#with Tamers behind it and Adventure behind tamers
kideternity · 4 months
Okay now i've finished Adventure let me write up my full thoughts about the season. This will be less structured than the Tamers review and I apologise for that, I just kind of had a different watching experience with Adventure and thus sort of format my feelings about it in a different way idk. Whatever the case, here’s my full review of Adventure under the cut, and if you don’t care about that, then here’s the TLDR;
I liked adventure! I had a lot of fun watching it. It’s not a perfect season, but nothing is, and whilst I am going to take a break for now, I'm excited to start Digimon Adventure 02 in the foreseeable future.
-First, I do want to highlight things I really enjoyed. I really loved the animation and art style- I know its seen as very cheesy and dated and not the best animated (Most notable example that comes to mind is reusing the animation for special moves) but IDC, I love the cartoony style and I've always been very endeared to older styles of animation and how they make use of the medium.
-I liked the kids! I liked the kids a lot! They’re good kids! The cast of adventure is absolutely a highlight, and I can see why Bandai always goes back to them for use in future projects, whether or not that’s ultimately a good thing.
-Whilst I personally prefer the more Urban Sci-fi / Fantasy settings of Tamers and Savers, The Isekai approach lends itself to be a good way to immediately show off the digital world and the creatures within it, and to start exploring the worldbuilding within. I like the worldbuilding of Adventure! It felt kind of more purposely vague then Tamers and Savers, but it’s an interesting world they set up, and I'd like to see more of it explored
-I missed the global aspect of Tamers and even Savers. Though I can’t really fault Adventure, being as it was literally THE first season ever, for staying strictly in Japan. I just personally enjoyed how large and expansive things got in Tamers, and how people from all over the world were involved. I will say, I did appreciate Adventure also having more unorthodox or complicated family dynamics- such as Yamato and Takeru being the kids of divorce who aren’t able to 24/7 be around each other, or how Koushiro is adopted. It’s always a breath of fresh air to see media, especially for kids, tackle these sorts of things with nuance and grace.
-The soundtrack was absolutely gorgeous. Probably my favourite out of all of the soundtracks so far- there was just so much passion and emotion packed into each musical piece.
-Tone and themes were fairly consistent throughout, mostly due to the fact that Adventure doesn’t really have any sort of grand overarching messaging like Tamers or Savers did. I would assume, due to being again, the first season of anime, it cared more about plot and characters than trying to Say anything too radical. Hence, the themes follow pretty standard “good versus evil” tropes, as well as the power of compassion and community and optimism and hope that digimon usually utilises in each of its different stories across mediums, instead of anything more complex, like Tamers attempts at dissecting morality and violence, and Savers discussing the inherent value of lives that aren’t humans and trying to understand those not like you. Adventure plays it safe, and doesn’t get burned because of it, which I can’t fault.
-The villains are. Eh. They’re entertaining but none of them are necessarily very well written. The most well written villain was Pinochimon, and ignoring that i'm a biased party, most people seem to agree with me on this. Vamdemon was definitely the most intimidating and well built up antagonist. Apocalymon has a really cool and sympathetic concept, and I wish he had been focused on more. Generally, due to the nature of Adventure's “good versus evil” tropes, a lot of the villains aren’t really allowed any sort of nuance or are portrayed in a “They're Inherently Damnable Let's Kill Em” sort of way, which is unfortunate. Only Ogremon top of my head really gets any sort of minor redemption at the end without dying for it, ala Wizarmon, Gottsumon and Pumpkinmon.
-Like Tamers, Adventure is much more open to the idea of making horny jokes and talking about romance, which I do not enjoy, and it was by far the worst one when it came to that in my opinion. Why were there so many jokes about masc digimon hitting on Mimi. Stop that right this instant.
-Generally, I would say plot and character writing is a mixed bag. None of it is necessarily godawful, but you can tell that Adventure was very haphazardly and sloppily written. There’s a lot of inconsistencies in the writing- a lot of new characters or story elements are sort of abruptly added out of nowhere with no real build up and which sometimes ultimately don’t really matter all that much. It has definitely the worst pacing out of the seasons I've seen so far- Again, Building up momentum to then just suddenly stop and spill exposition on you. Savers and Tamers had issues too, but their handling of the plot was usually much tighter and the writing much more concise. Whilst I love the kids, and they do definitely get their own character arcs, none of them are written equally in that regard and often times it leads to situations where some characters get their arcs finished early and then stay stagnant for the rest of the season (Sora and Koushiro) whilst others only get major character writing near the very end (Yamato). It also definitely played favourites with some of them lol. Random things will interject in pivotal moments and the arcs for each different villain all have entirely different vibes to one another. Truthfully, it does come across as a much of mini stories hazily slapped together in an attempt to create a Larger Grander Narrative. Which, again, it was their first attempt ever creating an anime for Digimon, so I suppose I can’t blame them too much for this. It’s a miracle this took off so well in the first place.
Again, there’s definitely stuff I'm missing that i'd have wanted to say, but as a whole, again, I like Adventure! It’s not my favourite season of the digimon anime, and I can definitely understand the frustration for Bandai constantly milking it as a cash cow for the nostalgia points. But, I do think as a whole it holds up for the most part, at least for a kids anime from the late 90s, and Again, I don’t regret having watched it.
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flomelias · 3 months
mortal kombat ; general tomas hcs!
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requested by no one! gender neutral reader. includes tomas vrbada. fandom masterlist found here. 🍀 . . . author notes: these are completely sfw bc i was in a tamer mood tbh! short sfw hcs while i work on a tomas req lol.
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tomas vrbada
— tomas isn’t the type to enjoy large amounts of pda. he gets embarrassed easily and personally believes that such affection should be treated as personal and intimate. that isn’t to say that he won’t kiss you in public or hold your hand — of course, he does — but he typically only initiates affection in private.
— speaking of private affections, he loves hugging you from behind!! he’s sneaky when he wants to be, waiting until you’re rummaging through the fridge for a snack before he comes from behind and wraps his arms around your waist. vrbada loves to kiss your neck and the shell of your ear in moments like these, showering you with love.
— he never used to struggle with getting out of bed in the morning but once he began sleeping in the same bed as you he found that he couldn’t stand getting up. all tomas wants to do each morning is lay in bed and snuggle with you. the bed is much more comfortable and sleep is much sweeter when he’s next to you.
— vrbada is actually really knowledgeable and into reading!! he definitely wouldn’t mind reading with you from time to time! you two can have your own little book club. i think he’d be into fantasy and classics but sneaks a few romance novels in every now and then.
— he loves being normal. like, doing normal couple stuff or average daily life tasks. things like shopping together, going to the doctor together, figuring out appointments, putting away groceries— tomas loves the simplicity of things. many things in his life aren’t considered normal, so he takes joy in things that are typical. it’s so interesting to him that even ‘bland’ activities can become fascinating adventures as long as you’re there.
— he cannot dance well but can he sing like a star. he’s not exactly shy about his voice, he just doesn’t think his voice is all that great… but it is. it’s smooth and of such a handsome cadence. whenever you two happen to be out and he sings along to a song that’s playing, it’s absolutely wonderful. ask him to sing for you and he’ll happily oblige, softly singing the song of your choice.
— he lowkey loves the idea of being a recurring character in johnny’s movies. whenever he’s an extra, he takes you to the movie premier and points enthusiastically (but not obnoxiously) whenever he’s on screen. vrbada has so much fun as an actor!
— if he had a normal, real-world career, he would likely be an engineer or something related to tech. also in a “normal” au, he would have reading glasses. tomas wouldn’t need to wear them all the time but imagine him studying for finals or working late with his cute little glasses… ugh!
— i adore the idea of vrbada with tattoos along his chest, upper arms, and back. tattoos that are sort of hidden but you get a glimpse of every now and then.. and each tattoo has meaning, of course, because he’s not the type to do it just because. you could probably spend a whole evening with him just tracing his tatts and asking the story behind them all <3
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whalesforhands · 11 months
singe the tales i (satosugu x reader)
adventuring is never what it seemed to be, not when your companions are the loopy sort.
happy october! note that there will be VERY HEAVY references/inspirations from baldur’s gate 3/terraria, some anime (goblin slayer, grimgar of fantasy and ash) throughout this story, haha
warnings: fantasy au, slightly suggestive, depictions and a bit graphic descriptions of gore
masterlist next
gojo - a nobleman sorcerer from a lineage of great honour and power. an outstanding, exceptionally strong one who preceded even the most gifted of his ancestors. unafraid to get up close and personal with enemies and allies alike despite his role in the party, truly void of any fear. you wonder if he notices all the little stolen glances from you at that pretty face of his whenever he unties his bandages…
geto - summoner of sorts… a druid? necromancer? dragon— tamer? just what is he? and how is he summoning these things?regardless, all beasts, exotic creatures and even humans alike flock to him, appearing with a snap of his fingers. sly, charming and an overall magnet for trouble that begets your curiosity.
ieiri - a mysterious sorceress who seems to be lacking in terms of raw power. could you even call her a sorceress at this rate…? despite the lack of magical attacks, her healing powers and knowledge of medicine are undeniable, despite being no cleric. why does she— have such a strange allure? your eyes can’t help but stray to her whenever she enters the guild.
you - the guild receptionist who does their best. with this specific outpost quite frankly being in the middle of nowhere, you were trained in minor restoration spells, a few of the more unconventional magic tricks, and have exceptional prowess in protection spells.
“Little receptionist!!!” The bustling of the small guild hall rings a pleasant chirp through your ears, yet you’re still able to pick up the overly excited greetings to you.
