#'what our reconnection depends on?'
mercurytrinemoon · 2 years
How do you guys see the page of wands in terms of communication?
Except for it being a message overall (I often get this card as a social media communiaction... like a lil comment or a like etc... not sure about DMs, never had it pop up as a DM but idk). Would you say it can also show good communication between two people overall? A literal talk? Like people bumping into each other when out and about and having a chat? (a very enthusiastic one lol)
Asking for a friend.
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samwisethewitch · 6 months
Homemaking, gardening, and self-sufficiency resources that won't radicalize you into a hate group
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It seems like self-sufficiency and homemaking skills are blowing up right now. With the COVID-19 pandemic and the current economic crisis, a lot of folks, especially young people, are looking to develop skills that will help them be a little bit less dependent on our consumerist economy. And I think that's generally a good thing. I think more of us should know how to cook a meal from scratch, grow our own vegetables, and mend our own clothes. Those are good skills to have.
Unfortunately, these "self-sufficiency" skills are often used as a recruiting tactic by white supremacists, TERFs, and other hate groups. They become a way to reconnect to or relive the "good old days," a romanticized (false) past before modern society and civil rights. And for a lot of people, these skills are inseparably connected to their politics and may even be used as a tool to indoctrinate new people.
In the spirit of building safe communities, here's a complete list of the safe resources I've found for learning homemaking, gardening, and related skills. Safe for me means queer- and trans-friendly, inclusive of different races and cultures, does not contain Christian preaching, and does not contain white supremacist or TERF dog whistles.
Homemaking/Housekeeping/Caring for your home:
Making It by Kelly Coyne and Erik Knutzen [book] (The big crunchy household DIY book; includes every level of self-sufficiency from making your own toothpaste and laundry soap to setting up raised beds to butchering a chicken. Authors are explicitly left-leaning.)
Safe and Sound: A Renter-Friendly Guide to Home Repair by Mercury Stardust [book] (A guide to simple home repair tasks, written with rentals in mind; very compassionate and accessible language.)
How To Keep House While Drowning by KC Davis [book] (The book about cleaning and housework for people who get overwhelmed by cleaning and housework, based on the premise that messiness is not a moral failing; disability and neurodivergence friendly; genuinely changed how I approach cleaning tasks.)
Rebel Gardening by Alessandro Vitale [book] (Really great introduction to urban gardening; explicitly discusses renter-friendly garden designs in small spaces; lots of DIY solutions using recycled materials; note that the author lives in England, so check if plants are invasive in your area before putting them in the ground.)
Country/Rural Living:
Woodsqueer by Gretchen Legler [book] (Memoir of a lesbian who lives and works on a rural farm in Maine with her wife; does a good job of showing what it's like to be queer in a rural space; CW for mentions of domestic violence, infidelity/cheating, and internalized homophobia)
"Debunking the Off-Grid Fantasy" by Maggie Mae Fish [video essay] (Deconstructs the off-grid lifestyle and the myth of self-reliance)
Annika Victoria [YouTube channel] (No longer active, but their videos are still a great resource for anyone learning to sew; check out the beginner project playlist to start. This is where I learned a lot of what I know about sewing.)
Make, Sew, and Mend by Bernadette Banner [book] (A very thorough written introduction to hand-sewing, written by a clothing historian; lots of fun garment history facts; explicitly inclusive of BIPOC, queer, and trans sewists.)
Sustainability/Land Stewardship
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer [book] (Most of you have probably already read this one or had it recommended to you, but it really is that good; excellent example of how traditional animist beliefs -- in this case, indigenous American beliefs -- can exist in healthy symbiosis with science; more philosophy than how-to, but a great foundational resource.)
Wild Witchcraft by Rebecca Beyer [book] (This one is for my fellow witches; one of my favorite witchcraft books, and an excellent example of a place-based practice deeply rooted in the land.)
Avoiding the "Crunchy to Alt Right Pipeline"
Note: the "crunchy to alt-right pipeline" is a term used to describe how white supremacists and other far right groups use "crunchy" spaces (i.e., spaces dedicated to farming, homemaking, alternative medicine, simple living/slow living, etc.) to recruit and indoctrinate people into their movements. Knowing how this recruitment works can help you recognize it when you do encounter it and avoid being influenced by it.
"The Crunchy-to-Alt-Right Pipeline" by Kathleen Belew [magazine article] (Good, short introduction to this issue and its history.)
Sisters in Hate by Seyward Darby (I feel like I need to give a content warning: this book contains explicit descriptions of racism, white supremacy, and Neo Nazis, and it's a very difficult read, but it really is a great, in-depth breakdown of the role women play in the alt-right; also explicitly addresses the crunchy to alt-right pipeline.)
These are just the resources I've personally found helpful, so if anyone else has any they want to add, please, please do!
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astrocafecoffee · 3 months
•Healing through marriage (Based on Groom pc) •
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✨For entertainment purposes only, enjoy ✨
☞ Masterlist
☞solar return observation
☞Groom pc obs. Part 1
☞Groom pc obs. Part 2
•. •. •. •.(☉。☉)•. •. •. •.
🌹What to check?
- check your Chiron in your groom persona chart , where it falls in.
🌹Why Chiron?
- Chiron is associated with our deepest wounds and our capacity for recovery . In your groom pc ,it can show how you fs will heal your inner child/ your trauma through marriage.
Let's go ~
❤️ Chiron in 1st house : Your fs may heal you through unconditional acceptance. They may love and accept you for who you are, flaws and all, helping you overcome self-doubt and low self-esteem. They could provide a safe space for you to express your emotions, validating your feelings and helping you process past wounds.Their empathetic nature may help you feel understood and supported, especially during difficult times.
❤️ Chiron in 2nd house: your future spouse may help you overcome financial struggles, debts, or insecurities, teaching you healthy financial habits and empowering you to achieve stability. Their presence in your life could help you recognize your inherent value and worth, transcending material possessions or external validation. They might empower you to take charge of your financial life, making informed decisions and breaking free from dependency or fear.
❤️ Chiron in 3rd house: your future spouse may help you express yourself more clearly and confidently, fostering open and honest communication in your relationship. Their influence could help you quiet your mind, reducing mental chatter and increasing focus, allowing you to tap into your inner wisdom. They might teach you to recognize and manage your emotions, developing emotional intelligence and empathy.
❤️ Chiron in 4th house:your future spouse may help you resolve unresolved issues with your family, fostering understanding, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Their presence could help you build a strong emotional foundation, providing a sense of security and stability.Chiron in the 4th house can indicate wounds from childhood; your partner may help you heal and integrate your inner child.
❤️ Chiron in 5th house:your future spouse may help you overcome creative blocks or insecurities, fostering self-expression and artistic growth.Chiron in the 5th house can indicate a need to reconnect with childhood joy and creativity; your partner may help you recapture that spark. They might help you heal from past relationship wounds, teaching you to love yourself and others in a healthy, empowering way.
❤️ Chiron in the 6th house : Your future spouse's influence could help you establish a sense of structure and organization in your daily life, making you more efficient and productive. Chiron in the 6th house can indicate a need to integrate your mind and body; your partner may help you develop a greater awareness of your physical and emotional needs. They might help you find a healthy balance between work and personal life, reducing stress and increasing overall well-being.
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❤️ Chiron in the 7th house: Your future spouse might help you overcome past relationship traumas or wounds, teaching you to form healthy, empowering partnerships. Their influence could encourage you to examine your own role in relationships, taking responsibility for your actions and growth. With Chiron in the 7th house, they may help you find a balance between independence and interdependence, recognizing the value of both.
❤️ Chiron in the 8th house:Your future spouse may help you overcome fears or insecurities around intimacy and vulnerability, creating a safe space for deep connection.Their influence could guide you in exploring your shadow, acknowledging and integrating repressed aspects of yourself. With Chiron in the 8th house, they may facilitate transformative experiences through intimate connections, helping you rebirth and renew yourself.
❤️ Chiron in the 9th house : Chiron in the 9th house can indicate a need for continuous learning and growth; your partner may inspire you to pursue higher knowledge and wisdom.They may foster a sense of curiosity and wonder, inspiring you to ask questions and seek answers.Their presence could help you recognize the interconnectedness of all things, fostering a sense of oneness and unity with the universe.
❤️ Chiron in the 10th house: Your future spouse might help you discover your life purpose and passion, aligning your career with your soul's mission. Their influence could help you overcome self-doubt and imposter syndrome, recognizing your value and expertise.They might inspire you to redefine success on your own terms, prioritizing fulfillment and happiness over external validation.
❤️ Chiron in the 11th house:Chiron in the 11th house can indicate a need to embrace innovation and progress; your partner may encourage you to think outside the box and pioneer new ideas.They might help you expand your professional and social network, connecting you with like-minded individuals and opportunities.They may help you overcome feelings of isolation or disconnection, integrating you into a larger community.
❤️ Chiron in the 12th house : Chiron in the 12th house can indicate a need to confront and heal subconscious wounds; your partner may support you in this process.They might inspire you to develop greater compassion and empathy, understanding the struggles of others.Their influence could help you recognize and break free from self-sabotaging patterns, releasing limiting beliefs and behaviors.
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Hope you enjoyed ❤️
- Piko ✨
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lunajay33 · 2 months
Summary: After decades of being alone without a love of his own he finally finds her in a gloomy town of forks, his brother Edward isn’t the only lucky one
Pairing: Emmett Cullen x f! Swan reader
Warning: angsty, fluffy sunshine Emmett
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I never thought much about the future until suddenly the friends I adored most started relationships and left me in the past as if our friendship never even mattered, like their boyfriend was the most important thing
My sister and I use to be close as kids but when she moved away with our mom and rarely visited me and dad, who she regularly called Charlie, we grew apart leaving me feeling like I lost all my friends and my sister, after a while I grew depressed and I never wanted to leave the house, dad grew concerned and after many absent calls from school he allowed me to start home schooling myself and my grades have never been better
Most nights it was just me and Charlie some days I’d get the courage to go down to the reserve hang out on the beach with Leah, Seth and Jake, sometimes I’d go for hikes in the forest behind the house just to clear my head, but other than that I’d stay in my room listening to music, reading the books dad would bring home for me, and doing school work
That’s how life was for so many years, it was routine and it never bothered me and dad loved having me around, after Bella and mom left he was so broken and with my help, even as a little girl, I pulled him out of that deep dark hole and he became that Charlie that joked around and made me smile
But then dad got the call that Bella was moving back for the rest of highschool since mom would be traveling with Phil for baseball, hopeful that I could reconnect with my sister again
Dad and I picked out a new bed spread for her hoping she’d love it, and he even let me pick out a new book as a thank you for helping him out with getting everything ready for her arrival, after a few days it was time for dad to go pick Bella up from the airport in port angeles, I was a nervous wreck which was crazy I mean she’s my sister why should I be nervous
Finally the familiar sheriff cruiser pulled up in the drive way, I walked out the door with an umbrella quickly shuffling over to Bella to cover her from the rain knowing how she favoured the warm dry weather, complete opposite of me
“Welcome home Bella!” I smiled as we walked back inside as dad got her bags following closely behind
She shook off her coat and placed her little cactus down on the counter
“You’ve grown so much you’re a year younger but you’re already taller than me” she said as she hugged me
“Come on bells we’ll show you your room!” Dad said as he walked up the stairs with her bags
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She settled in for the rest of the day until it was supper time, I set out the table and dished up our meal, dads game playing in the background as we ate
“So are you excited for school on Monday?” I asked
“Not really but atleast I’ll have you there”
“What? No im homeschooled remember”
“Well…..” dad drawled out
“Dad what did you do?” My heart was racing now at the implication
“I thought since Bella’s back now it would be good for you to get out there again, you need some experiences honey”
“But you know I have no one there, no one wants to be friends with me we’ve been over this”
“You might make new friends honey, give give it a chance for your old man” I sighed slumping back in my chair trying to wrap my head around having to socialize again
“Atleast you’ll be with me, dad said since your grades are so good you got bumped up a grade and can have some certain classes together, depending on our courses” that settled my anxiety a little
Bella and dad cleaned up from dinner as I sat out on the porch, in desperate need for fresh air to do its magic, only 2 more days and I’ll be back in a school again, who knows maybe some new kids have arrived and aren’t too set in their groups yet
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Monday came quickly and I was a ball of nerves, I glanced in the mirror as made sure my hair was just the way I wanted, wearing a casual outfit, simple flared black leggings, a dark rich blue longsleeve with my old worn out dark brown carhartt jacket, quickly spraying my vanilla perfume
I walked down stairs to meet Bella in the kitchen, she grabbed an apple as she picked up her backpack from the table
“Are you ready to go?” She asked
“Almost can I make a tea quickly?” She nodded and I quickly wiped together a chai tea latte, grabbing my lunch from the fridge and meeting her in the truck dad had gotten for us but since I didn’t have my license, seeing as I never needed one before now, she would be driving us
The drive to school was calming, hearing the steady rain fall against the windshield, pulling into the parking lot everyone stared until we got out, I kept my eyes down as Bella led me to the schools main office
“Okay here’s your schedule, we have math together at the end of the day, the bells about to ring so I gotta head to world history are you good to find your way to chemistry?”
