#'he found the strength to hold her' 😭
cutielando · 14 days
i’m not clingy | c.l.
synopsis: in which Charles dreams of you cheating on him and is not okay with that
a/n: i accidentally deleted the request for this fic, so i’m making up for it 😭😭
my masterlist
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Charles was very confident when it came down to your relationship.
He was a confident person overall, and he was very confident about the strength of your relationship. He truly believed he had found the one for him when he met you.
He knew he had nothing to worry about, that you were 100% devoted to him and your relationship.
But something at the back of his head said just the opposite.
She’s too good for you.
She’s going to leave you.
You’re way out of her league.
She deserves someone better than you.
The thoughts just wouldn’t leave his mind, especially when you would be out to a club with your friends.
Just like tonight.
You had been clubbing with some of your closest friends until the early hours of the morning, celebrating all of you finally being in Monaco at the same time.
During the night, you and Charles danced the time away, wrapped up in each other’s arms and completely blissfully ignoring anyone else who tried to talk to you guys except for your little crowd.
But when you announced that you had to go to the bathroom and had to separate from him, something in the pit of his stomach told him he shouldn’t have left you go alone.
You were very attractive, Charles was very aware, and he knew men would always do anything to get your attention.
And when he said anything, he meant anything.
And that night was no different.
After a couple of minutes had passed and you still hadn’t returned, he got worried and went looking for you, trying not to let himself show the distress he was feeling.
That’s how he found you speaking with an unknown man, your forced smile clearly an indicator for him that you really didn’t want to be stuck in the conversation.
The stranger didn’t seem to notice the uncomfortable look on your face, or simply chose to ignore it. Either way, none of it sat right with Charles, who didn’t want to let you spend a second more talking with that man.
“Are we all good here?” Charles immediately stepped in, wrapping an arm around your waist as he felt you instantly relax at his presence and touch.
The man glared at him when he butted in, his fake smile hiding the rage bubbling under the surface.
“We were having a conversation” the man pointed out, his chin pointing towards you.
He hadn’t even noticed the hold Charles had on your waist, instead settling on glaring at him until he would back off.
Which Charles had no intention of doing.
“I don’t see what kind of conversation you would be having with my girlfriend. I suggest you leave before I have you escorted out, and don’t ever talk to my girlfriend again” Charles demanded, glaring at the man with superiority in his stance.
You were watching the exchange like a tennis ball, thankful that Charles appeared when he did and interrupted the uncomfortable conversation the man had pulled you in.
You bit your lip and expectantly waited for the stranger to finally get the courage to leave, which he eventually did after a staring contest with your boyfriend.
“Thank God, I didn’t know how to get away from him without being a total bitch” you said and pouted, making Charles internally smile.
You were too sweet for your own good sometimes, always polite to people even when they didn’t deserve it. It was one of the things he loved most about you.
“I’ll always save you from creepy men trying to talk you up” he joked, making you laugh and lean into his body.
You quickly kissed him on the lips before taking his hand and dragging him away, back to your friends and the beloved dance floor, eager to forget the situation you had just escaped from.
All while Charles’ chest was tight at the thought and sight of you with another man that was not him.
It hurt more than he cared to admit.
It was very late into the night, and Charles was twisting and turning in your shared bed. You were sleeping deeply next to him, his shuffling not even remotely bothering your sleep.
Charles' face was scrunched up as if in pain, his mind plagued by the worst nightmare he could have ever imagined having.
You, his dear and most precious girlfriend, kissing and hugging the man from the bar, the both of you laughing in his face. Charles could only stand there, his body paralyzed as he watched you living in happiness with someone else, someone who wasn't him.
He thrashed and turned the entire night, up until the early hours of the morning, when you rose from your deep sleep and felt the bed and sheets under you constantly shuffling.
"Charles?" you asked confusedly, turning your head to see Charles with a scrunched up face, his forehead sweaty and creased with worry lines.
He continued to twist around, his breathing heavy. You sat up and gently shook his shoulder, trying to gently coax him out of his clearly troubled sleep.
"Charles, amour, wake up" you said as you shook his shoulder slightly harder, jumping back once Charles opened his eyes and aggressively got up, panting and frantically looking around the room for you.
The moments his gaze fell upon you, he body-slammed you into the mattress, wrapping his arms as tightly as he could around your waist.
“Oh, thank God you’re still here” he mumbled, his voice muffled by the hem of your T-shirt.
Your eyebrows furrowed, keeping a tight grip around his shoulders in comfort.
“What happened, Charles?” you silently asked, not wanting to spook him even more than he already was.
He sighed, shaking his head into your neck and burying his face even further into your skin, like he was trying to get inside of your skin and stay there forever.
Neither of you spoke for a couple of minutes, the only sound in the room was Leo's breathing next to your bed and Charles' shuddering breath against your skin. The sun was getting ready to rise, the world was ready to wake up and start the day, but you two weren't.
“I dreamed that you cheated on me” Charles mumbled, his voice muffled into your neck.
“What was that, honey?” you asked, your fingers scratching the back of his head.
He sighed, slowly pulling his face away from your neck to rest it on your chest, still not meeting your eye.
“I had a dream that you cheated on me with that guy from the club” he explained, his voice still quiet but more understandable now.
Your shoulders relaxed a little, your frown softening and being replaced with a gentle look.
You gently played with the hair at the back of his head, your lips pressing light kisses against the top of his head.
"Mon amour, you know I would never do that to you with another man, no matter who he is" you explained, which made Charles quickly nod against your chest.
He shifted and got back up, making you sit up with him as well. He leaned against the headboard, his eyes closed and his cheeks still damp from his tears.
"I know. I'm just scared that you will leave me for someone better, someone who has a normal job and isn't gone halfway around the world almost every week" he said, his voice wavering.
This had always been a topic between the two of you. Charles was always worried about the time he spent traveling and being away from you because of his job. It sparked a lot of long conversations between the two of you, which mainly consisted in you trying to reassure him that it didn't bother you and you understood it was his job and dream.
You were nothing short of supportive, attending every single race that you could, but the doubt was still there in Charles' mind.
The doubt that told him that you deserved someone who was there for you every single day, not halfway around the world risking his life every single week.
"Charles, please look at me" you said and cupped his cheek, turning his head to the side until he was looking straight into your eyes. "I know you think I deserve someone else and that you feel like a failure because of your lifestyle. But baby, I love our life the way it is. You are following your dreams every single time you go away to race, you do what you love and then you come back to me in one piece. Knowing you are doing what you love makes up for the distance and the weeks spent away from you. Nobody will ever measure up to you, mon amour. You are the only one for me and that is never going to change. I love you and only you"
Charles bit his lip, a fresh set of tears brimming his eyes. He had never had someone understand him on the level that you do.
The love between the two of you knew no bounds, and he was now more convinced than ever than you were both made for each other.
"I love you too" he said before crashing his lips on yours, his hands wrapping around your waist and squeezing you tightly.
And with that, even though you had a long road ahead of you, you would tackle everything together.
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03jyh23 · 5 months
— starlight, guide light, and everything in between || jeong yunho
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In the quiet moments of parenthood, amidst the tears and the laughter, we find strength in each other's arms, and love that knows no bounds.
first-time dad!yunho x first-time mom!reader
genre: angst, fluff
trigger warnings: infant distress/crying; illegitimate child; parental anxiety/panic; emotional distress; breastfeeding; postpartum experiences
words: 3.8 k
reminder: what you're about to read is purely fiction, so let's keep it separate from reality.
!minors do not interact!
— hi there! the time has finally come, and im publishing my first Yunho fic đŸ„č lately, some kind of maternal instinct seems to have awakened in me, and i had to get it out somehow 😭😭 i guess im getting old. just to clarify, i haven't given birth myself or have kids, so this fic is solely written based on my imagination of what it might feel like postpartum.
love, monika. ♡
if you enjoyed this post, i'd be so grateful for a little love – a like, reblog or comment would truly make my day!
You were dozing off wrapped in Yunho’s arms, your head in the crook of his neck, his smell calming your tired body. Your eyes were heavy, and it was getting harder to fight sleep. His hand was creasing your sides softly, lulling you to sleep. Being curled up on top of your boyfriend was your favorite place on earth. There was something incredibly comforting about being wrapped up in Yunho’s arms, feeling his warmth and steady heartbeat. It's like your own little sanctuary, a safe place where you can let go of all your worries and just be present in the moment. And falling asleep like that, with the gentle rhythm of Yunho's breathing and the soft touch of his hand, felt like drifting off into a dreamland.
It was a little over a month since your life was turned upside down when your little daughter was born. In that short period, every aspect of your world had shifted, reshaped by the arrival of this tiny, precious bundle of joy. The days had blurred together in a whirlwind of feedings, diaper changes, and sleepless nights. Yet amidst the chaos, there were moments of pure magic—how your daughter's eyes would light up with wonder at the world around her, the soft coos and gurgles that melted your heart, and the overwhelming sense of love that filled every corner of your home. But alongside the joy, there were also moments of doubt and uncertainty. Yunho, however, was deeply scared and anxious about becoming a father to a daughter. The mere thought of holding the fragile little being, feeding her, or changing her, filled him with a sense of fear and hesitation. It almost seemed like he was unable, or unwilling, to form an emotional bond with the newborn. This emotional disconnect was not just limited to the baby. Ever since you gave birth, a sense of apprehension and fear had gripped him. It was as if he was afraid to hold you, to touch you, and to confront the changes that your body had undergone postpartum.
The vulnerability that came with postpartum recovery was like nothing you had ever experienced before. Your body felt foreign, every movement was accompanied by a dull ache, a reminder of the physical toll that bringing your daughter into the world had exacted. But it wasn't just the physical changes that left you feeling vulnerable—it was the emotional upheaval as well. The hormonal fluctuations, the sleep deprivation, the overwhelming responsibility of caring for a newborn—all of it combined to create a perfect storm of doubt and insecurity. In those moments of vulnerability, you had expected Yunho to be your rock, your unwavering source of support and comfort. Yet, his actions—or rather, his lack of them—left you feeling more alone than ever. His hesitation to hold your daughter, and his reluctance to look at your postpartum body, all served as a painful reminder of your perceived shortcomings as a mother and a partner. You couldn't help but wonder if Yunho found you unlovable now if the changes wrought by childbirth had somehow diminished your worth in his eyes. It was a cruel thought, born out of fear and insecurity, but it lingered nonetheless, festering like an open wound in your heart. You couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness wash over you. The distance between you and your boyfriend felt insurmountable, a gaping chasm that threatened to swallow you whole.
That's why today's little nap meant everything to you. For the first time since the birth of Yunmi, Yunho was holding you like this, providing you with the comfort and warmth you longed for.
"Wait, did you hear that?" Yunho’s soft voice disrupted your nap. Not in your right state of mind yet, you just hummed against his neck, your eyes not opening even for a second. With a gentle hand, Yunho shifted you slightly, allowing himself to slip out from beneath your embrace. As he rose from the bed, you blinked groggily, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep that clung to your senses.
"What is it?" you murmured, your voice thick with sleep. Yunho's expression was one of quiet concern as he motioned towards the crib.
"I think she's awake," he whispered, his tone barely audible in the dimly lit room. Your exhaustion weighed heavily on every limb, making even the simplest tasks seem daunting. With a weariness that seemed to seep into your bones, you clung to the pillows, seeking refuge in their soft embrace.
"Could you get her?" you whispered, your voice barely above a hoarse murmur, as you heard the soft cry emanating from the crib. You mustered all your strength to sit up and shake off the tiredness as you looked at Yunho standing still next to the crib, almost as if he was unable to move any closer. Each cry felt like a dagger to your heart, a reminder of your inability to provide the comfort that your daughter so desperately needed.
"I think it's better if you take her," he said, his voice devoid of emotion, his gaze fixed on the wall as if unwilling to meet your eyes. The words struck you like a slap in the face, igniting a firestorm of indignation deep within your chest. Yunho's refusal to take Yunmi stirred a storm of emotions within you. Anger, frustration, hurt—all of it boiled beneath the surface, threatening to spill over at any moment. How could he still refuse to take responsibility for his own daughter? How could he stand there, staring blankly ahead, while you bore the brunt of exhaustion and fatigue?
"Yunho, how can you—" you began as you stood up from the bed, your voice trembling with emotion, but the words caught in your throat, choked off by the weight of your anger and hurt. Tears welled in your eyes, hot and stinging, as you struggled to contain the torrent of emotions threatening to overwhelm you. As you approached the crib, your hands clenched into fists at your sides, your breath coming in ragged gasps as you fought to maintain control. You leaned over the crib to take Yunmi into your arms and care for her. With a shaky breath, you turned away from Yunho, cradling your daughter close to your chest as you retreated to the living room. You weren't surprised that Yunho stayed behind in the bedroom, his presence a silent reminder of the distance that had grown between you. With a heavy heart, you settled onto the couch, cradling Yunmi in your arms as you prepared to breastfeed her. Your daughter's eyelids drooped as she nursed, the weight of exhaustion finally catching up to her. With each gentle suckle, she grew more and more drowsy, her tiny fingers curling against your skin in a gesture of contentment. As you watched her drift off to sleep, a pang of guilt tugged at your heart. You had expected Yunho to be there for you, to support you through the challenges of motherhood, yet time and time again, he had fallen short of your expectations. Yunmi finally drifted off to sleep, her tiny chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. With a weary sigh, you leaned back against the pillows, holding your daughter close as you closed your eyes, allowing the exhaustion of the day to finally claim you.
You opened your eyes to see Yunho carefully lifting your daughter from your arms, his movements a mix of awkwardness and tenderness. Despite his initial hesitance, there was a determination in the way he cradled her against his chest as if he wanted to make up for any shortcomings. As he tiptoed back into the bedroom, you couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in your heart. Despite the challenges you faced, seeing Yunho taking care of your daughter for what you believed was the first time, filled you with hope for the future. You listened as Yunho gently placed your daughter in her crib, his voice humming a soft lullaby as he tucked her in. Drifting back to sleep, you were roused once more by Yunho's quiet voice emanating from the bedroom.
"I have so much I want to say to you," he whispered, his voice barely above a hushed murmur. Yunho gazed down at Yunmi, her small form tucked snugly into her crib, her chest rising and falling in the steady rhythm of sleep. ''I'm so sorry for letting you, and your mommy down since day one...'' A sense of awe washed over him as he watched his daughter, the weight of his emotions threatening to overwhelm him. "You're my little starlight, and I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. Yunmi is Daddy's precious, shining light in the darkness." He reached out to gently brush a stray lock of hair from her forehead, his touch feather-light against her soft skin. "Daddy is really so sorry," he continued, his voice thick with emotion. "Sorry for all the times I've been afraid, for all the moments I've missed. I want you to know that I love you more than anything in this world, and I'll do whatever it takes to be the father you deserve." As he spoke, he felt a surge of love and determination welling up inside him, a newfound sense of purpose ignited by the presence of his daughter. In her innocent slumber, he saw the promise of a future filled with endless possibilities, a future that he vowed to protect and nurture with all his heart. "I may not have all the answers, and I will make mistakes along the way," he whispered, his voice trembling with sincerity. "But I promise to always be here for you, to love you unconditionally, and to cherish every moment we share." With a tender smile, he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, his lips lingering against her skin for a moment longer. "I love you and Mommy so much. Sleep well, my little starlight," he whispered his voice a soft lullaby that filled the bedroom with warmth and love. "And know that Daddy will always be here, watching over you, every step of the way. From now on Daddy will do his best." As Yunho's words echoed in the quiet of the apartment, you felt a mix of emotions welling up inside you, threatening to overflow. Tears streamed down your face, unnoticed in the darkness, as a tumultuous storm of feelings raged within your heart. Anger simmered beneath the surface, directed not at Yunho, but at yourself. How could you have been so blind to his struggles, so oblivious to the pain he had been carrying? You berated yourself for not recognizing the signs sooner, for not being there for him when he needed you most. But amidst the anger, there was also a profound sense of relief—a weight lifting from your shoulders as you finally understood the depth of Yunho's feelings. For the first time since your daughter was born, you felt truly connected to him, bound together by the shared experience of parenthood and the raw vulnerability of exposing one's innermost fears. And beneath it all, there was love—a love that transcended words and actions, a love that bound you together despite the challenges you faced. Despite the tears and the turmoil, there was a sense of gratitude in knowing that you were not alone—that together, you could weather any storm that came your way.
A little while later, you heard Yunho returning to the living room, his footsteps soft against the floor. A pang of guilt tugged at your heart as you pretended to be asleep, not wanting him to know that you had overheard his heartfelt words to your daughter. You quickly wiped your tears, and kept your breathing slow and steady, willing yourself to remain still as Yunho approached the couch. Soon, his arms enveloped you in a gentle embrace, lifting you bridal-style and carrying you back to your shared bedroom. Settling you onto the bed, he tucked you in with care, ensuring you were comfortable before gently placing the duvet over you. His touch was tender, his actions speaking volumes of his love and devotion. Yunho pressed down a warm kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering for a moment against your skin.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion against your forehead. "I'm just so scared to be a father," he whispered, his voice barely audible in the stillness of the room. "Scared to hurt her, to make mistakes that she'll never forgive." You felt the weight of his fear pressing down on you, his vulnerability laying bare the depths of his insecurities. With each word, it was as if a window had been opened to his soul, revealing the raw, unfiltered truth of his innermost thoughts and feelings. "I want to be the best father I can be, but... but what if I'm not enough?" His voice cracked with the weight of his uncertainty, his words echoing in the stillness of the room. And then, you felt it—a single tear falling onto your temple, a silent testament to the depth of his pain and fear. In that moment, your heart broke for him, for the struggles he faced and the burdens he carried. "And you," Yunho continued, his voice trembling with emotion, "you've been amazing since day one. I've watched you, seen the way you care for her with such love and devotion. It's like you were born to be a mother, and... and I can't help but feel like I'm falling short." Yunho longed to be the pillar of support you needed, the rock upon which your family could lean in times of trouble. But with each passing day, the weight of his insecurities grew heavier, threatening to crush him beneath their burden. "I'm still so afraid," he admitted, his voice barely a whisper now. "Afraid of letting you down, of letting Yunmi down. But I promise, I'll keep trying. I'll do whatever it takes to be the father she deserves, even if... even if it scares me to my core." In the darkness of the bedroom, his words hung heavy in the air. "I love you so much, Y/N, and I will do better, I will be the support you need." Yunho's voice broke through the silence once again, his words filled with sincerity and remorse.
"And I love you," you finally whispered, your voice filled with tenderness and affection. With a gentle touch, you reached out to wipe away the tears that streaked Yunho's cheeks, your fingers tracing the contours of his face with utmost care.
"You've been awake the entire time?" Yunho's voice broke the silence, his words carrying a mixture of surprise and relief. A shy smile tugged at the corners of his lips, a hint of uncertainty in his gaze as he met your eyes. You returned his smile, the warmth of his presence washing over you like a gentle breeze.
"Yes," you admitted softly, your voice filled with understanding. "I heard everything." There was no judgment in your words, no recrimination for his vulnerability. Instead, there was only acceptance—a shared acknowledgment of the complexities of love and the struggles that came with it. Yunho's smile widened, a sense of gratitude shining in his eyes.
"Thank you for listening," he whispered, his lips placing yet another kiss on your forehead. "And for being here with me." You reached out to him, your hand finding his in the darkness, a silent reassurance of your love and support.
"Always," you whispered, your voice filled with unwavering devotion. "I'll always be here for you, Yunho. Through thick and thin." Yunho creased your cheek gently, his eyes never leaving yours. "And now get under the covers with me," you giggled mischievously, reaching out to pull Yunho close by his neck. With a playful tug, you caught him off guard, pulling him towards you until he landed on top of you with a soft thud. Yunho's eyes widened in surprise, a startled laugh escaping his lips as he found himself sprawled across the bed, his gaze locked with yours.
"You little trickster," he chuckled, his voice filled with amusement as he shifted to settle beside you under the covers. With a grin, you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close until your bodies were pressed together in a warm embrace. The feel of his warmth against your skin sent a shiver of delight down your spine, a feeling of contentment settling over you like a soft blanket. "I haven't kissed you in forever," Yunho murmured, his voice laced with longing as he gazed into your eyes with a mixture of affection and desire. A soft smile tugged at the corners of your lips, your heart fluttering at the thought of his lips against yours.
"Then what are you waiting for?" you teased as you leaned in closer to him. With a tender touch, Yunho cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing lightly against your skin as he drew you closer to him. And then, with a gentle tilt of his head, his lips met yours in a sweet, lingering kiss. At that moment, as you melted into each other's embrace, time seemed to stand still. The world faded away, leaving only the two of you, lost in the warmth and intimacy of the moment. As you pulled away, breathless and flushed with emotion, you felt a sense of completeness wash over you—a reminder that no matter how long it had been since your last kiss, the love you shared was as strong and passionate as ever. A playful sparkle danced in your eyes as you posed the question, your curiosity piqued by Yunho's endearing nickname for your daughter.
"If she's your starlight, then what does it make me?" you asked, a teasing lilt to your voice as you awaited his response. Yunho's gaze softened as he looked at you, a tender smile gracing his lips.
"You," he said softly, his voice filled with warmth and affection, "you're my guiding light. The one that leads me home, no matter how lost I may feel." Your boyfriend's words washed over you like a gentle caress, filling you with a sense of warmth and love. With a smile of your own, you leaned in closer to him, your heart overflowing with love and gratitude.
"And you," you whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, "you're my everything." And as you melted into each other's embrace, surrounded by the quiet intimacy of the night, you knew that no matter what the future held, as long as you had each other, you could weather any storm that came your way.
The sound of Yunmi's cries pierced through the tranquility of the night, pulling you from the depths of sleep with a jolt. You moved to rise from the bed, instinctively driven to tend to your daughter's needs. But before you could fully untangle yourself from the sheets, Yunho's firm grip on your arm halted your movements.
"I'll get her," he murmured, his voice filled with determination as he gently pulled you back towards the bed. You hesitated for a moment, torn between the instinctual urge to rush to Yunmi's side and the desire to trust Yunho to handle the situation. But as you looked into his eyes, you saw a steely resolve there—a determination to prove himself as a capable dad, despite his fears and insecurities. With a silent nod, you allowed yourself to sink back onto the bed, the warmth of Yunho's presence comforting you as you watched him rise to tend to your daughter. As he crossed the room to Yunmi's crib, you couldn't help but feel a surge of pride welling up within you—a recognition of the strength and courage it took for him to step up and take on the role of caregiver. Yunho took her in his arms, gently and tenderly, almost as if he were afraid that his touch alone might hurt her. He held Yunmi close to his chest, rocking gently from side to side, he tried to calm his daughter, yet Yunho's panic escalated as Yunmi's cries persisted, his worry evident in the trembling of his hands and the furrow of his brow.
"Is she okay?" he asked, his voice tight with anxiety.
"She's probably just hungry," you reassured him gently as you stood up for the bed, understanding the depth of his concern. But before you could offer to nurse her yourself, Yunho's response caught you off guard.
"Oh..." he trailed off, his voice filled with uncertainty. "I can't breastfeed her," he murmured, the realization dawning on him as he grappled with the limitations of his role as a father. You reached out to him, placing a comforting hand on his arm.
"It's okay, baby," you assured him softly. "There are other ways you can help soothe her. We can prepare a bottle together, or you can hold her close while I feed her. What's important is that we're both here for her." Yunho nodded, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and gratitude.
"Thank you," Yunho whispered, his voice filled with emotion as he passed Yunmi gently into your arms, his eyes still big with worry. "Should I prepare a bottle for her?" You smiled softly at his eagerness to help, appreciating his willingness to step up despite his initial panic.
"I think I'll just breastfeed her for now," you replied, your voice gentle and reassuring. "But thank you for offering." Yunho nodded, a sense of relief washing over him as he watched you cradle Yunmi close, the familiarity of the bond between mother and daughter bringing him a sense of comfort. As you settled into the comfortable position, you nursed Yunmi, Yunho remained by your side, offering silent support and encouragement. As you nursed Yunmi, the gentle rhythm of her feeding lulled both her and Yunho into a peaceful slumber. The soft sounds of her contented suckling mixed with the steady beat of their breathing, creating a tranquil symphony that filled the room. With Yunmi cradled in your arms and Yunho nestled close beside you, you felt a profound sense of contentment wash over you. The warmth of their bodies against yours, the softness of their breath against your skin—it was a moment of pure serenity, a snapshot of the quiet joy that parenthood brought. You allowed yourself to bask in the tranquility of the moment, relishing the feeling of being surrounded by the ones you loved most in the world. In the soft glow of the morning light, you watched over them with a heart full of love, knowing that in this simple embrace, you had everything you ever needed.
"Be patient with him. He's trying," you whispered to your daughter, the words soft and tender as you gazed down at her sleeping form.
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sluttysnowangel666 · 2 months
The Wolf & The Wildling
Part 2 to The Woman Beyond the Wall, last part.
Summary: One year after Cregan’s near death experience with the wildling woman he met, he returns beyond the wall to find and recruit her in hopes of fighting alongside him for Rhaenyra Targaryen at the start of the Dance of Dragons.
cw; smut af come on you know me, really rough cregan, overstimulation, bit of angst but a happy ending :3, talks of SA, childbirth, no use of Y/N but an x reader,
stop not me getting emotional at my own story bc i imagined the end of scott street by PB playing at the ending😭am i a cornball?? anyways, thank you to the anons in my asks for the inspo, i wasn’t even really sure how to continue this story, although i knew i wanted more for cregan and his wildling, you guys gave me the inspiration i needed to give them their ending! tag list: @rebeccawinters
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Every day Cregan hadn’t gone back out there felt like another day wasted.
He struggled to do his duties, struggled to sleep, fight, listen, do anything that required attention from him.
And yet despite their rather harsh separation, Cregan still thought of her with every free moment he had. It didn’t help many lords were also insisting the Warden of the North marry a noble daughter. He knew he had to do his duty, but couldn’t find the strength to do it.
It had been so long since he’d seen her that he’d begun to forget his favorite parts about her. It felt as if her strange laugh no longer echoed in his mind, as if he could no longer envision her scarred yet still smoothed skin.
He had the dagger with him always. It was like keeping a piece of her with him. He remembered the pain so vividly, could still feel the throb in his shoulder if he thought about it too hard.
Yet, the ache was nothing compared to the painful thought that always seemed to stay in his mind.
Would he ever see her again?
He couldn’t help but wonder if the Gods had greater plans for them. He prayed that they did.
“My Lord.” A voice interrupted Cregan from his thoughts. He stood, turning to face the person. “A raven has arrived from Dragonstone.”
Cregan took the scroll from the maester, quickly opening it to reveal its contents. It was a letter from Rhaenyra Targaryen. She was sending her son in hopes of gaining the support of the North, and requested Cregan have an audience with her heir, Jacaerys.
He would have to return to the Wall.
He hadn’t returned, much to the dismay of the Nights Watch, since he had nearly died from his wildling’s arrows. Even the thought of going near the Wall made his heart skip a beat. She would be so close, yet so far. He knew he could no longer avoid the wall. His duty to the men there was dire, and he had let his own fears get in the way of that.
As for his lover, he wasn’t even sure she still wanted him. As far as he knew, she hated him; she wanted to put an arrow through his eye, his dagger through his chest. But that didn’t stop him from wanting to see her again. No lady had ever compared to her. He had found his other half, and now felt empty without her.
If he did find her, what would he even do? They were bonded by love, yet separated by more than a Wall.
The separation would soon not matter anymore.
Winter is coming.
A fortnight later
Castle Black
Cregan had welcomed the prince to Winterfell, then accompanied him to the Wall.
The young men walked, discussing terms of Cregan’s service.
“In winter, my duty to the Wall is even more dire than the one I owe to King’s Landing. I need my men here.” Cregan says to his prince.
“Whilst your men guard against wildlings and weather,” Cregan twitched at the word wildling. “the Hightowers plan to usurp the throne. If my mother is to defend her claim to hold the realm united, she needs an army. War is coming, to the whole of the realm my lord. We cannot wage it without the support of the North.”
Jacaerys trails off, standing against the guard that overlooked the entire outside of the Wall.
“My father brought King Jahaerys and Queen Alyssane to see the wall. His Grace stood at this very outlook and watched as their dragons, the greatest power in the world, refused to cross
 Do you think my ancestors built a 700 foot wall of ice to keep out snow and savages?”
“What does it keep out?” Jacaerys asks.
Cregan finally looks beyond the Wall for the first time in a year, his mind thinking of her for a brief moment, and then the darkness that lies beyond it. “Death.”
“I have thousands of graybeards who have already seen too many winters. They are
 wellhoned. I can ready them to march at once.”
“If your graybeards can fight, the queen will have them.”
“They’ll fight hard.” Cregan says, his mind once again thinking of his love as he says his next words. “Like Northerners.”
Jacaerys senses something; more words that the Warden of the North wished to speak.
“Is there something else you can offer us, My Lord?” Jacaerys asks.
Cregan hesitates. “There is a woman
” He looks. beyond the wall again. “She is fierce, deadly with a bow. If I can find her
 I can ask her to lead the graybeards into war.”
“Should she accept, my mother will be more than pleased to have her.” Jacaerys asks.
“My Lord!” Cregan turns, “A raven has arrived
 Urgent news from Dragstone.”
Cregan looks at the man holding the scroll, who holds a sight of worry on his face. Cregan quickly opens the scroll, reading its contents.
Cregan looks at the prince, and Jacaerys tries reading the man’s stoic features.
All Cregan can do is hand Jacaerys the scroll, and let him read for himself.
Another fortnight passed following the news of the death of Prince Lucerys Velaryon. Jacaerys had left the Wall at once to return to Dragonstone, whilst Cregan began to prepare his graybeards to march.
“My Lord, why must you go back beyond the Wall? The graybeards do not need a leader. I do not think it wise to let them be lead by a woman beyond the Wall, let alone the one who killed the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch.” His maester tells him, worried of how the people of Winterfell and the men on the Wall will react.
“They will not know she’s a wildling. Tis’ not important information. All they need to know is she will lead them well into battle. I trust you’ll keep this information I’ve shared with you private, Maester Windell.”
“Of course, My Lord. You can count on my discretion, always, but I fear wonder if this journey is for more than a leader.”
Cregan stops his packing, not wanting to share more information than he already has with his maester. “No, maester. I only am going to help the Queen. I will be back shortly, with or without the wildling. Winter is coming, and I will not get lost beyond the Wall.”
The maester didn’t argue, so Cregan made his fortnight journey back to the Wall, and then beyond it.
He felt fear when his horse took its first steps onto the icy tundra outside the Wall’s gate. He feared he would not find her, feared she may have died, feared she would kill him before he got to kiss her one last time.
The late summer snow was not too harsh yet, but Cregan knew he did not have long to find her before Winter came.
He searched for days for her.
He returned to the spot where he first set up camp, finding the bark where he had carved a dire wolf had been completely torn and shredded by a knife.
When he returned to the cave it was dark, and no trace of her had been left behind. It made it feel like the moments they shared in there never happened.
He felt lost. He set up his camp in the cave, but she had not snuck to it during the night like last time. If she had, she truly left no trace. But, he knew he hadn’t felt her yet. She wasn’t there.
2 weeks into the journey, he had dreamt of her.
He dreamt he was a wolf, hunting, when he finally saw her.
She was sleeping, ever so soundly, beneath a bright red weirwood. He growled at her, and she awoke quickly, immediately grabbing and aiming her bow at him.
She gasped quickly, catching her breath as adrenaline coursed through her veins.
She released the arrow into his eye, and he awoke.
He was sweating despite the cold, and the burning feeling in his eye was lingering.
He rubbed it softly, but then directed his attention back to her in the dream. It was really her. She looked different. She looked stronger somehow, and her hair had grown greatly. She had it in a long, thick braid. There were bags under her eyes, like she had been exhausted from something.