“Oh, welcome ba-CK!” You choke when you catch a whiff of the spine-crawling odour, disgust and distaste heavy on your tongue. Rotting flesh and spoiled milk, the scent trailed heavily into the small guild hall, surrounding beginner adventurers unable to handle it, hands slapped over their mouths as they ran out, fighting the urge to throw up.
Slathered in blood and dripping with the stench of decaying entrails, the trio strolled in. Shoko is looking a little less for wear, face deadpan and quite frankly offended as she watched the already empty guild practically become void of people. Remnants of dried blood, bits of organs sticking to her cloak, her hood over her head to hide the shame of looking like this.
Satoru looks far more… Put together, if you could call it that. Not clean, not an inch at all. His stark white hair has been stained with coagulated bits of red, his face having a streak of dried blood just under one of his eyes, gloves dripping a fresher red as it gripped onto the sack he was holding onto. His armor was… practically non-existent, hanging on by a thread with his exposed undershirt revealed the torn up cloth, the lack of cuts despite the tears certainly of Shoko’s magic.
He practically perks up, his excited demeanor growing even more restless when he realizes he had correctly guessed that it was in fact you manning the front desk, nearly tripping over himself to reach you as he left his teammates behind.
“One gnoll packlord head; delivered!” He’s sending you a two-fingered salute, the bloodied sack starting to seep onto the counter as viscous blood made its presence known, bag tied crudely to outline the beheaded canine. His face ushered a cute blush, awaiting your praise as he watched your lovely face, awaiting that pretty smile and fond eyes that upturn at the sight of—
“And we managed to wipe out the entirety of the pack.” Suguru’s quiet voice draws your attention towards him, noticing his presence as he appears suddenly, his hair in slight disarray from his usual bun, sticky blood on his worn out, once pristine clothing which had been torn through to reveal disintegrating chainmail underneath. “I hope we managed to do it to the quest’s details.”
(And hopefully, to yours as well. Are you happy they managed to help get rid of knolls for you, on a quest you personally offered them? Gods, it felt amazing to be someone you relied on.)
“I-I appreciate your timely completion of my quest, but—“ You nearly want to hurl at the mere smell as the last of the few adventurers ran off, desperate to escape this overwhelming stench as your professionalism fought to surface. “Please wash up now…!”
(“So? So?! Do you like it’s head? I cut it off myself!” If Gojo Satoru had a tail, it’d be wagging uncontrollably in front of you. His sparkling eyes from behind those bandages of his can almost be seen from how excited he was.
He could’ve just cut off one of its ears as proof… But they really went beyond what was needed to bring you this decapitated head.
“Thank you.” The smile on your face is absolutely radiant as you look towards the three, the twitch of your nose and the scrunch of your face held back through pure dedication. “I really—“ The air tastes absolutely putrid. “Cannot thank you all enough!”)
“Help a girl out, won’t you?” Shoko twirls a strand of her hair with dismissive motions, the tobacco pipe held between her fingers waiting to be set alight as she eyes you, concentrating on the way your hair swayed with every light movement.
“Of course, Miss Ieiri. But I really am not a big fan of you smoking…” She’s leaning in close, the soft fragrance of her bergamot scented wash wafting near just as your fingertip alights with a small flame, a small pout on her lips when you pull away, eyes returning back to your work as she leaned over the counter. “It’s bad for your health.”
“It’s only for a little while.” Her cheeks puff slightly, like a child getting lectured. Don’t be too disappointed in me.”
Her playful tone causes your lips to quirk up in fondness. “Of course not, Miss Ieiri. But please do put it out after a while.” You suppose she deserves it, after her tough mission.
“Ieiri this, Ieiri that… Have you taken a liking to my last name, perhaps?” She ends with chuckle as you pause in your administrations, looking up from the tangerine you were peeling for her.
“It is quite a pretty last name, Miss Ieiri. However, it is proper protocol to maintain my professionalism, after all.” A practiced saccharine smile and a polite tone. Just part of the job to you, or is it?
(You wouldn’t exactly be peeling fruits for just any adventurer, right?)
She laughs at your overtly rehearsed, stiff tone. “Lighten up a little. I’ve already told you.” A smile is upon her face as she takes another breath from the pipe, the smoke swirling about her in an alluring whiff. “Shoko is perfectly fine.”
“Well then—“ Your bashful face is a surprise, a very welcome one to her as your eyes shift about nervously, the creeps of a hot blush upon your cheeks, a hand placed upon your face as if to slow the heat of embarrassment. “If you don’t mind, Sho—“
It’s hard to remember, that in this small guild, where hardly any adventurers drop by, calls for a lack of traffic even by your own coworkers who inadvertently take too long of a break.
“Ahhhh! (name)!” The embarrassed cry of one of them doesn’t escape you with the loud whine reverberating throughout the wooden halls. “How could you not tell me the Gojo Satoru was back?!” The older elf cried, skin burning up as she hurriedly fixed her uniform, adjusting her beret before her hands latched onto your shoulders, shaking you about as you catch the falling fruit before it gets pummeled onto the ground.
“Hi, Miss Ieiri!” Her greeting to the girl is short-lived as she moves to hold both of her hands in yours, frazzled gaze speeding to meet your own. “(name), I’m begging you!”
“Please, please!! Take over my shift! I want to go see him!” She’s hurriedly, and very suddenly dabbing on a red far too mature for her complexion, dabbing powder onto her skin as she fixes herself, cosmetic products strewn all over your once near desk, her hands combing through her locks as Shoko puts out her pipe.
“Sylrel, you look perfectly gorgeous as always.” You’re shaking your head as you take in the sight of the pretty elven maiden, patting down the beret on her head and adjusting her brooch. “I’m sure he would think so too.”
“But he doesn’t!” She’s whining as Shoko opens her mouth, letting you plop a slice of the sweet fruit in as she chews delightedly.
“Do me another favour and find him, pleaseeeeee?!”
(“So do I take your shift first or—“
“Find him, please! Or— Wait, stall him! I can’t have him find me whilst I look like this!”
Shoko misses the tangerine slice you were about to feed her when you pull away to watch your coworker, a pout on her lips as a small glare is directed towards you. As if awaiting your attention to be directed back to her.
“Oh, sorry Shoko.” You hurriedly press the fruit back against her lips. “Just… How do I even stall him…?”
(You’re finally using her name. She’s satisfied.)
Shoko doesn’t even hesitate to answer through her chews. “All you have to do is talk to him, really.” Her elbow is propped up onto the counter as she holds her chin, a smirk on her lips as she licked up the remnants of the sweet fruit.
“I’m serious.”)
“Oh, Mister Geto.” You greet the half-naked sorcerer, fresh out of the shower as a smaller towel is sat upon his head, long hair hanging over his shoulders as your eyes start to falter at the sight of the extremely attractive man before you out of politeness, dressed down in clothing far more relaxed to suit his mood, his pants hanging low on his hips. His arm cages you in further into the corner as you’re trapped between the wall and his frame.
(You didn’t expect to be in this situation at all. But… He is just Geto Suguru, the humble gentleman of an adventurer.)
“Did you enjoy your shower?” Your smile is as polite as ever, sweet and oh, so clueless. Even daringly helping to pat the towel down onto the wet locks of his hair.
It makes him kind of mad, really.
“You know…” He trails off, large hand coming up to tuck a strand of your hair back, his palm brushing against the soft skin of your face, watching as you blink up at him in confusion, tilting your head into his hand and letting him hold your face.
He clicks his tongue.
“It’s good that you’re so clueless at times.” But it gets on his nerves. So frustratingly, adorably hard to resist. Perhaps you need a lesson?
He leans down to your ear, lightly blowing to tease you as he watches you squirm, your body lightly jumping as your hand hurriedly rushes up to cup your ear. Just what is he doing?
You hear him chuckle, a pat descending onto your head and displacing your beret as you allow him to do so.
“It’s cute.” You’re cute.
“Thank… you?” You’re still smiling as you try to put your thoughts together. Was there a bug by your ear? Lint in your hair? Oh, whatever. “Would you mind having dinner together with the rest of your party?”
His chuckle is hearty. “And when have I ever turned down an offer from a beautiful being such as yourself?” He’s letting your warmth linger on his skin before he begrudgingly forces himself to pull away, watching as your hands slowly reached up to fix his hair, tucking wet strands away to reveal his face as you stare head on into his eyes.
“I’m happy to hear that, then.”
And he’s happy to see that smile on your face.
(“Ah, Sylrel was looking for Mister Gojo. Where is he? Still showering?” Just as he opens his mouth to answer you, a shout sounds out from the showers.
“SU. GU. RU!” Angry yells akin to a chihuahua’s bark echo from the ajar door. “I’M USING YOUR SOAP!”)
masterlist next
A sorcerer differs from a wizard. A sorcerer is someone whose affinity for magic is innate, whilst wizards study magic in order to wield it, much like a learned skill.
Geto and Gojo are nowhere near in a romantic relationship together. (Yet.) Their relationship is described as a ‘love-hate rivalry’ more than anything. Their inability to cooperate together has costed them several quests.
Your feelings towards the SSS trio? You care about them. They helped you plenty of times ever since you got this job recently. You really appreciate it.
Sylrel. A high elf that adopted you and raised you as her own. Basically the closest thing you have to a mother figure.
*Gnolls. Born from the gluttony of bloated hyenas feasting on human remains, emerging from their four-legged cages of flesh and lesser being, bursting out as a human-hyena hybrid that walks on two legs all whilst maintaining low intelligence, predominantly canine features and a never ending hunger.
nvy’s aftertalk:
hi guys i’m addicted to baldur’s gate 3 haha. i don’t think i can ever write modern aus properly or at all after playing that game. writing this made me realize how much of a stupid geek i am
do u like this series 👉👈, if u don’t it’s fine (i will cry if u don’t)
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suneeater · 1 year
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satan + kinks
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✎a/n: i love satan. hes gotta be the kinkiest mf too.
