#'this is how your parents look when they tell you they're going on vacation without you'
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softquietsteadylove · 1 month ago
Hello love how are you?
I miss the actors au, so i have a promt for you if thats okay.
Thena and Gil are casted in an action/romance movie where their characters have a lot of tension and have to flirt a lot, so their tension in real life gets real high and they kinda start flitring with the other but they are just "friends".
As always thank you for your works 🩷🤍
"You ready?" he asked her, his weapon in hand.
She gave him a look over her shoulder, raising a finely plucked eyebrow. "Are you going to ask me that every time?"
He gave her look right back to her, though, both of them grinning at the exchange. "Well, I believe in words of assurance. Doesn't that help set the mood or something?"
She tested the doorknob, preparing to charge in with him. "Are you asking me as your partner or as a woman?"
He pressed his back to the wall with her. He wasn't nearly as entertained by it as she was. "I'm asking if you're sure about this."
She was surprised by his sudden hesitance. "You think we aren't there yet?"
"I mean dinner is one thing, but taking down this whole compound just us?"
"I knew you had commitment issues."
"You think everyone has commitment issues."
She rolled her eyes at him. "If you can't do this, then fine, I'll take care of it myself-"
He stopped her from going in alone, his hand holding hers back. He moved closer, even, his arm around her and his face nose to nose with hers. "You'll never have to take care of anything alone so long as I'm here. Whether you think we're there or not."
The clip faded out and the audience applauded obligingly. Some was politely directed by the teleprompters and some was genuine enthusiasm. The movie did seem fun and light, with well paced action, based on the snippet presented.
Gil and Thena laughed at the scene chosen, as if they hadn't already seen it countless times during their press tour.
"That was a clip from your latest--I'm already excited," the host of the show exclaimed, leaning back in her chair. "I feel like we haven't seen you guys take on anything this light in a while."
Gil and Thena shared a look. It was always funny for them to do press and receive notes on how their careers were going. Whether they were working on something together or apart, they were spending almost all their time together anyway.
"Well, Thena had her more serious biopic, which swept awards season," Gilgamesh began, openly inviting the audience to shower her with adulation. He clapped as well, chuckling as she ducked her head and played with her hair in a moment of shyness.
"You see why I can't do press with him all the time? I can't take it," she laughed in good nature, spreading her time between the host and the audience. "He's too much."
"It's so sweet how close you are, though," the host beamed, dancing the line between innocent commentary and probing at something more. "I feel like it's not always the case."
"We are lucky," Thena agreed, looking at Gil again with a full smile. Her makeup done for the show made her seem to glow under the lights, from the blush in her cheeks to the colour on her lips. "I can't imagine how insufferable it would be if I didn't like him."
"Well, it'd be pretty hard, if that clip was anything to go by!"
She was somewhat luring them into something--saying something, admitting something.
"Is it hard to get into a character like the ones in this film, or do you find it easier because you already get along so well?"
Thena met the eyes of their host. She was good at her job; the audience was ooh-ing and ah-ing at all the right times. She kept her smile even, though, resting her cheek in her hand. "Well, movies like this one often focus more on the action and the humour than the characters. But we're lucky our writers actually have quite a fun story buried within the scenes."
"It was nice to be able to really play around with the characters and how they interacted and that would, in turn, influence how we played a scene or how we would allude to something that would come into play further down the line," Gilgamesh answered. It was a very practised, media coach approved answer. It really didn't say all that much, but it sounded like he was saying a lot.
"Now, just tell me," the hostess got a devious smirk on her face. "Are you flirting like that the whole movie?"
Thena resisted the urge to roll her eyes, much like her character for the summer blockbuster. "Would you call that flirting?"
Gil laughed beside her, their eyes drawn together and away from the third party on stage with them. "I think that's just how they talk to each other."
"It's natural for them," Thena joined in his laughter. "They get up, go to work, see each other in the elevator-"
"She says 'fuck you', he says 'how hard'?" Gilgamesh joked, which had both he and Thena laughing, as well as the audience in stitches. He made a sheepish face to the camera, "sorry, sorry, forgot you'll have to bleep that."
Thena shrugged one shoulder, "it's not rated R, we can have one truly good profanity."
"Yeah, and you got it," he pointed out, recalling the exact scene in which her character gets the privilege of saying the coveted once-per-movie-F-bomb. "It's a big one, too."
She gave him a look before purring, "not as big as you, baby."
The audience laughed again. Gil and Thena both leaned in their seats, losing themselves in the mirth of it all. The hostess was banging on the table.
She wiped a tear from her eye, picking up her coffee mug only to tip it upside down. "It's okay, there's no coffee in here."
The audience continued to laugh.
"How did you even get any work done like this?"
"Is it really work if you do what you love?" Gilgamesh chuckled, trying to calm his laughter and appear at least somewhat professional. He tugged at the lapel of his suit jacket, although he didn't button it closed. He looked at Thena again. "Wouldn't you agree?"
She made a face; Sprite got her mischievous side from Thena, but neither would ever admit it. "I think they do each other all the time, yes."
The audience roared with laughter again. Thena attempted to hide her completely open laughter with a hand in front of her mouth. Under the cover of it, she whispered to him, "sorry, but that one was too good to pass up."
"Takes one to know one," he whispered back to her.
"Okay, okay, okay," the hostess held her hand up, signalling the audience to cool it and drawing her guests' attentions back to her. "Cool it, kids--leave some room for jesus, 'kay?"
Thena and Gil both chuckled, but they had indeed gravitated closer and closer through the course of their banter. Their thighs were touching.
"Thena," the two women traded grins and raised eyebrows. "First, I have to know where you get your eyebrows done, because you're putting me to shame."
She was funny, Thena conceded. She liked her delivery and her genuine charisma. "It's all my stylist team, I assure you."
"Second," she held up a finger. "Did you write your own dialogue for this movie or what?--you're killin' me, here. You know how hard it is to get your own network show? I'm supposed to be the funny one."
The audience applauded again, the energy in the room still high.
Gil joined in. "She's always been funny--I keep telling people."
"No one believes you," she shook her head at him. They were ignoring their host again and getting lost in the fun of trading little jokes. She toyed with some of her hair, winding it around her finger.
He shook his head, capturing the lock of hair for himself. "That's what happens when you're pretty and talented, people think the rest of your resume is fake."
"Is there anything you can't do?" the host asked, partly for the info and partly so as not to let her own show get away from her again.
"Plenty," Thena looked back at her again, although it had to be said that Gilgamesh was still toying with her hair. "Cooking is top of the list."
"That's okay," the host jumped on the opportunity to bring up more inside info. "I hear he's a master chef all his own."
"It's true."
"It is not."
"It most certainly is," Thena cut him off, tipping her head in his direction again. He tossed her hair over her shoulder but she didn't let it distract her. "He's an amazing home cook."
The host pouted, leaning her chin into her palm with her elbow on top of her desk. "I'm jealous."
Thena nodded at her. "We had a break during filming, while we were changing location and our crew was doing the real heavy lifting work. And the day we were back on set, Gilgamesh brought everyone a little bundle of cookies he had made."
"For everyone?!"
Thena nodded again, confirming the other woman's shock. "He baked at least three hundred cookies so he could give them to everyone in the cast and crew. They were in cute little bundles, tied with ribbon and everything."
"Okay," Gil huffed, blushing modestly.
"Look," Thena pointed at the screen, where the showrunners were pulling up a picture taken and posted on social media. "Isn't it cute?"
The hostess dropped her jaw in the audiences direction. They were being well fed this segment. "Okay, I didn't think there was anything you couldn't do, but now it's him too?!"
Thena raised both her brows at him and crossed her arms with a smirk. "No, there is absolutely nothing he cannot do."
He rolled his eyes, still playing up his bashfulness. He raised his arm up onto the back of the couch, somewhat around Thena's shoulders. His fingers toyed with the fluttery sleeve of her dress. "Except get you to stop, apparently."
"Okay," the hostess tapped the desk, signalling the closing of their time. She turned to the frontmost camera while the other two turned to cover her other angles. "We are gonna take a quick break, and when we come back, the lovebirds here will have some insider info on release dates and we'll even have some questions from our viewers!"
The cameras pulled out and the band played until sound was done rolling. Gil and Thena waved to the audience, as well as the 'audience' at home through the cameras.
"That was amazing, you guys are nailing it," their hostess addressed them openly as her team came scurrying in to retouch her hair and makeup in their brief commercial spot. "Keep up the fun, flirty vibes when we come back, okay?"
Gil and Thena looked at each other. The hostess was further engulfed in assistants and scrip producers and coffee gophers swarming her for their brief five minute window to do their jobs.
"Flirting?" Thena voiced aloud, to which Gil also shrugged. "I wouldn't call it that."
"No," he scoffed in agreement with her. "We're just making friendly conversation. And you're totally killing the audience--just admit you're funny."
She scoffed at him this time, her arms still crossed, him still playing with the sleeve of her dress. "I admit nothing. If anything, you are bringing it out in me. And she's quite humorous."
Gil just chuckled, adjusting himself to fully sit sideways on the couch, since this was the position he would be in for the rest of the interview anyway. He abandoned the dress sleeve and found her stray curl of blonde to play with again. "You're funnier."
And they said they weren't flirting.
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gfguren · 6 months ago
pro hero!kirishima x reader | angst?, fluff, childhood friends→lovers, best friend!kiri my beloved, 2.8k (apparently??) | cw: cursing, reader wears a dress
-eighteen, and heartbroken, you ghost your best friend. years pass, as do old feelings; coincidence brings you back together again-
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They say old habits die hard, your heartbeat rings true.
It's been years—six, at least. Since you've seen Kirishima. And he's still there, in the library of things you've loved, thumbed and beloved, worn at the spine where you once folded the pages, one over the other, carelessly. Always carelessly. As if they'd stay the same through all the wear and tear. You were—careless—after all, eighteen, and foolish, feelings too big for your heart.
But that was okay. It always was, with him. Wherever you wanted to go, whatever you wanted to do. He was happy as long as you were—and so, so good to you; it was childish of you, but you almost wished that he wasn't.
Maybe it was some kind of teenage rebellion that you pushed it too far. Some kind of lashing out, 'getting even', that you kissed other boys, pretended be head over heels in love with anyone, everyone, but Kirishima. Because you did—love him—and not in the way he loved you, you were sure.
Because if he had—really had—he would have hesitated, would have hurt. Wouldn't have vetted your dresses, or wiped the smudge from beneath your eyes. Wouldn't have told you how pretty you looked without really looking at you at all. Wouldn't have drove you to meet other boys, or dried your tears when they made you cry, like all of your other friends did. The kinds you didn't want to kiss. The kinds you imagined a future with, but not with kids and a dog and a white picket fence.
It was obvious for you, came natural as breathing, you'd known him your whole life. Skinned knees, and awkward school dances. Your very first kiss, though it meant nothing at the time. Just kids—curious, and reckless, and definitely not in love. You thought it'd be like that forever, made sense that he'd always be at your side; maybe that's why it hurt the way it did when, suddenly, he just wasn't.
That awkward boy—indecisive and boisterous, good natured and yours—Kirishima. Eijirou. Who earned his first bloody nose at the age of ten, defending your honor over something juvenile and stupid, who walked you home every day after school, hand in yours, always; (for safety, of course), who left half of his belongings on your bedroom floor, in your closet, atop your dresser—hoodies and gadgets and pens, chewed at the cap. That Eijirou—your Eijirou—would always, surely, make his way back to you, right?
But he doesn't.
When summer ends, he leaves—your school, the little town you both grew up in,
—and you.
To do something good, to be something more. And he was. And you were proud of him, so proud, to see him grow and become the hero he always dreamed of being. But maybe that scared you too, because suddenly your Eijirou didn't feel so much like yours anymore.
He's gone with hardly a notice, returns with all the confidence in the world���a completely new person in a matter of months. Red hair and a smile like summertime sunshine; your heart skips, cheeks flush, a name is put to the feelings you've felt for as long as you can remember, for the very first time.
But nothing's changed, not for Eijirou, at least, who still spends his vacations beneath your parents' roof, within the four borders of your bedroom, crisscrossed legs and laughter that sounds just like it always has. But it hits you—when he speaks—how much things have changed for you. The stories he tells, the friends he's made and the things he's experienced. They're his. Just his.
And it shouldn't bother you. That you don't know the name of his homeroom teacher, or what he packed for lunch last week. That he doesn't know about all the evenings you've spent alone, or how you broke into tears when that cute senior boy asked you to the yearly formal, because Eijirou had promised—pinky promised—all those years ago, that he'd be the one to take you.
But that was before he had training, and internships, and hero obligations; things far, far more important than you were, you suppose.
But it shouldn't bother you, right? Shouldn't hurt the way it does when he packs his things from your room at the end of summer. You lose him bit by bit; pens and gadgets, and comic books you bought for him every single birthday, without missing a year. He takes your ("his") very favorite hoodie—red and worn at the cuffs, a tear up the side where you wrestled him to the ground, at age twelve. Some petty fight you don't even remember, and how you didn't speak to him for a week; that felt like a lifetime, then.
You've half a mind to ask for it, know for sure he'd offer it happily, though you're not sure you have that right anymore. You no longer share his life, after all, and he doesn't share yours; it's not until you're older, much older that you realize just how hard he tried to make it work anyway.
The weekly calls and the long drives back home to just see you for a month, a week, a day. How he gets his license, at eighteen. Rushes home from an internship to drive you to the little ice cream parlor at the edge of town.
You're crying, over a boy—though your heart wasn't really in it. How could it be, when it's been checked out since the age of six? When the more years that pass, the more you fall for your very best friend, the stronger his absence becomes, the more bitter your heart grows. You're crying, over a boy—but not the one who stood you up.
You're just, frustrated, that he's oblivious to it all. Still. And so damn nice about it—always. That's he's perfectly content to dry your tears, has the audacity to tell you that guy was an idiot, totally unmanly, that 'any man would be lucky to have you'.
But not Eijirou. Never Eijirou.
And for the first time, you think you hate him. For missing the hearts in your eyes, and growing up just fine, without you. For talking like it's totally fine if you end up with someone that isn't him. And vice versa.
That he reaches for your hand on the way back to his car, like you're still just kids, and it means nothing at all.
—and that you let him; as if it means nothing to you either.
But fuck, it does. Always has. And maybe that's why you justify it, when you disappear after graduation—a new phone and town, and a future that doesn't include Eijirou. Kirishima. The way you're convinced he wanted; he's always been fine without you, after all.
It's petty and it's childish. And it's hard—like turning a page you've been stuck on your entire life—but you do, and the world doesn't end without him, like you thought that it might. You're fine, not even all that sad. Just a little empty for a while.
The years pass easily, as do old feelings and the ache in your chest. You get busy. With work, and hobbies, your dreams and hopes and aspirations. You don't have the time to dwell about what could have been.
At twenty-two, you fall in love, and it doesn't last. But not because there's someone stuck in your heart, like a thorn that just burrows deeper. Life happens, and you pull apart, naturally—like adults do—communication, and mutual agreement; the way you wish you'd been mature enough to handle your feelings all those years ago.
Maybe you'd still have your oldest friend by your side, then.
Somehow summer sneaks up on you, everytime—the third week of June, when you visit your parents in the same little town that's always changing. Streets busier than ever and pavement redone, ice cream parlor on the edge of town gone and replaced with a brick and mortar grocery. It makes it easier, you think, to not be reminded of Kirishima—and the way you left without so much as a goodbye.
You haven't forgotten him, far from it. Somehow you still find yourself in the comic section of the bookstore every October. But at some point, you forget his favorite foods and the way his hand felt in yours. When you see his house across the street, you think of his mother instead, and the way she greets you every time, like you're her second child. Her 'favorite', you used to joke.
