#'silly purchases save me' and etc
gaycityrollers · 1 month
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my silly bf cards got here : )
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tippenfunkaport · 2 years
Inspired by a recent poll, could you tell us a bit more about the software you use for writing and the advantages with it?
Thanks so much!
Can I keep this short is the question...
So, for anyone who didn’t see the post this is referring to, I mentioned on another post that the writing software I use is...
4TheWords for drafting (brainstorming, first draft, etc)
Scrivener for all subsequent stages (editing, formatting, etc)
ProWritingAid for a final look before I submit / post
Longer version (and, like, I could talk about this all day so feel free to ask follow ups but I will try to contain myself)
4TheWords is a fantasy RPG-ish writing game where the words you write defeat monsters, earn loot, complete quests, etc. I have been playing it for five years ish and the game-ification just works really well for my brain. Earning silly little prizes and moving the game plot along keeps me motivated to keep writing when otherwise I would be a useless slug so I do most of my early stage writing on there like drafting, brainstorming, journaling, etc. It is silly but I love it and it basically saved my writing life when I was in a huge slump so they have my undying devotion. The company is also the kind you feel very good about supporting and they are HUGELY queer friendly with a big yearly Pride event with many of the main in-game characters being queer and/or trans. (The closest the game has to main characters are a lesbian couple that just got married as part of the Valentine's Day event last month!)
It costs money but a) there is a 30 day free trial of you want to check it out and b) there is a community pool if you cannot afford the fee as well as frequent sales/deals. (If anyone wants to try it out, feel free to use my referral code when you sign up because then you’ll get some extra crystals and I can send you a welcome present of some loot! If the image link above is annoying, dm me and I will give you it via text for copy and paste.)
Scrivener is very robust writing software that I use for fiction, non-fiction and scriptwriting. I only rarely use it for first drafts (bc I use 4TW for that) but I do almost all my editing / rewriting / formatting / publishing in it. I have been using it for probably about a decade and am still finding new tools and features I didn’t realize it had. I absolutely swear by it. The learning curve can be steep but luckily it’s one of the most popular writing programs in the world so there are a TON of great tutorials out there. (My advice? Just watch a video of something like the top 5-10 features and then play around and look up stuff as you have questions instead of trying to do the whole long tutorial it comes with.)
Disclaimer that I only own the desktop version. There are mobile versions that are a separate purchase from the desktop version but I don't use them.
Biggest selling points of Scrivener to me are:
while many writing services have a monthly fee, Scrivener is purchased exactly once and you can use it for life on your laptop and desktop AND you can get 50% off that one time price with a NaNoWriMo winner code (this alone is enough to buy my loyalty for life)
it’s incredibly versatile for both plotting and publishing and works really for my writing process (which is, admittedly, chaotic and weird) and has near infinite customization. It's esp great for making story bibles, organizing research, and plotting out larger works with lots of cross references and chapters you need to rearrange
as a script writer, Scrivener only cost me a one time fee of $35 and includes all updates and bug fixes until the next major version (which happens like once a decade). FinalDraft is $250 and that only includes the current version (which changes about once a year) to do the same thing. That’s a no brainer to me.
ProWritingAid is editing software. Like Grammarly but MUCH more robust with a lot more reports you can run. It’s not replacement for a human editor (AI editing can only do so much) but I like it as a second pair of eyes before I post or submit something because it does catch a lot of the basics and makes me feel a little better about sending something out. There is a limited free version and the full version can be pricey if you pay the monthly fee but I bided my time until the lifetime subscription went on sale for 50% off and paid once and now I have it to use for life.
There. That was almost short, right?
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thesschesthair · 1 year
Okay, okay, okay... since you mentioned it, this article I was reading sustained that, not only you need a different type of hair gel for curly and straight hair, but it also needs to be specific for your type of curly hair(1a,2a,3a,1b,2b,3b etc.)! So, if you will... who's the Jones that accuses the brother about finishing the gel, and who's the one that goes, "Not me! What are you talking about!? It's not even for your hair type 🤬!!!"
YES!!! 😂😂😂
I can absolutely see Liam being the fussy 'it's the best stuff for my hair' brother and Killian being the 'I didn't touch your poncy stuff!' one.
It could be modern AU- or hell, it could even fit canon... but I can imagine this kind of scenario.
Liam is very particular about which hair serum or fancy/weird/pretentious 'whale oil', 'coconut oil (imported, obviously)' or 'ylang ylang tonic' he'd use for his hair...
And of course, he would only purchase it from one particular port or store, which meant half his silver or wages was saved up & kept aside for the stuff whenever they'd visit....
He was very meticulous about how much he'd use, making sure he didn't over-grease his curly locks. He had a routine and kept a very close eye on how much he'd use...
So naturally, when he finds his fairly new bottle of fancy hair stuff is just past the halfway line, he's FURIOUS.
Even more-so when Killian chooses that particular moment to stroll past Liam's room with the greasiest & messiest head of hair-
Liam notices straight away that
1) His brother has made an attempt at a 'cool' bed-head hairstyle
2) The potent stench of coconuts/ylang ylang/whale is wafting off the heavily doused barnet & he can see drips of oil running down the idiot's forehead and droplets staining his shoulders...
and 3).... his brother is looking far too cocky, smug and happy with himself about his newfound hairstyle... which adds fuel to Liam's already blazing fire of fury.
Killian's face soon drops the smirk as soon as he sees Liam staring lasers into him with the bottle of his special 'holy hair oil' in his hand....
There's a tense silence as the two brothers stand stock still.... then Killian is OFF- he flies down the hall with Liam roaring his name in rage as he bolts after him, ready to pummel his younger brother.
He's gone too far this time.
No one touches Liam's hair products.
"It's too rich for your hair, you silly bastard!!! Look at you! We could cook for a week on your bloody head!!!"
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galaxysweeper · 2 years
Okay so Hunter has some things that I highly doubt he’d buy as The Golden Guard (Sprig plushie, cardinal socks, etc.) so I actually imagine that he buys them as Hunter. He didn’t seem to have a hard time getting a Hexside uniform despite it not being through the Emperor’s Coven (kind of a secret mission) so he shouldn’t have too much of a problem with getting normal “civilian” clothes. And he wouldn’t need to hide his name or give a fake name because no one knows it. So I propose! Somewhere on the Boiling Isles, there is a merchant, or maybe multiple, who knows Hunter. Not GG, but actually Hunter, who will very rarely “spoil” himself by getting something he really wants!
This merchant would have met a kid who, ever since he was a teeny tiny kid, always showed up alone, looking kinda scarred and beat up and tired. Always seemed kinda shy or embarrassed about buying “silly” things that he’d mutter about not needing. This kid would be flighty as hell, looking damn near ready to disappear if anyone so much as looked at him for too long. And this kid would almost never come around, maybe about once a year like clockwork, but he was too memorable to forget. Always respectful, arguably more than a kid his age should be, especially once he got in his teen years, and always both stern in his tone but surprisingly open with his emotions on his face, as if he never had to worry about people seeing them. And the merchant would wonder about him, but decide after one particularly awkward exchange that the boy didn’t want help or pity. So they would start throwing in extra things for him, extra “discounts” or “deals”.
Oh, the healing potion? They’d ordered too many so they were giving them away free with any purchase! Oh, this soothing tea? Their sister had given it to them after a trip but they didn’t quite like the taste! Oh, someone finally bought those bird socks? Thank Titan, they’ve been here forever, here, have a free extra pair!
