#'all i have to do is make itachi love me so he spares me alongside sasuke' and then she FAILS
mixelation · 1 year
sometimes i want to write one of those "itachi and sasuke have a sister" (where the sister is younger than itachi) fics. however the appeal for me wouldn't be the OC. the appeal would be how Insane i could make itachi
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liam-cadmus · 3 years
The clouds are no where to be seen against the dark blue sky, the stars and moon contrasting in a different color. Various shades  ranging from light blue to dark indigo blends together under the streetlights of the compound, the Uchiha insignia stitched to their backs. A faint light glows from the main house, four faint shadows seen through the shoji doors, silent against the bustling noise of children and adults hurrying to come home. The air in the dining room is tense, no tinkling laughs from the youngest nor the fond scolding of the mother to her sons’ mischievousness.  Mikoto Uchiha takes another bowl of miso soup to give her youngest, as Itachi’s chopsticks holds on to a piece of seared fish, Fugaku gulping down water. Sasuke thanks his mother for the bowl before leaning forwards, listening intently to his father’s story. “You need to avoid falling for a Uzumaki or a Nara,” Fugaku murmurs gently to his youngest, as Mikoto smiles. His big dark grey doe eyes stare at them, attention captivated and memorizing every word they spout. Silence descends on the table as he collects his bearings. He knows, that his parents married out of duty, for the clan. He was able to hear it when he passed Daisuke-oji in the clan market, making him question his parents. He later asked his parents, prompting them to explain the arranged marriage, the clan needing an appropriate wife for the clan heir, later on deciding on Mikoto. She would tell them how she missed doing missions, and his father telling stories about their battles as teens. Sasuke was angry at first, knowing that his parents didn’t marry out of love, but the more time he spent to wrap it around his head, made it easier to understand. His brother is always there to clarify it, and they would ask their parents if Itachi can’t explain. They always reassure them, that despite being in an arranged marriage, it doesn’t change the fact they both love them with their whole hearts. His parents try to be subtle in front of him, but he knows. Being an Uchiha makes it impossible to not see their longing gazes, their schooled features masking their pining, their desire to be with their true lovers. They don’t regret having them, always trying their best to shower them with love, that he appreciates. ‘I couldn’t love Fugaku at first. But I learned how, even if I like girls.’ Mikoto smiles at him, ‘Fugaku found a way to be the only exception, he became dear to my heart to the point that it would break my heart if I lose him.’ Despite being the second-born, he’s a prodigy in his own right, sharp senses and lightning fast reflexes. He can see his mother’s discreet glances when they walk through the village’s streets, always trailing after the bright red hair of his aunt Kushina. ‘I love her,’ she once murmured when she was tucking him to bed, his six-year-old brain not yet aware that she’s hinting at the hot-blooded jinchuuriki. The powerful kunoichi was able to take his mother’s heart, with her bright smiles and fierce personality, while his mother aches for hers.   His father, even if he rarely accompanies him, was too obvious for him to figure out. His eyes would soften when he sees Shikaku-san, his frowns lessening and replaced with faint smiles, his cold and distant expression disappearing. ‘Clan heirs rarely get to marry another, after all, they are there to serve for the best of their clan.’ He follows his father’s gaze, seated beside him on the porch as the sun sets, ‘It’s hard to oppose the clan for your own desire. Clan heirships can be passed to the second-born, although, Itachi already took it. So promise me Sasuke, fight for whoever you fall in love with.’ He stares at his parents grim expressions in front of him, the names Shikamaru and Naruto unspoken, their gazes heavy on his shoulders. He breathes out heavily before nodding. “I’ll try not to.” he ducks his head, as Mikoto sighs at him, before deft fingers ruffle his hair. “You don’t have to force yourself not to. As long as you try.”  They’re only looking out for him, Naruto being the only heir of Uzumaki and Shikamaru as the only child of the Clan Head.  Mikoto claps her hands, before Itachi huffs in amusement, as they start cleaning the table. He wanders to his mother’s side, helping her with the dishes, earning him a fond laugh. Fugaku rolls his eyes before leaning on the doorway of the kitchen, watching the matriarch piles the plates on the sink as Itachi and Sasuke splashes each other with suds and water.  He was 8 years old when his cousin was rescued by Tsume Inuzuka in the river barely breathing, one of his sockets empty.  He was turning 9 when he arrives in their house with his parents were killed in front of his eyes, his Sharingan activating in his horror, the vision being imprinted in his mind with clarity, while his vision blurs with tears. He screams when his parents drop dead in front of him as the hooded figure runs out the window, scrambling to keep his parents alive. He cauterizes their wounds, trying to stall their death as his hands get covered in his parents’ blood. His chakra spiked hard, being sensed throughout the village as Itachi runs full-speed to the compound, Kakashi on his tail as they both sensed the abrupt spike. It was two weeks before his birthday when he is looking blankly at the white wall in front of him, dried blood flaking off his fingers as Itachi paces in front of them, his masked ANBU teammates murmuring faintly by the door. He doesn’t spare a glance when the door opens in haste as he stares intently at the sparkling marble of the floor, the memory repeatedly showing up in the forefront of his mind.  His brother was unapproachable, jumbled thoughts and distracted, while he’s detached, unresponsive as Minato shakes him out of his stupor, worried blue eyes staring back at him. “Sasuke, calm down, deep breaths. Focus on my breaths.” he follows his uncle’s breathing, the exaggerated breaths and counting making it easier to follow, as Kushina wipes off the blood on his trembling hands. He leans back on the chair, trying to calm down his pounding heart, as Kushina soothes him, kissing his temple. Itachi is being held by Hound, his brother still against the arms wrapped around his shoulders. Kushina tucks his head under her chin as she rubs his back, the Uchiha in her lap feeling numb. Shikaku burst open the doors as the medical-nin walks out with a grim expression, “We tried to stabilize and resuscitate. Unfortunately, they have passed away.”  Sasuke’s blood runs cold, as he chokes on a breath, staring down on his shaking hands. Itachi falters, staggering to his brother as Sasuke climbs on his lap, crying. He schools hisi features to hide his grief while he comforts his brother, burying his tear-stricken face in his Sasuke’s unruly hair.  He was nine-years-old when he blows bright red flames beside Itachi on the pyre, clouded onyx eyes watching the flickering flame. He doesn’t have anymore tears to shed as clan members kneel around them, making him lean on his brother on support as they let their hands drop, standing there until the flames turns to ember. “You need to avoid falling for a Uzumaki or a Nara.” he distantly remembers as he walks alongside Itachi back to the house, ignoring their sopping wet clothes. Sasuke links his fingers under his chin, averting his eyes to the window to hide his pained eyes. His knuckles turn white as he senses two males settle beside him, staying quiet and reserved as Naruto talks loudly with Shikamaru, watching them from the corner of his eyes. He hides the twitch of his lips as Naruto plans the prank on their sensei, Shikamaru scolding the blond for even attempting the ridiculous idea.  The door opens, making him glance at it tiredly, only to see Kakashi. He clenches his eyes shut, before following them out the door. You need to avoid falling for a Uzumaki or a Nara. He chuckles deprecatingly, hopefully it doesn’t resort to that. Part 2 of this AU Part 3 of this AU
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jostenneil · 4 years
I think something so fundamental to Naruto as a story is the fact that Naruto and Sasuke’s individual journeys in relation to Konoha—as a system and as a collective of people—are always going to send them in opposite directions. Like I realize that a lot of fans (including me, at times) wanted anything but angst for them as a conclusion, after all that they went through, but in doing so I think people ignore something undeniable about the story itself. As the story progresses, Konoha becomes a home to Naruto, and a source of exile to Sasuke. More under the cut!
The problems I have with Naruto’s post-canon—Chapter 700 and onward—lie mostly in the idea that Sasuke is willing to bend and cater to this system that: 
manipulated his brother into massacring his whole family,
isolated him as a result of that massacre, fixing his hatred on a singular point with no thought to how that situation could easily spiral, which it did, 
provided him with no knowledge as to why that massacre actually occurred,
and when he did find out the reason, lead him to realize that Konoha was a village that had never wanted him to begin with, that he had been spared solely because his brother loved him that much (but even then, that love wasn’t without consequence, and it was manipulated by the background intentions of Konoha’s elite), 
and, regardless of all these facts, continued to alienate and criminalize him rather than help or address his trauma and his very valid reasons for rage aimed at the village. 
Do I agree that there were better ways for Sasuke to go about his intentions once he recognized Konoha’s elite for the scum of the earth that they were? Sure. But I also think it’s important to recognize that he was incredibly destabilized as a child, and it’s amazing, because for some people this is a very hard thing to understand? I think fandom doesn’t realize the difference in the words ‘justified’ and ‘explained’. Were all of Sasuke’s actions in canon justified? Maybe not (although a lot were). Were all of his actions well explained by his trauma? Honestly, yeah. 
So to circle back to the point that I am trying to make—it’s true that during Part I, he grew very close to Team 7, and for a brief moment in time, these relationships were like a lifeline for him. But think about it—is a connection that you hold to three people enough to keep you in a village where you hardly feel connected to the rest? This is only a mild issue for Sasuke at the end of Part I; he doesn’t feel very connected to most people in Konoha, but at best, they’re just annoying background noise, trivial obstacles in the face of his goal to hunt down and murder Itachi. 
By the end of Part II, however, it’s overwhelmingly integral to his situation. Over the course of his journey, he’s come to learn that Konoha as a system always viewed him—his family—as a potential threat. His life was spared by his brother, but even that came with consequences and orders orchestrated by Danzo and co.; add onto that the chaos that he wrecked once he was free of Orochimaru’s tutelage, and you have a person who didn’t just alienate himself from his village, but who was alienated by that village in turn. 
It just makes so much sense to me that he leaves at the end of Chapter 699, because while he obviously cares deeply for Naruto and Sakura, is it really realistic to imagine him staying there just for them? What would he do, and what purpose would staying there serve him? This village rendered his entire life a lie, trivialized his existence, and traumatized him as a result. Aside from his connection to Naruto, by the end of the manga, Sasuke is purposeless. For someone whose entire arc is propelled by hate and sadness that stems from a very specific purpose, he ends up in this strange, sort of in-limbo space. . .
. . . which is why I actually like the idea that he decided to go on a journey for himself. It’s why I like the Blank Period notion of him being this forever traveler who drops in on occasion to help when circumstances are dire. It’s a good balance for him. In the fast-forwarded post-canon, however, we see that he’s essentially become a more child-friendly Itachi equivalent—he’s signed his life away to forever protect Konoha from behind the scenes, despite the fact that it comes at the cost of him neglecting his own family, and for the sake of a populace that for the most part does not care for him. It just feels like such a cruel way for his story to come full circle, after everything that he went through, because as much as he loves Naruto, Sasuke admitting to loss is more an acceptance to let love in, in full, and to let it guide him over the hatred he’d harbored in his heart for so long. That doesn’t have to be equivalent to submitting himself to Konoha—it just means that he should allow himself to prioritize his own needs and desires, rather than let anyone else’s evil or trauma guide him, as it has for the whole story.
And actually, that notion, to me, is what made Naruto’s character progression and ending make a lot of sense in comparison. He is someone who constantly strove for heartfelt connection to others, despite the pain and rejection that it could very often inflict on himself. In many ways, it was a dangerous way to think, and he often came off as naive(, which Naruto as a story is plenty criticized for, because it easily runs counter-intuitive to any sort of worthy political commentary on the series), but it also made him a very hopeful and independent person. He didn’t allow what others thought of him or inflicted upon him to guide his thinking, and he was very much someone who prioritized his own heart over the malice of others. 
So naturally, Naruto always ran in a direction opposed to Sasuke as a result of this thinking—and we know this. Befriending and changing the people around him for the better was what propelled Naruto more than anything, and it’s why Konoha ended up as a home for him despite everything it and its people did to discourage and put him down. He had to go to ridiculous lengths to prove himself, and in many ways it was cruel to realize, but he also formed so many valuable relationships along the way. Like, his relationship with Sasuke obviously takes precedence, because it is the foundation and catalyst for everything, but I don’t really agree with people who view Naruto’s dream of becoming Hokage as an obstacle to that bond. I actually feel like those were goals that ran in parallel for him. And I mean, he even says it, doesn’t he? How is he supposed to become Hokage if he can’t even bring back this one friend from darkness. It just resonates so much to me that by the end of the story, Naruto is someone actually prepared to take on the mantle of Hokage—because he understands other people’s pain, and he runs with it, and he is insistent upon making the people around him love themselves because he knows how miserable he was as a child hardly able to love himself. 
