#'do u ever hate someone and then they come out and ur opinion on them gets reset back to zero. like yeah u were probably going through it
t4tdanvis · 11 months
My personal gene is like a ten times less of an ass than canon gene except I don’t use him for anything because uneviling him in your headcanon is illegal, apparently
off topic but why did "my personal gene" instantly remind me of that one mtv dating show kurtis talked aboit that i cant remember the name of NCSNJCSBJCS
anyways. my hc for gene is that he was a stupid ass kid that grew into a stupid ass adult bc nobody ever told him no as a child and he ended up perceiving any form of rejection as a Wrongful Personal Attack (hence why he fucked over dantes entire life after dante rightfully got him in trouble/caused him to be executed). and then everything came crashing down and he was like. hm. maybe i was Wrong. and he eventually gets better woohoo yippee happy ending
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prosciuttoon · 5 months
Anyway, Shuro isn't the only character with problems, he isn't even the only Japanese/ Eastern Archipelago character, so not the only one with that specific background. And yet, he sure is the only one who acted out the way he did.
If you like him for .. whatever reason (narcissism? Based on your posts, I guess), that's fine, but like. There's extremely valid reasons for not liking him that aren't just "ur racist" or "you just don't understand!!!!"
hes the only one that acted out bc he was the only one that laios was interacting with that was the reason they fought?? laios wasnt talking to hien or benchidori or maizuru like that he didnt even meet them until he reunited w shuro in the dungeon
and when did i ever say “you’re racist if you hate him” all i did was talk abt the cultural context of his upbringing that would make him a terrible communicator. also, narcissism is such a weird word for liking a character a lot? and its not like im making him look innocent and flawless bc im literally explaining his flaws and where they come from. if someone doesnt like him bc he reminds them of someone that hurt them im not gonna try to change their mind, wouldnt hurt to know Why he acts like that but if theyre informed and still dont like him thats perfectly fine!!!
since i think u sent 2 asks ill just put the first one here and answer it too:
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in the post abt him leaving izutsumi in the dungeon to come back “if she wants to” the “nuance” i was talking abt was the fact that he said “if she wants to” i.e giving her a choice to return (which she didnt do because she hated that place obv). also sorry hes not powerful enough to abolish slavery in his country, hes not even the heir to the family. dont think the eastern archipelago is strictly based on a specific time or reality in japan, probably just inspired by reality but not based on it, so shuros family is likely one of many families serving their “feudal lord” who rules a province of the country. in history, feudal lords were also under shogun and the emperor, but neither are mentioned in the manga iirc so i will guess that wasnt the case.
my aim w my posts isnt to force ppl to change their minds on whether or not they like a fictional character. im just giving an extra perspective w stuff from extra content plus my own experience (i.e being asian too) that some people may not know about. what they do w the info is up to them im not trying to tell people how to think. if they learn smth that changes their opinion fine if they dont also fine its not that serious. im just talking about my interpretations of the character.
if i see a critique i may think “wait but do they know about [insert notable info]”. if they dont know, would maybe be good to know bc its important to the character, if they do know and thats the conclusion they came to, thats it! i dont do any more than that n ur acting like im forcing everyone to like him.
tldr; just cuz i am explaining the root of his flaws doesnt mean im ignoring them. i still call him what he is! a loner who cant set boundaries and it only makes problems for himself and people around him, but i also happen to be interested in Where the behaviour comes from! (which happens to be heavily due to culture). doesnt mean im calling u racist if u dont like him wut
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vesora · 2 years
is law of assumption real? yeah
i have come across an individual vilifying the loa community and i find their statements kinda funny and stupid but i love having my beliefs challenged bc i can know why i believe in this. please also read my response to this other girl who thought loa ppl were crazy. it is ok to think if it’s crazy. ur welcome to criticize it. also, i am using aesthetic pictures bc of my ocd, i need things to be divided.
this is for the people who want to listen whether LOA is real from MY perspective:
firstly, i was primed for law of assumption from a young age. this means that i experienced many and i mean MANY spiritual things from a young age. i saw spirits (not hallucinations, it was my dead grandma who i had never seen and i described her down to her ring to my dad and he started crying because it was her), started speaking french at random points without ever having consciously learned the language, heard random piano compositions in my ear which i had never heard before, had visions which protected me/warned me about the future/informed me about the future and many manyyy more things. this proves to me the power of the subconscious mind.
the difference between someone who was born with their third eye awakened versus someone who has no spiritual experiences + is not open-minded to it, is that they will view spiritual phenomena from a materialistic practical sense.
this is saddening, because humans before being impacted by materialism were so spiritual and we were the ones who created the pyramids and all the structures you see on earth. we did that.
is it real?
my opinion: yes. 
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no i am not in a cult waiting to pounce on the next vulnerable piece of meat. in fact, my future career is removing people out of cults and helping trafficking victims but anyways.
i have manifested things far beyond logic. you know how and why? because manifestation is the most basic human trait. and awakening to the fact that you are the creator of your reality is the most liberating amazing feeling and practice. i manifested one of my dying cats becoming free of cancer. that is not luck. that is manifestation. i manifested bad circumstances away. not luck, manifestation. i manifested all my exes leaving me the SAME way because i had assumed they would. not a coincidence, manifestation. there is definitely a lot we don’t know about the universe. i can’t say with certainty that all things are attributed to us which is also why i hate any form of victim blaming. but one thing is for sure is that humans have more control over our lives than we think. we don’t need a divine presence outside of us to dictate us the circumstances in OUR lives.
also, law of assumption is not law of attraction. law of attraction is “AHHH DONT THINK BAD THOUGHTS OR U WILL GET BAD JUJU” very fear-based, also seen in dogmatic religions. law of assumption uses a CBT based approach to change assumptions and therefore, influence reality. you have every right to not believe in this and even chastise me for it, i understand. however, i know this is real for me.
i was a victim of many racist attacks, however, as soon as i decided that the outside world is safe for me, i never had ONE negative experience. is this a coincidence? not for me, no. this is a human taking control of their life. this is a human not bound by societal expectations and leaning into divine energy and expressing the truest essence of one’s self. i am not blaming myself for being a victim, it is the racist’s fault. i am not blaming other victims, it is the perpetrators’ fault. however, if there is any fucking chance i can help a victim, i will take it, i do NOT care.
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things i manifested regarding other people towards me:
1. no more racism towards me, family and friends.
2. parents being emotionally available with me
3. my friends expressing affection the way i want them to
4. my mum making me the exact food i visualised many times
5. my professor saying the exact words to me as i visualised
6. my friends saying to me the exact words i visualised
7. this guy flirting with me out of nowhere because i visualised it
8. and many more stuff this shit is too easy so
maybe i feel this strongly because i am a fighter for the working class. my main goal in life is to help liberate all oppressed people. if there is any chance that it can be done by mind, i would take it. would you not? would you not help people by the means you have helped yourself?