And I can imagine, one day, after the Boiling Isles are saved and Emperor Belos has been defeated, that the boy, Hunter, shows up for the first time with someone else. With his friends. And he’d walk up, all nervous, holding one of his friend’s hands for support and say something along the lines of “Uh, you probably don’t remember me but-” and they’d cut him off. “Of course I remember you, Hunter. You’re one of my favorite customers. How about you introduce me to your friends over a cup of tea?” And he would smile like the merchant’s never seen him smile before and his friends would hug him and tell him that “See, you had nothing to worry about!” And they’d share tea and stories and after that, the merchant would start seeing Hunter come around much more often than once a year!
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owlixx · 9 months
CoD Notes: BO2 Beat
Got this game done start to finish in record time so it’s all a bit of a blur, but I’ll jot down my overall impressions before going level by level.
Overall, I like this game a lot. I think it’s not a hot take to say it is mechanically stronger than Black Ops, but narratively weaker. Finally getting hit markers and class customization in the campaign is a godsend, and I’d rank them at the top of the list of new features. Somewhere in the middle would be the “branching paths” story decisions, and towards the bottom would be the strike force missions. Oh, also I do like the campaign mission challenges too.
Now, the class loadout system did just turn into me using a threat finder scope on an LMG towards the end, but I appreciate that I got to choose that for myself. And I like certain gear being unlocked from challenges to encourage replaying. If I had played this on the 360 where I got games much less frequently, I likely would’ve replayed this campaign tons, but I got this on PC after becoming a PC gamer and having a zillion games to play.
To elaborate on the Strike Force missions, I simply do not like them. I only did the tutorial one and I barely survived. I had a lot more patience for these as a kid but I just wasn’t feeling it. Maybe it’s just because I’m in a rush to get to the next game, but I just want an objective and some guys to kill. I also think this would’ve made more sense as a take on MW3’s Survival mode, with the option to purchase troops between waves and using each multiplayer map.
The split narrative of this game is another “new feature” I suppose, and it’s just…fine. I like having an entire second set of weapons to play with, but this felt very unnecessary. It makes me wonder if they already had some of these levels or story bests designed before deciding to go futuristic. I don’t think anything they said about Mason/Woods really needed to be said, and I may have preferred to have kept the action focused in either 2025 or 1985.
For that matter, a lot of the “high tech” sci fi stuff like the wing suit, grippy globes, spider drone, etc. feel a little shoe horned and unnecessary.
I wanna say this is also the first of these games to just start making up entirely fictional weaponry, which makes sense given the setting but still kind of contributed to the franchise’s identity going forward.
Raul Menendez is just an okay villain. In theory, he’s more complex than previous villains because of his dead sister, but that doesn’t really connect to his weird cult or dark knight joker antics, it just feels like they needed a reason for him to hate Woods. He comes across as a kind of…wannabe villain. Sure, the Black Ops 1 villains are just standard evil Russians, but somehow that felt more believable than “a cartel guy from the 80’s becomes the leader of a billion person cult in 2025 just to really screw with one singular guy”. They never even really explore the implication of his cult having 1-2 billion members. Also I’m already misremembering some of the details of Raul with some of the details of Hades from Advanced Warfare.
This is already starting to take up a bit of time to write out so I’ll just rattle off some mission thoughts from memory rather than pull up the list of every mission.
The hotel resort mission - kind of a cool concept and decent in execution.
Driving a car that one time - I really fumbled with it, and weird that it lets you pick whether to do the car or the drone.
Opening mission - seems weird to open with basically a Black Ops 1 epilogue but it’s fine enough.
President saving/Final mission - a little toasty in terms of difficulty, but fine.
Also it’s so funny to me any time they transition to Woods by saying “hey remember that one time my uncle told us about a story?”
Oh btw I got the worst ending possible.
The mission where you play as Raul is so silly to me because he has a ton of health and a melee attack but I died anyways so my version of events is Raul huffing and puffing and being very mad about his sister dying but still carefully popping out of cover with a scoped rifle.
I wanna say this is kind of the beginning of a lot of grey hallways being a go to for the series.
I do really like that the HUD is different between the 80s and 2020s even down to the hit marker visual.
Oh, and I did really enjoy the one 80s sniping mission.
And the scene where Woods is tricked into shooting Mason is a lot of fun! …but it’s no Black Ops 1.
Finally, I did play a singular match of Town on zombies. Managed to find a guy online! He didn’t know English well but we still managed to interact a small bit and got to round 18 or so before I blew it and brought us both down. Got a ray gun on my first try at the box! Well, my third try, but the first try where all I wanted was a ray gun. Okay, fourth try because I had gotten monkeys on my actual first try.
Also couldn’t find a match in game so I hopped on Plutonium (fan server add on) and played one match. I mean, it’s not bad, but I don’t think I feel the urge to revisit the multiplayer of this era as badly as I thought I would. It is hilarious seeing just how much I used the pump shotgun in this game online and nothing else nearly as much in my career record.
In the rankings, hmm…probably below BO1/MW2 but above MW1/3
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captainnickfoligno · 2 years
Top 5 favourite designs seen online (of what? idk anything)
this is a great question anon thank you for giving me a bit of freedom with this (and shout-out to @toewsy for saving this ask from being all about watches). i took this possibly way more seriously than what was called for
muji wall-mounted cd player
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i am a self-proclaimed muji stan and have yearned for this for years and the sad fact of the matter is that i simply do not listen to cds often enough to justify it. but i absolutely love the design, i love the aesthetic, i love the way it--like record players that require use of headphones--necessitates that the listener sit still
2. olivetti lettera 35 typewriter
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this is one of 2 objects that i wish i could be reborn as (the other being an OP-1 synthesizer). i don't own a typewriter but i love thinking about them in the context of indexicality, materiality, impermanence, etc., and frankly this one is just one of the most beautiful i've ever seen
3. HMM mugr
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thanks to my wonderful partner i actually have the black mug and it is just soooo gorgeous and beautifully made--feels incredible to hold and drink out of and is so thoughtfully designed. by far my favorite mug
4. this incredible house in british columbia
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i actually first saw this house in a tumblr post and i have not known peace since. tbh i don't see as much of the "hobbit" style in it, but the craftsman and art nouveau influences are so incredible--this house to me is a perfect embodiment of "god is in the details." plus i love wood. like that sounds like such a silly thing to say but i fucking love wood
5. a genuine toss-up between koss porta pros and merippa house slippers
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i really tried to pick between these 2 objects and i simply could not. i'm fortunate to own both and they're examples of some of the best-designed--and also favorite--objects i have. the porta pros are extremely straightforward, the ones i have don't have a mic and there is no noise cancellation, but imo the sound quality is fantastic, and they also look incredible if you're into a little design throwback. you can also get ear pads in a lot of different fun colors. and the house slippers are just superbly well-made and user-friendly. to me these are both buy it for life purchases
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luvpink222 · 2 years
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ bettering yourself in 2023 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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Body & Diet:
stay consistent with skincare and higiene
spa day every sunday
do yoga before bed
meditate and stretch when waking up
pilates 2-3 times a week
no making silly excuses to stop exercising
ice facing, four times a week
reach the water goal every day (a liter at least)
drink water when waking up before anything else
eat better!!
