hours to go from poitiers to paris by train. just a fun fact
hang on why was carmen going to paris by train? they didn't even have indonesia scheduled until she got there. why didn't she take zack and ivy to poitiers?? why was their rendezvous two hours away?? why didn't ivy have ANY TIME AT ALL TO GET ZACK A SNACK?? WHY DIDN'T ZACK HAVE TIME TO GET A SNACK
the biggest nesting doll has some weird inconsistency with the burn design- sometimes its there, sometimes it isn't. i wonder why carmen never ever brings it up though?
little black sheep is so cute
actually though these are some of my least favorite parts- the big long flashbacks. in my opinion, it would have been interesting to find out about carmen's past as we went along...maybe through ivy or something, or just little tidbits. like we'd get some basic information- that she used to be with VILE- but we would uncover the details with the detectives and her team. idk. little me when i first watched this show was SO confused by the flashbacks but then again my comprehension for shit is SO BAD. i literally had no clue what was going on
that nanny just standing by as carmen smears an entire tube of lipstick on the walls
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its very interesting how they wash out black sheep's hair when she's in VILE spaces to fit with the color schemes that are such a prominent part of this show.
little carmen was also an asshole wheeze
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THEY ARE D I V I N G OUT OF THE WAY guess they learned from notyourpants guy
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girl i dont think your legs are supposed to do that
why is the captain just putting claws up like what were you going to do maul her
the poor captain got the short end of the stick every single time
carmen stole someone's wedding ring so true
the crop top with the overalls is my FAVORITE outfit of black sheep's omg
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carmen, like every single other teenager, drew giant eyeballs on her papers
absolutely incredible that carmen who has at this point pressed a few buttons on a phone once knows how to text and call no problem
player, calling random places: what is your full name and address please. well i know your address but what is your full name
ALSO player's room accumulating all that stuff in the years that go by is so cute
can you imagine. player just usually gives out his real name and the only reason he didn't this time was because carmen had a weird ass name
also how does she know what right and wrong is
lets imagine for a second player called some faculty phone line or something and professor maelstrom got this ten year old asking to aid the biggest crime network in the world just because he could and also knew nothing at all
kinda cool that they put in the weird...sewer grate or whatever that carmen later escapes out of in the shot where she's on the beach
maelstrom changes hand positions from when he asks black sheep why she requested an audience (hands clasped with thumbs up and touching) to when he says to enroll (villain steepled fingers) and then he goes back to the first on the wide shot
i admire how organically they introduce the names of all the faculty in this scene
appreciation for "the gurl is fehhahhral"
i enjoy how harsh the lighting is in the faculty room. its just white on the characters
i LOVE rewatching these episodes with the lens of shadowsan's REAL motivations mmmm
i also like how black sheep really thinks about shadowsan's words
why don't the music notes line up with the faculty raising their hands after two or three sob
where does shadowsan even walk off to. is there a door over there or does he just awkwardly scoot off and through the big doors
what the hell are even in front of black sheep's dorms a tennis court??
also i thought those dorms were where her room was where is she moving from
she tied her whole globe up with rope to walk 100 feet
mime bomb being in the background for all of this <3
i like all of the VILE Class's introductions. EL Topo is kind, Le Chevre is a bit dismissive but courteous, and Tigress is...well she's happy until she says her name and then she's a bitch about everything forever and ever
"but were you seeing things from my point of view" actually what other perspective are you giving him here
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get rekt aussie boy
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so upset they changed this design. the eyeliner, the fluffy hair, the red hair clip. they're so good. she's so cute. all of the young designs are cute actually
they didn't have to animate sheena's ass swaying like that
he's from australia??? really????
i like how gray was just working the soundboards one day and his pay was so bad that he was like "fuck. yeah man I'm breaking every single law. ever."
where the hell did the black on that sheep origami come from. the paper was white on both sides??
shadowsan has the best damn view on the island look at that
cleo's dress. cleo's voice. cleo's
why do they market as an import/export company if they immediately begin training as thieves. why does "villains international league of evil" matter at all
shadowsan has the only class that uses other students. the rest of the classes are main character only. so sad
my favorite part of carmen sandiego is the way they one moment don't allow the characters to say the word kill but in maelstrom's classroom he has human bones and a whole ass brain on display and then they shoot a man dead
no idea how maelstrom dropped his briefcase so that it landed on the other side of tigress's
also i love how they set up some of the two most used concepts in the entire show here: bait and switch and always protect the face
gray is blind we love him for that. she is holding a phone and gas earbuds in.
