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technovillain · 2 years
a little comic self-promo!
Hi! For those of you who don't know, I currently run a webcomic called Another Story, which is hosted on Webtoon Canvas.
I've been working on the story for around 4 years now, and the comic itself has been running for almost 2 now. It is my absolute pride and joy and I have put so much of myself into working on this project. You can find it here:
I am notoriously bad at self promoting, but I wanted to give a few reasons why I think you might enjoy it!!
I was inspired by various cartoon series that follow a serialized setup despite starting off more episodic. I've always been a big fan of shows that start off simply and plant the seed for some later lore that gradually builds over the course of a season. (Shows like Gravity Falls, Adventure Time, Steven Universe, etc. really inspired me to use this style when I first started development)
It has a fun, unique artstyle! I am not trying to toot my own horn, but one thing that I like about my comic is the uniqueness of the character designs. The fact that every character is a part of a diverse alien species and there are no human or earth-based references is interesting and fun. (Considering this is a long term project, you can see how the style and designs have evolved a bit since the first few pages.) If you follow me already because you like my art, you can like my art over and over and over again if you decide to read Another Story.
So much lore and worldbuilding. One of my favorite things in media that I enjoy is some worldbuilding you can really sink your teeth into. It's the kind of thing that really makes me want to theorize and observe and analyze.... which is exactly what I've tried to do when building the world of the Araelian system.
Positive LGBTQ+ representation! I know that this is no longer rare in webcomic spaces, but I still thought I'd mention it as a point. I think it is nice to read a story every now and then where an LGBT character's main arc doesn't have to be about actively struggling with their identity, it is simply another thing that adds on to who they are as a character.
It is silly....until it is not. It has a lot of tone variation ranging from really conversational-style comedy writing to some edge-of-your-seat, earth-shattering intense drama later on. Best of both worlds and I am hoping to give each and every one of my readers some tonal whiplash when the proverbial ball drops.
It's got Umbot in it. Everyone seems to like that guy.
One thing that I have really struggled with on the comic however is growth. I have promoted it on my Insta quite a bit and it never seems to get any traction. It has been the slowest climb imaginable to 100 subs over the course of 2 years. With 4 completed episodes (comparable to cartoon episodes) and around 50 individual updates, this is not all that much. I really care so much about this project and would appreciate any sort of support at all, especially subscribing to the comic itself on Webtoon!
Nothing can stop me from making more Another Story, however. My loyal fanbase of roughly 10 people and my brain that cannot cease AS-related thoughts for more than 5 minutes will not allow me to do so. So read it, or don't! But if you do I'm sure you won't regret it! :D
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jayshorrorgaming · 4 months
Experience the spine-chilling thrill of the night shift in the terrifying horror game, Late Night Shift!
Step into the shoes of a night worker at a 24-hour supermarket, where the mundane tasks of the job take a sinister turn. As the clock strikes 1 am, a mysterious phone call from a coworker sets off a chain of events that will test your nerves and bravery. Navigate through the eerie aisles and complete your duties while being on high alert for jump scares that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Are you ready to face the darkness and uncover the secrets of the Late Night Shift?
Don't forget to hit that like button, share your thoughts in the comments, and subscribe to Jay's Horror Gaming for more thrilling horror game experiences! 🔔🎮
Do you like Horror Shorts? Check out my SHORTS Only Channel: Jay's Horror SHORTS on YouTube!!
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writing-gifts · 4 years
both sides of the viewfinder chp. 1
adult film star!bruno x afab!reader  (they are also gn)
this is 18+ content
summary:  Bruno's interested in you and you're interested in him. It's only a matter of time.
chapter 1 || chapter 2 || chapter 3 || chapter 4
A/N: okay so this is gonna be 3 chapters. the last chapter’s smut, but there’s pretty suggestive stuff happening in the 2nd chapter
i did research for this and wanted to try to make it more on the realistic side but there's always the chance that i messed up somewhere, so if you wanna point it out go ahead. it'll be good to know for the future!
This wasn't your first time filming for sex work but you felt a little out of your element. The studio that recently hired you was much bigger than what you were used to and considering that you were mainly doing freelance work before, this made everything feel much more professional and serious. Their work had to be highly produced.
"--We aren’t super strict about that, but you should definitely tell me before you go anywhere."
Right now, you were being given a quick tour by one of the people you'd be working with--the Director of Photography. Jocelyn was pretty much your manager and would be giving you most of the orders.
You continue to follow behind her as she continues to show you around. But you couldn't help eyeing the high quality lights and cameras you pass as she talked though. The equipment must have been worth a lot.
Once she has finished showing you around, she leads you back to the set filled with the crew that you passed earlier.
You listen closely as she goes over the details of the film.
"This will be the room where the main scene will take place. Today we will have you operating one of the stationary cameras, but since you’ve done stuff like this before I decided to let you do it without someone breathing down your neck. Just follow my orders."
You like the woman already. "Thank you."
"The shoot will start in--" she checks her watch, "--about an hour. Today is just filming for you but you know you’ll be doubling up as a runner when necessary. We might also have you help with other tasks while you work here too."
You nod to show you understand.
She smiles, "If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask me or any of your co-workers. Try to avoid asking the director though…."
You adjust the headphones on your head as you stand in front of the camera you'd be in charge of today.
Working it should be simple enough since you didn't have to actually move. You just needed to make sure it stayed in focus so they had more options when it came to angles.
About 10 minutes later, the two actors starring today show up dressed in fairly nice clothes that they wouldn't be wearing for too long. One of them seemed quite friendly with everyone. He must be pretty popular you think.
Before you can recede to your thoughts, you recognize him.
Is that Bruno Bucciarati?
You quickly confirm that it is and turn your body away from him and towards the camera, as if doing that would hide you. You weren't necessarily a stan but you did follow him on social media. And perhaps you did subscribe to his OnlyFans. And there's a good chance you paid money for some of his work.
It wasn't your fault that he was one of the few male stars you found attractive!
You shake your head. This was work. Don't get starstruck.
Luckily, it doesn't take you long to get distracted with the camera. You rarely get to operate such expensive equipment like this so you find yourself looking at all it had to offer.
While you neglect socializing with the people you would be working with from now on, someone comes up to you.
"You look so focused."
Your eyes widen from the sudden voice and you pull down your headphones as you look to the side. "Oh sorry--" When you see who it is the rest of your statement dies in your throat.
However, Bruno isn't deterred by your abrupt stop. "You must be the new camera person."
You stare a second too long before nodding.
He holds out a hand and you have to calm your shaking one before reaching out and grabbing his. His hand was really warm.
“Nice to meet you, my name's Bruno Bucciarati."
"I'm ____. I've actually seen some of your work before! You really are as handsome as in the videos."
Even though you're straight-faced, you were regretting what you just said. It was a simple compliment but what if it was too much? His looks did astound you though, there was no denying it. And you really didn't understand how he managed to pull off that haircut.
You smile to ease the tension within yourself and Bruno returns it. Whether it was genuine or out of politeness you didn't know, but it helps you relax.
"Thank you," he says.
“Okay everyone get in your damn places! We’ll be starting soon!”
Your brows raise at the director’s choice of words.
Bruno turns back to you. "Well, let's do our best to get through this."
You nod and watch him walk towards the bed where his co-star is waiting, and the director immediately starts going over what he wants the two of them to do once he’s there.
You decide to do a quick second check on your camera to make sure everything is still working properly before waiting patiently for the director to start.
Between some cuts and breaks, filming’s done about 6 hours later. You’d been informed about the typical work time so you weren't surprised. The porn from this studio was highly produced, with a few “amateur” looking works thrown in, so it was the norm. But this was the longest you had worked on one film. So depending on how particular the director was, you would need to be prepared to do at least several hours of filming when behind the camera.
You rub your eyes. It's only 4 pm but you're yearning for your bed. You could only imagine how tired the actors were.
Right after you turn off the camera, Jocelyn calls you over.
"You did well today and looks like you don't need any serious training. Good job!" she praises.
You guessed you passed the new hire "test". That gave you a bit of an energy boost and you can't help the smile on your face.
While you remove the camera from its tripod, you begin to retreat to your mind. And of course, your mind wanders to a certain actor.
Bruno was good at what he did. Really good. And the other actor seemed to genuinely enjoy working with him too. For a second, you wonder what it's like.
You glance up and accidentally make eye contact with a now fully clothed Bruno. The man walks towards you and even though you had watched him just have sex for multiple hours, you feel nervous.
“What’s up?” you ask when he's close enough.
"Nothing. I like to check up on newcomers, but you must have worked in this field for a while since they usually tend to have some hang ups."
"Uh yea. I've been doing stuff like this for awhile. Good work today by the way."
"Same with you. It was long but things went as smoothly as they could."
You nod in agreement and finish folding up the tripod. “They did, but honestly that one position you were in looked super uncomfortable! Is your back okay?”
The man laughs. “I'll be fine. That was pretty tame to be fair.”
“Wow, you must be super fit or flexible then...” You notice your coworkers walking off with equipment and decide its best to end the conversation so you can follow them. "Oh, I need to put away this stuff. Thanks for checking up on me though!"
Bruno smiles at you and you scurry off with the camera and the tripod.
You'd been here a week so far. Each day varied with things to do and you never really knew what you'd exactly be working on until you got to the studio.
For today you had a list of various tasks but the first one was conducting a pre-shoot interview with the actors for the porn being shot in an hour.
You look through the viewfinder at the two men sitting on the couch. You were already recording but the interview hadn't started just yet.
“It’s been awhile since I've done an interview so bear with me...” you mumble while going over the questions in your head.
“No pressure ____,” Bruno says.
The man doesn't seem bothered but Prosciutto, on the other hand, isn’t as laid back.
“You should at least have a list of questions prepared,” the blonde says.
"Yep right here!" You pull out a piece of paper from your pocket. From the list you could tell this collaboration had been long requested by their fans.
“I did my best to remember it but just in case…” You place the paper on a surface out of view.
You readjust the camera on your shoulder before speaking again. “Okay, let's start with names you say.”
You focus the camera on Bruno. You wish you had a tripod, but they were insistent on having you walk around with the damn thing to make it feel more “personal”.
"I’m Bruno Bucciarati."
You then turn the camera to focus on Prosciutto.
"I’m Prosciutto."
“So I know this is the first time you both are working together. How are we feeling?”
Bruno smiles. “I'm feeling pretty good and ready to work. How about you, Prosciutto?”
“Pretty much how I do before any shoot.”
“And what's that?” you ask.
Prosciutto crosses his arms. “Mostly relaxed but looking forward to it of course.”
"That's good. I know it'll be tiring filming and from how highly requested this seems to be, the director's going to want this to be perfect. But I'm hoping you guys still have fun."
"I'm sure we will, but I still don't know why so many people wanted us to work together," Prosciutto says.
Bruno nods. "Agreed. I feel like we’ve rarely interacted until now."
"Well people like seeing attractive people together. And I've actually seen fancams of you two interacting on Twitter. It's pretty entertaining!"
“You search those up?” Bruno asks.
“No, they just show up on my timeline sometimes.”
“...So you're a fan of Bruno then?” You weren't sure why but you sense a bit of judgement coming from Prosciutto.
"A little, but let's move on." You take a peek at the paper. "So who’s receiving and who’s catching?"
You raise a brow at how the question’s phrased.
Bruno looks at Prosciutto. “Don't you think we should let the film speak for itself.”
The blonde hums in agreement. “If they need to know so badly, they can skip ahead.”
“True. I think either way would be fun to watch though,” you say.
“Definitely. You should let me know what you think later.” Bruno says.
You don't mean to smile but it's already happening. "Sure."
“You're real unprofessional flirting with the camera person in the middle of an interview,” Prosciutto chides.
“It's just some banter. Are you jealous?”
Prosciutto tsks at Bruno's statement.
You shake your head deciding not to acknowledge those comments. The editor would have to cut out that bit. The two seemed to get along well enough for work but you had a feeling they would get on each other's nerves if they stayed together too long.
“Okay so this is definitely a good question to ask next. What do you guys like about each other? Either personality or physical wise."
Prosciutto glances at Bruno before speaking. “I can admit that the man has a nice….physique.”
You grin. "You sound like I'm putting a gun to your head."
The man fixes you with a very unamused look but you continue on smiling.
"What about you Bruno?" you ask.
“Well he has an attractive face and body, of course. His stubbornness is enjoyable at times too.”
Prosciutto seems to have the same question as you because he looks at Bruno for his explanation.
“Yes it's a good trait to have in certain situations.” Bruno returns the blonde’s stare. “It'll also make seeing him unravel much more interesting.”
The two of them are now looking at each other very intently and you feel like you should leave the room. But you need to finish the interview.
“Nice...so this is the last question. Is there anything specific you two are looking forward to?”
