#'this is the BEST way character has been portrayed and I live and breathe THIS specific comic'
hellolulu · 6 hours
DCU fandom is so funny because everyone is always mad. Feels like living with my parents again 🥰 home sweet home 🥰
#no tags thank you tumblr I don't want anyone to shout at ME#i just love that people will be like '[comic] is their worst characterisation!!!' on a post and then u scroll and other ppl are like#'this is the BEST way character has been portrayed and I live and breathe THIS specific comic'#and nobody has their story straight on ANYTHING#and everyone hates every ship but also everyone loves every ship#the biggest crime a dcu character can do is Be Boring#it's just really funny I walked in everything was on fire and I sat down and said 'oh nice and warm in here!'#'damian killed dick!!!' 'yeah in the run where he killed dick. they're best friends over THERE'#'jason is the saddest man in the world and here is a beautiful essay about him' 'jason is overused for trauma'#people hate wfa for being the canon fanfic#the dc writers hate all their characters and apparently the flash is the most op in the universe but he has to be nerfed#because of superman and batman etc etc BUT. BUT. if he got to be the winner and strongest people would RIOT bc superman and batman#everyone has bonded with specific comics from the 1900s and they're refusing to move on and accept change#everyone hates the current things happening right now in canon and they're screaming and fightin#and I'm just like: today I learned that the dog superhero cartoon I watched when I was a child was a DC character! wild!#like whew#people are MAD here#and I've been in a lot of fandoms#but I can't go anywhere without a fight breaking out. truly they reflect their hometown (gotham)#note: I'm still mostly in batman/superman stuff bc I'm new and there's a LOT of ground to cover#i have to give the disclaimer bc I am trying not to step on any toes I literally just think it's funny how much this fandom#hates everyone and everything IN this fandom#anyway shoutout the the people trying to get railed by twoface! you're so fun to me 🤭#also I love jesse mccartney I can't believe roxas is dick grayson [real]#if tumblr shows this post to anyone it better ONLY be to people who are chill about the infighting situation I think it's important#to the dcu eco-system at this point
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malarkgirlypop · 10 months
Come Away With Me (Eugene Roe x F!Reader)
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So @footprintsinthesxnd had a 'Saturday Night Live ask' and I asked her what her ideal date was and with what BoB man. No one was surprised when she chose her man Gene! @footprintsinthesxnd has kindly made the most stunning moodboard to go along with the story, so head over to her blog and find the post with the #bobcollab tag!
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to anyone involved. Keep reading
Tag list: @next-autopsy @panzershrike-pretz, @xxluckystrike @bucky32557038ww2 @b00ks1ut
Y/N rubbed her lips together staring in the mirror, her finger carefully rubbing away some of the lipstick she had on her lips. She stood back giving her face and hair a once over. She took a deep breath trying to steady her nerves. Why was she so nervous? It was just Gene. 
Y/N had known Gene for years, being next door neighbours and childhood friends they had grown up with each other. They were hardly ever apart. Their bond they shared was everlasting. 
Or so Y/N thought. 
When Gene broke the news he was signing up for the war she broke down immediately. The thought of him going away and maybe never coming back was the most gut wrenching feeling. But Gene said he wanted to make a difference, to help. He didn’t go to kill, he went to heal. There was no stopping him, he was set in his ways. He had always been stubborn. As much as they loved each other they butted heads on occasion. Always an agree to disagree situation, where they accepted they didn’t think the same and moved on. But Y/N loved that about their friendship, they were constantly challenging each other to think broader, to see things in a different light. 
When Gene left they promised to write to each other. There was a flurry of letters back and forward, but they slowly dwindled. Gene didn’t have time and Y/N had started her new job. Y/N wanted to write to him so desperately but didn’t want to burden the man with her ramblings, thinking he would have better things to do. 
Y/N couldn’t believe it when it was announced the war was finally over. Her heart soared, Gene would finally be home. Y/N had waited patiently for her best friend to arrive back. His mother had let Y/N know he was going to be home that week. Everyday Y/N rushed home from work to see if he had returned yet. 
She walked down the street briskly, nearly running. A cab pulled in front of his house. She stopped dead in her tracks, the familiar figure exiting the car. 
“Eugene!” She cried, running down the road. He turned knowing the voice that called him. A small smile tugging at his lips. She charged straight into the man, almost bowling them both over. He enveloped her in his arms, enjoying the familiar scent of her. Y/N hugged him so tightly, ensuring it wasn’t a dream or illusion.
“Ma mouche, gosh have you gotten stronger.” He said hardly able to breathe. She loosened her hold, realising she might have been hurting him. 
“Oh, sorry.” She smiled up at him. “I missed you so much.” She quickly wiped the stray tears from her face. He smiled, but it wasn’t his usual smile. The sparkle she knew, didn’t twinkle in his eyes like it used to. 
“I missed ya too.” He said. They stood staring at each other unsure of what to say. There was so much that Y/N wanted to tell him, so much she wanted to ask. But she couldn’t form the words, not knowing where or how to start. See when Gene had been away Y/N had realised that maybe she loved him, more than what she believed she had. Her mother always teased them that they were in love, and she was just waiting for them to both figure it out. Yes, she loved him as a friend. But there was always something more she wanted, yearned for. They hugged, but she wanted him to hold her longer. They spoke, but she wished she could listen to him speak forever. They loved each other, but she wanted him to love her. They way she loved him. 
“Gene, I know you just got home. But I was wondering if you wanted to spend some time with me, only if you’re free. I’m sure you’re so busy, and everyone probably wants to see you-” Y/N rambled on, trying to hide the blush that rose to her cheeks, since when was it nerve wracking to speak to Gene.
“Of course I would!” Gene cut her off, before she fainted from talking so much without taking a breath.   
Y/N smiled brightly at the man. “What do you want to do?” She asked, he hummed in thought, tapping his finger on his chin. 
“How about a surprise?” Gene grinned, Y/N was shocked, she didn’t expect that answer from him. 
“Are you sure, Gene. I can plan it, you will probably be so busy.” Y/N said worried about burdening her friend. 
“Ma mouche, stop fretting!” He laughed at his friend, he looked at her longer. She was nervous with new people, but they had known each other nearly their whole lives and he had never seen her so flustered. He thought maybe it was because of the distance and time they had spent apart. It was like meeting someone for the first time again. 
“We can make a day of it. I’ll come pick you up tomorrow around eleven, how does that sound?” Y/N looked up at Gene, eyes sparkling full of joy. She nodded excitedly. His mother had rushed out of the house after that, pulling him inside. He only was able to manage a small wave as he was dragged away. 
Y/N sat nervously on the staircase by the front door, she had gotten ready so early. Not being able to sleep a wink at all last night. She was too busy planning. She was going to tell him today, confess her true feelings to Gene. The thought made her stomach flip, so many what if’s flooded her brain. The last thing she wanted to do was ruin what she already had with him. 
Ding dong, Y/N bolted to her feet hearing the familiar chime of the doorbell. She smoothed down her dress and hair, taking a deep breath and opening the door. There on her doorstep stood Gene, in casual clothes, but looking handsome as always. She glanced down at his hands, they thrust out the flowers he held. Y/N looked at him shocked. 
“For me?” She grinned, taking them from him, bringing them up to her nose to sniff. They smelled heavenly. The bouquet had flowers from his mothers garden. His mother had the most magnificent flowerbeds, she giggled imagining Gene stealing the flowers from her garden. Y/N knew well enough that Gene wouldn’t have asked and just taken them without telling her. 
“Hold on, let me go put these in water.” She left him standing on the doorstep, running and putting them in a vase. 
“Shall we go?” She asked, closing the door behind her. He nodded, leading the way. They walked down the road, chatting about life. Gene didn’t bring up the war, making conversation about other things. 
“Where are we going?” Y/N said as Gene stepped off the path and down a small track leading into one of the meadows that was on the outskirts of their street. 
“I told you, ma mouche, it’s all been planned.” He smiled, extending his hand for her to take. She smiled holding his hand as they walked down the dirt path. At this time of month it was late spring, the weather was warmer, but not too hot yet. The flowers all in bloom and new babies of all kinds being born. It was as if life was restarting again, becoming anew.  
Y/N gasped as they approached the clearing. She could see under their favourite tree they used to play under as children, was a picnic blanket. An assortment of food lay on top. It overlooked the meadow that was teeming with wildflowers. 
“Oh Gene!” Y/N covered her mouth, feeling choked up. “This is perfect!” She ran ahead to get a better look at the perfect picnic he had created. 
“Gene!” She squealed, turning around to tackle the man into a hug. He held her back as she held him tightly. “Do you like it?” He asked into her hair.
“Like it! I love it! Gene, you didn’t have to do all this!” She pulled back to look at him, showing her gratitude all over her features.   
“Anything for ma mouche.” She rolled her eyes at the nickname, it means my fly in french. Gene had been calling her ma mouche for years, one day he said it and it stuck. They never discussed between them what he meant by it. Y/N had assumed he called her my fly because she annoyed him but he could never get rid of her. 
“Yes I know, annoying like a fly.” She mumbled. A confused expression appeared on Gene’s face. 
“What?” He asked, trying to figure out what she meant.
“Cause I remind you of a fly, that’s why you call me that.” She smiled at him, it was a funny nickname, he was only teasing. His brows furrowed together. 
“Y/N, no. That’s not what I mean at all. Is that what you thought the whole time?” He seemed upset. She nodded confused at why he was so overcome with concern. 
“Oh Y/N, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean for you to think that.” He reached out cupping her cheek. 
“Well, what do you mean then?” She asked, tilting her head. 
“Ma mouche, it’s short for my butterfly. Mon papillon.” Y/N looked at him shocked, unable to form words. My butterfly was a lot different than my fly. 
“You have always been my butterfly. So bright and colourful, everything you touch comes to life. You make me want to be a better person.” Gene said holding her face in his hands, his eyes shone with love.
“Gene, what are you saying?” She asked hoping she wasn’t reading into his words.
“I love you.” The words she had been so desperate to hear from him easily fell from his lips. A gentle whisper for only them to hear. Everything stilled and muted. They were in their own bubble. Gene was unsure if Y/N had heard him, she stood so still. 
“You do?” She uttered, overwhelmed with joy. Her heart beat so hard it hurt, she felt like she could burst into tears. “Gene, you love me?” She asked again to confirm she had heard him correctly. 
“I do.” He chuckled, still holding her face in his hands. “Do you love me?” He asked, unsure of what his friend was feeling, was she happy, sad? He couldn’t tell. 
“I love you more than words can say.” Her face broke into a beaming smile. She pulled him into her arms as his hands slipped from her face to hold her close. She pulled back, unable to stop grinning. Gene smiled down at her, relishing in her adoration. He bent down, placing a soft kiss to her lips. The kiss was sweet and tender, but only short as he stepped back. 
But he hadn’t known the fire that he had awoken in his lover. Y/N’s hands flew out catching his face, she pulled him down to her. This time the kiss was more passionate, she kissed him like she would never be able to touch her lips to his again. Gene wrapped his hands around her waist pulling her closer. The kiss was everything that Y/N had dreamed about. Being held in his arms as they tasted each other, like forbidden fruit. Y/N lips parting softly as Gene found his way into her mouth, their tongues swirled together. Their breaths mixed together as they grasped each other with roaming hands. Gene’s lips moved from Y/N’s to her neck, as she tilted her head back. His soft lips pressed harsh kisses along her throat. Y/N stilled his movements when she moved his face back up to her’s. They paused, foreheads pressed together, their breaths fanning each other’s faces, noses slightly touching. Savouring their kiss together. 
“More than words.” Y/N whispered, Gene understood her completely. There were no words to say to express their love, but there were acts, thoughts, touches, that represented it.
Y/N felt so giddy she thought she could faint, as Gene and her sat on the blanket eating the food he had prepared. Fresh fruit, a cheese platter, pastries, freshly baked cookies. Gene had thought of it all. 
“Would you like some chocolate strawberries?” Gene asked, pulling out a punnet of strawberries from the basket. 
“Ah, my favourite! Gene, how did you get these?” She took the box from him, bringing it to her nose to smell the aromatic fruit.       
“I can’t tell you my secrets.” Gene grinned at her, as she pretended to pout. He chuckled, reaching out to tickle Y/N under her neck. She laughed trying to get away from him but he snatched her up quickly, jumping on top of her. She squealed and giggled trying to get away from his onslaught of attacks. 
“Gene, ahh, Gene!” She laughed breathlessly, trying to stop him but he had her pinned down. They laughed together as Gene slowly stopped. Their faces inches apart, a smile pulled to Y/N lips, as she lifted her head to kiss him. Her lips pressed to his gently, letting the feeling linger before laying back down to stare at him. 
“I missed you.” She uttered, feeling tears prick in her eyes. A sadness overwhelmed Y/N, she was unsure of where it had spurred from. But it was a moment of stillness when everything finally crashed down. All of the worry she had in his absence, the realisation that she loved him. Then she had him back in one piece, and then all of today. The confession, the kiss, it had been so much, everything Y/N had hoped for. But it scared her all the same, now she really had something to lose. 
“I missed you so much.” She whispered, as Gene watched her concerned, her tears slipped down her cheeks into her hair. He moved off of Y/N so she could sit up. She moved into his arms, clinging to him desperately. 
“It’s ok ma mouche, I’m here now.” Gene stroked her hair, as she cried into his shoulder. Gene’s stomach knotted, he hated to see her so hurt. He hated being away from her for so long. After a long day on the front lines he would often think of her. He kept all of the letters she sent, and would re-read all of them when he missed her, which was constantly. He couldn’t articulate to her what he had been through during those times, he didn’t want to burden her with those images. He was sure if he told her that she would tell him it wasn’t a burden, and that it was better to share the load than carry it all by himself. But reliving it was just as painful. He was sure with time he would be able to open up slowly. But for now he wanted to focus on them, on being home. The war was over and he wanted to move on from that time, he could do that with Y/N.