limit take out food and make more meals at home
eliminate processed sugars and carbs
prioritize hair and nail growth, make a routine for this
prefer consuming white meat instead of red
caloric deficit if you want to lose weight
wake up early
keep a specific bedtime and stick to it every day
apply spf every two hours
keep up mani pedis, eyebrows, etc…
exfoliate every 1-2 weeks
getting sunlight is very important
prioritize skincare over makeup
don't tell anyone your insecurities
no running after men, much less humiliate yourself
no men = no problems
never leave the house without getting ready
if it's not my problem, don't care
organize your bedroom part every 1-2 weeks
always make the bed every day
never leave the closet disorganized
pick up your cell phone only after brushing your teeth and washing your face
be mindful of what you consume
journal your feelings, make a list of goals, just write on paper
limit your screen time if you can
find hobbies that have nothing to do with being online
stay in touch with loved ones and friends
take time to yourself if you need it
truly believe you can achieve something
know when something isn't making you happy and don't look back after walking away from it
take pictures and document everything
surround yourself with loving people
don't partake in one-sided relationships
study other languages ​​every friday
saturday is hobby day
don't say or write your feelings to useless people
never leave things or schoolwork to the last minute
don't self-sabotage
don't procrastinate
no apologizing for things that were not my fault
study law of attraction every saturday night
don't tell your plans to anyone
read more books
reform the wardrobe little by little to something in my style
try my best not to care what others think
spend at least thirty minutes with each of my pets
use the 5-year-rule (if the problem is not going to affect my life in the next 5 years, i shouldn't worry too much now)
use the 5-second-rule (i only say something to someone if it is possible to change it in 5 seconds, if not, i keep quiet)
open up a savings account
don't spend money on unnecessary things, ask yourself “will this purchase benefit me? do i need this at the moment?”
bills paid first no matter what
always keep a small amount of money for emergencies
do not prioritize trendy items, instead buy items that never go out of style
invest!! educate yourself in stocks and shares, look into real state and other forms of valuable investment
do not abuse your credit card
fix that credit score
0 notes
survivor-north-sea · 2 years
episode twelve: "she’s biting at the bit to make a 'big' move" - Raffy
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Tyler Frazier
The fact Trinica was able to single handily unify THIS group of people is probably the most impressive thing I’ve seen all game
Arvin!! King of the Serve, of the Self-Vote!!!! RIP, you will be missed.
So, getting down to business now. I've been thinking about it, and if it's me, Jinx, and Toni at FTC, the votes play out like this:
Toni: Tyler, JayJay, Champ, Esteban Jinx: Raffy maybe Me: AJ, Bethany, Hairie, Arvin
Which is uhhhh not good. So I need to really really really consider whether taking Toni is my best bet here.
I think my ideal vote order is: Raffy/AJ (whoever doesn't win immunity), JayJay, Champ, Tyler.
Well Arvin is gone. Can't believe he self voted. I'm just glad I can sleep in tomorrow
I had to pretend Jay let me save the fake disadvantage I have because of the bracket-style challenge, and I doubt AJ and Toni will believe that.
AJ asked me if I was the one who brought up her name for the vote because JayJay said I did, and then she said that Toni has been complaining that I haven't gotten my hands dirty. This sounds like such an un-Toni thing to say because she knows how much I've been lying (though she is upset about having voted for JayJay which is silly because JayJay doesn't know she voted for her). I think AJ is trying to make sure I don't have any outside alliances...that, or she's trying to get me to turn on people and be paranoid to vote me out.
My alliance voted for Arvin yesterday because they just didn’t trust him like that since they viewed him as flip floppy. I didn’t really see him the same, but I guess they just wanted to stop relying on him.
In this round, I’m going to try to win immunity again and vote out JayJay. I think it’s her time to go. I’ve been sharing idol information with my alliance, but they don’t seem to want to be giving any back. Oh well. I tried. At least I got this diving gear to check out the ship finally. I don’t particularly feel like I need to find the idol, but it would be nice if I did. If it’s in the shop, then I definitely need to win some immunities to be able to purchase it. The coin economy is very low.
I don’t know if AJ will flip on us soon or not. It feels like she will. Like she’s biting at the bit to make a “big” move. I hope she realizes the moment she betrays the alliance is the moment she will get voted out next. I have faith that she’ll stick with us, but we shall see. With FTC becoming closer, people are going to want to fill in their resumes. And I’m probably a big person to add to that.
I FOUND ANOTHER IDOL!!! Iconic, showstopping, groundbreaking, etc etc. I actually just bought this one using AJ's money, which is very funny to me. I went back to the market as planned and got the golden scissors, truly expecting a "Steal a Vote" advantage or something, and it was a FREAKING IDOL. My decision to get an advantage yesterday instead of going straight to the market is stressing me out in hindsight, but thankfully I don't think many people have a lot of coins.
I lied to AJ because she thought I was going to the barn today, so I had to make up some BS about what I found in the barn, which I'm sensing in my gut she didn't believe, but I'm so close to the end that I can afford to be a little sloppier with my lies. Especially when I know AJ is lying to me about several things as well. I did tell Toni that I lied to AJ about my idol hunt today (though I didn't tell her why) and asked her to corroborate that lie, so hopefully she actually does. But I think Toni is getting a little suspicious of me at this point, too.
I did use my advantage for Boggle today, so here's hoping I don't flop under the pressure and can actually pull out immunity today. If I can, I'll make it to final 7 (!!!) and then will have at least two more spots I can move up. It'll be tricky figuring out when to use these idols since as soon as I use them, everyone I'm aligned with will know I've been keeping things from them, but I'll figure it out. I just need to avoid going out like James with two in my pocket ;__;
Tyler Frazier
Apparently Jayjay went off on Trinica so I don’t think Raffy is leaving rn and I’m sure Trinica and Toni will be voting out Jayjay and waiting another round to flip. If they even mean it when they say they wanna work with us
I asked Toni to verify my story about the barn idol hunt to AJ and she absolutely did not do that. It sounds like AJ believes me for some reason, but Toni is playing a middle of the road game, and she needs to go. The only issue would be convincing everyone else of that. What if F3 was Raffy and Jinx instead? If Jinx knew Raffy was safe, maybe she'd be more willing to vote out Toni...
Theme: Bad Info
Hello World!
It's been a while since I started a confession like that. This is an indication I'm starting to enjoy the game again. Main thing to report since last time is I used the length of this challenge as way to decompress from the game and I've enjoyed doing that. I told AJ I would throw the challenge so she had a chance of winning so that gave me the chance to take the rest of yesterday and today off which I absolutely did.
We've started to hunt together but I've started to notice multiple people giving bad info so I guess if you can't beat them join them? I've also been vague about my idol hunt activities in order to create some mystery around whether or not I have an Idol. There 2 reasons someone may not Idol hunt right... 1. They've already secured an Idol or 2. They have no interest or time to do so and are focusing on the main game. Which one am I?
I have stopped communication with JayJay completely because she's a wizard with words and I'm only talking to Tyler and Champ when they message me first. I think that's what's best right now in order to stay more under the radar. I'm trusting that my alliance has my back and that I've built up enough trust to continue in the game.
Alright that's it.
I'm interested to see what happens this round seeing as our target is a high profile one.
I absolutely can not believe the fucking idol was found. The worst part is that I literally just finished formatting our idol hunt documents to figure out where we've not yet searched. I can only hope we eliminate the person who has the idol so idol hunt opens up again. I just want to find one :((
So to keep track, today:
- Convinced AJ Toni was lying about her idol hunt in the barn to save my own ass for lying. - Toni admitted to lying even though she was TELLING THE TRUTH in our shipwreck alliance chat with AJ. - Took a chance on trusting Raffy's idol hunt intel and got another 10% AD in case I wasted mine on Boggle, which apparently I'm at least okay at - Convinced AJ to use her yes/no knowledge is power advantage on Raffy - Convinced AJ that since Raffy doesn't have an idol, Jinx must - Reestablished a connection with Toni by calling her and being up-front about AJ telling me Toni's frustrated at me not getting my hands dirty, thus redirecting distrust back at AJ.
I went to bed yesterday feeling like I wasn't in the best place for this tribal but now? Feeling on top of the world babyyyyy!
Tyler Frazier
Im already being told to vote Raffy. This could be the end of the line for me 💔
Well Jinx won. It'll be risky telling her the vote but I do think to inspire trust we'll need to. Praying we can actually pull off a blindside.
