supercantaloupe · 1 year
my group just tried to make me completely skip passport control and baggage claim too which would mean leaving my fucking luggage in Madrid. lol. Lmao
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sabrgirl · 2 years
ramadan series: ramadan for women on their periods ♡
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sometimes, it can be disheartening when we're on our period during ramadan - especially if during the last 10 days of ramadan - and it may feel like we are missing out on the blessings as we cannot fast or pray. however, there are other things we can do to take part and it is important to plan what you will do on these days in advance.
some things you can do are:
sit and talk to Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ
one of my favourite things to do is just talk to Allah, whether I'm sitting down or walking around. He is always there listening, so why not talk to Him like He is your Friend? ask for what you would ask for during salah, have a conversation and pour out your heart as though you were in sujood - except now, you're just talking with him outside of prayer! this is a great way to boost your connection and relationship with Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ .
gain islamic knowledge
there are many ways to do this such as: - reading an islamic book - watching islamic lectures / videos - listening to islamic podcasts
study surahs
if you type in 'tafsir surah _____' on youtube, there are videos out there that can help you understand surahs in more depth and learn lessons from them. someone on youtube said why not study Surah Maryam to learn about an important woman during this time and get inspiration from her!
there are many resources to study the commentary of the Qur'an online that you can read, too.
eat healthily and regain nourishment
this is a time to eat healthily and drink lots of water to rejuvenate your body and have a break before you fast again. cook and eat healthier recipes to help get your energy up so that when you do fast again, you are able to do so better Insha’Allah.
increased dhikr
make a plan for yourself. for example - maybe you'll want to recite istighfar and subhanallah x250 times during salah times so that, although you can’t pray at the moment, you are still remembering Allah during prayer times and gaining blessings. 
perhaps you can even wake up at Tahajjud or Fajr time and do dhikr then, to remember Him during the early hours when you would usually wake up to fast and pray. 
you can recite Durood Sharif as soon as you wake up or when you’re about to go to sleep
learn names of Allah and invoke Him with them during du’as.
listen to the Qur'an
we may not be able to physically touch and read the Qur'an Mushaf during this time, but we can still listen to it, alhamdulillah. play it aloud and listen to it throughout the day as you cook, study, go for a walk, etc. there are many playlists of the Holy Qur'an on Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube. 
you can also read it on your devices (phones, laptops), as you are not physically touching the Mushaf, and can download PDFs of the Qur’an too.
do charitable acts
increase your charity and pay sadaqah, give to the poor, have a little sadaqah box, make iftar for the homeless or for neighbours or family and friends.
our bodies go through different things during our periods and different women experience different symptoms. aside from doing good deeds, make sure to also listen to your body and take care of your physical and mental health too. this can also help get your energy levels up to fast again after, Insha’Allah, and is also counted as a good deed as you will be taking care of yourself!
don't forget that good deeds are multiplied during ramadan, alhamdulillah, so don't fret when you get your period. Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ can and will still be pleased with you and your acts and answer your du'as.
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I want to submit my favorite Star Trek character, Captain Michael Burnham.
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She's the franchise's first Black female lead and the first Black female lead captain, played masterfully by Sonequa Martin-Green.
Michael is highly intelligent, brave, creative, loves hard, a true collaborative leader, determined, compassionate, tenacious, willing to break the rules, and reaches for the best in people. I like to call her the Queen of Chaotic Ingenuity. And she can kick yo ass if need be. She is actually funny but I think a lot of people miss it.
She's a poster child for "Listen to Black Women" cause had Starfleet done that in the first 2 episodes, they likely would have avoided that war with the Klingons, but I digress...
What I've enjoyed most about watching this character is seeing a Black woman who loves science be great (she's a xenoanthropologist), be the hero, and be allowed to evolve as a character. When we met her in season 1, we met a person that was struggling with embracing her human emotions as a major byproduct of having to assimilate into Vulcan culture while still being rejected by that culture because of her race. But as seasons 1 and 2 unfold, she starts breaking out of that shell and learns to embrace her emotions and herself and faces the demons from her childhood. Honestly, I love that she's The Hero, but she's also allowed to express the full range of her emotions, which is something not always given to Black female characters. She's allowed to be vulnerable. Also, I love that she's given grace to grow as a character. Put simply, Michael Burnham is one of the realest characters in Star Trek.
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Once we're in season 3, and after some much needed time away from everyone (and plenty of time spent with a FINE brotha named Cleveland Booker, who deserves his own submission), Michael fully embraces herself, and as the story progresses, we see her FINALLY become captain, a role she was made for.
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I love her leadership style as a captain. She's the ideal collaborative leader. Yes, she's the captain that's going on an away mission. However, she's also created a culture on her ship where her crew is comfortable with voicing their ideas, trying innovative ways to solve problems, and she genuinely listens to them. She seeks to connect with each person on her crew and those she comes in contact with on missions. She's a master at thinking outside the box. She's a thinker who leads with her heart.
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Another aspect of this show that I appreciate is Michael wearing braids. The more we see Michael embracing herself, the more she wears natural Black hairstyles. When she's the most at peace with herself, she's rocking braids.
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I think this it is very significant to have a Starfleet captain that wears braids, when we're living in a time where the Crown Act has to be a created to protect us from people's bigotry against natural Black hairstyles in professional and non professional spaces.
Yes, my captain is black, she wears braids, and she still does her job exemplary, with style and grace.
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In closing, I just love Michael Burnham, and I hope some of you give Star Trek Discovery a try to get to know, and hopefully, love her too.
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Last but not least, I love that her central romance is with another Black character. It's so rare to get Black Love in sci-fi, and they, Michael and Book, are a well written relationship.
Ngl, you typed "brotha" and I had to click out and go check your page 😤 we back! "Listen to Black women" lmao now you know people don't do that! Gotta go through hard knocks first 🤣 She's the science leader I aspire to be, it sounds like 🥹🥹 I too believe in collaborative leadership. Her braids! Yes I do love her braids, I love seeing our styles on us. It's why I keep pushing away from flat ironed hair. There's nothing wrong with it, I just... We have so many other options. I really want us to take a shot at it. And hot DAMN he sure IS fine 😳😳😳 I wasn't ready! WHEW! Michael is living it up fr.
Thank you for this submission!
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timkontheunsure · 2 months
I’d like your opinion on a few theories about something Viv teased about the next episodes. She said that they culminate in the ending of an arc they’ve been building up for awhile. I have 3 theories what that could be
1. Blitz-overcoming his low self esteem and demons, able to move on
2. Stolas- he stands up for himself against the goetia, possibly stripped of his title.
3.stolitz- they finally talk, possibly confess and reconcile
Or it could be a combo of all 3. But it sounds like she’s talking about a specific arc, and while I’d like for it to be Stolitz development, I have a feeling it’s a specific character arc.
What do you think?
Humm ok (again obligatory warning about head injury, so sorry about typos, or not connecting things properly ect).
But kinda think all 3 are getting advanced, but only 1 of them finished by the end of this season.
1)Blitz-overcoming his low self esteem and demons, able to move on.
Well we've definitely had some of that Oops and Blitz getting the unattainable of Fizz forgiving him, and being his best friend again.
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And I think we're going to see some of that trauma get explored in Ghostfuckers.
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It's also likely that it's going to be the episode with Blitz's hearing he makes everything worse from evil Millie.
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But I don't think that's going to be neatly packed away, because Barbie's met to be back in s3.
It also doesn't quite make sense if that's not the main focus of the last two episodes. Mastermind and Sinsmas don't seem to be able that. Though we do appear to have the least clips about those.
But honestly mostly because this show understands trauma is with us for the long haul. We can unpack it, make it lighter to carry, but it's always with us.
2) Stolas- he stands up for himself against the goetia, possibly stripped of his title.
Could be. A big theme is Stolas learning he's allowed to choose, but also setting up one hell of a backlash for stepping out of line.
We've had a theme of people standing up to the powerful.
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With Blitz standing up to Ozzie for M&M,
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Loona standing up to Bee,
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Fizz standing up to Mammon.
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Stolas either telling Paimon, or the Goetias council, that he's getting the divorce no matter what they do; could play into that theme.
The tile striping seems fairly likely, but possible down the road. Maybe suspension first?
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But again I don't think that's going to be nice wrapped up either. With the trail plot starting in series 3.
Assuming that'll be about the book deal, because chekhov's gun says it's gotta blow up in their faces at somepoint.
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Also Stolas coming out in his 30s was always going to be a bit messy.
Can't really see that being fully over in a couple of episodes because this show gets trauma, and missed developmental stages and secondary adolescence take a while to work through.
(Take it for someone who was parentified from an early age, you don't really get to move on till you've dealt with it. Even if it's as small as being silly every now and again. Or just keeping a teddy.)
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Pretty sure this is why Stolas has to hug himself to sleep. (Link for people that have no clue what I'm on about here)
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3)stolitz- they finally talk, possibly confess and reconcile.
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Yer this would be my bet for the one that's getting nicely tied up.
Best guess it'll be them both admitting they love eachother.
Because Blitz has spent the first 2 series pretending as hard as possible that he doesn't like Stolas, and definitely doesn't love him.
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(Despite everyone around him, but Stolas, able to tell he's head over heels for his fluffy owl).
I'm not expecting miracles with our sweet dummies though.
That's kinda all I'm expecting to sort.
With them probably not full getting together because of issues they need to work though, the divorce, Stella's abuse and plot to kill Stolas, and Via being against them dating ect.
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(She's gotta be called CockblOctavia for a reason after all. Ok had to add the other link to Brandon calling her that, cus too funny).
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riddles-n-games · 7 months
So, I wanted to make this as an appreciation post for the fandom. Looking at all the reveals we've gotten in the last few days and seeing how much the world of TIG has expanded so quickly, I've been getting a bit nostalgic.
When I joined this fandom, it was August of 2022, barely a month out from the release date of The Final Gambit, the finale of The Inheritance Games. I found out about TIG at a random bookstore on a road trip and I had immediate interest (the hot tub scene sold me so quick). I was also still somewhat new to Tumblr back then but I wanted to see what the hype was here.
Back then, we were still in the Averyjameson vs Averygrayson era even though I'd say things were cooling down a bit. But, that's not my point. The community was getting ready for this; there were chapter reveals, theories, and oh, it was awesome. I was so happy to be part of it. And some of the people who made it a lively place back then are still here, but unfortunately, some have gone quiet. @averysjameson, @guppyclato, @lesbianator3000, @margolovescoffeeandbooks, and @cherryschaos, thank you for making my days back then. I know you may have moved on, but I thank you for the contribution you made at the time.
