#'wait is aang always a child in these posts?' he's whatever I need him to be
sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 months
Paparazzi: Please we just want to interview you all! Korra, holding the door down: Damn it they found out about us! Kyoshi, helping her: So uhhhh what do we do? Yangchen: Sigh, we could just answer their questions. Korra and Kyoshi: Yeah no our public image isn't the best, and we really suck with that type of stuff. Aang: I'm a child. :) Kuruk: I don't deal with people. Roku: Something tells me we'll regret talking with them. So, no. Yangchen: FINE! I'll talk to them. What's the worst that can happen?
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Reporter: Yangchen! Yangchen! What's it like being the only Dom in a long line of Subs? Yangchen: This panel is closed!
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goldenavenger02 · 1 year
from sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes
"so you should go get some rest because you look exhausted."
"I'm fine, Suki," Zuko shrugged her off, which she had expected from the stubborn fire bender, "but I need to finish my work for the day before I rest."
"Whatever you say, boss,". Takes place a month after the finale.
'Political affairs are no place for a child.'
Those words his uncle had spoken while struck deeply with grief rang throughout Zuko's mind as he found himself at the head of the table in a far too big robe that hadn't been tailored to his size and a small crown that held a heavy weight attached nestled in his hair tie.
He had never been the obvious leader despite the name of the Firelord being his birthright; that had always been Azula with her ability to act just as she was supposed to in any situation where she was being looked upon in any sort of regard. She had always been ready and prepared to handle being on the throne.
Even though he was older than her, he didn't feel wiser or stronger than his sister. Instead, he felt like a small child rummaging through their parent's closet and trying on their clothes. He felt like a mockery, a fake ruler like this was not his place.
His little sister, despite everything that had been planted in her mind by his father, deserved to win the Agni Kai title.
But by the look that King Kuei and Chief Arnook were giving him now, waiting for him to speak, he knew that they regarded him as the Firelord, even if he didn't feel that way himself.
So he swallowed down his nerves, forced his hands into the pockets of the robe to hide their shaking, and managed to force his voice to leave his lips.
"Thank you both for meeting me here so quickly. I know that the two of you are busy with the rebuilding efforts in both the Earth Kingdom and the North Pole, as am I with the Fire Nation, so your presence and urgency are both greatly appreciated."
"Of course, Fire Lord," Zuko swallowed down the weight that the title held over his head as King Kuei spoke, "I'm sure that we are discussing the issue of bringing all of these countries together. However, I hope your plan includes removing the fire nation from our land."
Zuko agreed, "I've been in contact with the Avatar despite his infrequency in the Fire Nation, and we're working on putting together a plan on how to do it. The other regions are welcome and encouraged to participate as well, which is why I have called you both here."
"Well, why don't we get started then?" Chief Arnook's suggestion had been one that Zuko was grateful for as he got up to lay out the map of what he and Aang had in mind for the regions across the table.
Suki couldn't stop herself from slouching against the wall as the meeting behind the doors continued quietly. If it had gotten heated, then she would at least be allowed to enter to ensure Zuko's safety, but instead, she was stuck with waiting outside until it concluded.
When Sokka had pitched the idea to her of being the head of security for the fire lord during the transitional period, she would be lying if she said that she hadn't jumped at the chance. Zuko's coronation had been met with all different types of controversies from loyalists to his father as well as citizens who were concerned about letting a newly sixteen-year-old run a nation, which led to her desire of being on the frontlines to make sure that the power shift went smoothly.
But she would also be lying if she said that the private meetings that she was forced to stand outside of weren't extremely boring.
When she heard footsteps approach, however, she did stand up straight just in time for both King Kuei and Chief Arnook to exit and had no idea she hadn't been at attention for the entire four-hour-long meeting.
"The Earth Kingdom will be in touch." King Kuei confirmed with a nod toward the open door that Suki assumed was in Zuko's direction before the two men walked off down the exit.
That gave her the chance to take two steps from her post to face the fire lord, who at best was clearly overwhelmed and exhausted and at worst, still had residual pain radiating through his body as a result of the Agni Kai he had been in just a few weeks earlier.
"Okay," Suki sighed as she stepped forward so she could shut the doors behind her, waiting until Zuko looked into her eyes, "What else do you have to do today?"
"I still have to meet with Chief Hakoda-"
"Who is Sokka and Katara's father and will understand the rescheduling." Suki cut him off, watching as his face turned up in annoyance despite continuing.
"And I have to relay the information from Chief Arnook and King Kuei to Aang when he gets here."
"Which could be in twenty minutes or two days because he's in and out of every nation right now," Suki supplied with crossed arms, waiting until she received a nod from Zuko before continuing, "so you should go get some rest because you look exhausted."
"I'm fine, Suki," Zuko shrugged her off, which she had expected from the stubborn fire bender, "but I need to finish my work for the day before I rest."
"Whatever you say, boss," she stood up straighter so she could escort him to where they would be meeting up with Hakoda at the entrance, "but I will be telling Katara about the residual pain you're experiencing when she returns from the South Pole."
She could hear his scowl behind her as they walked, but given that it didn't have the same bite that she had grown used to, she knew that she was in the right about his current deteriorating condition.
Suki just wished that she could have been wrong about it.
The first of many bombs went off in the dead of night.
Zuko knew fully well that it had to be from his people who were angry about his ascension to the throne and who were shocked that someone who had been exiled from his kingdom just three years earlier was now in charge of all of them.
He couldn't blame them for their feelings either, especially when he couldn't even take his title seriously and knew that he may very well be unworthy of the throne.
Despite his internal feelings, however, he knew that when Suki woke him from his slumber that night that he still had to follow the procedure for the emergency that had been drilled into him as a small child of getting into the deepest level of the palace and waiting for instructions from the head of security.
"Stay here," Suki insisted as she passed the ring of keys to Zuko, pressing them tightly into his palm, "I'll give you a signal when this passes. Three knocks."
And with a nod of Zuko's head, she was going back up the stairs and locked the door behind her, leaving him in the dimly lit room with his uncle and the steadily pulsing pain in his abdomen that radiated throughout him.
"You're worried." Iroh finally spoke after a few minutes and it clicked that the entire time they had been in silence, Zuko had been aimlessly pacing.
"About the innocent civilians. The ones who aren't loyal to my father who just wanted to get some rest for the night." Zuko insisted while still refusing to sit down as his lightning scar continued to pulsate shocks of pain throughout his body.
'Azula wouldn't sit quietly. She would be out there, fighting against the opposing side.'
Zuko knew that his sister was extremely misguided, a pawn in Ozai's game since she had been a toddler and even though she mainly used intimidation and fear to her advantage, she did have good leadership skills in a crisis and was able to think clearly despite the chaos.
Even if many would call her evil, he knew that she wasn't entirely gone and that she genuinely wanted good for the fire nation.
"But I will say," Zuko added after a few moments, finally making eye contact with his uncle again, "I wish I was allowed to help ward off these extremists."
Iroh nodded as he rested his head against the wall before responding, "But you know why you can't."
"Because I'd be proving their point by being on the frontlines attacking them. It also makes me a much easier target despite having the Kyoshi warriors on all sides."
But to Zuko's shock, Iroh shook his head in response before giving him the answer.
"Most nations agree that their leader joining the fight is a good thing, it means they care about their people. But you, my nephew, are still injured from the Agni Kai. Going out there injured would guarantee your defeat and maybe even your demise."
Zuko nodded and finally took that as a cue to sit down to try and dissipate the pain that had been radiating through him all day, resting the back of his head against the cold stone wall and letting it sink into his body.
"Is it getting worse?" His uncle wasn't able to mask the concern in his voice, but Zuko knew that he wouldn't hide it either regardless of the circumstances.
"No, I don't think so," Zuko responded, watching Iroh's shoulders loosen with the lack of tension that had only been brought on by his worry, "the problem is that it's not getting better either. But Suki is already planning on speaking to Katara when she returns, so there's no need to worry about me."
Iroh nodded as he stood up to walk over and sit next to his nephew, putting his hand on his shoulder before speaking, "You finally found people to call your family."
Zuko knew he should have been comforted by that statement, that Iroh could see that he was finally freeing himself from the chains that constrained him to Ozai's grip and authority, but he wasn't for one sole reason.
'He feels like Azula is just as awful as my father.'
However, he was unable to ask his uncle about his sister because his exhaustion and pain made his strength from the adrenaline start to dissipate, resulting in being unable to keep his eyes open long enough to see the end of the attack on his people.
Zuko didn't know how much time had passed when he awoke again; all he knew was that he was in his bed now and no longer hiding underground which only meant one thing.
'The attack is over and we won.'
Despite the victory that he had drawn his conclusion for, however, he couldn't stop the pit in his stomach from growing due to the anguish that came from not knowing who had emerged without any major injuries and who hadn't.
'Was the prison breached allowing for my father's escape? Was the mental hospital breached? Is Azula injured, or worse?'
But before he could ponder on his worries much longer, his thoughts were interrupted by the head of the Kyoshi Warriors making her way into the room; despite the scratches that marked his face, the victory in her eyes shone brightly even though her face was otherwise emotionless as she approached.
"How are you feeling?" She questioned while gently pressing her still armored hand to his face, "You started running a fever in the bunker last night."
"Wait, what?"
"Yeah. But Iroh explained that you can tend to make yourself sick with stress and there aren't any other signs of infection, so there isn't much reason to be worried," Zuko let out a sigh of relief at that statement, "but, he said he'll handle any immediate aftermath of the bombing until Katara gets here in a few hours and can give us the okay for you to resume your royal activities."
"Fire Sage order," Suki cut him off which immediately shut him up because he had fought with them many times before, he refused to fight against their judgment now, "I'm not gonna fight with them."
"Can you just answer one question for me?" Zuko pleaded, waiting until she nodded before he asked, "Did the bombs breach the prison or the mental hospital?"
He watched as Suki stiffened, and he braced himself for the news he didn't want to hear but what she said was both comforting and worrying for him only based on the way that she reacted.
"Azula and Ozai are both alive and uninjured," and with that, she started to leave, only to turn back to him with what felt like a fake tender smile, "I'll be watching for Katara if you need me."
And with that, he was left alone in his empty room yet again, watching as the light breeze from the cracked windows brushed past his curtains and against his warm skin; under any other circumstance, this would be soothing to his mind but in this particular moment, all he could feel was dread and confusion.
'After everything, I know that I shouldn't be concerned with Azula's safety…but why is Suki angry that I am?'
Suki knew that biting her fingernails out of worry was not only a bad habit but also unprofessional. She was currently representing the injured fire lord, after all. She knew that she could stand at attention until Katara arrived.
But, she hadn't slept since the night before and still was unable to appoint another member of either the royal guard or the Kyoshi warriors due to them either aiding in the clean-up or protecting Iroh as he tried to get to the bottom of who had hidden the bombs.
Which meant that she was alone in the massive palace with Zuko, her swirling thoughts and a desperate hope that Katara would arrive soon.
And if she hoped that Sokka was with his sister so she could demand to know why he had thought she was equipped to handle the stubborn, newly crowned Firelord, that'd be nice as well.
It wasn't like she didn't want to help Zuko with the transition into power when he had been considered more useless than dirt by the entire world less than two years ago. She would be lying if she said she wasn't looking forward to the challenge.
However, she couldn't understand his thought process; his city had been attacked by people who would relish seeing him dead for his father to be reinstated, nearly killing so many innocent citizens and his royal guard.
But his first question was if his father and sister, who had been the main cause of torment and abuse throughout his entire life, were not only alive but uninjured. Suki didn't know why the question had made her so snappy and standoffish toward him, but it did.
Before she could continue to let her thoughts be so angry that she chewed off all of her fingernails, however, she heard the door open which forced her to stand at attention for the incoming force heading toward her and more importantly, the one she swore to protect.
Her stiff stance only relaxed when the person came into view and she could see that it was Katara, whose face was drawn up in concern and seriousness. Suki would have been shocked if her face wasn't carrying the same expression but she still accepted the warm hug that came from her friend's embrace.
"Oh, your face," Katara's voice was soft as her thumb gently traced over one of the still sore gashes that covered her face from the night before, "did anyone else get hurt in the attacks?"
"Not that I'm aware of," Suki expressed, giving the water bender a chance to remove her hand from her injured cheek, "I've got it the worst as far as I know. But I can handle it."
"You're almost as bad as Zuko," Katara clicked her tongue while bringing her hand back to her side, but the comment made her remember what she was going to discuss with her boyfriend if he had been at his little sister's side.
But he was nowhere to be seen, most likely helping Toph in the Earth Kingdom with some idea she had rambled about involving a metal bending academy.
"Are you sure you're okay, Suki?"
And it was the genuine concern in Katara's voice that finally brought her internal struggle to the surface along with a steady stream of tears that broke free from her gray eyes onto the red rug that sat beneath their shoes.
The hug that she was given was less of a greeting and much more of a desperate attempt to comfort based on how tight she was being held onto, but all she could focus on at the moment was her concern spilling out of her mouth as fast as the tears fell from her eyes.
"I want to help Zuko and the fire nation, that's the whole reason I let Sokka talk me into this in the first place, but I just can't understand how after everything that happened, the first thing he asked me this morning was if the prison or the hospital had been breached. If his father and sister were uninjured, I don't know why he continues to let himself get hurt by them. How they still control his life behind bars."
It took Katara a few minutes to respond to Suki's cries; in fact, the entire hall was dead silent except for the sound of Suki's sobs.
When her anger, concern, and sadness finally started to move away from her soul, however, that was when the water bender who was wise beyond her years, finally spoke up.
"Because no matter how we accept him as one of our own, they are still his family by blood. Given the positive relationship he has with his uncle, I think that he is desperately hoping that Ozai and Azula, especially Azula, may still have some good in them behind the layers of evil."
"But he doesn't need his father who physically scarred him," Suki protested, still fighting her tears, "and he doesn't need his evil pawn of a sister either."
"You're right, he doesn't need them," Katara agreed with her statement, "however, that doesn't mean he can just leave them behind, no matter how much they hate each other. It's going to take him a long time to accept that even if he wants them in his life, they don't want him. That's where we'll come in."
"So, do we just let him be delusional about Azula switching sides then?" Suki was aware of how bitter her voice was, but after her first-hand experience with the fire princess in the Boiling Rock, she couldn't care less.
"We don't have a choice with how stubborn he is. I was shocked that he joined our side in the first place."
And with that, Suki finally accepted defeat; even if half of what Katara was saying was true, and she believed every word that she said, then there would be no changing Zuko's mind.
'He'll just have to learn the hard truth himself.'
Suki didn't realize that her gaze had fallen onto the red rug that covered gold tile as her tears finally slowed to a stop until she felt a soft hand graze her shoulder, which forced her to look back up at Katara's face, feeling her fingers gently push back her hair to make sure she looked presentable before she gestured to the door with a tilt of her head.
"Let's go see what trouble Zuko has landed himself in this time."
She wasn't sure if she could hold back her feelings unless she stayed perfectly still and quiet, but it was her duty to ensure his safety and even though it was just Katara, she had made a promise to Sokka, to Zuko and most importantly, to herself.
'And I will not break that promise, especially not out of frustration.'
So with the poise and grace of a true Kyoshi warrior that she always tried her hardest to exhibit, Suki followed Katara inside Zuko's quarters and straight to the fire lord himself, who was slightly dozing off when they approached.
"Zuko," Katara's voice was just barely above a whisper as she gently touched his left shoulder, effectively getting him to open his eyes and turn to look at her which allowed her to raise her voice to its normal volume, "how much trouble are you causing already?"
"Depends on who's asking," Zuko's tired and pained face was turned up in a small smirk which elicited a small laugh from Katara, but just as quick as the smile appeared, it faded back into his forever cold face, "it's just a stress fever. This time last year, I was considered a traitor, so I'm not exactly used to this level of power."
"Yeah, I remember," Katara affirmed while slowly pushing back the red and gold comforter that adorned the bed of the fire lord, "that doesn't mean we shouldn't be sure."
Suki watched as Zuko resigned any efforts to conceal the pain and let his hands fall to his tunic, undoing the loose tie around his lower waist with a grimace before letting it fall off his shoulders and laying back down onto the pillows.
The sight of the small but centered star-shaped mark in the middle of his abdomen that made streaks up to his right shoulder and knowing that the sister he so badly wanted to be on his side had caused it nearly made Suki speak her mind right then and there.
'Azula has hurt him in the same way Ozai has. Treated him like dirt on the bottom of her shoe and then physically scarred him with her bending.'