He stood and exited the cave. The sun was slowly rising, but there was a blue hue that made the snow on the ground glisten. He closed his eyes, stretched, and yawned when he heard a sound.
It was a familiar sound
 the sound of a bow string being pulled tightly.
He lowered his arms from his stretch, and opened his eyes.
There she was.
There she was.
She knelt on one knee, aiming her arrow at his eye. Her eyes burnt with a fire that he’d never seen, her breathing was quick and angry, her lips turned in a sad scowl, she was fueled with adrenaline.
He smiled, laughing softly. He couldn’t believe she was here. She pulled the string tighter at his sweet smile, her heart breaking at seeing him truly here.
He took a hesitant step towards her, but stopped.
A soft whining sound came from her back.
His smile faded.
She lowered her bow slowly, eventually dropping it completely. She had a fabric diagonal across her body. She moved it underneath her arm, and then twisted it around her body.
Her hands gently found and cradled the babe.
Cregan gasped. He couldn’t believe it.
She softly hushed the babe, tracing her fingers over its face. She whispered soft, comforting words to it. The babe made gentle little noises.
“Is that
” His voice was barely above a whisper. She looked at him solemnly. His hand covered his mouth.
“This is your son, Cregan.” She finally spoke. Her voice was smooth and melodic, different from how he heard her last time. He stepped towards her, falling to his knees. His whole body was shaking, and not from the cold.
“Does he have a name?” He asks, holding his arms out, hoping she’d trust him enough to hold his son.
She nervously hands him his child, fearful he might take her little babe, her only piece of Cregan, and never return again.
“No.” She says. “I only birthed him a moon ago.”
Cregan can’t hold it in anymore, and begins sobbing. All of his emotions pent up from the last year pour out. He holds the babe close to his chest, sobbing relentlessly.
He’d missed her so greatly this past year and now seeing her here, alone with this little babe, he’d realized how badly he erred. He wasn’t there to comfort her, hold her, help her. She had suffered it all alone.
“I’m so sorry.” He sobs.
She stares at him, her face unwavering. She was so angry. She wanted to kill him so bad, to take back her babe and cut his throat.
But, she couldn’t.
He’d broken her heart in such an unimaginable way. She’d cried over him for weeks, and when her blood hadn’t came she knew the worst had happened. But now he was here, holding their babe and sobbing like a child. She didn’t even know Cregan was capable of such emotions. She didn’t truly know him, and he didn’t truly know her.
Her hand found its way to his broad shoulder to try to comfort him. Her other hand moved to cradle his cheek. He rested his face into her hand, spilling wet tears on her.
“Oh, Cregan.” She whispered, wiping the never ending tears from his cheek. She leaned forward and pressed her forehead to his, hushing him like she did their babe. She wrapped her other arm around him, bringing her warm body against his while still being careful of their infant.
“I’m so sorry.” He repeats. “I should not have left you. I should have killed those men and brought you home-“
“Sh, sh, Cregan.” She whispers again. “I’m yours, as you are mine.”
Her words send him back into tears. She presses soft kisses to the tears on his cheek, weaving her fingers in his curls that she desperately missed.
“Where have you been?” He asks, minutes after calming down. “I’ve searched these whole damn woods for you.”
She smiles softly, “You think I don’t know that?” He smiles. “Why did you come back here, Cregan?”
He looks down at their sleeping babe, then back at her. “I’ve wanted to come back every day since I have been apart from you
 But, I couldn’t find the strength. I regret it more than anything. I regret leaving you, I regret not coming sooner, I-“
She cuts him off, placing her warm lips onto his. Not breaking the kiss, her hands take the babe from him, setting him aside next to them.
“What are you-“
She slaps him across the face, with such a strong hand that he can’t help but stop and look back at her in total shock. She pulls his lips back into her, confusing him with her back and forth attitude. “If you ever leave me again, I really will put an arrow through your eye.”
He smirks, pulling her back into him with his strength. “Now we’re even.” She whispers.
“We were even when you nearly killed me last year.” He says, she growls at him, but they continue kissing. “I wear these scars with honor.”
She tears into his soft clothes, “Take him inside, and then come back out here and make me yours again.”
He pulls away with haste, grabbing his babe gently and walking back into the cave. She follows, right on his heels. He finds a safe spot for their babe, setting the sleeping child down.
He turns, grabbing her by the neck and kissing her, pushing her backwards out to the cold.
“Be gentle with me.” She whispers into his lips.
“No.” Cregan says, ripping off her furs and throwing them on the ground. She smirks, not wanting him to anyway.
He grabs her by her hair and she shrieks. He pushes her down to her knees, and she sits in the cold snow once again. He unlaces his breeches, and she quickly tugs them down with his soft clothes.
She presses her cold fingers onto his pelvis, and she places gentle kisses along his length. She looks up at him with her big, doe eyes. He pulls her head back by her hair again and she gasps. He pushes himself into her mouth, immediately groaning at her warm tongue. She moans around him, placing her hand at what she can’t fit in her mouth. He grabs both sides of her face, thrusting his hips into her mouth, not realizing his roughness. He had missed her so much, and he was so lost in the pleasure of her mouth.
She gagged repeatedly, her eyes flowing with tears. Her free hand rested on his toned stomach for balance, and she scratched her nails into him from time to time.
He pulled her head back with a pop of her lips, and looked down at the little mess before him. Her cheeks were stained with tears, drool spilling from her lips, her thighs rubbing together to relieve the tension between her legs.
He pushed her back into the snow and got on his knees, placing himself between her legs. He wrapped his hand around her throat again, rubbing his fingers at the wetness between her legs.
“You’ve missed me?” He asks.
“I’ve missed that cock.” She teases.
“Don’t worry. There won’t be much to miss soon.” He presses a harsh kiss to her lips, sliding himself into her. She gasps into his lips, trying to pull away to cry out, but he refuses to let her go. He pulls one of her legs to his chest to give him a deeper angle and she whines into his lips. He starts thrusting, fast and harsh, into her healing cunt. His hand moves from her throat to her breast, now round and large with milk than the last time he’d had her.
“Cregan!” She cries out loudly, finally breaking free from his lips. She throws her head back into ecstasy, her hair becoming wet from the snow. Cregan moans loudly, his thrusts sloppy and quick.
“I’m putting another babe in you.” He moans, forgetting why he was there to retrieve her in the first place.
“I’ll fucking kill you.” She says, slapping him across the face. He looks at her angrily, a wolf awakening inside him. He grabs her face, his fingers digging into her cheeks as he fucks her harshly and angrily.
“I’m gonna cum.” She whines, squeezing her eyes shut tight.
“Don’t.” He says. She gasps, begging and pleading for her release. He slows his thrust, leaving her in agony. She bucks her hips towards him, but he pushes them down, locking her in place with his strong arm.
“I fucking hate you.” She moans.
“Cum for me then, and we can see if that is how you feel for me after.” His thrusts go back to their fast, sloppy pace, and she moans. Her hands grab his wrist, clawing her nails into his forearm.
She hits her peak and moans his name repeatedly. Her fingers dig into the snow again, the other hand digging into his arm. He growls, not stopping and continuing to thrust.
“Stop it.” She whispers, her body shaking at the sensitivity. Cregan doesn’t listen, only maintaining his harsh pace. He lifts both of her legs to his chest, his length touching her womb. “Please, Cregan, fuck!” She whines, tears spilling from her eyes at the overstimulation.
Her fists hit his chest, and yet he continues. She slaps him across the face, over and over again, and he still continues, his face stoic, desperate for nothing more than to see her writhing beneath him.
She sobs as she cums on him again, slapping and hitting him harshly. Her body is a trembling mess, peaking with pleasure and pain. Finally satisfied, he lets his own peak wash over him, filling her to the brim with his seed again, right against her womb. He rests over her, moaning and biting her neck, despite her nails scratching and drawing blood against his neck.
“Cunt.” She moans into his shoulder, holding him tightly against her shaking body. He pulls out, gently, allowing her to rest before he carries her back into the cave, stepping into the hot spring with her in his arms.
She rests against him, and it’s as if they had never been apart. He looks over at their sleeping babe on the ground, smiling gently. He looks back down at his love, his smile fading.
“There is a war brewing in Westeros.” He finally tells her.
“What for this time?” She asks, drawing little shapes on his chest, not seeming to really care about his answer.
He decides to wait to tell her, instead wanting to enjoy the moment with her.
“I’m sorry for what I said to you
 before I left.” He says. She sighs.
 Do you wish to know why I killed the Lord Commander?”
He looks down at her, confused. He assumed her only reason was she hated crows. She looks up at him.
“Why?” He asks.
She waits before explaining. “He’d come out there before with some of his men. They often hunted wildlings for fun. They’d tell the men back at the wall it was for a hunting exhibition, but really
 They were tired of the women from some place called Mole’s Town.”
Cregan was still confused.
“That was years ago, when I was in a tribe
 But, the crows just kept coming back
 And our tribe refused to leave, because our ancestors had settled there hundreds of years before.” She pauses, “The Lord Commander always said I was his favorite
 I left eventually. Turns out I’m safer alone. That’s when I started killing crows.”
Cregan realized he was gripping her arm too tightly, and loosened his hold. What she said changed everything. Men were coming beyond the Wall to force themselves on wildling women. He wanted to be sick. Cregan’s last words to her before he left
 that he would kill her for what she did.
Anger ignited inside him, but there was nothing he could do. The Lord Commander was dead, she got her revenge. But, the thought of that happening to her, the words he spoke before he left her alone. It was too much.
She noticed his tension, and placed her hand on his cheek. “My wolf.” She whispered. He closed his eyes and turned away from her touch.
“I’ve failed you
 Again, and again, and again.” He says, tears spilling from his eyes.
She straddles him, forcing him to look at her. “Aye. You have.” He looks at her, not expecting brr bluntness. She wipes his tears. “But you’re still mine, Cregan Stark
 and I’m not perfect either.”
He presses a soft kiss to her lips, wrapping his arms around her.
“So, what were you saying about the war?” She asks, resting her head on his shoulder.
“There is a war forming between the dragons. It is growing more and more dire.”
“Dragons?” She asked. “Like in the stories?”
“Aye, my lady. Except these are no stories. The dragons are dancing, and the North must stand ready to fight with the true Queen.”
“Queen?” She asks. “Aren’t you King in the North?”
“No, my love. Starks bent the knee over a century ago.”
She leans back to look at him. “Bend the knee to me.”
“I do every time I stick my cock in you.” She laughs, a sweet and gentle laugh, no longer the chaotic one she used to do.
“You’re different.” He says, a smile on his face.
“I am a mother now. My child has softened my witch heart.” She jests.
Mother. The mother to his child, specifically. He couldn’t ask her to lead the gray beards no longer. She needed to return to Winterfell with him to raise their son. His smile fades and she notices.
“You’re different.” She repeats his words. “Why did you come? Truly?”
“You are a warrior
 and the North must stand ready.” He looks at her, his eyes worried.
 You want me to fight?” She asks, stepping off him and standing. The water stops at her hips, and he tries hard to keep his attention focused on her face. “Just a moon after I nearly died pushing out your fat little babe?”
“No, no, my lady. I do not want you fighting no longer.” He looks at her, taking her hands in his. “I want you to come home
 with me. To Winterfell.”
“My home is the North.” She says, taking her hand away.
“No, no.” He stands, resting his hands on her arms. He looks over at their sleeping son. “He changes everything.”
His son would be considered a bastard, by all traits, but he was his son nonetheless. He would raise him as a Stark
 as his heir to Winterfell.
“Home is not a place.” Cregan says. “A home is what you make it
 My place may be in Winterfell, but it is not my home if you and my son are not with me.”
She sighs. “I’m no lady, Cregan.”
“I know
 and I don’t care.”
“I will not watch you marry a noble while I am your whore that you force to work in your castle and fuck at night.”
“I would never ask that of you.” Cregan says, putting his hand on the back of her neck to pull her closer. “Starks are honorable men. You will be my wife, and my son will be my heir. I will kill any man who ever dares harm you again.”
She stares at him as he continues. “I needed an excuse to come back out here
 If I told them I came out here to get you to lead the Northern army, then it raised less suspicion. But, I care no longer. I only care about you.”
“What if I say no? That I won’t join you?” She asks.
“Then I would accept.” He looks at his son. “All I ask is you let me bring him.”
She looks at their son. Cregan continues. “He will never know a cold night, he will learn to fight among men, he’ll have a full belly every time he goes to sleep, he’ll be respected by all those around him
 and if you came, so would you.”
She looks back at Cregan. “He will join you.”
Cregan closes his eyes, her hand resting against his cheeks.
“As will I.” He opens them to look at her again.
“Truly?” She nods. He laughs, breathlessly, pulling her in for a deep hug. His fingers weave into her hair, holding her tightly against his chest.
“I will fight for you as well.” He pulled away to look at her.
“No.” He says. “No, I need you with me at Winterfell.”
 A queen! You honor me, choosing me to lead your Northern army.”
“I don’t want you to.” He says. “What of our son? You could be gone for years
 You could not return.”
She laughs, “My Lord Stark
 You’d be a bloody fool to think any man could kill me.”
“This is hardly a war between men, my girl. This is a war between dragons, and none will ever be so bloody.”
 I am of the free folk, which means I will always be free. Being free means I have the choice to fight for you
 and for a Queen.”
Cregan returned to Winterfell a week later, carrying his babe in his arms on his horse, with a wilding woman behind him.
His maester was bewildered at the sight before him. “My Lord
 Who is this babe you carry?”
“Maester, this is my son and this woman here is his mother
 and my betrothed. She will be leading the graybeards in the war. Call upon wet nurses and maids to help foster our son while she is gone.”
“A-At once, My Lord.” The maester stumbled over his words, giving the wildling one last look before going to do his task.
Later that night, her and Cregan sat in his chambers. His lover couldn’t help but explore and ask questions about everything in the castle.
“What is this?”
“A pen and paper.”
“What does it do?”
“Well, you tell the maester a message and then he writes it down and gives it to a raven to send off.”
“And this?”
“A tub.”
“What does it do?”
“Bathes you.” It went on like this for hours, but he didn’t care. He was glad to share with her his way of life. Her naiveness at noble life was sweet.
When they cuddled up in his furs in their now shared bed, she laughed with giddiness. “Ask them to bring more.”
“My love, you’re under four bear pelts and the hearth is at full flame, you’re going to get hot.”
“Warm, my girl. Too warm.”
“I don’t care. This is all so exquisite. You should’ve brought me here much sooner, you know.”
Cregan simply smiled, looking down at their son in his arms. “Did you have any names in mind for him?”
She hums, resting on her elbow to face them. “Cregan is quite a handsome name.”
“We can name give him a Stark name if you like mine.”
“Like what?”
“How about
 Benjen Stark.”
“Benjen.” She whispered, sitting up and touching her son’s dark locks. “I love it.”
Her and Cregan locked eyes, staring at each other in silence. “You don’t have to go, my love.”
“I do.” She says, cradling Cregan’s cheek.
“I wish to marry you, make you Lady Stark of Winterfell.”
“I will be your
 when I return.” She says, unsure of the proper term to use.
He laughs, “Wife. You will be my wife. I can have the maester teach you to read and write upon your return.”
“Truly?” She asks. “Like stories?”
“Stories, history, anything my betrothed wishes to read she can.”
“It means we’re to be wed, at some point.”
She presses her forehead to Cregan’s. “I can’t believe I am here.”
“Neither can I, my love.”
He presses a gentle kiss to her lips, and they fell asleep like that, Benjen full and warm in his father’s arms.
Cregan and his love were only able to share a few nights together before it was time for her to march with the graybeards.
“You are strong, my lady. Command these men like you did me, and they’ll follow you anywhere.”
Cregan lifted her onto her horse, and she nervously settled into the saddle. He stepped onto his own, Benjen tightly secured to his chest as the babe was to his mother when Cregan stumbled back upon them.
She took her hand in his, and he pressed a gentle kiss to it. “Come back safe to me, my girl.”
She smirked, “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to kill some Southerners.”
“Goodbye, my sweet boy.” She says, touching Benjen’s hair one last time.
“Take care of our son, Cregan.” He nodded, tears welling in his eyes.
“I have a gift for you before you go.”
His master at arms came to him, handing him the freshly made dire wolf crest. He pinned it on her chest, and she looked down, tracing her fingers over the craftsman ship.
“You are a Stark
 from this day, until your last day.” He said. She looked at Cregan, pride in her face.
“I’ll make you proud, my Lord Stark.”
He handed her the dagger, the very thing that brought them together. “I know you will.”
With that, she turned and slowly began to leave with her horse.
She turned to look back at them. “By the way, I killed your horse last year.”
Cregan’s smile faded, but then she laughed, and he couldn’t help but laugh too. She turned back around, and he looked down at his son, his beautiful little pup. The babe’s big gray eyes staring back at the ones he inherited from his father.
Cregan rode the opposite direction from her. He turned again to look at her one last time, and she turned to look at him too.
He smiled at her, letting the tears fall. She smiled back. He watched her ride the opposite way, and she watched him as he rode back to Winterfell until they could no longer see each other.
He would miss her greatly, but he knew she would return. This parting would not be forever, for they knew that they were bonded by love, seperated by only distance this time. No wall, no duty, no pain would ever come between them again.
He couldn’t wait for her to get back to them so they could start their life together.
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lure-of-writing · 6 months
Little Sister; Just Peachy
Summary: After sparring with Cassian you feel just peachy
Note: ya'll Im not going to lie the scene with Rhys in the living room got me in my feels 😭. But don't worry your little hearts we will absolutely will be seeing this from Ariel's point of view. As always I cannot wait to hear what you guys think!
(please read all in a days work , knock before you enter, and his little sister first!)
Word count: 2.9k
Warning: Mentions of having tiny frames but only in reference to being a child
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Ever since your visit from the summer court something with both your brother and Azriel has been off. Rhys for the first time in your life has been avoiding you and suddenly you could never seem to catch Azriel at the right time. It was starting to annoy you to no end. “Well good morning to you too, sunshine.” Cassian looked over to where Nesta was stretching with the rest of the girls as if to ask her about your negative attitude. In return she just shrugged and welcomed you into the circle of stretches with everyone else. Today was all about fighting and since Cassian's counterpart was nowhere to be found it was up to you to help Cassian demonstrate the fighting techniques that had been practiced for a few weeks now. You were known to be a person who refrained from fighting and going into battle but that doesn’t mean that you weren’t capable of doing so. You were only one hundred years younger than your brother, it was safe to say that you had some experience with fighting. 
The roof of the house of wind was quiet except for the occasional gust of wind along with Cassian's booming voice explaining how this match would go and the things then needed to pay attention to before each of them went toe to toe with either you or Cass.  Finally after he was done giving instructions he turned and faced you. “You know I’m not going to go easy on you right.”  scoffing your head tilts to the side “Yeah that's because your mate is over there giving you bedroom eyes and you want to impress her.” Once again his boisterous laugh filled the space of the open room giving it more warmth. Nothing more was said as you both got into fighting stances and prepared to walk away with some bruises. 
The fight hadn't been going on for more than five minutes when you swore that you saw Azriel landing on the roof and watched as you and Cassian went back and forth throwing and dodging punches. Now you couldn’t say for sure because as soon as you took your eyes off your opponent to spare a glance where you thought Azriel was standing, Cassian's fist made contact with your cheek and subsequently you were laying on the matt looking into the sky completely dazed. 
Cassian never meant to actually punch you. He knew exactly how you fight, he knows your tells and the next move that you would usually make but he didn’t know that you were going to turn your face at just the right moment and his powerful punch would connect with your face. Both you and Cassian knew the strength that he possessed and usually he would never fight you using that unlimited well of strength but the purpose of the match was to demonstrate how to use each part of your body to increase your strength when sparring. 
Nesta was sitting on the ground right next to you with your head in her lap holding a cold hand on your sure to swell cheek and busted lip. From your point of view she was upside down. Even like this you thought she looked stunning. Gently she stroked your hair when telling you that you were going to be ok. Deep down you knew that you would in fact be ok but right now your head was ringing and your face hurt and you were pretty sure a tear was running down your face from the pain. Off to the side of you Cassain was shitting his pants. Not only had he hit the person who he views as a little sister, he hit you with his full force. He was grateful he did break any of your bones. But that wasn’t his only problem; he hit Rhysands little sister. Cassian was sure that he just signed his death certificate. 
Rhysand was in his office with Azirel getting the report from his latest mission when he heard Cassian in his head. “Rhys?” The tone was a question as well as a grimace “Yes?” Rhys raised a finger to stop Azriel from continuing on. “Can you come up to the house of wind?” Sighing he looked at Azriel before rolling his eyes. “Can it wait? I'm currently in the middle of getting a report from Az.” a beat of silence passed in Rhys mind before  the quiet voice of his brother came back in “It’s y/n” 
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Cassian could hear the beating of two sets of wings before he could see them. It didn't take a genius to know that they were flying at max speed. Cassian took a big breath and held it for a few seconds before blowing it out between thinly pressed lips. This would probably be the last time that he could breath normally for a while. Just as the two males touched down he glanced over to where his mate was still cradling your head and periodically removing her hand to look at the bruising and your split lip to see how bad it was getting. 
Rhysand hadn’t even landed when his eyes locked on your body laying flat on the mat with Nesta holding your head. As soon as his feet touched the hard surface of the roof he was pouncing on Cassian with questions. “What the hell happened to her? Why is she laying on the mat with Nesta holding her face?”  Cassian said nothing as he folded his high lord to where his sister lay. He knew as soon as Rhys saw your face he would be done for. Rhysand wouldn’t need any answers to his questions, he would know exactly what happened and who did it. Azriel fell in place with Cassian behind Rhys as they made their way to where you were lying and he glanced at his brother for a second with an eyebrow raised as if to ask what happened. Cassian just grimaced and shook his head. Azriel would also know what happened as soon as Nesta removed her hand from your face. 
Cassian stayed back a few steps as Rhys bent down to get a closer look at you. Azriel was on the other side. “Nesta move your hand.” She didn’t do so, “Before I do you need to know that it was an accident and–” The tone of Rhysands words that came next left no room for discussion. “I said remove your hand.” The power in the high lord's voice raged over her like the waves of an ocean before a hurricane. She hated how the power made her bend to his will. Quietly she removed her hand as both males took in your face. The bruising has officially started to begin. All of your right cheek was painted with colors of red, purple and spots of dark red where the blood vessels broke. The bruising also danced along your cheekbone and around your eye, presumably from the impact, and down towards your jaw. Right where the bruising meets your lip is where it was split open and now had dried blood crusting along the open cut and down your chin. 
After taking in your appearance Rhysand stood to his full high he turned around to look at the other male. “Cassian” his voice was cool and emotionless, the voice of a high lord. “Did you do this to my sister?” As much as it sounded like a question both males knew it was not. It was more like an interrogation. 
As Nesta watched from afar as her mate and her brother-in-law were preparing to have at it she prodded in her sister's mind. “Feyre you need to come to the house of wind.” She paused for a moment as she listened to Cassian try to explain himself and what happened. “Now.” she added. Her attention was pulled from the fight that was sure to happen in a few moments with the jostling of your body beneath her hand. Looking down again she sees Azriel gently pull your body into his being as careful as possible as not to cause you any more pain. Nesta was sure that you were too out of it to feel more pain, as you didn’t even respond when she called out your name and your eyes were too unfocused and dazed to notice anything happening around you, still she thought the gesture was sweet. 
“Where are you taking her?” Even though she wanted to go wherever Az was taking you she knew that she needed to be here when Rhys was done with her mate. To nurse him back to health. Or bring him back from the dead, whichever happened first. “She needs to be seen by Madja.” She nods her head in agreement as glances back over to her mate. She was sure the blood bath would start at any second. “I agree.” Finally after getting you into a position in Azirels arms that he deemed safe enough he shot off into the air and towards Madja’s clinic just as her sister flew in. Frantically Feyre looks at where her mate and her brother-in-law stood a few feet away brawling. “What the hell happened?” Nesta glanced down at her younger sister before returning her gaze to the fight. “Cassian accidentally punched y/n in the face and knocked her out.” Feyre felt her jaw drop all while turning to look at her older sister who just shrugged her shoulders in nonchalance. 
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When you woke up the first thing you noticed was the pounding headache ravaging your mind, the next thing you noticed was the excruciating pain in your face and jaw. Whatever happened to you must have been pretty bad for you to be feeling this way. Especially with fae healing. After cataloging the different types of pain and discomfort you were feeling you took in your surroundings. Plush big bed, the soothing smell of your brother's cologne, and paintings of Nyx, Feyre and your brother decorated the walls. You were in your brother's room. You must have been hurt pretty bad for you to wake up in a room that wasn’t your own. Closing your eyes again in hopes of soothing the pain inside your head you take a few deep breaths while you were at it. 
Reluctantly you pushed the warm blankets off your body and made your way into the bathroom. The soft glow of faelights illuminated the bathroom and casted it into warmth. The setting sun on the horizon told you that you apparently had been out for most of the day, if not a day or two. Turning to look in the mirror you gasp at the sight in front of you. “Oh” a beat of silence “I look like shit.”  gently you press a finger into the dark purple, blue and black bruise covering most of the right side of your face. You cringe back at the pain your prodding had induced. It took you a few seconds of staring at your own reflection to remember what had caused this but eventually you remembered. 
You were sparring with Cassian in hand to hand combat and while the two of you were circling each other you could have swore you saw Azriel in the corner of your eye. Going to confirm it you turned your head to the right as Cassian's arm made a big and powerful swing and made contact with your face. After that you can’t remember anything. Giving it another once over you shrugged “At least he didn’t break my face.” you muttered to yourself before making your way out of the room and down to the kitchen or living room. You knew that you would only make it to one or the other before somebody was destined to stop you. 
You got as far as the living room. Rhysand sat in a chair as he watched his wife and son play on the floor. The soft padding of your feet on the marble floors pulled him from his silent brooding. You watched from the entrance of the room and your brother practically shot up from his seat and in three quick strides stood in front of you. “ You're awake!” Even though you knew he meant it as a statement it felt more like a question. “Yeah?” You watched as your brother sighed in relief before gently pulling you into his arms. One arm around your back and the other stroking your hair. He made sure the unbruised part of your face rested on his chest. Returning the hug you arm your arms around the waist of your brother wrapping each hand around your forearms and your rest your complete weight against him. For a few seconds nothing was said as he gently rocked you back in front in the same spot. 
Silently he pulls back to examine your face. You watch as his eyes take in the much darker welt on your face and the slowly closing fractured lip. He releases another sigh before once again pulling you back into him. “How are you feeling?” his tone in gentle and soft, knowing just how much your head probably hurts. Rhys had also been on the receiving end of Cassian's powerful strike, more times then he would like to admit. “My head feels like it's been cracked in two and my face feels like it might of been shattered but other than that I feel just peachy.” you felt the rumbling of your brother's chest before you heard the soft laughter.  “I’m glad to see Cassian didn’t cause any brain damage.” Now it was your turn to laugh. 
 A peaceful quiet settled over the two of you and for a second you enjoyed it. Closing your eyes you listened to the steady heartbeat of your brother's heart, and for a second it reminded you of when you were a child. Any time you were scared or just in need of your brother's love you would seek him out and cling to him like your life depended on it. And without questioning he would simply wrap his arms around your tiny frame while you rested your head against his chest listening to the soothing sounds of his heartbeat until you fell asleep. 
Those memories are some of the ones you hold closest to your heart and the current situation reminded you of when you were a child. Gently you knocked on the barely there shield of Rhys mind, he welcomes you in with open arms and there you show him all those precious memories this moment reminded you of. Some things are for certain and one of those things is sometimes you just need the love and comfort of your brother. Gently he squeezes your body closer into his own while still rocking you back and forth before placing part of his cheek and chin on top of your head. “Should we get you something to eat?” he all but whispers into the space above your head. Nodding your face against your chest the two of you pull away from each other after a few seconds. Rhysand keeps his arm wrapped around your shoulders as he leads you into the kitchen. He may not be a great cook and usually avoids the kitchen like it had the plague but for his little sister he would do anything. Even if that meant potentially burning his house down. 
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It was a few days of living with your brother at his house before he thought you were ok enough to return back to the house of wind. That was only after Madja had even the ok that you would be good enough to survive the flight up there. You rolled your eyes behind his back as he talked with Madja. It was less than a five minute flight from his house to the top of the house of wind. If all else failed and you felt bad during the flight you would squeeze your eyes shut and pray you don’t throw up. 
When you finally returned to your house you were surprised to see it empty. “Where is everyone?” you asked as your brother trailed behind you while entering the living room. “Nesta is with Feyre and Nyx shopping and Cass and Az are currently on a mission.” settling into the couch you glance over your shoulder at your very sweet but protective brother “Back to calling him Cass? That must mean you no longer feel like murdering him.” you watch as your brother makes himself comfortable on the couch across from you. “I’m still not happy with him but that doesn’t mean I hate him either.” 
The room fills with silence yet again. “Why were you even sparring with him in the first place?” Furrowing your brows you look at him confused. “Uh because Azriel wasn’t there to do it? It was supposed to be the two of them but I guess something came up and no one else there has enough years of experience with the technique the Valkyries were learning so I stepped in to help.” It was now your brother's turn to furrow his eyebrows in confusion. “I didn’t give him anything to do so I don’t know why he wasn’t there.” Shrugging you look around before answering. “I mean he is a spymaster. I’m sure he has things that we don't get the privilege to know.”
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Taglist: @kemillyfreitas @lana08 @willowpains @username199945 @tothestarsandwhateverend
@kylaisra @lilah-asteria @nickishadow139 @br0klynbby @blacktreacle22
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heirloomgem · 2 months
In which Jinwoo can be sly in ways he didn’t expect just for her
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Disclaimer: I don’t own anything except for my characters and plot. I’ve taken inspiration from Momo Art's comic.
Warning: Cockro- I’m not even going to say it. Sly Jinwoo😭
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Y/n is Jinwoo’s childhood friend. He has met her since they moved right next to their apartment. 
If Jinwoo were asked to describe Y/n, he would describe her as a mountain. Unmoved by anything, steady and strong, mentally and emotionally. 
She has been a mountain for both Jinwoo and Jinah. Despite losing their parents under different circumstances, she has been there for them, in good and bad times.
She’s a strong woman, Jinwoo thought.
She has given him strength when he thought he couldn’t go on and to his sister, a mother figure to lean on.
She’s also kind. 
Growing up with a kind family, who has been kind to them when they needed help, it's no surprise she grew into such a beautiful person.
She has also been a constant in Jinwoo’s life. Even though at one point, Jinwoo thought of her as a stubborn and reckless person. 
He still remembers when he was still called the weakest hunter, the lowest in his rank.
One moment he was being insulted after a raid for getting injured before a blurred figure passed him. The next, he saw Y/n harshly grabbing the hunter’s shirt, snarling and swearing to the point even a sailor would be embarrassed. She almost choked the poor guy as well.
She had come on her own, carrying his lunch which he had forgotten when she saw how Jinwoo was being mistreated. This made her snap and charge recklessly, not even bothering that the guy was a hunter.
Soon, a scream of anguish erupted throughout the area as the man crouched down, holding his family jewels. Y/n kicked the guy in the nuts when he tried to pry and cursed at her.
The surrounding people and Jinwoo instinctually clutch their private area, trembling and paling at the sight. The guy was on his knees, mouth foaming and twitching.
Needless to say, it was chaotic after. Y/n was on the verge of being charged with assault if it weren’t for people stepping out and telling their grievances to the officer about the man. This guy has been insulting and assaulting people, especially female hunters. 
In the end, the case was dismissed and forgotten. The guy, whose balls are still in pain, was fired as a hunter and got charged instead.
It was also the first time Y/n learned that a cute and timid animal can be scary. She trembled when Jinwoo scolded her with a cold close-eyed smile once they got home.
