#'thus sayeth the lord'
iluvjesus666 · 7 months
fuck nintendo for killing yuzu and citra.
fuck nintendo for relentlessly trying to gut game preservation efforts the community had to make because they themselves don't give two shits about preservation.
fuck nintendo for setting such a dangerous precedent against the emulation community as a whole.
just... fuck nintendo.
here's your reminder that pirating nintendo products is always morally correct.
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We are not sure where he goes when he’s not at the Dieselworks.
— from the writers' Diesel 10 character bio... i'm crying 😂
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tododeku-or-bust · 1 year
I will still listen to The Plagues on loop, to this day that is one of my favorite cinema experiences. The visuals? The lyrics? The choir? I can only aspire to such impact. Prince of Egypt went IN, DreamWorks had lightning in a bottle for that era.
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carfuckerlynch · 2 years
i’m extremely sleepy it’s very late i have work tomorrow but on the other hand. i could keep listening to the prince of egypt soundtrack.
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arctic-hands · 1 year
Lol I must know Passover is coming up because I just dreamt the ten plagues were happening again
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tgrm1k · 2 days
God is a nonbinary transexual with borderline personality disorder and a praise kink
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A short guide to Elden Ring STR builds
Pure STR: Unga Bunga.
INT/STR Build: I Unga, therefore, I Bunga.
Faith/STR Build: Thus Sayeth the Lord, Unga Bunga.
DEX/STR Build: Unga roll Bunga roll Unga roll Bunga
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samueldelany · 3 months
'“Thus Sayeth The Lorde,” references the writings of Audre Lorde: “If I did not define myself for myself, I’d be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive.” This conviction has been the binding agent of Ndegeocello’s career.'
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iluvjesus666 · 1 year
who up hankin they hill
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I’ve seen a few other fictional stories based the Franklin Expedition besides The Terror (like Kristina Gehrmann’s Icebound and a video game I can’t remember the name of) and those seem to have a common plot point of members of the expedition going on a mutiny. Was there any evidence that a mutiny occurred for the real Franklin Expedition or is that usually added to the stories to make it more dramatic? Also, do you think that the mutiny in The Terror was justified in any way?
Mutiny and discontent were always possibilities under such harsh conditions. That's largely why the Marines were aboard - to quell any negativity should it arise. And it's why they had provisioned so many forms of entertainment too - plays and benjos and books and hand organs blasting out the tunes all do wonders to keep men's minds and bodies occupied.
But no, to the best of my limited knowledge, there's no 100% concrete evidence that a mutiny took place on the Franklin Expedition.
What potential evidence does exist relates mainly to the ships themselves.
A whaleboat was found by would-be rescuers, for example, with a variety of items in it, including two skeletons. Most importantly though, it was found facing northward, back in the direction of Terror and Erebus. So it may be that some of the men mutinied and split off from the main group, determined to go back to the perceived safety of the ships rather than proceed south. But it may also have been more innocent than that - maybe leads had started to open up and that boat represented a party sent back by command to try to re-man the ships, or it may be that they were some of the last survivors who saw no other choice than to try and return.
There's also potential evidence in the fact that Erebus and Terror were both found so far away from their last known locations frozen in to the north of King William Island. Again, this supports the possibility that they were re-manned at some point, and that men may have split off deliberately from the main group in order to do so. But again, it's impossible to say yet whether something like that did happen, let alone that it happened as the result of mutiny or malice. It's entirely possible, if not more likely, that the ships drifted on their own when the ice finally started to break up. Until there's further exploration of the wrecks, we don't know and even then, we might never know.
Interestingly, there is one other piece of evidence that's been interpreted before perhaps not as full-blown mutiny but at least of discontent and that's the rather ominous nature of the inscriptions on the graves at Beechey Island. Death in the ranks could certainly have exacerbated the existing misery and fear among the men in the dark of winter, and some have interpreted the inscriptions as meant to reassert discipline and authority.
Hartnell's read "Thus sayeth the Lord of Hosts, consider your ways"...
In answer to your final question, I don't think mutiny either on-screen or real life would be justified necessarily but I do think it understandable. I can perfectly understand why even a normal seaman, not even one already under Hickey's sway, would feel tremendous discontentment not just in all the hardships they were being expected to endure but in the fact that information was purposefully kept from them by command (even if for good reason). And if anything, the idea of it in real life is even more understandable. What we see in the show is bad enough but at the end of the day, it's only a tiny fraction of the horror and carnage that the real men of the Franklin Expedition would have endured. I don't think anyone could blame them, in their abject terror and desperation, for clutching at any straw for survival, even if they had to mutiny and rebel in order to do the clutching.
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bigsis-1-6 · 5 months
Know this, my beloved. I will always be there. Don't ever doubt. Thus sayeth the Lord.
Dont add more than you can take. Dont add more to run from everything. Stay still, let him guide you.
Be still my heart. And let not the world tear you apart.
Lay down your will every day. Give up your heart every day.
Trust in his timing even when it seems that it's taking too long. Or when it seems everyone else is moving on. Even when it seems everyone else is getting what you pray for. Just be thankful for what you've got.
Overall, be patient and kind. Be silent and pray. Take every thought captive, and don't let them run away.
Even though he may not answer out loud, you can still cry out. Say it out loud. He is listening, and you would be surprised at how much he actually responds if you just listen. It may only be one word. He may just open your mind and let you see things from his side. Then you'll know that he has all the answers. Though he may not actually give you exact answers, he will guide your steps to go where he wants you to go.
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sp00ky-frog · 7 months
And thus sayeth the Lord: mubshroom
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prinx-quail · 2 years
Y'all Epitaph is starting to sound like a fanfiction for the bible.
Like... Some not yet elizibethan tidbits include:
The more agreeable guard turned to his companion, "He is outside, our Lord! We should go and meet him!" "That THING plucking thoughts from our minds is NOT our lord! Leave it well alone and stay well away from such witchcraft!" The more decorated soldier barked. "No! I know my Lord when he speaks! I will have faith and meet him." "Then I shall not allow you to return into this city. Leave here, and I shall smite you if you ever dare return."
Which like... Yeah, okay.
But also
"And so we will have imported booze, and lots of sex with foreigners. Thus sayeth your Lord"
And I-
The Lord of Anguish needs to calm tf down.
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prophetmutual · 6 months
And god said you shall be cursed such that every time you slay the photos shall be blurry. So sayeth the lord; and it was thus.
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tanjir0se · 7 months
If I don’t inflict my own brain fungus on my blorbos I’ll die one thousand deaths Sanemi hates the sound of men yelling and will visibly flinch whenever a man speaks particularly loudly or unexpectedly around him, thus sayeth the lord
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twunkus · 2 years
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thus sayeth the lord
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