“I’m sorry.” She mumbled into his neck, sniffling softly. She sat back wiping the tears from her face. “I’m ruining this.” She shook her head, feeling bad. 
“Hey. I know it’s a lot, I feel it too. But it’s fine we have each other now. You can cry to me anytime.” Gene said, wiping away the stray tears she had missed, an adorable smile on her lips. He leant forward to kiss her again. “I’ll kiss it all better.” She sniffed chuckling. 
“You can tell me anything too Gene.” They sat in silence letting her words settle. They both knew what she meant. He nodded, pulling her close. 
They lay in each other's arms, staring up at the clouds. Y/N laid with her head on his chest and listened to his comforting heartbeat. His steady pulse was strong and firm, she could hear him breathing gently. His hands played with the ends of her hair, twirling them around his fingers in an absent-minded motion. 
“That one looks like a bunny.” She pointed up to the sky to the white fluffy shapes that drifted past. He hummed in agreement, staring up at the twilight sky. Gene felt so fulfilled just being here with Y/N, he couldn’t ask for anything more. He checked his watch, sitting up abruptly, sending Y/N flying onto the blanket. 
“Gene!” She laughed thinking he was playing around. She watched him, he looked nervous. “What’s wrong?” She asked shuffling forward to sit closer to him. 
“We’re late!” He announced, standing up and hastily putting away the picnic. Y/N watched confused. 
“Late? Late for what?” She helped Gene pack away the picnic even though she had no idea why he was in such a hurry. 
“I can’t tell you, it’s a surprise.” He glanced over his shoulder, as she shook her head laughing. 
“Gene!” She whined playfully. 
“Come on, Y/N.” He hurried her, as he grabbed her hand dragging her away. They made their way back to the road, a cab pulled up in front of Gene’s house. 
“A cab? Where are we going now?” Y/N asked as he opened the door for her to get into the car. All Gene did was tap his nose, she rolled her eyes. She knew Gene well enough to know he would never reveal his surprise. 
They sat in the back seat holding hands and chatting quietly, as the scenery flew past. Y/N tried to keep track of where they were but as night fell it was harder to make out their location in the dark. The cab finally pulled to a stop, Gene thanked and paid the man. He helped Y/N out of the car. They stood on the bustling street in town in front of a dance hall, the music from inside spilling onto the street. 
“Are we going dancing?” Y/N asked delightedly. Gene smiled seeing her reaction, taking her by the hand and leading her into the building. The music and chatter filled the hall. People danced and drank as the jazz band played. Y/N watched people swing dance on the dance floor as onlookers clapped and cheered. 
“Shall we?” Gene asked with his hand outstretched. Y/N nodded enthusiastically, taking Gene’s hand, as they made their way to the floor. The song ‘In the Mood’ blasted from the lively band onstage. Gene and Y/N danced together, laughing and smiling. Gene twirled her around, Y/N skirt floating out around her. They danced for hours, stopping occasionally to get a drink and rest before they went out onto the floor again.
They danced the whole night away, the band slowly bringing down the tempo for the remaining few couples who swayed gently to the music.
The familiar melody of Etta James’ ‘At Last’ was played by the band. Gene and Y/N held each other close as they listened to the lyrics being sung. Y/N sighed contentedly. Pulling back to look at Gene. 
“Today has been perfect.” She smiled sweetly at him. Overcome with so much love and joy. Today had been the best day ever, but she knew every day spent with Gene would be even better.
“You’re perfect.” Gene whispered into her ear placing a kiss to her cheek. She blushed furiously, shy from his charming words. 
“I love you.” She kissed him on the lips.  “More than words.” He finished for her.                                       
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thesilverlady · 3 months
Condal had to whitewash Aemond's entire character, give him traits from others, and make Aegon look cartoonishly incompetent and pathetic so he could live out his childhood dreams in his self insert. Like i am not even tg but the way Ryan keep justifying Aemond's bad deeds nonstop like he made luke nothing but a big bad bully and made his death an accident all to whitewash & justify Aemond, and now he tried the same with Aegon being murdered... Ohh poor meowmond was bullied by his mustache-twriling villain of a brother so this is why he has the right to try to kill him🥹 what now? Would he portrays the riverlanders as cartoonish villains who bullied Sadmond to hell and back so this is why it's okay for Aemond to commit genocide against them?
if you think about it, aemond is for Ryan what Daemon was for George; a favorite. Which is ultra ironic because from what I've seen in interviews I don't think Ryan even likes daemon? But anyways, I've been saving my long analysis for after the season is over but it'd be rude to ignore you, so let's go.
First things first, I think Aegon being "incompetent" at most things isn't necessarily bad, if we consider book canon where we're told he's lazy. It makes sense why for example his valyrian are probably not the best, why he struggles keeping up with the council etc
On the other hand however, you may say "Well, they've ignored 80% of the book. Aemond and Alicent get sympathy. Even Helaena gets more of a room to breathe." which in this case, yes, you're actually right.
Since the showrunners are determined to be making both sides gray that would mean show both sympathy and bad traits to a character right?
The thing is Aegon suffers a similiar fate Alicent aka the writers don't know what to do with him. In the first season they attempted to give him some sympathy by showing how he was mistreated by alicent and Otto, and show how he became awful by having Dyana and the fighting pits as an example of it.
In the second season, he should have gotten more spotlight. He should have been riding high on power, being arrogant af, celebrating his small "victories" but he doesn't get any of that. Instead he's naive with making decisions (which makes sense but instead of backing out of his decisions he should persist), he can't keep up with his own council (in the book at least he was nagging Otto about always writing letters instead of taking action), and even when b&c happens we don't see him taking revenge. We saw him destroying viserys' Lego collection instead of the man who beheaded his son. And I'm asking, why? Why not show his cruel side, why not have him torture his prisoner, taking joy of his pain. Hell, most audience wouldn't even be against him for it.
As for the Aegon x Aemond dynamic, the bullying never really made sense to me, but I'd argue the entire dynamic of the green family is very clumsily written. These people aren't loyal to one another but the care is still meant to be there, y'know?
Like, Alicent in the book is a hypocrite and completely obsessed with Rhaenyra. She still defended and believed in her children despite most of them being monsters.
Aegon had no reason to bully Aegon (aside the fact that alicent would have probably never allowed it), Aemond is the only brother Aegon gets to grow up with. He's his closest companion if you think about it.
When Jace is born, Daeron is born. So Aegon never had interest in his nephews because he was too old by then. He probably still felt envious his father was giving attention to them - which is a feeling he shared with Aemond only (given Helaena had a batter relationship with their dad)
So again, why the bullying? Not to mention Aemond is fierce child. bit of a psycho if you will. The idea that he'd just accept being humiliated by Aegon is laughable at best.
The difficulty with adapting the book is that arguably, Aemond is a very difficult character to sympathize. He's not meant to be likable. He's chaotic and an idiot with the oldest dragon and that makes him dangerous - which in turn, can make him entertaining to a certain audience.
Have you noticed how he never name calls Rhaenyra in the show? Aegon insults her. Criston insults her. But not him. Meanwhile Aemond had this weird psychosexual thing with Rhaenyra and obsession with Daemon in the book. But they only kept the latter part because it'd be harder to root for him if they had kept the first.
book Aemond is a raging misogynistic, arrogant prince, impulsive and fixated with the idea of proving he's better than others. It's why he waits for a dragon to claim when his own egg doesn't hatch. it's why he persists after his accident.
if they wanted to draw sympathy they could have actually focused on his disability. While I don't blame the Velaryon boys for what happened to him, Aemond still had to deal with permanent consequences; relearning everything; how to eat, how to read, how to swordfight. You could have a bit of disability representation there for kudos and actually dig into an unexplored aspect of his character. But nope, they only had him mad after years and even the action of murdering his nephew because of it was made into an accident. so I guess he wasn't that mad over the eye thing lol
Aaand because I feel I've been defending Aegon a bit much let me clear the air, I'm not some Aegon girly who thinks he's uwu a poor bb who talked over and never did anything wrong.
He's a rapist; both in the show and the book. In the show he enjoys watching kids killing each other, in the book he wants to murder his elder sister from the start. He's still however a pawn. Just an unaware one for the most part so sympathy is drawn there for a bit.
And there's an added irony and tragedy of Aegon arrogantly believing he and aemond were on the same side, to be celebrating his victories to the point of building him a freaking statue. One can say there's something narcissistic about it, as if Aegon views aemond and daeron as extentions to himself, making their victories his own.
Meanwhile Aemond grew up resentful of Aegon in the similiar sense he is of Rhaenyra. except Aegon is a man and a firstborn son so his laziness rubs him wrong extra hard. His mother and grandfather focused on installing Aegon to the throne when Aegon had never done anything for it. In his mind, Aemond is the one who trained, who endured after his accident, who is ambitious about power. So yeah Aegon being crowned never sat well with him.
Rook's nest remain goofy in the show and gives tb another horribly adapted death but I can't be mad about it 'cause I couldn't even stand show!rhaenys lol.
While Aemond was always going to go against Aegon he probably would have done it after the war with Rhaenyra was over. A "let them kill each other and I can deal with whoever remains" kind of a plan. And since Aegon had gotten so badly injured by the end he wouldn't even have to kill him if he didn't feel like it, just talk to him into abdicating.
But yeah, Aemond in the show is "whitewashed" as you mentioned and they made his "got bullied" storyline a core aspect of his persona so there's no saving him.
I do wonder how they'll do the burning of Riverlands and the massacre of House Strong 🤔 In showverse, going after Aegon was expected especially after the brothel scene (+the childhood we know they had.) and I can't imagine many people not rooting for him given how Aegon treated him.
So, Aegon was the "bad" guy in this case so Aemond's actions are once again lifted from him. I'm definitely curious how they'll do the other two. I can't imagine a way to twist it into him being "forced" but eh he's Ryan's fav, never underestimate the man.
I guess we'll have to wait and see
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Let's talk about Tidus and Yuna, shall we?
As someone who enjoys FFX, this probably should have come a long time ago. Tidus and Yuna's characters in the original Final Fantasy 10 are excellent.
Tidus successfully portrays a seventeen-year-old boy in this fantasy situation - slightly annoying, slightly arrogant because of his famous father and his own famous Blitzball career, and utterly overwhelmed by being thrust into an entirely new world without knowing if he can go home.
While FFX tries to fake you out into thinking it's a time-travel story where he has been thrust 1000 years into the future, the city of Zanarkand is a physical location in Spira that just requires you to be made of pyreflies to enter (aka dead or a summon). This makes Tidus essentially a summon, which is an interesting theory for another day. This means Zanarkand is just a place that hasn't changed in 1000 years, likely in some infinite loop imagining and reimagining people who had once lived there - warping them slowly over time, but ultimately just trying to keep the city alive (which is how we got Tidus from Shuyin, I think, idk I really don't care for 10-2's plot). The fayth were trying to imagine what would happen if Zanarkand was never destroyed, but I think they simply would have started running out of ideas for new people who lived there, so it did end up looping old characters into slightly newer forms. Like fanfiction characters, honestly.
But it's so great to see Tidus's journey. He starts the game a confused outsider just trying to survive, someone who doesn't mind speaking up about how he feels and what he believes. His outsider perspective provides a means for the audience to be introduced to Spira's world building as well, and we also get to see an unbiased point of view to Yevon's religion - and not necessarily a disrespectful one. Tidus, though he doesn't preach Yevon as a devout follower for his entire life, still tries to make an effort to be respectful of the good parts. When Shelinda corrects him, "That's MAESTER Seymour, or LORD Seymour", he says "Sorry, I'll be careful."
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He dashes into the Cloister of Trials to save the summoner who might be in danger, regardless of the rules or presincts, because he's got a childish outlook life and a good heart despite his many inital arrogant qualities. He wants the best outcome, he's willing to believe in doing the right thing even when it's hard, and yeah it's unrealistic at times, but it's a breath of fresh air for the people of Spira who live rather docile lives always in fear of Sin and dedicating themselves to the kindness of Yevon's teachings. He admits "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea" after he breaks the rules for the first time, and watching Yuna on her pilgrimage and how she interacts with the people who admire her for her father and her own summoner status allows Tidus to humble himself while still remaining fundamentally defiant to anything he doesn't agree is right - aka Yuna sacrificing herself.
Religion isn't always a bad thing, and FFX makes a point to emphasize this. The people of Spira are kind and respectful, banding together in the hard times and unting together to have hope. Yuna is initially a beacon of hope - all summoners are - making people smile and flock to her wherever she goes, and she gives people respect and encourages them to have faith not only in her, but in themselves as well. Even when she's branded a traitor, a significant number of people recognize Yuna's dedication to the people and immediately believe the next tale about it all being an evil Al-Bhed rumor.
Yevon's corruption is just a few people abusing their power, twisting a good message into a cult-like dedication. Wakka is the most notable case, but technically all of the characters go through a period of blindly believing in the teachings and Yevon and eventually finding their own path. Even Tidus, who didn't grow up believing in Yevon or knowing its teachings, finds that the people's way of life living in rightful fear of Sin has them NEEDING Yevon and the messages of kindness and compassion it preaches. Maybe they shouldn't believe in everything the Maesters say Yevon is, but he can understand the intentions behind it and how the regular, uncorrupt people just live their lives trying to be good.
Now that I think about it, the parallels between Yevon and Blitzball actually make a lot of sense - Blitzball is the entertainment people go to in order to forget about the fears of Sin, and Yevon is the religion people worship in an effort to band together and have hope against Sin. Huh. No wonder a Blitzball sign for victory became a religious thing.
Anyway, Wakka eventually apologizes! He recognizes that the Al-Bhed are just people. They don't believe in Yevon's ways BECAUSE they care, just from a different perspective. Just because they don't believe in Yevon doesn't mean they're savages, and when their Home is destroyed by merciless Guado, he hears them singing the Hymn of the Fayth to respect their fallen as well. Wakka admits he didn't want to hear anything he didn't agree with, that he was a jerk, and Cid agrees that he's hated Yevonites just for being Yevonites too.