I THOUGHT I HAD THIS CHALLENGE IN THE BAG NOOOOOOOO!!!!! Lost due to a series of typos, RIP me. But I'm glad Jinx won, as long as it wasn't Raffy/JayJay. I was considering playing an idol if i lost yesterday, but I'm feeling like I'm in such a good place that there's no need.
Gonna try and confess each time this link gets sent. I'm so proud of Jinx for winning, she really pulled this one off and it seems like smth she has fun with!
Tyler Frazier
Well hopefully Raffy is the actual plan cause that’s all I have to grab onto. I don’t really have much say in the way things go and I’m basically a goat
This challenge was pretty tough considering I’ve never played this game nor am I good at any word games lol. So I got further in it then I expected which was nice but I knew it was gonna be difficult to beat AJ, Trinica, or Jinx because they all seem like very intelligent individuals. I gave it my all but of course I didn’t win immunity so I’m just worried about my name being a vote for tomorrows tribal. I’d like to put a lot of trust in the alliance I have right now and they seem to want one of the other people like Aj or Raffy out before me which would make sense since I’m not much of a threat compared to them and how strong they are in challenges. So far I feel like Raffy will be the vote for us to go with which I’d be all for considering he’s been hunting me down since Esteban has left lol. I feel pretty confident that I won’t be going home however if an idol is played… I think I’m pretty much screwed 🤷🏼‍♀️
Tyler Frazier
O M G I am in an actual alliance I think. Idk hopefully it makes it past one vote. I still think Trinica is winning the season but like I really don't have the power to do anything about it. My game is pretty bad, I dont think I can win at all. I just wanna make ftc so I can go three games in a row without being voted out. My flop era is not serving.
The plan with my alliance is to all vote for Champ, but make it seem like we’re voting for JayJay. This is because we are terrified of an idol being played since we have no idea who has them. Trinica and Toni are playing double agents as they are currently in an alliance with JayJay, Tyler, and Champ. They are definitely in the best positions right now. Im definitely nervous since I know that the other side is coming for me. Honestly? I feel it in the air that I’m getting voted out (either by being idoled out or being betrayed). I won’t be too upset with either scenario. I’ve gotten a lot farther than I thought I would in this game. And I’ve accomplished most of what I set out to do. If I do get voted out, I’m hoping for Trinica to pull out the win the most. She definitely deserves it and she is my queen!
round ?? jinxcast. “it’s never too late to step your pussy up in survivor”
ft a weird my immortal moment
I think tonight's vote is one I'm the most worried about. Jinx is such a wild card, but I'm praying she'll keep the plan a secret if we tell her to in the name of pink venom. Realistically there is no long game for her without us, so I'm hoping she'll realize that and stay with the gang.
Jinx and Toni want AJ out a lot earlier than I wanted AJ out. I really did try to dissuade them but Jinx is so adamant about keeping Raffy, and with me telling Toni that AJ wants to target her, I think I sealed her fate.
There are options, of course. I could idol AJ. But I don't think it makes sense for my game. It would cement our trust, but I do want her out at some point, so I suppose it may as well be now. But I do feel terrible about it.
I'm so fucking worried about tonight's vote since I've been informed my name is being written down as a split. I can only hope tonight goes as planned, but hey ponderosa is a vibe.
Trinica and Toni started an alliance with Jinx and me. Apparently, AJ has turned her back on me and it’s us four against the world. According to Trinica, AJ wants to bring Trinica and Tyler to the end. I mean I would vote for Trinica in a heartbeat in that scenario, but I think AJ actually wants to bring Champ and Tyler to the end and take the big threats out. Where’s the flavor? It’s a shame because I did want to be loyal to AJ but you should never trust someone who reminds you of Els. In any case, I’m going to vote AJ out now. I do suspect she has an idol. The alliance is doing the same. Now we’re 4 vs. 3 in Final 7. Hopefully AJ has an idol that they aren’t using and we can send her packing. I’m just nervous now because my game is relying on incorrect idol plays. Never a good place to be.
Theme: Troninx Forever
Firstly, I want to say how grateful I am for Trinica and Jinx in this game we have been aligned since the very first week of the game and have held on strong together even through some really big misunderstanding and attempts to separate us. We talk to each other so honestly too and are level headed enough to hear each other out.
This tribal will determine the course of the rest of our game. It's a really important one but I've been asked to save my extra vote. Luckily there are several contingencies in place so fingers crossed we actually manage to pull off an AJ blindside.
I do actually love AJ she feels like she's my child lol but also the boss of me :'). I think she underestimated how strong of a bond Trinica and I had. I think she's underestimated how good of a game Trinica is playing. Troninx Forever!
I'm Out! (Y)
Still in this game with no a single vote casted against me so that’s impressive! If I stay in I really want to win this next challenge and gain a resume!
Right before tribal, hoping this all goes well.
0 notes
vansunsky · 2 years
New 3ds animal crossing happy home designer console amazon
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Also, it doesn't let you save until you finish up an entire day. In this game, you can only design houses and visit places (where you can literally do nothing, but stare). In the regular animal crossing games, one can go fishing, dig fossils, swim, dive, garden, shop, talk to villagers (who actually have important things to say), etc. The villager reactions (to your designs) are pretty much all the same. After playing for only a few days, I already am finding myself bored with the game. There is no real motivation, as you can obtain no items, clothes, or money. There is no real motivation, as you can obtain no Although I'm a huge fan of the Animal Crossing series, this game thoroughly disappointed me. … Full Review »Īlthough I'm a huge fan of the Animal Crossing series, this game thoroughly disappointed me. So if you're looking for something mindless to do to pass the time. In fact it would be very neat if each character you created could have a different job. I would love this idea to be implemented into the next full Animal Crossing game but I never want to see another AC dedicated to just one aspect if it will be this disjointed and un-challenging. I love how they've made decorating so easy. It's something you could casually do when bored and the design aspect of it is amazing. I could see this game being around $25-$30. this just feels like a waste of game space. What is the big deal with collecting emotions? I will never see another live player. In fact it kind of irritates me because of the price thing. I paid the same price I would for a full AC game yet there isn't any player interaction but I have to pay MORE for these silly little cards? No. The conversations all seem to be the same too. After completing a home I just have this empty feeling that my work is sitting somewhere I will never really see because I can't see it in a town. It would have been amazing to decorate a complete town. The only way to see them is if I drive there. I can't walk around a town and see all the houses I've decorated lined up in the places I've put them. I could just open up the characters' "must have items" and say "ok! I'm done!" I hate that there isn't a town. This is because I really don't have to do anything to "collect" items. The collector in me feels no joy when new items appear to use. There's isn't a risk of getting a bad review and therefore there isn't any real reward. I would have liked to have seen some more challenge and thought put into the IN-GAME-rating system so that I could feel like I needed to put effort into playing. If a client asked for a blue house and you gave them a pink house. I wasn't prepared for the disappointment. I kind of figured that home decorating would be the focus here, and since I love that aspect of the AC games, I thought I would like this. I downloaded this game because it was Animal Crossing and because I have absolutely loved every game. I am over all, very satisfied with my purchase and the shipment of it from bestbuy.This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. I recommend this to ANY Animal Crossing fan. I do not regret buying this (even if I did just buy a cool animal crossing decal for my old one :p), not one bit. The rounded edges are a nice feature as well as it being slimmer than the original 3DS. I really wasn't looking to purchase a new 3DS, but I couldn't pass this up, hearing how fast it was selling in stores at most places I wanted to grab it before the resale prices went up online. I never had the XL, I always hated how bulky it was, so when I found out the Animal Crossing bundle was a smaller version, like the original 3DS I had to get it. The system feels sturdy too, just like the previous models, yet feels lighter. I really enjoy designing houses without money caps like you have in Animal Crossing New Leaf (which I still adore). Happy Home Designers is super fun, at least to me. I thought I wasn't going to like the Happy Home Designer specific one but it's probably my favorite! Also getting the game with this was a steal. The plates that it comes with are super cute too. The colored buttons are a plus and I love it on the white of the new 3DS. It has a bigger screen than my older 3DS but still isn't much bigger in size than it (maybe a bit bigger by like half an inch if that).