The only glimpse of a silver lining was that Aang had taken Ozai's bending from him, making it impossible for him to hurt anyone, including Zuko, ever again.
'But if Azula manipulates Zuko into believing she's changed…'
She was brought out of both her thoughts and stoic stature by the sound of a soft grunt of pain and looked to see Katara deep in focus as she bent water over and around the large wound. If she had been as close to Zuko as the others, she may have offered her hand to hold as a source to take the pain out.
But she was his security guard first, and he was being taken care of and even healed, so she stayed at the end of his bedside and forced herself to look away from both the lightning wound and the scar that covered most of the left side of his face, choosing the intricately carved bed frame to focus on.
"It's not getting infected, thankfully," Katara finally spoke, which was met by a sigh of relief from Zuko, "but the inflammation is high and you could use a few more healing sessions. Between that and the stress fever, I think you know what my recommendation is going to be for the next few days."
"Let my uncle act as fire lord and try to rest?"
"Get some rest, but yes," Katara nodded as she bent the water back into the small bowl at his bedside, allowing him to retie the sash that kept his tunic secure to his body, but Suki focused on the fact that Katara's blue eyes were now looking into her's, "I'll be here until Aang arrives, but you're in charge of making sure he follows my directions."
"I don't need to be babysat, Katara." Zuko protested as he sat up with a wince, leading Katara to roll her eyes at him before looking back at Suki.
"You can see that he proved my point," she huffed before turning back to the fire lord, "lay back down and think of it as her protecting the best interest of the fire nation or whatever will get you to sleep that isn't your body giving up from pure exhaustion."
Suki could have sworn that she watched the fire lord himself stick his tongue out at his healer before laying back down, but it was one of those "blink and you'll miss it" moments and frankly, she had bigger things to worry about.
"I'm going to find someone who can get some food for him, but I'll be back," Katara explained before walking out of the two large doors, leaving her alone with her thoughts and the injured fire bender.
"What?" Zuko asked as soon as the doors fully shut, forcing Suki to whip her head toward him and question him right back.
"What are you talking about?"
"What is going on with you? Yesterday morning, you were your usual self and now you won't even speak to me," He explained which made her curse her readability internally, "did I do something wrong? Is it something I can fix?"
"You can't fix everything, Zuko." Suki couldn't keep her angered but teary breath to herself, "And it's not your fault either."
"What are you talking about, Suki?"
And with that genuine question with zero signs of anything but earnest concern in it, she finally cracked and told him exactly what had been bothering her all day, "I'm talking about Azula."
"What does Azula have to do with any of this?" Zuko's voice remained steady as he spoke, but instead of concern for her well-being, he now sounded defensive about the enemy.
"Your city, your people were attacked. Thousands of people could have been killed last night and the first thing that comes out of your mouth is about the prison and the hospital."
"Do you know how detrimental it would be to the throne and the world if my sister or even my father escaped? You and I, along with Katara, Sokka, and Toph would be on a hit list with Aang at the very top," Zuko's anger with her was obvious now and the way he spoke made it sound like she had overreacted with her assumption about his sister, "I was making sure that those extremists hadn't succeeded with their plan to free my family."
"But that's the problem, Zuko!" Suki snapped, sending the fire lord into a stunned silence at her tone, "You're still calling them your family! You don't owe them anything, not after what they've done to you! Not after you were banished, scarred, and nearly killed by both of them!"
Suki finally took a breath to try and get herself to calm down, and when she looked back up at Zuko, who was tracing two fingers over the scar that adorned the left side of his face before letting his hand drop, she nearly let the dam blocking the tears in her eyes burst.
"There is still part of me that hopes Azula will see the light and the errors of her ways, but she's my little sister. Letting go of what my father did to me is going to come easier for me because he hasn't loved me in a very long time, but Azula…she was cruel, yes, but until the Agni Kai," he stopped to let his hand touch the lightning wound, wincing as soon as contact was made, "I never guessed that she would act in the same way our father did towards me."
"I..," Suki trailed off, forcing a deep breath into her lungs before starting again, "I wasn't trying to hurt you more, I just wanted to make sure-"
"That I wouldn't fall for any of her manipulations?" Zuko filled in the blank, which she could only nod in response to, "That's understandable, I would do the same," he agreed before taking a deep breath with a wince, "is there a reason though?"
"What do you mean?" Suki questioned, using her armored sleeve to wipe her tears away.
"That you're so worried about how I think of my sister?"
"Because you have been through so much at both of their hands. You never deserved to be treated like that and now that you have a chance to be free from it, it feels like you aren't taking it," Suki explained quietly, fiddling with her armor as she spoke, "and even though we haven't known each other for very long, it's hard for me not to care about you."
Zuko nodded before moving slightly so that his head was on the pillow rather than his upper back, obviously growing tired; Suki knew that was her cue to go stand outside, but she couldn't stop herself from approaching him and gently squeezing his left shoulder.
"I'm gonna go keep watch, okay?" She asked, expecting just a tired nod from him as he started to let his eyes flutter shut, but she had not been prepared for what he told her in response.
"Thank you for agreeing to look out for me. I greatly appreciate it."
She couldn't stop herself from smiling, knowing that he wasn't harboring any of his anger toward her, and responded with a wink as she spoke.
"Whatever you say, boss."
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thegoldenavenger · 3 years
IDK if im ever going 2 finish this so here's an unedited preview of an atla fic I was working on.
I'd definitely have to restructure if I want to finish it but here's what I got so far. Mostly just the gaang visiting past Zuko events
"The Air Nation--"
"Nomads." Aang instinctively corrects at the same time Iroh interjects placidly.
"--must have something pointing to the Avatar's location."
"My nephew, when would they have had time to--"
"The cowards must have planned the Avatar's disappearance. There has to be something!" Zuko, because the small, bandaged child was Zuko, stomped through the Western Air Temple pushing open doors and sweeping dust from murals in aggravated gestures. 
Iroh sighs heavily but follows the boy. He walks like a shadow behind Zuko, hands folded into his sleeves.  Sometimes his gaze catches on a mural or shadow, but it never settles on Aang or his friends, no matter how they shout or call for attention. 
"What are you planning on finding here, Prince Zuko? The Air Nomads were peaceful people, they do not have a war room full of intelligence, nor a Lord's office of correspondence, especially not after 100 years."
Zuko whirls around to give his uncle an irate glare, not nearly as effective as the ones he would give three years in time. The bandages cling to the left side of his face, and if Aang squints he can see some kind of spotting through them. Zuko is breathing heavily already. 
"I will find something! Anything!" His hands fist by his sides as he snarls. "Father trust-- Father tasked me with finding the Avatar and I will." Zuko turns sharply and his fists tremble. 
"Of course, Prince Zuko. I merely wanted to know your plan of action." Iroh approaches Zuko gently, like a wild animal, carefully places his hand on Zuko's right shoulder. "This place is remarkably well preserved. If there is something to recover, you will find it." 
Zuko doesn't say anything, just nods once. His shoulders are drawn tight around his ears still. Iroh looks down at Zuko, tenses, and says more mildly than Aang thought possible considering: "Your bandages need changing."
"They can wait." Zuko says, shrugging off Iroh and heading into one of the Western Temple's many hallways. 
"This is weird, right?" Sokka says as Iroh follows Zuko away. 
"Why are we even here?" Toph asks, "This is the Western Air Temple, my feet don't lie, and we weren't anywhere close to here before..." she trails off. 
"Where were we?" Katara asks. Her hands have been hovering by her waterskins. 
"The better question is where are we," Sokka says.
"The Western Air Temple!" Toph huffs.
"No, I mean, yes, but Iroh and Zuko acted like they couldn't see us, and you know Zuko would've made a big deal out of us being here." 
"Not to mention Zuko is like, four years younger than he should be!" Aang says. 
Sokka and Katara turn confused faces towards him. 
"This Zuko is my age," Aang clarifies, "He should be..." and the thought escapes Aang, how old Zuko should be. Aang just knows that it isn't this. 
"Don't tell me this is some more Spirit Mumbo Jumbo!" Sokka throws his hands up in the air. 
"Maybe," Aang allows, "But it doesn't feel like the Spirit World." 
"Whatever, we aren't going to figure anything out by standing still." Toph marches towards the hallway Zuko and Iroh had disappeared in and, belatedly, the rest of them follow. 
As soon as Aang's foot touches the tile past the threshold, he is no longer in the Western Air Temple. 
"Okay, yeah this is weird." Sokka says. 
Aang has to agree. They're in the Dragon Palace just as suddenly as they were in the Western Air Temple. 
"Great!" Katara hisses, "We're in the heart of the Fire Nation! And for what--" 
"Shut up!" Toph interrupts. They all quiet and soon voices come into focus.
"Please Uncle!" That... sounds kind of like Zuko. "If I'm going to be the Firelord one day, I should know what goes on in the War Room!" 
"I have already said no, nephew."
Iroh and Zuko round the corner, and once again they don't seem to notice the out of place group hovering at the edge of the hall. 
"But Uncle! I don't--I need the experience. I'm already so far behind, this will give me a real foundation! My tutors are..." Zuko trails off.
"He doesn't have his scar!" Sokka exclaims, pointing. 
"Sokka! That's rude!" Even though her hands still hover by her waterskins, Katara doesn't pass up the chance to berate her brother.
"What, they can't see us, apparently."
"Scar?" Toph wonders, and Aang opens his mouth to inform her but looking into both of Zuko's troubled golden eyes stops him. 
"Yeah, Zuko has a, uh, scar... doesn't he?" Sokka starts. 
"Well." Katara says, looking at Zuko with the same intensity Aang feels. "He doesn't have one now."
Zuko's face is unblemished and smooth as porcelain. His eyes are wide, his brows upturned. He's still Aang's age, which shouldn't matter but-- 
Iroh has stopped walking, and Zuko beside him. Zuko bites his lip and looks away and Iroh puts his hands on both of Zuko's shoulders. "Okay, okay. But you have to promise to stay quiet. No interruptions."
"Yes! Of course! Thank you, Uncle!" Zuko bows, quickly, obviously excited by the turn of events and the two pass by the gang without taking notice of them. 
As Zuko passes a shadow covers his face, falling over his left eye and Aang can't decide if it reminds him more of bandages or a burn. 
Zuko and Iroh pass through a door, and this time none of them hesitate to follow on their heels. 
Once again the moment they pass the threshold they are in a new place. 
"Oh, yeah that's a scar!" Sokka says. 
Zuko ignores him of course, stomping his way down the gangplank of his ship into a port Aang doesn't recognize.  He's scowling, like always, and Iroh is conspicuously absent from his side.  He marches onto the dock work, catches sight of something and ducks behind a thick wooden post. 
Aang knows his friends are as surprised as him, and Zuko seems to be surprised at himself too, because he shakes his head and stalks forward again as if hiding had been instinct, not choice. 
Aang surveys the docks, tries to find what had startled Zuko, but a voice rings out before he catches sight of anything. 
"Zuko! Fancy meeting you here." The voice fills the space like oil on water and Aang turns to catch Zhao striding towards Zuko like he owns the port. 
"Zhao." Zuko says, begrudgingly, folding his arms across his chest. He catches himself and puts his arms to his sides. 
"Commander Zhao," the man corrects as he sidles up next to Zuko. Zuko rolls his eyes and continues forward. 
"I knew those two were in cahoots." Sokka points, rudely, at the two.
"Cahoots?" Katara asks.
"What two? Who's Zhao?" Toph asks, and Aang looks at Toph who has her arms crossed over chest, defensively. Aang blinks and slows his pace--because they're following Zuko, of course--so her shoulder brushes his when they step. 
"He's a jerk!" Katara says. 
"Yeah, he sieged the North Pole and killed, uh..." Sokka trails off, his face a picture of confusion. 
"I think... the moon spirit?" Aang offers, but he can't quite remember it. 
"I don't need an escort---Commander Zhao," Zuko yells, his voice cutting into their conversation. 
"Please. What trade do you think a banished traitor would be able to get without me here?" Zhao's voice was still oil-slick as it weaved through the conversation. 
"This is a neutral port!" Zuko hisses, "And our stipend is good enough--" 
"And that's why you've had to make twice the stops you normally do, or do you just like the view?" Zhao asks, and Aang sees him turn a grin towards Zuko. 
Zuko fumes, taking two steps away from Zhao and turning the full force of his glare onto him. "So you've been stalking us!" He accuses. 
"Keeping an eye on you, like I was asked to." He says, closes the space between the two of them again. "Listen, I'll negotiate a fair price for your supplies." He says, ducking his head closer to Zuko's like he's sharing a secret. 
"I don't need your charity!" Zuko yells and tries to put space between them once more. 
"And who's pay are you going to cut this time?" Zhao asks, "Surely your own budget can't take much more... restructuring. Maybe the navigator's. If it's enough to make him jump ship, then I'm sure you can step in and compensate. Well, not that he'll be able to find a posting elsewhere, serving on the Wani had become quite the black mark on your resume I hear."  Zuko's fists tighten, and he loses the fight to keep them by his side and crosses them over his chest. 
Zhao takes this as a victory, drapes his arm over Zuko’s shoulders like an old friend and starts steering him in a different direction. “Have tea with me, Zuko, we can look over your finances together.” 
“Tea sounds lovely, Commander,” Iroh’s voice cuts through the conversation as easily as the man himself inserts his body between Zhao’s and Zuko’s. Zuko’s startled face fades away as they step across the dock.
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112aang · 4 years
Kataang Week 2021: Day 1- Reunion
7 days filled with 7 prompts, all about Kataang. Here is my first submission for this year’s Kataang Week, ‘Reunion.’ 
Words: 1,836
You can find my ff.net page here, where each day’s entry will be posted, as well as my other stories.
Katara stood, staring blankly out of the window into the dark, night sky of the Southern Air Temple. She watched as a few air acolytes walked the grounds, tidying up before going to bed.
She had been alone, without him, for two months and was feeling withdraw take over. They had been married for almost two years, and had decided to settle down in his childhood home after the wedding. She had to repeatedly remind herself that he was the Avatar, therefore he wouldn’t always be around; he belonged to the world, not to her. But that didn’t make it any easier on her heart.
Aang had been helping Sokka and Zuko plan and build Republic City off and on for about a year. But two months ago, he was called to the city and hadn’t returned. Katara had guessed that something came up- something that required assistance that only the Avatar could provide. She had received a message by hawk a month into his absence, stating that he would need to stay longer than originally planned, but nothing more- no explanation, and no prediction of exactly how long. She became worried; terrified that something had happened to her husband.
As she looked out into the darkness, her gaze rose, falling on the almost full moon. She thought of Yue, and of her brother. Katara’s mind hadn’t gone that direction in years, but in that moment, she wondered how much Sokka missed the white-haired woman. Of course, he had been married to Suki for almost five years, but did he ever think about Yue? About his first love- the woman whom he couldn’t have.
She sighed, lowering her gaze again, setting it on the stars. Katara loved the Southern Air Temple and the views it provided, especially at night. Their bedroom was at the top of a tower, overlooking the entire temple. From her window, she could see everything- from the courtyard, to the bison resting platform, to the air ball court. The waterbender smiled wistfully, thinking of Aang, and of the first time she had seen the temple.
At first glance, it looked shattered, forgotten in time. But as her eyes fell on the young airbender, she could see the liveliness that had once been, laying under the rubble. His energy radiated off the fallen walls and broken concrete, almost patching them up completely.
When he had asked her if they could settle in the home he once knew, she didn’t even have to think twice about her answer. The air acolytes had been occupying each of the temples, restoring them to their former glory as they learned about the nearly forgotten Air Nomad culture.
Katara could see Aang’s beaming smile in her mind and wished she could go back to that moment, just to see his face again. She absentmindedly placed a hand over her lower abdomen, still staring into the sky.
Aang didn’t know- he couldn’t have known. She had only learned of the baby a month ago, and chose to leave the news out of the returning letter to her husband. They had spoken about children many times throughout their relationship, even before the wedding. Katara knew, as well as Aang, his duty to the world regarding the Air Nation. Being the last airbender, he was responsible for restoring the lost civilization. This task had been looming over his head like a dark cloud since the end of the 100-year war, despite his young age at the time.
The world leaders, including his best friend, Zuko, had been on his case about the subject for years. They had even gone as far as to suggest having multiple surrogates carry his children, in hope of enhancing the chance of producing an airbending child. Aang had shot down that idea immediately, not wanting the idea even on the table. He had chosen Katara and was not going to have children with anyone else, nor was he going to have children solely for the restoration of the Air Nation.
