#'ok boys game is starting at 6:30 if everyone can be there' there are SO MANY VARIABLES IN THAT FUCKING SENTENCE ARE YOU KIDDING
ralofofriverwoods · 21 days
I love it when people are vague as fuck. This is something that has never made me worry, nor has it led to any misunderstandings ever
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laiamadej · 10 months
I need to write this down wait
Ok, so, basically, my railao getting married when they're 30 au. They definitely got married, and like i said, one stayed single for a reason, and one got no game. The latter is Lao, but we know that lmao. But here's the thing after they got married, everyone except their friends didn't know it was a bet they made, so now they have to act cutesy in front of other people. Which didn't change much, cause guess what? Raiden had always been sweet to him. And then, one day, Johnny as always can NOT keep his nose outta ithers business. And he asked if they're for sure not have any sorta feelings for e/o? And told Lao that he should have seen the way Rai looked at him. N Lao was like 'nah u think too much' but he thought about it anyway. Then, after a while, he realized what Johnny said were true and started to panic (my boy😔) and accidentally asked Rai how long this has been going on. Raiden then was like, 'Oh shit.' But told him anyway. Now, he told lao, it's been 15 yrs. Lao of course, was flabbergasted. I mean, who wouldn't? You just found out your best friend has been in love with you for 15 yrs. Skip skip skip, things got awkward. Rai said he was sorry. They didn't talk much tho. Still, Lao got time to himself and started to think back to the past. Which, 💥 he realized how stupid he was and that he, in fact love Rai too, but he was in 'denied'. Cause why would everytimes he talked to someone, he will compare them to Raiden all the times. He would think something like, 'Rai would never do this' , 'Rai would definitely do this for him' blablabla. But here's the thing, they hadn't talked in weeks, how was he gonna do this? Well, he went to talk to him anyway. He told rai to wait for him for a bit. Rai, of course like a wholesome man that he was, told Lao even if it meant his whole life, he would wait for him (rah I'm so down for cliche dialogue hehehe) time skip, they back to normal, and it had been 6 months after that conversation. Whoop whoop. They were training together when Lao looked at Raiden, and thought to himself 'wow, I'm so in love with him'. He didn't know he said it out loud, Raiden did tho. And he was like, what did you just say? Lao got confused before it hit him. Goddamn if he didn't get flustered, they both turned into a mess. Eventually, Lao told him he loved him(finally ong) Raiden on the other hand, turned into a waterfall. Yes, he cried because why not? The love of your life for 15 yrs just told you he loved you. Raiden also said he loved him too. N they kiss yay!
That's it, i can't do this anymore. I need my afternoon nap. I just got my second day off after working and studying for 28 days straight thank you very much. So please ignore all the typos and grammar errors bye
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fireflychaosdemon · 24 days
Thank you for reblogging my post. I love your name! Where did you come up with it?
first of all you’re welcome :)
second of all ty
and it’s three separate reasons
ok so
Firefly was the name of my first oc that I pretended to be on Wattpad when I was in sixth grade, and it actually kinda saved my life because I had barely any friends, and to the friends that I did have, I felt like I was just the friend they’d go to when they were bored and no one else was available
while I was Firefly on wattpad, people actually liked and cared about me so it helped me a lot
I also called myself Firefly when I was in eighth grade, because I joked about how I was the only colourful one in the sea of darkness (everyone else in my class wore black 95% of the time, and I looked like a rainbow threw up on me)
So for Chaos, I’m chaotic. Nothing more to that.
Demon is actually a funnier story because there was this one kid in my class in eighth grade (he was also in my class in seventh grade)
he may have had a crush on me at one point because he acted really weird around me (he had no chance though)
he also kinda stalked me for a bit after grade eight
but in grade 7 he punched my brother’s friend in the eye because my brother’s friend came over to defend my brother because he was yelling at my brother for him tripping over my brother because he wasn’t looking where he was going and that was apparently my brother’s fault for some reason (don’t ask, idk)
anyway so me and this kid had never really gotten along
he tried to copy off my French test in grade 8 as well and I said no
he came up with this brilliant idea that he was going to try to bully me in eighth grade
now I had been bullied every year since grade one
so grade eight was the year I snapped and stopped giving a shit anyways
so he tried multiple ways to bully me
all of them were stupid
first he tried to make me upset about one mistake I made in my first basketball game (it was the first and only year I was on a sports team, and during the first game I accidentally got points for the other team because I got confused)
And then I realized he was probably just mad because the boys basketball team won like 2 games meanwhile the girls basketball team was undefeated until semi finals
So I think that was the moment I snapped
the second one was the actual reason I went on this whole spiel (I just realized I’ve been spelling that word wrong for two months)
so the second way he tried to bully me, we were in the shop room in my elementary school working on a project for science class or something
and we ended up at the same table because there was like 30 kids and 6 tables
I was working with one girl in my class who I befriended because everyone else was bullying her (also part of the reason I snapped, how they treated her)
so anyway I was trying to ignore him for the most part, the most we spoke was “could you pass the hot glue gun please” or stuff like that
So he starts asking me what religion I was for a reason unknown to me
I told him to guess
istfg he guesses EVERY RELIGION other than mine
so eventually he gives up and goes “ok what is your religion then?”
so I respond with “pagan”
and he’s like “what’s that?”
so I explain that it’s the belief in multiple gods or deities
So he asks if I would rather go to heaven or hell
and I respond with “truthfully, I don’t believe either exists��� because honestly I don’t think the vast majority of people can be classified as good or bad only
somehow he misunderstands that completely and starts yelling that I’m a satanist
and he starts making little wooden crosses with the hot glue and trying to ward me away or something while screaming “THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU”
so I just laughed at him because it was ridiculous but honestly he gets points for originality
But the power of Christ can’t compel me if I’m a satanist, only if I’m a demon
and I never figured out which one, but since I am not a satanist, by process of elimination I’m a demon
so that’s why I came up with FireflyChaosDemon
wow that took a while
possibly because I went off topic a lot
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chilei-the-hotsauce · 6 months
ALL the artist ask game questions. ALL OF THEM-
omg yes hold up
1. uuh krita, fire alpaca (i used to use fire alpaca but not after getting csp)
2. left? i think? i can draw all directions (-ish) (it wont be good but i can)
3. none?? idk bro i have bad memory (or maybe i suppress them idk)
4. anything from canon media. like i love you boo but why. also clothes and poses
5. i post very little of my art actually lmao whoops. very busy lately but might start posting art again if i remember
6. my hyperfixation at the time. or well, me. also art tutorials i see on pinterest, though that's a bit more conscious i think
8. there's so many that i cant even remember jesus christ-
9. everything is keysmashes. i do not name my layers. i am satan
10. mm i actually like drawing shirts i think?
11. music. fun fact i listened to paranoia on loop for over a week. thats what brain rot does to a man
12. uuuh hhand
13. i really dont know. every thing is my thing. every creator is admirable in their own way. love everyone. commit crime
14. death? eldritch horrors? blood? rot and corruption? yeag the good shit
15. my room. at school also because im studying animation and game design
16. making. sprite sheets. for 2d game.
17. i usually have a tea nearby but i always forget it. i kinda drink it halfway when it's still warm, then forget about it and then when i go back for it it's cold so i just chug it all and go get a new one
18. uuh i'd say like? 10? im very gentle and loving with my stuff uwu
19. no. i do not. ok but maybe like. cloth idk.
20. hands. idk bro i drew them so much at one point out of spite i just kinda got good at it and now i just wing it and it looks good and doesnt require much thought. and if it requires thought it's in a funky position but then i just wrangle my own hands a little, inspect it, and then continue to draw
21. lineless, painting-esque, thick lines, realistic, sketchy... yeah good shit
22. nah man i just go straight for the laptop
23. uuh sometimes
24. im satan i dont use references often. but when i do? yeah i think
25. i havent been told so idk
26. i. dont really intend anything on purpose? so when someone interprets something wild i just kinda go "yeaah sure! idk either!"
27. Dno. straight for the art. might doodle thine truly if im not in a hurry
28. nah, but i'd like to! i've made art for two 2D games in the past year and now there's a 3D one in the making. im charged with making the 3D model for our main villain thing and boy is it pain
29. bold of you to assume anything doesnt inspire me artistically (he doesnt know)
30. thats a great question i have no idea 👍
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
You are the best! Also can we have any hints on the secret project fic 🫣
Ahhh Hi nonnie!
I haven't even told some of my friends on here what the project is or details on it. The ONLY things I can say is that it's MK, and there are 3 separate fics that all follow the same timeline and they're being put out at the same time. I'm really excited about it! I'm hoping to have it out this weekend or VERY early next week.
Answering your asks below the cut:
🍲 When did you start writing and why?
I technically remember writing my first stories when I was like 6. But if we're talking ff, I wrote my first ff when I was 12 (almost 20 years ago now) about the Gorillaz and I posted it on Quizilla (please shout out if you know what I'm talking about lmao)
I stopped writing fic when I was in my late teens/early 20s, somewhere in there. College, life, e.t.c.
Recently in Sept 2022, It's dumb, but I literally saw a tik tok about Kylo Ren and felt something awaken in me. I was minding my own business, and BOOM. I was like...oh....what is...who is that...oh. So I looked to see if people were still writing ff which, duh of course they were, and then I looked to see if people in their 30s were still writing ff which, duh of course they were. about 700k words and more fics than I care to count later...here we are :)
🍣 What helps you focus or get in the mood to write?
I usually have to have instrumental music. I listen to a lot of Bootleg Boy and Lofi Girl on YouTube. Sometimes I can listen to regular music but it makes it hard to focus on my words sometimes.
On occasion I have to put my phone on do not disturb but usually I'm ok.
Warm coffee really makes me feel good and ready to write.
I normally don't struggle with getting in the mood, it's usually focus and time that are a problem for me. I'm always in the mood to write fortunately, I know not everyone is so I'm very grateful for that. Sometimes I need to change up what I'm writing or take breaks from certain genres/tropes/chaptered fics I'm working on, but over all, I can write anything, even if I'm not always over the moon about it!
Thanks for asking Nonnie!
Ask Game
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booperbeanv3 · 7 months
ok i know this ask game is from Þe Olden Times but.
everything except 1, 2, 7, 8, 30 and 31. covering all the bases
“Homestuck Isn’t Dead” Tag
jesus a full faq here
Well I'm incredibly vain and love talking about myself so here goes
3. Do you call your s/o a matesprit? 4. Do you call your best friend your moirail?
S/O, no. Best friend, sometimes.
5. Are you “kin” with any characters or commonly called a character?
I've never taken kinning seriously and never will, but I strongly related to Dave and Karkat thanks to that "born wrong + childhood neglect" flavour. But my friends (SIDE-EYES YOUR URL) have holed me into Jake English, so, y'know, whatever. Not everyone can be davekat, I get it
6. God Tier?
Knight of Light!
9. Do you roleplay homestuck? where and how often?
I haven't been able to do it often thanks to the circumstances. I'm too scared to use dreambubbles.xyz. But if you're interested, my discord is boolean2390 and while I main alphabeta boys (i.e. Dave, John, Jake, Dirk), I have RPed Dave and Karkat before in actual, concrete examples I can show you.
10. Do you cosplay homestuck characters? Who and where?
I was gonna cosplay Karkat before Omegle shut down.
11. Are you apart of ask blogs?
I am not and I have actively avoided this! I'm gonna be real here, I'll never top the current set of kid ask blogs, so I'll just watch from afar. Plus, it's quite a bit of work when my faves are so popular, and therefore will not fill any real niches. (a jake english would be kinda funny even if it already exists tho)
12. Are you in any homestuck groups?
Hoesslut server on Discord
13. Favorite character?
you can make a tri venn diagram of all my faves with the headings "waifu", "literally me" and "actually good/interesting character" with some mild overlap
that said
objective best is jade and personal fav is karkat
aradia is super based also. best part of act 5 but utterly forgettable afterwards. served cunt, died, served cunt, revived
14. Least favorite character?
tri venn diagram of "obsessive hatred", "boring" and "annoying"
most of my "least favs" disappoint me from lack of potential being utilised effectively
idfk doc scratch??
15. OTP? 16. NOTP? 17. BROTP?
JANEROXY 4EVER!!!! that's the only consistent one. i can like any ship if given some good enough motivation (even if it's my dick).
that being said i scour johndave and johnkat most often. however i am THE blackrom vantas and johnkat/davekat must be spades ONLY. spades johndave is fun but no one writes it. dude i just love spades
18. Do you want homestuck to just die already?
No, I just got here!
19. Are you following up with hiveswap? Do you play? Watch YT videos?
I don't, and I don't care.
20. Tell us how homestuck has affected you in real life?
Locked myself in my room and did nothing but read Homestuck for about 2 weeks to a month. I finished it during this time
Got so high I tripped balls thought I killed my best friend and got stuck on Prospit while Homestuck music was playing in the background. Last summer!
Started laughing uncontrollably in the middle of a psychotherapy appointment since I was being so Davecore
My karkalicious x wannabe remix is on my friend's playlist bc she genuinely enjoys it. This remix also haunted me during an important art project I was doing and singlehandedly cursed the entire thing
Wore sunglasses IRL for a bit. (It does help.) Would keep doing it if I didn't lose my clip-ons
My sister thinks I sell Karkat foot fetish art now. She follows me here
21. Have you met anyone through homestuck?
IRL? No. Online? Duh
22. Have you left the fandom before?
No, I'm a total newfag
23. How many times have you read through it?
TOTAL newfag. Only once
24. Did you ever skip intermissions/dialog/animations?
I'd scan over them, but not totally skip. I also read act summaries in full when they were there because I am a baby with goldfish memory
25. Opinions on the fandom?
Depends... I think it's gotten a lot better from my observations, but of course, Twitter is still a cesspit full of retarded babies that shit their diapers. But that could be said about any fandom that's majority kids. Also any stridercester that thinks theyre oppressed for liking shota boy twincest should btfo and jerk off in peace. Which in fairness, most of them do! But to the ones that don't, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY NOTES FAGGOT
Besides those, I think it's great, but I also main Tumblr, so...