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how can you so strongly and with such conviction without ever practising the law come to a conclusion that is a harmful new age ideology when the maxim prevalent in so many esoteric practices (yes, non-white too) have preached that reality is made by the mind? will we ignore the science behind it too? will we ignore the cia declassified documents? will we ignore ancient accounts of reality shifting? will we ignore hermes trismegistus? will we ignore rumi? will we ignore plato? 
you can ignore this. i won’t, however. this is the liberation of the human soul. having said this, anyone is welcome to criticise the LOA community, look at us as vultures, think we are crazy. i value all opinions (even if they’re wrong HAHA sorry). 
how is loa different from dogmatic religion?
well for one, there is evidence for conscious manifestation (e.g. dr joe dispenza’s books). i personally do not like religion. i have religious trauma so if you are religious, id advise you to not read this section. abrahamic religion is based on fear to oppress minorities, trap human potential and it also makes you rely on luck and wishful thinking (this view is only if the holy books were to be taken in the literal sense and abused by ministers etc) whereas the human is able to decide its own fate. law of assumption liberates the human by putting the human from an us vs them view to an us AND them view, meaning everyone is one and the same. this is not a christian thing, this is a well documented thing featured in asian philosophy. consciousness is the thing that unites us all. it is within you and it is within me. religion (abrahamic) forces you to look at the people who are not like you, aka dont believe what you do, as these other creatures who have defied the will of God and ahhh will face wrath. LOA instead empowers the individual and promotes free will. i understand if you think this is dangerous, the woo-woo stuff, just dont practise it.
how is loa not a cult?
loa CAN be misused in a cult but on its own it is not a cult. no one in the loa community is forcing the individual to join this practice which lowkey is just manifestation. however, i get your concerns and i advise you to read this reply: x
i wish i took pics of my cat when she was sick so i could provide u guys evidence but of course i didnt take any pics.
anyone is welcome to leave. anyone is welcome to adjust loa to their lives the way they see fit.
the void state
i doubt that so many people are lying about manifesting in the void state. i do think it’s not a big deal but i definitely don’t think it’s fake. besides, whats the harm in trying?
thing is right, if you are not garnering results or whatever, u dont need to stay. i stayed regardless of whether i manifested my shit instantly or not (which in the beginning was hard for me) because i believed in the philosophy, it resonated with me and it didn’t make me alienate my fellow man. however, if you feel you have a chance of being manipulated here or idk what, don’t join this practice. seriously, it’s okay. i am not being sarcastic or anything, because you are welcome to stay or leave. you are welcome to compliment me or insult me. i will love you either way for you are my fellow man.
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also this is so random and a general thing but only psychoanalytic/psychodynamic psychologists use the subconsciously thing.
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elli3luvs · 2 years
falling in love at a coffee shop [ELLIE W]
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summary: the barista at the coffee shop has you in a grip. even though you hate coffee.
genre: fluff
w.c: 1.3k
a/n: this is my first time writing in a looonnngg time so sorry if its not that good! lmk if you want a part two <333
Coffee was disgusting. The bitter-tasting bean couldn't be covered up with even copious amounts of milk and sugar. You hated the way it hit your tongue, spreading over every single taste bud and lingering there. Your face pinched with every single splash of liquid. Dina rolled her eyes every time but you couldn't help it.
There were only two things that made you come back to the coffee shop day after day. The way it smelled was one of the two reasons. Even as a proclaimed coffee hater, you could admit the smell of the roasting beans was good.
The only other reason was the barista that was behind the counter. From the first day, Dina dragged you to this shop, your eyes were locked on the barista. She was in your opinion the most beautiful girl you have ever seen. The way her hair fell over her face as she ground the coffee beans and steamed the milk was like a piece of art to you.
You wondered if this was a normal thing to do. To put yourself through what you considered mental torture just so you could glance at the barista every couple of minutes.
Dina knocked your leg under the table once again. You grabbed your cup to stop it from spilling, "Dude, you're staring. Again." You finally peel your eyes away from the auburn-haired barista to look at your friend.
"Is it obvious?" You whisper and she rolls her eyes. Her expression is going to get stuck like that one day.
She puts her pen down, stopping her studying to look at you with a pinched expression, "You remind me of a man right now. Staring at the poor girl just trying to do her job," You lean back in your chair, nibbling at your bottom lip, "We have come here for the past four days, in a row might I add, so you can stare at her. I have spent over 30 dollars in four days on coffee! Stop being a pussy and ask her for her number!" She stares at you, waiting for your reply.
You shake your head. What kind of person does she take you for? Surely she knows you well enough to know that asking someone out is one of the things you would rather die than do. Dina groans at your reaction, rubbing her fingers on her temples to soothe the oncoming headache.
"I, like," You start to explain your side to your friend who has her head rolled back with an exasperated expression pulled on her features, "What if she doesn't like girls?"
Dina suddenly cackles loudly at that, "She has a fucking forearm tattoo!" She noisily replied. The coffee shop patrons turn to look at your table. Dina just smiles at them.
You could crawl up and die.
You peer over your shoulder to see the barista looking at you two with an amused expression. When she catches your eyes she chuckles and goes back to steaming the cup of milk in front of her.
Dina doesn't look the slightest bit remorseful. She even looks a bit proud of herself, "Well, at least she knows we are talking about her now."
"I'm literally going to end your life."
You should've ended Dina's life when you threatened it a couple days ago. It could've saved you from facing the same coffee shop alone.
About 15 minutes ago you received a text message from your friend, one that you wish you didn't read until it was too late.
FROM. DI &lt;3 bought some coffee to-go but im studying sooooo hard rn… pick it up for me?
TO. DI &lt;3 no
FROM. DI &lt;3 please :( please :( please:(
please :(
TO. DI &lt;3 if i go get it will u shut tf up?
FROM. DI &lt;3 THANK U!!! btw it's under ur name so hot barista knows who u are hehe MWAH!!
You stood in front of the pickup area, fidgeting with your bracelet as you waited for the barista to make an appearance. You check your phone again to see it's been around 4 minutes since you arrived. There weren't any drinks on the mat so you could just grab and go, with no interaction at all. Sadly not. You began to wonder if the barista had decided to quit mid-shift as the minutes continuously went by with no view of her.
You turn around to look at the store hours on a sign sitting out front when the wooden floors creak behind you, "Oh?" You hear a voice.
You turn back around. It was her. Your heart felt like it was about to fall out at the sight of her. She had her auburn hair up in a half-bun and her t-shirt had rolled-up sleeves, showing off her sleek muscles. If you didn't know any better you would've thought you were having a heart attack from how your chest feels.
She looked at you with confusion plastered over her features, "Can I help you?" Her voice was the perfect mix of gravelly and deep. It was perfect. She was perfect in your eyes.
"Um," You scratch your arm nervously, "My friend said she put a to-go order in under my name."
Her laugh catches you off-guard. Your eyes shift around the small shop as you wait for her to explain her sudden onslaught of giggles. Tears prick the side of her eyes as she continues to laugh.
"Uh…" She calms down slightly, holding her stomach, "We don't do to-go orders. Your friend definitely lied to you about that but I can just take your order if you want me to?"
You really should kill Dina when the chance arises. Tonight does seem like a perfect night to become a murderer.