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Here's a Wakka glare just for our collective amusement.
Who were we talking about? Ah, Tidus.
Tidus is indeed a whiny character, childish, toeing the line between humor and annoyance. But he matures throughout the course of his journey, caring for the entire crew but Yuna especially. When they reach Zanarkand and learn the truth about the Final Summoning, Lulu tells him, "If you want everything, you'll end up with nothing," and he replies, "But I want everything!" His unwavering hope and optimism even when everyone is telling him it's impossible is necessary for the story, to tell the characters that yes, your sacrifices will be pretty and give temporary relief, and you'll be dead and martyred and remembered - but how can it be right? It's not.
From his basic, outsider, new perspective on this world he only just joined, it's not right. He didn't grow up with this being normal, so even in comparison to the Al-Bhed, he knows that it's not.
There's a saying somewhere that I forget the source, but basically it goes like "Children are raised to believe the world is good and fair but are outraged when they grow to learn it is not." Tidus asks what an ADULT would do, sacrificing a summoner and just moving on with their lives like it was fine to give one life for many, just happy it wasn't them. Adults are indoctrinated into a way of life and a way of thinking, and it's extremely hard to get people to change their minds - but not, as FFX proves, impossible. Both he and Yuna are still kids, kids who are still able to grow up to see the world for what it truly is.
Yuna was betrayed by Yevon, all her beliefs torn down and the hope she had placed on the system shattered. But she continued her pilgrimage. She dreamt of all the fun things she could do if she quit, knew that all of her friends and Guardians would accept her choice, but she knew she could never let it go. She stood up to the Ronso saying that she was fighting for the people, not the temples or Yevon - impressing Kelk Ronso who says she has an iron will that towers over Gagazette's peaks.
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She has given her everything to this trip, but it's not fair. Just because it's the right thing to do doesn't mean it's right - and you need a character like Tidus to put his foot down and say no. Everyone is willing to sacrifice themselves, everyone is willing to be the one to die so that others can be happy. But it's not fair. It's not right to let anyone die, even if they're willing, even if it's one for many. It's a temporary fix, it's feeding an endless cycle of lies and false hope. It's not real.
But it is YUNA who ultimately makes the choice to say no. All this time, she's been insisting she keeps going despite both Rikku and Tidus's protests and desperate attempts to get her to change her mind. She's been the most resolute out of all of them to go through with this, but in the end, it's not Tidus or Rikku who kill Yunalesca before she can get the chance or present her a stirring enough argument or some alternative. No, it's Yuna who asks directly what the cycle of the Final Summoning and Sin mean, hearing that the hope they offer is false, and when asked who will be her fayth, everyone is silent, waiting for her answer - because it is Yuna'a choice, Yuna's pilgrimage, Yuna's story. And she says, "No one."
She would have gladly died for the people of Spira, but she is done. She isn't going to join into this cycle of death and lies. Her father chose to become a summoner and defeated Sin, but it was because he truly believed that it would make a difference. He died because he had hope, and maybe it was indeed false hope, but somewhere deep down, he really did want to find a way to stop Sin for good. He and Jecht went into that battle hoping that Jecht and Auron would find a way to break the cycle. And let's be honest, they did. Tidus and Yuna were brought up differently, but they end up seeing each other's sides of the story and agreeing on so many things. The people are worth fighting for even when they're being misled.
Yunalesca's argument is that sorrow will always exist, and false hope is all anyone can offer to soften the blow. But Yuna is ready to live with her sorrow and brave whatever comes from it. She will find her own hope, even without knowing there will be another way, and she knows she will conquer it. She proved it long before she reached Zanarkand, after enduring Yevon's betrayal; now her methods have changed, but her end goal is as resolute as it's always been. She's going to defeat Sin, and she's going to give people REAL hope, even when it's hard.
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Yuna says no to Yunalesca. She joins in the fight to destroy the Final Summoning forever, and slowly she learns that she can function beyond Yevon's teachings. The team who made 10-2 seemed to think that Yuna needed to toughen up and become some kind of badass (which they failed at portraying, Yuna is an utter wreck in that game and let's not talk about how Rikku devolved), but she was already a freaking strong character! She stood up for herself the entire game as a strong-willed summoner willing to give her life for the cause, but she also stood up for herself by declaring she would LIVE. It's entirely in character for her, even when she's changing her mind and broadening her horizons. Yuna was the character who smiled even knowing she was on a long, slow journey that would end in her death, who was willing to do it if it would make others smile too. That is a strong character right there.
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I do agree that she might not know what to do with her life now that she doesn't plan to die, but come on, don't make her into a wanna-be who tries to pretend like she doesn't care only to reveal yup she cares, what a pushover. Her caring nature is what makes her great to watch! Frustrating when she tries to do everything on her own with the Seymour thing, but entirely in character. Empowering when she makes her own choices and decides for herself. I don't know why she does nothing for two whole years during Eternal Calm but okay maybe I can see it. But for her to try doing a 180, respecting no one and no one respecting her even though she DEFEATED SIN was such a mistake. Plus the mini games in 10-2 are utterly atrocious. Anyway, tangent over.
But then the script has flipped at the end of 10. Tidus is the one that realizes Zanarkand is what Sin is protecting, that defeating Sin will make the whole city and everyone made from the dream disappear. He is the one who has to sacrifice himself for Sin to be defeated. Unlike summoners, however, Sin won't come back if he does this. He's grown across the journey just like Jecht did, following a summoner and learning what it means to want to give your life living in hope that it'll save everyone else.
Yuna has to sacrifice the Aeons she's forged her own bond with - which, remember, every summoner makes a unique bond with the aeons. She has to say goodbye to Auron, see Sir Jecht only one more time as he gives his life as an Aeon and uses the last of his power to give his sword for the final battles to fight on (did ya notice that?). Then, in the final tragic scene, Tidus becomes intangible and tries to say a cheerful goodbye, apologizing for not being able to show her Zanarkand like they had pondered when Yuna was dreaming of the things she'd do if she abandoned her pilgrimage and lived. Now, Yuna is the one having to say goodbye to the one sacrificing their life. The soft piano, the wailing of the colorful pyreflies as they disperse with all the dead, it's freaking beautiful man.
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Yuna's final line hits hard too, her speech about how everyone has lost homes, dreams, and friends. They can build new homes and new dreams, even if they can't get back lost friends. "The people and the friends that we have lost...or the dreams that have faded...never forget them." Get it? Be...Because Tidus is a dream that faded? Anyway I'll just be crying in the corner over here don't mind me.
In the end, it's sort of understandable why Yuna just sits around in Besaid after the end of 10 during Eternal Calm. Maybe. Not only did she have no plans for her life after Sin was defeated (thinking she would be the one to die), but she lost her entire purpose in life AND she's reeling from the fact that even though she made the choice not to sacrifice herself just for everyone else's false hope, someone still had to give their life - Tidus. Someone still ended up dying for the cause, even after all she went through deciding to live.
The ONLY moments I actually respect Yuna from 10-2 is during the end, when Nooj volunteers a plan to give his life to win the battle (which was already stupid even before Yuna's speech because we're talking about an Unsent, Nooj your plan does nothing to stop someone who's already dead, idiot). Yuna's lines are extremely good and well voice acted too: "'We had no choice.' Always 'We had no choice.' Those are our magic words. We repeat them to ourselves again and again. But you know... The magic never worked! The only thing we're left with is regret. No. I don't want this anymore. I don't want friends to die...or fade away. I don't want battles where we have to lose in order to win."
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It also demonstrates better than that stupid minigame how difficult it was for Yuna to have destroyed the aeons she had forged a bond with. What I'm saying is, fuck Beclem and everyone else who dares disrespect Yuna, summoners, and everything they went through. Even though that time and age in Spira might be over, that's NO reason to immediately scoff in the face of everything all those people went through - everything YUNA sacrificed and endured for the sake of these ungrateful whelps.
Both Tidus and Yuna were excellent protagonists of X, despite both of them having a lot of growing to do. In conclusion, let me make use of this fun poll feature if you made it this far down:
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kideternity · 4 months
Okay now i've finished Adventure let me write up my full thoughts about the season. This will be less structured than the Tamers review and I apologise for that, I just kind of had a different watching experience with Adventure and thus sort of format my feelings about it in a different way idk. Whatever the case, here’s my full review of Adventure under the cut, and if you don’t care about that, then here’s the TLDR;
I liked adventure! I had a lot of fun watching it. It’s not a perfect season, but nothing is, and whilst I am going to take a break for now, I'm excited to start Digimon Adventure 02 in the foreseeable future.
-First, I do want to highlight things I really enjoyed. I really loved the animation and art style- I know its seen as very cheesy and dated and not the best animated (Most notable example that comes to mind is reusing the animation for special moves) but IDC, I love the cartoony style and I've always been very endeared to older styles of animation and how they make use of the medium.
-I liked the kids! I liked the kids a lot! They’re good kids! The cast of adventure is absolutely a highlight, and I can see why Bandai always goes back to them for use in future projects, whether or not that’s ultimately a good thing.
-Whilst I personally prefer the more Urban Sci-fi / Fantasy settings of Tamers and Savers, The Isekai approach lends itself to be a good way to immediately show off the digital world and the creatures within it, and to start exploring the worldbuilding within. I like the worldbuilding of Adventure! It felt kind of more purposely vague then Tamers and Savers, but it’s an interesting world they set up, and I'd like to see more of it explored
-I missed the global aspect of Tamers and even Savers. Though I can’t really fault Adventure, being as it was literally THE first season ever, for staying strictly in Japan. I just personally enjoyed how large and expansive things got in Tamers, and how people from all over the world were involved. I will say, I did appreciate Adventure also having more unorthodox or complicated family dynamics- such as Yamato and Takeru being the kids of divorce who aren’t able to 24/7 be around each other, or how Koushiro is adopted. It’s always a breath of fresh air to see media, especially for kids, tackle these sorts of things with nuance and grace.
-The soundtrack was absolutely gorgeous. Probably my favourite out of all of the soundtracks so far- there was just so much passion and emotion packed into each musical piece.
-Tone and themes were fairly consistent throughout, mostly due to the fact that Adventure doesn’t really have any sort of grand overarching messaging like Tamers or Savers did. I would assume, due to being again, the first season of anime, it cared more about plot and characters than trying to Say anything too radical. Hence, the themes follow pretty standard “good versus evil” tropes, as well as the power of compassion and community and optimism and hope that digimon usually utilises in each of its different stories across mediums, instead of anything more complex, like Tamers attempts at dissecting morality and violence, and Savers discussing the inherent value of lives that aren’t humans and trying to understand those not like you. Adventure plays it safe, and doesn’t get burned because of it, which I can’t fault.
-The villains are. Eh. They’re entertaining but none of them are necessarily very well written. The most well written villain was Pinochimon, and ignoring that i'm a biased party, most people seem to agree with me on this. Vamdemon was definitely the most intimidating and well built up antagonist. Apocalymon has a really cool and sympathetic concept, and I wish he had been focused on more. Generally, due to the nature of Adventure's “good versus evil” tropes, a lot of the villains aren’t really allowed any sort of nuance or are portrayed in a “They're Inherently Damnable Let's Kill Em” sort of way, which is unfortunate. Only Ogremon top of my head really gets any sort of minor redemption at the end without dying for it, ala Wizarmon, Gottsumon and Pumpkinmon.
-Like Tamers, Adventure is much more open to the idea of making horny jokes and talking about romance, which I do not enjoy, and it was by far the worst one when it came to that in my opinion. Why were there so many jokes about masc digimon hitting on Mimi. Stop that right this instant.
-Generally, I would say plot and character writing is a mixed bag. None of it is necessarily godawful, but you can tell that Adventure was very haphazardly and sloppily written. There’s a lot of inconsistencies in the writing- a lot of new characters or story elements are sort of abruptly added out of nowhere with no real build up and which sometimes ultimately don’t really matter all that much. It has definitely the worst pacing out of the seasons I've seen so far- Again, Building up momentum to then just suddenly stop and spill exposition on you. Savers and Tamers had issues too, but their handling of the plot was usually much tighter and the writing much more concise. Whilst I love the kids, and they do definitely get their own character arcs, none of them are written equally in that regard and often times it leads to situations where some characters get their arcs finished early and then stay stagnant for the rest of the season (Sora and Koushiro) whilst others only get major character writing near the very end (Yamato). It also definitely played favourites with some of them lol. Random things will interject in pivotal moments and the arcs for each different villain all have entirely different vibes to one another. Truthfully, it does come across as a much of mini stories hazily slapped together in an attempt to create a Larger Grander Narrative. Which, again, it was their first attempt ever creating an anime for Digimon, so I suppose I can’t blame them too much for this. It’s a miracle this took off so well in the first place.
Again, there’s definitely stuff I'm missing that i'd have wanted to say, but as a whole, again, I like Adventure! It’s not my favourite season of the digimon anime, and I can definitely understand the frustration for Bandai constantly milking it as a cash cow for the nostalgia points. But, I do think as a whole it holds up for the most part, at least for a kids anime from the late 90s, and Again, I don’t regret having watched it.
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lolotheparagon · 8 months
Top 10 Sofia the First Songs
Fuck it, I know most of you dont give a shit about Sofia the First but this show has been a sheer delight for me so y'all gonna sit down, shut up and appreciate some good music. The music in this show is much like the music in Friendship is Magic. They both went way too hard than they needed to.
Here's the top 10 best songs in Sofia the First
10. King Cedric the Great
Villain songs are always fun and its even better when the villain singing it is about as dangerous as a rubber duck. Cedric is the true example of how to write a sympathetic villain. He's a hapless sorceror who's actually really good at magic but his anxiety combined with everyone (except Sofia and his niece Calista) viewing him as some kind of loser are the reason why he wants to take over the kingdom cos he thinks that's the only way he can get respect. As this song illustrates how he wants Sofia's amulet so he can use its powers, but as the episode goes on, he finds out he doesnt really have it in him to be truly evil for reasons I won't go into, cos the episode this song's from is SO good. Its called Cedric's Apprentice if anyone wants to look it up.