Fortunately, the two of them can still hear you and respond.
Bruno hums, “I suppose it's been awhile since I've given a blowjob, so there's that.”
"...And I'm looking forward to receiving one."
You let out a chuckle, “Okay, Prosciutto I see what you're about.” You quickly skim the list of interview questions. "Well looks like that's it! You guys ready to go?”
They both give you their positive answers.
“Then let's get you guys ready for the shoot."
Bruno smiles while Prosciutto's face stays neutral.
After that statement you stop recording.
“Okay, nice job guys!” You look at the clock on the wall. “That went pretty fast. So you can go ahead and head to the set.”
Prosciutto nods and exits the room but Bruno stays behind.
“Are you going to be helping film for the shoot?” he asks.
You gently place the camera down on the table where you left the paper.
“No, I have to go out and buy some things for something being filmed later this week. And then I have to go do some other stuff around the studio…” You laugh, “They really have me running around!”
Bruno looks slightly concerned. “You’d prefer to stay behind the camera the whole time right?”
“Yep but that's okay. I already knew what I was getting into, and I get paid better pretty well for it.” You look back up at the clock. “I’ll definitely be back for the interview after filming though so I should see you then.”
Bruno nods. "Okay, good luck with your errands."
By the end of the day, you're exhausted. Your list of tasks wasn't hard, you just ended up moving a lot more than you planned. You even almost forgot to take your break in your hustle.
When you return to your apartment, you eat something and take a quick shower before dressing up for bed. And once you're snuggled up in your covers, you decide to check your Twitter to see if anything interesting has happened.
While scrolling through the random posts retweeted throughout the day, you happen upon a pretty suggestive picture of Bruno in lingerie. He posted it not too long ago.
You click on his icon to check his page to see if there’s anything else new, and under his username notice the words follows you.
Your eyes widen and you double check and refresh to make sure you're not seeing things. You go into your notifications and see that he followed you a couple hours ago. You really weren't sure what to do. It would be weird if you messaged him, right?
You take a deep breath and decide to take the chance. Bruno probably got hundreds of messages so it shouldn't be a big deal.
hi, i saw that you followed me. just making sure you didn't make a mistake lol
Before you can overthink it you send the message. After that you go back to his page and like and retweet the lingerie photo, but you still need a distraction so you wouldn't obsess over a possible reply. When you're thinking of getting out of bed, a message from Bruno pops up.
You quickly open it to see the full message.
No mistakes here. I searched you up and saw that you already followed me so I wanted to follow back.
It's not the first time you've been followed by pornstars or coworkers you worked with, but it was honestly still rare. And something about it being Bruno made your heart beat faster. You momentarily think about everything you retweeted in the last hour, before sending a message back.
oh okay, thx! i'll try not to bother you too much, you probably get a lot of messages
A few seconds pass before you get another reply.
Not necessarily. I have DMs off for people I don't follow. I love my fans but they can get...rowdy. Either way, you can message me whenever you want.
Wow, what would you even talk about with Bruno outside of work related things...
oh, that makes sense. well i guess i’ll take you up on the offer ^^
You see the three dots going for a while before another message appears.
I saw you retweeted my picture.
Your heart skips a beat.
oh god, now i feel embarrassed all of a sudden!
No don’t be. I'm glad you like it.
You smile to yourself.
yea, you look really good in lingerie ...you look good in anything tbh or without anything lmao
You feel like you're about to say something really embarrassing if this conversation continues and quickly type up another message before he can respond.
i’m really tired so i’m going to get ready for bed
The three dots disappear for a moment before showing up again.
Shame, I would have liked talking more. But I understand, you looked really exhausted during the post interview.
yea i was but it’s no biggie and we can message later ❤
Okay then, sleep well ____.
good night 😴
You close out of the app after that and honestly, that went way better than you were expecting.
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Punch Up Collective
Upcoming Radical Events in Ottawa
Event Listings: Monday, September 27 – Sunday, October 3, 2021
This is the most recent compilation from the Radical Events Ottawa (REO) List. The REO List is a public announcement list for radical events, meetings, protests, and other activities in Ottawa, Ontario, on unceded Algonquin territory. The Punch Up Collective collects submissions and produces this curated weekly compilation of upcoming activities.
Due to COVID-19, we’ve expanded the list of events we would typically include to feature more online activities and actions, including some that are not specific solely to the Ottawa area. 
Would you like to see your event included in the next REO list? Submit it through this form by the Friday before! Find out more about our submission guidelines and how to subscribe or unsubscribe here.
Possible Futures: Rad Frosh – September 24 – October 3
A Short History of Prisons Designated for Women – Tuesday, September 28, 6:00PM
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation/ Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation – Thursday, September 30, 8:30AM
Suffer the Little Children: Tamara Starblanket on genocide, Indigenous Nations & the Canadian State – Thursday, September 30, 7:00-8:30PM
Families of Sisters in Spirit Vigil 2021 ~ In Memory of Gladys Tolley ~ 20th anniversary – Monday, October 4, at 4:30PM
What does the murder of activist Mariano Abarca-México say about Canadian government accountability? – Tuesday, October 5, 3:00PM
1. Possible Futures: Rad Frosh – September 24 – October 3
Hosted by: OPIRG Carleton, Graduate Students Association, Carleton Equity Services
What does it look like to radically re-imagine a world that is different from the one we live in, and how do we get there? 
Possible Futures: OPIRG Carleton Rad Frosh encourages incoming students, and community members to stretch our imaginations and conceptions of what is possible – hoping to ground the social and political actions of today in our goals for the future.
We are presenting over a week of programming, predominantly coming from the minds of community members and students. Join us for talks, workshops, and events from September 24th to October 3rd.
Talks and panels will be streamed live on Facebook and YouTube, and workshops will held on zoom. Ensure that you register for workshops using the Eventbrite link below:
*OPIRG-Carleton works and operates on unceded and unsurrendered Algonquin/ Anishinaabe territory. However, we recognize that our online operation has expanded our reach and the land that our community extends to. We encourage you to find out on which land you have settled or arrived.
2. A Short History of Prisons Designated for Women – Tuesday, September 28, 6:00PM
Hosted by The Simone de Beauvoir Institute and Nathalie Batraville
“A Short History of Prisons Designated for Women” with Johanne Wendy Bariteau
Online public lecture organized by Dr. Nathalie Batraville in the context of “WSDB498: Ending Sexual Violence” but open to all.
Register in advance for this meeting: https://concordia-ca.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qc–qqTouEtGrTsXg-NbmMQ5zhetNQZKH
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
About Wendy:
Johanne Wendy Bariteau has a deep interest in and understanding of the criminal justice system, specifically the carceral system and its impacts on folks in federal prisons designated for women.
To that end she has worked for several organizations involved in supporting folks who are incarcerated and formerly incarcerated across Canada. In BC she was a board member of the West Coast Prison Legal Services and volunteered for BCCLA and is a member of the grassroots organizations Joint Effort, a women’s prisoner support group.
She also helps with Prisoner Justice Day Committee to organize public education events and Prison Justice Network. She is now the regional coordinator for Ontario and Québec at the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry societies. She is also involved with other organizations, for example Anti Carceral Group and the Abolition Coalition. Working in multiple regions has given her an appreciation for the federal carceral system and how it plays out in regional contexts.
She has been interacting with students at various universities where she has been asked to lecture on the carceral system. For example, she lectured for the faculty of law at the University of British Columbia, for the Women’s and Gender studies department at Capilano University, and for the criminology department at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Her education and training contribute to he understanding of the criminal justice system: in July 2020 she completed her Gladue Report Writing certificate with Indigenous Perspectives Society and Royal Roads University; in August 2019 she completed her Paralegal Diploma.
3. National Day for Truth and Reconciliation/ Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation – Thursday, September 30, 8:30AM
Parliament Hill
Hosted by PSAC National Capital Region | Région de la capitale nationale de l’AFPC
September 30 is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, a new federal statutory holiday that came from one of the 94 Calls to Action by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. For the past few years, it’s also been commemorated as Orange Shirt Day.
All federal public service workers and many workers in federally regulated sectors have the day off to provide an opportunity “to recognize and commemorate the legacy of residential schools. This may present itself as a day of quiet reflection or participation in a community event.”
PSAC-NCR is organizing a delegation to attend a ceremony at Parliament Hill, followed by a Spirit Walk to Confederation Park where there will be presentations, music, art, and more. Check out the details of the event here: https://remember-me-september-30.org/
We will meet up in the parking lot of PSAC (233 Gilmour) at 8:30 a.m. and depart at 8:45 a.m. to walk together to Parliament Hill for 9:00 a.m. We will also have a limited supply of orange shirts to give out in the parking lot so arrive early for a shirt! Limited parking space will be available. There are parking lots and street parking nearby. Event organizers have asked attendees to practice social distancing. Mask-wearing is mandatory and vaccinations are recommended in order to protect the safety of Elders and residential school survivors in attendance.
Don’t forget to dress for the weather and bring a water bottle!
Let’s make sure to kick off the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation by bringing ourselves to the task and showing up, in whichever ways we can, to honour the survivors of residential schools, mourn the children who never made it home, and work towards truth and reconciliation not just this day but around the year.
Please share this event with family, friends, and your coworkers!
Le 30 septembre est la Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation, un nouveau jour de congé statutaire fédéral qui découle de l’un des 94 appels à l’action de la Commission de vérité et de réconciliation du Canada. Depuis quelques années, elle est aussi commémorée comme la journée de la chemise orange.
Tous les fonctionnaires fédéraux et de nombreux travailleuses et travailleurs des secteurs réglementés par le gouvernement fédéral ont droit à ce jour de congé afin d’avoir l’occasion de ” reconnaître et de commémorer les séquelles des pensionnats. Ils peuvent en profiter pour réfléchir calmement ou pour participer à un événement communautaire.”
L’AFPC-RCN organise une délégation qui assistera à une cérémonie sur la colline du Parlement, suivie d’une marche spirituelle jusqu’au parc de la Confédération où il y aura des présentations, de la musique, de l’art et plus encore. Consultez les détails de l’événement ici : https://remember-me-september-30.org/ (disponible en anglais seulement).
Nous nous rassemblerons dans le stationnement de l’AFPC (233, rue Gilmour) à 8 h 30 et partirons à 8 h 45 pour marcher ensemble jusqu’à la colline du Parlement à 9 h. Nous aurons également un nombre limité de t-shirts orange à distribuer dans le stationnement, alors arrivez tôt pour en obtenir un! Un nombre limité de places de stationnement sera disponible. Il y a des parcs de stationnement et du stationnement dans la rue à proximité.
Les organisateurs de l’événement ont demandé aux participants de pratiquer la distanciation sociale. Le port du masque est obligatoire et la vaccination est recommandée afin de protéger la sécurité des aînés et des survivants des pensionnats qui seront présents.
N’oubliez pas de vous habiller pour le temps et d’apporter une bouteille d’eau!
Assurons-nous de donner le coup d’envoi de la première Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation en nous mettant à la tâche et en nous montrant, de toutes les façons possibles, pour honorer les survivants des pensionnats, faire le deuil des enfants qui ne sont jamais rentrés chez eux et travailler à la vérité et à la réconciliation, non seulement ce jour-là mais tout au long de l’année.
Partagez cet événement avec vos proches et vos collègues de travail!
4. Suffer the Little Children: Tamara Starblanket on genocide, Indigenous Nations & the Canadian State – Thursday, September 30, 7:00-8:30PM
Join us on Truth and Reconciliation Day for an online conversation with legal scholar Tamara Starblanket on genocide, Indigenous Nations and the Canadian state. Hosted by Ketty Nivyabandi, Secretary General of Amnesty International Canada (English speaking Branch), and Octopus Books.
LINK TO REGISTER: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oSE3Bv7HSYyAZbCiCU4QPg
ASL interpretation will be available. Participants are also invited to advise of any accessibility needs when they register. 
Many settler Canadians have expressed shock at the findings of ground penetrating radar at the sites of former residential schools across the country, which have revealed the remains of thousands of Indigenous children kidnapped by the colonial state from their homes and families and Nations. These horrifying “discoveries” are already known to Indigenous Nations attempting for years to get justice.
Justice as defined by the Canadian and international legal systems is far from adequate. Tamara Starblanket carefully prepared her master’s thesis on this issue, which became the book Suffer the Little Children: Genocide, Indigenous Nations, and the Canadian State (Clarity Press, 2018). Available from Octopus Books: https://octopusbooks.ca/shop?keyword=9780998694771
This powerful work turns the western legal system against itself despite the shortfalls of legal recourse that were founded in colonialism and imperialism. Yet, her work does demonstrate the Canadian state is culpable for genocide and violates international customary law. It explains in detail how the crime of genocide was conceptualized following World War 2 by the international community, how colonial countries, including Canada, sought to shield themselves against possible prosecution and sidestep the link between cultural genocide and colonialism.
