#'when do i stop crying about clover?'
courtclover · 2 years
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bones4thecats · 6 months
When Their S/O Meets Their Sibling(s)
Type of Writing: Random Idea Name: When Their S/O Meets Their Sibling(s) Characters: Trey Clover, Jack Howl, Jamil Viper, and Rook Hunt Idea-Giver: Random Ideas
A/N: I named Rook's siblings after the pieces of a chess-game as a headcanon! (btw they’re french names)
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🧁 Trey loves his family so much, and he really wanted you to love them just as much as he did, as they’re basically his whole world
🧁 So, when he received a message from his mother stating that they would be dropping by for a couple days for a small break from the family business, much to both his joy and nervousness
🧁 He was nervous that maybe his family wouldn’t like you or you wouldn’t like his family. And if it was the latter, he really didn’t want to break your heart…
🧁 You stood beside him outside of Heartslabyul as he put his phone away, he had read a message from his father saying they had just arrived and were coming to his dorm
🧁 Gripping his hand tightly, your smile made him sigh and kiss the hand holding his with such care and devotion. You really were perfect. How could they not like you?
🧁 As he spoke to his parents as you played with his younger siblings, his sister smiling as you gave her a small rose-spun flower crown as his brother messed around with a little set of toy vehicles you had gotten for Grim to mess with while Yuu busied himself
" I must admit, Trey. I’m surprised how amazing your S/O is handling those two. " " I agree with your mother. They seem so… content with them around. Unlike their last babysitter. I’ve never seen someone so happy to leave. "
🧁 Trey stared at you with his parents and smiled gently, he even had to admit, it was surprising how good you were holding them together. Normally the person watching them would be on the couch rethinking their life-choices, but not you…
🧁 And before his family left after the two days of vacation with their son, hearing his siblings ramble about how amazing you were as they held tiny gifts you had made them, he knew you were the one
🧁 He can’t wait to see your reaction after graduation day
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🐺 He really wanted you to meet his family. To a beastman of his kind, family is everything. They raised you and gave you a chance at life for crying out loud!
🐺 His family and his are very close, and that is shown multiple times throughout your relationship. The way he would smile gently when looking at the photos on his camera roll that contained his grandparents, parents, and younger siblings made your heart swoon
🐺 Because of how close he was with you and how close he was with his family, he was very happy when the ‘Family Day’ was announced to happen
🐺 He immediately had sent an email to his parents with the note that he wanted them to meet you, who was his new S/O, and hopefully his only one
🐺 When they had arrived, their tails all wagged as they hugged, you just smiled as your family walked away to speak to another one of your close friend’s parents, who were visiting him for the next few days to help with P.E. classes while Vargas was away
🐺 His siblings had gotten bored and pulled you away from their older family members, asking you if you had anything fun to do, much to your enjoyment
" Y/N! Lookie what I made! It’s a drawing of you, grandma, grandpa, papa, mama, and big brother! " " Oh, that looks so cute, sweetie. "
🐺 Jack smiled as you gently held the drawings that his younger sister and brother made of you and his family, and once his mother and grandmother caught a glace, they couldn’t stop complimenting how good you looked alongside their son, much to his embarrassment
" You know, your son did a good job picking an S/O. " " I know. Honestly, I figured he’d go for a meat-head. Oh, how wrong was I? "
🐺 His tail wagged slightly as he overheard his grandfather and father speaking to one another, they really liked you? Now he knew for certain that you were a keeper
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🐍 Jamil did not want to deal with his sister coming to Night Raven College, since she was known to be quite hard for him to handle, especially with Kalim there
🐍 When his sister did shoot him a text saying that she was just a couple minutes from school grounds and was planning on coming over after the day was over to see her brother, he groaned and asked her not too
🐍 Unfortunately, she was very stubborn, much like her brother. Not that he admits it
🐍 She did send him a small message saying that she wanted to meet his supposed S/O as well, but he had gotten busy keeping Kalim from jumping from his balcony and onto his magic carpet, so he had no chance to actually read the message
" Y/N! It’s so good to finally meet you. Let me just say my brother doesn’t stop talking about you over summer, it’s gotten annoying. "
🐍 Jamil watched with wide eyes and flushed cheeks as his sister and Kalim began discussing how much Jamil talked about you after your first year’s summer, revealing just how much he admired you back then until current day
" Okay! Let’s not keep this going, it seems that Jamil is flustered~ " " Shut up… "
🐍 Najma smiled and pat her brother’s shoulder with a laugh as she grabbed your hand and dragged you around Scarabia as Jamil followed you, her, and Kalim
🐍 He watched as you would smile and try keeping the two energetic people calmer than usual, thank goodness you had just as much patience as him when it comes to this kind of thing
" My older brother always raves about your eyes, saying they looked like the night and day’s sky, comparing the sun to the sparkles your eyes contain. He’s so cheesy! " " Right? I heard him talk about their selflessness with so much happiness that I thought he was another person! " " Alrighty then! Let’s calm ourselves, I don’t want Jamil erupting like a volcano… " " Aw! They care so much about you, brother! How sweet. "
🐍 The blush on his cheeks erupted at how calm you acted with him, you cared about him that much? Normally whoever discusses with his sister just agree that he’s an oddball
🐍 You really are an amazing person, huh?
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🏹 Rook adores his siblings, both older and younger, very much
🏹 They are fairly similar to him when it comes to personalities, but they are quite different in their own unique ways, his oldest sibling, Leroy (King), for example loves to take photos instead of watch for a while like Rook
🏹 When he received a letter from one of his oldest younger sibling, Chevalier (Knight), saying that they were going to come by and visit him, he smiled and told you immediately, asking if you would care to meet his family
🏹 You just smiled and nodded at his enthusiasm, you knew he cared for his siblings and you very much, so you understood why he wanted you guys to meet badly
🏹 Hugging you from behind as he pressed his hat on your head to protect you from the sun’s strong rays, Rook’s signature smile seemingly was twice as large as he awaited the arrival of his multiple family members
" Rook! "
🏹 Turning around from the bench, Rook laughed with a booming sound as his three younger siblings, Chevalier, Évêque (Bishop), and Pionne (Pawn), jumped into his arms as his older ones, Leroy and Reine (Queen), stood and chuckled
🏹 Reine looked at you and pushed her hair behind her ear as he embraced you. This didn't surprise you, you predicted that all of the Hunt siblings were very affectionate and bold with their actions
" It is a delight to meet you, Y/N! Our brother sends us letters about you constantly! I must admit, it’s sweet to read how kind you are with our unique brother. "
🏹 Hearing that made your heart swoon as Rook nodded and smiled sweetly at his younger siblings, patting their heads as they showed him photos of things they had either caught or had made during the past few days
🏹 He is unique like they say, but he’s your kind of unique, and you wouldn’t change him for the world… despite Grim’s many protests while Yuu holds him back…
🏹 That cat was gonna be the death of you…
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rosyblooom · 6 months
blooming season 🌷 (2) | ln4
"grief is just love with no place to go”
PAIRING: lando norris x fem nepo!reader WORD COUNT: 2.5k WARNING(S): mentions of death & blood, swearing SUMMARY: four years after she fled monaco, y/n is back on the anniversary of her father's death. however, an unexpected encounter with an f1 driver disrupts her plans.
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part 1 | part 2 <- | part 3
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You're not sure how much time has passed since you entered the car, but it doesn't matter. It feels like an eternity. Everything feels overwhelming today—you're the mouse in a world full of elephants, and you don't know how to cope. You want to scream, but your voice feels strained; you want to cry, but there are no tears left. All you can do is sit idly in what feels like a tiny lifeboat in an ocean rippled by giant waves crashing straight at you.
"Feeling any better now?" Lando's voice interrupts the silence, pulling you out of your daze.
You snap your head sideways to face the brunette boy, your brows furrowing as you simply stare at him.
"Hey," he sneaks a quick glance at you before focusing back on the road. "You've been quiet the whole ride. Are you feeling any better now?"
Narrowing your eyes, you fix him with a wary glare before rolling your eyes and bringing your feet to the edge of your seat, hugging your knees tightly. "What's it to you?" you finally respond, gazing through the window.
"Look, I'm trying to make things less… tense here. You could, you know, meet me halfway or something."
"How about you stop trying," you snap, glaring at the side of his face. "Just be quiet. Let's get your hand wrapped up, and then you can just leave."
Lando swallows, his eyes darting between you and the street ahead. "I don't think—"
You cut him off sharply, "Obviously, you just missed the freaking turn."
"What? No, I didn't, look," he points at the GPS that's currently rerouting. "Oh."
"No need to worry, it's already figuring out a new way. See?"
"Another inconvenience?" you ask, annoyance laced in each word. "Yeah, actually I do."
Lando purses his lips and drums his fingers against the steering wheel. "I'm guessing I'm the first inconvenience?"
"Wow, you can connect dots," you deadpan, sinking into your seat and resting your forehead against the vibrating window.
The elevator door dings open, and you release a relieved breath upon finding its carriage empty. Lando enters first, settling into one side, while you press your back into the opposite wall.
"Let me guess," Lando begins, trailing his fingers up and down the row of twenty buttons, "your floor is the—"
"Sixth," you interject, your patience wearing thin as you take a step towards him and push the number six, causing it to light up.
Lando sinks his teeth into his bottom lip, nodding. "That was going to be my guess, you know?" He glances down at you, his gaze meeting yours briefly before drifting elsewhere.
Feeling hyperaware of his closeness, particularly the warmth emanating from him, you shift back into the opposite corner of the elevator, but he follows.
Your brow furrows as you grunt, "Personal space, remember?"
"Hold on a second." You feel the gentle touch of his hand atop your head, and moments later, he plucks something green from your hair, fixing you with a pointed look as he extends his palm to you. "A four-leaf clover," he exclaims, excitement glinting in his eyes. "Make a wish on it."
You swat his hand away from your face. "No thanks."
"What, there's nothing you want to have? Nothing you want to wish for?"
Sure, you have a wish—only one. You want your dad back, you want your old life back. The one that felt like summer every year, when there were no cold days.
Feeling the tightness in your throat as your vision blurs, you quickly blink away the incoming tears—you don't remember the last time you cried—and remark sharply, "No, I don't—nothing that's possible anyway. Keep it... or don't, I really don't care."
Just in time, the elevator door dings open, and you rush out of the tight space, desperate for more room.
Fumbling with your key, it takes a few attempts before you finally manage to slot it into the keyhole, agitation coursing through your veins. With a satisfying click, you push the door open, only to find the apartment strangely empty.
Lando squeezes in behind you, causing you to stumble slightly before regaining your footing, shooting him a glare.
He strides down the hallway, with you trailing close behind, and into the brightly lit living room. The space is perfectly tidy, almost unnaturally so—there's not a single thing out of place.
"You sure you live here?" Lando glances back at you, eyebrows raised.
"No, I don't," you reply flatly, "this is actually where I bring idiot boys with no sense of self-preservation to kill."
Lando chuckles, his grin widening slowly. "So, you do have jokes then?"
You shrug and head down another hallway, making a beeline for your bedroom. As you push the door open, memories come flooding back—pictures of your dad adorn the walls, nestled in frames atop the dressers. It's like stepping into a time capsule; everything remains as it was four years ago, yet now it feels tainted.
Without wasting a moment's breath, you flip each picture frame on its head. The images taunt you with their stillness, incapable of conjuring the scent of Dad's favourite cologne or the resonance of his soothing voice. Pictures can't replicate the warmth of his hugs.
Once done, you kneel by your bedside table and retrieve a pair of scissors and bandages from the drawer.
"Now this looks more like it," a voice remarks behind you, causing you to startle and slam the drawer shut, rising to your feet. "This actually looks like someone lives here.”
Balling your empty hand into a fist, nails digging into your palm, you grit out, "I didn't tell you to follow me in here."
Lando raises his hands defensively. "I'm sorry, I was just worried. You were gone for a while, but uhm," he swallows, eyes flicking to the scissors you're clutching.
"Seriously?" you brandish the scissors, "I'm not going to stab you, if that's what you're thinking."
With a sigh, you take a step forward, but he instinctively retreats, prompting you to shake your head and let out a chuckle—it's been awhile since you've done that.
"It's for the bandage," you remark, crossing your arms. "Also, you do realise you're the intruder here. If anyone should be scared, it's me. But I'm not a scaredy-cat, am I?"
"Neither am I," he insists, dropping his arms.
"Good. Let's head back to the kitchen, then."
Lando leaps onto the counter, eliciting a groan from you as you cut the gauze into a shape that fits the wound on his palm.
Swiftly retrieving a clean tea towel from the cupboard, you situate yourself in front of him, arm extended. "Hand?"
He complies immediately, dropping his hand into your palm, and you begin to dab the skin around the cut dry. Once sure nothing is wet anymore, you reach for the gauze and carefully place it over the wound.
Lando hisses, causing you to tilt your head up, only for a sharp pain to suddenly spread atop your head. You both release loud groans, your hands instinctively moving to massage the throbbing spot on your head, while you watch Lando rubbing his chin.
"What the hell is your problem?" you finally manage after a while.
His eyes widen. "What the hell is my problem? You're the one who suddenly moved," he gestures to you, "you could've given me a heads up or something."
"How was I supposed to know you'd be hovering over me like some weirdo?" you retort.
Lando offers no response; instead, his lips gradually curve into a full-blown grin as he begins to chuckle.
You don’t react, simply staring at him blankly.
“C’mon, don’t lie now,” he says, tilting his head with a smile, “That was kinda funny, you have to admit.”
Despite theatrically rolling your eyes, a small smile betrays your true feelings. Still, you simply shrug and say, "Whatever."
"Alright, cool," Lando nods with a grin. "I'll take that. I'll take a 'whatever' anytime over all the other stuff you've been saying."
Taking the bandage from the counter, you close the gap between you, freeing his hand and delicately wrapping the bandage around the injury.
"You make me sound like a bitch," you mutter, flipping his hand over to inspect the wound. "I'm not—or at least I don't mean to be."
Lando props his free hand onto the counter behind him and leans back, raising his eyebrows. "To be honest, I thought that was the whole vibe you were going for."
You pause, setting the bandage roll on the counter and narrowing your gaze at him. Before you can respond, he quickly adds, "Hey, no judgment from me! I can handle difficult."
"Very funny," you say, shaking your head with a smile as you toss the tea towel into his face.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Lando chuckles, retrieving the towel from his face and sliding it out of reach. When his gaze returns to you, his smile fades, and he simply stares, causing your expression to falter and your eyebrows to furrow.
"What do you think you’re looking at?" you snap, feeling as if you're suddenly trapped in a glass cage.
Leaning forward, a slow smile dances along Lando's lips. "You’re very pretty when you smile," he nods, "you should do that more often, it suits you."
Your expression falters, and you feel your heart sink with guilt. Today marks the fourth anniversary of your dad's passing—the first time you’ve felt strong enough to acknowledge it, to face the hurricane head-on—and here you are, spending it laughing, as if it's not a day plagued with immeasurable sadness and pain.
Isn’t that selfish?
It sure as hell feels like it.
Just like that, the walls rise once more as you fix Lando with a blank expression, swiftly grabbing the bandage roll off the counter. "Let’s just get this done, okay?" Your voice is strained—it scratches at your throat.
"Did I say something wrong?" he asks, confusion swimming in his bright eyes.
You swallow hard and grasp his hand, continuing to wrap up the wound wordlessly.
"I’m sorry," Lando tries again, "If I said something wrong, I’m sorry."
Sighing, you shake your head, and though you feel his gaze piercing your skull, you refuse to tilt your head up to meet his eyes head-on. "Nothing to apologise for," you state quietly, focusing on the task at hand.
This is exactly why you keep to yourself—your pain is yours alone to bear; it's unfair to burden others with it. You're not the same carefree, easily agreeable Y/N you once were back then. That part of you left the world today, four years ago, with your dad.