where did she get earbuds from
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point and laugh
so true of le chevre to kick off the stilts the show should have let him win that one, not bs
the poor captain has gone entirely white-haired from this yearly encounter with a child
rita moreno bee cosplay
el topo's laugh is so genuine <3
what was their detention anyway? sit and talk? come up with codenames? seems more like a reward to me
imagine if gray named himself power failure and everyone called him failure
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gray is a giraffe
i love the dig at old witwics with the puns for names jkdsghdsa
le chevre is very comfortable on that pole
mime bomb. that is all
class of vile, after a year of sharing a dorm with mime bomb: who the fuck are you
he's iconic
all of the different teacher rooms are sooo cool i love their designs. and once agains color theory coming through with shadowsan's red room!!!
i also like that students get to take exams with their operative gear, as it plays into how effective they will be in the field. however, what happens if someone doesn't graduate?? what happens to all their specialized gear??
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she sacrificed a leg for ass. sad :(
i like how tigress acts like a cat
that scrap of fabric flew SO FAR
that little wink tigress does <3
i like how shadowsan has another coat ready and waiting. who's hurt him in the past. he learned
black sheep no don't walk into the camera wait blacwfhghgfh
gray after black sheep failed so hard that she blew the entire year's worth of schooling: damn girl you're so good. best ever actually
i like how they all have to trace their names over to see if they passed like what are you getting lost on the way also getting these grades is exactly like seeing who got cast for the school musical
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rip to the random background ops who failed
gray's face is actually just D:
the dutch angle dolly zoom is SOOO GOOD
tigress is still a high school mean girl. elementary school, even. the big kid's table. no children allowed
"looks like someone needs to turn in their stealth suit" black sheep she/they confirmed and sheena respects pronouns
"COME ON LET'S GO PLOT A CAPER" that is so funny to me because vile operatives as we see later NEVER, EVER PLOT THEIR OWN CAPERS
why is carmen's nose so tiny
seeing black sheep look so short next to shadowsan is so sweet considering she's almost as tall as him later <3
"are you accusing a criminal, thievery, and breaking the law teacher of cheating"
mime bomb for goodness sake. i love the animation of his face emerging from the shadows though
does anyone know whether CS uses 3d elements for some of their bigger objects like cars, helicopters, the vault door etc.
i like how vile school is completely entirely out in the open not disguised at all
gray: bye bye black sheep black sheep, from the shadows: HAVE YOU ANY WOOL
OKAY so that was my post on the first episode. will they all be this long? who knows. probably. maybe. i'm so excited for this
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wondermadeleine · 1 year
Thoughts on the Miraculous movie:
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I'll go into details and spoilers under the cut but here's the meat of it:
Too many songs that weren't even that good
The dialogues often felt forced and empty
The animation was so pretty, like???? Their hair? All the time? So cool
We get it, the power of love and listening to your heart, you don't have to say it in every scene
Lots of changes compared to the show, some of them were great and it could have been even better BUT:
It was so fucking rushed wtf? Which kind of explains my second point
In conclusion:
I consider this movie as an alternative universe, a "what could have happened" simply because it derives from the TV show canon so much
I also would have enjoyed it a lot more if it weren't for the songs, they really ruined it for me
Spoilers ahead, I'm gonna tell you the WHOLE plot, you have been warned
The songs
Like... Why would they do that? Were they trying to give it a Disney movie vibe? Because it sure felt like it. Marinette/Ladybug felt very Frozen-inspired, and Hawk Moth's song (yes, Gabriel has a song, several in fact) was very Dr Facilier/Rasputin
And the songs themselves were just... Not Good. There were too many and they were so cheesy. We were maybe 20 in the room, most of us adults, and let me tell you after the first few songs the general reaction to a new one were groans. I ended up saying "please don't sing, please don't sing" several times during the movie but of course my prayers were never answered. And I usually love musicals