In that sense, Chapter 699 is, to me, a really great chapter. I think it captures that forever diverging dichotomy between him and Sasuke perfectly. Naruto is a story equally about Naruto making a home for himself in Konoha as it is about Sasuke freeing himself from the same village’s shackles. True, there is this intense, deeply rooted love that they are always going to have for each other, but that love is something that runs alongside their own personal feelings and ambitions, rather than against it. I think people get caught up in the idea that a happy ending for them has to mean that they’re together together, but to me there’s a certain poetry in them going their own separate ways. Konoha is no longer a home for Sasuke (if it ever was, even a little), but that relationship to Naruto and Team 7 will forever be important to him and influence him wherever he goes; and Konoha has become a home for Naruto, but it’s also with the peace of knowing that Sasuke won’t ever succumb to the darkness of others again, and will love himself first. 
So, tldr; I think the notion of Naruto ending with Naruto and Sasuke going their separate ways is kind of ingenious, because it ties deeply into what Konoha means to each of them by the end of it. This isn’t me saying that I think they’re never going to see each other again—I just don’t think the conclusion to their individual arcs has to be in opposition to what their relationship means to them. They can continue to be intensely important to each other, while prioritizing their own hopes and dreams. That’s the beauty and tragedy of their relationship to me. (Chapter 700, who?)
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alicia-kingdom · 4 years
How...Just how?
"How?...Just....how?" asked Hinata, trying really hard not to glare at her husband. Her husband who lost their son... Her soon-to-be dead ex-husband... "W-Well...you see, my moon...he..." Indra was lost in words. Please! What the hell can you say to your wife (the woman who spend almost 23 hours trying to bring their son into this world, the woman that left no doubt that she will love their son more than him) that you somehow lost their son while playing (more like, the little 5 years old child running in circles while he reads)? He might as well be dead. A shiver run through his spine when he felt his wife chakra spike up in a very cold, angry and unlike-character way. Her white moon-like eyes where activated, demanding blood be spilled...his blood preferably. "So...where is MY son, Indra-kun?" she ask sweetly...way to sweetly...and slowly...and is she getting closer? "Where is Yukio-kun?" "Somehow...I feel this all your fault, old demon-man..." Indra thought. Maybe he should pray any god to save him from his wife...but he knows that it´s more likely they give him a third chance in life than spare him from his wifes wrath. "She still looks beautiful when she is deadly..."Don´t worry my moon, I will find him and bring him home!" Indra asure while kneeling, like a man before a Goddess. "1 hour..." she said, her face way to close to his, and if her byakugan wasnt activate, he would have kiss her...but he wants to live and keep his balls right where their are, thank you very much. That was his clue to run away. His third chance in life. He rather fight Danzo all over again than deal with his wife anger...and did he mention she was 4 weeks pregnant? The Gods really love him...or are laughing their asses of with his misery, and pretty sure the old demon-man was laughting too. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- "Dear Kami-sama...what am I gotta do with that man?" she ask herself while watching her husband literaly dissapear. She got to admit, intimadate him, Uchiha Indra (Once Ootsutsuki Indra in a life time) into summition was extremely funny...and a little bit turn on, but that may be her pregnant hormones talking. "Can I come out, mama?" ask a little innocent boy with dark blue hair, his black eyes shinning with joy and mischief. "Yes, you can Yuki-kun" she answered sweetly, taking her boy into her arms and hugging him tightly. This boy was her light...and right now, the only thing keeping Indra alive. "You did an amazing job! Congratulations!" shee exclaim, making her son blush cutely and smile widely. He truly was an amazing child. "Now remember...not a word to papa" she said, while gently putting her finger infront of her lips, signaling him to shush. "Hai!" exclaimed Yukio, excited with this new top secret mission his mama gave him and only him. A few hours, while him and papa where playing (more like him following aroung the wierd and funny looking man with black eyes and brown hair and wierd white clothes while his papa ignore them...that was wierd, a strange man was in the middle of their yard playing and talking to him and his papa seem...calm? Maybe he is a friend of papa´s?), he got bored and went to explore the village (ignoring completely how the funny looking man panicked and try to make his papa look but papa ignore him). Normally, he would be in company of his mama, papa, uncle Itachi, Uncle Sasuke and Sara-chan or his grandparents alongside Uncle Ero-Shisui, but he is a big boy now and he can go outside alone. Well, turns out he was wrong and quickly got lost in the middle of the market. That until Saku-sama, Sara-chan, Uncle toad and mama found him. Mama was not happy. At. All. After scolding him, mama told him of this new top secret mission that only he can do (and no, Sara-chan can´t do it too because mama gave it to him, not her!). The mission consist in hide while she talks to papa, ake sure to hide his chakra so papa doesn´t find him. If papa finds him, he will fail the mission and he can´t fail the mission!
"Now, how about we eat some cinnabon rolls while talk about not leaving the house alone?" asked mama with a smile. Yukio frown cutely, giving up all will to avoid the secon more calmly scold. At least, there will be sweets.
"Hai...but mama, can Ashu-san have some cinnabon rolls too?" asked Yukio, while taking his mama hand.
"Ashu-san?" asked Hinata confuse at this new name. Her son was a very active and social kid, so unlike herself, so its not strange for him to meet new people out of thin air, but its still a little bit concerning he meet someone while been alone and lost in the market...tha does not sound right... "Next time when you meet him again, we can give him some" she said, carefully planning how to meet this strange and demand some answeres (and better be good answeres or someone will die),
"But mama...he is right here" answered innocently Yukio, looking confuse while pointing at nothing at all.
"Yuki-chan...I think your mama can´t actually see me..." said Ashura while trying to explain his nephwe how he was a ghost and only he can see him (evidently after trying, desesperately to warn his brother about his son desicion to get lost. His elder brother was a closet idiot.)
...Well...that is a story for another time...
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pulaasul · 4 years
The Reaper and The Master of Death
Harry Potter and Death watch some events unfold, starting with Tobirama Senju's creation of the Reanimation Jutsu.
[FFN] [Ao3]
Harry looked amused as the personification of death sighed beside him as he and the personification watched a certain white-haired, blue-armored man successfully create a spell, jutsu as they were called in this world, that resurrected the dead, technically speaking.
The shinobi, as Harry learned they were called, slammed his hands on the ground and the three persons that were bound before him had dust, ash and dirt sticking to their bodies up until three unfamiliar figures replaced the prisoners.
"Reminds me of the inferi actually." Harry thought out loud.
"The inferi are called zombies in other worlds," Death huffed. "This one actually grabs the souls of the dead and forcibly puts them in another, after ejecting the soul of the host body," They continued. "It's rather accurate to compare them to the Black Lantern Corps minus the use of host bodies to call forth the souls of the dead."
"So how this works is that a DNA specific to that body is what's triggering an effect akin to the Resurrection Stone through their Chakra and puts the summoned souls into a living body, essentially creating a zombie that retains all their personality and knowledge that uses a living host to exist."
"In a sense." Death nodded.
"At the very least, he seemed not too keen on playing god as the thought of resurrecting the loved ones he lost in the clan wars hasn't crossed his mind." Harry offered. "I'm pretty sure he's just using the emotions and skills tied to the dead to his advantage."
Indeed, none of the unfamiliar figures resembled the white-haired man at all.
"Working with Weasley has strengthened your strategies, I see." Death commented. "You are right, even your very own Albus Dumbledore succumbed to the temptations of the Resurrection Stone and tried to call for the actual resurrection of his sister and parents."
"I'm pretty sure this type of strategy wouldn't cross Ron's mind," Harry offered. "The guy has a pretty good sense of morals despite what we experienced."
"My point still stands," Death shrugged. "He was a strategic genius even when you both were still eleven."
"Still can't believe there are versions of Professor Dumbledore that wanted to control everyone, who'd gaslight everyone around him just to keep everything in his control."
"You've seen for yourself how those Dumbledores are," Death offered. "I mean there are versions of you who sided with Riddle."
"I know," Harry sighed. "Still uncomfortable with those realities." He shook his head. "In any case, back to the man, Tobirama was it?"
"That's his name." Death nodded.
"I don't think we should worry about this spell or jutsu of his to be used to resurrect entire armies, as Voldemort did with his inferi, the jutsu is still limited to the caster's chakra."
"Okay this, this I did not expect." Harry admitted.
A hooded, pale as white man had a lot of prisoners bound up before him as he slammed his hand to the ground, making the earth and dust gather around his captives and took the form of another person.
"I did not think possible that using the chakra around them can be used to fuel the jutsu." Death nodded. "This makes for good entertainment I suppose."
"Even that Orochimaru person wasn't playing god as soon as soon as he understood the jutsu," Harry pointed out. "Even though he has a lot of similarities to Voldemort regarding his animal of choice and his quest for immortality."
"I agree, and he had his hands sealed inside my stomach for some time alongside the souls of the Hashirama, Hiruzen, Minato and the creator of the jutsu, Tobirama."
"I've got to say, it was pretty ironic that the jutsu's creator was summoned by the very jutsu he created." Harry commented. "I still have a lot of questions regarding you eating their souls tho, I still remember being human and that looked like cannibalism to me."
"It's a visual metaphor." Death shrugged. "How I seal the souls is dependent on the cognition of the jutsu's creator, had the jutsu's creator created the jutsu with a gourd as a container in her mind, I would have appeared with a gourd in hand."
"So where are they, if not inside your stomach?"
"Limbo." Death answered. "Until anyone finds a way to free them from limbo, which in this world's case my stomach, they're staying there for good."
"I feel sorry for the Uchihas." Harry offered as he observed the shinobi alliance fight against the hordes of dead shinobi. "They were wiped out, barring a few survivors, and they don't get to join this war."
"Well fate works in mysterious ways," Death shrugged. "It turns out there actually was a consequence to creating this jutsu."
"Don't tell me, the early demise of Tsunade Senju's fiancé and younger brother." Harry raised an eyebrow.
"That and a few others."
"No way! The Uchihas were collateral damage too?"
"Remember one of Tobirama's students?" Death asked. "The one that had bandages all over his body?"
"Danzo? What about him?"
"Well Danzo took Tobirama's paranoia and suspicions on the Uchihas to the very extreme that lead to the massacre of the clan, which tied everything in a neat ribbon."
"But what about Naruto, he's been wearing the cursed necklace since he won that bet against Tsunade."
"What do you think? You're a child of prophecy, the same as him."
"Huh, never thought of that." Harry hummed.
"What great irony." Death commented.
Kabuto has just finished the hand seals necessary to dispel the reanimation jutsu.
"The Uchiha, the collateral for the creation of such jutsu was the one to stop it from running and return the souls of the dead, where they belong." Harry grinned. "It's the man who was forced to kill his entire clan too."
"I want you to meet him and give him a reward for such display." Death urged.
"Any reward?"
"Yes, but if he does go for an actual resurrection, limit it only to one or two." Death nodded.
"Hello Itachi Uchiha." Harry greeted the confused Uchiha.
"W-who are you?" Itachi's eyes narrowed. "The Reanimation jutsu should've been undone."
"It was." Harry nodded. "Take a look around you, where do you think we are?"
"The Uchiha compound?" Itachi looked around. "Only silent and cleaner."
"The Uchiha compound you say?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "Regardless, your effort to bring the souls back to where they belong was rather brilliant." He praised.
"It was in an effort to save the Hidden Leaf…" Itachi trailed off.
"Call me Harry."
"It was to save the Hidden Leaf Harry." Itachi continued.
"An altruistic reason." Harry nodded. "In any case, fancy playing a prank on everyone alive? Especially Madara?"
"Don't you think it's rather curious that no Uchiha, apart from you, was summoned from the dead?"
"I didn't question the absence of the Uchiha in the front lines. "Had the Uchihas were present the Shinobi alliance would have been wiped out almost immediately or at the very least would prove difficult to be fought against."
"Are you so sure about that Itachi-kun?" Harry questioned. "I was under the impression that only a few of you were able to awaken the Mangekyou and train it's exclusive powers."
"No, I am aware that only a few of us have unlocked the Mangekyou and even fewer to fully harness its powers." Itachi shook his head. "Had Shisui been present in the battle, he'd have killed a battalion in one strike."
"Shisui of the Body Flicker." Harry nodded.
"With the benefits gotten as a summon of the Reanimation, he'd be unstoppable, he's fast enough that no one would be able to seal him, even moreso if Kabuto had sealed his personality and made use of his abilities."