"Done," you declare, cutting the excess bandage and patting it down. Then, you create some much-needed distance between yourselves, heading towards the sofa and collapsing onto it.
"You know the way out," you yell, squeezing your eyes shut as you focus on your breathing.
The calm doesn’t linger for long, though, when you fail to hear footsteps or the door clicking open. You shoot upright, only to find Lando at the tap, an empty glass in his hand.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" you ask, propping your elbows on the couch’s backrest.
"Getting some water," he gestures toward the faucet and flicks it on. "I’m thirsty."
"You can do that at your own place."
"What, go home for water and then come back?" he shoots you a perplexed look before taking a swig from his glass. "Seems a bit extreme, don’t you think?"
Rising to your feet slowly, you make your way to the opposite end of the counter and lean against it, resting your hands on the cool surface. "And why would you even come back here?"
"For you to check up on me," he explains, waving his bandaged hand in the air, "make sure I don’t develop an infection. I’ve had one before, it was awful."
As if momentarily blinded by sunlight, you blink more than necessary as you process his words. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"The cut, it could get infected after being exposed for so long. So, I think we should wait out the day," he shrugs, "just to make sure it doesn’t get worse."
"And why can't you just go to the hospital?" you press, confusion evident in your voice.
His lips curl into a sly smile as he scratches the back of his neck. "I don't know, you seem to know what you're doing. I trust you."
His admission knots your stomach—you can't recall the last time someone willingly stuck by you after all your attempts at self-sabotage.
You're a pusher. You push and push until people fall off the edge of the cliff, leaving you in the comfort of yourself. So, this catches you off-guard. But strangely enough, the proposal doesn’t make you squirm with disgust, but rather... want? You're not quite sure; it's an old feeling, one you struggle to understand.
"Fine, okay," you sigh, shaking your head in disbelief at your own acquiescence. "I think you're being dramatic, but fine."
Lando nods, a grin spreading slowly across his face. "Great."
The weight of today bears down on you, a stark reminder of your initial plans—ones you can't simply reschedule. No, these you can’t ignore; they're a boulder in your road. Today is the day you will visit your dad; today is the day you will see his tombstone for the very first time.
"I've got somewhere to be tonight," you say, twisting your fingers into painful yet somehow soothing shapes. "So you'll have to leave then. And I’ve got to run some errands throughout the day, so you can, I guess, join me... or you can just stay here—stay out of my fucking bedroom—and yeah, watch TV or whatever it is you do."
"Got any food?" Lando inquires, swinging open your refrigerator doors to reveal painfully empty shelves, save for a lone box of leftover takeout from last night.
"That's a negative," he answers his own question, closing the doors with a sigh before turning to face you. "Can we grab some food while we're out running errands?"
Your stomach grumbles in agreement before you can respond, so you simply nod, snatching up your keys. "We should go now, then."
Lando falls into step beside you in the hallway, and you shoot him a sideways glance, adding, "We'll handle my errand first, then we can grab food."
He holds the door open for you, gesturing for you to pass through. "No complaints from me."
4:05 ───────────ㅇ─ 4:28
TAGS: @leclercdream @evitarubio @landossainz @lottef1 @averymjn
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cvlutos · 2 years
“No Nut November” Pt.3
| Repost: 01.09.23 | 1.4K | Mature |
NRC 3rd Years X GN!Reader
| Sexual Themes | Masturbation | Flirting | Sorta Creepy | Voice Kink | Phone Masturbation(One-sided) | Etc. | Proceed with Caution, Dearest. |
Earl’s Notes: A special thanks, to those who have reposted and shared as such with me<3
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Let me preface all this with those who lost, lost most definitely on purpose, except for Cater and Idia. Trey’s losing. That’s his first thought when Ace and Deuce ramble about it to him and knows he’ll lose if you’re anywhere near him. If you just don’t ever acknowledge his existence, he’s automatically winning. But you don’t, 'cause he’s got baked goods that you like and they're free. Ain’t no way you're avoiding him. Trey also doesn’t take NNN super seriously, so it’s okay if he loses. I also have this slight thing that Trey already loves when people eat his deserts, but with you, it turns him alil on, not in a creepy way, but ya know. He’s turning the other way if you get any sorta food stuck on your lips, or face.
Ngl, he probably daydreamed about this exact scenario, as much as he hates to admit. He just learned a new recipe for your favorite dessert, deciding to add a Lil whipped cream. He was so proud of himself, as he texted you about it, and you, being a loyal friend without hesitation, pull up. You and whip cream, we know what this leads to. You, silly Lil, you end up with whipped cream on your face. Trey, without skipping a beat, imagines it as his cu—he has to excuse himself. Moving to his room to jack one-off. He’s extremely guilty after.
“I’m glad you like the dessert. I made it with you in mind.”
Stood not a chance. Wasn’t even gonna try. He’s such a horn dog. It’s almost embarrassing at this point. 90% of the time, you're responsible for his third boner of the day. Because Cater is such a social phone person, he has multiple pictures and most definitely trades with Ruggie. He just has the most innocent to the most scandalous (as in you sleeping at Heartslabyul, don’t be weird) Like he has access to you, or your pictures 24/7, a recipe for disaster.
So, as always, it’s a nightly ritual at this point. Laying on his back, his roommates are far into dreamland. It’s late as his eyes gradually run along the phone screen, slowly pumping his dick. Your name is a silent cry on his lips. He’s shamelessly losing and doesn’t give a damn.
“[Nickname]! You are simply the cutest, letting me take a pic!”
Not only is it a chore to participate, but also a chore to actually do the deed. As well as Ruggie sending photo after photo of you, being you. Which has the lion beastman slightly interested, but far too damn lazy. Leona is lasting till the end of the month, simply because he doesn’t get horny, like could go weeks without masturbation. So it really is a ‘if he feels like it’ situation. Like if he needs to cum, he’s going to. Not some imaginary competition is stopping him. Though Leona attempts the competition for about 5 minutes before he’s bored with it.
He definitely forgets for the later weeks of November, till one compromising moment. Not even something inherently sexual, you had massages his ears, something that only lovers would do. Most definitely tried to ignore the boner that tightened his boxers as he tried to sleep, tossing in turning. He finally settles with a growl, nearly shoving his hands into his underwear. (Though I’m personally a firm believer Leona would never wear clothes to bed, you and Ruggie probably begged him to at least wear underwear so that when you had to wake the lion prince, he didn’t whack you in the face with that horse of his. Ruggie’s actually been slapped, which is hilarious)
“Leave me be, Herbivore. I’m not doing something so dumb.”
Short and sweet, if he’s going to cum to you, it’s going to be within your presence. He’s not going to fantasize about you, he’s going to have you. So he’ll wait till he has you. Period.
“I have no desire, Spudling. Why is it you care? Do you desire to bed me?”
We saw how he is with Neige and this man damn near nearly cums with anything he sees as beautiful. Like he’s weird. Rook Hunt is mad weird. Though I love him for it. #RookHuntforPresident. Similarly to Cater, he has photos of you, physical and digital, and honest access to you at any point, though he’d never masturbate to you in a tree outside of ramshackle, he has thought about it. He honestly is similar to Vil. He wants to be able to fully experience you and revel in the moment with you, but he ends up thinking about it far too much which leads him being hot and bothered.
So that’s why he loses and isn’t that so beautiful, that he can put competition aside for love and beauty. His breath comes out as short huffs, legs unusually shaking, his hat discarded to the side. His face flush and eyes that seemed to glow, a low moan of your name, cum sputtering from his dick head.
“Mon très cher Trickster, permettez-moi de prendre soin de vous de toutes les manières!”
Idia is a hentai-watching, cum-drinking slut for you. Like I don’t make the rules. He hypes himself up for NNN, bragging, chatting, confident with all his lil e-friends, til the actual day NNN begins. His goal was to simply ignore you, like as if you didn’t exist, like you wouldn’t just show up uninvited. How hadn't he included that in his calculations? Most definitely has a school uniform kink, like have you met this man? You could be dressed for a day at the church and he’s cumming at the thought of you sucking him off while the choir sings of the lord. He’s shameless.
His hair wildly burning pink, voice stuttering as his tongue runs across his lips, trying to stop himself from drooling and cumming as he fucked his hand, leaning back in his gaming chair. Your voice is just so nice. His eyes roll into the back of his skull, a shuddered breath as he realizes he’s close. He damn near breaking his phone to hang up as he cums, painting his computer screen. Leaving you on the other line, completely confused.
“I-I-I wasn’t avoiding you! Just—Just working…. Yes! This game counts as work! Get Out!”
Now, why would you tell this man about NNN? Cause he’s genuinely distraught. Like should he win in your honor, or should he simply indulge in his desires to bed you? Literally asking Lilia, the worst person to ask, cause Lilia is having a field day. Best day of Lilia’s life. He’s telling Malleus to simply have fun and try. It’s better that way if you wait. The problem is Malleus doesn’t want to wait. Spoiled royal rich boy. I swear. Why must he suffer in simply doing what he pleases with his soon-to-be darling? Half of Diasomnia recognizes you as Malleus’ spouse, which is a little problematic once you actually go to the dorm and half the people are referring to you as if you're royalty. Malleus is absolutely pleased that Diasomnia accepts you, even though you aren’t together yet.
Malleus is the only one on this list who will directly go to you. Without a doubt, just appearing with little fairy lights in your bedroom, a large unhidden bulge. Like who let a horse in the house. Literally scares you out of your skin. Grim, luckily, isn’t home. He’s sorry but swears it’s urgent. Thinks you jacking him off is a loophole to NNN, he’s a darling. So when you send him away, embarrassed as hell, he’s sulking in his bedroom. Refusing to masturbate unless you're there. (Deadass sitting with arms crossed, glaring at the wall with a pout, boner still very prominent. He’s a spoiled, royal rich kid.)
“Then I will simply make them mine. That way I can indulge happily.”
Menace. Loses, cause it’s funny. You being scared by him turns him on. Like it’s hot to see your body flinch, and your eyes widen. Loves it. He’s lived so, so long, so the oddest of things turn him on. This is probably a cycle through all of November, him scaring you, but purposely not cumming till the very last day.
Teeth digging into his lower lip, hand slowly teasing, dragging along his cock, imagining it's you. Rolling his head to the side with a hot chuckle. Your name is hot and playful on his tongue. You’re so worth the wait, so worth the pain. Though this isn’t a victimless crime, you feel what he felt one day. (Bout to become a Lilia Supremacist)
“Fufufu~ [Name], you teasing little thing~”
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ⓒ 2023 love-thanatopsis — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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dovveri · 19 days
dancing with your ghost
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synopsis: you and momo are brought up in an era of war. you’re taught to fight, and the time has come for you to put those skills to use.
warnings: needles, medieval fighting, death, torture, orphans, weapons, swearing, period mentions, suicide, blood
w/c: 6.6k
a/n: hi hey giggle feeling a little more emo than usual… this was originally birthed from black clover mars and fana 🫶 enjoy i love a good tragic lovers tale but i hate that i wrote it medievally bcs i think medieval is rly hard to do well but wtv i like writijg swords more than i like writing guns
"what's your name?"
you look up curiously under your eyelashes, it's a girl that looks around the same age as you, she's wearing a shirt too big for her, going past her knees, scars dot the skin that's exposed, but she wears a smile, she's not threatening, just curious.
"nice to meet you y/n. i'm momo."
"momo." you test it out, rolling it on your tongue.
she nods happily, plopping down next to you, not minding the hay that pricks into her skin, used to it.
"where did they get you from?"
the reminder makes you tear up, and you’re back to scrunching yourself up in a little ball, covering your head and crying into your knees.
"woah hey! i'm sorry."
you sniffle, still unable to stop the tears, but then momo's tiny arms are wrapped around you, brushing through your hair, trying to calm you.
"it's okay. you're safe now." she repeats, over and over, until your sobs start to subside.
you blink up again, looking at her furrowed brows and concerned expression, "i'm sorry."
"why?" she looks surprised, cupping your face with her hands now that you're looking at her. her hands are rough, you can feel the cuts along them, the scrapes and damaged skin, but it grounds you.
"no-one left..."
she nods sympathetically, dropping her hands, "me too."
"you too?"
"i'm sorry."
she shakes her head, "long time now."
"how long?"
momo thinks for a little, taking her stubby little fingers out to count slowly. "3 years ago. i'm 10 now."
"i'm 10 too."
"really?!" momo looks back up at you excitedly, grasping your hands in hers.
you nod, smiling for the first time since you were captured.
"yay! all the others are old. they don't like to play with me." she frowns, hands tightening around yours for a second, "will you play with me?"
you nod again, and she beams, "we're not alone anymore!"
you take the opportunity to have a look around. it's a relatively big room, you can make out mounds of hay, likely used to sleep on, there are other kids milling about as well, in a similar state of dress to momo.
"where are we?"
momo perks up, "the castle! we are special kids. chosen ones. that's what they tell us. they're going to train us to become secret weapons of the kingdom. it's good! they give us a home. and we repay them by training our best."
you frown, "but i don't want to be a weapon. i want to go home."
momo loses her smile, looking uneasy, fiddling with her fingers. "there's... there's no home to go back to."
"what do you mean?"
"they took you away right? that means... we are all orphans." she points to the other kids around the room. "all of our homes were destroyed. this is the only place that would take us in."
"i'm sorry."
"that can't be true."
"i'm sorry."
"stop apologising! you're lying!"
momo looks shocked at your outbreak, shrinking back into herself, looking even smaller in the shirt 5 times too big for her. but you practically can't see her, only seeing images of your hometown flashing through your head, your parents, your school, your friends, your toys at home.
you don't realise you're hurting yourself and screaming until two guards come in, hoisting you up and ripping your arms away from yourself. momo's watching on with tears, unable to do anything while you thrash around in their arms, carried out of the room shrieking and crying, in disbelief of the situation you found yourself in.
when you wake up again, you're lying on top of a heap of hay, wearing a similar oversized shirt that you had saw momo in. there's also a faint pain in the back of your neck, but there's no mirrors for you to see if there was anything wrong.
you look up from your own pitiful state, seeing momo with wide eyes, holding a tray of food. she's a lot more cautious than the first time you met, not wanting to aggravate or send you into one of your tantrums again. she steps closer slowly, making sure you can see her every movement.
your mouth waters at the food in her hands, stomach grumbling.
she hears it and tries to conceal a smile. she holds it out, carefully sliding it forward.
you dig in immediately, gulping down a glass of water and reaching for the bread.
"are you... okay?"
you grunt, mouth still full of food.
"did they hurt you?"
you pause, returning your attention to her, "don't re-mber." you mumble out through your food.
momo looks behind her, then side to side, as if checking if anyone was listening. then she comes forward in a rush, whispering, "you can't do that again y/n. they don't like it."
you frown, swallowing, "what do you mean?"
"we have to do what they say. or else they'll hurt us."
"have they hurt you before?"
she turns around, parting her hair.
you gasp, staring at the little blinking blue dot embedded in the back of her neck, your hand automatically goes to your own neck, feeling the lump that wasn't there before.
"it's a tracker. so they know where we are at all times. because they're training us to be secret weapons, if get kidnapped or the kingdom's enemies try and use us for ransom, they can remotely activate this and fry our brains. we'll essentially be vegetables after that."
"how... how do you know all this?"
she turns back around, putting her hair back in place, "my friend. it happened to her. she came back from her first mission... different. she wouldn't tell me what happened. but right before they... fried her... she told me everything she could, like she knew they were going to get rid of her the next day."
"but you said... you said it was good they took us in."
momo hisses, "i lied. they were watching you. waiting for you to mess up so they could put the tracker in you."
"why- why are you telling me all this?"
she stands back solemnly, staring at her feet, you remember she was the same age as you, only 10 years old.