“Oh ummm yeah I’ll be fine”
“Okay see you at lunch” she smiled gently before she left down the hall
Looking at my schedule I memorized the room number hoping it wouldn’t be too hard to find, turning the corner I rammed into what felt like a brick wall, dropping my books I look infront of me to see the most beautiful guy I’ve ever seen, his eyes a golden amber, hair as dark as night and his skin as pale as snow
“Sorry about that, I haven’t seen you around before” he said soothingly as he handed me the books that had momentarily scattered the floor, not even realizing he had picked them up, too busy oogling him I suppose
“Oh yeah I’m just re-enrolling here again, just trying to find my class” he looked down at my schedule a striking smile adorning his face
“Come this way gorgeous, got the same class” walking along the mostly bare hallways I noticed his gentle glide, I’ve never seen such a…..well such a perfect human, obviously I was way out of my league if I could think he’d ever be interested in me, I mean I’m plain and simple what would he ever see in me, best I stay in my lane, but dad did want me to make friends so that couldn’t hurt….right?
We got to the classroom and the teacher assigned us to sit together, the class went by pretty boring, every now and then I’d take glances at Emmett and I swear he did the same but he was probably just looking at someone else, moments like this made me wish I was a beautiful as my sister, she never had a problem with guys wanting her, they basically drooled over her, even if she never acted on any offers she was still wanted
It felt like I was a living ghost most days, no one noticed me anywhere I’d go, a big reason I wanted to be homeschooled, now I’m thrown back into this miserable place, I’ll bet by lunch time Bella with have a table full of new friends while I sit alone, not even a second glance from anyone
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Lunch time rolled around and as I entered the cafeteria I searched for Bella and just as I guessed she was surrounded with bright smiles, excited to get to know her, she glanced my way and I waved hoping she’d wave me over to sit but she just gave a half assed smile and got back to talking with her new friends, I felt my heart rip at that, thinking things would be different this time with her here but I guess I was wrong
I found an empty table near the windows and made myself comfortable for another lonely lunch, I pulled out my bag from my backpack but my appetite was lost and I had no desire to eat so I just pushed my lunch to the side and looked out the window just wanting to go home
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{Emmett’s POV}
I couldn’t get her out of my head, she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and her blood sings to me, when she bumped into me in the hallway I felt my whole world shift, she didn’t talk much but just being near her felt right
Lunch came, my least favourite part of the day, having to pretend for an hour, I glanced around the cafeteria hoping to catch a glimpse of my mate again, my eyes landed on her sat alone looking glum a few tables down, the others followed my gaze and smiled knowingly
“Who’s she?” Rosalie asked
“I think she’s my mate”
“Her thoughts are overwhelming loud” Edward stated
“What do you mean?” I asked nervously
“She’s not the happiest girl, I can hear how depressed she is, how unwanted she feels”
“I can feel how broken her heart is” Jasper added
This has to be the worst feeling knowing the one I’m suppose to love unconditionally and she is quite perfect in my eyes, has been broken and feels unloved
I got up from the table and made my way to her sliding in the seat across from her, her eyes were so glazed over with sadness she didn’t even realize I sat down
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{Normal pov}
“So how’s your first day?” I jumped snapping out of my thoughts noticing Emmett is sat across from me
“Oh sorry I didn’t see you, ummm today has been fine I guess, thanks again for helping me earlier”
“It’s not problem, umm I was wondering maybe if you’re not too busy this weekend if you’d wanna hang out?” My heart raced at this
“Really? You wanna hang out with me?”
“Yeah of course, who would wanna spend time with the most beautiful girl in the school” his smile warmed my heart but quickly faded at a realization
“Is this a prank, because if it is it’s cruel” I said as my bottom lip wobbled
“No what? I would never do something like that I really wanna get to know you, so how about after school on Friday I’ll meet you in the parking lot and we can go do something?”
“Okay……sure id really like that” his face beamed with excitement
“Perfect it’s a date then gorgeous”
This felt surreal there’s no way there wasn’t a catch here, how could someone wanna spend their free time with me, but like Charlie said it doesn’t hurt to try, I just hope this doesn’t break my heart more
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Part 2
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myladysapphire · 4 months
My Lady Strong (VI)
Aemond had always been protective of his neice, obssessed even, insiting on keeping her sheltered, and purley his, he never let her stray far and following the incident at Driftmark, Aemma was rarley without Aemond as her shadow. How will the kind, sheltered girl fair in the dance of dragons?
word count: 3,100
CW: MDI 18+, toxic relationship, manipulation, mommy issues, bullying, co-dependancy issues, self harm, not beta read.
Fem!oc x dark!Aemond Targeryen
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part | next part
disclamer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire characters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all characters are his except for my OC
A/N sorry its been so long! forgot wehat direction i was going in with this story so going off the few notes i had left about this chapter! might be a few changes ive made from the last few chapters, but hopefully it all makes sense! but this story is gonna get dark and sad!
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Aemma had been pacing back and forth for the last hour, nerves clear on her face as her mother and brothers were set to arrive in only a days time.  She hadn’t spoken to her in what had felt like forever, and she had no idea on what too expect. She thought that perhaps she might have done something but thinking back on the countless letters she had written, she could not think of a single thing she could have possibly said. Perhaps taking Aemond’s side at Driftmark, or perhaps refusing to leave his side after the fact. 
She had made her complaint to Aemond, the morning after they had reconnected, he had simply laughed, “oh Aemma, do you really think your mother cares about you? She happily sent you of to wed me the second it was suggested.” He said as he brushed her hair for her, having dismissed her ladies so they could break their fast. “if she cared about you she would have demanded I got to Dragonstone, not you here, she simply wished to be rid of you.”
Aemma looked down, she refused to believe it, her mother had always preached how she was her favourite child, then again, after Driftmark her mother did just send her away, she would have visited her more or asked her to visit if it was true. “Really?” she asked tears in her eyes.
“oh of course” he smirked, “but do not worry dear, soon enough you shall be my wife and she will no longer have to even act as if she cared for you, and you will not have to care for her either.”
She shook her head, and looked up at him, meeting his smirk in the mirror “do you think she loves me still?”
“no” he replied instantly.
A tear fell from her eye “do you love me?” she near begged.
Aemond’s smirk widened, his eyes twinkling, “of course” she turned her head, and he instantly gripped her chin, “and you love me, don’t you?”
“no” she replied. His grip tightened slightly, “I do not know what it is to love Aemond, but perhaps…once we get to know each other more.”
He frowned. “We have known each other our who lives”
“Yes, but these past years we have been distant, I know nothing of you”.
“And whose fault is that” he said stepping away, “was it not for that bastard I would still have my eye! And you would love me!”
She stood up, following him, “how does-“he stopped her, turning around quickly to face her.                     
“Because it does!” he almost whined, “you were mine! And then you were handed to me on a silver platter and yet all you have done is whine about your mother and your stupid brothers!” he took a breath, allowing her an opportunity to speak.
“I begged to stay with you Aemond, I defended you and –“
“And you begged them to stay also!” she looked at him, she had never told him of the conversation with her mother.
“How do you know that?” she asked bewildered. “and what does that have to do with anything?”
“everything!” after what they did to me, to YOU! And you wanted them to stay” he shook his head, “I went to find you, I needed you and you were begging your mother to stay? Do you think I could forgive you?”
“Aemond-“ she was crying now.
“these past years I have grow into the man I knew you wanted, not the silly little boy you grew up with, but the man you need, my mother has been nothing but a mother to you, and yet you still crave that whore and those bastards”
“I’m sorry Aemond. “she said, reaching for his hands, “your right, I am so sorry, I just wanted my muna, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” She caressed his hand, “but I didn’t want too lose you or her and yet I lost you both!” she whined, “I needed you too!” she cried, wrapping her arms around his waist.
She needed him. Aemond smiled, “goo. because I am all you will ever and have ever needed.” He said holding her to him, “your mother is here in formality over, and at the end of the week she will be nothing to you, I will be your everything, your husband, your protector, your Aemond.”
“And let me remind you sweet Aemma, that without me you would remain Lady strong, a princesses bastard. And yet you betrayed me, begged for our tormentors to stay and if that had happened do you think I would have been able to devote these past five years to becoming your protector, to become the man you desired?”
She shook her head.
“They were cruel to you, hated you. All because your mother favoured you, do you think they will have changed?”
She shook her head again, and started to think back, growing up all she had ever wanted was to marry Aemond, and have him be her protector and never have to see Jace and Luke again.
She had thought that after Driftmark she would never get that Aemond, he had changed the second that eye was taken from him. He became cold and cruel and there was even whispers he was mad.
“but-“she started to speak, a part of her felt like he had turned into them.
He had tormented her for years and now he seemed to be perfect for her. It didn’t make sense.
“But what?” he asked, suddenly moving closer to her.
“you have been cruel, ignoring me then you started to torment me, sending me the heads of Aemma’s roses, as if you were threatening me.”
He shook his head, “I don’t know what your talking about”
“yes you do!”
“no Aemma, your confused, I sent you Aemma’s roses, to show I was thinking of you , and I never cut there heads of” he laughed, “and I only ignored you as I felt so hurt by what you did”
“i- but you cut of-“ she shook her head, “I-I I’m so confused, Aemond I- perhaps I should ask Cassandra, she has a better memory than me –“
“no Aemma, your just misremembering, you’ve always had trouble with remembering things” he said, “and do you not trust me?” he said sounding sad.
she shook her head, “of course not- I, just I thought you hated me for whatever reason and now I must have thought your acts were of torment and not …love” she said unsure.
“it okay Aemma, I know you struggle and I know you have always had difficulties with things” he said softly, “I was hurt and scared you would hate me too, I should have been more upfront, it is all my fault” he said, pulling her into a hug, “I know you are sorry, and I am too”/
He wasn’t, he loved the look on her face when she opened the box of cut of Aemma’s rose heads, loved the way she was scared, but he also realised years of ignoring her had made him seem untrustworthy, and he feared he made a mistake, he had a new strategy to play. At first he wantec her to be scared and run to him for help, but it seems her ladies and beloved Cassandra had gotten in the way of that plan, and made him the villain.
He supposed he had to get them out of the way.
Since that conversation, Aemond had made sure she did not leave his side.
Saying how he missed her dearly, and realising how much he needed her and pushing her away had hurt him more than it hurt her.
She had felt so badly for him, and before he knew it they were back to their old habits, were she went he went, she would even ask him too choose all her clothes, even serve her dinner.