Katara knew what was expected of Aang, but it didn’t turn her away. She loved him and was willing to do whatever it took to help him fulfill his duty to the world.
After telling him, he had put the idea out of her head as quick as it left her lips.
“I want to have children with you because I love you, not because I have to,” he had told her, making her smile.
She had protested slightly, but after much conversation with Aang, she had eventually given in. After all, she also wanted to have children with him for the same reason.
Katara looked down, eyes on her stomach and smiled tenderly, placing both hands on the barely noticeable bump.
She spoke softly, “you are already loved more than you know, my little one.”
Growing up in the South Pole, she had helped her Gran Gran deliver many children, and being a master healer, she had assisted many women with their pregnancies over the years. But feeling a child within herself was a different sensation altogether, and she relished in every facet of it. She didn’t mind the morning sickness, or the cravings- not even the beginnings of swollen ankles and the forgetfulness that she knew accompanied some pregnancies. She only wished Aang were there to share the moments with.
Katara found herself missing him more than she thought she would, but inevitably blamed it on the hormones accompanying her new pregnancy. She had gone months without him before, but had never felt as alone as she did in this moment.
She would often lay awake at night, turning sideways in their bed, imagining him there, next to her. At one point, she had decided to sleep in a guest room, thinking that maybe a change of scenery would help her fall asleep. Sadly, it was all in vain; each time she would close her eyes, Aang’s smiling face was the only thing she could see.
Tonight, however, Katara had decided to give into the insomnia. She remained by the window, staring into the darkness, imagining Appa flying in the distance. She imagined Aang finally coming home to her after two long months.
The waterbender watched as the few remaining acolytes made their way inside, making Katara wonder whether they missed their teacher as much as she missed her husband.
He had been teaching them Air Nomad customs and ways of life for years now, and was relishing in it. She adored seeing him in his natural habitat, educating others about his people.
Katara smiled sadly as a single tear streamed down her face. The waterbender closed her eyes, hugging herself gently. She silently prayed to the spirits for them to bring Aang home- to bring him back to her.
As if they heard her silent pleas, her airbender walked into the bedroom a moment later, utilizing his light footsteps as not to frighten her. His eyes were soft as he watched her form in the window, her back to him. Aang smiled longingly and walked up to her, stopping a few steps short.
“Katara?” he spoke softly, making her eyes open slowly.
She turned around hesitantly, hopeful that it wasn’t an imagination. As her eyes fell on him, she placed a hand over her mouth, tears beginning to cascade down her face. Katara lunged at him, throwing him off balance for a split second until he stood firm, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist.
The waterbender clung to him, digging her face into Aang’s chest, holding on for dear life, as her tears flowed. His own tears began to fall as he hugged her tighter, not wanting to ever let go.
They didn’t speak- they didn’t need to. The two benders clung to each other, eventually sinking to the floor, never letting go.
After what seemed like an eternity, the sobs calmed to slight whimpers between the two, and she kissed him. He returned her kiss with much fervor, holding her face in his hands while she gripped his robes and pulled him closer. After a few moments they reluctantly pulled away, resting their foreheads together. Katara was catching her breath, smiling uncontrollably as Aang did the same. He looked into her blue eyes with his grey ones, tears still slowly falling.
Katara kissed him again, this time short and sweet. He pulled his face from hers and rubbed his thumbs across her cheeks, love emanating from his eyes into hers.
“Aang…” she started, placing her forehead against his once more. “You’re back.”
He smiled, “I am.”
“I missed you,” she pecked his lips. “So much.”
“I missed you too.”
They remained on the stone floor, locked in each other’s embrace for what felt like hours, before finally moving to the bed.
Aang sat in the middle of the bed, leaning against the wall, arms wrapped around Katara as she sat between his legs, her back against his chest. Their cheeks were stained with tears, but still they wore smiles. The waterbender softly traced the arrow on Aang’s hand as he kissed the top of her head lovingly.
“Katara,” he started, quietly. “I’m sorry I was gone for so long; Zuko- “
“No,” she cut him off. “I don’t want to know.”
He started to speak again, to explain the reasoning behind his long absence, but she sat up and turned around in his arms, now facing him.
She caught his lips with hers, one hand cupping his cheek. She pulled away delicately and smiled.
“All that matters is that you’re here now.”
He smiled and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. They stayed that way for a few moments before she pulled away, ready to tell him the news.
“Aang,” she said, sitting in front of him, looking down slightly. “I have... news.”
He became slightly worried, waiting patiently for her to explain further.
She moved a hand to her lower abdomen and looked at him, love apparent in her eyes. His eyebrows raised slightly, mind wandering.
“I’m having a baby… you’re going to be a father.”
Aang eyes filled with tears and he gave her a lopsided grin, making her giggle softly as her eyes became glossy.
“You’re pregnant?”
Katara nodded and he pulled her into an embrace, holding her snug against him. Aang didn’t speak for a few minutes- he just held her close, tears streaming down his face once more as he smiled into her hair.
“I found out shortly after you left and wanted to wait until you got back to tell you.”
She pulled away and he held her face in his hands before pulling her into a passionate kiss, to which she responded with much intensity. They each smiled into the kiss as tears of joy ran down their faces.
He pulled away and rested his forehead against hers, eyes closed, still holding onto her face softly.
“I love you,” he breathed.
She smiled and pecked his nose tenderly.
“I love you too.”
Next will be ‘Home.’
Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed my submission for day 1 of Kataang Week 2021.
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ejm513 · 4 years
Hello my lovelies! So I finally got my act together and watched Avatar The Last Airbender and…
Yeah, I don’t know what was wrong with me when I was a child. It just wasn’t my cup of tea. But at this point in my life it is quite possibly one of the best shows I’ve ever watched and is now one of my favorite shows.
In fact I’m re-watching after finishing my first binge about a week or two ago.
Theirs is so much to discuss not just with Avatar but with The Legend of Kora (I’m in the middle of season three… I like it a lot but I’m just having a harder time getting through it. I’ll probably wait to finish it until it comes to Netflix). What I want to focus on is Sokka, Toph, Lin and Su’yin.
Because if there’s nothing I love more than family, babies, children and family drama.
I mean seriously that’s literally what everything I write is about.
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I don’t have a problem not at all.....
So you can imagine as soon I heard there was a theory that Su’yin may or may not be Toph and Sokka’s daughter my imagination and excitement went in overdrive, because even though I adore Sokka and Suki I always thought there was SOMETHING between the two of them. It’s clear in Avatar that Toph has a crush on Sokka which I mean can we blame her?
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While it doesn’t appear Sokka has any romantic interest at that time, he is extremely caring and protective of Toph. It’s not impossible to see their relationship maybe not deepening into love but becoming something more than simple friendship and becoming physical.
But what evidence is there that Su’yin is Sokka and Toph’s daughter? Just because it’s a nice idea doesn’t mean it’s true.
Well it turns out there is some substantial evidence to back it up.
First of all there is Su’Yins coloring.
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Now that doesn’t necessarily point to anything. But it is interesting to note that her skin coloring is the same as those in the water tribe, who tend to have darker skin tones. 
On top of that there is a physical resemblance between her and Sokka. 
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And then... there is this... 
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This is Baatar Jr., Su’Yins oldest child. Sure he does look a lot like his father
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But I would argue he looks even more like Sokka. It’s kind of eerie how similar they look and I don’t think the animators and show creators would do something like that unintentionally-especially in a show like this.
Then you need to factor the personality similarities-Su’Yin’s sarcasm, leadership abilities, her devotion to family above all else. It all rings very familiar. 
I personally lean more towards the side of this theory being true, but there are some arguments to be made against it. 
The biggest argument is that Sokka would never be an absentee father. It’s just not in his nature. We know that both Lin and Su’Yin’s fathers were both absent and not a part of their lives. 
And then we have to factor in Sukki and what happened to her. 
Well here’s what I think could have happened. 
There’s another theory going around that Sukki died young in some sort of battle. It would make sense to a certain extent given what she does. I’m going to lean in on that theory, but it is highly possible that their relationship just didn’t last. After all they were young and the hard truth is statically the majority of young relationships don’t last. These seem to be the most probable explanations, as we know jack shit about what happened to Sukki. 
Lin’s father was a man named Kanto. The jerk left for whatever reason-maybe the pair got in a huge fight, maybe he just didn’t want a child or couldn’t handle the responsibility of being a parent. Basically we can assume he was a dead beat who honestly doesn’t even deserve such an amazing life partner as Toph and amazing child as Lin. 
 I don’t doubt for a second Sokka stepped in as a father like figure of Lin and thus they would be spending quiet of bit of time together. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say Sokka would be a top notch father figure with Lin-funny, creative, and surprisingly gentle and tender. Lin being Lin would probably act like her mother-all strong, tough and independent. But secretly she loves the doting and gets very upset when he has to go. 
So as you can imagine Toph and Sokka are spending quite a bit of time together. Toph is enamored by Sokka and how great he is with Lin. Her old crush is beginning to bubble up and maybe turning into something more. If we go off the theory that Sukki died young or their relationship just naturally ran it’s course he’s probably been enjoying female company that isn’t his sister or anyone on the council. They’re both grown adults who are single who have a very deep connection and have probably been lonely so it’s not out of the question that they uh.., well... you know. 
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Now I don’t think they would necessarily end up in a serious relationship for various reasons. Toph is to hell bent on her freedom and independence to truly settle down in a serious relationship, and Sokka has probably been through to much bad luck with relationships to want to truly get invested... even if it is Toph and he low key loves her and Toph’s heart flutters every time she’s with him.
Correct me if I'm wrong but it is cannon that Toph has had her fair share of sexual partners, which I would like to state for the record there is nothing wrong with. So it’s possible Sokka wasn’t the only person she slept with. So when she became pregnant it’s entirely possible she wouldn’t know for certain who the father is. Now obviously when Sokka finds out he would probably demand to know if he’s the father her being blunt would say something along the lines of 
“I’m not sure who it is Snoozle’s, and I’m never really gonna know because I won't be able to see the kid. Besides it doesn’t matter who the father is I don’t need any help.” 
So for nine months Sokka is sitting on pins and needles waiting to know the truth. When the baby finally comes and he sees her it’s... it’s pretty obvious. Though she’ll never say it out loud, Toph can tell just by feeling her facial features. 
Now there’s a problem. Even though she doesn’t neccasrily want to keep him away from his child Toph being... well... Toph... still insist that she doesn’t need any help. More over she doesn’t want to cause Lin any resentment, confusion or pain by Su’yin having her father around but her’s is gone. 
Besides there’s the whole issue of him being a member of the council and her being the chief of police... I could see their relationship causing a controversy and or scandal that no one wants. 
Sokka on the other hand wants to obviously not just be apart of his biological child’s life but Lin’s life-as Lin has basically become his child as well. And in reality Toph knows she can’t stop him, moreover  as stated earlier she is not heartless and doesn’t necessarily want to keep Sokka away from his daughter. So they come up with compromise. 
He’ll continue acting as a father figure, but he will be nothing more than Uncle Sokka. He goes along with it so he can still see both of his girls and be a part of their lives. 
He spends more time at Toph’s home than his own. He helps Lin with her homework and happily plays and cuddles with Su’yin. He helps makes sure they go to bed at a decent time (while under the guise giving them all the freedom Toph wants them to have). At first Sokka will sleep on the couch, but slowly but surely the pair end up sleeping in the same bed and living as a couple... just in the safety of those four walls. 
It’s a bit of an open secret between Team Avatar and company-especially Katara because she would know the truth from the second she laid eyes on the child. But out of respect for Toph and the delicate balance they created no one says a word-especially because I can imagine Sokka is gone a good portion of the time with his various duties. 
I’m not one who subscribes to the fact he dies protecting the new avatar Kora, because it is cannon that he helped put members of the Red Lotus in jail. What I do think is he passed before ever getting to tell Su’Yin the truth. And Toph realizes she messed up and it’s most likely her one biggest regret. In the end I don’t think she would say a word to anyone about the truth until she is on her death bed... because she is just that pig headed and stubborn. 
So that is how I think everything could have possibly panned out... and don’t be shocked if I end up writing a fan fic about this! I also hope to write a post examining Aang and Katara and their children because once again I love children and family and family drama and there is a lot that too. 
Also might I add it’s so endearing and sweet that Zuko-the character who had the most toxic, abusive and fucked up family had, by all appearance, the happiest family with the least amount of drama. 
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thatgirlwhowrites01 · 4 years
hot head
part 11 | masterlist
social media au
zuko x reader
this is a very long and fluffy update and I hope it makes up for my lack of posting these past couple days 🥺🥺💕💕💕
Zuko POV
“What is your partner’s name again?”
“Uncle, they aren’t my partner,” carrying a tray of used tea cups towards the back of the shop, I cleared my throat as I set it down by the sink for washing later. “Their name is y/n.” I folded my arms across my chest and faced towards Iroh, a grin displayed clearly.
“You’re telling me that my nephew is doing all this work for a friend?” he laughed.
“I’m doing all this work because you’re letting us stay in the loft,” my hands pointed to the stairs, “Besides, I owe them a favor and they’ve never been to Ba Sing Se, it’s the least I could do.” Which wasn’t a complete lie. I did owe them a favor, after everything I did I’m surprised they even responded to my initial dm. The only problem was keeping uncle out of the loop. He always had a knack for knowing when I was being sneaky and although it was a sense that came in handy when I was a child, as a fully capable adult it has now become annoying.
“What do you plan on doing tonight?”
“Um, I’m not too sure, I’m just planning on showing them the main spots of the city and then maybe some dinner.” I tried to play it off cool, but inside my heart was pounding at a rate far from healthy.
“Just make sure when you guys get back to lock the doors and wash any dishes you use, I’ll be in around nine in the morning tomorrow.”
“I will, don’t worry.” I watched as uncle took the shop key off the hook on the back wall. He tossed it to me with a wink, “Have fun Zuko.”
The shop was now mine for the night and I still had a couple hours before I had to leave to pick y/n up. There wasn’t much left to do since I had been here all day to help with customers and cleaning. I finished setting up the loft early this morning, it wasn’t anything super fancy. A couch that could be folded into a bed was pressed to the side wall and a nice mattress layed towards the back. I set up some fairy lights and a couple lanterns placed on tables around the room to add a relaxed ambience when lit tonight.
I can’t explain the feelings I’m having, nervous? Excited? I’m not sure, it’s hard to say. When Azula first told me about y/n she described them as this ugly, manipulative, mean person. But they aren’t like that at all. I remember when I first watched their video, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of them. They were beautiful, and the way they laughed made me feel warm inside, something I haven't felt in a long time. Azula insisted they were bad, and unfortunately I believed her. When they retaliated against me I didn’t know how to act, it filled me with rage because no one ever retaliates against me. I genuinely did hate them for a while but when the private investigator told me about what happened with their mom I wanted to take everything back. They had already been through so much and I was taking away something that could potentially work out really well. Despite what happened in the past I want this night to be a sort of ‘peace treaty’ if possible.
The circumstances weren’t exactly ideal.. Zuko, the one who bullied me relentlessly with his twitter fingers was going to be my tour guide of Ba Sing Se for the night. The warnings from Katara and all my other friends wouldn’t leave my head and I couldn’t seem to shake the feeling that they were right. I did forgive too easily, but it was too late to cancel and plus I’ve never been to the city before.
I packed a small bag with a change of clothes and a couple miscellaneous items, being unsure of what the night would bring I made sure to pack some pepper spray too. I don’t think Zuko would try to hurt me, but being in a big city with one of the biggest jerks I know I had to come prepared.
It’s nearing five in the afternoon and my nerves are starting to get the better of me. Anytime now Zuko would be here and I’m starting to realize how awful this situation is. I could taste blood in my mouth from chewing on the inside of my cheek, “fuck,” I said while reaching for my phone. Almost on instinct my fingers swiped to Katara’s name in my contacts. The monotone ring droned on until I heard her pick up on the other line.
“Katara, I’m freaking out, Zuko’s gonna be here at any moment and I don’t know what to do,”
“Hey it’s gonna be okay, are you sure you want to do this? I can always just make up an excuse for you so you don’t have to go?” I can tell she desperately wants me to say yes, but I can’t bring myself to do it.
“No it’s okay, I just really need someone to talk to until he gets here,”
“Okay, I promise it’s gonna be alright. You’ve got a whole army waiting up tonight to make sure you’ll be okay. Sokka, Suki, and Toph are gonna come over to Aang’s house with me and we’re not going to sleep until you’re back at wherever you’re staying.”