"it's only going to get worse from here. and... you're the same as me."
you stare at her, studying her, you'd taken her for a naïve little girl, still innocent despite the horrors she's been through. you'd hoped she was because that meant you could keep your humanity too. when she meets your eyes again, hers are fierce, there's a fire within them, an anger no one else could understand.
"...thank you for telling me."
all of a sudden she melts, and she's back to the girl you first met, clumsy and caring, but you can't unsee the wrath the world placed in a little 10 year old body.
it's not surprising that you stick to momo over the next few years. all the older kids don't pay you any mind, and it seems you were the last one brought in, so there's no one younger than you. there's about 20 of you in total. there were 30 in the beginning but some were sent on missions and never seen again, and others died during training. eventually, when you all get too big to fit in the same little barnyard, they move you into the unused dungeons under the castle. you were all kept a secret from the majority of the castle population. at least when you lived in the barnyard you could see the sky, it's been 4 years since you'd last seen sunlight.
you're changing your bandages when one of the older kids runs in, frantic.
"it's momo."
you're up in seconds, running towards the makeshift training arena where you knew momo was sparring with one of the instructors.
you push past all the people straining to get a look, jumping up onto the platformed sparring arena and rushing to momo who's on the floor, gritting her teeth and clutching her stomach.
"what happened?" you get straight to business, gently moving her arms and lifting her shirt to survey the damage.
"she's fucking weak is what happened." the instructor above you spits.
you ignore him, grabbing the first aid kit in the corner of the sparring arena and cleaning the wound. it's a lot deeper than you thought it'd be.
the crowd has gotten bigger. it was normal for them to pit you against knights or prisoners of war, they were more experienced, bigger, dangerous. and now they were circling the sparring arena cheering on the instructor who is spewing nonsense about strength and integrity.
momo had picked a fight with one of the knights who had bullied you last week, he had stolen your rations and dumped them down the feces chutes. momo forced him to go retrieve it, pushing him down the chute and making him dig through the entire castle's feces to find your food, and then she made him eat it.
his captain found out, the one who was in charge of weapons training. the one who just now stabbed momo in the stomach under the pretense of sparring despite explicit orders that you and the other kingdom's 'weapons' weren't to be maimed.
when you finish cleaning and bandaging her wound, you stand up, kicking off the weapons in the arena, then face him head-on. he's taller than you, much more built too, he's got a nasty scar on the bridge of his nose.
he laughs when he sees you, puny and pathetic.
"you wanna fight little one?"
"n-no." momo tries to stop you, her voice is still laced with pain, trying her best not to cry in front of the crowd.
you step forward, chest to chest with him, "you lecture us about integrity but you fought someone half your size with a blade as long as her torso."
he scoffs, "the battlefield won't care about how big you are. that's the problem with you women, you think because you've been born weaker that everyone needs to cater to you. guess what? the real world doesn't care. i guess you wouldn't know that though because you've been cooped up in here all your life huh?"
"and how many women have you spoken to in order to make that assumption?"
he snarls, "more than you."
"that's not a great comparison considering i've only known the same 19 people my whole life. 5 of us who are women."
"fine. enough that i couldn't count them right now and give you a number."
you don't hesitate when your hand darts out and grabs his dick, yanking downwards so he levels with your eyesight, your grip squeezing the flesh tight enough he goes rigid with pain. "you won't mind if you lose this then right? the real world doesn't care after all. you should still be as strong as you were no?"
"you fucking bitch-"
you yank on it again, hard enough that he's toppling forward onto you, but then you bring your knee back up, using his downward force to launch your knee into his nuts, ducking out of the way before he keels over.
"that was fair wasn't it? not my fault you were born with a weak spot right between your legs."
he roars, stumbling around and clumsily throwing a fist your way while holding his testicles. you dodge easily, sending a kick into his side.
"i thought you said women were born weaker? does the fact that i'm beating you right now mean that you're weaker than a woman?"
he tries again, lumbering towards you with both hands this time, reaching for your neck. you easily maneuver around him, letting his own momentum send him crashing into the ground.
everyone in the room quietens down. they part like the red river as a tall, lanky man dressed in the royal colours strides towards you, stepping up onto the platform.
the captain immediately bows his head, shuffling backwards and trying to minimise his presence. you huff, standing in front of momo, prepared to take on anyone that wanted to mess with either of you.
the man tuts, slinking forward until he's cupping your face.
you rip it out of his hands aggressively, choosing to stare at the captain still cradling his balls.
you don't answer.
then he pulls something out of his pocket. your eyes widen, a cold sweat building up.
he notices immediately, smirking, "good girl."
you grit your teeth, forcing yourself to look up at him. he stares down at you, eerie eyes and perfect white teeth. thumbing the little remote control he has in his hand that controlled all of the trackers in your necks. then he turns, addressing the crowd.
"it seems like all our weapons are here. please step forward my children."
the other kids hesitantly clamber up onto the platform, all eyeing the remote he has in his hand. they had upgraded it a few years ago, could now use it to torture you if you acted against them. they realised the threat of rendering you brain dead wasn’t enough as you grew older, they needed you to experience real pain, for you to know they had total control over your minds, your bodies, that you were their property.
"good. i have an exciting announcement to make. there's talks of a treaty being formed between all the kingdoms, it means no more wars, no more innocent lives lost, freedom."
there's murmuring in the crowd of knights, shuffling around, unsure.
"there's a price though. as there is a price for all things. this new world needs a leader. and each kingdom wants to be its leader. the kings have agreed on one way to decide this leader. each will submit one team of 2 fighters to represent them, the winning team will gain this leadership title for their kingdom."
"what does this have to do with us?" someone from the crowd yells.
the man shushes them quickly, waving a hand and having the person who interrupted him escorted out loudly.
"before i was so rudely interrupted... this team will be selected from our secret stash of weapons we have here. other kingdoms already have data from spies inside our kingdom about our regular knights, but they won't know about you."
he turns and smirks at you, "so we're going to be making a big spectacle of this, and the 20 of you, will be fighting it out to get a chance to be that duo in a qualifying round 2 weeks from now."
there's silence.
he makes up for it by clapping, "hooray! isn't that wonderful? you'll finally get to do something with your lives!"
if he wasn't the advisor to the king he'd be dead on the floor now, your hands dripping with his blood. but he was, so he practically prances away, his hoard of guards following him. when he's out of the room, everyone starts talking at once, knights complaining about how they wish they could represent the kingdom, some congratulating us, some spitting at us. you don't pay them any mind, turning back down to lift momo up.
"i can walk."
you frown, supporting her on one side, only for her to almost fall over.
"just let me carry you idiot."
she purses her lips, thinks for a little, "help me walk until the rooms. i don't want everyone to see i'm weak."
you sigh, grabbing onto her waist and slowly inching forwards.
you ignore the captain behind you.
"i'm talking to you bitch!"
he tries to yank your shoulder back but you shrug him off, hoisting momo down where one of the older kids is waiting to help her.
"you not had enough big guy?"
he flinches when you turn, it's pathetic. but then he regains his confidence, standing tall again, "i don't need to fight you. you'll die in those qualifiers anyway. i'll be betting against you."
"then be prepared to lose your money."
you don't let him speak again, hopping down to wrap momo's arm around your shoulder, hobbling away as fast as her injury allows.
when you finally get back, you take her shirt off fully, removing the rushed bandage job you did and beginning to clean it properly with the rubbing alcohol you have hidden under the stone tiles of your shared room.
she hisses at the first touch, but you slap her hand away, focused on cleaning the wound perfectly. 2 weeks wouldn't be enough for it to heal before she has to fight again.
"you shouldn't have done that." she squeezes out.
"why not?"
"he's not going to go easy on you in weapons training tomorrow."
you scoff, "what's the point of even going to those classes anymore? we're all going to die in 2 weeks. and they need to make a big spectacle out of it so it's not like they’re going to prematurely kill us. these trackers are empty threats. at least for now."
"you're not going to die y/n."
you finally look up at her, she's wearing the same look she had when she first warned you about them, about the evils in the world you lived in.
you go back to dabbing at her wound "neither will you then."
momo groans heavily, "don't do that."
"do what?"
"try and protect me."
"that's what you've done my whole life."
"but that's because-" she pauses, wincing as you finish cleaning her up, grabbing the needle and stitching thread.
"because what?"
"you know..." she mumbles, hissing again when the needle enters her skin.
"i don't."
she's silent, watching you piece her back together like you have so many times in the past. once you're done stitching her up, you grab fresh bandages, tying her up again. and then you hesitate, but you're leaning down before you know it, kissing the bandaged patch of skin softly.
"y/n..." momo breathes out.
you stand back up, going to the bathroom to wash your hands. you hear her struggling to get out of bed and follow you, ultimately only succeeding in pushing herself up into a seated position. you sigh, grabbing a clean washcloth and putting it under some water, heading back into the room to start wiping her face, then body. you're not shy with each other, you've been together for almost 10 years now, half your lives. you've seen each other in every state of undress, been through every life stage together, had your first periods, first kisses, first times with each other.
she normally is more stubborn in letting you clean up after her, claiming she can do everything herself but always ending up needing your help, but this time, with the news fresh on both your minds, she's too tired to argue.
by the time you're done and you've curled up in bed next to her, squeezed together on the little single you've shared since you were 16 and moved out of the barnyard, her eyes are drooping and her breathing is laboured with fatigue and maybe also from blood loss.
you're careful not to aggravate her new wounds, wrapping an arm around her hips, a little lower than normal, nuzzling into her shoulder.
you think she’s fallen asleep, but after some time, she speaks up, “i would’ve won.”
you snort, “against the captain?”
“you were on the floor bleeding out.”
“he cheated.”
“oh really?” your voice is sarcastic, you look up at her from your spot in her neck, suppressing your laughter at the determined look on her face, a little crease between her eyebrows visible.
“yeah. it was only meant to be sword to sword. he had a second dagger up his sleeve. that’s what really got me.”
you trace her hip lightly, humming.
“you believe me right?” she looks down at you, eyebrows furrowed.
you giggle, caressing her chin, “yes i do momo.”
“good.” she huffs, looking away to stare at the ceiling again.
you stare at her profile, her full lips, a little chapped, the tiny scar right under her right ear from when you were forced to spar one another and she made you cut her so that the fight could end quicker, the slant of her nose. if you knew what love was, you’d probably love momo.
“i was serious you know. you’re not dying.”
“i was too. if i don’t die than you don’t either. we’ll both get through.”
she sighs, hand coming to rest on the back of your head, “you know that’s not likely. we’re the youngest. all the others have more experience, most have actually been on missions, if we work together than at least one of us can get through. and it’s going to be you.”
you’re quiet, still studying her face. you knew she was too stubborn to change her mind after it’s made, there was no use arguing with her.
“do you remember that time we snuck upstairs and saw all those people and heard��� music?”
she smiles, “it was so interesting. seeing people have fun like that. what did they call it? dancing?”
“they seemed so carefree. like they didn’t know war was going on outside the walls.”
“there was no point to what they were doing. just moving around, there was no productive purpose. it was so different to everything we’ve been taught.”
momo hums, “i’d like to try it one day. maybe when the war is over. when we can afford to be that relaxed and let our bodies go, listen to music and laugh and dance.”
“what if you suck?”
momo looks down at you in abhorrence “i would not!”
“what if you don’t know how to listen to music and you trip and fall in front of everyone?”
“i’d be amazing. people would be lining up to dance with me.”
you laugh, rolling your eyes at her.
“i’d save the first one for you though.”
you almost didn’t catch it.
you inhale in her neck, taking in her scent, “no thanks. i don’t want to trip over your clumsy feet.”
momo whines, slapping you lightly while you laugh again, curling into her even more.
she was the only one who could make you laugh, who brought joy back into your life after your family was killed. as far as you were concerned, she was the only important thing left in your life worth fighting for.
you were right. you decided to stay in with momo over the next fortnight, and no one came and bothered you about it. none of your instructors, none of the other kids, though you could understand that, you were expected to kill each other all very soon anyway, it was best to eliminate as much connection as possible before the battle.
you tended to momo's injuries, only leaving your room to grab your rations and steal some more medical supplies. on the third day, she's able to walk around again against your better judgement, and by the fifth, she's asking you to spar with her to practice before the fighting.
you're only convinced after she promises to tell you if anything hurts too much, and to eat half of your rations so that she could get stronger in less time.
she's basically back in shape at the end of the fortnight, although she's made it known she plans on protecting you once the fighting starts, you've secretly told yourself you'll be the one watching out for her.
"they're loud aren't they?"
"it'll be the first time we'll have seen normal people since... i don't even remember how long ago."
"yeah. the first time we'll see the sun too. or not if it rains. god remember how it felt when it rained? how it sounded?"
you try and block out the other kids milling about the waiting room, it was you or them, you couldn't humanise them, couldn't listen to them talk about their struggles, it'd just make it that much harder to kill them.
there's a tap on your shoulder.
you look up, seeing momo smiling, donned up in the light armour they've provided that only covers your chest and back. she sits next to you, your hands just barely touching.
"you ready?"
you grunt, not bothering to give a proper response.
"that good huh?"
you shoot her a look, rolling your eyes.
"chill. i got your back."
"that's exactly why i'm not excited for this." you grumble.
momo frowns, you had kept most of your complaints to yourself, but now that you were minutes away from actually having to start fighting for your life, you were a little less filtered.
"what is that supposed to mean?"
"i wish you'd let me protect you too."
"it's fine. i get it. it's whatever, just focus on not getting yourself killed momo." you start to stand, not being able to sit so close to her knowing that you might not be able to see her again, but she pulls on your hand.
you sigh, only weak for her.
"just promise me you'll try. if you- if you die because of me i don't know how i can keep living knowing that." you say softly, still refusing to look her in the eye.
you feel her standing, and then she's wrapping her arms around your midriff, sneaking inside your armour to hold you. you tense up immediately, aware of how this must look. you'd kept whatever you were a secret from everyone else, afraid they'd use your relationship against you, but you were minutes away from possibly never seeing her again, so you throw caution to the wind, letting her hug you.