As for the song itself, its a homage to classic Disney villain songs but Cedric's plan is so childishly over the top its hard to take him seriously, which is the song's intention. Its a great juxtaposition. Jess Harnell's singing is just the ham on top of these cheese sandwich.
He really has a knack for playing characters that are totally wacko
9. Wendell's Way
Speaking of sorcerors, here's another villain: a kid named Wendell. A spoilt brat who stole all the flying horses of Enchancia for his birthday. He's like if Horrid Henry went to that terf wizard school. The song itself has a very boisterious energy, amplified by the hard rock drums and the lute/guitar solo?? which makes it all the more satisfying when Sofia, Amber and James get the upper hand in the end and Wendell's mother comes out of nowhere to ground him, its fucking great. Its nice to see a bully character actually stay a bully and not get force-redeemed by the writers so they can pull the 'everyone deserves a second chance' message , when in actuality, no, some people really are that mean and you're not obligated to give a shit about a bully. Wendell is, in retrospect, a breath of fresh air as the song doesnt pull some sad backstory out of the aether to make you feel sorry for this kid. No, he's just that selfish.
Also the lyric: 'That is a promise, but also a threat' is fucking great.
Its a simple song but a bop nonetheless.
8. Make Some Noise
Sometimes a song is good when its just plain fun. And this song definitely applies. In the episode this is from, Sofia befriends a bunch of trolls living under the castle that everyone warns her are dangerous and violent and here... theyre actually super chill. The fact that Sofia instantly gets into the groove is delightful and again showcases how compassionate she is.
The song itself has a fun, jazzy melody with the trolls using thier equivalents of piano, trumpets and of course their clubs. It's such a feel good song, almost like the voice actors just got up from the chairs and just danced like they dont give a shit and the directors just hit record. It really feels like a song you would hear at a party. Even the repeated animation doesnt bother me.
7. A Princess True
One of this show's biggest weakness is portraying people from different cultures cos its clear the show is made by mostly white people who have a limited understanding of non-white cultures and can easily fall into racist stereotypes without realising it. Its not by any means racist as the show features plenty of non white side characters (Khaled, Kashmir, Jun, Jin and Kari) that the main cast are on friendly terms with. But here, this song is relatively tame as this song is all about Sofia, a white girl, believing in Lani, a Hawaiian girl, as her actions throughout the episode are proof she's the real deal.
In the episode, Princess Leilani lost her family heirloom the Emerald Key into the sea after fighting an evil witch, where it gets washed up in Enchancia so Leilani goes to the castle to get the key back, cos its a key to help her parents find their way home from the sea. However, the witch Mamanu disguises herself as Leilani as well so she can trick the Enchancian royal family into giving her the Key. So Roland puts both Lanis to the test but the test involves the Lanis to act like THEIR cultural view of royalty. Sofia notices one of the Lanis aces it and the other competely fails at it and does something different instead. So Sofia thinks the latter is the real princess and this song is her showing her full support and belief that Lani is the true princess.
Its a very sweet song to a very meaty episode which is why I had to explain in full detail. Its not perfect but the song really encapsulates Sofia's and the show's earnestness towards non-white characters and I appreciate that. It helps the creator is Jewish and went on to make a show all about Latina culture and did actual research on it. So this song, and the episode itself is a good, albeit rocky start.
Even if they fucked it up with giving Lani powers in the next episode she appeared in, goddammnit why the magical native stereotype we were so close!!!!!
6. Me and My Mom
Creator Craig Gerber has stated many times that one of Sofia the First's core themes is teaching kids about blended families and how to adapt after getting new parents and step siblings in your life (since he was a child of divorce himself and had to adapt to having a new father and siblings). This song is about Sofia's struggles to adapt now that she has to share her mother with Amber and James. You really feel sorry for Sofia cos she's so used to having her mother being the only family she has and of course, is easily attached to her.
Its a very soft, heartfelt song that resonates with a lot of kids that are in Sofia's position. I bet they felt very seen by this episode.
5. Improvise
In the episode, Amber wants to join in Sofia's girl scout group but in typical Amber fashion, she brought nothing but dresses and jewellry to an outdoor trip and forgot to pack a tent. So Sofia and her friends teach her how to improvise via musical number. A cute lesson about being resourceful and a great example of Amber becoming a more versatile character as she grows to love the outdoors.
There's a very jovial, motivational energy to the song that really makes it stand out from the usual pep-talk songs in this show. What else can I say? Its a highlight of Amber's character development and a fun little song to boot. Whats not to love?
4. Two By Two
Amber's relationship with her sister Sofia is always expanded upon in the show but her relationship with brother James is a lot less so since Amber and James sparsely interact beyond typical sibling teasing. So its nice this episode, and this song helps establish how much Amber actually cares about her twin brother.
In the episode, Amber accidentally turns James into a toddler thanks to a botched magic spell cos Amber didnt want to share her birthday but as her and Sofia run around trying to find baby James. Sofia suggests to Amber to sing the twin song that James and Amber used to sing all the time when they were little. (which is just adorable)
I love how Amber starts the song in a very deadpan, almost annoyed tone until the second verse hits and slowly her singing becomes more melancholy and emotional, like the fact that her twin being lost is just now hitting her. Especially since she spent the whole episode wishing to have a birthday to herself for once, not realising that she's taking away James' birthday and thus losing him too. That small bit of her looking at the pocket watch with her and James' portrait it, finally finding baby James behind the throne, picking him up and hugging him and them finishing the song together
Its so nice to see a sibling relationship that's actually wholesome.
3. Dare to Risk It All
One of Amber's biggest flaws is her envy and her getting over being an jealous bitch to her little sister is a lesson that Amber has always had to learn in the show's earlier seasons. And while she has made some development, this is the episode where Amber makes the most change. And this song is emblematic of that.
Dare To Risk It All has Rapunzel appear to teach Amber that you have to put other's needs before your own to earn forgiveness, to prove you can change, which is a lesson not a lot of kids shows teach nowadays cos most shows like Steven Universe and even MLP put the pressure on the victim to forgive their bullies or let them off easy (especially if they're family) but in this episode, Sofia is rightfully angry at Amber for stealing her amulet and isnt afraid to snap at her for it the whole episode so Amber throughout this song (and the episode) realising how much Sofia means to her and it puts the pressure on Amber to be a better person and a better sister.
Its one of the few good Disney Princess songs the show has. The Disney Princess aspect of the show is honestly its biggest crutch cos Sofia always has a good role model with her mother and her dad to some extent and the princesses havent exactly had the best trakc record for teaching good lessons to Sofia since they either state the obvious or gaslight her. So its nice to see the princesses teach someone else for a change. And its Rapunzel, the best Disney princess.
Also bonus points for having a good song about earning forgiveness whilst flying dragons.
2. Princess Things
Sofia wants to do flying horse-racing even though mostly boys at her school do that sport and both Amber and Sofia's rival Prince Hugo are discouraging her from trying out the sport. Its your typical girl empowerment message. While the pilot episode established the whole premise, this episode (Just One of the Princes) and this song establishes Sofia's character: a pro-active princess who doesnt fall for anyone's bullshit, which is perfect for a moral center protagonist.
I love how Sofia's expression throughout the song goes from confused to smiling like she's internally screaming. And her verses are basically 'screw you guys i do whatever the fuck i want.' So not only did everyone waste their time singing to convince Sofia but in fact made her even MORE CONVINCED to try out the flying horse derby. Good job, guys.
Aside from that, the song itself is a bop. The repeated chorus really emphasises the peer pressure Sofia is going through. Second episode of the series and they're already making a hit.
1. All You Need
In the episode, Sofia meets Vivian, a princess who's a great artist and musician but is painfully shy and thus everyone is spreading rumours around her. Even Sofia was a bit apprehensive but she pushes through it to meet Vivian at her house whilst they work on their school project and this delightful song just pops up.
I love how it starts with Vivian nervously playing her lute and Sofia starts singing, whilst helping her IN SONG start brainstorming their ideas for a dream castle. Then after Sofia's verse is done: ending with the lyric, Ill paint all the towers blue, now the rest is up to you, Vivian immediately jumps and enthusiastically suggest her own ideas. The music even matches the tone of the characters. When it starts, its only Vivian's lute and a backing track but as soon as the bridge comes, the music swells when Sofia's singing motivates Vivian and its just chef kiss.
This song, as well as the episode this was from, made me really like Vivian as a side character and I always loved her interactions with Sofia whenever she made an appearance. I like how she retained her newfound confidence into later seasons, where she becomes just as pro-active as Sofia.
This song, to me, is what Sofia the First is all about. A girl who's just the sunniest child, befriending the shy kid in her class and having the most adorable musical number. Are there songs with better lyrics and theming? Absolutely. But the sheer serotonin levels this song has, as well as encapsulating the main character's compassion for others, is why this is the best song of the show
Thank you for coming to my TED talk about a bluebell princess
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winterchimez · 10 months
Redemption of Love - Chapter 2
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SUMMARY: Choi Chanhee—better known as the Phantom of the Opera, has dominated the Paris Opera House with his lifelong partner, Christine Daae, for years. Until one fateful day, an incident forces them to be separated and never to be reunited again.
Decades later, you have begun your journey here at the famous opera house with the help of your fiancé, Lee Sangyeon. After several performances, it was then that you would come face-to-face with the renowned phantom himself, and he is determined to never let you go again, convinced that you were his long-lost partner whom he has not seen in many years.
It is now your choice to make. To give your heart to the once-forgotten phantom? Or to stand firm and marry the love of your life.
PAIRING: phantom of the opera Chanhee x singer f!reader x fiancé Sangyeon
GENRE & WARNINGS: phantom of the opera au, angst, supernatural, thriller, crime, fluff, time travel, reincarnation, major & minor character deaths, otome, pg-13
A/N: hi hello! it's been a while since ive updated this and i apologise for that 😭 but Chanhee finally makes his appearance in this one so yall better buckle up 👀
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It was thirty minutes before the show was about to start, and everyone was getting their final bits done, doing some final touchups on their makeup, and even ensuring the props were placed in their right positions. You were getting ready as you decided to move closer to the stage and slightly peered at what was out there. 
The hall was filled and packed with audiences despite still having ample time before the show began. With that, you were now a nervous wreck. You feel your legs go numb, and your heartbeat is ten times faster than you would usually feel before getting ready for a performance.
Sure, you are considered one of the seasoned backup dancers for the opera house, but never once have you had to step in for an actual lead role and perform at one of the world’s renowned opera houses and in front of thousands of audiences. 
Suddenly, you felt a string of knots form within your belly. You were so nervous that your anxiety kicked to the point that you needed to wrap your arms around yourself to refrain from causing a scene backstage. 
That was when you felt a hand on your shoulder; it was Avaleigh. 
“Honestly, Avaleigh. This is such a bad idea, I know I shouldn’t have—”
“Calm down, Y/N. Remember the breathing exercises we’ve always done whenever we did warm-ups together before rehearsals?” Avaleigh cut you off and tried her best to calm you down, reassuring you that everything would be alright. 
“B-but, what if I don’t perform the way Madame would? The crowd would surely be disappointed, especially with how she has been the face of the Opera House for a decade now.” 
“Y/N, this isn’t about Madame. It’s all about you portraying your best out there. You don’t have to live in Madame’s shadows or take over her personality. You go out there and just be yourself, exactly like how you’ve proved Mr Arnaud and Mr Arquette this morning.” 
With one gentle slap to your back to wake you up from your senses, Avaleigh gave you one last smile before returning backstage to reunite with the other dancers as the lights began to dim in the auditorium, indicating that the show was about to start. 
That was it. The stage was now all yours as you had to step out to sing the opening act before the rest of the cast members would join you in the following act. 
Taking a few deep breaths, you constantly reassured yourself that everything would be alright. 
You proved yourself worthy and finally got the chance to be in the spotlight after many months, Y/N. It is truly your time to shine now.
When the lights went off throughout the theatre, it was your time to move towards the center of the stage within five seconds before the spotlight would eventually shine down on you. 
You counted internally as you moved towards your spot; eventually, the spotlight shone upon you.
Sure enough, you heard a few gasps throughout the entire theatre. There was no doubt that people expected Madame Indivus to be the one up on stage, not some other actresses who would replace her at the last minute. Through the corners of your eyes, you noticed how several people began whispering amongst each other, and that just made the knot in your stomach feel ten times worse than before. 
That was until you landed your eyes upon your fiancé sitting below in the first few rows close to the stage. There was this look in his eyes that just calmed down your nerves almost instantly. He mouthed a little, “you can do it, love,” before giving you his signature smile, which you always loved and would make everything seem bearable even during tough times. 
Returning a smile, you lifted your head high before finally opening your mouth to sing aloud, just as you presented yourself during the rehearsals.
Slowly, you began to relax your shoulders and felt all of the tension between your joints being released. This was when you finally let loose and portrayed your best talents that you have had for so long. 
Almost instantly, smiles were plastered across the audience’s faces, giving you enough confidence to boost yourself and move on as you began singing the opening act smoothly as you practised. 
Maybe, I could do this after all.
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The show went on fairly smoothly and quickly for the next two hours, and you and your whole cast received a standing ovation at the end of the show. With you being in the center of the spotlight, it was a sign to you that the people have accepted you to be part of the leading actresses in the opera house, and so did both Mr Arnaud and Mr Arquette, who were both sitting in one of the stalls at the side that were always reserved for them both.
Your fiancé joined along with the crowd, throwing you a rose to the stage while the rest of the audience followed, indicating that it was all a successful show as all of you bowed and the curtains were laid slowly down on stage. 
Immediately, your cast members were beyond proud and happy to be working with you for the upcoming shows, and they couldn’t wait to see what the next show would be before the opera house would be off for a week. 