You snap out of your thoughts. Deciding to be a normal person, you reply with a smile, "Yeah… that works too," She motions you to come over to the register, "Can I just get a-"
She cuts you off, "Iced latte for you and an Americano for your friend?" She looks at your surprised face with a bashful smile, "I may not take the orders but I do make them and well… you and your friend have ordered the same thing the past four times. Now five."
You let out a small laugh, "We are both creatures of habit."
She nods, "Me as well," She licks her bottom lip, leaning on the counter, "What's the name of the order?"
She smiles as she gets your name, writing it down on the cups, "You have a pretty name. It will only take me a couple minutes to make these so you can sit if you want to."
You nod as she turns her back to you but you can't help but feel ecstatic at her calling your name pretty. Was this flirting? Or was this just normal conversation? God, this sort of stuff flew right over your head. The last time anyone said anything about you was pretty was when you first met Dina around four months ago. She said your hair was pretty as she sat down next to you in class. But this felt different. Maybe it's because of how undeniably you were attracted to this barista. It made your head spin as you went over the interaction a million different times.
Her calling your name out is the only thing that snaps you out of overthinking.
"Here you go," She hands you the drinks with a smile, "Hope they are good."
You take them, "They always are," She rubs the back of her neck at your words, "Thank you! See you later?"
Was that weird to say?
"Yeah, see you later."
Maybe not.
As you make your way out of the shop, you look down at your iced latte to take a sip when you notice black sharpie on the top.
In awful chicken scratch handwriting was the message of your dreams.
Call me? Ellie xx
With her number right beside her name.
Maybe Dina's shenanigans weren't always bad. She gets spared another day.
next part
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allastoredeer · 8 months
I read the new chapter of Holy Suffering as soon as it came out and I love the way u write Lucifer. For the past few days I have been reading Radio apple fanfic and I hate how lucifer is portrayed in most of them, shy , innocent with Alastor after the fight, and kinda out of character for the both of them, cause they suddenly like each other, and I don’t see it in them. They like to piss each other off, that’s the whole ship point.
Ur Lucifer is so sassy, Hits all the Good Characterization checks in my brain, he’s such a delight to read, same for Alastor. U had me going speechless most of the time Alastor spoke, cause I honestly didn’t know what he was gonna say next. Writing Alastor it’s probably hard, cause he is misterious and always hides his emotions but You totally nailed it. Right now he is probably angry at Lucifer cause he ratted him out lol
Al be like the audacity of this man after he forced him to do this.🙄
Anywhizzle I just wanted to ask, for the overload meeting, is Charlie gonna send Lucifer with Alastor? Maybe as a snake or something, to make sure is he okay. Cause she really sounded mortified that she didn’t notice that Alastor was suffering and man Al definitely didn’t like that, but it’s not like he can say no to Charlie so
A nd is there like a schedule for next updates? I am really invested in this story and I honestly can’t wait to read more of it.
Thank you ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Hahah Lucifer's got bite to him, for sure. He doesn't come off as the shy type to me. Awkward as hell, certainly. In the throes of depression, absolutely. And he cares about Charlie's opinion of him to a fault. But when it comes to someone throwing their weight around--or, more accurately, getting involved with Charlie (cough Alastor helping Charlie with the hotel, couch Adam fighting/hurting Charlie cough) he isn't afraid of getting his hands dirty.
Alastor is hard to write ಥ_ಥ I love him so much, but sometimes, I want to cut open his head and properly study his brain because f;knslnjsbj out of all the characters, he's the hardest for me to pin down, in terms of both dialogue and actions. He has such a way of talking, and such a distinct voice (his radio filter) that it's simultaneously easy to imagine his voice, but hard to put it to dialogue. So, I really appreciate hearing that I nailed it (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) Seriously, it's so appreciated to hear.
Nah, Alastor is going to be going to that one alone :3 It's going to be set in his POV, so we'll get some insight in his thoughts on the whole thing, and how he's handling his current affliction. I'm both excited to and nervous to get into it, because writing him in someone else's POV is hard, so writing him in his OWN POV is a little intimidating, but I'm mostly excited. I have a lot of thoughts for this series, and it's gonna be fun to explore them.
As for a schedule, I used to try to keep myself to one, and I've found that I have both a love/hate relationship with it. One the one hand, keeping a writing schedule is nice because it gives me a clear view of what I want to work on and an goal date to get it done, which is very nice for my ADHD brain.
BUT, on the other hand, when I start putting that pressure on myself to get it down, and I fail to actually reach that goal, it hits me pretty hard and it can take away my motivation and joy in writing the fic. It starts to feel more like a chore than a fun hobby I can do in my downtime.
Thankfully, I am DEEP in Hazbin Hotel hyperfixation, and the amazing feedback I've gotten from my fic's is certainly fueling my motivation. So thanks to everyone leaving kudos and comments! It's seriously so helpful and I cherish ever single one of them.
If I had to give an estimate for when the next installment of the series will drop, I'd say either at the end of this week, or the beginning/middle of next week. I have an unrelated AppleRadio one-shot I want to bust out before I work on the next installment, and that one I'm going to try and post by Thursday or Friday.
To quote out favorite Radio Demon,
~Stay Tuned
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tbgkaru-woh · 5 months
hi hi hi!!! since last time u asked for hcs or ideas, and i couldn't come up with any in the moment, I AM HERE TO SHARE (mine) AND ASK UR OPINIONS ON XIANXUAN (WWX X JZX) NOW... 😩
dont even get me started, personally for me, its HARD TO NOT ship two men who have punched each other for at least once in their life. AND WHEN THEY BOTH ACTUALLY HV CONSIDERATION FOR EO DEEP DOWN LIKE from hating each other's guts to punching each other's face to competing to an extent (over one girl literally) to actually having no hard feelings for each other to having consideration deep down for each other to believing in each other (to love the girl genuinely) to wwx accidentally and unintentionally killing jzx to mourning over his death and blaming himself for all of it to living again and taking care of his child...😩 i...ok half of the grief came bcs of shijie but ONE CAN IMAGINE AAAAH.
im sorry for making this long, help. (honestly ure the first ever acc i have found shipping them in one of ur arts so i HAVE to rant omg)
i love their dynamic sm, somehow i want wwx to top jzx at any fucking cost. WHY ?! because he wanna prove he's better and better and BETTER than this fucking peacock and he wanna crush his attitude so bad like...and jzx just tryna keep up with him and this fucker is back with new tricks to put him where he belongs. then ends up putting him under himself. oMG. help. im crazy. bye.
SJSHSKSK MY GOD. looks like im gonna go on a brainrot.
They were some of the most obvious to me too only to find no one talking about them, I guess the whole WangXian tunnel-vision and Jin Zixuan not having a fandom will do that to a dynamic.
I just hoped in canon they'd have...more. I wanted to see their arc, I wanted them to fight side by side, wanted to see Zixuan defend Wei Wuxian in front of the gossipy pricks and his word mattering to them, wanted to see Wei Wuxian punch someone for Jin Zixuan, instead of punching him for Yanli.
Straight Zixuan is also extremely boring to me and him secretly crushing on the brothers, maybe even popping a boner while wwx gets REAL CLOSE to him during a fight and needing to leave RIGHT NOW... He'll be a good bridge between the two, he's quiet, arrogant and loyal to duty as Jiang Cheng is, but wwx is what he wished he could be like in certain aspects, not to say that with their constant teasing and play-fights, some truths will come out sooner rather than later.