26. Opinions on the comic?
Personally I enjoyed it a lot, but I'll get a more rounded impression once I re-read it. All plot shenanigans aside, Homestuck's main selling point has always been its characters, and its method of introducing and developing them is one of my favourites. Also its humour
27. Do you favor the trolls, humans, or carapaces?
Humans, because I'm a boring fucknut who reads sci-fi for the humans and will put them in an office building and say "imagine if they did IT"
28. Favorite moment of all of homestuck?
29. Least favorite moment of all of homestuck?
beginning of act 6 felt like i nodded off on dope and woke up in the hospital. retcon was kinda mid
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deanzboyfriend · 4 years
Boss Dad™️
[Not edited]
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Summary: We love when you have an overprotective dad that just so happens to also be your boyfriend’s boss
Pairing: Hotch x son!reader, Spencer Reid x male!reader, Jemily
Requested by anon: “Hi, I wanted to know if you could do a Dr. Reid x male reader, where the reader is Hotch’s son, and his father became kinda overprotective since his mother was killed (Idk if it’s right, my English is not that good)”
⚠Warnings⚠ Slight angst, Spence fluff, overprotective dad! Hotch, Spence comforts reader, bad writing, spoilers, I think that’s all
a/n: this is my first x male reader, and I loved writing this, so thank you anon. Also, apologies if the spacing gets weird, I wrote this in my notes and just copied and pasted lol. 
All of Y/N’s life, he’s had certain...troubles in his relationships. It’s not that he has any trouble finding partners, no, it’s more of my-dad-is-an-overprotective-profiler kind of problem. Ya see he loves his dad, that’s the unquestionable thing. But his dad is, as mentioned before, very protective of his eldest son. Especially after what happened to Haley. He couldn't stand to lose another person he loved.
So he was always wary when Y/N brought someone home. Always ended in the same way. They’d get scared away by getting their secrets exposed and when they left he’d say something along the lines of, “I didn’t like them.” with nothing else.
Now after a certain point, Y/N got tired of trying to reason with his dad. So he just gave up on dating. Until he met a certain Doctor Spencer Reid.
Spencer was a light in his life. The person he never knew he’d been dreaming of. Spencer filled in every empty feeling Y/N ever had. They were quite a pair.
Y/N was studying social sciences and psychology, so he had quite a bit on his plate, and Spencer was out on cases a lot. So the number of official dates they had was slim, but their love for each other wasn’t any different. Hotch had only recently discovered their relationship. And boy was he not happy. He tried to not express it or take it out on YN, but Y/N knows Hotch better than anyone. He could tell it was eating at him, and he wasn’t sure what to do.
“I should visit dad at the BAU. He didn’t bring a lunch anyway so I might as well bring him something...plus I get to surprise Spence.” Y/N mumbled, smiling to himself at the thought. He had a couple of days off school, so he decided to spend them with Jack and his dad. ”He did mention today was a paperwork day, so I shouldn't have to worry about him being out of town.” He said to himself as he grabbed his keys.
One drive to the BAU later, Y/N gets out of his car and makes his way to the entrance. He goes in and pulls out his visitor’s pass that he received from his dad. The security team there knew him pretty well, he visited a lot when he had free days. “Heya Mark, how are the kids?” Y/N asked as he waited for his bag to be checked. “Oh! Andrea got the lead in the school’s play, and she wanted me to thank you for helping her rehearse her lines. Micah is doing just fine, he enjoys soccer practice.” Y/N smiled as he grabbed his bag. “Be sure to tell me about any of Andrea’s performances or Micah’s games!”
“Will do!”
Y/N laughed as he walked towards the elevator. He presses the button for floor six and takes a breath as the elevator ascends. He finally reached the correct floor, and couldn't help but smile as he strolled towards the bullpen, where he immediately sighted Emily. ”Y/N! My favorite Hotchner! How have you been?”
”Oh please Emily we all know that Jack is the favorite Hotchner.” Y/N chuckled and hugged her. ”I’ve been alright, but school is kicking my ass, as usual. How are you and JJ?” Emily smiles warmly at his question. ”Amazing. We just finished unpacking the rest of JJ’s boxes yesterday. She’s officially moved in!”
”I’m so happy for you guys! Anyway, is my dad in his office?” Emily glanced towards Hotch’s door. ”Yep! Where else would he be?” The two laughed together before Y/N said his goodbye and started his trek to his dad's office. He knocked on the door and opened it after hearing a small ”come in” from the other side. Aaron looked up from the file he was working on to see who was at the door. ”Y/N? What're you doing here?” Y/N closed the door. ”Well, I did come here to see you, but I also brought you the lunch you probably didn't realize you left.” Y/N walked over and put the food on Aaron’s desk. The door opened again, and this time, it was Spencer.
“Hey Hotch, I had a question about- Y/N?” Spencer examined him in surprise, not anticipating him to be in his dad’s office. ”Heya Spence.” Y/N grinned, walking to him and engulfing him in a hug. Hotch couldn't help but slightly grimace at the exchange. Y/N saw this, making him wither a bit. Spencer noticed. ”Um- Spence- why don't you meet me in the break room and we can talk a bit over a cup of coffee, yeah?” Spencer pulled away from him, looked into his eyes, gave his hand a small squeeze, and walked out.
Y/N let out a sigh. ”Y/N. You know how I feel about this. You know how our work is- it's dangerous-” Y/N cut him off to finish the statement. ”- because it can compel the unsubs to come after me to get to him. I know.” Y/N looked over at his dad. “Which is exactly why-“
“No, dad.” Aaron was taken aback. “Is that the only reason you don’t like me being with Spencer? Dad, just me being your son puts me in danger. Being friends with the whole BAU team puts me at risk. No, that’s not the real reason, because if that were the case, you would’ve never shown me to the team at all.”  Y/N stood his ground, holding in his pending tears as he tried to stay calm. ”Spencer makes me feel safe. He takes care of me. The only reason you don't want us to be a thing is that you're scared that I'll leave and what happened to mom will repeat itself!” Y/N took a shaky breath in, storming out the door with tears running down his face. He knew he went too far, but right now all he needed was Spencer.
Y/N hurried his way to the break room to avoid being seen by anyone in the bullpen.  Y/N strolled into the break room, where Spencer had just finished making them both coffee. Spencer looked over to him and his smile immediately turned into a look of worry. ”Y/N what’s-” He was cut off by the strong hug that was given to him. He instantly returned the embrace, gently rubbing Y/N’s back and giving him a forehead kiss as a form of comfort. Y/N eventually settled down and moved back from Spencer a bit. ”Can we- you think you can afford to postpone your paperwork for a bit babe? I kinda just-  I need to talk about this with you.” Spencer moved some hair out of Y/N’s face. He pecked his lips and gently grabbed Y/N’s hand. ”Ok, my love.”
-Meanwhile, in the office of big boss dad-
Hotch did not expect that to say the least. He knew Y/N would be upset, but he didn't think he would have lashed out as he did. When he watched Y/N slam the door on him, the weight of what was said hit him. Y/N thought he didn’t trust him? Thought that he didn’t want him to be happy? That’s the opposite of what he wanted. He wanted nothing but the best for his oldest son. He had to think to himself for a while. Was he doing the right thing? Or was he just trying to keep history from repeating itself?
“I was too hard on him...he’s a grown adult, he can make his own decisions.” Hotch thought out loud. He sighed.
He needed to talk with Y/N. Hotch walked out of his office, surprising everyone in the bullpen, as he rarely came out of his office on a paperwork day. He made his way to the break room and was about to say something when he heard Y/N talking.
”Spence I just- I don't know what to do. I don't know why he's so hesitant to let us be a thing I mean- I wouldn't be as upset if it were anyone else but- it's you. He knows you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me- especially after- especially after what happened to mom. I just- I don't want to lose you.” Hotch heard it all. He watched as Spencer easily calmed him down. He saw the love as the two looked at each other. He knew he was mistaken. He had to fix it.
        -6:30 pm, Hotchner household-
Aaron returns from work, take-out food in his hands. As soon as he sets the bags on the dinner table, Jack comes running. ”Daddy!” Aaron smiles as he scoops up his son into his arms. Y/N walks towards the table and looks at his dad. ”Hey Jack, why don't you go play in your room for a few more minutes while Y/N and I set up the food ok?” Aaron set jack back down on the floor and ruffled his hair. ”Ok!” Jack ran upstairs, leaving Aaron and Y/N alone.
”Y/N I-” ”Dad I-” They both started. Aaron sighed and made eye contact with Y/N. ”Listen, dad, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get so mad at you, and I know I went too far with what I said about mom. I know you have your reasons and-” ”Y/N. It's ok. Aaron cut him off, putting a hand on his shoulder. ”I know that I've been hard on you when it comes to you dating- especially after Haley...but I realized this today. First of all, you're a grown man now. I should let you date who you want to. I trust you, and I know that you can take care of yourself. And another thing, I realized how good Spencer is for you. While I shouldn't have been spying on you two, I saw how comfortable and safe you felt with him. I saw love between the two of you. I would never wish to be the reason you are kept from your happiness. So, you have every right to stay with him.”
Y/N had tears in his eyes. ”You mean it?” He asked. ”Yes, completely.” Y/N got closer and tightly hugged his dad. ”Thank you...” He mumbled into his dad’s shirt.
They sat there for a bit, just comfortably embracing one another. ”Who knew big scary boss dad could be so soft?” Y/N remarked, getting a laugh from both of them. ”Anyway, let's get the food set up for real before Jack comes back.”
That night, Y/N texted Spencer, saying all was well.
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uvena · 3 years
hey jo! just curious cause im sick rn and i need some kind of .. tender entertainment HH and i thing ur Love (capitalized) for star wars is super endearing and and 🥺 i want a bit of that - so what is it about it? i mean.. the only lore i know is from the movies and the mando series, which isn't much with how big it seems to be judging by fan content. so idk but pls Do go off and talk about it just pitch sell it to me let me in let me iiiinnn
hey laura !!! i hope you feel better soon & thank you so much !!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ i will happily do my best to fill you in 💞 this is probably going to get very very long btw
ok, so the basic premise of the original trilogy (episode vi: a new hope, episode v: the empire strikes back, episode vi: return of the jedi) is the galaxy is under the rule of the evil galactic empire and its only opposition is a group of freedom fighters called the rebel alliance. a farm boy, luke skywalker, who is revealed to be a jedi, a person capable of using the force and wielding a lightsaber, becomes a jedi knight in his quest to aid the rebellion in defeating the empire once in for all. as the series progresses it's revealed that luke's father is actually the emperor's apprentice, formerly known as anakin skywalker, a fallen jedi and sith. by the end of the trilogy, luke is a fully fledged jedi knight and fights his father, and darth vader redeems himself by killing the emperor after watching the emperor try to kill his son. luke tries to save him but darth vader dies of his wounds. there's a whole bunch of other things that happen & way more characters but those are the very bare bones of the ot.
the prequel trilogy started in the 90's and ended in the 00s (episode i: the phantom menace, episode ii: attack of the clones, episode iii: revenge of the sith) and centers around luke's father, anakin, and how he went from being a jedi knight to a sith lord. it expands the universe further and also shows what the galaxy was like prior to the events of ANH. again, there's a lot more to it than that, which includes the jedi at their height, anakin's secret wife padme amidala, and way way more, but those are the bare bones.
there is a ton of media outside the main 6 films. (i'm not counting the sequel trilogy, episodes vii-ix. i don't like what they did, they sucked, and i haven't see ep ix and i will probably never. they had potential and they ruined it. so i will not be acknowledging or talking about those aside from the fact that finn deserved his own trilogy and jedi journey <3) there are shows, cartoons, novels, comics, video games. not to mention the masses of fanmade content. ever since disney acquired the rights to star wars, most of that media was relegated to "legends" (most of which is referred to as the EU, or extended universe), which means that they're still acknowledged as star wars stories but considered "old canon.
i know that's a ton of media and that's a lot of content and lore to sift through and it might seem overwhelming but like... i think that's one of the appeals for me, personally. there's so much content, so much to explore, so much more than just space wizards and stuff. there's so many stories, so many people, so many different worlds to read about and explore that like... the possibilities are essentially limitless. there's no "one area" that everyone sticks to in star wars lore, aside from general knowledge of the main movies (episodes i-ix). some people like the old republic era, which takes place thousands of years before the events of the ot. some people really love the prequels, which take place 20-30 yeras prior to the events of the ot. there are people who really like the civil war era, and people who like after. and there are people who love all of them or none of them or only stick to niche things like a certain planet or group etc etc. there's so much to choose from to love or hate or interact with. especially because there's so many aspects to every piece of media that can be talked about and explored. there's always something else to find. there's humans, jedi, sith, aliens, droids, planets, politics, plots, spaceships, bounty hunters... sky's the limit.
i think a big part of it for me is that i grew up with it. i understand there are people who get into it when they're kids or adults and they're not into it, and i'm not going to pretend that it's the end-all be-all for space fantasy media. but growing up, it was so fun. it was so full of imagination and possibility and it never got old for me. i loved the prequels dearly. because i grew up with it im familiar with the material and ive always known people who like similar things about it and view it the same way so even as ive gotten older i never really *grew out of it*. i thought i did, i thought i loss interest, but i came back once the mandalorian began to air and have been active ever since.
the thing that's kept me active, that's gotten me involved, that i still have love for and enjoy, is the people interact with because of it.  i met my best friend euie @ligaw because of it. i've made friends & mutuals as an adult because of it (not limited to but including @rogueninja @kasseivor @sarma @coredrive). i'm mutuals with people who also enjoy it and talk about it with me (including but not limited to stina-adrien @gayluke and y @goldennavenue.) and i'm mutuals with people who've made original characters from it, like nina @dilfbailorgana and h @edeemir, who have in turn inspired me to create characters & have caused me to begin creating original characters again as well. my friends and i create from it, complain about it, trash it, and love it. it makes it worth it, i think. my favorite part of tumblr + one of my longtime favorite pieces of media = a whole mess but there's a lot to love and laugh at.
that being said... not only is there a mass of content to get into, there are many issues within both the media itself as well as those who participate in it, both the fans and the creators that predate the disney-ifcation of the franchise. i know *every* media and fandom has its issues, from bad to worse, but it would be remiss, to say the least, if i didn't mention it beforehand. there are both past and ongoing issues of racism, whitewashing, islamophobia, antisemitism, etc. it's present in the media and also present in the fandom, which is something i think anyone who's thinking about getting into star wars should know about.
so like... there it is. it's not perfect by any means, there are many issues both in fandom and in the media, but i still think there's so much to love, it CAN improve and it SHOULD improve and i love it enough to want to see that happen, + the fact that i get to share the good and the bad with cool people makes still caring about star wars worth it ❤️
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dangermousie · 4 years
2020 End of Year Post - kdrama edition
You can find my 2020 cdrama post here: dangermousie.tumblr.com/post/638449659546845184/2020-end-of-year-post-cdrama-edition
This is only going to cover kdramas that aired in 2020; if it originally aired another year, it’s not on this list.