She forgot how simple life was with Aemond, how happy and easy he made her life.
And Aemond was loving it, he loved getting to control every detail about her, she would dress how he liked, believing it her choice to let him pick, she would follow him everywhere, meaning he no longer had to follow her.
The only problem was that her ladies maids were still in the way. They ere there when she woke, and dressed, giving question stares as he would enter her rooms, whispering in her ear about things Aemma would never reveal.
He wasn’t jealous just angry.
He had been hurt all those years ago and ignored her because he wanted to be better. Become the best possible Aemond, become her protector and a man who would never again loose his eyes to is silly little nephews, and someone who would never let them hurt Aemma again.
And it was blatantly obvious that his ignoring of her head made her annoyingly close to her little friends.
He had hidden letters from her mother the first year, then they came less and less, before stopping altogether. He would allow a few of Aemma’s letters to be sent, not before reading them himself. He wanted her too feel isolated, but that had failed, and now it would be too suspicious for Aemma to receive the letters her mother had sent over the years, especially as he had read them all and hated the love his sister had for her daughter, hated that no matter how hard he wanted to hide it, her mothers return would only pull them apart once more.
So he realised the game of isolation needed to change and to get ride of the Ladies he must earn their trust, so he wooed them, by sitting in at their gatherings and showing undivided devotion to Aemma, there was still the issue of Cassandra Baratheon. She despised him, and he here. She was brash and loud, and Aemma’s best friend. 
He wasn’t jealous, no, not at all. Not jealous of the way she effortless laughed at her jokes or talked to her without having the perplexed and wanted to please look in her eyes that’s she did with him.
He watched the bitterly as they chatted the day away. She seemed to light up around Cassandra, and he hated it.
“Are you nervous about you mother and brothers return?” Cassandra asked, sipping her tea.
“yes, especially my mother” she sighed, stirring her tea “I did receive a letter from my brothers this morning” she reviled, much to  Aemond’s surprise. He had ordered all letters addressed to Aemma be sent to him straight away, how this had escaped him – “I had waited in the ravenry for a reply for my letter, and one had just arrived when I got there.” She reviled, answering what Aemond was wondering.
“what did it say?” Cassandra and Aemond asked simultaneously.
“Luke and Jace were asking about how I am , and saying they were sorry if their actions in our youth  and wish for us to reconnect upon there return.” She replied.
“you will do no such thing” Aemond spoke, standing up.
“And why not?” Cassandra asked, clearly unhappy at Aemond.
“because of how they have always treated her!2
“oh please, they were children!” Cassandra spoke, now standing alongside Aemond, “ they have apologized and wish to know there sister, and from what Aemma has told me, I and my sisters have done far worse to each other than they did to her!”
Aemond scoffed, “please, they were bullies, they locked her in the black cells!”
“they- they what?” Cassandra asked, no looking towards Aemma.
“i- its true they did, but they have apologised incessantly since then.” Aemma said, trying to diffuse the situation, “they are my brothers, and they.. they said sorry”
“You still have nightmares Aemma” Aemond spoke, now moving back to his seat and taking her hands in his.
This perplexed Aemma she had never not once told Aemond of her dreams, especially of that night, he himself had always felt partly responsible for it, having taken so long to find her, and having left her alone that night. “what?” she asked, “I never told you about my dreams…”
Aemond flinched sightly, realising his mistake, and Cassandra herself took on an angry expression, “how do you know of those dreams Prince Aemond?” she asked, moving herself closer to Aemond and Aemma, as if to protect her.
“i- she is to be my wife, I only took a concern when the guards said she would often wake screaming.” He said, trying to sound nonchalant.
“but that still-“ Aemma started, slowly removing her hands from Aemond.
“don’t concern yourself too much Aemma I simply stood guard to ensure you did not try to harm  yourself.”
Aemma flinched, Aemond cant know about that, no one does. Not even her maids. She had always kept her arms covered, he cant know.
Her eyes betrayed her, showing a scared expression, an expression both Aemond and Cassandra took to be scared about hurting herself.
“I – I” she stuttered, “I don’t know what you-“
“don’t worry Aemma, nothing bad happened, and your brothers wont get anywhere near you” Aemond spoke.
Aemma nodded, trying to mask her own fear of Aemond potentially knowing her secret to make it look like she feared her brothers.
Her parents were set to arrive on the morrow, and All Aemma could do was twist and turn. Dreams had been plaguing her. Ever since the black cells she has been getting premonitions, dreams of what was to come, dreams that have come true.
She supposed she was lucky, Helenas dreams caused her to speak in riddles, some even called her mad. When in truth Aemma was the one who was mad. She scratched and bleed as she dreamed, tearing at the skin on her arm. Her hands felt like they were soaked in blood, her nails turned red, as she scratched and teared. She dreamt of herself, she was married with children, but one was dead. She killed him. She must have, blood was on her hands, on her dress her face. Her other children cowered in the corner, flinching away from her.
“a son for a son!” she woke up gasping, the words ringing in her head.
Her bed sheets were stained in her blood, her arms scarred. The wounds from her last dream only just having healed.
She couldn’t help it, it was if her only escaped from her dreams was to harm herself. Perhaps it had been the three years of isolation she had felt so alone, where the dreams controlled her. She would send days and days tuck in the loop. Until one day her mother wrote to her of needing alliances and how her and Alicent had chosen her ladies. Her ladies had saved her, Cassandra specifically. She would wake her up, help her dress, and for once Aemma had a reason to escape her dreams. But then Aemond’s neglect and ignorance of her had turned cruel, calling her “my lady strong”, a name he had only just stopped calling her.
But something haunted her as she paced around her chambers, Aemond’s torment had put a stop to her dreams, the dreams were there was no dancing dragons, or no blood-soaked hands and gowns. Instead the dreams were of dragon snapping dragons neck, storm soaked nights and screams. And then since this week her nightmares have been full of crying, begging and blood. And now this.
It seemed no matter what her life would be full of tears and screams, and death.
“Aemma.” Cassandra said, walking into her chambers, alongside the rest of her ladies, Cerci Lannister, Cerelle Costayne, Margaret Fossway and Rosia Tyrell.
She had not slept since being awoken from her dreams, she had bathed and dressed, applied ointment to her scares, and had proceeded to pace her rooms nonstop.
She was worried, her mother would be here soon, and she had no ideas what she would be like.
She knew nothing of her, and she feared her mother may no longer love her. And well she was nervous about her wedding, and the wedding night. Aemond and Alicent had told her about it in the past week, and she was scared. And she just needed her Muna.
“how are you feeling?” Cersi asked.
“I am nervous” she admitted.
“of course, you will be wed on the morrow, you are bound to be nervous” Margaret added.
“well i-“
“but think, you will get to marry someone who loves you!” Rosia gushed.
“yes you are so lucky!” Cerelle complained, she had received news yesterday of her father engaging her to some man who had been married twice before and she had never met.
“oh Cerelle, he’s old hell probably die before you can wed.” Aemma said nonchalantly, and Cassandra laughed as she watched Aemma gasp at her own words. “sorry, just today the first time I will see my mother and brothers in years. I’m nervous”
Cassandra grabbed her hand, caressing home gently, “it’ll be okay, I’m sure.” She then looked to Cerelle “ and Aemma’s right, he’s what eight and seventy, he could croak at nay moment!” they all laughed, and for the first time that day Aemma’s mind was finally taken of what was to come.
She stood in the courtyard wating for their arrival, alongside her stood alone, Alicent having to have leave only moments ago to take care of something. She had done all her wedding planning with Alicent, she had comforted her when she cried over her mothers lack of care over her wedding, and visiting her despite her countless letters over the years. But Alicent seemed nervous, as if she was waiting for something or scared of something, and even more so when she had to leave.
After a few moments a carriage finally arrived in the courtyard, and her mother was the first to step out.
She wanted to run to her, to hug her and tell her how she had missed her. But her dream, it rang in her head.
“A son for a son” that all she could hear, and a voice in her head told her it was her mother’s fault, that her mother would force her to kill her son. She didn’t want to think it, but her mothers face, her blood soaked hands and a headless child was all she could see.
She made her way slowly walking down the steps the greet them.
“muña, lēkia” she greeted, a smile gracing her face. “welcome home”
next part
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shewrites444 · 6 months
rule bender [thomas shelby x reader smut]
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word count - 3.9k
[ summary - following the events of season 2, the reader, major campbell’s abandoned daughter, meets with the peaky blinders to plot against her father’s downfall, but takes an unexpected interest in far more than what she came for. ]
[ warnings - implied age gap, virgin reader, dirty talk, oral sex (f), unprotected and slightly aggressive sex ]
there wasn’t much that needed to be said about my father other than he was a selfish, greedy, and obsessive man towards anything he wanted to manipulate into his life. i lived with him for only ten or so years before he took on his position as chief inspector, and ten years later, became major, assigned to the king and carrying out an extremely dangerous, highly destructive plan to not only use thomas shelby and the peaky blinders, but also get rid of them when done with.
i knew all this information through word of mouth and rumor, and frankly, didn’t mind using it to my own advantage. he was unaware of my presence in birmingham, and hadn’t heard from me in years since i moved to america, so i knew this type of threat would be the last thing on his mind.
when i wrote to the peaky blinders about my ideas, they expressed great interest in me, and intended to pay well for my travels and work ethic, allow me to stay with them or get me an apartment for some time, so much more than what my father would’ve done for me to carry out a mission for him.
when i sailed over, i spent the days wondering how much being back in birmingham would affect my well being, given the extreme amount of emotional turmoil i was put through in my childhood, but with the distance i had for so many years, i hoped that i’d be alright, and if i was being paid well, this would all be worth it in the end.
my father hasn’t seen me since my childhood, but i knew if we were to reconnect, he’d seem to pity me, and potentially present a soft spot to me, one i could easily manipulate for the shelby’s.
this didn’t even feel wrong, conspiring against him, given i felt no emotional connection. it was sad in a way, but i was struggling in america, given i was working as a secretary at a small bank and still remained unwedded. there were things i had to do to get by, and helping carry out an assassination of my father wasn’t plan a, but it paid almost as much as a year’s salary for me, so it must’ve been in the cards.
upon my arrival in birmingham, an assistant of the shelby’s had already been waiting for me, and drove me to their residence, where i was guided into a meeting room that also seemed to be a kitchen, so i already knew i was in the family residence. this could mean one of two things - i was highly trusted, or such a high risk they’d have to kill me where no one would find me. maybe both.
i sat down, the man asking me if i wanted something to drink, which i kindly declined. he told me the shelby family would be with me soon, and to remain patient.
i kept that request to heart, but also couldn’t help but feel anxious. of course, that was reasonable, but with such a high ranked family, i had to keep my composure, and talk business like my life depended on this meeting, because it did.
an older woman opened the slide in door, looking to me with a flat expression as she pulled out the chair next to me, sitting down and taking out a pack of cigarettes, offering me one, which i also kindly declined by shaking my head softly.
she chuckled, lighting it with a small match. “it seems america can change a woman. you can smoke here, dear.”
i smile softly, brushing my hair behind my ear and cross my arms, straightening myself out in the wooden chair. “i moved there when i was a teenager, i never smoked much anyway, so i’m used to living differently, i suppose.”
“well, if all is well and you house with us, get used to the smoke.” she said, putting the cigar into her mouth.
our attention was averted to three men that stepped through the doors, all of different ages and looks, but clearly related. the oldest, or at least who i assumed to be, sat aside the woman, and the other brother sat beside me, and the final, who seemed to have the most intimating look of them all, sat facing me, across the table.
he cleared his throat, looking at me and holding our eye contact, blinking once or twice before he leaned his elbows onto the table, holding his hands together as he collected his words.