After some light refreshments and talking amongst each other, you slowly returned to your dressing room, turning the doorknob and opening the door to see the man you have longed for. 
You immediately jumped into his arms as he caught you, spinning around in a few circles before placing you back down. 
“You did so well, Y/N. Did you know that you were magnificent and captivating up there?”
“Now that’s rude. I thought I was always beautiful in your eyes.” You sulked. 
“Of course, I was just joking; you know how much I love you, Y/N. You outperformed yourself up there. It brought me back to when we were both young and performing together in university,” Sangyeon remarked. 
“Hey, we aren’t that old yet!” You were about to gently slap the man on the arm, seemingly waking him up from reality.
“Okay okay, miss Y/N,” he chuckled before he pulled out something that he had been hiding behind his back. “I got these for you.” 
It was a bouquet of flowers, not just any flowers, but ones that you have always adored, lilies. 
You took the bouquet in your hand, and you couldn’t help but bring it forth to whiff the fresh scent. “Aww, Sangyeon, you didn’t have to.” 
“Just so you know, I handpicked these lilies myself. They came all the way from Romania, so you bet how hard I’ve taken care of them myself during my stay there and on the train back.” Sangyeon exclaimed, lifting his head up high as if he wanted the world to know that he had done such a good deed and needed to be praised aloud. 
You giggled at the sight of your fiancé being childish in front of you, which you have gotten used to ever since you both started dating. It was a little something that you enjoyed, to be quite frankly. He was a pretty goofy guy, after all.
With that, you slowly placed the bouquet down into the white vase right by your vanity area, all while your fiancé approached you to give you a tight backhug. 
“Say, Y/N. I’ve booked us a fancy dinner down at Bouillon Chartier. Care to join me for some candlelight dinner?” 
“Why, of course, young man.” 
You both broke off the hug and linked hands as you exited the room, turning off all the lights until you heard a faint voice. 
“Y/N, is something wrong?”
As much as you swore you heard it, you did not want to make it a big deal or cause a commotion. Hence, you reassured that everything was fine and convinced yourself that it was probably all because of the fatigue you had been dealing with for the day.
Stepping out of the room, you slowly grabbed the doorknob before fully closing the door, hoping it was all in your mind. 
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Since that day, the audience has demanded that the opera house cast you in more shows for the remaining seasons. As a result, swarms of letters began to pile up in the office, leaving Mr Arnaud and Mr Arquette with no choice but to adhere to the public’s cries and wishes. Given that Madame Indivus was not returning for quite a while, they had no choice but to roster you as the lead female singer and actress until the season ends.
With that, you have been cast and performed a handful of productions since that first day. Thankfully, your confidence got better, and so did your performance on stage. The public now absolutely adored you, and your face would be plastered all across the Opera House, even up to the streets of Paris. 
Of course, you were beyond grateful for that, as it has been your dream to finally perform at the famous Paris Opera House. It was why you even took up your studies in performing arts at Conservatoire de Paris in the first place. 
Undoubtedly, your times at the facility were becoming much more prominent and memorable. You were able to get close to your cast members and break the ice between them, ensuring all of you worked together as a team to give the best performance for the season. 
At the same time, your fiancé was now back with you in Paris, and he was doing as much as he could to support you and the opera house with his connections to the best of his abilities. There was nothing better than having him back with you in your arms. 
However, amidst your grand success in the limelight, something eerie and terrifying has also been bothering you. 
It seemed as if the voice you heard the other day in the dressing room was far beyond the last. Ever since your first grand performance, the voice has become much more prominent and frequent, even getting slightly louder each time you hear it. Given that most of the time, you would be in your dressing room alone to get ready for a show, the tension and air were significantly eerie, even making it hard to breathe at times. 
Making sure you weren’t hallucinating, you went about the whole opera house, asking everyone if they had ever heard a mysterious voice. To your surprise, none of them has ever heard of such an occurrence; some even mentioned that it was all in your head, and you couldn’t blame them. 
You tried getting your best friend, Avaleigh to return to your room one evening to see if she could hear anything at all. It turns out that your efforts were wasted, and there was no point trying to convince her because the tension in the air shifted once there was more than one person in the room. 
With that, your only hope was your fiancé, Sangyeon. 
After the final performance of the season, you insisted that Sangyeon were to visit your dressing room almost immediately once the audience began to head out to the exit. 
Judging from your facial expressions as he entered the room, he knew something was fairly wrong.
“Y/N, have you been too exhausted lately? Is having back-to-back shows too much for you? If yes, I could always talk to Mr—”
“Sangyeon. Whatever I’m about to tell you now, please listen closely and carefully.” You cut him off before taking a huge breath, trying to cough up the words you have been desperately trying to tell him.
“I think…that there’s a ghost in this room.” 
There was a silent pause before Sangyeon eventually cracked up in a burst of laughter.
“You must be insane, Y/N. I’m sure it’s definitely got to do with you being exhausted—”
“I’m not joking, Sangyeon! I’m serious; I have heard voices since that first day!” You exclaimed, trying your best to prove your point. 
But clearly, your fiancé was not having it. “Y/N, ghosts aren’t real. There’s absolutely no way that you have been hearing things.”
“Oh yeah? Then let me prove it to you.” 
With that, you placed your fingers onto his lips, silencing him. The room was quiet now, and you waited a few minutes, hoping the voice would reappear. 
But it was to no avail.
Sangyeon sighed before gently taking your fingers away. “Y/N, babe. Let’s just go home now, shall we? I’ll have to meet with Mr Arnaud and Mr Arquette to discuss a few matters first, then I’ll be back to pick you up.”
You sighed, disappointed that you couldn’t even earn your fiancé’s trust. 
As he left the room, you started packing your things away as you prepared to wait for his return. 
That was until you heard the voice again.
However, it was getting louder this time.
What was going on? 
With that scream, you turned to face your mirror, which was situated right by your vanity area. Sure enough, a dark figure, wearing a mask covering half his face, emerged from the reflection. 
He reached out his hands to you.
“Christine…come to me…” the voice called out pleadingly, desperate and sad, wanting you to grant his wishes.
Indeed, there was no one else in this room, and you figured that “Christine” has got to be you. 
You slowly walked towards the mirror before giving a soft, gentle reply. “Are you…calling for me?”
“Yes…I have been wanting to meet you for so long…”
“Umm…but who are you—”
“It is not safe to speak here…come with me…I will tell you everything…”
Well, a little trip to find the answers wouldn’t hurt after all.
With that, you slowly reached out your hand before the figure in the mirror extended theirs so that it was peaking out of the mirror now, grabbing firmly yet gently onto yours as he pulled you in closer, guiding you to enter into the mirror.
Just like that, your dressing room was now empty, with no one around, and you were being led further down into God knows where, your vision fully clouded and dark. 
“Oh Christine, how long have I finally waited to be reunited with you.”
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hecatemoon87 · 1 year
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I know HAVOC hasn't been released. And I don't know how Tom will portray Detective Walker. So it's going to be my guess on how his personality will be! BUT I'm dying to write for this new character, do you understand me? DYING!!
Warnings ⚠️ SMUT
Minors DNI
Your relationship with Walker is on and off.
He's not someone who has time for commitment.
You get in a fight one night. You tell him he is not dependable because he's missed two date nights.
He, stoic as always, simply says, "I told you, my job is my priority. If you don't like it, I understand. You are always free to go."
That makes you so mad, but to be fair, he has never lied to you. This was the first thing he told you before you slept with him.
You haven't seen him for two months since the fight. You think of him often.
Your phone blips a text at 11 p.m. it's Walker. "I need you."
You have never turned down a booty call from him. You're out the door in minutes.
Once you arrive at his apartment, he's on you. Kissing you deeply and peeling off your clothes.
You are as eager as he is. He's handsome, he's body is always so well maintained, muscular and taut. What's not to like?
As you move into the bedroom, you remove his shirt. A bit of dull light casts upon his face, and you notice he has a black eye.
"Hey, what happened," you said, gently touching his eye.
"It's nothing," he said, taking your hand and kissing it. Then, he pushes you down on the mattress. He removes his belt, trousers, and underwear.
You both embrace again, and he kisses you everywhere. He's almost feral in his actions, wet, sloppy kisses on your skin and nips with his teeth in all the right places.
The day after sex with Walker, you always have little hickies all over your neck, breasts, hips, and inner thighs.
He's a man with needs and boy, are you about to get it. He hooks his arms underneath your legs and glides you onto his cock.
Then, he pushes you deep into the mattress. This man can go for quite some time. You normally have to beg him to speed up too, because he likes to toy with you, nice and slow, filling your pussy then abandoning you again.
"Walker, please? Harder!" You whined.
He inhales sharply, his barrel chest covered in manly fur expanding. "Shhhh, baby girl, you don't know what you want. I know what's best for you," he teased, then flips you over on your tummy and rails you, nice and hard from behind. Just the way you need it.
He knows what you like. Keeping you on your stomach, he grabs your throat and pulls you up against his chest, still firmly planted inside your cunny.
"Be a good girl and cum for daddy," he growled into your ear. He slips a hand between your folds and spreads your dripping honey over it. He slowly thrusts as he massages your sensitive little clit.
"Moan for me," he said, coaxing you into your orgasm. As soon as you release over his fingertips, he thrusts hard and finds his own.
He moans loudly, manly. Filling your hears with the sound of a sex God. He finally pulls out and you both fall to the bed.
"Thanks for coming when I asked," he said.
"Don't expect me to every time," you replied, breathing heavily.
He chuckles, "But you do."
You sigh and crawl over to him. "Bad day?" You said, kissing his bruised eye.
"Every day is a bad day," he mumbled, smoothing your hair with his strong hand.
You snuggle in next to him. Poor man lives a life of pure HAVOC.
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Regally Smitten
chapter 3: the sweating sickness
chapter word count: ~3.4k
synopsis: A future king and his servant are bound by their forbidden love. With the odds stacked against them, and a jealous brother out for blood, will their love prevail? Or will history repeat itself?
warnings: homophobia (specifically religious homophobia, this is a period piece so these beliefs are a reflection of the time period being portrayed, and the characters themselves, and do not reflect my personal beliefs. please read with caution and remember to take care of yourself. ily.) descriptions of violence, main character injury (no main character death), foul language, suggestive themes, brief mentions of anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. one mention of suicidal thoughts (but no action)
disclaimer: this is a work of fiction and in no way represents any member of stray kids in reality. this is a fanfiction and should be treated as such. this is not me “shipping” them, these are simply characters based on real life people. i don’t need the minsung antis coming for me.
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The following weeks at the castle were.. awkward to say the least. Han continued his squire duties, but kept the contact with the prince to a minimum. They hadn’t really exchanged many words since their return to the kingdom. Han had realized he had overstepped his bounds by kissing the prince, and was just glad to still have his job. And Hyunjin was pretty upset when he found out.
"You did WHAT?" Hyunjin whisper yelled across their small room in the basement.
"I was lost." Han tried to explain. "He was so close and looking into my eyes and.. hyun, he's so handsome." Han was talking animatedly with his hands.
"I thought we agreed we wouldn’t let it get this far." Hyunjin scolded. "He’s the prince, Han. He’s literal royalty. And you’re living in a basement closet."
"I know!" Han threw himself back on his mattress, his hands balled into fists and pressed into his eyes. "there’s more.."
"There’s more? what do you mean there’s more? This is bad enough."
"He’s getting married." Han mumbled.
Hyunjin was quiet, processing. Han had been bringing Hyunjin to silence a lot these days and he didn’t like it.
"Well.. maybe thats a good thing." he finally said.
Han peeked at Hyunjin from under his fists.
"Hannie.. I know that you really like him and this is hard. I know it hurts. But this relationship between you two can’t happen. It just can’t. And if he’s getting married, then that means it will put an end to it. And that’s for the better. I promise." Hyunjin’s voice was soft. His heart really hurt for Han. And he kind of hated the prince for playing with his best friends emotions like this. How dare he kiss his squire and leave him a mess like this. Hyunjin would march up to the prince's chambers and put him in his place, but he prefered his head remain firmly attached to his body.
"He’s been talking about running away." Han said.
"Before or after he found out about his arranged marriage?"
"Well.." Han took a deep breath. "Both. Kind of." He looked over at Hyunjin. "He talked about it in length the night we were along the riverbank. The night he tried to hold my hand. And then he briefly mentioned it before he.. uh.. before he kissed me."
"Han.. I don’t like this." Hyunjin said. "I don’t think you should get your hopes up. I know it’s hard, but you just need to let it go."
"I can’t.." Han’s voice broke. Hyunjin crossed the room and pulled Han into a hug. "Go ahead and cry it all out. But you can’t entertain this idea of running away with him. He has a job to do and that’s to run a kingdom and produce little heirs to run the kingdom after him. He’s not going to run away with his servant."
Han pulled back, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. "Harsh, hyune."
"Harsh but the truth. I just dont want you to get hurt more than you already are." Hyunjin wiped some of Han’s stray tears with his fingertips. "Now, pull yourself together. It’s time to go to work."
Han bustled around Minho’s chambers, cleaning things up. He could hear the prince in his changing room, bathing. But unlike last time, Han had filled the tub, made sure the prince had anything he could possibly need, and then exited the room before Minho entered the water.
A moment later, the prince exited the changing room. He was dressed, albeit barely. He had his trousers on, unfastened, and his undershirt on, also unfastened. His wet hair dripped onto the floor. His bare feet padded across the cold stone, before he sat on the edge of his bed to pull his boots on.
Han tried not to look too long. Tried not to remember the way the prince's lips felt against his own. Tried not to listen to his heart when it called out to Minho. He tried to hurriedly finish what he was doing so that he could leave the room, leave this awkward thick air that hung about their heads.
"Han.. I just wanted to say--" the prince started but was quickly interrupted.
There was a loud, urgent knocking on the chamber door. "Your Grace." a man called from outside.
Minho looked at Han and nodded. Han made his way over to the door, the incessant knocking never stopping, even for a second. Han gently opened the door and the man barged in. It was James. He bowed quickly. "Your Grace, I’m sorry for the intrusion. But you need to come quickly. It’s your father."