"i promise. but if you win and i don't-"
"don't say that."
she ignores you, "if you win and i don't, i want you to keep surviving. can you promise me that?"
you sigh, leaning back against her slightly, reveling in the closeness for possibly the last time. "... i promise."
and before you know it, you're being herded out, hot sun beating down on your patchy, grimy faces, bloodlust and screaming oozing from the crowd in the colosseum. you wondered if they knew what you'd been through. who you were. or if they just thought you were another run of the mill knight squad that was chosen to represent the kingdom. you don't have that much time to think over such useless thoughts though, because a loud horn is being sounded and the fighting begins.
you whip into action immediately, lurching for the closest weapon you see. unfortunately, one of the other kids has the same idea, and now you're both tugging on the ends of a spear.
the pointed end is facing the other kid though, so you pull for a little, and then when you're sure he's pulling with as much strength as he can, you charge forward, impaling him, then yanking it back out, whipping the spear around in a circle around you to quickly get a grasp of your surroundings while creating a perimeter where no one could attack.
the blood is bright red on the end of your spear, and you cringe a little, suddenly recalling all the memories you had with the boy, sammy, 3 years older than you and momo, the one who helped momo down from the platformed sparring arena 2 weeks ago, dead.
you spot momo a few meters away, also engaged in a fight with one of the older boys, alex, 6 years older than you, split his rations with you when you were punished that time for showing up late to training. momo cuts him down with her sword. dead.
she looks around hurriedly, assessing the situation. you catch her eye very briefly before someone's charging at you with a battering shield. you use the long end of your spear to hoist yourself up and over them like a javelin, letting their heavy shield carry them forward, unable to change direction. you land on both your feet, quickly turning around and stabbing them in the back, yanking back out. han, 4 years older than you, your first ever sparring partner. dead.
you catch sight of an arrow whizzing past your head, straight in momo's direction.
you know momo can dodge it, so you follow the direction from where it was shot from, quickly running forward while he's distracted nocking another arrow in, swinging your spear so it whacks him in the side. he drops the bow and arrow in pain, and before he can put his hand out to defend himself, you're thrusting the spear straight through his neck, blood spurting out and colouring your silver breastplate. robin, 4 years older than you, taught you how to read, dead.
the adrenaline is running, you don't have time to mourn, only to find the next victim before they find you.
eventually, you find yourself back to back with momo, covering each other's blind spots while you fight in perfect harmony. the others knew you were close, they probably didn't know you had practiced dueling for more hours than you'd slept. you knew each other like you knew the sun rose every day.
you've been able to completely block out the cheering and the spectators, only focused on surviving. they'd underestimated the two of you. the youngest, the least experienced, but the ones that spent the most time together, the ones that corrected each other's every weakness in the training field while the older kids were out on missions or stakeouts where they couldn't hone their skills. every second counted. and they realised that now as they lost their lives one by one.
it's down to five of you. no, four, momo just stabbed through kim, the oldest girl, the one who taught you both what to do when you first started bleeding between your legs, dead.
the last two boys are the ones you'd thought would win. the eldest, leo, and his brother, kenny. they were orphaned together, and have spent just as much, if not more time together training as you and momo have. your breathing is coming in a lot harder now, huffing with effort, you're honestly grateful you and momo have survived for this long.
then they're running at you, swords pointed, ready to strike. you both parry them, the clanging of metal against metal ringing in your ears while you take kenny and momo starts fighting leo.
you push kenny backwards so that you're not in momo's way in case she pulls bigger moves, and so she doesn't have to watch your back in case leo tries to kill you when you're not looking. you no longer have to worry about keeping your eyes everywhere now, because everyone else was dead and momo was keeping leo occupied. so you focused your all into killing kenny.
you'd swapped your spear for a sword earlier on, preferring the larger blade than the distance necessitated accuracy a spear requires. you stab and slice and manage to get him to the edge of the colosseum, almost in the shadows when he finally runs out of space to back up. but he remains persistent, parrying every strike, blocking every advance. it would be a battle of endurance. so you grit your teeth and keep attacking, watching his every movement. it's worth it, because you catch the slightest falter in his back foot, and you take advantage of it immediately, darting forward and ducking under his swipe, forcing him to move his weight onto his back foot which was already placed wrong, so he loses his footing for a second, long enough for you to yank the hilt of his sword towards you, letting it flip up in the air before catching it with your left hand, then sending both through his head with a vicious thrust.
you're heaving, stepping on his breastplate to pull the swords back out, turning on your heel and squinting through the blood and sweat to see momo, still holding her own against leo. they both don't seem to notice you've won, so you bound forwards, grateful for your smaller stature and lighter frame, your footsteps not louder than the crowd or the clashing of metal for them to hear you coming.
you catch momo's eye very briefly, a signal flashing between you both before she starts advancing more aggressively, pushing leo backwards where you're waiting. you bring both your swords up and in front of his neck, slicing downwards and slitting his throat open. he drops his sword, clutching at his neck and falling to the ground, bleeding out.
you breathe, and breathe, and breathe, huffing, sweating, exhausted, your mind still playing catch up to the physical atrocities you just forced your body into. momo is in a similar state, hair sticking up in funny places where sweat has collected, fresh blood on her cheek and her arms and legs from cuts and wounds of fighting and killing the other 18 people you'd grown up with.
you can't hear the announcer's voice, sounding out around the stadium, announcing your names, the two that would be moving forward. your ears are only slowly starting to take in the cheering that you'd blocked out.
"-know you guys aren't satisfied yet! so we prepared a special surprise too!"
you blink up through your eyelashes, squinting at the announcer in his little podium box above the colosseum.
"there is actually only meant to be one representative from each kingdom! we've watched these two fight side by side, a killing machine but the joke's on them! now they're going to duke it out to find out who really is the strongest of them all! and have the honour of leading our kingdom to victory in the upcoming kingdoms clash!"
it's like time stops. you can feel every heartbeat, every breath coming in and out of your body, every painful blink as you stare at momo, mouth hanging open, swords clutched tightly by your sides.
she doesn't let you finish saying her name, lashing forwards with a yell, swinging her sword down hard. you're barely able to defend yourself, metal finding skin as she cuts your arm when you bring both swords to push against hers. her eyes are overcome with rage, you're not sure if it's at you, or the kingdom, or if she's just been blindsided by all the people she's killed.
you yell out, trying to get her attention, trying to shake some sense into her, parrying off each of her attacks that only get rougher and rougher. your hearing has come back fully now, you can see the laughter, the glee, the bloodlust in each of the citizen's faces. you didn't care if they knew you were slaves or knights from the beginning, the fact that they were finding enjoyment in this was proof of their cruelty enough.
you're distracted, head fuzzy, still playing catch up, still not really understanding that there would only be one person leaving the battlefield today. you keep begging, crying out to her, to the girl who protected you from day 1, who held you as you cried in bed each night missing your parents, who fought people twice your age and size to defend you, who loved you when you thought you'd never feel love again.
she has you on your stomach now, arms pressed behind your back, your swords long forgotten. it would be over soon. she would win. you were okay with that. you protected her. she would live. if you had to die for momo to live, so be it.
you close your eyes, memories of you and momo flashing through your head when there's a searing pain in your neck, she's cut open. you can see momo and you kiss for the first time, curious what it felt like after seeing two of the older kids doing it, you see momo sneaking into the kitchen with you in hand, shoving grubby handfuls of food into the makeshift basket you had weaved together using your old clothes, you see momo cry for the first time, hiding from you under the covers, trying to make herself as small as possible, as quiet as possible, not wanting you to think she was anything but your protector, you see it all.
and then there's a blinding light.
you can hear her too, her voice.
"this isn’t your fault. remember your promise. i love you."
you blink, eyes adjusting, and with horror, you wipe at your eyes, blood smearing across your skin, not your blood. momo coughs up more red bile in your face, smiling still, impaled on top of her own sword that was now somehow in your hands. her eyes are no longer empty, not like they were when she was advancing on you, they were full of life, of love, they were the same eyes that looked at you when you woke up in the morning, the same eyes that watched you when you fell asleep, soft and tender, devoid of the pains you'd experienced.
you scramble upwards, only impaling the sword in her chest deeper, she coughs again.
"momo- no no no you can't- what have you done- oh god-" you cradle her face in your hands, tears leaking out of your eyes, staring down in disbelief at the chunk of metal that went in through her chest and out through her back.
she coughs again, resting her forehead against yours, closing her eyes, still smiling.
"y/n… dance for me." her last words, whispered hoarsely against your lips, before her breathing stops, the only air moving between you is your own heavy breaths, shuddering, crying, sobbing, hugging her lifeless body against yours, wondering how everything could've gone so wrong.
they'll pull her away from you later, when the crowd gets bored watching a little girl grow hysterical over losing the one thing that ever mattered to her.
you'll scream and kick at them, clinging onto momo's dead body, pleading to spend more time with her, to mourn her. but they'll push you down, carrying you away like the first time they carried you away from momo, except this time she wasn't wide-eyed and teary with concern, she was gone.
they'll throw you back in the room you shared with momo, locking you inside while you pounded away at the door, hands bloody, face still spattered with momo's blood.
when you finally accept that no one was coming, you'll slump down, afraid to look around the room that reminded you of her, cradling your head in your hands, knees to your chest. your fingers will brush through your hair like she used to when she thought you were asleep, they'll meet fleshy, wet, skin at the back of your neck when your nails dig harshly into your hair and neck.
you'll blink, confused, inspecting your fingers at the fresh blood that coated them. you'll bring your hand to the back of your neck again, feeling around. the lump was gone.
with wide eyes, you'll realise the stinging pain you felt when you thought you were dying, was momo digging the tracker out of your neck. she had fought you so aggressively on purpose, gotten you on your stomach on purpose, all so she could free you before killing herself, making it look like you had turned the tables, like you had pulled her weapon away from her and stabbed it through her chest.
she freed you.
you were no longer a slave to the kingdom.
you'll purse your lips, resigning yourself to a new goal. you were going to get revenge for everything they'd ever done to you, to momo, to all 30 of the original kids that they orphaned. and you would dance, imagining momo dancing with you. you should've told her you thought she'd be the most brilliant dancer to have ever breathed.
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jessicaloons · 1 year
Masterlist - Invisible String
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Charles Leclerc. Lizzie Doetterer. Childhood best friends. But maybe even more…
New Chapters every Sunday (or rather I try to upload every Sunday 🙈)!
I’m starting a taglist. If you want to be added to it, drop a comment!
Meet the characters down below!
1. Just to learn that my dreams aren’t rare
2. Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you
3. I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser
4. Saying goodbye is death by a thousand cuts
5. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye, you were bigger than the whole sky
6. Because these things will change, can you feel it now?
7. All that bloodshed, crimson clover…
8. I can tell that it’s gonna be a long road
9. And when we go crashing down we come back every time
10. You been stressed out lately. Yeah, me too
11. ‘Cause it’s all over, it’s not meant to be
12. They think that it’s over but it’s just begun
13. But I come back stronger than a ‘90s trend
14. And it’s coming over you like it’s all a big mistake
15. You can see it with the lights out: You are in love
16. The devil’s in the details, but you got a friend in me
17. But there was one prize I’d cheat to win
18. You learn my secrets and you figure out why I’m guarded
19. Kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain
20.1 Ask me what I learned from all those years
20.2 Ask me what I earned from all those tears
21. I had the shiniest wheels, now they’re rusting
22. ‘Cause baby, now we got bad blood, You know it used to be mad love
23.1 Freedom felt like summer then, on the coast
23.2 Freedom felt like summer then, on the coast
24. Every time you call me crazy I get more crazy
25. The world moves on, another day another drama
26. I swear I don’t love the drama, it loves me
27. But the story of us might be ending soon
28. I can't find a pulse, my heart won't start anymore
29. 'Cause you kiss me and it stops time
30. It was the end of a decade, but the start of an age
31. I watched it begin again
32. Don’t say I didn’t, say I didn’t warn ya
33. The rumours are terrible and cruel
34. My knuckles were bruised like violets
35. I’m standing on a tightrope, alone
36. I can do it with a broken heart
37. I think I am finally clean
38. You gotta step into the daylight and let it go
39. Don’t blame me, love made me crazy
40. And some things you just can’t speak about
41. I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with Paper Rings
42. Put it on the one people put wedding rings on
43. What if your eyes looked up and met mine, one more time?
44. Sometimes walking out is the one thing, that will find you the right thing
45. Just breathe, just relax, it’ll be OK
46. You play stupid Games, You win stupid Prizes
47. When the truth comes out, it’s quiet
48. Am I allowed to cry?
49. All's well that ends well to end up with you
50. All along there was some Invisible String tying you to me
51. And why I’ve spent my whole life trying to put it into words
52. Long live the walls we crashed through - I have the time of my life, with you
Part 1 | Part 2
Meet the character’s of Invisible String:
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dollfaceksj · 10 months
clover :( omfg …. oc .. i 😞 and jun 😥😥
a/n: read up on this post to learn about my semi-hiatus and what it means for cal
can’t afford love | myg (m) #21
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a yelp leaves your mouth at hearing the news
there’s no way
God please
you almost drop to your knees but instead bend over to hold onto your nightstand
you shake your head like a maniac. “no, that’s impossible, mom. he hasn’t had one in 10 months, the doctors said he’d grown out of it!” you wiggle out of your bathrobe and throw a shirt on, a stark contrast in the things that you’re saying
yoongi looks concerned, very concerned as he reaches for his jacket and keys, copying you
just by your words, he knows what this is about
“stop arguing with me and get here! 3rd floor.”
that’s the last you hear of your mom before she hangs up
you freeze
phone in your hands drops to the floor with a loud clatter as you bend over and let out a blood curdling scream
yoongi instantly reaches for you and holds you tightly as he shakes your frame slightly. “jun needs us right now. we need to go.”
you take a deep breath in as you try to calm yourself and glance up at him
his own hands are shaking
his own throat is dry
his own eyes are wide in horror
but he’s staying calm to keep you calm
you quickly nod your head and sniff as you head into the hallway, not even taking a jacket as you forcefully shove your feet into some slippers and reach for the keys that are tossed onto the accent table by your front door
you swing the door open and strut out, hitting the elevator button repeatedly but giving up and heading for the stairs
yoongi appears behind you after you hear your apartment door shut loudly
he drapes a coat over your shoulders once you reach the ground floor and he pulls you to his car. “i’ll drive us there.”
he went and got you a coat when you rushed out the door
you don’t protest as you get into the passenger seat
yoongi gets into his car quickly after and sighs softly. “put your seatbelt on.”
you fumble with the belt as yoongi puts on his own and quickly accelerates onto the road
it doesn’t take long for him to reach the hospital your mother works at
he parks messily by the entrance and you both jump out of the car as you run into the hospital
heading for the elevators, like a prayer was heard, there’s one wide open
you hop right into it with yoongi by your side and slam the 3rd floor button impatiently, panting loudly
when you keep doing it, yoongi grips your wrist and pulls it back. “hey, hey. what did we learn?”
he makes you look at him
and you do
you take a deep breath in through your nose and breathe out of your mouth
he nods in encouragement, slightly bending his knees to be eye level with you
“that’s it. again.”
you obey
you obey.
by the time you want to do it a 4th time, the doors open and you’ve arrived on the third floor
you run up to the lady behind the counter to demand the location of your son but before you can do that, you hear your mother calling your name
you turn to look at her and notice she’s in her nurse uniform
you run up to her with yoongi in your wake and she walks you to jun’s room
as you approach the room, you see him
your son
your sun
your life
jun sits upright on the bed, holding an airplane toy, playing with it
this is when the tears finally burst out of you
you run up to him in his bed and pick him up
hugging his tiny, frail body, not caring about all the wires attached to him
“oh, baby. i love you so much. i love you so much. mommy was so scared.”
you sniff as you set him down again, happy to see him be himself once again
“mommy, no crying. more toys.” he says, attempting to wipe your tears with his fists
you hear yoongi and your mother chatting in the back for a little while as yoongi approaches you and jun
he kneels besides jun’s bed and ruffles through his hair. “how’s my little dumpling?”
he spends some time chatting with jun whilst you turn to look at your mom
“they wanna keep him overnight. him having a seizure after he supposedly has grown out of them is enough to do some more research and tests.”
you shake your head. “then i’m staying.”
“baby, you look a mess. i’ll be here with him. you need to go home and sleep.”
“i don’t want to go home, mom. i’m not leaving my child in a hospital all alone overni–”
“he’s not alone, he’s with me. i promise he’s in good hands, especially since i’m overlooking him as well. you have nothing to worry about.” your mom reaches out to rub your shoulders
you deeply sigh. you really don’t want to leave jun
“as of now, he’s completely back to normal, everything’s okay. nothing’s out of the ordinary. it’s like it didn’t even happen. they just want to make sure and run some more tests. i’ll bring him to you myself tomorrow. he needs to sleep now.”
you rub your forehead in frustration and glare at the ceiling.
you turn to look back at jun, approaching him and yoongi and listening in on their talk mid-convo
“and then, i yelled ‘aren’t you spiderman?’ and he looked at me. waved and told me to keep quiet before he disappeared again. we’re pretty much friends now. do you want to meet him one day?”
you hear yoongi telling one of his bullshit stories that jun loves and watch jun eagerly nodding his head
“okay, i’ll ask if you can meet him. but you’re gonna have to be a good boy, okay? spiderman doesn’t like bad kids.”
jun nods again and claps his chubby hands in excitement
you kneel next to the bed as well and explain the situation to yoongi
“yeah, your mom told me.” he rubs jun’s cheeks as his small hands play with the airplane’s wings
you sigh and rise to your feet. “i at least want to stay until he falls asleep.”