And when it comes to smut I love to imagine that something that starts as a hate fuck with neither backing down but both their inexperience starts showing but unlike jzx who's more honestly embarrassed about it, wwx has this fake confidence and "need-to-take-cate-of" impulse that turn it into something a bit clumsy but respectful and with a genuine goal of the other enjoying it. Maybe wwx can keep it as their secret,as jzx parades himself around like the straight guy people think he is afterwards.
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min-kit · 5 months
Also u prob covered this but what’s ur take that Tommy is gonna help buck realize his deep hidden feelings for Eddie?? (This comes from people who thinks 7.06 is Tommy’s last episode)
I haven't covered it (I'm only just now starting to get asks like this wow how did that happen. I haven't posted on tumblr in YEARS haha), but, honest answer ?????
I don't think its going to happen. I FULLY hung up the possibility of buddie ever happening at the end of s6 & think Buck realizing hidden feelings for Eddie is basically a confirmation at this point that they'd go in that direction. And I genuinely don't believe they're going to go in that direction. If what Lou said is true (& not misinterpreted) & Tim originally had the idea for this storyline with Eddie but it became Buck's story... that actually just screams more to me they only want one of them to be queer??
I wouldn't be mad about it if it's done right by any means, certainly! I just. Knowing how these networks work, and how Buck being made canon bisexual is literally making history cuz this is just not a thing shows do this far into the series, do I REALLY believe they're gonna go even further and give both Buck and Eddie coming out & queer self-discovery stories? No. I think they want to keep one of them for the straight men and women that watch this show (you know, those ones that just want someone to thirst over & imagine getting with/live vicariously through as they hook up with all the ladies which was the resounding issue most of them had with Buck being bi. I guess. Stupid reasons but there you have it).
I DO subscribe to the idea that Buck absolutely had feelings for Eddie in like s2... but he didn't realize that at the time & they eventually developed fully into friendship. And I don't think they would ever address that cuz, again, I think doing so would either
confirm that they're going the buddie route
be really really really mean towards the fans that are desperately hoping for buddie to happen cuz it'd be like "hey we see you, have this little crumb even tho we're not actually going there!" sort of thing.
Now, again, I could totally be wrong. Maybe one day I'll have to eat my words and if that day comes I will happily do it! Tho I'm personally now cheering on BuckTommy, it's not like I would hate the idea of Buddie happening, esp considering I hardcore shipped them since I started watching in s4. This is just my personal opinion based on experiences with other shows + looking at everything Tim, Ryan, & Oliver has said in interviews.
Nothing to me screams that they have that planned and, as someone who was there in seasons 4, 5, 6 for all the buddie theories and saw literally none of them come true. Well, I won't hold my breath this time. Cuz that hurt too much in s6.
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cyaneyedcl · 1 month
fandom culture rant
tldr; dont go shitting on people's works just bcs u didnt like it, thats some disgusting asshole behavior, fuck u if u do so.
and pls show your fanfic writers lots of appreciation, they are the biggest backbone in most fandoms, they deserve nothing but love.
there's something so insane and illogical when it comes to the people that read fanfics (which have clear explicit and alternative universe tags) and proceed to complain about how these had — surprise, suprise! sexual content and scenarios/personalities that weren't an exact copy of the ones in the source media.
and usually one would want to believe people will keep their opinions to themselves or rant about it in a private space with close friend(s), because that's the bare minimum one can do to show some respect towards a writer that shared their fanwork for free.
but recently, that's not been the case.
bcs now there's this new trend going around (specifically in tiktok, to the surprise of nobody) where people publish videos talking about how a certain fanfic was — and i quote — "incredibily ooc", "genuinely weird", "overrated", "poorly written", "a freak fest".
and this type of behavior wouldn't be so shocking (even tho is not ok) if it was coming from one random person in the internet, but because this is happening in tiktok (which is a well-known platform for having the biggest audience reach when it comes to social media apps) the hate is extremely amplified.
when i tell u the amount of hate these tiktoks gather is insane, i mean i've seen them surpass the 3,000+ comments (which is more than half of the comments the fanfic has). and most of these consist of people sharing their even more aggressive opinions about the fanfic, or even saying how "this other fanfic is better".
it honestly mind blows me every time i see this happening, because — or at least in my experience — there's always been this unsaid rule (even though i'd dare to say it's more of a sense of logic) in fandom spaces where everybody knows that if you didn't like the work of a fan, you close the tab and move on with your day. because, what do you gain for belittling the efforts/hard-work someone put in something that won't change the source media, or ur life?
and if you are one of those bystanders that applies the whole "people need to learn to take criticism" to this situation then u are wrong. no debates. because,
in this case, this so-called criticism it's just a sugar-coat for hateful comments.
that is NOT how criticism works, not when the author didn't ask for any feedback what-so-ever and even less when we are talking about a story that nobody pays for to consume it.
it's baffling to see readers develop this liberty that makes them think it's ok to say whatever they feel like saying about fandom works, without taking in consideration that behind every fanfic, fanart, music, skit, etc. there's a person that probably felt proud of their work and is happy about creating something.
also, i feel in the need to clear out that even though i'm talking about a specific fanfic in this post (which is in the tags in case u haven't figured it out yet), it's definitely not the only one that's received this treatment. i've seen it happen in the kpop, danmei, and harry potter side too, specially in marauders.
i believe this behavior is due to a shift in fandom culture that started because of covid, but that's like, a whole other rant post for another day.
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akirqx · 1 month
she/her + romantic
someone extroverted, friendly/outgoing, smart!!, isn’t afraid to show me off or express himself, and taller than me!!!! also guys who are protective over me but not controlling. they have to have good humor and can take a joke. someone who can have a little playful competition, and doesn’t care abt being seen as clingy and just wants to express their love.
i’m really talkative, and i love trying and learning new things. i’m pretty smart, i take a lot of APs and school takes up a lot of my time, but i love going out with my friends and i hate studying 😭. even tho i talk a lot, i get really scared when i talk to someone i’m interested in for the first time. i love shopping, and i play softball competitively, but i enjoy other sports like tennis and volleyball just for fun (even tho i lwk suck LMFAO). i’m also a photographer, i do mostly sports photography, and i love flowers!
giving: acts of service and gift giving. receiving: quality time and acts of service
friends to lovers or strangers to lovers
i’m 5’3-5’4, and i’m filipino. i have long dark brown hair and my style switches between abg and stockholm and i wear glasses!
extras: an ideal date would be a festival/amusement park or a day at the beach. i LOVEEE those little photobooth pics. my favorite flowers are pink stargazer lilies.
thank you so so much and i hope you have an amazing day!!
(there was an error when i tried sending this the first time, so if it happened to send twice im so sorry 😭🙏🏻)
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Oikawa Tooru definitely noticed you first. I feel like he took interest in your photography and approached you about it! (..strangers to lovers?🤭)
I think I’d be such a cute interaction if he saw you taking a photo of some flowers and then came up to you to recommend a better place for the picture.