It’s been a pretty lackluster kdrama year. There are probably only 5 kdramas I truly loved and only three of them I was really obsessed over. Better luck in 2021!
(In order of liking from least to most as opposed to pure quality; I am including if I’ve seen enough to make up my mind; yes I realize that’s inaccurate, but that’s my list)
42 Born Again - so bad, so incoherent, so insane, I have no idea why the leads signed up for it (and unlike some of the other watchers, I think it was awful from the very start.) There is literally nothing about this drama that makes sense.
41 Love with Flaws - a bunch of people who should be tried under the Geneva Convention.
40 Sweet Munchies - Jung Il Woo proves his inability to pick a functional script.
39 Meow the Secret Boy - if you ever wanted to bang a cat, this drama is for you. Not being a furry, however...
38 Do Do Sol Sol La Sol - I lost braincells just typing out this title.
37 When I Was the Most Beautiful - the only way it’s not the dumbest, most pointless melo of 2020 is because Born Again considerately came out the same year.
36 Woman of 9.9 Billion - if you want to watch an artsy French movie about miserable people, but only badly made, boy do I have a drama for you.
35 Lies after Lies - screams after screams.
34 Backstreet Rookie - people were up in arms about various problematic plots. I am a survivor of many plots much more problematic but even I couldn’t survive how utterly boring and annoying this drama was and how utterly irritating the leads were. This has taken Ji Chang Wook off my top favorites into “should I even check his latest Lovestruck in the City? Probably not” territory almost single-handedly (Melt Me helped, to be fair.)
33 Men Are Men - boring is boring.
32 Dinner Mate - two beautiful boring people eat out a lot.
31 Was It Love - no it wasn’t.
30 Alice - Joo Won in the shower can make up for a multitude of sins but not plot nonsense of such magnitude. When you find yourself thinking it would be better if he hooked up with the alternate universe version of his mother because at least then something entertaining would happen, you know it’s bad.
29 More than Friends - started out OK, then made me hate basically everyone and kept going.
28 Start-Up - honestly, it’s probably more decent than its place here, but the toxic and batshit fandom for it (the worst this year) made me feel like breaking out in hives any time it’s even mentioned.
27 The Spies who Loved Me - how to take a good cast and waste it.
26 Private Lives - it was good but it never took off with its concept and spent more time on the incoherent plot than the OTP which was its one strength. It’s a decent drama but coming after Heartless City and My Beautiful Bride from the same writer, it’s a disappointment.
25 Record of Youth - as high as it is due to Park Bo Gum hard carrying this entire awful drama on his shoulders and doing it so well I finished it. Alas, while he is in one drama (and that drama is great), the rest of the characters and the entirety of the script are a pointless useless mess.
24 Do You Like Brahms - excellent first third, mediocre middle, and terrible last third. I don’t know what musical term applies to this? Diminuendo, I think.
23 I’ll Go to You When the Weather is Nice - nice and mellow but nothing much happens.
22 Forest - mainly for Park Hae Jin’s excellent and frequently naked bod.
21 The Ballot - I didn’t love it as much as everyone did but it was well-made.
20 Hyena - more romance and less weird law stuff would make it better.
19 365 Repeat the Year - surprisingly solid.
18 The Game Towards Zero - see 365.
17 When My Love Blooms - very old fashioned, very lovely.
16 Chocolate - also very old fashioned and very lovely but also with Yoon Kye Sang performing medical procedures bleeding and shirtless. MMM.
15 (tie) Secret Royal Inspector - a fun if run of the mill sageuk.
15 Find Me In Your Memory - best melo this year.
14 Mystic Pop Up Bar - surprisingly good even though I wasn’t planning to check it out.
13 Where Your Eyes Linger - came out of nowhere but was tender and hopeful and lovely.
12 Itaewon Class - Park Seo Joon hard carries a drama that is already excellent. Love it.
11 Psychopath Diary - Yoon Shi Yoon is such a treat in a hilarious, cynical, dark comedy.
10 Kairos - more like ouroboros.
9 Queen Love and War - in a year where sageuks are very rare, this was solid and surprisingly moving and shippy.
8 The King Eternal Monarch - people didn’t like it but I did. It’s no masterpiece and both the leads and the writers have better dramas, but it was a lovely romantic fairy tale for me.
7 Mr. Queen - sharp, hilarious, and some of my favorite actors.
6 Psycho But It’s OK - healing, sharp cinematography and even sharper chemistry.
5 Crash Landing on You - the last ep pissed me off so much this drama is dead to me but I loved it so much until then I can’t place it lower in good conscience.
4 Train - who knew I would go this hard for an OCN drama or that OCN would do romance so well? But this time-travel mystery romance is just incredible and I shipped the OTP and rooted for the characters and loved every last bit of it.
3 Run On - this is the drama Record of Youth wanted to be but failed. Smart and lived in, you feel like you are peeking at real people, but also even four episodes in, I am so invested in the main characters separately and together, and care for them so much, it’s a little frightening.
1 (tie) Tale of the Nine Tailed - my perfect fantasy romance. I liked it better than Goblin, yeah I said it.
1 Flower of Evil - all the tropes I love in one incredible package. I would rewatch episodes waiting for new ones trying to puzzle the story and to stay withdrawal but it works just as well on rewatch. Lee Jun Ki brings his trademark tortured intensity and for once, both his leading lady and his script back him up and are worthy of that. It’s perfect.
It’s a tie between Tale of the Nine Tailed and Flower of Evil but if I had to pick just one, FoE, because it had me seriously obsessed and guessing about the protagonist and gave me the narrative tropes I love so much and an OTP that statisfied all my hurt/comfort kinks and then some.
Born Again - honestly, this is so bonkers it almost becomes good but alas...
Do Hyun Soo/Baek Hee Sung, Flower of Evil - he is so messed up, so on edge, so traumatized. Yet capable of so much warmth and caring even as he himself doesn’t realize his humanity. FoE is basically a story of a man pushed and punished by the world for his entire life who, because of one woman, finds a safe place and peace and slowly comes to life without realizing it, and watching his desperation to keep this small bit of normalcy is so heartbreaking and exciting all at once. Plus, you start the drama thinking he’s a psychopathic serial killer and end it (if you are me) thinking he must be protected at all costs and if anyone even looks at him wrong they must suffer, and that’s quite a change!
Nam Ji Ah, Tale of the Nine Tailed - she is so funny and tough and smart and loving and amazing that I will totally buy that a literal demi-god will do anything and everything for her and love her for literal eternity.
Dad in Record of Youth - yes in a year with serial killers and supernatural demons, I picked a normal character from a mediocre drama. It’s his everyday awfulness to his family that hits so hard and I am sad he never got his comeuppance.
Ji Ah x Yeon - a fearless reporter and an immortal demi-god who’s been hoping for his human beloved to reincarnate. A really rare set-up where the OTP is equally ride or die, so compatible and completely BAMF. I got why he waited for her for that long and then fell in love with her all over again. Perfection.
Runner up: Flower of Evil - he is so messed up he literally does not believe he is capable of love or empathy, but he falls in love with her anyway and so utterly she permeates his entire life. She is tough as nails and only believes what she sees and is the sole person who believes in him against the world. She loves him but he needs her. She needs him but he loves her. They are amazing.
Seo Dan x Gu Seung Jun, Crash Landing on You, North Korean x Conman were so good I shipped them harder than the main OTP and the end of that storyline pissed me off so much I dumped the drama and didn’t finish it for months (and it’s still dead to me.)
Record of Youth - it started out and they didn’t have much chemistry but the dialogues were interesting and I thought the chemistry would grow. It didn’t and deteriorated, their dialogues became boring and relationship had zero development (about as much as the supposed female lead.) I think we were supposed to feel bad they broke up and they were going for a bittersweet open ending, instead I found myself happy about the break up of two incompatible, chemistry-less people and hoping for the love of God they never get back together.
Yeon and the bridge of knives, Tale of the Nine Tailed - Yeon choosing to undergo the creeptastic bridge of knives for a chance to save Ji Ah, who at that point he is not aware is the reincarnation of his Joseon love because, as he says, he doesn’t care if she is or isn’t, it just would be more horrible to have her die than to undergo the horrific torture he is undergoing, and then the sequence with his catching her, her weeping over him and the fact that she is the original Joseon girl revealed and all the bandaging and his watching her sleep and all that loveliness, is everything for yours truly.
Runner up: Hyun Soo having that break-down at the cliff at the end of ep 15 of Flower of Evil as Ji Won desperately tries to convince him she is alive and he finally stumbles to her.
Runner runner up (it’s my list, I will do what I want): Do Won preparing to blow his brains out to give a chance to Seo Kyung to live in Train.
Seon-Gyeom, Run On. Yeah, I know. Im Siwan is tiny, delicate featured and has a runner’s build, none of which are things that normally appeal to me. But his character is so odd, so honest, so unflinching in pursuing what he thinks is right, so incapable of self-pity despite plenty of reasons for it, and so ridiculously attractive when he smiles, I don’t even care.
Kim Bum, TotNT - I started out being annoyed by him and ended up looking forward to his scenes and being distraught by his ending.
Honestly, none. I was fine with all the endings. I wouldn’t mind seeing post-end life of Tale of the Nine Tailed characters or the OTP settling into their literal new world in Train, but I am good.
Time jump that solves all the problems off screen or alternatively years pass and everyone is frozen - something that kdramas need to learn and need to learn badly. See Record of Youth, Brahms and Start Up.
Men who are ride or die for their OTP - this was a great year for this - the male leads of four of my five dramas were beyond anything on that scale (only exception is Run On because it’s still too early to tell there.) Yes PLEASE.
This was a banner year for that what with Start Up, Do You Like Brahms, Record of Youth, and Private Lives all starting out well and nosediving off the cliff but winner is Crash Landing on You. I loved it so much for bulk of its run but the last episode pissed me off so much I deleted all my files and called it a day.
Flower of Evil - I had no expectations of this drama and wasn’t even planning on watching it despite liking both the lead actors because yet another “look at evil serial killer be evil” drama with no romance was not my thing. Luckily someone convinced me there might be some romance and I peeked curiously. Honestly, their promo campaign was the most misleading and dumbest thing ever.
Runner up Psycho but it’s OK - I have never liked Kim Soo Hyun in anything before and the drama premise seemed WTF but it was shockingly good and KSH totally blew me away.
Hardest Working Lead
Yoon Shi Yoon - he starred in two (!!!) dramas in 2020 playing three characters and not only were both these dramas awesome in a lackluster year, but if it wasn’t for the fact that I knew it was the same actor and the fact that the characters shared a face, I would have never believed that they were played by the same actor. So good!
None. Covid Year gave me PLENTY of time
My Beautiful Bride and Deserving of the Name - I was obsessed with both of them and honestly, they were much better than the bulk of 2020 kdramas I watched.
The Moon That Rises in the Day, Hong Chun Gi, Joseon Exorcist, Island,  Frightening Cohabitation, Snowdrop.
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ramp-it-up · 4 years
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Pairing: Rafael Casal x Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Minors DNI, Some pictures, Angst, Pining, drinking, explicit language, oral sex (female/male receiving), love fluff. All errors my own.
A/N: This an ask from @honeysucklechocolatedrippin​ from the 100 smut prompts ask list. I got caught up with this one because I went back to the Show Runner AU.  I kinda love these two.  Hope you enjoy. Read Show Runner.
This press tour was going to be all work. No play. 
Those were the strict rules that you were given.
This was the premiere film and television festival and January in Park City could be a fun, wild place and time, but you were on the clock. 
There would be no open flirting, touching, or even covert fucking while the cast was there. 
You listened to the lecture and smiled and nodded when appropriate.
Truth be told, you really weren’t paying attention, just waiting on your knees, naked and wet, to suck the shit out of his dick. 
When he gave you permission to of course.
You were determined to suck all those stupid ideas out of his brain along with all his cum when he gave you the chance. 
And Rafael was, indeed, without much coherent thought when you were done.
That conversation was of no consequence to you four days later when you landed in Park City. 
Daveed and Rafa had been there for two days and the rest of the cast was trickling in. 
You gathered your bag while answering a few questions from the paps and headed to your hotel alone, following the driver who held your name up outside baggage claim to a luxury suv.
You texted Rafael that you had landed, to which he just replied, “Good.”
No, ‘how was your flight,’ nothing. 
You sighed, assuming he was busy. 
He had been texting you nonstop for the past three days and now he wanted to play you. 
That was cool.
You relaxed as you took in the snowy scenery of snowy Park City. 
