#'what if we undressed each other but like in a totally platonic way'
laurapetrie · 1 year
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DICK VAN DYKE: We were like brother and sister. MARY TYLER MOORE: We were going to play hospital.
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nanawritesit · 1 year
Playing Truth or Dare with Red Velvet (NSFW/ 18+/ MDNI) 🔞
Trigger Warnings: making out, groping, undressing, kissing body parts, lap dances, grinding/dry humping, hickeys, mentions of handcuffs, fingering, use of vibrator, master kink, lingerie, kissing while asleep, nipple sucking, nipple play, oral sex, getting walked in on, cursing
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She was one of your best friends in the entire world. Things had only ever been platonic between you. Sure, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t have the tiniest crush on her. But how could you help yourself? Your heart couldn’t help but skip a beat anytime she grabbed your hand or flashed a smile at you. But, there was always so much doubt that she’d felt the same way about you. That was, until tonight.
You were having one of your usual sleepovers at her place, lying next to each other in bed as some movie played on the TV in the background.
“Y/N, this movie sucks.” she suddenly exclaimed, rolling over to face you. “Let’s do something fun.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?” you asked, doing the same.
She flashed you a mischevious grin. “Let’s play truth or dare.”
“Okay, you go first.” you instructed, sitting up.
The two of you went back and forth for a while, asking simple questions like “what’s your most embarrassing story,” or “what’s your biggest fear.” The dares were pretty tame as well, being things like “break dance for one minute,” and “do an impression of your favorite celebrity.”
“Alright, we broke the ice. Now it’s time to take things up a notch.” she proposed, leaning forward expectantly.
You raised an eyebrow. “Fine, I was getting bored anyway. I pick dare.”
“I dare you to kiss me.” she demanded.
A light pink blush spread across your cheeks, and your mouth fell open the slightest amount. You swallowed the hard lump that was forming in your throat before looking back up at her. “A-are you sure?
“I absolutely am.” she replied with a cheeky grin. “I’ve been dying to know how good of a kisser you are.”
You exhaled to release some of your nerves, then got up on your knees and scooted closer to her. You flipped her hair over her shoulder and tucked a strand behind her ear, gazing into her eyes affectionately. For a second, she looked really flustered. You glanced down at her soft pink lips, running your thumb over them delicately. You put both hands on her cheeks, then leaned down to press your lips against hers. It was soft and sweet, your lips just barely ghosting over hers, but with enough firmness that she knew you were there. She seemed to freeze underneath you. You pulled back slowly, and both of your eyes fluttered open. You looked at her with an apologetic gaze.
“Irene, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
That was all you got out before she had pulled you back down by your shirt and devoured your lips in a much rougher kiss. Your eyes sprung wide open at first, but soon you turned yourself over to the pleasure of kissing her. Your lips were crashing against each other desperately, and soon her tongue was pressing its way between your lips as if asking for an invitation. You granted it to her by sliding your own tongue along hers, now totally enmeshed together.
As the kissing grew more heated, you slowly pushed her down against mattress. She began to tangle her legs with yours and run her hands up along your lower back, tugging up your shirt to run her fingers delicately across your skin. You brought a hand up to her breast, groping it lightly until she pushed you off so she could sit up straight.
“Oh I’m sorry, was that too mu-“ you were cut off once again when she whipped her shirt off over head, now clad in just a tiny pair of pajama shorts.
Your mouth fell wide open at the sight of her bare chest. “Irene… you’re so beautiful.” You told her, leaning back in to kiss her again. She grabbed a fistful of your hair and fell back down onto the mattress, wrapping her legs around your waist to pull you closer.
You momentarily pulled back to take off your own shirt so you could have skin-to-skin contact, then went back down to kiss her lips once more. Soon, you began trailing the kisses down to her jaw, then her neck, then her chest, and then her stomach. You finally stopped right above her clothed core, gripping the waistband of her shorts. You looked up at her with a playful smirk. “Well I think it’s safe to say our friendship is ruined.”
“Tch, we were never really ‘just friends’ anyway.” she giggled, ruffling your hair affectionately. “Now why’d you stop? I was just getting excited.”
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“Baby, I want to play truth or dare.” your girlfriend told you while you were both sitting on the couch next to each other.
“Okay, we can do that Seul.” you told her with a chuckle, setting down your phone to turn towards her. “But let’s only do dares. We pretty much know everything there is to know about each other.”
“Sounds good to me.” she replied with a mischievous grin. “But I want to add a rule to make it more fun.
“Oh?” you asked, curious as to what she was planning in her head. “And what might that be?”
“Every time one of us refuses to do the dare, they have to take off a piece of clothing.” she challenged. She bit her lip at you as if she was imagining the outcome, and you had to admit, you were doing the same as you raked your eyes over her body.
“Okay, you’re on.” you responded. “I’ll go first.”
The two of you started throwing the worst possible dares at each other. Things that neither of you would do even if someone paid you. Before long, you were both in your underwear, sitting across from each other laughing.
“Was this your plan all along? Just to get me undressed?” you giggled, grabbing her hand and shaking it playfully.
“No, absolutely not!” she laughed back at you, slapping your hand away. “I only want to give you one more dare though.”
“Okay, what is it Seul.” you asked, settling back down.
She held back the huge cheshire-cat grin that threatened to creep its way onto her face. “Let me give you a lap dance without touching me for five minutes.”
You gasped in surprise, but you were smiling nonetheless. “Fine, but that means I don’t have to take off another piece of clothing.” you teased.
“That’s fine by me.” she chuckled, shifting to straddle your lap. You put your hands underneath your thighs in preparation. She quickly set a timer on her phone before gripping onto your shoulders tightly to begin her dare.
She began grinding down against your core, rolling her hips back and forth in a mesmerizing way. You bit your lip at the sight before you, gripping the couch cushion beneath you in restraint. She tousled her hair a bit, then reached her hands behind her back to unhook her bra. The straps slid delicately down her shoulders before revealing her breasts.
Your breath hitched in your throat at the sight of them. “God Seulgi, this is harder than I thought it was going to be…”
“Hang in there, you’ve only got two and a half minutes left.” she giggled, running her hands over her breasts to grope them. She squeezed them against each other and pinched her nipples between her fingers, still grinding down on your lap in perfect rhythm.
“One minute left. You gonna make it?” she asked, glancing down to the mess of your lower region. You gulped and nodded, throwing your head back in frustration. She leaned forward at your gesture and began nipping and sucking at your neck, leaving a few hickeys. You moaned in desperation, squinting your eyes together at the immense pleasure. Just when you thought you were going to break, the timer went off.
“Well, you win Y/N.” she sighed, sitting up straight. “I suppose I should-“
You cut her off by pinning her down on the couch beneath you, kissing her ravenously. “You like teasing me that much? You like getting me all worked up?” You looked down at her with a dominant glare and a devilish grin. “I get one more dare too you know. And mine is to put you in cuffs for five minutes while I do whatever I want to you. Let’s see if you can handle your own game, Kang Seulgi.”
She looked up at you with doe eyes and a shocked expression. But it was soon replaced with a satisfied smirk that let you know she had accomplished what she originally set out to do. She had already won. But that didn’t mean you couldn’t have some fun too.
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Irene was hosting a small birthday party for Wendy at her place, and you were one of the guests. Everyone in the group knew about your enormous crush on her, except the birthday girl herself. Similarly, everyone in the group also knew about her immense crush on you. But you were totally oblivious. With neither of you ever daring to make a move, your friends decided to take matters into their own hands.
It was late at night, and the party was winding down. Wendy had already opened up all her presents, the dinner had been served, and now everyone was strewn about the living room finishing their cake.
“Everyone done? I’ll throw away the plates.” Irene chirped, getting up from her seat.
“Yeah, I think so. Thanks Rene!” you replied, handing your plate to her with a smile.
“So, what are we going to do now?” Seulgi asked.
“Well, Yeri and I were talking about playing truth or dare!” Joy exclaimed, clapping her hands together.
Wendy clicked her tongue at the suggestion. “You maknaes. At every get together you two say we should play truth or dare, and every time, it ends in disaster.”
“Oh come on, it doesn’t go that badly.” Yeri whined, hitting her on the arm lightly.
“Really? I’d say having to apologize to the entire apartment building for pulling the fire alarm in the middle of the night was pretty bad.” Irene huffed, returning from the kitchen.
“I don’t know, I think it could be fun.” you suddenly chimed in.
Wendy glanced over at you, her eyes twinkling. She thought for a moment, seemingly fixed on the hopeful smile you had on your face, then sighed in defeat. “Alright, but just for a little while. And no one can leave the apartment!” She shot a glare towards Joy.
“How many times do I have to say I’m sorry? You know I’m too proud to turn down a dare!” the younger girl cried out.
And so the game began, and things were going pretty much as expected. You all found out who Seulgi’s mystery girl was, Irene sent a risky text to her crush, and Joy and Yeri had kissed once. Finally, it was the birthday girl’s turn.
“Alright Wendy, truth or dare.” Joy asked.
“I feel like I’ll be screwed either way, but dare I suppose.” the older girl said begrudgingly.
Joy smirked evilly. “I dare you to go in the closet with Y/N for seven minutes.”
“Ah, a little seven minutes in heaven action?” Yeri teased, clapping her hands together.
“Hey, that’s too much Joy.” Irene scolded, crossing her arms. “We don’t know Y/N would feel about that. They might be uncomfortable with-“
“I’ll do it.” you interrupted, a little too eagerly. Everyone whipped their heads over to look at you. Seulgi and Irene looked shocked, Joy and Yeri were grinning like little devils, and Wendy had that same twinkle in her eye from earlier and a rosy pink blush dusting her cheeks. You coughed at the sudden awkward feeling of everyone staring at you. “Uh, that is, as long as Wendy wants to.”
Wendy blinked, snapping out of her daze. “I mean, I’m okay with that. After all, it’s only seven minutes right? How much could happen?”
“Alright, let’s go!” Joy shouted, jumping up from her seat. She grabbed both of your hands and tugged you up, then led you over to the closet at the end of the hall and shoved you inside.
“Okay, one of you set a timer on your phones! Don’t have too much fun in here.” she winked, then slammed the door in your faces and scurried back to the living room.
Wendy sighed, turning towards you. “I’m so sorry about her. I hope you’re not too miserable in here.”
“Oh don’t worry about me, I’m good!” you reassured with a chuckle. “After all, I’m with you aren’t I?”
She glanced at the ground bashfully, letting out a small giggle. “That’s true, we rarely ever have bad times together…”
“You look beautiful tonight.” you told her, glancing at her outfit. “I mean, you look stunning all the time, but I just meant that this outfit looks really cute on you.”
“Oh thank you so much!” she beamed, straightening her blouse. “I don’t really wear skirts too often, but I wanted to be bold for once.”
“Well you’re rocking it.” you bit your lip, trying to contain your lust for her. “I don’t know how you could ever be insecure.”
“Oh come on Y/N.” she rolled her eyes with a small smile. “I’m not that pretty.”
“Are you insane?” you exclaimed, turning to face her completely. “You’re absolutely gorgeous Wendy, everything about you is. Your hair…” you reached forward to fiddle with some of the strands falling over her shoulder. “Your eyes…” you gazed into them, realizing how her pupils had dilated. “Your skin…” you brushed a finger along her cheek delicately. You felt her breathing heavily in anticipation at where you would go next.
Somehow, in this moment, you felt brave enough to make a move. Maybe it was the dim lighting in the closet, or your forced proximity to one another… actually, it was the way she was looking at you. She seemed to be pleading for you to take things further, titling her chin up a bit as if to push her lips forward.
“And how could I forget, your pretty lips…” you finally concluded, in a voice barely above a whisper. You leaned in painfully slow, then after what felt like ages, you kissed her. Her eyelids fluttered shut, and after a few seconds, her arms came up around your neck to push you closer.
“I’ve been waiting for this for so long.” she confessed as she pulled away from you panting.
“You have no idea.” you laughed, shaking your head before crashing your lips against hers again, much stronger this time. Her tongue slid into your mouth eagerly, wrestling with yours as you began to run your hands up along the curves of her waist. Her own hands were sliding into your hair, gripping and tugging at the nape.
Suddenly, the alarm on your phone went off. You groaned, pulling away from her to silence it. “Well, I guess our time is up.” you sighed, reaching for the door knob.
She hastily grabbed your wrist, making you freeze. “Y/N, can I ask you for something?” she inquired.
“Anything, birthday girl.” you smirked.
She seemed nervous all of a sudden, brushing some of her hair behind her ear. “Could you… could you please put your fingers inside of me?”
Your jaw dropped open in shock. Wendy was always so shy and reserved, at least when it came to you. You never in a million years expected her to initiate something so dirty.
“I’m sorry, I know that’s too much. God I really ruined this didn’t I- ah!” she ended her thought, clasping a hand over her mouth to contain her moans. You had slid a hand up her skirt and began rubbing the pad of your thumb in circles against her clothed clit.
“Well of course I can, since you asked so nicely.” you practically purred into her ear, pressing her up against the wall. “Gosh, you’re so wet already, this won’t take long at all. I’ll just set another timer real quick. I mean, it’s only seven minutes right? How much could happen?”
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“Oh come on Y/N, it’ll be fun!” your girlfriend whined, tugging on your arm. She had just come back from a bachelorette party where she had won a dice game of NSFW truth or dare, and she really wanted to try it out.
“It just seems kind of silly Joy…” you chuckled, looking at the box that had tons of cartoon kisses and hearts all over it.
“Please honey? Don’t you want to play with me?” she asked, running a manicured hand over your chest and looking up at you with huge doe eyes. She was pushing her chest forward, cleavage on full display in her tight black dress that hugged her hips and waist, leading down to her long legs clad in sheer black tights, and ending with her highest black red bottomed heels. She was absolutely irresistible right now.
“Okay honey, we can play.” you gulped, shaking your head to regain your composure.
She squealed, then opened the box excitedly. The game was pretty simple. You would each take turns rolling the dice, which would either give you a truth or a dare. Then, you’d pick a card from whatever category you rolled which would tell you what to confess or do.
“I’ll go first.” she declared, rolling the dice. “Dare!” she exclaimed, drawing her first card. She cleared her throat before reading it out loud. “‘Put on your sexiest lingerie.’ Well, that’s easy, I already have it on.” she giggled, standing up. She unzipped her dress and slid it off down her legs, revealing the black lace teddy and garter set you had bought her for valentine’s day.
Your eyes went wide at the sight. Other than the lingerie, the only other thing she was wearing was a choker. If you weren’t turned on before, you certainly were now. Her ample breasts and perky butt looked ungodly good in that set.
“Y/N? It’s your turn.” she chuckled, waving a hand in front of your face.
“Right!” you exclaimed, reaching for the dice. “Truth.” you announced before grabbing a card. “Let’s see… ‘what’s one thing you’ve always wanted to try but never suggested to your partner?’” you set the card down, thinking to yourself for a moment. You bit your lip hesitantly.
“Come on baby, you can tell me. I won’t judge.” your girlfriend reassured you, grabbing your hand.
You looked up at her. Her smile was so warm and comforting, and her eyes were sparkling with intrigue. You exhaled, then sat up. “Well, I know you like to get off with your vibrator… I was wondering if, well, you’d let me use it on you?”
Her lips curled up into a devilish grin. “Oh yes, you can absolutely try that on me baby. Wanna do it now?”
You nodded eagerly. She snickered at your actions, then got up to get her vibrator out of her dresser. Once she had retrieved it, she laid down between your legs, back flush against your chest. “I’m all yours honey.”
You turnt on the vibrator and began running it lightly along her slit. The only thing separating her core from the device was the thin layer of black lace decorating the teddy she was wearing. Her head fell back into the crook of your neck. You glanced down at her pale exposed skin, and impulsively began nipping and sucking at her neck. You knew it was one of her weak points.
“Oh shit, honey…” she moaned, pushing her hips forward to get more friction from the vibrator. “You’re gonna give me a hickey!”
“I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you honey?” you teased with a cynical chuckle into her ear. “You just love getting marked up by your master, don’t you?”
She nodded frantically, grabbing your wrist to press the device further against her core. You swatted her hand away, then placed it on her chest. “Let me take my time. Get those pretty titties out for me.”
She huffed in frustration, but did as you asked, sliding down the straps of the teddy to fold over the cups, revealing her breasts.
“Oh, look how pretty you are…” you growled, groping one with your free hand.
“Please honey, let me c- ah!” she was cut off by you tearing the vibrator away from her core.
“Hey, you know what my name is baby.” you said sternly, waving the device back and forth as if shaking your finger at her.
“I’m sorry master! Please, please, I need to cum!” she pleaded, tears prickling at her eyes.
“Okay, but you need to be a good girl for me, okay?” you instructed.
“I will, I promise!” she cried, laying back against your chest.
“Alright. Strip down for me and we’ll keep going. Get the dice.”
“You mean you want to keep playing while getting me off?” she asked, perplexed at your boldness.
“Oh come on, you were the one who wanted to play so badly. I know you can take it.” you praised, putting the vibrator back against her clit as soon as she was nude. She had no idea what she was getting into by winning this game. Well, maybe she did. But was she disappointed? Hell no.
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You didn’t know how Yeri convinced you to come to a sleepover at Nayeon’s, but here you were. You hadn’t been to a sleepover since you were 16. You forgot how tiring they were, and decided to take a quick power nap in Nayeon’s guest room. Yeri, Nayeon, Sana, Chuu, and Suhyun all pouted jokingly when you left, but told you to sleep well and rejoin them when you were reenergized.
After a half hour or so, you felt well rested enough to rejoin the party. As you were walking down the hall, you heard something that made you stop dead in your tracks.
“We should play truth or dare!” Nayeon proclaimed. You could hear in her voice that the girls had busted out a bottle of wine shortly after you left. Go figure.
“That’s a great idea!” Chuu agreed enthusiastically, clunking her class down on the table.
“Ugh, didn’t we do this at the last sleepover?” you heard Yeri ask.
Your ears perked up at the sound of her voice. You hadn’t told anyone, because you knew none of the girls could keep a secret, but you had a massive crush on her. No one knew you were awake yet anyway, so what would be the harm in eavesdropping a little bit?
“Yeah, but we didn’t get to ask any juicy questions then!” Sana whined. “We just talked about our lame feelings and stuff.”
“Yeah come on Yeri, it’ll be fun.” Suhyun debated.
“Fine, let’s do it. This is what i get for being the only sober one tonight.” Yeri grumbled. “I wish Y/N was here so I wouldn’t be stuck with all you drunkards.”
You blushed and smiled at the floor at her mention of your name. Part of you wanted to go out there and comfort her, but you were too far into this eavesdropping mission to drop it now.
“Well since you’re so thrilled, how about you go first Yerim?” Nayeon teased. “Truth or dare?”
“Truth.” Yeri grumbled.
“BORING!” Chuu chanted, cupping her hands around her mouth.
“Yeah Yeri, don’t be a stick in the mud.” Sana pleaded, tugging on her arm.
“Fine! Give me a stupid dare!” Yeri huffed, throwing her hands up in surrender.
Nayeon smirked evilly. “I dare you to go into the guest room and wake up Y/N with a kiss.”
Your heart stopped. You couldn’t see her, but you knew Yeri was frozen too.
“… are you serious?” she asked meekly. Nayeon must have nodded, because everyone else erupted into applause.
“This is your chance to finally make a move on them!” Suhyun said, encouragingly patting her on the back.
“While they’re asleep? Guys that’s creepy.” Yeri replied nervously.
“Oh come on Yeri, just a little peck on the lips!” Nayeon compromised. “You’ve had a crush on them for MONTHS now. We all know they like you back. Someone has to get the ball rolling.
Your breath hitched in your throat. Yeri liked you? And the girls knew you liked her back? Perhaps they were smarter than you thought.
There was a moment of silence before Yeri slapped her hands on her thighs. “Alright,” she said, “I’ll do it.”
You sprinted back to the guest room with the lightest footsteps you could possibly manage, doing a swift tiptoe run as sound of the girls cheering drowned out behind you. You quickly darted back under the covers and resumed your sleeping position.
You got comfortable just as Yeri clicked open the bedroom door, peering in to see if you were still asleep. You heard her footsteps padding closer to you, until the mattress next to you sunk down a bit.
“Y/N?” she asked quietly, “Are you awake?”
You gave no response.
“Alright, well, here goes…” she sighed, grabbing your shoulders lightly. Once you felt her weight pressing down on you to lean in and kiss you, you sprung up and met her halfway, clamping a hand behind her neck to deepen the kiss.