We all know he has fangirls and is super focused on volleyball but I feel like once he noticed you that one time, he started seeing you everywhere
He thinks he’s so smooth asking you to come to his next game to take some cool shots of him
If you actually say yes and show up he gets all nervous and asks iwaizumi if he looks good today (he knows he does)
I feel like because he spends so much time on volleyball, he makes sure whenever he hangs out with you that you know he loves you, he def doesn’t care about looking clingy.
Always makes sure to show you off so people know he’s taken
Is also super smart!! Power couple fr
He’d probably make fun of u for being bad at volleyball as a playful joke but will take pride in teaching you (if u want!)
Oh my god if u ever got shy around this man his ego will skyrocket 😭
When you guys go to amusement parks together he pretends to not be scared but is the loudest one on the ride
And then if you bring it up after he pretends he wasn’t scared
I feel like he’d say he’s really good at winning those prizes but he actually sucks and you spend a good 15 minutes waiting for him to actually get something
Would def love taking pictures with you! Especially those photo booth ones :) probably keeps one in his phone case
He buys you one of those big bouquets for your first date and it’s mostly your fav flowers
I feel like he’d steal ur glasses right off of ur face and puts them on just to tease about how bad ur vision is (even if it’s not that bad)
He loves all of your gifts omg he’s so dramatic when you give him something
He will go shopping with you and he will take it seriously when you ask for his opinion on clothes or smtg
He’s always matching your energy and I feel like you guys always have good conversations like there’s never nothing to talk about
He’s also competitive so you guys make plenty of little competitions out of literally anything
It can get really chaotic sometimes..
And he always cheers you on at ur softball games!! He brags about you to anyone who will listen
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omg this one was soo fun to write I really hope you like it !!🫶🏻 Oikawa was literally the first person who came to mind when I read yours so I hope you like him…😭
Thank you for requesting!
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Longass for the nights and days of life Chapter Eight RAGE Notes
I had a LOT of strong opinions on this one, babes. Oh ho boy it’s time. 
-I thought the Olangi were absorbed into the Omaticaya and not other plains clans, I wonder if there’s a particular reason they weren’t in this fic… I'm always suspicious of every decision Lottie makes.
-Tonowari getting an invite to this gathering from Jake: nah.
-Listened to Cover Me In Sunshine on repeat reading this. That’s what Spider and Ninat were singing, I don’t make the rules. 
-Jake fighting the English innuendo has to be every Na’vi hearing him speaking Na’vi every day. He has to be fucking it up in a way that makes it dirty some of the time.
-The heard stuff has me like, on the edge, I think it means some shit.
-The absolutely hilarious idea of Jake and Neytiri keeping maskless-only-human-left Spider around and thinking no one is gonna question it is so fucking funny to me. I also love them keeping their GOD CHILDREN secret. EYWA IS THEIR GOD WHO IS GOING AGAINST THIS? Like, if literally God blessed me with kids in an obvious miracle way to people that all super believe in God I’d be like, so this happened. Crazy right? Anyway- I also love that they didn’t discuss it beforehand, like they just figured it’d all be literally fine. They are so goofy and fucking stupid as fuck.
-Spider giving Neteyam bits of fruit makes me want to die! That’s aDORABLE! He is a PROTECTIVE older brother. They are not going to survive his kidnapping.
-Neytiri really came for Neteyam’s ass with that intro. "Here is my brave, cool, son, and my loser son who can't say hi."
-Ah, it’s because the Olangi are our dissenters it seems. I also really like this idea of an anniversary mourning period, I haven’t seen that yet. Every time I see a new idea in this fandom I get hard as a rock (figuratively), like I didn't even tHINK of this concept and I thought we were running out of new ideas.
-Love Jake public speaking king. I always forget he is a natural born leader and speaker.
-We love an Eytukan spirit tree moment. Although, now that I'm thinking about it, he may be the character that means the least to me.
-For some reason I cackled at Jake “the fire is too hot on my legs, Neytiri!” Sully.
-Lol Jake and Neytiri both feeling wary around Tsantu because he’s just them if they didn’t find each other to heal for. I am laughing through my tears. It's a great in depth character analysis though. Usually, I hate the concept of healing for each other, and I hate how much I adore codependency, but if you think about it all Na'vi are pretty codependent with their mates. Jake and Neytiri though? They are a whole 'nother level. They built their second chances on each other. Without the other they don't have the life they have, and they functionally have nothing to live for.
-Lol maybe he won’t assassinate someone and instead will be fixed by fucking Peyral. 
-Yeah, nope, we are still scared of Tsantu. He’s still school shooter vibes. 
-Ah yup, there he goes, time to murder a whole family?? Sure that’ll fix it all buddy. Eywa knows and that’s why you haven’t seen ur mate, psycho. A lot of people have lost people and haven’t tried to murder families, my guy. 
-Lol I get the point but to say this shit to Neytiri of all people is batshit. She has lost literally so much, I was waiting for her to be like “Hey, my sister was murdered in front of me, then my entire home was burned down and my father and my best friend died in front of me as well, what more do you need me to loose until we’re even buddy? Murder all three of my children and my mate and then we are good?? This isn’t the grief olympics, man. We aren’t competing.”
-Tbh they are all being A LITTLE FUCKING GENEROUS with this guy imo. I have always been of the mindset that trauma is a reason and not an excuse. This dude attempted to kill an entire family. Three children. Babies. The only reason he didn’t is because one kid woke up. He is not the first or the last person to have lost family, lost a spouse, lost a child, or even to have witnessed this specific loss personally. He’s not the first person to have wanted someone else to feel that pain with him. But making the decision to cause that same pain, attempting that, that’s unforgivable to me. That makes you no better than the person that did that to you. Idk man maybe it doesn’t fit here, but that’s my continuous domestic abuse argument. “Oh, he was abused too,” well, that makes it even worse to me that he knows what it feels like and still actually went to go cause that same feeling for someone else. It’s disrespectful to those who have been through the same trauma and don’t repeat the cycle. Anyways. No justice for Tsantu. Throw him to the wolves. Jail for attempted child murder? He also did assault a kid. The last fic I read with this premise only Jake was attacked (although much more successfully) and when I tell you the attacker was given the death penalty I am not joking. Forgiving this guy alone is crazy (although I understand the investment in moving on, and improving and being better than those who hurt us), bUT TO MAKE HIM AN AMBASSADOR?? Jesus fuck, I might as well hire a bank robber to be my accountant. How can we trust this aTTEMPTED CHILD MURDERER with any ambassador position on Pandora, after this he wouldn’t be allowed within 300 feet of schools. 
-Neteyam being shy and Spider being a clown is ADORABLE.
-I loved the repeated family version of the toruk chase, almost the same ending but with the kids laughing instead. It’s like they’re all having their out of danger relief moment, and this time Jake and Neytiri are the adults and seeing first hand how bonkers they were lol.