Tamara Starblanket is Spider Woman, a Nehiyaw iskwew (Cree woman) from Ahtahkakoop First Nation in Treaty Six. Tamara holds an LLM (Master of Laws) from the University of Saskatchewan, and an LLB from the University of British Columbia. She is the Dean of Academics at Native Education College on the unceded lands of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations or what is commonly referred to as Vancouver, BC. Starblanket is the recipient of the 2020 Nora and Ted Sterling Prize in Support of Controversy for her book Suffer the Little Children: Genocide, Indigenous Nations and the Canadian State.
More info: https://amnesty.ca/what-you-can-do/events/#event=67793783;instance=20210930190000
5. Families of Sisters in Spirit Vigil 2021 ~ In Memory of Gladys Tolley ~ 20th anniversary – Monday, October 4, at 4:30PM
Vincent Massey Park
Hosted by Families of Sisters in Spirit
Honor & remember all Missing/Murdered Indigenous WGT2S.
Honor & remember all Missing/Murdered Residential School Children.
20th Anniversary of Gladys Tolley – MOM 
In Memory of Aileen Joseph 
6. What does the murder of activist Mariano Abarca-México say about Canadian government accountability? – Tuesday, October 5, 3:00PM
Hosted by MiningWatch Canada, Institute for Policy Studies, Projet Accompagnement Québec-Guatemala, GRITE UOttawa Territoires de l’extractivisme, and Canadian Foreign Policy Institute
ROUNDTABLE: Does the government have the right to deceive the public?
What does the murder of activist Mariano Abarca in Chiapas, México say about Canadian government accountability?
DATE: Tuesday, Oct 5, 2021
TIME: 12 pm PST / 3 pm EST
Platform: Zoom and Facebook live 
This event will be in English and Spanish; if you need interpretation REGISTER HERE (FOR FREE!): https://bit.ly/3hCLBbN
Moderator: Bianca Mugyenyi, Director, Canadian Foreign Policy Institute 
First hour: Economic Diplomacy
* Representative of the Abarca family from Chicomuselo, Chiapas, Mexico
* Charis Kamphuis, Justice and Corporate Accountability Project
* Jen Moore, Global Economy Program, Institute for Policy Studies
* Nicholas Pope, Lawyer on the case, Hameed Law, Ottawa
Second hour: Approaches to Enforcement
Reflections of expert panel
* Ketty Nivyabandi, Secretary-General, Amnesty International Canada
* Representative of Canadian Lawyers for International Human Rights
* David Yazbek, Lawyer, Centre for Freedom of Expression
Reflections of Soledad García Muñoz, IACHR Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, Cultural, and Environmental Rights
On November 27, 2009, Mariano Abarca was shot and killed in front of his family restaurant in Chicomuselo, Chiapas, in southern Mexico. Abarca had been a key leader in his community’s fight against the social and environmental impacts of a Canadian company’s mining operations. All of the suspects in his murder were connected to the Calgary-based company, Blackfire Exploration. There never has been a full, impartial investigation neither in Mexico nor in Canada.
This case has been brought to Canada because documents obtained through Access to Information show that the Canadian Embassy in Mexico supported Blackfire extensively in the lead up to and following the murder of Mariano Abarca. Embassy officials, the family’s lawyers argue, are implicated in his death. In February 2018, Canadian and Mexican organizations asked the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner (PSIC) to investigate the acts and omissions of the Canadian Embassy in Mexico that they believe contributed to putting Mr. Abarca’s life in danger.
The Commissioner refused to commence an investigation in April 2018, and the matter is now before the Federal Court of Appeal. The Federal Court upheld his decision, which is now before the Federal Court of Appeal. We are currently awaiting a hearing date, which could be announced at any time. This is the family’s final recourse to seek justice in Canada.
As such, this roundtable will discuss Canadian practice when it comes to embassies abroad and conflicts over Canadian mining operations, asking whether Mariano’s case is the pattern or an exception. We will also explore what policy Canadian officials should be expected to follow in such cases, and how Canada’s human rights obligations are fulfilled. Finally, do we have any way to hold public officials to account when things go wrong as they did for Mariano? And if not, what needs to change?
– Amnesty International-Canada
– Americas Policy Group (APG)
– Canadian Foreign Policy Institute (CFPI)
– Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability (CNCA)
-Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)
-Centre international de solidarité ouvrière (CISO)
– Committee for Human Rights in Latin America (CDHAL)
– Common Frontiers
– Human Rights Research and Education Centre – University of Ottawa
– Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) – Global Economy Program
– Interdisciplinary Research Group on the Territories of Extractivism (GRITE)
– Inter Pares
– KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives
– Mining Justice Action Committee (MJAC)- Victoria
– MiningWatch Canada
– People’s Health Movement – Canada- Extractives working group
– Projet Accompagnement Québec-Guatemala (PAQG)
– Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) Social Justice Fund – Rights Action
– Steelworkers Humanity Fund
Posted to punch up collective dot org
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hii!! how’re you doing?? i hope you’re doing well, if it’s not too much trouble, can i please request a smut scenario for which setsuno falls in love with a pro hero who’s been undercover in the shie hassaikai who also loves him back but knows how risky it is and confides in him telling him that they’re a hero and from there, things eventually escalate to doing the do in the base without trying to get caught?? sorry if it’s too specific, if it’s too confusing or if you need me to clarify anything then that’s fine!! ❤️
(Honestly if someone were to take this and turn it into a full on fanfic, I’d read the chapters like crazy)
-Toya Setsuno smut-
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Risky- full of the possibility of danger, failure, or loss
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Neither of you knew what you were doing but you both knew this had to be love. However, you got to this point from the wrong end of things. You were a pro and should’ve known better, but how could you let him go now? Going undercover to track the Hassaikai’s behaviors, being placed on his team, and getting to know everything about him first? It certainly didn’t help keeping you focused on work. Setsuno had went from being your first target, to your coworker, to your friend, to somewhat of a love interest but let’s be honest, you were partners now. For him, well he’d long since realized you were a spy by the way you interacted with him within the first 2 weeks of joining the yakuza. He was trained to root out any traitors (well him and Nemoto of course). He was going to sell you out until he had felt himself falling for you. This was a shocker on his end considering he figured his walls built around his heart were strong. The walls weren’t strong enough to withstand your laugh or your smile, or even the way you scoffed in annoyance sometimes at his awful jokes. When you finally revealed to him that you were a hero, he went ahead and fessed up that he already knew. From that point you figured you’d either leave and lie about any info you got on the Hassaikai, or he’d leave and sell out his own friends. None of that was going to happen so you were both stuck contemplating leaving together and starting a new life.
“Have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes are. I could get pretty lost in those (e/c) orbs of yours, y’know?” You rolled your eyes at his compliment and continued to work. “What trashy movie did you get that line from.” You teased while organizing some files. “Toya shouldn’t you be off on a mission today with Tabe and Hojo anyway?” You turned to watch him smirk and blush a bit. “Yeah well...” he paused to lock the door and slowly approached your desk. “I kinda stuck around for you. Do you think you could pay me back with a kiss?” He leaned down to your chair height and smiled sweetly. “If all you wanted was a kiss, why’d you lock the door?” You teased him as you leaned across the desk to meet his lips. When pulling away and mumbled quietly ‘privacy sake’.
“Privacy sake huh? I’ve known you long enough now and I can tell you’ve never been this bold with me before. If there’s something else you want then you should say it.” You smirked before standing up and moving to meet him on the other end of the desk. He smiled, stood up, and handed you a piece of paper from his pocket. “Go on, read it.” You tilted your head in confusion and unfolded the paper to begin reading. When finished, you gasped and looked at him. He was smiling widely with teary eyes by now. “I put in my 2 weeks notice a few days ago and I’ve been waiting to tell you. Maybe you should wait a while until after I leave before you put yours in. That way it won’t look fishy to the boss. Y/N, I really don’t know what kinda magic spell you put on me, but I’ll do anything to be by your side from now on...even if that means leaving all this behind.” Before he could say anything else, you pulled him into a pretty passionate kiss. A kiss that would warrant the door being locked right now. Just because his group was gone on a mission it doesn’t mean the other groups weren’t here. “Maybe a outta take this back to the apartment.” He tried to speak between breaths. “With 4 hours left before we can clock out? You try justifying leaving work this early.” You replied as you began buttoning down his shirt and loosening his tie. “Y/N you make a mess out of me.” He proceeded to take your clothes off as well. “Me make a mess out of you? You’re the one that pranced in her and started it first. You teased him a bit more. He smirked and gripped your shoulders to lead you until your backside hit the desk, forcing you to lean backward and lay atop your unfinished paper work. For someone a skinny as him, his strength wasn’t too bad!
“Condom???” He nodded at you and reached into his back pocket. “How long have you had that on you today? Did you plan this, Toya?” You loved teasing him because it was cute watching try to keep his composure when his face was extremely pink. “Hush, would you?” He mumbled as he started opening the small packet. 
Once all that was taken care of, he settled himself between your legs, gripping each leg and folding your knees into you as comfortably as he could without hurting you. He looked up at you and waited for consent to keep going. Once you nodded your head at him and gave him that caring smile, he slowly entered tip first. Inch by agonizingly slow inch, he pushed himself into you. He wasn’t even thrusting yet, but he already felt like he was nearly out of breath from the pleasure. Trying to keep someone as vocal as himself from moaning out or whining was a difficult task, but he somehow managed for now. “Y/N I’m...why are you so tight?” He whispered in disbelief. “Please oh my God Y/N, tell me I can move now. I’m begging you~” He begged silently with watery eyes. “Yes Toya~” That was all it took for him to pull all the way out slowly before slamming back into you once. He leaned down to bite at your neck and keep from moaning out. It wasn’t just difficult on is end either...You were also struggling with being quiet so you two wouldn’t be caught. His cock had a way with making you sing the most delicious of moans, so you needed to take your own precautions by biting the inside of your cheek in desperation to keep quiet. 
For a while he continued to pull out all the way and keep slamming back into you at once because the pace was preventing him just barely from whining, but eventually he couldn’t handle it any longer and neither could you. He finally stayed in, thrusting at a moderately fast pace and listening to the sound of skin slapping against skin in the dim office. Little moans, whispered, and whining bouncing off the walls as he brought the two of you closer and closer to each respective orgasm. “Y/N, pleeeeaaase~” You could tell he was close by the way he began to beg for release as if you were controlling the pace. “Please, please, please, ple-fuck pleeease I’m~” He quickly leaned back down to bite harshly at your neck before filling you nearly to the brim with his seed. Meanwhile you’d taken to biting his shoulder with the same harshness. 
Once everything had calmed down and the two of you caught your breath, he removed himself and started tidying up the sex mess you two created. You decided to do the same, and scurried to gather the papers that fell off the desk during your activities. “C’mon look...”You playfully glared at him as you pointed to the bite mark on your neck. “Ah that’ll fill out. It’s just a little indent. Besides, you did the same to me too y’know.” He pointed at his shoulder. “Uh yeah, but you can cover your mark with clothes. I can’t wear a scarf right now. It’s burning up down here!” He laughed at you and moved to place a loving kiss on your forehead. “I’m sure you’ll figure something out, hero.” He teased you, but there was nothing but love in those eyes making you even more eager to see what the future would hold for you two.
Instagram: @pastelbattydraws & @pastelbattystore
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRNMJH7vHL7APNobUykhK4w?view_as=subscriber
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beavercovehq · 4 years
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HANNA KATE RILEY was born on the 2ND OF MAY in the year 1993. They work as an ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGIST. HANNA’s pronouns are SHE/HER. fc: benedetta gargari { played by sam, 23, she/her, aest }
Hanna went vegetarian at 12 and vegan at 17. She’s been vegan for the last ten years only making exceptions for honey every so often and the occasional semi-disastrous mix up with cheese.
Her uncle is an avid conspiracy theorist, and while Hanna doesn’t subscribe to it as much as he does, she does give into a good conspiracy or cryptid very easily. She has a collection of Mothman Festival shirts from her uncle from over the years that make up a significant portion of her wardrobe (when she’s off work, of course).
As easily guessed by her career choice, Hanna is a big environmentalist. Besides her career the way she expresses that love for the planet the most is through her collection of plants. Both her home and her office are littered with them and she cares for them all very deeply. Not all have names but the ones that have been with her for a long time do (Darryl the Devil’s Ivy, Galina the Monstera, and Spike the Hedgehog Aloe just to name a few), she loves buying new plants but tries to limit herself for the sake of her coworkers and her live-in girlfriend.