She pulled back in shock. “Y/N? You’re awake?” she questioned.
You clicked on the bedside lamp so you could see each other. “I like you too Yeri.”
It suddenly clicked in her head that you must have heard her conversation with the girls. She open-mouth laughed at you, feigning disbelief.
“You’re such a little eavesdropper!” she scolded, poking at your sides playfully.
“Shut up and kiss me again.” you demanded, pulling her back down.
Her hips shifted to straddle you as your lips met once again, slowly and softly at first but getting rougher and deeper by the second. Her tongue hesitantly entered your mouth as if asking for permission. You hooked your own tongue right under it, granting her that permission. Now more confident in your intimacy, she began rolling her hips over your core. You matched her rhythm and pushed your hips up for more friction.
She was wearing a thin cotton nightgown, so thin that you could see her hardened nipples pressing against the fabric. You brought a hand up her thigh and trailed your way up to her chest hesitantly.
“You can touch me, Y/N.” she reassured, grabbing your hand and placing it over her breast.
You cupped it and rolled her nipple between your fingers, making her moan at the sensation.
“Do you want them in your mouth?” she asked suddenly.
Your eyes widened. “Well yes, but you don’t have to-“
She cut you off by whipping the nightgown off and over her head, tossing it to the side quickly. Now just clad in a simple pair of white cotton panties, she moved further up your body until her chest was hovering over your face.
It was hard to think logically when the hottest girl you knew was practically naked on top of you, positioning her plump breast towards your lips. You lost all reserve, and took her nipple in your mouth to begin sucking on it.
“Fuck, Y/N…” she groaned, eyelids fluttering shut. Her hips began rutting against your abdomen, obviously trying to get off.
You could feel your own arousal leaking through your pants, but your main focus was pleasuring Yeri. You lifted your hand up to grope the breast you weren’t currently suckling on, flicking the nipple lightly.
“Y/N, please…” she begged, “I need more.”
You released her nipple from your lips, making a “pop” sound. You looked up at her with bright eyes. “Can I taste you then?”
She nodded, and in an instant, you sprung up and pinned her to the mattress underneath you. Now on top, you began trailing kisses down her abdomen until you reached her panties. You tugged them down with your teeth, then dove straight for her clit with a flat tongue. She cried out as soon as the contact was made.
You were interrupted by the sudden opening of the bedroom door.
“Hey are you guys alright in here? I heard screaming and, OH MY GOD!” Nayeon screeched, slapping her hands over her eyes.
“Nayeon!” you both yelled out, scrambling to cover Yeri’s naked body.
“Nope, it’s my fault!” the older girl sighed, turning around. “I should’ve knocked. Continue.”
She shut the door behind you and sprinted down the hall. “Guys! Guys! Y/N was totally just giving Yeri head! Our plan worked!” you heard her chant, causing all the girls to cheer.
Yeri slapped a palm to her forehead. “Why do we have to have such stupid friends?”
“Yeah, but I’m gonna have to thank them one day.” you chuckled, taking her hand. “But since we were interrupted anyway, I think we should go on a few dates before this goes any further. Not that I didn’t love all of it, trust me, I did.”
She giggled, rubbing her thumb along the back of your hand. “I agree. I really loved it too, but I didn’t want this to just be a hookup. I really like you.”
You nodded understandingly. “Great, that’s settled. Now let’s go face our nosy, idiot friends.”
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11queensupreme11 · 3 months
Everybody fucking minds and always doing it the no sexy way 😞😔
Do love no war babygirls
If we're very decided we can solve all of this in bed! The sexy way
Or play UNO and whoever wins is the top
Sincerely, after watching the dress... Totally would think they're doing some kinky shit 🤣
Beelzebub: we can hold hands if you want 🥺 totally platonic no second intentions here
Percy: *didn't hear anything, cared no shit for what's happening, wants a hot dog with meat that probably is from a rat* what did you say?
Percy watching Sally being happier without her, her friends being happy with some girl... Queen, totally trauma, I'd cry and beg my mom to hold me even if that makes us miserable
Beelzebub, your yandere tendencies are showing. Giving her traumas and comforting her after. Get a man that can do both (please don't get you a man that can do that)
(Give us moooooore I'm starving)
(Waiting for what you're going to do with that, Percy progress- maybe fall is the correct word- is showing queen. Love it)
Anyway, can someone please draw them on their date? 😭 That's so cute, they're literally so perfect together, like that couple that is the black cat boyfriend with his golden retriever girlfriend and they're precious 💞
(Beelzebub worrying about her suicidal thoughts and he admitting he doesn't want to die so much... *Cheff kiss* we love an emo boy that is self aware)
Now, Loki?
Loki, my boy, your panic is beautiful to watch, horrific to endure.
I'm wondering how they are going to deal with being in the same harem? Fight to be the favorite concubine? Seduce their way to Percy's bed?
Percy: you're just a pathetic simp pretending to be an alpha man and you just go destroy mode whenever you're confronted with your own emotions. You love me so much that is making you look pathetic
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Him switching sides in the moment he accepts he loves her is gold.
He may be crazy, sadistic and a psychopath, but by the gods he's not going to fool himself.
He loves the girl, now he needs to kill all the other people that love the same girl.
Assassination! His favorite hobby! She's so much fun and they haven't even had sex yet! Wonderful wife indeed
And starting with Beelzebub is a wise move, you know? From all of them he's the one that she's the most comfortable with, he could play the slow game he's the one she'd fall at the end (you know, once she forgets about the other world, that he could make happen too).
Right now Beelzebub is that best friend that is the one for her (the other, even if I love them, aren't so close to her). He just needs to wait, fool her and she'd be his
(as if the other are going to let that happen, but is the scent, you know?)
Loki is right to be jealous of him, no one (with a dick) is close to her like him, she's herself with him and is the only one that likes him with his depressive tendencies.
He could say: Percy, for medical reasons, undress yourself and let me study your body. It may end in sexy medical porn, depending on my self control
And she wouldn't see no wrong.
Is Beelzebub! Her bestie! She can trust him with her security (poor navy girl, you can't never trust a man that much). Even if he has feelings for her she wouldn't worry about him doing anything to her, just worry about the uncomfortable situation.
Wondering if they're going to guilty trappe her to stay (You made us love you! We are learning to be open and to accept love and you want to leave us? Leave us in a world where we're fated to yearn for you for eternity and be alone again?), Percy would suffer whatever if she thinks she's saving people, such a naive and dumb girl, too good to this world.
This whole situation is pure chaos, they're planning so many things just to crash with each other. Would be funny to see them working together but also don't know how that situation would happen.
Anyway, thanks for the amazing chapter Queen! 👑
im sorry but this part cracked me up 😭
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"for medical reasons we may need to fuck 😔"
"yeah sure ok"
i had a blast writing this chapter lmao, and im currently writing another chapter (not the next one) that's gonna be even better
maybe... idk. all i can say is that beel digs an even deeper grave in this one chapter and i just love watching him lose his shit
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motherconfessors · 2 years
For the first time in eight years, I’m single... 
It’s been okay, so far. I mis the habits I formed around my partner, but I like having my own space and I like the free time I have. I’ve been getting into more exercise, which is great. I wish I was getting into more writing, but alas...
Now, I’ve harboured a work crush with a colleague who is 1. in a senior position to me 2. is one of the most interesting women I’ve had the pleasure to know 3. loves talking about sex as much as I do. All three important things. As of today, I’ve been working at my current role for a year and two months. I think I met the work crush around mid-early 2022 and immediately liked her. Given that we work on different floors, I mostly only saw at her events that revolved around alcohol. Whoo. 
Everything was fine because it was a teensy crush. Me, disaster lesbian meets total MILF. I didn’t think much of it.
And then we were at an event a month ago, and she ended up giving me both life and career advice that I treasure. It lead me to really consider the relationship I was in and the role I was working. Other things occurred––other people offering advice, etc.––but hers stuck out to me.
I meet her again at another alcohol infused event, and at this time I realised my teensy crush had grown into full blown attraction. 
I don’t desire a relationship with her but I desire her. 
The events of that night are hazy...but I recall her and I flirting as we usually do. Not in a serious “I bet your clothes would look good on my floor” but more in a “So you’re into older women?” She made it explicitly clear that night she enjoyed sleeping with women.
One specific event sticks out to me as me helping to unzip her dress so she could change into ‘comfy clothes’. I had begun undressing her and she had looked over her shoulder at me and said, “I bet you’ve been waiting all night to get me out of this dress.”
Harmless flirting. I left her be, talked with some of the others who’d returned to the office to drink and the group of us passed around wine, confessing stories about ourselves. 
During that, she had referred to me as newly on the market. I was not. I was still very much so in the same relationship as before and she BLEW UP at me for that. Telling me I deserved better. (two days later I broke-up with my girlfriend, but it wasn’t because of her. I had reached out to my old roommate who’d reminded me that if my partner wasn’t able to give me what I desired in life, what I was working towards?). 
Still. I continued to text the colleague. At first our texts were salacious and then we both affirmed two things. One, I wasn’t interested in a relationship with me, and two, while she enjoyed sleeping with women, she wasn’t interested in a relationship with them.
It helped my brain, I’ve never been someone to ‘chase’ another person so I put the feelings I had for her, aside. I could desire her, and should she call, I would follow, but I knew that my heart was to remain my own. 
I don’t know if she truly desires me––today we asked about each other’s types and she mentioned about the things she likes in women, and I couldn’t help but draw comparisons to how we interact with another... and yet, it could all be coincidence. She may not even think of me in that way.
The biggest thing that has me caught in her web is that very early on, during our more explicit messages about what we liked/didn’t like (something I’ve discussed with friends before!) she mentioned that she likes to drive a person crazy with desire. 
Her texts remain, on average, detailed. She replies less often, however and I can categorise that into different ways: she doesn’t like me as much as I like her in the platonic way (which is most likely true, and yet her texts remain detailed so I’m uncertain if she’s been polite); She’s busy and not connected to her phone (extremely likely, I know for a fact she’s a busy person); She’s holding restraint OR she playing with me. I doubt these are true, but my brain has been niggling on them.
As much as I may hope that she finds me desirable, the truth is that I desperately wish to hold onto her as a friend more than anything. She’s an incredible person, very intelligent and one of three people I’ve ever found myself making an instant connection with. And yet...despite what I want, that want to be friends may not be reciprocated in the same way.
I think that would sting more. 
Alas, we shall see. Tune in on Thursday when I meet her for a drink to see what occurs. Probably nothing. 
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sluttyten · 4 years
jungwoo and “No, like…. It’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.” + “Wait, don’t pull away… Not yet.” please? <3
Jungwoo was in love with you. Head over heels, totally and completely in love. But you and him were just friends because when you met him, you had a boyfriend and he was an idol, and it seemed that fate wouldn’t let him have two great things happening at the same time. And the thing was that you knew he was in love with you, that he was settling for just being friends, and even when you broke up with your boyfriend, you and Jungwoo remained just friends. Very close friends because he was helping you through every step of the grieving process over the breakup.
He was like your best friend, the one you called when you were walking home from the bus stop. He was the one that you called when you wanted to go grab a bite to eat. Jungwoo was the only person who’s FaceTime calls you would answer if you were already in bed at night or before you got out of bed in the morning. After the breakup, Jungwoo became your everything.
Months passed by. You moved on from your ex, going on dates, living your best life. Slowly your ex leaves your mind, stops appearing in your thoughts when you pass by the restaurant you used to eat at together regularly, stops ruining songs that you used to love, and then he’s not even in your dreams anymore.
But one night Jungwoo is.
Jungwoo, your best friend who is hopelessly in love with you, stars in a dream with you, and you wake in a cold sweat, in disbelief of what your mind just conjured up and how much sense it made, how much it resonated with you and brought all of these feelings that have been there for you’re not entirely sure how long rising quickly to the surface now.
And once you realize what it all means, you call Jungwoo. You have to get it out.
“Hello?” He says a little sleepily as he answers your call. 
You freeze. Can you tell him that you’re in love with him over the phone? Is that appropriate? Will he just think you mean it the way you’ve meant it before, just a platonic best-friend-love kind of love? Will he understand that you mean it much, much more than that. 
“Hello? Are you okay?” Jungwoo’s voice echoes from a million miles away.
“Can I come over?” You ask once you find your voice again.
Now Jungwoo’s silent for a moment. “What, now? It’s late. And raining.” Another beat of silence. “Also, I’m not even home right now; we’ve been recording, so we’re all at the studio. Why? What’s up?”
“Oh, it’s nothing. Well, it can wait until we see each other.”
Perhaps it’s something in your voice, but Jungwoo’s tone changes. “Actually, I’m almost finished. Then I’ll be heading home, if you want to meet me there? You can just let yourself in.”
Jungwoo was certainly right about the rain. It’s pouring as you run to the bus stop, soaking through the top you’re wearing and your shoes and socks. You’ve only just begun to barely dry on the bus before you’re stepping out again, sprinting and splashing through the downpour to Jungwoo’s dorm. You’re dripping everywhere as you let yourself inside, and you don’t want to ruin their floor or furniture with your sopping wet clothes, so you borrow some of Jungwoo’s clothes--a comfy shirt and a pair of sweatpants that you have to roll the legs up on so they don’t drag the floor--and leave your clothes to dry.
You curl up on Jungwoo’s bed, and perhaps you’ve halfway dozed off when he walks in the door. It’s his gasp that really wakes you up; a loud, shocked gasp that jolts you awake, and has you looking around for danger.
When you find no source of danger, you pick up his pillow and toss it in his direction. “God, Jungwoo, I thought something was actually wrong! And you’re gasping like that just to be dramatic?”
“No, like....It’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.” Jungwoo claps a hand over his mouth, then mumbles, “Sorry. I just think you look really fucking good.”
You notice Jungwoo doesn’t look nearly as soaking wet as you had when you basically swam through the door of the dorm. But even so he strips off his clothes. 
It’s not the first time you’ve seen Jungwoo in a state of undress. For the past several months he’s been your absolute best friend and many boundaries had been demolished, including seeing him changing his clothes like this. It’s only different now given your recent awakening to your feelings for him.
So, yes, you stare as Jungwoo’s damp shirt comes off, slapping against the floor while he goes searching for a dry shirt to pull on. You stare at his shoulders, and as he turns to the side, you admire his chest and his toned stomach. And once his new shirt covers him, you get the chance to admire the shape of his ass in his tight underwear while he pulls on a pair of sweatpants. And then Jungwoo turns around and catches you looking.
His eyebrows raise up his forehead. “Like what you see?”
You know he means that question rhetorically, not expecting you to actually give him an answer, but somehow your body moves faster than your brain, and your mouth blurts out, “Yes.”
Jungwoo laughs, skipping right over that, and he quickly comes to join you on his bed, sliding across the sheets until his limbs twist with yours, cuddling in close. He’s a cuddler, that much isn’t new, but the way your heart pounds as you feel his whole body twisting with yours certainly is, and the way that you hold him back just as tightly is a little newer too. 
“Can I tell you what I came over here for?” You ask him quietly.
Jungwoo, with his eyes closed and his head buried in the crook of your neck, hums an affirmative sound, something along the lines of “go ahead.”
So you start talking, just giving him an overview of the feelings you’ve been dealing with over the last few months. The grief and acceptance and confusion and smaller things as well. The emotions rising from moments that only just truly hit home a little over an hour ago. And slowly but surely you lay out the plot of your story until it brings you to the present, to right now as you lay in Jungwoo’s arms.
And at last you tell him, “I love you, Jungwoo.”
He moves, body sliding ever-so-slightly away from yours, but you won’t let him. You cling to him, your fingers in the back of his shirt, dragging him forward so he can’t pull away. “Wait, don’t pull away... Not yet. Just listen to me, please.” 
His breath, which had before been steadily steaming against your neck, has suddenly stopped, like he’s holding his breath to clearly hear what else you have to say.
“I know you’ve been in love with me for ages, for almost as long as we’ve known each other. I’m sorry that for so much of that it was unreciprocated, and I’m sorry if I ever led you along, but earlier tonight I had a dream about you, and when I woke up I realized that somewhere along the way what I feel for you stopped being so much a friendly thing and more of an enduring kind of love, like I depend on you, I want to be around you all the time, I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I’m in love with you, Kim Jungwoo.”
Jungwoo’s face presses against your neck. His words are completely garbled as he says something, so you have to pull away now, give him room to draw air and make proper words, and when he does, he says, “Does this mean I can see you in my clothes more often, in my bed, waiting for me when I get home from the studio?”
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Requests are closed now! Thank you everyone who sent these in!
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
masterpost • main masterlist • taglist & faq
previously on...
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Chapter 3 is finally here. Sorcerers need their shopping done, too. Beyonce/Wong platonic ship (joking)! And finally some action, more witchy stuff. Bucky whump because I have a saviour complex. Stucky cuteness moment. Some blood/gore in this chapter.
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My insides clenched, seeing the yellow and blue notice taped to my door - the building manager rarely left notes, so whatever it was, it wasn't going to be good. I had managed to wind myself up into an anxious frenzy by the time I had gone inside and locked my door behind me, immediately thinking I would have to exhaust myself by turning to magic to keep a roof over my head.
For once, the news turned out to be positive: a neighbor was being evicted and turned in to the police for stealing packages. The building manager urged the tenants to report any missing items and apply for a refund when possible, apologizing for the inconvenience. I wondered what prompted this, basically unheard of in NYC, act of kindness as my altar stared at me with mocking amusement, pointing out the obvious by its mere presence.
Grinning to myself, I texted Odette - predictably, she was happy for me, happy that my protection spell had turned out strong and steady, and added a few tips of her own for my spell to stay that way. It felt like I'd grown invisible wings, those days, with all the possibilities open - and never once did I let myself entertain a thought of getting back at an enemy of the past for longer than five seconds.
Sure, it was perfectly human to consider making the cheating ex go bankrupt or make sure the college professor, that failed a couple of students each semester as a 'reality check', trips and face-plants at least once a day... I mean, who wouldn't experience a malicious sort of joy from petty revenge?
But I found my powers were best applied with a positive result in mind. My friend's cat was the first test rat- I mean, living creature I had practiced my healing spells on. The eleven year old kitty was struggling and both me and my friend loved the critter dearly - so the short, but tiring spell I performed yielded exactly the results I was expecting. Odette said something about genuine love backing up the magic, and- well, Dumbledore much?
On humans, it turned out, it wasn't nearly as simple. I didn't know what I had expected would happen after performing nothing short of a whole improv-performace type of ritual right in front of my very puzzled but hopeful friend with chronic asthma, but it wasn't the sheer exhaustion that ran bone-deep and left me bedridden for a whole day.
Odette visited my dingy apartment with her signature enormous purse full of vials she spoon-fed me and trinkets she strategically placed in and around my immediate sleeping area. "There, there," the woman patted my head as I pitifully moaned at the ear-splitting headache. "The first one is always the most challenging. After all, if it would be easy, everyone would do it."
I understood that. But at the same time, it felt unfair that no good deed went unpunished. I told Odette so, raising my voice to the best of my ability as she rummaged around my kitchen.
"Nothing in this world comes out of thin air, whatever you decide to give has to be taken from somewhere," she explained patiently. "People like us are considered hedge witches. We do solitary work and draw most of our energy from the Earth, from mother Nature. We cannot perform miracles, however, the cost of our spells are very low," I felt an immediate peak of interest at the simple yet effective explaination she gave me. "We remain mostly human. Gaia* is kind and generous to the ones who pay respect," Odette continued over the clatter of pans and pots. "There are other kinds of witches - who take from other people, who take from the dead. But taking something by force always leaves scars and taking something from the dead means bringing a piece of them back to places it should not be."
I pondered the words as Odette brought the kettle to a boil, the whistling shriek piercing through my skull like a sharp projectile. "What about Voodoo practitioners?" I couldn't hold back my curiosity.
Odette cleared her throat. "What is left of them is mostly not human. Their gifts are great but the costs are greater. They can live far, far longer than the average witch but their souls will know no peace, just like the souls of the dead they anchor to themselves over time," Odette entered the room with a bowl of tangy, creamy liquid that smelled like pumpkin soup. "We do not bestow any judgement upon our brothers and sisters but it is our duty to inform the young." She cast a pointed glance towards me, passing me the soup and a wooden spoon I didn't know I had. "This should help you recover. Take tomorrow off if needs be."
She left shortly afterwards and I hadn't much strength than to use the bathroom, wash the rune-engraved spoon and curl up in my bed, only waking up when the meager light shone over my face from the window. Sleepy and fog-tinted, the early morning NYC was damp and windy as I stuck my head out of the window to soak my sleep-heated head in the cool air.