You were taken to a stunning tiny little chalet at the edge of the city and halfway up the mountain. 
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The views were spectacular, the cute cozy kitchen fully stocked, and the fireplace was bomb.
As you took in all the antler decor, you texted Rafa again, hyped at the accommodations.
This is dope!
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You made sure your cleavage was right in your v-neck sweater and took a selfie of you from above in the bedroom. 
I can’t wait to be on my knees for you later.
You saw the thought bubbles, but no response.
Cool cool cool. 
If that’s what he wanted. That’s what he would get. Ice.
You shook your head and looked in the refrigerator for water. You also found your favorite snacks. 
Production thought of everything. You’d thank Gwen later.
You relaxed on the couch until it was time to get ready for the mixer. 
The car was ready to go at 6:45, in time to get you fashionably late to the Television mixer at the Waldorf Astoria at 7.
Because of all the traffic, you didn’t arrive until 7:30, but you were chilling. You spotted your crew immediately, partly because they were the loudest. 
You loved this new family you made.
“Ayyyy! What’s cracking! We thought you’d never make it. Late flight? You want a drink?”
You laughed at Daveed, seeing that he was on his way to getting lit.
“I’ll have what you’re having.” 
He raised his cute ass eyebrow at you. “This grown folks shit. You sure?”
“Yes. I’m grown. I need to catch up to you! I misjudged the time to leave my chalet. What time did you all leave yours?”
“Ummmm. I walked downstairs like 20 minutes ago. The whole cast is staying here. You’re the only one staying on the other side of town.”
You didn’t know what to say as Daveed turned to go get your drink.
You looked around and saw a lot of actors you’d love to work with, some you already had, and some you knew to stay away from.
You spotted Rafa’s golden hair on the other side of the room. 
You weren’t going to go after him, and you didn’t need to, because some of your cast mates enveloped you and Daveed brought you a drink.
You were having too good a time to worry about Mr. Artistic Integrity.
You two circled the room, never really ending up in the same place. You finally saw him with Gwen and got a chance to talk. Rafa saw you approach. He nodded.
“Hey, Long time no see. You make it in ok ?”
You looked at Rafael for an extra beat. He’d seen you up close and personal three days ago when you’d ridden his face. 
But you were an actor. You could play this game.
“Hey Casal. Yeah, I got a few hours ago.” 
You turned to the logistics producer. 
“Gwen! My chalet is so dope!”
She raised her eyebrow at you. 
“That’s great! So, you wanted peace and quiet and away from the rest of us, ay?” Gwen laughed as you and Rafa smiled politely. You were seething. 
“Trying to avoid all the parties. I get it now, although I thought it was weird that you declined accommodations.”
“You know our girl, always a loner.”
Rafael took a sip of his drink, looking at you over it. Your blood boiled but you turned and smiled at Gwen.
“Yeah. On my INFJ shit. What’s the lineup for tomorrow?”  
You made small talk to avoid cussing Rafael the fuck out. He stood there for a minute, listening and being an adorable muthafukin asshole. 
Other people came up and you didn’t even notice Rafa step away. But you spotted him, in a corner with that little twat Ava with the tight little body. Just his type.
He saw you stalking out of the mixer as he chatted her up.
Two hours later, you were cozy in the hot tub, smoking some kush to relax, scrolling your phone. 
A TMZ post from your explore page caught your eye. 
There was a picture of Daveed, next to Rafa and Ava, who looked pretty close and fucking beautiful together. 
The gossip site gushed over the picture of the Bay Boys, noting the ‘adorable couple’ and their mingling at the mixer and somehow sneaking in a not so subtle hint that they were staying at the same hotel.
That was the final straw. You saw it all. Rafa wanted you far away from him while he fucked this little miniature Bratz doll. Bet.
It was only midnight. You were going to get your own plastic action figure for the night.
The next morning, you met up with the crew at the suite which was set up for the series press day. 
You went straight to Chelsea who was set up in the bedroom of the suite.
You gave her a hug and took off your sunglasses. Your eyes were puffy.
“Damn girl. You did have fun last night. I got just the thing for those circles.”
You breathed a sigh of relief and let her work her magic.
You emerged ten minutes later and went and got something to eat and a bottle of water from the catering station set up in the kitchen. You watched D and Rafa charm the interviewer. 
You took a deep breath. You could do this.
Ten minutes after that, you find yourself sitting in a chair with the cast lined up, somehow seated next to Rafael.
As the first interviewer was setting up, you got comfortable in your chair. Being a professional.
“I see you had fun last night.”
You looked over at Rafael as if surprised to see him there.
“I’m sorry?”
He smirked at you.
“I said it looks like you had fun with Michael last night.”
He held up his phone and you squinted at a post of you and your new friend, a highly sought after actor who had been in one of Rafa’s favorite movies. 
The pic was from after you went back out to the club last night. You were hugged up close.
You looked in his eyes and saw that he felt some kinda way. He had some fucking nerve.
You smirked. 
“Yeah. He’s really truly a dope person. Not just beauty, but brains too. I love an intelligent man. We… talked all night.” 
Rafa’s smile slipped. You sat back and put on a megawatt smile for the reporter.
The entire day was filled with your secret shots and animosity toward Rafa. 
You couldn’t wait to talk to him in private and tell him not to call your cell phone ever again.
Reporter: “This show has many complex relationships, and you are at the center of two of them that are just developing as the series begins. What do you do to ease into a new relationship?”
You leaned back and crossed your legs.
“That is a great question. Let’s just take an example of, say, meeting someone at... a club?”
Daveed leaned in front of Rafa and said, “This is not a true story from last night by the way.”
“Of course not,” you quickly replied and winked. Everyone laughed, everyone but Rafa.
“What I’ve found recently that works wonders is: ‘Oh my god you’re so much better than the last person I was with.’”
Everyone was dying laughing.
Rafa choked on his water. You leaned over and patted him on the back. “You good?”
He just glared at you. You shrugged and kept it moving.
“No, but really. You should start off in a relationship where you can be open and honest. There’s really no relationship if you can’t have that.”
Rafael cleared his throat, but you refused to look at him.
The press day continued.
After eight hours of interviews, you were ready to get out of there, so while Rafa and D were playing host, you managed to get out and to the car. 
You were exhausted of the tension.
On your way to the chalet, Rafa texted you.
‘We need to talk.’
You huffed. Now he wanted to talk. 
Well, tough shit. 
You blocked his number. 
You couldn’t function like this right now. You and him could break it off next week in LA. He was right, you were on the clock.
That night at the Midnight showing, you sat with Michael. 
Might as well try to have some fun. The paparazzi were snapping lots of pictures with you two.
While Mike took a quick interview, you made your way to the bar alone.
“You’ve not answered any of my texts. Or my calls.” 
You rolled your eyes at Rafael.
“You’ve texted and called?” 
You shrugged and took a drink.
“Look. We can do all that back in Cali next week. Gotta keep it professional here, isn’t that the deal?”
You downed your drink and walked back over to Michael, Rafael boring a hole in your back. 
He left you alone after that.
The next day and night were much the same, a cast interview and screening of two episodes during the day and another industry party at night. 
Rafa being so busy made it easy to stay away from each other.
You got back to your place with a bottle of tequila about midnight. 
You were flying out the next day and you should have some fun, even if it was not what you’d envisioned before you arrived in Park City. 
You hated Rafael Casal. 
But you refused to cry. Again.
An hour later, you looked up from your drunken haze to see Rafa standing over you. 
He looked so damn good in this dream.
“You shouldn’t drink a whole bottle of tequila in a hot tub, especially alone.”
“What the fuck do you care? You’re probably fucking Ava ten ways from Sunday right now.”
Dream Rafa raised his eyebrow at you and shook his head.
“Why would I want to fuck Ava?”
“Right? Especially when you could have all this.”
You stood up, almost falling and showing off your wet, naked body.  You giggled as he appreciated you, his eyes sweeping down your body.
Dream Rafa moved closer to you and grabbed your hand as you wobbled. 
“Let’s get out and get you some water.”
He helped you out and wrapped you in one of the huge white fluffy robes that you’d found in the closet.
He led you to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator.
You drank, your head clearing, but just a bit.
You kept staring at Dream Rafa, who was regarding you steadily, a weird look on his face.
When you finished, he walked you to the bedroom and watched as you lay down. You looked at the clock on the bedside table. It was 1:30 am.
You opened your robe and turned to see Dream Rafa in bed with you.
“How convenient. I’m so so horny Dream Boy. Haven’t had any dick since last week.” 
You untied the robe and grabbed your breasts, squeezing them and rolling your nipples, arching your back.
Rafael watched you hungrily.  
“Help me to get off. Fuck me, Dream lover. The real Rafa doesn’t want me anymore…”
You moved your hand down to your core and started playing in it, moaning and watching Rafa watch you.
As he licked his lips, you brought your hand up and let him taste the wetness on your fingers. He hummed, then took your hand in his.
“Not like this. I want you. Fully present and clear headed. But I want you. And we need to talk.”
He kissed the palm of your hand and covered you with the robe again.
You groaned and turned away from him.
“Even the Rafael of my dreams reject me? I can’t believe I’m in love with such a jackass.”
You didn’t feel Rafa pull you close as you started shoring.
You woke up alone, mad at the sunlight. Your head was pounding. 
Your mouth was parched, but you found a bottle of water on the bedside table. 
You grabbed it, grateful that you got it on the way to the bedroom last night. 
As you sat up and drank, you groaned as you thought back to your dream. 
You had to get him out of your system.
You got up and went to the kitchen, halfway expecting to see him there. 
You sighed with something that must have been relief when he wasn’t there. 
You took your water and some grapes to the little kitchen bar and sat there, eating and drinking slowly with your head in your hand.
You jumped when you heard a key in the front door and stared when Rafa let himself in. 
“Look who’s up. Bet you’ve got a doozy of a headache.” 
You just continued to gape as he put his bags down on the counter. He handed you a bottle of aspirin.
“You’ll need these.” He put some pedialyte in front of you. “And this.”
“Wait. Did you just let yourself in? With a key?”
“Yeah. This is my chalet. I own it.”
Your mouth dropped open. 
“I thought you had a hotel room.”
“I do. This is business so production put the cast up there. D and I decided to join.”
Your heart clenched at the fact he did not want you there too. What was this reality? Then you thought about the dream.
“Wait. Were you really here last night?” 
You were confusion.
Rafa smiled at you. 
“You want something to eat? Gotta get something in your stomach besides tequila and grapes.” 
You groaned and held your head at the realization that last night was not a dream.
“Fuck. Did I say all that? Did I do all that? Out loud?” 
You peeked at him through your fingers.
That smile. “Yeah.” 
You were mad. He looked to fucking happy. 
“Well, don’t take it personal. I was zooted. When I’m sober, I hate you Rafael.”
He frowned. “Are you sober now?”
You opened the bottle of aspirin and drank some pedialyte. 
“Unfortunately, yes. Very sober.”
Rafa moved next to you.
“I’m going to come closer so I don’t have to yell.”
He tipped your chin up with two fingers.
“I can’t believe I’m in love with a fucking brat.”
You were ready to fight.
“I’m a brat? I’m a BRAT?” 
You leaned back, your hands on the counter behind you to get some space from the electricity bouncing between you.
“You ignore me as soon as I land in the same city as you, and then you put me out here in this secret hideaway so you can fuck with that Ava chick.” 
You closed your eyes because you’d be damned if you cried right now. 
“I thought we agreed that we’d talk to each other before we tired of each other and got with other people?”
Rafa leaned close to you, caging you in with his arms on the counter beside yours. 
You could barely breathe, the emotions were getting the better of you. You just wanted to kiss him.
“Who told you that I fucked Ava?” 
This time you raised your chin on your own.
“No one had to tell me. I saw the pictures of you two together. I can read, Rafa.”
“Not very well in this situation, I’m afraid.”
Rafa shook his head and looked down. Then looked back up at you with those damn eyes.
“You also don’t listen. Did you even hear what I said? I just said I love you.”
You just stared at him.
“Wait… what?”
Rafa brought his hips closer to yours, standing up tall. You wanted them on you.
“I love you, you fucking brat. Why would I want Ava when the woman I love has all this.”
And he reached for you, opening the tie on your robe. He sighed as he moved his hands on your brown skin. He was home.
“I want you to listen. Listen before you jump ahead and try to argue.”
You were about to say something and clamped your mouth shut at his warning glance.
“I told you, this was work. And we agreed not to go public with our relationship yet.”  
He saw you wanting to protest.
“We agreed.” 
His hands spread against your stomach, thumbs on your warm nipples.
“I wasn’t ignoring you, I was controlling myself. I wanted to meet you at the airport, but the paps are swarming.”
Rafael's blue eyes were now dark.
“And I didn’t stash you away because I wanted to fuck Ava, but because this is my home and I wanted you in it.” 
Rafa finally kissed you, and you took his tongue in your mouth, wanting to own a part of him.  Your moan while you kissed was getting him even harder.
“And when you sent me that picture of you in the bedroom, I wanted to run over here and take you in every room,  but I couldn’t. Still working. Just had to jack off when I could. To that picture.”
You moaned as his words made you drip down your thigh.
He pressed his pelvis to you and you could feel how hard he was. You took a ragged breath and forced your hands to remain on the counter. 
But you looked up into those burning blue eyes. You were wet and ready.
“It was killing me knowing that you were so close, sleeping in my bed without me, naked in my hot tub without me, and that I couldn’t touch you, hold you. Fuck the shit out of you. Hear you scream my name.”
“Tire of you? God, I wish I could get tired of you. I want you all the time, I can hardly function when you’re not around.”
He kissed across your collarbone to the other side of your neck. You were definitely weak.
“I was coming over that first night, but I saw you going out. To the club. Where it seems you hooked up with Mike.” 
Rafa bit down on your pulse point.
“Rafa, I…”
Rafa licked the spot he just bit. 