“you must be [y/n] campbell. did you travel well?”
i nod, uncrossing my arms and resting my hands against my legs, glancing down at the table. “yes, i am, and yes, i did. it was fine.”
“good.” he says, leaning back and reaching into his pocket to grab a pack of cigarettes. the woman was right about their tendency to smoke.
he lights one before he begins to smoke and his brothers do the same.
“your father has been causing me and my family quite the trouble for some time.” he begins, shaking his head. “i’d never ask you to commit such a crime, but you are obviously well aware you have to assist through the process. if you don’t have what it takes to do so, we can sail you back home, if that’s what you’d prefer.”
“i wouldn’t travel this far if i didn’t.”
the oldest brother smirks, reaching to the middle of the table to grab the bottle of whisky, opening it and pouring himself a glass. “it seems she means business, tommy. don’t meet many women these days who plan on killing their father.” he laughs, gesturing his glass towards me. “shoot him yourself and we’ll throw in-”
“arthur, enough.” the woman interrupts, shaking her head with annoyance. she looks back to me, putting out her cigarette.
“continuing what thomas was saying, if you are completely prepared for this, we will allow you to stay with us, completely secure, as long as you follow what we ask you to do. we can’t let you leave the residence without our permission, given your identity. if your father finds out you’re here, you are a threat to not only us, but your own well being. we ask you only leave to visit him, when we thoroughly plan out that conversation, and other then that, remain here. you are free to eat what i cook and what we have here, spend time in the library, do whatever you please, in these walls. you are welcome to stay in the guest room, which has a bathroom as well, and i don’t mind getting you some clothes this week since you’ll be here for some time.” she stands up, nodding to me and pushing her chair in. “it’s getting late and we have business to do tomorrow morning, so if this is alright with you, we’ll discuss details tomorrow, and you can get settled in tonight. agreed?”
“yes, ma’am.” i nod, looking around the table as everyone stares at me. “that sounds fine to me.”
thomas, who i now realized was the man sitting across from me, stands up as well, and gestures his hand towards me. “i’ll show you where you’ll be staying. everyone else, finish your business for the night and we’ll discuss this topic once again tomorrow afternoon.”
the room was cleared of the group within a matter of seconds, his authority made clear, as the door was shut by the woman. thomas walks towards me and gestures me to stand up. we walk towards a hallway left of the kitchen, a few doors down until we reached the guest bedroom, which was decorated plainly but well enough for someone to reside in for some time.
he lit the two candles on the dresser with a match from his pocket, setting it on the surface before he turned to me, his hands tucked into his pockets.
“i was the one who read your letter and wrote you back. it really shocked me, eh. i know you’re angry, and i understand that feeling, believe me, but don’t let it get in the way of what you, what we, are trying to accomplish. this may be revenge to you, but it’s business to me, and my family. try to make it seem like that to you as well.”
i sit down on the bed, my eyes averting from his hidden hands and up to his eyes. i sigh, crossing my arms. “i think i’ll be okay, thank you.”
he nods, holding eye contact for a short moment before turning around, walking towards the door and grabbing the knob.
“goodnight, miss [y/n].”
i watch him shut the door and sigh, shaking my head to almost physically get him, and that conversation, out of my head. i’m here for business, and yes, a bit of vengeance, but not for some sort of fatal attraction that just showed up when speaking to him alone. fuck. that’s the last thing i’m here for.
with that off-putting thought, i knew i needed to sleep soon. i changed into a nightgown that was in the top drawer, pulling my hair into a loose bun and washing my face from the long day of travel and conversation that i had, before i sunk into the soft mattress and bundled myself into the covers.
i closed my eyes, thoughts of not only my current situation, but thomas running through my tired mind. he was attractive, but clearly uninterested given his dry, blunt tone, but he was so powerful, god, it made me think. it made me think far too much.
although, even if he wanted me, i didn’t have much experience, so i’d make a complete fool of myself, and the mission i came here to perform, which had nothing to do with sleeping with thomas shelby.
this pointless overthinking wasn’t helping me sleep.
i slid out of the bedsheets, rubbing my forehead in annoyance and cursing under my breath as i walked towards the door, opening it quietly and heading back to the kitchen, one of the few places i knew in the shelby house, to grab a glass of water.
to my surprise, what i was attempting to get away from was sitting at the dining room table, reading through a few papers with a glass of whiskey in hand. i blush, standing awkwardly as he looks up to me when the wooden board i was standing on creaked. he set his drink down, but kept one paper in his free hand.
“looking for something?”
“yes, uhm, water.” i say, crossing my arms as my nerves collected and also to block any showing of my breasts, which were pretty visible through the white fabric. “i just can’t sleep.”
he stood up, pouring me a glass and handing it to me, glancing down briefly to stare at my newly changed clothes. “then sit out here. surely these would put you to sleep.” he gestures towards the documents on the table, pulling out the chair next to me.
"it's alright." i awkwardly nod, gesturing the glass towards him. "thank you for the water. i should at least try to lay back down though."
"i don't think you want to." he says bluntly, licking his finger to flip to the next page of the newspaper. "come on, miss [y/n], have a seat."
i sigh, walking a few steps over to sit aside him in the wooden chair, setting the clear glass on the table. "to be frank, i am really not in a sufficient mood to discuss anything that involves my father, mr. shelby... i do want to go to bed."
he chuckles, setting the paper down and sitting back into his chair. "i know you don't want to discuss your father, and neither do i at this hour. i was simply suggesting the reason you aren't in your bedsheets touching yourself to me is because you wanted it first hand, is that right?"
my eyes widen a bit as i hear him speak. i stand up, despite the urge to discover this scenario more, and push my chair in. "have a good night, mr. shelby." i say rather quickly, turning back to the hallway that lead towards my bedroom, before i hear his chair push back, his footsteps following my path.
i feel him take my hand, turning me around and into a deep, lustful kiss, his hands immediately traveling down to my waist, guiding me down the hallway and into my room, where he sets me on the bed, shutting the door behind him. i sit there, my body frozen, and frankly, already burning my passion, but one i was unable to act on with another. everything i was overthinking just minutes before was unfolding before me.
thomas tiled his head, looking at me confused as he began to unbutton his white dress shirt. he stepped closer, stripping of his top and letting it fall to the floor behind him. he pursed his lips together with a plain expression, yet so much thought was read before his eyes.
"you're a virgin." he says blankly. "aren't you?"
my eyes widen and i really couldn't hide the truth, if he was already getting that conclusion so quickly. i nodded slowly. "uhm, yes.. i.. i am.."
he leans down, and eventually, sinks onto his knees, lightly pressing both of his hands to the opposite ends of my hips, sighing softly through his nostrils. “in.. everything?”
“mr. shelby, i’m no pru-”
he chuckled, rolling the nightgown up enough to pull down my white panties onto the floor, gesturing for me to lay back. “then i believe you, miss [y/n], just lay down.”
i gasp softly as his lips kiss my folds, the wetness of his saliva trailing up to my clit as his tongue digs inside of me, sucking on my sensitive skin while his arms wrap around my legs to bury himself between my thighs.
i reach down to lightly hold him by the hair, my other hand hiking my nightgown up more and more until i was able to see his head. i meet his eyes, and that only pushes him to go faster, his tongue dancing in circles and different rhythms on my clit, but breaks free soon after, to trail kisses down my thighs, up to my stomach, to my breasts, and to my lips. i taste myself through our kisses, his hot breath enveloping mine as his tongue slides into my mouth.
i moan into the kisses, my arms reaching up to wrap around his neck, fingers lightly grazing his now exposed skin. he was warm, and he knew what he was doing, which frankly, made a bit nervous, but i wasn't opposed to letting him carry the weight of our situation.
he lightly pulled himself away before meeting my eyes as he hovered above me. he glanced down between our bodies before looking back to me. i could feel his erection through his pants as it grazed against my inner thigh, practically begging for its release towards my slit.
i felt his hand trail between us, gently rubbing my wet clit and watching for my reaction, as my mouth opens again and my cheeks grow redder at his touch. i close my eyes, my back arching lightly at the feeling, my legs spreading before him. he leans back down to trail kisses down my neck, before his teeth grab the top of my down near my right breast and pull it down, tucking it underneath the ball of flesh he wanted to see. he began to lick my nipple, sucking at an increasing speed, his tongue distracting me from his release from my clit.
i could hear his belt buckle, and his pants drop to the floor, his boxers following the clothes as he leaned up, leading me out of touch as he positioned himself between my inner thighs. he glanced down to me, his right hand lightly grazing his cock as he aligned it against my folds. he sighed through his nose, looking down at our bodies before lightly pushing his tip in, barely enough for me to feel.
"tell me if it hurts, [y/n]." he says my name alone with a husky tone, before gently sliding himself inside me, his thick cock stretching my tight, sensitive walls as he slowly worked his way inside.
i gasp, looking down between my legs watch his cock disappear into me, and his hand moving from his length to my thigh, lightly holding it up to push himself in further. when he finally got inside of me, so deep that i felt his balls lightly against my ass, he glanced down at me for the first time since he was inside.
"i-it feels good, mr. shelby." i say, knowing he wanted my word for it.
he clicks his tongue lightly, beginning to slowly pump himself in and out of me, the sound of my wet pussy enveloping the noise of the room. his cock twitched at the feeling, small breaths coming from his nostrils as he focused on the feeling of my body holding him close. he leans down, planting a kiss against my lips before pulling himself up, just enough that our noises were still touching as he breathed against my face.
"such a pretty woman you are, miss [y/n]. you take cock so well, you know that, hm? you feel so natural around me, love. like you were built for my cock."
i gulp at his words, feeling my face burn at the talk mr. shelby spoke above me, as his pace began to lightly increase with each smooth word. i nod, pursuing my lips together and feeling my core tighten as the sounds of our bodies against each other began to fill the room, much more than before.
he chuckles at my silent response, but i showed it through my body the more he fucked me. his strokes were gentle, but deep, his cock nearly leaving my pussy through each and every stroke, but pushing back inside through one thrust every time. i could hear him grunt at the sensation, and it was evident he needed more for release.
i lightly lean up, my arms shaking slightly while i adjusted myself, and he leaned up once more, still inside of me.
"d-do you.. do you think i could take your cock as well from behind me, mr. shelby?" i stammer, glancing up to him with a red face. "if.. if you think that would feel better for the both of us.."
a grin spread across his cheeks, and he lightly pulled out of me, gesturing for me to flip over and get onto my knees. he places his large hands on my lower hips, his thumbs resting on the top of my ass. i could feel his cold rings on my body as he leaned forward to push himself inside once more.
it felt much different this way, the way he was holding me, the way his cock was pushing through my tight walls at a quickly accustomed angle. god, it felt fucking good, but i knew he wouldn't be rougher, or more, with me, if i didn't say so. mr. shelby seemed to be a ruthless man, but he was taking it easy with me given the circumstances.
"harder." i mutter under my breath, but just enough that he could hear me from his position.
"are you sure, love?" he asked, his grip on my hips tightening and his cock begin to take up a new speed. "because i can fuck you like a whore, but i'm not too sure you'd like that during your first time."
"i-i am sure, mr. shelby. i need it."
with my permission, he pulled himself out of me, before nearly slamming himself back inside, his tip grazing close to what felt like my lower stomach as he began to pump himself further into my body, his cock making my body turn towards some sort of shock, as i felt a sharp feeling of pain yet pleasure escalate through my core, my legs, everywhere.
i gasp, leaning down to rest my head into the pillow, trying to muffle the loud moans and high pitched yelps as mr. shelby pounded his length into my pussy, every stroke earning a whine from my covered lips. he took one of his hands off of me to reach down and grab me by my tied up hair, lifting my head up to cause my body to arch in reaction, and my open mouth to gasp at his sudden movements.