Cut out all of the songs, they have 0 emotional impact anyway, replace them with some dialogue and more interactions between the characters to make their relationships feel less rushed and it could have been a really good movie
The plot
We basically get a speedrun of 5 seasons in 1h40min: Marinette and Adrien get their miraculous, learn how to super-hero, we get a time skip with lots of fights against akumatized people, Hawk Moth loses his mind because of "the butterfly" (don't ask me, I don't get it either) and because he can't get LB and CN's miraculouses, so he akumatizes himself, which somehow makes him super powerful and he destroys Paris, manages to get Ladybug's miraculous and right as he's about to get Chat Noir's, he realises that that's his son under the mask and.... purifies? himself? because The Power of Love. So everyone learns who Hawk Moth is but they don't seem to realize who Chat is? That's unclear to me. They definitely don't know about Ladybug though, since the "last" scene of the movie is Marinette telling Adrien who she is and this surprises him somehow, even though Marinette de-transformed and re-transformed in front of everyone during the fight against Hawk Moth, but okay
In the background we of course get the love square, which doesn't stay as "CN/Adrien → LB LB/Marinette → Adrien" very long:
Chat Noir and Ladybug sing a whole ass duet together when he tries to confess but at the end she says no and then we're supposed to believe that she's torn between Adrien and Chat Noir all of a sudden. Marinette then tries to invite Adrien to a ball and he refuses (since he just got rejected by the girl he likes) so they're both dejected and heartbroken. But after the boss battle, as I said, Marinette reveals herself to Adrien and they kiss
Have I mentioned that this movie is 1h40min long?
HOWEVER. The scene cuts to Nathalie going into the basement where Emilie's body is because Gabriel asked her to, and we see that Emilie is wearing the peacock miraculous
So, I guess they're teasing a sequel? But Master Fu got the butterfly miraculous back so idk what they'll do and idk if I'll want to watch it if it's another musical
Also, about Hawk Moth/Gabriel: they tried to explain why he wants to destroy Paris by saying that the butterfly miraculous is evil and corrupts your mind the more you use it but... I don't buy it. I just don't. I'd rather have a Gabriel that is so hurt by the death of his wife that he's willing to hurt people of his own free will because he loves her that much and would do anything to bring her back than whatever the hell it is they tried to do here. It could have worked if I hadn't watched the show I think, but since I have...
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Watching Into the Spiderverse.
Nine minutes in. I love the way Gwen moves, loved the introductory sequence, the way the colour blend and don't, the music cues and soundtrack, the backgrounds...
"I didn't join the band to talk about my feelings" / "I did."
"Tonight's the night we catch Spider-Woman." / "Oh, great."
"Explain to me how a guy with a forty-foot wingspan just waltzed into the [place name I couldn't understand (doogunheim?)] unnoticed?" / "Hey, it's New York. Everyone's got their thing."
"Look out for signs of Spider-Woman!" / "We found her." / "How's the manhunt for me going?"
"VULTURE!" [...] "... Screaming their name usually works."
Eighteen minutes...
Music cues! Again! Miguel's theme reminds me a little of the Prowler. The Vulture's design is incredible. I love the paper-parchment feel of it. The arrows turning into folded paper cutouts? Very cool.
Hammerspace is my new favourite word actually.
Gwen, baby, that's gotta be a hell of a concussion.
Miguel O'Hara more like Miguel O'Ass Fat. dude could be Dick Grayson under that mask.
Spider Mommy...
The canon? Or the Canon?
Yikes yikes yikes ACAB. But seriously, how long have you been chasing this Spider-Woman? How long have you thought that she killed your daughter's best friend. Why is your first question about her supposed dishonesty? How does she not know you won't just kick her out or turn her over, how is she supposed to feel safe telling you if you have been out for blood? And for how long?
The colours. Again. THE COLOURS
"Okay. Knock yourself out." / "Why are you saying it like that?"
"Will you adopt me." / "What?" / "What?"
"I'm a good guy!" / "You don't look like a good guy."
"You're in this to help people, right? Right?" (There's so much desperation here. She's hurting, a lot.)
Twenty three minutes.
Miles is as idiotic as ever. I love the animation shifts. The Spot is the character ever.
Thirty four minutes.
Spot gives wet cat.
Minutes number forty four and damn I wish whenever my dad started yelling at me in an public setting someone would turn up the background noise to drown us out that would actually be. Awesome.