As uneventful as the day at the café was, I still wasn't up to 100% energy-wise, but the long walk from Jeremy's to Odette's was pleasantly invigorating. I didn't find the cold autumn moisture displeasing; the small raindrops kept me awake and alert. Odette nodded in muted pleasure as I clocked in and returned the special spoon back to her. The runes on it were interesting; I had taken a picture of them for research purposes, fully intending to craft myself something similar.
"Odette has taken on an apprentice," Wong's voice had me take in several deep breaths in preparation for the inevitable fuck-fest on my patience. "She has been avoiding me. And the girl is painfully slow."
I didn't hear the answer of Wong's companion over the rustling of the boxes I was hastily shoving in their places before the Asian man's temper grew foul. More foul. Ugh. The sharp ding of the bell had me yelling a, "Just a second please, I'll be right with you," while trying to keep my tone polite.
Wong's sour face and a list of items required greeted me as I flew out of the backrooms, noticing the locked doors of Odette's office on my way out. Wong's companion stood at the far end of the store - his robes quite different from the ones I'd seen people of their kind wear, his lithe, tall figure seeming strangely familiar. I squinted my eyes at his back. "Is this all you need?" I waved the list around, increasing the volume of my voice.
The tall man turned around and I could only gape. He, in turn, also froze, the stern, unfriendly expression losing heat and giving way to perplexed wonder. "I had placed an order, for sorcerer Strange," Tony's boyfriend eyed me somewhat sheepishly under Wong's concerned gaze.
I nodded, eyeing Wong in turn, letting satisfaction nestle a warm ball in my chest. Stephen's look of displeasure had turned onto his... Colleague. By the time I finished retrieving Strange's order and packing up the items on Wong's list, the Asian man had left, leaving Stephen to sheepishly pretend to examine the books on the furthest shelf. I waved the paper bags as he took long strides towards me, his fancy, large necklace glimmering under the lights.
"So, how long have you been working here?" Sorcerer Strange asked after I told him the total.
The cash register beeped loudly, coins clattering on the desk as I counted out his change. "Some time now," I shrugged noncommittally. I felt his magnetic eyes gloss over my adornments, the star necklace, the various rings; I could practically feel him coming to his own conclusions. "Long enough for your colleague to get an attitude with me," I had to make sure he knew I would be taking no bullshit from him - or anyone else, for that matter. Odette's opinion on his kind was firm and I was heavily inclined to agree.
"Hmm, I see," Strange was equally as keen on hiding his curiosity. It was a funny thing, really, that we, being adults that we were, treated this encounter like some sort of a dirty secret. "Don't take it personally. Wong is like that with everyone," The man briefly scratched his beard with a gloved hand before pocketing his change and picking up the bags. "Except Beyoncè, maybe," the wink he threw me was positively mischievous as it caught me off-guard, giving him a fox-like appearance.
I sighed as the door shut behind him. Pretty white boys - the ultimate human disasters.
I had no time to dwell on them, however, as something - or someone, hit downtown with all the malicious intentions to wreak havoc on the innocent civilians calmly going about their day. Mutants and people who knew Odette came in hordes, scrapes and bruises and strange wounds that required imminent healing.
My boss was no rookie, she dutifully accepted each and every single soul, looking worse for wear with each minute. Not being able to withstand seeing her drain herself, I simply took over the simplest tasks - and she said nothing, just gave me a nod, instructed to use whatever I needed and write it down somewhere along with the name of the person who required the healing.
As the battle raged, the crowds thinned but the ones who managed to come to Odette's spouted more serious wounds, obviously a result of them fighting back. Mutants covered head to toe with coats and hats and robes, for me to swallow my shock when they undressed - horns, tails and weird skin textures were on the far end of the normal. I dutifully extracted small pieces of information from each and every person I treated.
Yes, the Avengers were winning. No, there aren't many people hurt, most of the damage is cosmetic. Yes, the villain of the week is as stupid as usual. It was like a mantra. Odette poked her head into the spare room every now and then, her eagle eyes briefly scanning over me to make sure I wasn't exterting myself.
As I applied the healing salve to a tiny, pink-skinned woman, bandaging up her hands, my boss entered and closed the door behind her, setting down on the creaky chair with a loud thud. "Just got the news, the Avengers apprehended the terrorist," she sighed long and slow. "We've done all we could, the next few days I'll be handling house calls so you'll be here on your own. I'll probably see you in a few days, don't hesitate to give me a call if something comes up," Odette seemed to be barely standing up, yet when she tore off a few pieces of her jewelry and chucked them into a big tin can under the sink, the glossy sheen in her eyes melted away.
"Okay," I mumbled under the watchful eyes of the mutant woman. "Will there be more people coming in today?"
"No," the woman in front of me snorted. "SHIELD is prowling the streets. They are not fond of us, they always say we intervene unnecessarily even though we willingly do their dirty work so our children could be safe," the bitter, harsh tone took me off-guard.
I had to admit, there was reason behind her words. "Will you be able to get home safely? I have a puffy coat and a hat you can borrow." Figuring an expensive taxi ride would be a better alternative to something terrible happening to the woman, I offered her my winter clothes.
She smiled at me, razor blade teeth and large, red eyes the kindest I'd ever seen on a person. In the end, she took the clothes, promising to bring them back in a few days and Odette gave me a parka that was too small for her frame - despite it smelling like someone's grandma's attic, I found it to be quite lovely vintage. The puffy knitted scarf she added felt like warmth and safety - she had to have knitted it herself, for I knew, handmade items carried a significant amount of energy in them.
The shop was eerily quiet as I cleaned and scrubbed the stained, dirty floors and disposed of the bloody clothes and bandages in the tiny, odd fireplace in Odette's office - that was a thing most peculiar, it burned everything I put in it, but had no chimney, no place for the smoke to exit. Magic.
Something banged loudly against the entrance door. I let out a startled shriek, broomstick falling out of my hand and adding to the sudden cacophony of noise as the figure behind the stained glass slowly slid down the door, a deep, male voice groaning something incomprehensible loud enough for me to hear.
Grabbing a large serrated knife we used for mincing the bones of small animals, I made quiet steps towards the door, seeing a large, obviously humanoid figure helplessly lean on the door. The man's arm glinted chrome black and gunmetal grey in the low light. "Sargent Barnes? Bucky?" I whisper-shouted, carefully plying open the door.
He lifted his head, blood dripping down from it, his face looked like someone went to town on it with a meat mullet, his eyes were unfocused and couldn't keep a straight line. His flesh arm leaned heavily on the door frame, the prosthetic hanging limply, dragging his whole body to its side. It must've weigh a ton.
"Я должен найти капитана Роджерса," he whispered.
I didn't understand Russian at all but I could make out the name of his boyfriend. Which made sense. Bucky looked severely concussed - I idly wondered what exactly they had been fighting, what could have given a freaking super-soldier such a brain-leaking injury. "Sargent Barnes, follow me," I put on my big girl shoes and used my momma bear voice, towing the man behind me.
He, too, weighed a ton, as I stumbled, helping him into the chair in the spare room that became my healing station for today. The longer I looked at Bucky, the less lucid he grew, eyes falling shut as he murmured something in jagged Russian, slurring his words.
There was no time to think about the consequences of exposure of my witchcraft; mortar and pestle, herbs and salves flying everywhere, I assembled a healing spell and memorized the according ritual in what felt like record time. He was bleeding all over the chair, fresh crimson blood pouring out of his nose and mouth and it was all I could see.
I hadn't known true terror until the blood that poured out turned black. Whatever it was in him, it was poisonous - my protection charms grew hot, scalding as they left marks on my skin; powering through the pain and unable to turn my eyes off the convulsing Barnes, I finished the chant just as the flow of vile, tar-like liquid suddenly ceased. It pooled around his feet, dripped down the armrests and matted his long hair. It reeked, too, of copper and putrid meat.
Bucky had passed out somewhere mid-spell, the slow, steady breathing bringing me my own sense of calm. To say that I was drained would be an understatement - my vision swam and my world spun on it's axis as I unlocked Odette's office to messily rummage through a cabinet for the emergency tonic I knew she kept there. I chugged the vial, an avalanche of almost anxious, jittery energy hit me like a freight train - exactly what I needed.
I bought myself a couple hours of time. Cleaning up the sludge around Bucky's feet and removing the outer parts of his gear was easy as he remained as relaxed as a cooked spaghetti noodle. The amount of weapons he had on him was impressive, but those weren't what I was looking for - his phone. It was dead, so I plugged it in, waiting for the 5% to show and bringing it to his fingertips, hoping he used the print recognition instead of the password option... And I lucked out.
"Hello, this is Star, I found a Bucky. Tell Dr. Strange to come get him, he knows where I am." I texted the "Stevie ❤️" contact, my inner fangirl self squealing at the dorky name of his boyfriend's contact in Bucky's phone. Shortly afterwards, I went ahead and snapped a picture of myself next to sleeping Bucky, figuring out some actual proof wouldn't do any harm in this bizarre situation.
The answer didn't let me wait long. "10 minutes" came the first text, and shortly afterwards - "Is Bucky okay??????". I had to snort at the amount of question marks before honestly replying "He will be ☺️" and putting the phone back in Bucky's pocket. I cleaned up and attempted to lift Bucky up, succeeding in waking him up into a half-lucid state, probably courtesy of decades of training and whatnot, to at least drag him to the front of the store. I wasn't particularly comfortable with strangers seeing the backrooms.
Bucky leaned with his back against the counter, ass flat on the floor and a towel with a cold compress pressed to his head when the doors all but flew open, revealing Captain Rogers, still in uniform and Stephen Strange, arguing with his boyfriend, both still suited up and bloody and grimy.
"Uhh," I blinked owlishly, causing the men to stop bickering and stare first at me, then at Bucky. "I think he hit his head," I offered weakly, backing up slightly at the amount of burning eyes staring at me.
"Shortcake, that you?" Tony's eyebrows rose as he surveyed the bodega, the items on the shelves, the black and red blood stains on my previously pristine, yellow shirt.
"Now is not the time, Tony. Go with Rogers, make sure the medical is prepared for Barnes and disable his arm," Strange barked out authoritatively, shooting me a puzzled but compassionate look. "The portal is open. I'll talk to Star, find out what happened." He advanced towards me as Captain picked up Bucky bridal-style as tenderly as he could while making sure the compress stayed on.
"Keep that tone fo the bedroom," Tony's voice was more than displeased as he shot me and Strange a hurt look, but followed Steve into the golden circle right outside the door before it sparked shut.
"Now, now, what happened here?" The sorcerer's voice lowered into a soothing drawl as I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. My shoulders sagged, fingers twitching with anxious energy. The man extended a gloved hand, briefly squeezing my shoulder. "It's alright, take your time."
Damn, did I look that bad?
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Taglist: @couldntbedamned @mikariell95 @letsby @sleep-i-ness @toomanyrobins @mostly-marvel-musings @persephonehemingway @schemefrenzy @lillsxd @bluecrazedandbeautiful @slothspaghettiwrites
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sweetwritertanya · 4 years
Midnight Swim
Summary: When a famous group comes to stay for a month in the holiday inn you are working at, you never expected to start a relationship with one of the idolized guys. And you had never thought you would go out for a midnight swim ever, until he asked you to.
Warnings: this is mainly just FLUFF, with just the tiniest bit of erotic body touching by the end, and that’s it! Also, we are dealing with an insecure reader, nothing too major, but still. You are warned.
Word Count: 3571
To say you were nervous would be the understatement of the year. It all still felt so very confusing in your head, like some sort of weird dream mixing with cold reality, this unexplainable feeling of fatal momentary bliss. From the very first unexplainable moments to the very breathtaking sensual last ones.
This summer job proved to be lifechanging for you. Honestly, the only reason you even agreed to coming to this remote holiday inn, beautifully surrounded by tall green mountains and bathed by a teal lake, was to escape the stressful problems from the city you lived in. All the toxicity of the people around you, the crumbling feeling of anxiety. Yearning for a breath of fresh air, you applied to be a receptionist during the busy season.
Starting in June, all would go well until the last week of July and the whole month of August. That’s when they arrived. When you met him.
No one told you this very popular group was renting the space for a full month while filming for a music video and some photoshoots for an apparently new album in the works. While preparing for what you assumed was another normal day, a large crew with big bags and large equipment came in through the inn’s door, alongside seven good-looking younger guys.
Someone, you assume their manager, asked you a few questions but you were so surprised it took you a few moments to respond. Your eyes crossed with almond shaped dark brown eyes, ends scrunching up with a smile hidden by the black face mask. His eyes looked so happy and awake for such an early morning that they just drew you in, apart from everyone’s else, but as soon as he looked back at you, your eyes avoided him and you felt your cheeks flushing.
As a recepcionist, you expected to only cross paths with them maybe once or twice a day, only when they would come in or go out and you’d be at the front desk, but it turns out you and the rest of the inn’s staff were asked to help the guests during the day, since there would be no other costumers for the next month. Probably to keep the famous group’s location as secretive as possible.
It started out unexpectedly ordinary, catching a glance or two your way while you helped around their set, an exchanged of ‘thank you’ and ‘you’re welcome’ when bringing them food. You truly could not see any reason such a winsome man would show any interest in your bulky large person, especially in the tight white shirt and red vest that evidenced your rolls at your sides and on your back, along with the dark grey knee-length skirt that made your legs look shorter and bigger than they already were. You never liked seeing yourself in the inn’s uniform, but it wasn’t your choice.
But then, after a day or two, the honey tanned skin man would constantly come around to help you moving the chairs or lifting a table, anything you would be doing that the crew asked, he would find himself next to you, defined dark pink lips smiling at you, wrinkles at corner of his eyes angling up.
He introduced himself by the third time you met, shaking your timid hand and asking for your name. Before you knew it, Hoseok knew more about you than you shared with most of the people you worked with during the summer. Full name, age, how long you’d been working at the inn, how long would you stay, where you were from, your family members and pets. Favorite colour, favorite season and why, the way you liked your coffee.
It creeped up on you. How much you grew to like him. Hoseok was so warm and inviting, so easy to get along with. Only he would get a true laugh out of you, from the depths of your stomach, and could get you talking for hours without realizing. Of course, he was an extroverted guy and got along well with everyone. But he payed close attention to you, something even the other guys in the group seemed to notice if their smirks and shared whispers when you came in the room were any indication.
Even so, you refused to believe he had any non-platonic interest in you. You were both totally different people that just happened to get along, that was it. That was what you told yourself when you woke up every day and your first thought was of him. When you walked into the cafeteria and searched for his fit frame in the room. When your heart expanded so much in your chest that it made it hard to breathe whenever he noticed you and smiled widely.
But even with all of this denial, there was no denying the way he kissed you in the infirmary room after you fell down and hit your head while on set for a photography shoot. With only a few bruises and an ice bag cooling down the bump at the side of your head, not even you could hypothesize it was some sort of hallucination. Not with the desperate look of worry when he burst in, something you had never seen in his face before. Not with the delicate way he held your hands in his warm and slightly clammy ones as the medic left the room. Not with the tears behind his nervous eyes, even as you promised him you were completely fine and there was nothing to worry about.
And definitely not with the way he got a hold of your chubby cheeks between his hands and pulled you in, eyes closing and head leaning to the side just instants before his lips were on yours with despairing pressure. And after the shock of the first few moments, you kissed him back. To the point that what he may have assumed was a simple peck turned into a head swooning and breath impeding session of deep and ardent kisses, filled with repressed want and love and passion.
The few weeks after that transformed into more than you could ever imagine and hope for. Brushing hands while passing by each other, sharing glances that spoke louder than words, stolen kisses in closet rooms, keeping the relationship a secret to the best of your abilities. You didn’t know if it would last, if it would even go past the month of August they would be staying here, but you couldn’t force yourself to care at the moment. You just enjoyed his company and affection.
With that said, at this particular moment in time, as you walked the dirt path, your nerves returned to the life long habit of stealing any joy associated with your plans. Hoseok had asked you to meet him by the lake, at a spot you both knew was away from any prying eyes, hidden between the emerald trees around the inn. He had excitedly talked about a midnight swim.
You weren’t sure how to bring it up to him that you had no intention of going swimming. More particularly, you were dreading the thought of even having to remove any article of clothing around him. Kissing and tight hugging and wandering hands over clothes was one thing, but you could not shake the fear of his reaction if Hoseok was to ever see more of your naked skin. You had seen a lot more of him than he had seen of you, if only because he had to change clothes for photoshoots and would get very hot when practicing with the boys, removing his shirt and switching to something a little cooler. You knew the body he had, that athletic build of a great dancer. The bewitching face of an artist. The humor and personality that so many women dreamed of finding.
And yet, he had found himself curious about you. Out of all the beautiful women in the world. In your mind, not only didn’t it line up, you weren’t about to risk it all by undressing and revealing all your imperfections for him.
“What are you thinking about?”
The sudden cheerful voice coming from the edge of the path had you screaming and jumping in place, having been completely absorbed by your thoughts the whole way over.
“God, you scared me!” you yelled, taking a hand to your racing heart.
“Sorry, Y/N, I didn’t mean to!” he apologized immediately, but instantly smiling that bright contagious smile of his and linking your arm in his as he pulled you along for the ride. “I was just wondering what you were thinking about. You looked so cute, deep in your head.”
“Hum? Oh, just some silly thoughts, not a big deal” you shrugged off, leaning in to him as you walked. You tried to keep your nerves to a minimum. “Anyone saw you leave? Asked where you were going?”
Hoseok made a face and shook his head no. “They were all sound asleep by the time I left. I already have a hard time falling asleep as it is, but knowing I was meeting you made it just impossible. I came out as soon as I could.”
“That’s sweet” you said, resting your chin in his shoulder and looking sweetly at him. “But that means you must be very tired. You sure you don’t want to go back? We can always do this another time.” As much as you tried, there was no denying your hopeful tone, wanting nothing more than for him to agree and forget the whole thing.
“Are you kidding? I already have my trunks on, I can’t wait” he excitedly shared. “We all went in the water this morning and it was amazing.”
“I noticed. Especially the way you trembled before actually getting in with Jungkook” you tease, remembering the scared and hesitant look on his face.
“Hey, I thought the water was deeper than it was!” he defended himself, back going all straight. “Turns out we have feet for almost half a mile before it gets deep, I didn’t know that.”
“They kept telling you it was safe and don’t think I didn’t hear you questioning if there were monsters in the water” you chuckle.
“And, we’re here!” he shouts in an attempt to change the subject. You laugh and shake your head before looking ahead at the end of the path, a small clearing before the earth met the water.
At night, the lake was painted a beautiful deep marine blue, water sparkling with the shine of the moonlight, tall in the starry sky above your heads. The trees reflected in the water as an upside world beneath it, silence only interrupted by the nocturnal creatures roaming around the greenery. This was exactly what a city girl like you so desperately needed.
“C’mon, let’s get in!” He propels, already taking off his sneakers and starting to undo the zipper of his hooded jacket, but your hand on his forearm stops him.
You lick your lips as you stare at the ground, heart hammering in your chest and unsure of how to say anything. Taking a deep breath, you glance back up at Hoseok’s confused stare.
“I, hum… I didn’t… bring a swimsuit” you confess in a low whisper.
After a moment of standstill, you notice Hoseok fidgeting his feet in place and scratching at his right cheek. Looking carefully up at him, you realize he is the one avoiding eye contact now, a slight colour painting his skin red.
“I don’t- I mean, I have nothing against-” he struggled with words for a moment. “Skinny dipping is cool by me if you… if you want, of course.”
Understanding he took your words in a whole different way, you chuckle embarrassed, taking your hands to hide your blushing face, before clarifying it to him.
“No, no, that’s not it! I mean, I don’t really wanna go in the water. You can totally go; I don’t mind at all! I’ll just… stay here and watch?”
That seems to confuse him even more than the notion you had any intent on going in naked.
“What? Why not? We’ll only stay in the shallow waters.”
You press your lips together and cross your arms around your middle tightly, eyes set on the lake instead of the man in front of you.
“That’s not really the problem, Hoseok…”
Maybe it was your body language, maybe it was the tremor in your voice or maybe it just dawned on him after a few more minutes of utter confusion, but when he stepped closer, took hold of your face in between his large hands and pecked at your pursued lips, his kind chocolate eyes told you he understood what was impeding you.
“Y/N, I know we just met not too long ago, but can you trust me on this? I really like you, truly, a lot, and that is not going to change if you go to a swim with me.” He smiled kindly and his eyes showed nothing but honesty, and yet it was hard to accept it.