Y/n remembered her auntie being an ice queen with a scary smile whenever she got angry at Jinwoo's father. She guesses blood doesn’t lie, like mother like son.

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Y/n is strong however there are times when she’s not. 
Whether to laugh or question the universe, Jinwoo couldn’t help but choose the former when he recall such a moment.
It was a normal day for the three of them and a rare day off for Jinwoo. He had a few days off to rest before he could participate again since he got injured from his last raid.
It might have been because of the summer heat, causing everything to feel humid when that thing came out.
Jinwoo, y/n, and his sister were lounging in the living room, relaxing when Y/n felt something crawling at her legs. Long spiny and hairy legs were felt on her skin.
Y/n breath shallowed and her body turned cold from the foreboding feeling. Lifting her head, two small black beady eyes stared back at her.
A piercing shriek echoed in the living room, shocking both siblings. 
Quickly looking at Y/n, Y/n stood up so fast she stumbled over and started thrashing around, causing it to fly overhead. (y/n refuses to say its name).
Seeing it, Jinah didn’t hesitate and screamed at the top of her lungs, joining her noona. (Jinah refuses to name the thing as well.) Immediately, taking cover.
Jinwoo stood up also when, suddenly, he found it hard to breathe.
Y/n had rammed into him and put her arms around him. If it were any other situation, Jinwoo would have enjoyed it. However, with how hard Y/n is gripping him, he’s sure he would die from this instead of the monsters he always faced.
Y/n called his name and he looked behind. 
With teary eyes, she pleaded, “Jinwoo, please kill it .” 
Jinwoo's lips twitched, feeling his ears burn and his cheeks flush. It’s illegal to look so cute while saying such disturbing words, he thought. Both things don’t match at all.
His sister screamed at him, this time without any reservation as it flew near her. This snapped Jinwoo from his dazed.
Jinwoo complained under his breath at his sister before he got to work but with difficulty as y/n clung to him. Yelling and hugging him tighter, when it got too close to them, his sister was not helping at all as she also screamed the whole time.
Can’t say he didn’t enjoy the whole fiasco though. Just recalling Y/n hugging him made him giddy and energetic for the next few days even if he started working again. The whole time they raid a dungeon, a silly smile stayed on his lips even when he got injured.
The other hunters couldn't help but secretly doubt that he might have finally lost it.
Now as an S-rank, witnessing such a similar event and feeling his darling’s arms around him as she clung for dear life. Jinwoo thoroughly enjoyed this bizarre situation. 
With only his pants on and shirtless, Jinwoo just finished taking a bath when all the chaos occurred and he found himself being tackled.
That thing was flying all over the place, crawling and stopping at a place before flying again.
This time, Jinwoo took his time to kill it.  Completely enjoying having his darling arms around him. 
Immersed with his darling, it didn’t even bother Jinwoo when his sister almost fainted from fright when it got too close to her.
Without his shirt, Jinwoo directly felt her body, Y/n skin is so soft compared to his and so warm. He could even feel his darling's brea-,Jinwoo cough, quickly interrupting his thoughts. He felt his cheeks blushing.
However once Jinwoo finished the job, he felt his darling’s arms swiftly disappear as she ran away from the bug’s corpse that Jinwoo was about to dispose of.
Jinwoo quickly missed his darlings embrace. Unfortunately, he can’t complain since he hasn’t confessed nor are they in a relationship yet.
He could only wait for such a situation again but it's so rare and only when it's summer do these critters come out.
Throwing the bug into the trash can along with the paper he used, that’s when an idea hit Jinwoo.
For a long moment, he eyed the corpse before him.

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It wasn’t long before such a situation occurred again and again. Every time, it just so happens that Y/n is in their apartment and it just so happens that Jinwoo is there. It also just so happens that thing appeared even though it's already the beginning of autumn.
Patting his darling's head, Jinwoo comforted and openly hugged her as she trembled in fear.
 Jinwoo thought, it couldn’t be helped since his darling may be strong but there are times when she’s also weak especially when it comes to it. 
He still found it cute no matter what.
Meanwhile, his sister, who has been sitting on the couch, throughout the whole thing, looks at him incredulously. 
Jinah had been suspicious of that accursed thing when it started appearing every time her noona came to visit and, conveniently, her brother was always there.
Her suspicion grew stronger when it never once approached her at all. One time when she decided that it was safe, Jinah observed it and realized that that thing had become her brother’s shadow soldier.
She saw purple highlights on its body similar to her brother's other soldiers. And her brother shamelessly used it to scare her noona nonstop so he could hug her to his heart's content
Jinah had half the mind to shout at her brother when her brother glanced at her.
Smirking before putting a finger in front of his lips, a gesture for her to stay silent before he went back to comforting his darling.
Jinah screamed in her heart in disbelief ‘What a sly sadistic evil man!’
She couldn't decide whether she should pray for her future sister-in-law from that thing or from her brother.
A/n: Thank you for reading. Please don’t hesitate to tell me what you think of sly Jinwoo.
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Igris: He felt tormented whether he should praise his liege or feel pity for their Lady's suffering.
Meanwhile the other shadows

Beru: “As expected of our liege!”
Bellion: "Quite clever, my liege."
Other soldiers: Just happily cheering for their king without a thought.
{All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author}
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borathae · 4 months
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"You and he create galaxies when you are together."
Pairing: Witch!Yoongi x Witch!Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, Comfort Smut, Slice of Life Fluff
Warnings: Domish switch!Yoongi, subby switch!Reader, they're actual soulmates, their connection is so deep i'm in pain, love making, having to stay quiet, some flirty bickering because it's them, a short sexy fight about Dominance, oral (both receiving), handjob, pussy fingering, eye contact & hand holding, lots of kissing, he eats her pussy in multiple ways, and worships her breasts, multiple orgasms (f.receiving), creampie, slight strength kink but make it magical, cowgirl position morphing into lotus position, dirty talk but make it romantic with a pinch of sexy, something magical happens between them, cuddles & snuggles & giggles for aftercare, they're so in love i'm gonna cry
Wordcount: 8k
a/n: i always thought that i couldn't get any more obsessed with them and then i introduced witch!yoongi x witch!reader and i actually became INSANE for them like i'm in pain they're meant for each other 😭💜
《 Bonus Smut to this 》
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Yoongi is under the covers, reading, when you enter the room. He looks at you and looks away instantly, doing a terrible job at hiding the widening of his eyes. A flush of his cheeks follows.
“Are you being shy because I’m in my towel?” you ask him in a chuckle.
“I’m not shy”, he defends himself, staring into his book obsessively.
“You’re so silly sometimes”, you say and drop the towel to change into your pyjamas instead. 
Yoongi doesn’t look at you directly even once, but tries to sneak one hidden glance from the corner of his eyes. 
“I saw that”, you tease him for it.
“I didn’t do anything. Whatever, good night”, he babbles and slams the book closed, proceeding to lie down on his side with his back facing you.
He makes you laugh. He is so effortlessly funny.
“Gosh, you silly you. What’s the matter?” you coo, bending down to hug him. 
He has his eyes closed and lips pulled into a thin line, almost as if he is trying really hard not to look. 
You snicker, pecking his cheek.
“I love your silly bum” you say, giving his butt a soft slap as you straighten back up.
Yoongi grumbles something unintelligible.
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You bring the towel into the bathroom to dry and get two glasses of water from downstairs. Your grandparents have gone to sleep already, Taehyung and Jungkook seem to have come home as well, judging by the painting equipment on the dining table. They are nowhere to be found, however their jackets are missing. They must be outside. You could look for them, but quite frankly and with no ill intent, you don’t want to. You want to go back to Yoongi and tease him some more.
The man of your hour is back to reading.
“I’ve got water”, you announce yourself, placing the glasses on the bedside table. 
You climb onto Yoongi’s lap, staying there for a little until he finally looks at you over the edge of his book. He cocks his right brow up in question.
“Boop”, you say, poking the tip of his nose with your finger.
He blinks rapidly, moving his head back like a cat surprised about being touched. He even ogles your finger, going a little cross eyed for it.
“Has anyone ever told you that you have the most boopable nose ever?” 
“Boop”, you do it again, forcing Yoongi to show off his double chin from how aggressively he tries to ogle your finger.
“What are you doing?” his voice is distorted from the position.
“Has no one booped your nose before?” 
“What? No?” 
“What is that? Why are you doing this?” he sounds so adorably stressed about the unfamiliar affection.
You have to laugh, cradling his cheeks to pull him in for a kiss on the nose.
“You’re so fucking adorable, gosh you”, you say, biting his nose softly before giving it a second kiss. 
You sit back, sliding your hands to his chest. His pulse is a little raised. Cute.
“It’s affection. It’s nice. When you boop someone it means that they’re being playful with you and that they think a part of you is especially cute”, you explain and poke his nose, “boop.”
“Okay?” he tilts his head to the side, lifting his right hand to poke your nose, “boop?”
“Yes, exactly, but you have to raise your pitch as you do it. Like this. Boop.”
“Boop”, he barely raises his pitch.
You giggle, leaning into his touch. His eyes soften, he lets out a breathy chuckle, poking your nose again.
“Boop”, his voice was perfectly pitched.
“This was perfect”, you exclaim, wiggling on his lap because he makes you so giddy.
“Okay, if you say so”, he says in a chuckle, looking back into his book with a slight shake of his head. He is smiling to himself. 
“Oh Yoongi”, you say, rolling off of him to drop into the pillow. You stretch your arms from yourself, tracing his outer thigh like this.
You have luminescent stars on your ceiling. When you were little, you always counted them until you fell asleep. You find yourself doing it again, except that you can’t seem to get sleepy enough. You are a little droopy, but definitely not sleepy. Yoongi finished a chapter in the time you counted the glowing stars, now finding himself in the middle of the next chapter when you roll to your side beside him. 
You are under the covers, having them pulled up all the way to your ears. 
Yoongi notices your eyes on him and looks down. You are gazing at him as if he was the brightest star in this room, giving him a cute toothless smile the moment your eyes meet.
“Should I turn off the lights?” he asks.
You shake your head.
“I counted the stars a hundred times”, you tell him.
“You did?”
“Yeah”, your smile grows, the sparkle in your eyes does as well.
Yoongi feels his pulse speed up just a little.
“I like looking at you”, you say, showing him your teeth in a grin.
Yoongi is melting. You are so adorable.
He brushes the back of his hand down your cheek. You accept the affection with closed eyes.
“You’re beautiful”, he says softly, looking back into his book.
He tries to pull his hand back, but you stop him with a small “no”.
He studies you curiously. You are turning your back to him, wiggling it out of the blanket.
“Can I have scratches?”
Yoongi begins to scratch your back wordlessly, holding the book with his other hand and using his thumb to flip the page. He’s got the hand size for it. 
You like this so much. Back scratches are the best thing ever. They are so tingly and relaxing. Yoongi never stays at one place for too long, touching whatever inch he could reach and alternating between different patterns. He also switches between using his fingertips and using his nails, adding such amazing sensations to the innocent affection.
You are significantly sleepier when Yoongi’s arm grows tired and he has to take a short break by scratching your scalp instead. You showed him how he could do it best in order not to tug on your hair or damage it and he is doing it exactly like that, using a little bit of pressure because you like it. 
You visibly melt into the touch, inching closer to him until your butt touches his leg. You let out a little sound of comfort, nodding your head.
Yoongi looks at you, lowering the book for a moment. Something inside him shifts into the right place, granting him access to his sweetest realization.
He is actually taken.
He has someone who sees him worthy to date. 
He makes someone feel safe in his presence, safe enough that she loves him.
He can be gentle and soft and tender. He can make someone feel good.
He isn’t alone anymore, holy fuck, he is actually taken.
This is his reality.
Yoongi places the book aside to spoon you instead, putting his arms around you so he can pull you against his chest. He buries his nose in your neck, giving you a soft squeeze. 
You giggle, snuggling into him instantly.
“My princess”, he whispers.
“Your heart is racing so much.”
“I’m happy.”
“I’m happy too, my love.”
“Mhm my princess”, he lets out in a breath, following it up with a kiss to your cheek.
“Tickles”, you snicker.
He chuckles with you, wrestling you gently until you are on your back and he can kiss every inch of your face. You accept it with a racing heart and butterflies in your stomach. The day must have been really, really amazing for Yoongi because you have never witnessed him so affectionate before. Quite frankly, it drives you mad in the fluffiest of ways. 
Yoongi ends his love attack with a big smooch to your lips. 
“Mwuah”, he lets out, scrunching his nose, “that was affection too.”
“I might actually pass out. You’re so cute, oh god.”
Yoongi takes your hands and pins them above your head, holding them softly.
“You’re cuter”, he says and rests his head on your chest. You try to hug him, but his hands keep a tight grip around yours. 
So you stay pinned down and under him, while Yoongi nuzzles your chest, breathing deeply as he does.
“Your heart’s racing.”
“Because you are so affectionate. I’m not used to it.”
He lifts his head, looking at you.
“I can be affectionate.”
“Yeah, you can. Just not so cutely.”
“Is that so bad?”
You shake your head, “it’s the best thing ever. I like it so much.”
“Mhm”, he lowers his eyes, letting them run over you mindlessly. 
Somehow in the nice silence of it all, he managed to throw one leg over yours, now resting it between your thighs. Like this, you are so close, separated by nothing but your thin sleeping clothes. 
Yoongi meets your eyes again.
“You’re so beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful too, my love.”
He cups your cheek, running his thumb along your cheekbone. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
“I like it a lot that you always ask me, you know?”
“Yeah well, it means a great deal to me to know you want it. I’m not Hades”, he jokes, making you laugh.
“Oh god, not that again. Yeah, you definitely aren’t him”, you say and ruffle his hair, “come and kiss me, you softie.”
Yoongi doesn’t need to be told twice, falling into the kiss with closed eyes and a happy purr. 
He wants to savour every second of the kiss, just as you want to do the same. And because you and he want to cherish the kiss with such care, it happens that it lasts oh so very long. The touches are adoring and full of love. Your limbs never truly break apart, tangling closer together as the moments become longer. 
Distance is only truly present when you have to breathe and even during those moments, you stay oh so very close. 
You spend a lot of time on your back, but Yoongi spends just as much time on his back. Truly, the bed might be small, but you roll around in it nonetheless as time passes in the sweetest way. 
The night is a lot darker when Yoongi begins breaking the kiss more and more often. You shift your legs to get more comfortable, brushing against his middle this way. The reason for his sudden need for so many breaks reveals itself to your skin hard and a little wet.
“Ah-hm”, he lets out, following it up with a huff of air and a messy kiss to your neck.
Tingles run through you. You move your leg again. 
Yoongi reaches down and stops it gently.
“Stay still, please.”
“Boongie, did you get hard?”
“I’m sorry, it’s just
so nice.”
“Oh my god, Yoongi”, you gasp, embarrassing him so much that he breaks away and flops to his other side.
“I’m sorry”, he says into his hands, which he has thrown over his face.
With a fond chuckle, you spoon him, trying to drag his hands away from his face.
“Why are you apologising?” 
“I, I’m not sexualising you. I swear, I’m not.”
“Gosh, you silly boy”, you say, rolling him to his back. You straddle him, grinding down on him purposefully.
Yoongi gasps, arching his back and squeezing his legs together. His hands grasp your hips, squeezing desperately.
Perfect. What a perfect little reaction.
You put your weight on his thighs, placing your hands on his chest. His heart is racing. 
“You’re worrying about the silliest things sometimes. I like when you get hard.”
“You do?”
“Mhm, I do”, you dance your fingers to his neck and close them around it. 
Yoongi parts his lips, fluttering his lashes droopily. You aren’t even applying pressure and his head already feels heavier than before. 
“It’s so hot when you get hard for me. Can I give it a feel, my love?” 
He nods his head, humming a shy yes.
You keep your dominant hand on his neck, using the other to feel him up. His sleeping shorts are very thin, giving you the most delicious sensations on your fingertips. You like how hard cock feels under clothing. How it is just so there and hard and how you can feel out the shape of it. You especially love it when Yoongi gets hard because he is a very leaky man. His once dark grey shorts become almost black at the parts where his tip naturally lies. Wet and sticky. That’s how the fabric feels as you trace him. 
“Hm”, the sound leaves him shakily.
You lift your gaze. He has his eyes closed, biting down on his lower lip and furrowing his brows. His hands lie on each side of his head, opening and closing repeatedly. Even now he is looking for someone to hold his hands. If you weren’t suddenly filled with so much gluttony for this man, you would hold his hands until forever ends. 
But instead, you abandon his neck to pull down his shorts and take out his cock. Yoongi rips his eyes open, reaching for you to stop you. He can’t get very far and then you have him gripping the sheets and rolling his eyes back as you sink his cock into your mouth. 
You lick and suckle his tip as if it was a dripping popsicle, slurping and humming the same way. 
Yoongi doesn’t know words right now. He doesn’t know speech. Nor think. All he knows is noise. Make noise. Gasp. Gasp. Gasp and sigh and gasp again. Breathe. Gasp. Whimper. Gasp again. Yoongi doesn’t know words, nor speech and all he can really do is fight for air.
His trembling gasps and little sounds only strengthen your hunger for him. You moan, wiggling your tongue around him in sloppy yet calculated swirls. He tastes different as a human. More
human. As a vampire, he tastes sweet and definitely magically addicting. His essence is meant to charm, to pull the person in and make them dependent on its taste. Right now, all his essence serves is to prove how needy you get him. He doesn’t taste sweet, but he tastes good. So good. Even as a human he tastes so good. 
“Wow Yoongi, you’re so yummy”, you lull, taking him in deeper with a delicious moan. 
Yoongi finally gains back control. He grasps your hair and tugs you away.
“Don’t like it?” you make sure, fleeing his weak grasp to instead litter his inner thighs with love bites and hickeys. 
It is Not easier to handle for Yoongi. Not in the fucking slightest. He stutters his words as if he never spoke before.
“We, we aren’t at ho-home. You’re so loud, you’ll wake, wake your grandparents.”
You stifle a chuckle.
“Oh Yoongi”, you say, biting his thigh on the most sensitive spot.
Yoongi gasps, arching his back and throwing his hand over his mouth.
“Quiet please”, he tries to hiss but it comes out as a needy beg.
You smile, changing position so you were hovering over him. Your crotch is pressed into his balls, his cock rubs against your stomach. Up until this point in your relationship the thought of being fucked by you had never crossed Yoongi’s mind. He didn’t fantasise about it, didn’t visualise it nor wished for it. Quite frankly, he never even considered it an option. Now all his mind produces are images of having you pump into him. He gulps repeatedly, gawking at you with hazy eyes. What is happening to him? 
You move closer to his face, grinding your crotch against him naturally. His hips chase it, his head is pounding. Holy fuck, you’re messing him up. 
“We’ll be quiet. Don’t worry”, you whisper, intertwining your hands with his’, “at least, I’ll be quiet”, you add with a teasing smirk.
“Princess”, he croaks, squeezing your hands. 
“Yeah?” you breathe, kissing his neck.
Yoongi speaks with his eyes rolled back and his body shivering with each kiss. 
“Promise me to be quiet.”
“I promise.”
“I want you.”
“I want you too”, you say and trace his ear with your tongue.
He trembles, ripping his hands from your grasp to hold your waist instead. Just once then he already changes his mind again and looks for your hands. 
“Mhm, I want you like crazy”, you purr as your tongue continues to trace his ear. He seems to be sensitive there and you like it when he shivers. 
” he sighs, giving you all the shivers you so like to witness. 
” you breathe, kissing a path down his clothed torso until you have his cock under your lips again.
You take him back inside, paying attention to his tip while your hands do the rest. It feels so good and Yoongi is feeling his control slip. Panic. He presses his legs together and reaches down, tugging you away.
“Wait, just wait”, he gasps out.
You sit back on your heels.
“Changed your mind?”
“No, I just.” He sits up, throwing his legs over the edge of the bed. “Sorry, it’s fast. For me. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise. I’m sorry for rushing you. Do you want to stop?” you say, rubbing his back.
“No, I just need a moment. I, I get so horny so fast. And, and then I can’t control my thoughts anymore and it’s”, he huffs out air, “fucking shit, I’m talking actual ass.”
“No, you’re not. Why do you wanna control your thoughts during these moments?”
I don’t know. They’re really sexual.”
“And? I’m having sexual thoughts too.”
“You do?” 
Your eyes meet. You nod your head. 
“But they’re really sexual”, he insists.
He blinks rapidly, looking away. He rubs his own neck, doing so nervously.
“You know what I think your issue is right now?”
“Tell me.”
“Your sense of smell sucks ass.”
He scoffs, cocking his brow at you in question.
You get out of bed and put yourself in front of him. You take off your pants. Yoongi tries not to look but still ends up looking. Once bared, you step closer. Right between his legs so he has no choice but to look at you. 
“Can I have your hand?”
He offers it to you, switching between looking at your face in question and your middle in desire. 
You flip his hand so his palm is facing up, then guide it between your legs. You hold his pointer finger, moving it through your folds so he can really get a feel of how wet he makes you.
Yoongi purrs, tightening his jaw.
“Can you feel that?”
“You might not be able to smell how wet I am, but I am”, you say and grind down on his finger, “you’re not the only one horny. I’m horny too, so much. I’m so wet for you”, you mewl, giving him pretty eyes.
“Holy fuck, princess”, he chokes out, pulling you into a kiss with his left hand on the nape of your neck. He shakes off your hand, taking over between your legs. His middle and ring finger sink into you, his thumb begins to massage your clit. 
Not having expected the sudden burst of pleasure, you whimper into the kiss, grasping his shoulders to stop your wobbling knees from giving up completely. 
Yoongi curls his long fingers, grazing over your spot most sensitive with such precision that you have to break the kiss just to gasp his name. 
“That’s nice, mhm?” confidence is finally in his voice. The raspy deepness of it has returned now that he is in his comfort space; making you feel good. 
“Yeah”, you gasp, following it with a wobble of your knees, “is so nice.”
“Mhm. Put your arms around me.”
You follow, burying your hands deep in his soft hair. It’s so soft and thick. He has so much of it. It’s so fucking amazing to play with it. 
“That’s it. Hold onto me, my beloved”, he whispers, falling back into the kiss with you. You use your tongues instantly, sighing and moaning quietly. All while his hand continuously drags the warmest and deepest pleasure to the surface. Every curl of his fingers, every rub of his thumb is placed with precision. As if he studied your body to the point of perfection. And in a sense he did. He might still hide his own spots from you, feeling too scared to show himself this way, but he knows the paths of your body by heart. While he hid behind always taking the lead, he learned so that he can now make you sigh so very much with just three of his fingers.
But you are stubborn. He likes this about you even if sometimes your stubbornness leads him into rather overwhelming situations. Like your right hand suddenly dropping to his cock to begin jerking him off. He breaks the kiss, moaning loudly just to follow it up with a gasp.
“Quiet”, he hisses.
“I’m not the one being loud”, you throw back sassily, twisting your hand around his heated tip. It looks so flushed between your fingers, like the prettiest shade if pink.
“I’m gonna fucking ruin you”, he presses out through gritted teeth, huffing out air in time with his fingers fucking into you. Again and again. In a fast, sloppy rhythm. 
But because you are you – the most perfect, stubborn, giving goddess – you don’t crumble under his touches. You match his rhythm, pumping his cock with such sloppy goodness that Yoongi feels dizzy. He moans into your mouth, tilting his head back. He licks your lips, wobbling so much that he accidentally licks the tip of your nose as well. It makes you giggle, which in return messes him up more. 
“I don’t think that you’re gonna ruin me” you whisper, watching the effect of your hand job wash over his face. His cheeks are flushed, his eyes rolled back and halfway open. 
“Brat”, he croaks, “ahmmmm”, he moans, squeezing his lips together just so he can’t be loud. 
“But I’m your brat.”
“Mhm, my brat. My pretty, stubborn brat”, he whispers and kisses you deeply. This is the kind of kiss which would already make you weak in normal situations but with his hand between your legs, it is quite frankly impossible to receive. 
It suddenly gets so, so hard to keep the rhythm going. Yoongi, who notices the faltering touches around his cock, smirks into the kiss, picking up skill to show you how good he can give it to you. He always gets what he wants. He is going to ruin you. Your sweet, little attempts to break him first might distract him for a while, but at the end of it, he is going to get what he wants. You’re his perfect soulmate, you are going to crumble for him even if you try so very hard it make him crumble first. 
You squeak a little, breaking the kiss. You twist his hair and tug, forcing his head to tilt back. Your eyes are half lidded and droopy as you look at him, your lips are parted. 
“You have to
do better.”
He smirks, “don’t test me.”
“Try me.”
With a soft push he puts distance between you and him. His fingers are gone for now, grabbing your wiggling hips. He slides off of bed, falling to his knees and dropping his head on the edge of the mattress. Like this, he pulls you onto his face, licking your pussy with an eager tongue the second it comes into contact with you.
“Yoongi”, you mewl, having to twist the blanket for support. 
“Lean on me, princess. I’ve got you”, he purrs between licks, caressing your shaking legs with eager hands.  
“This is unfair, oh god Yoongi”, you mewl, dropping your head. You are really trying to be quiet. Yoongi not so much now that he is pussy drunk and lost. He is so noisy in his licks and slurps, adding throaty growls and delicious purrs to it. How obviously in his element he finally is. How little he cares for his environment when his face is buried between your legs. The switch will never fail to make you shake. To have him go from shy and reserved to a complete noisy munch. Oh, you can barely handle it. 
But even Yoongi has to stop. Even Yoongi has to come to the painful realisation that humans have to breathe, that he can’t spend minutes without air. He growls as he does it, looking up at you with blown out pupils and a messy lower face. 
“You’re my fucking everything, princess”, he purrs, “fuck, why is air so sparse?” 
“Cause you’re human.”
“Mhm, if only there was a spell for unlimited air. I’d live right here”, he lulls, dragging you back onto his tongue to devour every inch of your addictive pussy. Even as a human he loves the taste. Even as a human he feels charmed by it. Even as a fucking human, he can’t get enough. He feels mad in desire. His thoughts are scrambling again, spitting the most vile things imaginable, but he feels no shame anymore. Just maddening desire to make all these thoughts a reality. He wants you shaking, trembling and whimpering his name. He wants you wetting his face and gripping his hair. This is what he is good at. Even as a human. The proof is right there. He exists to give and give and give. 
You can’t even be mad at him for putting his own needs on the backbench because he is currently making you come insanely close to an orgasm and you are panicking.
You begin fleeing, gripping his hair, stumbling while he continuously drags you back onto his tongue. 
“It’s too much, please”, you beg. 
Yoongi slows down, using the moment to catch his breath. His tender hands rub the back of your thighs, soothing the shakes in them.
“No, too close.”
“Mhhhm”, he purrs and stops caring about your little whines. He drags you back onto his tongue, sucking and licking you on the spots most sensitive. Being close isn’t a reason to stop. He won’t entertain your begs when this is the reason. You talk big about making him crumble first, but he is hellbent on proving you wrong. He sucks and slurps, moving your hips on his tongue so you can feel everything. He basks in every throb, in every pulse and new droplet of pleasure you feed him. Fuck, he loves eating your pussy. 
You twist his hair, wobbling so incredibly much, and throw your hand over your mouth, scrunching your face as he makes you feel so much pleasure that it is hard to be quiet. He is definitely not easier to handle as a human. His fangs and long tongue might be missing, but his talent remains. This is it. If you hadn’t known it yet, you definitely know now. Yoongi is actually good. He isn’t just good because of vampiric magic, he is good because he has skill and an actual, insane obsession with eating pussy. 
“Yoongi please”, you beg because begging is all you can do.
He sucks on your clit with vigour, reminding you how sensitive you are there. The wet, fast licks which follow afterwards do the rest.  
You have to climax on his face if you wanted to or not. You really want to. He feels so good. 
“Yoon- you
unfair”, you choke out and feel the knot break. Hard and very hot. And because it’s Yoongi, he presses you closer as you throb, making it fucking impossible to function. If it wasn’t for your hand, you would squeal his name as loudly as you can.
You begin fleeing. Yoongi doesn’t let you. He uses magic on you to lift you and flip you so you were kneeling by the bed with your tummy against it. He cages you in behind him, kissing your neck with wet, puffy lips. His cock is between your legs, fucking back and forth to grind against your pussy. Electric. He makes you feel electric. And so utterly his’.
“Did you just use magic to, to move me?”
“Hm, maybe”, he purrs, placing his left hand over yours while he lets his right slip between your legs again.
You writhe and squirm, pressing into him just as much as you flee him. You whimper softly, reaching behind yourself to twist his hair. He purrs, cuddling closer as his hips grind into you.
“Mhm, now you’re so wet”, he whispers, playing with your clit even if you’re still sensitive, “and so fucking puffy. Mhm princess, love when you’re like this.”
“Yoongi please”, you get out, dropping your head against him. 
“Yeah”, you mewl.
“You’re such a good girl”, he praises, rewarding you with his cock against your clit.
You gasp, trying to form words.
“What’s the matter, mhm?”
“I love you.”
He falters, stilling for just a moment before he hugs you tightly and kisses your cheek.
“I love you too, my beloved”, he says against it, following it up with a rub to your clit with his tip, “boop.”
“Huh?” you laugh instantly, craning your neck to look at him.
“Did I do it right, mhm?” he chuckles.
“I guess? Oh god, Boongie you’re so cute.” 
“Mhm, you’re cuter”, he says and slips his hand to your hips. “Stay quiet, I know you can do it”, he says and breaks away to lie down on the floor with his head between your legs. With one magical push he has you smothering him with your wet pussy. 
“Yoo-”, you silence yourself by dropping your head on the bed and biting the blanket. You huff out air repeatedly, writhing in his strong hold as he drags burning pleasure to the surface. 
You learned your lesson. Don’t challenge Yoongi about who gets the other to break first because you will lose. Even as humans you can’t win against him. His touches are too powerful, his devotion just too strong. With drool soaking the blanket and your legs shaking, you take the sloppy head he gives you against your childhood bed while the blinds are still open. 
If it wasn’t already fucking hot, the way he gives it to you does the rest. It isn’t long and he has you throbbing on his tongue a second time. The blanket works overtime to silence your squeals, his magic keeps you from completely sitting down on him. 
He also uses his magic to move you after you flee in overstimulation. He is on his feet within seconds, carrying you in his arms with ease. You know that he is using magic because it tingles a little. Or maybe you are tingling because he literally made you see stars. 
Whatever the case, you are utterly and completely his’ right now. He gazes up at you with his face wet and his lips puffy and deep pink. 
“Still wanna talk big?” he asks.
“I can’t stand you”, you choke out, dropping your head on his shoulder.
He laughs, “it’s what you get for challenging me, you little brat.” 
You tremble, exhaling shakily. 
“Aww poor baby, did I break you?” he coos as he climbs onto bed with you. You sit on his lap like this, hugging him oh so tightly.
“Shut up.”
He laughs deeply, patting your butt. He kisses your shoulder, speaking softly.
“You did really well.”
“I still can’t stand you.”
“Princess, no. Don’t talk like this”, he whines in a chuckle. 
You lift your head, meeting his smiling face. You smile at him instantly, cupping his glowing cheeks. 
“I lied. I can’t get enough of you”, you say.
“That’s so much better.”
You giggle, pushing him down to kiss him. Yoongi falls with a throaty moan, letting you straddle him gladly. This is a position he will always feel comfortable in. You and he are equal here and he loves it when you show him that you can push him around easily. 
You moan and sigh into the kiss, feasting on the taste of you as your hands are restless on his torso. His own hands are restless as well and somehow in the fumbling of it all, he manages to take off your shirt. It drops to the floor, Yoongi pulls you to his face instantly so he can kiss and suck your breasts. Like this, your pussy is grinding against his clothed stomach, messing up his shirt. 
“I want your skin, please Yoongi.”
“Rip my shirt”, he lulls, face first in your tits. 