The only thing I will not miss is the toxicity that Averyjameson and Averygrayson fans plagued this fandom with and divided us so much. We had a lot back then to still savor, why did we have to do that to sour the tag when this series had so much more to offer than just the romantic subplot? There was a mystery at large and so many other characters to love. We only seemed to agree on hating Emily and the old man. Moving on, let's never do that again and if there is another love triangle, let's try being more mature about it. I know we can. If Gray, Avery, and Jamie moved on, so can we.
When we were told of The Brothers Hawthorne back in October 2022 and given those first chapters for the new book, I was over the moon. We were going to finally see the POVs of two favorites; Grayson and Jameson. I was so excited to see from Jamie's perspective, to get a mystery set in London and for him to solve it with Avery; it was an Averyjameson dream. However, come the actual release of the book and I was honestly so disappointed. I'm not sure why it didn't hit the levels it should have but I already said my piece on that and while I still have some disdain for that story, I look fondly at the parts I did love. And funny enough, I told myself Grayson's story will just have to do only because I was feeling sour over Jameson's plot. But low and behold, I loved it! It was deep, funny, interesting, and held my attention as if I was in TIG all over again and it hit more high notes than Jameson's. I may attribute that to the familial connections we see displayed there but it felt more rewarding and even if JLB still had more for Grayson's development, that didn't mean Jameson had to suffer for it. However, I'm hoping that this story here was a fluke and I'm putting my best foot forward in believing that maybe reading Averyjameson through Avery's POV again in Games Untold will give back that familiar feeling I've been missing for two years. I never said I wouldn't try again.
Now, we've entered a new era and this is a third for me; The Grandest Game and Games Untold. During this period, I met @hathorneheiress, my fanfic bestie, and a lot of my current supporters have been with me since TBH. I thank you very much for sticking with me by liking, reblogging, and commenting on my posts. You make my day in the same way I assume my content makes yours. I haven't said that enough and I don't think it will ever be. I'm happy that we're all still here now and going into this new unknown with our theories, headcanons, new characters, and plots. I'm sure it will be a blast. Thank you for giving me that feeling again these last few days; it felt like being with Avery and the gang, running through the House, finding another clue, waiting in anticipation what it reveals.
I hope that this next series is everything we hope for it to be, a new start for Gray, a chance to bond with the new characters we met in The Brothers Hawthorne, and an opportunity to make it feel like the hay days of the first book. I hope that Games Untold lets us relish that feeling with the original cast, to relive the good old days, to meet up with some old friends we haven't seen in a while, and to have that final hurrah that leaves us on the highest of highs in the best way possible. Maybe it'll make it easier to say goodbye to the ways it used to be and embrace the new storytellers but of course, with the way JLB leaves us hanging with every story she gives, who is to say that'll be it?
Thank you to everyone who makes theories, headcanons, fanfics, fanart, and so many other things that leave us wanting more. Thank you to everyone who showers that content with support in the form of likes, comments, and reblogs. Thank you to everyone who has been here from the beginning, in the middle, and now. You all made this a special place. Thank you to everyone who made this community that way and continue to do so every day. I'm happy to be a small part of that. See you in the next post.
-Mystery Girl's Red String
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averseunhinged · 5 months
i mostly wrote smutty literature this week and wasn't going to do an in public wip curse thwartation, but then! look!! this other thing decided to finally start working today!!! yay!!!!
Elijah tried his mimosa and hummed in pleasure at the freshly squeezed juice and extra brut champagne. Not his preferred brand, but Billecart was standard enough fare in dining establishments of a certain quality. He nodded at the server. "For the table, if you would."
“Could I have a sparkling water, too; San Pellegrino, if possible?” the girl requested of the server. Smiling, sunny and pretty, she fanned herself with graceful, genteel drama. “I'm from Virginia, but this heat!”
The young man relaxed from his stiff, practiced courtesy and returned her smile. She laughed with him, sweet and demure, with just a touch of flirtation, but watched him with distant, critical eyes as he walked away. She picked up the menu and studied it. "How are we on ears right now?"
Elijah took a moment to confirm what he already knew. "Clear."
"You sure? Wouldn't want anyone to hear this part."
"Great." She placed her menu back on the table. "If you want to order the Eggs Royale, I'll get the lemon ricotta stuffed French toast with strawberries, and we can split them."
“And why would we do that?”
"Because," she said with an embellished roll of her eyes. She tilted her blonde head, letting the perfectly curled end of her ponytail fall artfully over her shoulder. "You like a little something sweet with breakfast, but you won’t order it for yourself." And then, as though she knew his patience was waning, she nodded. “I wasn't expecting to run into you in Memphis of all places. And yeah, I thought about trying to contact you, but the only thing I could remember is that it was through Craigslist, and posting a hey, Elijah Mikaelson missed connections ad sounds like a foolproof way to commit suicide.”
He sipped his drink and kept his fingers on the stem even after he'd set it down, running his thumb in small circles on the smooth, cool glass. “Accosting a stranger in a cafe seemed more appropriate?”
“I don't know about appropriate, but I think you'll at least give me some of your time before eating me. Besides,” she said, a sly, strange smile twisting her mouth up and producing one charming dimple, “you’re not a stranger to me. Granted, I'm still annoyed by how badly you screwed up, vis-à-vis our last conversation, but that's on me. Never let a Mikaelson do a Forbes’ job. Believe me, I've learned my lesson.”
Forbes. He knew the name. A hunter, likely, as they’d been for centuries. It wasn't beyond them to train their children in all manner of stalking prey. She seemed to know of him well enough to fabricate this odd meeting. He didn't imagine her passing resemblance to Rebekah was a coincidence.
"I know what you're thinking. I'm not a threat, Elijah. I'm trying to save your family, not end it." She held his gaze, steady where many older and more powerful would have faltered. "You can't kill Klaus."
He certainly could kill her. He could kill her and everyone in this restaurant, and then go about his business. "You are very well informed, Miss Forbes."
"Oh, come on, Elijah. We're old friends. Call me Caroline." She reached across the table and touched the embossed leather portfolio in front of him. "In this is everything you need to know from the overnight. Politics, real estate, stockmarket, you name it, it's in there. Is Bethany with you yet? She likes to give you book suggestions, because you have similar taste. Seriously, what is with the weird Russians?"
"I enjoy their frequent use of surrealism and--"
"Their bleak, honest depiction of the effects of war. I know."
"Witches" he murmured and thought. Had someone stolen his memories of her? She was beautiful, but so very young. Not more than eighteen, but likely even younger than that. She still had the flushed curve of baby fat in her cheeks. For how long could he have known her? It seemed unlikely he’d have taken her to bed. "How do I know you, Caroline?"
"You’re right about one thing. It was definitely witches."
Elijah's chuckle was humorless. "Isn't it always?"
"From them, all of us were born. There would be no werewolves without witches. No vampires. No immortal beings trapped in stasis. No Other Side. No Five. None of us would exist and none of us would be in such danger." Caroline leaned forward and showed him her desperation. She'd been the picture of calm confidence up until that point. A woman sure of her place, her mission. It was hard to see that in the girl before him with her modestly cut white sundress and baby pink cardigan. Her parted peach lips and glassy, Mediterranean eyes beseeching. "My daughters were witches. I loved them more than I thought I was capable, but I'll do anything to see they're never born."
Elijah rocked back in his seat. He stared at the girl. Around the cafe. Out the window, up and down the street. Stretched his senses as far as they could unravel and sensed no other presences close enough to listen in. "What you're suggesting cannot be done. I'm certain of that. It is impossible."
"Is it? Or had no one ever been desperate enough, with a need great enough for every last remaining witch with even a drop of power to agree, even if it meant their own obliteration?" She sat back in her seat, taking her drink with her. The champagne glass trembled in her unsteady fingers as she took a long drink to bolter herself. She looked down into it, taking a moment for courage, and when her eyes met his again, he could see the titanium determination in them. "It's the beginning of the apocalypse, Elijah. All hands on deck."
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butterflydm · 1 year
wot rewatch 1x5: blood calls blood
spoilers through season 1 of WoT plus some of the spoilers for the beginning of s2, including the new teaser scene, and through The Fires of Heaven in the books.
I love the bookends here of the two funerals. Just... all of the added rituals make the cultures and world feel more rich and grounded. The ceremonies and how they're tied into the world that we're given. Plus, we see the impact of these rituals on the characters -- Lan and Moiraine here reacting to seeing Stepin's emptiness after they lay Kerene to rest.
Then we get our traveling time-skip, where everyone begins to arrive in/near Tar Valon. I wonder if Moiraine not seeing the White Tower as home is going to be contrasted against Egwene primarily seeing the White Tower as her home after she's been taken away from it.
Poor Mat is looking rough. And him snapping at a kid shows how much worse he's gotten in the last month, along with Rand's clear concern. We also basically confirm that they've been sleeping rough since they left the Grinwell farm, likely worried that they would bring death to anyone else who might host them.
Love the shots of Dragonmount behind Tar Valon; and how noisy and varied the city is.
Rand trying to share his food with Mat. Awww. And not going to the White Tower right away because he's worried about Mat's 'obvious signs' of being a male channeler. And reassuring Mat that he didn't murder that family. Just... everything about how kind and gentle and worried that Rand is over Mat. I suspect that we're going to see echoes of this side of Rand when we catch up with him in S2, going by the spoilers. But it's got a personal touch here.
Moiraine trying to warn Nynaeve but not quite able to connect with her. Nynaeve's green and yellow outfit, I love so much. Our fighty healer. <3
Moiraine's speech here pretty much applies to all the ta'veren, even the ones who can't channel. They're all connected to something bigger and more dangerous, something that has pulled them away from the lives that they led before.
The Tuatha'an are taking the longest to get to Tar Valon out of all of the groups because they are chill and like to take their time. Egwene is so bouncy and has been enjoying her time with the Tuatha'an a lot, but she's also so thrilled to be in sight of the White Tower.
And immediately acting to do their best to protect Perrin and Egwene, but in the way that reflects their own philosophy and culture.
Hi Loial! <3 Anyway, I don't mind the bad reaction to Loial being moved to Tar Valon instead of Caemlyn -- it implies some interesting things about it having been longer since the Ogier have been out of the Stedding than they were in the books. And poor Rand getting his denial poked at. It's Rand's turn again to remind us about the Rand & Egwene relationship here, when he picks up Jain Farstrider and it makes him melancholy.
I can't believe that people got mad at Rand for going after Mat to try to make sure nothing bad is going to happen rather than waiting for Loial. That's his friend that he is justifiably very worried about. He has literally just met Loial.