Miles is a bit of an ass. I don't really like him in this movie so much? I get that he has a lot on his plate, but he's reckless and irresponsible and doesn't actually cover for himself in any sound way.
Walk of shame (after parental discourse that you lost painfully because you can't articulate why they're hurting you and they won't listen in the first place and neither of you understand each other but you just know it's getting worse rather than after a one night stand)
Minute forty six
OH GOD NOOO I would have thrown her out on her ass if she'd touched my shit like that
47:46 nice call back to movie no. 1
Gwen if you've been with them for that long why only reach out to Miles now?
Oh okay
The audio sounds really tinny
What, so Miles loses his Converse & jacket, but Gwen gets new shoes? Ballet slippers worked for her though?
Gonna cut it off here and come back later with a full like. rant idk??
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daveinediting · 7 months
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Last week I revisited the raw footage of a show we produced a long time ago. It's our first episode of Adventures with Purpose, the one about Egypt.
At the time, we'd been using a lot of classical music from music libraries. This series, though, no matter what genre of music it lent itself to wouldn't be able to paint with such broad strokes like that. The script pivoted too much within sequences so the music would have to be highly crafted.
Okay two things:
The first is that whether library or original, the music we used never pivoted because the narration for a particular place never pivoted. We would have music for a church. Music for boat ride. Music for a particular kind of museum.
The new series wasn't as wedded to places as it was ideas. And the script for a particular location might juggle two or three of these, each with its own vibe.
The second thing's that during the previous summer I was introduced to music loops by teenagers at camp (believe it or not). Loops are individual phrases of music from any and every instrument (or sound effect) that, when you Tetris them just so, create pieces of music.
With those two ideas swimming in my head around the same time, I decided I wanted to have a go at creating a soundtrack for an hour-long travel documentary. Having read the script for the first episode, Egypt, it seemed to me that, more than anything and quite legitimately, I could lean into sound design with loops and create an atmosphere rather than a melodic sound. After all, when you're exploring pyramids and tombs and temples and speaking a lot about death and the afterlife as conceived by ancient Egyptians, crafting a mysterious, ethereal, sometimes creepy design for the sound holds a lot of appeal. I even recorded myself slowly whispering various Egyptian names and playing them backwards with a lot of reverb. In the show, you get a sense of words being spoken... but no idea at all what those words are.
I loved it.
And I loved the way that worked through the entire show.
So then last week I revisited the raw footage of that show to fashion some clips for Instagram. Again: pyramids and tombs and temples and speaking a lot about death and the afterlife as conceived by ancient Egyptians.
For a minute I thought about underscoring it with something orchestral, cinematic. But pyramids and tombs and temples and speaking a lot about death and the afterlife as conceived by ancient Egyptians. You know?
It just begs for mysterious, ethereal, sometimes creepy, and words you can barely sense but can't understand.
Unfortunately, of all the music I composed back then, I don't have any of that music. I don't know why. Where it should be on my drives... it's just not there. So over the last week I crafted some new pieces from scratch.
I can only imagine how much fun I must've had the first time with the amount of work that had to be done. My process starts with a bit of trial and error, listening to likely sounds from particular loop libraries I bought for the occasion and still possess. Once I settle on one or two as the basis for the sound design, then I have a pretty good sense of what I need to add. Of course I don't know exactly what to add and how to add it... which is where the fun comes in. It's trying a bit of this color here, that color there. More reverb. Less reverb. Removing some earlier elements. Futzing with volumes. Getting the timing of everything just so. Dialing in delay if I want it. Running a sound backwards.
It's a lot of fun to play with. To imagine as the sound of exploring tombs in the Valley of the Kings. To imagine what would make it creepier here. Mysterious there. Ethereal as we move on to the afterlife? And then, once imagining it, making it happen and listening all over again later because I picked at this, tweaked and tweaked, over the course of a few days until it was all just so.
And those backward whispering voices? I don't have the exact ones anymore but I do have some from another show. And I'm using them backwards. Know what I mean? It largely doesn't make a difference what the words really are. Also, if I really wanted to, I could record new sound with my Zoom Q2n... but what I've got absolutely does the trick.
So long as no one, you know, plays it back in reverse. 🤔
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wasp-coffee · 1 year
TMI (2013) live rant (continued at 35:23)
This movie is Two Hours Long... TWO
I'm only a quarter in....