“You say that, but…” What you wanted to say was ‘how can you like me when you are always surrounded by beautiful girls, singers and dancers that belong to your world instead of me?’.
“I won’t force you, but it’s a hot night and you are already sweating in this sweatshirt you’re in” he points out, cleaning a drop of sweat from your temple with his thumb. “How about this, I’ll go in first and I won’t look until you’re next to me. Okay?”
Taking your silence as a yes, Hoseok steps back and strips down to his swim shorts, delectable toned body on display until he carefully steps into the water and goes shoulder deep, the further his fears would allow him to go.
“It feels great, it’s your turn!” he yells, waving his hand and an open smile on his bright face before turning the other way, back to you.
Sighing, your hesitant hands give in to his wishes and you start undressing slowly, each second doubting your decisions. It felt like you would hurt him if you didn’t trust him, and it felt like he would hurt your feelings once you did and he saw you. There was no winning in your mind.
Down to your panties and bra, since you didn’t put on a swimsuit, it takes all of your courage to go ahead and step into the water, slowly pushing forward as the cold temperature cooled off your flushing skin. You called Hoseok once you were comfortably covered by the dark water, hiding you from your neck down.
He smiles when he looks back to find you in the water behind him, swimming your way with approval glinting in his eyes. He reaches his hands to you and you gave him yours in return, which he held underwater as he pulled you in and caught your mouth for a brain-shutting kiss.
“See? It’s not that bad, right?” he asks, still holding your hands and making you both float around the calm waves of the lake.
“I guess not” you concede, still unsure of how this would end.
“Just us two in a small lake, away from everyone, the bright moon and no dangerous animals around… It’s awesome!” he chuckles, splashing around a bit with carelessness.
“Yeah…” Feeling a bit better by now, you actually decide to tease him a bit. “If you don’t count the alligators, of course.”
The reaction is priceless. The carefree boy swimming around loses his stance, tripping and head sinking in the water as he gasps in surprise, hands splashing around this time in a panic, making it difficult for you to even go and catch his arms, helping him back up.
“Alligators!?” The desperate boy breathes out as soon as he stands back up, water running down his oblong face from his wet hair, a terrified look in his wide eyes and still trying to catch his breath.
“Kidding, I was kidding!” you reassure even as you are holding back your laugh, Hoseok’s hands clawing at your shoulders with how scared he got. “No animals in the lake, I promise.”
“I think I just had a heart-attack” he overreacts with a relieved expression.
“Well, now you know how I felt before coming here” it escapes you before you realize, the admission of how nervous you were.
Back on his feet and with a settled down mind, Hoseok comes closer and embraces you strongly, warm but wet arms coming around your almost submersed shoulders, water splashing around your bodies with the movement of such an act. You tense up at the feeling of skin on skin, the only barrier between your torsos being your bra. This was it, he would feel your voluptuous body and the body rolls that came with it.
“I’m glad you’re here, Y/N.” He whispers closely to your ear, one hand in your shoulder and the other tangling at the hairs at the back of our neck. “I never felt so strongly about someone like I feel about you.”
Surprised, you try and pull your head back but he doesn’t quite let you, sinking further into your arms and hiding his face in your shoulder. Butterflies flutter at the pit of your stomach and your skin tingles beneath the contact of his body against yours.  The arms that felt chained to heavy sinking rocks broke free and you smile as your hands move to rest at his biceps, soothing the skin there.
“Really?” you murmur back, almost in skepticism.
“Really. It’s the first time I fell for someone so quickly. It’s also the first time I came swimming at night with anyone. You’re really special to me, Y/N.”
Amazingly appeased by his words and lack of judgement of your body type, you find yourself giggling into his shoulder and hugging him back, feet lifting from the ground and allowing your bodies to float in the lake.
Hoseok presses his lips to the spot where your shoulder meets your neck and you reciprocate by landing a kiss by the end of his clavicle. Encouraged by that, he leaves hummingbird pecks up your neck to the soft skin of your jaw, one hand still at the back of your head and the other falling down to the curve at your lower back. Your own hands run up and down his naked spine as you sigh with pleasure.
Pulling you by your head just enough for you to lift your face to him, Hoseok kisses around your jaw, up to your cheeks, before claiming you mouth, lips moving slowly over yours in the most loving ways, tongue sweeping your bottom lip in an inquire for entrance, which you allow avidly. Still an exotic flavor he was to you, becoming ever more familiar each time.
Long kisses take their sweet time exploring the recesses of your mouth, the hand not holding your head in place traveling your body and discovering every single one of your insecurities and throwing them out with delicate caresses, shameless squeezes, desperate touching. Soon you are throwing your arms around his shoulder, pulling all your weight on him and forcing him to get his feet back in the ground so your heads stay above the water.
His hands end up attaching themselves to the fluffy skin around your ribcage, sending goosebumps all over your body, slowly climbing up until his palms are cupping your covered breasts, a hesitant touch that requires your permission for him to continue. Suddenly emboldened, you grab his hand under yours and lead him to squeeze your boobs at the same time you bite down on his lower lip just enough to pull it with you when you lean your head back. Hoseok groans heavily at that and needs no further encouraging.
Bodies mingle together in the lake and explore each other wondrously, alone with nature and the small waves of the lake, enjoying each other playfully but innocently enough, until the night grows longer and the skin grows cold. Infinitely happier than when you went in, you exit the lake with your almost naked body and hair dripping water and search for your clothes, hoping they would help you keep you warm until you reach a shower.
When you look back, you are surprised Hoseok is still waist down in the water, seemingly hesitant to come out.
“Hey, are you not coming?” you ask, jumbled.
“Yeah, in a sec” he says, avoiding his eyes.
“You must be cold, come on. Want me to grab your clothes?” you offer, still not understanding why he was still in the water when the hairs in his arms where standing up with the cold.
“I, hum… I have a slight problem. Can… Can you turn around and give me my pants?” he shyly asks, pointing at the shorts he had on top of his swimwear.
It dawns on you then and you chortle, ignoring his protests of not being able to control it and handing him his clothes as you turned your back as he requested and put on the rest of your clothes too. Hoseok refused to put on his jacket and instead held it waist high the rest of the way to the holiday inn, before wishing you goodnight and leaving back to his room.
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birlcholtz · 4 years
could you do jackshitty relationship for the rarepair thing if you havent already? ur writing is amazing!!
ah yes. jack and shitty. aka jackshit. u know if u combine shitty's flow and jack's ass u get one (1) standard hockey player
their friendship as we see it in the comic has such chaotic good energy about it and i think a romantic relationship would be Even More So
so shitty is a determined little fucker, we all know this about him, yes? and he also happens to be ride or die in the same way that jack is. so by october of their frog year they're BFFs that's just how the world works
jack is also totally shitty's gay/mlm awakening i Stand By This
in his defense it's not 100% a thirst moment. like it's a lot of tiny little negligible thirst moments whose memories all hit him at once when he's hanging out with jack and jack's like 'you should braid your hair. here let me try' and turns out he actually knows how to braid hair for some reason??? (there's a youtube channel that does recreations of historical braiding styles. i, birl, have spent many hours anxiety procrastinating by watcing this channel. jack does the same i've decided this it's canon now) and shitty's like ffffffffffuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUCK
meanwhile at first jack is like wow. shitty's like. my first real friend whose friendship isn't based on my dad. obviously i feel Incredibly Strongly about him.
once he forms some actual legit strong friendships with other people then he's like Hmm Wow Shitty Is Still Different. i'm going to never think about that ever because i'm jack zimmermann
jack would never have discovered jerrys brunch if shitty hadn't literally covered his eyes to keep him from being able to watch espn until he agreed to go to brunch (shitty's motivation was half 'JERRYS' and half 'jack doesnt need to watch this shit itll freak him out even if he thinks itll help his game')
and then jack is like wow shitty really likes jerrys brunch! how do i show him my deep affection for him?? TAKING HIM TO JERRYS CONSTANTLY
(shitty, internally: does jack. does jack realize. that if he insists on paying for me. this is basically a date.)
when lardo signs on as a manager she and jack hit it off and they spend a lot of time together being the captain and manager, which translates into friendship which translates into lardo talking about how she's like. lowkey into this girl in her drawing class ('i just want her to like, hold my hand and gaze into my eyes as we sit on a picnic blanket in the quad. fucking gross. i'm never this sappy') and jack is like oh huh weird that sounds like how i feel about shitty?? and lardo is like Oh Really. Elaborate
and then jack and lardo have a big conversation about distinguishing between platonic and romantic feelings and lardo solves everything so she's like ya bro that sounds like ur kinda into him and jack's like shit i'm into him
(lardo meanwhile is like if my conversations with the smh captain revolve around his realizing his gay feelings for his teammate then i think managing this team is gonna be fucking amazing)
jack also describes the jerrys brunch outings to her and how he and shitty are just really physically affectionate with each other all the time and she's like jack. those are dates. you're dating him
and then because jack is jack he Immediately goes and locates shitty and is like SHITTY. are we dating. and shitty (internally combusting) is genuinely speechless because what?? the fuck???????? he's been pining for MONTHS????????? and then jack just SAYS THIS?????? and then when shitty doesn't say anything jack just plows on and he's like BECAUSE I WANT TO DATE YOU and shitty's like oh hELL yeah
jack braiding shitty's hair also becomes a Thing it's really relaxing for both of them and that becomes their time to just like be together
shitty: *yelling at the lacrosse house across the street from the haus porch*
jack, next to him: i don't know what you're saying but i'm legally obligated to support you in this. i love you. fuck the lax team
the next year shitty purposefully obstructs the 'ban board games from the haus' movement because jack just looks so smug when he beats holster and it's hilarious and also cute (and hot because everything jack does is, inherently, hot). alas, ransom and johnson still win
jack and shitty, in unison: it wasn't cruel
honestly in terms of like. pda. they're exactly the same as they were before they started dating?? these two are so ridiculously comfortable with being around each other in various states of dress/undress. like even with the added discomfort of 'fuck i'm into him' it's just habitual for them?
in their junior year ollie and/or wicky is like so are you dating and jack (deadpan, arms around shitty who's sitting on his lap with his head hooked over shitty's shoulder) replies 'no this is how i am with all my friends'
and shitty busts out laughing so ollie and/or wicky figures jack's probably not serious and is like 'what about holster' and jack's like 'holster's not my friend'
and then holster somehow hears that from the attic and yells 'WE WOULD BE IF JACK WASN'T SO FUCKING RUDE ALL THE TIME'
sometimes jack uses shitty's shampoo because it smells nicer
intellectual jock power couple
over breaks they are always sending each other little gifts. notable gifts from jack: maple syrup, a pack of satin scrunchies. notable gifts from shitty: shampoo and conditioner (the same kind and scent as his, he's not dumb he knows why jack uses his hair stuff sometimes), socks with a pattern of kittens sitting in teacups on them
(once jack sends shitty weed socks)
jack doesn't have snapchat but shitty does and his snapchat is just. all jack. he has pictures of jack saved to use as reaction photos (mostly jack staring into the camera like the office)
shitty makes up bylaws on the fly for the frogs and jack stands behind him nodding intimidatingly
they never go to winter screw because shitty is like 'i throw better parties than that' and jack is like 'yes you do'. so they usually spend winter screw night in the haus drinking hot cocoa from a mix
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a65232-joshywoshy · 4 years
Colorado Crybaby
Chapter 10
     Rachael watched Penny drive away, then sat down next to her box of diapers by the front door.
     She sobbed.
     She knew that she would see Penny tomorrow, but it seemed like forever from now. As she sat there missing Penny, memories of fights with Nick would play back in her head. She knew that Nick was never coming back. He was still in California, far, far away from Rachael now. Her mind tried to convince her that Penny would end up just like Nick. The logical side of her brain couldn't make any scenario work, though. Nick was quick tempered. Penny was slow to anger. Nick would brag about his accomplishments. Penny rarely acknowledged her success. The two were nothing alike. There was no fictional scenario that Rachael could place Penny into that forced her to act like Nick. Penny wasn't Nick. Penny was kind, gentle, but also protective. Imagining Penny becoming anything like Nick became more and more preposterous.
     Rachael's phone rang. She quickly wiped her face and attempted to hide her unsteady voice. Her eyes were too watered to clearly see who was calling.
     “Hi, Rachael. I decided I’m spending the night. Were you crying?” Penny sounded concerned.
     Rachael thought about lying, but that was a strategy she had used with Nick and it never got her anywhere. Penny was even better at calling a bluff from Rachael, anyway, so the tactic would never work.
     “Yes. I miss you. Wait. You’re spending the night here? Why?” Rachael was excited to hear that Penny wasn’t leaving after all. She wondered why Penny had even left.
     “Because I miss you too, silly. I do need to get clothes from my apartment. As much as you’d love me to go to work naked, our co-workers would not appreciate that.”
     Rachael daydreamed about Penny coming to work naked. Rachael knew that Penny wouldn’t get past the front desk without being turned away, but her mind imagined that Penny ended up on Rachael’s desk, sitting completely naked in front of her computer screen. Her legs would be crossed, somehow suggesting that Penny still retained her professionalism, despite coming to work completely out of any sort of dress code. 
     “I bet they would, though. Douglas in the mail room would drop dead if he saw you naked.” Rachael smiled, thinking about how Penny would look walking around naked. “He totally has a hard-on for you.” 
     “Yeah. But you need to have a uterus to get my attention. So, joke’s on him.”
     "We also left my stuff in your car. So we need that too."
     "Oh yeah. I completely forgot. Oops. Anyway, go ahead and get started on your bath, so that I can take one when I get there."
     "Start my bath?" Rachael chuckled. "Okay, MOM. I'll take a bath. I wish it could be a bubble bath. But I don't have any bubbles."
      "We'll get some bubble bath!" Penny sounded excited. "Then we could both have a bubble bath!"
      Rachael and Penny both thought of taking a bubble bath in the same bathtub at the same time, though it's not how Penny had meant it.
       "Both of us? Together?" Rachael said shyly.
     "I didn't mean… shoot… umm…" Penny started to talk more softly. "I meant we could have our own bubble bath each, but together would be fun too."
     "You know," Rachael tried to sound seductive. "That wouldn't be a bad idea. Usually I don't get naked and wet with my co-workers, but for you, I'd make an exception."
     Penny laughed. "You are absolutely ridiculous, you silly little girl. We have to do that this week, though. Completely platonic bubble bath together. That'll be a blast."
      "There is no way I could do that. There is no way I could see you naked and also me be naked and survive. I would melt into a puddle of a human." Rachael had a big smile on her face. Penny made her so happy.
     "Well, I guess we'll have to work on that. I mean, now that we're dating and all. Hey. When do we want to announce this to everyone? And I'm home. Time to pack."
     "Do you need to go?" Rachael hoped that she wouldn't have to.
     "No. You're on my headset."
     "Cool. When should we announce it. Hmmm."
     Rachael stopped to think about that question. She hadn't been in consistent communication with her parents since leaving California. Her friends from back home weren't close enough for her to be concerned about having this information immediately. She could wait a lot longer before telling anyone.
     "I…" Rachael was hesitant to tell Penny she didn't have anyone to announce the news to. "can't think of anybody right now."
     "Not even your parents?" Penny could be heard getting out of her car. She had made it back to her apartment. "Surely your parents want to know."
     "They'll just be disappointed." Rachael sighed. She wished they could just be happy for their daughter. If they were disappointed with her relationship with a wealthy white man, their disappointment would only escalate for a less wealthy Hispanic woman. "Nick was everything they said they wanted for me, but even he didn't work for them. I really don't know what they want and I don't care anymore. I want to be happy."
     "I'm sorry." Penny felt bad for her. Penny had come out much earlier in her life and everyone in her family was accepting and supportive, except for her great uncle, who lived in a cabin by himself in Washington state. He was well known to voice his opinion when he was opposed to changes in tradition. "I know my family would love to meet you, Rachael. Mamá and Tío Benny will be so happy that I've got a girlfriend again. I'm warning you now. They'll ask when the wedding will be. They always want me to rush into things."
     Rachael laughed. “I would love to meet your family. They sound great.”
     “They are. Okay. I’m going to get off the phone and pack. You take a bath, I’ll call back when I’m on the way. Love you, kiddo.”
     “I love you too, Penny. Bye.”
     Rachael picked herself up off the floor and carried her box of diapers with her. She made her way back upstairs to her bedroom where she started looking for pajamas to wear after her bath. There was a comfortable gray t-shirt, panties, and some pajama pants still in her suitcase. As she went into the bathroom, the crinkle of a plastic backed diaper reminded her that she had been padded, now for most of the day. It was easy for her to forget what she was wearing most of the time and hadn’t remembered over the past hour. Undressing in the bathroom, she stood in front of the mirror in just a diaper. There was no trash can in the bathroom yet, so she wondered how she would throw away the diaper. She hadn’t used it, so reusing it later was still an option, so she decided it would be okay to just slip it off and leave it there.
     She started the bathtub water, which was separate from the shower stall in this bathroom and waited for the water to warm up. While she waited, she performed her usual ritual of checking her skin for any zits that had appeared during the day. With the water warmed up enough, she started her bath. Methodically, she washed her hair and body, making sure to scrub a little harder on her upper arm, where the man had grabbed her earlier that day. She shivered as the memory played back from the event. She couldn’t wait for Penny to be back. After finishing the fairly quick bath, she got out and dried off. Next were the pajamas which she would sleep in. After getting dressed, she brushed her hair. Penny called as she finished brushing her teeth.
     “Hey. I’m packed and on my way to you.”
     “Yay! Thank you for spending the night again. I’m going to appreciate not being alone with the memory of today swirling around in my head.”
     “I’ll protect you from the big scary men, my sweet baby angel.” Penny had a smile in her voice. “I’ll protect you for the rest of my life, Rachael.”
     “Thank you, Penny.”
     “You’re welcome. Hang tight and I’ll see you soon, okay?”
     “Okay.” Rachael spoke softly. “I love you.”
     “I love you too, kiddo.”
     Penny ended the call and Rachael stared at her phone. As long as she knew Penny was going to be around, Rachael was happy. The thought of Penny being back home earlier made Rachael feel as if she had gone away permanently. Gone to some kind of void space, inaccessible and fated to never come back. It was an irrational thought, of course. Here in Littleton, Rachael and Penny were never more than 30 minutes apart, unless Penny had to leave for a business trip. Rachael wondered how that time without Penny would affect her.
     She walked into the bedroom, turned on the TV and sat on the bed. There was nothing on, as usual. Rachael had just wanted some background noise in the room, anyway. After getting over the initial shock of being in a strange new place, she had remembered how much she both loved and hated silence. There was a wonderful absence of any annoyances when a room was quiet. In contrast, the silence amplified all other noises to an extreme. When a room was quiet enough, she could hear her breathing. Rachael always made a point to breathe quietly, but that level of silence made it sound as though she had a stuffy nose with the amount of noise the air passing through her nose made.
     Silence was great when people had become too much for her. When she wanted people around, though, silence carried a ringing tone of loneliness. Lonely silence had crushed her to tears many times before. She wanted Penny back now. Changing channels, Rachael hoped to find something to distract herself with. It was too late at night. Boring adult shows were on.
     Rachael got a text from Penny. She was here. Rachael excitedly got up and went downstairs to meet her. 
     “I’m back.” Penny was carrying her box of diapers and a suitcase. “Do you want to help me bring everything in?”
     “Of course.”
     The two unloaded Penny’s car. There was the floor lamp, decorations and small furniture, plus another suitcase Penny had brought. A few suits were hanging on the shirt hooks in the back seat of the car. A small amount of time later, they had managed to get everything inside.
     “Cool. That’s everything. If you’ll excuse me, I would like to take a shower. I’m tired.” Penny was truly tired. She was normally a fairly energetic person, but today had taken a lot out of her.
     “Enjoy your second shower in my shower. I guess it’s basically yours, now. You’re the only one who’s used it so far.”
     The two walked upstairs, taking Penny’s suitcases and diaper box with them. They left everything else downstairs. 
     “I will, thank you. I won’t be long. I just need a quick shower.”
      Rachael went back to watching TV. She could feel the last bits of energy draining out of her. She knew she would have to be asleep soon. She wondered if Penny felt the same way. Mere minutes later, Penny was done with her shower. She emerged from the bathroom in a gray tanktop and pajama shorts, similar to Rachael’s. Penny’s hair was still damp after her shower so she continued to blot it dry as she walked into the bedroom.
     “And done. Are you ready for sleep, little Rachael girl?”
     “Yes I am.” 
      Rachael got onto the bed and crawled toward her pillow.