Oh, hi, Fain! I 100% missed you on my first watch and didn't realize you were in Tar Valon until people pointed it out online. Fain is really the main thing that makes me think Liandrin is probably already a Darkfriend, because I think he's her "friend in North Harbor" that gets mentioned in the next episode, and I think that he got the ruby dagger from her (assuming that Moiraine took it to the White Tower to get safely locked up after she breaks Mat's connection to it, or believes that she breaks it, depending on where s2 takes us on that).
Logain here does, I think, absolutely notice Rand, but Mat's paranoia amplifies his reaction in Mat's mind and focuses it towards Mat (update: confirmed in latest s2 teaser).
This conversation with Mat and Rand! Also, Mat has been very consistent throughout the season in not caring/believing in all the Dragon-related prophecy stuff, but he does worry about hurting people/people getting hurt. (I really hope we get the Mat & Rand reunion in S2 and don't have to wait until S3)
Everything about Stepin is there to give us more knowledge about the Warder bond! Which connects strongly to both Moiraine and Lan, but also gives us a lot of set up for the eventual coup, because now Warders actually have a subculture of their own. It's important!
Feel like we're going to get a similar 'dehumanization' scene for Egwene in s2 with the Seanchan that she got here with the Whitecloaks and it's going to hurt so much. I do think we're doing to get some major Whitecloaks-Seanchan parallels alongside the Darkfriends-Seanchan parallels. I wish Egwene a happy "blow up lots of Seanchan" in the s2 finale.
17. As awful as the Whitecloaks are here, the Seanchan are going to be agonizing to watch on-screen. Egwene does get some useful information here in that she doesn't need her hands to channel.
18. Oof, this stuff is hard to watch. And the Seanchan stuff is going to be even tougher to watch, I imagine.
19. Nynaeve just wanting to help but she can't truly help Stepin. There's so much great stuff in all these White Tower sections for Nynaeve, Lan, and Moiraine.
20. I've said it before and I'll say it again: what Liandrin says here about "much of the world" being controlled by men who are not kind to little girls is true of the books as well, it's just that Jordan didn't realize he was writing it that way half of the time when he did it because it was just steeped into him via his culture.
21. Rand's ta'veren coincidences bring Nynaeve to him and Mat via Loial. This reunion is so sweet (and sad, when he snaps at her) and then sweet again.
22. Rand does believe at this point that it's Mat, because he doesn't have any other explanation for the way that Mat is collapsing in on himself. Nynaeve's moment of reassuring Rand here is a wonderful little moment. Nynaeve reassures Rand, informs about Egwene's strength of character, and is also a hint at Nynaeve channeling when she was younger by doing the miracle healing.
23. Perrin confessing to Egwene because he wants to convince her that he's the one who deserves death and not Egwene -- genuinely so emotional (and we hear wolves in the background!). And Egwene being very clever here, by letting Valda think that she's given in and failing but actually releasing Perrin (so, question: I wonder if Valda thinks that Perrin might be able to channel too?) Wolf-friends helping out! <3
24. Our Forsaken dolls. Much speculation has been spilled over them. Graendal being the tits-out doll does crack me up.
25. Show!Alanna is such a likable character. She's a sweetie.
26. The Stepin storyline is genuinely very sad but it's also incredibly informative. We learn tons of lore through a narrative rather than through an infodump. There are so many lore tidbits that we learn over the course of his short arc.
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kimium · 5 months
Put your Fave playlist on shuffle and post the first five songs that come up!
I was tagged by @m34gs in this post HERE. Thanks for the tag, friend! Like you, I'm making this a separate post just so things don't get too long.
In truth, I don't really have "playlists". It's usually all just thrown into a single playlist that's either My Library or Favourites. So, we're just going to go with my random songs. Also, I'm using my iTunes for this and not Spotify. Besides a few songs missing between them, the playlists are identical.
Also, all my songs ended up being connected to anime somehow. I'm sorry, but that's just how things work with me.
Butterfly 09 - United Forces Airplay Edit by Smile.Dk
Wow, we're starting with a nostalgic song for this list. If you grew up loving anime in the late 90s or early 2000s you could not escape this song. I believe most people were introduce to this song through DDR, but for me it was through AMV edits. I think the first time I heard this song was to a Rurouni Kenshin AMV. That or Sukisho, which according to the rating, at the time I watched it I was too young. In my defense, it's suggestive at best.
Anyways, the reason I have this song on my playlist still is because I like the beat and energy to the song. The lyrics make little sense, but I still adore this song. I don't listen to it often. In fact, I can't remember the last time I listened to it, but every time I do I'm transported back to my childhood days.
Shogeki by Yuko Ando
Going from a nostalgic song to a recent song, Shogeki is the first ending to the Final Season of Attack on Titan. This song is hauntingly beautiful with lyrics that tug at my heart. Even if you're not an Attack on Titan fan, this song is beautiful and tragic at the same time. I highly recommend giving it a listen.
Muspell Theme from Fire Emblem Heroes
This song is mostly instrumental except for the deep masculine voices chanting + the soprano choir nearer to the end. Definitely gives an ominous tone, indicating threat is approaching. Which makes sense as this song is for the Book 2 villains in FEH. Fire Emblem OST songs are always a great time, so even if you think instrumental isn't your thing, check it out.
SKETCH - Kiro Akiyama
Another anime ending song appears on this list! For the one it's the first ending to Season 6 of BNHA (My Hero Academia). I cannot tell you how much I love this song. The lyrics perfectly fits Izuku's character and many themes in the anime. This is also the ending where they changed parts of the anime to reflect the story moments of the episode.
Again, even if you're not an anime fan, this song is fantastic. The regret of the narrator as the lyrics talk about longing to reconnect, regret missing one another, and the desire to correct miscommunications are bittersweet but hopeful to me.
Dearly Beloved - a cover by Amalee but original by Yoko Shimomura
We end our list with another song from a game OST. This version I'm calling out is a cover by Amalee, where there are lyrics. However, the original is the instrumental song that plays in the menu for all Kingdom Hearts games. Amalee's version with the lyrics weaves a tale of love and hope despite distance from each other, fitting perfectly with the themes presents in Kingdom Hearts. So, even if this isn't the original version, give it a listen. Give the original a listen too! It's an amazing song that makes me want to cry every time I listen.
I tag: @a-little-harmed-shinra @someobscurereference @shreedle and anyone else who wants to do this!
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fandomfourever · 1 year
Scarlet Hollow Thoughts
Just got and started playing Scarlet Hollow! I'd watched a couple Let's Plays on yt (mainly Gab Smolder's) and it just looked so good. Having read The Last Halloween web comic I already knew I loved the humor and style, so I had to get the game.
And I'm so glad I did! It's been so fun! I've already "finished" one play through (until episode 5+ come out) and started another with new traits.
My first playthrough had the Talk To Animals and Street Smart traits, which led to a lot of fun options. Dustin is too cute! And Dustin Mom too! One day I will get Frou-Frou to let me pet her, I swear it! *shakes fist at sky* You can't give me cats and not let me pet them, it's a need! And my current playthrough has Book Smart and Keen Eye, which is also fun (though I miss talking to the animals TT_TT). I'm gonna try and go through all the traits at some point, though I have to say these four and what I've seen of Mystical are probably gonna be my favorite traits.
Theory time!
So I'd already known about Reese's transformation due to watching Gab play (though I'd had strong vibes that Dr. Kelly had been poisoning him before the reveal so go me lol), and so I'd already been theorizing. To me he has very big Vampire vibes in appearance, but also as Dr. Kelly says there's also some similarities to Werewolves. But obviously neither of those two are a direct match, at least at this point, so I was trying to think of what supernatural creature he might actually be (this is why I've ended up friends with Stella both playthroughs, we're both cryptid/mythical creature fans lol).
We're introduced to three mythical creatures when we go through the books at the library--if you don't have the Book Smart trait that is. Now, I assume some of the stories are meant to correlate with what's going on in the game, as we later have our Tommyknockers make an appearance (or the ghosts which basically act as such). And one of the stories is about the Tailypo. For a minute I thought maybe that's the case with Reese, but giving it a longer thought, I dismissed it. The Tailypo is described as small with big luminous eyes. While Reese does have a tail, he's huge, and his eyes--while luminous--are small.
But then now playing with the Book Smart trait, we're given the option of reading more books on mythical creatures, including: The Jersey Devil. That's the only book where the creature involved doesn't have some connection to the Appalachians, which makes it stand out. Also, the story of the Jersey Devil has some parallels to Reese and Dr. Kelly's story; The Jersey Devil is the 13th born to a woman who hates it and curses it before it's born, and then after it's born it seems human at first, then transforms and causes havoc. Dr. Kelly was heavily implied to have been raped by something (honestly her description gives me Incubus vibes) but thought she was dreaming. Seems rather cursed to me, plus, while she did end up having him, it's safe to say she probably didn't want a kid before getting mysteriously pregnant. And then Reese seems human at first, before transforming due to anger.
Another point in the favor of him being the Jersey Devil (or Jersey Devil adjacent) is his appearance. No he doesn't have wings (yet) but he does get a very demonic horse-like face, much like the Jersey Devil has the face of a horse/goat. His tail also looks more similar to that of the JD than the Tailypo. And while he doesn't have wings, the way he bends in some frames makes his arms almost look like some.
Anyway, that's my theory concerning Reese. Also, I have to wonder if the story of the Bell Witch might have some similarities to Sybil.... Lots to think about.
Regardless of if my theories are on the money or way out in left field, I'm so enjoying the game, and I can't wait for more!
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nilolol30 · 2 years
Endangered: 8
We all approched the companion seems like they are the guardian here maybe? Turns out I was wrong about the outside bit the lights were just normal lights...
"Travelers from the sewers. We haven't seen one of you in ages. Are you the ones who contacted us earlier? Zbaltazer the outsider has been experiencing you. He's meditating at the top of our village" the companion moved to the side and gestured to the bridge.
"Zbaltazer is really alive how wonderful I will say I slightly had doubts" Doc said laughing while smacking Momo's back.
"Of course he's alive now lets go we have so much to catch up on and I'm sure he will be happy to see you human" Momo began walking through the bridge as we followed.
We got to the end and there was a cryopod it was obviously old and broken thankfully no one inside but B-12 flew out to examine it.
"This machine. Human we found you in one. The scientist I assisted used one of these. He was sick. This was his last hope. He walked into the machine. But I wasn't with him he was alone. What was he doing? He uploaded himself into the computer and then everything was different but the upload, something went wrong he was stuck for hundreds of years. Until...a little cat appeared" B-22 paused and wiggled in the air.
"Wait B-12 are you saying that-" Momo couldn't finish.
"Was it? It was. Me. I was the scientist. I was human" B-12 shook their body and turned to us.
"I...I need a moment" and hid back into Strays bag.
"We should let B-12 sink this is the must be incredibly hard news" I said kneeling down and gave a gentle pat on Strays bag.