“Challenge the feelings and use their strength. Trust me.”
You do as you are told, ripping the shirt with ease. 
“Yoongi”, you moan, throwing the shirt to the side. It repairs itself mid air because Yoongi does it, dropping to the floor in one piece. 
“Good job, my good girl. Fuck, my good girl”, he praises, burying himself back in your tits to devote his everything to them.
You close your eyes in a roll, dropping your forehead on the edge of the backrest. You have what you craved. You are grinding against his naked stomach, feeling everything. His soft skin, his happy trail and his warmth. If he hasn’t already ruined you before, he definitely would have now. But he already made you crumble, resulting in the grinds to make you twitch each time your clit comes into contact with him.
“You feel so good
“Mhm, you feel so good too, princess.”
“I wanna fuck you.”
He smiles, “wanna fuck you too.”
You shimmy down until you have his cock under you. You wrap your fingers around his base, guiding it through your folds. 
Yoongi purrs, gazing at you with droopy eyes and a giddy smile. His big hands caress your thighs, his chest heaves up and down in excited breaths.
“My beautiful”, he sighs, lowering his lids just a little more, “can’t wait to be inside.”
“I’ll do it now, I can’t wait. Ready?” 
He smiles up at you, nodding his head with a hum.
“I love you.”
“I love you too”, he whispers, arching his back when you sink him into you. 
He bottoms out within seconds, filling you up so good that you have to gasp for air.
“Does it hurt?” he asks worriedly.
But you shake your head, “it feels so good. So warm and, and...” You shiver, smiling at him. “And so right.”
“It does princess, it does”, he agrees with adoration in his honey voice.
You start moving, struggling within seconds because your legs are wobbly. So to help you, Yoongi props his arms up and holds both your hands, giving you something to lean on this way. Moving becomes so much easier, the connection even deeper. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful, fucking beautiful, fuck”, Yoongi gets out, gazing at you with droopy eyes. His toes are curling. The pleasure you give him is intense and he wants to close his eyes, but missing out on your beautiful face would hurt too much. So he powers through it. He gazes even if his eyes burn in exhaustion, he smiles even if his lips want to form moans instead. 
To be looked at with such love makes you feel so good. So goddamn good that you don’t have to bounce on him to feel eternal. He is glad that you aren’t because it would set him off with the first movement. He likes the slowness of it, how gentle you move and how it makes both of you float in a warm, fluffy cloud of good pleasure.
“You’re beautiful, Yoongi”, you get out, squeezing his hands.
“You are”, he sighs and closes his eyes.
To watch him let go and truly enjoy it is too much. “Oh god”, you tremble, having to gasp. You stop instantly, otherwise you would have lost yourself. 
Yoongi opens his eyes and furrows his brows when he sees the sudden panic on your features.
“What’s the matter?” 
“My control, I-” 
“You’re safe, let it happen.” 
“But what will happen to you?” 
“Let it happen”, he encourages you and then his dark brown eyes glow purple. 
Your control crumbles instantly. Your eyes match his glow.
“Yoongi, your eyes.”
“Yours are the same.”
Thankfully you have a mirror on the wall just high enough that you can see yourself in it, meeting your purple eyes. You exhale shakily, meeting Yoongi’s equally as purple eyes in the reflection.
He smiles, squeezes your hands when you laugh in both disbelief and the overwhelming happiness such a connection brings you.
“Yoongi, oh my god, we’re the same.”
“I know.”
You turn to him, cupping his cheeks.
“My love, oh my love.”
He leans into your touch, sitting up moments later because he wanted to be closer to you. Like this, his stomach gives such nice pressure to your clit. He lifts you for just a second with the help of his magic and crosses his legs, making it more comfortable for both of you to be so close. Like this, you sit on his lap with your own legs around his hips.
“My love”, he whispers, moving your hips slowly so the connection can deepen even more. 
The glow becomes brighter and brighter. It is just you and him. You have never been closer than right now. If there was still doubt about your connection somewhere in this universe, this right here is the final proof. You share the same breath, the same warmth and the same colour of eyes as magic courses through both your bodies. You and he are both witches whose magic is based on their emotions and in this moment, your emotions are the same, your magic is one.
“I’d wait a million lifetimes for you, ___”, he whispers, cupping your cheek.
“I’d move the fucking stars for you, Min Yoongi.”
He smiles. Perhaps your eyes deceive you, but there are markings of purple suddenly glowing under his skin. Like a tattoo invisible made visible now that you let his own control slip oh so safely. And as your hips dance with his’ and your hands stay connected with him, the air around you begins dancing in millions of small stars. 
“What’s happening?”
“We’re moving the stars, my love”, he whispers.
The stars form their own galaxies, starting from the stars on your ceiling and spreading around you in clouds. 
“Don’t cry, my love.”
“We can do that?”
He nods his head with the love growing in his eyes.
“Yoongi”, you whimper, “I love you so much.”
“I love you just as much” he sighs, rubbing your hip in soothing as he wipes the tears from your cheeks. You haven’t noticed it yet, but the same markings glow under your skin. He loves you so very much that he paints more stars onto your shared galaxy until the very room is filled with them. 
“Keep moving like this. It feels so good”, he tells you.
“Oh god.” You shiver. “Yeah, it does. Wow, it does.”
You chase the warmth between your legs. For but a moment, you had forgotten what you and he were doing. The magical moment was just too wonderfully distracting. Now that he made you aware of it again, you can’t help but feel just a little overwhelmed from it. This is sex, but this is so much more. You are chasing pleasure, but you are also chasing so much more. This is true love and you are chasing the addictive feeling of making magic with the One.
The stars are endless in the room, purple nebulas have started to form around you and him. The glow of them paints his skin a slight purple, making you glow just as much. 
So this is what it feels like. This is what giving up control feels like to someone like you. It is warm. It is so intensely warm that you have to seek his comfort by hiding away in his neck.
“I love you so much, oh god”, you choke out.
“I love you too, my beloved witch”, he whispers. His voice is trembling, his breath is just a little uneven. 
Your hearts are racing, the parts where you touch are heated and damp. You deepen the contact by burying your hands in his hair. It feels even softer now that magic sets him aflame. He shudders and exhales shakily, meeting your movements with desperate rolls of his hips.
“Yoon- ah”, you squeak, curling your toes in electric pleasure. 
Yoongi answers you in a small whimper and his fingers dimpling your softest spots. His own face is nuzzled into your shoulder, his veins can barely handle the endless pleasure your warmth gives him. He feels home right now. Home and finally in harmony with himself. There are no dark voices in the back of his mind, no curse urging him on to rip you apart, no desires of violence getting stronger and stronger the deeper he falls into you. There is no darkness. Just galaxies of purple and melodies of endless love. He feels out of control, but it creates good in the world. 
Yoongi has never felt more in harmony with himself than he does right now. And he wants to share this harmony with you. He wants you to bask in the warmth and silence of it and give you the deep, magical pleasure he feels as it happens. 
He presses you a little closer to his stomach, basking in the moan you muffle in his neck. He rolls his hips into you, eliciting yet another moan from you. Again. He needs to make you feel as good as you make him feel.
And it all gets a little too much for you. The connection, his touch, the pressure on your clit and the warmth of having him inside. At all gets a little too much for you. 
“Yoongi, I’m cumming.”
“Let go, my love. Let go.”
Your high came sooner than he thought it would, but he doesn’t mind. He holds you through it, looking at the room with awe in his purple eyes. You make the stars dance in swirls and waves. 
“You’re beautiful, my little witch. Your magic’s so beautiful”, he sighs, squeezing you closer to him to really give you the best you ever had, “you’re so beautiful, my love. You’re
You feel so free. This is the first thought you have. You feel so fucking free. He makes you feel so good and you don’t have to hold back on anything. The release of pressure, energy and magic brings you to fucking tears.
“I love you so much, Min Yoongi.”
“I love you
too- ah, I’m gonna cum”, he gets out, tugging at your hips, “sit up, I’m close.”
“Don’t hold back, please Yoongi let it happen”, you beg him, speeding up your hips.
“But- ah a-ha, but-”
You lift your head, spilling tears when you realise that the magic has also painted his hair purple. You know that you match his colour, that once again your connection became even more visible. And you never felt more certain about having him paint your walls than you do right now. Let him seal the connection. Let him make you his’.
“Let go, my beloved witch”, you whisper, cradling his cheeks as you dance your hips on him. It is a little difficult because he really ruined you with your high, but you want to do it for him. You want him to experience the same intense high as you did. He is your soulmate and he deserves to feel amazing. Yoongi is breathing heavier and heavier, letting out more and more little whimpers as his eyes just very slowly go out of focus.
“Let go please. I want to be yours”, you beg him, clenching around him.
“___”, Yoongi whimpers and breaks under you, rolling his eyes back and closing them because it all gets too much for him. The stars around you tremble and dance, his fingers dig deep into your softness as his seed covers your every inch, “I love you.”
“I love you too, Yoongi. I love you so much”, you choke out, helping him ride out his high and feeling so good that you make the stars dance just as much.
He falls down after his high, dragging you with him so he could hug you just as much as he tries to kiss you. You try to kiss him back, but both of you are so out of breath and you keep giggling and smiling that it’s difficult to find a rhythm. It makes the kiss so much more special because it is honest and it is real and in this moment, you and he carry your fucking feelings in every giggle and every shaky breath. You just did it. You sealed your connection. You let it happen and as you did, you created galaxies out of nothing. You lost control together until purple was all around you and flowing through your veins. You became one soul. 
The stars become less and less as you kiss until only the luminescent stickers on your ceiling glow in an ever fading purple. 
“Oh god Yoongi, we actually made galaxies.”
“I know. Holy fuck, I lost control and it didn’t make me violent.”
“I’m so happy for you, oh Yoongi”, you choke out, lifting your head so you could meet his eyes. His hair is black again, the glow under his skin stopped but his eyes were still a slight purple. Darker than before, but the remnants of strong magic still flicker in them. 
You touch his cheek, his neck, his hair.
“Your skin was glowing and, and your hair. Your hair was purple.”
“I know. You were the same.”
“We were the same. Yoongi, you and I are so right.”
“We are. Ah! Mhhhm”, he suddenly tenses up, scrunching his nose, “okay, don’t do that. My cock’s gonna fall off.”
“Huh? I just moved a little. You normally like that.”
“Yeah, not here. Uff, I’m so sensitive please get off.”
He makes you laugh, which makes slipping off a very whiny procedure for him.
“So I take it that your human cock can only go once?”
“Definitely yep, wow that hurt”, he says and rubs his cock soothingly, “my poor little wiener.”
“Yoongi”, you snort, “why would you call it like that, you silly bean?”
He laughs with boyish eyes, kicking his feet as he does it. He really makes you so happy that you have to throw yourself on your back and laugh just as much. 
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You each drink some water after your laugh. You also each go to the toilet and clean up as best possible. You don’t bother to put on clothes, waiting for Yoongi to come back. He does so quickly, locking the door behind him and running to the bed.
“Kook and Tae are downstairs. I ran so fast. I was scared they’ll see my naked ass.”
“But you did it?”
“I hope”, he says and slips under the blanket. He wiggles around a bit, making cute sounds.
“Comfy?” you snicker fondly.
“Yeah, so warm”, he purrs and nuzzles into the pillow with a scrunch of his nose. 
You and he gaze at each other like this. He cups your cheek, tracing your skin slowly.
“My little witch”, he whispers.
You lean into his touch, closing your eyes halfway.
“I can’t believe you let me cum inside. What if something happens?”
“If it’s anyone, it’s you Min Yoongi.”
Seriousness washes over his features as the meaning of your words sink into him. He tries to speak calmly but his voice trembles.
“I don’t know what you see in me, but whatever it is, I’m so fucking glad that you do.”
“I see everything in you. My past, my present and my future.”
Yoongi pulls you close, hugging you against him.
“My beloved. Holy fuck, I love you”, he presses out, cradling you with such desperate love it feels as if he wanted to melt with you.
“I love you too, my beloved.”
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neo-nomatrix · 1 year
Rule No. 19
never fall in love with the same person twice, the second time you’ll be falling in love with the memories not the person.
Miguel O’hara x reader
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word count: 1056
synopsis: You were Miguel’s wife in another universe and he just can’t come to terms that you’re not his.
a/n: i know a lot of people are asking for part twos of my other stories but i just can’t think of anything 😭
Your death was a horrible day for Miguel. He easily blamed himself for what had happened to you. Shot twice by a random mugger off the side of the street. And he, Spiderman of all people, couldn't save you. How could he even call himself a hero after that? He held your lifeless body in his arms as he came to terms with the incident.
Miguel wouldn’t allow your killer to get away. Chasing him down the block, cornering him in an alley and slowly, almost torturing, beat the life out of him. Miguel tore at his skin with his claws, used all his strength to break his teeth, and practically ripped off the man’s hand from the wrist.
Miguel so desperately wanted him to feel pain he would do anything. But that wouldn’t bring you back, and he knew that.
Miguel had fallen in love with you for many reasons. You were beautiful, smart, funny, and the kindest person he had ever met. He knew that if you saw the person he was now you would not have fallen in love with him. When he looks at himself in the mirror he doesn’t see the man he once was, he doesn’t see the man you loved but a distorted ugly image of that man.
He knew he had changed for the worse but truthfully he didn’t care. If changing meant he got what he was after he didn’t care how it made him look.
The first time Miguel found you in another universe he was ecstatic. You had a family, a beautiful daughter and a life worth being a part of. “Your” Miguel had recently died and he thought he could replace him.
“Oh, I'm so glad you’re home. I was starting to get worried,” You kissed your husband as he walked through the door.
“Im here,” Miguel whispered as a response.
He didn’t know what to do. You were there, in front of him. Alive.
He pulled you in for the strongest kiss he had ever given you. You were slightly shocked but melted into the kiss with such love. Failing to see the tears building up in his eyes.
You were happy, so happy. Until the day it all came crashing down on him. Your world started to collapse within itself, Miguel felt like Atlas trying to hold up the universe on his shoulders. He didn’t know what to do, he was lost. Running from an inescapable situation with you and your daughter. You fell to your knees as you were running. You were glitching. Slowly, in the most painful way he could imagine both you and your daughter disappeared from his arms.
For the second time Miguel lost you, and it was his fault. From then on he vowed to only watch you from afar.
“She isn’t yours, Miguel,” Jess reminded him for what? the tenth time today?
“I know that Jess,” he practically rolled his eyes at her.
“Y’know it’s creepy. You’re basically stalking this girl who has no idea you exist. There are just some things you have to let go,” She offers her advice.
Miguel clenches his jaw at her words.
“I don’t need a therapist, alright? I’m fine dealing with this,” he says.
He’s had enough of Jess and her advice for today. Even though he won’t let himself interfere he can’t help but watch you from the rooftops. He agrees that it’s creepy but he can’t let anything else bad happen to you, he just can’t.
From everything telling him not to, he swings down to try and get closer to you. He enters the coffee shop you just went into. He doesn’t know why. He shouldn’t be here behind you in the long line. It’s not right. He’s about to turn before he’s greeted with your sweet voice. Your voice that sounds like honey and all the good things on this planet and the next.
“Hey, sorry to bother you, but I was just wondering what you usually order? I’ve never been here before and I'm sort of lost,” you giggle. God, he could melt on the spot.
He knows you're lying, of course. He’s seen you in here more times than he can count. And you always get the same exact thing, every single time. In fact, you refuse to get anything different. He wants to believe you’re asking him as a way to flirt but he can’t get attached, not again.
“Oh uhm, i usually get their vienna latte,” His eyes flick up to the first thing on their menu, never having gone to this shop himself.
“And then their bear claw,” if there’s one thing he noticed about you it’s that in every universe you love a bear claw with your drink.
“Great! I’ll get that then!” You smile happily as the barista asks for the next person in line.
He didn’t realize how in love with you he really was until he spoke to you all these years later.
“Do you maybe want to sit down together? I know a park nearby,” You approach him after both of you have gotten your drinks.
” he trails off remembering Jess’ words. He can’t, he shouldn’t, no matter how much he wants to. “I don’t think I can. I’m really sorry,” he feels horrible after seeing the look on your face. He wants to crumble up into a million pieces seeing you disappointed like that.
“No worries then. It’s okay,” you smile kindly at him. A clear tinge of sadness in your voice.
You walk off leaving him there unsure of his choice. Would one conversation really do anything? Would it tear the world apart like last time? Was he willing to risk it just to talk to you again?
The truth was yes, he was absolutely willing to risk everything for the chance to have you fall in love with him again. But he couldn’t do that to you. He stands there, heartbroken for a third time.
Even though he loves you he’s well aware you’re not his, not really. He knows that if he were to fall in love with this version of you it would be compensation for what he had lost. He would simply be trying to recreate something he couldn’t have.
Miguel loves you, but he can’t have you.
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raisedbythetv89 · 5 months
Spike is the spark that brings Buffy’s fire (her ability to love) back
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(stone - a notoriously non flammable material)
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Buffy’s love is spoken about in relation to fire but even brighter and more intense
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she sings of wanting the fire (her ability to love and feel as deeply as she once did) back - where once was a flame so bright it burned her - now there is nothing but black & cold
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spike’s love for Buffy is also equated to fire showing how he matches her intensity with which she loves (love the use of the lighting in this shot he literally looks like he’s sitting back to back with his shadow as he wrestles for a moment of just letting Buffy die before ultimately going to help her) also this line is showing how much loving Buffy has cost him the burdens he’s carried, the pain and sacrifices he’s made and endured - “I have come to redefine the terms pain and suffering since falling in love with you” loving Buffy for Spike is painful AND HE STILL LOVES HER AND KEEPS TRYING TO DO AND BE BETTER FOR HER LITERALLY NO MATTER WHAT đŸ˜­đŸ€šđŸ»
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but this line from Giles foreshadows the need for Spike to get his soul (the spark) back in order for Buffy to get her fire back - soulless spike’s love is not enough because of the guilt and shame she feels loving a soulless demon
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(thank you @spuffylatino for this spike screen grab)
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e voila! Their joint hands burst into flames in the moment Buffy can finally say the words “I love you” which she hasn’t told a romantic partner that since Angel - representing Buffy getting her fire back and that she has found someone who not only won’t pull away from the intensity of her love but can match it
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hands ablaze and neither pulls away until forced to by the collapsing hellmouth and Buffy gasps in relief because she did it, she got the fire back and now she can tell him with no fear or shame that she loves him before it’s too late
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and after she says it she has sort of this “I know that’s pretty obvious given our joint hands are currently ablaze as our twin flame souls intertwine but you deserve to hear it and I wanted to and now CAN say it” look on her face like she’s really fucking proud of him but also herself that this is how far they’ve come both as individuals and a couple
When I say Spike is the best romantic partner for Buffy it’s not because it’s perfect - it’s because after she dates angel and riley she’s an emotionally devastated, vulnerable, heartbroken, abandoned YET AGAIN mess who can barely hold it together and gets more and more closed off each time. But THIS is the impact Spike has on her. Despite all they go through he is a catalyst for the return of her strength, confidence, healing, and emotional vulnerability. I love the overall impact he has on her as well as her on him!! They change each other for the better!! Through their love!!!! THAT’S AMAZING!!
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cosmicflw3rr · 5 months
care for me.
dominik mysterio x fem! reader
summary: getting injured was the worst thing that could’ve possibly happened to you at this stage in your career. dealing with the injury alone was impossible, you needed to let someone care for you. he was that someone.
A/N: this oness longgg😭😭 I got carried away guys I’m sorry😔 and I also kinda don’t like this but yea, I changed it a bit so I’m sorry if it’s not what you were looking for😔😔.
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you were about to preform your finisher, a corkscrew senton from off the top rope. you had practiced it countless times and knew that you could pull it off, but it was still nerve-wracking every time. as you looked around at the crowd, the cheers and chants grew louder and more intense, urging you on. you could feel their energy coursing through you, giving you the strength and courage to take the leap.
as asuka rose to her feet, so did you. spotting a gap, you launched into a flip. but as you were about to collide with asuka, she sidestepped. you feet hit the ground with a jolt, a sharp cry escaping you as pain spiked through your right leg.
you crumpled to the floor, gripping your leg tightly, tears streaming down from the intense pain. the referee rushed over, bombarding you with a flurry of questions.
"are you okay?" overwhelmed, you could only respond with your actions, nodding before your voice could catch up. "can you continue the match?" once more, you managed to nod in, despite knowing you should've told him to end the match and acknowledged the pain, you stayed silent.
the referee stepped away, and asuka approached you, yanking you up by your hair hair before shoving you down. you winced, your hand instinctively reaching for your leg. she then snatched your leg away from you and delivered a kick that had you crying in pain.
she kicked your leg again, before locking it into a single leg boston crab. the pain was unbearable, and you found yourself tapping out frantically, your screams echoing in the air.
tears streamed down your face as you pleaded for her to stop. the referee quickly intervened, in an attempt to get her to cease the hold.
"get her off! get her off!" you pleaded with the referee, screaming for him to help you. finally, he managed to separate her from you, but the damage had already been done.
as asuka dancing around to her music, you gripped your hurt leg, tears streaming down. the ref assisted you to sit up, bombarding you with questions that your mind just couldn’t comprehend.
overwhelmed by the pain in your leg, the cheers, and the barrage of questions from the referees, “I can’t move it!” you cried out in frustration, “I can’t move it!!”
"listen," the ref urged, your sobs hushing as you looked at him. "we gotta take you to the medics."
"get dominik, please," you pleaded, your tears subsiding as you covered your face.
"I understand, but we need to get you medical attention first." the referee said, then another ref arrived, both assisting you to your feet.
they supported you out of the ring and onto the floor, your right leg lifted to avoid touching the ground. the audience applauded as you slowly but surely headed backstage.
when you guys reached the medical, the carefully set on the exam table, a wince escaping you as you shifted for comfort. “someone please get dom.” you told them as more tears escaped your eyes.
dom was backstage, eyes glued to your match. you were putting up a good fight. he watched as you climbed the ropes, hitting your chest, before doing the shoulder shimmy with your tongue out, paying homage to the late great eddie guerrero.
a soft chuckle escaped him, totally amused. he watched you launch off the ropes, fully expecting to land the move and put asuka away.
as soon as he saw her dodge and your legs buckle beneath you, crashing to the mat, he sensed something was wrong.
he straightened up, hand going to cover his mouth, worry washing over him as the cameras zoomed in on you, clutching your leg.
the camera caught the tears that were streaming down your face while the ref bombarded you with questions. dom glanced at damian beside him, both of them etched with worry.
turning back to the match, dom’s heart was racing.
dom saw the agony in your expression, but you gave a nod, and the ref backed off – he knew you were stubborn and were gonna be set on finishing the match. "what are you doing, amor," he muttered under his breath, cracking his knuckles nervously.
he felt totally powerless watching the attack . asuka approached, yanked you by the hair, and slammed you down.
watching her go after your injured leg, dom felt the anger boiling up inside. she was being ruthless on purpose.
he knew the industry – it's all about the win at the end of the day. but there's also an unspoken rule about keeping it safe enough so no one gets seriously hurt in the ring.
dom’s face twisted in a wince as he saw her strike your leg once more, locking in a single leg boston crab. your cries of pain pierced the air while you tapped out desperately.
the bell rung signaling the match's end, but asuka wouldn't release you. dom could hear your pleas on the TV, begging her to stop. his anger surged as the ref had to pry asuka away from you.
she showed no concern, just preoccupied with her win. dom watched, tense, as the refs swarmed to your side.
“what the fuck was that?" he muttered, taking a deep breath to mask his anger.
damian gave his shoulder a reassuring pat, "go check on her, I'll fill in the others." with a nod, dominkk acknowledged as damian left.
he glanced at the screen, shutting his eyes briefly at the sound of your distress. risinv swiftly, he left the screen behind, urgency driving him as he hurried to find you.
In the medical room, joseph, the medic was trying to talk to you, "we need to start checking out your leg to see what's wrong."
you shook your head, tears streaming down. "no, I'm waiting for dominik."
"where the hell is he?" you snapped, the words coming out sharper than intended, pain and frustration getting the better of you.
"where is she—?" he stopped mid-sentence as he spotted you and stepped inside. "what happened? are you alright?" dom asked, just having come into the room. he moved closer, gently cradling your face and planting a kiss on your forehead.
feeling his presence, you eased up. "finally."
even with the comfort of his presence, you couldn't help but start to fall apart. he wrapped you up carefully in a soft hug, mindful not to cause you any more pain.
tears streamed down as you clung to him. "It's fucking hurts, dom. It hurts really bad," you wept, squeezing your eyes shut, the agony in your leg overwhelming.
his expression shifted to deep worry at your sobs. gently, he eased back, cradling your face in his hands, coaxing you to meet his gaze. "hey, look at me, please, look at me."
opening your eyes, you met his gaze, a frown etched on your face from the pain. you wished you could just vanish into thin air. your crying softened as you looked at him.
tears welled up again, the timing couldn't be worse—you were at the height of your career, and an injury was the last thing you needed. you attempted to steady yourself, but the mix of pain and stress was starting to wear on you.
he was worried for you, and felt how broken you felt. he felt powerless and wanted to do more to ease your pain. he spoke reassuringly, “you’re going to make it through this, just hold on. I'm right here with you, and everything's going to be alright." you nodded, brushing away your tears.
yet, new tears found their way down your cheeks.
joseph spoke up, addressing dom, "she refused any examination until you got here." Instead of scolding you, dom simply took your hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
you squeezed back, feeling utterly shattered inside—this injury was a nightmare come to life.
with that, joseph set to work, conducting the necessary tests on your leg. it wasn’t long before he returned with the results. you glanced up at him, your eyes pleading for him to tell you good news, as anxiety knotted your insides.
he gave you a sympathetic look, bracing to deliver the difficult truth. "I'll be honest with you, y/n. and there’s just no easy way to put this, but It's a torn ACL and meniscus."
you bit your lip, holding back the tears. the room was silent until he spoke again. "you probably know a bit about this injury," you nodded. he took a seat on the bed across from you.
"given the severity of your injury, it won't heal by itself. surgery is necessary. It's less common to have a meniscus tear alongside an ACL tear."
"post-surgery, you'll need plenty of rest. then we'll have you gradually start rehab to build strength and mobility in your leg."
you held onto dom’s hand tightly. "how long am I gonna be out?" you murmured.
"you might be out for 6-9 months, maybe a year in the worst-case scenario. It all hinges on how well rehab goes and your recovery process. we've got to be thorough to ensure your leg is back to its best."
a feeling of disappointment hit you. "a year?" you said softly, barely above a whisper.
"It's not a guarantee you’ll be out that long," he reassured, and you nodded faintly. "but we have to be realistic—it's a pretty long recovery," he continued.
you nodded again, masking your emotions. "I'm going to review the other tests we did on your leg. I'll talk to your doctors and we can go over your next steps when I return," joseph said, then left, leaving you and dom in a quiet bubble. the two of you just sat there, enveloped in the stillness.
dom could tell you were reeling from the news, respecting your space and thoughts. he quietly held your hand, providing a comfort while you processed everything.
he couldn't do much, but his support was clear. he believed in you, confident that you'd get through this.
meeting your gaze, dom spoke up his voice steady. "you’ve been through a lot, y/n/n, and you have always made it through. this is just another hurdle. you’ll get past this one too. everything’s going to be okay."
at his reassuring words, the dam burst, and tears cascaded down your cheeks, your hand muffling the sobs.
dom wrapped you in another tight embrace, tenderly wiping your tears and cradling you as you wept. he stroked your back, trying to ease your pain with his comforting touch.
"shhhhh baby, it's gonna be okay. you're gonna be okay." dom whispered, his voice soothing.
"It's just... this has been my dream since I was a kid," you managed to say between shaky breaths, struggling to steady your voice. "I’m at this huge part of my career, a part where-" your words were swallowed by sobs.
your tears began to subside, replaced by soft sniffles. "I'm at this point in my career, where I’m the top—" you paused as tears continued to fall, and you let out a sigh, gazing upwards. "I'm at the top, everything's going great, and now I have this injury and-."
"hey," dom interjected gently, halting your rush of words. he wasn't trying to downplay your feelings, but he wanted to make sure you understood this wasn't the end. his hands cradled your face, guiding your gaze to meet his with kindness.
“I know, I know. but this isn't the end. the last thing I want is for you to believe that all your hard work and dedication is going to waste." you sighed looking up, you knew he was right. but it just felt so hard to come to term with it at this moment.
a few weeks later
resting in the hospital bed with nurses bustling around, prepping for surgery, you glanced at dominik, a wave of nerves hitting you. yet you felt a little more secure knowing you had the best surgeons on your service.
dominik leaned in close, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze, whispering just for you, "you'll be okay. they'll take care of you, mi vida."
his gentle voice enveloped you in a blanket of security. "I know, I'm just a bit nervous," you replied with a faint smile.
he kept his hold on your hand, his thumb gently caressing the back of it. "you shouldn't be," he murmured, "there’s no reason to be nervous, I’m gonna be right here until you get out and your parents are on the way, everything will be okay."
the nurses signaled it was time for surgery, he stepped back, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead, leaving you with the lingering sense of his comforting warmth.
"I'll be right here," he whispered, giving your hand another squeeze, "te amo."
"I love you too," you responded, feeling his kiss on your forehead followed by a tender kiss on your lips. the nurses began to wheel you away to the operating room, where the stark brightness of the hospital lights was the last thing you saw.
your eyes gradually open, the glaring lights making you squint. glancing around, you spot dominik beside you, his thumb soothingly stroking your hand.
gazing at your leg, you notice the brace snugly fitted and bandages beneath it. the beep of monitors fills the air, and a chill from the hospital room wraps around you.
"hey," dominik's voice is a gentle whisper, "how are you feeling?" his hand gives yours a reassuring squeeze. "don't worry, mi vida, everything went well."
"hey," your voice comes out a bit rough, but you manage a soft smile in response.
"are you okay?" he murmurs, concern flickering across his face as he hears the rasp in your voice. he glances at the monitors, checking they're all reading normal, then turns back to you. "are you thirsty?" he asks gently, his eyes filled with care.
you nodded, he grabbed a big jug of water from your bedside table. he grabs the straw, holding it up to your mouth and helping you take a sip of water. you realize how thirsty you were, you drank quickly taking a few sips to quench your thirst.
“better?” he asked, putting the jug down you were done drinking water, you nodded.
suddenly, your gaze moves to the chairs in the room, you see your parents you smile. "mom, dad," you greet them with a gentle yet happy tone. they approach, your dad planting a soft kiss on your forehead while your mom takes your hand in hers.
dominik watches closely as you interact with your parents, he watches them both interact with you with such affection, he can see your face light up when you see them.
he observes the tender scene for a moment, then turns to you with a small, smile. "how are you feeling honey?" your mom asked.
catching her question, you respond, "I'm okay, just a bit sore," your voice scratchy from not talking.
"I’m going to go tell the doctors you woke up." dominik announces before he leans in, whispering, "back in a sec," and plants a gentle kiss on your cheek before exiting the room.
a smile lingers on your face as you turn to your parents. noticing their exchange of smiles, you ask, "what?" with a hint of curiosity.
your mom gently sweeps your hair aside. "he hasn't left your side since you got back from surgery," she shares.
"how long was I asleep?" you asked curiously.
after a brief pause, she calculates, "the surgery took roughly 2 and a half hours, and you've been resting for about three hours since. so, around five hours, more or less."