It's bittersweet.
Six summers, and you manage to avoid him. Six summers and you come to terms with never seeing him again. Six summers, and he's there, suddenly—beneath your parents' roof, within the four borders of your childhood bedroom. Your heart beats like it might burst.
"Kirishima," you say, choking down your surprise with deep, careful breaths.
He turns to you then; four wooden borders squeezed carefully between two strong hands. The scar above his brow is baby pink, barely there, and he stands a little taller, you think, feels a little broader at the chest, and around his shoulders. You've seen him on tv, of course, in the news, in pictures, occasionally, but it's different—seeing him in person, after so long.
A true proper hero, standing there in your childhood bedroom, holding an old photo you'd all but forgotten about; two kids, faded ink and scuffed glass—hearts in your eyes, if he happened to look closer.
"Hi." His voice is a little deeper, smile a little softer when your eyes meet.
You feel a little helpless, truth be told. You'd spent so long avoiding him, so many years forgetting the casual conversation you'd once carried. You never considered what to say, if you were to meet again, never thought that you might. But here you are, after all this time.
You want to tell him you're proud, you think. The way you couldn't bring yourself to all those years ago. Want to tell him that you're sorry, for more reasons than one. Want to tell him he looks good, that you got the job he always said you would, that you worried about him, from time to time.
Instead, there's a tentative—"What are you doing here?"—that sticks in your throat.
As if it matters.
"Ran into your parents at the grocery," he answers, casually, "they asked me to stay for dinner."
And yet.
He sets the picture face up—where it once lied face down, forgotten in the eaves of your bookcase.
He's here; in your bedroom. Looking through your things, like he missed you.
You wring your hands together. Return the feelings you start to reach for, instinctively. A little book in the library of things you're predisposed to, catalogued under: Getting Ahead of Yourself.
"Are you?" the words are eager, the pages fall loose. You catch them, before he does. "Staying for dinner?"
It takes all of three steps, (you think it might have been five, once), for him to make his way from the bookcase to your bed. It creaks woefully when he sits, "Would that be okay with you?"
"Yeah," your voice nearly betrays you, "yeah, it would."
His shoulders unwind, chest falls. He breathes—easy. And then he laughs, boyish and yours.
"What's so funny," you gravitate towards him, naturally, suitcase forgotten at the door. The bed dips at his side and your shoulder playfully bumps his, "huh?"
The corners of his mouth crease at the edges, aged deep just like yours. "When did we become so boring?"
You hum—almost melancholy, picking at the splotches of red that still stain your comforter. "It's been six years, Kirishima."
"Yeah," he says, a little more pensive, "you look good."
Your heart skips, cheeks flush. Suddenly you're sixteen again, and pawing at the hem of your sundress, searching for his approval from the corner of your eye.
He's not looking at you, but it's different this time; or maybe it's exactly the same, and he's always been this way. Maybe you were just blind to it, sixteen and oblivious to the hand that wrings itself around the back of his neck, the red tinge that burns his ears.
But honestly, probably, you're searching for subtext that doesn't exist. Still, "So do you," the words come easy, "saw you at that award ceremony—on tv, I mean. Couldn't believe that was my Eijirou."
His head dips, eyes shimmer red; sweeter than wild strawberries. "Your Eijirou?"
'Yeah." You feel a bit self conscious, truth be told, though you've said it a hundred times. "Aren't you?"
His smile spreads like a yawn, from the depths of his chest, suddenly there and unshakable. Contagious—what was his, now yours as well. "Always have been."
Your chest tightens, every beat of your heart hammering at your ribcage. You still love him, after all this time. "How long will you stay?"
"Until dinner, at least."
"No, I mean," you sigh, heart spilling to your sleeves, "how long will you be in town?"
"I,-" It's lethargic, the way he blinks, throat bobs, smile falls, slow and pensive and so unlike him, "I moved back a while ago." Surprise washes over your face, rests in your brow, and he answers, before you have the chance to ask, "it's been two summers now."
You're not sure what that feeling is, gnawing at your heart and making you sick to your stomach—
"I'm sure you knew I came to visit," your voice is a murmur, eyes misty and searching for an excuse to meet everything but his, "you could have said 'hi'."
He hums, an almost sigh, "Wasn't sure you wanted me to."
—Guilt, that's what it is. It plummets, and swells, until you can feel it in your throat.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be." A warm hand falls over yours, fingers curling—friendly, reassuring. You appreciate it for what it is. "I get it."
You've loved him for so long, known him for even longer, turned every page until the ink began to wear. But for the first time, you think you can see his heart bleeding between the lines.
"You're not doing that, don't you dare blame yourself, Kirishima Eijirou."
"You were lonely, weren't you? After I left for UA," his jaw goes rigid, every bit of shame clenched between his teeth, "should've tried harder to make it work, could've visited more often, could've taken an internship closer to home, could've,"
"—said," you click your tongue, stern as can be, "you're not doing that."
You pinch the corner of his sleeve, rolled red fabric over strong arms; he doesn't flinch at the coaxing, instead he turns to take your shoulders between his hands, "'m sorry."
You wrangle them from you, lying his palms at your lap, squeezed in between your own. "Damnit Ei, you didn't do anything wrong," you know for certain that he would've packed you in his suitcase if he could, would've dragged you along to every course and internship and oh-so-important hero happening, but you had your own life to live—and so did he. "You were following your dreams, who am I to get in the way of that?"
"My best friend, my other half, besides," his shoulders square, chest puffs, all brawn and ego and Eijirou; but his hands tremble unsurely, "I liked you," his wavering voice is still confident, somehow, confession long overdue, "and I'm sure that's not what you wanted to hear from me after so long, but," his hands leave yours to worry his hair, all finely gelled and pushed back, now tousled and falling softly at his forehead, "I didn't want to regret it for another six years."
You feel like you're drowning, pulled under a tide of feelings new and old. Confused, and euphoric, and so, so stupid. He liked you. He liked you and you never had a clue. The irony makes you dizzy.
Your head breaches the surface, and finally you can breathe, deep and burning lungs expanding, expanding, and trembling—a stream of salt and water hits your cheeks and falls past your lips. Eijirou is quick wipe away the tears, a palm at each cheek, wide eyed and worried. "Hey, hey, I'm sorry. Please don't cry, okay?"
You laugh and his expression eases, shoulders falling and fingertips thumbing softly at your skin. "Don't worry, Ei. I'm happy," you sniffle, fingers wrapping 'round his wrists; his pulse stutters at your index and you smile, "I liked you too, a lot," at age six, at eighteen, the year before last, and the year after that, and, and, "I still like you, I think."
His smile blooms, face brightens like sunlight in the peak of summer, warm against the tips of your fingers.
"Can I take you on a date sometime?" he asks, like it's the easiest thing in the world; maybe it always has been.
"Yeah." Your heart beats, a page turns. "I'd like that."
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lani-heart · 10 months ago
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|| series masterlist || next // previously
parings -> riki nishimura x reader genre -> non-idol au, school au, hyrbid au warnings -> n/a word count -> 2.4k
abstract -> he's perfect how he is... but can maybe change for her.
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y/n’s perspective
“Niki, we always do this” I whined as he locked himself in the bathroom. I needed to get him ready for tonight’s party. If I didn’t have to go I wouldn’t… but with my family pushing me into choosing a major in business, they're making me befriend other kids who are from wealthy families. 
“Please… I don’t want to go alone” I begged but he didn’t respond. It was running late and the driver was gonna be here soon… so I might have to go alone today. 
I gave up trying to convince him and I went to do the final touches. Grabbing a jacket, fixing my makeup, and grabbing everything I needed. 
When I left my room, I couldn’t help but smile. 
“You’re gonna go with me?” I asked and he nodded. “I can’t let you go on your own” he muttered and I chuckled. “Besides, look at how forgetful you are,” he said as he pulled my hair roller off my bangs. “Oh,” I said genuinely forgetting as he laughed at me. 
“Do you–” “Yes, I have my tail ring on. I’m ready, now let's go before your dad starts calling”
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Riki Nishimura was a stray hybrid I met when I was a kid. We were on a vacation trip to Japan when I saw him. I offered him some food I had on me and he took it from me to eat it like he was starved. 
My parents were already wanting to get me a hybrid so I begged them to keep him. In which they reluctantly agreed. However, when we found out he wasn’t a normal black cat hybrid they agreed. 
He was a panther hybrid and has been with me for years. We grew up together… However, my parents never liked how rowdy he was. Even now they tell me to get another hybrid, one that could join me in dinners, parties, and one who is overall more well-behaved. 
I wasn’t gonna let them replace him. He was my best friend, my number one confidant. Besides… who needs a fancy and well-behaved hybrid? Niki was way more fun!
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niki’s perspective
It was the same old party they threw with the same kids as their rich human parents and new collectibles. They liked to collect new hybrids where they’d show them off and then throw them away… but not y/n. 
Without her, I probably would still be mistaken for an overgrown cat hybrid on the street. It doesn’t mean I liked being gawked at and set a price on what they’d trade her for me. Of course, she’d never let them... I’ve seen how annoyed and angry she gets and it made me happy she cared so much. 
I cared for her too… She was clumsy and an idiot so she needed someone to take care of her. So I'm here… at a stupid party filled with spoiled rich kids. 
Not to say she isn't spoiled… she is. However, I never questioned that she loved me. She always makes that clear with everything she does for me. 
“Oh! You’re y/n right?” I heard and I saw a girl behind us with what smelled like a bird hybrid. “Mmhm… have we met before?” she asked why I didn’t think so… I would’ve recognized her and her hybrid. “My name–”
I didn’t care what she had to say… I just didn’t like how her hybrid kept on staring at me with those eyes of his. What was his problem?
I was cut off from my thoughts when suddenly the topic of discussion became me… 
“He’s really pretty and exotic too! I just haven’t heard good things about him, you know?” she said and I had to refrain from growling at her. Who was she to talk right in front of my face about me? And to y/n?
“Jay here is well-behaved! He’s from America you know–” Is that supposed to make him impressive? Congrats bird you’re a pet! “–it's just a shame you know. I wanted a bunny or maybe a cat hybrid” she pouted and I could see his disappointed expression. 
“Oh, Niki is really sweet but he’s solitary–” “You should invest in a social hybrid you know?” she cut her off to say. Rude… why would she need another hybrid when she has me?
“I like the way he is, he’s been with me since we were kids so there's no way I could ever replace him like that,” she said and I felt proud. 
“I heard about how much you care for him. I guess rumors were true” she said and I knew she was amongst those who talked about why she couldn’t get a nicer and social hybrid who smiles and dotes on her. I do dote on her… and I’m only nice to her. Everyone else was pushing it. 
“What is he if I can ask?” she said and y/n only sighed while looking up at me. “He’s a puma hybrid from Japan,” she answered. “Woah! I heard puma hybrids were rare! I thought he was just a cat… makes sense then for how tall he is.” she said as she got closer to me. 
“Oh please don’t do that. You’ll make him uncomfortable.” y/n said as I went behind her. 
“You should take him to the training you know. It's for the hybrids who need manners… they are opening classes in your university for hybrids'' she said… she stalked y/n to know what university she was in? She needs a life. 
“Oh… I know of them. I think he is just fine the way he is” y/n said and she bowed. “If you’ll excuse us,” she said and we walked away from the pair. “She was a bitch” y/n muttered and I laughed.
“Calm down, you have an act to uphold,” I said and she sighed. “y/n?” I said and she looked at me with her eyes filled with determination to answer to give me anything I asked for. “Why didn’t you tell me your uni is having hybrid classes?” I asked and she sighed. 
“They're mainly about etiquette. She said how to take care of your owner… how to behave in a social setting, etc” and I nodded. 
“I want to go,” I said and her eyes widened. “But you're perfect–” “No, I’m not… I caused you a lot of trouble. I heard your dad get mad again this morning. He didn’t want me here because of last time” I said and she shook her head. 
“Yah! Don’t do that!” she scolded and I smiled softly. 
“Please? You said you would give me anything I asked for. I want to be a better hybrid for you” 
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“I can’t believe I'm agreeing to this,” she said and I smiled. “Thank you for letting me do this,” I said and she sighed. “I hate that the class requires collars though. I would’ve rather you had the tail ring instead” she complained and I chuckled.
“You’ll do great in your midterm, okay? Don’t worry about me” I said as I kissed her cheek. “After we’ll go for some Japanese food,” she said and I grinned. “Takoyaki!” I yelled and she chuckled. “I’ve been craving some curry udon,” she said and I nodded. 
“I’ll do my best for you,” I said and she smiled. “You already are. Don’t change, okay?” she asked and I nodded. I just wanted to improve for her… 
When I entered I was immediately overwhelmed with the many scents of hybrids. I ignored the stares of the familiar scents and went down into the big lecture room. 
I sat down in the middle of the third to first row, not expecting others to approach me. “Ah! I’m not late!” I heard as I saw a Golden
A Retriever hybrid suddenly entered… he didn’t have a collar nor the scent of a domesticated hybrid. He grinned at me and I suddenly regretted staring… “I’m Jake, and you are?” he said as he approached me and sat next to me.
I heard the laughs around us, probably of me socializing with another hybrid. “Riki,” I said and he nodded. “I think your collar is cool!” he said and I chuckled. “Of course it is, I chose it,” I said and he looked confused. 
“Your owner must be kind,” he said with a wagging tail and I chuckled. “Hey, isn’t that miss l/n’s hybrid?” I suddenly heard a bunch of whispers and I sighed and slouched down to my chair. 
“Oh? Do they know you?” he asked and I scoffed. “Don’t get it mixed up, they know OF me, they don’t know me” I said and he nods 
“They seem to know your owner,” he said and I scoffed. “They don’t know her…” I muttered. “Is she nice?” he asked and I laughed. 
“She’s perfect” 
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y/n's perspective
“I thought you were going home after?” I heard and I saw Wonyoung with Seonghwa. I nod, “I do, I just need to pick up Niki, he’s taking etiquette classes,” I said and they both froze. “Your dad is making him take classes?” Wonyoung said and I chuckled. 
“No, he wanted them for whatever reason. I tried to convince him otherwise but he insisted” I said and they both looked at each other. “Oh shut up the both of you,” I said and they chuckled as they caught up with me. 
“He’s so spoiled if you just fold like that,” Seonghwa added and I scoffed. “You do spoil that cat a lot” Wonyoung teased and I rolled my eyes. “Have you told Hongjoong–” “He would kill me in my sleep if I ever brought it up” Seonghwa cut me off and I chuckled… that's true. 
We finally made it to the building where the hybrid classes are taking place but I didn’t see Niki… I saw the hybrids out already so where was he? 
“How long is it gonna take for him to come to you?” Wonyoung asked and I didn’t know. I looked at my phone, and the class should’ve already ended by now. “Why’d you even allow it?” Soenghwa asked and I sighed. 
“Cause he wouldn’t let go of it. He begged and begged… I couldn’t keep denying it” I said and they sighed. “She’s whipped for him, that's the answer,” Wonyoung said and Seonghwa nodded. 
“Oh? y/n!!” I heard as I saw the girl from the party again with her hybrid. What was her name again?
“You’re Wonyoung and Seonghwa, right? I’m e/n” she said. “I’m glad to see you’re having Niki taking this class,” she said and I sighed. “His name is Riki,” I said and she looked confused. “Oh? But you call him Niki?” she asked.
“That's a nickname that she only calls him, he will glare or even scoff if he hears you call him that,” Seonghwa said and it was true… I've called him that since I was a kid and yet he never let anyone else call him that. “This class should teach him otherwise,” she said and I had to refrain from scoffing. 
“Oh, you should look into a secondary hybrid,” she said and I glared. 