"Shisui's presence would've put more casualties than they already are." Harry nodded. "In any case, back to my idea."
"What does pranking everyone mean for the people battling now would entail?"
"Apart from a short reprieve from all the battles, especially for the living? Imagine the look on everyone's face as soon as some of the Uchihas started showing up."
Everyone has just lost the alliance's intelligence headquarters through the ten tail's attack.
Without a moment of reprieve Madara and Obito, by controlling the ten tails, resumed their assault on the shinobi alliance and bombarded with attacks with its appendages: tails, feet and hands.
It culminated with another tailed beast bomb that directly targeted the entire shinobi alliance, if not for the timely intervention of the reanimated fourth Hokage: Minato Namikaze.
As the previous Hokages arrived, they immobilized the ten tails which gave the shinobi alliance a turn to attack the huge beast.
The unprecedented happened however, the ten tailed beast created 'clones', for lack of better term, of various sizes and forms in an attempt to defend itself from the onslaught of attack form the alliance.
The alliance were able to stand their ground but none were able to approach the main body, where it lay restrained.
Suddenly, a lot of those 'clones' were suddenly slashed and bisected, some were even obliterated.
"You sure grew up Sasuke." A voice commented as he stood on top of Sasuke's summon.
"Eeeeh! That's Shisui?!" Naruto exclaimed in disbelief.
"The Uchiha clan will officially join the Shinobi Alliance!"
The third Hokage and Sasuke immediately recognized the person who made the announcement, one Fugaku Uchiha.
"The Uchiha clan?" Tobirama questioned. "I thought they were extinct."
"Do not worry about that Lord Second." Shisui grinned as he appeared beside the second Hokage, slashing a clone that managed to get through the rushing shinobi. "We're all still dead, someone used the white Zetsus lying around as sacrifice and reanimated some members of the clan."
"Hiruzen, Minato." Fugaku acknowledged the presence of the Hokage he was familiar with.
"I apologize for Danzo's actions Fugaku, I was too weak to stop him."
"It's too late for apologies Hiruzen, I am however thankful that you let Itachi spare Sasuke."
"Of course."
"Shisui, accompany Sasuke and his companions to the ten tail's body the rest of us help clean these up."
"Yes Lord Fugaku!" Shisui and the other members of the Uchiha clan voiced their affirmation.
With the aid of the Uchiha clan, some that have access to the Mangekyou and Susanoo, they made quick work with the ten tail's clones that some were even able to assist Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and Shisui obliterating all the obstacles the appeared on their way towards the ten tail's main body.
"Apart from Madara, who's the other man beside him?" Fugaku asked the two Hokages he was with.
"You don't recognize him?" Minato questioned. "That's Obito."
"Obito? Shouldn't he have died during your mission at the Kannabi bridge?" Fugaku beheaded a ten-tails clone.
"From what I have gathered, he didn't." Hiruzen smashed another clone right under his bo staff.
"According to Kakashi, Madara was the one who saved him, his body was indeed crushed by the boulder that we thought had killed him." Minato slashed a ten tailed clone
"This is your fault Sarutobi! Namikaze!" One of the Uchihas with the third and fourth Hokage exclaimed.
"I will not deny my part on Obito's descent, but do not put all the blame on the third and me," Minato shook his head. "It was the Uchiha clan who thought he was a disgrace in the first place, did you not?" He huffed as he stabbed another clone in the eyes.
"From what the intelligence corps had been relaying since they were reanimated, Obito was also the one responsible for releasing the Kyuubi and ordered it to attack the village." Hiruzen slammed three ten tailed clones with his bo staff. "He was also the one who killed the entire clan, Itachi's hands were only soaked in your and your wife's blood."
"He's also responsible why both Kushina and I died." Minato offered. "Why don't we continue this conversation when were done with the war." He suggested as he shook his dead.
"No need," Fugaku shook his head. "What happened to the clan was a series of karmic events that started with the clan doing wrong with one of their own."
"He was such a sweet, optimistic and helpful boy," Minato lamented. "To see him turn out this way was what hurt the most."
"Lee Focus!" Neji barked as he performed the Rotation and destroy all incoming enemies.
Neji landed beside Lee and performed a series of air palms and blew alot of the clones away from his general vicinity.
"Neji… Y-you're."
"Yes I am dead." Neji nodded. "However I was summoned alongside the Uchiha clan to help aid in this ongoing war."
"A-are there others with you?"
"Now's not the time for that." Neji shook his head. "We will battle one last time." He smiled at his teammate. "We will rendezvous with Tenten."
"What's going on Shisui? The reanimation Jutsu should've been undone." Sasuke questioned.
"It was undone alright." Shisui jumped from an incoming attack. "We were reanimated right after it was undone." He fired a fireball at the enemies in front of the group.
"After it was undone?" Naruto questioned.
"Apparently, like with Orochimaru reanimating the previous Hokages, someone used the jutsu to summon members of the Uchiha clan and some others." Shisui shrugged.
"Looks like your clansmen disagree with you Madara." Hashirama commented.
"It wouldn't be the first time that this happened." Madara scoffed.
"The One Tailed Beast was once connected to me, I'll get them!" Gaara released a thick trail of chakra infused sand and grabbed hold of the One Tail's chakra.
"We finally found the weakness and that is the key. Leave the Eight Tailed Beast's chakra to me." Killer Bee rapped as he used the Eight Tail's tentacles and clung unto the Eight Tail's chakra.
A chakra tug of war between the ten tail's jinchuuriki against Naruto, Sasuke, Gaara and Killer Bee ensued. They managed to pull out the tailed beasts' chakra from inside Obito but they were at an impasse.
Obito was a strong shinobi in his own right and with the added bonus of being the ten tails's jinchuuriki, that power increased exponentially. He was able to cling unto the tailed beasts' chakra that reacted to Naruto and Sasuke's attack.
"Don't underestimate the ten tail's jinchuuriki!" Obito declared as he pulled the tailed beasts' chakra harder to his person.
The Susanoo armor sprouted a handed from the back and pulled on one of Kurama's armored tails.
"Just keep pulling Naruto!"
The members of Naruto's graduating class arrived and gave their assistance as they clasped on one of tails.
Soon after everyone from the shinobi alliance arrived and with the help of Minato's tailed beast form's chakra, everyone gave their assistance and pulled.
"That's great! Everyone on my mark!" Naruto declared. "Ready! Set!"
Everyone positioned themselves comfortably as they awaited Naruto's signal.
Everyone from the shinobi alliance heeded Naruto's call and pulled on the chakra.
Naruto himself pulled with all his might.
"Don't underestimate everyone's power!" Naruto declared.
As much as Obito's will had wavered for a brief moment, he was still the most powerful being present, even with everyone trying to pull away the tailed beasts' chakra from him. He responded everyone's convictions and actions with his own and pulled some of the chakra back to him.
"Continue to pull Naruto!" A very familiar voice exclaimed. "Leave Obito to us!"
Kushina arrived with Mikoto and Jiraiya.
"Mom." Naruto and Sasuke muttered to themselves as they watched their respective mothers join the fray.
Another Susanoo armor manifested around the Uchiha matriarch as chains sprouted from Kushina's body and wrapped themselves around Obito's torso.
"I will be joining into the fray, I'll leave him to you ladies."
"Thanks for the lift Jiraiya." Kushina grinned.
"Kushina get in here." Mikoto scooped up her friend and placed Kushina beside her inside her Susanoo.
With Kushina and Mikoto pulling Obito and the shinobi alliance pulling the chakra with Naruto, the leaf's jinchuuriki was successful in liberating the other tailed beasts' chakra from the ten tailed beast, defeating Obito in the massive tug-of-war.
The Sage of Six Paths and the all the previous Kages summoned Team 7 and all the other tailed beasts from Kaguya's dimension.
The reanimated people began catching up to team 7, particularly the Uchihas with Sasuke and Naruto's parents and godfather.
Shisui made one last action of ruffling his cousin's hair before joining Fugaku and Mikoto.
"I'm afraid we all must go." The sage of six paths voiced out as he shook his head.
The reanimated people nodded in understanding as they glowed and began to dissipate, their bodies disintegrating into earth and dust.
Naruto and Sasuke didn't waste time and bid farewell to their loved ones.
"Why haven't we left the living plane?" Hashirama questioned.
"Some of you have yet to leave your earthly constructs." The Sage of six paths shook his head. "Also, as I am the father of Sasuke's and Naruto's first incarnations, of Indra and Asura, it is my duty as their father to watch this conflict I knew I have helped sow to its very end."
"Choosing Asura over Indra." The second Hokage crossed his ethereal arms.
"Go Naruto! Know that your mother's rooting for you! You know!" Kushina yelled.
"Go for it Sasuke! The entire Uchiha clan has got your back!" Mikoto responded her own cheer.
"Mikoto, is that how the wife of the Uchiha clan head should act?" Fugaku rebuked.
"Really?" Mikoto raised an eyebrow. "We're dead if you haven't already noticed Fugaku, I don't care about upholding the clan's values when the same values got all of us killed."
"I didn't realize Mikoto-san has quite a temper to her." Minato commented.
"Motherhood mellowed her out," Fugaku admitted. "She knew she didn't want her sons to inherit her infamous temper."
"I guess I should've known considering how good friends she and Kushina were." Minato chuckled.
"Birds of a feather indeed." Fugaku nodded.
To Naruto's and Sasuke's surprise, and utter embarrassment, their loved ones have yet to return to the pure world and they just knew that everyone witnessed their battle.
"You did good Sasuke." Fugaku nodded.
"You were great Naruto!" Kushina praised. "My son is so powerful!"
"Just like we'd hope, right Kushina?" Minato asked his wife.
"As for the reason we're still here, I felt it prudent for everyone to say goodbye to their late loved ones instead of just a few of them having that chance," The sage of six paths voiced out.
The casualties of the fourth shinobi world war as well as the fallen loved ones of the living people, who just woke up from the infinite tsukuyomi-induced slumber, appeared and they talked with each other like Tsunade talking to her late fiancé and younger brother.
Team Gai talking to Neji.
Shikamaru and Ino talking to their respective fathers, and with Chouji, they conversed with Asuma.
"Wait!" Naruto exclaimed. "Konohamaru needs to know you're here old man!" He exclaimed as he disappeared in a yellow flash and appearing a moment later, carrying the third hokage's grandson.
"What gives boss?! I know I was bored in the village but you didn't have to drag me out of it out of nowhere!" Konohamaru whined.
Naruto shook his head and gestured to the third Hokage.
"Grandpa." Konohamaru's eyes widened. "Gramps!" The young Sarutobi tackled his grandfather and hugged him as tight as he could.
"You've grown Konohamaru." Hiruzen returned the hug. "I heard you had defended the leaf spectacularly." The late Hokage ruffled the young Sarutobi's hair affectionately.
"He has indeed sensei." Tsunade affirmed. "Saved his jounin sensei from being killed during one of Akatsuki's attacks."
"Keep up the good work Konohamaru," Hiruzen smiled at his grandson. "I'm proud of you."
"And so am I." Asuma interjected.
Asuma turned to his team. "Look after him will you?"
"We will Asuma-sensei." Shikamaru nodded.
Soon enough everyone bid farewell to their loved ones: Naruto with his parents and godfather; Sasuke with his clan; Ino, Shikamaru and Chouji with their fathers and teacher; Tsunade with her grandfather, fiancé and younger brother; Konohamaru with his grandfather and uncle.
As soon as everyone disappeared, Shisui, whose body have yet to disintegrate, collapsed.
"What's happening?!"
Tsunade and Sakura were quick to rush to the unconscious Uchiha.
"Hello Shisui Uchiha." Harry greeted the boy.
"Hello" Shisui greeted back but his hands were on his short sword. "Is this the pure world?"
"You have unique circumstances Shisui," Harry informed the Uchiha. "Someone made the choice to resurrect you as a reward for a job well done."
"Resurrect me?" Shisui raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry but shouldn't that be impossible?"
"Not entirely in your world," Harry shrugged. "Chiyo of the Hidden Sand was able to resurrect their Kazekage, Gaara, after he was killed hours prior, Nagato used the Rinnegan's ability to resurrect the hidden leaf's casualties during his attack on the village, Madara forcefully used the same ability with the Rinnegan in Obito's possession to resurrect himself," He explained. "All of them at the cost of the user's life."
Would you really sacrifice your life for me, whoever you are?"
"Call me Harry," Harry smiled. "And what makes you think I'm a living person?"