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✉: satan kinks? 🫶
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Satan has two sides in the bedroom, and each personality comes with its own separate set of kinks. The nice, kind, and gentleman Satan that you know throughout the day is very simple in bed, but very thoughtful with his actions. He’s less about getting off himself and more so pleasing you. He would definitely have you as his pillow princess, living purely to serve you. It brings him endless joy and satisfaction to pleasure you, to bring something to the table and exist for someone else’s benefit
This Satan indulges in body worship and general praise, and it goes both ways. He’s such a hopeless, and he views intimacy so poetically. He could spend hours exploring every inch of your body with a touch so soft and tender you’d think you were the most precious thing alive. He wants to cover every piece of your skin in his undying care and affection, letting his actions do all the speaking for him
He eggs you on in everything you do, giving praise for the way you moan for him or how you can take him so well, for every little touch you give him and for how beautiful you are. He is heavy handed with his affections and sticky sweet, and takes every bit of his sweet time
Catch him on the wrong day though? He’s the full blown avatar of wrath. The sweet gentleman boyfriend Satan is gone, and replaced with a lustful demon who sees your body as his outlet. He will use and abuse every hole to deal with his pent up frustrations, not afraid to be a little more adventurous and taking on an entirely new persona
Takes on an extremely dominant role and is interested in master/slave. When he’s in this state, when he’s so angry and powerless over his own emotions, one of the only ways that he knows how to feel better is to take control of something. He’s so strict in his commands, knowingly pushing you to your limit for his own satisfaction and then coaxing you on even further. He likes for you to wear a collar, making you completely submissive for him and oh so helpless
He loves to fuck you from behind, pressing you into the mattress with his heavy palm in the small of your back so he can enter you as deeply as possible while tugging on the leash attached to your collar so he can hear all of your gasps and moans, and of course your praises for him
Satan also enjoys using the collar/leash because he can choke you with it. You’re so pretty when you pant for air and you become so sensitive when you’re lightheaded, making you seize around his cock like a vice. He has complete power over you, and can force reactions from you that you didn’t know you were capable of. Also, he feels wrong choking you with his own hands
On a particularly bad day for him, he can even be a dacryphiliac. He’ll make you cry in any way he can, whether it’s through intense degradation or edging, just so he can be the one to comfort you and make you feel better again. Although he’s acting based on his own wrath, he could never get off from you actually being upset, so he prefers to make you cry in sexual pleasure. Nothing gets him harder than watching you sob from sheer overstimulation, knowing only he could make you feel so good that you completely break and that only he could ever be the one to make you feel better
Brat tamer with physical punishments. This especially comes out after he’s gotten into with Lucifer, and he projects onto you. He can take power over you no matter how bratty you are, no matter how much attitude you give him, because he’s ultimately got the upper hand. It only fuels his anger when you back talk to him, try to take control, and just overall be a little shit, but it makes it so much more fun to bend you over his lap and spank your ass raw. He’ll play with you for hours until you’re finally tamed and spewing out apologies in between moans
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find the same scenario for:
leviathan | mammon, solomon
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digimon-polaris · 6 months
Digimon Polaris- An 18+ SFW discord RP group
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Digimon Polaris is an 18+ (SFW) semi-lit story-driven RP group, where medieval fantasy meets Digimon! Instead of there being the human and digital worlds, our story takes us to the vast, mysterious world known as DigiGaia, where humans and digimon have coexisted in the last few centuries.
We begin in the secluded region of Witchelny, or more specifically, Polaris, a town situated inside of a mountain, and the only place in the world for digimon to learn magic. While humans can’t exactly learn magic, there are a variety of ways to contribute, be it for progression, discovery, and above all, camaraderie. Our goal in Polaris is to embark on crazy adventures, explore a vast world, and to forge deep connections, both in and out of character.
Digimon Polaris offers to you: ◩ An unfolding story lovingly crafted with custom lore, and an expansive world filled with wonder, danger, and mystery, all waiting to be discovered. ◩ A currency system where activity in RPs and events is rewarded, and there are shops to make a variety of purchases, including different digivolution methods. ◩ The ability to play either a tamer-digimon duo, or even a solo digimon. You also have the choice to play canon digimon or digifakes! ◩ The option to either draw your character application or write it out! Writers will not be left behind, and templates are readily available! ◩ Collaborative crowdfunding projects that upon completion, grants everyone a variety of benefits, including main plot progression and exploration opportunities. ◩ Optional missions that help expand the world of DigiGaia. ◩ Simple holiday-themed events. ◩ A modest, but responsive mod team that will do their best to weed out the problems and maintain a safe environment. ◩ And above all, a friendly and welcoming community that shares their love in all things Digimon!
In a world where much of our history is still unknown to us, and where danger can be lurking in the shadows, how will you leave your mark on DigiGaia?
If you wish to participate, then take a gander at our discord server!
Bear in mind that upon entry, you will not see most of the server. Just be sure to read the rules so you can gain entry, and go from there!
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hannah-fannah9503 · 1 month
aaaand one more before I go to bed (it's 2am) this one was a lil character study I was doing for pirates smp Cleo because I found her character there incredibly fascinating (I still do), I remember having a ton of fun writing this one; the actual document is a little bit longer but I never found a good end point for it so it probably won't see the light of day...so I share :)
When Cleo first washed up on the shores of the Faction Isles, the very first thing they were greeted with was a stone axe heading straight for her head.
Reacting on pure instinct, her arm shot out and grasped onto the blade just before it was about to cleave her skull in half. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey, now! I don't think that's a great way to wake up, now, is it?"
The blade began to shake in her hands, but not because of her. With a frown, she cast her gaze downwards and blinked at what they saw in front of them. It was a child–just a regular old human child, a boy by the looks of it. A child who happened to be wielding an axe larger than him.
"Oh, now what are you doing with this, then?" Cleo gently tugged the handle from the child's shaking hands and lowered it to the sand. "Honestly, who'd let a kid have an axe anyway? Some people…"
The kid, she realized, was still shaking, and seemed to be frozen in place. She frowned, crouching down to get on his level. "Are you alright?"
The child scooted backward when they moved closer, looking around behind him as though searching for a way out. "S-Stay back, monster!"
"Monster…?" Cleo tilted her head to the side, but then it hit them–she was dead. Of course people who weren't used to her would be scared of her. They couldn't help but laugh a bit, lowering themself down to sit in the sand. "I get it now. Don't worry, I'm not going to attack you."
She giggled. "I know I'm a zombie, but I'm not brainless."
The kid blinked at them, seemingly confused. "But…zombies aren't…they don't talk."
"Well, maybe here they don't." She smirked. "But I'm different."
The kid frowned, sitting up and straightening his back quickly. "Um, well, sorry I guess. For…trying to kill you."
"Hm. I forgive you." Cleo smiled. "But you can really make it up to me by answering a few questions for me, yeah?"
"Uh, sure." The kid pushed a lock of ginger hair from his face. His hair was only a couple of shades darker than Cleo's own, but his was much tamer. "I know everything about this island. Ask me anything."
"Is that so?" Cleo hummed, tapping her chin as though thinking really hard. "Tell me then, what exactly is this place?"
"This is the Faction Isles!"
"Oh, I see." Cleo hummed again, this time actually thinking. She'd heard of this place before but had never really been sure if it was the right place for them. They'd been adventuring on her own for so long that the idea of joining a group seemed strange, even if she knew that so-called rogue pirates tended to be viewed as lesser. "And who are you exactly? What does a kid have to do with all these pirates?"
"Oh, I live here!" The kid leaned forward excitedly, a gleam in his eyes that spoke volumes. "My name is Scott, and my parents are both really important pirates! They're in the Herons–the best faction–and they've sailed all over these waters! They've explored so much and discovered so many places and things! Someday, I'm going to be just like them! I'm going to set out on my own adventures and stake my own claim on this world. I won't just be the Denholms' son, I'll be Scott Denholm, a legendary adventurer."
Cleo nodded to herself, already feeling an odd stirring in her heart. "Right. Well, Scott–I'm Cleo. I'm a pirate, too, I suppose."
"Really? What faction are you in? I definitely would have remembered seeing you around here."
"I'm not in a faction." Scott gasped, scooting closer and whispering like their next words were a secret.
"Are you a…rogue?"
Cleo laughed and shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. Maybe I might want to join one of these factions and see what all the fuss is about."
Something glinted in the kid's eyes, and he was on his feet in the next second. He extended a hand to Cleo, who took it even though she didn't need it. The kid was surprisingly tall, although not as tall as her. "Come with me!" He said confidently, turning and heading up the beach to the docks.
"Where are we going?" Cleo asked.
"I'm going to show you the Isles!" He looked back and smiled at them, hands on his hips like he had all the confidence in the world. Then he turned around and kept walking, and Cleo watched him for another few seconds before eventually following him.
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quartxio · 3 months
i haven't been able to focus on making DW Starfall art due to uni, so here's some worldbuilding about the AU and info about its main cast under the cut in the meantime
to recap: Doodle World: Starfall is a fantasy-futuristic AU where humanity discovers magic in the cosmos, after their technological advent into space. so far, all of humanity can only use basic magics, and each individual is limited to only one type. however, across the planets are 'Artifacts' (which replace the Keys) which are said to be able to break the mold and ascend someone into mastery of magics. the protagonist is replaced with an OC - Rose Aurelius, a sorcerer and archivist who came from another world to learn about this one, but gets herself wrapped up in the mystery of the Artifacts.
DoodleCo owns several planets which are in close proximity with each other - each planet houses a different district of cities, and transportation to each planet is done by public spaceships.