“Shhh. I know you didn’t get with him, but you were a bit of a bitch at the Q and A day. And then you took him to the midnight screening.”
Rafa was appraising your body possessively now.
“You tried to make me think that you were with him; that he was touching you like this.”
Rafa grabbed your breasts and squeezed your nipples between your fingers. You arched into his hands.
“It was like you were teasing me.” 
His hands moved down your torso and around to your ass, squeezing and pulling your cheeks apart and ghosting your intimate parts with his fingers.
“You know I don’t like to be teased.”
He released you and took two steps back, leaving you feeling bereft.
You were panting in the middle of his kitchen. You felt what it was like to be teased.
“Rafa, I’m sorry. Please…”
Rafa was two steps ahead of you. He was pulling his Oaklandish hoodie over his head. Then he shook his head at you.
He bent his head to your breast as he lifted it roughly to meet his lips. He drew your hard bud between his lips and grazed it with his teeth. 
Rafa nipped and sucked your flesh roughly as he licked the fingers in his other hand and reached between your legs.
“Did you want Mike to touch your cunt like this?”
“No...only you Cash…”
He traced his fingers between your wet lips, causing you to shudder and moan. Then he started to tease your clit.
“Tell me what I want to hear. Tell me you love me.”
“I..I…” You didn’t know when it happened, but it did. “Fuck it. I love you Rafael.” 
You sigh in relief and with desire as he pushed his fingers deeper into you.
He moaned softly in your ear as he pressed you back against the island.
“Good girl. Now tell me more. Tell me you love what I’m doing to you right now. Tell me you love this shit.”
“I love it so fucking much,” you squeaked, holding on to his shoulders for dear life, your nails digging in.
As he pumped his fingers, you wriggled and started to grind against his hand. As you wriggled more, he cursed under his breath.
“Fuck! Stay still.”  
His tongue licked up and down your neck as his hand went faster and faster, playing you like an instrument.
You were getting so close, and Rafa could feel it. So he stopped and stepped back again, panting while he tasted his fingers and leaving you quivering and emotional.
You refused to beg, but he knew what you needed.
“I want to punish you for not listening to me and your heart, but I can't because I’d be punishing myself.”
He walked toward you again, put his hands on you and slid down your body as he knelt before you.
Rafa looking up at you like that made you fall in love all over again. 
He leaned forward and kissed your lower lips oh so tenderly. Then, he licked them, and you had to hold on to the counter again. Then he started talking.
“I’ve been hard for you ever since you texted me that you touched down.” 
He kissed each of your thighs and lifted one up and rested it on his shoulder. You were not ready.
“I was so pissed off all day. Until I saw you that night.”
Rafa lightly licked a long stripe between your legs.
He pulled back and looked at your pussy, as if entranced.
“But, I stayed away from you at the mixer because I knew I would drag you to a bathroom and bend you over the sink…”
Rafa slowly rolled his tongue over your slit. You held your hand over your mouth as you watched him.
He looked up at you and chuckled. 
“No close neighbors. Let me hear you.” 
He sighed as he looked at you again. 
“I wanted to take you in the bedroom at the suite during the press day and put your ankles around your ears to dig out that attitude.”  
Rafa licked you again, making you tremble and moan loudly.
“I decided to come and give you an ultimatum last night, but I get here and you were so cute and drunk and said that you loved me.”  
He graced you with a smile. You smile back and brush his hair out of his eyes.
“I know you said that I don’t own you. But you own me. Body and soul. I’m starving for you.”
And then he dove in, making you gasp as he eagerly parted your lips with his tongue and started to flick it back and forth over your clit, grasping your ass and your leg to support you and keep you in place.
This time he didn’t stop. He licked and sucked and swiped, his head moving back and forth as he ate. He did it until your eyes rolled back into your head and you were screaming his name. He increased his pace and intensity until you were a quivering, moaning mess. 
You come on Rafa’s face in the middle of a ski chalet in Park City, Utah.
You were still quivering as you watched him stand up, take off his shirt and wipe his face with it.
“So, you can take your flight back to LA in a couple of hours, or you can stay until Monday and we can be seen together tonight. In public.”
Your face lit up as he led you to the bathroom. You were catching on.
“And we will be ‘good friends’ for a few weeks until we let on.”
“Now, you’re listening.” Rafa was smiling wide now.
“Wait, does Diggs know about us?” Rafa started taking off his pants. You needed what was inside.
“Nevermind. I know the answer, Jackass.”  
You ignored Rafa’s laugh as you began to make up for lost time.
Read the next part, Scene Stealer Tagging: 
@theatrenerd86 @lonelydance @sillyteecup @ohsoverykeri  @theselilwonders @theatrenerd86 @sebastianabucknettastan @imatyoursurrvicesurr @riiyy @ivycomet @lonelydance @jbrizzywrites @curtainremote @biafbunny @summerofsnowflakes @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @peaches-and-mangoes​​​ @delaber @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @einfachniemand​
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justpan · 4 years
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Title: Unwilling Bride
Summary: At last it is time for the battle between Pirates and Lost Boys.
Pairing: Peter x Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30 Part 31
Everything was on track.
The camp was moved, the fences were ready; even better, Tootles found a way to put them all on a single pulley system.
One rope cut and all the fences would drop down in sync, that meant that the archers wouldn’t need to waste arrows trying to trigger them each individually.
Peter made good on his word, he was watching the pirates, constantly. You wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t sleeping at all.
All he seemed to do was sit up in the tallest trees he could find, send his shadow to locate the enemy, and report his findings to Felix who was patrolling the new camp.
‘Any news?’ you asked as Felix approached you.
‘They are less than a day away from the battle ground.’
‘Finally, guess we’d better get our asses in gear, can’t be late for our own party.’ you smiled excitedly.
‘BOYS!!! GET READY, THE GAME IS ABOUT TO START!!!’ Pan yelled as he marched into the camp.
His back was straight and he had a glint in his eye, the smile on his face was shark like and dangerous.
Like the smile you saw the first day you met him, it was as if he was on top of the world.
‘You heard me didn’t you? Get to the battle ground, or you’ll miss all the fun!’ he shouted.
The boys cheered nice and loud, and almost instantly the camp was hectic.
Everyone was running around grabbing their weapons, already laced with dreamshade.
‘You ready squirrel?’ Rufio asked.
‘As ready as I can be, little bird.’ you smiled.
‘I bet I can take down more pirates than you.’ he grinned.
‘Oh, yeah? What’s the wager?’
‘How about...if I win we try to take things further.’ Rufio suggested.
Your breath got caught in your throat, you hadn’t expected that to be on his mind right before you ran into battle.
‘And if I win?’
‘Then...we’ll do whatever you want.’
‘And if I want to take things further...what then?’ you asked, a small smile pulling at your lip.
‘Then I guess it’s a win win for us.’
Well, it looked like you were both on the same page, you both wanted to. There was a battle hours away, and by the time you got back to your room the two of them would be bloody and exhausted.
You couldn’t think of a more perfect way to lose your virginity.
‘A win win.’ you smiled.
‘Yeah?’ Rufio asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.
‘Yes, really, I’m still gonna take out more geezers than you.’ you grinned.
‘We’ll see.’
‘Hey! Be cute later, we gotta get moving and fast.’ Felix said, dragging the two of you along with the others.
You quickly shook away your feelings and started getting mentally ready for the battle; you couldn’t afford any distractions. Because this wasn’t training, it was a real battle with an opponent that would kill you if you gave them the chance.
Everything needed to go right, the fences, the arrows, the fight. Most important was the feeling.
This fight needed to feel like a guaranteed win; every Lost Boy needed to believe they would live through this fight and every pirate they let live needed to feel like it was a mistake to challenge The Lost Boys.
Once you all arrived everyone got in position, you saw Rufio taking his place with the clubs, Felix with the clubs.
Pan was standing in the middle of the clearing, watching over everything.
You walked over to him, to go over everything one last time.
‘How long?’
‘They should be here in less than an hour.’ he replied.
‘Their numbers?’
‘Less than fifty.’
‘Good, we got the mass and the skills...but I feel like something is wrong.’ you said to yourself.
‘Whatever it is we have no time to dwell on it, get down.’ Pan said.
You nodded and used your magic to put a door into the hollow tree behind Pan, you stood there and charmed the door to close.
In the dark you made sure you still had enough room for your arms to move the way you needed to work your magic.
With that done you put up a spell on the bark in front of you so you could see the clearing.
It looked like everyone was in place, now it was just a matter of time.
You watched in anticipation as the quiet settled over the camp, all you heard was your own breathing.
At last you could hear a rustle from the trees, and watched as the pirates entered the clearing.
‘I take it you are not here to deliver a box of cakes.’ Pan said smugly.
‘No I’m not.’ the one you knew to be Captain Hook said in false politeness.
‘Then why are you and your friends here? Did you want to play a game?’
‘No games this time Pan.’
‘There’s always a game, and this one is called...Pirates and Hunters. You can be the pirates.’ Pan grinned before he whistled.
The arrow zipped through the air and like magic the fences dropped down and closed in the clearing.
Immediately the clubs and swords jumped out of the trees.
‘Let’s play!’ Pan yelled.
You watched the pirates pull out their swords and listened to their war cry as the much anticipated battle finally began.
All you wanted was to be in the middle of it, but you had to keep your eyes sharp, that was your job; make sure none of your own were killed in the scuffle.
So you watched every pirate and followed every arrow to make sure only pirates were hit by them.
At the left you saw Tootles fighting with one man while another was behind, his sword ready to stab the boy in the back so you shot out your hand and used your magic to yank the pirate all the way back to your tree.
His back hit the bark with a loud crack that came from either his skull or his spine cracking, either way he was certainly not getting up ever again.
Without taking a moment to think of the first man you’ve ever killed you got back to following the battle.
A few arrows were missing targets and planting themselves in trees and in the dirt, whenever you were sure no boys were in immediate danger you would take up the arrows and have them hit any pirates that were near it.
It seemed as if everything was going perfectly, only old fat bodies were on the ground and at least six were dropped by the fences.
You looked to your right and saw Rufio, he was fighting two pirates, moving so swiftly it looked almost graceful. He kicked one down then spun to bring his club down on the other and while he did that you dragged the other and slammed his head on one of the roots of your tree.
All of a sudden you heard a loud crash and the camp went silent.
One of the fences was blown to shreds, you could see a canon where the door once was and saw the last person you ever expected to see on a battlefield.
She was there with her hands tied in a way that kept them over her ears and covering her eyes.
A fat man with a red cap was beside her, with a sword to her throat.
‘Smee, good form.’ Hook said happily.
You looked to Pan and saw he was standing across from the captain, their swords still touching from when they had been battling.
‘Now...how about a new game? I call it Hostage.’
Pan was furious, but if he knew how to do anything it was how to compose himself.
‘That’s cheating.’
‘Pirates aren’t known for following rules. Now how about this we’ll give you your little girl, in exchange you grant us passage off this damned island.’ the pirate smiled.
The fat man in the red hat handed the crying girl to his captain who placed his hook to her throat.
‘If I don’t like the game?’
‘Then I’ll rip this girl’s heart out, in the bloody way. From my understanding she is rather important to you.’
‘It so happens she is.’
‘Take the deal.’ the one handed pirate offered.
‘Deal, there will be a portal just for you in the middle of the sea, but know that I will never open another portal for you again. You will be in the ground feeding the maggots in some boring realm before you ever see the alligator you want.���
‘Oh I will find him, now call off your dogs.’
You looked to Pan, looking for anything, any sign that he had a plan. A sure way to get Wendy away from the pirates and still win this battle.
There was nothing, no knowing smirk or calculating look in his eyes, he just looked furious. Angrier than you have ever seen him before, considering that at one point he had chased you through the woods that said something.
‘Game’s over boys, looks like pirates don’t play fair...bad form.’ he said.
One by one all the boys threw down their weapons and the archers stepped out from their hiding spots, but you stayed put.
You looked over, when you saw something red moving behind the canon that was still smoking behind the fairy tail captain.
He had his club raised high and eyes set on Hook’s head, in an instant you understood his plan, kill the pirate so Pan could get Wendy and we could get back to killing these old geezers.
But unfortunately you weren’t the only one who saw him.
Hook’s namesake was always polished, not for the sake of looks, but to see the reflections of things behind him. It was impossible to not notice such a loudly dressed lad.
Swift as wind he withdrew his hook from Wendy’s neck and before you could even scream in terror he had buried his hook in Rufio’s chest.
‘NO!’ you yelled.
The pirate removed his hook and let Rufio’s body drop to the ground.
You ran through the door of your tree and rushed to your boyfriend’s side, there was so much blood covering his chest you couldn’t see where the wound actually was.
‘No, no it’s OK. I can fix it.’ you said with shaking breath.
You tried to use your magic to heal him, but it wouldn’t work. Your hands were too unsteady and you couldn’t focus on how the body was meant to connect.
‘It’s...ok...Love y-you....’ Rufio choked out before his eyes lost focus and his body went limp.
‘No…’ you sobbed, you placed your forehead to his and tried to force him to be ok, or maybe to make yourself wake up.
Whatever you were trying to do didn’t matter because it didn’t work.
Felix was suddenly by your side, his eyes were wet, but he wasn’t crying.
He placed his hand on your shoulder and kneeled down with you over Rufio.
You didn’t notice it, but the camp had gone silent.
All these centuries of running wild on this island and killing any intruders and this was the first time they had ever lost one of their own.
‘No one else try anything, let me and my men go Pan.’ Hook said, removing the blindfold from Wendy's eyes and hands.
‘Leave the girl, and know that if I ever see you again, on this island or in any realm at all you will be as dead as that brother of yours.’ Pan spat out.
With tears in your eyes you watched the pirates retreat through the woods, a part of you wanted to burn the whole island down but you couldn’t.
Magic required a good amount of control, and you had never felt more unstable in your life.