“I wouldn’t get another one,” I clarified. “Riki would get too jealous,” “Or he’d kick the other hybrid out himself,” Wonyoung and Seonghwa added. 
“But if you were to get one he’d have to comply with her. She’s the owner,” she said and I shook my head. “Well, I was thinking of something cute… maybe a fox? Ooh or a pretty cat!” she said while looking at herself in a pocket mirror fixing her lipstick while her hybrid looked at her with a sad expression.
“I wanna go home” I suddenly heard. Niki? 
“Why do you have scratches on your face? Are you okay?” I asked and he avoided eye contact when I grabbed his jaw to look at his wounds. He nodded, “I wanna go home” he repeated and I sighed. 
“Ok, just let me take this off,” I said as I took off his collar and took out his tail ring. “Riki!! You forgot… Oh. Please don’t be mad at him! He was only defending me!!” I saw a dog hybrid yell while he held Niki’s backpack. Seonghwa grabbed it, holding it for me. 
“Please, it's all my fault. Don’t abandon him because of me!” he pleaded and even bowed. I looked at Niki who looked away. “Why would I abandon you? Niki, what happened?” I asked and the other hybrid soon stood up but looked down to my hands. His collar? I sighed and turned Niki around when I clipped his tail ring. “Thank you for caring about him but he’s not in trouble. You should find your owner, they must be worried about you–” “He’s a stray” I was interrupted by e/n.
A stray? “Did you see? It's why they make the hybrids wear collars because they need to know by the end of the class who is a stray and who is owned. It's a mixture of people like us who pay and hybrids of low status who need major help like him. He’s probably also a runt” she said suddenly in disgust as she stepped back.
“Thank you for looking after Niki,” I said and he nodded with a small smile. I grabbed the backpack from Seonghwa as I looked at him and I saw his worried eyes. “Come on, I'm hungry,” I said as I dragged him away from the lecture hall and everyone else while I heard Wonnie and Seonghwa complain about me abandoning them…
“I still want that udon curry,” I pondered and he sighed. He grabbed his backpack and clipped his collar there as he walked silently. “Did you fight for him?” I asked and he nodded silently.
I smiled. “That’s very kind of you,” I said and from the corner of my eye, he looked at me confused. “What were they doing to him?” I asked and he sighed. “Called him a runt… a stray… useless. It was all when the teacher left for a break and I don’t know why I did but I fought for him” he said and I smiled. 
“That was very brave of you. I’m proud of you Niki!” I said with a grin and he smiled softly. “The teacher gave me a warning cause he said if he told you that you’d return me,” he said and I chuckled. “We’ve been together for years! I could never do that” I said and he nodded. 
“Still want takoyaki?” I asked and he chuckled. “Always!” he yelled as he ran ahead of me. 
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178 notes · View notes
satorusugurugurl · 7 months ago
I Think He Knows: (Chapter Twelve)
Summary: When your novel takes off and becomes a best seller, doors of opportunities open for you. You can work on the series you have dreamed about all your life. And you’re also given the chance to stay in a tiny cottage in Europe for two years to help with inspiration! Your best friend, Geto Suguru, shatters at the news. How could he tell you how he feels when you leave him? His opportunity appears right before him when you confess that your editor thinks a change of scenery will help with your not-so-steamy romance scenes. They’re lacking a particular spice because you’re a virgin. So, Suguru does what any best friend would do. He offers to teach you how things work. Will you cross that line as friends? Or will you both say goodbye?
Pairing: Geto Suguru x AFAB!Reader
Word Count: 5,900
Warning: smut, love making, unprotected sex, cream pie, surprises, language, multiple rounds, p in v, domestic 💚💚💚
A/N: I can't believe this is finally completed!! Thank you so much for coming along with me on the journey!! Ahh it was so much fun to write!!
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven
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“Be good for your grandma and grandpa!” You told Kiko as you gently stroked her hair back. “Nana and Papa will pick you up for a week so the two of you can spend time with them.”
“Okay, Mommy! I'll be good!”
You planted kisses all over your beautiful daughter's face, watching her cheeks flush before she hugged you tight. This was the first trip you took without your babies, so of course, you got as many kisses as possible before leaving them with your parents for two weeks. While you were kissing Kiko, Suguru handed off Satoshi to his mother, who snuggled the baby to the point that he exploded into giggles—hearing your baby boy's laughter and your attention towards your mother-in-law. You wanted to do nothing more than him, but before you had a chance, your husband wrapped his arm around you, pulling you back towards the car.
“Be good, your grandparents will call you later. We love you.”
“Bye-bye, mommy! Bye-bye Daddy! Love you bunches!”
Seeing your children on the porch waving, you both need your heartbreak. You had wanted to bring them with you on this trip, but Suguru insisted it would be easier for you to go by yourselves. Seeing that he had been hired by an elderly couple to work on a painting, it was more of a work-related trip than a vacation. Seeing that they wanted to meet him before he began working on their commission. So, instead of dragging your three-year-old and baby onto a plane for thirteen hours, you decided it would be easier for you to go. Well, you had been hesitant at first. Your husband told you this would be considered a mini vacation despite his having to. And that had sold on the trip.
Even if you were given a break, it didn’t mean you wouldn’t miss your children.
“They're going to be fine.” Suguguru rested his hand on your thigh, pulling you out of your thoughts. It's not like we left them with the circus.”
“Yeah, I know I’m going to miss them.”
Suguru smiled sweetly as he pulled onto the freeway. “I’m going to miss them too, but I am looking forward to having some alone time with you. I think we both need this.” Crossing your arms over your chest, you eyebrowed at him.
“Oh yeah? Some alone time with me while you’re working on some painting?”
Instead of responding to your question, Suguru just winked at you. Ever since he told you about this commission, he has been very vague with the details. It wasn’t entirely out of character for him regarding trips revolving around work. Still, you would have liked some information on where you were going and what exactly the couple head commissioned him for, especially since you were going with him this time.
But no matter how often you asked, you never got any information other than the fact that the commission was for a painting and that you would be in London. You were fine with the minimal details leading up to your trip, but you thought he might give you a little more information before the flight. But as you sat on the plane, he smiled and shook his head, telling you to be patient with him.
The combination of lack of information and Jetlag left you pouting as you stared out the window of the younger rental car as Suguru drove down the streets of jolly old London. You thought that once you had collected your luggage from baggage claim, your husband would have some information for you. Instead, his smile seemed to grow with every passing second. You weren't sure whether it was from the fact that he was teasing you relentlessly or just excited to be on vacation with you.
“Princess.” your suddenly very talkative husband prodded. “Come on now, don't pout like that.”
“I’ll if you tell me where we’re staying.”
“I guess you’re just gonna keep pouting then because you weren’t getting an inch of information from me.”
You stuck out your bottom lip, focusing your gaze back out the window as iconic red buses passed in the distance. Suguru usually wouldn’t have tolerated that kind of bratty behavior, but he could understand why you were so frustrated. He was giving you minimal information, which wasn’t a lot. But now that you guys are finally in Europe, he might as well give you more information.
“You might want to lay back and just relax. We have about an hour to get to our hotel for the next two weeks.”
“We're not staying in the city?”
You had so many questions you wanted to ask. Like what part of England you would be staying in, the hotel's name, and if it came with a complimentary continental breakfast. With the luck you had with receiving answers to questions you asked, you decided to keep your questions to yourself. Everything would be answered all in due time, even if the questions were eating you up inside.
For once in fourteen hours, you decided to listen to your husband without attitude. You lay back in your seat and shut your eyes, letting the car wake you. While you drifted off to sleep next to him, Suguru barely contained the excitement pumping in his veins. He couldn’t wait to get to your room and board, to pop open a bottle of champagne, and just lay in bed with you. Suguru planned on mapping out every single mark on your body, tracing the stretch marks that had formed over your stomach after carrying your children, kissing up your thighs, and hearing you moan his name without burying your face in a pillow.
Suguru loved his kids; Kiko and Satoshi were his entire world. Your IUD being out of place was the best thing that ever happened to him other than you. He already planned on marrying you one day; getting you pregnant with Kiko sped up the process. While she was unplanned, she wasn’t at all unloved. She was so damn cute; both of you thought it would be cruel to let her roam the world without a sibling. So two years later, when she was completely potty trained, you both decided to try for another baby, and that’s when you were blessed with Satoshi.
His works revolved around you and his children, but as the kids got older, he found his world leaning more toward them than you. Which both of you knew would eventually happen. The long nights of nothing but sex soon turned into you both taking shifts reading bedtime stories to your kids or making bottles in the middle of the night. Those marathon sex sessions had turned into nothing but quickies. Which would scratch the itch, but it never left you feeling completely satisfied
But this mini-vacation was going to be one neither of you would forget. It would be full of nothing but romance, body worship, and sex because my dear husband had failed to mention to you that this wasn’t a work trip.
It was a trip to thank you for everything you had done for him.
An hour later, you slowly stirred as Suguru gently shook you. “Hey, we’re almost there.” You picked out the window and found a wooden fence in front of the car. “We just have a bit of a walk.” Suguru watched as you sleepily rubbed at your eyes, nodding as you stretched your arms above your head.
“Okay,” you yawned, “Let’s get going then. I want to take a shower and order some food. I’ll get the bags!”
“No, I'll come back and get them; let’s just head in and look around the hotel.”
You couldn't help but smirk at his words: “Take a look at the hotel. Or do you just want to have your way with me?” A twinkle of excitement shone in Siguru’s eyes as he shrugged one of his shoulders.
“Maybe it’s a bit of both.”
With the promise of having your incredibly sexy husband doing sexy things to you, you could care less about your luggage. You all but threw open your door and tumbled out of the car. As you gracefully corrected your stance, Suguru snickered while a warm breeze carried the sweet aroma of wildflowers. The shade of the towering trees creaked in the wind; it was nothing but green grass and multicolored flowers; it was a breathtaking sight. Clouds formed overhead as rays of sunlight peeked through them, illuminating the gravel path leading down the road.
“It's so pretty here! Look at you booking a nice little bed and breakfast somewhere.”
Suguru followed close behind; his attention wasn’t focused on the scenery or the sky above you—all because his attention was focused on you. He always loved the curiosity and interest in your eyes when something sparked a thought. He loved how your eyes frantically roamed, taking in the sights around you. Your curiosity and creative mind were constantly rolling; he would never tire of seeing you get so excited over the littlest things.
God, how was it possible for him to love you even more? He'd fallen in love with you when you were teenagers, and when he had agreed to help you with your research, he fell even harder. But when you blessed him with your children, he knew there was no way to measure his love for you.
While he was unable to measure it, he could do everything in his power to show you the love he had for you.
“Hey, Princess.” Before you could look back at your husband, he reached around you, covering your eyes with both hands.
“Oooh~ this is new.” You giggled, resting your hands on his, allowing him to lead you around. “I like it~ it’s kinky~!”
“As much as I’d like to admit being kinky is my plan—it’s not.”
“Oooh boo.”
The lack of vision heightened your sense of sound. As Suguru led you further up the path, the crunching of gravel under your feet became more like a paved path, and Suguru kept moving until he abruptly stopped. Fingers twitched before you could smell his earthy, minty scent closer to you as he kissed your face.
You let yourself fall slightly back into him, allowing his lips to trail over the exposed skin of your face. “You know I love you, right?”
“Of course I do.”
“You’re my best friend, Princess. Always have been, always will be.” He felt the muscles in your jaw twitch as you moved to answer him. “Don’t say anything; just listen.” When your muscles relaxed, Suguru pressed again to kiss against your chin. “You dropped everything and came with me to Okinawa. You helped me make two wonderful kids, and you gave up on your dream for me.”
“Well, I promised you in my vows that I would make all your dreams come true.” He moved both of you forward a step. “I feel like I have a pretty good start so far. We have a beautiful home, two amazing kids, and a love that transcends time.”
Your heart was so full that you felt your bottom lip quiver. “Suguru, that’s so sweet. I love you; you’ve made many of my dreams come true. I got to marry my best friend; you helped me make our kids; I couldn't be happier.” Suguru chuckled, the sound rumbling in his chest as he pressed his back against you.
“Wanna bet?”
“Bet that you couldn’t make me happier?”
“Alright, seeing that I’m one of the happiest women in the world, I’ll take that bet.”
Suguru’s lips brushed against your ear. “If I win, let me take my time with you tonight. You take off your shirt, and let me admire every inch of you.” Since Satoshi’s birth, you’d been instant on keeping your shirt on. Suguru knew you were self-conscious, but you were beautiful in his eyes in every way.
Your muscles tensed at his words, but you relaxed because you knew you would win this bet. “Fine! If I win, I will get as many back rubs as I want for a month.”
“You say that like it’s a punishment.”
“Oooh, it will be when I have you rubbing me down for an hour.”
“Again, you think that’s a punishment?”
You laughed, trying to pull his hands away, only for him to hold them tighter against your face. “Oh my gosh, what are you up to?” Suguru shuffled you both forward another few feet.
“Shh~ just a couple of more feet.” Your feet moved blindly forward until Suguru stopped. “And all your dreams will come true.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but Suguru lofted his hands from your eyes, allowing you to blink the sun's brightness away. The second your eyes readjusted, you were met with a place you knew very well. A water mill slowly churned, attached to the white stone of your cottage. It was your cottage! The white building stood near trees! The wooden window panels were open, allowing sunlight to shine on the stained glass.
The sound of the small river passing by, accompanied by the chirping of birds, was your white noise as tears streamed down your cheeks. You hiccuped, gripping your shirt as you took it in—your cottage, your original inspiration, the starting point of your successful book series. It was so surreal that you couldn’t—you couldn’t even begin to form words to describe your emotions. The only thing you were capable of doing was sinking to the ground as you sobbed.
Was this happening right now? This was your reality?! You were finally at THE cottage; this had to be a dream.
“Princess.” Suguru crotched down next to you, and you instantly wrapped your arms around him, holding your husband as tightly as possible. Suguru just smiled, squeezing you back as you cried into his shoulder.
“It’s the cottage!”
“I know, Princess.”
“B-But how? Don’t we have to lease it?! How didn’t you do this?” you sobbed, pulling away to look at the cottage in disbelief. “Suguru!”
Your husband laughed lately, shaking his head as he helped you stand. “I may have reached out to the owners myself and told my wife was supposed to rent this darling place two years ago but decided to stay with me instead of staying at the cottage that inspired her worldwide phenomenon series, Ring of Roses. I asked them if renting it for a couple of weeks would be possible.” You just continued to let the tears fall down your face as he spoke. “I, of course, also offered to paint the cottage for them. A little thank you for them agreeing to rent it out to us.”
“But the leasing? I wasn’t able to do that last time!”
“The new renters are coming in the fall, so this works perfectly for us.” The waves of happiness and excitement nearly drowned you as you pulled away to look at your husband. “For the next two weeks, the cottage is ours. I wanted you to see this, to step inside your muse. Plus, I figure this might be the perfect inspiration for the last book in the saga.”
While your husband turned his head to stare at the cottage, you grabbed his face with both your hands and slammed your lips against his. Suguru was taken aback by your sudden kiss, falling back against the cobblestone path as you laid all of your body weight on top of him, kissing him as passionately as you could in between the sobs that wrecked your body. Grateful that he wasn’t as much of a mess as you were, his hands gently gripped your hips, kissing you back with the same enthusiasm, allowing you to express your pure, unfiltered love for your best friend, husband, and soulmate.
The kiss slowly turned into something more passionate. Fewer sobs emerged from your mouth, replaced with soft gasps and moans. Suguru’s teeth nipped at your bottom lip before he traced it over with his tongue. You eagerly opened your mouth, allowing his tongue to slide into yours, giving him the perfect chance to explore your mouth, which tasted like strawberries and green tea. His hands inches under the hem of your shirt while your fingers tangled in the silky dark strands of his long hair, tugging it gently, causing your husband to growl into your mouth.