"Of course we should actually heal up first before we talk to Zbaltazer" Seamus responds we all agreed and climbed up the ladder.
Up the ladder was a few companions listening to music and doing their own activities Momo tapped the painters shoulder.
"Do you have any spare supplys me and my friends had a few awful encounters with Zurks" the companion thought for a moment and nodded.
"We do if you head straight there is a bot on a couch he can give you stuff" so that's where we went after waking the sleeping bot he told us behind the books in the broken oven was some supplies and there was.
"Look human theirs a clean towel too you can use that" Seamus threw the towel to my direction catching it I gave a thanks and started cleaning my face.
"Seamus son it's impolite to throw stuff" Doc lectured while fixing his own injurys.
"Okay Papa" Seamus rolled his eyes and began fixing himself up the unknown bot laughed and fell back asleep.
"What else have I forgotten? I must have had parents, friends. what happened to everyone?" B-12 asked themselves within the bag I felt sorry for them those were very similar thoughts I had too.
I put the towl down I didn't realize I was bleeding that much the adrenaline must have numbed the pain I definitely have a pretty big cut on my cheek who knows I'll probably get a bad ass scar.
"Human maybe you should throw your old bandage off your arm?" Momo says softly poking at it.
Right of course it's been a while since that one it's definitely healed up I untied the bandage the old bite mark was just a tiny little scar you just have to actually look to see it.
"Well unfortunately I can't reuse it but I should be fine will you guys be okay? you all got bit most" Doc chuckled.
"We should be fine we were all kicking them off pretty fast now that we're all done let's go up Zbaltazer is waiting" right hopefully he doesn't mind us taking our time.
Climbing another set of ladders we then had to climb another Stray jumped on my back to hitch a ride.
Once up there was a bit in the middle of the room connected to multiple screens B;12 finally flew out.
"What is this?"
Then suddenly the screens turned into the same blue face from Momo's computer scaring Stray.
"Hey! Don't you know not to interrupt a fellow during his transcendental meditation? Oh it's you guys Momo, Doc, Seamus and the Human I'm glad to see you all at last Doc, Momo I missed you all dearly Clementine... She's on midtown now. If you still want to see the outside, she's the one who can get you all there apparently she had some kind of plan to leave the city. Here, take this. I wrote her address on the back of this picture" Zbaltazer's hand held out a picture his hand looks like it's struggling to keep up B-12 quickly took the picture.
"To reach midtown l, climb up our little village it should be easy since coming here must have been difficult I'd wish you good luck but you don't need it but before you go may we all chat?" Doc and Momo quickly sat down in front of Zbaltazer.
"Of course old friend" Doc says they all began talking me and Seamus just sat in the background but B-12 floated to my lap I picked them up.
"I'm sorry for shutting down earlier. I'm human, you and me are probably the last in the world. Now, look what's left of Mr. So much has come back to me. How much have I forgotten? Maybe if we find Clementine we can restore my memories and get us back home at the same time" Stray meowed in response.
"Of course B-12 we'll do our best to help you" B-12 shut their eyes and hummed.
"Thank you...I...I need to recharge" after a while Doc and Momo turned to me and Seamus.
"Of course you'd remember my boy Seamus!" Doc pulled Seamus closer to everyone.
"Ah yes he has grown so much since I last saw him!" Zbaltazer laughs much to Seamus'embarrassment I laughed too but Momo pulled me closer.
"And you'd reithe human from when I contacted you!" Ah karma my old friend how's the kids?
"Of course I'd remember the human strange yet good fortune that you are still alive so much has changed for you it must have been overwhelming" Zbaltazers screen showed a sad smile.
"Yeah it was pretty scary but if the others and Stray didn't help me I'm sure I would have died" I laughed I mean it was Stray who opened the cryopod right?
"Ah yes this little outsider must be some good luck charm" Stray meowed and rubbed against Zbaltazer causing the screens to show a red heart.
"Except the time they made the bots back in the slums to drop a paint bucket" Stray growled at B-12 for snitching.
"That was you! That paint bucket hit me on the head and Kosma had to clean up all that paint!" Everyone laughed.
"All that just to steal detergent" B-12 continued.
"You stole too! You little trouble maker" I picked up Stray dangling him in the air he purred with a smug face.
"Poor Kosma" Zbaltazer laughed.
"If I'm correct this little outsider has been smashing empty pots too" Momo continued.
"Oh my Clementine would definitely not be happy about that!" Doc chuckled shaking Seamus with him.
"Seamus what happened to your hat? If I remember you always had it on" Zbaltazer asked I completely forgot Seamus lost it when we were running from the zurks.
"Stupid zurks chased us it fell off and I couldn't get it back" Seamus mumbled a little sad.
"Oh I believe on the upper level of the tree when you climb up there is a spare hat it looks just like your perhaps just a different color" Zbaltazer smiled Seamus looked a little happy now.
"Really!? Sweet!" He fist bumped the air in victory.
"Hmm before you all leave you should take the chance to recharge all that running must have been exhausting" to prove Zbaltazers point I yawed.
"Agreed especially you human I was pretty much dragging you everywhere I'm surprised I didn't hurt you" Momo patted my shoulder.
"Me too I thought I was just gonna start flying like I kite" I laughed leaning on Momo's side and closed my eyes I guess soon I might need to explain what a kite is but not right now though.
"You all can recharge up here" Zbaltazer laughed I don't know what at though.
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sonjaeson · 6 months
Hi, Again here's me again looking looking for someone who can comfort and talk through life :) There's this girl I've stalked on social network, I barely know her but we're from the same hometown (Camotes) now I managed to discover her IG and surprisingly she's active of posting "My day/Story" on her socials. So there's this story I think where it's about waiting for someone to do the first move hence, yours truly found an opportunity and started the convo. During these convos flirting was part of it, sleep call were conducted as well as the plan on meeting-up especially that I've booked a flight going home for fiesta. As days goes by, there's week where I didn't reply or the feeling of being ghosted was portrayed. She even initiate a contact where
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to give context as well I only reacted to her message. Fast forward where I landed to Camotes, she messages on IG to have a catch up and meet-up in person. As my remaining days during my lil vacation to Camotes Fiesta is slowly running out we've bonded not just once, but every night as long as there's entertainment. Party & drink here and there (4 nights straight alcohol dinner), First night was somehow memorable since this is the time the first party conducted and the fact that I haven't drank alcohol makes me don't want to party however, as the night lives with the connections from DotA I managed to interact some of my friends and was able to stay longer hence, we party till she was drunk hold hands for the first time, she even called me updating that she went home safely. Second night was the Soli-Soli Festival, siguro my first mistake was I didn't message her if she's available for us to watch together however, during the party we're able to communicate and even if it was 2-3hrs of partying with her. And a very mysterious phenomenon transpired due to her intoxication she wasn't in the right mind where she place her phone and was missing the rest of the midnight. I managed to stay by her side and actually help her finding it, even calling it numerously time hoping someone will answer it and return but to no luck no-one was able to return a call on that time. So I'm trying to comfort her while walking home, if only we were in the city I could have stay with her side all-day. I was able to convince her to go home and take a rest.
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On the third day morning, I've received a good news from her that she was able to retrieved her phone since the one who took it has a good heart from Poro. During this time there was a plan that we should have gone to the beach however, unplanned plans occurred this was my third mistake. I wasn't able to remind her, since this is desperas I should have planned ahead to go beach or anywhere. The whole afternoon were so idle feels like wasting time. Going to the 4th day, Fiesta happens fast forward during lunch time I reminded her "Where are you? tara lunch na" hence, she was able to attend naman. During the afternoon we're already drinking and was able to take a rest for 2-3hrs. As the evening starts, the party will be held at the Gymnasium where again we're able to meet-up the most memorable thing happened. We kiss, she initiated it and I should have initiated it again in return :) as the party ends was able to be somewhat sober till she's safe to go home.
The last day, Wednesday where it's time to return back to reality where I reserved a ticket for 5:30am trip I managed to convince everyone to skip it and I'll book another trip nalang later on the afternoon where she's also planning to go back to Liloan.
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Isn't she a beauty? Such a pity that the universe made fun of our strings in life, if it's meant to be it'll work out. Anywho, going back to yours truly where the inner hopeless romantic is slowly falling for her slowly getting attached to her. Slowly getting irritated why she delays a reply and overthinking what she's currently doing. But, what can you do, such beauty deserves options where she will not be hurt again and someone who stays by her side. Additionally, she also inform yours truly ahead as well that she's currently not ready to commit yet tho she appreciate our honesty for our explanation(the ghosting part). Pero siguro what I told her is just the tip of the iceberg information, enough information for a short and quick explanation. I really really want to know her more however, she's a type of person to give one-liner reply man. Siguro, she got turned off bec I told her I'm slowly falling? Lastly, I was also very very bullshit for treating her way before the Fiesta happened, been gaming every-night where I ignore the time she invests in me, this is the result of this childish part of mine that will go down in history.
"If I was given a chance, am I willing for a change to grow up?" That will be for another story of our life." I'm gonna be sad now for awhile now if ever she won't reply na, to an extend no amount of rationalization can really change that.
Again the 3 month-rule was supposed to be enough for two person to know each other, however 3 months for me is an excess.
** Currently planning to send this to her during her upcoming birthday, I'm still thinking what would be the purpose of sending this? To seek for a pity or do I think this is a romantic gesture? **
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𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 | 𝐝𝐚𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲
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Summary: your in your italian cottage you rented with Harry. You come here every year during the summer time to escape the paparazzi filled life and just enjoy the time with your little family.
Pairing: dadarry, harry styles x reader
Genre: NSFW, fluff
Warning: oral. A little dirty talk.
A/n: two kids under 5. Oldest is 4(Amelia) youngest is 2 years old (isabella). I'm only going to write a smut Because I'm nice. You won't get another for a while, sorry!
Please don't post any of my content anywhere else without my permission!
Comment and reblogs welcome
The birds chirped outside of the window of the cottage as you opened your eyes. It was around 6am and you got to Italy last night.
You were in Italy on vacation for a month, something you and harry have been doing since you started dating. It was a tradition now and you love that you can bring your kiddos here.
"good mornin'." A raspy voice said. you tilted your head looking at harry. His hair was all over the place against his pillow from the amazing sleep he just got. You smiled sleepily. "Good morning harry."
Harry leaned and gave you a quick kiss before pulling back. "Ah were in Italy." He turned his head to the ceiling. "Feels so nice." He turned back to you, he was grinning.
"it is nice to be back here." You sat up and rested your head against your hand. "I missed it, but we're back." You smiled looking over at harry who was still laying down.