Earth remains as the main planet, where the main DoodleCo headquarters has been built. however, the story begins on the smallest planet of the 5 that are owned by DoodleCo - Eria.
the Adventurer Unit becomes the Explorers Unit, who are tasked with discovering new planets across the galaxy.
DoodleCo is still ran by the same canon characters
as for the main cast, most of them maintain their canon personalities, with some tweaks.
TJ is a tamer who joins the Explorers Unit in hopes of making a great discovery. he wants to find the Artifacts, since he's well practiced in magic, and wants to expand his skills in it. however, he isn't the best at Doodle battling, though he aims to improve. he's got a knack for finding his way through places, even if he hasn't been there before
Quincy, son of DoodleCo's CEO, Charles, is one of the few humans who lack the ability to conjure magic, and it haunts him. he makes up for it with his excellent Doodle battling strategies, and one thick wall of ego (tinged with shame) to seal his only insecurity away.
Portia is the daughter of the (still-living) Rebecca, second founder of DoodleCo. she's confident and ready to jump into any action anytime, but occasionally fears she will not live up to her mother's feats. she is obsessed with aliens
Suzie is a bit of a loner who drowns herself in biology studies to distract herself from the fact that she cannot taste (and by extent, smell) anything. she fears it has cost her a lot of what would've been cheerful childhood memories. hence, she works herself to the bone for a cure
fun fact: Portia and Suzie are together
Mr. Riffraff was the third founder of DoodleCo, and the one that was constantly pushing towards technological advancements through ethical means. when he found out that DoodleCo was using Somniere and Verdrok's power to fuel their magitech (magic + technology), he left in anger, and vowed to free the both of them.
Teneson is the right hand of Charles, and seeks order. he despises Riffraff for abandoning DoodleCo for the reason he did. Teneson believes that sacrifices must be made for the greater good, and aims to stop Riffraff from freeing the two.
Junjie, the subway guy, is hired by DoodleCo and becomes the head of all public spaceships. he's an open and outgoing guy that occasionally goes behind DoodleCo's back for the sake of the people. people over power is his belief and he is loyal to that
finally, the main protagonist... Rose Aurelius. a cosmic sorcerer, and the Avatar of the Constellation, Lynx, who archives the flora and fauna of different worlds. she takes on a humanoid guise during her time on DoodleCo's planets, and originally only aimed to be an observer to the events of the Artifact Hunt. however, she met Riffraff, who constantly got in her way of archiving, and was intrigued by his goal of freeing Somniere and Verdrok, and decided to help him a little... only to end up becoming more than involved in the whole ordeal.
she's an old cranky and sassy woman who minds her own business most of the time. she does display care, albeit in a tougher way. she becomes the guardian of the main cast after constant encounters with this group of rambunctious kids, and the amount of times she's protected them from fantastical dangers and lectured them has led her to feel responsible for them. Rose cares a lot for them, but her tough exterior makes it difficult for them to see that
Rose and Riffraff are also a couple because i LOVE enemies to lovers and i love old people romance but that's a post for another time
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marshallpupfan · 2 months
Did you used to have any other favorite shows before Paw Patrol and before Marshall became your number 1 favorite animated character, did you used to have any other favorite characters from any other TV show or movie?
I can certainly name a few favorite TV shows of mine from over the years. Some of these are pretty old nowadays, but I believe they can still be found on streaming services and whatnot.
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One that comes to mind right away is "Looney Tunes". The originals, not the newer stuff like "The Looney Tunes Show" or the modern "Looney Tunes Cartoons". These were made back in the 30's, 40's and 50's, and though they released in theaters first, it might as well be considered a TV show nowadays.
In any case, I've been a huge fan of these shorts for as long as I can remember. In fact, I still watch them quite often to this day! Most of them are classics, with a wide variety of wonderful characters, memorable plots, delightful cartoon slapstick and violence, among other things. I don't think I'll ever outgrow them... heck, even my own parents still watch them (we often watch them together, actually).
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Here's another I used to watch a ton a long time ago. It's an anime from 2001 called "Digimon Tamers". I practically fell in love with this one as a kid, and I remembered even trying to record every single episode to make sure I'd always have it. One reason behind this is... well, someone I'll talk about later on in this post. Beyond that, I just found the overall story really interesting, especially when compared to the previous two ("Adventure" and "Adventure 02"). It had memorable characters, too. It was just really good all around!
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I'll admit, I'm not much for superhero stuff, but Justice League, and its sequel, Justice League: Unlimited, were both so entertaining. I haven't seen the show in numerous years, yet I still think about most of its episodes from time to time. They were just so memorable, thanks to smart and mature writing, numerous moments that still surprise me to this very day, etc. However, I'm not sure I can recommend it to too many of my followers here, since some of you might not like how serious it can get. Here's a good example, if anyone's curious to see what I'm talking about. If you're not bothered by this kind of stuff and/or can look past it, the whole thing's a great watch!
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One last one for now, and it's finally something that's not too old! While I haven't seen every season of Regular Show, I thought the first two seasons were simply brilliant. Anyone who's seen this one no doubt remembers "send it to the moon", "summertime lovin', lovin in the summertime", "my mom", among so many other memorable lines and such. I enjoyed it so much, it's one of the few cartoons I tracked down on Blu-Ray (the first two seasons, anyway). It's crazy in all the best ways. Hm, hm, hm!
Now, as for favorite characters...
I'll admit, I've had so many over the years. In fact, at one point, I considered it somewhat of a hobby to keep track of them all and even list them on some of my social media sites (that was some time ago, on accounts unrelated to this one, and said lists no longer exist now). I won't go into all of them, but I can list quite a few!
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RJ the raccoon, from Dreamworks' "Over the Hedge". He's just a fun, smooth-talking character who's quite entertaining to watch. He was really high up my list for the longest time, and while that's not so true anymore, I'm still quite the fan of him (and the movie, itself).
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Impmon, from the aforementioned "Digimon Tamers". Anyone who's into Digimon certainly knows about him, and how he easily became the show's most complex character. I don't want to spoil everything, since his journey is legit great, but Impmon starts out as someone who's not so friendly, but he slowly warms up to the good guys little-by-little... until something happens that leaves him completely and utterly humiliated. With his ego smashed and desperate for power, he makes a deal with one of the villains, who grants him exactly what he wants, under the condition he goes after the heroes. Despite doing some terrible stuff, he's spared, and he ends up realizing all the horrible mistakes he's made and then tries to do his best to make up for all the harm he's caused. To be honest, my description here really doesn't do him justice, so it's really something you need to check out yourself. Most fans will happily admit it's easily a big highlight of the whole Digimon franchise.
He's arguably one of the best Digimon characters, period. His journey is memorable, and I really found myself rooting for the character and hoping he'd turn out okay in the end. Honestly, he still remains one of my biggest favorites to this day.
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Bolt, from Disney's "Bolt". This isn't one of their better movies, but I still think Bolt, himself is pretty darn great... and cute, too. Much like Impmon, I just really liked his journey, from a dog who believed the TV show he starred in was real, to coming to terms with just who and what he really is. Again, I don't wish to spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but it's pretty good... and quite touching, if you ask me. Special shout out to the part when Bolt just takes in life by letting the rain drop on his face for the first time... it's easily a favorite moment of mine, and cemented just how much I came to love the character.
If you haven't seen Bolt, I certainly recommend it! And Bolt, himself... he's a pretty cool pup. A good boy, for sure.
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Panchito Pistoles, a Disney character who first appeared in the 1944 animated movie "The Three Caballeros". No doubt some of you might recognize him more from the 2018 "Legend of the Three Caballeros".
There's actually not a whole lot I can say about him, in terms of any sort of character development and whatnot. Truth is, along with his excellent design, I just flat out love this wacky character. He's always so full of energy, and as such, he's just so crazy entertaining. I won't say he's one of the best Disney characters or anything, but he's someone that always gives me a big smile when he shows up.
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Hokey Wolf, a character from some really old Hanna-Barbera cartoons. (He's the one on the right, btw.)
I'll admit, most folks probably haven't heard of this character. You won't see him much nowadays, and I think he's only been in the background of a few Jellystone! episodes. Despite that, he's, in my opinion, a rather memorable character, at least in the older cartoons that introduced him. Much like RJ, he's another smooth talker, which in hindsight, seems to be a trait that I like. It just makes characters like him a lot of fun to watch, especially if they can pull off whatever they'd planned. Beyond that, I also really like his design. Admittedly, I took an interest in wolves because of him, and I even thought about getting into making my own animations due to Hokey, too. The character became a bit special to me, I suppose you could say.
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Going back to Looney Tunes, many of its characters became favorites of mine, too. The one on the left, Charlie Dog, is the star of some of my favorite shorts, including the one in which he goes on about how great of a dog he is because he's [apparently] numerous breeds in one (50% pointer, 50% boxer, 50% sitter... Irish sitter, 50% watch dog, 50% spits, 50% Doberman Pincher, but he's "mostly" all Labrador Retriever). He's always looking for a master, and though he can be a little too pushy, his attempts at trying to look appealing as "man's best friend" never cease to amuse me.
And then there's Bugs Bunny, who is probably the very first character I ever became a huge fan of. I just love this wascally wabbit, due to his humor, personality, characteristics, design, charm... everything! His cartoons never fail to get a good laugh out of me. Although the stuff he appears in nowadays isn't as good as those classic shorts from way back then, I still say he's easily one of the greatest cartoon characters to ever exist, period. Dude's a legend, peroid.
And I better stop here, before this post gets any longer. lol
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m-jelly · 9 months
Hello! I hv read your Levi Hybrids AU, and the Puppy Eyes was well written too just as your others fics. I very much enjoy them, and thank u for creating this idea to life!