“Okay,” I laughed “If I don’t send updates by 11 send someone”
“Will do, Toph said she’s been ready to practice some knew boxing moves”
“Can’t wait,”
Our conversation went on for several minutes until I heard a knock on my door. “Coming!” I yelled and quickly ended the call, rushing to grab my bag. My hand curled around the handle and realization hit when I opened the door to see Zuko holding a bouquet of sunflowers. I smiled “Are these for me?”
“Yeah, I figured it’s the least I could do to make up for stuff.”
“Thank you,”
He seemed different than in his videos. His face was softer and his voice less harsh. I followed him to his car which was, to put it lightly, much nicer than my mini-van. I’m not even a car person but it was polished black with dark tinted windows and red rims, definitely something I could see him driving. He opened my door,  allowing me to slide in and fully appreciate the car. Leather seats accompanied a ‘new car’ smell and the front displayed a touch screen for controls. Shitty person or not, he rides in style.
After pulling away from my apartment the car fills with a low volume of slow RnB, “I’m not too sure if you  have anything specific in mind that you want to do, so I figured I’d show you my favorite parts of the city and grab something to eat, maybe some drinks?”
“That sounds great to me,” I smiled.
The rest of the car ride was silent, but with the mix of the sun close to setting, RnB, and the scenery I didn’t feel the need to talk. For a Friday night the traffic wasn’t that bad, we worked our way through it easily and stopped outside of a tea shop.
“This is my Uncle’s shop, there’s a loft on the top he said we could use for the night.”
“That’s so nice of him,  I’ll have to come back sometime to say thank you.”
I waited behind Zuko as he fiddled with the door. Now that I am standing next to him it was clear how muscular he was. The tight green shirt fit snug around his shoulders and biceps, his back muscles flexed while giggling the door handle. Finally it popped open and my focus changed to the space we were entering. It was cute and tiny, tables lined the walls and the bar had several stools flipped on top. I followed Zuko as he climbed the stairs to the loft.
“I washed and made the bed for you so you don’t have to worry about bugs or  anything,” Zuko pointed to the bed. I walked over to throw my bag down on the mattress “This place is so adorable, I love it!”
“Tea is my uncle's passion, when I was younger and he first started this shop I worked for him. This place is practically my home away from home.” He sat down on the couch facing me.”
I nodded, taking the place in. Fairy lights danced around the ceiling twinkling in a way that was mesmerizing. “Are you hungry?” Zuko asked.
“Is that even a question?” we both shared a laugh, “Come one, I know the best place for some pho.”
“And then, I practically threw up all over the place!” I laughed uncontrollably through my mouth full of pho,  “I can’t believe that,  in the middle of church?!” Zuko’s comment made me laugh even harder. “I swear! My mom was so mad it took everything in her power to not to drag me out by my hair!”
The night was going incredibly well. After a couple awkward ice breakers we somehow got on the subject of disappointing our parents and now we were the loudest table in the restaurant. Zuko was so much easier to talk to than I expected, and we had a lot in common.
“Excuse me, but would you and your partner like any dessert?” I was too busy laughing, I didn't even see the waiter approaching.
“Oh, they aren’t my partner.” I couldn’t help but snort which in turn made Zuko start laughing again, “I think we’re ready for the check if that’s alright” he said with as much composure and he could muster. I waited until the waiter was out of sight, “Partner” I snorted again. “Hey, the guy was just trying to find out if you were single,” I rolled my  eyes at Zuko’s comment. “Whatever..”
“It’s the truth! I bet everytime you go out you’re bombarded with people trying to get  with you!”
“Mhmm for sure, but I only  grace them with attention if they can guess my favorite color.”
“What’s your favorite color?” Zuko stared at me, rolling his lips to hide his smile.
“Why would you want to know? Are you trying to gain my attention?”
“I just want to make sure I know who I’m dealing with, they say you can learn a lot from people’s favorite color you know..”
“And who exactly is ‘they’?” I asked while crossing my arms.
“I prefer to keep that a secret.” He said while mimicking my stance.
We laughed together again at the stupidity of our argument. The waiter came back with the check and I reached for the cash I brought but before I could even get it to the table Zuko handed him a few $20’s telling him to keep the change. Warmth rose to my face “Thank you, I could’ve at least split it with you,”
“No worries, this is your trip and I wanna make it special.” he smiled, “Come on, there’s something I want to show you.”
We began walking the silent streets of Ba Sing Se, I admired all the little shops along the way. There was so much to do here and so many different people to meet. I think I have fallen in love with the city. When we came upon a small turn Zuko asked me to close my eyes.
“Why?” I smiled, I didn’t really care for the reason but I enjoyed teasing him.
“Just do it,”
With my eyes closed he grabbed my hand. I felt a jolt of energy race through my body. His hands were warm and calloused and much bigger than mine. The same warmth I felt at dinner returned as I tried suppressing my smile to no avail.
“You’re gonna love this.” he said, I could almost see his grin in my imagination. As he guided me I could hear water splashing and turtle ducks quacking. I was so excited I almost opened my eyes. Eventually he stopped me, “Can I open my eyes now?” I asked, wanting to know what he had led me to. “One sec,”
He shifted behind me, I could tell he was standing close because the heat radiating off of his body touched the back of my neck. “Okay, open.”
I was greeted with the sight of a beautiful fountain lit from all around, I felt like I had entered another world. It was so beautiful, the lights reflecting off the water made it even brighter. “What do you think?”
“Zuko, this is so pretty. I love it”
“I’m glad, this is one of my favorite spots. Especially at night.”
“I can see why,”
He made his way right next to me. We were standing so close our fingers grazed each other. I smiled at him nervously, unsure of what to do. “Do you want to feed the turtle ducks? I’ve got some bread”
“Yes!!” I said while practically running towards the animals in the fountain. I sat on the ledge which was a bit wet but not uncomfortable and Zuko took a seat next to me pulling a bag out of his pocket. He handed me a couple pieces to throw into the fountain and I wasted no time throwing it in.
They swarmed the area close to us splashing water as they ate. Zuko and I krept closer and closer together, if I moved my head it would bump into his shoulder.
I felt his hand fall on top of mine and I looked up. His eyes looked into mine and fell to my lips, the tension building had me leaning closer. His hand came up to gently cup my cheek while my eyes fluttered closed. Our lips met  with a heat, my breath caught in my chest due to the sudden sensation.
The kiss was slow, but short. This was better than the kiss Haru and I shared back at Aang’s grandparent’s house. This was electric and made me feel something.  We pulled away, my forehead falling on his. I could feel my heart beating through my chest.
This felt right.
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dead-decomposer · 4 years
More Atla because I’m thinking about Zuko and his family(yes I realize I spelt his name wrong in my Azula post)
Zuko and Iroh have tea together every day, and take turns deciding what tea they have and where they have their tea
Iroh usually chooses Ginseng and Zuko usually chooses Jasmine, sometime
Aang and Katara will stop by and join them for tea, when they do they get to pick and often pick green tea or chamomile, when they go usually Iroh and Zuko send them off with a case of tea
Aang doesn’t drink tea very often but he does appreciate it a lot, Katara on the other hand drinks tea quite often
Sokka travels between the kingdoms a lot, having become determined to learn every kind of fighting style he can, but obviously he spends time with his friends and family when he sees them(which is pretty often)
Zuko usually asks Sokka if he can come to meetings with him, since Sokka is much better at handing people and is better at strategizing, Zuko wouldn’t admit it for a long time but he also just enjoys Sokka being there and feels safer with his friend around
Suki and Toph usually travel with Sokka, Suki makes sure they don’t do anything crazy(but also becaus she loves them) and Toph makes sure they get up to trouble every now and again
Suki adores and admires Toph for her strength and independence but also lover her as a little sister, so does Sokka
The first time the three of them run into trouble Suki is a bit protective of Toph since she has never seen her in battle much but Toph actually ends but protecting Suki
Toph and Suki tell Sokka all the time how proud of him they are, both because they are incredible proud of him but also to help with his RSD
Sokka and Suki also tell Toph how proud of her they are because she deserves to hear it
First time they meet Tophs dad properly he acts all “polite” and “I’m a changed man” because they’re friends with the avatar who saved all their butts and doesn’t want them to bring up how he sent mercenaries after them, but as soon as Toph makes it clear she is staying with her friends and not coming home he becomes much more condescending and rude to them
Toph immediately defends her friends, opening up about how terrible a father he was and how her friends are a million times better than he ever was and ever could be
Tophs mom also left her dad, she did a long while before this since she cared a lot about Toph and is still protective and anxious for her but since Toph ran away and she heard all about the things she had done she realized that her daughter didn’t need to be protected but needed to be loved
Her mother now lives in a smaller village a ways away from Tophs home city and works at a garden, she is overjoyed when Toph comes to visit her and always “shows” her all the plants and flowers(her mom is the other person Toph won’t make passive aggresive comments abt being blind to), her mom tells her what the flowers look like and let’s Toph feel them to get a sense of they shape and smells them, and Toph shows her mother her earth bending to which her mother is still nervous about but is supportive and proud of her daughter for being such an accomplished daughter
Tophs mom still babies her but in more of the usual “loves they child so fucking much” way which Toph pretends not to like but appreciates it
Her mom also loves the Sokka and Suki, often thanking Sokka for taking care of her daughter
One day Toph gives her mom a pendant that she made with part of the metiorite metal, it’s simple but it’s of a mother and daughter hugging
Eventually when Toph feels like settling down she moves in with her mom and helps her in her garden, since she’s able to sense roots in the dirt she gets really good at identifying weeds and certain plants and how well they are growing, also able to tell where there are insect nests in the dirt that might threaten the plants
Tophs powers also makes replanting things a breeze
In their travels, Suki learns a few new fighting techniques but prefers to stick to her kiyoshi warrior techniques
Sokka sticks to his swordsmanship and boomerang but basically can use whatever is avalable to fight
When he introduces Suki to the White Lotus she’s honored to meet them but quickly realizes why Sokka gets along with them so well
When Sokka and Suki visit the fire nation they of course stay at the palace and spend time with Zuko and Iroh but they also often go on Double Dates with Mai and Ty Lee(not at first of course)
The for of them met properly through Zuko but often talk about the whole boiling rock thing and laugh a bit about stuff
One time they asked Zuko to come with them but he doesn’t realize he’s supposed to bring a date so he comes alone, which ends up turning the whole thing into just a friends hang out
During this hang out Suki sees how much Sokka and Zuko enjoy each other company and how well they get along, she asks Ty Lee and Mai about Zuko n they say that he definitely has a thing for Sokka, whether he knows it or not
Suki is a little worried at first but not jealous or mad, and eventually comes to terms with the possibility that Sokka and Zuko might end up together, but until then she’s gonna love Sokka for the ridiculous and caring man he is
Eventually Suki catches Sokka admiring Zuko and talks to him about it, at first Sokka doesn’t understand what the HECK she’s talking about but as she asks him a few things he realizes “oh shit I am in love with Zuko”, Suki tells him it’s okay and gives him a kiss on the cheek, they decide to stay friends and still hang out constantly
After than it’s time for Suki, Mai and Ty Lee to plot out how they’re gonna get the two together, they both kind of know that the girls are planning something but not that the other knows or even that the other likes them
The girls try and fail MANY times over to get the two to admit to each other but it’s not until Iroh bluntly says “wow you two get along really well you would make a great couple” that they finally date
Turns out Iroh has been on team Zukka since day one(of course he still supported Sokka and Suki being together and gave her advise during and after their relationship but he’s a wise old man who knows gay love when he sees it)
Onto Aang and Katara centred headcanons(there won’t be many because the whole show is kind of about them)
Aang is really good at keeping his emotions in check, especially his anger, whereas Katara isn’t, he teaches her a lot of what the monks taught him of how to control her anger and not let it get the better of her
Coincidentally Katara also helps Aang learn to express his frustrations in a healthy way so that he doesn’t constantly feel like he has to be happy all the time
At one point Zuko mentioned to them how they didn’t listen to Sokka or take him very seriously in passing and since then the two of them have been working on listening to him
Zuko also further helps Katara come to terms with her mother’s death and she is the first person to help him start his search for his mother
He doesn’t notice at first of course but eventually he does and he is very touched
Katara is actually really bad at doing her own hair and usually Sokka or Gran Gran had to do it for her, but Aang is amazing at braiding and styling hair(saying that it’s a lot like air or fire bending)
Aang does her hair every morning, he does it well enough that reasonably it would last a bit longer than a day but Katara purposefully messes it up or undoes it so he has to do it again the following morning
She never learns to do it better herself because she loves when Aang does her hair
As kids they live at the water tribe but as they get older Aang decides he wants to try and rebuild the air temples
The entire Gaang helps him with this, and they do their best to maintain the traditional style and architecture of the air temples, restoring and preserving what they can
Tophs mom comes to help with gardening as a thank you and an apology to Aang about how her husband and her acted, he accepts her apology and they get along really well
Zuko and Katara surprise Aang by cleaning up the statue of Monk Giatsu(forgive me if I spelt it wrong) and turned his statue into a proper memorial to him and the lost air nomads, they keep it simple of course since they know Aang wouldn’t want anything extreme
The settlers from the other air temples are welcome to stay on the condition that they respect Aangs traditions, Toph and Sokka force convince them to clean up and restore the parts of the temple they had changed and disrespected
Working with Aang they continue their work with flying machines and whatnot but now in a much more respectful manner to the people who used to live there.
Thanks to the air ballons the air temples that would have been inaccessible to non-airbenders, people from any nation and with any bending ability are able to visit the temples, Aang wants the temples to be open to people however doesn’t want anyone else to be moving in until everything is complete and that he feels that it would be a respectable amount of time since the air benders last lived there
Zuko also advises him that it would be wise to wait until they are sure that peace has been reached and that they won’t have to worry about anyone desecrating the air temples
After the war Zuko has a lot of propaganda to get rid of and history books to reevaluate and educational material to rewrite,
Aang helps with the educational material since he actually spent some time attending fire nation school, the classes and teachings are still strict as to their culture however any propoganda is removed, and more creative extracurriculars are added
Toph and other earth benders(gladly) help to destroy old fire nation statues or any other harmful remenants of the war, Toph uses this as an opportunity to erect statues of herself but Zuko doesn’t mind too much, he considers her to be a much better role model than his father
And of course Zuko gets help from scholars from every kingdom in rewriting history books to make sure that they are right and that no tragedy is overlooked and no horrible actions excused or forgotten
Zuko loves and adores his people and makes sure that they know it at every opportunity, and since he is still young he appoints several advisors and trustees to help him run his kingdom so that he is still able to be a child(and so he can still work in his uncles tea shop) but is careful to make sure that important decisions still fall to him so that his council and people still know he’s in charge
Anyways I’m in love with this show n there will probably be more posts like this eventually, i started researching it a few days ago n I’m only on like episode 7 but that doesn’t matter because I’ve watched it a lot thanks to a friend of mine who watched it non stop in highschool :3
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Agency and Aang’s Arc
A while ago I made a big comment regarding the debate about Aang’s final choice to spare Ozai’s life in the finale and how that fits into his character arc. I feel like this is an important issue that deserves its own post so here’s a revised version of what I said.
Every time this debate is brought up I usually see the same comments; whenever people talk about Aang’s recurring running-away problem and how it influences his actions in the final battle, others claim that choosing to spare a life is not the same as running away and immediately accuse the criticizers of wanting a child in a kid’s show to kill someone. There are two fundamental misunderstandings that need to be addressed here.
First of all and most important, no one says that Aang should have killed Ozai. There is some very good, interesting and important debate on whether or not Ozai should live, whether death as a punishment is acceptable at all and if so when and how, and what specifically these character in these circumstances should do. But the issue that most of the criticism has is that this debate is never fully explored or resolved in the show but is instead magically swiped aside by two very glaring deus ex machinas that specifically come at the expanse of Aang’s arc.
Second, the whole “running away” issue is not about killing or not killing Ozai, it’s about Aang’s agency and his choices. It’s about the fact that in the end he could not overcome Ozai without the Avatar State and he could not avoid killing him without Energy Bending, both abilities he didn’t work to gain. It’s about how he got to that point in the first place and how the accumulation of his decisions throughout the show influenced the course of the final battle.