“he’s not going to sleep if you two are here,” your mother interrupts
“then why did you even ask me here?”
your mother says, “i didn’t know he was going to wake up. he was sound asleep until 10 minutes ago.”
you know you trust your mom with your son
your mother is a nurse and you’re happy he was with her when it happened, at least
you rub your hairline and look over to jun. “mommy’s gonna make your favorite tomorrow, okay? then we’ll have loads of sweets. you okay with that?” you whisper to him, pressing your lips to his forehead
he nods his head as he continues to play with his airplane
“okay. be good to grammy, okay?” yoongi asks him whilst caressing the back of jun’s head
jun simply nods again and then yawns
your heart aches
you really don’t want to leave
“c’mon,” yoongi whispers to you when he notices you refuse to move an inch
you sniff quietly. “give me a second.”
he grants your wish.
after a few more moments you turn to your mom. “please, put spongebob on for him. he’ll fall asleep right away if he keeps watching now.”
your mother nods and hugs you
yoongi bows his head to her and kisses her forehead before exiting the room with you by his side
jun’s not even paying attention to you once the tv shows spongebob, his big eyes focused on the tv that hangs from the ceiling
you sigh shakily before exiting the building in silence
the ride home is silent too
and upon arriving home, yoongi doesn’t unbuckle his seatbelt when he parks in front of your apartment building
doesn’t turn off the engine either
you move to unbuckle your seatbelt really slow
yoongi is the first to break the silence. “i’ll come for dinner with jun tomorrow too, if that’s okay.”
you simply nod as you let go of the seatbelt and listen to it snap back in place
and it’s quiet again
really quiet
you don’t want him to leave
are you
gonna do it?
or no?
to be continued.
— enjoyed it? you can always show your appreciation by buying me some coffee if you want ☕︎♡
@pamzn @jknoah @ahgasegotarmy116 @jaiuneamesolitaiire @Teddytaee @pnkmyg @yoongallery @agustdswifey @purp13st4r @busanstarkoo @busanboykoo @kookssecret @p34rluv @xumyboo @jojowantstocry @minjenna @codeinebelle @Futuristiclovedreamland @rirushu @taegicity @namgihours @ultminyoongi @swinterr @butterymin @partyparty-yah @bettybloop @secfir @coffeedepressionsoup @keroppitae @manuosorioh @whoa-jo @etaerealboyv @kaiparkerwifes @luvjiminandyoongi @luvbeomkai @petalsofink @paradiseyoongies @gaby-93 @MMFranklin @llallaaa @vickyyy97 @osakis-gf @luna-astro-star @shabbamadapot @rrrapmonste-rr @jjeonjennie @yoongisducky @s3l3n0phil3 @itsmina29 @namjoonsbuspass @hoseokshobagi @laurenrodr @keshiadeija @acquiescence804 @swga-ficrecs @sato-hana02 @honsoolhour @gaby-93 @kimseokgen @Imene1609 @joonsmagicshop @yunki-yunki-yunki
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spicyclover · 1 year
Pursuit of happiness
Summary: Sometimes, what we need most in life is right before our eyes. 
Hope you’ll enjoy this part. Let me know in the comments section! 
I'm open to requests.
Thank you, and Enjoy! :)
Lots of love, xxx Spicy Clover
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WARNING: mention of smut +16
Fatherhood (the movie) inspiration dialogue
Mick’s life changes so quickly that he never knows how lucky he is. Overnight, he is the father of a beautiful little girl, and the woman of his life leaves him and their newborn without a word, a clue, or anything. They were left to themselves. She left the hospital room without anyone noticing. He collapsed, realizing that he would not see her again. How could his three-year-old girlfriend do this to him? 
He found himself in this hospital room with his little daughter in his arms. His parents hadn’t arrived yet, and Mick didn’t know what to do. We leave him alone in this room, and he watches the tiny face of his flesh. It looks so much like him. She has the same nose and eyes as him, a real Schumacher.
For the first few weeks of his daughter’s life, Corinna came to help him as best she could. Show him the basics and help him stay the course. But eventually, she had to go home like everyone else. Desperate, he definitely needs help. 
“Excuse me,” Mick says, entering the meeting room. 
“Um, I’m sorry. AA is down the hall to the right.”
“I’m not. I’m not here for the AA meeting. That’s not why I’m here. » Mick replies, getting back to the hallway to get the stroller. “She uh. She just went to sleep, but she’s been crying for hours. I mean hours to the point where I’m exhausted. And I don’t know how to break the stroller down. I don’t know how to fold it up.”
“Okay. Well, sorry, but this is a group for new mothers.” Replicates one of the young women sitting on a chair.
“You’re lying. Because on that sign out there, it says “parents.”  I’m a parent, and I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. I don’t have anybody else to talk about this shit. Speaking of shit, the girl’s got some stuff flying out her ass. It’s like a fire hose. I don’t know if it’s normal or not, but it’s two different kinds. She can either hit you with a streamer. That’s when it’s all put together, and it’s- it’s a little solid. And it’s a direct hit. Or she’ll buckshot you. And that’s- that’s that spray. It’s a quick whop! » Mick is entirely exhausted. « I need help. I need the crying to stop. How do I make the crying stop?”
“Okay, uh, it could be colic, and it’s expected in the first couple of months.” The youngest lady in the center says. 
“What’s colic?”
“It’s when the babies cry for an hour on end without reason until it feels like your eyes are about to pop out.” She explains, getting up from her chair to meet him.
“I gave the baby colic.” 
“No, that’s - that’s not how colic works.” Says a mother laughing. 
“I’m not washing my hand, and I’m touching the baby. And that’s how I gave the baby colic.” Mick is stressed and looks with fear at his poor daughter.
“You don’t give a baby colic. It’s more of a digestive thing.” The young woman replies, looking in the stroller to see his daughter's beautiful face. 
“That’s a relief.” 
“Things that might work is white noise, surprisingly.” She says, passing her fingers on the little girl's toes. 
“White noise?”
“White noise.” She says, smiling. “Come on, join us for the rest of the session.”
She moves back to her place and takes another chair next to her, letting him have some space to sit. Freyja enjoyed the rest of the session with the other babies. Mick takes note, learning a lot about everything there is to know about babies and their various problems. He enjoys listening to the mothers; they give him tips and mother him.  After the class, she says goodbye to the others before turning herself to Mick. 
“Mick.” She asks, touching his shoulder. “I’m Y/n.”
“Oh, nice to meet you. Thank you for this session. I learn a lot. When is the next session? Do we have to pay for a feed or something?” 
“No, this is a free meeting for parents in need. The next session his Tuesday night at seven. I’m glad you ask for help. It’s a difficult time, the first few months with a newborn and all. You could also ask the mother to attend the session if you like.” 
“Umm, she died.” He lies, nervously scratching his neck.
“Oh, I’m sorry for your lost.” Her compassionate side is getting a bit overwhelmed. “You’re doing an amazing job, Mick. Don’t be scared, and trust your instinct.” She smiles, locking her gaze on his. Freyja chirps in the arms of her father, happy to be carried. He helps her tidy up the room as best he can, with his baby in his arms, before walking together to the door.
“Why did you choose to do this? Do you have kids?” Mick asks, changing the subject. They walk to the parking, putting Freyja in her car seat. 
“No, I don’t have kids. I’m a midwife. Always worked with babies, and I wanted to help the parents with my expertise and various tips. If you need help with your little Freyja, here is my number. Feel free to call whenever you feel like it. I’ll be a phone call away.” She says, gathering her thing and getting into her car. 
He feels relieved and confident for the first time in a few weeks. Talking to other parents makes him feel better about his ability to deal with all the baby stuff. He went to the other meeting, listening carefully to every detail and tip the mothers would give him. How to feed her properly? How to massage her small body? How to bathe her? Everything a new parent has to learn. 
The weeks passed, and Mick was attentive to each of the classes. Happy to become a better parent for the new love of his life. He is pleased to see her healthy and radiant. He is also delighted to see the beautiful midwife every Tuesday night.
One night, Freyja has been crying for hours on edge. And she starts to be a little warm. Worried, Mick calls Y/n to be sure, making her rush to his apartment. She reassures him by telling him that she must be a little too hot with all the layers of clothes that Mick puts on him, and they sit in the living room to have a drink while Freyja sleeps in the bedroom.
The conversation is going well, and they take this opportunity to get to know each other better. She learns Mick’s trade, and he listens to her talk about her studies and dreams. Signals are exchanged, and the chemistry here’s. Absorbed in their conversation, they don’t hear little Freyja at first.
« Excuse me. » Mick says, worried about his daughter's strange sounds. « Freyja? Freyja gently. What’s wrong with you? You’re choking. » Mick turns on the lights, and Y/n watches the scene worrying about the baby’s noises. « I don’t know what’s wrong with her. » Mick panics and gesticulates in the room, trying to calm Freyja, who starts to cry frantically. « No, but she’s choking right now! She’s choking! She’s choking. » Mick repeats, looking at Y/n, terrified. She tries to calm him down, but nothing to do. Panic seizes him. « What do I do? Call the paramedics? » 
« Wait. Let me see. »
« Okay. I’ll call 911 because right now… Excuse me, but she’s choking. » Mick runs to grab his phone, which stays on the kitchen counter, while Y/n reassures little Freyja as best she can by putting her knowledge to the test. « Yes! Hello? I’m calling you because I have a baby that’s breathing. No, but she’s breathing very, very hard. There, then I need to… Yes, I’m at 56 Greenwich Street. My name is Schumacher. On the door. Schumacher. Yes, like the pilot. » Mick hangs up and can’t help wanting to be close to his daughter. He goes to them and orders Y/n to give him his child.
Y/n remains very calm, and after giving Freyja back, she goes to the bathroom. Turns on the light and opens the hot water valves in the sink and tub. She calls Mick holding her hand to grab his arm when he passes.
The steam of the water rises, and quickly the room is fogged. She takes off her sweater and directs Mick to the cares to follow.
"I think it’s laryngitis, so uh... with water vapour, it moistens the atmosphere. It does her good." She calmly explains by observing him holding the person most precious to her. She is moved. It’s rare to see a father as loving and caring as a little being like that. Rarely in the hospital or outside she sees the love of a father so present for her child. « Speak to her. Speak to her gently. Reassures her. It’s going to be okay, I promise.»
Mick calms down little by little and regains control of his emotions. He approaches his daughter on her bare chest and mumbles reassuring words. He tells her how much he loves her. He is so happy to have her in his life. Little by little, she calms down. The steam helps her to breathe normally, and she moves less and less in her daddy’s arms. Y/n smiles tenderly at this beautiful moment of life she attends. 
Help arrives about ten minutes later, taking Mick to the hospital. Y/n looks at the ambulance in the distance, and Mick smiles tenderly at him before turning his attention to his daughter. He asks her to stay in the apartment for the night, not wanting her to return to her home across town this late at night. 
So she stayed. She waited for them to come back, and around seven am, they did. Freyja is fast asleep in Mick's arms. He puts it in his cradle and joins Y/n, who approaches the door. He walks her down the stairs to be there and stay.
“So you could take me out for coffee. Say, thank you for earlier, you know, like a date.”
“Uhm... I got to go back upstairs.” He quickly says, running back upstairs. 
She stays there quite confused, thinking she was too direct with him. She starts wondering if she read the signals wrong. She waits a few minutes for him to come back, but no. Mick ran away. 
He felt devastated and didn’t know how to deal with this new relationship or whatever this could be. She arrived in his life like a ray of sunshine after the storm or a rainbow after the rain. Frey loved her immediately, but he felt terrible to move on so quickly on Freyja's mother… 
To the next meeting on Tuesday night, Mick went. 
“All right, I think that's all for today. Thank you for coming. There are cookies on the counter. I made them last night if you are interested.” Y/n says, gathering her things and putting the chairs away. She hasn't texted Mick back since he rejected her on Saturday night. 
“Y/n.” Mick asks. “Do you have a moment to talk?” 
“Sure. What is it?” She says, cooing his daughter in his arm. 
“Umm... I’m - I was. Do you want to go on a date with me? You know, like a proper date.”
They went on that date, but Mick never moved, and this tension has been present since then. She became a part of the family. She meets Mick parent’s and sister, and he meets hers. Even with this, neither of them made the move and stayed friends. Nobody knew what was stopping them from actually making a move. Corinna thought about his son's stubbornness to put his daughter first, even in his love life. 
He has loved her since he saw her at this meeting. The moment she stepped up for him when everybody left. Making sure he and Freyja have the best without thinking about her once. Two years passed, and Freyja is now two. They have organized a little party with some family and friends. Everyone was gathered around the little princess, and she was more than spoiled. 
Y/n had made the cake for the second year in a row. Freyja was obsessed with geese. Every time they went to the park, she would see them. The goose-shaped cake, in her words, gently approaches and sings happy birthday to little Freyja, who laughs at the sparkle of seeing her favourite animal on her cake. She reaches out and wiggles in her high chair. Y/n puts the cake down, and everyone cheers once she can extinguish all the candles, with obviously Mick’s help behind her.
Y/n stands next to Mick quite naturally. Mick’s heart gets excited, and he smiles at her. He has eyes only for her. He watches the bursts in his eyes illumine his soul. She emanates warmth and a sensation of happiness that takes hold of Mick. He does not hesitate this time. He gently grabs her face between his hands and kisses her lips softly. Her lips that he so often dreams of kissing, of feeling against him. He kisses her in front of all the guests, who utter an exclamation of contentment. Finally, they dared to do so.
They officialized for the public a few weeks later, making everyone happy.
Four years later... 
Four years passed. Four years of happiness and joy in this small family of three. They recently moved to Switzerland to be closer to Mick’s family and allow his father to see Freyja as often as possible. Freyja grew up well. She went back to kindergarten, and everyone loved her. The fans are in adoration at her little angel face. She accompanies from time to time with her mom Y/n her dad to the races. They stay in the garage or hospitality and watch the cars roll, or mechanics do their work.
She loves everything that has to do with her dad’s job. She wants to do everything like him, and sometimes Y/n must be the less cool parent not to allow Mick to take his daughter with him while he goes 90 km karting.
Mick couldn’t be more in love. He’s been living the perfect romance since he met her, and he’s happy to have dared to take the first step. It allows him to have this extraordinary woman at his side. He wakes beside her every morning and doesn’t want to be elsewhere. In his arms for eternity with Freyja in the middle. At this thought, Mick smiles and opens the door of the room. They came home from dinner with a friend and took off her dress. It slides along her body before reaching the ground. She reveals your generous curves, and Mick feels himself growing.
She unpacks your jewelry and puts it back in your jewelry box. Concentrating, she doesn’t notice the presence of Mick, and she jumps when she feels his arms around her waist and his erection in her lower back. His lips rest on her neck, and she takes a deep breath. His name is stuck in her mouth, and she moans.
His hands caress her body and find the warmth of her crotch.
“Take your shirt off. Let me see your muscle.” She whimpers, leaning against him. 
Mick giggles at her words but obeys her order. He slowly pulls his shirt over his hand and lets it fall on the floor. He
Mick forces her to kneel down. He pulls down his own pants quickly and smiles. Mick didn’t have to say anything. Y/n is already getting closer. She drops his boxer and caresses his rod, hard as a rock. 
She brings her mouth closer and swallows his dick, tearing Mick a deep moan of pleasure. She bites him lightly and caresses him tirelessly with her tongue. Mick gives small pelvis strokes to encourage him to continue this sweet torture. She feels him moaning again before he empties himself entirely into her mouth. She does not let go and swallows the liquid greedily. Little white nets escape, but Mick catches them by spreading them on his girlfriend’s face. “Oh, how he likes to have her between his legs.”