You couldn’t stop the sobs that were spilling out of you or make your body stop shaking; there was only one thing in your mind.
Rufio was dead.
Your boyfriend had just died in your arms and there was nothing you could do about it no matter how strong your magic was.
Magic can do a lot but not that; dead is dead and it’s forever permanent.
‘(Y/N).’ Peter said solemnly.
‘I couldn’t save him, I saw him making his move and I didn’t stop him.’ you said around the lump in your throat.
‘We all saw him, and we all thought he could do it, it isn’t your fault.’ he said.
All at once it clicked in your head, like the last piece of a puzzle a thought formed in your mind.
‘You!’ you all but growled as you stood up and tackled the only other girl on the island to the ground.
‘You got him killed!’ you screamed in her tear streaked face as you wrapped your hands around her throat.
With all your strength you tried to crush her windpipe; if it was the last thing you did you were going to make her suffer for what she did.
‘(Y/N)!’ Peter yelled as suddenly you were yanked back, partially pulling Wendy with you, but eventually you lost your grip.
With a grunt and a thud that probably sounded worse than it actually felt you hit the ground.
‘I-I’m sorry!’ Wendy coughed, looking as pitiful and as helpless as the insect she was.
‘You will be, I’ll make you sorry!’ you spat as you struggled against the magic weight that was holding your body down.
‘Calm down.’ Peter said, his voice calm and clear as he stood over you.
‘Fuck calm! I want her dead!’
‘So do I.’ Felix said from beside Rufio’s body.
Felix closed his friend's eyes and looked up at his leader.
‘She betrayed us...Rufio is dead because her. She has been prancing through camp being as useless as a leech in dress and none of us said anything to you, but this.’ Felix said, standing up and pointing the body in front of him.
‘We can’t ignore this; and I won’t forgive it.’
More boys spoke in their agreement and soon they were all but spitting at the girl, the sight at one point would have disgusted you, but right now you just want to get up.
‘Quiet!’ Pan yelled, his voice strong and loud.
‘I know...the girl deserves to die, she deserves to die bloody. She is useless and no one likes her, not even me despite what I know you all think; but I still need her. We all do if we want to win the real game.’
The real game.
His master plan, the one he hadn’t even disclosed to you completely, all you knew was the goal, he needed Bae’s child; to get him he needed the Darling boys, and to keep them in line he needed Wendy.
Rufio was dead, his killers were on their way to freedom and all Peter, no not Peter, Pan cared about was his goal.
‘I hate you.’ you said, not even realizing you had said it.
You probably wouldn’t have even noticed your own voice if silence hadn’t become so heavy, as heavy as the weight that was no longer pinning you down.
Slowly you pulled yourself up and you looked at Peter, or Pan or whoever the hell the boy demon really was.
‘Rufio...he fought for you, he killed for you, and because of that stupid daffodil in a dress he died for you. You are so selfish and self concerned that you won’t even avenge him, won’t let me avenge him! He deserves that much!’ you cried.
‘(Y/N) I know right now it feels raw but-’
‘Not just now! I will never forgive this!’ you snapped.
You looked from him to Wendy and had to refrain from attacking her a second time.
‘Hide her, don’t ever let me see her face because if I do I will kill her...the same goes for you Pan.’
‘What are you saying?’ Peter asked, still masking his emotions in that way that not even you could see through it.
‘I’m saying that I hate you Peter Pan and if I ever see you again I will put you in the fucking ground...you and your little daffodil.’ you said.
Your eyes moved to the boys, the ones you had been laughing and training with for what must have been nearly a century now.
‘Only love for you all, if any of you ever find me I won’t be sore to see you; and if you’re following orders to find me I’ll fight you fair. Keep each other safe...since we can see vengeance is only priority in the right circumstance.’
You looked down at Rufio and again your vision was obstructed by tears.
‘Bury him by my tree, Felix.’
‘I will.’ your best friend without any hesitation
With that done you felt like you had said all you could say, so you turned away from all of them,
From Rufio’s body, your ex Peter Pan, the girl who’d gotten your boyfriend killed and all your friends too.
You look out at the woods and spare no time to think of all the dangers that hid behind the trees as you walked away from what was once your home.
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white-tulips · 4 years
I spent most of this morning continuing playing through the hikikomori route, more of my thoughts below!! (major spoilers ahead!!!!!)
if you haven’t but want to read my first post on my hikikomori playthrough, you can see it [here]!! it’s been a month since I last played any, aha...
I played for quite a few hours earlier but I don’t think I really progressed all that much aha. most of my time went towards grinding and wandering around and seeing little things. oh, and also playing through Orange Oasis. I never actually did that in my first run of the game. it was okay.
I really love how many little details and things to go back to that there are, but I’m still a little bitter at just. how long everything is. I talked about this a lot in my previous post, but it irritates me that the first 15-20 hours (give or take depending on how fast you’re able to blast through this game) is just. exactly the same as what you experience in the main route. especially since now my hikikomori save file is even longer than my main story file, and I think I still have a decent ways to go until I finish. I don’t actually know! I haven’t been spoiled for this route, thankfully, so I don’t really know how much is left. I have a vague idea of a couple areas I need to go to, but that’s about it.
ok, on to my thoughts!! this post is probably just going to be me rambling about tiny details I found interesting since I didn’t progress through much plot stuff, I think.
when I opened up my save file, I. completely forgot what I had been doing a month ago and what I wanted to do next, so I decided to go back to the Last Resort. I don’t know what compelled me to go, but there was a lot of fun stuff there so I’m glad that I did!
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I had never tried to use Aubrey to go into the girls’ bathroom before? it was very cute, I liked it. I don’t know why, but as soon as I walked in it really reminded me of Basil. I think it’s all the flowers, photos hanging from the wall, and general soft cutesy vibe. I’m not really sure what to make of that, but it was just my general impression. hmmmm.
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I have no words for this other than it just made me amused. go get your vacation, king.
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I didn’t know Hero had a confirmed age!! all this time I had been assuming he and Mari were 16 years old, so it’s nice to have something set in stone!
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I have no words for these, either. seeing all of the Hero pictures just made me laugh out loud a little I loved it.
when I was standing in Jawsum’s office, I noticed that the elevator behind his desk was shaking. I went to examine it, and was surprised when this was where I ended up.
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the black space elevator.
something I completely forgot to mention in my last hikikomori post was black space!! it had completely took me by surprise so I can’t believe I forgot to talk about it.
last time I played and went back to Last Resort, there was a completely black car on the highway and it had really freaked me out. as soon as I clicked on it, instead of giving me some kind of prompt Omori just got in and it drove off. I was so shocked because I wasn’t expecting it fhgjdfhgj. it ended up taking Omori back to one of the black space rooms, and I had no clue what to make of it. I wandered around for a little while, and ended up finding this... friend?
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I’m... not sure! who are you......
anyways, so I got in the elevator and we’re back here, now with more spiders.
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the spider wasn’t interactable. not sure whether to be upset or relieved.
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aaaand then there was this guy in the treehouse. I want to know what these black space NPCs are!!! as soon as I tried to interact with it, the screen glitched out (intentionally) and then it was gone. one day I’ll know what it means.
oh, another thing I spent quite a bit of time doing at the Last Resort-
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getting statues made of everyone!! RIP to all of my clams, but these are so cute.
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I really liked the comment on Mari’s! it made me happy that it highlighted her playful side.
after I was done reexploring Last Resort, I wanted to go back to Sweetheart’s castle. I was walking through Pyrefly Forest, and I noticed one of the picnic blankets had a cooler open (signaling that you can see a new picnic cutscene) so I went to go sit down and have a picnic.
so, when I was going around earlier and doing some stuff, there were a few picnics that I think I had skipped for some reason so I was doing them and mindlessly skipping through the text for no reason other than it would bother be if I just left them. nothing about the conversations was different even though Basil is here now, so I didn’t think anything would be different for the one in Pyrefly Forest, but I was wrong!! I almost completely skipped through everything aha.
it started off the same, with Hero being scared of the spiders, and then Kel prompted Basil to say something positive to try and make him less scared.
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it’s pretty insignificant, but I thought it was interesting that he said pretty much the exact same thing he says in the spider room in black space.
when I got to the castle, I went straight to the library. something about the pattern of going to black space, plus being able to go into the barn in Otherworld, just made me feel like there would be something there. and oh boy was I right. the entire place was crawling with Something.
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very good.....
I wasn’t able to get screenshots of them, but there were a couple text popups that really stood out to me. my memory is so bad I can’t remember all of them even though it was only this morning,,, but I’m pretty sure one of them had a popup that was just “Liar.” and I was like HM....
it just really had me thinking....
in my previous post, I mentioned that I had a gut feeling that the Something in the barn was supposed to represent Basil, not Mari. this kind of added fuel to that thought!
the barn in Otherworld was only used in the main route in reference to Basil, with it literally showing Omori a vision of him, and also having Stranger walking into it. now, the library also has a lot of connection to Basil! after picking up one of the keys, it shows us another vision of him, and it’s also littered with egret orchids. I don’t think choosing to have all of these Somethings in both of these places is just a coincidence.
now, about the “Liar.” line. in any fight with Something, if there’s a text popup meant to be Something speaking, it’s always done like this-
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with the “???:” to indicate character speech. but the “Liar.” popup was just a standalone line. and it instantly reminded me of this room in black space-
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and this just kept making my brain whirl.
in this room, there were all of these popups with “Liar.” and then of course there was-
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see here how there also weren’t indications of who was saying ‘liar”, but there was for Something? my idea for this room was always that it was Omori repeating it to himself. because we all know by now that Something is Mari, and her saying “I love you”, especially in this form, is nothing but pure torment. and I think here, we have Omori unwilling to believe it. there’s no way Mari could love him/Sunny. she has to be lying.
soooo then, this brings me back to the library. having the “Liar.” popup there, keeping in consideration that the Somethings there might represent Basil, what could that mean?? it could be in reference to Basil’s words “Everything is going to be okay” because clearly everything is not okay. if all of these Somethings are meant to be Basil, it could fit!!!
... so there’s my long winded theory. idk! I think it makes sense, but I could be wrong!! that’s just my first impressions right now, maybe my thoughts will change when I play more!
moving onto the piano room-
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this was when I thought “ohhhh so that’s why the wall always felt hallow. it all makes sense now”
and then I spent the next 30 or so minutes fighting all of the Somethings
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I LOVED this. this was the first time a fight was put on a time limit, and since Something was so much more powerful, it felt actually stressful. I was stressed! but I managed to make it with 2-3 turns left, and I didn’t die. I did die about 1 or 2 times to arachnophobia and thalassophobia though F. but it’s okay because I got an achievement and also Omori’s suffocate skill is really good.
anyways I did some more mindless walking around (I had to kill time waiting for all my statues to be built, you know!)
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this made me really happy. Big Molio I love you you’re the mvp and you deserve the world.
... looking through my screenshots I wish I could forget this one-
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,, do I need to even explain it.
I remember a while ago, I saw someone on twitter post this and iirc the caption was something like “isn’t it a bit morbid to have the jumprope there” and, at the time, I had never gone through Orange Oasis, so seeing that tweet I had the wind knocked out of me. I was just sitting there like “fuuuuuuuuck”. and then I went through Orange Oasis today, saw it again, went “fuuuuuuuuck” and then forgot I screenshot it. it’s just a lot.
okay who knows how I filled the rest of the 6 hours I played because I didn’t take many screenshots of the downtime and running around completing sidequests I never did. the last point of interest today was I had went back to Humphrey.
I didn’t do too much, but I did fight Mutantheart.
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I adore her!!!! so cute!!! Mutantheart my beloved.
I lost to her once, because I was a bit confused, but once I caught on to the gimmick of her fight, it was actually pretty easy. rest in peace, queen, I love you...
and then, uh. Her-
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I tried 3 times. I didn’t win... all of the characters are maxed leveled at 50, but this is so difficult... well, the first half of the fight I found to be pretty easy, actually. but once she switches into full power mode it’s over. I don’t know how I’m supposed to win. farewell my dream of completing the foe facts book, it was a nice goal while it was realistic. 
and then I stopped for the day! I think I needed that month of not playing, because coming back into the game after a lot of my rage and burnout settled was probably best, and I had a lot of fun playing! hopefully it doesn’t take me another month to continue.
if you made it all the way through this post, thank you for reading! I hope you like my thoughts~
I’ll leave on this note-
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king shit
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ilivelikeimtrying · 3 years
*pounding fists on table* Gush about those next Gen OCs! I wanna know!
Mmmmm, ok, I only have a few sketched out though.
I drew them all at 18, but their ages are different from each other.
Here's a bit of character info with them too.
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First we have Jullia (12 years older than Sky) (I've talked about her before in a different AU), she's the oldest of the bunch, and sort of the tallest at 6" 0. She's a toughy, loves burgers, and studies law. She's also kind of a flirt, but after starting her relationship with Lilith, she is more serious about making sure she's happy. At her height, and build, she prides herself on always being at the top of her game and loves to work out and train with her Aunts.
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Then we have Sora (Sky) (6 years older then Noitte). Little gay chaotic boy who likes fashion and playing dumb. Kind of a whore but rocks it, doesn't really date but likes to taste off the menu. Protective older sibling who likes to pick on his little brother for being a nerd even though he's secretly (not so secretly) one himself. He loves his dads, loves drama, and often gets into trouble along with his cousin. Between everyone in the family, his best friend is June.
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After him we have Noitte (basically the baby of the family). He loves Astronomy, and spends his time building anything that can give him a better glimpse at the sky and what's beyond. He has almost every astronomy book ever, and loves si-fi, especially old movies of them. He's a prodigy and loves spending time with his uncle and making all sorts of inventions with him. He says he tolerates most of his family, but he genuinely loves all of them. Him and Fermin vibe the best.