"You know we haven't had our fun time since coming here." Harry sat up and gave you a seductive look. "While they're sleeping you wanna do it." Harry leaned in and kissed your lips. His hand came to your button up pajama shirt and fiddled with the buttons.
The kiss became heated as your tongue moved with each other's. Harry was on top of you within a seconds of kissing. You moaned as he reached under your shirt and messaged your breast. He ran his finger over your nipple causing you to shutter.
He pulled away from your lips to take off your shirt. He button the buttons, you sat up a little so he can pull it off. He tossed it to the floor, he turned back to you leaning down to take your left nipple in his mouth.
You moaned as you felt his tongue swirl around it. You ran your hands through his locks, lightly pulling onto it. He pulled away and turned to the right one.
Harry was loving your hands pulling on his hair. He could never get enough of that.
Harry pulled away, he looked over your body enjoying the way the sunlight splashed across your body making your skin glow.
"you're so fucking hot." He groaned out. Harry pushed the blankets over his head as he scooted down the bed. He was being cautious just in case one of your Girls decided to wake up.
He pulled your pajama pants off in one swift movement before taking your panties as well.
They were thrown on the floor with your shirt; harry wasted no time placing kisses hard enough to leave hickeys there. You looked down at him as he did, you ached for his touch.
"harry, please."
Harry pulled away. "Please what darlin?" He teased before continuing his kissing. "Please eat my pussy." You were shy as you said that. Even after years together harry still made you flustered.
Harry chuckled dryly. "With pleasure darlin'." Without a second thought he took his tongue a ran it through your fold. you Tried to choke back your moan as he did. Your eyes were tightly shut as he began to flick his tongue over your clit. "So wet for me." Harry mumbled against you. He wasted no time before flicking his tongue over your pussy again.
Harry ate you out like you were the last meal on earth. He made you shake and pant as he did. It didn't take long before you felt your orgasm draw close. Harry noticed with the way your breathing speed up.
"you're going to cum baby?" Is my tongue making you feel good?" Harry kissed the inside of your thigh before turning back to your wetness.
"yes, yes I'm going to cum."
"well than do it."
It took a few more licks before you were cumming. You put your hand over your mouth to muffle your moans. Harry continued his flicking of the tongue until he knew you were down from your high.
He pulled away from you, your juice covering the area around his mouth. "Always taste good."
Harry crawled up and kissed you with tongue. You moaned before he pulled away. "Let's take a shower now and then make breakfast."
Harry agreed getting off of you. "No funny business." Harry said as he entered the connected bathroom. You laughed at him. "you're the one who always does the funny things not me."
Harry huffed. "That's not true." You rolled your eyes at him before getting out of the bed and running to the bathroom.
Around 8am you were dressed in a pink sun dress. Harry was dressed in one of his button up and some crazy expensive jeans.
While harry got the girls up you started on breakfast. You stood in front of the stove flipping pancakes while dancing to music in to music in your head.
"mommy!" A little voice called out to you. You turned around And smiled as you saw Amelia running towards you with a smile. "Good morning princess."
You kneeled down and gave her a hug. As you hugged Amelia, harry walked in carrying a sleepy isabella.
When Amelia was done hugging you, she went and took a seat at the table waiting for her breakfast. you turned to isabella in Harry's arms. "Hi Bella. Good morning." You gave her a kiss on the cheek. She smiled before she laid her head on Harry's shoulder.
"mommy, when is breakfast going to be ready?" Amelia said with slight anger in her tone. Harry spoke up for you. "You hangry Amelia?" He walked over to the dining table and sat isabella in her high chair as he asked her. Amelia nodded hard. "Yeah, so hangry"
Harry laughed. "Well look, breakfast is done." Harry pointed to the plates you were carrying. Amelia gasped and squealed slightly. "Tank you mommy."
"you're welcome." You Chuckled. Amelia wasted no second, digging into her breakfast.
You all ate breakfast with each other. Amelia and isabella got food all over them so you and harry gave them a bath.
Right After the bath, you got them dressed. You put them in Matching rompers harry got for them. When they were dressed all of you went outside to enjoy the italian sunshine.
Isabella and Amelia ran after each other giggling, trying to tag one another. You sat in a lawn chair with a book In your hand. Harry sat beside you, out the Corner of your eyes you can see him looking at you out the corner of your eyes. He was smiling making you smile as well. You turned your head and looked at him.
"why are you so smiley?" You asked him. Harry sat up and smoothed his shirt out. "Well... Ya'look so beautiful today in your beautiful sun dress and that view behind you."
You turned your head and looked at the hills before turning back to harry. "Thank you. You look amazing too."
Harry softly smirked. Isabella came over to you, interrupting you and harry. "Mamma can we get lemons and make lemonwade?"
You looked down at your youngest. "Well, I think that's a good idea, right daddy?" You turned to harry.
"definitely a good idea." Isabella jumped up and down on her tippy toes as you both agreed to pick lemons. "I'm going to go get a basket so we can put them in, don't pick them without me." Harry ran inside leaving you with the girls. "Mommy, I love this place."
Isabella said doing a twirl. You dryly laughed. "I love this place too. You know we're going to come here every summer for vacation."
"even if daddy is working away?" Amelia asked climbing into the Chair. As you opened your mouth to answer "you don't know, harry answered for you.
"I would never miss our summer vacations t'italy, not for the world. I love this place and love spendin' time with my favorite girls, nothing is going to change that. So don't worry about me being away ok?"
"ok daddy. I won't worry." Harry showed off his dimples by smiling at her. "Ok. Now should we pick those lemons?" He waved the basket around making sure you all knew you had it.
"yeah, come on."
Amelia took isabella's hand before skipping to the lemon trees at end of your property. You smiled as you watched them try and jump to get the lemons.
"you know I think I would like another girl." You turned to him fast.. "what?" "I said I'll like another girl."
You inhaled. "Well um I'll think about it, but there's no guarantee." You walked away from him, a smile on your face. Harry couldn't prevent the small from growing on his face. He knew there was a guarantee it could happen, I mean both girls were made there.
Nothing better than a shitty ending. I lost my good writing ability. Hope you enjoyed tho 😂
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lepusrufus · 3 years
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Teeny little drabble because writing angry Mia is always such a joy. Ft a very messy sketch bc I'm slightly burnt out and can't be bothered with more detailed things.
Miranda was extremely close to making a comment on how Mia's pacing back and forth would tear a hole through her living room carpet. The fact that it was mildly amusing kept her mouth shut, for the time being.
The woman was angrily muttering at herself while occasionally checking her phone, and who could blame her, really. She packed her things and all but ran away with her daughter the day prior, only to wake up exhausted and with a plethora of missing calls and vaguely threatening messages from the BSAA. Miranda wasn't going to go back on her word, she did mean it when she told her that she was welcomed to come to the Village would the need for a safe place arise, but the situation had to be dealt with. Having armed agents at her doorstep and threatening the deal she carefully crafted not even six months ago was not an option.
She sighed when Mia stopped pacing only to narrow her eyes at a window, set off by the rustling of branches outside. "Nobody can cross the border if I don't allow it, calm down."
"Then there's no reason to deal with them," Mia snapped back.
Another sigh and a slight eye roll. "They can't come in but that means we're also trapped in here, Mia. This has to be solved."
"You do it then."
The phone that flew in Miranda's direction was caught without much effort, almost letting out a snort at the childish retaliation. Mia was notoriously good at avoiding anything that had to do with "bureaucratic bullshit", as she liked to put it, even back in their days at The Connections. She knew her way through it, just well enough to be able to duck her head, dodge some files that would then be left in her partner's care, and move on to the more hands-on tasks. Miranda would've called it idiocy in the past, but now she could recognise it as sheer stubbornness.
"Fine," she replied, already looking through the contacts and pressing on the name Chris.
Mia widened her eyes almost comically at the abrupt compliance. She almost expected the phone to be thrown back at her face. She almost hoped that'd happen instead.
It took a total of five seconds to get a reply, the dial tone barely having time to repeat itself twice. "Mia? Where are you are you-"
"It's me."
A long pause, that dragged on for entirely too much.
"Miranda?! Where's Mia and why the fuck do you have her?!"
" 'Have her' is barely the description I would use really," she replied, an amused smirk pulling at her lips. How some people could be so dense was beyond her.
"If you touch a single hair on her or Rose's-"
Miranda took the phone away from her ear, a muffled rant going on that she had grown bored of. She pushed the small device in Mia's hands with an eye roll. "Here, take it. Try not to make them drop a nuclear bomb on us."
And with that, she stepped past her, going to sit on the couch not too far behind them where both Eva and Rose were playing with a small mountain of plushies. She didn't quite feel like getting screaming in her ear first thing in the morning. Besides, no matter what was said here, she knew a meeting with the BSAA to discuss this would be in order soon, so this phone call was nothing but a pesky personal issue between the two of them.
"Yes?" Mia's voice was almost shaky, though most of it could be blamed on those who were meant to protect them getting on each and every single one of her nerves.
"Mia, why on earth are you there?"
"I really like not having a gun pointed at my daughter 24/7, you know," she replied, eyes narrowing.
"You know that's not true, it's just part of our protocol. Nobody wants to shoot Rose."
"Yeah well tell that to the fucking idiot that almost put a bullet through the both of us because she was a normal. Fussy. Baby." Her words were now coming through gritted teeth, probably in an attempt to not scare the two infants in her vicinity by yelling.
"... I'm sorry about that. We shouldn't have assigned a rookie to you two." A deep sigh could be heard through the phone, but it did little to placate Mia's anger.
"I don't care Chris! The BSAA fucked up and your little rebel parade is not gonna fix shit!" Then, three years of frustration just washed over her and crammed themselves into her thoughts and words, coming to drip out like acid. "We moved all the way here, we did everything you asked, even went through your stupid military training that you knew was useless. You owe me."
Chris paused for a moment. He was taking the anger thrown at him rather gracefully, all things considered. "Fine, whatever you like."
"What I like is not being a goddamn prisoner Chris. You can't do shit about Rose, you're not equipped for that whether you want to admit it or not. You know who is though? Miranda!" Her words were accompanied by an angry gesture towards the other woman, who simply chuckled. She was right. "I'm not going back."
"Mia you can't stay there-"
"Book a meeting with the BSAA." She looked at a calendar hanging on the wall. "Thursday. At the southern edge of the border. I'm not coming back with you and god help you if you fucking try anything."
And then she hung up before any reply could come. She was exhausted and mad beyond belief, having spent almost six months under constant surveillance and surrounded by people that were ready to shoot both of them at the drop of a pin. Not to mention the plethora of medication meant to suppress the effects of the Mold.
She blinked in confusion when a mug was pushed in her field of vision. Apparently Miranda had gotten up sometime during the heated phone call and made tea, the sweet fruity aroma calming her nerves just a little.