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0 notes
stormblessed95 · 3 years
Hey Storm, this is so random but I just wanted to rant because I'm very upset that my mom won't allow me to get tickets to the upcoming BTS concerts. I've never been to one and probably never will be
I've been in the fandom since 2018. I'm still finding new content each day and I love it but I've never been able to experience actually being an ARMY if that makes sense...Since 2018 I've never seen people in the fandom get taken seriously if they've never been to a concert or doesn't have any merch (I might just be on the wrong side of BTS twt)
I have NO BTS merch AT ALL. When I tell you I rely on my printer to make knockoff posters that's exactly what I mean lol. I guess I don't feel like an ARMY because I feel like I'm not supporting them enough (let me just clarify, I'm 17 years old, in my senior year, TRYING to get a job so as of rn I can only rely on my mom) and even though it's not entirely my fault I still think there's more I could do like I'm upset that I can't meet them but I feel like I'm not worthy enough
I listen to their songs on YouTube and I make sure to help get the views up. I stream on Spotify, I'm not able to actually BUY anything because it's not in my control but buying is the most important when it comes to streaming :( They don't know me or anything but I think I'm letting them down
This rant is all over the place and I think I switched topics ALOT but yeah that's just how I'm feeling right now with the whole concert thing going on. I've been trying to do some things to make 22$ to at least pay for an ARMY membership but even getting just $22 is hard 😭
Is there anything you recommend for me to do to support them that doesn't require money? Because as much as I wish I could spend all the money in the world on them I don't have any :(
I'm sorry if I disrupted your day with this silly ask
Hi sweetie. You are the same age as my baby sister and I just want to wrap you up in a hug. God, I remember being 17. I was working in a mall after school to try and pay for date nights with my boyfriend that consisted of movies and cheap fast food we would eat in a car in whatever parking lot we found ourselves in. I also used that money to fund my book buying addiction. Lol
My advice to you is learn about budgeting. Learn now. There are tons of resources out there for free online. Learn how it works, how to set up a budgeting spreadsheet, etc. That way whenever you move out or get a job, you can start setting things aside. I am not rich by any means. I also don't buy everything BTS puts out. I save those purchases for things I really want, which is usually content, such as ITS2 or online concert tickets. And I save up for it, and split the price with a friend who shares my log in info so it costs less.
You are not any less of a fan for not buying everything they touch. That is not how being an ARMY works. You can stream on Spotify and on YouTube and Apple music or whatever you have access to. You can vocalize your support. You can save up money whenever you are able to. But know that loving them and loving their music, loving their message and loving yourself, that is ALL that BTS wants from you.
Keep in mind that BTS never wants you to break your bank for them. In fact, Yoongi is out here on their bring the soul movie openly talking about searching for Illegal streaming links and complaining about the bad connection on some of their links so they could avoid paying for tickets and still watch the football game together. Not to mention he has been very vocal multiple times about not liking capitalism lol
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Not to mention just a few months ago after SoWooZoo concert, an ARMY posted on WeVerse apologizing for being broke and streaming the concert without buying a ticket. How bad they felt and like it seems a little how you feel right now...
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And Jimin replied to them with this.
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What matters most to BTS is not how much merch you own. It's not even about how much music or the concert tickets you can buy. It's you loving them. It's you loving yourself. It's you spreading the message of love and positivity to those around you. It's you enjoying their music and bringing you happiness. That's what BTS wants for their fans.
Please don't stress so much over it. You are enough and you are doing enough. BTS loves you simply for loving them. I know you sent this yesterday and I'm just now getting to it, but I hope this helps and I hope you are feeling a little better and are having a better day 💜
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cheri-translates · 4 years
Headcanon - when he sees a ring on your finger
This work, 当你手上多了一枚戒指, was originally written by 君兮耶君兮 on Weibo, and she has given me permission to translate it 🌸
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It’s a common occurrence for you and Kiki to drift into jewellery shops when the visiting the mall together. Most of the time, it’s mostly to buy items like necklaces or ear studs - things that don’t hold much significance. 
This time, however, your attention is captured by a ring.
It’s a silver ring, the brilliant 99.9% pure silver has a blooming rose at the top. It isn’t big, but it’s exquisite. At the heart of the rose rests a tiny gem.
You slip the ring onto the middle finger of your left hand, fitting you like its as custom made. Kiki comments at the side, “Since it fits so well, just buy it, Boss. It can also announce how you’re being courted by him.”
What Kiki says makes sense. This ring happens to suit your tastes as well, so you take out your wallet and purchase it.
In the evening, Victor picks you up for dinner as usual, and takes your left hand into his out of habit. When he feels something different, he worries that you’re injured, so he flips your hand over to check. The silver ring enters his view. 
“This is?”
Only now do you remember that there’s a ring on your finger. You show it off. “Does it look good?”
He doesn’t answer your question, but scrunches his brows as he looks at the silvery light on your finger. “Who gave it to you?”
“I bought it for myself, of course. I saw it while shopping this afternoon. Wearing it also tells others that I’m in a relationship, so it saves me some trouble.”
After hearing your explanation, his expression returns to its usual calm. “...it looks nice.”
Victor’s lips turn up slightly. “Keep it on. I’ll replace it with another ring next time.”
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Everybody thinks you should get together with Gavin - even you. 
Minor has revealed more than once that Gavin’s interested in you, but you just haven’t seen him making any moves. Heeding Anna’s advice, you wear a ring on your forefinger as a hint that you’re ready to get into a relationship.
You initially thought everything would go according to plan: When Gavin brings you out to eat, you’d deliberately show him the ring and place it on the table in plain sight.
As you wished, Gavin quickly notices the ring. His pupils constrict, and he clenches his right hand into a fist underneath the table. His lips are pulled into a thin line, as though he’s holding back something. 
Sensing that the development is going awry, it suddenly occurs to you that this honest, simple man could have thought all rings convey the same meaning.
Ah, this is a problem.
“Your ring...” Gavin asks quietly, a troubled expression on his face.
It’s happening, it’s happening - this wolf cub is finally on the attack!
You twist the ring on your finger. “I bought it. I’m ready for a relationship, so I’m wearing this to attract attention.”
After hearing this, Gavin visibly relaxes. But once he hears that you’re going to attract attention, he tenses up again, cutting you off.
“There’s no need to do that. What I'm saying is - could you consider me first?” 
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It’s been said that wearing a ring can prevent unwanted attention. Without hesitation, you pick a ring you fancy, wearing it on the fourth finger of your left hand.
Returning home, you see that Lucien is cooking in the kitchen. You plan to sneak up behind him with a back hug, but the moment you touch him, he greets you.
“Welcome home.”
You hug him fiercely. “Tch, I even thought I could frighten you.”
Lucien sets down the ladle and turns around, planting a kiss on your cheek. “I’m familiar with my little butterfly’s footsteps. Wanting to frighten me is a difficult feat.”
A glint of silver flashes into Lucien’s eyes as you reach out to cup the sides of his face. “All right, I’ll try a different method next time.”
He takes your hand, kissing the ring gently. In a tender voice, he says, “Wash your hands. We can have dinner soon.” 
You comply obediently, washing your hands and preparing bowls and cutlery. Once you’re done, you wait at the dinner table for Lucien to bring the final dish over.
After dinner, the two of you go for a stroll to aid with digestion. Suddenly, he pauses in his steps, and you turn to him questioningly.
He gets down on one knee, a felt box in his hand. In it sits a diamond ring.