Surprised, you say, "he didn't get up once? not even for food or like to use the bathroom?"
with an amused look, your mom replies, "nope, he refused to leave your side, I tried to tell him to go take a break but he wouldn't leave. he insisted on staying."
as you reflect on it, butterflies flutter in your stomach. It's reassuring to know he stayed by your side, just as he promised.
you briefly close your eyes, "you tired?" she asked, you nod, allowing your parents to have their own conversation, a mix of worry and relief for your well-being.
a few minutes pass, before the door swings open, and dominik enters to the room. you stir awake at the sound of the door opening and closing.
he greets you with a warm smile, gently caressing your hand and planting sweet kisses on your forehead.
you smile back, and right on cue, dr. smith enters the room. your parents step aside, allowing the doctor to check the monitor next to you, ensuring that everything is running smoothly and your vitals are stable.
dominik stepped back to give the doctors space to examine you.
after the doctor finished up examining you, the looked at you, "your surgery was successful, and we've reconstructed your ACL and meniscus." you glance at your leg propped up on a hospital pillow and nod. "we’ll keep you here for a night or two to monitor your healing progress before deciding on the next steps."
"okay," you said a polite smile on your face as the doctor excused himself and left the room.
your parents embraced you warmly, your dad planting a gentle kiss on your forehead, before they headed out to the cafeteria. you mom told dom to call them if there was any problem or if you needed them.
dominik watches your family leave the room, leaving it completely quiet and still inside, he turns to you, “you alright, amor?” he whispers.
your eyelids were heavy as you murmured, "yeah, I'm good."
a gentle smile crossed dominik's face, noticing how tired you were. he tenderly swept a stray hair from your forehead. "want to get some more sleep?" he asked quietly.
with your eyes closed, you replied, "no, I just need to rest my eyes for a little while."
understanding, dom reached for his phone to update rhea and the rest of the judgment day, letting them know you were awake and all was well.
"rhea and everyone was pretty worried—" dom’s words trailed off as he glanced back to find you already dozing off, gentle snores escaping you.
he gave a tender smile and then did what he knew would be best for you right then. He took the blanket from the foot of your bed, draped it over you, and after positioning a chair near your bedside, he sat down to stay close.
as your blinked your eyes open, the room glowed with the soft light of early morning. near your bed, dominik was eating.
"good morning," you said, a sleepy smile on your face as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes.
dominik caught your voice, glancing your way, before flashing a smile. "morning, baby," he greeted, leaning in to plant a kiss on your forehead. the subtle, soothing scent of his cologne filled the air, calming you down.
"you grabbed some food?" you asked, your stomach rumbling a bit.
"no, rhea and damian dropped it off. they were going to stay till you woke up, but had to catch a flight to the next show," he explained, and you nodded, totally getting it. he motioned to his meal that looked like it came from the dunkin' donuts nearby. "they got something for you too," he said, sliding over with your food in hand.
"they also got your favorite coffee," he mentioned, pulling up a chair. “do you wanna eat now or later?”
"definitely now," you replied, your hunger making itself known loud and clear.
dominik gave a nod and set the food on the hospital bed tray before you. "everything feeling okay? any pain?" he asked gently, his eyes following you as you started to eat.
you shook your head, mouth full of food, swallowing it before you spoke, "just sore, so it's a bit uncomfortable."
he smiled, seeing how eagerly you were eating. "looks like you're enjoying breakfast.”
"mhmm, it's really good," you managed to say between bites.
"don’t worry when we get out of here, I’ll take you to get dunkin again." he chuckled, amused by your enthusiastic eating.
"please do," you agreed, slowing down a bit. you set the sandwich down, still chewing, as you looked at him.
"you’re the cutest when you eat, you know that?" he murmured with a soft smile, then took a bite of his own sandwich.
you gave a playful eye roll in response. "how's that even cute?" you chuckled, questioning the logic.
"I can't explain it," he chuckled, "you just remind me of a baby dinosaur." he laughed, taking a sip of his coffee.
you burst out laughing. he beams at you. "you don't think so?" he teased, and you just smiled, taking another bite.
you caught him looking your way again before he gently asked, "everything taste okay?"
"yeah, it's perfect, thanks.”
"good," he smiled, then took another bite of his food. “I can’t wait till we get you home,” he said, eyes flicking up to you as he continued eating.
you finished off your sandwich, murmuring, "me too." after wiping your hands, you reached out for his.
he set his sandwich aside and took your hand, fingers intertwining. the warmth from his hand infused into yours.
a small smile played on his lips as he looked at you, "thank you," you said to him.
he glanced at your interlocked hands, noting the size difference with a smile. "of course," he responded gently, appreciating the closeness.
he brought your hand up placing a gentle kiss on it, before giving it a reassuring squeeze, “no seriously, for everything.”
he was silent for a bit. "you don't need to thank me for being there and caring about you." his grip on your hand tightened gently. "I wouldn't want it any other way."
looking at you, his eyes brimmed with fondness. "te amo," he said gently, content to remain just like that for eternity.
"I love you too," you replied with a playful pause, "If you really love me, you'll let me have a sip of your coffee."
he chuckled quietly, "i guess." he said sarcastically after taking a quick sip, you hit his arm lightly as he lifted the cup to your lips for you to drink. It was pleasantly warm and delicious.
"thanks, babe."
with a grin, he replied, "anytime, amor,"
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y/n: acl tear has got nothing on me.đŸ’Ș
dominik_35: hurry back hermosa, shits not the same without you đŸ–€
y/n: love you babyđŸ–€
rhearipley_wwe: I need you back to help me deal with the boys😔 heal up soon đŸ€
y/n: dw I’ll be back before you know it💗
archerofinfamy: we have your back forever, heal up chiquitađŸ’œâš–ïž
y/n: thank you damian💜
yaonlylivonce: can’t wait for you to come back. đŸ€
y/n: love you girlieđŸ€
jd_mcdonagh: it took an injury to stop you. hurry back sis, we miss you already! âš–ïžđŸ–€
y/n: đŸ–€đŸ–€
finnbalor: you’ll come back stronger and better 💯💜
y/n: đŸ€
wwelover: i miss her sm😖
ethereal.st4rr: women’s division isn’t the same without her😒.
nikkigarcia: been there! here to tell you it gets better! you’ll be back and better before you know it!! đŸ€
y/n: ❀❀
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listofwhyyouloveher · 3 months
hcs for the gang (separate) with an anxious younger fem reader? like maybe 12-13-14? Reader is used to people suddenly walking out or being pulled away of her life (her father died in a car accident, her childhood best friend suddenly had to move away, other close friend went missing, a cousin of hers died because of a sickness, etc, etc) so she's kind of constantly stuck in the mindset of "this could be the last moment togheter" (the boys are kind of obvlivious to reader's past with sudden departures). so when she feels like too much time has passed without anything bad happening to her she kind of just drops onto their side and cuddles up to them, shutting everything out completely and just kind of burning the memory of them and that moment into her head (like the way they smell, the clothest they are wearing, how warm their bodies are, how their voices sound, etc, etc) poor reader's just a traumatized bean lmao 😭
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Summary: The Outsiders w anxious!reader
Warnings: anxiety mentions, mentions of death, mentions of loss
Author's Note: none
Ponyboy has always been helpful after the loss of your family. It was written in the news as a "freak accident" but to you it was your whole life being shattered.
In a way, Pony knew what you were going through, having lost his parents too. So he was your rock in such a desperate time.
You're life was genuinely a tragedy, you'd lost quite a lot. So you made him promise he'd never leave, and of course he agreed because there was little he liked more than you.
Although summer was unbearably hot, the winters always shocked you with their biting frosts and chills. You were huddled in a ball on the couch thinking about your past when Pony sat next to you. Immediately, you wrapped your arms around him, burying your face in his neck and shutting your eyes tightly.
Pony was used to your moments, where you shut everything out and just focus on him. He smelled like books, charcoal and faint cigarette smoke. Pony stroked your back gently, letting you absorb the moment.
Johnny has never felt the loss of a loved one, to him, he's never had many loved ones. However, his lackluster way of empathizing with you made a sincere impression on you.
You connected with Jojnny very quickly after your parents death and he was always willing to hold you when you got night terrors, or when you just couldn't deal with the world. He felt that in some way, you completed each other.
Tonight, you had another dream. It was a terrible cycle of having your family ripped from your life and out of your heart again. You sprung out of bed, warm and sticky sweat still fresh on your goosebump-ed skin. You dialed Johnny number and prayed to every god you knew that he was home.
He arrived at you door within 10 minutes, finding you curled up under your covers, shivering and shaking. He helped you sit up and wiped your tears. Slowly, you wrapped your arms around him, just being there with him. His callous yet soft hands patted the bare skin of your shoulder, his rough denim jacket uncomfortably rubbing against your skin, everything about him you engraved in your mind.
Sodapop was no stranger to loss, and to dealing with the overwhelming grief that pours out. He had enough strength to help Pony get through it and with your parents untimely demise still fresh in your mind, he knew he needed to do it again.
For the longest time, he would hold you to sleep, comforting you, telling you that he'll never leave. He found equal solace in comforting you as you did getting comforted by him.
You made it your goal to memorize everything about Soda, as to never forget. He never wore hair grease at night so his hair smelled like soap and his skin smelled like wood and a mechanic shop. He always wore an unbuttoned button up and was always a little too cold at first. You would say you studied him like a muse, but in reality in his eyes you were the muse, the angel with decorated wings in a painting.
Steve never meant to get involved with the only girl in the gang. He feared that it would throw off the comfortable balance you had created for yourself. But the day he saw you crying on the curb, red and puffy lips and eyes, something tugged in his heart. He was by your side, asking what was pestering you. You showed him the scrap of paper that listed the dates of your family's death. It was if the ink was still fresh because the news shocked him too. He was reminded of all those nights he poured drink after drink for Soda, eyes brimming with tears that were too stubborn to fall.
He found himself in the same predicament, pouring you a big glass of hard liquor, watching you sip at it before down the whole glass. He sat next to you, unsure of what to do next when you silently rested your head on his shoulder.
His hair smelled like grease and his button up like motor oil, but it was a comforting, down to earth smell. Something in your stomach twisted and you felt your nose burn and eyes well with tears. Noticing this, Steve swung his arm around your waist, pulling you close, trying his best to comfort you, someone who'd been there for everyone in a way that was purely angelic. He wanted to mimic your soft touch and happy smile, so he let himself be consumed by you.
Two-Bit had always thought of himself as a poor communicator and comforter, but the way you confided in him after the death of your parents bloomed a new love I'm him for being such a important person in your life.
It was no secret that he enjoyed being the one you relied on and he would often go out of your way to bring you thinks, soup his mom cooked, flowers he picked that he knew your dad grew in his garden.
He was sitting with you on your couch watching home movies your mom made, his hand gently patting your plush thigh when you curled into him. He smelled like pizza, probably his dinner, and the Disney princess perfume that his sister liked to wear. It was an odd combination but it was humbling, reminding you of a home you yearned for now that you lost yours. He gently wrapped his arm around you, smiling down at you, someone he loved as dearly as his family.
Darry was never the one to comfort. He found that he could get more done by bottling all the emotions up, pushing Soda and Pony to work hard through their pain. But he knew he couldn't do that to you, and in a way, he made Pony and Soda jealous by how he treated you, soft and feathery with kind words and patience.
He invites you over for dinner when Soda and Pony would go out together with the rest of the gang. Everytime he makes your favorite food and you sit across from each other. He stabilized you everytime your thoughts ran, helping you through this tough time. It was these moments that you tried to memorize, the smell of Darry's cologne mixing with your comfort food and the faint scent of the rest of the gang, you wanted it pierced through your very soul, staying there like a tattoo.
Darry reached for your hand, stroking your trembling fingers.
"You ok, kid?" He ask, voice soft like a small flame. You look up at him from your food, there's a bittersweet smile on your lips that he's seen so often. You interlock your fingers with his and cry.
Dallas hates you. He tells himself that everytime he sees your smiling face. There was no hiding his contempt for someone so unbearably joyful. But he wasn't happy when you finally dropped your smile, when you fell to your knees, hands clenching onto nothing and tears falling from your eyes to the ground like bullets. He was there the day you got the news. There was no saving your family, there couldn't even be a proper funeral due to your lack of money.
He wanted to hold you, but Dallas doesn't hold, Dallas grips and tugs and rips at anything soft. So he merely sat with you while you cried, body trembling and racked with sobs that made your body ache.
He pulls a cancer stick from his pocket and lights it. The scent and smoke of unfiltered tobacco burns your already red eyes but it's a familiar feeling. He hands you a cigarette that you gladly take and he holds his lighter up to the end. His hands smell like smoke and musk, a woodsy scent that you find yourself almost reaching for. The comforting scent of a home.
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whateverisbeautiful · 7 months
♄ Ranking Richonne
#5: You're My Family (S9E05)
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✹Top 5!✹ Words can't even fully capture how much I adore this scene right here. 😭 But I'll try. - I am so grateful for it and for Danai for being a big reason why we got this moment. This is such a significant scene, especially because it’s Rick and Michonne’s final exchange of dialogue before Rick’s departure. And what a perfectly fitting, stunningly beautiful way to land their love story until they’re reunited again. The family and true love Rick and Michonne know they found within each other will always move me. And I know this scene is a hallucination, but listen, Michonne said it’s real, so it’s real to me too 😌...
(now if I went all out for my last 25 posts, then for my Top 5...đŸŽ”you know that I'm gon' be extrađŸŽ” as we get into the big guns of this countdown. thanks for reading ♡)
I'll always love that Michonne is Rick’s final hallucination in his final full episode. It’s such a confirmation that she truly is home to him.
As I noted in my Reveling in Richonne post on this scene, the final stretch of a journey is often the most draining and challenging to get through, and it’s there when you need to tap into the most powerful source of strength and reflect on what most fuels you to keep going, so, of course, Rick's mind went to the ever-so-important love of his life - Michonne. 
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And I love how any time we’ve seen Michonne in Rick’s mind, she's always this glowing, calming, goddess-like presence. No wonder Rick looks at her like she hung the moon and the stars all the time. 😊
It’s sweet seeing that while Rick's mind conjured up all the living people he loves on this bridge, it’s Michonne whom he envisions having a personal moment with. He needs her. And she’s so reassuring when she tells him it’s gonna be okay.
The real Michonne is going to be understandably distraught when she sees Rick bleeding out on this bridge, but here Rick imagined her as the calm, comforting, and life-giving presence she’s always been to him. 
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And then it’s powerful for Rick to tell Michonne to take care of tf because he’s again passing the torch. Similar to him telling her she’d have to be the one to lead the others forward in Say Yes, Rick clearly believes so strongly that his people will be in good hands with Michonne as the leader. He knows this because he’s been in good hands with her as his leader. đŸ„Č
And what a testament to Rick's trust and belief in her that he could know that this thing he’s dedicated his life to - protecting his people - is something that Michonne can continue. And as he thinks he's dying, it's like this moment is Rick personally finding solace in that Michonne will continue to hold things together if he doesn't make it.😭
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Michonne encourages him, instilling faith that he'll get through this, and I always love the moment where Rick vulnerably says, "I can’t" because he’s always been allowed to be so human with her. I love that she says confidently, "You will, it’s not over," and it's just so believable when she says it.
And then, I have many favorite parts in this one scene, but the following part is particularly special because it is my favorite visual of Rick and Michonne of all time.
Like if you told me I could only ever look at one visual of Richonne again it would be this one right here where Rick and Michonne stare right into each other's souls as her eyes instill this blazing strength in him.
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BREATHTAKING. đŸ€©đŸ˜đŸ€— It’s just beyond powerful and beautiful to me and perfectly illustrates the relationship and depth and strength of these soulmates so well. What this gorgeous power couple gives to each other is one of a kind. And as always, this moment is literally and figuratively magnetic. đŸ§Č
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I love that Michonne tells Rick adamantly, "We don’t die" as a motivating rendition of "We’re the ones who live" and a graphic novel nod. And again, when Michonne speaks, you just believe it.
I remember watching this live, unsure if Rick would survive or not, but when she said this I was like alright it is written, my baby Rick doesn’t die, cuz Michonne is always right...
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But I also love her saying "we don't die" for its figurative meaning, as truly the love Richonne found with each other is endless and will never die.
And I adore that Rick looks her right in the eyes and nods, hearing and believing her even despite the odds and the pain. All versions of Rick can hear Michonne and allow her words to reach him. 
Then there’s this wonderful moment where Rick is about to exhaustedly hang his head and Michonne lovingly takes his face in her hands to both physically and emotionally lift him up. The movement just feels so symbolic of how she will not let him stay defeated and low. She always lifts him up like only she can.
I get teary over this whole scene, especially because of how powerful it is to see Rick have someone who can hold him up like this even in his toughest moments.
And because Michonne always knows what to say, she then brings the focus back to one of the most motivating, important, and inspiring things in their life - their love. 
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When Michonne asks Rick, "You wanna know why I fell in love with you?" in that lovely tender tone, I was gagged then and I'm still gagged now. Like you would think one of us pitched this moment. 😋 It’s just so romantic, and I am forever elated that Rick and Michonne got to directly discuss their incredible love in their final conversation. 
(Also, again, you really can't watch this scene and then be surprised that TOWL is being called an epic love story. I repeat - Richonne's story has always been an epic love story. 😌)
At this moment on this bridge, where Rick needs the ultimate fuel to keep fighting, this is his own mind focusing specifically on the love supreme he found with Michonne - his guiding light, who has kept him going so many times before. Eternally here for it.Â đŸ™ŒđŸŸđŸ„č
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One of the many things that chokes me up about this gorgeous moment is when I stop to think about the start of Rick's TWD journey.
When we were first introduced to Rick he had a wife who wasn't sure if she was still in love with him and caught legitimate feelings for his best friend. And that very best friend ultimately plotted to kill Rick and told him his own family would move on from him because "they've done it before." Like that's so painful.
But then, in the wildest of circumstances - an apocalypse - Rick found a wife and a best friend all in one. He found the ultimate love of his life. He found Michonne - whose love for him runs so deep, so visible, and so certain always.
And where his hallucinations of Lori were more tormenting, here Rick is hallucinating his wife Michonne and envisioning her enveloping him in her consistent and unwavering love that has always meant the world to him.
And as Rick's mind imagines Michonne bringing up their love on this bridge, it's him in the potential final moments of his life also thinking about how honored he is to have loved her and been loved by her. đŸ„č
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So after Michonne asks if he wants to know why she fell in love with him, it is so extremely moving the way Rick intently looks at her with a tear, eager for the answer.
And Michonne stays holding his face up as she tells him with conviction that she fell in love with him, "Because you're a fighter and you never give up." 😭 Exquisite. To see Rick be showered with this love and praise from his true love is just everything and more.
You can really tell that for Rick in this exact moment the only thing he's thinking about is her. Not the pain, not the turmoil, not the past or the future - just his wife's love.
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And it's cool because in one of my Reveling in Richonne posts from years ago, I was analyzing that season 4 finale scene with Michonne in the car with Carl while she listened to Rick talk to Daryl outside. And I felt like that scene in the car and their special "Cuz I'm Okay Too' scene were signs that Michonne was falling in love with Rick, especially after Rick showed how far he'd go to protect his son in contrast to her previous partner. This is what I wrote way back then:
"Like she needs someone who won’t give up and she saw firsthand that Rick doesn’t give up, especially when his son is involved. And so I think this is when she starts really thinking of Rick differently."
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The fact that years after that post, Michonne straight-up tells Rick she fell in love with him because he’s a fighter who doesn’t give up made me even more confident that my love timeline theory is pretty accurate and that I was on track with my studies in getting a Ph.D. in Richonne. 😂
She fell in love with him way back then. I mean, Danai has even said Michonne has been in love with Rick for a long time. (And I bet if Rick were to tell Michonne when he fell in love with her, it would suggest it was around season 4 as well.)
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In this s9 hallucination, I love that Rick gets this uplifting encouragement from the woman he loves and has long been in awe of and that her words so clearly breathe life into him. Michonne has always breathed life into Rick, so it's only fitting that she did it one more time in this series.
And then I really love that she tells Rick, "Fight for me." đŸ„č Oh it's perfect. It’s just touching knowing this is Rick’s mind telling him to fight for her. Fight for his wife. Fight for Michonne, the most important person in his life apart from his kids. 💯
I'm willing to bet that during the years that Rick's been taken away from Michonne and Judith, the words "fight for her" likely played in his head often and helped keep him going.
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(Side note: This moment and "fight for me" line right here should tell everyone watching that Michonne is in a category of her own to Rick. It shouldn't need to be clarified cuz it's so obvious. But for anyone that still needed clarification, I love that TWD & TOWL promo has set the record straight (time & time again, amen) that Rick's wife and kid(s) are his ultimate choice. As I've noted before, one thing I've long known and long-loved about that man Rick Grimes is he gon' make it about Michonne every time and make sure everybody else knows what we've known for years - His wife and his kids are his everything. I'm not against a reunion with some of team family eventually, especially a reunion with Daryl after he watched over Richonne's kids - but I also just know viewers demanding to see all these different friends (and even enemies đŸ˜Ș) on screen with Rick again does not automatically mean Rick needs it. Within the actual story that we've been watching of Rick Grimes since the pilot episode of TWD, we can be confident that reuniting with his immediate family - Michonne, Judith, and RJ to be clear - will take precedence. As TWD has said, reuniting with each other is the only goal - as it should be when a man's been taken from his wife and kid(s). đŸ‘ŒđŸœ While I haven't seen TOWL yet {which ahhh we're so close đŸ€—}, I've been quite positive for literal years that while Rick's been away, he's felt like all he is anymore is a man looking for his wife and child...And anyone who has got in the way of that is gonna lose.)
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Rick knows that despite the pain and exhaustion on this bridge he has to keep fighting for the love of his life. And it makes so much sense why Michonne would fall in love with the fighter within him.
And then Michonne says, "Fight for all of us," because team family is of course important to them too. It's just Rick is a whipped man, see, and so even here there's this subtle aspect where Rick is staring straight at Michonne and really only looks to the side once Michonne turns to face the others. 😋
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But then, as Rick does best, he puts his attention right back on Michonne and just warms my heart completely when he looks at her and says, “You’re my family. I found you.” Gospel truth and Utter Perfection. 😭
I adore how s9 Rick was just so vocal about his reverence and love for Michonne every chance he got, even in hallucinations. đŸ€© And it is so sweet that in his final exchange with Michonne, and really his final dialogue with anyone, Rick gets to look at her and cherish finding family through her.
And with what a family man Rick is and has been since season 1, it is truly the greatest treasure in the world that, even after losing all his family from before the apocalypse, he still found a genuine family that became his life's fuel.
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I love the way Rick places a hand on Michonne's shoulder to really emphasize that he found family in her.
It is so great that in this 9.05 episode where Rick is repeatedly talking about needing to find his family, his mission since s1, we get this lovely declaration that Michonne is so much of who he was always looking for. đŸ„č
And what a beautiful way he found her both in their actual life journey and in his mind’s mental journey this ep. 
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Michonne’s tear as she smiles and again affirms him and says, "You did." Just beautiful and melts my heart.
Andy and Danai did a masterful job depicting the immense love Rick and Michonne have for each other in this scene. They always have, and of course, their final scene delivered on another level. đŸ‘đŸœđŸ‘‘
Truly this has been a stunning love story from the moment they laid eyes on each other in season 3 all the way to this s9 moment here (+ their s11 finale moment) - and now beyond as we look forward to Richonne's story continuing.Â đŸ€©đŸ™ŒđŸŸ
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It’s heartbreaking that after a moment of such love and warmth, Rick then has to acknowledge that this exchange isn't actually happening in real life. He says, "But this isn't real", and then I will forever love that Michonne assuredly says, "Yes it is." đŸ‘đŸœ
It is real. What they found with each other is real. The abundant love emitted between them in this scene is real. I feel like had Michonne actually been able to get to him on this bridge, the exchange could have gone similar to this (but like a lil more frantic probably cuz she'd be anxious to get him some medical help) But in many ways how Rick is picturing their love playing out here is so real and accurate.
So I love that Michonne got to confirm that the love and family she and Rick found in each other is real in any dimension. Since this is all in Rick's mind, it's like this is his mind also deciding that everything in this moment is real and something he has to fight for when he wakes up.
Then Rick and Michonne seal the moment with their precious final kiss within the TWD series and it's another perfect example of true love's kiss. Y'all this really is a love story for the ages and I’ll never stop shouting that from the rooftops. It’s beautiful.Â đŸ„°
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It's fitting for Rick to imagine her kissing him and breathing life into him one more time because đŸŽ”these are a few of his favorite thingsđŸŽ”. And if he's dying then Michonne's love is what his mind wants to remember before he goes.
(Also I wish the real Michonne got to know that on this bridge Rick was imagining her empowering him and kissing him one last time. 😭)
Finally, Michonne tells Rick to wake up, and the resilient king does as she wishes, notably without knocking out like he did the other times he hallucinated people, which to me is a nice subtle way to suggest there was something more real about Richonne's exchange than his previous hallucinations.
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This scene is just gorgeous and touching and emotional and a lovely ode to what makes Richonne so special. We really are spoiled cuz we’re fed with gourmet content in each and every scene. And this scene was a feast and the perfect exchange to close out Richonne on the show. #I'mGrateful
Had this moment legitimately been their last exchange ever it would have done Richonne justice. Fortunately, though, we've finally arrived at a point where this won't be the last exchange between them. đŸ„łđŸ™ŒđŸœ Soon, this 9.05 scene will have to be referred to as Rick and Michonne's 'final convo in TWD,' because more Richonne content is coming. And this is why...
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In this Top 5 moment from Rick's last full TWD ep (where Andy and Danai gave a masterclass in each scene they had both together and apart đŸ‘đŸœ) I adore that this final intimate exchange between them served as a reminder that Rick and Michonne fell in love, that they don’t die, and that what they found in each other is a beautiful family that is forever real and everlasting. The ultimate win.
I will always celebrate that Rick and Michonne found the truest family in each other and that they will soon find each other again. 😌
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ivomartins · 2 months
I see many people consider Dmitry a redflag LI but to me he's a morally grey character: he finds a strange girl amidst the rift and assigns her a place in the squad instead of, you know, just taking Lane hostage when she's made it clear she's pursuing her own goals and only compels to the squad's decisions because she has to.
I understand why the interrogation episode is icky for many people but for me the devil is in details: Dmitry stops the interrogation because he doesn't want to hurt Lane further, and the whole situation can be seen as a necessary evil from the squad's pov, given Lane's actions. And at the same time, Lane doesn't deserve that shit either: she's all alone in a trust-no-one situation, and now she sees very clearly that the squad is not her friends.
To me that's what moral greyness is: different interpretations of the situation, when you can see motivation of both parties without whitewashing them.
Dmitry's conversation about turning your weakness into your strength adds another facet to his character, just like the stolen babushka gift 😭. I love the way Alexandra shows that he actually cares about Lane through him wanting to give her a chocolate bar or helping her with the work and sacrificing his sleep.
And the soulmatism of their branch is so well done. It's not "your mc is promised to this LI although you'd rather have her killed him in a cold blood" but "yes the situation we found themselves in is fucked up and bleak but at least we have each other because in another universe we'd pass each other by without looking back"
And I love how you can see Dmitry lashing out in the latest episodes, with more and more people in the squad dying, because he's responsible for their lives, he's the leader. And you, as a player, can choose Lane's reaction to his behaviour.
But the thing that truly made me sympathize with him is him telling Lane "It would be sad to lose my humanity while hunting for monsters and become one in other people's eyes. I hope I haven't cross that line yet?.."
That's how you write morally grey characters! 🙌
P.S. His latest CG fucks
i'm shook tbh that some people consider dmitry a red flag LI 😭 like yeah. the interrogation scene was iffy and lane didn't deserve that. but the world has literally gone to shit and this is a man who's been forced by circumstances to blur the lines of his morality for the greater good and the safety of the people around him ??? when we take that and the post-apocalyptic survival-of-the-fittest setting into consideration, plus the fact that lane was sus from day 1 and didn't really make any effort to prove herself trustworthy, the interrogation makes perfect sense
and like you said the morally grey nature to dmitry is the most interesting thing about him especially when it ties into the development of his bond with lane like !!!! with cain there's affinity in their position as outcasts and the apathetic nature they share, suspended above everything, untouched by what otherwise jars everyone else in the squad
but with dmitry their affinity lies in dmitry having a different nature to lane and still being drawn to her despite that, still accepting her to the point where she points a fucking gun at his head and he doesn't even flinch 😭 and doesn't even hold it against her later on like ??? there's so much devotion and unconditional acceptance to it and for me personally as someone who's on the whisper path it's definitely giving "the hero loving the monster and cherishing their blood-soaked hands" kinda dynamic
like it's "human" organic soulmatism like you called it, to balance out the otherworldly ambiguous soulmatism with cain. ugh i can't enough of it
i also love how he's been lashing out too and that not even lane has been exempt from that because he's just under that much pressure. i just adore how every single character has been written with their own role to play in the story, completely independent from lane, and they all get to develop just as much as she does as the story goes on đŸ„č
(and yes his cgs have been superior, even to cain, since day 1. i will die on that hill)
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hypocriticalspicewrites · 8 months
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Pairing: Dwayne, Chrysta, [Self Insert]
Warnings: ⚠NSFW ahead!⚠ Minors DNI
Divider made by @/mmadeinheavenn đŸ©·đŸ©·
Taglist~ @misslavenderlady @themarginalthinker @ria-coolgirl @lostboys1987girl @sweetnspicyfruitlet
Notes: Yall this is my first ever full blown smut drabble so please don't judge me if it's bad 😭
[Likes, reblogs, comments and suggestions are appreciated!đŸ’đŸ©·]
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Dwayne was an animal. Dwayne was a predator.
He uses that dark and mysterious demeanor to all but pull you in. He tempts you with sweet nothings and gentle, shy touches just to lure you into his claws. He acts like a creature, calling you in with cries of heartache and longing. And once he finally has you in too deep, he makes sure you can't get out.
He keeps his teeth buried into your pure flesh, taints it with his crimson stained teeth. His jaw tight around your neck, like a wolf shaking out what life is left in a cornered doe struggling with all the strength in can as to hope to escape without a mark. But Dwayne always leaves a mark. He'd be sure of it.
He growled, low and guttural, feeling it course and ripple across the hot flesh clad against his frigid temperature. Her chest rising and falling pressed against his with those, weak little breaths as she found her lungs caving with the weight atop her and the overall way he just ripped the air directly from her lungs with each rut of his hips clashing roughly with her own.
Chrysta could all but lay there, hands clawing desperately at his dewy skin, leaving imprints of nails carved across his arms and streaked lines down his back. Her legs parted so far out they'd started to ache and grow sore, trembling virgously as they tried to stay coiled around his hips, but his fast, animalistic thrusts left her body unable to keep up. Her mouth opened with nothing, my strings of slurred praises and his name echoing of the caverns of his nest.
It wreaked of sex. The dampness in the air quelling with the ocean just outside and the heat emanating from the small space could have left a haze in the ruins of the hotel.
His eyes stayed trained in her the whole time- even when she couldn't keep her own on him, screwed shut off in her own world of euphoria, a few flutters of her lashes indicating when his dick had stroked that spot that made her eyes roll into the back of her head and her spine curve.
His cock pumped in and out of her needy slit at a verocity that was enough to make any woman cry, filling her walls and leaving no part of her aching cunt untouched by his thick length. Her warmth pulled him in like a temptress, a yearning to feel it over and over again whenever he'd pulled out and quickly plunge back in. He could feel that tension in him that was about to burst- yet he all but tortured himself, edging his body to keep this moment going, and wished it could last so much longer than it already had. His cock twitched and throbbed it almost hurt. Enough Chrysta could hear hisses between grinded teeth and a few harsh quiet 'fuck..'  Uttered out whenever her cunt clamped pathetically around his length slowly easing him back into her vice hold on him.
His strained thighs were glossy with her arousal painted across his lower half, her inner-thighs not looking any better whilst he fucked her into an incomprehensible haze, watching the way her wetness just spilled along his veined dick, feeling that pulsing ache in his body knowing it was all because of him.