Again, British
The "all the legends are true" line is jace's
Why... Is there a spoils room in the institute?
Considering they're... Y'know... Illegal? And have been for like at least a hundred and ten years
Izzy... My dear, why is your hair brown???? Brown????
... Izzy's eyes are grey
History lessons with Hodge - i mean he is a tutor but this is just boring exposition
Boring valentine flashbacks
Oh so we do go to the silent city!
"some say its a spell" shut the fuck up Jace we know why hodge can't leave the fucking institute
Why is there a random silent brother walking through the gravestones??? Was he going on a morning stroll????
Speaking of said silent brother - where are the runes carved into his face???
Where's the statue of jonathan Shadowhunter? "Looking better in black than the widows of our enemies"?? Hm? EH JACE????
Roll credits
Why are the silent brothers seven feet tall? Do they have a basketball team or something?
Where's my G brother Enoch?
Calling bullshit that Joycelyns runes didn't fade until after Clary was old enough to remember
Isn't magnus supposed to be here?
Why is the silent brother's hood down what the fuck????
Again what the fuck is jace wearing - is that alecs hideous shirt from earlier??? WHERE IS THEIR TRAINING GEAR
Oh jaces jacket has a skirt cute
No way Jace would have got into magnus' that easily - this is also supposed to be an apartment
Love that Jace hasn't poured holy water into the demon bike yet so going to the Du Mort seems unlikely
Magnus sweetheart <3
Blue eye callout yay
Too much exposition though
This is a lot of information by dialogue... Im so bored and this is too dramatic
Oh love the church weapons raid very nice
That's a gun... Why the fuck would there be a gun in a nephilim armoury considering NONE OF THEM CAN USE THEM
Oh a "vampire gun" of course
Oh we are going to the du mort! Lovely
Without the help of raphael... Interesting
An hour in and I'm bored as fuck not much has happened
Oh nice! A witchlight!! So why is jace using a torch
Why is Simon strewn up like jesus? He's supposed to be a rat, no?
Oh yeah that would mean going back to magnus'
There is no tension here im bored and where is camille?
Ridiculous fight sequence...fine
Oh good jace does have some faded runes
I hate that the institute is a ghost town it's ridiculous
Alecs eyes... Not recognizably blue and the brown hair... Yeah no
Why is he speaking so softly? Alec (and izzy) were rude AF in the book (justifiably so, seeing clary as an outsider) they're tame in an annoying way here
There's no tension in this argument I don't believe this man is upset - he's bored, im bored
Why is Jace wearing white?
Omg this stupid bach conversation is so unnecessarily stupid
Where is training room and the armoury?
Natural portal? Fuck off. Not without a warlock or clave permission into Alicante
I'm not only bored, but upset considering they obviously wanted a sequel and by setting this up they shot themselves in the foot
okay im glad for the greenhouse I'll admit it
Where's the story about the falcon? The spaghetti
Oh there it is, good.
Greenhouse transformation moment that's kinda dumb. Aren't they supposed to be on the roof?
I don't care they're kissing you can't just put a pop ballad behind two bland people and expect me to care
There wasn't enough build up for me to care
Why is it raining??? Its a greenhouse, not a swimming pool!
Why would the sprinklers turn on at midnight?
Its nice to hear some of the lines from the book but i just... Don't believe JCB as Jace
Why is this simon confession here???? Here?
Oh good alec and izzy are in something resembling gear that's something
Haha love the shedding of a ridiculous amount of weapons trope - that got me ill admit
I can't remember why izzy and alec are here or what this magnetic dust is
Love that what he's playing clearly isn't what his hands are doing
Why is he playing???
Oh yeah the bach shit
I distinctly remember the whole point of Hodges betrayal is that its behind everyone's back
Why is valentine shirtless
Are those... Dreads?
Come ON
This whole Jonathan monologue is boring and stupid and i don't give a shit because we haven't spent enough time with Clary or Luke to sympathize - also seeing as it's spliced between the whole Jace/Valentine schtick
Considering that Jace, Clary, Joycelyn and Valentine share absolutely no features in common this is an absolute circus
Valentine looks like a rejected Captain Hook
This whole thing is supposed to be on an island, no?
Roosevelt Island!