If you don't mind, I would like a certain oneshot hybrid AU for Erwin? Let say Levi and fem!reader are already in a relationship, and then both of them introduce Erwin to reader's friend or cousin (it's up to you) for any reason you can think of.
Just imagine a female ferret hybrid just running around and suddenly attack jump behind Erwin's back - can you imagine him being quite buff due to his hybrid genes(?)
The story can be any kinds of story, as long as it is fluffy (my heart cannot take a lot of angst at the moment). I hope this doesn't confuse you much, I'm not sure how to put it in words with less details😅
Hv a pleasant time and give yourself a break if u must, bcs I know u hv other things to do/other requests. Stay safe and thank you!💐
PS: I am the anon that request the bunny reader - Puppy Eyes - and I hope you don't mind me requesting another hybrid Au😅
So I'm gonna change this a little and not make it linked to puppy eyes as I would have to make an OC in order for them to be related to y/n. This will be a separate story and not linked of y/n and Erwin. Hope that's okay. Also I love hybrid things and the puppy eyes. Please send me as many hybrid requests as you like because I love them.
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Lion tamer
Erwin x fem!reader
Future AU, fluff, romance, becoming a couple, couple moments, hybrids, lion Erwin, ferret reader.
Erwin and you fall hopelessly in love with each other and know right away you're mates. Erwin protects you and you fill his life with brightness and fun.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @mari-zs
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It was like an explosion in your chests as soon as you locked eyes with each other. Erwin was a big lion hybrid who just oozed leadership energy and a protective nature. You projected a fun and cuddly energy that Erwin needed in his life. It was fate.
Erwin swept you off your feet. He took you on the most romantic dates and you just wanted to be his. You were incredibly excited to be around him. You adored his fluffy ears and long tail. Erwin loved your little ears and furry tail. The two of you were just so in love that you couldn't hold back.
You moved in together rather quickly, but that was normal for hybrids when they found their mate. You would nap a lot together, go on long walks and have a few adventures. You cooked a lot of food for the two of you to enjoy as well.
Erwin was the CEO of a large business, which made sense being that he is a lion. He spoiled you a lot and offered to be the supplier of money in the house and for you to relax. You worked for a bit but soon you gave him and stayed at home and loved it.
Often Erwin worked from home and today was one of those days. You made a large collection of snacks and drinks for Erwin and you to share. You paced a little and longingly gazed at Erwin's office door. You had to behave and leave him alone so he could work.
As soon as you heard Erwin's footsteps getting closer to the door you got excited. You felt a warm tingle inside you and you couldn't control yourself, you knew very well you were going to have a hyper moment with him.
Erwin walked out of his office and stretched a bit. He yawned causing his sharp canines to flash a little. He hummed and smelt delicious food you'd made. He paused a moment and looked around for you, but you were nowhere to be seen.
He sniffed the air and smelt you sneaking around. "Where are you, buttercup?"
You ran and jumped onto Erwin's back. "My King!"
He chuckled at you attacking him. "There you are. Did you miss me?"
You bit his shoulder and sucked a mark. "Yes. You were working so long today."
"Forgive me." He smiled at how cute you were. "I missed you too."
You jumped off his back and trotted to the front of him. "Are you spending time with me now?"
"I am."
You grabbed his hand and dragged him to the kitchen. "I made snacks!"
"I can see." He ruffled your hair and then played with one of your ears. "Thank you." He lifted you up with ease before smothering your face with kisses. "I love you so much, little buttercup."
You wrapped yourself around Erwin and whined a bit. "Love you too, my King."
He carried you to the sofa and sat you down. "Be good and wait there, okay?"
You nodded but as soon as Erwin left you, you turned on the sofa and gripped the back of it. You watched Erwin closely as he gathered the snacks and drinks. When he started to return to you, you perked up. You turned in your seat and bounced a little when he joined you.
Erwin fed you a bit of food before giving you a kiss. "Delicious as always."
You licked your lips and ate everything you were given. Once it was all gone, your tiredness consumed you. You hugged Erwin's arm. "Can we nap now?"
Erwin put a few things on the coffee table before wrapping you up in his big arms and flopping onto his back with you on top. He let out a deep chest-rumbling growl as he held you. He kissed your face a few times allowing him to settle. He closed his eyes and felt so lucky that he found his mate, you. You were the perfect dream.
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twalb-comic · 3 months
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Welcome to "Those Who Are Left Behind," a Digimon fancomic about a human from the Digimon Tamers world getting reverse-Ryo'd into the Adventure Digital World by Apocalymon.
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rpgsandbox · 1 year
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Ryoko’s Guide is a 350+ page book bursting with incredible kaiju, inspirational player options, and game-enhancing mechanics that revolutionise Gargantuan scale combat in D&D 5e. Stories and folktales of yokai paint a vibrant, dangerous world, giving GM’s the power to breathe life into any setting. Inspired by ancient mythology through to contemporary popular culture, enhance your game and expand the 5e system with Ryoko's Guide!
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Kaiju Battles
Conjure stratospheric levels of excitement and panic as players scale, leap, and desperately battle rampaging kaiju. Totally transform combat with a rules expansion to 5e, as adventurers exploit unique vulnerabilities, adapt to chaotic, changing behaviours, and utilise ingenious ninja prosthetics to overcome unbelievable odds.
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New Class: Element Bender
Harness elemental forces! Wield pillars of flame, redirect torrents of icy water, and surf on a storm of rising winds. 
The bender class allows you to mix and match elements as you progress in levels. You can specialise in one element or dip into them all to become a master of earth, water, fire, and air!
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New Spells! Master over 40 new spells! Enhance your abilities with the full versatility and power of raw, primordial magic.
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Immersive Subclasses
Become a master of shadows, stealth, and silent warfare as a shinobi wizard, a living weapon as bones burst from your flesh as the skeletal blade fighter, and Wild Shape into mysterious, spellcasting creatures as the circle of yokai druid. Or embrace any of the other 12+ subclass options for established 5e classes…
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Vibrant, Playable Races
Invoke your yokai ancestry, combining blade with spell as a hanataka-tengu. Skip across lakes and oceans as a blossoming fuyo-ren,  or channel the colossal strength and frigid resilience of mountains as a hulking, ape enkoh. Become one with the yokai realms as any one of 10+ races (14 subraces total!).
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These lore-rich race options allow the creation of NPCs and player characters that seamlessly blend into any setting.
Dynamic Combo Attacks
How does the world’s biggest collaborative TTRPG not have combo attack mechanics?
Act simultaneously with the rest of your party to unleash devastating combo strikes! Hurl allies through the air, enhance their weapons with bursts of magic, bolster an ally with a defensive charge, and shift the tide of battle as your sword falls in a dazzling strike of flame and steel.
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A Full Bestiary of Mighty Yokai
Surprise your players with unfamiliar creatures, where every stat block tells a story, and danger lurks behind every corner... 
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Populate your landscape with the magic of tricksy and dangerous yokai, with incredible twists and original mechanics in every stat block. With more than 50 creatures, this book is a bestiary unto itself!
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A Menagerie of Cute Familiars
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What’s better than defeating a kaiju? Biomancing its blood into an adorable yokai companion that follows you around! Even better, each of the 10 new bespoke familiars comes with a unique tech tree compatible with the Tamer class (first introduced in Heliana’s Guide). Choose your upgrades and craft your ultimate companion to become the very best that no-one ever was.
A Hoard of Magic Items & Prostheses
Unlock your imagination with over 80 new pieces of incredible adventuring equipment, magic items, and Sekiro-inspired prostheses.  Swing, grapple, and launch yourself through the air with a plethora of exciting new gear to expand your combat proficiency.
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Harvest and craft using a versatile and deep crafting system first introduced in Heliana's Guide. Transform the remains of defeated kaiju into a vibrant arsenal of magic items, or craft their soul into a living companion. 
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Free Playtest Materials!
Dive into the yokai realms early! Explore pre-released player materials or take on a kaiju in the epic adventure: The Ascendant Cascade.
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Playtest the Tengu and Atatsu races here!
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Playtest the Dodomeki and the Onryo here!
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Playtest the Ronin Ranger and the Spirit Caller Sorcerer here!
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Playtest The Ascendant Cascade Kaiju adventure here!
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Thu, October 12 2023 3:59 PM BST
Website: https://linktr.ee/dnd_shorts
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hongssami · 1 year
Intro: Long Journey (From Mist to Wave) [TEASER] - Seonghwa
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Pairing: Dragon Shapeshifter! Seonghwa / witch apprentice! Reader Genre: Fantasy, Dragon Shapeshifter AU, Adventure, kind of Comedy Fluff and a bit of Angst i guess Synopsis: After the ambush led by the notorious dragon tamer group, Dreamers, brothers Seonghwa and Yeosang get separated from the silver dragon clan’s lair, Mist. In his attempt to regroup with his dragon clan, Seonghwa stumbles upon you, the Witch of the Woods’s curious yet clumsy apprentice. He finds himself falling behind schedule with a sprained foot and a broken wing; and with a suspected rising threat, he figures he should remain in his human form in the meantime, so no flying. Would he be able to heal his broken wing and warn the other horned clans for the rising threat in time? Warnings: So Much Worldbuilding, white haired hwa, hwa's clan being attacked (not in detail), probably not-so-good pacing Teaser Word Count: 999 Projected Word Count: ~10-12k Release Date: tba 🧍‍♂️
A/N: ahahah hi here she is ! Part 1 of an untitled series (help me come up with a title for this AU!), naturally the next part will be Yeosang's. Please note that contents of this teaser may be subject to change in the final fic as I am still writing it (unfortunately) 🧍‍♂️ Hope this gets you excited for this universe !!
Taglist is open! Send an ask to be added :^D !