She accepted the beverage and heard the other woman chuckle. "You have almost a week to prepare your speech, better make it a good one. Now come sit, I'm assuming you didn't get much sleep last night."
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nhkamira · 3 years
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Summer, it's here, and not only the ridiculously hot weather but the season we have ahead! Again I may be watching too much, but probably I ended up with a few more depending on how this season advance. Here my watchlist:
Sonny Boy. Madhouse is bringing us an original. Set during summer boys and girls from a high school find themselves in another dimension awakening to their supernatural abilities. The poster caught my eye, looking forward to it. Episode 1 was streamed in advance on June 19, 2021, on YouTube. Regular broadcasting began on July 16, 2021
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Sotsu. Studio Passione is bringing us this marvelous sequel with 15 episodes, we're finally are going to see was the faith for our pair Satoko and Rika. Started on Jul 1, 2021, with 2 Episodes.
Peach Boy Riverside. Shocked by the dangers of the outside world, Sari decides to set off on a journey of her own. Little did she know that she would set in motion a chain of events that will come to determine the fate of this magical world. Brought by Asahi Production, started on Jul 1, 2021
Vanitas no Carte. Studio Bones is in charge, hoping for a great animation for this anime of the same creator as Pandora Hearts! Vanitas no Carte follows Noé, a young man traveling aboard an airship in the 19th century Paris with one goal in mind: to find the Book of Vanitas. Started on Jul 3, 2021
Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta... the second season it's here and I don't have an idea of how it's going to end but I hope we see a good romance story for our dear Katarina. Started on Jul 3, 2021
Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei. A spin-off of the popular Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei and surprisingly made by Connect studio, this new story follows the events of the original series as seen through the eyes of Miyuki Shiba, Tatsuya's sister. Started on Jul 3, 2021
Kageki Shoujo!! It's been a year since studio Pine Jam worked on something, and this one seems dramatic and good. The music school life full of hope and conflict, where everything is disjointed, is about to begin! Started on Jul 4, 2021
Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru. Resolving to live an ordinary high school life this time, Kimizuka spends a year maintaining a low profile. However, as fate would have it, a girl comes crashing into his life, threatening to throw his peaceful days into disarray. Started on Jul 3, 2021
Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu. Well since I didn't saw any isekai last season here it is. Brought by C2C the fantasy centers around Makoto Misumi, an ordinary high school boy summoned to an alternate world as a brave warrior. Unfortunately, the goddess of the world said with disdain, "Your face is ugly," stripped him of his title, and banished him to the outermost fringes of the wilderness. Starts on July 7, 2021
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S. Our precious KyoAni is bringing us Miss Kobayashi second season and I'm so so happy ^^ Starts on July 8, 2021
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season. For some reason I don't know, I need to see how this story is going to end. Starts on July 10, 2021
Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi. MAPPA is giving us something this season. While the "peaceful generation of the gods," who have never fought since they were born, are out of peace, someone has revived the demons from a long sleep! Bring armed forces, wisdom, politics, conspiracy, whatever you can use! No-rule & no-limit three-way battle royale is about to begin!!! Tbh this one looks a bit weird for me, but let's see. Start on July 23, 2021
Plus we have some continuing this season way more than what I normally have. From my regular watch:
ONE PIECE (of course)
Detective Conan
Digimon Adventure 2020
From previous season (Spring 2021)
Tokyo Revengers
Edens Zero
Fumetsu no Anata e
Shaman King
Boku no Hero
Marimashita Iruma-kun
God🤣 how I managed to have time to watch all this
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Day 9 July 18
Hello! Writing a blog after so long, considering the fact that the last 2 "blogs" weren't actually blogs, they were poems. Probably I finally feel like speaking. Talking. It's been long since I let out my emotions.
Life can be a struggle sometimes. We all go through a whirlpool of emotions and battle with our own selves each single day, and on top of that, since noone's aware of everything going on inside of us, it makes it even more difficult to battle with it all by ourselves, with noone by our side.
They say "Ignorance is bliss." And I couldn't have agreed more. Since the last few months, I had been blissfully livong in ignorance, not aware of a lot of stuff happening around me. I've been so wholeheartedly engulfed with examination anxiety that I hardly paid attention to anything else. And when everything finally hit me, it did like a truck; I realized how much I had been missing out on. You know, sometimes, we push ourselves so much, we're so harsh with ourselves that we let go of all the things that used to make us happy at a point. And when we finally achieve what we had been fighting for, we're left alone asking ourselves, "Was it all even worth it? All this struggle and sacrifice at the cost of what? Our health? Our relations? Our happiness?"
In the last few days, a lot of the scars, wounds and bruises that I had been repressing since so long came afresh. I was reminded of all my insecurities all at once and it'll take me time to make peace with them, or rather, make peace with the way I am.
And what makes it all worse is the realisation that you don't really have anyone, the reason for which is you, yourself. It's like, you push people from your life yourself, and then complain of losing out on friends and connections. It's a vicious cycle.
The purpose of sharing all this is not seeking sympathy in the slightest sense. I don't expect anything from anyone. The sole purpose is just putting across this message- that whatever it is that you're pursuing or chasing in your life is undoubtedly important, but it isn't worth you sacrificing all the things that made you happy. I feel like the modern day hustle culture reinforces the idea of us ruthlessly pushing ourselves towards our aims and goals, but we should ensure that we take care of our mental and physical health while we're on that journey. We deserve to be happy and we deserve to take a day off for how hard we've been working. This is something that's taken me long enough to realise.
Do what makes you happy. Spend time with your loved ones. Pursue your hobbies. Spend time in the nature. Read books. Do art. Dance. Eat your favourite food. Play games. Watch movies. Pamper yourself.
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Do all that you want to do, you have just one life- don't spend all of it toiling because if you do so, you might become successful but in spite of all the wealth and luxury, you'll end up feeling poorer than the most impecunious person out there, lacking that sense of fulfillment and peace in life.
The motto of our lives should be "Work to live", not "Live to Work".
Really felt like I needed to put this across. Thanks if you stick by, and read till here!
Today's reminder: Create a balance between what you're required to do, and what your heart actually wants to do. Make time for things that make you happy because it's these little things in life that matter most.
With love
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Written In The Stars CXXXVIII (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: Meet Mel’s little brother :)
Words: 5,235 
Series’ Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Book Six
Listen to: ‘Thread’ -by Keane.
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Chapter Thirty-Six: Leon Regulus Sultens-Black.
[...]Albus Dumbledore, newly reinstated headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, re-instated member of the International Confederation of Wizards, and reinstated Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, was unavailable for comment last night. 
He has insisted for a year that You-Know-Who was not dead, as was widely hoped and believed, but recruiting followers once more for a fresh attempt to seize power. Meanwhile the Boy Who Lived —
"There you are, Harry, I knew they'd drag you into it somehow," Hermione interrupted.
"Of course they would," Erick rolled his eyes, he was sitting on the floor between the two beds, his back against Hermione's bed. 
Now that all his Slytherin friends knew the truth, they had stopped talking to him, so Erick was now spending all his time with Mel.
"He's 'the Boy Who Lived' again now, though, isn't he? Not such a show-off maniac anymore, eh?" Ron grabbed a bunch of chocolate frogs from his bedside table and handed one to each. 
He leaned over and stretched out his hand to Erick, the older boy stared down at the chocolate and then up to him, Ron waved it impatiently in front of his face and Erick grabbed it quickly.
"Yes, they're very complimentary about you now, Harry," Hermione agreed. "'A lone voice of truth... perceived as unbalanced, yet never wavered in his story... forced to bear ridicule and slander...' Hmm... I notice they don't mention the fact that it was them doing all the ridiculing and slandering, though... 'You-Know-Who's Last Attempt to Take Over, pages two to four, What the Ministry Should Have Told Us, page five, Why Nobody Listened to Albus Dumbledore, pages six to eight, Exclusive Interview with Harry Potter and Mel Dumbledore, page nine...' Well, it's certainly given them lots to write about. And that interview with Harry and Mel isn't exclusive, it's the one that was in The Quibbler months ago..."
"Daddy sold it to them," said Luna. "He got a very good price for it too, so we're going to go on an expedition to Sweden this summer and see if we can catch a Crumple-Horned Snorkack."
"...That sounds lovely," Hermione said after a short silence.
"So anyway, what's going on in school?"
"Well, Flitwick's got rid of Fred and George's swamp," said Ginny. "He did it in about three seconds. But he left a tiny patch under the window and he's roped it off —"
"Oh, he just says it was a really good bit of magic."
"I think he left it as a monument to Fred and George, they sent me all these, you know," Ron pointed at the bunch of Frogs. "Must be doing all right out of that joke shop, eh?" 
 "I'll miss them..." Mel sighed.
"You can always buy a few of their products and set them around the school," Harry offered, "it'll feel as if they were still here."
She chuckled softly, around them the group shared confused and relieved glances. It wasn't exactly like before, but they could sense the friendly tones of their conversations, they had stopped fighting.
Although it didn't mean there wouldn't be fights later, they had pushed the conversation about their lifeline further into the future, right now they didn't have the energy to discuss life-changing matters.
"So has all the trouble stopped now Dumbledore's back?" Hermione asked.
"Yes, everything's settled right back down again," Neville nodded.
"I s'pose Filch is happy, is he?" asked Ron.
"Not at all! He's really, really miserable, actually..." Ginny lowered her voice. "He keeps saying Umbridge was the best thing that ever happened to Hogwarts..."
"If any of you feel like pranking Filch next year, let me know so I can look the other way," Erick joked.
All of them turned to see Professor Umbridge on the bed opposite Ron and Hermione's. Dumbledore had rescued her from the centaurs, nobody knew how, and Umbridge was out of it, therefore unable to speak.
"Madam Pomfrey says she's just in shock," Hermione explained. 
"Sulking, more like," said Ginny.
"Yeah, she shows signs of life if you do this," said Ron, and with his tongue he made soft clip-clopping noises. Umbridge sat bolt upright, looking wildly around.
"Anything wrong, Professor?" called Madam Pomfrey, poking her head around her office door.
"No... no..." said Umbridge, sinking back into her pillows, "no, I must have been dreaming..."
Hermione and Ginny muffled their laughter.
"Serves her right," Mel scowled. "She caused a lot of suffering this year..."
She looked down at Harry's hand, and the boy moved it only to hold hers.
"Speaking of centaurs," Hermione spoke, causing Harry to retreat his hand abruptly, "who's Divination teacher now? Is Firenze staying?"
"He's got to, the other centaurs won't take him back, will they?" Harry shrugged.
"It looks like he and Trelawney are both going to teach," said Ginny.