      “Are you sure? That looks like a plain old butt to me. I’m no expert on how Rachael works yet, but you did tell me before that you wet the bed when you’re stressed.”
     Rachael was slightly embarrassed. “When did I tell you that?” She was also attempting to dodge having to put on a diaper before bed. It was too much work, she thought.
     “A while back. 2 years ago or so. I was talking about how my little brother used to wet the bed and you brought up your stress wetting.”
     “So why don’t we get you all padded up to sleep tonight. Does that sound good?”
     “That’s too much work, Penny. I just want to go to sleep.” Rachael continued to dodge the task.
     “Okay. Then I’ll do it.”
     Penny went over to Rachael’s box of diapers and plucked out a pink Rearz diaper.
     “This should work. Lay down so I can diaper you.”
     Rachael got much more embarrassed. “I… I can do that.”
     “You said you didn’t want to because you’re tired. I have a little energy. Lay down and let me take care of you.” Penny patted the bed where she stood before she took the towel back into the bathroom.
     “No one’s ever diapered me before. And… you would see me naked!” Rachael tried to make it sound like Penny was demanding something outrageous, though it was very practical for the circumstances.
     “You’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. I’m sure you look just like me. Now, get on your back and let me change you. I don’t want to wake up in your pee.” Penny spoke affectionately, though most people would have assumed there was some kind of negative connotation based on what she said alone.
     This time, Penny just pointed in front of her on the bed.
     Rachael silently complied, much to her own amusement and annoyance.
     Penny expertly slid off Rachael’s pajama shorts and panties in one swift motion. Rachael covered her face, as if she could hide from the embarrassment of being completely exposed to Penny at this moment. Rachael could hear the crinkle of the diaper as she fluffed it. Her mind was in an odd state. As one part reveled in the act of getting changed into a diaper, another part fussed that this act was wrong and unacceptable. After all, how could she be allowing another woman diaper her as though she were a child?
     The simplest answer was that she was being changed by her best friend turned girlfriend. If anyone had permission to perform this act, it would be her. Penny did have an excellent point, as well. Rachael had been very stressed today. There was a very high chance that she would wet tonight. Penny was not only saving herself from getting wet, but the bed sheets as well, in addition to keeping Rachael herself dry. 
      Quickly, but also with a gentle touch, Penny slid Rachael’s diaper underneath her. Neither woman spoke. This moment was too intimate for that. Penny pulled the front of the diaper up, then firmly and carefully taped up her diaper, bottom tapes first. After the last tape was done, Penny tapped Rachael’s left hip twice to signal that she was done.
     Very timidly, Rachael asked “Do I get my shorts back?”
     “Nah.” Penny smiled. “There’s no reason to hide your diaper. I know it’s there. It won’t bother me or you. And I can give you quick and easy diaper checks this way.”
     Penny smiled a cartoonishly large smile.
     Rachael clambered around to crawl under the covers as fast as she could. She felt immensely loved and taken care of, but also extremely exposed. Her best friend had just seen her naked.
     “You’re a meanie. A mean meanie head that I’m very thankful for.” Rachael’s eyes peeked out from under the covers as Penny turned off the TV and Rachael’s bedside lamp.
     “Thank you. I’m thankful to have you in my life, too. Let’s see. I’m ready for bed. Babygirl is ready for bed. I think we can sleep now. Don’t you?” Penny walked to the far side of the bed and crawled under the covers.
     “Uh huh. I’m super comfy now.”
     “Good. Come here. Let’s snuggle up, cutie girl.”
     Rachael scooted her back towards Penny to be her ‘little spoon’. Rachael could feel her body heat on her back and legs and it felt wonderful as they lay there together. She focused on the sensation of Penny’s chest against her back. Rachael had other girls hug her from behind before. She had felt other girls breasts pressed against her back, but it had never been like this. This situation DID have a sexual connotation, to Rachael at least. 
     Rachael very slowly arched her hips towards Penny’s. It seemed as normal and good as stretching, but Rachael knew that Penny would understand the motion as a sexual one, if she noticed the subtle movement at all. Sexuality wasn’t the motivation for the motion at first. Regardless, it felt sexual now. 
     “Little girl! What are you doing?” Penny sounded amused. Rachael startled a bit.
     “Uh… I, um…” Rachael was quickly losing her ability to make coherent words.
     Penny reached her hand down in front of Rachael’s diaper and pressed inward.
     Rachael moaned quietly as her hips pushed themselves against Penny’s hand.
     Penny pressed harder and slowly rubbed up and down.
     “Is this what you want?” Penny whispered in Rachael’s ear. She propped herself up on one elbow to get a better angle on what she was doing.
     Rachael moaned louder. She didn’t have thoughts anymore. Her entire waist wanted to shove as hard as possible against Penny’s hand. That’s all that mattered. Her hips had to have Penny’s hand. She rocked back and forth over it. She had to. There was nothing else that mattered more. She wanted Penny’s hand to go inside of her. She didn’t remember how long it had been, but Penny’s hand had been outside her for too long now. She had to have it inside of her. Nothing else mattered more. Rachael grabbed Penny’s hand and shoved it in her diaper. Push it in. Harder. Faster. She drove the hand in as deep as she could, grinding on it all the while. Harder. Deeper. She had to have it.
     Rachael arched her back, as she always did while orgasming. Waves of pure pleasure rolled through her like waves on a beach. She had no mind, no body. Here, there was only pleasure and energy. You could seem to exist here forever, but it would leave, as it usually does. Slowly, Rachael came back to her senses. She was panting heavily, though her breathing was returning to normal as time continued to pass.
     “Welcome back.”
     A soft, lovely voice had said that. Who was it again? Oh, yes. It was Penny. Penny was the one who did that just now. It was amazing. Her brain fought hard to bring cohesion back to her words, but she was beyond exhausted now.
     “Thank you, Penny. That was amazing.”
     “You’re welcome. You owe me one. Later. Sleep.”
     Rachael fell asleep nearly instantly. Penny listened to her breathing for a few minutes as it quickly became light snoring. She laid back down and drifted off to sleep as well. Today had been a whirlwind of activity, but the start of another work week loomed closer. Whatever happened, the two would do it together.
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breselin · 6 years
Shipping Info Meme
Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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When it comes to actual ‘fandom’ stuff, I don’t ship any of the particularly ‘prominent’ ships, mainly because of their implications and backgrounds, as well as how the characters do treat each other canonically when it comes to Sephiroth. The only exception I made till now is with my friend’s Genesis and there was only one past time scene on this blog, the rest is entirely done in private. No matter what, I won’t change my stance on that, specifically with Cloud’s group in any capacity. 
As in for roleplay-wise? 
I do ship him with Cecil heavily and in that, of course, with my friend Artie’s Cecil @furnezh. This ship mainly came to be due to Dissidia’s background and their implications with the small sentences we got here and there. That, and the fact that this ship consumes our souls. I also ship him with Mateus, also due to the Dissidia interactions, that, as well, is heavily plotted out with my friend Snii over @daemonczar and will apply to none other. 
Finally, I adore my crossover ship with Elder Scrolls Online’s Mannimarco, also with my friend Snii, over @lichsent because of their splendidly fitting dynamics. 
I work the best with plotting and getting dragged into it tbh  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Pretty much anything, except for non-con and dub-con. I’m really not for that kind of thing and it even leads to me unfollowing and blocking. Anything else? Angst? Hurt? Fluff? I’m all here for that! As long as it fits the characters and leads to a good interaction, it’s all good. 
And as far as other interactions and ‘shipping’ goes? Unrequited love, enemies, sparring partners, platonic stuff - as long as it works out, I’m totally willing to go for it. There’s absolutely no limit when it comes to those kinds of interaction.
I won’t do anything with underage muses, that’s - again - something that can get you blocked and unfollowed. Otherwise? I don’t really care, given that I partially have literally ‘ageless’ muses and I really adore the whole ‘human falls in love with an immortal’ character trope. 
Yes. Due to multiple things, I’m ridiculously selective and will only ship with friends. It sometimes even happens that new blogs I create are either non-ship/unshippable or even have a ship already with my year-long friends. It’s a comfort-thing and makes interactions in general easier.
The moment they begin to undress and get down to it, I consider it ns/fw, alas I mainly only place active sexual actions under readmore.
Like said before, I do not ship any of the main-cast with him when it comes to ‘romantic’ movements of any sorts.. I do have, actually, two more characters in Dissidia I would ship Sephiroth with and I’m a sucker for crossover ships or also canon/oc, but I’m good as it is at the moment.
Yes. As stated, I’m very selective and even if it comes to other interactions and kinds of relationships, specifically with Sephiroth, I prefer to be asked for the possibilities in place as he’s not as easy to interact with as people sometimes seem to make it out to be. 
There’s bonus-points for everything par ‘romantic’ or ‘sexual’ when your muse already knows one of my partner’s muses. Leeways are easy to be found then and I’m totally alright with muses referring to one another in interactions. Or if you are my friend, then I just build something out of nothing 8|
I do like shipping and I don’t hide it. I usually play within my own comfort levels and then make my ships a prominent part of my blogs. My partners and I worked on it, so it’s there and we enjoy it.
In the middle? If there’s no ship already to be found with friends/long-term-partners, then the blogs are outright non-ship. Whatever fits the blog. 
Depends on the muse. I have muses that are single-ship with no chance of ever budging from that position, no matter if my partner is momentarily active or not. Some of my blogs, like Sephiroth, are selective multi-ship. But always with the same people and I’m very patient anyway when it comes to replies and everything along those lines 8|c
UH. Mostly I go with what I see on the dash? As for FFVII, I really like Cloud/Tifa, Aerith/Zack, these are cute and fit well with one another. Kain/Cecil for FFIV, Zidane/Kuja for FFIX. Many little crossover pairings, I do like Cecil and the Warrior of Light tho, or with Noctis. They are cute. 
Be my friend. Know that I’m sometimes very slow and will take quite a while to accomplish something but I’m always open for chatting. Also read my rules, some stuff about shipping is answered there anyway and I only point it out because people haven’t done so and I simply know when they talk to me. Otherwise? Have an idea for something? Just throw it my way!
Tagged by: @xkuja and @lunarfayth [ thank you ♡~ ] Tagging: 8|c @errued - @unheimlig | @daemonczar - @lichsent | @daturida | @executare | @ndeavor | @atlaslain | @decernimus | @iskariotes | @akumeis | @uccisore | @axorcism | @demijn | @kissafist | @bloodxsong | @dragoonlegacy | @angetoile [ i have little to no idea who already did that sooo either ignore me or just take it from me o7 ]
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drawacharge · 6 years
a little dose of jealous!steve because there’s not enough jealous!steve and i feel like season one has proven that steve has jealousy issues. this is dedicated to my boo @benalras who had a bad day and i love her and wanted to give her something that maybe makes her smile. enjoy! also read on ao3.
Steve never had jealousy issues until Nancy. Until he actually had something he cared about losing. His parents barely gave him the time of day, and any girl before her had only been good for a couple fun romps in the sack, nothing more. Hell, he didn’t even experience platonic jealousy, never giving a shit what Tommy did or who he did it with.
But then Nancy showed up and she was beautiful and sweet and so fucking good, too good for Steve. Maybe he was insecure about it more than he thought. Maybe that’s what made him see red when he saw her and Byers sitting on her bed. Byers who took pictures of her while she was undressing. Byers who had creepy eyes, always kept to himself, and walked around like he thought he was better than everyone in this town. God, Steve had hated him, and he’d hated the idea that maybe Nancy wanted him more than she wanted Steve.
He didn’t hate him anymore, but it hadn’t done shit for Steve’s insecurities when Nancy ended up leaving him for the guy. He could hear that nasty voice in his head going i told you i told you i told you, over and over again. But.
He got over it.
He got over it because he cared about Nancy, and he ( eventually ) cared about Jonathan, and he wanted them to be happy and he was trying so fucking hard to be a better person than he used to be.
Then he became friends with Billy Hargrove. 
Then he became more than friends with Billy Hargrove.
Billy didn’t give a shit that he had jealousy issues, or insecurities. Billy wasn’t perfect, and that was good because Steve wasn’t either and he was so tired trying to pretend like he was. He had to be good for everyone. His parents. Nancy. The kids. But with Billy he didn’t have to be all that. He could be an asshole, or he could just be tired. Either way, the blonde held on tight and took it all in stride. 
Of course, it helps that, for a while, there’s nothing around to make Steve jealous. 
The girls who made eyes at Billy, or touched his arm, or giggled when he said something that wasn’t all that funny, didn’t bother Steve. They weren’t threats. Billy was as gay as he was blonde, and as far as they both knew, Steve was the only other resident queer in Hawkins that was their age. That made him feel safe. That made his insecurities sit comfortably in the back of his mind, sated. 
And then Billy turned eighteen.
He turned eighteen and Steve was staying over because Neil was out of town and Susan didn’t give a shit; far too trusting and too oblivious to ever think her womanizing step-son liked dick. 
It was ten am and they were on the couch eating breakfast, Max sandwiched between them and looking toward the window every five minutes impatiently. Steve thought nothing of it. He figured maybe Lucas or one of the others was coming over since Neil wasn’t around.
Then there’s the sudden sound of a van pulling into Billy’s driveway and Max is launching off the couch. Billy stops too, mutes the TV and cocks his head like the sound is familiar to him before he’s getting up. He gets to the window just as Max gets to the door and goes, “Holy shit.”
Max grins, opens the door, and Steve can make out five varying faces as Max goes, “Happy Birthday, Billy!”
Turns out, it’s his friends. His best friends from California. Max had stolen their numbers from the little box under Billy’s bed and called them up. They took a road trip all the way here just for his birthday.
Billy looks like how a kid is supposed to look when their parents tell them that they’re going to Disneyland. He’s grinning from ear to ear, and once he’s over his shock, each of them are pulling him in for separate hugs, laughing and greeting him.
Steve stands there and just feels... stupid. Like he doesn’t belong.
They look like Billy too. Or, at least, the kinds of people Billy would hang out with if he had the option. They look like they fit him.
Billy introduces them to him. He calls Steve his friend, and Steve has to remind himself that it’s because Susan is only two rooms away and not because he doesn’t want his super cool and amazing California friends to know he’s dating some small town asshole.
The first hand he shakes belongs to a blonde dream boat. He’s not as beautiful as Billy, but he’s a close second. He’s got green eyes, freckles, and a smile that makes you immediately want to be his friend. It almost looks wrong on the leather jacket, ripped jeans, and combat boots wearing body his head is attached to. He also has one earring dangling from a lobe. A feather.
His name is Cal, he’s the oldest of the five, the owner of the van, and-- as Steve finds out later-- the guy who pierced Billy’s ear for him when he was sixteen.
The second hand belongs to a girl, and maybe the most intimidating girl Steve’s ever laid eyes on, including the telekinetic thirteen year old he babysits sometimes. She has long, straight black hair that’d probably go passed her ass if she didn’t have it tied up in a high pony-tail. She’s wearing big earrings, dark lipstick, an army jacket, and when she greets him she pops a bubble in his face and grins when Steve jumps.
Billy tells her don’t be a bitch and she cusses him out in what Steve is pretty sure is Spanish. 
Later, when they’re eating at the diner with the kids, Billy says, “Camilla here is what we call a dyke--” and, without missing a beat, Camilla tosses a ketchup covered fry at him, cackles when it stains his shirt, and goes, “S’cuse you, mamahuevo. We prefer the term carpet muncher,” and everyone laughs except for Dustin who goes, “Uh, Steve, what’s a carpet muncher?” which only makes everyone laugh harder.
Third person to shake his hand is another chick. This one’s head is totally shaved and she’s got some sort of tattoo sticking out from the neck of her cut up shirt that says FUCK OFF across the front. She’s got an unlit cigarette between her lips and holds Steve’s hand for a little too long, looking him in the eye like she can read his fucking soul.
Billy rolls his eyes, shoves her off and goes, “Quit it with your weird pagan shit, Hannah.” Which makes her grin and step back. 
The next guy is called Ant, ( “it’s short for Anthony and a joke 'cuz he’s so fucking huge, Steve, get it?” ) and even though he’s about the size of Hopper he seems friendly enough, but Steve isn’t giving him much attention because he’s finally realized why the last guy looks so fucking familiar.
It’s Daniel. The Daniel. The one Billy would hook up with, the one he lost his virginity to, the one his fucking father caught him with. 
They’d hugged the longest, Steve remembers, and he hates himself for it.
His eyes are just as pretty as Billy once said, his hair is cut down into a Mohawk, and there’s a jagged white scar standing out against brown skin under his jaw. Steve knows that has to be Neil’s handiwork after he caught them together. 
His smile is warm ( it puts Cal’s to shame ) and he smells good. “You’re a pretty one,” he remarks and Steve hates himself for blushing. To his side Billy-- only half-serious-- goes, “Watch it, D, he’s spoken for,” and even thought it’s not a blatant he’s mine, it still makes Steve feel all warm and keeps his insecurities at bay.
At least for a while. 
They hang around at the house for a while. Ant gives Max noogies and Camilla teases her about becoming a lady and laughs when Max wrinkles her nose and tells her to fuck off. Susan comes out at some point, looks surprised but greets them all anyway, and then they head out because the California Five are starving and Steve and Billy had just smoked a joint before they got there so they’re pretty starving too. 
Max asks if she can call the guys to meet them there and Billy shrugs, so when they get there there’s a bunch of loud brats waiting for them, the loudest-- Dustin-- going, “We saved the good booths!”
Jane seems fucking enamored with Hannah and her lack of hair which is real cute. She goes, “My hair was gone once too,” and Hannah replies with, “Yeah? I bet you looked real bitchin’,” and Jane looks damn near ready to shave her head again right there.   
Daniel compliments Will’s jacket with the rainbow across it and Will blushes red and thanks him with a soft smile and his eyes in his lap. Lucas gets into a very heated discussion with Camilla about some sort of science mambo jumbo Steve doesn’t understand, and even Mike-- who hates just about everyone-- seems to enjoy himself.
The kids approve of Billy’s friends faster than they ever approved of Billy ( and even that still ranges from day to day ). They spend far too long in the diner, talking too loud and eating too much. Steve feels a bit bad so he figures he’ll leave Keith a nice tip for putting up with them.
Steve and Dustin are returning to the table with another round of milkshakes when they pass Billy and Daniel. He pauses, goes, “What’s up?” and Billy shrugs while fishing his pack of smokes from his pocket.
“Nothin’, we’re goin’ out for a smoke.”
Without thinking, Steve says, “Oh, gimme a second and I’ll join you,” and he knows it’s a mistake before the last couple words leave his lips. Billy and Daniel exchange looks, there’s a pause and then Billy licks his lips.
Daniel says, “I’ll head on out,” then keeps walking.
“We uh... kinda’ wanted to talk alone.” His boyfriend says, and he glances at his feet for a second before looking back at Steve. “There’s a lot of shit left unsaid between us and after what Neil did I--” Steve feels like a fucking idiot. He wants the floor to fucking open up and swallow him whole, “No, yeah--” he shakes his head, offers a smile that’s completely forced and hopes Billy doesn’t notice. “-- that makes sense--” thing is, it really does, he’s just being an insecure baby. “--I’ll... see you in a minute?” Billy nods, they look at each other. Steve wants to kiss him. Steve can’t kiss him. The pause passes and he steps away, but fingers catch his wrist before he can completely turn. He looks back at the blonde and notes the crease between his eyebrows, “You good?” Billy asks, because Steve can’t be subtle worth shit and he feels like a fucking ass because here it’s Billy birthday and his best friends are here and Steve is feeling bad for himself.
God, he’s selfish. 
So he smiles again, tries to make this one seem a little more sincere, and turns his hand over to brush his fingertips over the pulse of Billy’s wrist. “I’m good,” he lies and wishes for probably the hundredth time that he could kiss his boyfriend. “But I’m drinking your milkshake.”
It seems to work, because Billy chuckles a little, goes, “Go ahead,” and then walks outside.
Steve takes his seat back at one of the booths and tries not to steal glances out the window to see if he can spot Billy and Daniel. He can, which he realizes is worse because that means he can see how close they stand to each other. He can see them share space as Billy helps Daniel light his cigarette. He can see Billy laugh at something Daniel says. He can see Daniel touch his arm like the girls at school do. He can see, and he loses his appetite, feels like he might throw up, and just wants to get out of there. 
His fingers flex under the table and he thinks about Nancy and Jonathan in her bedroom. He thinks about her telling him nothing happened and you got it wrong. He thinks about her calling him bullshit a year later and running out of town with that same person. He thinks about them having sex. He thinks about Jonathan holding her close and kissing her nape after their done. He thinks about her smiling all soft and happy and just for him. 