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The chaos and shouting spreading amongst their clan does not waver Seonghwa’s stern voice as he addresses his brother. Yeosang has only ever seen him this serious after a disruptive stray drake had wandered up their mountain.
“Take care.” Yeosang nods, silently leaning his forehead on Seonghwa’s before he hesitantly takes off. They will reunite again soon, he’s sure of it. A flock of younglings follow him, their mothers undoubtedly telling them to leave for their safety as well.
On the ground, Seonghwa smells the human enchantments on flaming boulders before he even sees them. This was clearly foul play, and very unlike their neighboring human settlement. No man in his right mind would dare to face a whole clan of horned dragons, even if he had a whole army with him.
Unless they had found a weakness.
Another whiff of the air confirmed their enemy was not in fact their neighbors. Nobody would dare carry gunpowder on them around dragons unless they wished to coerce them to submission.
Of course, these were the so-called “Dreamers”. Dragon tamers.
The elders were right to be wary for today.
The lindworms of his land, always at the forefront of their battles, fought tooth and claw to ward away as many intruders as they could. A troublesome task since the tamers had put forth their cavalry first.
What they had not yet figured out was that the greedy humans did not mean to conquer, only hunt their horns for sport, as if to mock them. So, as the lindworms and wyrms and other flightless kin flung themselves bravely as the brunt of defenses for the lands of Mist, the winged all gathered to exhale a paralyzing gas designed to stun.
A cold silence was cast over the foot of the mountains. The cavalry had frozen. The warriors at the forefront slowly make their way back up the mountains to counsel with the others, albeit still cautious, they turn their back from the chaos. 
That is when the silver-horns start to collapse. For when the final wyrm had cast her eyes away from the battlefield, another wave began with their long-range attacks. Archers, and trebuchet projectiles, and enchanted flaming boulders fell upon the mountains of Mist.
Their flightless had already taken cover after the first wave of intruders. They shook the ground enough for trenches to form at the foot of Mist, keeping out as many intruders as they physically could. The winged had taken their spot as defenders while the rest of the children and elderly had no choice but to flee before the rain of arrows and boulders caught up to them.
Those few who lurked in the waters were not as fortunate - the sole lake in Mist was inhabited by the ancient and well-respected water snake, but he was not too kind on visitors.
The once united community of dragonkin on Mist had shattered almost instantly. 
Seonghwa was lucky he even made it out with only a broken wing to remember the day of his clan's fall.
... ..
It’s close to nightfall. He knocked down a few trees when he crashed, heavens knew how long ago that happened. It seemed like the crash had done more harm to his already broken right wing too — the cartilage between his appendages ripped and the lower portions burnt and bruised.
The pelting rain against his scales serves him nothing but a calm distraction from the aching in the appendages of his right wing. He does not have any idea where the winds have taken him, only that he is under a dense overgrowth.
He blinks slowly, the rain winds threatening to shake him to his core if he did not seek shelter any time soon. Upon closer inspection of the plants and trees around him, and a quick glance at the setting sun, Seonghwa deduces he’s landed himself somewhere in the East.
Hopefully not too far from the bronze-horns. The faster they’re warned of the threat the better.
A glance above the treetops grants a peak of a small human town, their streetlights shine like little fireflies against the darkening horizon. He spots people donning raincoats and carrying umbrellas as they go about their last minute errands of the day. And if he leaned a little closer, he would hear the overlapping conversations from where he had rested his head on the crown of a particularly tall tree, but he chooses not to.
It was far too risky to parade as a dragon after that raid.
So he sinks into himself, willing himself to at least take a few steps toward the nearest tree so he could lean on it. Polymorphing into his human form hurts more now that he’s essentially injured his entire arm, but he endures it with a few hisses and groans escaping his chapped lips. It has been quite a while since he’s done this.
He didn’t really have the need to be in his human form back in Mist. Everyone had always been more comfortable living in the hides and scales they were born with, although the children would have a period of their lives where they just loved shifting from dragon to human. He supposes it’s for the best that he had not shown himself as human publicly after his turning of age now that a danger was looming over the heads of the horned dragons.
He’s exhausted. He does not have the faintest idea where he is or how he’s going to find Yeosang. His arm hurts like hell and he makes his way toward the human village cradling it close.
At least this way he won’t fall over trying to balance himself with a broken wing.
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(note: next update for this fic will be character sheets and a map :O, the same map in the header!)
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shihalyfie · 1 year
Hi. I'm someone who has been planning to rewatch Digimon Frontiers. I remember watching it as a kid, but hoping to rewatch it as an adult to see how it still holds up. Before that though, I've been wondering about how that series has treated Izumi in light of a lot of the fandom's complaints about her. I've only watched the American English dub, but I am wondering about why she was written as she was and how it differs from the Japanese version. I also saw your meta on the writers for her episodes, honestly surprised that her episodes were written by female writers. I can use your perspective on why she was written that way since you seem more knowledgeable about the franchise as a whole.
I'm also curious how much romance has actually been a thing in the Digimon franchise, or if it is mainly just a small subplot that's usually kept in the back.
I appreciate any information you can give.
Hello! Thank you for dropping by!
Regarding Frontier and Izumi, to be honest, I don't really think there are too many substantial differences between the American English dub and original Japanese version to the point I could make any in-depth analysis. (There are changes, but it's in a very vague blanket realm of "the insults and bantering are a little harsher", and it's definitely not Adventure or 02 level.) The Japanese version has the infamous "Sexy Dynamite" frame, so one might argue that it was even worse about it, but small details aside, I think the good points and the complaints you could make are pretty much the same.
As for why the writing around Izumi is so glaring compared to prior (and perhaps most other) Digimon series, I honestly can't say. As far as female creator presence in the main staff room goes, as you mentioned, Izumi's key episodes were by female writers, and Seki was still producer. And on top of that, while Tomita fully admitted that he had a hard time writing girls, I honestly can't believe that's the (sole?) cause of it when I look at his other portfolio works, including some fan-favorite episodes of Sailor Moon and, in general, some magical girl series with excellent female characters.
Perhaps it's the fact that it's the first Digimon anime series to not have any involvement from Yoshimura Genki (who was responsible for most of the writing around Ruki in Tamers and is currently known as a hardcore feminist), or perhaps Bandai panicking about the franchise's poor sales made them lock down harder on "we need to Please the Boys" (something that does sometimes end up in being neglectful of female characters), or perhaps the fact that Izumi was the only girl in the core group made them more inclined to treat her like the Designated Girl Character™ of the series...but this is all speculation, and your guess is as good as mine, especially since we have so little information on Frontier's production compared to others.
As for the question on romance, it's pretty much always been a subplot at best, most likely because the majority of major human characters in the franchise are elementary to middle school age and are thus way too young to be considering "serious" romance or relationships (middle school being probably the youngest you can push the limit as treating a relationship as "serious" instead of just being a puppy crush). Moreover, Adventure and 02 seemed to take the stance of "romance is a part of one's life, but not the most important thing in one's life" (something that seems to have frustrated a lot of fans regarding the series not caring enough about shipping), so even stuff related to Yamato and Sora is carefully squared off to the side like it's not anyone's business. As much as I like to make ship-related jokes, if asked in a serious context, I personally never believed that most of anyone's behavior towards anyone in Adventure or 02 had legitimate romantic sentiment behind it, mostly because they were too young for it; even Daisuke's crush on Hikari comes off to me as him being clingy because she's cute and not really taking the time to think about what the next steps would entail.
Other than Yamato and Sora, putting one-sided humorous crushes aside, the closest to explicit depictions of (human) romance that actually seem plot-relevant would probably be Takato and Juri in Tamers, which even then is not really that explicit (although the people involved in its creation love to talk about it like it's a sort of damsel-in-distress plot), and Kiriha and Nene in the Xros Wars manga, which also is prominent and related to the plot but also not that big of an element in it. Sometimes it seems like it's milking the concept of romance more than it's usually done in practice (an episode of Savers is styled like it's Yoshino having a love story with a childhood friend, but if you actually watch the episode it's at most just her having mixed feelings about a childhood friend falling from grace). So it's honestly been a series that's hands-off with romance for the most part, with most of the shipping and romance-related content being on the part of the fans.
By the way, the official reason there's no explicit depiction of Yamato and Sora in Kizuna (despite them being a known endgame canon couple) is that it would have been overly conspicuous and obstructive in a movie that only had 90 minutes to tell its story. (I know there are a lot of people who think the real reason is "because it was controversial and they don't want to get people mad," but personally, I feel that if they were worrying about controversy, they wouldn't have given Kizuna such a controversial premise in the first place!) So I imagine that's the main reason we've gotten so little romance; it's exactly because it's such a crowd-pleaser and overly conspicuous element that they want to avoid it, because Digimon is frankly a complex franchise with a lot of expectations and mechanics that it needs to worry more about, and it's hard to cram a prominent romance plot in there in a way that would be tonally appropriate.
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Tamers - Episode 40
Woohoo! 40 episodes :D I feel accomplished
This episode was mostly upbeat with some ooky-spooky stuff thrown in there for good measure. This show has a lot of tonal whiplash. I truly have no idea where they're going with this plot, so that's exciting. Compared to Adventure and 02, this is definitely the most unpredictable season. (Well, I know it'll have a happily ever after because its a kid's show lol).
Beelzebumon gets zapped by a buncha digimon until he de-digivolves. I interpreted that as him getting attacked on purpose? Maybe? All the bug-like digimon swarming him creeped me out.