“Lucien...” you breathe.
“I originally wanted to propose to you in a proper manner. But I think my little butterfly can no longer wait, and has worn an engagement ring on her own.”
Dumbstruck, you peer at the ring on your finger. “Doesn’t this just mean I’m in a relationship?”
Lucien laughs. “So my silly girl wore it on the wrong finger. But that’s fine. This time, I’m helping you put it on, so you won’t wear it wrongly again.”
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[ KIRO ]
Ever since Kiro saw the ring on your finger, he’s been casting you meaningful and expectant glances. 
“Miss Chips, your ring looks really good!” He exclaims exaggeratedly.
Giving him a polite smile, you respond, “Thanks, I think so too.”
Kiro tilts his head. Has there been a decline in his tacit understanding with you? Why can’t you understanding what he’s hinting at?
He launches his second round of attack. “Miss Chips, where did you buy the ring from?”
“I got it from a shop of course. I even specially picked this. I like it a lot~” You emphasise on the word “specially”, gauging his expression.
“Miss Chips, do you really understand the meaning of his ring?” 
Does she really not care about me? Kiro wonders.
“I do.” You lift your hand up. “The staff told me what it meant when he introduced the ring to me.”
Kiro looks deflated. “Since you know that this is the couple edition from Bvlgari, do you not have one for me? Miss Chips, do you not love me anymore QAQ”
The small sun is wilting, so you give up and pat his shoulder. “All right, all right. You’re the one who hasn’t seen it. I even placed it in such an obvious place.”
Kiro glances at you, eyes lighting up. “Where is it?”
“The dark corner of the third drawer in your computer room.”
“...Miss Chips, are you sure that’s an obvious place? Why do I feel like you’re toying with me...”
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[ SHAW ]
From what you remember, Shaw has worn all sorts of beads, bracelets, gloves etc...
The one thing he hasn’t worn is a ring. 
For this reason, you decide that he doesn’t like wearing rings. It doesn’t surprise you, since even married men don’t wear their rings nowadays.
A brand you frequent just released a set of couple rings which suit your tastes. Since the rings can be sold separately, you buy the female band for yourself.
“Your ring...” Shaw quickly notices the new ring on your finger.
“It looks good, right? I bought it right after it was released. I love this design so much!” You flaunt the ring in front of him.
“This is a couple set, isn’t it?” Shaw grips your hand to take a closer look at it.
Your eyes widen. “You know about it!?”
He turns away. “I saw the magazine you left lying on the table.” He raises his volume for emphasis. “It was just a coincidence!”
You release your hand from his grasp, then cast him a glance. “Tch, what are you doing?”
He stretches out his palm. “Since it’s a couple edition, where’s mine?”
Your eyebrows twitch upwards. “You wear rings?”
“Who says I don’t?” 
He grabs your bag from the sofa, pushing you out of the door. “Bring me to the shop immediately. Right now!”
More translated and original works: here
[ Permission to translate ]
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君兮耶君兮: You can - just note the source of the author
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laundryandtaxes · 3 years
What type of watch’s do you recommend? I’m a baby bi that’s a tomboy and I want nice watch but I know there’s a certain etiquette when it comes to watches. I like rolexes but that’s waaaaay above my budget, I want a nice watch but something affordable (: thanks in advance! 🥰
Honestly this will depend a lot on your budget and what "affordable" means to you! To me, "affordable" means that I can reasonably expect to be able to save up for an item within several months WITHOUT it impacting my general savings goals. For me, that number means that a watch that costs around $500 is one that I personally consider affordable, but that number may be higher or lower for you.
The first question to ask yourself is whether you prefer an automatic watch, a manual wind watch, or a quartz watch. The watch I wear almost every day is an automatic watch- that means it is wound by the movement of the wearer's wrist in daily life. Automatic watches will have a /relatively/ smooth seconds hand sweep, and really nice automatic watches will have extremely smooth seconds hand sweeps. Even office workers generally move their wrists enough to power an automatic watch. However, if you sit an automatic watch down for longer than what is called its "power reserve," normally between 24 and 48 hours, it will stop, and that means you'll need to reset the watch to wear it again. Here is my Traska Freediver, my daily wear watch. It is an automatic watch, in a dive watch style.
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Dive watches are so called because the design was originally made for divers to be able to time how long they'd been under. In the dark, like I imagine it would be 150 meters under the surface of the ocean, dive watches pretty much all have some material applied that makes them glow in the dark so the wearer can measure time under, and can read the time itself. I use my countdown bezel regularly for timing pasta, timing tasks at work, etc.
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A manual wind watch is one where the owner needs to manually wind the watch, usually around once a day, to power it. Again, if you do not wind the watch regularly, it will stop. For both automatics and manual winds, this is not a problem and in fact it can be good to give a watch some rest time occasionally. Both automatic and manual wind watches are not 100% accurate- they will have a range of how many seconds they lose or gain in a day. Really well made watches by companies like Omega and Rolex can sometimes run off by as little as a 4 to 6 seconds a day, while cheaper watches may lose or gai. as much as 10 or 20 or in bad cases even a couple of minutes per day.
Quartz watches are powered by a battery. The way they work is, basically, that a quartz vibrates at a particular frequency, which translates into one movement of the seconds hand per second. This is the tick tick tick you're likely familiar with in watches. These watches are inherently more accurate than Rolexes because they are more accurate than any automatic or manual wind watch. You can sit a quartz watch down ans pick it up a week later and it will have kept perfect time. However, the smooth sweep of the seconds hand is usually very expensive to accomplish with a quartz watch. A lot of watch snobs turn their nose up at quartz watches because most mass produced watches today are quartz powered, but the truth is that this was a revolutionary technology at one point that almost killed the luxury watch market because it meant any $10 Casio would inherently keep better time than any automatic Rolex. Now, many luxury watchmakers produce both automatic and quartz watched, including Rolex and Omega. I own several quartz watches, including a Casio Databank and a Timex Q I actually got for free through a butch group on Facebook! The very first watch I ever wore every day, when I was maybe 20 or 21, was a Timex Weekender, and it's what got me into watches. Here is my Databank. It cost me maybe $25 and I can do math with it.
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The second question to answer is whether you care about what is often called "heritage" I the watch world. This refers to a company having an extensive and well-repsected history of making competent watches. Companies with undeniable heritage that make affordable watches include Seiko, Hamilton, Bulova, and frankly Casio. There are others, of course, but there are a few to get you started. Traska, the brand that made my watch, is what's called a microbrand- microbrands buy movements (the guts inside the watch) from other companies and most of them create original designs of their own, but they're young companies that don't have 100 years of watchmaking experience.
The third question to answer is whether you're okay with "homages," a euphemistic term for a watch that outright copies another, more famous and usually more expensive watch, sometimes while changing a design and sometimes not. Pagani Design, a company that makes their watches in China to keep costs down but lately has achieved really exceptional metal finishing for the price, pretty much only makes homages, like their recent copy of the Rolex Explorer 2. Ginault is a company that makes higher end Rolex "homages," which in this case we really can pretty much call copies because rumor has it they used to sell counterfeits and then got so good at it that they decided to put their own brand on the package. The Invicta Pro Diver is a Rolex submariner homage, but most owners say theirs is built well and Invicta makes plenty of, most horrible but sometimes classy, original designs as well. A lot of watch snobs will turn their nose up at homages because the watch will lack "heritage," but only you can make the call of how much original design matters to you. If you see anything that says it is Bauhaus inspired, anything with "sub" in the name, anything with all round hour indices except a triangular 12 o clock marker, you're probably looking at an homage.