She cannot drive, or at the very least she can’t drive well. Her guardians insisted she learn when she was 16 as a life skill she would likely need but she has avoided it as much as possible since she passed her test. She relies mainly on her bike, public transport, and if nothing else rides from those around her or ride share apps. She hasn’t been behind the wheel herself in at least 4 years.
A textbook old soul. She loves reading, puzzles, she can crochet she wants to get better at it. She doesn’t like social media, doesn’t understand it, only really has it for communication reasons and prefers calling over texting when she can’t meet face to face with someone.
Was your character born and raised here? If so- why haven’t they left town? If not- what brought them to town?
Hanna was not, she was born and raised in the small Wisconsin town of Cedarburg. She moved to Beaver Cove because of a job opportunity. A part of a research team monitoring natural ecosystems in the local area under the effects of climate change and various pollutions but also conducting impact reports and assessments.  Very fancy way of saying she collects samples and records their data. Before Beaver Cove she studied her masters in Environmental Science at the University of Toronto, following that by working as a part of an analyst team for environmental impacts on different developments. The offer in Nova Scotia was by scale a lot smaller but it was a lot more hands on and completely rounded, not just looking at numbers and reports day in and day out which was exactly the change Hanna wanted.
How does your character feel about the drownings? Do they think it’s accidental thing or a conspiracy? Please explain position.
She can’t help but lean a little more on the side of conspiracy. She has a suspicious mind and finds it hard to believe that it’s all purely coincidental. She thinks it’s tragic of course, and maybe the drownings themselves are accidental, but she thinks something more going on. However, while she is still relatively new in town, and her partner is part of the team investigating, she doesn’t want to stick her nose in and get them in trouble.
What is your character’s favourite thing or place about or around town? And why?
It may be obvious at this point but Hanna’s love lies in the environment. She loves spending time by the sea, whether it be the docks or out by the lighthouse, as well is wandering the different trails around town. On top of that, she’s a big, big sucker for the library. She loves libraries, loves books, and is always charmed by a well worn book under the yellow light of an old library light. Beyond that, she’s still new, she’s still figuring out the places she likes. Largely she prefers to prepare her own meals and not eat out too much but being in a new place there is a certain fun in discovering new places to eat, new things to do, and new places that will become regulars. Overall, if you look past the drownings (a horrible thing to say, i know), Hanna is incredibly charmed by Beaver Cove as a whole.
What was your character’s childhood like? Are they close with their family? Are they estranged? Do they have siblings? Are they adopted? Do they have a found family? Tell us about who they call family
Hanna’s family is complicated. She keeps it rather private as it’s just easier that way than explaining it. She’s an only child, and she was raised mostly by her paternal grandparents. When Hanna was too young to remember, her mother left her father, and also her. She still doesn’t know exactly what happened only that her father took it pretty hard. To help out, his parents largely took on the task of raising Hanna. They became her guardians and the people Hanna always thought of as her parents. As she’s gotten older she’s come to understand more about why that had to happen, but in truth there’s still a lot about her family that she doesn’t know and she doesn’t want to ask. She loves them, she’s very grateful for the life she’s had because of them, but in truth it wasn’t hard for her to leave for college and then move to Canda to chase her dream career. She has kept a lot of things from her family over the years and she is rather sentimental about them, but she wouldn’t go back unless she had to. She’s glad to be out of her home town and she is glad to have some significant distance between herself and her family. She considers her girlfriend a part of her family, or her found family, but not many others have maintained that level with Hanna. She’s not an easy person to get close to.
What is the first thing someone notices about your character?
Her resting bitch face. Maybe once she was as judgemental as she sometimes looks but she’s not anymore. She’s trying to unlearn the habit, and slowly it is getting there, her expressions are becoming softer, but seeing as it was a defence tactic as a teenager against bullies or anyone else in small town Wisconsin that might call her a stick in the mud its taking some time. And, you know, it’s still sort of handy when you don’t want anyone to speak to you on a bus.
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overheart · 4 years
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---------------------  you are so pure,  &  it has nothing to do with your eyes or your smile, everything to do with your heart, all torn  &  weathered on your shirt for the entire world to see,  (  so they can  t e a r  it up some more  ).  you are so GOLDEN,  &  i hear that you don't know how good you are  --  oh my, you are so good  --  because you cry when you get home most days,  &  you can't lift your body from the ground. is your body heavy from the people who have walked all over it ??   why did no one help you ??   you are so kind, so kind, so kind to everyone that you forget to be kind to yourself.
( trigger warning  -- parental abandonment/neglect, addiction/substance abuse, & overdose )
            please click  HERE  for her character stats   &    HERE  for her pinterest url.
--------------------  ✱ *:・゚✧   𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒊𝒓 .  
♥    richard ilaria met elizabeth belova at just fifteen years old  &  immediately knew that she was his once in a lifetime. elizabeth, however, disagreed. she came from a long lineage of wealth  &  old money. aside from this, she was also the most accomplished female in her grade  --  maintaining a perfect GPA while also captaining the cheerleading squad  &  performing 40+ hours of community service a week. short to say  --  she wasn’t the slightest bit interested. as the cliches go, she chose the football star instead whose father had invented some salad dressing that blew up in calabasas. this didn’t defer richard though  --  he decided to work ten times harder than the rest of his class so that he would get into an ivy league of his choice on a full ride. once there, school  &  grades were the only thing on his mind. valedictorian wasn’t enough for him either. he was destined for greatness. going to yale provided quite a lot of opportunities  &  connections - now he just had to discover one. luck decided to find its way to him shortly after graduation when he ran into one of his old peers in a bar. there, whilst reminiscing  &  knocking a few back, the two managed to set what would later be the foundations for text messages. this, of course, became a sensation. once richard had accumulated a mass sum of money  &  made ilaria a known name, he went back for elizabeth. the courting process was now made simple because he knew she only responded to green. the two were wed at the age of twenty-five in 1995.
♥    richard  &  elizabeth almost immediately ran into troubles after they tied the knot. due to this, it was seeming as though kids would not be an option in their cards. both struggled with infidelity, but it was a lot stronger on elizabeth’s side. elizabeth had also began to develop a dependent on alcohol  &  some other various prescriptions. however, in 1997, elizabeth began to sense a distinct difference in their atmosphere. he was going to leave her. so, she decided to take matters into her own hands: ruin all their contraceptives  &  stop taking her own birth control. months after this, when the year had hit 1998, eleanor ilaria would be born. the first of their lineage  &  the child intended to save the failing marriage of two people who were never meant to be with one another or with children. after two years came along another daughter,  this time a lot less maliciously planned, but rather for the genuine desire of another child as well as a companion for young eleanor. as eleanor seemingly had a negative connotation attached to her mere existence, elena unfortunately rose to the status of the golden girl in their household. the dynamics of their family were far from perfect, but she was.
♥    though the younger daughter, elena was almost immediately tasked with cleaning up after everyone’s catastrophes due to her extreme abilities to empathize with all those around her. her mother was too honest. when you’re young, your mother is on a pedestal  &  she’s your superhero. however, it was elena who would have to get her into bed with a glass of water after a binge drink. it was elena who would have to give her naloxone after she mixed too many pills with a bottle of wine. she became more of a mother to her mother, than she had been to her. throughout all this, her father was very absent due to “work” when in reality he could have devoted a little more time to his family. he hated elizabeth  &  the woman she grew to become. he could barely stomach being in the same room as her, & it was clear to all three of the girls. in many ways, it was almost like the girls grew up with no parents at all. but at least they had each others’ hands to hold, right ??
♥    from an early age, it was made known to elena that she was incredibly beautiful. when her mother began saying it at an early age, it was touching. but as the years grew on, resentment  &  bitterness filled the tone in her voice as she commented on her appearance. around the time puberty hit, there was a shift in the way the rest of the world treated her too. the hands of her fathers’ coworkers would slip just a little too low during a hug, or a family friends’ would rest a little too long on her thigh. at age eleven, she had her first kiss with the son of her mom’s friend. by the time she was twelve  &  a half, she had her first boyfriend. she swore she loved him, but he decided he didn’t like her soon after. many of her relationships would grow to a similar dynamic as the years went on.
♥    once fourteen rolled around, she lost her virginity to a boy she swore she loved. but again, he decided he didn’t like her much afterwards. that month her period came late  &  got one positive on a test from target that eleanor had bought for her. this time, eleanor took care of her  &  elena didn’t have the weight on her shoulders. they told their mom together, but as it turned out - it was just a false positive. her mother didn’t look at her the same after that. it was then that their mother decided she didn’t want any children in the house,  &  sent them off to marble hill preparatory. there was a twinge of hurt from their mother not wanting them as a burden when she had been a mess their entire life, but there was no denying the feeling of lessened responsibility now that they wouldn’t be stuck in that large, empty mansion. despite wanting to be nothing like their mother, she was still seeking endless approval.
♥    in many ways she flourished once in high school, finding that life had much more to offer. she found two of her strongest passions - cheerleading  &  fashion. she would subscribe to countless magazines  &  spend her spare time formulating collages of pieces she’d cut out from them. this was when she truly felt authentic  &  the world went quiet. if you’d ask eleanor - another one of her passions was boys. she swore she loved all of them, pouring herself out to each of them - but it seemed they were only really ever interested in one thing.  &  they all really liked the way that she looked. men dictated the way that her life ran to a degree. her father had always been absent  &  she was left to crave the attention of a man. still, her grades were average  &  she was social  &  sweet to all. but she never felt as though she was worth very much  --  aside from sex. their fleeting attention was better than nothing at all.
♥    when she was sixteen, there was one day that eleanor hadn’t been answering any of her texts  --  or anyone elses. the behavior was unlike her,  &  call it sister intuition - but she knew that something was morbidly wrong. she went to her dorm room  &  there her sister lay  -  unconscious  &  choked in a pool of her own vomit. they say that there are three responses to trauma - fight, flight, freeze. you’ll never really know which you are until you face one yourself. she stood frozen for what felt like unending hours but in reality were likely to be a few minutes before shrieking to the point that her vocal cords may have ripped. what ensued was a blur. her sisters survival was a miracle. this was the worst day of both of their lives - despite the pain  &  hurt, it brought them closer in the end ( which they didn’t know was possible ). the aftermath was both parents scolding elena for not keeping eleanor out of trouble when she knew what could happen. it didn’t matter  --  whatever occurred, they would always alter their views to blame someone else. it was a catch twenty-two.
♥    there was no fallout after,  &  things resumed almost akin to how they had previously aside from eleanor getting treated. she swore up  &  down it would never happen again - but elena had her doubts. they’d grown up watching their mom slowly deteriorate for years. where eleanor would try  &  try to fill the void with various substances, elena lived in a fantasy world where she used sex as her own means of escape. she would always be chasing that unreachable unrealistic form of love that she never had as an example growing up. where was her prince charming ??
♥    life beat on, time was unforgiving  &  the two sisters had been surrounded by tragedy. she felt as though her sister had distanced herself while also raising her arms over her in protection similar to that of a bird  &  their baby. the distance was for her safety, so she need not worry whether or not she was using  &  so she would not have to continue the pattern her sister had had with their mother. she would not follow in her footsteps. it was from that point that eleanor also resumed a more passionate role of the big sister for elena.
♥    getting accepted into hatchet university was exciting despite the lack of surprise surrounding it due to her family name  &  economic status. even if she was denied, her father would have coerced them into acceptance a la a new library. there she continued cheerleading  &  fashion - which were two of her favorite things in the entire world, but there was no denying that there was always something lacking. a piece of her missing. perhaps it was the parts of herself that she’d spent so long pouring out into others that now left her half full. 
    . . .  will happiness  &  love always be just over the horizon  --  seemingly in sight but never truly hers to own ?? 
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nebulous-frog · 5 years
Stand Proud
Summary: Dan finally got the job he’d always wanted: he was officially the newest curator at the Marquee Art Museum. He already had the perfect idea for his first exhibit and with the much-needed support of his coworker, Phil, he could make it a reality.
Word Count: 4645
Genre: Getting Together, AU, Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of homophobia (no actual homophobia though) 
Author’s Note: This is my work for the @phandomreversebang​! Big thank you to @vacationphan​ for betaing and being lovely and awesome! Also thanks to @yiffandquiff​, my artist! 
Link to AO3 Fics Masterlist
Walking into his new curatorial job for the first time, Dan felt extremely overwhelmed and underqualified. Sure, he wasn’t exactly new to museum work - he’d gone to school for years, done internships all over and worked his way up from a few museum historian jobs. When none of that was working fast enough for him, he started his YouTube channel about art and art history, gaining a few million subscribers quicker than he thought possible. Everything he’d done had been building up to curation, and every step of the way made him more sure that that was what he wanted, solidifying his love of museums and art. The journey had all been to prepare him for that goal, so he should have felt ready -this was what he’d been waiting for his whole life.