The kiss could have continued, growing more feverish, but clothes would have been removed if that were to happen. As much as Suguru wanted to be buried deep inside of you, kissing you until you were a withering mess below him, he would instead do that in bed. The kiss came to an abrupt and messy end, leaving your lips swollen and drool dripping down the corner of your mouth. Seeing you in such a beautiful, messy state had your husband lifting you into a princess-carry.
You giggle, kicking your feet back and forth as he carries you over the threshold and into the cottage, which is as darling on the inside as the outside. Its wooden floors and stone walls give it an enchanting fantasy feel. The walls are lined with bookcases filled with books, flower vases, and jars of dried herbs, and the smell of baked goods wafts from the kitchen. Your husband, however, does not stop to look inside the cottage. Instead, he’s bounding up the stairs.
He opens one door to find a cute little cottage-core-decorated bathroom before heading to the other door, opening it to find a large canopy bed. The sheer curtains were tied to the posts, allowing the heart made of rose petals on the surface to be completely visible. On the side of the nightstand is a bottle of champagne and two glasses, with a card reading ‘Welcome Geto Family!’.
Suguru ignored the champagne and note; all his attention was focused on throwing you on the mattress. Your hair sprawled out against the sheets and red rose petals underneath you, and your husband froze, taking in your beautiful frame, akin, and eyes that watched him eagerly. You had the same fiery desire in your eyes. He was going to make this a night neither of you forgot.
“You're so beautiful,” he whispered, crawling up the bed and hovering over you. “Fuck, I truly am the luckiest man in this world.” His hand slowly began pulling your shirt up to you quickly, grabbed it, forcing it back down. The instant hand releases the fabric of your shirt; you know you fucked up. Suguru just stared at your eyes and narrowed as he grabbed the hem of your shirt again. “I won the bet~”
“Oh, did you?”
“I did.”
“What makes you so sure about that?”
Suguru paused, looking down at you. He slowly pushed your shirt further up. “The fact you were falling to your knees, sobbing your eyes out? The way you shoved me to the ground kissing me?” Your flush deepened in color as Suguru tugged your shirt up to your breasts. “Are you going to seriously look me in the eyes and tell me this didn't make you happier?” There was an almost smug tone to his voice, one you knew he had every right to have; because he had made you even happier, which you thought was damn near impossible.
“No, you did; you won fair and square.”
“That's what I thought.” your shirt was pulled off the rest of the way. “Now let me enjoy my prize.”
No matter how many times Suguru told you how much he loved your body, you still felt self-conscious about the stretch marks that littered your stomach, breasts, and thighs. They were the proof of your healthy, happy marriage and the reminder of your children. Marks that Suguru loved to see because they were a part of you, and they were parts he loved. Every scar, stretch mark, and freckle was an absolute work of art on your skin.
“Fuck,” he whispered, “you’re so fucking pretty.”
You shivered as Suguru’s warm, gentle lips pressed kisses along the side of your neck, teeth gently nipping at your sensitive skin as his hands grabbed both your breasts, gently squeezing and massaging them. His warm skin against yours had your nerves melting; the pleasure and sweet touches had your insecurities fading like a mist in the sun.
“My wife is so beautiful.” Suguru softly whispered against your sternum as his finger slipped under your bra fingers, slowly rubbing circles around your areolas, the pads of his fingers brushing over the sensitive nipples until they were completely hardened, standing fully at attention. “Oh my god fuck, you're so stunning. I will never get over how beautiful you are.”
You mumbled, whimpering, your hands gripping the crisp, fresh-smelling sheets. Suguru’s dark eyes are transfixed on you, watching the way your eyes flutter as his lips seal around one of your nipples. Using his other hand, he rubbed your nipple between his thumb and forefinger, twisting it gently. His mouth and fingers moved in with each other, twisting and pulling each of the sensitive buds, drawing at the sweetest sounds from you.
Once you started rubbing your thighs together, Suguru released his grip on your nipples, traveling his kisses further down your stomach. His tongue darted out over the stretch marks that line your body while his other hand traced so gently and full of love, no doubts in your mind that your husband indeed did find every inch of you perfect. Even if you didn’t think that yourself. But the more he kissed and pleased you, the more you slowly believed his words just as much as he did.
You sighed, shivering as goosebumps rose against your skin. His every touch lit your skin on fire, turning you on. His thick fingers calloused circles over your skin while his mouth continued working its way down further, sucking at your skin and marking you up. Those gentle caresses and sweet kisses had you spreading your legs open wide and inviting him to venture further, gladly accepted.
“Feeling good, princess?” His fingers grabbed at your pants, tugging them down your legs. They’re instantly thrown to the floor before his lips begin giving your inner thighs the same treatment he had given your upper body. Nipping, kissing, and sucking at the skin, those kisses had heat boiling in the pit of your stomach.
“Good, I want you to feel good.”
Those kisses were slowly traveled up. Your thighs became more heated, and the closer he approached your throbbing core. With each nip of teeth and heated kiss, your husband’s eyes never left your gaze. He wanted to watch you to see the pleasure that was contorting on your face. Suguru's entire evening to make you feel relaxed and immensely loved.
Suguru hummed, looking at the wet spot on your panties. "God, you're already wet." He whispered, darting his tongue out, lapping at the wet spot with the tip of his tongue.
“Nngh!!” You shuddered, arching your back off the bed, your fingers releasing the sheets gripping his hair instead. “F-Fuck—! Suguru!”
"Yeah, does that feel good already?" He asked, licking over your clit. “I've barely started.” His tongue continued moving up and down over your clothed pussy. “So sweet~ I gotta taste it first hand.” he tugged your panties to the side, locking your swollen clit as he slid two fingers inside of your throbbing cunt.
"Y-Yeah! Fuck, you always make me—gaah—!!” The thickness of his fingers had you releasing a loud moan, your pussy clamping down on him. "Fuck, it feels so good!"
Suguru smirked against your sex, pumping his finger a bit faster as he continued sucking on your clit. "Yeah, it feels so good you're clamping down on me.”
“Haah! Ngggh fuck! You whimpered, trashing your head side to side as his skilled tongue lapped at your pussy. "F-Fuck, Suguru fuck!! You're—Ah! You're going to make me cum!"
"Already, I just barely worshiped you? Cum for me, Princess, cum on my tongue," Your husband whispered with a smile as he went back to suckling on your clit.
You flushed. "O- Of course I am! You got me so worked up, your hands are so big, and you're so—nngh!! So fuckin’ hot—Fuck!! Suguru!!!" Your eyes rolled back as your orgasm hit you as he curled his fingers upward against your g-spot. You gushed around his fingers while screaming his name so loud it echoed through the cottage.
“Mhmm~!” Suguru moaned, lapping up your juices with a loud, animalistic growl. "Fuck Princess, you taste so good, so sweet." He continued pumping his fingers in and out of you, working you through your orgasm.
“Fuck, nngh, fuck!” You gasped at the feeling of his fingers still working inside of you, rubbing that spongy spot. "F-Fuuuck—Sugu—!”
Suguru pulled away from your swollen pussy. "See? You’re a fucking goddess in my eyes. Stunning, beautiful, my other half." He softly praised you as he began kissing up your body.
Annoyed by the teasing kiss, you grabbed your husband by his collar, pulling him up your bottom, before gripping the back of his head and pulling him in for a deep kiss. "I need you inside of me, right fucking now.”
"Yes, Princess," You watched as Suguru pulled his clothes off until his cock throbbed and dribbled pre-cum from the head. "I love you, baby, so damn much, I hope you know that." He whispered before softly kissing you.
You nodded your head quickly. "I know, god. I hope you know how much I love you." You whispered As Suguru crawled on top of you. “You have made my dreams come true, Suguru. I never thought I’d see the cottage, let alone stay in it.” You reached up with a hand, gently cupping his cheek, your thumb brushing over the dusty, rosy tint that painted his cheeks. “Getting to stay here, with you by my side, it’s better than I imagined.”
"I’m so happy I could make that come true.” He whispered against your mouth before he slowly pushed the head of his cock inside of you, shuddering. "God, you're so wet and warm.”
Love, adoration, and need flooded the room as Suguru set a gentle pace. He rolled his hip, slowly thrusting into you, stretching you, sending shocks of pleasure to every nerve in your body. Seeing your lips part one into an ‘O’ shape and having your nails dig into his back was all the confirmation Suguru needed to know that you were feeling good. That, however, wasn’t enough; he needed more, wanted more. So that slow, steady pace picked up, increasing in speed and roughness as his fingers dug into your hips.
The sudden change had your head rocking back as you gasped. Your eyes fluttered as he pushed his cock inside you. "O-Oh fuuuuck~ Your cock is so thick, Sugu!”
"Yeah? I’m glad you’re feeling good.” He tilted his head back with a growl. “God, you feel so good~ so fucking tight, baby!”
He pushed deeper into you with a moan, his tip kissing your cervix. The deep thrusts, steady pace, and wet squelching sounds had you both clinging to each other as you cried out. Lips smashed against each other in a deep, passionate kiss, each touch conveying feelings.
You writhed on the bed, whimpering and moaning, arching and shakin' as he kept pushing into you. "Fuck-Fuck, Yes, I want all of you, Suguru, all of your cock, please give it to me!”
"Yes baby~ god, you're such a good girl taking all of my cock."
“I love you, baby, god. I love you so fucking much.”
“Suguru—” You beamed up at him, biting your bottom lip as you moaned louder. "Suguru! Nngh ah~ I love you, fuck I love you so damn much baby!!"
He smiled back, grabbing your legs and pushing them toward your chest as he fucking into you. “Ah, fuuuck! I'm going to love you forever!" He cried out, slamming his lips on yours as his thrusts picked up faster and harder, coughing the headboard to slam against the wall with each thrust.
“I-I’m gonna—I’m gonna cum!”
“Yeah~?” Suguru moaned, pressing his forehead against yours. "Me too, cum with me, baby~ cum on my cock." All rhythm in Suguru’s thrusts was gone; his only goal was to fill you with his cum, to make you his all over again.
"Sugu--Oh god, Suguru, fuck yes! Yes cum inside me, baby, fill me up, please!" You begged, tears threatening to fall from the overwhelming pleasure and emotions.
Suguru gritted his teeth, rubbing your clit in time with his thrusts before he shuddered, his cock throbbing as he came deep inside of you. "Princess~!!" You gasped, warmth flooding you as your husband's cum painted your insides, your nails raking down his back as you screamed cumming hard along with him.
You both lay there, Suguru trying his best not to crush you under his weight as you came down from your high. The post-nut clarity had Suguru groaning as he rolled, pulling you to rest on his chest. As you sit up, rest your hands against his chest. He just watched you, taking in the way the colored panels of the stained glass window danced over your skin and how you looked stunning on top of him, like always, but this time, you glowed; that could be from the pure joy and excitement you felt rushing through you.
“You’re so pretty, I love you.” His hands reached up, caressing your cheeks, taking in this moment so he could remember it for the rest of his life.
You smiled, cupping his face in your hands. "I can't believe you brought me to my cottage. I've been dreaming of seeing it for so long, and to be here is so surreal."
"I promised you I’d make your dreams come true, baby," Suguru whispered, leaning up and kissing you softly.
You hummed softly, kissing him back. "Fuck—You're so handsome."
"And you're so beautiful," Suguru whispered, allowing his hands to roam down to your hips, squeezing them gently.
Your whimpered, slowly rolling your hips, his cock still buried fully inside you. "I can't begin to tell you how much I love you. You're my best friend and so fucking hot. God, I love you, Sugu. You were my first door everything, the father of my children, and you have spoiled me rotten." You mewled softly as you ground your hips harder, feeling him throb deep inside of your pussy as he started to harden. "All I want is you and our family~! God, I am so in love with you, Geto Suguru.” You pushed yourself up before slamming back down again onto his erect cock. "Nngh Sugu! F-Fuuck~ You're so fucking sexy, taking such good care of me and the kids! I am so in love with you~!!"
Suguru gasped, looking up at her, flushing a deeper shade of rose. Hearing you talk like that made him want to spoil you more. You were his life, his inspiration, his everything!
"O-Oooh fuck you're so fucking beautiful." He thrust up, hands gripping your hips as he bucked up into you. "I love you! You’re my everything, baby!" He would do anything for you, literally anything you asked!
“Ah!” You cried out; his cock was almost too much to handle. "Fuck! Fuck-—Suguru! God, I need you to knock me up again, breed me!"
Something inside him snapped like it had the instant you told him you wanted another baby. He snarled, holding onto your hips as he pounded up into you, his head falling back against the pillows. Hey, he said he'll give you anything you want! If another baby was what you wanted, then another baby would be what you’d get!
You whined, your back arching as you clenched down on his cock. "F-Fuck! Sugu, I'm going to cum! Fuck I'm gonna cum!"
"That's it, cum for me, cum for me, Princess!" Suguru said, thrusting harder, freezing for a second as you both screamed into the room, cumming at the same time. “O-Oh fuck!!”
You both panted heavily as you fell forward, collapsing onto his chest as he held you close, kissing your face weakly. The intensity of the orgasms and words shared left you both glowing as you sleepily lay in bed, hands roaming over each other's bodies. Truly, this was one of the most passionate nights you both had shared in your relationship and marriage.
That night was the starting point of your happy vacation, where you spent time mapping each other out, snuggling on the bed, cooking meals together, and taking long walks through the woods. Being together without the interruptions of work, children, and life was magical.
It was as magical as the day you walked into his elementary school class, as enchanting as your first kiss. Being with you as a boyfriend, husband, and now the father of your children was an experience words could not describe. Those were the thoughts that flowed through Suguru’s mind as he sat in the wildflower field he should be drawing, sketching out the cottage for the painting he was going to work on. But his sketchbook was discarded to the side, and he was lying on a blanket with you. Your eyes were shut as the warm sun shone down on you.
Suguru exhaled through his nose, brushing away a stray strand of hair from your face, causing your eyes to flutter open. “Sorry, did I wake you?” he whispered as your beautiful eyes bore into his. “Were you having a good dream?”
“Mmm, it was okay.” You snuggled close to his chest, sighing contently as you shut your eyes again. “But this is better than some dream; this is my dream come true.” Your husband chuckled, lifting your chin with his forefinger and allowing you to stare into his eyes.
“Our dream true.” You nodded, kissing him softly. His arms pulled you closer.
This would typically be where you would write a ‘Happily Ever After,’ but it wasn’t an ending for you and Suguru. It was just the beginning.
The End
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks @reap3erslov3 @wil10wthetree @luvsymai
@lemonintrovert01 @spankmydepression @renttheannihilator @witchbybirth @missmuffinr @lialia3945 @theobsidianempress @aquasan29 @toffeebrat @aussiemeerkat @chimichangagirl @zoroisminty @spankmydepression @em-aizawa @gojosimp26 @moonlightazriel @candy-s72 @makingtimemine @strflp @angel-academia @xocandyy @holylonelyponyeatingmacaroni
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hvaneyflowers · 1 year ago
Christmas Vacation! *********************
Pierre Gasly x femreader!
You and Pierre go on your first Christmas vacation together, but unexpectedly, you lose Pierre in the city.
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liked by pierregasly, f1wags, charles_leclerc, and 30.000 more.
tagged: pierregasly
yourusername: London at Christmas is just magical!
view all 100 comments.
username1: favorite couple in my favorite city!
username5: you look so cute together! please, never break up!
username3: would you take Pierre to your hometown?
username12: SO CUTE!!!!
username9: I need a photo of Pierre and y/n at Buckingham Palace ASAP!
username4: I swear, you're the cutest couple in the whole world!
username6: YES!! MY PARENTS!!!
pierregasly: love you!❤️
yourusername: love you, too! ❤️
username90: Power couple!
username7: best couple!
username8: love you!!!
username29: beautiful as always!