Then Nancy is suddenly Billy, and Jonathan is Daniel and Steve wonders if Billy and Daniel would be together now if Billy was still in California. He wonders if Daniel would be his boyfriend instead of himself. He wonders if Billy’s ever smiled at Daniel in the mornings like he smiles at Steve, or if Daniel’s ever woken up to Billy making him coffee and breakfast. He wonders and wonders and wonders. 
He wonders until he realizes someone’s saying his name and finally comes back to earth, blinking in the direction of the noise. It’s Dustin, staring at him like he’s grown a second head, and then Steve realizes everyone’s kind of looking at him like that. Then he finally notices the cold, like he shoved his hand into the freezer, and looks down. The cheap plastic cup that says Coca-Cola across the front is pretty much crushed in his grip and there’s vanilla milkshake pouring over the edges like lava out of a volcano, covering his hand and wrist, dripping onto the table. He’s pretty sure there’s plastic cutting into his palm, too.
“Uh, “ he says, then adds, “sorry,” then finishes with, “my bad.” 
Dustin goes, “Dude,” and Steve suddenly gets up, excuses himself, and heads for the bathroom, cradling his soaked fist in his hand to try and catch what milkshake he can so Keith doesn’t give him the stink eye. 
He wishes he can lock the door, can’t, then goes straight for the sink, flipping the tap on cold before shoving his hand under it. He slowly opens his palm and winces when a piece of plastic pulls off skin. Eventually the vanilla shake and water combo turns into just pink water, and there’s a couple pieces of Coca-Cola cup in his hand, but nothing bad enough to warrant, like, stitches. A bandage or two would be nice though.
He focuses on cleaning off, feeling stupid and cursing himself out under his breath. He can’t believe he did that in front of Billy’s friends, in front of the kids. Losing his cool like some kind of neanderthal that can’t control himself. 
He’s pulling a particular small sliver of plastic out when the bathroom door opens and Steve lifts his head, meeting Billy’s gaze in the mirror. For a second they just look at each other, and then Billy’s stalking across the room and taking the wrist of Steve’s injured hand. Billy brings it up and under the shitty lighting and goes, “Christ, Harrington.”
Steve frowns, looks away, and jerks his hand out of Billy’s grasp, pushing it back under the water. It stings, he winces. “I know-- sorry. I’m handling it. Can you tell Keith I’ll pay for the cup?” “Harrington.”
“Because if you don’t he’s going to throw a fit, as if the cup didn’t cost him like the fraction of a cent to buy.”
“Steve.” “I mean, my dad owns a company for God’s sake, I know how cheap you can buy something when you buy it in bulk. The whole set probably cost--”
“Steve.” Billy drawls low and close, baritone voice in his ear. Suddenly, he’s looking at Billy in the mirror again, and Steve can’t remember when Billy had grabbed his wrist again, but there it is, sitting firmly but harmlessly in his grasp. They stare a little longer, then Billy’s face softens and he goes, “Hey,” and pulls Steve until he’s facing him.
 “Sorry,” he says and Billy frowns more.
“You gonna’ tell me why you Hulk’d out on a shitty plastic cup, baby? Or do I need to tell Henderson to test you for gamma radition?” Steve thinks about making fun of Billy for being a secret geek.
Instead he goes, “I... got distracted.”
An eyebrow quirks, “Distracted, huh? With what?”
“With... thinking.”
Billy snorts in a bemused kind of way and takes Steve’s other wrist. He brings them in close and rubs his thumbs over the pulse points underneath his skin. “If you keep answering like this I’ll be turning nineteen before you get it all out.”
Steve rolls his eyes and shoves at him a little, but it’s halfhearted. “Nothing, man, don’t worry-- I was just being stupid. You know how I get.”
Blue eyes watch him for a moment and then Billy nods, “I do know how you get.” Steve frowns, feels a lump in his throat, and thinks this is when Billy’s going to tell him how insecure and annoying he’s being. Instead he goes, “Like how I get when you’re around Wheeler.”
Steve blinks, “Mike?” He barks out a laugh, “No. Nancy, you fuckin’ idiot. The way you look at her sometimes, or smile at her.” Billy licks his lips, glances away, then back. “Makes me wanna barf half the time and crawl in a hole the other half.”
Oh, Steve thinks. He’d never even considered the notion, even when they hung out with Nancy and Billy had a sour attitude after. He always figured it was because Billy didn’t like Nancy, not because--
“Oh my god,” he looks at the other boy then goes, “Wait, please don’t tell me that’s why you hate Nancy--” 
Billy shoots him a glare, “No, asshole. I don’t like her because she’s a snobby little princess who broke your heart. The fact that she’s also your ex is just an evil little bonus.” He’s jealous too. Of Nancy. It was laughable really. Since the first moment Steve ever got close to Billy, Nancy had been a far away memory. His relationship with her was only ever connected to his insecurities now, nothing else. He loved her, but not in the way he once had. She’d always be important to him, but he didn’t love her. Not like he loved Billy. Not even close. 
“She doesn’t even compare to you,” he says, a little too awestruck at the idea that Billy was jealous of Nancy to consider how disgustingly romantic the words are. Billy does, though, and his eyes widen a fraction before the tips of his ears get pink like they do when Steve gets sweet and soft and all the things Billy isn’t used to. 
“Yeah,” he finally lands on and leans in until their foreheads are touching. Until they’re sharing breath. “And Daniel ain’t even comparable.” God, Steve really loves him. 
It’s vague, and Billy reads him like they’ve been together for years anyway. “You wanna’ know what we did outside? We smoked and I apologized about my dad almost killing him since I never got the chance to before. Then he asked me when you and me started dating, ‘cuz apparently that shit was obvious from the get-go. Somethin’ ‘bout the way I look at you.”
The way Billy looks at him? He’s never noticed--
“So I was tellin’ him the whole story.” Oh god, Steve thinks. The whole story is embarrassing and not really romantic at all, just super duper awkward. “‘Cuz Daniel’s a sap for that shit. Then know what else I told him?” Steve shakes his head, “I told him that I love you,” Oh. Oh oh oh. “You big, jealous, idiot.” Thing is, there isn’t anger in Billy’s voice, or judgment. He sounds exasperated, maybe, and amused. But he also sounds understanding; like this doesn’t lessen his opinion of Steve. Like this doesn’t change the way he sees him.
“I... love you too,” because, honestly? What else do you say to that? “And I’m an idiot,” Steve agrees,”I’m sorry, I was being so stupid--”
“Ain’t a thing, pretty boy.” Billy interrupts, “If you’re stupid ‘bout this, so am I.” And then he leans in and kisses him soundly, fingers slipping into Steve’s hair as Billy first slots their lips together then claims his mouth, teasing him open so he can taste him.  When they pull back, Billy takes a deep breath and takes Steve’s injured hand, grabbing some paper towels to wrap around it. “Let’s go. They probably think you fell in.” And tugs Steve out of the bathroom.
They get back to the table-- which someone was kind enough to clean up for him--  and sit across from each other. Everyone’s quiet for a moment, and then Dustin says something dumb and Max throws a french fry and him and Jane laughs and everything goes back to normal. 
Except that, sometime during all that, Steve realizes Billy’s staring at him, meets his gaze, smiles, and then stares in sudden surprise as the blonde leans over and kisses him. Kisses him. Like in public. Like where people can see. It’s short, nothing big, but everyone at the table notices it. The diner is mostly empty, filled with half-passed out drunks trying to get sober off coffee, and Keith went to the back, so-- it’s just the table.
It’s not the first time the kids caught them kissing, and after a beat, Mike screws up his nose and goes, “Ugh, guys, can you not--” and Camilla hits Ant on the bicep a little hard and says, “Hah, told you! You owe me fifteen bucks, fucker!” 
Billy and Steve are still staring at each other as Billy goes, “Did you two bet on my love life?” His voices sounds exasperated and vaguely annoyed, but his gaze never wavers.
“Hey, I voted for it. Ant’s the one that didn’t agree with me.”
“Only ‘cause he seems too good for you,” the big guy answers and offers a shit eating grin that almost rivals Billy’s. The blonde looks away long enough to land a solid punch in Ant’s arm that barely seems to affect him. Everyone who’s listening laughs, Billy included.
Then he meets Steve’s gaze again, and Steve wonders if these are the looks Daniel meant because Billy’s kind of looking at him like a wolf stares at the moon. It makes Steve’s insides feel warmth in too many different ways, and Billy goes, “You ain’t wrong though,” before tossing Steve a wink and slumping down in his seat, slotting their legs together under the table.
Steve smiles, knocks his heel against Billy’s and goes, “Shut up, stupid,” in the kind of way that sounds like I love you.
Billy grins wide and a little feral, licks his lips, and replies, “Make me,” in the kind of way that sounds like I love you, too. 
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A perfect fit (part 4)
Summary : James Buchanan Barnes stumbles upon you, a lady that got him wrapped around her finger.
Warning/s: smut. If you’re under 18 please don’t read this.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader; Steve Rogers x reader (platonic)
Words: 3,130
Tags : @rodkrake @kaffekanden @namiiswan @destielinamoose @slender--spirit @townmoondaltwistle
A/N : English is not my native language … yeah coz writing smut in french sucks sometimes so excuse my rough english and typos.
In the idea that Bucky and Steve came back to Brooklyn after the war and never went near a freaking train. It’s a pretty long one so I’ll do parts.
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 (end) 
"It's okay Buck, come with me." you whispered. You passed by Steve and kissed his cheek.
"Welcome back Cap, thank you!" he smiled and salute you. 
The Howling Commandos watched as you pass by them followed by Bucky at the end of your arm, some howled. You glanced at Bucky whom sheepishly look at you, somehow sorry for how the commando was behaving. You’ll let that pass for tonight, all you had in mind was bringing Sergeant Barnes home.
All the way to your place Bucky never released your waist, each time you had to stop at the crossroad, he would nuzzle his face in your hair, not saying a word just enjoying your scent and your presence.
You opened your door, throwing your purse on the couch you head to the bathroom. When you came back a minute later, Bucky was there sat on the couch back side. You reached for him and embraced him, the tip of his nose in the nook of your neck, he hugged you so tight. You felt your top dampening, when you understood you were already sobbing with him, James Buchanan Barnes wasn’t the type of patriarchal guy who hides his feelings to stay in the manly club, but to make him cry like that, you couldn’t even imagine what it was back there. You hugged him tighter at the thought.
"I've missed you." he finally said, before looking at you.
You caressed his hair for a few minutes silently. He stared at you like it was the first time he saw you. You could see a part of the Bucky you had met was gone at this moment, the war had changed him and it broke your heart, he used to be such a chatty handsy charmer and here he was silent and so vulnerable. 
You led him to the bath, the air was warm, a light fog enveloping you both. You turned around, when he saw the bath he let out a little sigh of pleasure. 
“Loosen up baby” you said starting to unbutton his military coat, kissing his cheek you put the coat on your arm and left him to get change.
When you came back you were wearing in a white silk night gown. Bucky was sat in the bath, his head backwards, eyes closed. You get on your knees next to the bath, reaching the bath cloth and the soap lathering it in your hands. Then you caressed his left arm, he slightly jumped then relaxed immediately when he saw you.
"Let me." you said gently, he smiled sitting up, his back facing you. You washed his arms smoothly, caressed his back and planted soft kisses on his neck. Your left hand roamed on his chest followed by the cloth, strands of your hair falling over his shoulders, your bosoms pressing lightly on his back as you leaned over to wash his chest. He stayed silent, eyes closed you could only hear his breathing getting heavier. 
You dropped the cloth, your right hand going further in the water following Bucky's abs, his happy trail leading you to his shaft, as soon as your hand wrapped around him, Bucky gasped, grasping the sides of the bath.
Still kissing his neck, you start pumping him slowly but firmly, your thumb brushing the tip making him tightened his grip on the bath, he groaned as you pumped him faster, your other hand plunge in the water and gently fondled his balls. 
"Doll!" he groaned and totally lose it, he came in the water. His head fell back on your shoulder, he was breathing heavily and so were you, seeing him coming undone and the look on his face made you hope that even for a moment he forgot everything bad he went through this past few months.
You let him dry himself while you where in the bedroom preparing your clothes for tomorrow. He went in only wearing shorts although you had give him a top with it. He sat on the edge of the bed, watching you picking up some outfits.
"Come here Y/N." he suddenly spoke. You walked to him as he reached for your waist, his arms wrapping around you as you stand between his legs, he rested his head on your tummy.
Your fingers going through his damp, disheveled hair. Sighing multiple times he finally lifted his head, his chin on your navel. You leaned in and pecked his lips.  
"You have to sleep M.Barnes." He nodded and went under the cover while you checked if you had close the door and switch off the lights, when you came back he was already drowsing out, quietly getting in bed you felt him reaching for you, your back on his chest, he let out a sigh that said it all. Your hands caressed his arms encircling your waist, it felt so wonderful to have him next to you at last.
In the middle of the night you felt the mattress moved unusually. You opened your eyes to found him sitting on his side of the bed.
"Bucky?" you whispered. He turned around surprise.
"Sorry doll, I didn't mean to wake you." He laid back, facing you, you felt something was odd so you just opened your arms, he shoved his head on your chest resting his face just above your breasts, his arms wrapping around your warmed body. 
The next morning you woke up with Bucky holding you, as much as you wanted to stay in bed with him you had to go to work, you wriggled out of his hold without waking him.
You made breakfast, some eggs on toast with some bacon. On your way to the bathroom you picked in your bedroom to check on Bucky, he was still asleep, you smiled as his face was so relaxed.
You grabbed your towel and exit the shower. Gasping at Bucky who was standing right there in all his morning glory.
"God Bucky, you scared me!"
He chuckled "Sorry!" his hands snaked around your waist, as yours rest on his biceps. He started kissing your neck, your skin prickling at his touch, his sudden ‘recovery’ made you weak at the knees in a matter of seconds.
"Don't..don't you want to eat breakfast.." you said absolutely not convincing.
"Oh doll, I know exactly what I want to relish right now.." his lips brushed your ear lobe making you quiver.
He seized the towel and let it fall from your body to the ground, revealing your naked body to him, he couldn't stop staring making you shiver under his gaze. It was the first time that you felt so vulnerable since he left, his body warm radiating as he leaned on you, your breath accelerating as he kissed his way down, gently nibbling on your bosoms, when he did he suddenly shivered, breathing warm hair on your nipples putting his forehead on your breasts your hands cupped the nape of his neck. He had miss your body as much as you missed his, and it was so exquisite that he had trouble coping. 
He resumed his sweet attentions. His hands on your rib cage tickling you in a pleasant way, he knelt down, fingers caressing your skin till it finds your buttocks that he fondled, circling your navel with kisses, he tightened his grip around your legs. His thumbs rubbing soft circles in the inner of your tights dangerously close to your intimate parts. You took a deep breath when his left hand went to your ankle, making his way up caressing your skin to your knee, he lifted it on is shoulder. He peppered kiss the flesh on the way to your womanhood. Your mind was blank, enjoying every of his gentle touches. 
His thin delicate lips pecked your sex and you moaned jolting, gripping the towel rack. His tongue slowly moved beyond the folds, building you up, going further in following every of your moan. None of his fingers went near your intimate part, he was undoing you only with his tongue, you had almost forget the feeling of this wave of pleasure growing inside. Hands gripping at his silky hair, struggling to keep still, Bucky felt you were on the edge so his lips closed around the bundle of nerves and you came undone, moaning loudly, he sucked on it drawing out your orgasm.
With a final kiss, he stood up, drying his mouth with a towel before kissing you passionately, tasting yourself on his tongue, you eyes still closed. He pressed you on the sink, you felt his arousal on your tummy, desire flowed through your body, both of you wanted more, but not now though.
One cannot break away from James Buchanan Barnes so easily, he followed you to the bedroom, getting in your way as you tried to dress up, you sighed at yourself trying hard to resist him, the store could not open without you and customers hearing you moan was not a good idea for business.
"Wearing a dress today?” he asked surprised, he must have seen you in a dress like less than a dozen times.
“Why? You don't like it?” you look at yourself, swirling the fabric. 
He went to you “Oh no doll, I love it that's the problem, you're lovely, but I have to tell you, his right hand went up your thigh lifting your dress, I'd rather keep you undress.” 
The muscle between your legs clenched, good lord that man was trouble! You had your way to make him beg for your body, but he definitely had his too!
He gave up with one condition.
"Make sure to come up immediately after work, I'll ..." he whispered in your ear everything he wanted to do to you, resulting in you blushing hard and whimpering as he nibbled on your lobe.
You pushed by a chuckling Bucky, as you reached the door he pinned you on it, his all body pressing against yours, his warm breath fanning against your cheekbones, his fine lips found yours, deepening the kiss, his hands cupping your face.
"I love you Y/N!" he murmured against your lips.
Your lips then moved to his cheek, leaving trails of sweet kisses to his temple. Pressing gently your soft lips on his eyelids he let out the tension in his shoulders, relaxing in your touch, he was still in recovery even if his needs were real, this tension was a reminder that he was still damaged and much more vulnerable than you thought. After a long hug, you let him get ready as he was supposed to meet Steve at his place. 
Finally getting downstairs, Oliver was already there.
“Good morning boss!” Oliver greeted you, yawning right after.
“Good it is, indeed.” your fingers drummed on the desk before swiftly putting your measuring tape around your neck.
“Someone had fun.” Oliver wriggled his eyebrows, joining you at the desk.
“You can talk! I saw you last night, in the company of a young man!” you're the one wriggling your eyebrows at him this time.
“He was really .. ardent! he shuddered, “you?”
You grinned. “He was..he is, you leaned on the desk, devoted!”
Oliver let you in your reverie and went to the front door, putting up the OPEN sign, arranging the cuff links and ties.
You were now storing new pants then Bucky appeared beside you, thinking of what he said earlier about what he had in mind for you, you bit your lip, his pupils getting wider as he saw you do so, yours were probably black with lust at this point. Snaking his harm around your waist, he leaned in kissing you fervently, your nails scraping his scalp it made him shivered, he slightly spanked your butt eliciting a little moan from you.
"James Buchanan Barnes you are trouble. And I love you!" His face lightening up, you saw a glint in his eyes before he smirked, grabbing one of your butt cheek while kissing you, you chuckled swatting his hand from your buttocks.
"Go away troublemaker, I got work to do!" He winked and salute Oliver on his way out.
Oliver was back at the desk, arms crossed, staring at you. You shrugged at him.
"Naughty boss!" He shook his head grabbing some hangers.
Bucky came back around 6pm when you were about to close the store, before you could say anything, Bucky had you stuck between him and the main desk. His lips on yours, needy almost desperate, he caught your legs and made you jump on the edge of the desk, encircling his waist with your legs you brought him closer grabbing the lapels of his jacket. He cupped your face, gently sweeping your hair behind your ears, you pulled back a brief second looking deeply into his eyes, it killed him, it made him want to kiss you even more, unable to be separated from your lips for a second longer. His hands reclaiming your entire body, caressing the small of your back to your waist then he caught the hem of your dress inching it up your legs. Having trouble with his shirt’s buttons you yanked it open, the buttons flying on the floor. 
"Someone's eager." He said chuckling between kisses.
"Lil reminder, you just pinned me on the desk James Barnes!" you punched his chest lightly.
"Well, I need my girl to feel how much I missed her!" At these words you shivered, oh good lord you couldn’t wait. 
He bit on your jawline, then your neck sucking on the skin, you were pretty sure to have a bruise later on. His hands going further up you thighs, you were breathing heavily at his touch, your own hands scratching his back.
“Oh my goodness me!!” You both startled at Oliver's voice. His shock face quickly transforming into a smirk.  
"Don't mind me, sweethearts, I'll .. see myself out!” He took his coat and with an acute voice said “Have fun!” making sure to put the CLOSED sign before leaving. You both shrugged.
“We won't make it upstairs, won't we!?” you asked cocking an eyebrow at him.
“I’m afraid so doll!” he answered smirking like the devil, you rolled your eyes at him as he chuckled.
Your hands roamed on his chest, removing his shirt, you admire his perfect bust, he looked down at your fingers tracing their way down his chest, stopping at edge of his pants. He let you in charge, you kissed his chest, up his neck, your hand dragged lower, along his front tracing the length of his hard cock through the fabric. He inhaled, his hands on your thighs tightening, still kissing his neck and collarbone you unfastened his trousers, slipping your hand in his shorts, feeling his hard swollen cock. He cursed under his breath, as you stroke him. When he regained a bit of control, his hand went up cupping your sex through you panties, he immediately pushed aside the fabric caressing your wet folds, you sucked in a sharp breath when he inserted two fingers in you. 