"I mean we are talking aren't we?"
"Where exactly do you think we are?" Harry asked.
"I don't know, I was about to ask you the same question." Shisui fired back.
"Humor me." Harry urged.
Shisui looked around his surroundings.
"This… this is the top of the Hokage's Tower." Shisui declared. "That's the Hokage Mountain." He pointed at mountain with the faces of the Hokage carved on it.
"Looks like Mount Rushmore." Harry muttered to himself.
"But it's silent and cleaner." Shisui observed.
"The Hokage Tower below the Hokage Mountain huh?" Harry hummed. "It make sense." He nodded.
"So this is the boy Itachi Uchiha wanted to resurrect." The sage of six paths observed. "Rather curious that he didn't choose his parents."
"I don't think it's quite that interesting Hagoromo." Harry shook his head. "One of Itachi's few regrets was Shisui Uchiha's death."
"Also one of the very few Uchihas who didn't inherit Indra's curse of hatred," The sage of six paths nodded. "He also loved his village that he essentially gave his life for her survival."
"Shouldn't Itachi be the one resurrected?" Shisui offered his input.
"That can't be done Shisui," Harry shook his head. "It has to be you."
"Why me?" Shisui questioned. "Don't you think it'd be unfair for everyone who lost someone in the war but somehow I'm the one who gets resurrected?" He reasoned.
Harry and the sage looked at each other and smiled.
"Don't you want to go back Shisui?" Harry asked.
"I'm not saying I don't want to…" Shisui trailed off.
"Cedric…" Harry whispered to himself
Harry shook his head as he focused on his current circumstance.
"Ultimately Shisui, you have a choice," Harry looked at Shisui's eyes. "You can choose to go back to the pure world or be resurrected."
"Can I have some time to think over everything?" Shisui asked.
"Take your time." Harry nodded.
Shisui took his time to decide and Harry could understand. Unlike his circumstances, Shisui didn't have anyone left to protect when Harry still had more he cherished.
Harry may have accepted the fact that he may die but when a choice was given to him, he didn't hesitate to grab it.
One thing was sure, things were different for one Shisui Uchiha.
"How is he alive?"
Were the words Shisui heard as soon as he regained consciousness, it immediately clued him on his current state: a living person.
"Unlike Madara, he didn't perform the hand seals necessary to keep himself in this world."
"No, only the Rinnegan has the ability to resurrect people from the dead."
"No, Chiyo-sama of the Hidden Sand used a medical jutsu to resurrect Gaara when his tailed beast was stolen from him at the cost of her own life."
"That still leaves the Rinnegan as the viable answer."
"Do you think Sasuke…"
"Why use the ability on Shisui and not on Itachi or his parents?"
"Then how?"
"Putting Shisui's resurrection on the sides for now, how're the people reacting?"
"The only people aware are the people present in the front lines, and the majority of them are indifferent on the matter."
"He's regained consciousness."
"Shisui Uchiha." Shisui was immediately aware that Tsunade was one of the people who was talking about him outside his room as he watched her appear through the door. "It appears that you have been resurrected." The fifth Hokage stood beside his bed and gave him an assessing stare.
"I don't really know lady Hokage," Shisui shook his head. "All I know that the Uchiha clan were reanimated at the place where I killed myself," He admitted. "Alongside the other casualties of the fourth shinobi world war."
"It appears someone used the Rinne Rebirth jutsu on you," Tsunade relayed. "That is the ability exclusive to the Rinnegan that resurrects the dead." She looked at the clip board she was holding." However, there's only one living person who has the Rinnegan, the others who have this bloodline are dead when you were resurrected."
Naruto barged into the room.
"You're supposed to be resting Naruto," The fifth Hokage admonished. "You wanted a new hand attached to your arm."
"I know that but Grandpa Sage said that I needed to tell you something."
"The Sage of Six Paths?" Shisui raised an eyebrow, remembering the events of the war.
"Well?" Tsunade prompted impatiently.
"He said that Shisui was revived un…kon…" Naruto struggled. "Gaah! Why'd he have to use complicated words?!" He whined.
"You're saying that Shisui was resurrected using unconventional standards?" Tsunade finished Naruto's train of thought.
"Yes! Yes that!" Naruto eagerly nodded.
"Lady Tsunade, Shisui shouldn't even have his eyes." Sakura reported. "According to Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei, Madara's eyes disappeared when he used the Rinne Rebirth jutsu on himself."
"And According to Ibiki's report, the way the Reanimation jutsu works was what their body was what like when they died, if they died without their eyes, they shouldn't even have eyes." The fifth Hokage hummed. "Madara was the exception."
"According to Grandpa Sage, the reaper was the one who reanimated him." Naruto supplied.
"The reaper?" Sakura questioned.
"I'm guessing that's the being that appears when the Yondaime and Sandaime used the Reaper Sealing jutsu." Tsunade speculated. "In that case, I suppose this is one mystery that will never be solved." Tsunade announced. "I'm declaring that the circumstances of Shisui Uchiha's resurrection an S-class secret."
"Isn't that a bit overkill Lady Hokage?" Shisui asked. "It's not like we found something out, and wouldn't declaring my circumstance pose more danger?"
"You are right Uchiha." Tsunade nodded. "However, by declaring your circumstances an S-rank secret, we can avoid people asking questions." She offered.
"Are you sure you're okay about this?" Harry questioned Death as they watched what was happening in the Hidden Leaf's hospital. "Getting the credit for something that we know is a lie."
"No harm done," Death shrugged. "No one in this world knows of your circumstances, aside from the sage," They pointed out. "Even then I don't think he's sure of what you represent master."
"You and I both know that I'm not your master." Harry rolled his eyes. "You also know how I feel about garnering a title that I did not earn."
"But you did, uniting all three hallows." Death rebutted.
"Yeah if we're talking about technicalities, and you know we're not," Harry argued. "Why'd you even create them anyway?"
"Just like with Shisui, it was a reward," Death answered. "But unlike Shisui, it was a test of morals and values."
"Morals and values?" Harry snorted. "You do know that the wizards and witches are the worst kind of sort, especially the pure blooded ones."
"That's why it was a test," Death shrugged. "I was testing on how they would use my gifts. The first brother was ego centric and a bit of a narcissist, so he immediately boasted his new wand.
The second brother was a lover, but he let his love consume his being.
The third brother was a lot like you, he just wanted a quiet life and didn't want to be in the spotlight like his first brother, he let his love define but never consume him."
"So it wasn't a trick like some books had surmised?"
"It never was a trick Harry." Death shook their head. "I was never angry at them for escaping their supposed demise in the first place."
"So you mean to say that you never searched for the third brother?"
"Why would I search? The effects of the invisibility cloak never affected me." Death offered. "I suppose you could say that the cloak was a timer of sorts and I would only collect any soul in possession of the cloak when the timer passes."
"So if the third brother was the same as the first and second brothers, what could've happened?"
"There are a lot of possibilities, had he used the cloak, like how a certain toad sage would, he could be a case of dying of 'I did not know he was standing in front of me while I was practicing for the curse.'"
"Have you seen that happen?"
"Interestingly enough, the third brother has always acted the same way, despite the different circumstances of how the brothers acquired the hallows."
"So the existence of the hallows are also consistent in other realities."
"Of course." Death nodded. "Let me change the topic for a bit."
"Go on."
"Why'd you mention your fellow Triwizard Champion when you talked with Shisui?" Death asked, curious.
"Shisui reminded me of Cedric," Harry admitted. "I think, if he had survived the tournament, he'd do what Shisui had done."
"You do realize that there are realities whe-"
"Where he's a death eater, I know." Harry finished Death's train of thought. "We both know the circumstances behind such a radical change in character."
"Like with Shisui and Itachi, Cedric was a double agent, using the circumstances of his loss to gain audience with the Dark Lord and the one of the things that your son and Scorpius didn't know was that Cedric was never the cause for Neville's death."
"Cedric was a huge loss to the Wizarding World, judging by the circumstances that happened after the tournament in the world where he supported Riddle." Harry sighed.
"So who's going to be the clan head?" Naruto found himself asking the question to Iruka. "Should it be Sasuke because of his present age or Shisui who was born years before Sasuke."
"What brought this question Naruto?" Iruka raised an eyebrow.
"I dunno," Naruto shrugged. "It just came to me."
"Technically speaking, you're the clan head of the Uzumaki clan Naruto, as its only known living member." Iruka stated.
"What use is being a leader if you're not leading anyone? What use is being a kage in an empty village?" Naruto pointed out.
"That's the same situation for both Uchihas." Iruka answered. "Shisui and Sasuke are the only Uchihas left and there is no need for a leader with only two members, one of which is the leader."
"What about the Shinobi council?" Naruto questioned.
"I'm afraid that the Uchihas have little to no power on the matters of the council for the same reasons why the clan has no head, the things that would be decided in the council would have little to no effect on them."
"What if Sasuke or Shisui were to revive the Uchiha Police Corps?"
"Then they have a seat on the Shinobi Council." Iruka smiled. "I'm really happy that you're taking this lessons seriously Naruto."
"I can see why these are important to become Hokage and being a ninja does not only revolve around flashy jutsus and overpowering the enemy," Naruto grumbled. "Does not mean I like it."
"I know how frustrating it is for you." Iruka offered a comforting pat on the boy's shoulder. "You've always been someone who learned things through physical activities instead of just listening and reading." He smiled. "I know that you can pull through this."
"I will definitely finish this and become Hokage! Believe it!" Naruto declared.
"I definitely believe."
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Eleven: Adventure ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Virtual Vitality ] [ AO3 Link ]
Well...he can think of worse ways to go out.
Cliche as it is, the end of the world has been nigh for...quite some time. And while the rich bigwigs shuttle off for space and the poor are left to their devices, those somewhere in the middle have another option: a virtual reality for the digital records of their brains to live on for...well, there wasn’t a specific end date given. The servers are robust, robotic caretakers and spare parts galore left for maintenance in its secure, secret location, and the rest left to fate as the world breathes its last few breaths.
The queue for digitalization has been rampant for weeks. Every country has seen massive crowds gathering for a chance to achieve digital immortality. And Sasuke’s family were among them.
They managed to be among the earliest, finding a neurological scan facility within their city. It took several days of camping out along the sidewalk, slowly moving up as others dredged alongside them. But then came their turn.
To say it was chaotic would be an understatement. But so too was it obvious the staff was doing all it could to accommodate them all. Not only had they been doing it for weeks by that point, but surely they’d been trained beforehand to handle it, the numbers to be expected.
“Yes,” Fugaku had rumbled in reply.
“Six in your party?”
“That’s right.”
Father, mother, brother...aunt, cousin, and himself, Sasuke mentally counted. The closest of their immediate family. The rest either lived far, or were simply never heard from.
“All right then...please, follow me.” A doctor with a clipboard escorted them to a room off a hallway that branched from the main lobby. Even there it felt crowded, and the tension in the air made Sasuke borderline anxious. Within the chamber were several chairs, a myriad of tech, and a head-level device attached to the ceiling, like one of those portable x-ray machines at a dentist’s office.
“All right...everyone please take a seat, and then we’ll get started as soon as I log your profiles.” The doctor turned to the computer, fingers flying over the keys as the Uchiha all settled nervously in their chairs...save for Itachi, who was put into place in his wheelchair.
“Eager to walk again?” Shisui asked quietly.
“I’m not sure ‘eager’ is the proper term given the overarching circumstances, but...relatively speaking? Yes,” was Itachi’s ever-dry answer.
“Well gee, thanks for making me feel like an asshole…”
“Sorry...I’m just...tense.”
“Yeah...I get that.”
“We will begin alphabetically, please. Fugaku, if you would?”
Giving his family a glance, Fugaku did as asked, standing and following the doc’s orders to stand perfectly still. Adjusting the scanner, they then stood back, plugging in something through the keyboard before the procedure began.
As if with a mind of its own, the machine began to move. Slowly turning about Fugaku’s head, it almost looked like some kind of wild animal cautiously circling. Doing his best to hold still, the patriarch’s eyes nonetheless swiveled in their sockets in an attempt to watch.
“And...that’s done! Itachi is next.”
Visibly relieved, Fugaku then positioned his son, the machine lowered to account for his seated posture.
And so it went, over and over until it was finally Sasuke’s turn. Standing in the proper place, he eyed the machine warily as it was set in place.
“Do your best to keep still, and we’ll wrap up with your cousin.”
“Now, things will go dark for the copy, and then it will wake in the server. For you, however, things will continue as normal.”