So once you've got your answer to those questions you can dig into watch models! I'm going to rattle off a bunch of watches around or under $250, because I think spending more than that on a hobby you may not be that into is kind of silly to start. From Seiko, their SKX007 and the smaller SKX013 are undeniably classic, well made, respectable watches. Their SNK809 (these are called references, and they're annoying) is also an undeniably well respected watch that has enough water resistance for fishing on my experience. And while their Seiko 5 Sports line isn't for me, lots of people really enjoy it. You USED to be able to get an SKX007 for around $200- they're discontinued for some reason, which means prices have risen, but sometimes you can still find them around that price. For around the same price, you can generally find a used Hamilton Khaki King or other Khaki model in good condition. You can also go vintage with either brand, but be aware there are loads of fake vintage watches out there, so do your research before purchasing if spending what is, to you, a lot of money. The SNK809 was my first automatic watch, and here's it on my wrist.
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You can also find lots of cool vintage automatics and manual winds in this price range, including the Vostok Amphibia. These were Soviet watches designed for divers. The countdown bezels suck ass, but the design is original and cool and the case is actually designed so that it grows more and more waterproof as a diver dives further under the surface of the water. Here's my Amphibia.
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If you think quartz will be your thing then you've got loads of options in this price range. Pretty much anything by Timex, including their very cool Timex Q, loads of watches by Casio, lots of Seiko quartz options, etc. In terms of truly iconic affordable quartz watches I think the Mondaine watch whose name I cannot recall, the Casio F91W, and the Casio World Time are all very classic, well respected quartz models.
I know this was a lot, so let me know if you have more specific questions or if certain things really pique your interest more than others!
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Aussie Currency Guide [Part 2 - Notes]
Have an aussie character, or sending your character downunder for a fic? Are you coming for a holiday and our weird monopoly money and coins are confusing?
If you want some currency continuity, then here's a little info on our money system. It's pretty self-explanatory, but the bills have been changed recently to include a new design, but the amounts are similar.
The notes are $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100.
Our currency has changed recently, but you may see old notes in circulation that are still valid currency, so I'll include a picture of both sets.
Above are the OLD notes, they are all double-sided with different figures and images.
Please be aware some vending machines and ticket machines have trouble with bent, damged or new notes. The new notes have a clear strip in the middle and machines that have not been updated go, "?????????" at you and spit it out.
(If you need an action for a character to do while having a late-night wanted-a-snack-from-the-vending-machine conversation with a friend or other person, yelling at the machine due to frustration over emotions, etc. Some, not all, also have new card charge functions).
Of the notes, $5, $10 & $20 notes are used day to day. You get out a $50 if you know its a big event, eg going to the cinema or the local markets, etc. You do not often have a $10 note on you, that's like super fancy birthday or 'let's put this in your savings account' type stuff. I mean, if there's a rich person out there that carries $100s around daily then like... hey, what's the security at your house look like? No reason...
Most ATMs will dispense in $20 or $50 notes only, so you need to think on what you are after. A lot of chain stores have an abundance of smaller notes and coins because of this, but it's still a bit painful to have someone try to buy a $2 item with a $50 just to 'break it up'.
5 dollar note
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The old note , lot of details. If you want to look into it, they're fascinating, and there's usually little details you miss unless you're really looking.
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The New Note (above) copped a lot of flack from the public who disliked the change.
A lot of things are '$4.99' which straight up means $5, people. Anything with '0.99c' on it, means that you are paying one cent more, and because we don't have 1 cent coins anymore, the retailer builds up additional funding. Etc.
1 x 5 = $5, 2 x $5 = $10, 4 x $5 = $20, 10 x $5 = $50, 20 x $5 = $100, etc.
10 dollar note
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[Old Note above]
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New $10 note, with a transparent section (as previously mentioned, this can cause issues with automated machines like ticket dispensers, vending machines, change machines, etc. There's usually a human around you can check with, and most are happy to exchange an 'old note' for you, or vend the ticket directly.
Lots of items for $10 or less, often in larger retail stores like Big W and cheap stores like the reject shop, silly solly's, choice, price busters, crazy clarks, etc. Lots of little meals and things at food stores like Woolies, Coles, IGA, ALDI, etc.
Very easy to understand, in terms of use. 1 x 10 = $10, 2 x $10 = $20, 5 x $10 = $50, 10 x $10 = $100, etc.
20 dollar note
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[Old note]
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New note (above), again easy to understand.
Most meals at fast food restaurants or general small meals at a cafe will be around $20 (just under or just over). At restaurants, cheap meals are 18 - 30 dollars, depending on what you order.
Easy to understand - $20, 2 x $20 = $40, 3 x $20 = $60, 5 x $20 = $100, etc.
50 dollar note
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[Old note above]
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[New Note above]
Self-explanatory, 1 x $50 = $50, 2 x $50 = $100, 5 x $50 = $250, 10 x $50 = $500.
Not super unusual to have in your purse, especially if you went to the ATM or bank, but not an everyday thing. Plus bigger purchases are more often than not completed by card.
100 dollar note
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[Old note above] Have only seen one of these up close on one occasion.
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oI mean it looks interesting?
Not many would wander around with this amount of cash in the bag, and I don't think most ATMs give out a 100? As far as I know you have to go to the bank directly to withdraw a $100?
Easy enough to understand, 1 = $100, 5 = $500, 10 = $1000
Please let me know if you have any questions about currency, r what have you.
The Aussie dollar is generally lesser when it come to currency exchange. Like, when buying something from america, it can be 1.5 - 2 x more than the aussie amount. i.e. In american it says $10, but to pay in Aussie dollarydoos, it's between $15 and $20 dollars in practice. And in GBP, it's like 3 x the amount in aussie.
If you want to see what it will be for you, your characters or a family member's trip, there are currency converters online that keep up to date on the daily changes in exchange rates. (eg. today 70 american cents is equal to 1 aussie dollar, but tomorrow, 1 dollar = 1 dollar, and the next day 50 cents = 1 dolar).
Money is a messy factor, but it's worth looking into if you're planning a trip, so you don't get confused or scammed.
If you feel something might be a tad overpriced but you're not sure, feel free to check in. A lot of touristy type shops overcharge, and half of it is the thrill of being at place X, but you don't want to pay $80 bucks for something worth $30, and all.
Part 1 - Coins
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vampyrewizard · 3 years
i think your gifsets are really awesome and silly and funny...since you dont take rqs or anything would you mind sharing the program(s) you use to make them? :o
Hello!! That is very sweet of you to say, thank you so much (*´꒳`*) !! Also yes I’m happy to tell you what I use !!
I make all my gifs on my phone (which is an iPhone) because my computer has been out-of-commission for a while, so I use stuff that I can access on mobile.
The thing I use the most is an app called “ ImgPlay “ (which I’m pretty sure is on the android store too) and it’s my favorite thing for editing/making gifs. It’s free for the basic editing, but the pro-version is a one time ~8/9$ purchase, which is what I use. I have not regretted buying it at ALL, it’s really easy to use, and has a lot of editing tools. I genuinely recommend it if you are really into making gifs, I really enjoy using it.
The free version is pretty good, and I used it for a while, but I upgraded it mainly because then you can add your own images as stickers, including gifs as stickers, which is how I put moving hearts & stuff over gifs. It lets you control the speed of the stickers individually, and add other effects to the stickers, like spinning/bouncing/etc. It also lets you choose the size & resolution of the gifs when you save them, which is helpful with tumblrs gif-size limit. It can also turn videos into gifs.
The other app I use is “ MagicEraser “, which is just for making images transparent, and I use the free version. I can’t tell if this one is on the android store, but there are lots of apps for adding transparency. This one doesn’t work for
making gifs transparent, only still images.
Outside of apps, I use websites that have gif editing & generating on them, which I will also list!