There’s nothing Mick likes more than seeing her filled with him. Literally, since the beginning of their love relationship, he has not stopped thinking about the idea of getting her pregnant. Pregnant with her child. He wants to start a family and have that experience with her. He likes to remove his condo from relationships from time to time; to live at risk. He loves to feel her so close to him. Pushing himself into her, making her moan his name. 
That’s why after last night's event, when he wakes up to an empty bed, he’s confused. He’s still in the haze of last night. His body is sore, and he can’t amazing how she’s doing. To be honest, he wonders how she even got out of bed this morning. Early this morning, he had to take care of her and actually take her to the bathroom because she couldn’t do it herself. Her legs were shaking, and she couldn’t stand properly. They giggled at the situation before they went to sleep.
Mick sits on the bed, and he hears laughs coming from the kitchen. He gets up and tiptoes. Smiling to the sound of his girls. Leaning on the doorframe, seeing his girlfriend helped by his daughter making crêpes. He knew at this moment he didn’t make the wrong choice to let her into his life. To let her be his wife. The mother of his child. The love in her eyes is more visible than anything. 
He loves her. 
He loves the way she laughs. 
He loves the way she looks at him. 
He loves the way she takes care of Freyja. 
He loves the way she speaks to him. 
He loves. 
He loves her. 
That was when he really knew. That morning, after an incredible night of love, seeing her with his daughter like she is her own. Laughing and cooking. Sharing and caring. He knows she is the one. 
(Side notes)
Long overdue request, but I’m finally content with the way I wrote it! Hope you like it, and can’t wait to receive more of those amazing requests. 
Lots of love, Spicy Clover <3
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hughesmedicine · 1 year
baby announcement | q. hughes
part of the mount everest au🏔️
quinn hughes x !zegras reader (clover is her nickname and what she will go by in this au)
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liked by _quinnhughes, trevorzegras, lhughes_06 and others.
cloverzegras can’t wait to meet our girl in september🩷
tagged _quinnhughes
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_quinnhughes these 6 months need to go by fast, I can’t wait to hold our little girl and admire her forever🩷
cloverzegras she’ll have the best dad ever🩷
lhughes_06 you mean to tell me there’s a possibility my niece can be born on my birthday?!🥹
cloverzegras yes and i hope she is!! I guarantee you’ll be her favorite uncle!
trevorzegras what the fuck???
jackhughes I hope she’s not born on your birthday!!!
lhughes_06 @/jackhughes your jealousy is showing bro
jackhughes shut the fuck up.
lhughes_06 grouchy much.
trevorzegras I can’t believe imma be an uncle and we’re gonna be related soon!🥹 @/jackhughes
jackhughes I know dude I can’t wait! Hopefully quinn pops the question soon!
cloverzegras woah slow down there, there’s no engagement happening for a while 😭
_quinnhughes what she said, we’re not ready and we want to focus on everest first
jackhughes ugh fine but hurry up, z and I need to celebrate it
cloverzegras I’m slapping you
elblue6 can’t wait to meet my granddaughter, she’ll have the most amazing parents ever🥹🩷
cloverzegras I’m sobbing omg momma el I love you😭🩷 she’s gonna have the best grandparents ever
colecaulfield I think the best uncle is gonna be me so fuck you all!
_alexturcotte there’s no way you’ll be the favorite uncle like that’s impossible?? It’s gonna be me obviously
trevorzegras you guys aren’t even her real uncles so like it’ll be neither of you!
jackhughes exactly! It’s either gonna be me Luke or trevor
cloverzegras and we all know it’s gonna be luke
lhughes_06 ha suck it! I’m gonna be the favorite uncle!💃I’m gonna be the favorite uncle!🕺
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liked by cloverzegras, colemward, eliaspettersson and others.
_quinnhughes excited to do this with you forever🩷
tagged cloverzegras
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cloverzegras forever with you and our girl🩷
_quinnhughes can’t wait💙
jackhughes you guys make me sick but im so happy for you guys and I know this kid will have the most amazing parents ever. I love you both so much.
cloverzegras she’s gonna have an amazing but annoying uncle and couldn’t have asked for a better one than you j💙
jackhughes okay you do know how to make a grown man cry.
colemcward I’ll be back in Vancouver when it’s her due date!
cloverzegras you better!! I’ll need my son at the hospital with me
colemcward how about I fly out earlier then? I’ll have to reset up my room and I can help with everests!
_quinnhughes why did I forget he lived with us.
cloverzegras you forgot your son lived with us??? you’re on the couch sir, cole can room with me and you have to set up his room before he gets here!
colemcward mom and everest sleepover woohoo!!
_quinnhughes kicking him out
cloverzegras you can’t do that so ha!
eliaspettersson happy for you both! uncle elias will be getting her a jersey immediately (it’s already on the way, I couldn’t help but order it once you told me!)
cloverzegras stop are you serious?? I need you to tell me when it arrives so I can be over there with you!
eliaspettersson will do clov!
elblue6 clover hun you look gorgeous 💙 can’t wait to see how you guys blossom into parents together. So glad Quinn found the one for him forever.
cloverzegras 2 times momma el has made me cry in the last hours😭 best grandma ever but thank you!🫶🏻(don’t tell my mom I said this)
trevorzegras ha I’m telling mom!
cloverzegras and I’ll kick you in the shin!
_quinnhughes thank you mom I’m glad I did too💙
sorry it’s short! started running out of ideas but I hope you guys love the start of this series!🫶🏻
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zedleaked · 9 months
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courtclover · 2 years
idk why but my fav thing when it comes to fg is clover touching qrow’ face 
he can be doing whatever like wiping away tears (or blood), cupping his cheeks, lifting his chin, shaving his beard, fixing up his wounds etc 
like it’s been such a long time since anyone touched qrow in a caring way (and just in a caring way with no sexual or intimate connotation with it) and i think that’s one of the ways that clover’s kindness really punches the air out of qrow’s lungs yknow 
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bones4thecats · 7 months
What If They Had A Mushu Inspired! S/O?
Type of Writing: #8 - Poll Result Characters: Trey Clover, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, and Ruggie Bucchi Name: What If They Had A Mushu Inspired! S/O? Original Poll Link: Here
A/N: This is kinda like if they were to comfort them for their actions that got them sent to Night Raven College. Basically the events they caused are kinda like what happened in Mulan II
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🧁 He was surprised to see you walking through the halls of Night Raven College, as you were once a strong-standing member of Royal Sword Academy
🧁 Unsurprisingly, you were organized into Scarabia, due to how you could think on your feet relatively well, but, you loved spending time in Heartslabyul to annoy their housewarden
🧁 Trey had noticed that one day you had not showed up to annoy the leader, so, he set his sights for Scarabia, and when he spoke to Jamil and learned you hadn't come out of your room and not touched the food he left by your door, your boyfriend got concerned
🧁 He thanked Jamil and bee-lined for your room, and once he arrived, he noticed three different containers of Jamil's cooking. And they were all untouched, a slight layer of dust remaining on the bottom two
🧁 Grabbing the boxes and knocking on your door, he voiced how he was coming inside, since he had no reply for a good solid minute
🧁 Trey expected to see you doing something dumb, maybe you were waiting for someone to get annoyed and come in to scare them, you were kinda like Lilia in that way
🧁 But, when you didn't and he noticed a humanoid-lump underneath your bed sheets, his face shifted from calm to concerned, he had never seen you without some kind of energy or happiness
" My dear? Are you alright? "
🧁 He laid the three boxes down on your desk and sat down on your bedside, lightly grabbing your sheets and pulling them back. And when he saw your puffy red eyes, his heart stopped
" Oh Sevens, what's wrong? " " Trey... am I a horrible person?... " " ... What do you mean? Why would you feel the need to ask me this? " " Think about it! I lost one measly spot in my dorm at RSA and because I felt I deserved that spot more, I separated the two people that actually stayed by my side for years! "
🧁 Trey flinched lightly at your yelling, it was full of regret and sadness, how long has this plagued your thoughts?
🧁 He wrapped his arms around your form, making your lay down on his chest and he rubbed your head, allowing you to stay quiet for as long as you wanted. When you wanted to talk more, you can. But, for now, he'll let you cry as much as you need
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🪅 Ace was used to playing pranks with you, since you would care-less what many thought of your actions
🪅 You were in dorms that you guys were practically opposites in, his was Heartslabyul and he was a troublemaker, and your's was Scarabia and you were a oblivious person
🪅 So, when you didn't show up one day for first hour, Ace asked the your closest person he knew besides him; Kalim
" Oh N/N? I'm not exactly sure... Jamil said that they're still in their room. He also said that they haven't eaten yet... I'm kinda getting nervous for them, to be honest. "
🪅 Ace looked into the kitchen where your vice-housewarden was, cooking for the dorm's dinner that night, if this was true, he'd see the boxes outside your room
🪅 After thanking his upper-classman, Ace began to make his way towards you room, twirling a pen in between his fingers. This pen you gave him on your first date, and it had a special saying carved into it; " I'm travel-sized for your convenience. "
🪅 He chuckled at that, those were the first words you said to him after showing him your small dragon-form
🪅 Before he realized it, he ran into your door. And, deciding that was his knock, Ace tripped the door open slightly
" Uhm... Y/N? Are ya' in here? You're not dead are you? "
🪅 The sound of sniffles, your sniffles entered his ears and made him freeze and close the door behind him and run to your side, asking you what was wrong
" Am I a bad person, Ace? " " What?! Who told you that?! I'll pummel them into the dirt! "
🪅 Your eyes, pupils thinner than ever and your eyes glowing a bloody red. He has never seen you so angry, or, rather, upset...
" This isn't some kind of damn joke, Ace! This is serious! I mean, for crying out loud... just because my place in my old dorm was taken from my claws... I screwed up the entire balance between the two people who were always there for me... "
🪅 Ace looked down in guilt and concern, he didn't mean to make you more upset by touching you... but, he is good with his words!
" I'm sorry, N/N. But, if you want- do you wanna talk about it? You don't have to if you don't want too! But, just... know I'm here for ya', no matter what. "
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♠️ Deuce is a very big worry-wart when it comes to those he cares for... it's not like he doesn't trust them with their strength, you did take down some Savanaclaw students with one hit, but, this was far different
♠️ You hadn't shown up for any gathering in the past few days, and it was making everyone nervous, since you were always there, waiting to spook them
♠️ After being asked where you were by Yuu for the second time, he grabbed his bag and announced he was going to go find you
♠️ His first stop was your dorm, Scarabia, and once he noticed that Kalim was holding one of your gifts, a necklace with one of your scales on it, and looked sad, he asked the male what was wrong
" N/N hasn't come out of their room all day! They attended classes for a bit, but now we can't even get them to open the door and eat something... I'm getting scared. " " Where's Viper? " " Jamil's delivering them something for a snack, since they haven't eaten any actual meals. " " Thanks, Al-Asim! I'll try helping him out! "
♠️ Once Deuce made it to your room, he saw Jamil there knocking, calling your name over and over, trying to get you to speak back and settle his nerves
♠️ He asked what was going on, in which the vice-housewarden just sighed and rubbed his temple, the box in his hand had a small amount of steam coming from them
" Y/N still hasn't answered me. I've been here for around 5 minutes now, and I have their favorite food; dumplings. I have other things to attend to right now, can you try getting them to open up, Spade? "
♠️ Deuce nodded and grabbed the foods from the man's hand before watching him walk away and to the lobby of the dorm, no doubt going to have to deal with Kalim
♠️ He sighed and began to knock on the door, and after every three tries, he'd press his ear against the wood, trying to hear something inside of there; what if you had left and nobody noticed?
♠️ Once he heard a small whimper and sound of sheets shuffling, your boyfriend grabbed the knob and announced his entry
" Y/N? Deary? Are you okay? Al-Asim and Viper have been saying you haven't come outside of your room all day to do anything... "
♠️ You swung your small tail out from underneath the sheet and pulled him onto the bed, thankfully, he laid the dumplings on your nightstand
" Deuce? Am I a horrible person, please be honest... " " Of course not! You're the best person I've ever met! " " What bullshit... Deuce, I was kicked out of RSA because my position was taken from me. And because of that, I couldn't handle it and- and I took it out on the only people I could really trust. I'm such a horrible- " " Y/N. Listen to me. You are the best person I have ever really met in my life, you inspire me to change myself for the better, to put my past behind me. But not forget about it, to acknowledge, yet keep it out of my current self. "
♠️ Deuce smiled lightly, rubbing your arm, touching the slightly scaled skin, before hugging you closely and kissing your forehead, whoever made you think this was gonna be personally visited by a pissed-off boyfriend
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🍩 As pro-tricksters, he loved to mess around with you, and he loved it whenever you would mess with him right back
🍩 Ruggie had just finished his work for the day and walked to his room and tested you, since he hadn't seen you all day, he wanted to ask what you were up too and if you were busy
🍩 But, when he received no reply and didn't see any recognizance that you had even looked at his message he sent minutes beforehand, he began to feel a hint off
🍩 He sat up from his bed when he saw three dots, but when they immediately went away, he groaned and threw his phone into his pocket before walking out of his dorm and headed towards Scarabia
🍩 Your boyfriend understood that you preferred to have some alone time, but not a lot, you were by far more of a people-person than anything else
🍩 Ruggie walked through the halls of Scarabia before he noticed that Jamil was walking in your room's direction holding a box of foods, that must've been your dinner that night
" Ah, Jamil! " " Yeah, Ruggie? " " Is that N/N's dinner? " "Yeah. They haven't come out of their room lately, so, I've been trying, keyword; trying to give them some food, but they haven't come to their door to take it. Last I knew, they hadn't touched any boxes I left. "
🍩 Offering to take it for him, Ruggie grabbed the box of foods from his fellow second-year's hands and said his goodbyes before leaving the hallways in separate directions, Jamil back to the kitchen to clean and Ruggie to your room to check on you
🍩 He knocked on your door once he reached and called out your name before moving to your surname and then both
🍩 Ruggie eventually gained impatience and opened the door, announcing his entrance and noticed how you were wrapped up in the blanket that you took from his room, your small blue horns poking out from your hair and your long tail wrapped around your body and blanket
" My Dandelion, are you alright? Jamil said you haven't been eating lately. " " Can I ask you a question? " " Uhm, sure? " " Am I a bad person? Please, just- tell me the truth, no sugar-coating... " " You are an amazing person, Y/N. I would never lie about that. But, what struck this up? "
🍩 Ruggie was so confused, why would you ever think that he would sugar-coat his words, he's as honest as the sun is bright with you...
" It's just- the reason I was transferred here was because I got my position stripped from me... and... to make myself feel better, I just- I pushed two people apart, and I didn't- I didn't mean to hurt them- I just- "
🍩 Grabbing you by the arm, Ruggie felt your scales graze his hands before he felt you bury your face in his chest, your tail wrapping around his leg tightly
" I'm here, Y/N... don't worry... I won't let ya' go. "
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S/o who is pregnant but doesn't know how to tell nozel and when she asks what he thought about having children he straight up rejects her (he's just afraid he'll lose his beloved like he lost his mom but s/o doesn't know that) and she becomes really distant and nozel confronts her one day and she breaks down saying she's pregnant and asking him if he'll leave her or force her to get rid of the baby
Nozel hurt comfort fics are my favourite
A/n: I hope you enjoy.
Fandom: Black Clover
Character(s): Nozel Silva
Warning(s): Mentions Of Death
Readers Gender: Female
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You were excited to learn you are going to have a child. You were mostly excited about telling your husband but you two never really got into future kids as it was never really brought up between you two. So you had thought of a plan to tell him and at first you were excited as you met him again during dinner.
"So darling may I ask you a question" "What is it you have to say" "What are your thoughts about pregnancy and children if you don't mind" "Well honestly I don't like it. The thought of children isn't really my favorite and the pregnancy isn't the best thought either. Why do you ask?" "O-oh um no reason just wondering-may I go to the restroom real quick I will be right back".