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konniesreality · 1 year
What the hell happened to loablr it has become a full blown out warzone!!!!! What's with the two gossip blogs and their anons. They are coming at every other blogger and why are they dragging you in this whole mess when you aren't even in the 1% of it!!!! This is whole new level of messed up. The loagossip girl has no opinion and just posts hate asks and she has proofs against apparently every other blogger??but this moonlight girl she's the biggest hypocrite I've ever seen. She and her anons are calling you gullible but she supports winter and unique!??? Like girl you say minors should not be exempted but you just go uwu for winter a 20 something girl ???? She's been exposed for much worse things!!!!. I'm completely baffled and as for Rosie bcoz of her,pink,you and raven i finally manifested my dream life.So after knowing about her scandal I was shocked but maybe it's my bias towards her but I don't think she ever lied about her manifestations??
I came here to tell my success story but I see this place is not at all how it was once. It's sad to see those hateful anons from last winter now have a platform to just spew whatever nonsense they want...... I feel so sorry for you Konnie you're so young but you've helped many like me to have our dream life but the things you've to go through are just straight up disgusting. Just stay strong and don't try to justify them anything also it doesn't looks like they are hearing anything other than what they wanna hear. I mean they wanted to see Rosie's proof when she did now they call it false( which imo just looks like ss which has been compressed bcoz of posting here) but idk still her stories aren't adding up.....something was definitely wrong But she's not here now so why are you still being dragged in all of this??? You've been friends with some of the bloggers here long time and anyone's first instinct is to be on the side of people they trust.
Again I want to thank all of you who were here in my darkest hours and now bcoz of you all i'm living my dream life. Also looks like these two gossip bloggers didn't manifested shit so now they're at the mission to destroy every blogger otherwise who goes on ss every move of someone's blog? Don't they keep saying if you're living your dream life then why are you spending all of your time here then they just go on doing the same thing. I just feel sad to see this community go downhill so fast. So manyyy good bloggers left. Never thought those hateful anons will have such an impact on the community.
I just hope you take some time off and enjoy your life to the fullest you don't have to provide any explanation to anyone you've done enough. Just relax and stay happy and healthy Konnie ❤️❤️
Thank u and yes her blog is literally just posting drama!! No send ur success plz! 💗💗💗
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phosphorus-noodles · 6 months
u there. get questioned. 4, 5, 10, 14, 16, 17, 18, 40, 41, 46, 53, 56 (that's a lot so feel free to leave some out but tell me all about ur boys !!!)
*cracks knuckles* okok so-
4. What’s a hobby they used to have that they miss?
Hmm… Joel likes to do art, and I bet he used to make his own paint too from berries and whatnot. He probably stopped when he found out those plants were coming from his kingdom’s Worst Enemy Ever (this was before he knew Oli) and now he doesn’t remember how to do it right, otherwise he’d absolutely get back into it.
Oli's goofy with hobbies bc he's ADHD-coded /lh, so if he finds a new one he'll just disappear for days and forget society exists for a little while. He likes to play music and used to perform for his parents all the time when he was little, but as he got older and they got more busy he played less because he *needs* that audience to really enjoy it... he'd love to play more for Joel, but he's a little shy about it 👉👈
5. Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
Well Joel is always on the verge of tears anyway (/hj), so like... maybe not on command, but he can be set over the edge fairly easily (he's just good at hiding it around most people)
Oli absolutely can cry on command, he's a theatre kid smh. He'll tell people he thinks about dropping a cake facedown on the ground or dead puppies or something, but he's really thinking about losing his best friend, especially after his parents are gone :(
10. What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
Oh Joel will 100% tell you everything he knows about sniffers in a heartbeat 😭 he got that animal kid autism y'know /aff
Oli isn't as "fact-oriented," but if he's with Joel and also someone else then he'll put Joel on blast, who just blasts him back like--
"Hey! Did you know Joel sneezes if you poke him in the ribs?" -> ">:0 well, did you know Oli makes a funny sound if you scratch behind his ears?!" -> "Hah! Did you know Joel is afraid of heights?!" -> "Did you know you can put Oli to sleep by rubbing his nose like a baby?! >:("
14. How do they put out a candle?
Oli's the kinda guy to do the pinching thing tbh. He's gotta do it with flare~ ✨
Joel just blows it out, but Oli always teases him like "why don't you just flap your wings to put it out lol??" Joel says it's because it's inconvenient to turn around to do it, and his wings are too big for that, but he's also scared of burning them- his wings are delicate :(
16. What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?
Joel fights with his parents,, they were very good at reminding him that the only reason he existed was to be an heir for the kingdom and they didn't care about him enough to spend any time with him and he was nothing but disobedient after making his 'little friend' an- a lot of things. And even though Oli reminds him that he does have worth and their opinions shouldn't matter and Joel trusts that, it doesn't stop the echoes in his head </3
Oli probably fights with himself the most. He acts all confident and bold, etc. but he's an anxious mess on the inside. He also fights with the "voice of reason" too -- very "silencio bruno"-esque /lh
17. What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
The first thing Joel notices is uhh probably his green bangs? They're pretty vibrant and in front, draws your attention /lh, but other people usually notice his colorful freckles. Oli says they're like a rainbow leading to Joel's wonderful eyes <3
Oli probably notices his hair too? Y'know the like, hand comb thing cc!oli does where he combs his fingers through where his hair is parted? He does that a lot. But he's also got the softest brown eyes full of so much joy and,, ough they're pretty
18. Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)?
Each other :(
They didn't always, they hadda get through a lot of "I'm supposed to hate you yk" before they really got close, and now they love each other a lot. Doesn't matter if the love is platonic or romantic what matters is that it was there and it overcame everything else, etc. etc.
Oli also loved his parents, and Ren + Martyn who are essentially his parents too, they get along very well <3
40. How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head?
Joel: “Oh moss, did I do that wrong?? Why didn't they shake back? Did I offend them?! Oh Devs, I’m so sorry, they probably hate me, or think I'm weird for shaking so tight, or--"
Oli: *shakes out hand with a grimace* “Wow, that was weird. Do they know how to shake hands?? LOL”
41. What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
Hmm... Joel's got a northern Mezalean accent, and will say things like "I fink / I havva / fank you / ohh blumin'-" etc. when he's tired or stressed or upset or otherwise high/low energy. (Y'know how cc!Joel shouts "EEFO!" and also cc!Stress' tweets? Yeah.) Oli won't necessarily talk like that all the time, but he will mimic and tease him about it hehe ^^
Joel picked up giggling from Oli, he used to rarely laugh at all but Oli's laugh (you know the one) is just so contagious <3
(And also from personal experience (/hj), they both say ourple/ouppy/kibby cat/etc. to be funny, but I dunno who started it)
46. Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
Joel's a listener (because he'd rather just sit and do what he's told and not cause a stir, but if he really cares about it then he'll also Really listen), and he'll talk when he's invited to and/or trusts the person. Like if someone "wanted his opinion" on something but he thought they didn't really care he wouldn't really say anything, but if Oli wanted his opinion? Absolutely, here is it. (It's also dangerous for him, because if he starts talking sometimes he just doesn't stop-)
Oli's definitely a talker ahsjfs, extrovert boy- he usually can't stand silence and will just keep talking to fill the emptiness because if he doesn't he'll explode, but you better believe he'll start listening like a loyal dog the second Joel opens his mouth.