The first is ;
Which CAN make gifs transparent, and that is mostly what I’ve used it for. Its not perfect, and is definitely a little finicky on mobile, but has really helped me out with what I needed. I haven’t tried most of the editing features, but it has a lot more options, and may be a good free resource for gif editing. I know it works pretty well for removing white/solid color backgrounds on gifs.
The second & third are both for generating gif text;
Bloggif has some of my favorite text generation, and I’d really recommend it! I love all the font options, and there are so many different colors of glittery-gifs that you can put them in. It also has options to choose how you arrange the text so it will fit well into whatever your need is! and it always saves as transparent.
Cooltext is a little bit more wonky, and can be finicky on mobile, but I use it because of a couple specific font options they have. I honestly just love that they have text on fire, it’s pretty fun. It does offer a good amount of options, but only some of them can be saved as transparent, while other ones have background colors that can be changed. I like this site the most for making DNIs, cause i like them to fit with the aesthetic of the moodboards.
I hope that this is helpful !! ٩( ᐛ )و
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thatgamefromthatad · 3 years
Seen this ad? (Animal Warfare Review)
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This game is pretty much what you see in the ad.
You collect different animals to battle other animals and you can merge two of the same animal together (if they’re the same level) to create an upgraded animal. The battlefield looks similar to the one in the second screenshot except that usually it’s a whole big army of your animals versus a big army of enemy animals and the enemy animals are all red (not natural colors like your animals). Also the battlefield will change colors/styles as you progress through different stages of the game.
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Read my full review below:
🦛 Is the game actually fun? Yes!!! This game is pretty much exactly what I look for in a casual game - simple interface and easy to understand gameplay but enough variety to keep me interested. It’s really fun to collect all the different types of animals and you can arrange them on the little battlefield board which can actually take some strategy based on the stats of the different animals. I’m a sucker for merge games and although this isn’t primarily a merge game it’s always exciting when I get a new animal that I can merge up to get stronger animals. There’s not much more to say since this is such a simple game but this is really the perfect casual game that I can pick up during little breaks during work. But I will add that the battles are auto battles with your only participation being throwing food to heal your animals every once in a while, so if you want more interactive battles this wouldn’t be the game for you.
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🐈‍⬛ Is this a free game or a “free” game? This is a free game. This game did something I’ve never actual seen before which is let you play the first few stages without any ads and then there was a message saying something like “thank you for playing, we’re going to start showing you ads between levels now that support this free game” which some people might see as a bait-and-switch but I kind of liked that it gave you that upfront message even though it was delayed. It also gives you the ability to get a feel for the game unhindered so you can decide once you get to that part whether you’re still willing to play with ads. The ads between levels are skippable and tolerable in my opinion.
You can save up the free currency you win from battles to get new animals pretty frequently and there are also a few others ways to get new animals so there’s not a lot of pressure to pay premium currency for more animals. If you can’t stand pop up ads you can make any purchase to remove them and the cheapest purchase is only 99 cents which is a pretty good deal to play unhindered for such a fun game! I think the VIP subscription option is pretty silly but it isn’t pushed very heavily, the only thing it pushes every once in a while is rare animals that cost premium currency, which can also be saved up while completing stages.
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🦘 Features
Battles (run automatically with your animals and the enemy animals coming at each other and automatically attacking and using their special skills if they have any. You can arrange your animals on your side of the battlefield before each battle which can affect the battles based on the starting positions of animals. You can also tap the screen when the food icon is charged up to throw food and heal some of your animals that are within a certain range of where the food lands. Depending on the level you’re on you can get different rewards for winning the battle, such as coins, premium gems, chests or a new animal unlocked. There are also boss battles which involve one giant, super powerful enemy animal versus your entire army with a health bar at the top)
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Animal collecting (the main way to get animals is by buying a card pack with coins. Despite the use of the word pack the packs only include one random animal each. Which animals you can get in a pack depends on the animals you have unlocked so far through completing stages. The price for a pack goes up for each pack you buy but the coin rewards also go up as you progress through stages so it kind of balances out. Each animal has its own stats, abilities and rarity. Some abilities need to be unlocked by raising the level of your animal by merging. You can merge two of the same animal that are the same level to get the next level of that animal. Other ways to get animals include by opening chests, completing missions and by lucky find, which appears after you open a certain amount of packs and allows you to choose between a free animal or one of two rarer animals that cost gems)
Challenges (these are basically special stages that can earn you extra rewards. They work like the other battles except sometimes there are obstacles between your army and the enemy army that can change the dynamic of the battle depending on the starting position of your army)
Chests (there are basic chests and rare chests that you get from completing stages or missions etc. They take a certain amount of time to unlock and usually contain animals I believe)
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Tree of Life (basically where you can earn extra rewards by spending a currency you get specifically from merging animals)
Missions (you get rewards for completing certain tasks such as by making a certain amount of merges or beating a certain number of enemies etc.)
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Lucky Spin (just a wheel you can spin a certain amount of times a day to get a prize, as far as I can tell after the first spin you have to watch an ad to spin it again)
⚖️ Ad Honesty Rating: 5/5 (I actually only saw one ad for this game which was the one I got as an in-game ad, and weirdly couldn’t find any other ads for this game on Facebook, YouTube or Google Images. But the ad I saw was accurate - you can have several cats fight a bear, the battles do look like that not counting the exact colors of the animals being different, and you can merge animals to upgrade them)
⭐️ Overall Rating: 5/5 (for what it is this is an excellent casual game!! I’ve gotten through more than 100 levels and I haven’t gotten bored yet since I can still get new animals and get the excitement of being able to merge them and see how strong they can get!!)
▶️ Gameplay Video: (by YouTuber user renoez renoez)
Follow me for more reviews of those free mobile games you’re always getting ads for! You can read more of my full game reviews here. Thanks for reading! 🥳
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frumentariae · 3 years
DT ~ 🥰 First & most importantly, how're you?
Secondly, I've been debating telling you this for a few days because I figured it was really silly or something like that BUT at the same time I think it's something you might appreciate? Maybe? IDK but anyway!!!! On the weekends, there aren't any buses to my workplace so I have that hour trek there and back as you know, and my FEET omg😩😩😩😩 I have many blisters which are healing/coming up etc. and my poor feet have been so sore they feel like they're burning and while I was walking home on Sunday I was excited to get home so I could hop on Discord and chat with you and everyone else, and then I started thinking about that convo we had about how important foot care is and what I'm trying to say is that the two thoughts connected and I ended up buying comfort insoles for the boots I walk to work in and I had them in for the first time today AND OMG MY FEEEEEEET ~ 😍😭 they're a tiny bit achey from walking and standing for eight hours constantly but they're not burning, there's no new blisters etc. so what I'm saying is THANK YOU for inspiring me to do something to take care of myself. I'm .v. bad at that as you know but I just wanted you to know that YOU inspired me. I never would have even thought about making it easier on myself tbh I would have carried on with it and ended up really hurting myself so thank you for teaching me in a kind of roundabout way what it means to make life easier by doing small things like purchasing insoles for shoes. I appreciate you so much omg I wanna say more but!!!! Thank you!!!🥺💖
OMG, Erika, I'm so glad that you did that!! Foot health and caring for your feet is so important--It really sets a basis for your body from the ground up. It's important for everyone to have the correct sized, comfortable shoes that are best for them. I'm so glad you've found a comfort insole that works for you-- You're never too young to start wearing insoles that provide you with better support! I honestly didn't know the difference either until I started working at a shoe store and finally got myself some nice orthotics, and it SAVED my arches and knees, oh my god.
Taking care of yourself can be the hardest thing of all sometimes, but it's so worth it. And I'm SO glad that you decided to take that step. You deserve comfort, happiness, and good foot (and otherwise!) health!
🥰💖 This was such a sweet ask, definitely something I needed today. Much love to you from me and JJ! I hope you get some good rest and do well with your classes!!!
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