Heaving a steadying breath, Sasuke couldn’t help but flinch as it started to move. Around it went, slowly, the hum of its mechanisms sounding in his ears.
As soon as the machine stopped...everything went black.
...and then a moment later, he opens his eyes.
He’s...in some sort of...lobby…? It looks like a hotel or something, but...no one else is around. Where’s his family?
“Hey, finally! A familiar face!”
Turning, Sasuke’s brows lift. “Shisui?”
“Yeah! Apparently the data loads in small batches, so the others should be around soon...we’re advised to wait until then so no one gets separated.”
“Where’d you hear that?”
“Some kind of npc lady. She’s been wandering around, clearly on a script.”
“What, like...a game?”
“Sorta. Also...you might want to change your clothes. You’re still in the default.”
“Default? What -?” Jostling as his cousin turns him toward a mirror, Sasuke blanches. He’s in a plain white t-shirt, pants, and shoes. Like some kind of mannequin or something. “...how...do I…?”
“Bring up your dominant hand, palm up.”
“...uh -?” Doing as asked, Sasuke glances to his left. Then, much like a game, some kind of...menu springs up, making him holler and stumble backward.
“Yeah, it...takes some getting used to. Anyway, see that, uh...chest of drawers looking icon? That’s the wardrobe. Pick whatever you want! You can even change the colors.”
“...huh.” Still a bit leery, Sasuke presses the ‘button’, watching as an inventory does indeed bloom. He’s...really not sure what to wear, and he doesn’t feel like taking all that long to look...so he settles on a dark top, a sweatshirt, and some jeans.
“There, that’s more like the Sasuke I know! Guess now we’ll just...sit and wait for - whoa!”
Glancing to Shisui, Sasuke has to do a double take. Itachi’s data has loaded...and…
“Dude...you’ve got legs!”
Looking a bit disoriented for a moment, Itachi then looks to his cousin...and then down. “...I’ve always had legs,” he eventually retorts. “These just...function.”
“You know what I mean,” Shisui replies, waving a hand. “Come on, let’s pick you some clothes, dude! You look like that one chick from that insurance commercial…”
Brow furrowing, Itachi lets himself be guided through the motions as Mikoto, her sister, and her husband then appear.
“Looks like we all made it,” Sasuke offers, moving to help walk them through what he himself has learned so far.
And then others start to load, typically by themselves or in pairs. Knowledge passes, and soon enough fifty or so people (individually dressed) mill about in the lobby.
“If I may have your attention, please!”
Everyone turns at the voice, finding a woman standing at the head of the room: likely the one Shisui mentioned.
“Greetings, and welcome to the post-Earth survival servers. Your data has been successfully loaded! I will now give you your introductory guide to the servers.
“Servers are all interconnected through various lobbies, like this one. To travel between servers, you need only return to the proper lobby, where you can load any of the available servers! The default exit point for this lobby is the ‘fantasy RPG’ server.”
“Wait, seriously?” Shisui whispers. “I wasn’t serious when I compared this to a game…!”
“A variety of people means a variety of experiences! A full list of lobbies and their contents are available for perusal in your menu. Simply lift your dominant hand, palm up, to access your personal menu. Data collected while in a server will be stored within each: so if you leave a server and come back, your previous data will be reloaded, and you can continue your experience where you left off! You can also restart at any time, should you wish to explore the world from the beginning again!
“This lobby will be closed for one hour while this batch of data are allowed time to pick their first server. If you haven’t made a choice, you will be moved to the default server to free up the lobby to load more data! And as mentioned, you can change servers at any time.
“Specific data can also be searched and found on the server maps through your menus, so you can always locate another data should you become separated!
“If you require any further explanations, there are guides and tutorials for hundreds of subject matter in your menu’s encyclopedia! Organize them by subject, or search for a specific aspect. Your hour begins now - please, enjoy your post-Earth experience!”
After an awkward pause, everyone starts talking amongst their groups, menus opening and plans being made.
“...well, that’s...not what I was expecting,” Itachi admits as the Uchiha all gather.
“Y’know...I might actually stick with this server to start,” Shisui muses, a hand at his chin. “I’ve always loved RPGs!”
The adults, however, express a desire to find something more...normal, perhaps modern.
“We can always meet up again later,” Sasuke offers with a shrug. “I mean, the map seems pretty easy to use. Cuz honestly...I might stick with Shisui. This sounds like fun.”
“Then I shall as well,” Itachi agrees, while the trio of elders offer to establish a kind of ‘home base’ in a modern server to regroup to.
“So...guess we just...head out, then?” Sasuke asks.
“Seems that way. But I have to wonder, if this really is an RPG server...where’s all the roleplaying options? Y’know, classes and all that?”
“Perhaps we will find out when we load into the server itself,” Itachi muses.
“Um...excuse me…?”
Finding themselves interrupted, the trio turn to find a young woman standing nearby. “Can we help you?” Itachi asks, ever polite.
“I, um...I couldn’t help but overhear that you...that you plan to stay in this server?”
“Yeah, we thought we’d give it a try,” Shisui confirms.
“Could...c-could I join you? At least to start, so I’m not b-by myself? The rest of my family, um...isn’t interested.”
The three exchange glances. “...I don’t see why not,” Sasuke replies. “You got a name?”
“Oh! Yes! It’s Hinata - Hinata Hyūga.”
“Well I’m Shisui - and these are my cousins, Itachi and Sasuke,” the eldest explains with the proper gestures.
“It’s nice to meet you!”
“Well, what do you say, guys? Should we go start ourselves a little adventure?” Shisui’s eyebrows wiggle, making Hinata giggle and the other two roll their eyes.
“This is going to be a long one,” Itachi sighs.
“We’ll just feed him to the first troll we find,” Sasuke suggests with a smirk.
“That’s not very nice,” Hinata replies.
“Trust me...you’ll see what I mean soon enough.”
     I am SUPER tired so I'll try to be brief.      My own little take on "living in an RPG", based a little bit on that game SOMA by Frictional Games, aka the brain scan part lol - I've never actually read / watched a story of "living in an RPG" so...this is me winging it xD      I'd like to do more, if the cut-off point doesn't make that obvious. It was getting a LITTLE long, and...it's very late and I'm exhausted OTL Been ill the last two days so my brain is just blegh, lol      Aaanyway, it's sleep time for me! Thanks for reading~
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BOOM. Sasuke having nightmares about the massacre and Sakura comforting him (make it painful)
Requested by: @radioactivelaura
The memories were shadows, dark ink stained shrouds of clouded, looming, cleaved hems of reality. It was masked in crimson, a coated dye of what spread between the stones, fleeing from corpses as if it were travelling down the stream of veins, marking its path with ruby torrents that scaled their way towards him. Then the voices would begin to echo through the vacant streets, a chorus of screaming wraiths that claimed the form of meshed time. It created a shattered form of twisted faces that were long buried, forgone by trimmed years. It was a pretend world where they never existed, only crawled from the bellows of beckoning call to torment the mind of the one person who could fiercely remember how such pain mounted in his chest from the scene playing out in front of a traumatized child too terrified to move, scared that his limbs would give out if provoked into action.
The moment always came swift, a soul crushing reminder of the lies that barricaded his life into a boiling revenge he could hardly contain alone. But it was there, existing, clawing its way to the surface, waiting for the fuel to give it life. It was always the faded faces of his parents being sliced by a tarnished blade, swift as a guillotine, and brazen as a ghost. Itachi’s eyes were born unreadable, bearing hatred to gorge the love from those weakening ties. It deteriorated, fazed the backdrop into ebbing souls, turned vultures to devour the heart. Stealing pieces of his once whole world, crafted into his being.
That’s what the massacre had been. The abandonment given by gravestones. The pain that etched into his lungs, causing strife the moment he attempted to breathe. It was real. Reality molded the farce, but still bared its teeth in a gnarled fashion. Despite the closed curtain over the truth, it couldn’t conceal the staged horror any more than passing days. Itachi’s words before he departed for a second time had been security in a way, having seen what truly transpired. But it couldn’t dispel the aftermath of having observed the slaughter. And there was nothing, no force that could ever provide a comfort to that.
Sasuke woke with a sudden jolt, hand quivering as his fingers rest over stinging eyes. His bones ached from mere tiredness as these unwanted recollections were thrust aside, burned into cinder until the next time they revived themselves. Any attempt to suppress them only provoked the agony to swarm as if summoned. He was damage control by being left alive that night. Much like Itachi had been when coerced to choose sides at too young of an age, except he was the pawn.
“Are you okay?” Sakura asked, stirring. The abrupt movement had awoken her from light sleep, something gratifying from all those nights worrying. She placed her palm alongside his shoulder, feeling him slightly shaking. “Nightmares again?”
He simply nodded, quelling the emotion that wanted to bleed into his strained tone. He felt her move closer, warmth from her body pressed against him. “I’m fine. It’s not as if I’m not used to this.”
She gently stroked his face, turning his head towards her. “You’re not alone now. I’m here.”
“I know, and don’t think I don’t appreciate that every second,” he said quietly. “It’s just… hard to have no control over something that happened so long ago. Seeing it all over again. It’s like being stuck in the Tsukuyomi.” It was a relentless cycle he couldn’t cure his mind of, yet the darkness was expelled from it when the lies were banished from the scene. It still didn’t erase the fact that it occurred or that he was there to watch.
Sakura knew only the details he was willing to spare. She didn’t ask him to divulge any information he wasn’t prepared to relive. It was his past and knowing a few particulars was more than she could ask for. Sasuke was soft-spoken about his childhood. It’s where his insecurities were formed, his suffering that magnetically propelled him to make decisions he thought were founded on principal of justice or, in some cases, denial. Like the night he left the village. It remained a plaguing reminiscence that built around them.
Her jade eyes regarded him with a calm expression as the shade of night enveloped them. “What happened to your clan, the reasons behind it, I know it has to be difficult to cope with. You can be as detached as you want from the past and still know it’s following behind you. But that doesn’t mean you have to recognize the presence.”
“I tried that before,” he replied, head leaning towards her. “Ignoring it only drove my desire to leave Konoha and make all those mistakes. It’s easier with you and Sarada around, but the nightmares won’t stop. The curse in my bloodline doesn’t only apply to losing people. It’s being haunted by it that makes it a true torment without remedy.” He stood up, taking a few paces away from the bed. “We were nothing but collateral damage. And for the longest time… no one cared.”
She wanted to embrace him, steal the grief that ate away at him. “No one truly knew the extent of what happened, what price you and your brother had to pay. You were always so quiet when we were younger.” The regret in her voice was heavy. None of them asked despite being aware of it, afraid of how he’d react to the question, ready to hear another falsehood he used as a shield. “We did care. I cared. I still do.”
“The people that caused it didn’t,” he said, anger seeping into his bitter words. “All they did was pretend it was some random act of murder to discredit and ruin the Uchiha. Coup d’état or not, they didn’t deserve that. Itachi chose to leave his little brother as an orphan with only hatred and regret, thinking that’d be sufficient to pursue living. It wasn’t. No matter how much time passed, I’m still thrown the reminders over and over again. Every night for as long as I can remember. When is it enough? Why does everyone treat surviving like it’s some kind of cruel reward? It was a brutal compensation being forced to move forward when there was no one left to see you when you got home, to say they were proud of you, to even express a form of acknowledgment that you existed. All those childhood normalcies were taken in one night. I hated every minute of it and still people treat my response as treason because I wanted a way out!”
She lowered her head, getting up to stand behind him. “It was betrayal to those who loved you when you walked towards death,” she lowly replied. “If I had known, if any of us had known how much it was hurting you, we could’ve helped. I’m not saying it’d stop, but you wouldn’t have been so alone.” Sakura attentively studied him. His gaze was avoiding her as she rounded in front. His fingers were loosely clenched as he tried to remove his resentment. “The Hidden Leaf did a lot of wrong, especially concerning the Uchiha Clan. It’s okay to still feel aggrieved over it. I understand, although my comprehension will never be on the same level.”
He remained silent, turning his stare away. “I didn’t mean to raise my voice. I might have found redemption, but that’s my own much like my past, not anyone else’s burden to carry. Reliving it reminds me of all the repressed abhorrence I held. I know I have purpose now. I have a family. I have a future. I have you by my side. I just can’t help carry regrets that travel far beyond me.”