“Bucky I can’t wait no more!” grabbing the back of his neck, you crashed your lips against his. He discarded your panty after removing his own underwear. He grabbed your thighs once more, sliding you on the edge of the desk, Bucky standing at attention between your legs. He kissed you hard, grabbing his shaft, he finally buried himself inside you, both sighing at the sensation, that feeling of being complete that both of you missed so much. None of you could find the words. His fingers pressed into your flesh, he pulled back his length almost completely and slowly pushed back in, you both moaned, your head lolling back. 
He started thrusting trying his best not be too impatient but your constant moans and praises had him mesmerized. Leaning on the desk, you fumble with the buttons of your dress, the sleeves sliding down your arms, Bucky groaned as you revealed your bra less breasts, you had remove the uncomfortable fabric earlier today.
"You are one of a kind Y/N!" He mused, one of his strong, rough hand skimming your body until he got a good gentle grip on your breast, his thumb playing with your perky bud. You arched at his touch and as he fasten his pace, feeling you were at the rim, he pulled back his shaft leaving you hollow, he smirked at your furrowing brows. Grabbing your waist he helped you get down the desk and spun you around, caressing your buttocks while kissing the back of your neck, he then staved into you, your fingers intertwined with his on your hip, the other grabbed a hold of his muscular ass, contracting at each thrust. He was needy but not rough, his arms trapped your body against him, his biceps pressing against your bosoms, a hand on your neck, he kept you still from writhing under the pleasure he was giving you, he suddenly smacked your butt cheek eliciting a louder moan from you both as you clenched around him. His thrusts became uneven as he was about to lose it, you tightened your grip on his biceps. He let out a guttural moan as he released himself inside you, you followed closely crying out.
Both panting, you winced as he removed himself from you, already missing the feeling. Facing him you stand on your tiptoes, your fingers caressing his jawline beckoning him forward, he obliged, keeping a finger under his chin you kissed him passionately. He embraced your body, his warm sweaty skin against yours feeling so right. 
The fact of having you naked in his arms made him realize that he had really returned from this hell that was war, and that was the most beautiful feeling ever. 
“We should maybe, go upstairs.” he breathed against your temple.
“Maybe...” you caught his lips in a searing kiss, caressing the nape of his neck. 
You barely made it upstairs, until you pushed him on the bed, he quickly took over, binding your hands with his above your head as he kissed you over and over, grinding his erect member against your sensitive part. Your bodies tangled, as you made each other feel the love you had for one another. 
The next day you were having a coffee break at noon with Oliver, around the fabrics table, you saw him staring at you from across it.
You put down your mug “What?” 
“Nothing, just ... did you wipe the desk?” he snorted. 
You threw him a piece of fabric.
“Of course I did! But hey I guess we’re even.” you took a sip while he looked at you wondering.
“Remember Samuel? In the fitting room?” you pursed your lips, leaning on your fist.
“Oh! .. right.” he blushed and played with a piece of fabric. 
“Yeah.That time.” You nodded smiling at his blushing face while drinking your coffee. 
Part 5 
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tinkdw · 7 years
Cas and Dean could have been totally platonic.
But they decided to make it romantic.
During seasons 4-5 we could have had all the Cas / Dean scenes minus the UST. We could have had heated arguments that turned into a mutual understanding and Cas learning that he had always been different, always loved Humanity and through both Sam and Dean fallen and decided to rebel to help them.
They could have kept it as this:
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But they didn't. They made it all about Dean and added scenes like this:
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Side note: they could also have TOTALLY portrayed Dean as a dude-bro straight as a rod hetero guy.
But they didn't
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In fact there’s so much talk about Dean being bisexual it’s just... everywhere, not just on tumblr but in so many reviews and articles about the show e.g. just the latest one I’m aware of:
Then throughout the later seasons, they could have backtracked. They could have said hey, that was all fun, but nah, let’s keep Cas and Dean as a more brotherly familial love, to tie in with the “family don't end in blood” theme.
I would have TOTALLY gone with that, happy Dean and Cas and Sam, all together as brothers, could have been AWESOME.
But they didn't.
They consistently wrote them through ROMANTIC storytelling.
I’m just going from the season 7 resurrection because prior to this it was most likely not ever going to be endgame if it’s true they were going to kill Cas off.
Season 7:
- They could have not cast someone who looks like Dean’s female twin as Cas’ wife when he is amnesiac.
- They could have not had Meg call Dean his boyfriend first and make Meg/Cas romantic while Dean looks on with both Daphne and Meg with hurt in his eyes.
- They could have not introduced a queer character and make her immediately bond with Dean right at this point and then continue this theme over the years.
Season 8: 
- Purgatory could have been a bro-ment, except they gave that role to Benny and placed Cas firmly in the romantic role, especially post purgatory with Dean’s visions being paralleled to Sam’s of Jess and his boner moment in 8x07, literally, wtf, that is not brotherly affection. 
- They could have not had multiple episodes after Cas’ putting himself in harms way to save Dean in purgatory that revolved around a Supernatural being doing this for the human they loved.
- Then a whole story around brainwashing which one gets the other out of through telling them I love you I need you, followed by a whole storyline of Dean behaving like a JILTED LOVER and Cas trying to fix it, meanwhile Sam looks like the awkward person caught in the middle between a couple fighting, NOT his own two brothers!
Season 9: 
- They could have had a story where Dean chose Sam over his best friend and newly found blood-brother, who he did a blood pact with and loved dearly in Bad Boys, but no, it was a ROMANTIC parallel. 
- They could have had Cas not have sex with April or it be Sam who killed her and clutched his face in agony, so Gadreel felt it and healed him while Dean was knocked out. They could have then had Dean NOT sensually wrapping his mouth around ANYTHING OTHER THAN A PENIS SHAPED BURRITO whilst making sexual innuendos to Cas. But they did.
- They could have had the bar scene in 9x09 be all about the 3 brothers having a great time together, playing darts, having fun and chilling, rather than having a flirting winking thing going on between Dean and Cas and Sam just looking on open mouthed like WHAT IS HAPPENING WHY AM I HERE. 
- They could have had a story that wasn't focused all around sex in Rock and a Hard place, but they chose it to be sexual (when that ep was supposed to come right after 9x06).
- They could have had Ephraim going after people who were in pain and suffering due to familial loss when he went after Cas, but they didn't, they made it a ROMANTIC parallel again.
- They could have NOT had a renowned romantic song about loneliness, a deep shade of blue, the sun not shining anymore (when there had been so much Cas = sun visuals this season prior to this) and being “without love” with an “I NEED YOU” playing over softly interspersed images of Cas and Dean’s sad faces, when they had to separate due to duty (seriously, the one shot of Sam is just of him looking at Dean and worrying about how he is feeling during the intro before the lyrics play. Pfft).
- They could have had Dean help Cas get ready for his date by doing a Charlie-esque totally platonic scene where he took him shopping for a sweater and jeans, rather than making it look like he was undressing him with his eyes, forgetting to leave cos he’s just staring at him and looking longingly at him while calling him Tony Manero, a heavily subtextually bisexual character.
- They could have NOT paralleled Dean and Cas’ huge emotional traumatic break up in 6x20 with canon star-crossed lovers in 9x20. But they did.
- They could have had Metatron talk about how much Cas cared about puny humans and how he’s a sap for the mud monkeys, rather than making it ALL ABOUT SAVING DEAN WINCHESTER and using words like HE’S IN LOVE (giant ass pause).... with Humanity.
- They could have then not had Amara telling Dean that he literally represents humanity and Chuck backing this up. Pff.
Season 10:
- They could have used Hannah as an actual romantic love interest for Cas rather than paralleling her unrequited love with Cas’ perceived unrequited love of Dean and using her to EXPOSE this. Or they could have just not made Cas’ story sexual/about romance AT ALL.
-They could have had SAM be the person Dean gets soft around instead of Cas or if they wanted to make Cas the brotherly figure, they could have done so in a way that didn't scream ROMANCE like putting them in a date-like set up, making Crowley call Cas Dean’s BOYFRIEND, exposing how he’s doing it all for Dean and dying for him whilst paralleling this to Hannah’s romantic/sexual interest in Cas. 
- They could have NOT repeatedly paralleled Cas with Cains’ WIFE in the Dean/Cain parallel, the love of his life, who softened him and made him want to be a better man.
-They could have had Dean get just as squicked about Destiel as W*ncest in the 10x05 fan fiction episode but they DIDNT. They made Dean squicky about W*ncest and testing the water with Sam by mentioning Destiel, then getting embarrassed by it instead of grossed out.
Season 11:
- They could at any time have made Cas/Sam stronger by the way by this point. But they didn't. They purposefully made Sam/Cas less strong than Dean/Cas for *reasons* and those aren't because Cas and Sam don't care about each other and love each other as brothers/best friends because they repeatedly state that they DO. So go figure.
- They could have had the Angels torturing Cas as not making it sexual whilst talking about his loyalty and love for the Winchesters. But they did.
- They could have had Dean worry for and fight for Cas while he is possessed by Lucifer in a totally brotherly fashion as he would with Sam, but they made it ROMANTIC.
- They could have had the banshee in 11x11 go after people (again in parallel to 9x06) who were in pain due to familial loss rather than ROMANTIC loss when it went after Dean. They could have had the heartbroken manager look and say things that DIDN’T remind us of Cas before this happened, BUT THEY DID. They could have left it there but instead they gave us Mildred telling Dean that he’s PINING for someone. Just before he tells us in 11x13 that he is NOT pining for AMARA. So WHO is he PINING for?! Who has gone missing AGAIN? Who is he repeatedly over this and the next season worrying about?
-The monster in 11x13 didn't have to be a DARKEST DESIRES monster (and not a love monster) and the story focus on unrequited love and therefore expose that although Dean’s feelings are of dark desire here, he states they are NOT love and that he ISNT pining for Amara.... SEE ABOVE.
-Amara could have gotten to Dean through a MULTITUDE of different options, through their own apparently strong bond. But they DIDNT. They did it through CAS and specifically THROUGH HIS HEART. I MEAN JEEZ.
- They could have NOT introduced at this point two characters who are gruff awesome hunter men who TOTALLY personality wise, story-wise and visually through their shoulder patting interactions are GIANT METAPHORS for Dean and Cas, while referring to the earlier ‘settling down with a hunter’ discussion in 11x04 through DEAN curiously wondering “what’s it like, settling down with a hunter?” after having mixed up brother / romantic vibes off them.
-They could have had the 'you’re our brother’ moment in the car in 11x23 feel wonderful and fulfilling but instead (because of all this previously and the way it was framed) it felt OFF and WRONG. Because this isn't the full truth is it Dean.
- They could have not had the whole season be a giant metaphor for this through Amara mixing up a brotherly and romantic “bond” (their words not mine) through Chuck and Dean.
Season 12
- They could have introduced Cas to Mary as their brother from the OFF but at no point did either of the boys tell her that Cas is like a brother to them. She just... assumed he fit in as “one of her boys” and in the family by proxy and is the one who consoles CAS while he is not able to function while Dean is missing (but was able to function totally perfectly to find Sam with Dean) and she always looks to DEAN when talking about Cas. I WONDER WHY.
- They could have NOT had Crowley call Cas a “love slave” or had Dean glance over at Cas when he picked up the satiny pink panties. But they did.
- They could have NOT had an ambiguous double-over voice of Sam telling Mary "I love you” and Dean talking to Cas on the phone. That was TOTALLY UNNECESSARY and just made everyone pause and rewind to figure out what was said.
- They could have had a backstory filling in the blanks around nephilim that didn’t also have a story about an Angel falling in love with a Human and him projecting this onto Cas and Dean as his human weakness whilst also explaining that Angels are not supposed to have romantic or sexual feelings for humans at all and that it means they are bad, wrong and should be killed, that it is a sacred oath not to do so, meanwhile showing Cas as extremely duty bound and still loyal even though he has fallen.
- They could have had Cas CLEARLY tell the boys he loves them as family and they are dear dear brothers to him. Instead we got a season of double clarifications leading up to this where it was CONSISTENT that the first was to one person and the second was to everyone, on top of every other time Cas has done this the first is ALWAYS to Dean, so the ambiguously seeming “I love you, I love all of you” was blatantly a romantic / familial divide between Dean and Sam. Before you even look at the fact that he can't hold eye contact for the first but looks at Sam for the second and the reactions of Dean and Sam show that they know exactly what this means. 
- They could have had Dean give Cas ANYTHING OTHER THAN A ROMANTIC TROPE 101 lesson 1 first 5 minutes into the class MIXTAPE as a gift of ‘familial bonding’. But no, they used a romantic one.
- They could have not used the band chosen on the tape a band that is consistently made romantic through the Mary/John link and even before this a way for guys to get into Jo’s pants and a way for the siren to first try to seduce Dean.
- Throughout the whole show they could have given Dean any romantic love interest where it wasn't directly linked since season 7 with him losing Cas, feeling like he just wants comfort and SETTLING for someone else. Then in 12x18 they could have NOT made this totally clear by at this point showing it to us through him firstly worrying about Cas AGAIN, in a 2 season long repeated hammering home of Dean worrying about Cas more and more and Sam trying to console him, then settling for the omelette right afterwards and being UNSATISFIED by it.
- They could have NOT paralleled Sam pulling Dean away to the rift with Dean pulling Sam back from Jess.
- They could have NOT paralleled Dean falling to his knees as a standard romantic trope to Cain doing it for Colette.
- They could have set the whole thing up for YEARS so that Sam and Dean have a much more similar bond with Cas, a three-way brotherly bond that could totally fit with the “family don't end in blood” theme, just as Bobby was their surrogate father and Jody their surrogate mother, Cas could have been both their additional, chosen brother, given that Dean and Sam were so forced into their codependency, their choosing to be together and add another brother could so nicely cement their own bond too by adding Cas in his way.
But instead they chose to make their relationships palpably and obviously different, even though Sam loves Cas as a brother, for *reasons*.
In Conclusion:
EVERY TIME Dean/Cas has been narratively paralleled with 2 people on the show it’s been a ROMANTIC couple (eg. Violet/David, Maggie/Donald, Jesse/Cesar, Bobby/Karen, Mary/John, Betsy/Cacao, Chronos/Lydia, Cain/Colette...) not BROTHERS (as Dean/Sam have e.g. Lucifer/Michael, the kids from 1x18).
When Cas and Dean have been targeted by monsters it’s often because of a ROMANTIC reason - one which on the surface might look like it’s for example Nora or Amara but is textually shown NOT to be, meanwhile setting their own interactions in the same episode between each other as heavily subtextually romantic.
They could have made Dean/Cas a brotherly relationship and that could have been AWESOME and totally relevant to the themes of the show. But they CHOSE to make it romantic.
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agentelmo · 7 years
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The X-Files MSR Analysis Series: Season 1 Episode 1
I love so much about this episode, in fact, I haven't seen it in full in over a decade and watching it today I had the biggest grin plastered on my face. I was genuinely starting to worry it would be there for the whole 48 minutes.  Even when kids are terrified and being murdered in the forest, I am still sitting there with a big goofy grin smacked on my face watching Mulder and Scully meeting and perfecting their eye sexing techniques for the first time.
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Look at that sneaky smile of his, he’s loving every minute of this.  This is smart people foreplay, I’m telling you.
Now I have made claim in my ranty mini essays (I'll come up with a proper name for them one day) that Mulder was immediately attracted to Scully, and I largely based this on my recollection of season 1 rather than going back and watching it any time in the last decade - but I was so satisfied to reconfirm this belief because Oh. My. God. does he flirt like a motherfucker.
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And she definitely flirts right back.  I forgot how much Scully used to smile.  She is definitely attracted to him too; who wouldn’t be - I’m a straight woman and fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu--  Ahem...   
I think she was impressed with his credentials, clear intelligence, and intrigued by his reputation.  I think she was also flattered by his interest in her background too.  I love the bit where Mulder reveals he’s read up on her.  They’re scoping each other out, while also flirting their FBI-issue socks off.
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I'd also completely forgotten that Scully knew quite a bit about Mulder before she had even met him too, that he was actually a bit of a celebrity within the FBI for being a badass profiler and that this was the reason he could pursue the X-Files as he’d made connections in the government with people who protected him from being shut down.  I had genuinely forgotten all of that detail.
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CSM is not impressed with Scully low key insulting his son. #spoilers
I kind of love the implications of this scene too - that basically CSM was involved in selecting Scully for the role of spy to debunk Mulder’s work.  
Well that spectacularly backfired didn’t it, numbnuts?  
Mulder and Scully being together, in a twisted way is all thanks to CSM.  What a messed up world we live in.  Thank you CSM for giving us the greatest love story of all time.  
I love that Mulder is pretty open about the fact he likes Scully, forget the physical attraction - yes that’s obvious, who wouldn’t be attracted to her, I’m a straight woman and I’m attracted to her - it’s the fact he enjoys her company.  Asking her to go on a run with him - it’s too cute.  Why did you have to go and turn him down, Dana?!
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He’s a got a little something for that.
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Just want to appreciate 32 year old David Duchovny’s rogue strands of hair for a moment here.  Oooook... Wait... Yep, I’m done.
Now one of the most famous scenes of the episode - the let me get naked and let you look at my back, don’t get turned on it’s totally a platonic striptease in your hotel room scene.  Then platonically lying on your bed.  Platonically.
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I love this scene, because even though Mulder clearly likes Scully, he’s still weighing up if he can trust her.  But she clearly already trusts him, even though she finds his thinking bizarre and unconventional.  This I think is what wins Mulder over, her unflinching trust in him, to be able to walk into his hotel room, undress and have him not try to take advantage for one, and two to take her seriously and be sensitive to her fears.
It’s a lovely scene, and yes, very platonic... I jest.  We know they end up fucking in this hotel room 9 years later, it’s all good. 
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Had to do it.
One of the other iconic scenes of the pilot is Mulder and Scully standing in the Mud and the Rain™, a scene made infinitely more famous by their hilarious outtakes of the scene.  I can’t not think of the outtakes whenever I see this now; but it’s again so wonderful because it’s a moment of true connection between these two.  For Mulder this must be amazing, to finally feel someone is listening to him - not automatically thinking he’s crazy.  Scully, seems quite hysterical in this moment; perhaps she’s going into shock - it does look cold in that rain.
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But look at these two... isn’t it so lovely to see them happy?  Long before abductions, alien implants, the loss of family members, cancer, pregnancy and adoptions... they’re just two crazy kids laughing in the rain.
Have I yet mentioned how much I love Mulder and Scully?  I really do - they’re my first love and revisiting them at the very beginning of their epic love story made my face hurt.   Because let’s not fuck about, this absolutely is a love story.  You know that, right?  Of course you do.
Then we come to the end; poor Billy Miles is in custody talking about his abduction in a way that sounds eerily like what we’ll hear from people like Penny Northern and Cassandra Spender much later.  Mulder is with Billy in the interview room while Scully is on the other side of the two way mirror with the FBI higher ups, with CSM.  
In a strangely intimate moment, Mulder hears people leaving the room on the other side of the mirror, but zeroes in on Scully - holding her gaze despite not being able to see her.  He knows shes there, and he’s letting her know she’s on the wrong side.
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Next up... 1x02 Deep Throat.
Is it episode 2 or episode 1?  I always get confused about how to number the first season.  Anyway, Deep Throat is up next!  Not sure when I will get to doing a write up on it, but as mad as it sounds, I am determined to do this for every episode lol... Wish me luck!
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Making America Jealous Story 1
Supposed to be a short drabble like the other ones. I had too much fun writing it out *sweatdrop* Anyway, I didn’t write out any smut scenes but if you want to read tell me and I ‘ll post it some other time! Well have fun reading!
Endearing. Sweet. Bubbly. That’s how he would describe America in their relationship if someone were to ask and truth be told, England craves for a little bit more in their relationship. He loves America, he always does. He had love the boy since the day he found the young nation at the field till this very day. Albeit it changed from platonic to a romantic.
Their relationship...is cute. Hell, even sex with the American country was vanilla.
Yes, England is very much aware that he is complaining but he craves for a little bit of excitement once in awhile. Though he had no idea on how to bring their relationship to a little bit of detour from the sweet, cheesy romantic path.
“Yo, Arthur!”
He heard someone yell his human name and he stopped walking, turning his head around towards the direction where the voice came from. To his surprise it was the ex-nation running his way, waving his hands like a lunatic. “Gilbert.” England wondered what the ex-nation could be doing here in London.