"Bet Dumbledore wishes he could've got rid of Trelawney for good. Mind you, the whole subjects useless if you ask me, Firenze isn't a lot better..."
"How can you say that?" Hermione frowned. "After we've just found out that there are real prophecies? It is a pity it broke..."
"Yeah, it is. Still, at least You-Know-Who never found out what was in it either, it was clever of you to break it, Mel. Though you really shouldn't have used your hand to do so..."
"I think it made you look really tough," Erick smiled.
Mel returned his gesture tensely, she wished she could feel as calm as the rest of her friends, she wanted to go back to normal but she couldn't ignore what was about to happen once the school year ended, now her home had as many ghosts as the castle.
"Hey, where are you going?" Ron asked in a hurt voice when Harry stood up to leave.
"Er — Hagrid's. You know, he just got back and I promised I'd go down and see him and tell him how you two are..." 
"Oh all right then," Ron grumbled. "Wish we could come..."
"Say hello to him for us!" said Hermione. "And ask him what's happening about... about his little friend!"
Erick occupied Harry's place, he nudged her arm. 
"You're going to let him go just like that?" 
Mel contemplated the door in silence. She was ready for Harry's grief this time, there would be moments when he would want to be left alone and she had no problem with it. She understood, there were moments in which she wanted to hide away forever and never wake up.
"He doesn't need me right now," The girl shrugged. "And before you give me a lecture, I don't mean it in a bad way. Whatever he's going through... I can't help him go through it faster. I can't even help myself..."
Mel looked out the window to avoid her friend's eyes.
"How about we go for a walk?" Erick suggested.
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They stopped once they reached the courtyard. It was deserted, most of the students were out on the school grounds bathing in the sun. Mel sat on the edge of one of the archways while Erick remained standing, she could feel him staring, but she kept her eyes down.
"So you and Harry are okay now," He started, "no more fighting?"
"None at all," She sighed. "We have better things to do than to fight over our love life. Not that it matters, we've stopped liking each other that way."
"How come?"
"It just happened," She replied quietly.
Erick hummed, moving to sit next to her. 
"Maybe you're meant to be just friends. I mean, your relationship is already too complicated with the lifeline..."
Mel couldn't care less about what her relationship with Harry was destined to be. She didn't know what she wanted to do with the connection after hearing Harry's reasons to keep it.  All she could think of was her mother; she'd sacrificed so much to keep them safe, what Sirius had done to help them... She was running out of days to think of a proper way to apologize to her family. Dumbledore had taken the blame but those were just words, in the end, it was Mel and Harry who'd decided to drop every precaution, part of her felt she deserved all the hurt.
"You know," Erick said quietly. "I've been thinking about dropping out of school after this year."
"Well, my intention was to become a Ministry worker, but after these last few months, I realized they're useless. It would change my plans completely... but maybe I could join the Order?"
"Is that what you want?"
"I don't know what I want," He sighed tiredly. "I know I'm good at duelling and I have nowhere else to go... Did you know Sirius offered to take me in for the summer?"
Mel stared at him. 
"Well, he did," Erick continued. "He said I could live with him, that he didn't mind having me around — said I reminded him of his younger brother... Wish I could've done something to help him..."
"You should hate me," She blurted out. "My mother's going to hate me. She'll hate me for being impulsive and for not listening to my uncle — My brother will hate me..."
"Why would I hate you?" He frowned. 
"It's my fault that your parents kicked you out," She responded. "I made you write those letters to Anne. It was me who dragged you into this mess, you never wanted any of this, you would've lived a quiet, prosperous life —"
"And I would've been miserable," Erick shook his head. "You never forced me to do anything. You asked and I granted every time because I wanted to, I needed you to give me that final push... I made my choice the moment I met you, Mel."
"It's my fault you don't get to live with Sirius — it's because of me that you won't have a nice home —"
"It's because of you that I'm still alive," His voice trembled with incredulity. He moved closer and held her by the shoulders. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, I'm so lucky I found you..."
The girl had been shoving all her worries deep within herself for too long, she hadn't cried properly, refusing to let herself grieve since she felt she had no right to do so. Erick's voice sounded honest and comforting, she cracked under the pressure.
Erick hugged her and Mel wept like she hadn't done in months, not even while making peace with Harry. She sobbed as loud as she wanted, and the knot that had been stopping her from breathing finally loosened a bit, it made her feel as if she was slowly shrinking back into her child self, the girl cornered in the playground, but she wasn't alone anymore, and she was no longer a weak little thing.
Erick ran a hand through her hair gently, there was something about the way he touched her that made her feel safe. 
"You'll feel better. I promise you will..."
He'd lost someone not so long ago, the only adult he'd loved and cared for him. He was probably still grieving, but the fact that he was there, in one piece, was the definite and only proof she needed to hold onto her hopes.
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When the last day of school arrived, it also meant having to sit there surrounded by curious eyes all staring at her and Harry, and she knew what Dumbledore would say during his speech. 
Stay together. 
She'd talked about the same thing for three days in a row and she was exhausted, if she could, she would drink a potion to forget everything, maybe even the fact that she was a witch, and she would go live with her uncle Lupin, surrounded by nothing but trees...
However, Mel had to keep fighting. It was far from over.
She decided to skip the feast and asked her friends to bring her food once it ended, she slowly made her way back to the tower. Mel turned right on one of the corridors and stopped abruptly when she saw Harry. 
For a second they stared at each other in mild confusion, they had been careful not to spend too much time alone because they knew they would end up discussing things they weren't ready to address. Mel gathered enough energy to give him a weak smile.
"Trying to find your appetite? Me too."
Harry raised his eyebrows. 
"You're not hungry?" 
"It's been happening all year," She sighed. "I guess I grew out of that too..."
"No way. You'll be eating in a week, I expect."
"I expect the same from you," She replied. "I'll make sure you eat twice as much. Merlin knows you need it."
A faint smile appeared on his face. 
"Care if I join you? I could use a walk."
The silence didn't last long when they found Luna.
"How come you're not at the feast?" asked Harry.
"Well, I've lost most of my possessions. People take them and hide them, you know. But as it's the last night, I really do need them back, so I've been putting up signs."
"That's horrible," Mel frowned.
"How come people hide your stuff?" 
"Oh... well... I think they think I'm a bit odd, you know. Some people call me 'Loony' Lovegood, actually," The girl said casually.
"That's no reason for them to take your things," Harry replied. "They used to call Mel a nutter too, but they didn't hide away her things."
"That's because they thought I was an attractive nutter," Mel rolled her eyes. "Prats. People need new brains, Luna. You're wonderful."
"D'you want help finding them?"
"Oh no," Luna smiled. "They'll come back, they always do in the end. It was just that I wanted to pack tonight. Anyway... why aren't you at the feast?"
Harry and Mel shared a look and shrugged. 
"We didn't feel like it."
"No," Luna agreed, and for a second, Mel was able to see something more than just the usual vagueness in her eyes. "I don't suppose you do. That man the Death Eaters killed was your godfather, wasn't he? Ginny told me. She also said your mother and him were expecting a baby, Mel."
Harry nodded, Mel barely replied with a broken 'yes'.
"Have you..." The boy started slowly. "I mean, who... has anyone you've known ever died?"
"Yes. My mother. She was a quite extraordinary witch, you know, but she did like to experiment and one of her spells went rather badly wrong one day. I was nine."
"I'm sorry," Harry mumbled.
"Yes, it was rather horrible. I still feel very sad about it sometimes. But I've still got Dad. And anyway, it's not as though I'll never see Mum again, is it?"
"Er — isn't it?" Harry glanced back at Mel with slight worry.
"Oh, come on. You heard them, just behind the veil, didn't you?"
"You mean..." The boy started, but he didn't dare to finish.
"In that room with the archway. They were just lurking out of sight, that's all. You heard them. I could see you felt them too, Mel. They're always there."
Luna smiled at them carelessly, as if she'd just commented on the weather.
"Are you sure you don't want us to help you look for your stuff?"
"Oh no. No, I think I'll just go down and have some pudding and wait for it all to turn up... It always does in the end... Well, have a nice holiday."
"Yeah... yeah, you too."
"Bye, Luna."
As they watched her go, Harry turned his head slightly without withdrawing his eyes from the Ravenclaw.
"You think she's telling the truth?"
"About what?"
Mel stared at the notice on the wall for a moment, deciding to use her popular card one last time in order to help a friend. 
"I think I would love for it to be true," She responded. "And since I have the liberty to believe in whatever I please... then yes, I think she's right."
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Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle, who had clearly been waiting all week for the opportunity to strike without teacher witnesses, attempted to ambush Harry halfway down the train as he made his way back from the toilet.
The attack might have succeeded had it not been for the fact that they unwittingly chose to stage the attack right outside a compartment full of D.A. members, who saw what was happening through the glass and rose as one to rush to Harry's aid. 
Ron and Harry walked back into their compartment and told them what had just happened outside, Erick put down the book he was reading and scoffed. 
"One would think that having your parents sent to Azkaban would knock some sense into you... I'll have to keep an eye on them next year, then."
Mel turned to look at him in surprise.
"You'll come back?"
"Yes," He said, a little smile playing on his lips. "I got a letter this morning ..."
He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to her. It was her mother's handwriting.
"I'm welcomed to stay with you this summer, and I think I'll take the offer," He grinned. "I don't wish to work at the Ministry, but I could learn a few things before I'm off to become a member of the Order. Besides, I can't think of a better way to thank Sirius than to look after all of you in the meantime..."
"I think that's very sensible of you," Hermione agreed. "It would've been stupid to give up your education now."
"What's stupid is that he's been ignored by his housemates," Ron replied. "The only decent bloke that house got in decades and they hurled him out? That's rubbish!"
Everyone stared at Ron with amusement, the boy turned a bit red.
"What? I can admit when someone's a good person!"
"I don't know what to say," Erick laughed. "Gryffindor's king just gave me his blessing..."
Ron turned redder and threw a jellybean at him.
Harry and Ron whiled away most of the journey playing wizard chess while Hermione read out snippets from the Prophet. It was now full of articles about how to repel dementors, attempts by the Ministry to track down Death Eaters, and hysterical letters claiming that the writer had seen Lord Voldemort walking past their house that very morning...
"It hasn't really started yet," sighed Hermione gloomily, folding up the newspaper again. "But it won't be long now..."
Neville let out a short sigh, absently patting his Mimbulus Mimbletonia. Mel put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed, he looked up and smiled tensely.
"Hey, Harry," Ron kicked his leg.
Cho Chang was passing by with Marietta Edgecombe, who made a great deal out of hiding her face. Harry barely reacted, glancing at her before returning his gaze to the game.
"What's — er — going on with you and her anyway?" Ron asked, unsure of whether this was a safe subject to handle with Mel around.