"Look how fuckin' tight n' wet you are for me." He purred into her ear, hearing her whimper and that flutter of goosebumps crawling across her skin. His thick eyelashes kissed at her jaw, his faint stubble itching across her neck. Any touch that wasn't the feeling of his dick pounding away at her pussy was heightened, making her flinch slightly and her hips that where still held down by his large hands jolt.
He didn't need to hear anything but her moans fill his cavern and his head, like a lulling siren song he'd never ever refuse to hear night after night, wether it were himself eliciting the vocals from her, or one of his other mates. He could hear her thoughts, read those words repeating through her mind. 'More, more, more, more.'  And he was willing to give her everything she requested- even if it was the entire world.
One of his hands left her hip, that dark imprint of his hand and splotched bruises of his fingertips caused that stir in him again. His rough palm slowly caressed up toward her stomach, that slight bulge being the swollen head of his cock rolling up and down with each rough thrust. His palm rested atop of it, pressing down firmly enough to watch her stomach compress and a strained breath to escape her mouth- followed by a wanton sob as her hips jolted against him, her back arching.
"Oh, precious.." He cooed, her brain too melted enough to know if it was spoken with true adoration or mocking. His hand continued it's journey or gliding up her body, resting in between her breasts across her sternum. That heavy thumping of her heart nearly pounding out of her ribcage to leap into his hand nearly broke all restrain he had in that moment. He could feel his thick digits curling around the back of her neck, propping her head up with his wrist before he leeched onto her, lips finding her own in a messy kiss of tongue and saliva.
Her moans and whines were swallowed into his mouth, only breaking free when he'd parted just enough to crane his head to a better position or to the other side. That taste of blood invaded her mouth as his tongue languidly entered her mouth, fangs pricking at her bottom lip which he hastily lapped at any blood oozing from his marks.
He could feel her go frigid for a moment, a strangled gasp heaving from her chest as he only parted the kiss for a moment, a tendril of saliva connecting their lips.
"Dwayne."  She urged, her voice getting to that higher vocal he was all too familiar with. Her cunt tightened enough it almost made her have to slow down his quick pace as though afraid to break her.
"I know baby." He responded, a grunt and hiss following. "I'll get you there." He promised, thumb tracing circles into her jaw as his head resided into the crook of her neck. He guided his knees underneath her ass, propping her up just a bit against his hips till his dick could go as far as it could inside her, folding her over just a bit while propping her legs up along his hips.
He was about ready to break her. That inhuman energy and vampiric stamina had him bucking his hips so hard it made her body bounce, unable to keep her still underneath him. Her moans increased in pitch and became frequent as he urged her into an orgasm.
"Gonna cum for me, Dollface?" He smirked, a growl purrs from his throat, pressing needy kisses into her neck, feeling her pulse throb against his lips. "Fuck... You're just about ready to pop, aren't you?" He grunted as her cunt milked his length, urging him to just spill that building want into her, to pump his hot cum into her needy slit.
"Dwayne!" She choked out, her hands that were clawing at the sheets above her head finding his hair, tangling her fingers into his long dark tresses as her legs locked around his hips. Her vision started to go white, and her mind blanked, chanting his name as though it's the only thing her brain could comprehend.
He purred, eyes fluttering shut, ache pulsing through his dick now becoming unbearable, to a point one tear escaped from his earthy eyes, streaking down his face and falling onto her collarbone.
He used his unoccupied hand to finally tease her opening, his touch nearly featherlike as his middle-finger rubbed soft circles into the bud of her clit, watching her eyes snap open only to roll into the back of her head, back arching so hard he had to use his own weight to ease her down as a wanton moan falls out of her throat.
Her orgasm washed over her like hot fire, watching her essence pool out of her slit still stuffed with him inside. He gave one final rut of his hips before swiftly pulling out with a growl. Spurts of hot cum fall in ropes across her stomach, glistening in the dim candlelight with an inhuman glittery hue.
He pants heavily with breaths he doesn't even need. His breath fanning across her neck as he takes a moment to let her collect herself, her fingers still ripping at his dark hair. Not that he minded the pain.
"You doing okay, Chrysta?" He asked, his voice slightly husky as he brought his hand from her head, letting it back back into the pillows beneath her, and gentle took her wrists with and removed both her hands from his hair. "Still awake?" He had a wolfish grin you could almost hear as he said it.
"Mhm." She hummed softly, her hands weakly falling back against her chest. She looked rather dazed, her eyes heavy with exhaustion and glazed over with a bliss as she still tried to reform her brain fucked into putty.
He chuckled, throaty and it made her body shake a bit. He propped himself onto his elbows, grabbing at the discarded sheets hanging off the bed and bringing them over to her figure underneath him.
He wiped off his seed oozing off her stomach down her hips, leaving a sparkly residue imprinted in her skin that she now thinks won't be coming out anytime soon. He also took the time to clean her up between her thighs, being as gentle as possible running the cool soft fabric across her sensitive cunt, making her heart flutter just a bit. He then brings it to his dick, cleaning off the concoction of their mixed fluids off his length, then merely tossing the sheet aside and easing himself back on top of her.
He rests his head atop her bare breasts, stroking his thumb across the underside of one before cupping if gently and placing a few stray kisses along the plush fat in his hand.
She sighed softly, running her hand through his hair which earned her a deep groan, his weight going lax on top of her, his other arm creeping under her back and wrapping around her. He didn't need to rest, yet something about having her in his arms after a fuck session like that made it hard not to relax.
"I'll take you home later, 'kay? Don't want to share tonight." He stated bluntly, his voice barely even above a whisper muffled against her skin. He felt a small giggling emit from her, making her chest shift. He could feel her playing with his hair, shifting a few strands into a braid.
"Yeah? I don't mind." She answered sweetly. "I just need a minute." She hummed, earning one back from Dwayne. She stops her braiding, simply running her fingers through his thick brown locks, looking up at the cavern ceiling, staring at nothing specific, just lost in thought.
"Hey, Dwayne?"
"I love you."
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vqrtualheartss · 6 months
𝓜đ“Čđ“”đ“źđ“Œ 1610 𝔁 𝓐đ“șđ“Ÿđ“Șđ”€đ“źđ“« đ“đ“Źđ“»đ“žđ“«đ“Șđ“œ
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HEY YALL, so I made a lil drabble n stuff idk what else to sayy.
ALSO, my page is growing sm whatt😭. I love love love love love y'all, mwah. Like y'all don't know how it makes me feel thinking abt when I started this page, also sorry for the future heartache if y'all r not strong.
'Who's Aquaweb??' YOU. Click here for some info(more to come obvi)
Expect a song rec cause y'all know how much I like to incorporate music into my workss, I like that the song goes well alongside the fic, but its based off of Waiting room by Phoebe Bridgers
This doesn't apply to any gender
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"It's for the better, just know it's for the better" Clinging on Miles' hand, the struggle in his eyes remained evident. Of course it were having to hold on to a whole person and police vehicle with weak web fluid, not to mention the emotional strain the current moments had on his heart.
"This cannot be happening, not when I haven't even found Miles"
"This can not be happening"
Nothing the father or son thought and said could've stopped the series of misfortunes for even a second. Because indeed, without a doubt, Miles' canon event was in process. What the Spider-Society, including yourself failed to decipher was that there were another crucial variable to Miles' canon: you.
"Miles you have to let me go"
The soft eyes you gave to him made the beautiful chaos seem mediocre. Be it the case that you had to be thrown onto a broken off bridge, Miles was going to make sure you were alive at least.
"I can do both, I can save you both"
Through his own peripheral he saw you shaking your head, tears dampening and streaming through the holes of your rubbed out mask. Since ever, you knew Miles had to ability to do great things. It wasn't something new when monitoring him for over 2 years now. But this, this whole thing was too much pressure for such a diamond.
Using her own strength, Gwen formed a shaky structure underneath the car.
Instantly, his head shot up to her, to Gwen. The gaze they both shared mocked the brief conversation between you two.
That was something you knew you could never achieve with him, that stare, that intimate, loving, beatific, blissful, longing stare.
"I don't want to do this anymore"
Immediately, your expression morphed from a slight saddened to wistful. Taking advantage of their ignorance, you snapped the thinning web fluid that held you to Miles. The web fluid that held you off the bridge, away from the deep waters below; held you living.
Blocking out the screams of terror and ache, you dived head first into the ocean, the last bit of air to ever enter your body escaping with a sigh.
Reappropriate arrogance. You know that you were nothing in that moment to Miles than a person in need of saving, not because he loved you, saw you as family or even a close friend.
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I got the "I'm not gonna be here forever" talk yesterday and I feel sad like why are you gonna tell me that.
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theblackhate · 6 months
Omg i need capther 4😭😭😭
you ask and you receive!
Knowledge pt.4
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check the other parts here!
The story begins the same for everyone, on the day of the ceremony, one of the most important for all the kids who take part in it every year, and Michelle will not miss the opportunity to leave behind a faction that she did not feel belonged to her.
On her journey, however, she will encounter someone who will make her initiation feel like hell.
Ppairing: Eric Coulter x Reader
Word count: 6k
"You've got quite a nasty bruise," remarked Sunny as she sat down beside her on the bed, later that evening after their first training session. "You're lucky it's not broken."
"It hurts," Michelle said, still holding the ice pack against her cheekbone. The icy sensation kept her awake. She had just woken up from a long nap after returning from training.
"Did you go to the infirmary?"
"No, Four checked it," Michelle recalled Four; he had stayed back to assess the damage, having seen the hard hit she took. He commended her agility and speed in dodging blows, encouraging her to continue improving those aspects of her technique.
But she lacked strength. If she had attacked Eric, she would have lost immediately.
"Hmm..." Sunny got up to climb onto her own bed, bidding her goodnight.
Michelle lay awake in bed, staring at the cot above hers, listening to the snores of some of her comrades. She wasn't sleepy at all.
She remained lying in bed for what felt like an eternity, waiting for her comrades to fall completely asleep. She didn't want any of them to rat her out for leaving the dormitory at night.
When she felt like everyone was asleep, she waited another five minutes to be sure; then, from under her pillow, she took out the photo of her and Anne, tracing her best friend's face with her fingertip.
It had only been a day since they parted ways, yet it felt like an eternity.
She quickly got up and grabbed her boots, not putting them on right away to avoid making noise. She opened the metal door very slowly and slipped out, donning her boots and covering herself against the cold with a leather jacket.
The corridors were completely empty that night, like the days to come. It had become Michelle's routine to sleep after training and then spend the entire night training on her own.
She found it easier to train when no one was there to bother her, and she was lucky not to find anyone else training at night, or she would have gotten into trouble in no time.
And she didn't want to be face to face with Eric again, who, after their sparring on the first day of initiation, had finally left her alone. It was as if she didn't exist anymore, and she was grateful for that. His attention was the last thing she wanted.
She didn't know why Eric had decided to stop tormenting her, making snide remarks about her incapability and weakness, and maybe it was better that way. Eric himself wasn't pleased with such an order, received from higher-ups.
He had to leave her alone, let her follow her path.
During that first week, Michelle found herself spending more and more time with Sunny, a ray of sunshine in that cold, dark place. Having a friend had helped her a lot, especially with her little aiming problem.
She had improved at shooting, finally managing to make critical hits on the target. Nothing extraordinary, but it was better than how she had started a week earlier.
However, that night someone joined her in the gym, scaring her to death when they spoke.
"Isn't it a bit late?" Lauren's voice made her jump, causing the Dauntless leader to chuckle. "You're always so lost in thought that you never notice me."
"You're quiet, it's different," Michelle replied, watching her approach, dressed in heavier clothes.
She didn't know whether to go back to training or grab her things and leave; she was just waiting for Lauren's reaction to know what to do. But when the woman started taking off the extra clothes, she was almost surprised.
Lauren approached her, now wearing only leggings and a long-sleeved shirt. "You're weak."
Michelle rolled her eyes, returning to hitting the punching bag. "I hadn't figured that out," she replied sarcastically, annoyed at how obvious it was.
She trained every afternoon and every night, yet she couldn't put on muscle; all her comrades were starting to get stronger, more defined, while she remained stagnant.
Lauren smiled before moving closer to the punching bag to look her in the face. "The fact is, you don't eat enough. For breakfast, you just have a cup of coffee, for lunch, you stay light because you're afraid of feeling sick in the afternoon, and often you skip dinner in the evening."
She kept hitting the bag, her knuckles and arms throbbing with pain, but she gritted her teeth and kept going. She thought about Lauren's words and had to admit she was right.
She slowed down her punches, eventually stopping to look at her, expecting some advice or something of the sort. Lauren immediately realized she had her full attention and smiled.
"You need to eat more, have more substantial meals, otherwise you burn more than you eat. You should gorge on meat, in short, eat as much as you can, and for breakfast, go for eggs maybe."
Michelle was used to eating little even when she was in her old faction; she and Anne preferred to grab food and move to a less crowded place, so they could carry less food with them.
She nodded, turning back to look at the punching bag and then at her knuckles, bleeding. The only reason the bag wasn't stained with blood was because of its black color.
"Come on, I'll show you how to wrap them properly," Lauren took her by the arm, dragging her towards one of the benches scattered around the gym.
As the woman got up to fetch the wraps, Michelle turned her head to gaze at the sky outside the windows, still as black as pitch. It must have been around four in the morning.
Lauren returned shortly after with a small white box and knelt in front of her; she took out a white bottle, cotton, and the wraps from it.
"It's going to sting," she warned before dipping the cotton into the bottle and dabbing it on Michelle's knuckles. Michelle gritted her teeth and closed her eyes; she felt her hands catch fire, but fortunately, the sensation didn't last long.
With great care, Lauren cleaned her knuckles with the disinfectant before taking the wraps and, showing her the most effective way to do it, wrapped them around her knuckles. As she handled the wraps, she glanced at her stealthily, wondering why they wanted her to be kept under observation.
She would never disobey orders, but she wondered why she, of all people, was important. Unlike her, Eric was anything but pleased with the orders, annoyed by the obligation to leave her alone.
She couldn't understand Eric's behavior; he hadn't always been like this, yet now his greatest pleasure was to make people around him miserable, showing off his superiority at every opportunity.
"There, all done," she whispered when she secured the wraps to ensure they wouldn't come loose during the day. Lauren stood up, dusting off her knees, and took a seat beside the girl, giving her a light shove. "Listen to my advice, eat more."
Michelle nodded again without taking her eyes off her wrapped knuckles.
She was grateful that the fights hadn't started yet; she wouldn't stand a chance against anyone. She was fast, able to avoid getting hit, but that wouldn't earn her any points.
Remembering something Lauren had said to her one of the first times they spoke, she turned to her, catching the woman a bit off guard with her ice-blue eyes. She had never noticed it before.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course, I'm here for that."
"Will you help me become stronger?" Lauren was confused by that question, and Michelle clarified, "I can't win if I'm just on the defensive."
The woman smiled at her more than before and got up from the bench, heading towards the mat. "Come?"
Michelle followed her onto the mat, standing in front of her, waiting for instructions, but Lauren had something else in mind.
"Let's pretend we're fighting. I won't hit you. I just want to see what tactics you have and how you move." Lauren took a fighting stance, and Michelle immediately copied, bringing her hands up in front of her face.
They started circling the mat just as she had done with Eric, waiting for an attack, and soon after, Lauren lunged at her. Michelle noticed the slight lunge she made before actually throwing herself at her and dodged it.
They went on like this for a good ten minutes, with Lauren attacking and Michelle staying on the defensive until the leader called off the fight.
This time, Michelle didn't feel out of breath. Sure, she had gone easier than with Eric, but she was pleased to notice that at least her stamina had increased.
"You're good, but you're right. If you only stay on the defense, you won't win." Lauren observed her for a moment before creating a plan in her head. "Try this: you're quick, use it to your advantage to hit critical points like the throat or temple."
Lauren approached her. "Now I'll show you how to do it, and you have to try it on me, okay?"
Michelle nodded and watched Lauren's movements, trying to copy them immediately afterward. Unsuccessfully, however.
They continued to train, but she began to get frustrated finding herself on the ground over and over again. She huffed, getting up for the hundredth time and getting into position.
"Think of something that pisses you off or someone you want to smash in the face," the leader tried to encourage her.
Michelle closed her eyes and thought of something that annoyed her, so much so that she hated it. It didn't take long for Eric's image to appear in her mind, telling her she couldn't do it, that she was a liability and a waste of resources.
She opened her eyes and nodded to Lauren to start, the woman in front of her glad to see something different in her eyes.
Lauren lunged at her, and with speed, Michelle dodged the blow, attempting to strike back at her temple, almost succeeding. "Better, keep it up!" Lauren encouraged her.
This time, Michelle took the initiative, attacking Lauren's defense, trying to hit her throat, but only managed to strike her stomach, causing her to step back.
They circled on the mat for a bit before Lauren returned to the attack, landing blow after blow and only managing to hit Michelle's shoulder once. However, Michelle didn't give up and countered, hitting her abdomen and blocking her blows.
In a moment of distraction, though, Lauren managed to sweep her feet out from under her, tripping her.
Michelle stood there, tired and sweaty, trying to catch her breath.
"That's better. Once you eat more and build muscle, you could really become one of the best among the transfers," Lauren said, sitting down on the mat, exhausted from the workout.
It had been a while since she sparred with someone so fast. It was hard to block her blows, let alone land one unless she was distracted.
"Pay attention to your feet too, otherwise you'll end up on your ass," both girls laughed.
“Why could I be one of the best?” It was a legitimate question that had come to mind as soon as Lauren mentioned it, and Michelle straightened up to look her in the face, her muscles sore.
Lauren sighed, pushing her hair away from her face. “The guys I train with assume that just because they're Dauntless-born, they have a guaranteed spot here. But you have good technique, you're a natural force.”
Michelle blushed at the compliment and looked down, fiddling with her fingers.
“How are you doing in the rankings?” Lauren asked her.
"Tenth," Michelle said, turning to look at the board on the wall. Thankfully, her name wasn't below the red line; for now, they were only based on results from pistol training.
But it made her anxious to be so close to the red line, it was the last safety net, and one mistake would be enough to drop her below.
"Not bad, especially considering you started from scratch," Michelle shot her a glare; she knew those weren't good results, she didn't want to hear nonsense. Lauren raised her eyebrows.
They remained silent for a while, and when Michelle turned her head, she noticed the sky beginning to lighten. She got up from the mat to grab her things and head back to the dormitory for a well-deserved shower.
"It's been a pleasure. If you ever need to train again, you know who to ask," Lauren grabbed her belongings too and left before Michelle, closing the doors behind her. Michelle wondered what she was doing out at that hour dressed like that.
It wasn't her business, and as she had come to understand during that week, it was better not to pry into other people's affairs. She decided to take all the time in the world to return to the dormitory, not wanting to face everyone else just yet.
She decided to take a different route and found herself in one of the corridors overlooking the Pit. The shops were all still closed, naturally, but she noticed the tattoo parlor was already open, its lights on.
Deciding to pass by, she walked past the staircase that would lead her down to the Pit and then back to the dormitory. She stopped in front of it and saw movement inside, the same man who had helped her find the gym on the first day of initiation.
Michelle paused to look at the designs on display. She didn't realize the man was approaching the entrance until she saw him standing beside her out of the corner of her eye.
They silently observed the drawings for a while. "Do you like them?" he asked without shifting his gaze from the window.
"They're not my style, but they're nice," Michelle replied.
"Do you want to take a look inside?" the man moved towards the entrance, glancing back to see if she would follow. He smiled when she joined him after a second of hesitation. "I'm Tyson, by the way. We never properly introduced ourselves."
"I know, I've heard about you," his tone was amused as he glanced at her, but Michelle seemed not to appreciate it. "Don't worry, only good things. Except for the punch you took from Eric on the first day."
Tyson laughed, and Michelle ignored him, moving away to approach one of the many columns where several designs were hung. They were beautiful; she got lost in observing them one by one, but only a few were to her liking.
She wasn't particularly fond of the designs themselves; she preferred geometric shapes, interweaving lines, or similar things.
Tyson joined her. "Do you want one? It's early, but I could make an exception for you."
Michelle looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "Lauren and Tori weren't kidding; you're not much of a talker, huh?"
He started to walk away, somewhat disappointed that he couldn't seem to have a conversation with the girl, but her voice stopped him. "If I draw something for you, would you tattoo it?"
Her question was unusual; he had never had anyone want to tattoo something they had drawn before, but he nodded. "Do you have something in mind?"
It was her turn to nod. "I'll be back in a few days."
When she reached the dormitory, it was probably around seven in the morning. Most of her companions were already up and having breakfast, but when she went to take a shower, she encountered Tina trying to dry her tears in front of the mirror.
Michelle hesitated, contemplating if sneaking away before Tina noticed her would be a good idea, but the girl turned towards her, looking at her. 
Tina had red and swollen eyes, her face twisted in a sad expression, and she sniffled occasionally. Saying that Michelle felt uncomfortable would be an understatement.
It was embarrassing, and she decided to move towards the showers, hoping to avoid the impending conversation, but she didn't have time to undress and turn on the water before Tina's voice distracted her.
"What am I doing wrong?" her voice was interrupted by sobs and crying. Michelle leaned her head against the shower door before turning towards her, trying to figure out what she wanted her to do.
"I do, I do everything for him! And he treats me like this!" she started crying again, and feeling guilty, Michelle approached. Tina quickly hugged her and cried on her shoulder.
Michelle stood still for several minutes before someone else entered the bathroom, luckily, it was Chloe. The girl always had the need to show off and help anyone in trouble to improve her image, and things hadn't changed at all.
When she saw Tina in tears, she reached her, forcefully pushing Michelle aside. "What did you do?" she accused, turning towards her and stroking Tina's hair.
"It's not her fault," Tina managed to say through tears.
Michelle didn't stay to watch the scene unfold and immediately stepped under the hot water jet, cursing as she remembered the wraps. She removed them and winced as the sensation of the water droplets hit the open wounds. It wasn't pleasant.
Fortunately, Michelle heard Tina's complaints fade away from the bathroom, indicating she would have the chance to get ready in peace.
She wished she could stay under the hot water jet for hours, but she remembered Lauren's advice to have a good breakfast, so she forced herself to step out and get ready. She put on simple black sweatpants, comfortable shoes, and a hoodie, knowing that today they would start hand-to-hand combat.
She braided her hair into two loose braids and hurried out of the dormitory, reaching the cafeteria in a few minutes. Every muscle in her body was on fire as she tried not to bump into anyone while wrapping her knuckles in motion. They were still bleeding, and she didn't want to mess around, especially not while eating with the smell of blood in the air.
When she arrived at the cafeteria, she scanned the room for Sunny and soon spotted her, sitting with Four, Max, and another initiate she had never talked to before. She joined them and took a seat next to her friend, who greeted her with a big hug.
"There you are! I was wondering where you were; you weren't anywhere when I woke up," her cheerful tone made Michelle smile as she grabbed scrambled eggs and, of course, her usual cup of coffee.
Four looked up upon hearing Sunny and glanced at her friend next to her, confused, wondering where she was, and especially why she was out of the dormitory when it wasn't allowed. He shrugged it off, maybe he had misunderstood.
He didn't stay long to listen to the guys' conversation and grabbed his things to head to the training quarters, finding Eric already there. He was standing in front of the whiteboard, engrossed in something.
Eric slightly turned his head upon earing Four entering, then returned his gaze to the whiteboard. "They're odd, one won't be fighting today," Eric said simply when Four joined him, maintaining a certain distance.
That made Eric smile.
Four glanced over the pairs Eric had created, and when he reached the end, he saw Michelle's name alone. He furrowed his brows and turned to Eric. "Why Michelle? There are initiates worse than her."
"Because she's not capable, she lacks strength, and the sooner she fights, the sooner she'll end up below the red line, which the higher-ups don't want, and you know that well, Four," his tone was serious as he spoke without looking at him, standing straight, still irritated by the orders that had been strictly given to the two of them, Lauren, and Max.
"No, I don't know. I've seen less capable people than her, and we both have seen how capable she is," he insisted.
Eric turned towards him, a displeased smirk on his face as he took a step closer. He was slightly taller, just enough to assert dominance. "Because I've decided so, don't contradict me, Four."
When Michelle and Sunny reached the quarters, they were surprised to see some of their companions already there, positioned in front of the blackboard near the mats.
"They must be the pairs, come on!" Sunny grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her in front of the blackboard, and indeed, she was right; there were the pairs for the day.
Arlo - Connor Patrick - Thomas Bowie - Andy Chloe - Max Tina - Sunny Michelle -
Furrowing her brows, Michelle turned to find Four, ignoring Tina's arrival; she walked away from the group to join him on one of the benches, but before he even looked up, he responded.
"It wasn't my choice," he said.
"It was mine," Eric's icy voice sent shivers down Michelle's spine, and she immediately stiffened. "Consider it a favor. Now, join the other initiates."
Turning to look at him, she clenched her fists, imagining punching him in the nose. Still tense, she nodded and walked towards her companions, trying to ignore the anger his presence alone stirred within her.
He was insolent, arrogant, and above all, he was a jerk.
She was relieved to know it wasn't just her perception; Tyson had told her some stories about the young leader when he was an initiate as she spent the morning in his shop. Tyson's company was one she was starting to appreciate more and more as the days passed.
"So? You're not fighting?" Max asked when she took a seat among them, arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his face.
She shook her head.
"How come?" Max smiled, and Michelle wished she could wipe that smirk off his face; his inability to be serious for five minutes straight was exhausting.
"I fight tomorrow, we're odd," Michelle simply replied, taking a seat on the floor, ready to endure hours of combat without being able to participate.
On one hand, she was grateful; she had the opportunity to study the fighting style of all her companions, which would help her a lot when it was her turn. But the fact that she, of all people, had been chosen to sit out among them gnawed at her.
It hadn't been Four's decision, but Eric's.
Was it another way of telling her she was incapable? Did she really suck that much? Didn't she deserve to be there with them? Was she not up to their standards?
The more she thought about it, the more she felt tears welling up at the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill at any moment. But she couldn't wallow in self-pity, not with Chloe staring at her from across the mat with an air of superiority.
She would prove to everyone that that was her place. Not theirs.
"Arlo and Connor! On the mat!" Eric shouted, grabbing the attention of the two boys.
They took their places on the mat facing each other, and Arlo seemed much more prepared than Connor; he had a confident air and a stance ready to attack. Although his muscles weren't well-defined, Michelle could see them as he brought his hands up to his face.
Connor, on the other hand, seemed almost awkward in front of him, his cocky and impertinent demeanor from when he was with his little group of friends nowhere to be seen. Michelle smiled at seeing him struggle.
"Begin!" Four signaled the start of the match, and the two boys began circling the mat, waiting for one of them to strike first.
They went on for a good five minutes, and Eric's expression became increasingly bored and frustrated, playing with the piercing on his lip as if to entertain himself somehow.
Michelle had to admit that small action was quite attractive.
When she refocused her attention on her companions after Sunny nudge her with her elbow, she saw Arlo take the first step, closing the distance between them. This caused Connor to retreat and go on the defensive.
"We're not at the playground, let's go!" Eric huffed, and the two boys glanced at him for a split second before turning their attention back to each other.
Arlo closed his eyes for a fraction of a second before reopening them and landing a blow to Connor's face, which he barely parried by bringing his arms up to shield himself. They began grappling, with Arlo on the offensive and Connor on the defensive.
Arlo lunged at him, trying to bring him down, but Connor managed to grab him around the waist and, despite being shorter, he managed to hurl him across the mat.
"Go, Connor!" Chloe cheered, clapping her hands.
"Keep it up!" Patrik chimed in.
Michelle watched them, still somewhat envious that she had never been able to be friends with them when they were kids. But that didn't matter now; she would prove herself to be better than them.
"You'll regret this," Arlo gritted his teeth, getting back up and charging at Connor.
They resumed exchanging punches, occasionally attempting to take each other down without success. Arlo was stronger and taller, but Connor seemed to have better balance and was thinking more with his head than with his fists.
They remained on the mat for half an hour, and just when everyone thought the match would go on indefinitely, Arlo began ruthlessly attacking his opponent after taking a nasty right hook to the face.
He grabbed Connor's head from behind his neck, forcefully bringing it down to bash against his knee. Connor's nose immediately started bleeding, and he brought his hands to his face to try to stem the flow of blood, but Arlo showed no mercy.
He continued to strike wherever he could, targeting the protected face, stomach, and sides. Anywhere he could land a blow.
"Enough! I surrender!" Connor exclaimed, falling awkwardly to the ground after a vicious punch to his left temple.
Michelle observed his fragile figure curled up on the mat, staining it with blood from his undoubtedly broken nose; then, she shifted her gaze to Arlo, standing next to him, looking down at Connor with empty eyes. He was panting, his face flushed as he watched drops of sweat fall onto the mat.
"What a mess," Michelle whispered, and Sunny turned to look at her, tearing her eyes away from the battered boy in front of her.
"Yeah, I didn't think they'd make us fight to this extent."
"No, I mean the mat," Michelle emphasized, realizing that her friend had interpreted her statement differently.
"Do we have to fight like that too?" Tina, who had sat down next to Michelle, leaned forward to look at Sunny, waiting for an answer. The brunette shrugged.
Michelle thought about how stupid Tina had been to fill herself with earrings and get two piercings at that stage, the only physical one among the three. She would find herself receiving punches from Sunny in a couple of hours, and the girl wasn't stupid; it was obvious that she would target those sensitive areas.
Two Dauntless boys carried Connor to the infirmary. He hadn't lost consciousness, but the blow to his temple had been strong enough to rob him of his balance for a while.
The next two fighters got on the mat without waiting for someone to call them, and only now did Michelle realize what her friend was talking about. Patrik was really big.
In that short week, he had managed to put on an impressive amount of muscle, and Thomas swallowed nervously. Despite this, he showed confidence.
"Begin!" Eric exclaimed, starting to walk around the mat.
Michelle thought that this fight would also last half an hour like the previous one, but Patrik wasted no time and attacked Thomas without giving him a chance to react. He was fast and strong.
Thomas took blows to the throat, making him gasp for breath and stagger. Patrik grabbed him by the arm to pull him closer, elbowing him in the nose, causing more blood to drip onto the mat.
With his left foot, he made him fall and got on top of him, blocking every attempt at defense. Patrik started hitting him in the face, punch after punch, until Thomas stopped trying to defend himself, leaving everyone with a lump in their throats.
"Why doesn't he stop it?" Tina whispered, and Michelle turned to look for Four, but when she didn't see him, she looked for Eric.
What she saw didn't sit well with her at all. Eric was enjoying himself.
"Now that's enough," his voice was almost cheerful, light, very different from before when Connor had withdrawn from the fight.
Four arrived from behind them and bent down to help Thomas, his face disfigured due to swelling and blood, but surprisingly the boy refused assistance and, staggering a bit, got up and headed towards the infirmary on his own.
"Try not to fall into the abyss!" Eric teased, observing Thomas's unstable figure as he moved away from the scene.
"What a jerk," someone whispered in her ear.
"Indeed," Michelle replied to the unfamiliar voice and saw the boy who had sat with them at breakfast. She couldn't remember his name, it was something like Brownie though.
The aforementioned boy got up and got on the mat, soon joined by another boy whom she had never spoken to.
"Who's that?" Michelle asked Sunny.
Sunny turned to her friend, then back to the two boys. "Oh, I think it's Andy? If I'm not mistaken, he was an Erudite with me."
"You don't remember if he was with you?" Tina chimed in.
Sunny shrugged. "I think so, but he was always with the Dauntless. He always hung out with them at school, and if you notice, during meals he's always sitting with them."
"When you're ready," Four initiated yet another fight, and this time Andy wasted no time. They were both lean but with some muscle, the only physical difference being that Bowie perhaps had about twenty centimeters more than his opponent.
Andy was skilled, but one thing Michelle noticed was that he looked at the point he wanted to hit before striking. However, Bowie seemed unable to grasp his strategy and showed great clumsiness in trying to block the attacks.