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liked by pierregasly
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liked by lewishamilton, charles_leclerc, and 500.000 more.
tagged: yourusername
pierregasly: Have you seen this woman? She's short and has brown long hair. Also, she responds to the name y/n, and she can be a little angry. I lost her at the city's market... but I found this cool friend!😎
view all 400 comments.
username1: Not Pierre posting on Instagram but answering y/n's texts!
username8: he's a dead man.
username2: Not Pierre taking a photo with Lewi's wax figure and y/n freaking out 'cause she can't find him😂
username4: that's why they're the best couple!
lewishamilton: not tag?
lewishamilton: 🧍‍♂️
username5: yep, Pierre's dead. Lewis and y/n will kill him.
username10: 'not tag?' - lewis hamilton.
username71: Pierre committed a crime. He must pay for it.
yourusername: PIERRE GASLY!!! I WILL KILL YOU!!!
username8: what have I said? He's dead. username6: 100% confirm. username34: Pierre, run! pierregasly: 🙀🏃
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liked by yourusername
"PIERRE GASLY, I WILL KILL YOU!" you screamed while opening the door of your hotel room.
You were angry at Pierre and Lord, he will be dead. You both were shopping at the city's market when you got distracted for only one second, and Pierre disappeared. You searched and searched for almost two hours, but you didn't find him. You also sent him texts and called him many times but without a response. You were so pissed off. This is beyond a joke! You were desperately looking for him, and he was in the wax museum taking photos with Lewis! You'll kill him without a doubt.
"Honey... how are you?" he asked with a nervous smile.
"I hate you!" you told him, falling on the bed.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't want this to happen, but while you were distracted by that salesman, I got distracted too by a baby goat," he explained, sitting by your side.
"A goat?" you asked him.
"Yes. It was the cutest goat I've ever seen. Look, I took a photo," he said happily while showing you the photo.
"I can't believe it. I freaked out because you got distracted by a goat?" you said in disbelief.
"It was a cute goat!" he tried to defend himself.
"Alright. It was a cute goat," you rolled your eyes. "But, why didn't you answer my texts and calls? Do you have any idea of how worried I was? I almost have a heart attack!"
He gave you a little smile and hugged you. You relaxed in his arms and started exhaling his smell. Thank God for putting him in your way. You loved him more than anything in the world.
"I'm so sorry, mon amour, but my cell phone died after my photos in the wax museum. I know I should've called or texted you, but I was so happy to see everything that I completely forgot about you. I'm so sorry, it won't happen again. It's a promise." he kissed your forehead.
"I forget you, baby. I love you, too. I was so scared to lose you." you said rubbing your nose against his cheek.
"Let me make up to you. We'll have fun tonight," he gave you one of his smiles that tells you you won't sleep.
"Merry Christmas, lover of goats!" you laughed while pulling him near your body.
"Merry Christmas, my future killer." he kissed you.
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heartfullofleeches · 8 months ago
hiii i love you and your work 💕💕💕
i've had horrible brain rot over the immortal yan recently...but i forget his name lol
i do remember he is very orange though💀💀
anyway; what would his reaction be to someone else betraying reader? there was that one post of him basically saying that in order for reader to become immortal, he would have to hurt them horribly...but what if in the process of planning what he could do, or as he almost figured out how to make reader immortal without hurting them, someone ELSE betrayed them, what if it didn't make them immortal? what if it did? would he see it as luck, like 😟😲🫢🤭OH YAY I DONT HAVE TO KILL MY SPOUSE😁😁😁!!!!
also: could him and reader have children? obviously they could adopt but assuming they both had the necessary equipment to have a biological baby could they? would that baby be immortal? if no, or if they adopted a baby, how would they explain that they don't age?
also not only to the kids but also the neighbors, coworkers, teachers etc etc
could they learn sfx makeup and like make themselves age? do they just like disappear one day? do they move around a lot? is it just cartoon logic of ".....it just is that way 🤷🏽‍♀️ no one notices anything is off🤷🏽‍♀️"?
If Devlin's [who I'm 99.9 percent sure you're talking about] Darling was betrayed by someone else and became immortal as a result ol' Devi here would feel like he's won the lottery.
"Your loved one betray and/or murder you - the resulting grief and trauma leading you to become a zombie without all the rotting and hunger for brains? Me too, babes- Let's hit up a bowling alley."
He doesn't have to kill them and they're heartbroken? Jackpot. If Darling felt anything like he did when he was murdered/became immortal- Scared, Hurt, Lost, Alone- they'll be ripe for the picking when he comes along. All Devlin wanted for the first couple of decades he continued to walk the earth was someone like him that knew what he was going through. He hopes they feel the same way when he tells them they have a lot more in common now.
Devlin and Reader could have children, but you might want to wait another century before this dork is ready to be father material. A biological child between Devlin and Reader would not be immortal, but the would have an insanely sped up heal factor to wear things like broken bones would heal in the matter of days.
Devlni himself bounces from location to location when he gets bored or he's lived there long enough that people get suspicious that twenty something year old they say ten years ago looks the exact same. There is one town where a ton of weird shit happens that Devlin views as a vacation spot since it is nice to go to a place where everyone knows you and nobody gives a damn you don't age when there's wilder shit happening right across the street. If Reader and Dev had a kid the family might move there at least until the kid was a teen because if one more parent walks up to Devlin or Reader asking what's their secret to looking so young he's throwing hands.
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gamerbot-22 · 1 month ago
Could you do a headcanon about Vash being the father of twins?
Me, reading this prompt for the first time: Aww, how cute, Vash as a dad! Me, reading this prompt a second time, really honing in on the "twins" part: Oh. Vash as a dad to twins... Okay. Fuck yes. Love where your head's at.
Vash the Stampede as a Father to Twins
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TW/CWs: A LOT of angst semi-balanced out with Vash shenanigans (Vashenanigans, if you would), no reader insert here, written with no particular version of Vash in mind so feel free to slot in your fave, mentions of children in danger with nothing explicit happening, barely proofread and I appreciate spellchecks!
A/N: This was the first ask I got while I was out on vacation in CO and getting hit upside the head with the angst potential of this while I was mid-latte-made-by-my-best-friend was an insane experience (in a good way!) Sorry if you were looking for something entirely lighthearted, I just could not let go of the potential of this once I saw it.
Likes and Reblogs appreciated, Requests are Open, and it’s all under the cut!
The dividers in this post were made by @/saradika ☆
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So right off the bat, I'm not going to concern myself too much about the biological parentage of these hypothetical twins because in my heart of hearts I do not think Vash would care. Like it does not matter to him if these kids came from him, someone else, or the sands of Gunsmoke itself, he is going to love these kids to the stars and back.
I think he's a very hands-on parent to the point of being overbearing at times. He is a Wanted Outlaw whether he wants to be or not, and he knows that there are a lot of hardened people out there in the desert that would not think twice about shooting a kid, so he gets even more defensive than he normally does in his fighting. He probably picks up a couple more scars making sure his kids don't get a scratch on them.
As hands-on as he is, I think it goes without saying that Vash is incredibly gentle. His scoldings for fights and bad behavior are stern, but he never gets loud. He saves that for if his twins are in active danger, so they know immediately when they need to start running away or hiding.
Building off the gentleness, he really pushes for his twins to get along and watch out for each other, almost directly quoting Rem when he tells them to take care of one another. He doesn't talk about their Uncle Nai very often, but the kids aren't stupid. They know their dad misses his brother, and doesn't want his kids to know the heartbreak that comes with losing your best friend.
Phew, on a lighter note! When there's downtime I think Vash just goes full jungle gym if that's the way his kids want to play. He has one looped around his neck and the other hanging off his prosthetic like a monkey, all three of them laughing and smiling in the shade while they catch their breath. He tells them silly stories and they play dumb games and he is weak to his kids asking for sweets whenever they go places. More than once the three of them have eaten enough donuts to just be down for the count for a day or so, which just means they're all in a big pile in bed or in the shade just relaxing and waiting for the collective tummy hurt to pass.
I also think that after a while the three of 'em all laugh and smile the exact same. Like if you tell them a funny joke you get a literal harmonized choir of laughter and giggling as they lean against each other or fall into the sand. They're all cutie patooties, even if there's not much of a family resemblance between father and children.
And despite what I said earlier about Vash being a bit more ready to throw himself in harm's way to protect his kids, I think he actually starts to take better care of himself for them. Yes, he's spent the better part of a century and a half protecting people, but none of those people (save a very small handful) have ever really depended on him the way his twins have. If he goes, there will be no one to protect them, especially if he dies out in the desert, far away from any towns or settlements. So he eats more, drinks more water, and actually starts to carry more medical supplies with him than he usually did (he even gets some cute character bandages for the little cuts and scratches.)
The night he first met his children, he swore a vow to himself and to them that he would live to see them reach the future. No matter what. And I think that means when the kids are older--say, mid-teens at the youngest--Vash starts to like... gently suggest they stay in the different towns they pass through. It becomes part of the routine of stopping somewhere: They find an inn, they get some food, Vash tries to sell his kids on staying in the nice, warm inn for a bit while he goes on, and they stay for a while until something happens and they're forced to move on.
It's not that he doesn't love these kids--he loves them more than he thought he could love anyone--but he can't... imagine them thriving in the life he's living, wandering aimlessly across the desert looking for some non-existent paradise that doesn't know Vash's face just so the three of them can have some peace and quiet. His children's lives, finite as they might be (depending on where you think these kids came from) are worth their weight in gold to Vash. It makes him understand why Rem stayed behind on the SEEDS ship to give him and Nai a chance, and it breaks him into a thousand pieces every time he thinks about it. If a life without him means they have a chance at something safe and normal, then it's a price Vash is more than willing to pay.
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nataliepruitts · 9 months ago
A Light In My Dark World | Yandere!Shigaraki x Reader
Chapter 2
It's been ten years since you left Japan with your parents, you hated leaving without telling Tomura goodbye but your mom didn't give you a chance to. Now, ten years later, you're finally back in Japan to attend college. You couldn't believe your luck when you found out that you got an offer to go to college in Japan, you didn't hesitate to jump at the chance to see this beautiful country again.
As you got settled in your dorm you kept thinking about Tomura, wondering how he was doing and if you would see him while you were in Japan. You can't deny that you had a small crush on him but he scared you and you weren't sure if you could have ever had anything with him because you would always be worrying if the slightest wrong move you make, or the wrong thing you say, would set him off and make him turn against you. But despite him being a little scary and creepy, you couldn't stop the crush from forming.
Now you wonder if he even remembers you, or did he forget about you. You wonder if he found a nice Japanese girl that he decided to settle down with, your heart aches at the thought but you will be happy for him if he did. You just want him to be happy. You had hopes that he found a better life… That is until you saw him on the news one day as one of Japan's most wanted villains.
Your heart sank. Tomura is a villain?
You didn't want to believe it but when you saw his picture you knew it was him. It breaks your heart to see that he's living a life of villainy. Now you're certain that he most likely forgot about you.
You told your roommate and your friends that you know him and they comfort you. They had all been so kind to you ever since you started college with them which surprised you since they're the type of girls that you wouldn't imagine being so nice to a newcomer. When you first met them you immediately noticed how beautiful they were with their makeup on, their hair all done up in different styles, and the really nice clothes that they wear. You were surprised when they wanted to be friends with you, they're such sweethearts and you're happy that you're friends with them.
You have always considered yourself to be plain-looking and not all that attractive, even though a lot of people tell you how beautiful you are. You never had any luck in attracting boys, they always went for your friends, both in your home country and here. Though you assume that the main reason why boys in Japan don't show any interest in you is because you're a foreigner, along with the fact that they're always more attracted to your friends than you. You highly doubt that even Tomura shares your feelings, you're sure that if you ever told him that you had a small crush on him he would just scoff at you and tell you how he only ever saw you as a friend, that hurts to think about but you're certain it's true.
But you know that he was really upset about you leaving. You went to the vacation house after you arrived in Japan, only to find it completely destroyed with the ground fully decayed. The locals told you how a boy completely destroyed the place ten years ago after finding out that the girl who was staying there with her parents had left and was possibly never going to return. You knew it was Tomura who did it and you knew it was because you left, but you aren't sure if he was pissed that you left without saying goodbye or if he was really upset that his friend was gone. Either way, Tomura killed about a dozen people that day.
You have been in Japan for half a year now and you have done nothing but focus on your studies. Your friends will take you out every so often to get you away from your school work but mostly you have your nose in your books. You're not worried about boys or trying to start anything romantic because that's not what you're there for, you're there to go to school and get your scholarship.
One night your roommate and friends decide to have a sleepover, they know how you've been stressing about studies and dealing with the news that your childhood friend, Tomura, is a villain, so they chose to have a sleepover with you to help you relax and take your mind off things. You five were up all night playing video games, watching anime, eating snacks, making jokes, and laughing with each other to the point where you would almost piss in your pajama pants. It was a lot of fun and really did help you calm your nerves and take your mind off of everything. But it was a bad idea to do it on a school night.
The following morning your roommate wakes you up in a panic. "Y/n, wake up! We overslept, we're gonna be late for class!"
You jump out of bed and join your friends as you all rush to get ready. The five of you ran out of the dorms and toward the school building, but something was off. You slow down as you get this eerie feeling, something in your gut telling you to turn and run away. Your friends slow down as they get the same feeling. You guys look at the school as you slowly walk towards it. "Something's not right." You speak softly as you continue taking hesitant footsteps toward the building.
Before any of your friends could say anything, you guys see the principal of the school come running out of the building. He runs right towards you guys as he shouts at you, "Run away! Get away from here!" He gets closer to you and you can see the fear and panic in his eyes, "The League of Villains are here, their leader is looking for a certain girl!" Not a second after he finishes talking, his whole body is suddenly engulfed in blue flames.
You and your friends scream as you turn to run away but blue flames surround you guys and block your path. You turn to see a tall guy with black, messy hair, burned scars all over his body with staples holding his skin together, and some piercings. You can see smoke coming off of his right hand and you guess that he was the one that the blue flames came from. Dabi. You remember seeing him on the news.
"You girls are late for class," he says with a smirk on his face. "Come on, you five are the last girls that need to be taken to the boss. Better hurry up 'cause he's getting ready to tear down this whole school just to find this girl that he's looking for." Dabi steps to the side as he gestures for you guys to walk ahead of him, two other members of the league come out to help him usher you guys into the building.
Their leader is looking for a girl? Who is their leader? Is he talking about Tomura? Whoever this girl is that they're looking for, I feel sorry for her. I hope she will be okay. You're pulled from your thoughts when you enter the building and Dabi starts talking.
"These five girls were running late for class."
You look around and see all the other girls sitting on the floor huddled together, crying and looking completely terrified. You also see pieces of people all over the floor, some of the girls were killed. Your heart pounds in your chest as your eyes scan over the scene before landing on the guy who you know is responsible for the deaths, Tomura Shigaraki. He stands there scratching his neck as he mumbles to himself.
"She's supposed to be here, master said she was at this school. But where is she? I will tear apart this whole school if I have to in order to find her." He waited all these years to see you again. He was beginning to doubt that you would ever return until he got the news from All For One that you were finally back in Japan. Naturally, he was really pissed when he found out that you were in Japan for half a year and he was never told, but he was more than thrilled to hear that you have finally returned.