James looked worried. Minho pulled on his boots in a haste and followed James out of the room, his laces dragging the floor. Han was unsure of what to do. What was the protocol in this situation? Does he follow? Or does he stay? He decided to follow. Just in case he was needed. If they wanted him to go, they would tell him so. He pulled the door to Minho’s chamber shut behind him and shuffled down the hallway toward the king's chamber.
Everyone was gathered around Heinrich's bed. A guard was posted outside the door to the chamber, and the huge man would not let Han pass.
Minhho stood next to his brother, looking down at his father. His large, sweaty frame took up most of the bed, his breathing ragged. "It’s the sweating sickness" the healer said. Minho had known that his father hadn’t been feeling the best. He had developed a slight cough on their way back from Westwood. They weren’t initially worried, but it seems his condition had seriously worsened. The king reached for Minho.
"Son, I fear my time is coming to an end." He rasped. "Your time has come to lead these people." Minho nodded. Heinrich had always been a cruel man, so Minho couldn’t say he was terribly saddened at his fathers state, but he was still his father. And Minho wasn’t ready to be king. Of that, he was terrified.
"Father," Rian spoke up. "Minho can’t be king."
Heinrich coughed and wheezed. "He can and he will. He is ready. He has to be. He will have a queen soon enough and he will do his best not to fuck it up." The king pointed his gaze at Minho.
"Yes father." Minho said quietly.
And as the healer left the room, Han heard him mutter to the guard that the king wouldn’t make it through the night.
The next few days were a blur. Minho was hardly ever in his chambers. The king had a most extravagant funeral, the bells tolling for hours as the people mourned their loss. There was a large feast that night, and the following day, prince Minho unofficially became king Minho.
When Minho sat on the throne for the first time, it felt foreign and wrong. And if he was honest, it still felt that way. The council was planning his coronation and his future wife, Astrid, was on her way to the palace from Westwood. Minho had so many questions and so many things to worry about, but all he found himself thinking about was Han. How this would change Han’s life. Would Han still be his squire now that he was king? Or would he be appointed a new one? And now he had to share Han with Lady Astrid? That thought made him angry for some reason. He did not wish to share his squire with anyone. Though they barely talked these days, Han’s presence was still a comfort to Minho. And now Lady Astrid would come in and fuck things up. How was he supposed to marry a woman he didn’t know? Minho knew this was common practice. It was a marriage born out of politics, not out of love. Minho wondered if that could be his first change as king. Could he marry for love instead? He knew the answer. Even if he were able to change the practice, he would never be allowed to marry the one he truly wants to marry. The council would never allow it and neither would his people.
His thoughts were interrupted by his brother entering the throne room. His brother approached the dias, walking confidently, like the prince he is. But he walked in such a way that let everyone know he was a prince and to not mess with him. He seemed the type to fly off the handle easily. Yes, Minho knew that Rian's apple didnt fall far from his fathers tree.
"Brother." Rian said, flippantly.
Minnho was in no mood for this, already agitated about his impending marriage to the wrong person. "That’s king, to you." Minho said, looking down on Rian at the bottom step of the dais. "You would be smart to remember that."
Rian made an exaggerated show of bowing before his brother. A bow that was much too deep, his hair almost touching the floor. "My apologies, your grace." he said, before straightening and approaching the throne. He sat in the empty chair next to Minho, both men looking out upon the throne room that was bustling with servants working to get the space ready for all the royal events that were quickly approaching.
"You know you can’t handle this, brother." Rian said, quietly. "You’re too soft. Always have been."
"I will manage just fine." Minho said through his teeth. "There’s no need to be a barbarian. I will not rule like father did."
"Then you will loose this throne quickly, I’m afraid." Rian let out an exaggerated sigh. "The first brave man with half an army will take it from you."
Minho looked to his brother. "No army is greater than the royal army. They would never get past the gates."
"Ah. I guess you’re right, brother." Rian stood to leave, but not before leaning down to whisper in Minho's ear. "but what will you do if they’re already inside the gates?"
Rian trotted down the dias steps and exited the throne room, pushing servants out of his way as he went.
Lady Astrid's arrival was a sight to see. The townspeople gathered along the sides of the streets as her carriage made way, cheering for their new future queen. Everyone in the capital was excited about a royal wedding, having just gotten over a royal funeral. everyone was ready for a happy event. But Minho knew it would be no happy event for him. It may, in fact, be the worst day of his life.
Her carriage was pulled by four white horses, their manes woven with colorful flowers. Minho stood at the top of the steps to the palace along with his bother, his mother, and his squire. Han stood off to the side and watched as Lady Astrid exited the carriage with the help of one of her guards. Her dress was a pale pink, and long. It was backless and embroidered with flowers.
"Man they really lean into the flower bullshit, Don’t they?" Rian mumbled under his breath.
"Hush." Minho ordered.
"But she sure is hot." Rian said, choosing to ignore his kings order of silence.
Minho's future bride was indeed beautiful. He knew that. Everyone with eyes knew that. But what they didn’t know was that Minho, though he did in fact have eyes, only had eyes for one person. And it wasnt Astrid.
She slowly climbed the steps, taking in her surroundings. She stopped in front of Minho and curtsied. "Your Grace." she said, with a smile on her face. She then turned to the queen mother and Rian and did the same.
"Hello, my lady." Rian greeted her. "Welcome to your new home."
Minho knew he should say something. This is his future bride and everyone was watching. But all he could think about was Han. He could feel his presence behind him. Minho's already broken heart was shattering more at the thought of being wed to this woman that he had spent no time with at all. That he had no feelings toward at all, romantic or ill. He tried to think of something to say, but his mouth was dry, his tongue heavy.
Astrid looked at him, still smiling. "It really is a beautiful home, Your Grace."
Minho was frozen. His mind screaming at him to say something, anything, before he made a fool of himself. Though he feared that ship had sailed. What kind of king can’t even speak to his future queen? Maybe Rian was right. Maybe Minho couldn’t do this.
Minho looked over his shoulder at Han. There was sadness in his eyes but he smiled anyway, nodding at Minho, encouraging him.
"Uh.. come my lady." Minho managed, holding his arm out to Astrid. "Let me show you around."
Han followed behind the couple as they wandered around the castle. Minho felt like he needed Han there in order to follow through with this, but at the same time, that felt cruel. To force Han to watch him as he courted another. Though Minho sometimes thought that maybe Han didn’t feel the same way about his prince- rather, his king, that his king felt about him. Maybe Han didn’t care at all that Minho was getting married. Maybe Han was glad.
No, Minho couldn’t believe that. He felt that kiss too. Felt the energy between them as they held one another, heard his name fall in a sigh from Han’s lips. That all meant something, it had to. But Minho hadn’t had the chance to bring it up to Han. More so, Minho hadn’t had the bravery to bring it up to Han. He couldn’t imagine what his squire might think of him.
As they approached the throne room, Minho turned to to his squire. "Han, would you please return to my chambers and make sure Lady Astrid's things are sorted?" Minho didn’t want Han to go, but also didnt want to torture him any further.
Han bowed. "Yes, Your Grace." he said, before he quickly walked away in the direction of Minho's tower. Minho had to force his eyes away from Han’s retreating frame, and focus them back on Astrid.
"So this is the throne room." Minho said, gesturing to the large room.
Astrid clapped excitedly. "Oh this is where we will be married?"
Minho's stomach turned. But he forced a smile. "Yes, my lady."
Han started unpacking Lady Astrid's belongings, though she didnt have many. Han thought she was a sweet girl, and very beautiful. She was raised in a good family. She would make a great queen. She was a perfect match for Minho. The one he should marry. The perfect, doting, silent wife. And they will be happy and make lots of little Minho’s so that one day they may be king too. Han couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Han couldn’t sleep at night, thinking about it. How Minho's lips felt against his own and how he knew they would be pressed against Lady Astrid instead. This made Han jealous. But he must not give in to these thoughts. He honestly thought about asking his superior if he could switch positions. But he knew the follow up question would be, why? And what would Han say to that? Oh sorry, im just in love with king Minho and it hurts my fragile little heart to see him with another? No, that would never work. He just needed to suck it up.
Han was laying out Lady Astrid's hairbrush in the changing room when he heard the chamber door open and shut.
"I can’t fucking do this." he heard Minho say, before a sound that Han thought was Minho flopping down on his bed.
Han cautiously exited the changing room. "Your Grace?" he asked.
Minho's head jerked up. And when he looked at Han, his eyes were bloodshot. He looked broken.
"Oh, sorry Han. I thought you had gone already." Minho sat up, trying to collect himself and look more.. kingly.
"That’s quite alright, Your Grace. I’ll just be going." Han headed for the door but Minho stood and grabbed him gently on the arm.
"Wait." he said, his voice sounding unsure. And Minho was unsure. He had no idea what he was doing, no idea what he was going to say, all he knew was he didn’t want Han to go.
Han turned to him, his eyes questioning.
Minho quickly let go of his arm. "I’m sorry, I shouldn’t grab you. I just--"
He looked at Han for a moment, and couldn’t form the words. Minho sighed, exasperated. He turned and strode back to the bed, sitting on the edge and dropping his head into his hands. Han didn’t know what to do in this moment. What was the protocol here? He supposed he should just wait for further instruction.
"Han, I can’t do this." Minho mumbled into his hands.
"Do what, Your Grace?" Han asked.
Minho looked up at Han, his eyes now brimming with tears. "Marry her. Be king. Be.. away from you. I can’t do it."
"I’m afraid I don’t understand, Your Grace." Han said, quietly. He wouldn’t let himself believe the confession he was hearing right now. The king was just under a lot of stress. That was all.
Minho stood and quickly crossed the distance between them in three strides, caging Han against the cold wall. His arms on either side of Han’s head, Minho dipped his head low to look Han in the eyes. "You know exactly what I mean."
Han couldnt speak. He just looked up at his king, heart in his throat. Minho's face was so full of emotion, but unlike last time, Han knew what they were. Sadness, fear, and love.
Minho pressed his forehead against Han’s. "Say it again." he whispered.
"Hmm?" Han hummed, unsure of what the king wanted from him in this moment.
"My name." he whispered. "Say it again, please. No more of this your grace shit." Han could feel his breath on his cheek, hear the break in his voice. "Please, Han."
Han could feel his own tears flowing now, his heart aching for the king. He let out a long, slow breath. And in a hushed tone he whispered, "Minho.."
The king raised his hand to cradle Han’s face, his thumb rubbing gently across his cheek. "Minho.. we shouldn’t." Han said. "What about lady astrid?"
"Do’nt mention her name." Minho said harshly. "Not at a moment like this. Don’t let her ruin this too." And then he leaned in and softly kissed Han. And unlike their previous kiss, this one was filled with sadness. Filled with longing for something they both knew would never be. Could never be. So Han was surprised by what happened next.
Minho pulled away, his cheeks pink. "Leave with me." he said.
Han pushed Minho away just a little, so he could properly look into his face. "What?"
"You heard me." the king cradled Han’s face between both of his palms now. "Run away with me."
Han wrapped his hands around Minho's wrists. "Minho.. we can’t." he said.
"We can." the king argued.
Han looked deep into Minho's eyes. "I want to run away with you, I do. But think about this for a second." he said.
Minho pushed away from the wall, pacing the room. He couldn’t see why Han wouldn’t just leave with him. "I have thought about it!" he ran his fingers through his hair. "I’ve thought about it every second since you walked through that door." He pointed to the heavy wooden door to the chamber.
"Minho, you have a kingdom to run. Those people need you." Han pointed out.
"I don’t give a fuck about those people." he argued. But he knew that wasn’t true. And Han knew that wasn’t true. Those were Minho's people and he cared very deeply for them. They loved him as their king. And they loved Astrid as their queen. He would never leave them without a proper ruler.
"You’re just being emotional right now." Han said, approaching Minho. He ran his hand down Minho's arm. "You’re just stressed with the coronation coming. And the wedding."
Minho looked at his squire. He looked and looked and he never wanted to look away. But he knew he had to. Again the reality came crashing down, that this would never work. No matter how much they loved each other.
♡ pls reblog if you liked it! it truly helps a lot and makes me smile :) ♡
©hyunjins-orange-slice-too i do not give permission for this work or any of my work to be translated, copied, or reposted.
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child-of-the-danube · 11 months
Ok, I need to preface this with saying that I have not read any of the Doom Patrol comics so I have no idea how well or in what quantity the show follows the comics so I have no concpet of spoilers/certainty as to how it will all end after next episode.
This is gonna be a long ass post so buckle up motherfuckers.
I am thoroughly worried with how it will all be wrapped up in a single episode. They have not gotten their longevity back, Immortus is still out there now planning world domination, Rita's basically dead, the Buttpocalypse future is on their doorstep etc. Either it will be all to quickly concluded with a Deus-ex-machina solution to everything given that Laura in one episode said that the future they saw was only one possible version of it and in this episode future Vic seemed way too calm finding out that his past self is being helped with the time portal thingy and saying it'll work out OOOOR the future they saw is really it and it's all a lost cause. I'm going to focus on my thoughts about the other one.
I would kind of prefer the sadder ending cause it would be more, I guess, poetic that these people turned mutant-turned superheroes who more than once saved everyone around them, the world and eachother, could not, despite all their effort, save themselves this one last time. Well, except for Vic but depends in what version of it.
Digression: I am also 99% sure the Immortimas episode was the one where Michelle and April kissed (which they mentioned in their insta live) cause if you look closely at the "Best friends" scene when they're really close together but we see Michelle's face more, April has her lips pursed and only switches back to a smile when Michelle moves her head away and I am so very calm and normal about this, not wanting to rip my skin off and scream into the void at all. It's fine, it really is :))))))))))))
I'm skipping talking about Rita since she wasn't in this episode at all. I'm assuming that they will either find her dead or on her last breaths once they return from the time stream unless, again, some magical solution falls from the sky immediately.