“Man, we haven’t gone drinking for a long time. Let’s go have an awesome drink at an awesome pub!” Prussia immediately slung an over England’s shoulders.
“Ah, I’d rather not.” England frowned, it was a sudden invitation but then again when did Prussia ever do things normally?
Prussia groaned, and started walking. Dragging the Briton along with him. “Nope, no objections!” He said, taking a page out of America’s book. “Let’s go singing! We can go to this karaoke place I just found, they serve liquor too so we can get smash and sing!” He whooped and ignored the protests coming from England.
Eventually England sighed and stopped protesting when they had already entered the place Prussia was bringing him to. Realizing it was useless. America was coming to visit and had finished his work rather early. It was just a coincidence that Prussia was in the vicinity for whatever odd reason he just could not be bothered to figure out. He took out his mobile phone and texted his American lover.
You know where the spare key is. Prussia dragged me to a karaoke bar. I will be back home at 23:00 p.m. Here’s the address if you decide to drop by instead.
Xx xxxxx, xxxxxxx xxxxx
He pressed the sent button and put it away. Might as well enjoy himself since he was already here. “Everything is on you since you forcefully dragged me here.” He said pointedly to Prussia.
“No problem! Everything’s going into West’s tab!” Prussia grinned, already handing the credit card to pay for the room and the drinks he had ordered while England was distracted.
England shook his head slightly, only pitying Germany a tad.
“Well, come on! Don’t keep the awesome me waiting.” Prussia dragged the Brit towards the room they were given.
A smirk appeared on England’s lips, hanging out alone with Prussia will always bring back his younger self. More specifically both of their younger self during their punk phase. The time that they both had been incredibly close to each other.
Several drinks later...
“England, you’re drunk.” Prussia said in amusement, he himself was tipsy though England was obviously worse. England can never hold his liquor well. “Your turn by the way.” He handed the microphone to England as the next song started to play.
“Shut up, you wanker.” England scoffed, pouring for himself more liquor and drank it down. They had abandoned the punk genre a few songs ago and had even started singing songs from other countries.
Well, Prussia had mostly been singing England’s as there was no other options. It was so unawesome. Ignoring the logic that they were in fact in London.  Prussia whistled at the title of the song. “Dang, man. Give a good show for the awesome Prussia!” Raising up the excitement.
England, being drunk, smirked. He had already off with his stuffy clothes, the vest and coat strewn on the sofa. Leaving him in a half unbuttoned white dress shirt and rolled up sleeved. And pants. A very snug, fitting pants. His trousers laying on the sofa with the rest of his clothes. The room was kept dark so that no one would notice his state of undress.
Prussia had turned off the lights before he was tipsy and England already showing signs of being drunk from his cockney accent.
England took the microphone and started singing along though as the song goes, he started deviate from the original lyrics, changing it slightly. Swaying along to the teasing in a teasing manner as he strode over towards Prussia. The alcohol convincing him to tease the ex-nation.
I know what you wants is to get my love
You wish we could be just like Johnny and June
You'd cut out my heart and let me in the room
 Prussia gulped, suddenly feeling nervous when England threw him a saucy smile. His green eyes glinting with mischief. ‘Uh oh.’ He thought to himself.
 And you know you, you should quit this
And you'd do it if you could
I’m a hot mess, but you confessed
Damn, I got you good
 England leaned forward and let the microphone dropped on to the sofa before straddling his companion, his lips still singing along to the song. His hands both on Prussia’s shoulder. He smirked and leaned even closer, whispering the second line teasingly into the stunned ex-nation’s ear.
Despite the loud music, Prussia could clearly hear the ex-empire singing due to their closeness. He shivered involuntarily at the warm breath on his ear. The Briton was too seductive when he wants to be. He had forgotten how the Brit could get like this sometimes.
England rolled his hips against Prussia as he sang the fourth line after pulling back slightly, licking his lips as he stared into the red eyes that was looking at him with a sense of smug.
 'Cause you love them bad boys doin' bad things
Lookin' hot with an attitude
Love them bad boys like a bad dream
Shouldn't want me, but you do
All the bad boys singin'
Yeah, all the bad boys singin'
And you can't help it, no
Damn, it feels good when you're messin' with a bad boy
 England’s hands trailed down from the shoulders to the arms and brought them to touch his bare thighs. The drunken nation returned the smug smile when the other was taken by surprise at the implied permission to touch.
Prussia caressed the soft thighs, he had not touched the Briton for decades and truth be told the sight of the cheeks flushing from the influence of alcohol was getting him worked up. He had not planned for things to go this way but he was not about to reject a permission to some touching...and exploring.
England leant forward, hands touching the sofa, and swayed his hips along to the notes from the song still playing then his hips moved an array of rolls. Lips singing the song in the most seductive way. Gradually he leant back, wrapping his left hand around Prussia’s neck and waved her body against Prussia followed with a shimmy.
  Got a body like a fast car, movie star
You'd do anything to be my bodyguard
I like gettin' naked and swimmin' in pools
I make it look sexy to break all the rules
Falling too fast, you might crash
But once you go in bad you know you can't go back
You just wanna watch every way that I move
 Prussia enjoyed the sensual pleasure going through him. Feeling drunk and intoxicated from the lust England was exuding when the Englishman started grinding down on him in a tantalizing sway. He growled faintly as his hands gripped on the waist.
England pulled away slightly and took pleasure as Prussia’s eyes followed his movement, singing the third line to the third verse, he unbuttoned more of his dress shirt and let it dropped down from his shoulders though he did not took it off. Knowing the delectable view it made to have it halfway dropped down to his elbow.
The hypnotizing lips came close to Prussia’s own as he leant down closer once again. He could almost feel those lips moving against his as England sang though it was probably just his minds illusion. It does not matter, as England had trailed those lips along his jaw and once again whispered the lyric of the song into his ear. “Watch every way that I move.” Prussia’s breathing hitched as one of England’s hands brushed over the tent that started forming since England started the show.
“England.” He croaked, bucking his hips up though that was all he managed before the door to their room was burst open violently and England jumped off the ex-nation.
England sobered up almost instantly. “America.”
The super nation looked anything but pleased by the situation. “England.” He said calmly, the waves of anger carefully suppressed. “We’re going back, put on your clothes. Now!” He then glared at the ex-nation and pointed out the door without glancing away. “And you. OUT!”
“America, dude, totally unawesome. I was about to get some.” Prussia complained, trying to ignore the waves of anger that America was having difficulties controlling.
“From MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND! If you know what’s good for you, you better fucking  leave you fuck.” He growled, his hands balling into a fist.
Red eyes widened, he had not known that. He gulped and glanced over at the Brit, which proved to be the wrong thing to do as he was suddenly thrown out the tiny room. “Mein Gott, America! I’ll leave, I’ll leave!” He said before scrambling off.
America turned back to his now fully dressed lover, who now supported a guilty expression. He strode over to the older nation and gripped his arms tightly, unintentionally harsh though he ignored the pained wince as he dragged the English out of the place. His grip not lessening until they got to America’s ride.
England could not say anything, knowing he was at fault.
America literally threw him into the front seat of the car before closing the door and climbing in to the driver’s seat. He did not spoke a word the entire drive back to England’s house, though the anger was clear in his blue eyes and furrowed brows.
England had never seen America looking like that and despite everything, the fear and worry, it excites him.
“Out.” America said, parking the car easily outside the house. He climbed out and went to drag England that was moving distastefully slow. “Hurry the fuck up.” He gritted his teeth.
“America, just now...” England was cut off from saying his next words as his breath was knocked out of him when he was carelessly slammed against the nearest wall once they entered the abode. His back and head throbbed painfully.
America pinned both of England’s hands above him, kicking the door close. “Don’t even try to justify yourself, England. You were cheating, there is no other words for it.”
“I was not!” England protested, squirming around. The tight grip on his wrists was painful. “Fucking hell, I was drunk America!”
“Not a good enough excuse.” America tightened his grip, knowing that it hurts. “Do you want to know, how I see it?” He questioned, pressing the wrists even harder against wall painfully and England whined at the pain. America ignored it. “I had to convince the bitch at the front table to tell your room number and then paid for my entry. All the other rooms were all light up but imagine yours were dark. Then you know what I see when I peered into the tiny glass on the door to confirm that I did not get the wrong room?” He seethed. “MY BOYFRIEND STRADDLING A BLOODY FUCKER!”
England flinched at the volume of America’s voice.
“I was so shocked and then you had to just fucking PALM HIM DID YOU, YOU SLUT!” Spewing the last words, America pressed their lips together. Teeth clashed against teeth as he mauled England’s mouth.
England felt his knees weakening from the heady pleasure that shot down through him at the possessive and authoritative behaviour America was showing. He was aroused by it. More so than when he was teasing Prussia before, that was amusing but this...America being jealous and possessive was arousing. Soon after, he responded just as desperately into the kiss. The hands that had been pinning on his had let go and instead tearing apart the Briton’s clothes before sliding down the bare skin. Then those rough hands settled over his ass. He groaned as those hands started to grope him roughly.
America pulled away from England’s lips and trailed kissed along the jaw and bit the Brit’s left ear. “You’re mine.” He growled in an undertone.
“Yours.” England agreed, moaning lowly. “Yours, oh god, Alfred.” He whimpered America’s human name as the super nation teased him further.
“We’ll have to make sure of that, don’t we?” America whispered in his ear, making it clear to England that it was going to be a long, rough night.
And he shivered in delight anticipation.
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                                              ——— (part 2) ——–
Fandom: Fantastic Beast and Where They Come From
Even longer list of fanfics :)….
top favourites, part 1
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Believe In What You Can’t
Author: Crimson_Voltaire
Summary: "How good and thoughtful he is; the world seems full of good men, even if there are monsters in it." - Bram Stoker, Dracula 
Credence walks into a book store on a rainy day, and the world changes. 
Mob!AU Series
Author: themunchking (themuchking)
Part 1: Two-Headed Boy (Put On Sunday Shoes)
Summary: Everyone who knows Percival Graves knows about his boy, too.
Part 2: Sinner’s Delight
Summary: Credence is like silk, and he loves to be wrapped in it.Or—Credence greets Percival after a long day.
Perfect Fit
Author: classicasshole
Summary: Bonded Alphas Percival Graves and Theseus Scamander are looking for an Omega to add to their bond. Credence Barebone recently presented as an Omega and had to be removed from his mother's 'care'. He is exactly what the two Alphas are looking for.
sidenote: Credence/Graves/Theseus ship
What’s New PussyCat
Author: canis_m
Summary: Credence learns the Animagus transformation. It's all downhill from there.
My Greatest Weakness Is You
Author: CinnabunAngel
Summary: Credence loves Percival so he would do anything for the man...Including wearing lingerie, while still at MACUSA. Percival Graves is the most respectable man, can keep his composure, that is until Credence is in the room. Then his eyes go straight to his chewed up lip, how are they so distracting?? Or more so, I needed this and I ended writing this instead of sleeping...
The Boy In The Thunderbird Mask
Author: Binary_Sunset
Summary: It's been two years since Credence has set foot in New York City, and in that time, it seems his whole life has radically changed. He's travelled all around the world in the suitcase of a British wizard. He's seen creatures he never could have imagined existed. And now, after getting a job with MACUSA, he's heading back to the first place he ever called home.But with a new outlook and a strange fascination with a man he thought he knew, everything comes to a head at MACUSA's annual masquerade ball.
We Met, We Kissed, We Married
Author: TheSilverQueen
Summary: “Angels above and demons below,” exclaims the god. “You are one of Hecate’s children.”“Who?” says the boy.  The god rubs wearily at his brow. “Credence Barebone,” says the god, startling the boy, who had given his name, “what do you know of magic?”’
Percival is the god of pumpkin patches. Credence Barebone is just the boy who wanders into one of them.
What Is All This Sweet Work Worth (If Thou Kiss Not Me)
Author: Rrrowr
Summary: Credence had never felt more so than he did at Graves' feet, with a large hand settled over the crown of his skull. There were people all around them and Credence was wearing dreadfully little -- barely more than his underwear and a gauzy shawl -- but he felt safe.
"Darling," Graves drawled, tugging a little at Credence's ear. He was smiling as Credence looked up, eyes half lidded and drowsy with love. "Get me a drink from the bar. If you spill so much as a drop, you'll get a spanking."
Author: inb4invert
Summary: It wasn't about Grindelwald. It wasn't even really about Graves and his wounded alpha cop pride, either. What Piquery and Detective Graves had both known, the unspoken thing that swirled around like a curl of black ink suspended in the depths of their mutual stare-down, was that this was about the omega. The one Graves knew would be haunting his dreams tonight, languishing and panting all unseen in the sweat-dampened sheets of his empty bed.
Sweet Like Honey
Author: kovisk
Summary: He still had it somewhat, but a new identity was to be ushered, because he'd been careless, because he'd slipped up for a doe of a boy with dark hair and poppy lips soaked in opium, drug enough for them both.
Author: projectoverlord
Summary: ‘There’s a really handsome guy over there,’ he signs, and as she starts to turn he makes a frantic, ‘Queenie! Don’t look at him!’
AU Credence was born deaf, and his past has left him insecure about the likelihood of anyone ever really loving him.
Author: TheZ1337
Summary: Percival Graves decided to buy a sex slave, to help around the house of course. What he gets is an emotionally jaded and highly anxiety-ridden Credence Barebone whose not good at anything, except being in bed.
Early In the Morning
Author: gold_pebble
Summary: Graves couldn’t really remember when he had first started living for the Sundays, but there he was, in bed with the prettiest boy in the world, ready to spend the morning in lazy sex.
Devil’s Kiss
Author: shionch
Summary: (No magic / Modern AU.) Credence Barebone, an impressionable young man from a poor family, all-but-accidentally (it might or might not be Newt Scamander's fault) meets Percival Graves, a handsome & well-off older man. It leads to a strange relationship, with neither Credence nor Mr. Graves being certain how it might end.
Sins Of The Father
Author: Anonymous
Summary: Graves takes care of his son through every heat he has, and has him almost wrapped around his fingers.
Ripped At The Edges, But Still A Masterpiece
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Percy is a Fourth Year Wampus, who comes across a new First year wandering the halls.  He doesn't mean to rescue the kid, but it ends up happening anyway.  Percy Graves, retriever of strays. Stray would-be Obscurials, that is.
What Can I Do?
Author: NaughtyLokiStories
Summary: Graves comes home and finds Credence distressed and in his obscurus form. He does his best to please his boy and make him feel better.
Author: projectoverlord
Summary: The guard escorting him, who wears the name tag Scamander yet introduces himself as Theseus, shows Graves to the tiny cell that he will call home for the next twelve months. It’s empty, but when he goes to place his things on the top bunk, the guard chuckles. “I wouldn’t recommend it. Credence likes the top bunk.”
It Was Easy (Natural As Breathing)
Author: projectoverlord
Summary: Credence has spent his entire life in a shadow of orders barked down his spine, every movement under strict control. And now everything is different, and new, and he is drowning in his own freedom. Percival is there to guide him through.
The Stripper!AU Series
Author: intravenusann
Part 1: I Like The Way Your Body Moving (I Like The Way You Spread Confusion)
Summary: While attending a faith conference with his family, Credence Barebone finds an opportunity to leave behind his small, ordinary life and indulge the fantasies he's always carried inside his head — if only for a few hours.
Part 2: I Like The Way Your Heart Is Blooming (On And On, You’ll Never Be Mine)
Summary: After a wild time at the strip club with Mr. Graves, the best night of Credence's life quickly turns into the worst when he tries to return to his family. If he doesn't go home to New York, where will he go? Will he ever see Mr. Graves again?
Part 3: Would You Ever Take A Chance With Me? (Would You Ever?)
Summary: Just as Credence feels settled into something like a routine with his found family in Atlanta, his sisters arrive in the city. Also what exactly is his relationship with bartender/strip club owner/general hottie Mr. Graves?
Pretty Little Thing
Author: gold_pebble
Summary: Out of all the omega boys in the world, Percival had been so lucky to find one that didn't need to get into heat to beg for his cock.
See You On The Other Side
Author: bluebeholder, Truetomorrow, writingramblr
Summary: After recovering from Grindelwald, both Percival Graves and Credence Barebone have been putting their lives back together, with Credence working in MACUSA under the watchful eye of the Goldsteins, while Percival tries to pretend he doesn't feel obsolete.They're friendly, but neither of them wants to make the next move.Help comes in the form of a magical toaster.
Breaking & Entering
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Graves is a Gentleman Thief with a dash of vigilante, on the way to his next target, he stumbles upon a veritable princess in a tower. Or, Credence lives in Grindelwald's attic and likes to sleep naked.
Author: Anonymous
Summary: Graves' pet is very distracting.
Author: Kaleido_dance
Summary: Percival Graves, following the wishes of his dark master and old friend Grindelwald, seduces the obscurial to get him to join their side in the fight for the greater good. But he loses himself in Credence's charming innocence while trying to teach him about love and sex, and ends up adopting him as his son, giving him everything he can think of and spoiling him to his core.
Penitence, Absolution, Salvation
Author: KissMeCthulhu
Summary: (Modern AU.) Mary Lou Barebone is convinced that the new principal of the local high school, Percival Graves, is a wizard, and ceases homeschooling Credence to send him to investigate further. However, in order to get close to Graves, Credence has to keep getting in trouble so he is sent to the principal’s office. Unfortunately for Credence, Mr. Graves takes discipline very seriously – especially when it’s a pretty boy causing all the trouble.
Silent Souls
Author: Yeoyou
Summary: Percival Graves didn't allow himself the delusion of thinking himself a good man. But neither did he believe that he was particularly bad. So the rumour that he had no soul should have been without foundation. And yet the suspiciously spotless skin of his wrist seemed to say otherwise. For what other explanation could there be for the absence of any markings, any words stitching his soul together with another's, than that he had no soul at all? No soul. No soulmate. The logic was irrefutable.
Safe From The World
Author: Truetomorrow
Summary: Credence and Percival were roommates in college; now Percival is an up-and-coming lawyer, and Credence is in his last year of undergrad on a trip to visit Percival. They are best friends. Sometimes they undress each other. It's platonic. Totally platonic. (Until suddenly it doesn't have to be)
Call Me When You’re Sober
Author: hiikigane
Summary: Having a roommate sucks when you're a socially awkward gamer/programmer starting your first year in college. It sucks even more when you're a studious, uptight senior who applied for a single room in the first place. But Credence and Percival learn to get along and with a little outside help, learn that being roommates can be pretty fun.
Author: projectoverlord
Summary: The first sign of trouble for them is always Queenie making that face. The one that she is wearing right now; her mouth open just a little, eyes wide but vacant, like she is a thousand miles away. By now they know that look. It has them all on their feet immediately, gearing up and getting the jet primed to go.
AU Percival is part of the Superhero team known as the Aurors. Obscurus is the thorn in his side that gets innocent people killed and refuses to join his team.
Sweeter Than Honey
Author: ozean
Summary: Basically where Percival Graves gets off on getting a certain Credence Barebone off and then paying him for the "experience."
Tucked Away We Are Found
Author: nerdygaycas
Summary: Credence Barebone survived that fateful month of November after the metro attack, but MACUSA deemed him a hazard to himself and the rest of the world, and so he was sent to Kästner, the place where ill-fated witches and wizards, untreatably sick or mentally disturbed, suffered in shame, completely forgotten. Exactly one month and eleven days had passed since Graves was officially reinstated in his charge, but despite his best efforts to forget the whole ordeal, like a cut that would not stop bleeding in his mind: Credence, the Second Salemer boy. Haunted by the weight of his conscience and a strangling sense of duty, Graves decides to travel all the way up to Kästner, and pay Credence a long-overdue visit.
We Fight Ourselves
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Germany's Ambassadors come to MACUSA to discuss ever evolving laws and borders that may change, but instead of keeping things professional, Director Graves manages to end up on the other side of a seduction game that just may turn his worldview upside down.
The Name Game
Author: secondsodomites
Summary: Credence first sees Graves at a bar. Two days later Graves waltzes into Kowalski's Bakery & Deli and shenanigans ensue.
Author: projectoverlord
Summary: Everything goes quiet. In the boat, underneath the blanket, is a man.
AU Percival is a pirate captain who finds Credence unconscious in the middle of the ocean in a little boat.
There’s Nothing Wrong With Me (Loving You)
Author: intravenusann
Summary: When Credence — who has been living with the Goldsteins for six months now — learns that Mr. Graves feels ill, he does whatever he can to make sure the man is… comfortable.
more fics: part 3
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