Sasuke owned nothing back then. His home was a place consumed by piercing jabs of familiarity that was tainted by the loss that welled up inside his heart until that pain spread. The ache that seeped into him was overwhelming, but due to his silence, it gave permission for that void to grow around him, absorb it into his bones. It was always about control. Shed the feelings that stormed his mind, contain the desire to give up completely, and most importantly never let the world see how easily his façade was crumbling apart. It was exhausting to play the game of avoidance. Leaving gave him the release to finally put aside the care to wear a mask of indifference despite the marks it left behind in his personality.
Sakura inhaled, a shallow breath that hitched in her throat as he walked back over to the bed. She knew there was little she could offer to the past, but the amount of relief in words was there. He’s done the same in her distress whenever it rose up, taking her by surprise. They were there for one another.
“We’re connected by our feelings, remember?” she asked him, taking his hand in her hold after sitting beside him once more. “You don’t have to hide it from me. You don’t have to pretend. Just because you’re forgiven, changed your path, you’re happy, that doesn’t mean you can’t get mad or upset. Especially around me.”
He closed his eyes, water clouding his sight as a frown fell back into place. Some days the light that filled his life was only a flicker, but it was a flame too bright to ignore. “I hate it,” he exhaled unsteadily. Her grip tightened a bit. “I’m terrified of losing people. After having to see it happen to my family, at the hand of someone I loved and trusted more than anyone else, I’m scared that one day it’d happen again. Or worse. I’d be the one at fault for being the monster I used to be, that I could do the same as Itachi.”
Sakura pulled him into a hug. “Beyond mortal flaw or fatal sin, you’re the man I’ve always loved. I’m on your side no matter what happens. Sarada and I both care about you. We don’t know what the future holds, but as far as I’m concerned, what matters is here and now. Nightmares aren’t real. What’s real is right here,” she said, placing her hand on his chest. “And you and I both know how much love is there. I don’t care about possibilities. I trust you with all my heart.”
He offered her a faint smile, his lips pressed against hers for a small kiss. “You always have. Even when I didn’t.” He paused, looking into her eyes. Their relationship was strained in the past, but unbreakable with their vows. It was her love that completed him. “Thank you.”
She returned the smile, her hand resting on his arm. “It’s late. I’ll stay up with you if you want.”
“I think I’ll be able to sleep,” he offered with a slight shrug, appreciating the reassurance in her touch. “I know you’re here and that’s all I need.”
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phantomflower42 · 7 years
Naruto OCs: Surviving The Uchiha Clan Massacre
This is a serious topic in the Naruto fandom.  People seem to froth at the mouth if you even think of having an Uchiha OC post-massacre.  
But, I am not one those people.  There is a little leeway for Uchihas to live after the Uchiha clan massacre.  It just takes some creative thinking.   There are several holes that can be taken advantage of.
Before I go any further, allow me to explain to those unfamiliar with Naruto or its sequel series Boruto what the Uchiha clan massacre is, the basics of the Uchiha clan in general, and why living members of the Uchiha clan after this event are unlikely.
The Uchiha clan were a founding clan of Konohagakure (Hidden Leaf Village) alongside the Senju clan.  The Uchiha and the Senju were enemies before they made a truce, and founded Konoha.  The Uchiha were said to have had a greater capacity for love than other people.  
However, they inherited a bloodline called the Sharingan that literally evolved with extreme emotions.  The extreme emotions in question often ended up being the death of a close friend or family member.  The Sharingan was born out of the pain of that loss.  Several Uchiha went off the deep end after losing too many comrades.
The Nidaime Hokage Senju Tobirama realized this.  He did not trust the Uchiha.  He put them in charge of Konohagakure’s police force to keep them out of politics.  The regular villagers treated the Uchiha clan okay, but the high ranked ninja of the village kept an eye on them.  The Sandaime Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and his advisers forced the Uchiha to all live together in a compound after one of them was suspected in the Kyuubi attack.
The Uchiha clan grew bitter towards Konohagakure thanks to the Hokage and his advisers’ actions towards them.  They started making plans for a coup d’etat.  The clan leader’s eldest son Uchiha Itachi started spying on his clansmen for the village.  With the assistance of a disguised Uchiha Obito, he killed his clan upon orders from his village at age thirteen for their impending treason.  Only his younger brother Sasuke was officially spared from the slaughter.    
While the massacre has been on orders, Itachi was forced to defect from Konohagakure right after.  He joined the terrorist group Akatsuki.  The regular villagers of Konohagakure thought the massacre was a random tragedy.  Few knew the truth until after Itachi’s death around eight years later.  
Note the second-to-last sentence.  Most of the villagers thought it was a random tragedy.  That means that no one knew the truth about the Uchiha clan being marginalized or that they were plotting treason.  Any actions the higher-ups took against the Uchiha clan had to be discreet.
With that in mind, I will list the most likely ways for a member of the Uchiha clan to survive or otherwise exist after the massacre.  Note that since the elders ordered the Uchihas’ deaths that your OC would likely not stay in Konohagakure afterwards.
1) Becoming a missing-nin before the massacre, preferably before the Kyuubi attack.
Madara, Obito, Itachi, and Sasuke do not have a monopoly on being defectors.  Other Uchiha would have good reasons to defect as well.  They could be tired of how their clan is treated, or may not agree with the Will of Fire.  I suggest defecting before the Kyuubi attack as the Uchiha clan were kept a very close eye on after that. 
2) Retiring from ninja work and moving away from Konohagakure pre-massacre.  
The Hokage has say over ninja in their active roster, but that authority diminishes once a ninja goes into retirement.  Not every ninja stays on for life.  An Uchiha could decide to settle down, pursue a civilian job, and raise a family like anyone else.  The situation would become more plausible if the Uchiha in question moved some distance away from Konoha.
Hiruzen could try calling the Uchiha back after the Kyuubi attack, but his authority would be minimal at best.  The process could become complicated.  The retired Uchiha could have a business they run at this point, be employed, have a spouse, and may have produced children with said spouse.  
That even presumes the retired Uchiha can be located.  Evidence in the Naruto series points to the Uchiha breeding among themselves for the most part.  It’s presumably to keep the Sharingan to themselves.  An Uchiha with an outside spouse might be disowned from the clan.  Such an Uchiha might not be able to be traced from letters or other communications if their clan cut off communication with them.  
It would take time to close down a business or otherwise put notice into the Uchiha’s place of employment, a new place might need building in the compound so the Uchiha and their family has a place to live, the Uchiha would have to do something with their current residence, the Uchiha’s family would need a cart to carry their belongings, and any children or spouses would need immigration papers.  This would add up very fast.  Forcing the retired Uchiha to move back to Konohagakure would become impossible if they moved to another country altogether.  
The elders may want every Uchiha dead, but they appear pragmatic.  They might decide that wasting a lot of time, money, and effort on one Uchiha would not be worth it.  Shimura Danzo could attempt sending his ROOT agents, but they would be in big trouble if local ninja caught them.  The Hokage and his advisers might not even know the retired Uchiha’s current address.  They will probably drop the issue.
3) Coincidentally being on a mission at the time of the massacre, preferably some distance away from Konohagakure.
Remember how the Konohagakure citizens thought that the Uchiha clan massacre was a random tragedy?  While Hiruzen and the elders got away with confining them to a compound, they could not prevent normal business like Uchiha ninja going out on missions with their teammates. ��Missions keep on coming as Konohagakure’s source of income.  Barring all Uchiha ninja from missions with their teammates just before the massacre would have looked a little suspicious, yes?
The important thing to remember is that Itachi fled Konohagakure soon after he killed everyone in the Uchiha clan compound.  He joined Akatsuki shortly afterwards.  He was declared a traitor, so he would not have been able to stick around for any late-comers.  He would not have been able to go on a killing spree of Uchiha on missions across the Hidden Countries, either.  It would take too much energy out of him.   An Uchiha on a mission would mainly be on the lookout for Danzo’s ROOT agents.
An Uchiha’s chances of survival increases the further away they are from Konohagakure at the time.  They certainly have a chance of defeating ROOT ninja sent after them.  Keep in mind that the ROOT ninja will have their work cut out for them if the Uchiha is in another country.  While the seals on their tongues will prevent them from spouting secrets, their masks and other ANBU regalia could link them back to Konoha if local ninja detain them.  That would be bad.  
Plan on how Hiruzen will deal with all of these Uchiha who suddenly have to fear death if they come back home.  He may well deliver communications with an altered version of what happened, and order the Uchiha and/or their whole squad to fake the dead.  The Uchiha could be placed under a special ninja witness protection program or given a new identity.   If he decides on the first option, he will probably set up the basics for the Uchiha’s new life as a sort of severance pay.   
4) Traveling away from Konohagakure around the time of the massacre.
Being a ninja does not prevent someone from going out on vacation as long as they approve the vacation days with their village leader first.  Uzumaki Naruto and Jiraiya had participated in a festival while searching for Tsunade; no one batted an eye at them despite their forehead protectors.  Several Konohagakure clans have allies they occasionally meet with outside of the village, including the Uchiha.  Forbidding an Uchiha from taking vacation days would look just as bad as barring them from missions.
An Uchiha in this situation would have to look out for ROOT ninja.  Should they make it back to the village, the Sandaime would likely sit them down to explain what happened.  The Uchiha would be informed that they could no longer reside in Konohagakure for their own safety.  They would probably fake their death on orders, and move somewhere else.  Other options would be placing them in ninja witness protection program of some kind, or changing their identity.
5) Being a civilian Uchiha out on business at the time of the Uchiha clan massacre.
This one is simple.  Not all Uchiha are ninja.  Non-ninja have more of a range of movement than shinobi do.  People that are part of certain industries will sometimes need to travel to business meetings.  Hiruzen would not have that much authority over them.  
If Hiruzen knew of such an unaccounted for Uchiha civilian, he would probably order a ninja to escort them to Hiruzen’s office upon the civilian Uchiha’s return.  The Uchiha would then be given an account of the massacre, and warned that staying in Konohagakure was no longer safe for them.  Hiruzen might even help them find a new place to live depending on the circumstances involved.
6) Faking the dead during the massacre, then fleeing the village.
This one would take some skills and good luck to pull off.  But, if the Uchiha could render their breathing undetectable and stayed still for a while on the bloodied ground, Itachi, Obito, and Danzo’s ROOT ninja would stop paying attention to them.  Even an Uchiha loyal to Konoha would understand that this was no longer their home with other Konohagakure ninja attacking them.  They would probably be roughing it for a while, but would eventually find another place to live.   
7) Being conceived between an Uchiha and an outside party when the Uchiha was on a mission.  Preferably, a long-term one that happened a distance from Konohagakure.
Do you think that the Uchiha were free of indiscretions?  The Hokage’s advisers would have trouble targeting a half-Uchiha baby for death if even the Uchiha clan is not aware of their existence.  The Uchiha parent would likely do everything they could to conceal their child’s existence.  Even a female Uchiha would not have much trouble doing so if she left the baby with the father’s family.
Uchiha usually have either black or brown hair and black eyes.  That look is so common that a half-Uchiha in a non-Konoha location would not be given a second glance.  The chance of being recognized as one decreases if they inherited their non-Uchiha parent’s hair or eye color.  The Sharingan might activate, but the half-Uchiha would likely be a teenager by then at minimum.  Mission babies are probably as safe as it gets.  
8) Being born outside of Konohagakure from any of the previous groups.
People reproduce.  It’s a fact of life.  If an Uchiha has had a baby outside of Konohagakure’s walls, and the Uchiha parent is already off the grid, there’s not a lot the elders could do.  Uchiha from any of the previous situations could settle down and have children away from their original village.  The Uchiha child may or may not know about their bloodline or clan history depending on the circumstances.
There is one thing that will be universal, however.  The child will likely be warned to avoid Konohagakure like the plague after the massacre if they can help it.  Most Uchiha in the situations above will know that their former home is no longer safe.  That could apply double post-Fourth Shinobi World War thanks to Sasuke, Obito, and Madara’s actions.    
Having a living Uchiha OC after the massacre is possible.  You just have to be careful on how you plan it out.  Do not make them closely related to Sasuke and Itachi unless it’s an AU.  A third Uchiha sibling would change the canon story significantly.
Remember not to make too many post-massacre OCs.  While there are holes to be had, Itachi, the elders, ROOT, and Obito were as thorough as they could be considering the different variables.  Have a nice day.
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mschifknight · 8 years
Be My Valentine
Some Valentine’s Day fluff for the OTP that tops all.
“I’m not doing it.” Satoshi hated Valentine’s Day. All the girls would give him embarrassing gifts like stuffed bears or roses and he couldn’t just throw them away, not after his mother got wind of it when she got a call from one girl’s parents. Now he was forced to accept them. But he still got rid of them in the politest way possible; he’d give them to the little kids in the class down the hall when no one was looking.