Culumon's ultimate (hehe) purpose was to perform "shining evolution" which insta-digivolves all the digimon to ultimate (at least those that have an ultimate form lol). I guess it also just calls out to digimon that are already ultimate too since Jijimon and Babamon show up. (Wait, why didn't it affect the main digimon? Ah well)
I kind of thought the Gods would have wanted to keep Culumon around permanently, but I guess they only needed them to help fight the D-reaper? I thought Culumon had more of an everyday purpose with digivolution...
Kenta's future partner shows up and just loves him instantly for no apparent reason lol. I guess it's just like when a stray cat chooses you. MarineAngemon is a lot tinier than I expected based on the videogames...
It's hard for me to comment on what's going on with Juri because I have no idea. At first it seems like her puppet is possessed and then she goes behind a rock and becomes possessed herself? Is she being controlled by some nefarious digimon? The true big bad? Guess I'll find out! (The puppet suddenly talking on its own was effectively creepy).
Hirokazu assuming Juri was hiding to use the bathroom made me wonder...do the kids feel the urge to go to the bathroom ever? Does it go by the same, weird ~belief~ logic as hunger? If he made that assumption, they must have been going to the bathroom this whole time I guess (somehow lol).
It was kinda cool seeing a bunch of ultimate digimon gather for good (as opposed to an evil army). Hirokazu geeking out over them was a nice touch.
They played the dial up sound! The nostalgiaaaa
Their plan to request help from randos around the world via email would never work nowadays haha. Straight to spam.
The Gods being like "we got this, you can go home now" felt kinda like a unique plot beat for Digimon. Usually the kids and their digimon are the only ones who can save the day, but I guess they don't go by "chosen children" in Tamers. Of course, they'll probably still need to stay and fight...something.
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Part: 3
Pairings: priest!eddie x fem!reader
Warning:priest kink, angst, fluff at the end mention of past drug addiction. Oral (male and female receiving) spankings
Not proof read
18+ minors do not enter.
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Waking up a few hours later next to Eddie after falling asleep in his bed. Your body feels weak, and your legs still feel like jello. Moving out of his grasp, you tried to gain some strength back into your legs. Standing up and falling back down on his bed, you hear a soft chuckle behind you.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. I have to use the bathroom." You say slightly embarrassed.
Shaking his head and stretching his arms out, he looks at his watch that reads 3:00 am. He gets up and comes over to your side, picking you up and taking you to the bathroom. He stands in the doorway, and you stare at him, confused.
"Um, can you please give me some privacy."
He laughs and raises his hands, surrending to you. Closing the slighly door leaving a crack open, he speaks up. "I had my mouth down there. You can't go shy on me now." Scrunching your nose, you cover your face in embarrassment. He just closes the door, and you hear him let out a laugh at your reaction.
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After that night with Eddie, you learned a lot about him. You never would have thought you two had so much in common when it came to your upbringing. He told you about his life back in Hawkins and how after witnessing two murders he fell down a dark hole. A dark hole that involved drugs very hard drugs.
Eddie confessed that he still drinks and dabbles in the tamer stuff he just avoids the opiates. He told you rehab just didn't work for him, and someone suggested this. He's considered leaving it since he's no longer an addict and has no desire to ever go back to that life. He was funny and charismatic when he told you a story. He could make the most boring and mundane story feel like an adventure.
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...3 weeks since that night, and you've barely seen Eddie since then. You stopped going to church so much. You didn't like the judging eyes and gossip that went on around there. The older women especially did not like Eddie. If only they knew him the way you did, maybe they wouldn't be so harsh.
Walking up to your front door, you see the same note as last time. Opening it up, you notice it smells like him sandlewood, musk, and a hint of tobacco. The note reads.
Meet me at Motel 8 room 25 around same time as last. Wear something pretty for me.
- Eddie
You jump up down with excitement and rush to your bedroom to grab your overnight bag that you keep packed and ready. After you got ready you decided on a nice dress to wear for him. Hopping in your car and throwing your bag in the passenger seat, you head to him. Pulling up next to his car, you know he's already home waiting for you.
Once again, before you knock, he's already pulling you inside and crashing his lips to yours. His hands start to explore your body before they land on your ass and give it a tight squeeze. He kneeds into the soft flesh and moans in your mouth. Pulling away, he looks down at you and notices what you're wearing for him.
"You look pretty tonight" Biting his lower lip.
A thank you is all you can mutter before he grabs you by the legs, wrapping them around his waist. He picks you up and carries you to the bed and lays you down. His lips are back on yours, and he starts rocking his hips into yours, causing you to gasp at the feeling. Breaking the kiss, he looks down at you and drags his thumb over your lips. You kiss it, and he dips it in your mouth. "Suck it, baby," He demanded. Doing as you're told, you start sucking his thumb and swirling your tongue around it. He rocks his hips against your core again, causing you to moan. He pulls his thumb out of your mouth and notices the string of saliva connecting the two of you together.
The phone rings, disrupting the moment you two were sharing. "Fuck" Eddie says and runs over to the phone to answer it. "I'll be right there," he responded to the person on the other line.
"Pizza is here, princess. I'm gonna go get it at the front desk." Putting his jacket on, he runs over to give you a quick kiss before heading out. Once he closes the door behind him, you take the opportunity to look around. You notice his priest uniform once again hung up on the closet door. He had amps and speakers in various parts of the room, along with a few guitars. Dirty magazines and porn tapes on his dresser. Sitting back down on his bed, that's when you notice it. A used condom in his wastebasket. You try to reason and think maybe it was from when the two of you had sex.
That's when you remembered he didn't wear one and that condom looks pretty new. It was almost as if it were from this morning or the night before. Swallowing a lump you try to avoid the tears, of course he was fucking other people. Why would he only fuck you? You two weren't even together he couldn't even be seen with you often. He can do whatever he wants, but the evidence still hurts, and you want to leave.
Suddenly, Eddie was back with a large pizza in hand and a big smile on his face. You give him a small smile back, trying to act like everything was okay. He sets the pizza down, not noticing your sudden mood change.
"You hungry? I got it for us, eat up. You're gonna need your strength." He joked.
M'not hungry right now."
He looks back at you and shakes his jacket off. He makes his way over to you and crawls back over top of you. Kissing and sucking at your neck softly. One of his hands starts running up your thigh, and you squeeze them together tighter. He removes it and instead cups your right breast in his hand. He slips the straps of your dress down to reveal your breasts to him.
Eddie licks his lips and latches his mouth to your left nipple. Licking and flicking his tongue over it, sucking and biting, leaving a small bruises. He comes back up and examines his work going for your other breast and doing the same. Once he was finished, your chest was littered in love bites.
But you weren't into it. You want the night to be over and to go home. Did he even wash the sheets before having you over? He couldn't even bother to take out the trash,so you doubt it.
"Eddie can we stop?" He pops his head up to look you in the eyes.
"What's wrong, darlin?" "Did I hurt you?" He asks worried
Shaking your head no. "I'm just not feeling well right now. Maybe I should go home." Trying to avoid his gaze and hold back tears. He gently carasses your cheek and kisses your temple. He offers to let you stay with him anyway until you feel better, but you deny him. Knowing you would either cave and let him fuck you or you would breakdown and cry.
Helps you gather your stuff and walks you to your car. He smiles at you, showing off his dimples, and you curse yourself for falling for him like you have. You hated this. Why can't he just be mad at you for not letting him have sex with you? He just had to be so sweet and caring towards you. He told you not to worry, and you guys can pick up where you left off once you're better. But you're not so sure you even want that anymore. After arriving home, you throw yourself on your bed, not even bothering to close and lock your front door. You weep into your pillow until sleep takes over your body.
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You try to avoid Eddie after that incident at his motel room. The more you hung out with him, the more you liked him. Avoiding him right now was for the best. Getting attached would not be a good thing, but you were afraid it was too late. You stayed home locked away in your room with your feelings. Ignoring his calls and notes, feelings of guilt took over. This wasn't his fault. There was nothing more to your relationship than sex. He's a grown man with a life that only just started to include you. Guilt sets in again, and you decide to surprise him tonight by heading to his place.
Arriving at the motel, you see his car and another parked next to his. Getting out, you hear some woman calling you to her. Walking over, you're informed she's the front desk clerk.
"Look, sweetie, I've seen you here a few times, and if I were you, I'd just leave he has company if you know what I mean." Rubbing your hand, she gently ushers you back to your car. You walked with her listening to what she had told you.
You get in and pull out, but stop just a head a few feet on the road. Your car is blocked by a roadside sign. You can see right to Eddie's room. Sitting there for a few moments, you have to see if the woman was telling the truth. That's when you see her emerge from his room. A blonde woman with a tight fitted dress and her hair a mess. He grabs her waist, and before you can see anything else, you pull off fast, causing your tires to squeal on the road. Heading home to do what you've been doing for days and that was cry until your eyes were burning.
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Waking up early Sunday morning, you decided to start going back to church. After witnessing what you did a few nights ago, you decided not to let it get the best of you. Getting dressed in your Sunday best heading out the door and walking to the morning mass. You kept telling yourself you wouldn't let it bother you, but the moment you saw him, your stomach dropped.
There, Eddie was greeting everyone at the doors before starting his sermon. Walking up the stairs, he greets you like he did the rest, nothing special except for the soft touch to your shoulder. Walking down the red carpet kneeling before the cross before having a seat with the others. He walks past you, slyly slipping you a note asking you to stay back to talk. Crumbling up the note, you can't decide if it's the right thing to do or not. Your lack of self control got the best of you, and after mass was over, you stayed back waiting for him.
Once you saw him emerge from the back office, you think quickly and decide to leave and walk home. You can hear Eddie call out to you trying to stop you, but you ignore him. Walking quickly, you finally made it home, and you decide to change into your silk nightgown. Yes, it was still early in the day, but you had no plans of doing anything else anyway.