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We have Lilith, an only child (one year younger than Jullia). Her dad left her mom when she was 3, and her mother remarried when she was 8. Her new dad was always a big role model in her life and, personality wise, seems to take after him more than she does her mom, and she couldn't be happier with him in her life, and thankful since he was to one who gave her a push to ask out her crush, Jullia. (It didn't work, but it still went great). She loves skirts and and flowers and has the softest spot for lizards, especially her pet Leopard Gecko: Chunky.
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Than Marisabelle, or Mariposa like her mom calls her (she's 3 years older then Sora). She owns about 30 different shoes and loves running. She's the track and field star from her schools. She's also the belle of all her circles, but she can go from the sweetest angel to the scariest person in the room. She's responsible but loves a good thrill of danger. She's the biggest horror and thriller fan, and loves gothic buildings and architecture. (She secretly owns a Ouija board somewhere in her room, but her parents can't seem to find it.) She loves hanging with her moms, and her older cousin Jullia.
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June is the embodiment of chaos. A bit punk, a bit rock, all nerd, and not afraid to throw down at any time (she's the same age as Sora, but 2 moths older still treats him as if he's a little kid). She's a ride or die in almost any situation, and loves to gamble. Her motto with her bff is "I hustle the money, you hustle the men". She adores back to the future and got her mom to make her a hoverboard. Her bff is obviously Sky.
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Fermin is a bit calmer than his sister, but has just as much sass as her. (He's June's adoptive brother, and the same age as Noitte). He likes video games, correcting people, and programming, but has a huge passion for writing and books. He has journals covering almost every inch of his room, so his dad had to make him a shelf (it didn't help, but it was worth a try). He likes talking with his mom about most anything and likes to steal sweaters and sweatpants from his family. He's done with most anyone and is mostly lively around his mom, or dad, and loves to info dump about Mary Shelley, and Shakespeare, and Neil Gaiman, and all his favourite writers to whomever is willing to listen, usually his mom, or cousin Noitte, seeing as he can also talk for hours about the ever extending universe.
That's it for now, though I do have a few more that I need to draw, but I still need to figure out their designs and such.
Thank you for the ask ☮️
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mismess · 3 years
Jeremy went to pick up coffee.
Now Jeremy didn’t always drink coffee in the morning but this day he was asked to get some, so while he’s there he might as well indulge. He could use a boost of energy anyway.
So on his usual drive to work he took a small detour to a local coffee shop, he got two coffees, one medium roast with extra milk and sugar, one dark roast with milk and one sugar. He didn’t think to get more, he wasn’t told to get more so why would he?
This dark roast with milk and one sugar had to do with a call, a call he got early in the morning, around 6:30 am, which is too early and it probably woke up half the house, it was Scotty calling from work, Jeremy didn’t think Scott really registered what time it was, he sounded out of it, but still profusely apologized about his request for him to pick up coffee.
This leads back to a scene from earlier in the week, the coffee pot in the break room had been broken leaving the Fazbear employee’s caffeineless, which isn’t a problem for him but Scott seemed rather upset about it, he did recall him often having a cup in hand, might explain some of his jumpiness, perhaps Scott should cut back on the caffeine actually.
Just another unhealthy habit Jeremy thought to himself
But the thing is Scott almost NEVER asks anything of anyone, even if he probably should, so of course Jeremy agreed. He can’t turn down the one time he’s asked for something, even if it fueled that habit, it was the least problematic of them anyway.
So Jeremy picked up the coffee.
As he arrived at the pizzeria and walked inside, the main entrance opened up to a large open room, to the left were tables that costumers sat to eat pizza and watch the animatronic band perform, the flooring was black and white tile while the walls had star patterned wallpaper with colorful images of the band along on some of the walls, other walls had a few drawings from past costumers put up on display. To the right of the entrance he saw Fritz in their usual spot, in the prize corner near the games, while all their jobs were rather loose in nature and you simply go where you’re needed, that was their ‘main’ job, they take tickets and exchange them for prizes, Fritz was often leaving that post however to help a kid cheat at ski ball or something.
The place had been open for just around an hour, there was a couple of older kids lingering around on the arcade games but it was far from busy. Fritz didn’t take notice that Jeremy had arrived as they were messing with the little prizes behind the counter, such as the finger traps and those rubber poppers. He liked those poppers if he was being honest, and sometimes took one for his own enjoyment.
Jeremy walked past the prize corner and towards the break room, it always felt rude to talk to someone unless they were close enough to him, -what that distance was exactly he didn’t really know himself, depended on the mood and person-, or if said person directly talked to him first, and it felt silly to walk all the way up to someone just to say hello and turn away. So he stayed quiet. This sometimes labeled him as rude either way if someone expected a greeting and he didn’t supply.
He opened the break room door to find Scotty sitting at a table, slumped forward propping his head up with his hands while rubbing his temples with his thumbs, but when he heard the door he looked up, almost in a startled fashion, but that friendly crooked smile he always has on quickly replaced his nervous face.
Jeremy liked that crooked smile, it always leaned towards the right of his face, showing off his dimple on that side.
Underneath his smile however he looked tired, and it seemed like he just got more worn down with every day that went by. Scotty’s always been an overachiever when it came to work, he took long hours and probably did the equivalent of three people's jobs at the same time, but lately it seemed like it’s taken a toll on him. Jeremy’s tried to discourage this behavior in the past but that would usually just end with Scott finding a way to weasel his way out of those conversations.
There wasn’t much to the break room, it had a couple of plain tables strewn about with mismatched chairs surrounding them, a counter against the wall to the left of the entrance with a microwave sitting on it, the coffee pot formerly sat next to it as well, with a couple of cupboards above it that didn’t house much of anything besides a few cups, and at the end of the counter a fridge.
“I’m here.” Jeremy announced, giving him a quick smile
“Oh thank God! I have such a headache-” Scotty said as he shot out of his chair and walked over to Jeremy
Jeremy held out the dark roast with milk and one sugar to Scott
Scott took it and realized he wasn’t being very polite, “OH- Sorry, uh- Hello! How ya doing?” he asked, but quickly followed it up with another question “ Oh, how much was it?”
“Um. I’m fine. And you don’t have to worry about payment.” Jeremy reassured him
“Nonsense!” Scott said, reaching into his pocket “You are NOT paying for my addictions... Ah-!”
“- That’ll do!” Scott said while handing him a crumpled-up wad of spare change, just looking at it Jeremy could tell it was way too much for one dark roast with milk and one sugar.
Before Jeremy could say anything the break room door swung open again as Fritz walked in
“Ooooh, coffee!” Fritz said as they walked by Jeremy “Didn’t get me one~?” Fritz said in a tone that seemed playful, but Jeremy couldn’t quite tell if it was. He’s never been good at picking up tones very well.
“I didn’t know you wanted one, I’m sorry.” Jeremy said. He should have got more coffee, for everyone.
“Nah it’s ok, Jere, I’m joking, I’m sure Scotty called before I was even here.” Fritz said leaning on Scott’s shoulder while he sipped on his dark roast with milk and one sugar
“Wait a minute-” Jeremy started as he realized what time Scott really did call at “You did call from here right? Just how early did you get here?”
But before Scott was able to answer Fritz piped in instead "Dude, he’s BEEN here since 12 last night!” they gave Scott a friendly nudge, but as Scott pulled the coffee away from his mouth he gave out this nervous chuckle
“Wait- wait- Scott, you’re working the night shift?” Jeremy asked, he suddenly felt a sense of dread at the mention of it
“Um. Uh- Yeah, heh...” Scott said awkwardly
Jeremy hadn’t realized Scott had taken over the night shift, no wonder this man seemed more exhausted than usual.
“But you’re here during the day all the time!” Jeremy stated “Ok- Just how many double shifts do you take?”
“Uh- W-Whatever I’m a- asked..?” Scott said with a nervous grin, his shoulders raised up as if to brace himself, he put his coffee down on the table
“Scott-- God the night shift-- Do you LEAVE?”
“O- Of course! I can’t live here!”
“You say that like you would if you could!” Jeremy was obviously showing frustration in his voice, he didn’t mean to but the amount of work this man did stressed Jeremy out, and the night shift stressed him out even more
“Well- I mean- I’m not doing anything else anyway-” Scott started
“Well you should! Scotty you’re already working so many hours, do you sleep?! You have to realize this isn’t healthy-!” Jeremy was cut off by the break room door opening again
William stood in the doorway, his usual calm demeanor did not seem to be about him today, his brow furrowed and shoulders hunched in a manner unlike him “... What is going on in here?” he asked
“- Brought up Scott’s poor work-life balance, now the boys are fighting.” Fritz told him
William pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed “... Ok. I don’t care- There’s currently no employees out on the floor and a birthday party in an hour, can we stop the chit-chat and get things moving.” he snapped
“Yes, you’re right, William!” Scott quickly moved past William out the door on to the floor, obviously glad to find a reason to stop the conversation. William followed.
Jeremy took a deep breath as he watched him walk away “... You think Scotty works too much too, right?” he turned to Fritz, hoping he had an ally, fearing he might be coming off a little too overprotective.
“Oh definitely,” Fritz replied “He’s stubborn when it comes to work tho, you can’t get that guy to sit down. Seeing as you didn’t know he’s on the night shift I guess you haven’t seen his schedule, you should take a look, that thing is a MESS.”
Fritz walked out the door as well, leaving Jeremy alone with his medium roast with extra milk and extra sugar. He didn’t like the mood that was left hanging in this room, he felt bad for getting upset with Scotty, his problems wouldn’t improve just cause Jeremy got fussy with him. But Scotty always pushed these things aside, insisting they could “bring it up later” or “it’s not that bad” or simply just changing the subject, he didn’t know how to talk about it with him without getting fussy at this point.
It seemed like most of their recent conversations ended in frustration. Scotty grew a lot more distant after The Bite, and didn’t tell him about anything anymore, and if asked he would brush him off, he stopped having lunch with him or Fritz and usually spent most his time working or talking with William so any time for socializing was spent elsewhere. He missed his friend.
He didn’t want to just drop it but he didn’t know what more he could do, if Scotty didn’t want his help he can’t force him to talk to him or make him take less hours.
... The night shift...
Jeremy had sworn off the night shift after his first and only week on it, he didn’t like thinking about it, but the reason it was so bad was the animatronics weren’t right, they had something wrong with them, which is why they were scrapped. Those animatronics that seemed out for his blood weren’t in use anymore, and with them the problems of the night shift were gone. At least that’s what William said, Jeremy had no intentions of seeing that for himself, just the thought gave him anxieties.
But that means at least Scott would have the 6 hours to just sit down and relax, right?
He still didn’t think it was good, and Scott definitely should be taking more time off, but maybe Jeremy’s reaction was a bit unwarranted. He would apologize for his harsh tone when he got the chance.
Jeremy took both his medium roast with extra milk and sugar and the half-drunken dark roast with milk and one sugar and put them in the break room’s fridge, maybe they could drink them at lunch together later he thought.
and he got to work.
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olivetreehugger · 3 years
SnK Scouts/Veterans as Health Care Workers
Note: features Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Levi, Erwin and Hange. A part two to my “SnK Warriors as HCWs” post found here. warning: mentions of blood, trauma, gore (it’s healthcare). Also, I know Hange is nb, I headcanon them as female, so I will be using she/her pronouns. 
Eren: this boy is definitely too involved in everything and has too many people depending on him at once to not be a nurse. The kid barely passed the NCLEX but that didn’t stop him from applying to every trauma center within a 25 mile radius of him. He got hired as a night shift trauma ICU nurse  and he frequently picks up shifts in the ER. He wears the cheapest scrubs he can find, often stained with ink in the pockets area. He isn’t a shitty nurse per se but there are tasks that still need to be done at the end of his shift and he gives a crappy report that’s missing too many details. Nurses hate picking up his patients, it’s always a mess. His charting is really spotty and he gets called into the manager’s office all the time to fix it. 
Still, he tries really hard to improve his time management and skills. He wants to be like his friends Mikasa and Reiner, who are the best nurses he knows. He wants to be involved in the traumatic cases and emergencies because he wants to learn as much as he possibly can. He’s really good at wound care, for some reason (hint hint). He’s kinda cocky sometimes too, which can be troublesome when Dr. Galliard is working. People know to steer clear of those two when they’re both  in the ER. Also, Eren always has a black cloud around him; whenever he works it’s gonna be a hella busy day in the hospital. Lots of emergency surgeries, intubations, codes and deaths. He’ll always jump in to help you if your patient is crashing, though, no matter how busy he is. 
Mikasa: she’s a prodigy. She was a straight ‘A’ student in nursing school, got a perfect 75 on the NCLEX and was immediately hired to the trauma ICU after doing a short internship there. She worked night shift for a year but her sleep schedule was so so fucked she started having night terrors, so she switched to day shift. Eren still calls her a traitor for it :/. She keeps trying to get him to switch over but he just hisses at her and threatens to chug a case of Monster energy drinks. She hasn’t given upon him yet, though.
This girl’s work ethic is beyond measure. She comes in exactly at 6:30 am, looks up her patients, takes report, gives a great update to the doctors when they round, and provides impeccable care to her patients. She knows exactly which treatments the doctors will order before they even speak. She’s incredible at inserting IVs--everyone in the hospital knows Mikasa Ackerman can put an 18g in a 90  yr old lady’s arm AND get blood return (just trust me, it’s flipping impossible). She has great skill when it comes to emergency situations and is a big believer in team work. If she notices your patient’s crashing and you don’t know what to do, she’ll calmly coach you and save your patient, too. All before lunch time. 