LARRY: I think of all the characters, Larry seems to be the one who's most prepared for his death. I feel like he always knew, no matter the longevity, that his body would give up on him at some point and was kind of always ready to go. He worries way more about Keeg than he does about what end is awaiting him. I love that he got to experience fatherhood once again through Keeg and I get his frustration about the Negative spirit not wanting to take care of Keeg, but if his end is set in stone, I could see him embrace the fact that he becomes "a new Sun". His journey started in space and ending it there as a new star would be full circle. In a way by becoming a star, a permanent part of the sky, he'd always be, though in new form, there for Keeg to see and visit.
CLIFF: I was wondering when and if it would be explained how Niles broke his back and I have to say I absolutely hate that it was Cliff given that, especially this season, a lot of shit seems to be portrayed as purely Cliff's fault. Like anything he touches or is given the role to take care off goes to shit. He has always been unlucky in that regard but I feel like the last thing in the "how can we fuck Cliff's already declining mental health up some more" arsenal should have been the fact that the first thing he felt in years wasn't his grandson but the blood and insides of another being he just killed. Like, I truly think that was the tipping point to break him completely, the rest is overkill. I hope if the spirit loop Buttpocalypse future is the end that he at least got to see and feel Clara and Rory once before returning to the Doom Patrol and accepting his end.
JANE: Similar to Larry, I feel like Jane got her resolution this episode. She finally said it out loud and accepted what truly happened to her. She became, both literally and metaphorically one with her whole self and can now be at peace, however long that might be, with the people she loves. She got her clarity in a way.
VIC: Vic being alive, well and teaching kids in the version of the future that saved them from the time stream is giving me hope that it might not all be set up to end tragically. That he might find his purpose and happiness after all. Cause of what use is it for him to be the last man standing in the future when everyone he loves is gone or soon to be gone. It's just survival, not life.
LAURA: Oh, boy. Oh, Lord. Here we go. Bare with me.
It's no secret she's my absolute favourite character and the one I have the most feelings and thoughts about. First of all, hats off to Michelle Gomez and her acting once again. You could feel the difference in past and present Laura not just by the way they are dressed but the mannerism, the speech, the body language, everything. The fear in past Laura's eyes not due to being beaten but due to the fact that she HERSELF is saying, or better, admitting, that she's in fact not a good person no matter how much she tries to delude herself or others. I love this character so deeply and that's why I am losing my mind over her.
Present day Laura saying she hasn't changed broke my heart into a million of peaces cause in the same way past Laura deluded herself into believing she's good, present Laura kept that same self hatred and turned it into convincing herself that no matter how much she tries, she'll never be good, she'll never escape her past, making people weapons or fucking it all up for the ones she truly cares about. For my Doctor Who fans, are you all reliving Missy's plot and the pain her end brought as much as I am???? And the "WE'RE THE FUCKING WEAPON" part??!!?!? Holy fucking shit. Her whole life and career she was hiding her abilities for her own safety and partially for the sisterhood's safety, declaring others as weapons, sending them off to fight and die but it truly was her who was the weapon. When you fire a gun, yes, the bullets are what ends up doing the job but they're disposable, you always need new ones to reload. What remains is the gun itself, needed for further firing of shots. Well, Laura was the gun and all those she branded weapons were just the disposable bullets.
It pains me inexplicably to say it, but I simply don't see any kind of happy ending for her. She has no one else but these bumbling idiots she met only a little while ago, who I'm not entirely sure would YET go to the lenghts she does for them for her, and Rita who:
a. Still hasn't fully forgiven her (I mean shit she called her a monster like 2 episodes ago)
b. Is on her death bed
c. I doubt would use her last breaths to tell her she's forgiven or admit that Laura does mean a lot to her
Nobody knows where she's in the future and I have a crippling feeling that it might be caused by Rita's death. If you think about it, all of them love Rita and will be there to comfort eachother after she's gone/as they inevitabely each go. Laura isn't dying. She has whatever natural time is left there for her still to go. She does not share their fate. And, as I've already said, they have known eachother for decades. Laura is someone they've basically just met, learned to trust even later, and in their mind to some degree the one who caused the Immortus stuff. If Rita dies, I have a feeling she will either immediately distance herself from them (or be distanced) or she'll end up watching all of them but Vic die one by one and then leave or worse...
So unless by some miracle everything turns out fine or after they're all gone she encounters Shelley and the Sisterhood and they embrace her, I see no bright ending there
Anyways, I'm booking therapy in advance cause I'm going to need it after next week more than I already did...
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taschamonnii · 1 year
More Than A Woman - Part 5 (Lay All Your Love On Me) 
You x Shirley Carter (70s-80s Southern Housewife Original Character  - Elizabeth Olsen) 
Find All Parts Here
*Disclaimer/Summary: This completely Fictional Character is based on the way Lizzie plays old-fashioned Housewives. (Some inspo is taken from WandaVision, I Saw The Light, and Love & Death) This character is in no way a portrayal of any real-life people. Audrey Williams and Candy Montgomery were real people that Lizzie has portrayed for entertainment purposes in tv & film. This story is not about them. I just want to see Lizzie play a 70s-80s housewife that is secretly Gay and stuck in a religious small-town in the South. Since she has never done that but has played the part of perfect housewife I decided to make my own character.* I will be using edited pictures from the characters she has played and unaltered gifs since it's way too hard to edit those.*
Character Description since this is a made up character: mid length-wavy-dark brown hair (think more the length in I saw the Light like it falls to her collar bones but the deep dark brown from goth Wanda era, Emerald Green eyes, Wears form fitting dresses and high waisted pants and skirts.  
The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
TW: SMUT, 18+, Cheating on husbands to be GAY together, 
I am so obsessed with Lizzie playing housewife that I made a playlist! More Than A Woman
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AN: This is part Five to this Original Series
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Word Count: 1,506
Imagine This:
“Maybe someday you could. We won’t be here forever. Theo's company estimates maybe a few years.”
Her face drops and you can see the sadness in her eyes. “Oh.”
Her eyes filled with tears and her bottom lip trembled. “No. No. Don’t cry.”
You reached for her cheek and she sat up quickly. “What the fuck Y/N?”
Angry tears raced down her cheeks and you rushed to sit up. You went to reach for her again but she swatted your hand away. “Don’t.”
“I’m sorry. Shirley, I was hoping to talk to you about this differently.”
“We just. You just said you love me! We just made love Y/N! Now you are telling me what exactly?"
"I'm telling you this because I love you. Can't you see. I want you. We could be together easier in Cali."
"I can't just leave my family, Y/N. You know that."
"No, your family would come too. I want you and your girls and there is something I've been meaning to talk to you about but I think now might be a bad time.."
She raised her voice but it was still broken. "A bad time? Something worse than you moving away!?!" 
"Fuck!" You run your hands through your hair and take a deep breath. "Shirley, I don't plan on leaving you unless you want me to."
She glanced away and you could see she didn't believe you. "Huh it sounds like you are leaving me."
"I'm not."
"Then explain. What is the worst thing?"
"Well, I am not sure it's worse than you thinking I'm leaving but I just well it's complicated. I don't know how you will react."
She sighed and rubbed her forehead. "Just say it."
"I think well Theo and I, we think John is, mmm might be, gay." 
"It's just he cares about his appearance a lot. He, according to Theo, acts a bit shy in the bathroom and we just see it. We could be wrong. You know him best. Does he shower for longer than 10 minutes? Does he prefer fucking you from behind? Does he want to fuck you all the time or is it more special occasions?"
She looked shocked. "You and Theo think John is gay?"
"Yes and Theo has a bit of a thing for John if I'm being honest." 
"Oh my God. John has commented on Theo's appearance a few times. He actually wants us all to be friends. What the fuck? John loves me though."
"I know he does that is obvious to everyone but does he lust after you? Like how I lust after you. You know lots of staring and eye contact especially in bed. If he isn't looking at you in awe every time he fucks you then he might be picturing someone else. Have you ever pictured someone else while you have sex with him?" 
She bit her bottom lip and ran her hands through her hair then ran her hands over her face. "Oh God, is my entire life a lie?"
"No, it's just different than you thought. You love John but it's different than how you love me right?"
She nodded yes and took a deep breath. You gave her a reassuring smile. "This could be really good."
You reach out and take her hand and she finally lets you. "Good."
She sighed and brought her free hand up to squeeze the bridge of her nose. "What am I supposed to do now Y/N?" 
"Well we take things one step at a time. Do you think that John would ever have an affair if Theo proposed one?"
She twisted her lips in thoughts. "Well if you had asked before we had this little conversation I would have said absolutely not but now I don't know how well I really know my husband." 
You nod and squeeze her hand "okay take a deep breath this is a lot." 
"You think?"
You pull her closer and wrap your hands around her. "I think maybe we should take a step back and relax." 
You kissed the side of her head and pulled her face into view so you could kiss her forehead and cheeks and chin. You capture her lips in a passionate kiss. She kisses back quickly deepening the kiss. She sucks on your bottom lip and moans into the kiss. She pushes you back and straddles your lap. Her hand travels down between the two of you. Her long fingers quickly find purchase and you throw your head back in a moan. You move your hand between you and quickly match her movements. 
She drops her head on your shoulder as her breaths heat your skin. Your movements sync as your hips chase the pleasure. She bites your neck and sucks on your skin. You dig your blunt nails into her shoulder with your free hand. 
You lose yourself in the feeling of having her inside you while being inside her. Everything feels heightened. Your bodies tighten even as you resist falling into pleasure. You want this to last and you can feel she does too. Your bodies tremble and stutter and your hips jerk against each other. You both tumble over the edge blissed out. Her full weight collapses on top of you as she breathes out. You both hold onto each other tightly like letting go would change everything. 
Things feel different and you both know that nothing will ever be the same. You breathe her in trying to memorize her sweet scent. The way her weight feels on top of you, the way she holds you tighter as she comes down from her high. You hold her tighter and kiss the skin of her shoulder and neck trying to ground yourself in her. 
Time passes and you are truly unsure how long you both lay there holding each other. Eventually your breaths even and both of your grips on each other lighten gradually. She lifts her head up and kisses your lips softly before rolling slightly off of you. She sighed out. “I don’t want to leave this moment, I don't want to face reality.”
You let out a deep sigh. “I wish we could stay like this forever.” 
“What do we do now?”
“We have time to take things slowly. Would you be okay if Theo tested the water with John? Or have you heard of swinging? We could work on developing the friendship and then propose swinging.”
“I am not sure if it brings me comfort or concern that you have really thought about all this.”
She laughs nervously and you grab and squeeze her hand. “I know it’s a lot.”
She blows out a dramatic breath letting her lips vibrate and make a cute sound. “No kidding. Uh I guess it would be good to improve our friendship as couples Theo can do whatever he wants. I have heard of swinging but it is not something that happens around here. I read about it in a magazine and was too scared to talk to John about it. I don’t know how he would react to such a thing.”
You nod and smile. “Let's just start with game nights and going on double dates things like that.”
She agreed with the nod of her head. 
Time seemed to be on your side as things moved smoothly. Soon it became routine to see Shirley for your little afternoon delights then again at church events and what was quickly becoming more fun and easy going game nights and weekend hangouts with the Carter family. You and Theo developed a strong bond with the girls and John was easily falling into a best friendship with Theo. Flirtatious glances and fun nights as a group felt right. Things sort of fell into place. 
It didn’t take long for Theo to break through and truly connect with John. Theo helped John come into himself and see the truth. Theo even helped settle John when he told him about the love affair that Shirley had with you. Now that he knows things have gotten easier and far more fun. You can mark Shirley's delicate skin without worry and you do. You mark every inch possible. You bite and suck your marks all over her. Beyond that it has allowed for her to spend the night with you and even for you to spend the night at her house. The domesticity you craved with her is finally yours. Well mostly. There are plans for buying a house as a group in Cali so it can be more full time. 
There is love and happiness among you all and it is the most wonderful thing you have ever been a part of. You have longed for something like this your entire life and you finally have it. The future looks bright and you can’t wait to return to Cali and live free and easy and fall asleep with Shirley in your arms every night and wake her every morning. 
A/N: Sorry this is so short but it is wrapping up. There will be one more, probably short as well, part that shows them all in the future. I hope you all have enjoyed this silly little story that was solely inspired by the way Elizabeth Olsen plays these types of 70s & 80s Housewife characters. I have had a hard time figuring out how to end this but I knew when I started I wanted it to be light and fun. We need more movies and shows where Lizzie’s character is not a sad girl even though I love all her sad girl characters. 
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kunalkarankapoor · 1 month
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Whenever I see Kunal's acing a scene, so perfectly, so smoothly that leaves me in awe of what you’ve been doing since the last two decades of your career. I’ve been under 18 years of my life, but never felt so pleased and contented before watching you unleash your magical presence on screen. Your ability to immerse yourself in diverse roles, to breathe life into characters with such authenticity and depth, is nothing short of remarkable. I’ve explored characters like Siddharth Ganju, who has taught me how to enjoy every bit of life to the fullest, how to accept people the way they are and of course, the guiding light of stars. The way you portrayed Sid G, I repeat no one could have done that way; the emotions, the dialogues, the cute antics and the cracked vocabulary that made him such an adorable and charming character.
Fast forward to some months ago, after I had finished my boards this year, my earnest impulse yearned me to watch you in NBTNMKK after I saw a clip of yours reciting 'yaadon mein kitni dafa’ and believe me ,I’ve watched both the seasons within a month. I’ve even started mimicking your phrases as ‘haa naa’ and “chal na” frequently. Mohan’s character created a very deep turnover of emotions within me as I saw you living each scene with the finest picture of reality. Watching you as Mohan isn't just about entertainment; it's about experiencing raw emotions, navigating complex narratives, and discovering profound truths about life and human nature.