(continue after the break)
When it comes to running away, Aang is more than entitled to freak out occasionally. He is a child in horrible circumstances. Even before he was frozen, the knowledge of being an Avatar was thrust upon him too early because of the coming war and that is quite a lot to ask such a young child to handle. And if loosing his friends and being overwhelmed by his duties and responsibility isn’t enough, the fact that he overhears that he would be separated from his father-figure makes his running away all the more understandable. But just because we understand the reasons, that doesn’t make it the right choice. Of course, had he not run away he would most probably have died and, well, I guess we would have no show. But just because it turned out good for him (as good as waking up to a war-torn world knowing his entire people were murdered while he was asleep could be), it still doesn’t make it the right choice. If Aang had died, as long as it hadn’t happen in the Avatar state, a new Avatar would have been born in one of the Water Tribes. I can’t say if it would have been good for the world or not, it would simply have been different. But the point is that Aang did run away. He could have talked to Gyatso, he could have tried to convince the other masters to let him stay or try to find some middle ground where he would train in another temple but still be able to keep in touch with Gyatso or any other possibility, but he didn’t. He didn’t face his problem, he ran away. By having Aang freak out and run away again in “The Storm” and having Katara comfort him (which is great!) and tell him that it was meant to be (which is not so great) she is actively rewarding his behavior and he keeps doing it again and again.
Running away in its broader sense was a major issue for Aang in his Earth Bending training as well. I have written about this before in regards to “The Great Divide” and “Bitter Work” being two of the most important episodes in my opinion for Aang’s character. I’m probably the only one in the world who ever said it, but I LOVE “The Great Divide”. It is such a wonderful show of Aang’s character and it deals specifically with the most important trait of Air Bending - avoiding a direct conflict and circumventing around it to find a different solution. It shows a lot of imaginative ingenuity from Aang and shows us that situations aren’t always as binary as we might think. But in “Bitter Work” Aang is confronted by the fact that this tactic doesn’t work in every situation and that sometimes he has to face his issues head-on (literally for Toph…). This seeming dichotomy is the major conflict that defines Aang’s character arc for two season and climaxes in the ending of “The Guru” and “The crossroads of Destiny”, and is directly linked to the Avatar State and Aang’s journey growing up.
In the end of “The Guru” Aang has a vision of Katara being imprisoned and decides to abandon his training leaving his chakra blocked and the Avatar State as well in order to save her. He chooses personal attachment over his duties as Avatar. We understand why he did it, but that doesn’t mean he should have done it. We don’t know exactly what would have happened if he had stayed in the Eastern Air Temple with Pathik. Sokka would be fine because he was with Hakoda at the time, Toph would have still escaped her captors because her story didn’t touch the Gaang in the episode at all, Katara and Zuko would still be prisoners while Iroh would still be free, and Ba Sing Se would still fall (honestly, it fell the moment Azula stepped into the city). Maybe the third season would have started with a “Boiling Rock” type of prison-break to free Katara, I don’t know. But the thing is that Aang would have been a fully realized Avatar at that point, who can choose to enter the Avatar state at will and not have it control him, endanger him and everyone around him. But he doesn’t do that. He runs away again. But even though he runs away in that moment, in the final battle in the catacombs he actually does make the choice to let go of Katara, open his last chakra and achieve the Avatar State. But doing this complicated process in the middle of a battle field is less than ideal and he is struck down by Azula, blocking his chakra for good. And after a two season build-up, the whole chakra-letting go of Katara-Avatar State issue is just never touched on again and Aang’s arc comes to a screeching halt.
Now, I said “seeming dichotomy” because, like I said before, the whole issue of running away vs. facing conflicts head-on isn’t about the question of killing or not killing, it’s about making an active choice, and that is something that in the end Aang doesn’t do, and we need to talk about this.
Aang’s past lives advised him about the issue and I think it’s important to see what exactly did they say to him. Roku lamented that he didn’t act sooner on Sozin’s actions and told Aang “you must be decisive”. Kyoshi said that even though she didn’t technically kill Chin the Conqueror, she would have done whatever it took to stop him and told Aang “only justice will bring peace”. Kuruk told the story of losing the woman he loved to Koh, blaming himself that had he been more attentive and active he could have saved her and said “you must actively shape your own destiny and the destiny of the world”. And lastly, Yangchen said that while Aang’s values and education are important, it isn’t about him since his duty as Avatar is for the world and not himself and said “selfless duty calls you to sacrifice your own spiritual needs, and do whatever it takes to protect the world”.
Now, the thing is - technically speaking, not a single one of the old Avatars actually told Aang to kill Ozai. This is very important. Is Aang talking about the question of killing Ozai? Yes. Is any of them telling him directly that he should kill? Absolutely not. They are talking exactly about Aang’s unresolved character arc - about facing your problems, about not running away, about making an active choice, shaping your own destiny and not letting destiny control you and making sacrifices for the world.
In the end of “The Phoenix King”, After arguing with the rest of the Gaang about what to do with Ozai, Aang goes to his room and meditates for a while but soon falls asleep. And then, literally out of nowhere, deus ex machina #1 appears off-shore and lures a half conscious Aang to it. Is this an active choice? No. Aang has no idea where he is when he wakes up or what is he supposed to do. He doesn’t even try to find out until the very end of the episode. He does use this opportunity to communicate with his past lives and later on with the Lion Turtle as well. But again - he made no effort to seek out the Lion Turtle, he didn’t choose to find it. It appeared out of nowhere at the very last minute before the final battle, brought Aang to it, and gave him the technique to defeat Ozai. That is the literal definition of deus ex machina. And if that’s not enough, the Lion Turtle brought Aang to the shore where he would wait for Ozai to come to him. There isn’t a single active action from Aang in all of this. None of this happens on his own terms, it is the Lion Turtle’s terms. That is not a character in control of their destiny, that is destiny in control of a character.
That’s just the stuff leading up to the battle, now let’s talk about the battle itself. Twice during the battle Aang chooses to spare Ozai’s life. This is very important to talk about, because almost no one talks about the first time, and the focus is mostly on the second time. The first time Aang chose to redirect the lightning away from Ozai instead of back at him, and the second time was stopping the attack at the peak of the Avatar State and using Energy Bending instead - and that’s the most important difference between the two that surrounds his character arc. The whole conflict is exactly this - becoming a fully realized Avatar in control of the Avatar State to be able to defeat Ozai without killing him while paying the price of letting go of Katara or not finishing the training, not being in control of his powers, keeping his feelings for Katara but having to kill Ozai to defeat him and paying the price of giving up on his ideals. That is it. That is the conflict that was completely dropped from the third season. That was the process Aang was supposed to go through, that was the choice he was supposed to make, but didn’t. It was made for him instead.
Aang lost the battle. There’s no buts, no ifs, no nothing. That amazing moment, that incredible shot of Aang using a technique that has been so intrinsically woven into the narrative of the show on so many levels and for so many characters, the exact opposite of a deus ex machina, using the ability he worked for, that he learned, to redirect Ozai’s lighting away in order to keep his ideals was the pivotal moment that brought his loss. Aang lost. Without the Avatar State, without being in full control of his powers, even with his immense strength and resilience, Aang couldn’t defeat Ozai. Aang was exactly two strikes away from death before deus ex machina #2 reared its ugly head in the shape of the Magic of the Pointy Rock. Under incessant attacks that he can no longer hold, Aang is shoved (passive voice again) on a rock directly on the scar where Azula hit him with lightning. This magic solution opens up Aang’s chakra with zero explanation that it is even possible, achieves full control over his powers and the Avatar State while doing absolutely nothing to gain it.
Don’t get me wrong. Aang grabbing Ozai’s beard through the rubble and just bitch-slapping him to the spirit world is probably one of my favorite shots in the entire show. Everything in this battle is magnificent, and Aang’s final choice to come out of the Avatar State and spare Ozai is wonderful. But non of it would have been possible without the Pointy Rock and the Lion Turtle. Aang needed both the Avatar State and Energy Bending to defeat Ozai without killing him - two abilities that he didn’t have, that he didn’t learn, that he didn’t even know existed in the energy bending case until a literal divinity showed up at the last second to bestow it upon him. And that cheapens his entire arc, or more accurately negates its very existence. (We could also go into the moral, political, tactical and social aspects of Energy Bending itself, which is not at all touched in AtLA and only kind of awkwardly and incompletely dealt with in LoK, but this is not the place)
I want to address the issue of deus ex machina. I mean, It’s a cartoon! Everything is there for a reason! Every shape, every color, every word. So what’s the difference between a giant Lion Turtle with magic powers and a guru who happens to know everything the protagonist needs to know about his main conflict? Guru Pathik is a great example - he sends Aang a note through Appa telling him he wants to help Aang achieve his full potential as an Avatar. We see this happen. We see that Pathik has been living in the Eastern Temple, following the teachings of the Air Nomads, implying on a rich world of inter-cultural exchange of ideas and practices and even hinting on the possibility that the Air Nomads might not all be gone or that remnants of them have remain in various ways around the world. He comes across Appa - who reaches the Air Temple because he feels safe there - gains his trust, helps him heal and asks him to bring the letter to Aang. We also know why Aang didn’t get the letter - because Long Feng has been intercepting any and all correspondence and information to and about the Gaang. The guru and everything about him and the process of getting Aang to meet him makes sense within the working of the established world - that is what makes him a plot point instead of a deus ex machina. And above all, Pathik might have sent Aang a letter promising solutions to all his problems, but it is Aang who chooses to go to him and learn from him. It’s active instead of passive.
The same can be said about Katara’s spirit water and about her final battle with Azula, where she the epitome of a warrior the way Piandao describes it to Sokka in “Sokka’s Master”. This is another great example of the difference between plot point and deus ex machina, and more specifically an amazing example of a hero defeating their enemy and choosing to spare their life in an active way with no deus ex machinas.
And the funny thing is, they already made all the preparations to make Lion Turtle such a plot element as well! We know Lion Turtles exist because Aang sees them in a book in “The Library”. The Gaang made an active choice to seek out the library in order to find some information that would help them fight the Fire Nation, and they did find the information about the eclipse. Not only is this an important piece of information for the rest of the show, but it also sheds more light on Zhao’s character, his actions and what led to the siege of the North and Zhao’s quest to kill the Moon Spirit. Imagine that Aang would have taken the book with him, or at least did more than randomly flip some pages. Imagine him asking Pathik about it, and Pathik maybe knowing some stories about the powers they might have, about Energy Bending. Imagine that at the end of “The Phoenix King” Aang would have meditated in his room and asked the guidance of his past lives. Imagine him listening to them and taking an active choice to seek out the Lion Turtle. Imagine him talking to the Gaang and deciding together to split, Aang seeking out what he needs (maybe even going back to Pathik to finish his training and open his chakra, because, again - he can’t spare Ozai’s life without the Avatar State), while the rest of the Gaang joins the White Lotus on the other efforts to end the war, since the Fire Nation does not equal Ozai, and just because he is defeated doesn’t mean the army would stop attacking and there is still Azula to contend with. Imagine him seeking out the Lion Turtle asking for help and learning Energy Bending. Imagine him doing all of this and how great a story it could have been.
Aang had a choice - ideals or attachment. I would’ve said he chose both, but the thing is he didn’t choose at all. It was chosen for him. This is completely passive. There is no choice, there is no agency. He is no longer an active participant in his own story.
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kob131 · 5 years
And just like ‘muh wasted potential’, you fundementally misunderstand the show’s goal.
Then Summer became pregnant with Qrow’s daughter, Ruby. Here the details get fuzzy, but the version of the story that makes the most sense to me is that the pregnancy caused Summer and Qrow’s relationship to break down. The two would have been unable to see each other for nine straight months; meanwhile, Tai would have stepped into the role of caretaker for Summer and eventual father figure for Ruby. Summer grew closer to Tai as her relationship with Qrow became increasingly strained, until the two finally broke up and Summer took up with Tai. Somewhere in the midst of this, Ruby was born, and the three parents agreed that Summer and Tai would assume the roles of mother and father to the two girls while Qrow would act as their uncle.
Does...does ‘oh you came pregnant so I’mma gonna break down this relationship’ sound like something Qrow OR Summer would do? This is on par with ‘Oh Aang didn’t give his kids enough attention’ in how contradictory the character is used. Qrow is basically defined by loyalty with how he fondly talks about his team, how vehemently he defended Ozpin, how betrayed he sounded when Raven used him and how broken he was by Ozpin’s betrayal. I don’t think Qrow would betray Summer or Ruby. And Summer? Doesn’t sound like the ‘I’mma keep this child’s parentage a secret’ type. Doesnn’t even make sense. Why would Taiyang care?
Summer and Tai have a few pleasant years together before Summer disappears. If Qrow hadn’t already become an alcoholic in response to the breakup and being unable to see or care for his own child, he becomes one now. -
Because a guy constantly watching people die, his family ditching him to go live with murderers and thieves and forced to research fucking SALEM wouldn’t be enough to justify his alcoholism alongside a dear friend dying?
This is really pushing things.
He’s lost the woman he loved, first because of his semblance and then because of other mysterious forces beyond his control.
Yeah, kind of makes you want to see him dead. That’s a pretty big issue for a show like RWBY.
Years of grief and loneliness follow as he waits for Yang and then Ruby to become old enough that they stand a fighting chance against whatever bad luck he drags along with him, at which point he throws himself headlong into their combat training.
Great, we’re also now erasing Taiyang from this since HE taught Yang, not Qrow. And you’re expecting me to think that Qrow would believe two untrained kids would stand a chance while the fully trained team leader didn’t? No, I’,m not buying that. Especially not from the woman who bitched that Yang shouldn’t have abandonment issues about Raven.
He loves both girls, but he and Ruby always shared a deeper bond. She takes after him in the way she dresses and even designs the same type of melee weapon for herself as the one he uses. Despite everything, their father/daughter connection still holds strong.
Several people have pointed out that Yang being torn up about her biological mom leaving when she was a baby doesn’t make a whole lot of sense since she never had the chance to get attached to Raven and she still had a loving and stable family with Summer and Tai, and I think that really gets at how the parental abandonment trope is supposed to work and why RWBY utterly failed at implementing it.-
Nuh uh, you already set a different standard.
But it’s too late for Qrow to turn back the clock on the person his grief made him into. He’s a drunk and a philanderer. He pushes everyone except the girls and Oz away - Oz, who’s too powerful to fall victim to the forces that cost Qrow his lover; Oz, who gives him a greater purpose than his lonely existence, even if it is as a pawn in questionable power schemes.
You JUST said Qrow threw himself into their training. For someone who bitches about RWBY;s writing, you sure suck at this.
And what of Qrow having a drinking problem? People can be functioning alcoholics you know.
Oh, and what part of Ozpin’s stuff a ‘questionable power scheme’? (You know, aside from ‘penis.’)
This is the version of Qrow that we could have had - a Qrow who was actually tragic and sympathetic and struggling to find his way after great loss. But the version of Qrow we got has almost no reason to be a womanizing alcoholic jackass. His entire drunkle schtick is rooted purely in self-pity. Now there’s a time and a place for a character like that, but it is not in the role of goofy, likeable hero that RWBY tries to play him as. And the more times passes since word of God declared that Qrow is not Ruby’s dad, he’s just like that, the more I wish Qrow would make like Sun and leave.
So basically this is a temper tantrum.
Okay then, let me tear into this stupidity-
A. Qrow is already tragic and sympathetic. As someone with depression, I’ve fallen into many of the same mental pitfalls as Qrow so my guess is you have no idea what you’re talking about. The man is a walking diaster area whose been stabbed in the back by his leader and sister while finding out his colleagues have all died. Pay attention.
B. WHERE exactly did we get ‘womanizer’ from? He made a comment about a woman’s skirt once to distract his niece and smiled at a waitress who FLIRTED WITH HIM. You don’t get to use memes the fandom took out of hand.
C. No shit, your version is also rooted in self pity. Your version is all about pitying himself to the point he broke down part of his relationship and ditched his kid while never telling her the truth. If anything, your version is WORSE because he’s basically a worse version of Taiyang (you know, that guy you hate.)
In fact D. This is basically Taiyang plus alcoholism. It even runs on an unsubtainated fucking meme. we don’t need another Taiyang.
E. how is Qrow a goofy likeable hero when he was portrayed as confrontational, rude, blunt, prone to drinking his feelings away and moody? These are all flaws the show points to, flaws you would be aware of if you paid attention.
And F. By this point, I don’t want Qrow to get better. At this point, the show has beaten him down to the point that I want him to die so the show can’t fuck with him anymore. You took a character in a show all about facing the darkness and doing what is right and made me want him dead out of pity. That is a spectacular failure.
Your ignorance has made this version to be not only the same character but with less consistency and actively attacking the show’s themes.
And you wonder why I don’t listen.