Tomura finally registered that Dabi was talking and he looked over at him before looking over at you and your friends. Once his gaze falls on you his eyes widen as he feels his heart rate speed up. You're even more beautiful than you were the last time he saw you. He moves toward you, not taking his gaze off you for a second.
You place your bag on the ground before walking toward him, your friends grab your arms to stop you but you give them a reassuring smile. "It's okay. You guys stay here." You pull away from them and move toward your old friend, you don't know what this is about or why he's here but if you can do anything to save your friends and the other girls you will do it. Your heart pounds faster in your chest as you get closer to him, "Tomura, I don't know which girl you guys are after or why you're after her, but please just let her be. All of these girls are terrified right now, she's probably scared out of her mind."
Tomura lets out the most maniacal laugh you have ever heard, "Scared out of her mind? It doesn't look to me like she's scared out of her mind, not when she's standing right in front of me telling me all of that." Your eyes widen, it didn't occur to you that you were the one he was looking for. You can see the corners of his mouth poke out from the sides of the hand mask he's wearing as he looks at you with a possessive look in his eyes. You stand there frozen as he gets closer to you. "I came to claim what is mine."
"Wha-?" You weren't able to finish your question when you felt a needle inserted into your neck, unknown fluids entering your body, fluids that were concocted together to put someone to sleep instantly. Dabi removes the needle from your neck and your body falls limp, but Tomura pulls your limp body into his arms to keep you from falling to the floor. He holds you tightly as he picks you up bridal style, being careful not to place all of his fingers on you. He turns to head for the warp gate that Kurogiri had already opened for him, completely ignoring the pleas of your friends who were begging him to let you go. He finally has you with him again and he will never let you go.
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cowgurrrl · 1 year ago
Dear Arkansas Daughter
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
Summary: A truce [2.8k]
Warnings: guilt, Andie being a menace, so much yearning, Ellie has an anxiety attack, comfort, June pushing her Mary Oliver agenda once again
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You don't speak to Joel all throughout the winter break. You get so busy with family events, work, and painting that you don't even notice it until a song he recommended comes on while you're working, and you reach for your phone to tell him about it. You stared at his contact for a little too long, debating your options, before you finally sighed and threw your phone on your bed. 
Sarah's home for the break. He's probably busy with the girls. The last thing he needs is to hear from you after you got out of his truck without even saying a proper goodbye. The silence feels like a staring contest or a challenge of wills to see who will break no contact first. It sucks, but thankfully, Ellie is none the wiser and even texts you Merry Christmas with a picture of her and Sarah with reindeer ears on the abnormally cold December morning. You reason this is the best-case scenario for a really shitty situation. No reason for anyone to get more involved than they absolutely have to, right?
Andie's reappearance on Texas soil is a welcome reprieve from the guilt. You pick her up from the airport once she gets back from visiting her parents in Dallas and run into her arms like she's a long-lost lover. "You're here!" You yell as you squeeze her tight.
"You're here!" She mimics. Her dark curls tickle your face, and she laughs loudly in your ear, but you don't care. Just having her within the same zip code again makes you feel like a kid. On the drive to your apartment, you sing along to a playlist she curated specifically for your time together— a perfect mix of Beyonce, ABBA, and Joni Mitchell— and talk about everything from her parents to work to Vienna weather. She takes all of five steps into your apartment before she guns for your newest canvases drying against the wall. 
"Those aren't done!" You scold but you couldn't stop her from fawning over them if you tried.
"Are you kidding? These are amazing." She says, gasping when she sees the corner of another one peeking out behind the stack. "Babe!" 
"Alright, alright, calm down. They're still in the early stages. They probably won't look anything like this when they're done." 
"You're right. I'm sure they'll be even better when they're done," she calls as you walk into your bedroom and drop her suitcase at the foot of the bed. You don't have a guest room, and there's no way you're gonna make her sleep on the couch, so you get to have a good old-fashioned sleepover again. You’re secretly really excited just to sit in bed and do nothing with her. When you walk back into the living room, she's holding an old, reworked painting with a fond smile. "Are you going to submit these for exhibition?" She asks, and you shrug as you lean against the back of the couch.
"I don't know. Maybe? They just don't feel done." 
"That's because the longer you stare at something, the more things you want to change about it." 
"It's not a bad thing to want to make sure something's perfect." 
"If you wait for perfection, you'll never make anything, and you know that." She says, cocking an eyebrow at you, and you roll your eyes at how well she knows you. "Isn't that what you tell your students?"
"Oh, God, please don't pull the teacher card on me right now. I'm supposed to be on vacation." You groan, and she laughs.
"Does it count as vacation if we have to go to the student showcase tonight?" She asks.
"Yes, it does because you're here, and I don't have to lecture a group of thirty teenagers about pointillism," you say. "And you really don't have to come. All I have to do is show up to support the kids for a couple of hours and leave. I'll be home before nine, and then we can go out and actually do something fun." 
"Is Hot Single Dad gonna be there?" She asks, waggling her eyebrows at you, and you give her a look.
"You said you'd stop calling him Hot Single Dad."
"Hot Single Dad is so fun, though," she whines. "Also, you're avoiding the question. Is he gonna be there?"
"Ellie's work is being shown, so yeah, most likely, but there will be lots of people there. I doubt we'll even see him." 
"Oh, I'll see him."
"Andrea Lynn," you scold, and she throws her hands up. "We're gonna go and be professional and not cross any lines that could get us in trouble, right?" You think you're saying it more for your own benefit than hers, but she still puts up three fingers and nods.
"Scouts honor." 
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The gallery's atrium is buzzing with conversation and excited kids from all across the district. The winter sun set long ago, but the warm lighting of the space makes it feel a little less oppressive. Small trays of refreshments make their rounds as you talk with other teachers and some parents you know. You introduce Andie to each of them, mostly to sing her praises about being a professional musician in Vienna, and she chatters away with anyone about anything. You easily kill half an hour just mingling with people before the exhibition officially starts.
At the hour, someone on the school board (you don't know their name or position, and honestly, you think it's too late to pretend like you care enough to find out) stands on a makeshift stage and says something about the importance of art in academia. You doubt it's a sentiment he actually shares, considering you've never seen him at any other art-related events, but you clap politely anyway. Halfway through his spiel, you just barely catch the sound of squeaky boots coming through the door and turn to see the source without fully thinking it through. 
There, through the crowd of heads, you lock eyes with Joel. Tommy and Ellie are at his side and wave politely. Sarah must've gone home before the New Year. You think you remember him saying something about her working at a clinic in Boston? You're a little disappointed you won't get to meet her, especially after hearing such amazing things, but you can't focus on that. Joel's eyes don't move from yours, even when Ellie and Tommy turn their attention to the speaker at the front. 
His hair has gotten long since the last time you saw him, the curls defiantly sweeping around his ears after an obvious attempt to tame it, and he looks well-rested. Despite the extra length of his hair, his beard has been recently trimmed and the salt-and-pepper stubble well maintained. He's wearing a nice dark green shirt (a Christmas gift?) and a well-broken-in denim jacket. He looks good. Of course, he does. Andie notices you're not paying attention and bumps your shoulder. 
"'S that Hot Single Dad?" She whispers, and you shake your head. 
"Not here." You beg. She seems to want to question you further about it, but she doesn't. You're sure she'll buy you a drink or two to loosen up after this and spill your guts. You sit through the rest of the speech without any more hiccups before you're finally allowed to view the gallery. 
Everyone is all smiles and excited chatter when you enter the colorful room. Thrilled parents take pictures of their kids next to their work, and proud art teachers point out their student's talents to others. There's a wide array of art. Anything from photography, drawings, paintings, sculptures, and even a video of a performance projected onto the wall. You catch bits of people’s conversations and hear a lot of chatter about the artist from your school. You don’t need any more context to know who they’re talking about. You and Andie walk side-by-side in silence as you look at the different works, only talking when you come across one of your kids' works. She makes you take a picture in front of each one, and you feel a little silly, but you can't fight the pride in your chest. 
Andie has always had the unique ability to celebrate you for things you wouldn't celebrate yourself for. In reality, all you did was push them to make the art and consult them through the process, but she reminds you that they might not even have made anything if it weren't for you. It makes you feel special and seen. It makes you wish she lived closer so you could do the same for her by showing up to performances and taking pictures of her in her element so she can cherish them. It makes you forget about Hot Single Dad until Tommy rushes up to you, calling your name. 
"Mr. Miller, it's good to see you." You greet politely, but he's out of breath and looks stressed as he looks at both of you. He softens when he sees Andie and takes a deep breath to pull himself together.
"I don't believe we've met," he charms and offers his hand to Andie. "I'm Tommy, Ellie's uncle." 
"I'm Andie, the forever teacher's pet," she shakes his hand and gives you a look over her shoulder. "Honey, you didn't tell me how handsome Ellie's uncle is." She says. Tommy smirks and looks flattered, but mentioning Ellie brings him back to the moment. 
"Ellie's askin' for you." He says, and you furrow your brows and look behind him.
"Where is she? Is she okay?" 
"She got real upset bout somethin' but wouldn't say. She just said she wanted to talk to you." Fuck, you think. Did she find out? If so, how? There's no way Joel would've told her, especially tonight of all nights. Is she upset about how her art is being shown? Is she mad at you? Possibilities run through your head and twist your stomach into knots, but you don't hesitate to follow Tommy. If she says she needs you, then you need to be there. 
Andie follows closely behind as you and Tommy weave through the crowd until you come to a stairwell off the side of the gallery, away from overlapping voices and bright colors. When the door creaks open and echoes through the empty space, you see Joel and Ellie sitting on a step, tears staining her face. Andie says something about hanging back, and Tommy agrees to wait with her, but all your focus is on the crying kid in front of you. You wait until the door shuts behind you to settle onto the step under theirs and pull Ellie's hand out of her balled-up fist. Joel watches you carefully but doesn't try to stop you. 
"Hey," you say gently, like she's a scared animal. "What's goin' on? I heard you wanted to talk to me." 
"I," she tries, but her voice catches in her throat, and more tears well in her eyes. You rub your thumb across her knuckles and shush her gently. 
"You're alright. Take a breath, okay?" She does, and Joel reaches out to rub her back soothingly. A few more tears fall down Ellie's face as you wait her out. You catch Joel's eyes over her shoulder, and he gives you a grateful look. All you do is nod. 
"I'm not good enough to be here," she finally gets out. "Everyone's work is so much better than mine, and I... I think they made a mistake. I can't compete." 
"That's not true. That's what your anxiety is telling you. That's not even close to the truth." You say firmly. She shakes her head as she looks at her dad.
"We shouldn't have even come." She says, and he pulls her under his arm, kissing her temple.
"Honey, they took your art for a reason. We're not here by accident. We're here because you worked hard and made somethin' so beautiful that they had to show it." 
"He's right," you say. "Hundreds of students apply for this exhibition every year, and every year, hundreds of students get rejected. But not you. You worked and earned your spot here. How many days did you show up early to my classroom to work on it, huh?" You ask, and she wipes her eyes. She seems to calm down a little at your words but still shrugs like she’s unsure of herself. 
"I don't know."
"Ellie, you were in my room for at least a month straight working on this. Somedays, you were painting before I even had a chance to turn on the lights. You got up early and stayed late, and it shows. You made something so wonderful the district couldn't keep it a secret. Do you know how many people are talking about your yellow painting?" 
"People were talking about it?" She asks, and you nod, squeezing her hand.
"They kept saying they'd be surprised if you didn't win, and I'm not just saying that because I'm your art teacher. I'm saying that because it's true." You say. She chews at her bottom lip and stares at her shoes as she thinks. 
You knew about Ellie's anxiety long before this moment. She's spent many planning periods in your classroom venting or crying about it, and you pointed her to the correct resources. She's in therapy and on medication to help her control it, but it still rears its ugly head every once in a while. With all the teenage emotions and daily battles, you're not surprised that it does. But it does surprise you that she can't see how special she is. She works so fucking hard— sometimes too much— and she gives her all in everything she does. Of course, people are going to recognize that greatness. Of course, she deserves to be here. Of course, she's going to be amazing.
"Every time I look at it, I just see all the bad things about it." She admits, and you sigh. Of course, she treats her work the exact same way you do.
"I do the same thing," you say, and she looks at you with wide eyes like she wasn't expecting you to actually cop to it. "It doesn't matter how much time I spend on it or if I like the concept; I will find a million things wrong with a piece before I can admit that it's a semi-okay piece of work. I have a canvas sitting in my apartment right now that makes me want to throw up every time I look at it." 
"How do you get over it?" 
"I'll let you know the second I figure it out," you say, and she smiles a little now that she knows she's not alone in her internal fight. "You deserve to be here, kid. You are hard-working, creative, and smart. You are going to make so much beautiful art in your life, you won't believe it. And it's true that it won't always be the best, and you won't always love it, but the thing all great artists have, regardless of medium, isn't talent. It's resilience. If you wait for perfection, you'll never make anything, so you have to keep going and making things even when you feel like it's bad because the world needs your art. The world needs you, Ellie." You say, echoing Andie's words from earlier. She takes a deep breath, and the weight on her shoulders seems lighter. Her anxiety rolls away like a wave from the shore. It will be back again and again, but she knows people are going to grab her before she can drown. She knows she's got lighthouses. She knows she's okay. 
"Thank you," she mumbles, and you nod as you squeeze her hand. She relaxes into Joel and looks up at him. "'M sorry."
"You've got nothin' to be sorry for, baby girl. I'm on your team," he says. He looks at you and chews the inside of his cheek. "We're both on your team." It's a peace offering. An end to the challenge. An acknowledgment that you can't ignore each other forever. You take a deep breath and let your free hand squeeze his calf where Ellie can't see, letting him know you know. 
You read a poem once in college about not being afraid of joy and taking advantage of the happiness while it's there. You remember reading the words "Joy is not made to be a crumb" and feeling your chest crack open in that funny way that only art can cause. It couldn't have been longer than two hundred words, and you read it so long ago you're surprised you even remember it, but you're glad you do. You're glad Joel and Ellie came into your life. You're glad you made so many memories with him, and you hope he'll let you in enough to make more as friends. You're glad you called the parent-teacher meeting when you did. 
You decide joy is not made to be a crumb, but neither is affection. In that cold, dingy stairwell in downtown Austin, you think you could paint something about this feeling. You think you could be okay with its imperfections. You think you could even submit it. You think you could win the bet.
TAGLISR: @abbyhaslongshorts @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @anavatazes @marantha @cosmoscoffeee @shyminnie07 @beezusvreeland @eddiemunsonsbedroom @harriedandharassed @doodlebob-mp3 @ignorethisplz2004 @buckyispunk @d1lf-loverrr @vee-bees-blog @moel-jiller @anoverwhelmingdin @casssiopeia
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dreamcatcheratdawn · 7 months ago
Hii, do u write for Chris Prince? If yes can u write some hcs for crhis x reader in a platonic way? Like they act like siblings, ty! Ily <3/p
Okay, I liked this idea because it's a bit of a departure from the romance we're used to seeing in fanfics here, it was a bold request. As I don't know Chris Prince as well as I'd like to, I did some in-depth research on him and found some nice things. (And sorry for doing this so late, my little vacation had arrived and I decided to give myself a break before going back to college, so I didn't get involved with anything on social media)
"I'll protect you, always."
Chris Prince x gn!reader Warning: Very fluffy, slight mentions of narcissism, nothing too heavy.
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Chris has been your friend since you were both in your mothers' wombs.
Your mothers were best friends, so there was nothing to stop them doing the same with their children. In other words, you and him. Your friendship was so natural that many people mistook you two for brothers.
Not that Chris didn't act like one.
Man, while it was nice to share your moments with him, it was a pain to have Chris Prince all over you, showing off how beautiful and perfect he was. Seriously. He had no shortage of compliments for himself. He complimented you too, but not with the same intensity as he complimented himself.