Suffice to say he didn’t like the holiday and this year was worse; he had to do something more humiliating.
Sasuke narrowed his eyes at his son. “I’ll increase your allowance.”
“Nope,” Satoshi replied with just as much firmness. “Besides I can just ask uncle Itachi if I really want something.”
He cursed his brother for spoiling his son and tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. Sasuke was parked in front of the school and had turned on the child lock to keep Satoshi from running out. Sitting beside the grumpy child was a bouquet of roses, chocolates, and a small bag of his infamous cookies. “You know, I’m not asking for a lot. All you have to do is give it to Hinata.”
“First of all, I’m not in Ms. Hyuuga’s class so it’d be weird going to her class. Secondly, I don’t want anyone to think I have a crush on her.” Satoshi blushed as he thought of the teacher everyone liked. To be fair, there were many times he wished he was in her class instead since she was much nicer than Mr. Sabaku. “Thirdly, she’s too nice for you. You’ll scare her off.”
Sasuke’s eyebrow twitched. “Name your price.”
The older Uchiha had met the kind and stunning beauty while at a back to school event at his son’s school. His ex-wife was at a work conference so he went in her place. At first he thought she was another parent but quickly realized his mistake when he saw her name tag. She was easy to talk to and he was disappointed that his son wasn’t in her class but rather his old high school rival’s. However that didn’t deter Sasuke from coming around more often which Satoshi found embarrassing.
The young boy liked how balanced things were before; his mother usually helped with fundraisers while his father would take any field trip chaperone duties. Now he felt smothered by Sasuke’s presence. His father was taking part in everything which unfortunately his mother happily accepted. Satoshi cringed as he remembered the so called sugar cookies he made for the bake sale. No one could stomach finishing one but Ms. Hyuuga offered to buy them all. He suspected she did it to spare his feelings but his father fell even more enamored. The only other person who looked displeased by their interaction was his teacher.
“A two night sleepover with Shikadai and Inoichi at your house. We’ll have pizza, ice cream, and soda, watch scary movies all night and go to the arcade the next day.” Satoshi sat back, confidently smirking at Sasuke. Irritated by the mirror image of him tauntingly smirking, Sasuke narrowed his eyes.
“No scary movies and I’ll let you camp outside,” he offered. “And you can’t tell your mother.”
“One scary movie and you have a deal,” Satoshi countered.
“Fine,” Sasuke. “But if I find out you didn’t do it, I’ll tell your grandmother you’d love to join her for tea with all her friends.”
Satoshi shuddered. It wasn’t that he didn’t like his grandmother; it was her friends he disliked, they would pull at his cheeks and tell him all about their granddaughters that had crushes on him. He grabbed Sasuke’s gifts after he turned off the child lock and slammed the door close. “Careful with those!” Sasuke shouted.
Satoshi stomped towards the car and threw his backpack full of valentines inside before getting in. He hadn’t had a chance to drop them off so he was stuck with them. Sasuke looked at him expectably, contributing his foul mood to all the fangirls he had to deal with. “Well?”
He huffed and looked at him. “You forgot to sign your name on the card,” he said slowly. “So she thought it was from me. Ms. Hyuuga thanked me for them but said that I should’ve given it to someone my own age.”
“What?!” Sasuke asked. He couldn’t believe that he had forgotten something so simple. Groaning, he slumped over the steering wheel.
“And Mr. Sabaku wanted me to give you this.” He handed him the sealed note and Sasuke opened it. As he read the contents, his face darkened. Crumpling it and throwing it out the window, he felt more determined than ever.
“What did it say?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Sasuke replied quickly. “When’s your next bake sale?”
“We’re not doing them anymore. People got food poisoning from the last one.” Satoshi had discarded the baked ‘goods’ as soon as he entered the building. He liked Ms. Hyuuga too much to let her suffer.
They both stared at each other for a few seconds. “It must’ve been Lee’s blueberry muffins,” Sasuke surmised. Satoshi felt like banging his head against the car window. “Well, keep me updated on any events they need parents. I think you have a field trip to the zoo next month for all the third graders.”
“Yeah…” Satoshi sighed. ��But I think we have enough parents signed up so you don’t have to-”
“Well it doesn’t hurt to make sure,” he replied as he started the car.
While waiting behind the school bus to move, Sasuke turned his eyes to the right and saw Hinata laughing alongside another teacher. They locked eyes and she waved at him. Captured by her smile, Sasuke hadn’t noticed that the bus had driven off. It took the honk of the car behind him to shake him from his trance.
Sasuke waved blissfully at Hinata before driving off with goofy smile on his face. Satoshi crouched down in his seat, his skin crawling at the thought of his father acting like such a dork.
What was in the note? Eh, you decide.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ @sasuhinamonth || SasuHina Month 2019 || Day Twenty-Three: Elf AU ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Itachi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Divine Light ] [ AO3 Link ]
He never wanted any part of this.
When young, Sasuke had assumed the mantle would never fall to him. After all, he had an older brother. One that - though he hated to admit it - was a far better practitioner of their ven than he was. Though both brothers were full-blooded igni el’ven, Itachi was a prodigy. And Sasuke, well...a bit of a late bloomer.
So all had assumed that, when they got older, Itachi would follow in their father’s footsteps and become the next representative of their patron Elemental, Ignitrios. The Uchiha clan had long been considered the strongest of their element, so it was only right that nearly every person named the dignitary under Ignitrios came from their line.
...but as he got older, it became clear something wasn’t quite...right with the elder brother. He would more and more often fall ill, and each bout seemed worse than the last. The entire family grew worrisome, but Itachi insisted on continuing his training and taking up the banner.
As a precaution, Sasuke was soon taught alongside his brother.
Just in case.
Politics, however, bored the younger boy nearly to tears. The only saving grace was that it allowed him more time with his brother, on whom he doted despite being the second born. For Itachi, he would suffer through anything. Even boring history lessons.
And then came their first official trip to the Elemental Summit.
By now, the pair are both full grown, if not newly so. The lives of el’ven span long, and they’ve only just begun. And Sasuke refuses to consider the possibility that Itachi may not get to see the extent of his years.
But that doesn’t stop him from being the younger brother.
“I’ve always hated these clothes.”
Watching Sasuke fiddle with the many buttons and straps of his clothing, Itachi just gives a soft chuckle. “It’s only a week of the year, my brother. You’ll be free of them soon enough until next Summer. Do try to be patient.”
“Fire is never patient,” Sasuke rebukes, mostly just arguing for something to talk about as they endure the long trek to the Luxerian capital. “It hungers and burns what it wants.”
“And you’ll burn your clothes, will you?”
“If I could do so without being scolded, I would in a heartbeat. How can you stand this…?”
“It’s just clothes, Sasuke.” Amusements alights the older Uchiha’s gaze. “There will be far worse to deal with once we arrive. Then you’ll not worry over them so much, hm?”
“Make me forget a toothache by stomping my foot, eh?”
“Something like that.”
Before long, the carriage makes its way atop cobbled streets, and both brothers peer out curiously. This is their first trip to the capital, and it’s just as picturesque as their father has described. Before long, they’re driven up the circular road to the castle at the city’s center. In spite of himself, Sasuke feels his ears perk upward in interest. It’s a tall structure of many spires, all of white stone and peerless glass. And in the courtyard before it, a statue of Luxeria stands with hands raised, a sphere of light cupped and spilling up into the sky in an endless beam.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?”
The brothers are greeted by palace staff: acolytes of the Elemental of Light. Dressed all in white and gold, they smile warmly and guide the pair to their quarters. Vermillion eyes take in the grand sights of the castle as they go. It truly is a magnificent place. Sunlight seems to spill through every window, every crevice light and airy despite the stone. Sasuke will admit...it’s quite a change from the Ignitrion capital.
“Here you are my lords. The banquet and ball will begin at six this evening. We humbly ask you be prompt, as it cannot begin without all twelve representative present.”
Though Sasuke jolts at the proclamation, Itachi quickly replies, “We will be mindful of the time, thank you.” As the door closes, he holds up a hand against Sasuke’s sure-to-come rebuttal. “It is customary to begin the Summit with food and festivities. I did not mention it because I knew you would rebuke. Please, Sasuke…”
That doesn’t stop a scowl, but the younger brother bites back his argument. He just has to get through this week…
Come evening, they’ve changed to even more outlandish garments, and Sasuke follows as they head to the main hall. Long tables sit along the sides and rear, the latter of which is where the dignitaries are to sit. Directed to the escorts’ table, Sasuke makes no attempt at conversation as the Luxerian representative announces the beginning of the feast. Instead, he watches his brother carefully as he converses with his seated neighbors.
At least he’s seemed well so far…
After the meal comes dancing, and Sasuke clings to the outside. He knows how to dance, but that doesn’t mean he enjoys it. Instead, he seeks out his brother, finding him among several other dignitaries.
“Ah, there you are Sasuke,” Itachi greets fondly. “I believe introductions are in order.” Most names Sasuke just tucks away, giving polite - if not stiff - nods of acknowledgement.
“And this is Hinata, of the Hyūga, representative of Auquiana.”
Meeting the water mage’s eyes, Sasuke hesitates for a fraction of a second. Long, dark hair with a blueish sheen in the light falls to her waist, matching the darkest shades of her gown. Her skin is pale like moonlight, which matches her eyes. A heart-shaped face is pleasant, broken by a soft smile.
“An honor to meet you,” she offers softly, with a deep nod.
“...likewise,” Sasuke replies.
“Perhaps you could take her for a dance? It seems most others have already dispersed.”
Jolting at his brother’s offer, Sasuke blanches. It’s true, the others have mostly vanished after introductions, leaving Hinata with the brothers. Dance with...with her?
“I...would be honored,” he manages stiffly, offering a hand that she accepts. They move to the floor, waiting for a moment to join the flow.
“You only have to give me one dance.”
He gives her a glance. “...pardon?”
Hinata smiles softly. “I can tell you’d rather not.”
“No, er...it’s just -”
“I know dancing isn’t everyone’s favorite,” she adds with a soft laugh into her spare hand. “Perhaps after this song, we could simply talk, instead?”
Sasuke just...blinks. She has a very pleasant laugh. “...I would like that.”
Smile growing, she lets him take position before they slip into the throngs.
Well...maybe this dignitary business isn’t so bad.
     So for anyone unaware beyond my regular readers, this is a crossover with one of my own WIP works I call Divine Light! It's a fantasy AU, and within it, I love to write our typical ninjas as elves!      I could ramble for hours about the lore, but I'm afraid I've got a headache, so...I'll have to call it there. But I hope you enjoyed today's entry, and thanks for reading!
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365daysofsasuhina · 6 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Sixty-Nine: A Gourmet Chef ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
Standing outside, he draws his phone from his pocket for the tenth time in the past five minutes. The screen doesn’t sugarcoat the time, presenting it and all its passing glory without remorse in the dim glow. Even as he watches, another minute rolls over.
...she’s late.
Booting off the mobile, he tucks it back into his jacket with a sigh, dark eyes glancing furtively right, then left. All around him, other high-brow guests make their way to the doors, cashing in on their reservations.
He has one. But he can’t really take it alone.
Part of him’s paranoid. Is something wrong? Surely she can’t be lost - anyone in their social circle knows this place. It’s practically required! Any heir or heiress has been here at least once. He knows of a few that show up once a month.
And given that this is their first outing officially as a couple, Sasuke thought it would be...appropriate.
While he’s not exactly a proponent for arranged marriage, he knows it’s only natural in Japan’s business world. Maybe not elsewhere, but...their culture is their own.
And while he’s not technically the oldest...he’s inarguably the fittest.
By now, Itachi’s practically married to his doctors, anyway. Or maybe a particular nurse, if Sasuke reads his brother’s gazes right. He can hardly be expected to be offered for a match made with longevity in mind. As adamant as Sasuke is that his brother will recover...no one else is willing to take that chance. Not his father, not her father...and given her lack of choice, not Hinata either.
Going to check his phone again to cut at the tide of thoughts, he looks up as a flashy white car pulls to the curb. Pausing, he waits to see who’s to emerge.
It’s her.
Carefully holding her dress to keep it from getting caught or dragging, Hyūga Hinata steps onto the sidewalk. Behind her, the door closes, and the rig pulls away to await the end of their outing.