It doesn’t take Mikasa long to be promoted to charge nurse. When she’s in charge all the reports, paperwork and audits are completed before shift change. She divides the patient assignments really well and is very fair to the new grads. All around she’s an incredible nurse and leader on her unit, but don’t be fooled. If it’s been a rough day, Mikasa will get in her car and sob so loud her throat goes raw. A lot of people depend on her and working in a trauma ICU is really, really demanding. A lot of patients are demanding, rude and busy. She has a lot of trouble with stress management and is thinking of cutting her hours down so she can catch a break. Someone please hug her <3
Armin: for some reason my brain is just SCREAMING respiratory therapist. Like, I imagine this beautiful blond boy in gray scrubs (the color for RT’s in my hospital) going around helping intubate patients, giving nebulizer treatments and doing blood gases. I can just see him huffing and puffing when the attending doctor is overzealous about weaning vent support. -“Why are we changing the patient to pressure support? do you see how tachypneic he is on volume control?”
-“are you gonna put in the order? if not, your patient’s gonna be on PRVC all day, I’m not changing it without an order”
-“Doc, the patient looks like crap and their blood gas looks like death...oh, you still wanna extubate? ok, well I’m gonna leave the ventilator in here just in case. better yet, let me call a pastor in here, too.”
This kid is sassy af and he knows it. He’s smart af too, knows everything there is to know about the lungs and respiratory care. Knows every ventilator mode better than most doctors. Will certainly tell a resident off for ordering the wrong type of inhaler for a patient. He’s so damn intelligent that he even made the ice queen Annie melt like a popsicle. 
 He has no chill when it comes to his patients and even less chill (like -4078875874670) when a doctor gets in his way. For this reason, Armin has recently been toying with the idea of going to PA school so he can have a little more autonomy. He works al over the hospital, usually frequenting the trauma, CV, and medical ICU. The nurses there love him. 
Jean: Jeannie boy. Baby. Sweetie. He’s also a nurse. He is strictly dayshift and trauma. When he first started, he thought he’d do a year in the ICU and then go to CRNA school. He didn’t want to be around sickly patients with hopes and dreams and fears--it was too icky for him. But, over time, he learned that he LOVED trauma. Jean loves the controlled chaos that comes with the ugly, bloody messes that roll in through the ICU’s doors. He always gears up for trauma season (summer time) by bringing Dunkin Donuts iced coffee for everyone on the unit (day and night shift because he’s a supportive king). He gets really good at dealing with arrogant trauma residents and ortho docs who think they’re hot shit. When Jean sees a resident yelling at a nurse, he jumps in and threatens to have their license revoked. He will dig under their skin and page them incessantly throughout the day, too, just to get back at them. Jean is not a fan of lateral violence in the workplace, no sir. 
He always, always makes sure every room is stocked and new bags are hanging for the next shift. He has a thing where if things aren’t properly organized on the unit his brain just spazzes. He’s on the unit council and education committee because he also loves to teach the new grads. He also doubles as charge nurse, when management can’t be there (there can be one or more charge nurses amongst the staff, they usually work different days, though) He and Mikasa work so well together, teaming up to get tasks done, coding patients, running them down to get scanned, etc. People joke they’re the mom and dad of the unit. It makes them both blush <3 (Eren doesn’t like it, lol)
Jean loves to see patients healing from horrendous injuries, he’s constantly cracking jokes with the awake patients to try to make them feel better, and he’s really good at calming anxious family members down. Our boy just makes such good connections with people. He’s the guy you call when your confused patient is one second away from ripping his breathing tube out. He can convince the most restless, agitated patient to chill out. He’s got the voice for it. Also people love his mullet. It looks great. 
Connie: I really didn’t know at first but I feel like Connie would make a great physical therapist. He’s got great energy, he’s funny and I could see him dancing to Earth, Wind & Fire in front of his patients to hype them up for therapy. He’d be very sweet with them 
Sasha: I’m sick and tired of the food jokes, quite honestly. She’s more than that. In my mind, she’s an occupational therapist, helping disabled patients learn to feed, dress and clean themselves again. She works directly with Connie as they round on all their patients in the hospital, they make a great team!  She’s extremely patient and would make a very good nurse, but is unsure of where life is taking her. That is until she meets Niccolo the dietician in the cafeteria, and she falls hard. He encourages her to follow her heart and she does!  
Levi: Hm. This one stumped me. Levi is a bit...cold. It’s not like he has incredible social skills. He’s meticulous and focused and kinda mean? He reminds me of an anesthesiologist, tbh. Like he’ll sedate the shit outta you for surgery, makes sure you don’t die on the table, and then drops you off to the unit as fast as he can. He never takes off his mask while in the hospital and he scrubs maybe four times before surgery. He is very good at medication calculations and knows everything about nerve blocks, intubation, pain medication and sedation. He can look at a person and just KNOW what kind of sedative to give and how much. Your blood pressure will never bottom out while he’s there, he’ll warn the surgeon and immediately get that norepinephrine started.
 If Zeke is the one operating, Levi is on his ass to finish up the surgery ASAP and to not linger, because Zeke takes his time and ignores the tele monitor alarming in the background. After surgery, this 5′2 demon will scream at the 6′ resident about the importance of blood pressure management and sedation in neurosurgical patients. Levi plays no games and he also just really hates Zeke lol
He seems like a jerk but genuinely cares about getting his peeps through surgery. His favorite surgeon to work with is Hange Zoe, because she’s brilliant and fast, but also cognizant of her patient’s hemodynamics. Levi likes taking trauma cases as long as it’s with her. When he drops a patient off to the trauma ICU or goes there to intubate, he makes sure Jean or Mikasa are there because he knows everything is gonna go smoothly. He trusts them a lot. He likes Armin, too and even let him intubate a few times. On his breaks, he’s drinking tea and reading a Williams & Sonoma catalog or scrolling through cleaning Tik Tok lol.
Erwin: This man. This beautiful and hunky beefcake. Omg. I HC him as someone who went to nursing school, became a charge nurse on the trauma unit back in the early 2000′s and fell in love with it. Erwin would eventually fall in love with leadership and educating, too. He went back to school and earned his Doctorate of Nursing Practice (a practice doctorate). He managed the trauma unit for ten years before his brilliant leadership skills and wicked smart brain got him elected as the Director of Trauma Surgery recently. He is the first person with a nursing degree and DNP to ever accomplish this, so it’s very controversial. A lot of toxic doctors threaten to leave the hospital for this (because they’re assholes), but Erwin threatens to fire them in response and it usually shuts them up. 
He often holds lectures in the hospital auditorium. With a mind and voice like his, people are so drawn in by him. He advocates for nursing staff, for reimbursement when continuing their education, better staffing, parking, etc. He makes nice with doctors and gets them to sign petitions for the nurses to get these things. He’s a bit manipulative He’s also a fantastic manager and director, he’s really good at negotiating things. The nurses and residents all love him because he rounds on every ICU frequently, brings food, and asks them how he can help. He can be a bit daunting because of his height and deep voice but once he starts talking to you, you just get sucked in. All around an absolute king. 
Hange: This character reminds me of a trauma surgeon and intensivist (ICU doctor) we have, Dr. Omi. A great surgeon, really really smart, but takes absolutely NO bullshit. She will yell at you if you freeze during intubating. She wants you to recite every step before you take it, otherwise she’ll take the tube from you and do it herself. In surgery, she’s the same way. She wants you to learn, but by her standards. If she asks a question, you better know the answer or fess up right away, she doesn’t like the “uhms” of uncertainty as you try to search for a shitty response. Either you know it or you don’t. And if you don’t, she’ll teach you. Yeah she can be rough around the edges, but she’s got a big heart. She loves her trauma team. She buys them breakfast and gives them funny personalized gifts. One time, she bought an apply tree for Mikasa and brought it to her car at the end of a shift. Mikasa forgot to plant it and it died in her backseat. Hange will sometimes ask, “Mikasa, how’s your apple tree growing?” and Mikasa will lie through her teeth. “It’s growing!” Fess up, Mikasa. Those google search apple trees are starting to look familiar.
All around Hange loves to work and teach. She is a wonderful trauma surgeon and has saved tons of lives.  
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dandylion240 · 3 years
All of the story asks please :) (Character specific ones I'd say up to you, but would love to have them be Jonah/Cecil or my usual favorites ;) )
what’s the last screenshot you’ve taken for your story?
Tumblr media
2. describe your story in three words or less
Family, Angst, Drama
3. describe (insert character here) in three words or less
Jonah - unassuming, brave sensitive
Cecil - insightful, supportive, caring
Evan - self-sacrificing, helpful, innocent
Jayden - protective, stubborn, active
4. how did you choose the name of your story?
I try to use titles that is kind of thematic of the story I'm writing. It takes me forever to come up with a name and sometimes the name changes multiple times before it gets posted.
5. how do you choose your characters’ names?
It depends upon the story. For my Reagan family stories (TS4) I use the parents names. It's kind of a family tradition. For instance Jonah/Ethan. All boys will start with E and the girls will start with J. In my TS3 stories I sometimes choose a theme for names and use that. Like next gen of NSQL the theme is nature.
6. how long have you been working on your story for?
Well it depends on the story. With my Reagans I started writing for them in the summer of 2019. For my TS3 legacies I started in 2014 I think.
7. whats the biggest risk you’ve taken with your story? did it pay off?
I think my biggest risk is my current story Into the Depths of Darkness. I wasn't sure I could pull it off and the story has changed from what I thought it would be and the hero of the story has changed from first conception. I'm happy that Jonah is the hero of his own story and it's given him so much character growth and he's becoming more of what I always invisioned him being. I owe a lot to @mahvaladara to how the story has progressed and the ideas she has contributed. It wouldn't be what it is without her.
8. what about your story are you proud of?
There are many things I'm proud. Mostly that I continue writing even though sometimes it feels like I'm ripping my heart out to write some of things I write about and also that I don't quit even when it's hard.
9. what about your story are you looking to improve on?
There's always things that can be improved. Writing is a process that the more you do it the more you learn and get better. I could say pictures but I'll admit the storytelling will always come first over pretty pics and sometimes I just can't find the right pose to fit. Maybe one day I'll be able to make my own poses but I'm not there yet.
10. is your story fully planned or are you still working things out? is there a definitive end?
It's a work in progress. I start writing from an outline of how I think the story should go but it's loose enough for me to rearrange things or remove/add things to it as the story evolves.
11. why have you decided to tell this story? are there any messages or meanings within it?
I just like to write. If there's any message in my stories it's that family is important and no matter awful things you might face in life if you have people who love and care for you that you can endure it. But mostly that you can rise above your circumstances and still be a healthy, functioning person despite everything even if you have a mental or health problems, you can still be happy, loved.
12. do you actually play the game or do you just use it as a storytelling medium?
It's mostly a storytelling medium for me. I do play it sometimes but tbh though TS4 lacks so much depth and gameplay I find it boring after a while. I've gotten into playing TS3 again now that I have a better computer that it doesn't lag as much.
13. from basic planning to a finished post, how long does that take you?
I don't honestly know. I've never stopped to consider how long it takes.
14. do you have any regrets about your story so far? if you could go back in time, how would you fix these?
No I don't think I have any real regrets. Sure I go back and think I could have written that better or edited that picture more but for the most part I'm happy with my stories.
15. what have been the highlights of creating your story?
The highlights have always been the people who become involved in my characters lives.
16. what about the process do you enjoy?
Seeing my stories come to life. How my characters change as the story progresses.
17. what about the process do you hate?
When I struggle to write a scene and it doesn't flow the way it should. It's generally because I'm coming at it wrong. Once I figure that out than it flows. Sometimes the seeming lack of interest in what I write from the readers is hard to overcome and I feel like quitting. But the few who comment I thank because that always revs up my motivation to continue.
18. choose a song that reminds you of your story
Just one song....that's really difficult say. There are so many songs out that fit my current story. This song fits Into the Depths of Darkness because where there's a lot of darkness there's still hope to be found.
19. choose a song that reminds you of (insert character here)
Ok I'll do this for Jonah - Fight Song
20. choose your favourite shot from your story so far
Tumblr media
21. choose your least favourite shot so far
Tumblr media
22. choose a favourite character from your story so far
Jonah is my baby. It may not show it by I love him.
23. choose your least favourite character so far
Hmm this is difficult because there were characters I created purely to be hated. Currently my least favorite is Ethan but it's not because I don't love him but it's because of his roll in the story.
24. are there any characters who remind you of yourself?
Not really. There are certain aspects of me in all my characters or people I know in them but none are an incert of myself.
25. what inspirations have you drawn on for your story?
There are so many. I draw inspiration from people around me. From movies and TV shows I watch. The books I read. Sometimes from the people I interact with on here mainly @izayoichan @mahvaladara @jenpants and @legendofsim They've let me bounce ideas off of them and their input helps me in my stories.
26. have other sim stories inspired you?
Yes they have. See above. All their stories have inspired me.
27. what genres would you describe your story as?
Modern fantasy drama??? I have no idea if that's a thing but it best describes what I write.
28. if you could reproduce your story in another medium (movie, novel, comic, etc.) what would you choose and why?
Hmm I'd say novel or maybe series. A movie would be cool too.
29. what would your story’s rating be? (G, PG, M etc.)
Hmm interesting I'd like to say its somewhere between PG-13 and mature just because of some of the topics.
30. if you were leaving simblr and had to choose another creator to continue the story for you, who would you ask?
I think either @izayoichan or @mahvaladara for my TS4 stories since they've helped me write some of them and they would keep true to the characters as they love them as much as I do.
For my TS3 stories I would say @legendofsim since for a long time our stories had been intertwined.
31. drop some random trivia about your story
Ethan was supposed to die trying to save Jonah
Caiden was supposed to have played the part of the hero instead of Jonah
Cory was going to heal Jonah's broken heart over the of Ethan.
But as they say the story changed...
32. give a light spoiler
Someone will be heartbroken at the end of the story.
33. recommend another creator’s story!
There are so many: @izayoichan @mahvaladara @nikatyler @justkeeponsimming @amuhav @legendofsim @simlit @lilyshadowwriter @wannabecatwriter
Please don't be upset if you weren't listed on here. I love everyone I follow but these are my favorites. I have others but some aren't active anymore and stuck with the ones I'm always waiting for the next installment, even if I'm behind on a few of them.
Thank you for asking!
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