Oh, there was also that thing about doing things perfectly. When he focused on doing something, he wouldn't let go until he'd successfully completed it. This implied that he lacked interest in his studies, no matter how much you and his parents argued with him to make an effort, but he wouldn't even listen. He also bragged about the things he did perfectly well, like playing chess and ball. He would make fun of you about why you seemed so weak at it. And for the idiot that he was, he didn't realize that this hurt you, until the point that you exploded one day and ran off the soccer pitch.
He was startled by the sudden explosion. Like any child, he got desperate and came after you, and you duly explained your point. It wasn't easy, because making amends was something Prince didn't do, even more often. But for you, he did, even if only in the slightest.
Hearing Chris's apology made you smile, and then you were back to your normal selves.
When you received your first confession letter, Chris felt an extreme need to protect you. He found out about the boy who gave you the letter, and asked you a barrage of questions as if it were an interrogation, asking things like: what are your intentions with her, what made him fall in love with you, and so on.
When you found out what he'd done, Chris thought you were going to give him a scolding, but you just laughed it off, teasing him that he was being too protective, even insinuating that he was jealous of your suitor.
He blushed, starting to freak out, justifying himself by saying that it was only to protect you from bad guys, but you didn't listen.
There was also the day he had to go to Japan, and that day was heartbreaking. You said goodbye, tears rolling down your face as he huffed and puffed, wiping away his tears.
"Don't cry like that, you look like those cats that get ugly when they're wet." He said, laughing. You punched him in the arm, not even having an effect. He said goodbye to his parents and his parents made a point of being present.
After that day, you stayed connected by cell phone, talking every day, without exception. It was like a ritual.
When he grew muscles, you asked God to have mercy on you because this boy was showing off ten times more than before. There were so many photos of his muscles in your gallery that your friends really thought he was your boyfriend, even though you strictly said that you saw him as a brother, and he did the same.
And what a gossip Chris Prince was. He would tell you about every atrocity that happened during his stay in Japan that you wouldn't believe if he didn't have proof. And he would also share with you in messages about his rivalry with Noel Noa. You had the impression that you knew Noel Noa more than you knew yourself, because Chris talked about him so often.
You made a point of following his matches, whether on television, on your cell phone, wherever you went. You were his number one fan, so you would support him in whatever he decided for his future, extolling how incredible he was, even though he was already doing that for himself.
It was about ten years ago that Chris showed up at your college door in a sports car. THE GUY LITERALLY SHOWED UP WITH A FERRARI LA FERRARI ON THE DOORSTEP OF A COLLEGE LIKE IT WAS NOTHING. Clearly your classmates were shocked that you went up to him.
"When did you get here?" You asked, circling the car and getting into the passenger side, staring at the luxury car compartment, totally absorbed.
"Yesterday, at 3:17 in the morning. I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you." He smiled mischievously, lifting his sunglasses and showing those captivating blue eyes that always calmed you down.
"And what a surprise." You said, smiling at him and giving him a hug, which he reciprocated by pressing your body to his.
"Come on, I'll take you for a snack. Put your seatbelt on." He said, starting the car. You obeyed him, smiling at your best friend, at your brother you hadn't seen for years, and finally you were together again, ready to live every shared adventure. You would take his friendship to the grave, and he would do the same, with all the certainty in the world.
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I don't know what to think about this, I think it's a bit blergh, but okay.
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darkbluekies · 2 years ago
Hedwig asks #1
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Next one Concept: I've put multiple asks into one post to avoid too much loose posts on my account! This way, you have more to read too<3
Warnings: a little suggestive, yandere, manipulation, blackmail
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How would Hedwig react if s/o left on vacation without telling her?
...what has she done to you? Hedwig will 100% freak out. She'll be so anxious and scared that she faints and won't be able to go to school. She stays shaking under her sheets with tears running down her cheeks. She'll call you hundreds of times and leave a dozens of messages where she BEGS you to answer. She's nothing without you, so why can't you just answer?! When she gets to know what you've done and why you have left her alone, she'll be so mad at you that you regret everything. She'll book her own flight and go to you because you can not escape her. Wherever you go, she goes.
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How would Hedwig deal with an escape artist s/o who doesn't leave, lets say her s/o rejects her she kidnaps them and ties them up only for her to turn around and their sitting down like it's a regular Monday morning and is just like "It's pretty nice here I think I'm gonna stay😀"
"W-What did you say?" she stutters.
She can't believe how you got out of the ropes so quickly or why you aren't screaming. She'll be white as a ghost trying to understand that you're staying voluntarily. Suddenly, she'll feel ashamed of kidnapping you.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I-I thought that ... you know ... that you didn't want to be with me. You rejected me ... remember? But I'm not mad! Not anymore! Not when you accepted to stay. I will make up for the bruises you got. I apologize for that. Should I get the first aid kit?"
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would like to see a scenario where readers parents are protective and wary of rich people bc they think rich people look down on people and hedwig tries to get them to like her
You try to convince your parents that Hedwig is different, but they're not buying it. 'Every rich person is the same, only caring about themselves', they say.
Hedwig has invited them over for dinner to show how well mannered and down to earth she is. Or that's at least what she hopes she is. You're trying to calm her down, but winning your parents over means everything to her. She wants to be the perfect daughter in law.
When they come over, Hedwig is on her best behavior. You think she's acting silly, being too friendly, too well behaved. It's unnatural. Your parents are reserved and quiet. You can see their eyes light up slightly when Hedwig tells them that the chef has prepared their favorite meal. She adds on that you've helped her make this special.
During the dinner, Hedwig asks your parents questions and tries to hold back her usual talk about things she does. She doesn't want to seem unrelatable. She engages in conversations, just like she does when talking to you, and gives appropriate comments. It almost feels rehearsed.
Hedwig even gives them a gift. Nothing flashy, nothing expensive. Just a box of chocolate as a 'thanks for coming'. She gives you a hopeful look. Maybe your parents will start to change their attitudes about her.
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Can you do Hedwig and her s/o who doesn’t know what to do with their life? Like any career doesn’t really interest them
You sigh, rolling over on your stomach to let the sun grace your back.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Hedwig asks from the towel beside you.
"Nothing, I've just had time to think now that we're free from school and ... I realized that I don't know anything. I don't know what I want to be, i don't know myself and I don't know how the world works. I don't think school prepared me for anything."
Hedwig sighs and sits up to look at you. Her white bikini glows against her sunkissed skin. Hedwig thought that you and her could spend the first week of summer break at her house by the pool.
"You don't have to stress", she says. "It's not like you will become homeless. You have all the time in the world to figure out what you'd like to do ... but you could just be a stay at home partner. I wouldn't mind. I can always pay for the both of us. You could dive deeper into your hobbies instead of working!"
Hedwig won't admit out loud that she'd rather have you be a stay at home partner than go out into the big, scary world every day to work a heartless job. She doesn't want to share you with the world.
"Do you know what you want to be?" you ask her.
"I don't have to be something", Hedwig smiles back. "I have enough money to last a lifetime. But ... you're right. It's boring being able to do everything you want anytime you want it. Getting a job would make me a bit more occupied. Model, maybe?"
"You seem to have an idea at least."
"Darling ... you don't have to stress it. I have a wonderful future planned for us. We're going to go on a lot of vacations and just enjoy life. Doesn't that sound nice? Don't stress about it. Just stay with me and you won't have to worry."
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Hedwig trying to explain to reader why they would make an amazing couple and family
If the laws of physics doesn't bend to her will, she'll force them to bend :)
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If I may what is Hedwig's finger size??? Asking for research purposes obviously ☺️ (HEDWIG PLEASE MARRY ME IM SO GAY FOR YOUUUWUVVVWWBINFRRFCE💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💖💖💖)
Hm yeah, research purposes oBVIOUSLY. hedwig will marry you in a heartbeat.
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How would Hedwig react to a teasing reader marking her neck. And then when things start to get even more passionate, they just completely stop and walk away like nothing happened
Her entire body will go weak with your touch. She'll start to use grabby hands to get you closer and whine. She's pudding in your hands. You pull her closer, making sure to put pressure points where you know she likes them only to let her go and walk away. She blinks in confusion.
"Y-Y/N, no, don't leave! You can't leave me like this! Y/N, come back! Please!"
Hey ! I love your fic about hedwig and the f-boy, and after reading it I wondered what would happen if he actually leaves her because she broke his trust ??Ps: your blog is so pretty &lt;3
[thank you so much!!]
oneshot this is based off of
She won't let him. Hedwig's a fantastic manipulator, but if he can see through that ... she'll take drastic measures and keep him with her. She'll blackmail, kidnap and convince him.
"I'm sorry for everything, Y/N. You know I love you. A lot. That's why I'm doing this. You have to understand that what I'm doing is the right thing. Now, please open your mouth so I can feed you."
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How do you think hedwig would react if her darling wasn't into women
Hedwig would be so sad. In her perfect world, you love her and she loves you, but if you're not into women, she'll try to act platonic with you. if she can't have you romantically, she'll at least have you as her friend. She can't imagine a life without you in it and will do her best to be the person you want her to be.
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GOSHHH, I LOVE HEDWIG SO MUCH..I just wanna spend a day just purely spoiling her with attention. You write so well!! It made me developed a hunger for this type of writing. 😖
Oh my god thank you so much! i'm so glad you like both Hedwig and the writing <333
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whatiwishfanfiction · 6 months ago
Chapter 12
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Once-ler turns evil. Gets dark at the end. Read the whole thing on Ao3. Excerpt:
It was nice when he could get a second guitar without even thinking about it. Perhaps even nicer than it would have been to someone who didn't have heartbreaking memories of always being told his parents couldn't afford a good one for him. After all, hadn't it been just the other day he'd asked for one on his eighth birthday in front of the music store window and gotten tears in his eyes when his dad told him no?
He didn't have any memories of clothes-shopping as a child either. All he'd gotten was hand-me-downs for short people from his church's charity drives. Surely other people had always gotten measured at tailors to get jackets and trousers of the highest quality to fit them perfectly. This, of course, justified the exorbitant bill when he bought a new designer wardrobe complete with extra tall top hats in his favorite black and bright green colors.
It turned out, the world was full of things he'd never been able to appreciate before he'd had money:
Clothes, drinks, cars, trips, events. There were so many more opportunities when you weren't just a poor helpless urchin…
He would never go back to being poor. Never. He was even worse than his Ma, after a short time.
"Oncie, don't ya think maybe we could take a day off to have a family picnic and celebrate the end of summer like in the old days?" she said to him one day.
Once-ler looked up from the photos he was studying for a new billboard advertisement. He'd almost settled on what he thought was a charismatic picture of himself with his arms spread wide and an eye-popping grin on his face, though Brett had remarked it made him look rather possessed.
"Ha!" He slammed down the photos. "You mean the old days when we were poor and miserable? Why don't we take the whole week off and have a real party? Or better yet, a month-long tropical vacation?"
His Ma blinked. "Sounds real nice, honey, but who's gonna run the company? Didn't you just get back from a cruise? Ain't ya gettin' just a little too extravagant these days?"
"Who cares? I'm rich! We got a million employees now. Besides I deserve it cuz of all the sufferin' I went through before."
This excuse got less impressive by the day as Once-ler's new luxuries quickly outweighed any misery he'd previously endured. His identity as a lower class citizen faded even more quickly from his own memory and personality than it did into the past.
"I'm so glad that in the last year I was finally able to discover the real me," was something he'd told everyone in his family more than once since they'd returned. It never occurred to him that what he meant was: "I'm so glad I finally have money to do whatever I want without any consequences."
2nd excerpt:
"I just wanted to tell you, the Barbaloots are dying."
Something got through the iron-clad self absorption that had enclosed Once-ler for the last few months. He was surrounded by terrible people all the time now, but when harm fell upon innocent creatures, it was different. He remembered the little Barbaloot that had given him a hug after the fiasco in the river.
"What do you mean dying? How can they be… Surely they're not actually dying ?"
"There was something in the water that made 'em sick. Something from your factory that set in quick. It's making 'em not move and lay around. And some of 'em…" There were tears in the Lorax's eyes. "Some of 'em ain't gettin' up from the ground."
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piko-rose · 2 years ago
I wanna write a little scene that took place before the dance fight. Just wanted to do a Movie version of Wholesome Sonic and Tails, and maybe throw in some donut dad and pretzel mom appreciation as well.
Sonic's phone from the coat's pocket lets off a sound. Tom must've sent another message for him.
"What? Hang on one second." Sonic said, bringing out his phone to see Tom's message. "Donut Lord's checking in."
"How's it goin'?"
Sonic isn't the greatest liar in the world, and even he doesn't know that, but he'd rather lie than just straight up tell him about Robotnik coming back with some red jerk trying to destroy him.
And the fact that him and Tails are now in Siberia trying to settle in during a blizzard.
Tom and Maddie needs a stress-free vacation after all. It's for the best.
In just a few seconds, Sonic replied in no time at all saying: "Just chillin. Watchin TV"
"There we go." He smiled and puts away his phone. "That takes care of that..."
"...Donut Lord?" Tails repeated that strange nickname to himself. "...Oh! Donut Lord! I almost forgot about that guy."
"Hmm? I guess if you were watching me for months I would think you know who Donut Lord is." Sonic said. "But yeah, he's a cool dude. But really his name is Tom."
"Tom?" The fox tilted his head. "Why did you call him Donut Lord?"
"Well, it's because he talks to donuts every now and then. It's pretty funny."
"Oh. ...Huh. That checks out." Tails chuckled.
"I think you might like him! He's the sheriff of the town and he is such an awesome friend! We share the same roof and everything!" He exclaims. "Oh! And you would LOVE Pretzel Lady! AKA, Maddie. She is so sweet and she can talk to animals!"
"Aww, that's so cool!" Tails said, both of his tails wagging.
"Also..." Sonic looks left and right before leaning close to Tails. "She's born without bones!" He whispered into his ear and snickered.
"What?!" He cried out.
Suddenly Sonic burst into laughter. "I'm just kidding, dude! She has bones, she's just, super flexible. Still have no idea how she does that..."
"Well, I only know so much about these human friends of yours from watching, but I knew that they were super nice!" Tails said.
"They sure are! The greatest friends a hedgehog can ask for." The hedgehog continued. "I'm pretty glad I have met them. Sure, they can be pretty strict on certain things because, heheh, you know me, but they're really caring."
Tails smiled more the more Sonic kept going on about Tom and Maddie.
"Funny story on how I met Tom. I was trying to leave Earth cause of that 'energy blast' as you call it, and I found Tom's garage. it was the safest place that I could find. I was about to leave but then Tom came in and freaked out!"
Tails try to keep his laughter in.
"It was pretty funny looking back, considering that if it weren't for that little incident, I would have never found my f..."
"...My friends. I would've been in that stinky mushroom land. I'm... I really am glad I met them. I've known them for years but... I never got the chance to actually speak to them because... Well, you know." Sonic fiddled with his fingers.
"But... Even after all that mess, they took me in. I was surprised, but I was happy. It's been 9 months since I moved in with them, and... I'm lucky to have someone like Maddie and Tom." He said, smiling widely, thinking back at the memory of when he first saw his new room, with Tom and Maddie right beside him.
They were just as happy as he was.
"Awww..." Tails placed his gloved hand on his chest. "That was so sweet, Sonic. They must be the best parents in the whole world!"
"... ..."
"Wh- Pffft! I- I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Wh-What did you just say?" Sonic stuttered, completely caught off-guard by Tails' sentence.
"Uh, I said 'They must be the best paren-"
"I know- I know what you said!" Sonic cut off. "But... Really? Parents? Is that what you think they are?" He lets out a nervous chuckle.