Hours later, you hear rapid knocking at your front door. Heading to the door, Eddie sees you through the glass panel and asks to speak with you. Opening up the door, he lets himself in pushing past you. "Nice to see you too" you grumble behind him.
"What the hell was that about?" He asks with irritation in his voice.
"What was what?" You play innocent. He can't know you were upset at him for seeing other women. He can't know you went to his place the other night and saw him with another woman. He can't know any of this because you never stood a chance to begin with.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about princess, you've been avoiding me since you got 'sick' that night," He argued.
Shrugging your shoulders pushing past him to sit on your couch, he follows behind you, huffing. You flop down and turn the TV on, ignoring his firery gaze. Looking over at him, you roll your eyes, and he chuckles, scratching his head.
Eddie sits down next to you, taking the remote from you, turning the TV off. You go to snatch it back, but he moves it higher up in his grasp, so you can't reach it. Still trying to win, you crawl over his lap and retrieve it from his hand. That's when you feel his hand run up the back of your thigh, and you quickly sit down.
"What is your deal lately, huh?" Annoyance laced in his question.
You go to speak, but he cuts you off.
"I'm still talking. You've been avoiding me. You won't answer my calls. you won't write me a letter back and you don't show up on Sundays anymore." Now he was getting pissed remembering how you've been ignoring him. Tucking your legs underneath you, you keep your head down and shrug your shoulders. Jealousy and a feeling of betrayal was the cause of all of this. Shedding a few tears, you feel guilty for doing this to him.
"I'm sorry." You say quietly next to him.
He looks over at you and takes your hand into his. "It's okay, honey. I was just worried about you." He told you. You move to kiss his cheek and lay your head on his shoulder. He brings his hand to rub your thigh up and down. "Eddie?" He hums in response. "Never mind," you tell him, hiding your face in his arm.
"No, go ahead, don't be shy tell me," shifting slightly so he can move your face from his arm.
Taking a deep breath, you put your head on his chest playing with his belt loop "can I lay in your lap and put your cock in my mouth please?"
"See, that wasn't so hard now, was it?" He said, smiling.
Moving yourself lower, you lay your head in his lap. He buttons his pants and pulls his semi hard cock out. Licking your lips, you take it from him and give the tip a quick peck. Spitting on your hand, you go to grasp it and rub it up and down slowly. Moving your head closer, you put the tip in your mouth sucking softly on it. Earning you low groan from Eddie whose head has fallen back.
You take that as a good sign and continue only to pull it out and spit on his cock . You begin to suck on the tip and use your spit mixed with his precum as a lubricant to continue rubbing him up and down.
Gliding your mouth fully down his length until he's hitting the back of your throat, you gag a little. Making Eddie moan out at the feeling of your mouth wrapped around him. You try to keep him back there and focus on breathing out of your nose. Sucking lightly on him, you pull him all the out and swirl your tongue around his tip. He bucks his hips and pleads for you not to stop.
"Ahhh, honey if you keep doing that I'm gonna cum. He said breathlessly
You smile and put him back down your throat sucking a little harder than before. Your head begins to bob up and faster. Cupping his balls, he jerks at the feeling. The sensation of you massaging his balls and your mouth sucking him is becoming too much. With a few more strokes of your hand and sucking of his cock he's cuming down your throat. He moans out loud and holds your head down until he's finished.
"Fuck, baby that was so good....shit." His chest is heaving.
You sit up next to him with your mascara running a little. You open up your mouth to stick out your tongue to show him you swallowed all of him. He looks at you smiling before biting his lip. He gets up to kneel beside the couch.
"Get on all fours and take your panties off" He demanded.
Doing as you're told, you get on your hands and knees after taking off your underwear. He rubs your ass under your nightgown and give it a firm swat. He takes his middle and ring finger to play with your folds before dipping his fingers inside of you. You sigh at the feeling of him. You missed him so much. You missed his kiss, his fingers, his mouth and cock. You missed everything about him.
Taking his fingers out, he goes to spank you hard again, earning a moan from your lips.
"OH, does my girl like being spanked?" He teased you.
Nodding your head fast "Yes I love it. Please do it again." You whine out. He takes his hand and spanks you hard again and again. Each smack earned him a moan louder than the last. He takes his same fingers from earlier and begins to pump them inside of your warm velvety walls. He moves them in and out of you slowly. Listening to the wet sounds your pussy is making while its gripping his fingers.
Eddie moves closer to your face and grabs you roughly to kiss you. After he's done kissing you, he starts pumping his fingers in your pussy faster. Taking them out every so often to smack your ass. You start rocking back and forth against his fingers. Eddie notices and stops moving. Letting you do all the work and fuck yourself.
"Look at you baby..that's my girl fuck yourself on my fingers..that's a good girl. He coos at you.
You rock back and forth hard and faster on him moaning out his name. He stops you and tells you to get up the couch. Confusion etched your face, but he just ignores it. Eddie grabs your hands to help you stand while he lays back flat on the couch. He's reaching out for you.
"Come here and sit on face, pretty thing."
You do as you're told and move your legs on either side of his head to straddle his face. You hover a little too high up for his liking and pulls you down harshly on his face. His nose is nuding your clit. you throw your head back when his tongue dips inside of your entrance. He moves it in and out of you before flicking your clit with his tongue. Moving yourself slightly, you got to sit back and put your hands behind you on his chest.
Eddie keeps teasing your pussy with his long tongue only sucking lightly to make you gasp. You plead and cry out for him to make you come. He just laughs at you, and he grips your thighs tighter with his hands. You begin to grind yourself against his face. Your clit rubbing against his nose causing you to clench around Eddie's tongue as he was busy fucking you with it. You start grinding faster and harder hitting your clit on his nose everytime. You feel yourself becoming wetter on his tongue.
"Oooh, eddie, I'm so close. Please help come," you cried out to him.
He takes pity on you and stops tongue fucking you to suck harshly on your clit. He takes one of his hands, lifting you up slightly to plunge his fingers inside of you. The feeling is becoming too much, and you can feel a tightness building up in your core until you come on his face hard. Your thighs squeeze his, and they begin to shake, making the flesh jiggle.
After you try to catch your breath, Eddie helps you off of him and lays you back on the couch. His face is glistening with your arousal and wipes it off with his handkerchief. He lays next to you with his head on your chest. You cradled him there playing with his long, messy hair. He breaks the silence first to ask you something.
"So are we gonna talk about the real reason you avoided me for so long?" Eddie spoke in a soft but stern tone.
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nami-moittli · 2 years
My headcanons behind all the dub names for digimon:
Taichi —> Tai. Very simple, making the name shorter
Yamato —> Matt. Took a try or two to get to this nickname, but also a pretty simple nickname
Koushiro Izumi —> Izzy. At first he was called “Kou” but then one day someone called him “Izzy” instead, because it was ‘more fun to say’ and it stuck
Takeru—> T.K.. When he was like, in kindergarten or first grade, there was another kid named Takeru, so T.K. Ended up being called that
Hikari—> Kari. Once again, a very simple nickname
Daisuke —> Davis. Noticed that all of his friends have nicknames, and wanted one too. Davis was the first thing he thought of
Miyako —> Yolei. Probably was just hanging out one day and decided that she wanted to give herself a weird nickname, Yolei was the one that made it out
Iori—> Cody. Yolei’s the only one who really calls him this, furthering the idea that they were just hanging out one day, and gave each other nicknames
Extra: Wallace—>Willis. Someone mispronounced his name, and now no one knows which is right
Jianliang—>Henry. He got tired of everyone mispronouncing his name, that he just started saying, “Call me Henry”
Ruki—>Rika. A mispronunciation of her actual name. She hates it, but it won’t leave her alone.
Shaochung—>Susie. One day Henry told her that people have a hard time saying their names, so she should pick out a nickname.
Hirokazu—>Kazu. Once again, a very easy nickname.
(Think that’s all?)
Takuya—>Taky. Very easy nickname.
Izumi—>Zoe. A nickname she got from her friends in Italy. She liked it so she kept it when she got back to Japan. Sometimes shortened further to Z.
Junpei—>J.P.. he wanted to act cooler, so along with the magic and chocolate, he started to introduce himself as J.P. Zoe called him out on this when they first met on the Trailmon.
Tomoki—>Tommy. Again, very easy. Like how Thomas becomes Tommy.
Data Squad/Savers:
Masaru—>Marcus. I’m not even sure. His name just got corrupted one day and it stuck. He sometimes doesn’t even respond to his actual name now
Thoma—>Thomas. Thomas is his name, though sometimes people take off the ‘s’
Ikuto—>Keenan. Ikuto is his birth name, though when he got to the digital world, no one knew that, so they just called him “Keenanmon” Keenan eventually dropped the “mon” though
Chika—>Kristy. A corruption of her name that came about one day.
(I think that’s all?)
Xros wars/Fusion/Young Hunters:
Taiki—>Mikey. Jeremy wanted to see how many people he could get to believe Taiki’s name was Mikey, so one time when he was helping out a club, he yelled, “Go Mikey!” It confused the heck out of Taiki, but now people don’t know which is right. Tagiru just calls him “T.M.” At this point
Zenjiro—>Jeremy. First it was shortened to Jiro, then Jiro became Jeremy. Probably through a mispronunciation mixed with how the name Thomas became Tommy
Akari—>Angie. Jeremy is also behind this one. Probably the same reason he calls Taiki Mikey.
Kiriha—>Christopher. Christopher’s just his middle name.
Yuu—>Ewan. Tagiru gave him this one. Though, he’s not sure how the “an” part of that nickname came to be.
And, I think that’s it. Cause Hunters and Appmon weren’t dubbed, 2020 is just a reboot, and I’m not sure if/when Ghost Game is getting dubbed, so I can’t say.
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