Dan couldn’t remember a time he hadn’t loved museums. They held overflowing knowledge and laid it all out in interactive exhibits for people to enjoy, and he’d always loved it. He learned so much about so many different things, with topics changing at each new museum he visited. He couldn’t get enough. His favourite, though, would always be art museums.
His earliest memory of going to an art museum he remembered with special fondness; his mother had dragged him along to one to spend time with a friend, but she didn’t expect him to like it. He was barely four years old, after all, so it didn’t seem likely that a quiet, dully-lit museum would hold his attention for long. In fact, she’d been hoping he wouldn’t like it so she would have an excuse to politely extract herself from the outing.
Alas, it wasn’t meant to be. The very first painting they saw had Dan enchanted. His mother’s friend was chattering on about something neither Howell cared about, but Dan paid her no mind. He just stared up at the painting, in absolute awe of the colours and shapes. When his adult companions tried to move on to the next painting, he wailed, devastated at the thought of having to leave behind something so beautiful. Finally, his mother managed to pick him up and carry him farther into the exhibit before stopping at another painting with her friend. Dan’s tears ceased, eyes widening, as he took in the sight of this new art.
The painting was of waves crashing in a storm out at sea, a small boat fighting to stay upright in the distance. The canvas was textured with all the layers of paint, and a fascinated Dan reached out to touch it, but his mother was holding him too far away. He kept his arm outstretched despite the failure to actually touch, too fixated on the art to notice.
For the next several hours, the trio slowly made their way through a few exhibits, stalled by Dan’s wonderment (much to his mum’s chagrin). He wouldn’t remember any of the paintings later, only the feelings of absolute awe and joy that accompanied each piece of art.
And that was just the beginning of Dan’s art museum experience. Art museums became his favourite place. He’d visit the one nearest to his home any spare moment he had and insisted on exploring new ones in all the cities his family travelled to.
So now, as he finally became a curator at an art museum twenty-three years later, he could not have been more thrilled. The Marquee Art Museum had seen his YouTube videos delving into the history of modern art pieces and decided he was perfect for their new curatorial position. His job would be to curate galleries specifically targeted towards the next generation of museum-goers. They even encouraged him to maintain the channel he loved so much, rather than insisting he quit to focus solely on his work at the museum.
It wasn’t a very big museum, but it all felt so intimidating. Dan was in charge of things now and he’d be working with people- not just that, people would be working for him. Following the receptionist through the museum to the director’s office, he could feel the pressure building. The galleries looked amazing already, so anything Dan added to the legacy would have to be equally as amazing. He hoped he was up to the task.
As it turned out, he wouldn’t have to be up to it immediately, at least not on his own. The museum director explained how his first few months would progress as soon as he got to her office.
“Since this is your first job in curation, I felt it best that you have a guide,” she began. “I have every faith in your ability, but I want this to be as smooth a transition as possible for you. Our curator of photography, Phil Lester, currently has the least on his plate, so he’ll be helping you acclimate. He’s a lovely chap, so I’m sure you’ll get on beautifully.”
Dan felt his heart leap in his chest. Phil Lester was a YouTuber like Dan, posting mostly content about museums, but while Dan covered art history, Phil talked about his experiences in museums as both an employee and a visitor. Dan had been following and adoring him for ages, but they’d never met; he was fairly certain Phil didn’t even know he existed. But now they were going to be working together, which was both exciting and terrifying.
His boss shuffled some papers around on her desk, finally finding a file and handing it over to Dan, unaware of the internal freak-out Dan was experiencing. “This has information about what I expect your schedule to be for your first gallery, as well as budget information. Phil will help you look through our art database and come up with a plan. Any questions?”
Dan shook his head. “I think I’ve got it.”
She smiled. “Great. Well, that’s all I have for you for now, so I’ll have Louise take you first to your desk and then over to Phil.”
As Dan left her office and followed Louise, he felt the anxiety rising once more. The pressure of starting this new job was not at all helped by the fact that Dan was about to meet someone he respected and looked up to so much. He’d met other YouTubers before and they could be such snobs sometimes, so he was doubly anxious about meeting Phil. But as soon as Dan saw him, he knew Phil’s internet persona was his real personality and they’d hopefully become fast friends. There was something about the brightness of his eyes and the easiness of his smile that reassured Dan.
“Phil, this is Dan Howell, the new curator.”
Dan gave an awkward wave. “Hey, good to meet you. I’ve seen some of your videos - big fan.”
“Oh, really?” Phil said brightly. “I was about to say the same to you!”
A flush of pride washed over Dan. “Thank you! It means a lot.”
Louise coughed awkwardly, reminding them she was still there. “Well, I’ll let Phil take over from here so I can get back to my own job. Lovely meeting you, Dan!”
Soon after, they were sitting at Dan’s desk. Phil quickly helped Dan pull up the collections database on his computer.
“Alright, Dan. What do you have in mind so far?”
He’d been anticipating this question since he’d gotten the job, but he still had no answer. He knew what his dream gallery would be about, but he wasn’t quite ready to commit to any true ideas without knowing what he had at his disposal. He also wasn’t sure he was ready to share something so personal with someone he’d only just met, especially if his idea was rejected on the first day of his dream job and by someone whose work he admired so much.
“I’ve got a few vague ideas in mind, but I need to browse through some art first, I think. If that’s okay, I mean.”
Phil smiled at him, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “That’s totally fine! Do you want to start anywhere in particular, or shall I choose? Fair warning, though: I’ll probably start with photography.”
Dan chuckled. “Works for me.”
For the next few hours, Phil sat with Dan as he scrolled through the database, chiming in with fun facts about the art as they went. Sometimes it would be interesting historical tidbits, but more often than not it would be funny comments on what the subject of the art was thinking.
As time went on, Dan saw enough of the kind of art he was looking for that his ideas started to coalesce into a unified theme that he could work with. A particularly inspiring photo finally pushed him over the edge, comforting him enough to make him feel safe sharing his ideas with Phil.
“I’d really love to do a gallery of queer art,” Dan blurted, interrupting Phil’s latest strand of artist facts. “Like, LGBT+, not weird art,” he clarified as Phil remained silent.
Phil’s eyes were wide with surprise, and for a moment Dan was worried he’d made friends with a homophobe. But then a grin slowly spread across Phil’s features.
“I can’t believe I never thought of doing that! That’s brilliant!”
Dan let out a relieved sigh. “You really think so?”
Phil nodded enthusiastically. “Of course! What a great way to involve and inspire young adults in the arts! Do you have any more specific thoughts yet, or is it just that so far?”
Clicking a button to bookmark the photo on the database, Dan shrugged, then turned to shyly look at Phil. “Well, I’ve actually been thinking about this for years. As a gay man, I’ve always wanted to see an exhibit of queer art, so I’ve been considering what I might do to curate one for a long time.” He paused, trying to make it seem like he was simply gathering his thoughts before continuing, when in reality he was attempting to gauge Phil’s reaction to his sexuality. He figured Phil wouldn’t react poorly, given his support of the gallery idea so far, but he also knew from experience that he could never be too careful.
When Phil offered a beaming smile of encouragement, Dan smiled back and relaxed, launching into the meat of his idea. “I want to have this gallery feature as many queer artists as possible and all the art should be about a range of topics within the queer experience,” Dan described, confidence growing as he spoke. “Some of it should be political, some of it should be art for art’s sake, some should describe coming to terms with being queer, and some should just show queer people being happy.” He stared at the picture he still had up on his screen. “Happy like this.”
The picture was a black-and-white photograph of two men dancing together, maybe a waltz, totally lost in each other’s eyes and smiling so fondly that Dan ached to be in love.
When Dan shook himself out of his reverie, he found Phil smiling at him and had to shake himself again; surely, Phil couldn’t be that fond of him already.
“I really love this idea. I’m gay, too, by the way, so I think it would be great to get some more concentrated representation out there. I’m pretty sure I know of some pieces that would fit already, if you want?”
Dan grinned. He was about to begin the process of curating his dream gallery and it would be by, for, and featuring members of the LGBT+ community. He couldn’t wait.
For the next few weeks, Dan and Phil were hard at work refining the theme of the gallery and compiling the art for each part. They rarely disagreed on their creative decisions, which was truly a blessing, but when the occasional disagreement arose they easily remained level-headed and could talk through the issue until a compromise was found.
In the second week, Phil suggested they hang out after work and get to know each other better outside the context of the museum, so they headed to Dan’s flat. A Chinese takeaway dinner and some Ribena later, and they were battling intensely in Mario Kart and laughing hysterically. For the first time in a while, Dan felt perfectly content.
Dinner and Mario Kart nights continued on, mostly as a weekend tradition after the third week.
That was when Phil offered to collaborate with Dan on a few YouTube videos, one for each of their channels. Dan, of course, agreed immediately, so they planned to film on the weekend. Neither of them worked at the museum on weekends, which left them with plenty of time to film and then chill for a while, their friendship growing stronger by the minute.
Back at the museum, the gallery plans were progressing well. Every so often, the significance of what they were putting together would hit one of them. Dan would lean back in his chair, an excited smile growing on his face, wondering at how he’d managed to get to this point.
He’d grown up with such little positive representation and had always desperately craved something, anything to reassure him that being himself was perfectly okay. He couldn’t go back in time and fix his childhood, but he could be a source of hope for young people now, and that meant so much to him.
But Dan already knew how significant this would be. How could he not? He’d been thinking about curating a gallery like this for over a decade by now. What really warmed his heart was when Phil had moments like that.
The first time it happened, they’d been poring over stacks of photographs by queer artists when Phil froze halfway through lifting one off the pile.
“Phil? Are you okay?”
Phil blinked, his eyes wide and fixed on the next picture he could see.
“I- It’s- It’s just that, well- This is going to sound totally ridiculous, but this picture feels really important. I’m not sure what it is about it, but I know it’s important.”
Dan rolled his chair down the table closer to him to take a look at the photo Phil had just uncovered. In the photograph were two men, faces close together. They’d clearly just been kissing, but they were grinning too much to kiss now.
After a few moments of silence, Phil spoke again.
“I can’t stop thinking about how this could help someone, you know? How it could even be life-changing. In a good way, I mean.”
Dan felt his heart clench. It wasn’t only him; Phil saw the value of what they were putting together and knew they were making a difference. It felt so good to know he wasn’t alone.
“People are gonna see this and know that being gay doesn’t have to be a bad thing. You can be gay and still be happy like anyone else,” Phil continued. “I don’t think enough people have been told that. I wasn’t told that; I had to figure it out myself.”
It hurt to hear Phil say that. He didn’t sound sad, necessarily, but he said it so matter-of-factly that it was like an emotional slap to the face for Dan. It meant that, at some point in his life, Phil hadn’t known that he could be happy being gay. Dan could relate, but the last thing he wanted was for Phil to feel that way, too, and he was so glad it seemed that Phil had learned since then, whenever it was.
After a quiet moment, Dan softly replied, “Add it to our pile.” He gestured between the photo and the stack of pictures they’d already agreed should be in the gallery. If this photo meant something to Phil, it would mean something to some teenager that wanders through the gallery. “I think this exhibit will do that, too. But I hope it does more. Like, this will be some good representation for LGBT+ visitors to see but it’ll show people who aren’t all that aware of the community the same things.” He absentmindedly straightened a photo that had been bumped before continuing, “This whole thing will basically say, ‘Queer people exist. Choosing not to accept them is not an option.’”
Phil hummed in agreement, already picking up the next picture. “Write that down, we should put it on a text panel somewhere.”
Dan laughed and pulled out his phone to put it in a note. “Saved for later.”
“Good.” Phil nodded, then looked at Dan, a soft smile on his face. “I’m glad to be working on this with you.”
A blush coloured Dan’s cheeks and he found it difficult to hold Phil’s gaze but did long enough to offer a shy smile and a mumbled “Thanks” before rolling his chair back to his spot.
After all their planning, the exhibit technicians made quick work of putting everything in place. The night before the opening of the gallery, Dan and Phil checked everything one last time.
It was always hard to get people to follow the “proper” order of the exhibit without flat-out putting numbers, but Dan had made peace with that. Not everyone would experience the exhibit in the same way anyway, so there was no point getting upset over the struggles of enforcing exhibit wayfinding. But he and Phil had curated the exhibit with a specific visitor path in mind, so Dan followed it one more time, experiencing his exhibit as he’d intended.
He started out turning to the left directly inside the gallery and stopping in front of the introductory panel, “Stand Proud” painted on the wall in bold letters. Unlike much of the text in the gallery, Dan had written that panel himself, running it by the museum educator before it was finalized. It talked about the importance of representation and how everyone has a different life story, but this exhibit sought to highlight some of the key unifying factors of the queer experience.
If this exhibit helps even one person, the text concluded, we will consider it an enormous success.