"Nothing," Harry answered.
"I — er — heard she's going out with someone else now," added Hermione, looking at Mel as well.
"You're well out of it, mate. I mean, she's quite good-looking and all that, but you want someone a bit more cheerful."
"Right, because Harry's a ray of sunshine," Erick taunted.
"She's probably cheerful enough with someone else," Harry shrugged.
"Who's she with now anyway?" Ron asked.
"Michael Corner," Ginny responded.
"Michael — but —" Ron stammered. "But you were going out with him!"
"Not anymore. He didn't like Gryffindor beating Ravenclaw at Quidditch and got really sulky, so I ditched him and he ran off to comfort Cho instead," Ginny said distractedly, focused on her Quibbler.
"Well, I always thought he was a bit of an idiot," Ron said happily. "Good for you. Just choose someone... better, next time."
"Well, I've chosen Dean Thomas, would you say he's better?" Ginny replied. 
Ron knocked over the chess and Crookshanks chased around the pieces. Grey merely opened one eye before going back to sleep. 
Erick laughed again, freedom suited him. The stiffness of his shoulders had vanished and although he kept some old-fashioned attitudes, he was slowly coming out of his shell. Affection settled on Mel's heart.
"What about you?" He asked her, bringing her back from her reverie.
"What about me?"
"Do you have any new prospects in mind? I know Fred's hard to beat, but..."
"I don't think I'm ready to date anyone yet," Mel responded sincerely. "Why?"
"No reason," He replied. 
His eyes lingered on her long after she'd looked away.
The moment came when the train got to the station, and she stayed behind, unsure of whether she wanted to see what was expecting her outside the platform. 
It was time to meet her brother.
"Remember what I told you," Erick offered his arm for her to hold.
Her mouth was dry, but she nodded and held his arm firmly, letting him guide her to the other side of the wall with a firm step.
There was Mad-Eye Moody, looking quite as sinister with his bowler hat pulled low over his magical eye as he would have done without it, his gnarled hands clutching a long staff, his body wrapped in a voluminous traveling cloak. 
Tonks stood just behind him, her bright bubble-gum-pink hair gleaming in the sunlight filtering through the dirty glass station ceiling, wearing heavily patched jeans and a bright purple T-shirt bearing the legend the weird sisters. 
Next to Tonks was Lupin, his face pale, his hair graying, a long and threadbare overcoat covering a shabby jumper and trousers. At the front of the group stood Mr and Mrs Weasley, dressed in their Muggle best, and Fred and George, who were both wearing brand-new jackets in some lurid green, scaly material.
Emily was next to Lupin, she was hugging a bundle of blankets that could only be one thing. She didn't look like Mel was expecting, there were dark circles under her eyes, but she was far from angry. 
Her face filled with relief as soon as she saw her. Mel stumbled back, not knowing what to do. Emily realized that her daughter was afraid and she looked at her in confusion. 
"Mel," She began carefully. "D'you remember what I told Harry last year after the third task?"
Mel remembered, of course. 
"You said no one would blame him for fighting as hard as he could."
"That's right," Emily cupped her daughter's cheek. "I was so scared of losing you... My brave, brave girl."
Mel hugged her mother tightly, around her, she heard the others welcoming the rest of their friends.
"Ron, Ginny! Oh, and Harry dear — how are you?"
"What are they supposed to be?" Ron's voice asked.
"Finest dragon skin, little bro," Fred responded, probably talking about his clothes. "Business is booming and we thought we'd treat ourselves."
Mel finally stepped back so Erick could say hi as well. She realized then that she was now as tall as her mother.
"It's time you meet someone," Emily said, drying her face with the back of her sleeve. "Come here... this is Leon Regulus. Reggie, this is your sister."
He was the tiniest person she'd ever seen, didn't have much hair yet, but his eyes were definitely grey. She remembered Luna's words and in a way, she felt that a part of Sirius still remained.
"I have a brother," She whispered in awe.
"Is that your sibling?" Ginny beamed. "Can I see him?"
Quickly, Ron and the girls approached to look at him. 
Harry stayed behind, a bit unsure of whether he was allowed to meet him.
"Hello, kids," Lupin greeted them while the rest of their friends surrounded Emily.
"Hi. I didn't expect... what are you all doing here?" Harry asked.
"Well, Emily can't drive and watch over the baby at the same time, as for the rest, we thought we might have a little chat with your aunt and uncle before letting them take you home."
"I dunno if that's a good idea," Harry said awkwardly.
"Oh, I think it is," Moody growled. "That'll be them, will it, Potter?"
Mel looked over Moody's shoulder and saw the Dursleys, shocked to the core at such scene. She couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it, the first genuine laughter ever since coming back from the Ministry.
She felt someone poking her shoulder and she turned, coming face to face with the twins.
"What, we stop seeing each other for a few weeks and you forget we exist?" Fred smirked. 
She jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. 
"I would never forget you. Have you met my brother?"
"Yes, ugly little thing," Fred grimaced, George hit the back of his head. "What? It's true! No newborn is pretty..."
"Bold words from someone with the ugliest taste in clothing," Mel laughed again, it was interesting what a bunch of familiar and happy faces could do to her soul.
"We heard Erick's staying with you this summer... Pitty, we were thinking about hiring him as our assistant."
"I would rather choke on my tongue," Erick walked up to them. "You look ridiculous, and that's coming from someone who likes to wear formal shirts on the weekends."
Fred and George trapped him in a bear hug and messed up his hair, Erick tried to fight back but it only made things worse. 
"You missed us!"
"Flimsy little prince like you must bore to death without us around to keep things interesting..."
"Trust me," Erick grunted, looking at her with a smile. "Mel made sure you weren't that sorely missed."
"Ah, kids!" Mr Weasley looked at them. "Boys, let go of him! Ah, look at what you did! He looks like a madman..."
Erick blushed a nice shade of pink, but he laughed it off. 
"It's okay, Mr Weasley..."
"He looks far better like this," Fred teased. 
"Don't listen to them, they're just jealous," Emily replied, followed shortly by the girls and Ron. "Harry, would you like to meet my son?"
Harry wasn't expecting her to address him, but he didn't have the nerve to say no. Emily took it as a yes and did something she hadn't done with the rest of them: She asked him if he wanted to hold him. 
Harry stared at the baby without uttering a word. He took him, and with a few pointers from Emily, soon enough Leon was safely tucked on his arms. 
"He's... he's got his eyes," Harry said quietly. "Reggie, you say? ...He's brilliant."
For a moment he forgot about the rest of the world, Harry could see his godfather reflected on those small, shiny eyes, and with that came a life with no mistakes in it yet, a new opportunity to make things right.
Emily didn't take the baby away, instead, she joined the group of adults.
"Well — shall we do it, then?" Mr Weasley then directed his attention to Moody.
"Yeah, I reckon so, Arthur." 
He and Mr Weasley took the lead across the station toward the place where the Dursleys stood, apparently rooted to the floor. Hermione disengaged herself gently from her mother to join the group.
"Good afternoon," said Mr Weasley pleasantly to Uncle Vernon, coming to a halt right in front of him. "You might remember me, my name's Arthur Weasley."
As Mr Weasley had singlehandedly demolished most of the Dursleys' living room two years previously, Harry would have been very surprised if Uncle Vernon had forgotten him. Sure enough, Uncle Vernon turned a deeper shade of puce and glared at Mr Weasley, but chose not to say anything, partly, perhaps, because the Dursleys were outnumbered two to one. 
Aunt Petunia looked both frightened and embarrassed. She kept glancing around, as though terrified somebody she knew would see her in such company. Dudley, meanwhile, seemed to be trying to look small and insignificant, a feat at which he was failing extravagantly.
"We thought we'd just have a few words with you about Harry." 
"Yeah. About how he's treated when he's at your place," Moody growled. "And trust us, Emily has made sure to tell us all about it."
Her mother smiled brightly.
"I am not aware that it is any of your business what goes on in my house —" Mr Dursley started, but he was soon interrupted.
"I expect what you're not aware of would fill several books, Dursley."
"Anyway, that's not the point," Tonks added. "The point is, if we find out you've been horrible to Harry —"
"— and make no mistake, we'll hear about it," Lupin added, looking briefly at Mel and winking.
"Yes, even if you won't let Harry use the fellytone —"
"Telephone," Hermione corrected under her breath.
"Yeah, if we get any hint that Potter's been mistreated in any way, you'll have us to answer to," Moody growled.
"Are you threatening me, sir?" Mr Dursley asked in anger.
"Yes, I am."
"And do I look like the kind of man who can be intimidated?"
"Well..." said Moody, pushing back his bowler hat to reveal his sinisterly revolving magical eye. Uncle Vernon leapt backward in horror and collided painfully with a luggage trolley. "Yes, I'd have to say you do, Dursley."
He turned from Uncle Vernon to Harry. "So, Potter... give us a shout if you need us. If we don't hear from you for three days in a row, we'll send someone along..."
"We'll keep an eye on him, Moody," Mel's mother replied, "Erick, Mel and I will. Feel free to have every meal with us from now on, Harry. There's no reason for you to be eating rubbish."
Aunt Petunia gasped loudly at this.
"I..." Harry blinked. "Okay."
Emily stepped forward and seized Regulus, then she stood on her tiptoes and kissed Harry's cheek. 
"We'll see you in a while, love."
"'Bye, then, Potter," Moody patted his shoulder.
"Take care, Harry," said Lupin. "Keep in touch."
"You're not coming?" Mel asked. 
"I'm afraid not," The man said, hugging her one last time. "We have work to do."
"I could help if you want," Erick responded quickly.
"You're not going anywhere," Mel argued, holding his arm protectively.
"Maybe later, kid," Lupin answered, staring at them in slight amusement.
"We should move," Emily responded before Erick could argue back.
"Harry, we'll have you away from there as soon as we can," Mrs Weasley said. "And of course, Emily dear, all of you are invited."
"We'll see you soon," said Ron shaking Harry and Erick's hands.
"Really soon," Hermione added. "We promise."
Harry then summoned a real, loving smile. He waved at everyone goodbye and then turned to Mel and Erick. 
A strange thought came to her when she watched those two boys standing next to her and her mother: Family.
Difficult times were ahead, but they would go through them. Together.
"Well," Harry scratched the back of his neck. "I'll see you later."
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Erick sat in the backseat with restless curiosity, examining every detail.
"First time?" Mel grinned, looking over to the older boy and her little brother, completely asleep on the baby chair. "If you feel like vomiting don't stress, I get carsick too..."
"Ready?" Emily asked.
Mel stroke Grey's head and turned around to face forward. 
Yes, she was ready.
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Next Part —>
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