I want to express how deeply your performances have touched me. I might sound delusional, but for me you have been my lucky charm, everything goes off so perfectly whenever I think of you. You’ve been so inspiring to me in so many ways. Beyond your talent, it's your dedication and passion that inspires me. Lastly, I thank you for each and everything. I look forward to following your journey and eagerly await your future projects. - kunal.smile
Dear Kunal, I am here to convey my heartily wishes on your birthday and my gratitude for a wonderful artist who is soon competing 2 decades in the field of acting. I have the natural interest of watching emotional stories and beautiful bonds. To satisfy my inner soul I used to watch many shows and moves, but every time ended with some dissatisfaction. I was like, “something was missing that has not touched me completely”. My search ended, when I found you. After getting you my reaction was, “Oh my God, I was looking for this one actor from years & years”. Then I know previously I was not connecting strongly with on screen characters that I felt within your on screen presence. You simply come as bliss for my thirty heart. You are not just giving “body” to reel characters, but also giving them “soul” that establishes a strong connection between them with our hearts. That’s why all of your characters look real and always touch the right cord of audience hearts.
I am diehard admire of “sense and sensibility” you have shown in all of your onscreen characters. For me you are “An Artesian”, just like an artisan who has an natural skill of crafting that converts his imagination into creating material objects by hand, you too have a natural skill of converting reel characters written on paper into real ones by giving them body, time and soul by sensing their every small detail in terms of body language, expressions, voice modulation and showing your sensibility in understanding their behaviour patterns and converting them into your course of action. Your ability to understand the feeling of reel characters is commendable. You effortlessly convey every spoken and unspoken emotion of the character. Your meticulous mind-set and empathetic behaviour categorize you as an actor par excellence.
“May you be gifted with life’s biggest joys and never-ending bliss. After all, you yourself are a gift to earth, so you deserve the best. Happy birthday.” Your adherent fan kunalfan22
Happy Birthday to my dear crush since 6th grade! Hope you are doing well Kunal :) Thank you for giving us those wonderful stories and characters that made us believe in fairy tales, magic and so importantly taught us different kinds of love. Conviction, grace and charm was always there in your screen presence but what unique was your innocence and extreme depth dedication, the balance and command. We love not only you with the stories you portrayed but originally the Kunal that is always kind, simple and has a heart which is positive. Things happened to you a lot but you kept it to yourself and came back stronger. Never an ego baggage or attitude that you ever showed off which makes you stand out, the humblest! It's rare to find actors who focus on work rather than social media attention, you did your balance here and that’s what is something more appreciative about you that you do not get carried away with temporary happy illusions. You hold on to permanent good things and know the importance.
Counting you in every prayers, for good hopes, love, care peace of mind and positivity everyday! May God bless you in abundance! Also, a very very happy birthday and know that your existence makes a difference and touched lives of so many. Keep that smile and all your love for travel and photography and detailed acting! HBD KKK🫶🏻 - chillinsilencee
Kunal was one of the most jolly and warm person at the set.He used to greet everyone while entering the set it shows his humbleness even after being one of the most renowned actor at the set.
As you all know their( RV & Khushi) chemistry was top notch but they weren’t used to talking much,We still wonder why because she used to talk about him a lot at home & used to say RV uncle is so stylish & cool 😎
During one incident Kiaara and his Dad & friends were roaming there in Dalchini set as soon as Kunal got to know about it(as he was staying in Dalchini room),he came out with his cam & clicked pictures with all of them.
He is so affectionate towards kids.🧿
On his special day, we are just wishing him tons of happiness & good health.❣️ Cheers to your personal new year Kunal Sir🍻💐 keeru__mybae
In your craft, a world unfolds. Each role, a story waiting to be told. With each character, you breathe life anew. Leaving us in awe of what you do.
Happy Birthday 2024
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wondereads · 8 months
Review of The Absinthe Underground by Jamie Pacton
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Sybil and Esme are best friends, roommates, and maybe a little bit more. They are also poster thieves, though Esme only reluctantly plays lookout. One night, they are caught by Maeve, the owner of the Absinthe Underground, the premier nightclub in the 1920s-inspired city of Severon, and she offers them a deal; the funds to do anything they want with their lives in exchange for stealing the jewels of the Moonshadow Queen, Mab. And who could resist such an offer?
Plot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Unfortunately, the plot of this book, while it boasts an intriguing presence and beautiful setting, is very rushed and never really takes the time to build tension. Throughout the book, Sybil and Esme must steal three items to then help them steal Mab's jewels. There's a lot of potential for each of these heists to be a clever, hair-raising scenes, but each of them lasts maybe five pages each. While Sybil is portrayed as a daredevil poster thief, she definitely doesn't have the skill set for these high security heists, and Esme absolutely doesn't. They get through these situations far too easily, and it causes the tension to fall flat.
The worlds of Severon and Fae are very aesthetically pleasing, and there's nothing really major excluded in terms of worldbuilding. However, there are some questions I just generally wish were answered, like some things concerning Sybil's family and what the actual power of the jewels is; if there is anything.
Characters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The characters are definitely the saving grace of this story. Esme and Sybil have greatly distinctive personalities and pretty decent development. Esme in particular learns to stand up for herself, and their relationship, even just platonically, grows a lot. Despite the lack of plot tension, there is good romantic tension, and the romance is very cute. It was probably the most enjoyable part of the book for me.
There is also a good side romance and some good side characters, but I will say that there are some side characters that really aren't well developed. Their personalities are flat, and their motivations seem to be curated just for the main characters to have aid in their quest.
Writing Style 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I'd say the writing for this book is pretty average for a YA novel. The descriptions of Severon really hit that 1920s, art noveau aesthetic, and, like I mentioned, there are quite a few scenes with some good romantic tension. Unfortunately, there is a general issue with telling instead of showing, especially concerning the main characters' thought process. There are many times when the characters explicitly explain why they think something or their reasoning for doing something instead of trusting the reader to draw their own conclusions.
Also, as I discussed in the plot section, the pacing is way too fast in this book. I don't often say this about a book, but it needs an extra 100 pages or so. The story would benefit so much from being taken more slowly, getting more spread out, especially the individual heists.
Overall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Unfortunately, I was a little disappointed by this book. It has a great premise, the aesthetics really come through, and it's got a cute sapphic romance. The execution falls short with just the lack of space for the story. Things happen far too quickly when there are many scenes that really need space to breathe. It affects the tension and doesn't give much room for the side characters to show their personalities. The writing tends to tell instead of show, which may contribute to the rushed nature of this book. This book could have been quite good, but it ends up being somewhat mediocre.
The Author
Jamie Pacton: American, also wrote The Vermilion Emporium and The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly
The Reviewer
Hi, I'm Rose, this is my blog, Wondereads, and I review, discuss, and recommend books! You can check out my pinned post for more info :)
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browzerhistory · 4 months
steven universe … want to know what u like about it tbh
ohhgg my god ok prepare. it's going to be a lot.
ok so everyone and their dog who's on tumblr knows of steven universe because of the infamy of the Discourse. however today i will present to you the aspects of su that i think shine the brightest and maybe convince you to give it a shot if you haven't already.
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so one of the best parts of it that doesn't get talked about much (that i've seen at least) is that it's just a beautiful show. the backgrounds especially really shine in this aspect, though one might not focus as much on them while watching the show, and they add a lot of life and breath to the world. it's easy to tell how much love crewniverse put into making it, especially in the later seasons when the show grows into its style.
despite it getting cancelled and having to crunch for time in the last seasons because of it, the show also has really good queer representation. like, record-setting. it's hard to overstate, especially when it cleared the way for shows like the owl house to have even more open rep. steven universe boasts the first on-screen gay proposal and wedding for a cartoon of its scale, and rebecca sugar and the crewniverse fought hard to get it through. even before that, scenes like ruby and sapphire's reuniting in the first season were heavily censored. the show really set the stage for later cartoons to have canon, on-screen queer characters and relationships.
it also (imo at least) has a really interesting world that i really wish could have been explored more. the way gems are created, living walls on homeworld, and whatever peridot meant when she got scared of being "harvested" - they're all awesome mysteries that add more depth not just to the plot but to gem society outside of it. personally, i really enjoyed the way social relationships were explored in a world where people just burst out of the ground as fully functional soldiers/battle strategists/blacksmiths/etc.
and one more before i have to stop, but i really appreciated the ways unhealthy relationships were portrayed in the show. lapis and jasper come to mind immediately, of course, but there's also peridot and lapis later, early garnet and pearl, and even the diamonds themselves. they're all, for lack of a better word, people. they fight and they lie and they make mistakes, and they learn and grow from it too. it's refreshingly realistic.
idk if that was at all convincing or even coherent. i just really like the show :3
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The blue castle, chapter 7
I don't know if this was LMM's intention, but my first thought about Valancy's rosebush was, "are we sure this really is a rosebush?" The metaphor of the rosebush that never blooms because it's stifled from overly solicitous unhelpful care is definitely an apt one, but so is the metaphor of the bush that everyone thinks is a rosebush but actually is not. Of course it's never going to bloom -- it's actually an entirely different plant. Which is equally fitting for Valancy, whom everyone tries so hard to mold into what they want but who can't ever achieve that because she's not that person. She's not her cousin Olive, and no amount of scolding and pointed comments and overly solicitous pieces of advice are going to turn her into what the Stirlings want her to be. And poor Valancy doesn't know any other way than to get mad at the supposed rosebush for not being what everyone says it is. 
Sidenote observation: the past chapter of Valancy's trauma causing her to interpret everything everyone does and says around her as a direct negative comment almost made me start asking questions like, 'Are her relatives trying to be awful, or is she seeing every interaction as negative and directed at her even if that wasn't the intention?' And then her mother helpfully came onto the page to make it clear that, no, she, at least, is every bit as awful as Valancy's internal narrative portrays her to be. Thank you Mrs. Stirling for removing the ambiguity! Also thank you Mrs. Stirling for throwing an immediate temper tantrum about the rosebush and shutting up for the rest of the chapter. 
Cousin Stickles, meanwhile, is giving me extremely strong Mary Musgrove from Persuasion vibes. She doesn't seem deliberately awful, a la Mrs. Stirling, but rather fully convinced of her own place as protagonist of the world. It's obliviousness more than malice -- of course her problems are the most important and of course her advice is the best, because that's how things are to her. Why would anyone see things differently when it's so self evidently true? The distinction doesn't help poor Valancy, of course, except to make it easier for the people around her to guilt trip her into doing what they want by being able to say, "Well don't be ungrateful, they're only trying to help!" 
Dr. Trent continues to be the best supporting character. Not only did he not forget Valancy, he took the time to write to her personally from Montreal. Good man, good doctor, no wonder her family hates him. 
And the plot kicks in. Poor Valancy. "Valancy Stirling, who had never lived, was about to die." I'm glad that the knowledge gives her the courage to assert herself, but what brutal news. (And how long has she been having symptoms that no one acknowledged or did anything about? How long has she had shortness of breath or been cold all the time or run out of energy quickly and how long has her family blamed her for these supposed weaknesses of character instead of asking if there something wrong? Valancy Stirling, living the invisible illness life.)
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arcanaaa · 4 months
Ship Bias 👀👉👈
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--then I'll be happy to share with the class about their relationship. So~ let's chat about Loke and Cana~.
We ( because I cannot take credit while my beautiful partner here has been a major contributor to how Normal I am about these two <3 ) have written so much lore between these two that I'm afraid people might mistake it as actual canon material alkdfja but based off just canon alone, I'll address some key points that are the reason why they have lived in my fucking head for the past 11 years and continue to rotate like a slow cooked rotisserie chicken.
Lets talk about the fact that these two have actually worked on jobs together as partners. Partners. That says a lot to me given that Cana has, for the most part, been drinking at the guild so we don't really see her out on jobs. However, we do know from canon that Loke has taken jobs with Gray, and huh, isn't it interesting that Loke seemed to be comfortable enough to partner with only one girl out of everyone residing within the guild? I find that so fascinating considering how he's portrayed as a womanizer in canon, has had women hanging on his arms that look very similar to Cana in not only style, but almost their hair color and possibly eye color. Hm. Very Interesting.
Also interesting is the fact that ( at least in the manga ) that during the Phantom Lord arc, when they're facing against the Shade Soldiers, Cana is given the task to hold the line against their assault and guess who stands beside her, go on, I'll give you a minute.
Unfortunately, that is the extent of their canon interactions but that doesn't stop my delusions from projecting <3 uwu
A lot of the content that is related to developing their characters and interactions with each other is solely between Remidy and I, so there is a lot of 'Lokana Lore' that is still unreleased? But the delusions have painted a perfect picture of them, they have started out as acquaintances and have reluctantly become friends-by-association to actually being friends. And then, becoming partners for jobs, Cana learned how to fight and support Loke while he would also do the same for her. Not just anyone would do that, especially not Loke, who wouldn't go out of his way for any woman unless they were exceptionally strong, smart, and clever, as well as beautiful, and my girl meets the fucking marks babes <3
Or the fact that Cana has never gone on another partner mission with anyone else except Loke and after that time, she takes no other missions with another partner, except to go on solo missions. Hm. Curious.
Also curious is that Loke made a comment about how 'scary' Cana can be while he and Gray were competing in the S-Class Trials in Tenroujima, or the fact that when after Loke defeated a possessed Capricorn she knew he would be okay. Their trust in each other and knowledge of each other as individuals comes from their time as partners but boy it sure is curious that they know each other that well, almost intimately so. Hm, wow, so interesting. I wonder what that could mean.
Anyways I love them, your honor, I love that in the brief mention of canon that they were partners, there is so much left unsaid and open to interpretation. Well Mashima, call the fucking interpreters, cause me and Remi are here.
Loke and Cana as characters alone are so nuanced and good on their own. Loke and Cana together are a force that no one would expect to be content with, but boy, you best believe they will leave you pleasantly surprised, in both a platonic sense and as a romantic ship. It certainly has for me and Remi~.
Anyways! Hope this answers any questions ( and I won't elaborate any further, you'll have to tune in for the next lore drop <3 :3 ) byeee!
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