You felt sick and you it wasn't the baby. You were scared now what if Nozel will kick you out if he finds out, what will happen to the baby? You felt really sick as you told Nozel you were getting tired and headed to bed.
During the days that followed Nozel has noticed your distance and he grew worried. After dinner that night you had gotten real quiet and he had to know why. He stopped you in your shared room where he asked to know what was wrong. After a while you started to cry falling to your knees as Nozel rushed over to your side. During this moment you spilled out saying you are pregnant with his child which made you cry more explaining you had been afraid to tell him. He asked why you were afraid only for you to answer about that night at dinner a couple of days ago.
Nozel wrapped his arms around your shaking figure as his rubbed your shoulders telling you to take deep breaths. When your crying stopped and breathing steady he explained how whis mother died during birth and how he's afraid that he might lose you. When hearing that you put your hand on his cheek telling him that you wouldn't leave him and how he shouldn't be afraid. "I will love you and our child so you don't have to be afraid anymore. But please don't do that again I was scared for you" "I will only if you promise to be a father to our child" "Don't worry I will".
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I feel bad for Starlo. (pt. 5)
Most see this as a Staroba moment (not saying it's wrong to see it that way), but I'm like: why is Star’s first thought after he is brutally kicked to casually admit how he deserved to be hurt that much? He could have fallen to his death! Like, dude, stop. You're breaking my heart. Just look at how chill he sounds:
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no starlo.. please be more gentle with yourself And then he says how his and Ceroba's mistakes were the same?
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What she did was MUCH MUCH worse. It's like comparing Papyrus to Alphys or Asgore. And I don't even hate Ceroba, or Asgore, or even Alphys. They're all flawed but well-written characters (gonna discuss the fox woman soon) But like… Ceroba not only had time to process things (and plan everything) but got support from Star. He didn't get either. The posse and Ceroba all left him hanging, all because of his enthusiasm and insecurities (that somehow nobody ever picked up on; the struggle of people who always seem happy is real) and good intentions. His entire life fell apart without him expecting it, all at once. Even worse, no one who was supposed to be there WAS there. And when Ceroba finally intervenes she basically reveals to us how North Star was someone no one liked?
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I really hope she meant just who he was while Clover was there. Otherwise….
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She better not be saying that, for the years this persona existed, they all hated it. That they hated this part of Star, the insecure part. They obviously wanted him to go back to being the Nice Guy™ (but like, he was always nice. The only time he was overly enthusiastic was when he met a real human for the 1st time and got to live his dream. Ceroba basically says how, well, the guy’s lived a pretty unfulfilling life before he found out about westerns. They gave his entire life meaning. She should have been more patient with him istg.)
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Ceroba’s actions were manipulative. She never planned to tell anyone the truth. She wouldn't have told anyone the truth, EVER, if Star and Ed hadn't found out about her secret. Starlo on the other hand felt lost, since he got 0 support. Ceroba had Star. He gave her a free home. He was so thoughtful as to think "my childhood friend is currently crying herself to sleep, alone at home, why not give her company and ask her to stay with us?" Ceroba got a hug from Clover, lots of understanding from the kid, Martlet and Starlo. She got easy forgiveness. Star had to make up to his group himself and be the only one who apologizes. Even though they’d been gaslighting him (is that the right word for this situation?) for years apparently, or didn't let him enjoy himself for once in his life (depending on how you choose to interpret it). He even said sorry for forgetting to turn off the rock machines. Yeah, he deff goes back to Nice Guy™ AND does it pretty damn quickly when you think about it, after how much he was forced to deal with all at once ALL BY HIMSELF before Ceroba came and lectured him for the most part. He really is emotionally strong
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yeah, ceroba didn't comfort star like this when he was at his lowest (bonus points for him soothing her all while grieving for the child he clearly saw as his own)
Even though she thought she was doing the right thing, Ceroba was a twist villain. Starlo was no villain. He just really hated himself, was glad to find someone who could understand both his passion and his beliefs (aka Clover), really wanted to finally feel useful and expected others to enjoy his fantasy world as much as he did. As a farmer he felt like he couldn't do anything for himself and his community. He only wanted to help the best he knew and got carried away.
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erenspussy420 · 2 years
Consider: Leona, Trey and Kalim are having sex with the reader (separately and preferably male insert) and they say something weird in the heat of the moment that causes the reader to start laughing so hard that they have to stop so he can compose himself
HERE WE GO ANON, THIS TOOK LONGER THAN IT SHOULD HAVE BUT I FINISHED IT. Warning; my terrible sense of humor and shrek reference
Male reader insert!
1.8 K words!
This would be the only time I write in a male reader for like now guys
Trey Clover: Listen here, Trey is a sexy man. Man has those firm arms, he's a baker, he's so patient, he has those daddy vibes and really fuck put a ring on this man. However, what you can appreciate the most about him is his hands. The hands that are strong, reliable and warm. A bit rough, but feels good as it drags down your skin when he’s fucking you. Sometimes having hot sex with Trey ends up with you getting stuffed in a pantry closet, locked with Trey having the key so no one can come in, but you can still hear the running of feet from the other card soldiers and it adds more to the thrill of getting caught.
Right now, you’re trying to keep your moaning quiet as Trey pumps your leaking cock in this agonizingly slow pace. His lips over your own, in a bruising kiss, your shirt already half open with hickies spread across your chest. You groan into his mouth, when he sucks on your tongue, he swipes his thumb over the leaking slit playing with it, that makes you see stars. You weren’t sure how you two started this tryst, but you weren’t going to stop it, nope, not when Trey’s taking such good care of you.
 You’re putty in his hands, the Vice dorm leader pulls his mouth off of you to your displeasure, only to come back pressing kisses down your throat. You groan, when he sucks the pulse, running his tongue over it, you pick up the pace of your thrusts in his hand and you’re so close-! The sensitive sensation of his other hand fondling your balls, pushing up the excitement of being able to cum. Ragged gasps escape you, biting back a loud groan that threatens to out you both to the card soldiers, but with every touch, every scrape of his teeth, it becomes harder to stop it.  Before you can chase the heat that began to build up, Trey slows his pace again laughing a bit when you cursed him.
 “Shh, not too loud love,” he chuckles, his eyes shining with a smirk that made you want to bite him,” can’t have them find out that quick.”
You would’ve been louder about his betrayal if it wasn’t for the fact some freshmen ran past the door. The flicker of the faint light that seeped into the pantry, passing over Trey highlighting the dusty red covering his cheeks, the stray beads of sweat that dripped down him, his lips looked a bit swollen from the long kisses,  he looked delicious. Your hands that were clutching onto his shoulders dragged down his arms, caressing the sides of his hip, he hums content when you rub circles down the line of his hips. So close to your goal before his hand stopped you, Trey shakes his head,"Someone's excited, heh, tell me love…"
Trey leans closer to you stopping the pumps to your cock, the poor thing swollen and ready to burst, so close you felt like you were burning when he pressed against your cheek. "Do I make you horny baby?".  And like a fucking record your brain scratched itself into a hazy memory of a british accent of Mike Meyers and thick glasses. No, no noooo, it’s too fucking much, you’re trying not to fucking laugh, cry over the idea but taking one glance at Trey’s thick glasses pushes you over. Poor Trey, standing in a dark hot closet with your dick in his hand while you lose it over Austin damn Power. 
“Eh? Y/N? Y/N, was it something I said?” 
Trey chose the worst timing ever to say that to you and honestly babe I can’t blame you.
He’s gonna have to muffle your laughter since you’re both in a pantry, and he has your dick in his hand with his own hard on ready to go.
Would find it funny when you get to explain the references to him, and Austin Powers accent wasn’t what offended Trey, nope that was his teeth. You regret showing him Austin Sexy Powers, Trey went on to discuss the matters of teeth health and it’s been four hours already.
I love how terrible of a poet Trey could ever be, the line “like onions you have layers-” was used once after and you never recovered enough to fuck Trey.
Kalim Al Asim: Kalim loves titties in general, as long as it's on you,. There I said it. JUST UGH LISTEN HE REALLY LIKES THEM. HE LIKES RESTING HIS HEAD THERE TITTY SOFT AND WARM.
Bouncing Kalim on your cock, your thighs slapping his ass with every bounce.  Kalim whimpering in your ear, he’s clinging onto you, nails digging into your skin, his face buried into your neck. He lets out little gasps that escape with a particular hard thrust, urging you to pound harder into him, hitting his prostate. The Al Asim heir lets out a guttural groan, his cock leaking between you two rubbing his precum against your stomach,  his voice hitching trying to string noises together to say your name. You couldn’t get enough of this, Kalim’s so vocal, you’re pretty glad Kalim had thought ahead and the room soundproof for tonight– else you might have to deal with a sleepless glaring Jamil in the morning. You want to kiss Kalim stupid devour his moans, but you don’t want to miss his sobbing messy voice.
“(Y-),...ugh mmm..ah-h (Y-Yah-),” Kalim’s voice breaks, his mouth nipping your neck as he tries to speak. He grinds into you, a mindless action, your hand roams up his thigh to squeeze his ass,”S-Sevens, I-I !”
“Come on, my pretty gem, say my name,” You encourage him, kissing his hot cheeks, your sweet boyfriend tries but you’re pretty mean, taking his poor neglected member into your hand, stroking him with his own precum, feeling Kalim’s pretty cock throb from the attention. Kalim babbling at this point, hands sliding down your body, trying to ground himself, throwing his head back with loud pants. Kalim can’t help but bury himself into your chest, trying to suffocate himself with them.
He can’t help but think you’re so close to splitting him in half, his lover is so kind to him!
 His hands run down your shoulders and to your chest, grazing at the hard peaks. He plucks at them, squeezing your chest enjoying himself until you lightly squeeze his cock back making him pinch them hard in response. He tries to say your name, what seems to sound like a slurred, “Yooouuu–,” ends up coming out as ,”Moooo.”
You stop for a second, brain trying to catch Kalim's little mishap, you try to keep your lips shut but your mouth is twitching violently. You burst out laughing, clutching onto Kalim as your laughter keeps going. 
“Wha-? Y/N?”
 Poor Kalim’s orgasm has to wait now, you have to calm down first. It dawned on Kalim what he had just said and the heir started to laugh with you. Now the issue is that Kalim's laughter is infectious! 
So now you’re both laughing messes and it’s a brutal loop every time you calm down you make eye contact and start the whole process again.
At some point you were able to stop laughing your hearts out, you’re still inside Kalim and Kalim’s hands are still groping your chest. Oh well, if he’s willing to moo at you, gotta make sure to fill him up with every last drop.
Honestly, Kalim has the fastest recovery from fun to having sexy times again.
Leona Kingscholar:
I want you all to know how hard it was not to make Spongebob jokes for every single one of these.
If there is anything you can say that rings true in Twisted Wonderland is that, everyone needs therapy, magic is your way home, and Leona Kingscholar is a beautiful man no matter what he's dressed as. That last specifically because the noise of the numerous belt buckles of his pirate costume clicks when it becomes undone in your hands, crashing onto the wooden planks. He’s fucking gorgeous and he’s yours.
The night ended from all the chaos, and now here you were bent over rails of the ship in the empty coliseum, getting stuffed by the large cock of your boyfriend. The flimsy fabric of your costume is torn, no thanks to him, with your poor cock hard and bouncing with every jolt of pleasure as Leona thrusts into you. You want to jack off so bad to this, the way Leona presses down on you, keeping your wrists pinned above your head as he bites down on the back of your neck enough to break skin, but not hard enough to hurt you too badly. You cried out, the pain ebbing into the pleasure when he licked up the faint blood that came out. You feel the veins of his cock in you, you shut your eyes enjoying the feeling of his cock pulsing in you. A groan escapes you, a bit of drool falls down your chin when he hits the fucking right spot that has you shaking, knees ready to buckle if it wasn’t for Leona’s arm that slipped under your waist to hold you. “Ahh-!”
“What’s that, prefect?” Leona mummers into your neck,” say it louder, I don’t think I can hear your little cries.”
“Fuuuuck,” you bite out, the wind cooling your burning cheeks, you press your head down groaning as Leona steady thrusts, the deep rumble in his chest as he enjoys the hot tightness that pulls him in. Wanting him deeper in you, deep to have the soft barbs of his beast cock rub your walls, you hook your leg behind him, letting him sink deeper in, making you both groan. The floorboards became wet with a puddle of pre cum you were leaking. 
You were a mess and Leona felt nothing but a fondness at your cries.
“H-Hah! So the little prefect wanted more?” Leona laughed, voice straining as his thrusts became sloppier, in his haze his words slip out more loosely taking a playful tone,”You know what a pirates biggest desire?”
“MMm?” was your reply.
Leona smacks your ass,”That booty~!”
Leona had to hold you as you fucking burst into laughter at his joke. He stares into the empty area with a regretful face as you smack the mast harder in your attempts to calm yourself.
Leona hates terrible puns with a passion; ever since Farena became a father that’s all he made, but this time he finally decided to make one now of all times and this is what he gets for being funny.
You think he’s gonna stop and give you time to recover from that terrible joke? No, hoe, he’s gonna dick you down and get rid of that joke from your mind by doing it.
Never bring it up again, it’s the fastest way to having a large hand print on your ass.
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mall-0-ry · 2 years
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Ace Trappola:
- He’s acting like he doesn’t care.
- truthfully, he’s devastated.
- Ace would definitely try to hide his tears while gripping onto deuce’s Shoulder.
- Ace would try to act cool and happy for you.
- He’ll make sure that we’ll remember him, by telling you to not forget about him and the others.
- He’ll Hug you tight and would hesitantly let us go.
- He’ll make jokes to lighten up the mood for a bit while gulping down the sadness.
- “ Remember when i broke the chandelier…?”
- Ace would tease your tear stricken face.
- “ Are you sure.. that you want to Leave?”
Deuce Spade:
- He would try to look cool and tough.
- also would try to look happy for us.
- But when you him that it’s okay to cry..
- He would definitely start crying.
- He would breakdown crying while holding grim back on running after you once we stepped inside the Mirror back to your World.
- Just like ace, he did his best to look happy for you.. when deep down he’s(they’re) deeply saddened because of it.
- Before we enter the mirror, he’ll run up to you and hug you , tight.. like a mother who’s afraid to lose their child.
- While hugging us Deuce told you to take care of ourselves.
- He’ll hold your hand while trying to calm himself down but he still ended up crying.
- He’d give you a small gift of sorts so we can always remember him.
- “ I thought that we four would stay together.. forever.. “
- He’ll give you his Can of Tuna maybe a two or three.
- He’ll ask you to take him with us to your world.
- since he doesn’t have anyone close to a family other than you.
- He ended up blowing out fires due to being frustrated and Sad.
- He’ll thrown a temper tantrum while clinging onto you.
- He kept on telling you not to leave because he’s the great grim and that he needs his Henchmen.
- He’ll for sure threaten Crowley to burn the mirror down (In which all NRC students wants grim to do but they can’t just force you to stay.)
- “ You shouldn’t leave the great grim! You’re my henchmen! You’re supposed to be.. by my side always..! “
Riddle Rosehearts:
- Would also do his best to look happy for you, but couldn’t bring himself to do it because he ended up shedding a few tears.
- He would feel sad, since you’re leaving already.. he was planning a tea party for you but it has to be cancelled.
- He’d work himself non-stop because he wants to finish his works so he can spend more time with you before you go.
- Was too distracted about the news of you going back to your world, that he started giving little punishments to the rule breakers.
- You made him feel whole this few months of Being with him, since he never felt like that with his mother.
- He’d personally ask trey to make you Tarts to take back home.
- When you’re about to leave, he ran up to you and scooped you into a big tight Hug, that made you, not want to go back.