Next, Dan moved through the first section of the exhibit, which featured art that told the personal narratives of the artists. Some of it was abstract, showing only vague colours meant to symbolize different phases of life, while some of it was hyperrealistic, depicting detailed tableaus of the ups and downs.
When they were working through the details, Dan and Phil had agreed that as much as they wanted to make the gallery all about the happy parts of being queer, they had to be true to real life, and that meant art about homophobia. They limited this part to a smaller corner of the exhibit, as much as was possible, because they knew how easy it was for queer narratives to be consumed by the negativity. Dan wanted to acknowledge that negativity as a vital part of identity formation, but he refused to let it control or define the exhibit - or queerness - as a whole.
The second section of the exhibit was art of queer people just being queer. There were paintings of same-sex couples, parodies of famous works but gayer, photographs of same-sex weddings and dates and kisses, and queer domestic scenes just like any other era of art might have with couples and families. It was a celebration and normalization of the joy queer people have the capacity to know. This was Dan’s favourite section.
The third and final section was all about pride. Pride flags, pride parades, pride colours, proud defiance of the society that had worked so hard to deny even the existence of the LGBT+ community for generations. This art was like a living thing, practically screaming “We’re Here! We’re Queer!”
On the wall near the exit to the exhibit were a blank canvas and an array of markers. Next to the canvas was a panel explaining the intention: direct interaction with the exhibit. The canvas was for signatures of the people that came through the gallery, be they queer or an ally. A second panel was nearby to summarize the exhibit; Dan had written this one, too. He wanted a personal message to tell people that their identities were valid and could not be stripped away.
The future is clear: It’s pretty queer.
Dan stared at what he had written for a long moment before Phil joined him.
“It all looks amazing to me,” Phil whispered. “What do you think?”
What did Dan think? He couldn’t say. He was too overwhelmed to think. All he knew was that it was perfect, so he just nodded.
“Then how about we put in the finishing touch, hm?” Phil gestured to the canvas. “After you.”
Dan nodded again and approached the bucket of markers, pulling out as many different colours as possible. In rainbow order, he wrote “Daniel Howell”, then stepped back so Phil could do the same with his own name.
When he was done, Phil put the markers back and walked to the front of the exhibit to speak with the exhibit technicians, still anxiously waiting for approval. Dan barely registered the movement, instead letting his feet carry him back to the middle section of the exhibit as if in a trance.
The black-and-white photograph of the men waltzing, the photograph that had captured Dan’s eye and reassured him enough to create all of this, rested in a neat frame. A happy moment in time, captured for future generations to see.
In the background, Dan was dimly aware of the sound of Phil dismissing the technicians for the night and footsteps. A few moments later, Phil’s shoulder brushed against his own.
They stared at the photograph in silence for a long while. Dan’s expression was completely blank as he drowned in his emotions and thoughts until he finally spoke.
“As a teenager, this would have been exactly what I needed. The photo, I mean. Just this small promise that there’s hope out there for someone like me.”
Phil nodded but didn’t say anything. Dan continued after a short pause.
“I was so alone back then. I didn’t understand anything that was going on and I was terrified. This picture sort of reminds me of that, I guess. But not in a bad way.” Dan bit his lower lip, then slowly rolled it back out from between his teeth. “I’m infinitely happier now than I was then, I think, so seeing this now and remembering back then has me recognizing how much better it’s gotten. I had no hope then, but I’m essentially living what I would have hoped for.” The first of many tears rolled down Dan’s cheek as he turned his head to look at Phil.
Phil was already looking at him, eyes soft and lips turned up in a small smile. He reached out a hand and brushed away the tears.
“Thank you, Phil,” Dan choked out, then cleared his throat. He would get through this and say what he had to say. “You’ve been so helpful throughout this whole process. This exhibit is a dream come true and I can’t imagine having done it without you.”
“Oh, Dan,” Phil whispered, slipping his hand into Dan’s. “Thank you for letting me be part of something so important and personal to you. It’s been an honour, truly.”
A sob escaped Dan’s lips and Phil cooed. He gently tugged Dan forward into a hug, running a hand through curls as he tucked Dan’s face into his neck.
It was a while before Dan calmed down enough to step out of the hug, but eventually he noticed the cramp in his back from bending and leaning into Phil and had to stop.
“Let’s go ‘round mine for some hot chocolate, yeah?” Phil offered, and Dan nodded his agreement with a weak smile.
Not long later, they were giggling as they clambered awkwardly out of a cab, still holding hands since the gallery. They had to let go to make the chocolate and get comfortable on Phil’s sofa, but Dan replaced the hand-holding with cuddling right up into Phil’s side, his head resting on Phil’s chest and his feet curled up beneath him.
They sipped their hot chocolates quietly for a while, placing the empty mugs on the coffee table when they were done. Dan supposed he should probably get off of Phil and head home, but he couldn’t make himself move. He was entirely too comfortable and enjoyed Phil’s company too much to get up now.
Phil seemed to feel the same way, as he snaked his arms around Dan and pulled him closer. Dan’s brown eyes met Phil’s blue ones and he forgot how to breathe. Phil’s eyes were trained on his own with the fondest expression he’d ever seen, and then they dropped down to his lips briefly before returning to his eyes. For a tense moment, Dan thought nothing would come of it, but then he saw Phil lean in slowly, eyelids drifting closed, and their lips met softly in the middle. They parted after only a few seconds.
Dan knew that they’d have to talk, figure out what this was, but for now all that mattered was how much he liked Phil and how much Phil clearly liked him.
Dan cried again when they opened the gallery the next day. He couldn’t help it; it was his major curatorial debut and he’d gone and done something extremely personally significant. He couldn’t keep his emotions under control in the slightest and it was horrifically embarrassing. Phil was standing very close next to him and was in the prime place to witness Dan’s breakdown, but he still hoped that Phil wouldn’t notice. Of course, he was never that lucky.
Moments after the first tear rolled down Dan’s cheek, a hand brushed against his own. Surprised, Dan turned to look but immediately cursed himself; he’d just faced Phil directly and now there’d be no hiding his embarrassment.
He looked away again as fast as possible and pretended to be intensely focused on fixing the rainbow flag pin on his lapel.
“Hey,” Phil murmured, leaning in to make sure Dan could hear. “It’s okay.” His fingers slipped between Dan’s so they were holding hands and squeezed gently.
Another fat tear escaped. “No, I’m just being ridiculous. I already did this yesterday and-”
“No way,” Phil insisted. “I cried for my first exhibit, too. This has been building for you for years, it’s okay to show a little emotion.”
Dan swallowed thickly, careful not to choke out his response. “It’s not just about it being my first exhibit, though. You know that. I’m caught up in thinking about how much I would have loved this growing up, and the people this could help now that it’s here and-” he took a shuddery breath. “It means a lot.” He glanced back at Phil through his lashes, not quite willing to look at him directly yet.
A soft smile played at Phil’s lips, one that told Dan that he understood completely.
“I’m so proud of you,” Phil whispered.
Those few words broke the dam and suddenly tears were streaming down Dan’s face, uncontrollable.
“I’m- I-” Dan squeaked. “I need a minute.” He pulled his hand out of Phil’s and raced to the nearest toilet, hiding away to regain control of his emotions.
He’d been so busy recently that he hadn’t had the time to process anything. The last month had been absolutely frantic, full of throwing together the final key parts of the exhibit and swapping things around and navigating this growing relationship with Phil. It had finally all caught up to him, slapping him in the face with so many realizations and feelings that it was hard to make sense of it all.
All he could say for certain was that he was happy. Obnoxiously, blindingly happy.
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is6621 · 6 years
Agile and work from home:  Shifting paradigms in the modern workplace By Scott Wimberly
There are two paradigms in the modern workplace that are on a collision course:  Agile development and remote work environments.  The most recent trend in software development is Agile project management which is an iterative development approach utilizing self-organizing teams.  Work from home, or the remote workplace, is the practice of employees working by connecting to company networks while not located at a central office space.  In the financial technology sector, these two paradigms have collided hard with traditional management styles.
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Agile Methodology
           Agile as a methodology largely revolves around self-organizing teams of high performers who hold themselves and each other to very high standards and iterate development on a regular cadence.  People over process is a common utterance in Agile circles.  Agile has gained traction in technology companies that need to deliver results (product) to customers in a timely manner on a regular basis.  In fact, Agile development is tightly intertwined with the subscription model because companies are pushing frequent updates in order to keep subscribers happy rather than pushing out a boxed product as a one-time sale.  
           In Agile, the quality of your people is paramount because teams are self-organizing.  The process is not designed around a strict hierarchy that holds individual contributors accountable to managers and managers to directors.  Self-organizing teams do not have a direct manager per se. Rather, they are accountable to each other, to the team, and collectively responsible for their productivity.  Self-organizing teams require an extraordinary amount of trust from management.  While there are metrics to measure productivity, Agile teams are ultimately responsible for and measured by what they produce and whether deadlines are met for each iteration.  People are more important than the process so you need very high performing contributors to make it work effectively and efficiently.  
           Agile is also an iterative philosophy or approach. This means that rather than define the entire project up front, a roadmap is generally written that roughly plans out work to be done in stages with each stage building upon those that came before.  An iterative approach means you will make mistakes.  These mistakes are expected but not always anticipated.  Managers hate mistakes because they mean wasted time and resources so iteration is definitely not the most efficient way to build. However, the real key to Agile is a proper understanding of need rather than want.  Henry Ford, once said “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said ‘faster horses.”  That adage holds true in Agile because each iteration is part of the discovery on a path to solve the problem of what the customer needs rather than an attempt to deliver what the customer asked for.  This is a critical distinction because it requires far more analysis and thought than simply recording requests and developing to them.  
In the big design up-front model, the customer purchases the product once. Responding to customer wants and trends is important because you want to make that initial sale but there is much less pressure to deliver on any additional promises down the road.  In fact, companies like Microsoft plan obsolescence and stop supporting older products in an effort to plan obsolescence and force customers to purchase new products and platforms.  However, in the subscription model, it is now necessary to keep that customer happy from month to month or annually so they keep paying the subscription fee.  If development merely responds to customer wants in the moment, they will always be behind and the business will suffer.  The goal is to understand customer needs with proper analysis in order to get ahead of the curve.
One of Agile’s other features is co-location, or the thought that groups of workers are more productive when they all work in the same location.  Co-location can be important for self-organizing teams because team members tend to hold each other accountable with a form of peer pressure that is difficult to replicate over the phone.  Communication and ideation are also assumed to be more efficient face-to-face, with team members driving and cheering each other on when in direct contact.  This all lines up GREAT with those traditional managers who were skeptical of this crazy idea in the first place because now they can keep a close eye on their developers to make sure they are really working not off playing ping pong.  
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The Remote Workplace
Wave after wave of studies have touted the benefits of work from home policies to both employees and employers.  In fact, in a booming economy where many employers find themselves forced to compete for workers, many workers are demanding flexible work arrangements.  In fact, many job seekers are making work from home a condition of employment.  Remote workers are often more productive and happier with less stress who can live further from the office and afford to live on have lower salaries.  Policies can differ in frequency and can be simply as needed, a single day each week, several days a week or even every day in a complete remote workplace.  The key is that the employee is able to perform their job responsibilities while at a location of their choosing.
 For the employee, working from home can have a multitude of benefits.  The simple obvious benefit of not leaving the house to commute results in a plethora of connected, up-front cost savings: Gas, wear & tear on the vehicle, reduced need for multiple vehicles, reduced babysitting costs, save money on lunch by making it in lieu of eating out, and possible tax implications if the employee spends enough time working from home.  Not being stuck in traffic commuting into a major metropolitan area also reduces stress, increase time available for life outside work, as well as reducing exposure to environmental pollution.  
Employers are able to benefit from the remote workplace as well or this would be a much harder sell.  Many employers are able to reduce the office space necessary for their work force when offering work from home, directly reducing their fixed costs per employee. If employees remote in to the corporate network with their own machines, employers can also virtualize those computers on a server rather than purchasing laptops or computers for each employee, further reducing costs.  Another option is called hoteling, where employees share a work space on alternating days when they are in the office, further reducing the footprint necessary to house a work force.
In colder months, remote workplaces effectively quarantine employees and retard the spread of the flu.  Sick employees can also be more productive working from home while sick, conserving their energy for important tasks rather than wasting it on commuting.  In fact, the CDC estimates that the direct cost of the flu every year is “$4.6 BILLION dollars… [and that] approximately 17 million workdays are lost at an estimated $7 BILLION a year in lost productivity.” These are all great reasons to work from home.  Employees working from home can afford to work for a lower salary due to the cost savings mentioned above.  Happier workers are a proven key to higher retention and a stable workforce is important to the success of a successful enterprise.