"do you think whores stay quiet, miss [y/n]?" he tilts his head, looking down at my half-covered body as he talks, slightly taunting. it seemed a more demeaning attitude came with more of mr. shelby's dominance.
i shake my head, trying to catch my staggered breath as the question pent up my nerves. "n-no, mr. shelby.. they.. they don't.."
"exactly." he huffs, his hand moving from my hair to my neck, his fingers gripping my red, sweating skin. "so how should you behave when i fuck you?"
"but.. but it may be loud, mr. shelby.." i conteract, closing my eyes as his hard hits travel farther into my pussy, his balls slapping against my clit, which only increased my harsh stimulation. "i-i don't want to wake your family.."
thomas lifted his hand briefly to smack my ass, hard, earning a yelp from my lips. "does it look like i give a fuck what they think? i have the authority here, don't i? i can fuck you as i please, can't i?"
"y-yes.." i moan as his hand left my body stinging, nodding hastily. "you do, fuck, mr. shelby.."
he kept his motions at their highly aggressive rate, pounding my pussy and expecting the reactions i gave him, which were loud, visible moans and yells cued by his manipulation, as he fucked me so hard the room was full of our own created noise, and the sound of the bed frame creaking against the wooden wall, and the floorboards slightly screeching against the rapid movements.
i felt my own release building up, and with his thumb suddenly planting against my clit, i gasped, my climax releasing against his cock as he rode out his own high, filling my insides and thrusting momentarily before slowly pulling out.
he leaned forward to help flip me over, watching me catch my breath and straight my own out as he got himself dressed. he leaned down to grab my panties, then got on the floor to slide them up my legs, and adjust them against my hips before leaning forward, gently sticking his index finger past the cotton before slowly pushing it into my pussy, and sliding it out, licking it slowly before me as he stood up.
"we'll discuss plans for your father tomorrow, hm?" he asked casually, adjusting his shirt into his pants. "perhaps i'll take you shopping for some new dresses as well outside of birmingham?"
i nod, slowly sitting up on the bed. "uhm, yes, i'd.. i'd like that, mr. shelby."
"thomas." he says, leaning down to peck my lips. "no mr. shelby. you're a bit different than a business partner now, eh? we've bent the rules a little here."
i chuckle lighting, shaking my head. "i.. uh, suppose so, yeah.."
he holds my cheek lightly before walking towards the door and holding his hand against the knob. "goodnight." he opens the doors then, glancing to me.
"goodnight, thomas."
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writingwithcolor · 9 months
Characters reconnecting with their ancestral cultures in an interplanetary setting
@pixiedustandpetrichor asked:
Hi! I am writing a novel with three main female characters in an interplanetary setting. They grow up as orphans in an Irish-coded country and as children are mostly exposed to solely that culture, but they leave after becoming adults. Character A is Tuareg-coded, B Mongolian-coded, and C is Germanic-coded. It isn’t central to the story, but I would like them to get in touch with/learn more about their ancestral cultures, especially in terms of religion. A does this by actually visiting the planet her parents came from, but B and C do not. What can I do to depict their relationships with said cultures and their journey to reconnect with them? Would it be realistic for each of them to have different mixed feelings about participating in these cultures and for them to retain some sense of belonging to the culture they grew up in as well? Thank you for your time.
Hello, asker! WWC doesn’t have Tuareg or Mongol mods at the moment, so we're not able to speak to the specifics of cultural and religious reconnection for these particular groups. Still, I want to take this opportunity to provide some general context and elements to consider when writing Tuareg-coded characters, or other characters from groups that have experienced colonization in the real world. My fellow mods will then share thoughts about cultural reconnection in general and with respect to Germanic heritage in particular.
Drawing inspiration from groups that have experienced colonization
As you’re probably aware, the Tuareg are an ethnic group indigenous to North Africa. As with many indigenous groups, they have experienced colonization multiple times over the course of their history. Colonization often leads to the loss or erasure of certain aspects of culture as the colonized people are pressured to conform to the culture of the dominant group. In many cases, it’s near impossible to say what the ancestral culture of a colonized group was prior to colonization.
When coding a fictional culture based on a group that was colonized in the real world, it's important to ask questions about:
Which aspects of culture you're portraying
Where these aspects come from
Whether you're ready to tackle their implications for the world you're building
It’s not necessarily wrong to use elements of coding that draw from cultural aspects influenced by colonization. As I said, it can be very difficult, even impossible, to portray a “pure” culture as it would have been had colonization not occurred–because we simply can’t know what that alternate history would look like, and because so much has been lost or intentionally suppressed that the gaps in our knowledge are too wide to breach. But it’s important to be aware of where these cultural elements are coming from.
Where is your coding coming from and what are the implications?
For example, while the Tuareg today are majoritarily Muslim, this was not the case prior to the Arab conquest of North Africa. Some elements of Tuareg culture today, such as tea ceremonies, are derived from the influence of Arab and Muslim culture and likely did not exist prior to the 20th century. As you’re developing the culture of the Tuareg-coded group in your fictional setting, you have to decide whether to include these elements. There is no right answer–it will depend on what you’re trying to do and why.
Is your setting in our far future, in which case we can assume your Tuareg-coded group is distantly related to today’s Tuareg?
In that case, they will probably have kept many cultural aspects their ancestors acquired through their interactions with other cultures around them–including cultural groups that colonized them. They may–let’s build hopeful worlds!–have reclaimed aspects of their ancestral culture they’d been forced to abandon due to colonization. They may also have acquired new aspects of culture over time. This can be very fun to explore if you have the time and space to do so.
I would recommend speaking with Tuareg people to get a better grasp of how they see their culture evolving over the next however many centuries or millennia, what they wish to see and what seems realistic to them.
Alternatively, maybe your setting is a secondary world unrelated to ours and you only want to draw inspiration from the real-world Tuareg, not represent them exactly. In that case, you need to decide which period of history you’re drawing from, as Tuareg culture is different today from what it was 50 years ago, and different still from 200 years ago or 1000 years ago. You’ll need to research the historical period you’re choosing in order to figure out what was happening at that time and what the cultural influences were. If it’s pre-colonial, you’ll probably want to avoid including cultural elements influenced by colonization from groups that arrived later on.
Finally, if the time period you’re drawing from is post-colonial:
Are you planning to account for the effects of colonization on Tuareg culture?
Will you have an in-world equivalent for the colonization that occurred in real life?
For example, will the Tuareg-coded characters in your world be from a nomadic culture that was forced to become sedentary over the years and lost much of their traditions due to colonial pressure to conform?
Where did this pressure come from in your world–is it different from what happened in ours? If so, how different? And what are the consequences?
Writing about colonization can be quite the baggage to bring into a fictional setting. I’m not saying it can’t be done, but it will certainly require sensitivity and care in portraying it.
In summary: think it through
I’m not saying all this to discourage you, but to point out some of the considerations at play when drawing inspiration from a real-life culture that has experienced colonization. Similar challenges arise for coding based on any other indigenous group in the world.
My advice to you, then, is to first sit down and decide where and when in history your coding is coming from, and what you’re trying to achieve with it. This will help you figure out:
which elements of contemporary Tuareg culture are pertinent to include
How much your coding will be influenced by the Tuareg’s real-life history
To what extent that will inform the rest of the world you’re creating
This, in turn, may help in deciding how to portray your character’s reconnection journey.
Again, I am not Tuareg and this is by no means meant to be an exhaustive list of considerations for writing Tuareg-coded characters, only a few places to start.
If any Tuareg or Amazigh readers would like to chime in with suggestions of their own, please do. As always, please make sure your comments adhere to the WWC code of conduct.
- Niki
Pulling from diaspora and TRA narratives of cultural reconnection
Marika here: This ask plotline could also pull directly from diaspora and TRA narratives of cultural reconnection. Many diaspora and TRA cultural reconnection stories are, in effect, about navigating the difficult process of resuscitating, or renewing ties to culture using limited resources in environments that often lack necessary cultural infrastructure or scaffolding.
See this question here to the Japanese team for suggestions of how to handle such a storyline in a similar sci-fi setting.
More reading: Japanese-coded girl from future
Reconnecting with German heritage
Hi, it’s Shira. I’m not sure whether German-Jewish counts as Germanic for the purposes of your post but since German Jews were more assimilated than other Ashkies, Germanness does feel real and relevant to my life (especially because my father worked there for approximately the last decade of his life.) NOTE: when I see “Germanic” vs German I think of cultures from 1500 years ago, not 100-200 years ago, so I can’t help you there, but I’d be surprised as a reader if a character focused on that for reconnection to the exclusion of the 19th century etc.
People in the United States specifically, reconnecting with German heritage, often lean into Bayerischer/Bavarian kitsch, I’ve noticed. Personally, though, what I find most relevant is:
1. The food (although I’ve come to learn that what I grew up eating was closer to veal/chicken scallopini than actual schnitzel because it was drenched in lemon, but I do like the other foods like the potato salad and sweet and sour red cabbage etc.) Your character could try making one of these “ancestral” foods as a way to reconnect?
2. The classical music, because I’m a second generation professional musician – if character C plays an instrument, leaning into that might be meaningful (Beethoven, Bach, Brahms, Mendelssohn, Clara Schumann and her husband Robert, etc.)
3. The nature, especially specifics that I enjoyed during my time there – personally, I loved the bright pink flowers all over the chestnut trees, but there are a lot of choices especially because of the Alps. If C is an artist maybe they can sketch something Germany-related from old photographs they found on the Space Internet?
I think it is VERY realistic for the characters to remain connected to the culture in which they were raised, by the way, whether or not they have positive feelings about it. Culture isn’t an inherited trait. Sure, if they want to completely walk away, they can, but I bet there are still ways it will creep back in without them realizing it simply because it’s really hard to have universal knowledge of the origins of all our quirks. Plus, not everyone feels alienated from their raised-culture just because they’re genetically something else.
P.S. There is also Oktoberfest, which I don’t really get into but is a thing, and beer, which is another point of German cultural pride.
German gentiles, weigh in – y’all have your own stuff, I know! OH YEAH so for German Christians, Christmas “markets” are a whole thing. That’s worth looking up. 
What do you mean by Germanic?
Hello it’s Sci! I had to study German history for my historical fantasy novel set in the late 18th century Holy Roman Empire. I am not sure what is meant by Germanic as that can encompass a variety of things.
Germanic people: from the Classical Period of Roman Empire and early Middle Ages. Similar to Mod Shira, I unfortunately can’t help very much here.
The Germanosphere: regions that spoke German, which includes modern day Germany, Austria/Hungary, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Belgium, and Luxembourg. I generally define this as the regions captured in the Hapsburg Empire along with Switzerland usually encompassing “Central Europe.”
Modern German national identity (i.e. German): post Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna (> 1815) only including the territory of modern day Germany.*
I ask this because modern German national identity is surprisingly recent since Germany only popped up in 1871 under Otto von Bismarck. Previously, Germany was divided into smaller states and city states as a very decentralized region under the German Confederation and before that, the Holy Roman Empire. Depending on the era, you can see different conflicts and divides. During the early days of the Protestant Reformation started by Martin Luther, the northern and southern German territories generally split along Protestant-Catholic lines. The 18th century saw Austria and Prussia as the foci of global power who warred against each other even though both were part of the Holy Roman Empire.
Other states and city-states like Baden-Wurttemberg or Saxony sometimes had power but it was typically more localized compared to Austria. Post-WW2, you saw the split of Germany into West Germany run under capitalism and East Germany run under communism as a satellite Soviet state leading to more modern cultural divides. Due to heavy decentralization historically, each region had its own character with religious and cultural divides. 
Assuming that the Germanic character is not from the classical period or early Middle Ages but not from the 19th century either, you can include your character reconnecting to classical folklore like that of Krampus (if they’re Christian), German literature and music like the works of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe or Mozart, or German philosophy like Immanuel Kant.