- “ My rose, why’d you have to leave so early..? we didn’t have enough tea time with each other.. so why? “
Trey Clover:
- Would try to look happy for us #4
- Obviously sad since he didn’t get enough time to spend with you since you’re slightly busy(?)
- He’ll give you a small cake and tart to bring home.
- He’ll also hug you tight while asking you to take care if yourself more.
- He doesn’t really want to let you go, since you are his shortcake.
- “ I should’ve baked with you more, when i knew this would thing would happen so early.. “
Cater Diamond:
- He would ignore the sudden pain when he heard that you’re leaving soon.
- “ Let’s Take lots of pictures, so I won’t forget you! “
- Would try to look happy for us #5 while smiling.
- He’d follow and eat with you everywhere, saying that he wants to spend more time with you since you’re leaving soon.
- Would Make a Crowley Slander Group.
- Would rant to the people who’s in the group, because he wants to spend more time with us.
- He’ll join riddle in hugging you while letting out a few tears.
- He’ll hold you tight like what’s riddle’s doing.
- He’d ask you not to forget about him and the memories you made with him.
- He’ll hesitantly let go while going back to his original place.
- “ I need to let you go, because I don’t want to hurt myself anymore, while holding myself back to run after you.. please don’t… leave.. “
Leona Kingscholar:
- He won’t show it, but he’s surely upset at the news.
- He’ll just sleep all the uneasiness that’s settling inside him.
- Surely, you’re a “Brat” but he may or may not have become emotionally attached to you.
- He doesn’t want Cheka to know the news, because he knows how Attached Cheka is to you, It’ll surely make the young child Dispirited.
- He’ll invite you to take a naps with him, He doesn’t want to say it but, it makes him calm to know that you’re beside him sleeping.
- He’ll try to hang out with you even though he may be annoyed here and there but he’s content to know that he’s with you.
- Shoving the uneasiness building inside him, he chose to try and be happy with you before you go..
- He can’t bring himself to beg you not to leave because of his Arrogance.
- While you’re walking to the mirror, the gateway to your world, he gritted his teeth and grabbed you by the arm and hugged you.
- “ I want to be selfish for a while.. “
- “ I can’t be a king without you.. my Queen”
- “ Can’t you just stay here.. forever, Lioness?”
Ruggie Bucchi:
- “ I knew this day would come..”
- He would follow you around#2
- He would ask you to help him with his chores in the Dorm to spend more time with you
- He bought cheap snacks to eat with you while talking to each other.
- Annoying Leona every time you both got the chance.
- He found a dandelion and gave it to you, and told you to blow on it after making a wish.
- This boy is so greedy for your time, but you happily give your time to him.
- Before you leave, you gave him a donut Plushie, which made him tear up a little.
- Turning your back on him, you faced the Mirror.. you lift your hand up and touched the glass, as you were about to go in fully you suddenly heard a shout and felt someone tackling you down on the ground.
- “ Please! Can i be Greedy?! Can i be Greedy just this once again..?! Please don’t.. leave me, my Dandelion..”
Jack Howl:
- He gave you a Cacti🥺
- His ears would be flattened to express his Saddened feeling.
- He would wag his tail unknowingly when you pat his head, while you’re getting ready to leave
- He doesn’t want to look weak, so he made sure to look happy for you.
- He doesn’t want to delay your leave more so he just patted your head and left, despite wanting to hug you tight.
- He clenched his Hands while watching you walk up to the mirror.
- He whispered.. something before leaving the room.
- “ I can’t bring myself to watch you leave, so I’ll just leave so I won’t be hurt more. “
Azul Ashengrotto:
- He first thought that it was a joke, when the news was spread.
- He would occasionally ask for more info from the student
- “No one would stay with a dumb octopus like me.”
- This man would mask his Sadness with a
- smiling face.
- He’ll try to look happy for you #5
- Uneasiness overtook his whole consciousness.
- He tried his best to make Crowley stop using blackmails, in the end he didn’t won.
- Part of Cater’s “Crowley Slander” Group.
- He chose to spend his time with work in mostro lounge, because he believed that.. if he even spend a single day with you, he’ll start breaking down.
- When he arrived at the hall where you and the other students are at, He started feeling Depressed.
- As you turned to face him, he paled and started trembling slightly with eyes wide.
- You walked towards him and hugged him tight.
- “ Please don’t look depressed when I’m about to leave.. azul.” You spoke softly while tightening the hug, you felt him hug back in a fews secs.
- “ Angelfish.. why’re you leaving so soon..? I thought that.. you’d stay by my side, you liar..”
Jade Leech:
- The news slapped him in the face and he started feeling slightly gloomy, but nevertheless he still smiled.
- You didn’t know that this man was breaking down slowly inside, because he’s always smiling.
- Jade would often visit you in ramshackle, helping you with packing your stuffs.
- He wants to squeeze you like what Floyd always does to you.. but he can’t bring himself to be so casual, and he minded your space unlike his dear brother.
- Once The day arrived he started feeling anxious.
- After breaking free from Azul’s hug you then faced Jade who’s “calmly” watching, you walked towards him and hugged him also.
- “ ah, my dear you shouldn’t make me more disheartened, I’m trying my best to hold myself back. “
Floyd Leech:
- Tantrums here, Tantrums There, Tantrum’s EvErYwhErE!
- He was in a very happy mood but the news roundhouse kicked him on the face hard.
- He skipped his class to just barge into ramshackle while you’re packing up your stuffs.
- He tackled you onto the ground and squeezed you while he started mumbling incoherent words.
- He’s also part of Cater’s “Crowley Slander” Group.
- His mood swings are hitting him like a brick that fell from the highest part to his face.
- Floyd began begging you not to go, and that staying is much more better.
- The day finally arrived, and you saw Floyd hunched back behind his brother’s back.
- You went up to him and hugged him tight.
- Floyd started tearing up slightly while Hugging back.
- “ Shrimpy, why can’t you just stay here? It’s much more fun.. than that boring world of yours. “
- “ I don’t want you to leave me or.. forget about me! You’re my Koebi-Chan.. my one and only Koebi-Chan.. “
Kalim Al Asim:
- When he heard the news he was ecstatic for you, since you finally get to go home to your Worried parents!
- He was Happy for you! Like very happy, but everytime he smiles at you he feels his heart tighten.
- He’s slightly not familiar with his “newfound” emotion, and he hates it.
- He doesn’t want to feel those things again.
- He spent a few hours enduring the feeling of uneasiness, when he came to a conclusion that he’s just sad because of the news.
- After realizing that he’s sad because of you leaving, he planned on throwing you a big feast! But.. it was never meant to happen.
- He only got word of it late, and came rushing to the hall of mirrors and just for you.
- He knew that you had to leave soon since you came here.. but he didn’t know that it was this soon.
- When he arrived.. you were already gone.
- “ I was late.. why.. did you have to leave early? My jewel.. “
- “ We could’ve had a feast together before you leave..”
Jamil Viper:
- He knew that he can’t just brainwash you to not leave.
- He doesn’t want you to ever leave.
- You were the only one who understood him, so why did you have to leave?
- He also knew that begging wouldn’t change your mind, so he’ll just try to bitterly accept the truth.
- He knows how much you’ve helped everyone in NRC, with those many accomplishments.. yet you still chose to leave.
- He’s very much disheartened.
- But when Kalim proposed the idea of throwing a feast for you before you leave made him happy but he will deny it.
- In the middle of chopping ingredients he got a message from one of his basketball teammate (ACE) asking where they were, and that You would be leaving soon.
- Once he red the message he dropped the knife and ran to where you were, with kalim trailing behind him.
- When they arrived they didn’t see your figure anywhere.. but.. you already went in the mirror.
- “ I.. is this a prank?! It’s not funny, I thought they wouldn’t leave so soon— i— I’m a fool.”
Vil Schoenheit
- This man would busy himself in his room while testing a few makeup styles, instead of thinking about you leaving.
- He won’t say it but he’s very much disheartened, because his potato is already leaving.
- He thought that he has enough time to spend with you but he was deeply wrong.
- He’ll invite you over to Pomefiore to Model a few clothes and try on some new heels, as a way to spend some time with you.
- Once the day came, he stood idly beside rook while watching epel talk to you.
- He turned away while clenching his fist.
- ‘Why did you even have to leave? Aren’t you happy here?.. or.. you’re not.’ He thought while glancing at the mirror.
- ‘It’s such a shame, that they’d have to leave soon.. Haah this is to be expected.’
- He mumbled while trying his best to not walk to the mirror and destroy it.
- “ My dear Belle, why must we part ways so bitterly? “
Rook Hunt:
- FrEnCh HeRe! fRenCh ThErE! frEnCh FuCkiNg EvERyWhErE!
- He was happy at first but then he realized that you won’t be here anymore.
- He would stalk you around whenever he has free time.
- He’d make conversations with you to spend time with you, but it’s mostly centered with vil.
- would try to look happy for you #6
- He would occasionally give you flowers as gifts whenever he “Bumps” into you.
- While watching from afar, he would occasionally frown at the sight of you being happy with other people.
- Also Part of Cater’s “Crowley Slander” Group.
- He can’t help but feel uncomfortable with the thought of you leaving and never returning.
- As to when you’re about to leave to talk to the ignihyde members, you noticed rook standing still beside Vil.
- You went up to him and hugged him, making him snap out of his thoughts.
- “ Belle Fleur, J'espère que tu serais heureux… once you’ve returned to your world, but please don’t forget about the times we’ve spent together, Mon joli bijou.. “
- “ Je suis triste, to think that you may never come back here again.. Mon Joli bijou.. “
Epel Felmier:
- He got so shocked, he couldn’t even form any words.
- Epel wanted nothing more than just to spend time with you.
- He wanted to impress you with his apple carvings once more before you leave.
- He bitterly accepted the fact that you’re leaving so soon, Because vil told him it’ll make him stronger by not being in denial.
- Epel offered to watch over grim once you return to your world.
- The day came, Epel came running at you with full speed tackling you into a hug.
- That’s when he realized that you might never come back here again, so he started crying.
- He continuously beg you not to go, while clinging onto you with a tear stricken face.
- He never thought the possibility that you might never come back here once you step inside the mirror.
- “ why can’t the people we cherish, stay?.. “
Idia Shroud:
- He knew the day would come.
- He knew how you longed to go back to your world.
- He is undeniably sad, Which made ortho want to Use a power beam to destroy the mirror.
- He busied himself with playing and watching till the day you’re said to leave.
- Cater invited him to the Group Called “ Crowley Slander “ which made him shocked on the amount of familiar members.
- As you glanced around you finally saw his figure, and you ran up to him and hugged him from behind which shocked Idia.
- “ MC?! I- uhm.. hello and.. goodbye! “
- ‘ Goddamn it Idia, atleast tell them a proper goodbye…! ‘
- ‘ whatever.. they won’t even care if i did.. haah.. why do they have to leave..? Can’t they just stay.. ‘
Ortho Shroud:
- To be honest, He can’t feel human emotions, he only knows what those human emotions are, well since he’s a robot and that it’s embedded in his core.
- He’d always cheer up his Big brother with words of encouragement and motivation.
- He’ll find a way to make you two interact and spend time with each other.
- Ortho wanted nothing more than giving Idia the chance to be with you.
- He wanted nothing more.. than to see his Big brother talking to you confidently without stuttering here and there.
- Ortho tried to destroy the mirror with 3 Power beams but was always caught by Crowley.
- He then joined Cater’s “Crowley Slander” group with Idia.
- The Day soon came, Ortho forced Idia to go to the hall with him, where the other students who’s close to you are present.
- Needless to say, they were quite surprised in Idia’s Sudden appearance.
- Once Again, Ortho decided to power up a power beam from his hands and aimed it at the mirror.
- But was stopped this time by Idia and Riddle.
- After witnessing his brother become flustered at the sudden contact he decided to hug you.
- “ Big sis! Don’t worry, I’ll research for a way to get you back here! I Promise, So then you and Big Brother Can Get Married! Hehe.. “
Malleus Draconia:
- “ Ah.. seems like the day has come, that the child of man will leave.. “
- He was very sad, like.. Lila had to console him.
- He would visit you in your dorm every night.
- Would try to look happy for you # 7
- With his Emotions spiraling inside of him, he unknowingly made thunder storms due to his magic.
- Also part of Crowley Slander group in an anonymous acc.
- He would occasionally glare at everyone from afar whenever they talk to you.
- He invited you to Diasomnia to Have a Chat, so he could spend some time with you.
- He’d occasionally ask you if you’d like to listen about a Daily Life of a Fae, in which you agreed on.
- Night walks with him is a way to spend time with you.
- Alas, The day came and he was nowhere to be found along with Silver and Sebek.
- So,, once you’ve said your goodbye to Lilia, you glanced around for Malleus once more and went inside the mirror.
- “ Unasked once again, this is fine.. I’m used to it. “
- “ Child of man.. i hope that you won’t forget about me.. “
Lilia Vanrouge:
- “ It appears that the time has come for thee, you yourself, agonizingly have to go back to thy world..”
- Lilia would often make you flinch whenever he would appear out of nowhere.
- He’ll compose short songs with you in the Light music club.
- Lilia knew that you had to leave, he cannot bring himself to beg you not to.
- Lilia himself wanted nothing more, than for you to stay here.. together with him.
- He kept on calling himself selfish for wanting to make you stay.
- Lilia became busy consoling Malleus.
- Cater actually invited him in the “Crowley Slander” Group because they’re club mates.
- The Dreaded day has come, The Diasomnia students were no where to be seen..
- You turned to look at the mirror and made your way to the mirror again.(Savanaclaw Ruggie’s part)
- But was stopped by a sudden figure that appeared out of nowhere, and the figure started talking.
- “How could you think that.. this wouldn't hurt me?”
- “ Leaving without saying goodbye? My.. you’re one cold hearted Human.. “
- “ My darling, can’t you reconsider your decision..? “
- “ you’re… leaving soon?..”
- He for real thought that you were playing a prank on him so he just stared at you stoically.
- You thought that it’d be best to leave him alone which made him disappointed.
- He’ll just sleep the whole uneasiness that’s building up inside him.
- (Bogart wag naman, lab lab ka namin)
- He was being scolded by sebek for not watching over malleus.
- Is part of “Crowley Slander” group but he hasn’t interacted with the others nor have he chatted there.
- He’ll try to stay awake just to have a small decent talk with you.
- Silver offered you to sleep beside him, you merrily took the offer.
- He woke up to you gone, no trace of you.
- Feeling the panic rushing over him he yelled your name hoping to find you.
- But alas, fate wasn’t on his side, He got so immersed in trying to have some time with you that he forgot that it’s the day that you’re destined to leave.
- His face paled in horror and his uneasiness became evident, he hurriedly ran to where the others and you are.
- Only to see you, being sucked in the mirror.
- “ My lady.. I.. apologize for being late, I’m.. sorry very, very sorry..”
Sebek Zigvolt
- He didn’t care about the news at first, his top priority is his Waka-sama, not a mere lowly human.
- Every time you try to talk to him, to spend more time with him, he’ll make up excuses to ignore you, which made him feel bad.
- Why is he running away from a lowly Magic less human? He thought with disappointment settling inside him.
- He knew that he shouldn’t be attached to a human, but why.. does ignoring you make his heart clench.
- He shook off his feelings and prioritized Malleus once again.
- The Day came, he was walking down the empty hall.. ‘wait..? Empty? ‘He thought while stopping in his tracks.
- ‘I swear.. that there’s supposed to be something happening right now.. but whatever! I shall look for Waka-sama and Look after him.’
- Sebek glanced to the sides and saw silver running towards the Hall of Mirrors.
- Sebek Begrudgingly trailed after silver and went inside the Hall.
- “ What’s the Commotion here?!”
- ‘ MC… already left and we were too late.. Sebek..” silver mumbled while lowering his head down.
- “ The human… left?…” why does my heart feel heavy..?
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