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There can be challenges too though, this isn’t all rainbows and unicorns for the workers:  Many people who work from home the majority of time report feeling isolated, lonely, and detached from their coworkers.  Isolation and depression can reduce productivity and cause conflict with co-workers.  Resentment can build up between remote and in-office workers as well, leading to poor working relationships and additional conflict.  This can be difficult to solve because efforts to offset isolation usually involve going into the office to interact face-to-face for meetings or coaching and that sort of runs counter to the concept of working from home.
           The Financial Technology sector or “FinTech” as it is often called, is still largely populated with management from traditional financial institutions.  These people are (in part, not entirely) baby boomers who believe that the way to succeed is hard work, long hours, and tons of face time.  Tons and tons of face time.  Well, face time requires being in the office and more than that, if I can’t see you, then how do I know you are working?  How can I stop by your desk and give you something to do?  Am I paying you to walk your dog?  A reason those old-style managers require face time and constantly check in on workers is that their traditional working groups aren’t generally high performers.  Now that may be because those workers simply aren’t talented and motivated enough but often it is the result of a lack of trust that they could succeed without being constantly monitored.  Given enough trust, who knows how productive those workers could be?
The key is to figure out how Agile and the remote workplace can coexist in an evolving environment.  A whole host of technologies are available or being developed for teams like video conferencing, chat tools, email, and SharePoint sites.  These tools can reduce isolation, improve communication, enhance teamwork, and even simulate the office environment.  In fact, there are quite a few tools available expressly to enhance virtual collaboration:  Slack, Trello, Basecamp, and Wrike to name a few.  Choosing the correct tool for your environment and implementing it successfully are crucial to making these two paradigms work together in the modern workplace.
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starmarketingz · 3 years
Steps for Your First Week in Your Home Business - The 7 Wonders of MLM
I was just speaking with a couple of my coworkers, answering their questions about the first steps in their home-based enterprises. As soon as we got off the phone, I performed some quick research and discovered that there isn't as much information for those of us who are new to Network Marketing as you might think. Many of the gurus frequently guide and direct us toward making our first million—and beyond. That's fantastic. But, when I initially started, I was anxious and worried, wanting to make my first $100 or $500 in our wonderful profession.
The second point of view is that most of the powerful organisations in the MLM market provide excellent training for their new reps, which is correct. But, every now and then, it's wonderful to hear the news from beyond your company's walls, so let's get started.
So you're a brand-new representative. If you started your home business today or yesterday, or even a week or a month ago, you must believe that today is the first day of your venture. Now, here are the 7 MLM Wonders. In the sense that there is nothing to substitute for action, I use the word "wonders" cynically. But that is precisely the goal. When we first start, many of us experience the "Now What?" syndrome. We prepare by talking to our upline, listening to calls, and getting hyped up. But we're not sure what we're supposed to do at the back of our minds or deep in our hearts. So we figure that if we behave enthusiastically and inform a few people we know, the business will come together. There is some bad news. That isn't going to work. There is good news. This is a doable task. These are the seven wonders:
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1) Outline your WHY. It is an abbreviation for What Has You. Spend 10 minutes in complete stillness, with no distractions, reflecting on why you are devoted to working for yourself from home, despite ups and downs, criticism and discouragement.
2) Finish your company training. Do the training programme regardless of how much you know about your product or service. Do it if it means listening to 10-hour-long conference calls. If it requires a 10-foot binder full of product information that you're meant to read, do so. The point is that we must be coachable in order to be successful in this sector, so take the necessary training steps to learn everything you can about your product and service.
3) Select, write, or copy a script. That's correct. When we speak with prospects, we must follow a script. Half the reason rookie reps avoid talking to individuals is that they don't know what to say. Half of the reason individuals don't join our company is because they believe they can't possible know all the person on the other end of the phone is telling them—unaware that the person presenting to them is following a script. Make use of one. If you're a natural presenter, that's fantastic, but chances are your team members aren't.
4) Establish a target date for your first income level or pin level.
5) Create a timetable. Do not scoff. You must commit to getting to work at the same hour every day. Make a commitment to yourself to show up every day, whether it's for 6 hours or 90 minutes. Consistency in prospecting and marketing will follow your flawless scheduling practises if you are consistent with your timetable. When I first started my business, I committed to working from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. every day, Monday through Friday. Because I had a steep learning curve, these hours did not make me a millionaire. They did, however, keep me interested in the game and earning a few dollars here and there.
6) Prepare your table. That's right. Your company is a table, and the legs are the marketing tactics you choose and implement throughout time to advertise your products, services, and opportunities. For example, you could choose to place a tiny newspaper ad, distribute flyers, create a social media campaign, and participate in a lead coop as your four marketing techniques. Another representative could choose from the following options: posting free classifieds, holding small house meetings, starting and maintaining a blog, and acquiring leads. The point is that everything works—but only if you do it consistently and on a regular basis.
7) Begin a personal growth plan. As the great Jim Rohn once stated, "to create more, you must become more," therefore devote 10 to 30 minutes per day to personal growth. I propose starting with something basic, such as reading 20 minutes of Napoleon Hill each day or listening to 30 minutes of Dani Johnson CDs in the drive each day—or something similar. I conduct the most of my personal development work while travelling and waiting for my son to finish his numerous activities.
So we can see that the miracles aren't so marvellous after all—but they do work if you put your mind to it. And, perhaps, within the next week or two, you'll be directing your first of many new reps to this page. So let's get this party started.....
Winnie has been running an internet home-based business (with the same company) for more than 5 years. She's learnt from her mentors that there are no shortcuts, but there are learning curve shortcuts you can take advantage of, and she's here to help you achieve just that.
Go to [http://www.winnieworksathome.com] for free, results-oriented articles, suggestions, and tools, and subscribe to her RSS feed to stay up to date.
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This content originally appeared on Linkedin Pulse - the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.
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steamclever640 · 3 years
Microsoft 365 For Mac Support
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Microsoft 365 For Mac Support
Microsoft Office 365 For Mac Support
Microsoft 365 For Mac Help
Microsoft 365 For Mac Free Download
Microsoft 365 For Mac Support Phone Number
Segoe UI Font Support for Mac The Segoe UI font family is the official font for Microsoft and is used throughout Office 365 (including SharePoint). The font is included with all Windows and Office 365 installs for PCs; however, it is not included in Office 365 for Mac installs. Microsoft Teams is now integrated with Outlook for Office 365 for Mac, allowing you to create Teams meetings directly within Outlook. It also allows you to view, accept, join meetings either in Outlook for Mac or Teams. To schedule a Teams meeting in Outlook for Mac, switch to Calendar view.
Microsoft 365 For Mac Support
This article applies to both Office 365 Enterprise and Microsoft 365 Enterprise.
Modern Authentication enables Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL)-based sign-in for Office client apps across different platforms. This enables sign-in features such as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), smart card, and certificate-based authentication.
Learn more about multi-factor authentication and certificate-based authentication.
Supported platforms
Windows 10 Desktop
Windows 10 Modern Apps
Web browsers1
For more information about platform support in Office 365, see System requirements for Office 365.
Supported clients
The latest versions of the following clients support modern authentication:
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Access Azure Portal Company Portal Delve Dynamics 365 Edge Excel Flow Forms Kaizala Office.com Office 365 Admin Office Lens OneDrive OneNote Outlook Planner PowerApps Power BI PowerPoint Project Publisher Sharepoint Skype for Business1 StaffHub Sticky Notes Stream Sway Teams To Do Visio Whiteboard1,2 Word Yammer Yammer Notifier
Supported PowerShell modules
Azure AD PowerShell Exchange Online PowerShell SharePoint Online PowerShell
1 Support for Whiteboard and Skype for Business on web app available soon. 2 Support for Whiteboard on Android available soon.
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See also
Last week, Outlook for Mac released two highly requested features designed to help you get more done, quickly. First, we added support for the Touch Bar for MacBook Pro users. Through the Touch Bar, we intelligently put the most common inbox, formatting and view commands at your fingertips—all based on what you’re doing in Outlook.
Additionally, we’re bringing your favorite apps to your inbox with add-ins for Outlook for Mac. Whether it’s translating emails on the fly or updating your notes or project board, you will now be able to accomplish all this and more right from your inbox. These add-ins are also available across Outlook for Windows, iOS and the web, so your favorite apps are always there to help you accomplish tasks quickly.
Here’s a look at what’s new!
Intuitive commands at your fingertips with Touch Bar support in Outlook for Mac
The Touch Bar in Outlook intelligently provides quick access to the most commonly used commands as you work on email and manage your calendar. When composing a new mail or meeting request, the Touch Bar displays the common formatting options. When viewing your calendar, you can switch between different views. And when viewing the reminders window, you can join an online meeting with one tap on the Touch Bar.
https://steamclever640.tumblr.com/post/657538775727128576/pirate-bay-microsoft-office-mac. Support for Touch Bar in Outlook for Mac is available to all Office 365 subscribers, as well as all Office 2016 for Mac customers.
Accomplish tasks quickly with new add-ins
Microsoft Office 365 For Mac Support
Add-ins bring your favorite apps right inside Outlook, so you can accomplish tasks quickly without needing to switch back and forth between email and other apps. Last year, we announced the rollout of add-ins to Outlook 2016 for Mac in Office Insider. We are now making add-ins available to all Outlook 2016 for Mac customers who have Exchange 2013 Service Pack 1 or higher, or Office 365 or Outlook.com mailboxes. Use these add-ins to translate emails on the fly, edit a record in your CRM system, update your notes or project board, or set up a meeting over coffee and more—all without leaving Outlook. Outlook for Mac customers can take advantage of all Outlook add-ins available in the Office store, including:
Get business intelligence and track emails quickly with the Dynamics 365 add-in. Use the Nimble add-in to get real-time insights about your Outlook contacts.
Collaborate effortlessly with your coworkers using add-ins from Evernote, Trello, Microsoft Translator, Smartsheet and Citrix ShareFile (coming soon).
Add email reminders and schedule emails with the Boomerang add-in for Outlook.
Say thanks to your friends and co-workers by giving them the gift of Starbucks through the Starbucks for Outlook add-in.
Make emails more fun and visually expressive with GIPHY, when words aren’t enough.
To start using add-ins, just click the Store icon on the Outlook ribbon to open the Office Store. Next, search for the add-in you are looking for and turn its toggle to On. You will then see the add-in command appear in your inbox and can start using it. You just need to install add-ins once and they will be available for use across Outlook on the web, Windows, Mac and iOS.
Microsoft 365 For Mac Help
Want to bring your apps to Outlook? If you are a developer looking to build add-ins for Outlook, check out dev.outlook.com for more resources.
Microsoft 365 For Mac Free Download
Got a suggestion for how to improve Outlook for Mac? Please suggest and vote on future feature ideas on our Outlook for Mac UserVoice page.
Microsoft 365 For Mac Support Phone Number
—The Outlook team
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itswomanswork · 6 years
5 Undercover Hacks To Jumpstart Your Marketing Productivity
In the modern world of infinite distractions just one click away, it can be tough to really bunker down and stay productive.
In fact, around 65% of workers today say they regularly surf the web for non-work-related reasons on their employer’s dime. Part of it is undoubtedly a lack of discipline, but boosting your productivity doesn’t actually have to be a grueling process.
There are a number of incredibly powerful techniques you can use each and every day to help upgrade your marketing productivity and get back on task.
So, have a look at these 5 marketing productivity hacks and supercharge your workflow starting right now.
1. Break up your workflow
While there’s definitely something to be said about powering through a cumbersome task, research has shown that taking the time to step away from the work can be instrumental in keeping productivity at an all-time high.
The Pomodoro Technique, for example, follows a 25/5 productivity timeline, where 25 minutes are dedicated solely and completely to a single task with a 5-minute break afterward. You go through four intervals of the 25/5 timeline before taking a longer 15-25 minute break. Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be a full-on break either. It can come in the form of switching over to answering emails or following up on a project with a coworker.
Anything to give your mind a bit of time off from the task.
2. Email responsibly
Streamlining your email time can lead to a huge boon in freed up time and resources. To put things into perspective, about a quarter of an average worker’s day is spent reading and answering emails according to Inc.
Part of the reason is people tend to answer emails as they come in. Instead of responding reactively, the best way to ensure continuous workflow and keep your concentration on the task at hand is by setting time aside later to clean out your inbox.
Tools like Mailstrom group related messages to make it easier to respond to the most important emails first. In addition, you can set a silent function so you will not be notified of new emails until a designated time you set to respond to them.
You can also regularly update your retention settings and unsubscribe from old and unwanted lists as well to help weed out some of the unnecessary clutter.
3. Focus on one thing at a time
There have never been so many different responsibilities to juggle in the workplace than there is today.