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catflowerqueen · 5 years
How about #4 from the second set?
4. The life and times of the Little Imp
So we’re getting into some major spoiler territory now, as this is going to come up in two major plot points. …Assuming I ever get the chance to actually write them
And as always, this is subject to change.
 The Little Imp is Laura’s immediate predecessor in the line of Rainbow Children, and her early life was far tamer. Like, a LOT tamer. She was born in the human world to a couple who already worshipped Relatia, so there was no fuss about trying to locate her or anything and the typical transitions between Rainbow Children was very smooth. Relatia got to meet her within hours of her birth, and her parents were very loving and attentive. She got to have both the necessary training she needed and an actual childhood, because they actually followed the spirit of the rules, rather than just the letter, and actually let her grow up and be her own person. As per tradition, her actual, legal name was also Laura—which is why Dusknoir assumed that Primal Dialga forbade him from telling the Laura we are used to about the Little Imp’s existence, since he knew enough about human culture and naming conventions that he could understand how that might confuse a child (kind of the same sort of principle as little kids being confused if you call their parents by their given name, or if their mother addresses the child’s grandmother as “mom,” y’know?). They were very strict, however, and she was often very stifled and sheltered. She didn’t have many opportunities to play. But she came by her nickname honestly whenever she got the chance to visit Relatia—around her she was very mischievous and liked to run around, climb on things, and play small harmless pranks and practical jokes. Relatia is the one who gave her the nickname, but she wouldn’t be able to come into it fully and embrace it until after she went to the Pokemon World.
The biggest issue in her life came from a couple who was friends with the family—and more specifically, with their son. The friends were more the “we’ve been friends since we were young, but we really don’t actually get along all that well and don’t have anything in common… but we also don’t really hate each other?” type of friends than the actual good kind, but, well. They seemed pleasant enough on the surface. Almost too pleasant, really, and they were always trying to ingratiate themselves to the Little Imp—especially in regards to their son. Who was infatuated with the Little Imp, even though she never, ever reciprocated those feelings.
The thing about romance and Rainbow Children is that they are not actually bound to being celibate, or to swearing off romance. Nowhere in the “rules” does it say that she cannot marry or have children—and she actually has done both in a few past lives. Just… not often, because it always ends up in some sort of heartbreak. Usually hers. Or guilt from her next life, when she does not have clear memories of her former husband or children who may still be alive and meet their mother’s/wife’s successor. Not to mention the residual guilt and heartbreak she always carries because she has never, ever gotten over Mason. It’s her guilt about her memories that stops her every time, as well as the fact that she typically treats each life as though she’s an entirely new person each time and just shares her soul with her past lives. Kind of like Aang, from Avatar the Last Airbender, I suppose, with the way he treats his past lives… but also not really, because she still has limited access to all her memories and obviously can’t speak to past Rainbow Children the way Aang can speak to the other Avatars.
This is also a rather inaccurate perception for other reasons, which will become clear later, but at the same time… well, it’s complicated enough to think about, let alone try and explain. I guess the easiest thing to say would be that she IS the same person throughout all her lives, but she’s also different. Nature and nurture both have an effect on her. If she could actually remember things the way Mason apparently can lifetime to lifetime, then things would be different. But it is what it is—the point being that marriage and taking lovers is always an option for the Rainbow Children, but, despite their deepest wishes, they generally decline. When they don’t, it’s typically for things like marriages of convenience, or protection. They are happy to be mothers to any children that come along as the results of these marriages—ecstatic, even—but they always hold onto the guilt that they know will come when they can’t remember them in their next life. Even though it’s not their fault, they always feel responsible, and as if they are a bad mother since they can no longer be there for their children—who really aren’t even their children any more, in any case. There are also plenty of times where they have agreed to be a surrogate mother—both the actual biological mother and as just the carrier—and been completely happy and guilt free to do so. Being a beloved friend, aunt, or caretaker does not cause nearly as much grief in the next life, since she knows those kids had actual parents who could shower them in love and be there for them when she couldn’t. But I digress.
The point is that this couple and their son (whose name I haven’t decided on) did not get the memo. Since they know it is still a possibility, they tried to subtly push at every turn to get their son to become the Little Imp’s husband because they thought that such an alliance would bring them further glory. And of course their son picked up on that, and carried the entitled attitude and infatuation with him for the rest of his life. Or at least the rest of his life that the Little Imp knew about, since she obviously was not there for all of it, what with the whole “ended up in the pokemon world” thing.
…Come to think of it… It is entirely possible that he ends up becoming the father of the Laura we are more used to. It would be almost fitting, in a way, though of course that is in no way set in stone.
Point is, it became a lot more obvious what the couple and their son were hoping for after the Little Imp turned thirteen and realized who she was. Thankfully, she did not have to interact with him all that much when her more intensive training began. When the Little Imp is somewhere between 18 and 20, she starts/becomes employed at an orphanage, becoming pretty much the sole caretaker—she figures it’s the closest she will get to motherhood—or, rather, the closest she can get without feeling guilty about it. But the boy, now a man, will. Not. Give. Up. And has stepped up his game, actually becoming creepy and kind of violent—which was another reason she started working at the orphanage, as it got her far away from him. But he was still relentless, did not give up, and was really starting to make things miserable for her. Not helping this was that her parents died shortly after she ascended as the Rainbow Child, so she lost a major support group. Relatia loves and cares for her… but she can’t always be around, and at that point the Little Imp was still too young and untrained to go with her as she did her divine duties.
Anyways, eventually Primal Dialga decides, for whatever reason, that he wants to bring the Rainbow Child to the pokemon world. This is not exactly the most advisable thing to do, but he doesn’t really care. Nor does he care about all the spatial issues he caused when he sent Dusknoir—then just Dusclops—across space in order to “convince” her to come. Palkia did not need all that mess on top of everything else, and is not very happy with him. But he’s too busy fixing and stabilizing it to actually go after him. And it’s not like he would have done it from a simply moral standpoint, either, as he didn’t bother doing anything before and was content to just sit and wait around in his rift since, ironically, time stopping didn’t actually mess with space as much as you would think, given all the issues that were apparently happening in the post-game. Then again, who knows how much of that was really an issue vs. whatever Darkrai was up to.
But back to Dusclops and how he’s faring in a world where time flows properly after what he’s been used to… yeah. He wasn’t exactly in the best place to actually accomplish his mission, so it’s a good thing that the Little Imp actually saw him first as she was taking a walk on the beach and recognized what he was and which world he came from, despite the fact that there hadn’t been any travel between the human and pokemon worlds for nearly a thousand years—which is another important plot point, but one that is only semi-relevant to the topic at hand, and will not be touched upon at this time. She was, of course, excited, but managed to both remain calm and get him to remain calm and actually explain to her who he was and what he was doing there. She was of course shocked and dismayed to hear about the state of the pokemon world, and, both surprisingly and unsurprisingly, was perfectly willing to go back there with him. Just… not for the reasons Dialga wanted—he essentially just wanted the Rainbow Child to be there. Not exactly as a friend, but not as something/someone lesser, either. He’s not really sure what he wanted out of this relationship except her just… being there. Because things made sense the last time a Rainbow Child was around. And he missed seeing them visit every lifetime, even if he was sad that they couldn’t remember him and all the good times they shared. The Little Imp, of course, was hopeful that she could go and act as some sort of stabilizing presence for him, or to figure out how to fix things—since, after all, the whole point of the Time Gears was to stop this from happening in the first place, and as far as she and anyone else knows, dealing with Temporal Tower and its issues is the reason Relatia gave her the gift of reincarnation in the first place, even if her reasoning has changed in the past millenia.
But in either case, she asks Dusclops to wait a little before they head to the pokemon world. She has to get someone to watch the kids, for one, not to mention pack her own things and see if Relatia will be back from whenever soon so that she can come too and hopefully help figure out what’s going on. Failing that, she would at least like to leave some sort of explanatory message.
Unfortunately, the boy is through being “nice,” and about a day or so after the Little Imp gets the ball rolling in terms of all these plans, he comes after her, and tries to take her by force—even going so far as to burn down the orphanage. Thankfully all the kids got out without being injured, but that was pretty much the last straw for the Little Imp, and she all but begged Dusclps to take them back to the pokemon world right then and there, note to Relatia or no. He complies, and they head off.
Of course, hearing about the dark future and actually seeing it are two completely different things, and the situation is much worse than the Little Imp could have possibly imagined. She also gets the suspicion that when Relatia eventually finds out from someone what happened to her, it would cause a big mess with Dialga’s sanity being the way it is and Relatia’s temper and protectiveness, and she’s 90% certain that the pokemon world would get irreparably broken in the fight that would ensue over her if the two were to meet, so she somehow, some way puts up the block that Relatia mentioned in the story that prevented her from traveling to the pokemon world. The Little Imp feels really bad about it, but figures that it is the safer option for everyone.
Many shenanigans ensue while the Little Imp is there acting as a sort of morality chain for Primal Dialga, including, but not limited to, Dusclop evolving into Dusknoir on one of their many adventures, her giving him heart attacks on a regular basis with her tendency to act wild and climb every tall thing she conceivably could, saving Celebi’s life, saving the lives of the sableye and basically becoming their surrogate mother, etc.
But one day while she was doing the aforementioned tree climbing, she accidentally got a cut on her palm. And it got infected, and she became ill with a rather nasty disease that she didn’t have immunities from since pokemon don’t really seem to know what vaccinations are/have the ability to give someone a vaccination, and the Little Imp didn’t get the vaccinations typical of those who are in danger of accidentally falling into different worlds (since there is actually a job for that among Relatia’s people—they basically watch and monitor space and time streams and portals so they can either give Relatia a heads up or use some minor power to fix things themselves—which, of course, leaves them a little at risk of ending up in places where they shouldn’t) since she was never supposed to leave the human world. So, as we saw while the Spirit Trio were enacting their ill-advised plan in the Cave of Reflections… the Little Imp died. She was somewhere around 25 or 26.
And then she was reborn as Laura, kicking off the plot of the games and The World’s Treasure.
And you’d better believe that Dialga/Dusknoir figured out what illness the Little Imp died of and how to cure it before Laura arrived. Thankfully, she actually got the complete set of vaccinations beforehand, so it was never a worry for her. Then she became a treecko, and it was even less of a worry.
…And this was still easier to write than those essays I have to do. I am… really not looking forward to actually having to work on them tomorrow. Especially the second one.
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seyaryminamoto · 6 years
I've seen A LOT of people thinks Azula is one of the best villains created ever. Can you please list the reasons why? I'm interested.
Well, I’d think it’s kind of obvious, but if you would like to know…
Azula is a really successful character, and that makes her an even better villain. She defies a lot of typical villainous tropes because of many reasons I’ll explain later, but first of all I will insist on one thing: she is a CHARACTER, and not simply a villain. She’s not written merely as a foil in the way of the protagonists, even if she indeed serves as a foil. But she has her own goals, her own strengths and flaws, and as the story progresses you discover the complexities of her character that make her, by far, the best villain in the Avatar franchise. Yes, some people might say she’s not the best villain of all time, I’m not going to force you to agree on that if you like anyone else better, but the reasons why she stands out so much begin right here.
So, first off, she’s a character. She’s not omnipotent, she’s not undefeatable, she’s someone with a mission and who stops at nothing to achieve it (stubbornness of this kind is usually seen as positive traits in main characters, but it’s seen as terrifying in villains). She sets herself up for failure in some ways, as she has unstable and unequal relationships with her friends and everyone else around her, and she has unresolved issues with her mother and her father, not to mention a tumultuous relationship with her brother. So with both her strengths and flaws in mind, Azula feels like a villain who fits in the world we’ve seen so far. Nothing about her is particularly over the top, her bending skills are above and beyond everyone else’s because that makes her a bigger threat, yet Iroh can bend lightning too, for instance. It’s not presented as something unthinkable, even if she is extraordinary for it. She doesn’t really disrupt the rules of the Avatarverse for having blue fire, or for bending lightning, so she’s basically perfectly plausible in this universe.
Azula raises the stakes. Azula gives both Aang and Zuko a brand new villain they both struggle against in their own ways. Azula is out to capture them both, and she will do whatever it takes to succeed, so with her arrival into the show, the characters are somewhat split into three groups in Book 2: the common factor is that she’s always their enemy. A girl who only travels with two other girls can fight and chase both your show’s protagonists and keep them on their toes all along. Have you thought about how awesome that is?
Now, why do I say she defies villainous tropes? Well, I only just reblogged a fun post where they pointed out that Azula strikes Aang down when he’s in the middle of his Avatar State transformation. How many times have you watched shows where this happens? I watched plenty of magical girls shows as a kid, and I am a known Digimon fan: how many times didn’t I joke about how villains should just take out the good guys when they’re wasting 15 seconds of screen time, more or less, by transforming and acquiring all their powers? If you were anything like me, these tropes take you to a point where you have to knowingly suspend your disbelief and simply accept the lack of logic in the matter.
But no, Azula strikes. She sees Aang is floating up there, all extraordinary with his Avatar State mojo, and she decides there’s no point in fighting evenly when he’s in full power. She decides to take out this threat in whatever way she can, regardless of how underhanded and morally wrong it may be. But isn’t that the kind of behaviour you’d expect in a villain? The kind of thing that suits a bad guy, the thing that makes them a serious threat?
A huge thing that makes Azula absolutely extraordinary in my eyes, and it makes me think of Iago from Othello often: Azula plans and succeeds, at least in Book 2 and half of Book 3. She works hard, she doesn’t always win, things go wrong at times and yet? At the very moment where it mattered, Azula got what she wanted, just as Iago got what he wanted. No kidding, Iago gets caught, but not before he destroys Othello in the exact way he intended to. And THAT is what makes a villain worthwhile. The villain’s goal can be something as simple as stealing candy from a child, but if he succeeds and gets away with causing exactly the effect he intended to, regardless of what it costed, that villain is miles better than your average “I want to destroy the world because the writers were giving the hero something to fight against” villain.
So, Azula’s biggest scary factor is that she can be successful. And she’s NOT a big hazy bad guy, like her father, or all other Fire Lords: she’s out in the field, fighting her own battles, planning her strategies and making everything fall into place if she can.
As I said before, she CAN fail. She does, lots of times. But the show does something LOK, for instance, never really did: Azula wins in Book 2. In LOK Amon’s cause allegedly helps fix the bending privilege problem, and Unalaq gets to bring the spirits back, and Zaheer nearly makes Korra disappear forever, and Kuvira somehow gets to fix the Earth Kingdom in her own way. But… they’re all defeated. Zaheer and Kuvira end up in jail, Amon and Unalaq even DIE. None of these bad guys got to actually succeed, their causes apparently did, in roundabout ways, but not them as individuals. 
Azula, on the other hand, succeeds in every level. Azula succeeds where so many others failed, even being the only character who ever came remotely close to killing Aang. She takes over Ba Sing Se with a plan that comes into place right in front of the viewer, and if you love her you relish in this (as I did), if you hate her you are horrified by how EVERYTHING IS GOING HER WAY. It’s not merely her cause that succeeds, the show doesn’t try to tell you that Azula’s victory is good in some roundabout way. Azula is portrayed in a bad light, as a villain, as a real threat to the heroes, and to the values the show is presenting. And she doesn’t wait around for others to fulfill her orders: she goes out to take care of things herself, even fighting without her bending if that’s is how she can protect her nation and father.
As a comparison: how many times in Book 1 did any of us ever really think Zuko was going to succeed at capturing Aang? I, personally, never really thought he was going to do it, not only because of spoilers but because Zuko didn’t feel nearly as threatening as Azula did. Was it because of his temper? Was it because of humorous situations written around him? I don’t really know, but Zuko, as annoying and persistent as he was, and as often as he showed up in pursuit of Aang, never seemed likely to get what he wanted. And he didn’t, despite he had a few chances for it. The writing always frustrated his attempts to capture Aang, or to set traps for him… basically, Zuko always failed when it mattered most.
And Azula failed, plenty. But she didn’t simply fail: she changed her tactics, found new ways to handle the problem, and eventually when Book 2′s ending arrives you’re left with the feeling that this girl simply cannot be stopped. She’s not like Zuko, who worked hard but it never paid off. She’s not like Zhao either, who also made his efforts and found new resources but still failed more often than not. She’s not simply a bending powerhouse like Combustion Man, nor was she like Long Feng, who, yes, was successful for most his life but we only get to meet him when things start to go wrong for him. And she’s also not like Ozai, who was indeed the ominous final boss waiting to show himself at the very end of the story.