...he will admit...she’s beautiful. Soft-faced, with silken hair and gentle pale eyes, she’s a sight to behold. And she’s actually got curve to her. Not like any of those fencepost girls his father was always encouraging him to talk to up until now.
Sure, they’re still relative strangers. They’ve spoken a few times both before and after the arrangement. But he’s found nothing reprehensible about her.
Clutching her coat closed at her front, she approaches with a hint of a smile. “Uchiha-san,” is her greeting alongside a polite half-nod, half-bow.
“Hyūga-san.” While manners aren’t always Sasuke’s forte, he makes an effort for her. He still has yet to judge how stiffly she upholds every social custom. At the very least, a public face is one to be kept. So, he bows in reply, and then offers an arm. “I hope nothing waylaid you…?” He’s curious just why she’s so behind - they were meant to be seated over fifteen minutes ago.
Her face ducks for a moment. “Ah...it’s nothing important. A small...misunderstanding at home that kept me. I a-apologize for my tardiness. It doesn’t usually happen.”
“I’m just glad you’re okay. I was starting to worry something had gone wrong.”
“...no. Nothing important.”
There’s a slight furrow to his brow, but he doesn’t push the issue - even if she does want to tell him - and she very well may not - doing so in so crowded and public a place likely isn’t appropriate.
Maybe later.
They approach the stewardesses, Sasuke giving his name and time. There’s a subtle glance to them both at the latter, but then they’re led to the proper seats.
Sparing no expense, he was sure to get them front row seats.
This particular restaurant provides both dinner, and a show. Gourmet chefs prepare food right before your eyes, and with no shortage of showmanship and flare. Already fires blaze hot and tall, oils sizzling and steam rolling.
He helps her sit first, giving a small smile before taking his own. They’re quickly served, declining spirits and instead taking water. “So, have you been here before?”
“Just once. It’s quite the place! I got so lost watching, I forgot to eat!”
Sasuke chuckles. “I do too. My brother quite enjoys it - he hasn’t gotten to go in a while. I’ll have to tease him about it later.”
“Oh, please don’t. You’ll hurt his feelings!”
“I’m his little brother - that’s my full-time job.”
Hinata lips purse in a hint of a pout, and Sasuke can’t help but let his eyes flicker to them. “So cruel…”
“What, doesn’t your sister give you grief?”
Suddenly her bantering air softens, and something hides in her gaze. “...she does.”
...he hit a nerve, didn’t he?
“...you’re so lucky to have a sibling that cares for you so ardently. It is...not always how siblings are.”
“...I take it you know firsthand?”
Apparently, that’s as much as she’s willing to discuss - to her relief, it’s then they’re asked for their orders.
From there, they sit in silence as the assigned chef begins. Despite the rather mesmerizing show, Sasuke finds himself glancing more often to his companion. In turn, she doesn’t seem to notice. Instead, she starts lighting up again as the man behind the glass chops, stirs, and flips with finesse. It’s a short wait until they’re given their plates, beautifully garnished and arranged.
They both offer their thanks to the cook, and then a short “Itadakimasu” before beginning to eat.
As expected, she eats tidily and neatly, expedient and polite. Conversation still has yet to break out by the time she finishes, Sasuke several bites behind. To his disappointment, she instead goes back to watching the cooking.
So much for having a chance to get to know each other better…
Soon enough they’re both finished, turning down dessert and instead heading back outside. At Sasuke’s urging, they take a short stroll down the block.
“...I’m sorry I pushed you about your sister,” Sasuke eventually admits, trying to clear the air. “You’re right...I take my situation for granted sometimes.”
Slowly, Hinata shakes her head. “No...it was wrong of me to turn the tide like that. You love your brother, and he you. Just because things are sour between my sister and I doesn’t mean I should infect others with it. I’m sorry.” Her gaze turns aside. “...b-besides, I too take something for granted. While we may be at odds...my sister has her health. I didn’t mean to make light otherwise.”
“It’s all right. I’m used to it. Itachi’s been sick for...a while now. While it’s managed, and he’s doing well...we can’t ignore the possibilities.”
Another long pause blooms between them.
“...my sister was jealous of my evening. She started a fight to try and waylay me, and I...I fell for it. I should have just left, but...she…” Hinata hesitates. “...she tore open old wounds.”
“...I’m sorry. But please, don’t apologize. It was just a dinner date. Not the end of the world.”
“Maybe...but as your wife, I should be prompt. My reputation won’t just be my own, and -”
“My reputation can survive a little bruising,” Sasuke assures her with a knowing smile. “...it hasn’t always been so shining, believe me. And that was all my doing. I’m not worried.” At her curious glance, he promises, “A story for another time. For now...maybe we should get you home.”
Her expression wilts slightly. “Yes...back to my sister…”
“Well...you’ll get some space from her soon enough. Maybe that’ll be what you need.”
They find their drivers’ parking places, and Sasuke helps her into her seat. “Goodnight, Hyūga-san.”
Watching the car drive off, he stares for a moment before getting into his own. “Don’t head home quite yet - I’d like to see my brother first.” I’ve got a date to tell him about.
     More modern! And the ever-so-popular cliche of business heir!Sasuke and heiress!Hinata.      It's been a while since I've indulged in this trope - the prompt pretty much beelined me right to it! Wasn't sure why else they'd have anything to do with a gourmet chef lol      Buuut, yeah! That'll do it for tonight - I'm honestly wiped, so time to sign off. Thanks for reading!
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365daysofsasuhina · 6 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Fifty-Nine: Renaissance Woman ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Itachi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Healing Waters and Scorching Flames ] [ AO3 Link ]
As hard as her journey with the Avatar was...the last few years have honestly felt even harder for Hinata. The resurgence of waterbenders back into the South - the waterbending renaissance, as many have taken to calling it - hasn’t been as simple as releasing the Fire Nation prisoners and taking them home.
For many...there’s no home to return to. Entire villages have been wiped off the map, families torn apart, lineages destroyed. Add in the trauma those who have survived have been left with, and the transition isn’t easy.
At the beginning, many Northern benders come South to aid their cousins. Something akin to a refugee camp is established along the closest harbor to the Fire Nation. There, all imprisoned benders are brought, families flocking from all over the southern ice fields to reunite with their kin. To Hinata’s heartbreak...only a fraction are claimed. Many - far too many - are left behind without any word from family.
They remain, and are given proper counsel. Old wounds are seen to, minds put at ease, and the group as a whole is brought up to speed on everything that’s happened since they were stolen away to the Fire Nation.
The work is long, and hard. Hinata toils each day from morning to night, even as the seasons shift and the poles are left either in stretching darkness, or days-long light. As exhausting as it is - as somber - she chooses to find hope in it. They’re alive. Broken...but alive. Hope remains for the South’s bending population. Many are old, but their knowledge is just as valuable as their bloodlines.
Bending schools are established - marriages seem to crop up everywhere. In a matter of years, the population begins to climb anew. And as they find balance in themselves, the benders slowly reintegrate.
Slowly...things get back to a new kind of normal. The scars won’t fade from those who bear them, and the memories - Hinata will make sure - are not forgotten. The sacrifices her people made will not be in vain...and they will be learned from.
Perhaps it’s her connection to the Avatar. Perhaps it’s her tireless work with the returned benders. And just maybe, it’s both. But Hinata is quickly elevated - despite her young age by the time the bulk of the work is done - to a matriarch. Her judgment and decisions are brought to the forefront: a leader to help guide the rebuilding South.
And though Hinata would have shied from such a burden and honor before her journey...she relishes in it now. At seventeen, she begins to her first steps to reshaping the South into something greater.
It’s tireless work...and in many regards, a bit thankless. But it’s necessary. And she’d rather do nothing else. Her mother gave her life to protect her - to protect a sliver of waterbending in their homeland. She wouldn’t mock that sacrifice with inaction. Not now.
Of course, the other nations too are hard at work. Naruto and Sakura attend mostly to the Earth Kingdom. And in the Fire Nation, both Uchiha brothers work to make amends...and help their land grow past their mistakes, and strive for a better, more peaceful future.
And eventually, Hinata gets a visit.
The other waterbender - kidnapped from the South to keep the ill elder prince alive - insists on seeing the efforts once they can be spared. The three make their way to the south, and Hinata gets to meet her for the first time.
They get along in what seems to be only a heartbeat.
Hinata tours them through the city that began as the chaotic camp to bring the stolen benders to. Though not as grand as anything in the North, it’s still become the largest settlement in the South. Many of those without family stay here still, and others have gathered from the smaller, fractured villages to band their people and resources together. The healer takes in all the sights eagerly, and can’t help but rejoice when finding that her people, too - unbeknownst to her - made the trek to the new city as well.
“...I can’t begin to say how impressed I am with your work, Hinata,” Itachi offers as his healer goes to reunite with her people. Alongside his somber smile, a few tears escape as he watches her cry in relief. “...and I can’t say what this means. To everyone, but...also to her.”
“It hasn’t been easy,” Hinata agrees softly. “But we’re making good progress.”
“Beyond good. What you’ve accomplished here is incredible. I’m only sorry I could only get away now to see it. What a marvel it must have been to watch this grow…”
“We’ve come a long way.”
To one side, Sasuke watches in silence, and Hinata can’t help a startle at his expression. Unlike his brother, who looks on with hope...she sees only grief in his gaze. And once Itachi moves to join the healer, she approaches quietly. “...Sasuke…?”
“...I’m a horrible person, Hinata.”
She jolts. “...w-what -?”
“I was the one who took her. I...I did this.”
He’s already admitted to this before, but...well, it’s clear that seeing the aftermath has him shaken all over again. Hinata looks to the tribe sadly before glancing back to the prince. “...you did what you had to. Itachi would have died without a waterbending healer. Think of how the war would have changed without him. How you would have -”
“No...I, I know that. I know she was necessary, but -” He cuts off, head bowing under a weight she can’t see. “...I threatened her. Threatened them. Told her I would...I would kill them all if she resisted. I tore her from her village…! I put her in bonds, in a cell, on a foreign vessel. Dragged her to a land she knew nothing of. And I...Hinata, I treated her so poorly…”
...she’s not sure what to say.
“...I was so angry then. So conflicted. And I…” His expression tightens into a grimace. “...I took that out on her. I had no right. I really...thought she was beneath me. A means to an end. A tool to be used, to keep him alive. And now...look at him. Look at them.”
Hinata doesn’t need to be told. The remnants of the other bender’s village all weep at her return, as she does. And Itachi joins them...lowering to his knees to bow and beg their forgiveness. She tries to haul him back up before kneeling beside him, embracing him.
...it brings a strange feeling to Hinata’s chest. Even as the others all do the same, forming a chain of love, strength, and forgiveness.
“...I don’t know if I’ll ever deserve that. To be forgiven.”
“Sasuke…! Look at all you did to help turn the war around! It doesn’t change your past...but it gives you a chance at a better future. You’re alive. We all are. Moping around in our pasts and our pain won’t help us. Learning from them, and doing better, will.”
He doesn’t look convinced, gaze dropping to one side.
“...I forgive you.”
“...right now...you’re not the one I need forgiveness from. And I can’t accept it.” A pause. “...not yet.”
“...well, someday you will. Besides,” Hinata adds, giving a small, wry smile as she watches the older pair. “...something tells me you won’t be rid of her quite yet.”
He glances back up, watching his brother and the healer speak. It’s already been made obvious. “...guess you’re right.”
“...I think they’re going to be here a while. Why don’t you and I keep looking around?”
“...I don’t know if I can.”
“Well, you should. You say you want forgiveness? You can start by making yourself see what’s come of your land’s efforts. And you can help make it better. Okay?” Stubbornly, Hinata holds out a hand.
Sasuke’s gaze snaps to it, something unreadable in his expression. A long moment of silence and stillness passes...before he takes it. “...you’re right. Time I see this renaissance for myself. And I guess that makes you the renaissance woman.”
“Just one of many. Doing my part.”
“...then I guess I will too.”
     Whoo, another AtLA piece! Fitting, given that I started marathoning LoK for like...the fifth time today, ahaha~ I really REALLY love crossing these verses. Which I say every time, but...it's true!      Hinata grows a lot on her journey with Naruto and the gang...but it doesn't stop there. There's a LOT of work to be done in the South Pole, but she's nothing if not determined. Yes, Sasuke was part of their pain...but she knows he can also help be part of their future.      And hers ;3c She just doesn't know it yet!      Anywho, that's all for tonight~ Still getting over this blasted sore throat / cold combo I've had for like...over a week. But! Either way, thanks for reading!
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