She noticed the difference between the first two fights, especially the second one, and this one; here, they seemed like two boys training, fighting against each other without exaggeration, whereas before it seemed like if Eric hadn't ended the fight, one of them would have ended up dead.
Bowie managed to block some blows and even land one himself, but with a quick move, Andy managed to make him lose balance, and when he fell, he hit his head hard on the ground.
"Ow," the boys standing still watching the fight exclaimed.
Bowie grabbed his head with his hands, rolling onto his side. He cursed in pain, and Andy, still standing, turned to look at Eric behind him; the blond nodded at him.
Andy turned back and with a kick to the temple, he knocked out his opponent, celebrating his victory as some of his Erudite friends applauded for him.
Two more Dauntless carried away his limp body. Michelle watched the boy's body being taken away, realizing only now that she would end up below the red line by force, probably becoming the twenty-second with zero points.
Her hands began to tremble at the thought of having to really give her all to make it to the top; initially, she didn't think it would be too difficult, she could easily win by following Lauren and Four's advice, but her fellow initiates were brutal.
She feared the moment when she would have to face Patrik or Arlo, who seemed the most brutal.
She was fast, but their strength was too much to ignore.
"Max, Chloe, on the mat!"
Chloe arrived confident, chest out and head held high, and Michelle hoped with all her might that she would get her ass kicked, and so it was. She managed to put up a good fight against Max, knowing where to strike while the boy acted on instinct, blindly.
But when Max managed to grab her, it was her end.
Chloe got up unsteadily, covering her face, crying. Max's punches had been strong, too strong against her delicate face, and Michelle couldn't hide a satisfied smirk seeing the girl's disfigured face.
It was time for the final showdown, almost three hours after the training began, and it was Sunny's turn to take her place on the mat.
"Good luck," Michelle said, watching her friend rise, who turned to smile at her.
Tina's smile, however, vanished when she realized she would actually have to fight against a friend. "Ready?" she asked.
Sunny didn't answer, waiting for the start of the match. Eric ordered them to begin, and Sunny started circling.
Tina looked worried, her movements uncertain. With each move Sunny made, Tina went on the defensive, ready to block any blow. Sunny struck first, and her opponent covered her face, leaving her abdomen exposed.
And Sunny struck right there.
Tina doubled over, screaming, and soon the gray shirt she was wearing began to darken around the belly button area; she lifted the shirt, exposing the belly button piercing, which was bleeding.
She looked at Sunny with a hurt expression. "What the hell!"
"Stop playing around!" Eric grumbled, annoyed, watching the two girls. Sunny briefly turned to look at the young leader, and Tina took the opportunity to throw a punch.
Sunny recoiled immediately and began hitting Tina, who was too weak to defend herself. She had no defense technique, just raising her hands in front of her face, leaving all other areas exposed, and Sunny repeatedly hit her left ear.
The girl fell to the ground, screaming in pain. Sunny stepped back, continuing to hop around to stay ready in case the girl got back up, but Tina seemed to show no signs of getting up.
Sunny relaxed, lowering her fists and looking at Four, who had moved to her side. "What should I do?" she asked him.
Four sighed and indicated to Max, who was watching the scene angrily, to help him lift Tina up.
"The fight isn't over," Eric said, remaining where he was, his arms as usual crossed over his chest.
Michelle hated to agree with him, but what had just happened couldn't be considered a fight; a couple of punches, and it was over?
"Don't you think it's time to end it?" Four said through clenched teeth as he gently lifted the girl.
"If she can't get up on her own, she can consider herself out of the initiation."
"It's not fair!" Max exclaimed loudly, receiving a deadly glare from Eric, who laughed in his face.
"Not fair?" he laughed. "Your little friend can't make sensible choices, and you think it's fair to let her win?"
"No, but-"
"No buts!" When Eric shouted, everyone fell silent, even the other initiates on the other side stopped to watch the scene from afar. "Either she gets up, or she's out. Her choice."
Eric remained impassive.
Four let go of Tina's arm, making sure she didn't fall to the ground badly, and walked away from the scene. Even Max, with much reluctance, stepped away from the mat.
Tina, still on the ground, sobbed. She tried to pull herself up, very slowly, and Sunny watched, waiting to see what to do.
When she got back on her feet, she wiped away her tears with her sleeve and got back into an attacking position. She lunged at Sunny, but Sunny blocked her, hitting her again on the ear where she had already made her earrings bleed.
Tina fell onto the mat, bringing an end to the fight.
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eleganzadellarosa · 11 months
Full Moon (Blood Red sequel)
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đŸ©ž pairing: vampire!kyungsoo x fem!reader, Kai x fem!reader, dom!kyungsoo x sub!reader, dom!kai x sub!reader
đŸ©ž genre: smut, angst, touches of fluff here and there
đŸ©ž warnings: EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT MINORS DNI [breeding kink, rough sex, threesome, biting kink, choking, spit kink, spit roasting, squirting, unprotected sex (don’t do it)
honestly just all that nasty freaky shit 😝] blood (again should be obvious), mentions of postpartum depression, death
đŸ©žword count: 13.8K
đŸ©ž A/N: so a few of you wanted a sequel to Blood Red and I loved writing it so I hope this lives up to your expectations 😭 let me know what you think and thanks for reading <3
taglist: @loonloons @doimaru @mrspettysoo @aliencatlady @sleepingbeautydo thank you all so much for the support! <3
part 1 can be found here
Your heartbeat thumped loudly in your ears, your legs bent and a hand supporting each of your thighs. One belonging to Jongin and the other to Kyungsoo.
This past 9 months has been laborious to say the least. You never expected to get pregnant within your first year of marriage, especially when the child did not belong to the man you married. When you found out, you were excited and happy to be sharing such a deep connection with your husband, however you knew the baby most likely wasn’t his due to your frequent nights spent with his servant.
The child was currently crowning and it took every ounce of strength in you to continue to push.
“You’re doing great Princess, keep pushing!” Vivian called out from below you as she assisted the other midwives.
You were most thankful for her during your pregnancy. She had learned lots of helpful information pertaining to it all from the classes she attended, aiming to become a midwife herself. She was someone you trusted wholeheartedly and couldn't be more grateful for her support.
A few more pushes and the baby was born; a little girl. They laid her on your chest and she instantly stopped crying, but your tears began to fall. It felt weird knowing you were the mother to this child, her safety, security and someone she would grow to look up to. When you looked down to get a better look at her, your heart filled with warmth. She had looks that would be envied by many in her growing years. You hoped it wasn’t so obvious to everyone else, but she shared striking features with her father. Those full lips and big eyes that were undeniably from Kyungsoo.
Of course it was a secret that he was your lover but you knew it would become harder and harder to explain why she looked so much like him. “Maybe because I spend so much time around him” would be an excuse that no one would believe but be the best you could come up with. Now wasn’t the time to burden yourself with the matter, your eyes were heavy and sleep deemed itself more important.
When you woke up, Kyungsoo sat on your left as he flipped the page over in the book he held in his hands. He looked up when you shifted in the bed and immediately put the book down to rush to you.
“Hello my love, how are you feeling? You did so well today.” He rubs your head and kisses your forehead lovingly. He holds your hand in his and rubs it with his thumb.
“Tired, but I want to see her. Her beautiful face is escaping me already.” You sat your body up against the headboard with his help.
“Jongin insisted on staying with her while the midwives made sure everything was just fine. They will bring her back in here shortly, so for now just rest and don’t push yourself too hard.” He paused for a moment before he spoke up again. “She's so beautiful just like you my love. She truly is a bundle of joy.”
He smiled as he spoke about her and it swelled your heart. He often came off as standoffish to everyone else but you knew the real person under the shell. It brought you much sorrow knowing that you would have to raise the child as Jongin's, fearing that anyone would find out the truth.
Jongin has been patient with the affair in itself but you know he wishes things were different. He tries to hide the jealousy that lives inside him like a parasite, a virus that ruins his happiness, but sometimes he can’t help wonder if the aching beats his heart pumps are from wanting you all to himself. Putting a strain on their well established friendship was one thing you hated yourself for but knew there was no turning back the hands of time; not that you would have done anything differently.
"Seems like you have a guest." Kyungsoo says and before you can question him, there's a knock on the door.
Vivian comes into the room with a bright smile on her face as she sees you're now awake. “Hello lovely mama! You did a great job today!” She came over to grab your hand and sit beside you.
Kyungsoo got up and bowed before leaving the room to give you two some privacy.
“You have a beautiful daughter Princess, I know Prince Jongin is ecstatic!”
You weakly smiled at Vivian and nodded. Truthfully and thankfully she didn’t know of your occasional late night erotic adventures and you wanted to keep it that way. If anyone were to chastise you for the deal you made with your husband, you wanted Vivian to have no association.
She holds your left hand in both of hers as tears dropped onto the blanket below. “I was actually quite frightened for you Princess. I wanted no harm to befall you while pregnant. I wish for you to always be blessed with good health
I cannot lose my closest companion.”
The glistening wetness on your cheeks made you realize you were crying with her. It was a fear that frequented your mind yet you put up a good fight to ignore it. An idea that pestered you for your attention like someone waving their hand from far away. She spoke about it as though it would and could never happen, but to you it was speaking it into existence. Just then, the huge double doors to the room opened and in came Jongin with the newborn and one of the midwives. Vivian bows to him and leaves the room with the other woman, waving to you as she closed the door. You straightened your posture and happily open your arms to allow him to place the small child within them.
“She has your beauty my darling, she will always be the perfect princess of our kingdom."
Your eyes filled with more tears. “I'm sorry my first child does not share your blood."
He shushed you and rubbed your cheek. "It’s unfortunate I do not have a child of my own, but I do not hold any resentment to you or how the child came to be. Promise me that one day we will share offspring?" You nodded and he placed a kiss to your scalp. "Is it okay to call the midwife back? She said she will guide you through the breastfeeding."
You nod as you look down at the sleeping child, loving the way she fit so perfectly in your arms. She was on the smaller side but not considered unhealthy. A head full of hair and the softest skin you've ever come in contact with. "Rose" you said out loud but more to yourself, letting your tongue become well acquainted with the name you've just chosen for your very first child.
Later that night while everyone was asleep, you grabbed Rose from her bassinet and wrapped her in a blanket before heading down the long hall towards Kyungsoo's room. You knew he'd get the most time with her when you brought her around while the watchful eyes were covered by their lids. Before you could raise your hand to knock, he softly turned the knob and opened the door. He welcomed you both with a huge smile.
"I could have come to you my love, you need to rest." his brows furrowed with concern as he reached out toward the infant.
"I know, but I felt the need to walk a bit and I wanted to see you."
You weren't sure he heard what you said, his eyes were locked on Rose's face. Everything about him was gentle; his smile, the way he held her, even the usual mysterious aura that he often exuded was gone as if never there. You slowly made your way to sit on his bed, back resting against the few pillows that sat against the headboard.
"She needs much rest I suppose?" He looked up at you while rocking her gently.
You chuckled and nodded. "Yes, Vivian said she will sleep until she gets hungry or needs to be changed. She doesn't have much else to do and sleeping helps her grow."
As if on cue, her face scrunched and her lip quivered letting out a few small whimpers. Kyungsoo's eyes widened and he tried shushing her to no avail. He handed her to you, rubbing her head softly, wanting her to go back to her relaxed state. He watched as you brought her up to your chest to suckle, amazed at how fast she stopped crying. He climbed onto the bed and moved the pillows to sit behind you. He let his arms drape your sides, supporting yours as you held her.
"Would you like to stay with me tonight? I would hate for you to have such a long walk back to your room. "
You thought about it and your body was quite sore so walking right now would be a hassle. One night wouldn't hurt and as you've promised yourself many times before, you'd leave early in the morning before the castle became lively so no one would catch you coming from Kyungsoo's room.
3 months in and you were finding it difficult to cope with the changes that came with being a mother. The lack of sleep, the constant hunger, sore nipples and your decreasing lack of self esteem. You sat in the maid's quarters to spend some time with Vivian and to people watch while everyone partook in their jobs or hobbies. You came to see Vivian and the others often especially since they loved seeing Rose and how much she develops each time. She too loved the bustling atmosphere, never seeming too overwhelmed by the noise or fast pace. Vivian rolled up the sleeves to her dress as she came to sit in front of you, clasping her hands as a signal to hand over the baby.
“Aunt Vivian is finally ready to hold her baby bud.” She excitedly grabbed her and watched her lips spread into a gummy smile.
Once she was in her arms, you realized just how exhausted you felt. Your body no longer felt like your own and the emotional and physical toll finally all came crashing down at once. You suddenly became aware of your slouching posture, pouching stomach and sagging skin. You hated to admit it but you felt ugly, especially when the woman sitting across from you looked like someone painted her with the finest of tools.
Vivian is a beautiful girl and it's a shame no one has come to claim her yet. Fair skin and rosy cheeks, copperish red hair that stayed in a low bun on most days and was let down for special occasions. She was a few inches taller than you and her body was thin. She always smelled like honeysuckle which you thought came from her bubbly and caring personality as no one else smelled like her. She looked so youthful and there was always a light that seemed to follow her. You couldn't take looking at her anymore and asked her to watch Rose for a while so you could get some rest.
You walked back to your room, but instead of stopping at the bed, you dragged yourself to the bathroom where you stood in front of the mirror, looking at the changes to your body that came with being pregnant. The depression was steadily kicking in, your mental health going downhill all in this moment. It sounded like a myth when you would hear women talk about postpartum depression. How could you slip into that mindset when you have a beautiful baby reminding you just how strong and precious you are as a mother? It wasn't about that, you loved your baby but there was an incomprehensible feeling that loomed over you that made you want to curl up and die. There was no cure and you had to let it pass. You wish you could jump in a time machine and skip to the part where you felt better, where you felt like you again.
You retreated to your bed to try and escape your thoughts. Maybe they would go away with some proper sleep and a good meal. However, the more you relaxed, the more your body sunk into a pit of misery, the blanket wrapping you in sadness; and now the tears flowing from your eyes drowning you in sorrow. You needed to be saved from this torture. How long would you have to wait to wake up happy, to not hate the image you saw in your reflection? What happened to the cheery girl that you've always been? It's impossible that one baby changed that and you weren't going to start blaming her now.
It was burdensome wanting to vent your feelings but feeling like no one would understand even though you were surrounded by other mothers. Maybe your feelings were invalid and everyone would think it stupid. Would they tell you it was too early to feel like this and that it only got worse the more children you had? Now did you even want more children? Did you even want Rose? No, don't think like that. Even if she was conceived out of wedlock, you had no right to not want her anymore. It was all a ruse that your heart, mind and body evoked to shift your personality and make your life a living hell. "You can get through this" you told yourself and let your eyes drift you off to sleep.
It's already been 10 months since you gave birth and you were finally at the stage where you can say your bouts of depression have passed. Sadly, you were dealing with a new problem; the distance between the two friends was getting undeniably larger. You constantly found yourself breaking up the silent arguments they were having, almost always over trivial things or you. "She's not even your wife!" Jongin said once and Kyungsoo's hand balled into a fist but he turned and walked away before he did something he would regret. You knew it would only get worse if you didn't take matters into your own hands, so tonight you were going to sleep in Vivian's room and let them hopefully solve their issues on their own time.
"Where are you going my love?" Jongin asks, his face dropping slowly as his realizes you're taking your things with you.
"Jongin I can't handle seeing your friendship with Kyungsoo crumble into pieces. I would prefer not having to be the mediator every time there is a quarrel."
He can't find the words and stutters as he reached for your receding form as it left out the bedroom door. On your way to the other side, Kyungsoo sees you in the hallway and his face lights up.
"My beautiful baby Rose and my sweet love" He then sees that you have more than you needed for a walk through the castle and you were going the wrong way to get back to your room. "Is everything okay my love? Would you like to stay with me tonight?"
You appreciated that he didn't automatically assume that Jongin did something wrong, but he himself wasn't in the clear either. "I would not Kyungsoo. As I told Jongin, I shall no longer be getting myself in between your frequent disagreements."
Disappointment evident on his face, he came to give you a kiss on the forehead and a kiss on the cheek to his daughter. "I understand. My apologies for putting a burden on you often or even at all."
The apology was sincere but it wasn't enough for you to want to end your discipline early. Vivian’s room was comfortable, always just the right temperature so staying with her was never an issue. She loved your company and didn’t get much time with you as she was always so busy with her studies.
You laid on top of her fluffy and soft sheets, cradling Rose against your chest, feeling her light breaths. You pouted and sighed anticipating the end to all of this, you just wanted everything to go back normal. This is not what you expected to be going through right after your emotional slump. You wanted the attention back; the long hours spent talking about any and everything, looking into each other’s eyes, finding security in each other’s embrace. You wanted Kyungsoo. The thought of him is what coast you to sleep and what fueled your dreams that night.
It felt like years went by since you’ve last been in your own or Kyungsoo’s room, but it had only been 3 weeks. “I needed some time to myself” is what you told Vivian, which was part of the truth and the perfect reason in her mind to why you stayed with her for so long, even though it wouldn’t have taken much to convince her. You sat in the garden to watch Rose crawl around and explore the many things she couldn’t when she was strictly confined to your arms. You were so deep in focus that you didn’t hear Kyungsoo greet you when he walked over.
“I’ve missed you, you’re starting to feel like a figment of my imagination.”
if only I could tell you how much I miss you.”
He smiled shyly and grabbed your hand to place a kiss on the back. “You can tell me my love, how much have you missed me?” He cocked his head and stared at you waiting for you to reply and you felt your heart do flips.
Gosh was he a beautiful man; those beautiful big eyes and plump soft lips. Those lips you wanted to kiss and have kissed on many occasions. You were falling in love all over again. Who wouldn’t when he was the sweetest and most caring man? He chuckled seeing you so lost in his beauty and he leaned over to kiss your forehead, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Perhaps I know now just by how you’re looking at me even though I would have loved to hear you say it.”
A blush rose on your cheeks and your ears turned red with warmth. He roped you in so easily every time, you were weak to him, but you knew you had to stay strong against his attacks if you wanted your plan to work. “I would if you and Jongin didn’t make me so angry.”
He smiled sheepishly forgetting you were still upset with them and hoping you forgot as well. He went over to Rose and picked her up so she could touch the flowers higher up on the bushes. She loved him and he treated her like the delicate flower she was. She would always get so fixated with his face and played with it a lot, almost like she could tell she was practically looking in a mirror. The more she grew, the more their matching features became. Thankfully no one mentioned it as you thought previously and God knows you wanted it to stay that way.
“Is it alright if she stays with me for a few hours? I’ll bring her back to Vivian’s room before dinner.” You nodded and he walked over placing a hand on your waist. He bent to brush his lips over yours. “I’m sorry we’ve caused you so much stress my darling, we’ve been immature but I hope you’ll forgive us soon.” And with that, he was on his way with Rose back inside to spend some quality time.
You wondered what Jongin was up to at this time since it was already getting late. Not having been back in your room for so long, it almost felt foreign like you’d only seen it in a dream. He almost crashed into you when you walked in, he seemed to be leaving out at the same time. His eyes lit up seeing you standing in the doorway.
“Are you staying with me tonight?” His voice almost raising an octave from the excitement, forgetting why he wanted to leave in the first place.
“Hmm, it depends on you my prince.”
It was taunting, almost seductive of an answer and you knew he took it as a challenge. His hand around your waist stopped you from brushing past him to get to the bathroom.
“And what can I do to make you stay?”
There were multiple answers you could give him and ones you leaned more toward like making sure you only had the strength in your legs to sleep next to him. Yet you weren’t going to tell him that and sound so needy, so alternatively you kissed him on the cheek and wriggled from his grasp to continue your journey to the restroom. You could almost hear his wheels turning on the opposite side of the door although he kept quiet.
You walked out of the bathroom to see him sitting on the bed. It was apparent in his posture that he had a goal in mind, one fueled by nothing but desire. In all honesty, you wanted him just as much but you didn't want to seem desperate or like you were going to give in from disciplining him so quickly. When you walked over to him, he got off the bed and stood in front of you, making it press into the middle of your back.
“You know I love you right?” He says, punctuating his sentence with a kiss.
You nod your head and wrap your arms around his neck. “I do know and I know it’s as much as I love you.”
It was a lie. Not about you loving him but the amount in which he loved you could break a scale. He leaned in with each of his hands resting on your sides as he kissed you. The longer it went on, it quickly turned from innocent to sinful. His hands slid up your nightgown and yanked your panties down. With ease, he sat you on the high bed and spread your legs out without breaking the kiss.
He used his fingers to play with your increasingly throbbing pussy. Your arousal made it easy for him to slip two fingers in. They curled upwards and he moved them in a “come hither” motion, still not breaking the kiss. It was turning you on more and you couldn't help but moan into his mouth.
“How badly do you want me? Tell me.” He finally removed his lips from yours and stared at you deeply with his fingers picking up speed. He knew just how much you craved the physical contact and he knew just what to do to satiate your hunger.
It was becoming hard to concentrate but you wanted him to know just how good he was making you feel. “So badly, I want to feel you inside. I miss having you there.” You licked and bit at his lip, earning a small groan from him.
He pushed you back and further up on the bed and came to hover over you. He removed both of your clothing so that you lay naked with each other. He guided his length into you and stuck his fingers with your juices into your mouth.
“Suck as if that was me in your mouth. Don’t stop until I tell you to.”
You had no room to disobey and his building thrusts made you comply. Jongin had his days where he was just as dominant as Kyungsoo, a side of him that wasn't discovered until after you got married, and yet they still could not be compared. There was something about Kyungsoo that made you always want to fall to your knees and have him look down on you, make you feel like the only option you had was to submit.
Jongin sped up his thrusts and got deeper each time. He took his fingers out your mouth and bent your legs to your chest as he held them down at the back of your knees. The new angle brought you more pleasure and your mouth hung open as you moaned loudly. The bed was beginning to rock with his thrusts but he seemed to pay no mind to the creaking.
He pulled out and sat on the bed and pulled you into his lap, his back facing the door. You circled your hips as he rolled his upwards, making him hit that spongy spot inside you. He kissed you sloppily, trailing it from your jaw then to your neck. Your head popped up when you heard the door to your bedroom creak open. You tried to stop moving on him, but he held you in place.
“Jongin wait, it’s Kyungsoo.”
His grip on you tightened. “I know who it is, keep riding.”
You were confused but your hips never halted. Kyungsoo’s eyes bore holes in you as he watched you move up and down on his friend's dick and when your brows furrowed as you moaned, you can see him swallow thickly. He slowly removed his clothes and walked closer towards the bed. Your body warmed and your cheeks flushed when he reached his destination. Not once have you ever had both men in the room with you during such an intimate moment and truthfully it was awakening a side to you that you didn’t know existed.
Jongin broke the silence and spoke from below you. “We wanted to make it up to you, as long as you’re comfortable with it.”
If it wasn’t for Kyungsoo standing at the edge of your bed with nothing covering his body, you would have questioned Jongin. But it was obvious, tonight they were giving you an apology in the most pleasurable form and you weren’t going to deny it. You reached out toward the standing man and Jongin flipped so your back now faced Kyungsoo.
He climbed onto the bed and Jongin laid back with his dick still inside you. His hands rested on your hips and he began thrusting up into you again. Kyungsoo was at your back and his lips came down to connect to your neck. He licked, sucked and bit at the skin and his hands came up to massage and pinch your nipples.
“Feels good doesn’t it?” He bit your earlobe and licked at the shell of it.
“Oh god yes
don't stop” your head fell back onto his shoulder.
Jongin dug his nails into your hips and thrust into you at a vicious pace. With his thrusts and Kyungsoo’s abuse on your neck and nipples, the sensations had your body on fire. You were almost screaming with how loud your moans were, music to both of their ears.
“I-I’m g-gonna cum!” The knot in your stomach begged to snap and your toes started to curl.
Kyungsoo tilted your head back with his hand under your chin. “Open” he says and when you do, he trails some of his saliva in your mouth then brings you into a deep kiss. His hand wrapped around your neck and he squeezed the sides just enough to make your head feel fuzzy.
Under you, Jongin roughly circles the pad of his thumb over your clit and eases you into your orgasm. Your walls clenched around him and he quickly lifted you off of him, his dick spasming against your stomach as he came in spurts. Your chest heaved as you came down from your high and you opened your eyes. Kyungsoo stared back at you calling you “good girl” and planting another kiss on your lips.
“We’re not done yet my love” He slightly whispered in your ear, turning you over in the process. “Suck.” He tapped his dick against your lips and you immediately obliged.
You diligently sucked and stroked him while he bent over to finger you. The mix was lewd and you loved every second of it. His other hand held your head in place so he could thrust up into your mouth. When he felt a tear drop onto his skin, he pulled your head off of him.
“My good girl, lay back for me.” He kissed his way from your lips down to your pelvic bone, sucking and biting. He opened your legs and lazily kissed and licked up your inner thighs. He spread your lips with his two fingers and spit on your pussy before going to suck on your clit. “You always taste so fucking good."
Jongin tapped on your cheek from behind you, making you turn your attention to him. “You didn’t forget about me did you darling?”
He stroked his length and you watched him upside down. He slipped his dick past your lips and you happily sucked. You felt the air leave your lungs slowly the more the night went on. They were wasting no time in making you lose your mind over their actions. Kyungsoo stopped eating you out and stood on his knees. He rubbed the head of his dick harshly against your clit, making you squeeze around nothing. He pushed all the way in one go and cursed when his tip kissed your cervix.
“F-fuck you feel so good.” Was all he said before pulling almost all the way out then snapping his hips forward, his speed just as fast or maybe a tad faster than Jongin.
Your strangled moans sent vibrations through Jongin’s dick shoved down your throat, his moans sounding slightly high pitched the more he tried to hold them back. His hands played with your nipples, increasing your sensitivity. Kyungsoo’s nails dug into your sides and he bit at your ribcage. You felt like you were going to die from the overstimulation, it was absolutely blissful. Jongin eased his way out of your mouth to let you breathe and regain the oxygen you lost.
After a few moments he thrust back in and bent down to suck and play with your nipples. “How does it feel to get fucked like this? How long have you wanted this?” He asked knowing you couldn’t answer with your throat obstructed, but your muffled moans and shaking legs gave him his reply.
“You’re so beautiful like this, dick pleasuring you from both ends. Such a good girl, just listen how wet you are.”
Kyungsoo was right, the sounds that came from your pussy were downright obscene. Your orgasm was approaching for the second time tonight, yet this one proved a lot more intense than the last.
“She’s close.” Kyungsoo says, obviously speaking to your husband as if he couldn’t already tell.
Jongin sped up, your throat now sore from the constant friction but adding to the overall satisfaction. Kyungsoo pulled out causing you to whimper at the loss of contact but Jongin sits you up and then down on his dick. He wraps his arms under your knees and connects them behind your head. The new position gave Kyungsoo the perfect angle to roughly rub your clit as Jongin thrusts ruthlessly into you.
Kyungsoo bites his lip while he quickly strokes his length, watching your face contort from the constant pleasure, chasing his own orgasm. Your toes were curling and Jongin’s thrusts were getting sloppy. Jongin kissed at your shoulder and Kyungsoo kissed the calf on one of your legs. The familiar feeling of fangs bared down into the skin and with a few more swift rubs on your clit, you squirted harshly all over Kyungsoo as your orgasm washed over. The man behind you choked out an “oh fuck” as he came inside you, the warmth from it making you clench even harder. Seconds later, cum from the man in front of you sprayed over your chest and stomach.
As you lay down, not even worrying about the sticky and wet mess over your bodies, Kyungsoo cleans himself off and makes his way to the door.
“Kyungsoo” you call out to him meekly, head lying on the chest of a sleeping Jongin. “Won’t you stay?”
“I will not, I have fulfilled my purpose of pleasuring you and you seem to accept our apology. That is all my heart could desire so I shall not be extending my stay.”
You were greedy and getting too in your head. This wasn’t something they technically wanted but knew you’d enjoy and used it as a way to earn back your trust and your presence back in their beds. The guilt reappeared, and seeing Kyungsoo leave the room made you realize how unhinged the love triangle was.
You were much too fucked out now to run after him, so you instead snuggled under Jongin’s arm and let your eyes close.
The next morning you threw on a robe over last night's attire and headed downstairs to the kitchen for a glass of water. Kyungsoo stood next to the chef as he sampled what was for today’s breakfast.
“Good morning to you both.”
They both turned around and bowed to you, Kyungsoo not bothering to do so fully as he always does. You disregarded it as him being busy and focused. One of the maids poured your water and you thanked her before leaving, taking note that Kyungsoo still didn’t give your existence the time of day.
He ignored you not just in the morning, but in the afternoon and well into the night, even bleeding into the next morning. Now it was becoming concerning, this was so out of character and atypical for him. It came to be that you were running out of ideas to grab his attention but he just wouldn’t budge. Everyone was starting to notice and mention his bad attitude too. “He seems so agitated, the slightest thing might peeve him off” you heard someone say in passing.
You couldn’t help but wonder if you did something wrong, he did only begin to act like this after last night. Even if it was your fault, you’d prefer to hear him say it rather than not have him speak to you at all. It was late now and everyone retreated to their rooms to go to sleep, but apparently Kyungsoo had other ideas when he stopped you right before you reached yours.
“Would you like to come outside and see the stars with me?”
You couldn’t understand why he offered after ignoring you for so long, but alas you were itching to get to the bottom of this even if it meant interrupting your sleep. The night air was cool, breezes skating through the sky every so often. He guided you through the garden that he knew all too well and sat you down in a spot where you had the perfect view of the stars above.
He watched you watch the stars and his heart warmed seeing you smile. “I
I’m sorry.” He continued when you turned to look at him, confusion clearly written over your face. “I’m sorry I have not been treating you well. I’m just
after last night I don’t have the gall to act as if I’m content with sharing you. Yet I know that wanting you for myself is preposterous since you were not mine to begin with.”
You couldn’t agree but you also couldn’t disagree. Your mind was set on Jongin the first day you saw him and you made an oath to yourself to marry him. It was the tug on your heart strings from Kyungsoo that had you wanting more than your original desires, but it was nothing short of fate meeting him in the way you did. You loved them both equally, but knowing that everything made him feel so torn stabbed you right through the heart. The agreement to share you with your husband came easier in its early days.
It made you feel sorrow for Jongin too. He worked so hard to express his feelings for you and wait to marry you, but all of this would have him believe that your love was easily swayed. There was no answer that would make this better for either party and now that you have a child with one, the connection between you grew more complicated by the day.
“What can I do to ease your sadness?” You asked as you place your hand over his.
His head dropped and he let out a sigh. “Nothing. Nothing will make me feel as though I’m not messing things up for you and your future. I deem it my fault that you fell for me in the first place and that, I do regret. It’s on me that you don’t fully express your love for Jongin. As a vampire, love is not something we take lightly. I want a soulmate that can be my source of happiness for as long as I live and that is quite literally forever.”
You reached for words that moved further away from you the closer they got to the tip of your tongue. You didn’t want to lose him and you know he wished for the same. The guilt was getting the best of him and there was nothing to do to make it better. This was your true punishment, living out your dream that slowly became a nightmare.
“I want you to forget me. Act as if you have never known of my existence and I will only live as your servant. I do not wish to continue my life in such grief and want what is best for you.”
“You’re what’s best for me Kyungsoo” is what you wanted to say but the words did opposite of what the falling tears did. “Please!” was all you managed to say as your hand slipped off of his when he stood up to walk away.
The weeks that went by were treacherous. You gave up on trying to communicate with him in any way you could think of. From touches, to glances and the most obvious, just talking to him. Nothing seemed to work and you undoubtedly believed he didn't love you anymore. But how could he let you go so easily when he tried so hard to have you? You weren't going to settle for the thoughts that convinced you of the negative, you had to ask him one last time if you truly meant anything to him.