Project updates, correspondence with clients and coworkers, and a constant influx of emails all happen in the blink of an eye. And while you may think you’re being productive by tackling 12 different issues at once, the truth is that single-tasking is by far the smarter option.
That, of course, isn’t to say that you should save fixing a marketing department disaster for another day. There are exceptions.
But making the conscious effort to stay on one task at a time can help boost your productivity tenfold. Department of Informatics Professor Gloria Mark from the University of California, Irvine, told Fast Company that “82 percent of all interrupted work is resumed on the same day. But here’s the bad news – it takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back to the task.” If you rapidly switch between tasks, think about how many 23 minute chunks get wasted. This time cost is called “context switching.”
4. Take advantage of automation in the workplace
A recent State of Enterprise Work Report discovered that only 44% of an individual’s day is spent performing the primary duties of their role. What about the other 56%? Tasks like administrative work, useless meetings, and interruptions all stand out as the main time wasters.
For many digital marketers today social media, email and content creation take up the majority of a given day’s tasks. Given the burgeoning technological landscape though, there are a host of automation tools to help bear the brunt of the more labor-intensive tasks today.
Automated social media tools let you create and schedule social media posts weeks and even months into the future. Automating this mundane process allows social media marketers to focus on time-sensitive social media posts and engaging with followers in real time.
Content is at the center point of all marketing efforts. It’s how you communicate with customers and elicit emotion that causes them to buy. The problem for many company’s content marketing efforts is not only knowing what content to create but measuring its success in actual dollars earned.
Content curation tools like Scoop.it not only curate content from around the web based on your target keywords but will automatically analyze content that receives the highest engagement and leads. Marketers can use this information to promote existing content that has been shared recently and get ideas to create new content on these topics.
Segmenting lists, writing copy and designing emails are all labor-intensive tasks that used to be part of sending every email. Advanced email marketing platforms like GetResponse allow you to create personalized email campaigns to segments of your list once and automate future emails based on their behavior.
As subscribers engage with each email they are automatically sent the next email with content that’s relevant to their interests and behaviors. Since these emails and workflows are created in advance, marketers are able to focus on optimizing these campaigns rather than just creating them over and over.
5. Establish processes
Processes are incredibly important for marketing teams to stay efficient. Marketers don’t want to reinvent the wheel for mundane or repetitive tasks.
Processes have been around for a long time. One of the most well known and successful implementations of processes comes from American statistician William Edwards Deming. Deming created “The Toyota Way” processes that focused on continuous improvement which completely revamped the company’s manufacturing capabilities.
Marketers can use this same process of continual improvement to become more efficient and produce better and better results. A simplistic way to do this is to create an ongoing checklist for things like content creation and social media management.
SproutSocial created a social media checklist for managers to ensure daily, weekly,monthlyh and quarterly tasks are met. As you identify which messages perform best, iterate and improve on the content for future posts.
Boost your marketing productivity
In the business world, time is money. And when you or your employees are spending valuable time on inefficient tasks, that can translate into a significant loss over weeks and years, especially when productivity is limited in the marketing department.
These five productivity hacks will help you get your workflow back on track and start bringing in customers in droves.
The post 5 Undercover Hacks To Jumpstart Your Marketing Productivity appeared first on Jeffbullas’s Blog.
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ifieldsmart · 4 years
How video conferencing & online meetings enhance communication and collaboration throughout the conference call.
Face-to-face communication & collaboration is crucial for businesses. But often, inadequate or poor communication impedes business processes & operations. Whether it's coordinating project workflows or evaluating sales and marketing strategies, effective communication is pivotal. This is imperative when firms are completely dependent on conference calls and exhibit limited functionalities. Brainstorming on strategies is enhanced with video conferencing through agendas, screen-sharing, presentation uploads, enterprise video conferencing, video sharing, etc.
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Want to drive improved business operations through video call collaboration? Take into account these reasons on how video conferencing and screen-sharing can augment team or stakeholder collaboration.
Video unveils facial gestures.
Facial expressions or cues are high-impact to understand non-verbal gestures. It helps improve productivity and build a holistic experience over other communication and collaboration platforms. Having comprehensive visibility over tasks or processes helps individuals and teams resolve challenges or troubleshoot problems quicker. Facial expressions can help drive better business and meeting outcomes for any use case or industry application.
Video communication enables better client connections.
When video is integrated into customer service, sales, or strategies, it helps firms garner greater dividends early on. Face-to-face video meetings can help the sales team understand services and products better and build trust to drive improved sales. Identifying and resolving customer pain-points through screen-shares, file uploads, etc. helps nurture improved relations between firms and clients.
Video drives team collaboration for better & creative insights.
Designing firms, architecture firms, AEC companies, or any other creative industry can leverage video conferencing platforms to share concepts, ideas, models, drawings, etc. in real-time. Quick decisions can be taken by annotating presentations, drawings, etc. for a better understanding with the right set of designing or modeling tools. Screen-sharing can help architects collaborate better with other trades viz. structure, MEP, contractors, owners, etc.
Video helps record meetings and build automated transcripts.
Recording meetings with automated transcripts helps attendees maintain a complete record of the conversation and close communication gaps. Archiving a video recording can help sales, marketing, construction, or other industry teams understand strategies and deliverables better for greater business continuity.
Video promotes greater remote working capacities.
Remote working is the new norm for businesses – be it small startups or enterprise-grade. Firms and employees are pressed with greater business and work expectations. But complex and unproductive video conferencing platforms can impede business operations regularly. Quick and easy-to-use platforms like iFMeets help coworkers communicate on a perpetual basis. Teams working at various global locations can collaborate on a single project, avoid bottlenecks, and assess team performance better.  
Video boosts employee onboarding.
Hiring new employees is important for firms and employees. Companies need to make sure new hires get the same knowledge and assistance to stay productive and realize greater ROI. New hires like sales reps, managers, team leads, etc. can leverage video platforms to avoid and resolve challenges at an early stage. Video conferencing can help ease the onboarding process with high-definition video interviews, resume analysis, online tests, etc. Video is an extremely powerful and efficient platform to garner robust communication between various internal and external teams.
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stoweboyd · 7 years
How I Keep Track
Since I am launching a series called Keeping Track -- exploring how busy, creative people stay on top of their goals, commitments, plans, and schedules -- it makes sense to start with my own fumbling attempts in that area.
First, let me start by offering a confession: while I use a number of tools and techniques I am an admitted imperfectionist, and as such I'm not necessarily an exemplar of getting things done, except as the poster child for scruffy messoholics who can manage to do a fairly good job of keeping track, despite everything.
I aspire to keeping track in the three obvious dimensions: the future, past, and present.
The Future: Calendar and Journal
I am fairly scrupulous with Google Calendar, penciling in possible travel and events in the far future -- I put a question mark on provisional, or penciled in, appointments. Things that are more concrete, like what I am planning for the next several weeks have no question marks.
And near-term events are also likely to be included in my work management tool of choice, these days, called Flow (getflow.com). Within Flow I maintain 'two sets of books': projects like this Work Futures website, or client projects like my work with Traction, which I lay out in a more or less conventional way, using Flow's project and task management capabilities to track deadlines and task requirements, and capture descriptions and interaction with other coworkers.
This is not an in-depth review of Flow -- although I plan one -- but in passing let me note that it has several features that make it highly attractive to me. Flow supports markdown formatting in task and project descriptions, which I have a strong preference for. And projects and tasks have individual links that can be used in imaginative ways, cross-linking things outside of the silos of projects.
I also have shifted my idea spinning, planning, and goal setting into Flow, and out of document managers. Sometimes these ideas start as comments or just a sentence in a project description or a task note, and sometimes I start with the definition of a project -- like this Keeping Track series -- and the ideas and plan are captured there from the start.
When working with others on these future-oriented activities I rely on Flow's task comment threads heavily (and lament that project descriptions lack comments). Note the same affordances are used in present-oriented activities, too.
The Present: Journaling
Flow's fluidity plays a large role in the second 'set of books'. I am strongly committed to journaling my work on a daily basis, and by extension, on a weekly and monthly basis as well. Within Flow I manage a project called '2017', and a series of tasks, one for each day. Months are represented   by labels in the task list.  
Every day (Mostly. Remember that I am an imperfectionist!) I open or create a task associated with today's date, like '2017-12-01'. I use a special rule for weekend, collapsing Saturday and Sunday together like '2017-12-02 - 03'. I might have created a day's (or weekend's) task earlier than the day itself, because I may have known in advance that I'd be doing something on that day. For example, on Friday I decided I'd write this Keeping Track post on the weekend, so I added that as a subtask to the '2017-12-02 - 03' task. (Yes, Flow supports subtasks, but only one level deep, alas.) Each morning, I consider the items already added to the day's task list, perhaps adding others, and move them into a priority order.
The two sets of books comes into play each morning. For example, I planned to do some work today on a Traction initiative, and so I added a subtask about that. If it's significant enough, Flow's cross-linking allows the daily item to reference the Traction project or a task in it, or alternatively, to link from the project to the various activities undertaken on a day to day basis and captured in the journal entries.
Here's a screenshot of the '2017' project on the left opened to '2017-12-02 -03' (under the '2017-12' section label), and the subtask 'Note kumu.io to Erick' selected and checked off. Note the line of text in the description says 'for the emerging tech map project', which includes a link to the emergent tech map project'.
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This obsessive attention to the activities of each day, for me, takes the place of writing in an analog journal by hand. I often (but not religiously) end my day by reflecting on what transpired, capturing thoughts and observations in the daily task description. I also move or copy subtasks that had not been accomplished to the next day or later days, relying on Flow's drag and drop interface.
The Past: Recollection
I rely on journaling in several ways.
First, I use it to channel my daily activities, to prioritize, and memorialize task work, as discussed above.
Second, I rely on journaling for the benefits of clarifying and capturing my thinking about what I accomplished or didn't, rather than retrieving that information later.
However, I do go back to my notes captured in the tasks that represent actions taken, meetings held, and calls made. That's the third use case.  In fact, I create journal entries for calls and meetings, like '2017-12-01 Betty Wong call' rather than in a Google or Dropbox Paper doc, as I did for years prior to adopting Flow. And during the call or meeting, I take notes in the task description, and often create subtasks for follow-on actions that arise during the call. In may cases I move those subtasks, like 'follow up with Betty Wong with proposal', into a project that is related, typically named by the corresponding company or project name, like "acme' or 'milan february conference'. And I frequently revisit the notes from the calls and meetings.
I use a number of other tools for recollection. I rely heavily on saved.io, a simple bookmarking tool, to manage an archive of links and associated notes. Saved.io is very lightweight, and has a beautifully simple UX: you simply add 'saved.io/' in front of the URL in your browser, and it captures the URL and allows you to edit the note field, including tags (tags appear to be slightly broken in the tool at present, although you can search for them). Even better, you can add a category before the 'saved.io/', like 'work.saved.io/' and the link will be added to the 'work' category in the tool. Saved.io lacks social capabilities, so it is really just for personal use.
I also use the Chrome plug-in Toby to deal with tab overload in the browser. I often get to a point where I have dozens of tabs open in several browsers windows, and rather than keep them open indefinitely, or bookmark the various pages one by one in saved.io, I use Toby to save sets, like all the tabs in a single window, so that I can reopen them later. (I am looking at GhostBrowserwhich takes these ideas even further.)
I seldom delete email immediately after reading it and dealing with it. I generally archive it, and cull old emails in large batches at the end of the year from a year (I recently deleted 2012, for example), or delete all email from with a particular sender, like The New Yorker, or companies that have gone out of business.
I also rely on a Chrome plug-in called Better History to search through my browser history for things I didn't bookmark but should have.
My stoweboyd.com blog has transitioned over the years to acting as a writer's daybook, where I capture images, quotes, links, and report others works. I create short form posts there on a variety of subjects, ranging from politics and economics to culture and poetry. Much of my long form writing started as a short-term piece on stoweboyd.com.
The Big Picture
I am a media hound and inveterate tool head, so it may be that what seems sensible to me may be a bit of overkill for others. Nonetheless, I subscribe to the principles that the unexamined life isn't worth living, and much of what I do is the outgrowth of failure: failing to find bits and pieces that I scribbled somewhere, dates buried in emails, and great ideas forgotten in a file somewhere. I confess that my way of keeping track is as much a shell protecting me from myself and my bad memory as a means to more cleanly organize to productively face the world. My approach is as much an umbrella as a bicycle.
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How to Keep Remote Employees on Task Without Spying On Them
How to Keep Remote Employees on Task Without Spying On Them
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While you participate in a Zoom assembly, you possibly can see your individual face on the display screen and you ought to be absolutely conscious that your coworkers can see you and no matter is behind you. This has resulted in some hilarious conditions as youngsters, pets, and spouses have wandered into conferences.
However, it is also potential that…
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