*A major wrinkle: German royals and nobility married into other states and nations frequently with Britain and Russia being notable examples. In Britain, the House of Hanover took over after the Stuart House died without clear direct heirs. When Queen Victoria married the German prince Albert, they celebrated Christmas with a tree and brought the German tradition of a Christmas tree to Britain and the British Empire. Only during World War I did the royal family’s house of Hanover name change from House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to the more “English-sounding” Windsor. As a result, the German cultural influence may be even more widespread than we think.
However, without more specific descriptors of what Germanic means in the context of your story, it can be difficult to determine which aspects of German culture your character could reconnect to.
-Mod Sci
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inbarfink · 1 year
Oh glob, can you imagine what the Tragic Story of the Winterworld version of Marceline?
Because we know she and the Winter King has the same sort of Simon and Marcy backstory as their Mainworld counterparts. 
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But in the ‘present day’ she’s nowhere to be found, but her beloved Axe-Bass is and it was given to an icy duplicate of her child self
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So this Marceline must’ve gone through all of the same heartbreak with her version of Simon - watching him slowly lose himself to the Madness of the Crown, being abandoned by him, avoiding him because she couldn't bare to see him so sad and mad and such a shadow of the man who took care of her. 
And then suddenly Simon is back, and he seems so happy now and Marceline must’ve been so happy too. But it couldn’t have taken her that long to find out what he did. Who paid the price for the Winter King’s power and happiness. 
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And if the Winterworld timeline has been identical to the Mainworld up until that divergence point, and since all of this happened a hundred years ago, that would’ve still been when Marceline and Peebles were going through their Breakup Arc. But clearly Marceline still had lingering feelings for Bubblegum. Seeing the man who raised you so kindly commit such a horrendously cruel act for his own personal benefit would be devastating enough. Seeing him do it to the woman you love is just an extra-cruel twist of the knife. 
Did Marceline feel responsible? Was she afraid that if she wasn’t constantly running away from Ice King’s attempts to reconnect she could’ve stopped him from stooping so low? Or maybe she felt like she should’ve just taken him out when she had the chance - if only she could’ve let go of her emotional attachment to him?
Since the Winter King says he’s a sane Simon who has freed himself from the mental effects of the Magic Crown - was Marceline afraid that he was always like that? That the sweet man who took care of her was just a front she couldn’t see past due to her young age?
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And then, they must’ve had some sort of confrontation, right? The best case scenario is the Winter King defeating her, claiming her most praised possession as his own and banishing her beyond the borders of the Winter Kingdom. The worst case scenario is that the Winter King killed his own beloved daughter because she clashed with his new false frozen paradise.
And either way he replaced her with Ice Marcy - a false construct based on an idealized memory of Marceline as a child - happy and adorable and dependent on him. Someone he can dote over, living like a lil' princess in his winter wonderland
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But also someone who will never defy his will again.
If Marceline is still alive, now that Bonnibel is finally free… I wanna hope that maybe hearing about that other Simon, our Simon, who expressed nothing but sympathy and a genuine desire to help towards the Candy Queen - maybe that would bring her some peace of mind. But maybe it would just make her feel even more Conflicted. 
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theriverbeyond · 1 month
It's crazy how well-crafted Hadestown is, like there aren't many shows out there that have equally strong messages artistically and politically. What do you think of the balancing of Hades as a character? Personally I love how it's shown that even after his reconnection with Persephone it's his clinging to the existing power structure that leads him to make the deal he does with Orpheus, so it isn't a clear-cut redemption - I think that is what makes it so neither his humanity nor the system he upholds feels hollow.
CRACKS KNUCKLES ok so on a character/thematic/narrative level I'm obsessed with Hades because the political compentary he represents feels so coherent and distinctly recodnizable to like, Figures and Systems Of Power that exist in the world right now
I really really really love how Hades specifically turns to industry because he is *lacking* genuine love/connection/care and using these material comforts trying to fill the void inside him -- "Lover, you were gone so long/ Lover, I was lonesome/ So I built a foundry/ In the ground beneath your feet" -- it feels very similar to how so much of modern life is Being Sold The Idea Of Love And Connection. We too turn to capitalism to replace genuine connection that is lacking in our lives, like how buying and being sold the aesthetics of community is easier than actually creating and being in community. Genuine affection and care vs the feeling of power as you wield it over others.
And Hades doing this only further alienates him from Persephone, and it becomes this vicious cycle of him creating and upholding a system that drives away any actual connection, which then of course only motivates him to Continue Onwards. His "Lover, when you see that glare/ Think of it as my despair for you" with Persephone responding "Lover, what have you become/ Coal cars and oil drums/ Warehouse walls and factory floors/ I don't know you anymore".
And re: Hades' redemption, I think the fascinating thing is he ISN'T redeemed. TO ME!! He gets to the point of redemption and then he turns away, which I think fits really well into the overarching theme of the show, as in, resisting the pull of capitalism feels impossible and often ends in tragedy but we should do it anyway, and also fits the PATTERN of the show, which is people getting to the doorstep of freedom and then turning around.
Specifically, when Orpheus asks "Can we go?" and Hades says "I don't know", that is his redemption point. He wants to help them, but he feels stuck, and trapped in this web he created and sat himself in the middle of. Can he break his own system? And Hades' personal tragedy is he gets SO CLOSE but then the Fates (or like, his own inner dialogue) come in and tempt him away. They make him Doubt -- "If you let him go/ Oh you're a spineless king/ And you'll never get em in line again". He is, at the end of the day, TOO trapped in the system he has created ("Whole damn nation's watching you"), too dependent on the workers he exploits that he doesn't see any other way to live. "That's the way the world is". Hades gets so close to letting them go before he turns around, because he decides that letting them go means letting himself go, and he no longer thinks that is possible.
He does let them try, though. "Give them a rope and they'll hang themselves" he does expect them to fail, because he doesnt himself have hope that another world is truly possible, but he knows Orpheus does. Even as he turns back I feel like he's saying. If you believe another world is possible, prove it. "Show the way so we believe"
And I'm just so obsessed with this sequence because like -- "Show the way so we can see/ Show the way the world could be/ If you can do it, so can she/ If she can do it, so can we/ Show the way" -- the unspoken here is that Hades is watching too, and this is a trial, and a test, and like. He can't break the system. He doesn't know how, he doesn't feel like it's possible. But he's watching, he can't not watch, and so that means like. Orpheus' effort is worth it. His believing is worth it. Even as they all fail, again and again and again, it's worth it.
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fordtato · 1 year
The Gravity Falls Timeline
All of this is based on my video, but I assume not many people will want to sit through 2.5 hours of me working this out, so here's a condensed written version.
Some rules I set for myself: If the actual name of an IP, a person or an event is referenced in J3/the Show, I included it into my math for my timeline (ex: references to Ronald Reagan or The Eurythmics, or other REAL WORLD figures). If a REFERENCE is made without the actual name being referenced (ex: in the Journal, Ford mentions Phantom Bustifiers, a reference to Ghostbusters, a movie that didn’t come out in our world until 1984), I did not put that into this timeline (I know what year Ghostbusters came out, but not which year Phantom Bustifiers came out).
With that in mind, let’s begin:
The Stans are born June 15 1951.
Their Bar Mitzvah happened when they were 12 (not 13, as is typical) and their birthday is on June 15th. Because a Bar Mitzvah is dependent on one’s birthday on the Hebrew calendar and not the Gregorian calendar, this means that their 13th Hebrew birthday must land on a date that is BEFORE their 13th Gregorian birthday, something that is typically more rare (the Hebrew birthday is usually AFTER one’s typically celebrated birthday).
The only viable year where this applies is 1951, when their birthday lands on Sivan 11, resulting in a 13th Hebrew birthday in May of 1964, BEFORE their 13th birthday on June 15th
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The Stans find the Stan O War in spring of 1964 at age 12 (or 1961, if you think they were 10)
There are two viable dates for when they find the Stan o War, depending on if they’re 10 (the same age Stan was when he started writing Lil Stanley in the Lost Legends comics) or 12 (the same age as Dipper and Mabel). I think that the way the artist drew the young Stan twins in the Lil Stanley comic looks (age 10) looks slightly younger than how they look in the series (and they are designed a little differently than they look in the Jersey Devil comic, when we KNOW they have the Stan O War already), but there is evidence for both sides.
I lean toward them being 12 because they pull out a sharpie, which wasn’t invented until 64, but there is a reference to a Bruce Springsteen song in a magazine in Lost Legends, quoted by someone named “Brucey S, age 11” and Bruce Springsteen would have been 11 in 1961, so this might be 1961 (or the magazine Ford is reading from might be an old magazine.) I went with 1964, because I think 12 parallelled the ages of Dipper and Mabel better. 
Stan gets kicked out in spring of 1969 right before they turned 18. Ford starts at Backupsmore in the fall semester.
Stan makes a reference to Jackie O, which means Jackie Kennedy already remarried to be Jackie Onnassis, and is also still in the public eye, something that would be progressively less common after 1969 (she also happened to visit New Jersey in spring of 1969 and that would have made state headlines, something which is probably a coincidence, but nonetheless very interesting).
Furthermore, there is a portrait of Nixon in the principal’s office, and he would have been sworn in in early 1969. 
I think 1969 is more likely than 1970 because ‘69 gives more wiggle room for Shermie to be the baby (more on that later) and for Ford to get at least one PhD.
-Stan dates Carla “Hotpants” McCorkle,(reconnecting for another date after the one at the theater in their teenage years), probably in 1971 (if this “hallucinatey” date even happened at all; if you dont think it happened at all, disregard). 
We know this is a later date, when stan is an adult, because his design matches the designs on one of his fake IDs from his years on the run. It was likely 1971 because that is when the term “hotpants” was used to describe those short shorts.
The hippie aesthetic also started dying down after 1972 after the Manson attacks, so I picked 71 for the Juke Joint date.
Ford graduated from Backupsmore at the very earliest 1974, MAYBE early 1975.
In the journal it says he went to Gravity Falls in 1975, but we know he couldn’t have graduated earlier than 74, because we know that he played DDnMoreD in college, and he says in the journal that it was copyrighted in 1974. He also says Stanley always mocked him for playing it, which literally isn’t possible, so he’s either misremembering Stanley mocking him for an EARLIER TTRPG, or this copyright is for a later edition (though I think it must be the former, since DDnMD is a clear reference to DnD which WAS copyrighted in 1974. Still. Up to you.)
This means he completed his PhD in 6 years (or, three years ahead of schedule as described in the series). I believe many of his other PhDs were honorary degrees, and didn't bother working them into this timeline. He got them later.
Stan joins Rico’s gang in the late 70s
Sometime in the late 70s, Stan gets tangled up in what is implied to be the Colombian cartel, which would have been most active in the late 70s, between 75 and 79. Following his trajectory on the map in ATOTS showing his path across the country, he headed below the border toward the end of that trackline, so it was probably later on.
Ford started Journal 3 in 1981, shortly after meeting Bill in 1981. 
He says he discovered his muse in 1981 in J3. He also says he is starting J3 six years after he started investigating Gravity Falls (which he did in 75). He also says early on in J3 that he is in his 30s, and he would have turned 30 in June of 1981, three days before he started J3.
There is some fuckery here on how he’s known his muse for “two years” midway J3, and the way I explain that in the video is that the first part of J3 spans nearly 2 years, and there is ample evidence that he wrote many pages out of order. This might be a page from later on in 1982, early 83, instead of mid-81. 
We know that Reagan was already in office at this point.
 Fiddleford shows up in July of 1982. Fiddleford begins making the memory gun after the Gremloblin incident later that year. 
We know at least a year has passed because if you track the months, they go from June, to August, and then later on down to July again when Fiddleford is called. As for the Gremloblin incident, it happened relatively close to the bunker incident (which would have been closer to summer, since it was still hot outside) but it was followed closely by the carnival, where they had squash for sale, and squash are in season after September, typically. 