Yeah, no, lets just stage it in the institute it'll be fine! (Sarcasm)
For all everyone was fawning over this movie for being "book accurate" im very disappointed
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What could be a better way to begin a weird sequence of events than an utterly normal day?
Rushing home from work was never fun on a typical day, let alone on a day where rain obscured your vision to the point you could scarcely see your hand before your face. Alas, money was money you thought as you hurry onwards, ducking into shop awnings here and there.
Carefully glancing down the nearest alleyway to check for speeding cars you notice an odd piece of what seems to be at first glance a hose, or to be more exact, a shivering hose?
A snake, you realise after a moment, of course not a hose. Well, it can't be good for it out in this weather, surely you should take it to a shelter or something, right? At least you would have, had it not insistantly curled into the hood of your coat when you scooped him up. Looks like you've gained a clingy new friend.
Once you've hurried home you resolve to visit a pet store the next day, for now you lay the snake on a towel and try to look up what to feed him as it stares up at you, yellow eyes flickering with indignation. The audacity of you, a mortal, picking him up with your own two hands and absconding with him, well, it could be worse, right?
By weeks end you had aquired all things which your snake, William you decided, could possibly need. Talking to him about your day became a highlight after work as he'd always nod along or poke his tongue out in distaste at your co-workers. He wasn't particularly fond of being left alone you found so whilst you had your bubble bath you let him perch in the corner basket atop a spare sponge where he insistantly faced the wall.
You'd had a month of your new companion and didn't particularly fancy getting him sent to a shelter, which is why one evening as you sit reading on your sofa with him curled about you like an improv feather boa, you wanted to ignore the knock at your door. Opening it slowly, you were greeted by a friendly looking man in a white suit who you could swear owned a bookstore nearby which you had passed once or twice, never venturing in for tales of him refusing to let any of the books actually go.
"Ah, Crowley, there you are. I've spent weeks looking for you" the man proclaimed excitedly. You raise a brow in confusion as William wiggles down your arm sheepishly.
"Is this your snake mister ...?" You ask trailing off for a name.
"Mister Fell, Aziraphale. And he is my friend." The man politely replies, fixing his bowtie. "Honestly, change back Crowley, we have a reservation for the Ritz and its your turn to pay again."
"Okay, eccentric man" you slowly try to shut the door and you would have if William hadn't hissed at you. Surprised, you set him down and he slithers to Aziraphale. He looks almost regretful as he turns and begins to change. Change and grow into a tall man, with red hair, yellow eyes and legs which he apparently forgot he could use as he trips to the floor beside his friend.
Panic, the first thing you decide to do is panic. This guy had seen you in the bath, shared some of your innermost thoughts, had let you put a little sweater on him. Oh you were mortified, almost as mortified as William, well Crowley you supposed now. A silent tension set in as you both blushed and Aziraphale looked as though he had realised something particularly interesting. He leaned into Crowley and whispered something about being "able to sense his aura of love now."
"I'll give you a few moments and wait in the car, perhaps some music other than-"
"Queen, it's always Queen" Crowley frowned, reaching for his back pocket and producing a pair of sunglasses. He placed them on and turned to you. "Right..." He trailed off, not quite sure how to proceed.
"Wil-William..." You don't really know where to go with this either to be honest, so you do the next best thing. "Tea?" you ask. It's an easy out to buy you time to process all of this.
"Yes, please" It's an awkward acceptance but a start. "I'm sorry, that day we met I couldn't turn back" he tries to explain.
"So, when could you?" you counter, "before or after the sweater?"
"After the first week" He has the good grace to be embarrassed at least. "I should go,check on aziraphale and all that" Standing abruptly he slinks to the door before turning as his hand touches the doorhandle. "I would like to come back though"
The shyness in the comment takes you off guard. "Why?" you ask, sitting a little straighter in your chair.
"Well, you took care of me, even when you didn't really have to, and I'm quite ... fond of you, by now." he defends. You make your way to him and smile.
"I'd quite like that" you admit. Crowley leans in to give your cheek a quick peck, testing the waters, before leaving through the door, leaving you smiling with a hand pressed to your cheek. Your phone buzzes on the table and you lift it to see a text from an unknown number.
It seems Crowley forgot to give you his number, here it is.
It read, accompanied by a slightly blurry picture of crowley cheering on the steps outside. This would be the start of something interesting.
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