53. Who would / do they believe without question?
I… feel like Joel would believe anything Oli said no questions asked, but Oli’s too much of a prankster and Joel's too gullible for that to end well 😭 maybe I'll say each other but only if there's like the Code Enacted that means What I'm Saying Is 100% Slash Serious, you know?
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
They'll usually go to each other for most things because y'know they're very close and trust each other and it's just easy to, but it does depend on what it is too.
Like if Oli's worried about Joel, he's not gonna go to Joel, he's gonna go to Ren or Martyn because he trusts them a lot too, but also they're "ew old parents smh" so if it's a "kid problem" it's bestie time.
Same with Joel, he'll go to Oli for most things (more so than the reverse, because Joel has less support people to begin with), but there are some things he just... can't. And it's times like those where he'll go to his mom for it -- not the queen, his real mom, the Mother Tree. She doesn't talk back in words, but even just curling up in her branches or under her roots is enough to comfort him :')
WOUGH that's a lot,, I had to put off answering this bc I was studying and knew it would take an hour to answer (and it did lol) but <33 auhgjfg,,, I love answering all these kinds of things :D
edit: BRUH THAT'S 1.4K WORDS 😭
(Ask game! Send me asks pspsp)
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rollercoasterwords · 9 months
hie rae! i have query/a dichotomy about gender and shit that i would love you to share your thoughts on (if you feel like it, no pressure!). i remember someone once called you something like the "resident tumblr smart person" and you also seem knowledgable about gender (do you do gender studies?) but first i just wanted to say how much i love your fanfics! they're some of my favs ever honestly and thank you so much for writing them!
i remember someone once called you something like the "resident tumblr smart person" and you also seem knowledgable about gender
ok, so basically one of friends was staying at my flat a few days ago, i mentioned (jokingly) that i feel like a bad feminist when i shave my face but that i hate having hair on my face too much to not shave it. for reference i'm a brown cis women who has a fair amount of facial hair and i have been shaving my face since i was a teen. my friend (who's trans) pointed out that she also shaves her face regularly but that for her, its a form of gender affirming care and so would it be possible that its also that for me?. we're both really interested in gender and the elements of performance in it and so we spent ages talking about it and couldn't really come to a conclusion. the thing that i was wondering about especially is that when i do shave my face, it doesn't really feel like its affirming my gender - it feels more motivated by insecurity and the desire to conform. so do you think it would be possible that for cis women it is possible for shaving to be gender affirming or is it all a product of our socialisation/ the beauty industry?
sorry for the mess that this ask is, i hope you can understand it! thanks!  💙💙💙 
hi!! ty 4 the kind words i'm glad u like my fics <3 and i do in fact study gender studies lol there are of course many people v knowledgeable abt these topics tho it's not like i'm the foremost expert etc. happy 2 be ur tumblr smart person 4 the day tho & happy 2 share my thoughts!
so in the first place i don't necessarily think a distinction between trans/cis is useful here in determining whether something can/should be considered "gender affirming," nor do i necessarily think there's a strict dichotomy between "gender affirming" beauty practices versus "it's just socialized" or whatever. every woman is going 2 have different experiences with & reasons behind shaving, and oftentimes those differences will not map neatly onto a binary of trans/cis in which one side always finds the experience affirming and the other does not. additionally, all beauty practices are socialized in the first place & will often engender a mix of feelings that don't fit neatly into "this is 100% affirming" versus "this is absolutely not affirming in any way."
i think it's easy to say "shaving is just patriarchal conditioning for women and we need to stop to be good feminists!!" but that sentiment also fails to recognize that many women derive very real economic and social benefits by conforming to beauty standards, and many women furthermore find it necessary to shave to mitigate violence they might otherwise face. it doesn't mean it's a good thing that these standards exist (beauty in and of itself is always a tool of power imo), but it also makes it, in my opinion, kind of pointless to quibble over whether it's "feminist" to shave or not; each person faces their own set of material conditions that they have to navigate. also, the things an individual person chooses to do with their body hair really don't strike me as incredibly important in like...the grand scheme of Feminist Action, y'know? the entire question seems to lie more in the realm of like...personal feeling & decision making, and in that instance i am a supporter of total bodily autonomy. everyone picks and chooses their own battles when it comes to what beauty standards to adhere to; i don't shave my body hair, for example, but i'm scheduled to undergo a cosmetic surgical procedure in a few months, and for me there isn't a clear divide between the medical/gender affirming/socialized beauty standards reasons that i've chosen to do so. physical pain is one factor, but i'd be lying to myself if i said that i haven't been socialized to think about gender & the way it relates to my own body and appearance, and that that isn't factoring in as well. even if surgery is "affirming" for me, i still don't necessarily know that i'd call it a feminist action so much as something i'm doing to make my body easier to live in.
anyway, all that is to say--no, i don't think shaving makes you "a bad feminist." and i don't doubt your friend when she says that shaving is gender affirming for her. you both have different experiences when it comes to shaving, though, and if you've reflected on this and don't feel like shaving is something you really want to do, then maybe consider seeing what it's like if you stop--not to become "a better feminist," bc again, i don't think whether you personally shave is going to make or break Feminism, but bc it might make you happier. personally, my experience when i've stopped partaking in certain beauty routines or practices is that there's a period of insecurity at first which slowly fades as i've realized that most people really don't notice all the things about my body that i do. but that's my personal experience; if you decide to stop shaving and find that there are conditions in your life that make it too difficult, it's not worth agonizing over if you decide to start again, or to shave sometimes. in general i think this sort of individualistic emphasis on whether or not every single thing a person does is "feminist" is not useful tbh, nor do i think personal feelings of empowerment or affirmation are the best yardstick 4 measuring whether a certain action is "feminist"
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thetentsystem · 18 days
Hey, we replied to one of ur posts in the community page and we just wanted to say that if you ever need support or a friend to talk to, you can always reach out to us. Its unfair that you are being hated on just because you don’t have pro endos in your dni. We also do the same on our system blog, @starfall-sys (this account on the ask is our inactive main).
Just remember that you are in charge of your own boundaries and that it has nothing to do with your stance. You have every right to include or remove anything from your dni without having to change your beliefs. The definition of being an anti endo is someone who is against the possibility of the formation of non-traumagenic systems, NOT necessarily the exclusion of pro endos. They come hand in hand but you can still let people in or have friends who are not anti endo. As long as there is mutual respect then it’s not a problem for you to remove pro endos from your dni.
People will always have differing opinions. Sometimes those opinions may hurt others when used on them. But it’s not necessarily bad to just possess the opinion you have. The concept of endogenic plurality is harmful because people drag it to the traumagenic system community and use it for ableism, when in reality, the concept probably has nothing to do with DID altogether if it’s proven true (since if it truly was possible to be an endo then it would be a completely different health condition all together). Don’t let radicals and miserable people bother you, you are entitled to your own beliefs and boundaries.
thank you so so so much. it means alot to know people have similar beliefs to me. genuinely.
thank u thank u thank u /gen
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blubushie · 9 months
hiii u know who this is ;3 i have abad questions!!!
do u feel older or younger than u are?
whats ur favorite thing about urself?
if u could tell ur younger self anything what would it be?
would u rather float alone in space or float alone at sea?
what if aliens invaded the planet and they were hot
what bug have u eaten the most of (by accident?)
whats ur most justified paranoia?
if u had a year to live what would u do with it?
whats something u hate?
what keeps u up at night? (besides the obvious)
what do u do early in the morning when u should be sleeping?
whats the worst pain uve ever felt?
how high is ur pain tolerance?
whats the worst movie uve ever seen?
whats ur favorite piece of clothing?
whats an unpopular opinion u have?
whats ur earliest memory?
do u sing when ur alone?
we know uve taken them, but have u ever saved someones life?
what tattoos do u have?