First Portal Test is on January 18, 1983
Fiddleford falls through the portal, his head poking through, on January 18 1983, the day after the confrontation he had with Ford in the diner. 
Late February, 1983 - The Portal Incident
There are three many reasons I chose this date. Firstly, we know it is 1983 not just because it follows the trajectory of earlier dates, but because we know that Ford has heard The Eurythmics’ chart topper “Sweet Dreams Are Made of This” because when he returns he says he is looking forward to their next one, and that came out in January of 83’, before he would have been sucked through.
Secondly, five weeks after January 18th, it would still be snowy in up-mountain Oregon where Ford is, but not that snowy in New Mexico where Stan is when he gets the post card.
Thirdly, we know at least 5-6 weeks have passed because Ford describes about this many weeks during his “paranoid era” in the journal (more than one instance of “a couple weeks, several weeks, a few weeks”, etc.). 
In the year 2000, Dipper and Mabel are born. 
I know most people think it’s 1999. And that is fine, but I have ample evidence that the show takes place in 2013, not 2012 (see below), so 2000 would have to work for their birthday.
But 2000 also gives a little bit of wiggle room to Shermie being the baby. (If you don’t think Shermie is the baby, disregard this section). If Shermie IS the baby, then if he was born in spring of 1969 (late 68 at the earliest), then you can barely fit two generations of Pines in the space between 1969 and 2000. It would mean that both Shermie and his kid would need to be 15 when they had a kid, which is … not great, but not impossible? I dunno man, take it up with Hirsch. (Or just assume the baby is Shermie’s kid. Follow your dreams).
In 2013, Dipper and Mabel visit their Grunkle Stan in Gravity Falls. 
The Northwest ghost died in what is described in the journal as “The Great Flood of 1863”. The Northwests are trying to keep this flood under wraps in J3, because they don’t want people finding out about the lumberjacks killed in the flood. The Northwest Ghost swore with his dying breath to come back 150 yrs after his death. 150 years later from 1863, is 2013.
The 1040 form that Stan is filling out his Tax Fraud note on in the truth-telling ep is a 2012 form. To file tax returns, you use w2s 1040s labeled under the PREVIOUS year
Sevral Timez shouts "2013"
1983 is 30 years before 2013. 
Note: This would mean that the Stans are 62 at the end of the summer, which might mean that they are "pushing 70" as Stan describes himself.
Anyways, here's the full video if you have 2.5 hours. Otherwise, enjoy this resource!
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supernaturalistthings · 8 months
Friends? pt 3
Female!Reader x Dean Winchester
+18! contains smut
lmk if you guys want a pt 4!
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He must've had the same thought of realization because in that moment we both held and pulled at eachother like we were ravenous. His hands running from the sides of my face to through my hair slightly pulling it. His lips were hot and wet against my own moving in perfect synchronicity.
His hands start to feel adventurous. Making their way from my hair to my chest feeling and playing to his heart's content. Something he has always dreamed about but was never able to do until now. He quickly undressed me from my shirt and bra. His mouth followed closely behind his hands leaving a trail of wet kisses and soft bites, his eyes never leaving my face which was currently contorted and thrown back in pleasure. Desperately gasping and moaning for air.
He takes my left breast into his mouth while making sure the other doesn't feel neglected with his hands. He was working magic before my very eyes and all i could do was softly moan his name and keep his hair in my hands to assure this feeling can't go anywhere. He's groaning as well, not being able to think or know anything right now other than me and my body. He's almost shaking with lust.
“Dean..” I moaned softly, getting his attention.
He looked at me, eyes dark with sex and lust, anticipating and craving what i'm going to say next. Except i couldn't say anything, all i could think about was flipping us both so i was on top and his beautiful body was beneath me.
So that's exactly what I did. I looked down at him from our new position taking in every detail that I could while he looked at me like I was everything he needed. I can feel now just how true that is, as I'm straddling his waist his hard dick is pressed right where I want him right now. His hand is on my waist admiring my half naked body waiting for my next move.
I reconnect our lips, we’re both moaning heavily into the kiss. He lifts himself slightly off the bed so I could get his shirt off as fast as possible. I start trailing wet kisses down his chest all the way to his waistband, his hands catching any hair that may block him from having a full view of what I was about to do.
I slowly start at the button on his worn down jeans pulling the zipper down after getting it undone. I can feel his eyes burning into me and he’s flinching at any close contact, almost unable to control himself from taking them off himself and fucking the life out of me.
Before he can get the chance to do that I start pulling his jeans and boxers down. Freeing his already fully hard dick from the restraint of his boxers. I was amazed, I had never been with someone so big before, but of course I don't know why I would be shocked.
I take him into my hands looking into his green eyes innocently before he throws his head back with a groan.
“Fuck” was all he could manage in this moment.
When he met my eyes again they told me everything he was needing and thinking right now. I slowly lick a stripe all the way from the base to the tip earning several moans from Dean. His eyes were trained on me almost as if he couldn't look away. I took him as fully into my mouth as I could, gagging slightly from his size. I start bobbing my head on his dick making sure that he feels the same magic that I was just a moment ago. He start squirting gripping at the sheets my hair and anything he could get his hands on
Suddenly but still with a hint of softness and love he grabs my chin and pulls my face to his. Our foreheads pressed together, both of us catching a breath of much needed air, breathing into each other's gaze. Lips glistening with saliva, faces flushed, and breathing heavy. We've never looked more beautiful together I'm sure of it.
“I couldn't last much longer with you doing that” he lets out breathlessly “it's my turn now” he continues with a smirk and brow raise.
I laugh as he flips us once again. He's back on top and taking my pants off like his life depending on it. He stopped briefly after sliding my underwear off delicately down my legs and throwing them off the bed to admire his masterpiece before him. He softly smiled taking in every curve, scar, freckle…everything.
Our lips meet again but this time softer, slower. He was savoring this and honestly so was I. He was between my legs. We were slowly moving with each other, our chests grazing each others or lips never not connected, his hands never leaving my body. He moves one of his hands down my body and then to his own, he has himself in his hand when he slowly glides himself into me. Our mouths drop in unison.
“Oh my g-” he tries to get out
“You feel amazing” he groans and lifts himself slightly so he can start thrusting.
First slowly, letting me get my bearings and then as if he can't control it anymore he starts going hard and deep. We're both a mess of moans, heat, sweat and lust. His hair disheveled from my hands, relentlessly running through and grasping at it. Then I start to feel it, I'm choking for air, I'm doing everything to keep my eyes from screwing themselves shut.
“Dean…you’re amazing…th-this feels amazing” you moan and sing praise to him which furthers him more on his mission to make me feel better than I've ever felt. He’s picking up speed, it's desperate, filled with groans and moans.
“Baby… i'm almost there” he struggles to grunt out.
Then it happens, I feel him coming undone inside me. He pulls out slowly as if he never wanted to leave and goes to roll to be on his back. Rolling with me so that I'm laid up on his chest. I don't know if ive ever seen him this smiley and giggly. It's very clear he's proud of himself and he has every reason to be.
“That .. was.. awesome” he says, still trying to catch his breath, chuckling slightly in disbelief.
I didn't know it yet and Dean was playing it cool but it was undeniable. We were something real, something committed, something romantic… we were falling in love…
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bagopucks · 1 year
Nico Hischier x Reader, platonic Jack Hughes
“Shut up.” I gently pinched Nico’s side, causing him to mumble out a soft ‘ow’ before he pushed my hand away.
“I can’t!”
“If you can’t be quiet, then we can’t have sex.” I slipped my hands beneath his shirt and rolled my eyes at his pout.
Usually Nico and I didn’t have this problem. Usually, we didn’t have to worry about noise. But Jack just had to go and get himself drunk. Jack just had to go and get sick. And he just had to call Nico, and Nico didn’t want him laying around his place miserable all night. So he was staying with us. In our guest room, just down the hall.
“Fine! Fine!” Nico whispered in a tense tone, lifting his arms for me to slide his shirt off.
“Poor Jack is trying to sleep.” I laughed quietly as I tossed his shirt to the floor.
“Poor Jack.” He mocked with a scoff.
“Don’t give me that attitude. You’re the one who told him to stay with us for the night.” We were in the mood, I promise, but there’s always a 50/50 that Nico and I are going to be passionate, or giggly the whole time when we’re in bed. It simply depended on the situation.
“Because he got sick. I was worried.”
“He‘s an adult.” I gave him a quick shove, and Nico allowed himself to fall back onto the bed. I climbed on top of him and smirked. He still had his jeans on, and I was still in shorts and a t-shirt.
“He’s an adult, but it’s still Jack. He can’t take care of himself.”
“I think he definitely can.” I pushed Nico’s hair back. “I just think you’re too overprotective of him, captain.” His eyes widened at the title, and Nico quickly reached up to cup my cheek in his hand. He guided my lips to his own, a sigh parting his in time to gently nip and tug at my bottom lip.
Nico was the sweetest guy I knew. Shy when we first met, a bit socially awkward, but incredibly straight forward with his feelings. I learned that early on. And when it came to those he loved, he put them first before anything else.
“Can we…” I silenced Nico’s request by pressing our lips together again. He chuckled softly, and I allowed him to speak the second time he pulled away.
“My legs are hanging off the bed.”
“Right.” I climbed off of him to let Nico slide completely onto the mattress. He sat up and reached for my arm, gently tugging as I moved forward to situate myself in his lap. Our lips reconnected swiftly, and I shifted my hips against his own, only for him to groan into my mouth.
“Nico,” I scolded.
“He’ll get over it.”
“You’ll scar him for life.” I tossed my arms over his shoulders, gasping when his hands found my hips and pushed me down against him. We both stopped as soon as we heard a thud in the hallway.
I couldn’t say how many seconds we waited before Nico repeated his previous actions, that had us both struggling to hold in any noise.
“Gotta get-“ he paused to kiss me. “These jeans off.” I giggled softly. I slipped off his lap and reached for the button before the door creaked.
“Holy-“ I shot off the bed and stumbled backwards. Nico grabbed one of our pillows to throw over his lap. I turned to look at Jack. Nico’s wide eyes found the brunette in the doorway with just as much speed.
“I threw up..” Jack whispered in the darkness. “Again.” I felt bad for him, and at the same time I wanted to punch him in the throat for not knocking.
“Did nobody ever teach you to knock?” I snapped, and I heard him sniffle before his shoulders lifted into a lazy shrug.
“Sorry.” He turned to leave, and I let out a reluctant sigh.
“Jack hold on.” I slowly walked over to him, raising my hand to feel his warm cheek when he turned to look at me. “Did you make it to the bathroom?”
“Does your stomach still hurt?”
“A little.” I pushed his hair from his eyes and looked back at Nico.
“Do you need anything?”
“Can I hang out in here?”
“No!” Nico answered perhaps a bit too quickly. Jack’s face fell.
“I’m gonna go sit with him for a bit.”
“What?” I felt bad to leave my lover alone and wanting, but it technically wasn’t my fault. He wanted to bring Jack in for the night.
“Jack, why don’t you go lay back down?” He nodded and slipped out of the room.
“Please don’t go,” Nico whined.
“Just until he falls back asleep.”
“That’ll be forever.” I rolled my eyes at him.
“Give it a half an hour, Nic.”
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kandisheek · 3 months
In Amore Veritas by FestiveFerret
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 3,903 Tags: Truth Serum, Class Difference, Reconnecting
Summary: Prince Tony creeps down to the stables one night to meet with his best friend, Steve, one of the stable boys. It's something they do often, but this time, Tony has something special hidden in the wraps of his cloak.