So, Azula manages to be a character while being a villain, something rare in mainstream media (seriously, this is the problem of every single Marvel film except for the original Thor. This is why none of their villains are truly memorable or meaningful). And she also manages to be a successful villain, rather than another of those “scary” ones who really seemed to be about to succeed but were stopped at the very last minute: no, she gets what she wants, kills the Avatar as far as she knows, captures her uncle, brings her brother home, and takes over Ba Sing Se. She hits the jackpot, pretty much, but it wasn’t a matter of luck: it was a matter of skill, of adapting to the circumstances and working hard for the sake of her mission.
And that’s just Book 2. In Book 3 she keeps up the efficiency until the betrayal, foiling the brilliant Invasion plans and succeeding at stopping the heroes yet again. By the time her breakdown happens, it’s source really goes back to Azula’s own flaws and problems, to character issues that, although present, were yet to be explored. Yes, it’s terribly convenient for Zuko that his sister would lose her mind exactly when he needed her to, but even then, Azula’s downfall serves to enhance her character’s complexity. It could have been handled better, but as it was, it allowed the viewers to see how damaged she truly is, deep down, and that, again, is what makes her a character and not simply a villain.
That’s more or less the gist of it, but there’s other reasons too, no doubt. All the same, Azula sets a hard bar to match for many villains in mainstream media, and only a handful of them have reached it (if they have, I don’t know how many have overcome it). And that would be why saying she’s the greatest villain of all time has become such a popular thing to do as of late :’)
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Problems with “The Search” and how i would fix it.  part 1.  Ursa
“The Search” is like the Star Wars prequels for the Avatar Universe.  Its a story we waited a long time to see, but when we got it, actually disappointed a lot of us.  Some of you liked “The Search.”  That’s fine.  I’m not here to shit on you.  But I personally found it disappointing, and when I find a story disappointing, my writer’s instincts kick in, and I immediately want to figure out how I could have done it better.
So here are my main problems with the Search, and how I would fix them.  Let’s start with the main character, shall we.
Ursa, her problems, and how I would have done it better
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Ursa is a problem in the comics because the Ursa we got in the show was an entirely different person.  Lets compare and contrast.
Ursa in “Zuko Alone” was a REALLY COOL character.  After only five minutes of screen time, she immediately became one of my favorites.  Her name is literally “Mama Bear” and she tells us herself that she would do anything to protect her children.  With Zuko and Azula she is a loving nurturer and stern, steady guide. (Yes, many fans criticize how Ursa treated Azula, but that’s a different argument for a different post.)
But while the Ursa we see directly on screen is kind and gentle, it is implied that Ursa behind the scenes is a political animal, a bad ass who isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, a power player who pulls strings and changes the course of history.  When Azula tells Zuko their grandfather is dead, it is strongly implied that Ursa has straight up iced a bitch.  She killed a man.  She pulled a Lady Macbeth.  On a kids show.  That leaves an impact.  And we respect her for it.
Ursa in the show is a badass.
Ursa in the Comics is a sloppy mishmash of many different ancient and vaguely misogynistic tropes.  I can understand the story Gene Yang and Bryke were going for in “The Search.”  They wanted to create a tragic figure out of her. Comics Ursa was swept from a world in which she was happy to the evil and twisted world of the Fire Nation Royal Court.  She gets caught up in an abusive relationship she can’t escape, as well as some political plots she wants no part of.  Eventually she is torn away from everything she loves, leaving her with no choice but to desperately go to memory wiping face spirit for some relief. The Search reads like a greek tragedy, with Ursa as the ever suffering maiden at its center.  While Show Ursa was a Lady Macbeth, Comic Ursa is an Ophelia or a Desdemona, someone who is 100% sympathetic and lovable, but who ends up being destroyed by a great evil beyond their control.
Ursa in the Comics is very much a victim of circumstances who has very few chances to exercise agency over her life.   It bothers me how determined the writers seem to strip Ursa of her agency.  Ursa in the comics has no control over her life.  Every decision is made for her.  Her marriage is arranged.  Her husband pulls the strings and micromanages her life, and when he is done with her, he is the one who makes the decision for her to leave.
Real women in real life are faced with similar problems.  Women in many cultures don’t have much control over their own fates, so there is absolutely nothing wrong about portraying a fictional character suffering the same circumstances.  But the writers seem to take it a step further by taking away ALL her decisions.  The main reason we admired her in the show was her decision to kill Azulon.  In the Comics, that decision is given to her husband.  Ursa only is allowed to passively hand him a vial of poison.  Gene and Bryke take away Mama Bear’s kill count.
But what enrages me most about Comics Ursa is what she does when the writers finally DO give her a chance to make decisions for herself.  When exercising the little agency she does have, Ursa makes no effort to improve the quality of life for herself or her family.  In fact, she behaves with the emotional maturity of a 12 year old child.
Her main rebellion against her abusive husband is to write letters to her old boyfriend she knows won’t even be sent.  She makes the confusing decision to lie about her son’s parentage.  She does this, not because it will improve her situation in any way, but because she knows it will hurt her husbands feelings.  That is the only reason she gives.  Even though you could argue Ozai deserves it, it still seems cruel and petty on Ursa’s part.  Not only that, it puts her boyfriend’s life in danger, it puts Zuko at risk for abuse, and, later, it forces Zuko to needlessly endure the trauma of having to question his own origins.  I truly have no idea why the writers would include that story line.
But the icing on the shit cake is when Ursa completely abandons her parental responsibilities all together.  When Ursa, again not by her own choice but because she is a victim of circumstance, is separated from her children, she makes no effort to get them back, try to help them from the sidelines, or even honor her children’s memory.  She elects to have her memory completely erased, forgetting she has children in the first place.  The explanation the writers give is that Ursa could not bear the separation, and since there was nothing she could do to improve her situation, the only way she could be happy was to wipe her memory.  Ursa, and the writers, forget how cruel this is to Zuko and Azula, who now will never have a chance to get in contact with her even if they are freed from their father’s grasp.  
But the real problem with the amnesia story is that it just isn’t something an admirable main character would do, a really shitty attitude for a main character to have.  Giving herself amnesia is a way for Ursa to give up.  She just gives up?  Really?  She would rather forget her responsibilities all together than fight an uphill battle to carry them out?  REALLY?  Even if she had decided to passively endure missing her children without doing anything about it, that would have been better.  The writers turn Ursa into the worst possible thing a main character can be, a quitter.  And it makes me want to punch a wall.
“Mama Bear” indeed.
SO.... HOW WOULD I FIX THIS..........
The first thing I would do give Ursa more choices in her life.  Characters can be very interesting when we see how they act when they don’t have many options, but I won’t do that to her right away.  
Ursa marries Ozai by choice.  This doesn’t necessarily have to be because she “loves” him, it could be because of politics, or to help herself or someone else.  Whatever her reason, she actively chooses to take up the mantel of being a member of the royal family.  It is not forced upon her.
Maybe as the story goes on, as the corruption of the Royal family becomes more and more evident, as Ozai becomes more and more abusive, we can back her into a corner a little, take away some of her options.  However, in my version of the search, Ursa is a strategic thinker as opposed to the emotionally reactive child we got in Bryke and Gene’s version.  Her response to her abusive husband is to do things she knows will protect her children, whether that be trying and failing to separate from him, placating him as best she can, or seeing her bravely pick up the pieces of the damage he leaves behind.  Watching characters keep themselves sane when they are under stress can be an awesome thing to behold, lets have ursa do it in ways that aren’t petty, selfish, and pointless.  I’m going to show her being brave, willing to rock the boat when she needs to or willing to be a stabilizing rudder when she needs to as well.  My Ursa would be a force for good.
Another thing is I want to show Ursa showing a little bit of the string pulling and tide turning abilities she was shown as having in the show (or at least how i interpreted it)  She is a princess of the Fire Nation for heck’s sake.  Let’s see her get stuff done in the royal court, or try to at least.  Lets see her actively protest her husband’s ambition and ruthlessness in how he does his business.  Lets see her take an active understanding of the world around her.
I would of course give the Azulons murder back to her.  I understand why they gave the kill to Ozai--because they can’t have a good guy kill someone in a story made for younger audiences.  But Avatar never shied away from darker themes in the show, so why should they in the comics.
One interesting theme they sort of hint on in the show is that the Fire Nation corrupts what would otherwise be good people.  We get the sense that Ozai was corrupted by his father, and Ozai corrupted his children in turn.  We are told that the people in the fire nation are not bad, but the culture of war they live in compells them to do bad things.  I think it would be really interesting watching Ursa deal with the reality that she has been corrupted by the Fire Nation.  She is not a killer, but circumstances drew her to be one.  Its an interesting theme, and I want to use Azulon’s death to highlight it.
When it comes to the aftermath of Azulon’s death, I don’t think it matters if Ursa leaves of her own free will or is kicked out by Ozai.  Either one makes sense.  But I want her to do something productive when she leaves.  I want her to make plans about getting her children back, or bringing Ozai down, or at least living to fight another day as Aang puts it to us so eloquently.  One idea I had is that she could operate an underground railroad to help political enemies, detractors, and dissidents escape the Fire Nation unharmed.
There are some things I might change that aren’t necessary for the story but I think would be cool.  I would like to make Ursa a fire bender.  I always assumed she was when I watched the show, since she is the grandchild of the motherfucking Avatar and both her kids are kick asses.   Maybe we could even have her and Ozai get into a badass fight scene at some point.
Of course, Ursa isn’t the only problem with “The Search,”  But that’s a topic for a different post, which I will be following up with soon.
Do you have any thoughts on Ursa, “The Search,” or ATLA comics?  Go ahead and comment.
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zutaraverse · 7 years
I Always Want to Kiss you Katara... Chapter 3: DMCs
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
A/N: sorry! This (along with the next chapter) has been half written since I posted the last chapter but have only just got round to finishing it! We see a little more of Aang's development while behind the scenes feelings are being brought centre stage. Not much smut here - lets save that for the next chapter ;) Also do keep in mind that the characters here are slightly older than in the series - I don't think any romance would have properly blossomed without at least another year or two of maturity, especially with Katara. As always comments and criticisms welcome!
So here you go, Silliness part three - except not so silliness.. mostly growing-up awkwardness!
The next morning Zuko was not in a good mood for practice. He made Aang meditate for a long time partially because he needed peace and quiet for his aching head and also because Aang looked like he needed something similar. He would have to ask Sokka what had happened with Aang. But he was putting that off because he definitely didn't want to admit what had happened with Katara. Which he could still remember. All too clearly. Zuko didn't really lose much memory when he drank. Just the thought of her, rolling on top of him in the sand, made him blush.
Finally, the lesson over, Zuko ran away from the food that was on the table, and drank as much water as he could. He found Sokka.
Sokka whistled. "Its rough. He's got it bad. He doesn't understand that its just not going to happen like he imagines it. At this point I'm not sure whether to let him live with his delusions or not…"
"No. He needs to let go of her," said Zuko, maybe a little too forcefully. "He can't let go of his earthly attachments without letting go of her and so he can't unblock his final chakra. Sokka if he can't let go, he can't use the Avatar state to defeat the Fire Lord."
"Wait for real? That's why he can't go into the avatar state? I thought it had to do with Azula's lightning!"
"Apparently not. And right now, Katara feels like its her fault. She was pretty upset last night."
"Yeah, thanks for looking after her buddy. I know she only properly vents to you. Where's Suki! Maybe she'll know what to do…channeling Kyoshi and all that.." Sokka started walking away, slightly slouched, as if he had a huge weight on his shoulders. Zuko realised he must also be feeling quite hungover, and dealing with Aang was probably not enjoyable. At least not as enjoyable as dealing with Katara had been… But Aang hadn't run away and that was a massive relief.
"He doesn't see her you know," said Zuko suddenly to Sokka's back. "He doesn't see who she really is. To him she's perfectly good." Sokka nodded.
"I know."
"To me, she's just perfect," added Zuko to himself, sighing and rubbing his brow.
Dinner was tense. Toph knew immediately things had happened she didn't know about and was listening very hard at what little people were saying. She was growing more and more frustrated at Sokka's incessant nonsense chatter.
There was a lull in the conversation.
"Alright we're talking about it. Now that everything is straightened out, I think all our training should go into meditation so Aang can practice going into the Avatar state," she said bluntly. Zuko raised his good eyebrow. So Aang had told her too. "You can't cling to Sweetness, she's not into you in that way, so now you can let go of whatever future you were dreaming up with her and unblock your last chakra right? So that should be your new focus."
Aang didn't reply and didn't look up. Katara was looking away too.
"Is it that simple?" asked Zuko. He had a feeling there would be more to this.
"I can try," said Aang in a small voice.
The rest of dinner was eaten in silence. When they finished Zuko got up to help collect the dishes as he did every evening but Katara caught his eye and shook her head.
"Don't worry about it," she said quietly, glancing towards Aang.
Zuko's stomach plummeted and he had to resist gasping for air. Did she remember the night before? Was she unhappy with him? The logical part of his mind said that if she were angry she would very probably make that known… but here Aang's feelings were involved, not to mention Sokka's reaction! He felt a now-familiar squeezing sensation in his chest.
Outwardly he merely swallowed and nodded.
Aang was their first priority.
The airbender had wondered onto the beach and sat in a meditative pose, but Zuko knew him well enough to understand there was no meditating happening. He felt himself swell with pride at Aang not flying away from the situation. The boy was trying, and that meant so much!
Argh, when had he got so sentimental.
Sokka, Suki and Toph were sitting on the steps talking quietly, keeping watch over their friend.
"I think we should talk to him, he's clearly not meditating," Zuko told them. His voice came out rougher than he had intended.
"Yeah," sighed Sokka.
As a group they approached the little airbender and sat around him.
"Do you want to talk through things?" asked Zuko. When had he become the ring leader, he wondered. "What did the Guru tell you to do?"
Aang, sighed and opened his eyes, giving up his pretence. He looked small and worn.
"We talked through the chakras… and we got to the final chakra where I have to let go of earthly attachments… well I just can't do that! And… and then I spoke to your Uncle Iroh and he said I was right not to let go of love… but then the lightning and … I'm so confused!" he cried.
There was a loaded silence. Zuko was frowning.
"Love and attachment… are those the same thing?" asked Toph. "I'm just thinking, did Iroh know about the guru?"
"Ummm… no I didn't explain everything. I think they are the same thing?" answered Aang. "How could they not be?! I love Katara, I can't let go of her!"
"You can love somebody and still let go of them," said Zuko quietly. All eyes turned to him. "To have those attachments.. I think that means… that they live in your head?" Zuko groaned. "I'm not making any sense am I? Give me a second to get the words right…"
Usually this kind of crippling awkwardness would have elicited some teasing from Sokka, but they waited in silence for Zuko's brain to work through things. Thinking things through - Uncle would be proud.
"Sometimes we create people in our head… the way we want them to be… and those people motivate us to act in certain ways. Like I did that with… with my father I guess. But when I let that go it felt like this thing that had been tying me down had suddenly been cut loose. I was able to… see him I guess? See him for what he really was, even though the evidence had been there all along. And… and my mother… she uh she left us physically because she loved us. In a way I guess she let go of us but not of her love for us… What I'm trying to say is, I don't think you need to stop loving anybody, but you do need to let go of them as they are in your mind and appreciate they are their own person instead of a model you try to impress. My father couldn't give me honour. I had to give myself that. And I might be wrong but Katara gives you peace right? So maybe what the guru wants is for you to let go of her so you can give yourself peace instead?" Zuko ended on a higher note, a question. His thoughts were confused but he felt them coming together in some semblance of an explanation.
And that could legitimately be what was happening here right? Another form of his own love for his father, of attaching a part of himself to an image of somebody else. He needed to learn that he can give himself validation and find safety in himself before he could let go.
So if Aang had connected Katara in his mind with happiness, with peace, with comfort… then to let go he needed to know that he could gain those things from himself. But Aang was just a child! He should have been still playing in the dirt with the monks at this age!
Zuko sighed. Aang was young. Zuko had been younger when his mother left, and Aang's age when he had attended his first war council. Sokka and Katara had been younger when they lost their mother too. Toph had been so restricted she decided to find her own way. Suki had become the youngest leader of the Kyoshi Warriors not long after either. It seemed to be their fate to be in these situations.
"Yeah, that makes sense," said Sokka finally. "Katara can't make things alright for you - you have to do that for yourself. And you know, Aang, even if she won't to be with you in that way, she still loves you. So much! You're one of the family remember?"