Today was Rose's birthday and the castle was filled with crowds upon crowds of people ready to celebrate the one year anniversary of her birth. They all greeted you with kisses to your cheek or a hug, congratulating you and Jongin on your little one. It was no longer awkward to act as if she belonged to him, but the smile you put on wasn't genuine. You kept sneaking peeks over at Kyungsoo every chance you could get, losing the confidence to approach him. He seemed so much more scary in this instance, looking like he would bite off the head of anyone who dared to talk to him.
He stood at the other end of the room, not taking a single glance your way. It hurt being ignored like this. You know he did it for his own sanity but why was it slowly driving you insane? Has he really fallen out of love with you? What would it take for him to at least talk to you the way he used to? You felt invisible in his presence and all you wanted was for him to give you just a pinch of attention. You excused yourself while everyone took turns wishing blessings for a long and happy life for Rose.
You pushed through the crowd and went to go toward her room to grab some lighter clothing since she seemed to be burning up in the ones she wore, growing more agitated by the second. Kyungsoo happens to be walking up the stairs already, giving you the perfect opportunity to question him.
He turned around and without looking at you, he bowed respectfully and turned on his heels to continue up the stairs, but you rushed and grabbed his arm. He startles and turns around.
"Kyungsoo, please just look at me. Please don't ignore me, I'm starting to break."
He turns to stare, looking at you as if he's disgusted or annoyed with your determination to get him to speak to you. What has he become? What have you done to him?
"Does me looking at you make you feel better? If it does, am I left to deal with my sadness alone?"
"Kyungsoo, I didn't mean-"
"You didn't mean what? To make me look at you so I can fall in love with you all over again just so I once again don't get to have you to myself?"
You go to speak up but hear the abundance of approaching voices, so you quickly drag him up the remainder of the stairs against his will. You take him to the opposite side of the castle where you know it's usually quiet and barren.
"I'm sorry for everything that caused this. I never meant for any of this to happen but I love you Kyungsoo and you ignoring me is tearing me apart." You poured your heart out to him when you came to a halt, somewhere in the middle of the empty hallway. "It pains me even more knowing you no longer love me. How am I supposed to live this way if you don't love me?"
who said I didn't love you?" He paced around in a small section of the hallway and pinched the bridge of his nose. You can tell he was upset, not at you but at what you were saying because he didn't know how to express how he was feeling. "I've never stopped loving you and that's the problem. You want me to look at you darling? Well I want you in my arms every night but I can't have that! I can't even claim my daughter as my own!"
He stopped his pacing and walked over to you and held your face in his hands, desperation all over his face. "You are my always and forever and I can't let anyone know that. I must love in secret in fear of being exiled or killed. Why would I want that for us?"
You were being selfish again. Only thinking about yourself and how easily things can come to you because of who you are and who you're married to. He doesn't have that privilege and never will, things just don't work that way and never has. Why did he have to fall in love with you out of all people? It would have been so much easier if the love was one sided.
"Kyungsoo, I-I..."
He let his lids close gently and he let out a sigh before he closed the space between you. He kissed you like he needed you, wanted you, craved you. Like he hadn't seen you in years and he's finally able to show you just how much he longed for you. You were quickly melting into the kiss, hands travelling up to his neck as his fell to the small of your back. You thanked God for the seclusion, it would be terrible if anyone caught you two now.
He pulled you in closer to him, and your hands caressed his chest. You worked quickly to unbutton his blouse and slide it off his shoulders. His kisses moved down to your neck and he backed you against the wall. Your hands slid down and went to unbuckle his pants. Although no one was around, your mental clock started ticking, only a matter of time before everyone wondered where you had gone. He easily picked you up by the thighs and you held onto his shoulders for support. Your dress settled on your legs and he moved in between them.
He was able to thrust in no problem with the amount of slick that accumulated just from the kiss. It felt so good having him inside of you again, it's been weeks since your last encounter. His thrusts were slow but deep. He was making love to you and didn't care that it had to be up against the wall. He knew what he was doing right now would only make him want you more but ignoring you was becoming insufferable. To feel your legs wrapped around his torso, your skin against his lips, your walls clenching around his dick. It was perfect. Your moans were the tune that charmed the snake, the siren serenading her prey, he was hypnotized.
"Cum for me my love, I can feel you getting closer." If he was going to enjoy this moment, he was going to enjoy it to the fullest. His tongue glided across the side of your neck and his fangs sunk into the skin. The sweet taste of your blood filled his mouth and he moaned as he felt you tighten around him.
There was something about the danger of it all. He could easily drink to his heart's content and leave you with nothing but an empty vessel but he never did and always stopped when your head was on the verge of getting light. He knew just what to do to keep you wanting more and what would be enough to satisfy him. To orgasm like this made up for all the time you missed with him. You weren't going to be the only one to finish, so you dropped to your knees and wrapped your lips around his throbbing length.
"Cum in my mouth Kyungsoo, don't let me forget your taste."
You slid the underside of the head over your tongue as you looked up at him with doe eyes. His hand tangled in your hair and he released in your mouth with a choked moan. He helped you stand and stuffed his dick back in his pants. He placed a kiss on your forehead and rubbed your back, catching his breath along with you.
“Always remember I love you no matter what, but I can’t live the rest of my life knowing you can’t be mine. I want you for as long as we live and you know just how long that is for me.” Your head rested in his hands now and he looked in your eyes lovingly. “When that day comes my love, I will be here ready for you.”
His lips brushed against yours and he smiled when he pulled back. He bowed and walked back down the hallway, leaving you there to collect your thoughts. To others it would seem like not much changed, but to you it felt like you finally had the last piece to your puzzle. He made your days feel complete and with the distance between you this past few weeks, it felt like your days were starting to mix together. One thing was for certain, you were determined to keep the flames of your love ablaze.
A few nights later, you jolted awake some time after midnight. In contrast to when Rose was a baby, you were actually able to sleep through most of the night without her waking up crying. Something felt off though, and you were only going to feel comfortable going back to sleep if you found the reason you were awake. It made your heart race and your anxiety tickle your senses. You looked over at Jongin who slept peacefully next to you.
Throwing the blanket off your legs, you eased your way off the bed and went over to Rose’s crib. Within the dim candlelight you could see the beads of sweat rolling off of her forehead and chest. It was quite cool in the room so sweating was the last thing you expected to see her doing. You carefully placed the back of your hand against her forehead and immediately felt the burning heat emanating from her.
You guess this is what they call “mother’s instinct”, a force and sense of urgency that only a mother would know which brought you from the deepest depths of your sleep. You picked her up and ran her to the bathroom where you quickly ran a tub with cool water, not knowing what else would work. You removed both of your clothing and sat with her, hoping it did something, anything. A new fear emerged, your mind always thinking of the worst outcome before the best. Rose had always been healthy, only catching a cold once or twice, so seeing her here with brows tightly knit together and her mouth agape as she wailed, you knew something was up. You thought nothing of her behavior at the party and now you beat yourself up for not taking note.
“Oh my poor baby
” you let the tears you didn’t know were building, fall down your cheeks and to your chin.
Your mind searched for anything that could help her right now and it stopped on Vivian informing you on the benefits of breast milk. Thankfully Rose didn't push you away, but her fever just would not budge. Eventually it was enough to relax her to sleep and you too dozed off, still sitting with your bare skin against the cold porcelain.
The sound of the door is what woke you up and made you realize you were still where you last remember. Jongin's smile dropped as his eyes adjusted to the sight in front of him.
“What’s wrong? Why are you in here with her?”
You were crying again, Rose still just as hot as she was last night lying on your chest breathing heavily. Jongin helped you rush her to the servant’s quarters where you’d hopefully find Vivian or anyone else who knew of something to treat her with. By this time you were hysterical, clutching onto Jongin’s arm as he laid her down to be examined. Thankfully word spread quickly and Vivian rushed in to check on you and the toddler.
“Something’s wrong Vivian! I don’t want to lose my baby!” Your nose was red, tears old and new streamed down your face and you were starting to hiccup out your words.
“I’m sure she’s okay Princess, we’ve called the doctor and he’ll be here soon. Everything will be okay.” She grabbed your hands within her own and pleaded with her eyes for you to believe what she said, although tears brimmed them.
10 minutes later and two servants came with the doctor, leading him in the right direction. He bowed when his eyes landed on you.
“Princess do not worry, the examination will be quick and thorough and I’m sure we’ll have something to cure her. Please go have a cold drink for yourself to help relax.”
You nodded through sniffles and left out the wooden double doors with Vivian. Kyungsoo rushes down the hallway, stopping you and Vivian in your tracks, looking very concerned when he sees the state you’re in. He bowed and Vivian excused herself to go back in the room with the doctor. He stepped in front of you and wiped your tears with his thumbs.
“What’s happening my love? Please tell me.”
“She’s sick Kyungsoo, s-she had a fever all night and I tried sitting in cool water with her b-but it didn’t work and she still has a fever and I’m so scared Kyungsoo!” The words poured out of your mouth faster than you planned and your nonstop tears fell with them.
“Shh shh, she'll be alright, I know she will.” He pulled you into a hug and rubbed your back. He had tears of his own to hold back from seeing you cry and knowing of how dangerous fevers were for his young daughter.
The doctor had long gone and he gave you medicine to give Rose throughout the day. She was fast asleep now but you were scared to take your eyes off of her. Jongin was just as scared as you were and sat and watched her with you. He cared for her deeply as if she was his own and losing her would turn him into a mess.
"My love, you need to eat something. You've been watching her all day but what about you? It's alright, I can watch her so you can relax for a while." He tilted his head with his arm wrapped around your shoulder.
"I can't leave her, I won't be okay if I do so..." You brushed the few strands that stuck to her forehead and gave her a small kiss. You physically felt like you couldn't move from that spot and if your eyes ventured off of her, you'd miss a crucial part of whatever was going to happen.
He nodded understandingly. "As you wish. I'll go and get you something." He stood and pressed a kiss to your scalp before leaving.
She opened her eyes soon after and stared up at you expressionless. A soft knock on the door broke you out of staring back at her. Kyungsoo enters cautiously and you gesture for him to come over. He held her within his arms and she played with his fingers.
"Has she been recovering?" He questioned and grabbed your hand.
"Not yet unfortunately. The doctor gave me some herbs to give her thrice a day but so far the fever is still quite high."
He looked back down at Rose then back at you. "I think I might know something that can help, do you mind if I try it?"
"Kyungsoo she is your child also, you don't need my permission to help her."
"But I also wouldn't go against your wishes if you said no. It is not my child alone and most importantly you are the mother so I respect however you may feel."
You smiled shyly and he raised your pointer finger to his mouth. You watched as he used his canine to puncture the skin. You mentally winced from the small pain but the feeling was all too familiar by now. The small drop of blood that leaked from the wound, he brought to her mouth and let it drip inside. Her tongue moved around the inside as if she tried to not waste any although it was a singular drop. Her breathing quickened and she panted heavily. She scrunched her nose and squeezed her eyes shut. You watched in awe as two white fangs grew out her mouth and rested on the top of her bottom lip. She opened her eyes and just like you thought, two piercing red ones like the kind you've seen from Kyungsoo stared back at you.
"Kyungsoo look!" You shouted in amazement and he chuckled and nodded his head. You never thought about how different it would be caring for a hybrid child like this but you were thankful Kyungsoo was there to help you along the way.
She sat up in his arms and reached out to touch your face, bewildered by the sudden changes. When her skin touched yours, you realized just how much cooler she felt.
"It worked...Kyungsoo, my God it worked!" You bawled, thankful that you had your healthy baby back. "How'd you know it would help?"
"I wasn't entirely sure but I knew how much faster we heal, she just needed something to awaken that side of her."
Jongin came back in with one of your favorite meals and sat it down next to the bed. You immediately told him of the good news and that Kyungsoo was the reason behind it all. To your surprise, he hugged him tightly and tears dropped onto his shirt.
"I can't thank you enough Kyungsoo, I am forever indebted to you."
"Please, I am only doing what's right. You being my close friend is enough for me." Jongin looked at him and he patted the crying man on the back.
Rose was cured, but it was only the beginning for the sickness that plagued the castle.
Servant after servant, maid after maid, guard after guard, everyone seemed to catch the disease as it quickly spread within the castle walls. It picked and chose for who it became terminal and soon it seemed like a funeral every week. Jongin as king of this castle had lots of hard decisions to make on how to save his people. He worked all day and night, sometimes never leaving his study or finding the time to sleep. He was overworked but he couldn't bring himself to stop when people were starting to drop like flies from this random illness. Apparently it was widespread and people outside the kingdom walls fell prey to it as well. How it ventured into your circle was still a mystery but that was the least of concerns.
You had the available, uncompromised maids make Jongin some tea that would help him relax. You walked to his study with a cup in hand and knocked on the door.
"Come in." He said muffled on the other side.
"Jongin, I've brought you some tea. You've been in here for 3 days now my love."
"Thank you my dear wife. I'm sorry I haven't been spending time with you and Rose, it's all so much and I need to do what I can to help"
You walked over to him and he welcomed you in his lap. You rubbed his head and he rested it against your chest. His arms wrapped around your waist and he hugged you tightly.
"I miss lying next to you darling, this desk is so hard and cold." He looked up at you with puppy eyes.
You turned slightly in his lap and grabbed his face in your hands, bringing your lips down to his. His body relaxed immediately and he reciprocated the kiss. His hand slid up your leg and under your dress and he playfully rubbed circles high on your inner thigh. Before he could deepen the kiss, he turned away and broke into a violent coughing fit. You patted his back to offer some assistance, but it didn't seem to help.
"My prince, is everything okay? I'm afraid you're overworking yourself, perhaps you should take a break for today."
“I'm fine, just a cough and you know, that sounds wonderful.” He looked up at you lovingly and smiled. “Let’s go, I will come back for this later."
His eyes didn’t hesitate to close once his head hit the pillow. The fatigue was evident in the bags under his eyes and the limpness of his body. Everyone would agree that everything was scary and happening too quickly. It was as they say, “tell them you love them before it’s too late”, and right now was too late. You thanked the heavens that Rose didn’t die from it but not everyone was so lucky.
You decided to give Jongin some time alone and walked down to Kyungsoo’s room. The castle was bare, you didn’t really have to worry about anyone seeing you. When you reached his room, you knocked three times before he opened it. He looked just as tired as Jongin, his eyes looked at you but more so off into the distance.
“Kyungsoo?” You waved a hand in front of his face to barely see a change in focus through his pupils.
“I can hear them; everyone. All the screams of pain and agony, I hear everything.”
You pushed further into the room and brought him in your arms. “Kyungsoo it’s okay, I’m here
His larger frame relaxed as you held him at the foot of his bed. Of course there would be downsides to having such great senses but an experience that you didn’t share was hard to put into perspective; you could only guess what that must feel like. Now you wondered if it was taking a toll on Rose as well. Your heart twinged for them; sympathy being the only thing to offer. You put your hands over his ears and he looked up at you, silently thanking you although you know that barely did a thing.
He grabbed both your hands and placed kisses over all yours fingers. “My sweet girl, you’re so good to me.” He moved his lips down to your wrist kissing each two times, alternating between them. “Why are you so perfect? I'm so scared to lose you.”
He cupped your cheek in his hand, using the other to gently brush your hair behind your ear. He looked at you like you would disappear if he stopped and the idea of that frightened him, seeing as he's helped carry more coffins than he could count. You sat up on your knees and he pulled you into his lap. He caressed your back or massaged your hips, whichever satisfied him the most in that moment. He pulled you in by the nape of your neck to kiss him deeply, to close off his hearing and make him forget. You cupped his head in your hands once again, not skipping to cover his ears.
Everything you did made him fall into deeper depths of love with you. Why did you care for him so much and why was there no one else like you for him? You had to be his forever, he wouldn’t be able to take it if you weren't and would find any way to end his misery. He loved you and promised to make every second with you precious. He got so caught up in your presence and actions that he really stopped hearing everything around him happen. He was turning into putty under your gaze, lips puffy from the kiss. He was done with your lips now, moving down to kiss everything he could reach.
He punctuated each of his kisses to your body with an “I love you”. He slowly stripped you until there was nothing left to remove. You mirrored his actions and rid him of all his clothing. You sat back in his lap and ground your hips against his slowly. He hadn’t taken his eyes off you since the kiss started and he watched your reaction as he teased parts of your body. He rolled your nipple between his fingers, earning a small whimper from you. He held your hips in place and stood up to throw you onto the bed, before climbing in himself. His kisses started at your ankles, taking his time showing his appreciation.
Up your calves, to your thighs and eventually ghosting over your pussy. He teased you, his lips never stopping where you wanted them, but you were patient with letting him go at his own pace; whatever helped shut out the world around him. Finally he spread your lips and dived in, keeping eye contact. He flattened his tongue and danced it over your clit, sucking and biting. That tightness in your stomach you knew all too well started to build in the pit. Your head fell back as your hands threaded through his hair. He added two fingers to the mix, thrusting them in and out at a quick pace, your walls clenching around them.
"K-kyungsoo, fuck, please I'm gonna cum!"
Right before you came, he removed his fingers and stopped sucking on your clit to come up and capture you in a hungry kiss. "Don't cum yet, cum with me okay?"
You nodded and he aligned the head of his dick with your entrance and pushed in slowly. You watched with him as he slid in and moaned when he bottomed out. His thrusts were slow and deep, hitting that gummy spot in you.
"Look at me.." He tilted your chin with his finger. "You love me?"
"Yes...of course." Your mind was fuzzy, the deep strokes driving you crazy.
"Use your words, let me hear you say it." He was just as breathless as you but his pace never slowed.
"I love you Kyungsoo, so much. I'll love you forever and always."
He caught his bottom lip between his teeth and sped up his thrusts. If you were close to your orgasm before, you were even closer now. You wanted to wait for him but that was easier said than done. His hand was around your throat now, squeezing tightly. He bent down to kiss you once again and dragged his teeth over your bottom lip. You were clenching hard around him now, waiting for him to give you the okay.
"You want to cum? Cum with me my love."
His thumb rubbing over your clit is what pushed you over the edge, legs shaking and closing around his waist. A few more sloppy thrusts and he pulled out and came on your stomach. He dropped down next to you and pulled you into his embrace. He kissed you on the bridge of your nose and moved the hair out of your face. You laid there with him in silence, eyes threatening to close, but then you remembered Jongin.
"Kyungsoo, I have to go check on Jongin, he didn't look too good earlier."
He sat up on his elbow, clearly looking distressed by your statement. "I told him to take some time to himself, but he's quite stubborn. I'll come with you, maybe I can convince him to let someone else take over for a few days."
You smiled at him and cleaned off before retrieving your clothes that sprawled on the floor. Vivian still had Rose with her so you knew not to worry while she was in such good hands. The journey back to your room felt cold, those same gut wrenching instincts kicking in the closer you got. Unfortunately for you, the feeling wasn't wrong and when you opened the door, you see Jongin slumped over in the bed coughing up blood into his hand.
"NO, Jongin!" You quickly rushed over to his aid, extending your handkerchief. There was already so much blood that it barely cleaned what was left over on his lips. He looked so lifeless with how pale his skin became. "What's happening? Jongin please!"
"No please, go away, I don't want you seeing me like this." He spoke through labored breaths, weakly pushing at your arm to drive you away. "Kyungsoo, take her!"
For a moment you forgot he even followed you in here. He stood in place with wide eyes.
"Kyungsoo please help him! Is there nothing you can do? Can't you help him like you helped Rose?" You begged and pleaded with him, yet he stood stationary.
"I...no, there's only one thing I can do to help but it would take such a toll on him and it would be a burden for you to witness. There's also no guarantee it will work..." He trailed off as he finished his sentence as if it just clicked in his mind what he ultimately would have to do.
"Please Kyungsoo! I'll have to take those chances, just don't let him die!"
You were reliving your fears. Time slowed down and sped up all at the same time, dizzying your brain, shaking your vision. You couldn't lose him. Kyungsoo was important but Jongin was your first love. The man who stuck true to his word from day one and never let his kind heart change. It was now that you regret not spending more time with him if these were his last moments with you. You regret feeling like you weren't giving him your all even though you cared for him down to your soul. But most of all you regret being the cause of all the sadness and sorrow he tried to hide. You needed another chance, a chance to make things as right as they could be.
Kyungsoo looked at Jongin's frail and pale form, brows furrowed. His friendship was on the line before his very eyes yet he felt so conflicted. He witnessed firsthand what would become of the changes he would experience if he went through with the plan. But he wanted to save him and with the way you were crying hysterically next to him, there was but one option he had right now and he could only pray that it actually worked. Time was running out, and Jongin's breathing slowed to a stop. It was now or never.
"O-okay, but you have to leave or else I won't do it." He didn't mean that but he knew how much it would hurt you to see what happened next. "Just trust me."
You nodded hesitantly and stood to leave the room. You left a small crack in the door to peek in. You watched him shakily grab Jongin and cradle his upper half in his arms. He looked down at him, tears painting his cheeks, scared of the outcome. Kyungsoo closed his eyes and took a deep breath, one that seemed to last for days on end. He lifted Jongin's body higher and bared his fangs. He opened his mouth wide and let them sink into Jongin's neck and it almost looked like he was trying to take a chunk of his flesh.
He stilled his movements for a while and when he let go, Jongin took a deep gasp, chest expanding as if his ribs would break. Kyungsoo held his hand in his and watched closely. What happened next made you cover your mouth to stop you from gasping or screaming. Jongin's body convulsed harshly, back arching from the pain that ran through his veins. He screamed in agony, hand clutching his chest. Tears flowed from his eyes as he writhed in pain, screaming, panting.
It was indeed hard watching your husband go through hell. He squeezed on the hand that Kyungsoo provided, trying to find any and every way to help him through this torment. The screaming didn't stop and eventually he resorted to calling out your name and begging for help. That was your last straw. You burst through the door and rushed to his side to coax him through his suffering.
"My love I'm here!" It came out more like a scream to combat the volume in which he was screaming.
His breathing increased more and now he was gasping for air. His eyes were rolling to the back of his head and his back arched one last time before his chest collapsed and his body grew limp. He was no longer breathing, nothing, still as the night wind. You and Kyungsoo watched him, you grabbing his hand for emotional support. You weren't ready to see Jongin like this, to imagine him in a coffin so soon if he didn't come to. Just when you were about to give up, he started to breath normally as if he wasn't thrashing in pain a few minutes ago. His eyes blinked open, a few tears prickling the sides.
It took him a few moments to get his bearings straight, but he eventually noticed the two pairs of eyes watching him like a hawk. "W-what happened? It feels like I died." He questioned as he sat up and looked between the both of you.
You both breathed a sigh of relief, happy he didn't end up on the side of this not working. He brought a hand up to his head, holding in the pain that throbbed in his brain. His eyes were glossy, blinking to bring him closer to reality. He reached over next to the bed and reached for the tall glass of water, lips plastered together from the lack of moisture. The clear liquid slid down his throat easily in one gulp but still not quenching his thirst. Kyungsoo carefully placed a hand on his shoulder, making him face his direction.
"Jongin that's not going to help. You need to-you need something else."
Jongin looked over at him and raised an eyebrow. Kyungsoo looked over at you and you understood faster than the disoriented man did. He pulled you in by the arms and you tilted your head so he had access to your neck. For the second time tonight, he pierced the skin with his fangs a bit more harshly this time and let the blood drip down to your collarbones. Like a flipped switch, Jongin was quickly lapping up the blood like he had been starved. It wasn't until after you flinched when you felt yourself slipping past the point of no return that he slowed down.
"That's enough Jongin, you're going to make her faint." Kyungsoo nudged him on the shoulder and broke him out of his hypnotic state.
Jongin sat back looking at the blood flow from your veins, not understanding what he's seeing. "W-what have I done?"
"I'm okay, you're okay. Kyungsoo saved you." You wrapped your arms around his shoulders trying to calm down his heavy breathing, the feeling being all too much for him. "Just relax, you're safe now."
He clung to your waist for a while, letting his heart rate slow down before he dared to move. If you asked him a few months ago what he’d be doing now, it definitely wouldn’t have anything to do with being a vampire. This changed so much for him, most importantly how now he was destined to live a life of eternity. But what about you? You were his top choice, his only choice. He wanted you and no one but you, yet your fates have changed in a matter of minutes.
He didn’t want to do it alone, of course Kyungsoo would be by his side like always but his wife, you were his everything. He wouldn’t pressure you, he wanted you to think about it on your own and make the decision for yourself, but god did he want it to happen soon if it were to happen at all. When he finally let go, his body felt normal, like it did just a week ago.
Breaking the silence with his voice felt like accepting the change so he opted for thanking Kyungsoo with a hug for now. He had so many questions, so many things he needed to know but right now he wanted to splash some cold water on his face as one last attempt at waking up from what felt like a dream.
Soon everything was back to its lively self, the sickness having ran its course. Jongin received much praise for how well he handled it on such short notice. His work was far from done, still he relished in his achievements and great performance.
You sat in the red and velvety chaise lounge with gold accents in Jongin’s study, Kyungsoo standing right by his side. They discussed further plans to deal with any similar situations with Kyungsoo being his newly appointed privy counselor.
You watched Jongin so closely now, curious if he’d go through any more changes or if all of Kyungsoo’s hard work would go down the drain. He reassured you saying, “don’t worry love, he’ll be just fine, his time isn’t running out any time soon” but you couldn’t let go of the thought of losing him, especially since you damn near witnessed it just a few nights ago.
You thought deeply about what he said, Jongin was no longer mortal, a perpetual promise of life. It wasn’t a new idea but now your mind couldn’t think of anything besides how scared you’d be dying alone. You had a daughter to worry about and a promise to keep to Jongin and if you were just as immortal, it would be easier to carry through.
“Bite me.” You say jolting from your seat.
Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow and chuckled, “What?”
“I want you to bite me too. I can’t be the only one here destined to my grave.”
He glanced over at Jongin who looked back at him. The taller man walks over to you and sits you in his lap.
“Are you sure you want this? I want you to be absolutely sure.” The stern look in his eyes almost made you shy away from your decision but there was nothing that would make you happier.
“I’m sure, I want to be your wife forever and I want our love to be imperishable.”
Kyungsoo walked over now and tilted your chin up, "You saw what Jongin went through, it's not easy. Even though it only lasted for 3 minutes, it feels like years." Jongin hummed in agreement behind you.
Every time you thought about your future, they were in it. Whether you were old or young, they were always there and you didn't want it any other way. As soon as you nodded, anxiety jumped in your nerves making it hard for you to not breathe heavily. The two men looked at each other as if silently making plans and Kyungsoo looked back down at you.
"If you're really sure about this, you need to relax."
As he finished his sentence, Jongin left open mouth kisses to your neck and just below your ear. If this was their plan to get you to relax, it definitely wasn't working. You were already so worked up and they barely did anything. Jongin was at your mouth, tongue exploring inside like he was searching for something and Kyungsoo kissed every inch of exposed skin as he removed your clothes.
All three of you were completely naked within a matter of minutes. Kyungsoo crouched down and threw your legs over his shoulders. His lips were hasty, moving up your inner thighs to eventually land on your pelvis. The little kisses up your stomach gave you butterflies. He joined Jongin at your neck, sucking, licking and biting, prepping the area for what's to come. His fingers were back between your legs and the other had his hands massaging your breasts.
"Are you ready love?" Jongin asks behind you and when you whimper in response, the fangs you were accustomed to sent a surge of pain through your neck.
It felt like hours before they released their grip, the feeling of cold running through your veins making your consciousness slip from you. It was almost scary how fast you were blacking out like they slyly injected anesthesia. Everything soon faded to darkness, you were in a pit of nothingness, floating endlessly. You reached out for stability, anything that made you feel safe, yet you were left grabbing thin air. A bright white light caught your attention, calling you closer.
When you felt within arms reach, it changed to red and your body was viciously pulled down. Now you were falling with nothing to hold onto and apparently nothing to land on. You were suddenly aware of the sharp pain in your neck, feeling much worse than you've ever felt before. It was excruciating and that said a lot as you knew of the pain of childbirth. As hard as you tried to bring a hand up to your neck to bring some relief, your limbs were nowhere to be found. You were falling faster and the pain only got worse to the point that it was hard to find the air in your lungs. You were choking; gasping for any gust of oxygen.
Just as you felt your body make a "crash landing", your eyes opened to you being in Kyungsoo's arms, your legs settled in Jongin's lap. You understood now how you weren't living your life to the fullest. The enhanced sensations were enough to make you believe in magic, you felt spellbound. You've never seen things so clearly, heard things so easily, smelled things so deeply. It was overwhelming nevertheless but the flood of thirst overpowered it all. You tried swallowing the little saliva you had left to hopefully coat your tongue. You sat up, getting nestled in between the two observing men.
"Come here." Kyungsoo pulled you more into his lap, rubbing your cheek with his thumb.
He offered his neck to you, ready to be victim to your first feeding. So when your teeth sank into his neck and this first drop of blood hit your tongue, it became clear just how easily he could have let his mind go blank and drink to his heart's desire all those times he gave in to his fierce impulses. You didn't have that type of self control just yet, gulping down the large amounts of the red liquid. He didn't push you away and you knew he wouldn't. He'd let you leave him with nothing but the feeling of contentment from you being the last thing he gets to lay his eyes on before he closed them for eternity. You hesitantly broke away, blood dripping from the sides of your mouth.
"Satisfied?" The look in his eyes was dark and surrounded in a lusty haze. He licked from where the drop ended on your neck and up to your lips where he swiped a tongue over them to slip it into your mouth. He sucked on your tongue to get the remainder and admittedly the action had you throbbing.
Everything felt so much more intense in this state, your senses awakened in the best way possible. Everything you craved from lust to hunger ate away at you down to the bone. He pushed his thumb past your lips and watched you through hooded lids as you sucked like you wanted the skin to fall off. Jongin was at your back, licking up your spine and came to bite down on your shoulder. Has pain always felt this good?
You moaned out a breathy "fuck" when Kyungsoo slowly played over your clit. "Good girl, that's it. Let us take care of you."
He leaned back and lifted you right over his eager dick. A moan fell past your lips as you eased down his length and he thrust up the rest of the way. The grip on your hips was sure to leave bruises tomorrow. Jongin slid a hand up the nape of your neck and gathered your hair within it and yanked your head toward him, making your back arch. He captured your lips in a sloppy kiss, frantically moving to your jaw and back. The man under you reached the deepest parts of you with the angle you gave him and you were clenching onto your sanity.
"Couldn't handle the thought of not having this forever my darling?" Jongin's breath was hot against your ear, sending shivers down your spine and to your core. "I wouldn't have been able to live without this pussy either."
He snaked an arm around your waist to taunt your clit with his fingers. The pleasure was immense, the salacious sounds being the perfect addition. Kyungsoo pulled out as he reached his orgasm and laid all the way back to bring you higher on his chest. Jongin took the opportunity to push into you without warning and set a merciless pace.
"You're so beautiful love, you're so perfect." Kyungsoo's praises made your head spin. "Be a good girl and cum while I'm watching."
Your walls fluttered against Jongin and he came within seconds. "Don't let it go to waste..." you craned your neck to look at him and you could feel his dick twitch inside you.
He slowly pulled out and watched his cum drip out of your swollen pussy. He used two fingers to fuck it back into you, following your directions. You all calmed down from your high and rested on the long chair; you on Kyungsoo's chest and Jongin using your butt as a pillow.
"Don't forget, we're yours until the end of time." Jongin spoke from his position behind you before quickly falling asleep.
You smirked against Kyungsoo's chest. "Will you stay this time my love?" You looked up at him with heavy lids, hoping he'd answer before you fell asleep.
"Well there's no need to rush, we have always and forever."
You looked forward to it, having your three, soon to be four favorite people in your life for as long as time went on. Though the journey had some rough patches, you finally made it. To the time that you wished for almost two years ago, when you thought you'd lose both men you've come to love.
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Y’all would never believe how many times I lost connection while writing this đŸ„Č
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