Reasons why I love it: Oh, you poor, silly boys. I'm so glad they cleared up their misunderstanding in the end, because those two idiots deserve each other. This fic is super sweet and fluffy, and I bet you'll love it just as much as I do!
as you have honored them by Areiton
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: M Words: 1,734 Tags: Fantasy AU, Forced Marriage, Protective Steve
Summary: He sits in his chambers, silent as the three serving automans paint his body, gold and crimson. There are the sigils of the Crown that is his birthright, and the ones of Stone’s own kingdom. There are, too, the traditional sigils, of a bride, of the nine gods and the six kingdoms.
Reasons why I love it: Don't mind me, I'm just over here, screaming incoherently into the void. This fic is SO GOOD, oh my god! I love all of the symbolism and the blessings and the ENDING, fuck yes! I really hope you go and read this one if you haven't, because it's phenomenal!
Tribute Given, Treasure Gained by sphagnum
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 12,051 Tags: A/B/O, Power Imbalance, Tribute Tony
Summary: “Steve,” the Captain said, hand over his chest. Tony licked his lips. Was he supposed to give his name, or remain silent until he was asked a direct question? The Captain--Steve, apparently--already knew his name, he had to, it had been included on the settlement he and Stane had signed. Was this a test? Time was passing and Steve was still waiting with his hand on his chest but Tony had to figure out the right answer fast or when Steve moved he might-- “Tony,” he blurted. “Tony,” Steve repeated. He hadn’t come any closer. He said something short that might have been pleased to meet you or you look good on your knees. Tony had no way of knowing and he wasn’t going to risk echoing it. He kept quiet. See, Howard? I do know how to shut up when my life depends on it.
Reasons why I love it: The language barrier gives this story so much tension and intrigue, it's amazing! I love how gentle Steve is with Tony, mindful of his nerves to the very end, and Tony's musings about whether or not he can trust Steve are perfect. I love this fic so much, and you should definitely read it!
a myth to many by nanasekei
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: NR Words: 8,660 Tags: Howard Stark's A+ Parenting, Medieval AU, Angst
Summary: “What I’m about to ask you has no relation to our alliance,” Rogers continues, his voice a lot steadier now. “I come here only in behalf of myself, and what I’m about to ask, I ask as a man, not as a soldier.” Howard feels as if he can see the anticipation growing in the room, almost as a cloud forming over them. The guards don’t bother hiding the shock in their expressions, and even Jarvis can’t fully disguise the curiosity, his eyebrows quirked. Rogers takes one short breath before locking his eyes with Howard’s. His blue gaze is almost peaceful in its resoluteness, as if there’s an element of inevitability in what he’s about to say. “I’m here to ask for your son’s hand.”
Reasons why I love it: Aaaah, the ending is so ominous, I love it! The choice to tell this story from Howard's perspective is brilliant. His inner monologue is fascinating, and it reveals so much about Tony's life as his son. And the last few paragraphs are an absolute gut-punch. I adore this one, and I hope you give it a shot for yourself!
Clan (of the Stranger and the Outcast) by greymantledlady
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: M Words: 5,778 Tags: Stone Age AU, Hurt Tony, Protective Steve
Summary: The Stranger holds out his huge hand towards Tony, palm outwards and upwards. Tony watches him warily, baring his teeth a little, not yet a snarl but a warning. But the Stranger simply holds his hand there, waiting, waiting; and his knife is lying on the ground between them, and there is no threat in the lines of his body. Tony lets out a little breath he’s been holding. And he’s trembling, but he slowly reaches his own hand out, tentative and uncertain, and brushes the fingertips against the Stranger’s calloused palm. And the Stranger smiles a little, his eyes soft, and wraps his fingers around Tony’s. (The one where Neanderthal!Steve and Homo Sapiens!Tony imprint on each other like baby ducklings.)
Reasons why I love it: The way they communicate with each other in this one is so precious to me. I love the whole setting and how their culural differences come into play, it's super intriguing. Definitely check this one out, it's wonderful!
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Classic "dismantling an argument no one made while indulging in the behavior people were actually criticising"
No one is saying "Katara wouldn't want to be Fire Lady" because we think she's the type to run away and hide where "it's safe" (and how the fuck a dying tribe is safe and "left alone by the Fire Nation" when Zuko attacked it in the first fucking episode is beyond me).
We say she'd rather be in her tribe BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT KATARA IS CONSTANTLY TELLING THE AUDIENCE DURING THE ENTIRE FUCKING SHOW! It's not "paternalistic" to take consistent characterization seriously.
Katara loves her tribe. She explicitly says she's excited to learn from Hama because it's a form to reconnect with her heritage. She loved seeing Bato again and helping with the whole boat thing. Even when she's in the Fire Nation, helping Fire Nation people, she does so by acting like a WATER spirit. She full on says to Hakoda "The Fire Nation can't separate our family again."
Does that sound like someone who is super excited to pack her bags and leave permanently? She was on a mission, and now that it's over, she'll go where she wants to be AND where she's needed most: her tribe, her home, to make it better for the future generations.
And can we talk about the ABSURD that is this line?
"I firmly believe that the last thing katara would do is allow herself to be ruled by the fire nation instead of being the one ruling it"
You firmly believe she doesn't actually trust Zuko then? Because that's what this implies. He is the one in charge now, and he not only helped save the world, he also took lightning to the heart for her - if she still views the Fire Nation as a threat with HIM as the absolute leader of it, then that means that not only does she STILL not trust him, but also likely never will because if all that didn't do the trick, nothing will.
And since when does Katara want to be ruler of anything? SOKKA is the one constantly trying take on "leader roles" - trying to be like his dad, insisting he is the leader of the Gaang, etc. Katara's focus is on being a fighter and healer. Wanting the people that are constantly raiding your home to stop it is not the same as wanting to rule their nation, what kind of "logic" is this?
Liking the aesthetic of "Fire Lady Katara" is fine, and it's fine to ship her with Zuko and imagining them as a power couple, but to pretend this is the ONLY path for her and that the show clearly didn't set up something completely different is RIDICULOUS - and yes, depending on how it's written, usually by denying Katara's love and pride for her culture and tribe, which this person is getting dangerously close to doing in this post, it is absolutely racist.
Yes, this is still true even when it comes from a non-white person. Your identity is not a shield from criticism.
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Environmental Astro
Ok, my post on astrology and your space was a bit (???) mote popular than I thought, nothing special but didn't realise the topic would attract any interest at all.
I have always tried to read this way (in line with the environment) just because it always made sense to me, I found I couldn't understand astrology out of this context so I got deep into geospatial and geolocational stuff and also reading the energy of places.
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🌲 This approach is great for reconnecting to nature especially if you feel nature deprived or even climate anxiety. This can often affect earth and water signs.
🌺 Sacred groves (rings of trees) appear all over europe and had significance in Celtic times in the uk, these can be great places to go and relax at the quarter moon as they normally have loads of dynamic beneficial energy that is not so intense that it brings up unnecessary shadow work
🍁 The age of aquarius is both water and air based, some people are sceptical but could this refer to the huge changes in tech that are taking place and the impact on human consciousness and the natural world? Sometimes things are real but astrology often works in metaphor. There is evidence in the landscape on ley lines, water lines, and so on that our consciousness can affect the landscape and vice versa
🍀 Signs born in winter (maybe sagittarius to pisces) can find they are negatuvely affected by energy in summer, it can be too intense for them. It helps to go near water or other shady, cool, or sacred places such as nearby woods and so on
🍂 Full moon can make all signs more anxious and jittery, it may be tempting to stay in and hole up in your room but this powerful time can amplify shadow work especially if you go for a walk near a body of water.
🌲 The 'dog days' of summer wre recognised by ancient people and coincided with the rising of the star sirius. This came along with periods of stiflingly hot weather. In this period energy can feel stagnant and shadow work is difficult. It can help to travel to different places in this time to combat this.
🌺 Autumn can be a time of great change for all signs but especially earth and fire signs. Being in an urban environment at the time can help with this and bring positive change into your life as urban centres have a greater diversity of different energy
🍁 Train stations and places like airports are ruled by mercury. If mercury is in your inner houses this can lead you to feel overwhelmed or drained after visiting these spaces. If mercury is in your outer houses you may instead feel inspired and energised.
🍂 Pluto placements in any of the inner houses (1-6) can lead you to doing shadow work mostly around your home space ans seeking the outdoor world as a form of distraction.
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🍀 uranus placements in your outer houses (7-12) can indicate where and in what field you will manage to challenge the status quo. 11th house can refer to places like coffee shops, bars, and other social spaces. 9th house connects to academic institutions, museums, and libraries. 10th house can cover places of fame and status like concert halls but also those with intense power structures like the business district of a city.
🌲 The 9th house can influence how you respond to places of learning. If you have beneficial 9th house places you may find these environments inspiring. Alternatuvely uranus in the 9th house can lead to feeling stifled in these environments. Mars can lead to conflict and a tense atmosphere while venus can lead to you finding spaces solely transactional but maybe uninspiring (think of a degree or course that is only taught to the book for financial reasons)
🌺 swimming pools, beaches, rivers, the sea, and lakes are all governed by different planets. Pools tend to fall under uranus or neptune depending on the space as they are man made structures.
🍁 as liminal or transitional spaces, beaches connect to the 2nd house as well as the 11th and 9th (travel). they tend to be ruled by different planets based on the individual beach
🍂 rivers have a strong influence from mercury as they are in a sense a form of energy flow/communications in the natural world
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🍀 the sea is ruled by the tides and therefore the moon. Your draw to the sea (if you feel this) may be governed in fact by the phases of the moon.
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nerdragenewvegas · 1 month
Thinking a lot today about how despite my insane thirst for Joshua Graham, looking at him logically for 35 seconds made me realise that my years in the Mormon church were effectively years in a cult and how projection seems to change how people experience Honest Hearts a lot.
Like there's a huge subsect of people who credit the character with reconnecting them with their faith and I mean hey if that's a positive life change for you that gives you grounding, cool. But I really struggle to kind of understand that perspective of in to be honest because the point of the arc (at least to me) is that Joshua was using faith to project his own feelings and traumas and bias in a way that allowed him to somewhat avoid blame or responsibility in the event he learns he's wrong - he even admits this much depending on your ending.
First time around he did this with the Legion taking that place of a "higher power" once he was out on his own and seperated from the accountability that the other New Canaanites gave him, and when we meet him, he's doing the same thing with his Faith. And believe me when I tell you that scapegoating like this is so common in Mormonism that it's actually hard to clock once you've been in for a while, and Joshua is so good at romanticising what he's doing that we spend a lot of the DLC willing to believe him until he's about to actually do a genocide for real and we realise what's happening here.
This happens a lot in Mormonism with things like LGBTQ+ and gender stuff, where nice things like the Plan of Salvation (which can genuinely be quite reassuing and warm in a spiritual sense) are co-opted to justify homophobia and transphobia and misogyny. "I, personally, don't have an issue with trans people at all! But the plan of salvation is so clear about our bodies and how we need to respect gods choices in our design!" - despite the Plan of Salvation saying nothing about gender identity or expression and honestly kind of validating the idea that transitioning etc is also part of gods plan for some people. "I love lots of gay people and so does the church, but the word of God is clear that temple marriage is for men and women only." That kind of thing. "The whitelegs are gods children, too, but the bible is clear about how we handle those who would seek to harm this Zion we've built! I don't enjoy murder, but it's what God wants, it's a chore."
Realising this and then looking at times in my life where I saw this happen in the Mormon Church is what took me from "gently deconstructing and still believing some of it" to "I was brainwashed and in a fucking cult." So i always kind of struggle to see how anyone can get "I should seek God again" from this, but at the same time? I think that's the best part about Honest Hearts and a lot of Fallout NV in general: it forces you to learn not about yourself than anything else in the actual game. It's such a wonderful game when it comes to getting players to self reflect - maybe this is why it's so known for being the "omg I'm trans now" game.
What a special fucking game, huh?
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