Aang was looking out to sea, observing the sun as it slowly sank towards the ocean, wide, grey eyes wide with concentration.
"I just don't want to lose her. I don't want to lose any of you," he said quietly.
"You won't lose us," said Suki gently, "and you won't lose her either. We're all with you. Like Sokka said, we're a family now, and that's not going to change."
Aang was blinking back tears but a smile spread across his face.
"Thanks guys. I think maybe I've been unfair to Katara. You're right Zuko, I need to work on seeing her as her own person. I'd like to be alone for a bit now."
The others nodded and got up to leave. Toph gave him an affectionate punch, Suki and Sokka a hug and Zuko an awkward pat on the back. He couldn't help feeling intense guilt at Aang's struggle while the night before he had been passionately kissing Katara and rolling around in the sand.
Zuko rubbed his brow in frustration. He noticed the kitchen was empty, and that cold feeling in the pit of his stomach returned full force. He made himself take deep breaths and go to his room.
Zuko was exhausted but he couldn't sleep. Thoughts about Aang danced around his head, melding with his own experiences. Thoughts about Katara were all too prominent too - of the night before, of stolen glances during the day, of what everything meant - and maybe nothing at all! She was probably embarrassed for getting a little drunk and probably hungover too. But he couldn't help a part of himself hoping she could remember… nor could he help a part of himself hoping she didn't.
He gave up trying to sleep and padded down to the empty kitchen in just his loose trousers. He had considered bending to get rid of some frustration, but he didn't source his energy from that part of himself anymore. Maybe he could try Uncle's method; chamomile. For Uncle, tea was always the answer! He smiled with nostalgia and regret.
He went through the motions of making himself some tea, already knowing he wouldn't make it very well. He blew smoke out of his nostrils. Yet another thing to annoy him!
When he turned to put the pot on the table however, Katara stood in the doorway. She was only wearing a loose shift, and her hair was in disarray, as if she had been tossing and turning in bed. She leaned on her side, arms crossed below her breasts and fixing him with very clear blue eyes.
They looked at one another for a long time - or was it just a second?
"What about now Zuko? Do you want to kiss me now?" she said softly, so softly he thought he had misheard as he carefully put the pot on the table.
"Always," he whispered, not breaking her gaze while his heart hammered far too fast. He realised she visibly relaxed and uncrossed her arms.
He knew she was going to do it before she did. Suddenly she was in his arms, her arms around his neck, lips pressed against his urgently.
Too soon they broke apart, panting. Their foreheads were still pressed together as she giggled softly. By the time they sat down, the tea was stone cold and Zuko had to reheat it, puzzled as to why it would go to cold so quickly.
"You thought I'd forget," she said finally. He looked away guiltily.
"Look Katara I'm really sorry, we were really drunk and…" and what? What could he say? He just wanted to enjoy it while it lasted? Wanted to savour the moment?
"I remember that I kissed you. But I don't remember everything. I don't remember anything after throwing up… I'm really embarrassed you had to see me like that…" She was sipping her tea.
"You fell asleep - I carried you back. I don't mind. You had a lot of rum."
"I think you had a lot of firewhisky."
"Clearly I can take my alcohol better."
"I don't know, I hardly had a hangover today. Got it all up last night," she replied sheepishly, smiling into her cup.
There was a silence as they both drank their tea.
"Why did you kiss me just now?" he asked finally.
"Because you wanted me to and I wanted me to so I did," she replied. She sighed. "And because… I've been wanting to for a while and we might all die. If Aang can't let go of me it seems we probably will all die. And I didn't want to die never having kissed you … or told you … how much you mean to me." She was studiously not looking at him at this point.
There was a tense pause, and then Katara felt his hand on hers, and that strange lightening going through her body like the last time they were alone in the kitchen together. She looked up and met his intense eyes. They were searching for something, and having found her being genuine, he closed the gap between them, leaning forward in his chair.
Their lips met again, this time slowly working into the kiss, taking their time, savouring it. Zuko's tongue tentatively played with hers and somehow Katara was leaning out of her chair too, one hand gently wrapped in Zuko's hair.
On an whim, Zuko leant forward more in order to wrap his arms around Katara and pulled gently, asking her to come closer without breaking the kiss. She shuffled her chair until their legs were touching and then in one swift move that neither had anticipated she slipped onto his lap, straddling him. That prompted furious increase in pace - Katara bit his bottom lip while Zuko pulled her in closer, one hand on her back, the other on her bum.
Their hearts raced and their lips swelled, breaths became short. Zuko left her mouth and planted kisses along her jaw, tugging at her earlobe with his teeth. He smiled against her cheek when she gasped in pleasure, but continued kissing her, grazing her down her neck as she threw her head back to allow him better access. He felt her shudder in his arms, felt how her hips and his were pressing together, moving in waves against one another, searching for friction.
"Z-Zuko," she whispered, slowing them down. "Wait, wait! I don't… I can't… its just… so much!" She was scuttling away and standing up, leaving him sitting bewildered in the chair - his hair ruffled by her fingers, erection plainly visible through his loose trousers.
She bit her lip as her eyes fell on him, and he sat forwards, embarrassed, unsure as to what was happening. His good cheek flamed red.
"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable Katara," he started, rubbing the back of his neck, looking away from her.
"No, no you're fine, its just… I can't explain, I'm sorry! I'm… I'm going to go to bed… good night Zuko…" the words spilled from her swollen lips in a rush and she turned on her heal, practically running from the kitchen.
Zuko was left stunned. What had just happened? One moment he was kissing her and the next she had run away? What had he done wrong?
He cursed himself repeatedly while he waited for his heartbeat to settle and busied himself clearing away the tea things. He practiced breathing deeply to let go of some frustration and decided to ask her about it tomorrow. He was allowed to do that right? But at the same time he didn't want her to think he was pushing for anything…. She kissed him though - twice!
He threw his hands up in frustration as he climbed the dark stair to his room, quietly padding down the corridor and letting himself in. With a flick of his wrist the candles lit and Zuko froze.
Sitting on his bed was Katara, looking at him with large blue eyes.
"I'm sorry," she said quietly. "I didn't mean to do that. I got… scared," she admitted.
Zuko raised his good eyebrow. He knew her pride was almost as big as his - and to admit she was scared took some courage. Especially to him. He swallowed and sat down on the bed next to her, careful to not touch her.
"What scared you?" he asked.
"This!" she replied, indicating the two of them. "I don't know what this is Zuko and I don't know when it started and I've never felt like this before and it scares me! I don't know what I'm doing when I'm with you and I want to be around you all the time - but at the same time I feel almost sick when I am around you. And I feel so guilty because of Aang and because of the way I treated you before and because we're in the middle of a war so I shouldn't be thinking all of these things and —" Zuko cut her off by grabbing her wrists to stop her flailing arms and pressing a soft kiss to her lips. She calmed down a little and sunk into it. Slowly Zuko let go of her wrists.
"I understand things are complicated," he started, pensively. "But… I really…like you Katara. More than… more than anybody else. So if you'd like to continue … this… whatever this is… even if you don't want to tell the others, that's … well… I'd like that." Her wide eyes met his and she nodded slowly.
"I'd like that," she said quietly.
"And we don't need to do anything you don't want to," he added, thinking of how she had just run away.
"Or anything you don't want to do either," she replied.
"I don't think there's much on that list," he said, eyes skimming her body, making her blush. "I'm glad to just be near you."
She blushed at both his words and his attention.
"I'm happy to be near you too, Zuko. And I really am sorry for how awful I was to you."
"Katara, its fine. I'm sorry for everything too. I probably deserved a lot worse for chasing you all around the world and for … for Ba Sing Se. I wish I could let you and Aang and Uncle know how truly sorry I am for that. But in a way I needed to go back. I hadn't been home since I was thirteen. I needed to go back to understand that wasn't my home anymore." He spoke sadly, sincerely, absently rubbing the scarred side of his face.
Katara's eyes flicked to his hand as he spoke.
"Zuko? How did you get your scar?" she asked quietly. She watched his expression sharpen, watched him retreat behind old walls he had built around himself. She held her breath as she reached out and gently caressed the scarred tissue as she had in the cave under Ba Sing Se and something softened in his expression.
"I don't want to talk about it," he said in a strained voice.
"If you do, I'm here Zuko," she whispered, brushing his hair back with her fingers. He just nodded and bowed his head so she could reach more of his hair.
"Zuko? Is it alright if I sleep here with you tonight?" she asked after a pause. "I mean in the same bed not… you know…" she added quickly, ducking her head to hide a blush.
Zuko took a long time to answer. Her hand fell from his hair into her lap and she was bracing herself for rejection, to return to her room alone. She desperately did not want to be alone right now though.
"Yeah, you can stay," came his answer finally, as he tentatively took one of her hands.
They lay side by side, holding one hand for a long time although neither fell asleep. Eventually Katara huffed in frustration and turned to face him on her side. She nuzzled into his neck and draped herself on him, both shuffling until they were comfortable. Finally sleep took them and they fell asleep for the first time in one another's arms.
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fectless · 6 years
6. Pragmatic: Goal
“Wait ‘til you see it, Katara!”
The sun is just rising over the horizon and Katara is stowing her pack and sleeping bag in Appa’s saddle as Aang fixes the reigns on the bison’s horns. She stiffens at his voice, remembering their half-finished conversation from the ship a few days (and has it really only been a few days? It feels longer) prior.
“The Air Temples are some of the most beautiful places in the whole world!” he continues, oblivious to her thoughts.
“Aang… I know you’re excited,” she says slowly, trying to figure out how to be gentle about this, “but it’s been a hundred years since you’ve been home.”
“That’s why I’m so excited!” The boy turns to grin at her before going back to fixing the reigns.
“A lot can change in that much time, Aang. Th-”
“I know, but i need to see it for myself!” And with that he jumps from the bison, and Sokka shrieks from whatever Aang does to wake him.
Her face blanks, eyelids lowering halfway. They might be hiding somewhere else so no one can find them, Aang, she doesn’t get to tell him. They might all be gone right now. Or, more likely: They might all be dead. After all, no one has seen an airbender in a hundred years, except for Katara and the Southern Water Tribe (an the monsters from a few days ago).
Sokka climbs into Appa’s saddle, beginning to put away his things. Katara moves to join Aang by the reigns. They take off.
Sokka’s stomach growls and he grumbles back at it, the only noise besides Aang talking to his bison for quite some time. “Hey!” The Tribesman yells, more from outrage than to be heard over the wind. “Who ate all my blubbered seal jerky?”
Katara can feel his eyes boring a hole into the back of her head but only scowls. She’s not the one who goes through other people’s stuff.
Next to her, Aang’s eyes widen. “Oh, that was food? I used it to start the campfire last night. Sorry, Sokka.”
“What!” The feeling of eyes glaring daggers at her disappears. The tribesman groans, “No wonder the fire smelled so good last night.” Aang has no food to share with him, Katara knows. The airbender has been fasting, save for water and a few berries every now and then, since they decided to head to the temple. Sokka doesn’t ask Katara for anything.
She doesn’t offer.
Moments later, oblivious to the tension between his companions, Aang exclaims, “I know this mountain range! We’re almost there!”
Katara’s heart lurches and she sucks in a deep breath, mustering her courage. “Aang, before we get to the Air Temple, I need to speak with you about the airbenders.”
“What about them?” His head tilts towards her ever so slightly, but he still looks fit to jump from Appa and fly to the temple on just his staff.
“I-” Her throat tightens and she swallows a few times. “You need to be prepared for what you might see. The Fire Nation is ruthless. They-“ killed my mother. The words won’t leave her tongue (because she’s not sure that she isn’t the one responsible). Her chest feels like a massive bruise. “They killed most of the Southern Water Tribe, especially the benders. They could have done the same to your people.”
He spares her a glance, but his face still holds excitement. “Just because no one’s seen an airbender in a hundred years doesn’t mean that the Fire Nation killed them all.” As he speaks his expression morphs into a frown. “They probably escaped.”
Her heart is beating funny, as if being squeezed by a vice. She doesn’t want to say this. She has to say this. “Still. Even, even if they did escape, they might have had to abandon the temple, Aang. Go into hiding or-“
“You don’t understand, Katara,” he interrupts, face brightening. The only way to any of the Air Temples is on the back of a flying bison. I doubt the Fire Nation has any of those, right, Appa?” He pets the bison’s furry head.
“Leave him alone, Katara,” Sokka gripes.
“The Fire Na-”
Neither boy listens. Sokka never does, and she can see by the Aang’s face hardens that he won’t hear her either. He calls, “Yipyip,” to urge Appa on.
Katara grips onto one of the bison’s horns as they ascend rapidly, eyes and mouth clenched shut against the wind. I’m going to be sick, she thinks. Her ears ring and her heart is in her throat. Or maybe that’s bile from her stomach, she cannot tell.
Aang says something, but her ears are too busy popping for her to make out the words. She cracks open her eyes and risks a glance at the airbender. His eyes are wide and his smile more genuine than what he was showing her. As her ears unplug she catches, “...home, buddy, we’re home.”
Her heart sinks as she takes in the temple. It’s beautiful, truly: all white stone, soft blue-tiled roofing and terraced gardens fitted onto the mountain top as though they had grown there, rather than being placed. But from what she knows of airbenders, Katara cannot help but wonder, Where is everyone? Aang is constantly moving about, always dancing around, always flying. The sky around the temple is empty.
Perhaps I’m simply too far to see them, she thinks. (She ignores the quiet voice that asks her, “And what of the sky bison? They are large- would you not see them?”)
(It is that other voice speaking to her again, the one that is not hers but feels as familiar as breathing.)
(She wonders if she should be afraid of it. Is she going mad? Has she spent too long under the midnight sun alone? Still, she cannot bring herself to fear it.)
Instead of voicing her worry, as she knows that the boys will ignore her words of caution, she says, “It’s beautiful here, Aang.” He grins at her, and then turns his smile at Sokka when the tribesman echoes her sentiments.
They land.
“Come on!” The airbender leaps from the saddle. “I’ll give you guys the grand tour!”
“So where do I get something to eat?” Sokka asks.
Katara takes one look at his posture and deep scowl and snorts at him. He glares at her. “What?” She shakes her head as she lengthens her stride to catch up with Aang. One of the first to visit an Air Temple and he’s more concerned with his stomach. It’s so typical of him that, for a moment, she almost feels like a child again. The moment ends. (She hasn’t been that child in a long time.)
The path curves up ahead and the airbender waits there for them, overlooking several of the temple’s courtyards. He points out several locations. “That’s where my friends and I would play airball, and there’s where the bison would sleep, and-” he breaks off with a gusty sigh, smile falling from his face.
Quietly, Katara asks him a question, hoping that her earlier thoughts are not just occurring to him. His shoulders slump as he answers, “This place used to be so full of life. Now it’s just a bunch of rocks and weeds.” A pause. Another sigh, “So much has changed.”
She can feel Sokka’s eyes on her again, this time as if he is silently urging her to comfort the boy, but she does not look at either of them. Katara cannot move, cannot speak. Her mind is drawn to memories of moonless nights and empty camps and the knowledge that what Aang feels now is akin to what she had felt whe she was younger and her mother’s death was fresh in the minds and hearts of the Southern Water Tribe. Akin to how she was feeling until she let anger and frustration rise to the fore mere days ago.
I have no pack, she thinks, realizing that Aang is looking for his. And then, I am no wolf. And neither is Aang. He’s just a sad, lonely child with no place and no family. (Like me.) She doesn’t know how to comfort him. She opens her mouth anyway, re-
And Sokka beats her to it, asking, “So, uh, this airball game?” He walks forward to clap Aang on the shoulder. “How do you play?”
Shortly thereafter, Katara watches as Aang use his bending to manipulate the ball, bouncing it off of the poles in the game’s arena until Sokka tries, and fails, to stop it from knocking him off his platform and going through the goal. Aang laughs every time he scores, his earlier melancholy nowhere to be seen.
This is good for him, she thinks. For the first time in a long, long while, she feels content. She has no chores that need doing, no tribesmen to worry after or fear, and her (friend?) traveling companion- and Sokka, too, she guesses- is happy.
“Aang, seven! Sokka, zero!” Aang poses while the tribesman groans and rubs at his sore limbs.
She smiles, despite herself, closing her eyes and leaning back against the natural wall that separates the airball field from the rest of the temple. Maybe I should play too, after this. Looks painful though, she muses as Sokka makes his way back to his goal post.
The Sokka calls, “Guys, check this out!” His voice is unsteady.
Jinxed it. The smile drops from her face.
She should know better by now.
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