"Uhh... Yeah? I thought..." Tails' ears drooped. He was confused. "I thought that, after all that, they were more than just your best friends? I mean..."
"W-Well, sorry to burst your bubble, pal, but that is NOT what you think." He lied. "We're just a couple of silly friends!"
"Uh-huh. Right." Tails rolled his eyes. "Would a couple of silly friends give you a new room?"
"Well, duh!"
"Would a couple of silly friends make you breakfast every day, telling you to have a good day before you go out for a run?"
"Would a couple of silly friends take you out to games, have movie nights together, and protect you from anyone who tries to mess with you?"
"Would a couple of silly friends run up to you when you injured your knee after slipping on the sidewalk, and when you started crying they kept telling you that it's gonna be okay and took care of you for a few days?"
He saw me cry?! His eyes rose, but for a moment he looked down at the table. "I-I... I mean, yeah, but..."
"Sure, friends would definitely do these things, but they've been looking after you for 9 months, Sonic." Tails reminded. "You think after all this time, when you all bonded together, sharing memories, playing games and laughing together, and giving out hugs every now and then, you didn't think they your parents?"
Sonic doesn't respond. He just stared down, thinking.
"I'm not upset, I'm just... Confused." Tails spoke softly. "They took care of you for months, and you seem so happy about it."
"That's... because I never had anyone to take care of me for years."
"...Right..." Tails almost forgot about the fact that Longclaw, his original caretaker, was there for him since he was a baby.
"All I wanted was a friend, but... I wanted a family too." Sonic mumbled.
"So then... How come...?"
"Okay, look, it's not that I don't want them as my parents! I just..."
There was a beat.
And then an exhausted sigh.
"I just don't want to lose anyone else."
Tails' ear flick up for a moment. He quickly understood what Sonic meant by those words. "...Oh."
Well, that was a mood killer. Tails never meant make Sonic feel bad. "I... I'm sorry, Sonic. I didn't mean-"
"It's cool. Really." Sonic reassured, showing off a small smile. "Don't worry about it."
"Have you... Ever told them about how you feel about their company? About how much they mean to you?"
Sonic wanted to answer, but he couldn't find the right words to do so. Even if he did, his mind was stuck on just him and his memories with Donut Lord and Pretzel Lady.
He stared down at the table again, thinking really hard on how to answer that simple question. But all he can think of suddenly, was...
"Sonic, you destroyed an entire city block."
"That block was already messed up. Who cares? Look, I stopped a robbery. I was a hero!"
"No, you put people in danger and that's not what a hero does."
"*Sigh...* You're supposed to be my friend. Stop trying to be my dad."
Sonic blinked.
Stop trying to be my dad.
His fists clinched.
Why the hell did I say that...?
"...No." The hedgehog finally answered, shutting his eyes closed.
Sonic yelped at the sudden sound of his phone going off again. He grabbed it and took a look. It's another message from Tom.
He looked at the message carefully.
"Another boring night at home"
He took a deep breath after that little scare that knocked him back into his senses. He was about to reply but he stopped.
He looked at his profile of Tom.
Then his contact name, Donut Lord.
He, once again, sighed.
He felt terrible looking back at what was said back on the boat. He never meant to sound harsh, he just wanted that stupid argument out of the way.
Looking back, he can now fully read Tom's face after those words.
When was the last time he looked so hurt?
He turned off his phone and puts it back in his pocket and rested his head in his arms, feeling pissed off at himself.
"Sonic?" Tails spoke. "It's okay."
The hedgehog didn't say anything. He just sighed and looked at the floor.
"Don't feel bad. Sometimes change can be hard. But I just want you to remember that Tom and Maddie... Their here for you. Parents or not, they... They love you." Tails said, hoping that his words can reach out to the upset space hog. "And hopefully once you meet up with them again, you should probably let them know that you love them too."
Sonic slowly raises his head back up to face Tails. Gosh, he just met this little guy an hour ago but he is just so caring and understanding. He can read the worry in his eyes but there was a smile showing.
"You have the best family in the word. Don't forget that." Tails' voice cracked slightly, holding back tears.
Sonic was surprised to hear all of this from Tails, but overall, he was happy to hear that. His smile crept up as he began to chuckle, finally back into his silly mood as if he was never upset.
"Don't worry, buddy. I won't." He said, with such a sweet tone in his voice.
Wait... Tails' ears flicked again and his eyes widened. Did you call me...?
Tails was about to speak but then two brown bowls of... whatever, were placed down in front of them. Sonic was weirded out, but his curiosity got the best of him when he tries to poke at it.
Tails, however, did not like the sight of whatever the heck he was given. "Eelch!" He groaned. He looked up at the waitress and brought up his Miles Electric. "Uhh, I'm sorry, but I asked for the beef stew."
Sonic kept trying to poke at this weird looking soup. This is just for display, right? He wondered to himself.
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lani-heart · 10 months ago
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|| series masterlist || CHAPTER ONE -> PREVIEW ||
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parings -> riki nishimura x reader genre -> non-idol au, school au, hyrbid au warnings -> n/a word count -> 1.1k
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abstract -> he's perfect how he is... but can maybe change for her.
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y/n’s perspective
“Niki, we always do this” I whined as he locked himself in the bathroom. I needed to get him ready for tonight’s party. If I didn’t have to go I wouldn’t… but with my family pushing me into choosing a major in business, they're making me befriend other kids from wealthy families. 
“Please… I don’t want to go alone” I begged but he didn’t respond. It was running late and the driver would be here soon… so I might have to go alone today. 
I gave up trying to convince him and did the final touches. Grabbing a jacket, fixing my makeup, and grabbing everything I needed. 
When I left my room, I couldn’t help but smile. 
“You’re gonna go with me?” I asked and he nodded. “I can’t let you go on your own” he muttered and I chuckled. “Besides, look at how forgetful you are,” he said as he pulled my hair roller off my bangs.
“Oh,” I said genuinely forgetting as he laughed at me. 
“Do you–” “Yes, I have my tail ring on. I’m ready, now let's go before your dad starts calling”
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Riki Nishimura was a stray hybrid I met when I was a kid. We were on a vacation trip to Japan when I saw him. I offered him some food I had on me and he took it from me to eat it like he was starved. 
My parents were already wanting to get me a hybrid so I begged them to keep him. In which they reluctantly agreed. However, when we found out he wasn’t a normal black cat hybrid they agreed. 
He was a panther hybrid, and so has been with me for years. We grew up together… However, my parents never liked how rowdy he was. Even now they tell me to get another hybrid, one that could join me in dinners, and parties, and one who is overall more well-behaved. 
I wasn’t gonna let them replace him. He was my best friend, my number one confidant. Besides… who needs a fancy and well-behaved hybrid? Niki was way more fun!
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niki’s perspective
It was the same old party they threw with the same kids as their rich human parents and new collectibles. They liked to collect new hybrids where they’d show them off and then throw them away… but not y/n. 
Without her, I probably would still be on the street mistaken for an overgrown cat hybrid. It doesn’t mean I liked being gawked at and set a price on what they’d trade her for me. Of course, she’d never let them... I’ve seen how annoyed and angry she gets and it made me happy she cared so much. 
I cared for her too… She was clumsy and an idiot so she needed someone to take care of her. So I'm here… at a stupid party filled with spoiled rich kids. 
Not to say she isn't spoiled… she is. However, I never questioned that she loved me. She always makes that clear with everything she does for me. 
“Oh! You’re y/n right?” I heard and I saw a girl behind us with what smelled like a bird hybrid. “Mmhm… have we met before?” she asked why I didn’t think so… I would’ve recognized her and her hybrid. “My name–” I didn’t care what she had to say… I just didn’t like how her hybrid kept on staring at me with those eyes of his. What was his problem?
I was cut off from my thoughts when suddenly the topic of discussion became me… 
“He’s really pretty and exotic too! I just haven’t heard good things about him, you know?” she said and I had to refrain from growling at her. Who was she to talk right in front of my face about me? And to y/n?
“Jay here is well-behaved! He’s from America you know–” Is that supposed to make him impressive? Congrats bird you’re a pet! “–it's just a shame you know. I wanted a bunny or maybe a cat hybrid” she pouted and I could see his disappointed expression. 
“Oh, Niki is really sweet but he’s solitary–” “You should invest in a social hybrid you know?” she cut her off to say. Rude… why would she need another hybrid when she has me?
“I like the way he is, he’s been with me since we were kids so there's no way I could ever replace him like that,” she said and I felt proud. 
“I heard about how much you care for him. I guess rumors were true” she said and I knew she was amongst those who talked about why she couldn’t get a nicer and social hybrid who smiles and dotes on her. I do dote on her… and I’m only nice to her. Everyone else was pushing it. 
“What is he if I can ask?” she said and y/n only sighed while looking up at me. “He’s a puma hybrid from Japan,” she answered. “Woah! I heard puma hybrids were rare! I thought he was just a cat… makes sense then for how tall he is.” she said as she got closer to me. 
“Oh please don’t do that. You’ll make him uncomfortable.” y/n said as I went behind her. 
“You should take him to the training you know. It's for the hybrids who need manners… they are opening classes in your university for hybrids'' she said… she stalked y/n to know what university she was in? She needs a life. 
“Oh… I know of them. I think he is just fine the way he is” y/n said and she bowed. “If you’ll excuse us,” she said and we walked away from the pair. “She was a bitch” y/n muttered and I laughed. “Calm down, you have an act to uphold,” I said and she sighed. “y/n?” I said and she looked at me with her eyes filled with determination to answer to give me anything I asked for. “Why didn’t you tell me your uni is having hybrid classes?” I asked and she sighed. 
“They're mainly about etiquette. She said how to take care of your owner… how to behave in a social setting, etc” and I nodded. 
“I want to go,” I said and her eyes widened. “But you're perfect–” “No, I’m not… I caused you a lot of trouble. I heard your dad get mad again this morning. He didn’t want me here because of last time” I said and she shook her head. 
“Yah! Don’t do that!” she scolded and I smiled softly. 
“Please? You said you would give me anything I asked for. I want to be a better hybrid for you”
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taglist -> @ilovecheese09 @gudkc
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please don't be a silent reader !! reblog, comment, and like <3
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toeconnoisseursposts · 7 months ago
You're with norm temporarily since your parents were on vacation and you didn't want to go, so norm offered to take you in. Your parents gratefully accepted When Chaz first saw you, it was like love at first sight. They never found interest in romance or friendship, for that matter, taking their role as an educator of the elderly seriously, but when they saw you, that suddenly changed. They wanted to make a good first impression, but they didn't exactly know how since they haven't interacted with someone they're age without aggression. they've been used to the aggression that many of the families they've educated, but you were sweet, or at least not threatening them. The stay felt a lot more worth it getting to talk to you every day, but after awhile, they realized they wanted to get closer to you to finally get the affection they'd only dream of.
(Head canon time)
I don't think they would do anything too illegal since they follow the drinking law. I'm going to guess they would try to follow the law while trying to woo you. 
They would definitely try to get information on you from family or friends, and any information they got from files that they probably got before coming over to re-educate norm
They'd start acting more affectionate but still try to respect any boundaries you have, but more than once they've gotten too close for comfort, but they back off when you tell them to, only to go back to it after a couple minutes. 
They would try to bring you to pride parades, giving you flags and other cute Nick-nacks of your sexual or gender orientation. 
Watches you sleep frequently, enjoying how peaceful you look whilst resting, wishing you'd look that calm around them.
Though they think they're being sly, they're quite creepy. Everyone can notice how smitten they are with you. 
They wouldn't kidnap you since they seem to be a law-abiding citizen. I believe the most they'd do is heavily stalk you, but besides that, they wouldn't do anything else.
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theliterarywolf · 11 months ago
Oh my God it happened! I had my first ever Karen parent encounter today. Wolfy! *kicks door open* Holy FUCK!
Story Time.
It's spring break so we're doing room by room detailing (Custodian Guard!), not quite the deep scrub of Summer where it all smells new at the end but more like doing a solid once over with a vacuum and a pleather touch-up
I have the fire doors at the end of the hall closed since the school technically is open but they're not supposed to go beyond the office without a chaperone. I hear this ungodly banging. Like someone is trying to actually break through a union rated fire door. I was shown the mess of where one of the SpecEd kids had a sensory over load and wigged. Ended up running body first into the door and then puking all over it from the pain of...something or other. I heard collar bone and also dislocation and also head trauma. I DIGRESS! Bang, bang, bang. At the door Wolfy! I go see WTF and poke my head out. This 5 foot something of a pants suit wearing business woman with a fucked up hawk cut (looked kind of like that ugly fug from the Lorax) rips the door from my hand and barges past. THIS FUCKING BITCH ignores me as I keep pace demanding to know what in the world she thinks she's doing. She stops at a locker, points, and tells me to open it. I said No. And oh NO, uh oh, round the fucking merry go round we go! This bitch explodes! "This is my child's locker and if it's my child's locker its my locker now open it!" Or some such. Honestly she was pitching into my tinnitus and I just started tuning her out. Shrills of property rights, and police, and I let her wear her self out when the door opens again and there's my HoF, El Jefe. It's spring break, the HBIC up behind the big desk put him in charge. He already looks like he's ready to take his crock off and knock her block off LA CHANKLA style.
No, he's a true working class gentlemen. Friendly, but authoritative; assertive, but even handed. Asks her how she got in, what she was doing, why she was doing it. Would not let her talk over him. She accused me of cursing. I said check the cameras. We go and see the display in the security office and since our cams capture sound as well everyone got to see an awesome rendition of Cotton Candy complete with booty dance (I'm doing my job I don't give a fuck), before we find out she had tried the office, they denied her entry, so she just went looking for an unlocked door and barged her way past a delivery that was in progress, made her way to my hall, and began knocking, pounding, then attempting to break her way through the fire door and her entire tirade is caught on persistent media device. Nobody clapped because this bitch is throwing insults at everyone. Then I found out WHY she was so upset. I said I was going to explain that I couldn't open anything without my bosses approval, but she launched into a fit and that's when El Jefe showed up. So we call the HBIC and she's pissed because she's using actual vacation hours to ensure a spring break for her kids and tells us to take security and open the locker. Kid was vaping. Cart box fell out soon as I opened the locker. Peaches n Cream cool hit single cart. 10 year old kid. Fuck. I know I did nothing wrong but I told her I understand her shock and empathized any ways. Knowing that your kid is doing nicotine and god knows what else from these prepackaged crap packets. Security takes pictures, emails are sent, CC'd, forwarded, in duplicate, witness statements, police were called but no charges pressed she was just walked off the premises with little coaxing. I think she was just processing at that point. Found out later through the break-room telephone that the kid ended up in a local Psych hospital...I honestly feel worse for the kid knowing that. The places we have in this town are just...fucking scams.
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See, you got the 'fun' unhinged Karen, I always got the 'how dare that teacher say something not perfectly squeaky clean to my precious baby! I demand to be let on campus so I can beat her ass at ONCE!' Karens.
Even though the 'not perfectly squeaky clean' comments were:
High School - *in response to a kid shouting 'I like my bitches silent' across the classroom several times during class'* "You probably shouldn't call someone else a bitch when you're acting like a bitch yourself, now get out.'
Middle School - *in response to a kid being disrespectful and saying that they don't even want to be in school* "You know, back when I taught high school, sometimes the best advice I could give to people with your point of view was 'maybe you should just drop out'."
*in response to the class refusing to settle down after utilizing literally all of the school's call-to-actions and calls-for-silence* "Okay, I want it as silent as a corpse in here, thank you..."
But, I have to say, I was laughing at your Cotton Candy booty-shaking antics... Then I got sad near the end.
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