Heh I do know who this is!! I've missed your lists :]
Do you feel older or younger than you are?
Probably younger. I'm 23 but more immature than my father and siblings were at my age. But I prefer calling it a "zest for life." ;]
2. What's your favourite thing about yourself?
Steady hands.
3. If you could tell your younger self anything, what would it be?
Not everyone is trustworthy. Trust your gut.
4. Would you rather float alone in space or alone at sea?
Alone at sea. Waves are calming and help me sleep. Some of the best sleep I've ever had has been at sea.
5. What if aliens invaded the planet (and they were hot)?
I'd clap some alien cheeks, obviously.
6. What bug have you eaten the most of (by accident)?
7. What's your most justified paranoia?
Everyone's out to kill, hurt me, or take advantage of me.
8. If you had a year to live, what would you do with it?
Return to Australia and immediately go bush so the government can't find me. Let me die out there where I belong.
9. What's something you hate?
Dumb teenagers who speed and/or tailgate. Also people who overtake and don't use their fucking indicators. But especially teenagers who speed and those that think speeding is cool/skite about speeding. Yeah, yeah, it's fun to go fast, do it when there aren't other fucking cars on the road so if you crash at least you only kill yourself instead of both of us. I've got places to be and I'd like to get there with my anatomy intact, cheers.
10. What keeps you up at night?
Memories of that time I was kidnapped and interrogated heavily for sixteen hours.
Also groceries. "You gotta to the shops tomorrow and get milk, and stop at the servo and get petrol, and-"
11. What do you do early in the morning when you should be sleeping?
Sleeping. I actually have a pretty healthy sleep schedule. I'm 23, my arse cannot pull all-nighters like it used to.
But if I'm not sleeping, I'm writing. Or lying in bed and trying to sleep.
12. What's the worst pain you've ever felt?
Toss-up between scarification for indigenous initiation ceremony and being partially disembowelled by an angry pig. The scarification was slower so the pain lasted longer and was worse mentally because I knew it was coming the whole time so had more than enough time to scare the shit out of myself, but I'd argue the Pig Incident was actually worse on the overall level of pain. Feeling something sharp moving inside your body is a special kind of weird.
13. How high is your pain tolerance?
Tolerance? High. I feel pain easy but I'm good at fighting through it and not letting it get the better of me.
14. What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
Pan Man. It's fucking hilarious. Terrible plot-wise and budget wise, but perfect in its hilarity and execution. It's my favourite "so bad it's good" movie.
15. What's your favourite piece of clothing?
16. What's an unpopular opinion you have?
Beer tastes better as tinnies over bottled. So does fizz. I don't know why but the carbonation holds better and it tastes more... crisp? It's just better.
17. What's your earliest memory?
Lying in a hospital bed when I was three, staring up at the lights in the room, because a plastic surgeon just sutured my left eyebrow back together after I fell face-first into the coffee table and busted it open. My mum was at work and my dad was supposed to be watching me, but he was on the phone and I was jumping about on the couch. She still hasn't forgiven him. The scar's not even noticeable unless you're close enough to see the lines of the stroma of my irises. So unfortunately I don't have a "cool" eye scar like the blokes do in the movies.
18. Do you sing when you're alone?
If I know the song and it's in my range and I'm in a good enough mood, yes.
19. Have you ever saved someone's life?
20. What tattoos do you have?
I have a dingo tattooed on the inside of my left wrist. Sometime soon, maybe around the start of next month, I'm looking to get Kaz tattooed on my outer forearm from elbow to wrist.
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batsychan · 4 months
Hihi! Little introduction post for what this account is mainly going to be abt and some base rules!
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°pls don't ask for any dabi x hawks, dabi x shigaraki ships I don't want to start writing for them because I view them as toxic and unhealthy and I want this page to be nsfw wholesome or just general head canons for any mha/bnha characters! Also fluff comfort or emergency stuff is totally allowed!
° don't ask for any toga ships if their with other members of the league excluding mustard no pro heroes no twice no dabi shigaraki compress kurogiri or anyone besides mustard (mustards an exception bc their both around the same age but even then I'm iffy!) U can obviously ship her with class 1-A or 1-B their around the same age so I have no quarrels abt that!
°pls pls pls don't ask for piss scat vomit or any bodily fluids besides cum if ur asking for nsfw! I don't want to write for any of that that's extremely uncomfortable for me and is smthn I don't care if others do/Wright abt but I will not
°dont harass anyone if they decide to leave a mean comment just ignore it till I get to it and I'll decide what should be done honestly I probably won't delete it unless it just unnecessarily rude and hateful!
°pls pls pls give me minor obscure characters to right for like tabes or any of shie hissakei (idk how to spell it T^T) any of the MLA I will happily right for idm! ( I'm a redestro simp I can't help it I love a confident man.. T^T)
°last one guys your almost done! Pls don't be rude and spam me for requests I can get overwhelmed and stressed out! Remember there's a human being writing this! I have thoughts feelings emotions morals and everything so don't harass me I won't block u but I definitely will ignore someone who's constantly spamming me!
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Alright that's cleared up and addressed here's some basic stuff abt little ol me!
Age~18(going on 19 on June 15th)
Gender~agender trans ftm
Sexuality~gralysexual grayromantic and possibly aromantic or demiromantic!
Pronouns~anything except fem pronouns or rlly odd neo pronouns! Like kitty/kittyself dog/dogself (no hate to anyone who uses them I just don't feel comfortable being called that!)
Name- honestly call me anything masc or weird I just won't mind
You guys are more than ok to come in my DMS n ask to vent and talk to me of course u don't ever have to or need to but if you ever feel like someone won't listen won't care you have no one to comfort you or just want a friend I will talk to you!
✩*⢄⢁✧ --------- ✧⡈⡠*✩
Alright now! For some disclaimers!
*don't ask for any minor x adult
*don't ask for any abusive relationships or hinted at to be abusive!
*don't attack me or anyone for personal opinions remember were all human beings we have feelings let's respect everyone ok!
*pls don't ever feel guilty for requesting smthn or accidentally sending it twice i have no issue if it's a mistake now if it's spam! I will NOT answer no matter how good I'm not here to encourage habits also guys don't develop parasocial relationships with me or anyone!
*I'm very forgetful but I'm going to let u guys decide how often I post when more ppl start interacting until more ppl interact I'm going to post them when I feel like it!
Ok well I THINK that's everything! Thx everyone for reading all of this and thanks to everyone who in the future will hopefully respect this!
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