#'Others are able to relax in their presence and enjoy themselves; it’s hard not to like a yellow character' bro even got the site to agree
yeonban · 1 month
What color character are you?
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TOBIAS: yellow character.
Yellow characters tend to be positive and upbeat people, who try to see the bright side in most situations (although the older a character is, the less likely they’ll be as openly positive). They’re friendly and energetic much of the time, and while often genuine it can become a cover for their more negative feelings. They tend to have a lot of skill in one specific area which they have to work hard to harness and use properly. Because of this skill they can be put up on a pedestal and have high expectations placed on them to perform. Often these expectations also come from themselves. They have a strong sense of responsibility and duty placed on them that can cause them to develop a bit of a savior complex, blaming themselves for not being able to protect everyone around them.
They are diffusers and peacemakers, preferring to be in harmony with everyone, sometimes making it confusing when others around them are not this way. They’re pretty cheerful and bubbly and usually the light of their friend group. They care about their friends a lot, and go out of their way to show it, although it can cause them to be jealous when they feel as if they aren’t being included. While kind people, they also have a competitive streak and like to win. They love fun and are likely to get sidetracked and drag their friends along with them. Others are able to relax in their presence and enjoy themselves, and it’s hard not to like a yellow character. While these characters may be warm and diligent though, they also have a hard time taking risks, generally preferring to stay in their comfort zone.
They can have a bit of both a main character and a savior complex because of how much responsibility they put on themselves, and while well meaning it can irk other characters. Sometimes they go too far trying to help and interfere with others, and when they don’t want to do something they will often shut down and distract themselves from it. They are surprisingly mature for how innocent they seem, and when in a healthy place they always give their best effort. They are wise and interpersonal and really tie their friend group together. Yellow characters need to be given a safe space to release negative emotions without letting them build up, and they need people in their life who will help them keep a healthy balance of work and play without pressuring them too much.
TAGGED BY: @inhaunts THANK UUU!!! TAGGING: You 🫵
#◜✧ . ❪ muse. tobias. ❫#◜✧ . ❪ tobias ; meta. ❫#◜✧ . ❪ dash games. ❫#Tobias started laughing AS SOON as this result showed up 😭😭😭 neither of us expected yellow but it's a win!!! we take it#I was frankly imagining any other color under the sun but this is actually VERY on the nose!#'Others are able to relax in their presence and enjoy themselves; it’s hard not to like a yellow character' bro even got the site to agree#You would Not think this guy is a peacemaker but he's incredibly chill unless you're in his way or you've pissed him off (<-difficult task)#He's rarely if ever part of arguments and that says a Lot in and of itself... and he's often the one breaking others' arguments up#And I agree that there are a ton of expectations on him; from Wammy's; from his million underlings and allies & even from himself#bc he's never been wrong before & can't afford to start making mistakes now that stakes are x1000 worse; which adds a Bit of pressure#'They need people who will help them keep a healthy balance of work and play' unironically this is such an important point to note#Most of his relationships are work-related & even those that aren't are typically one-offs or planned w ulterior motives in mind#so having people around him who want to just hang out & see him act his age instead of like a genius are INSANELYYY needed#Btw this part is kiIIing me: 'Others are able to relax in their presence and enjoy themselves'#HOW IS THAT SO TRUE. I don't think he's had a Single interaction on this whole blog where the other party didn't get to feel relaxed#which is bewildering to me bc he even threatened people on here. And somehow they're now friends & they love hanging out w him.#LIKE GIRL? JADOISHADHSAJGASDHSAGH bartender I want whatever he (<-Tobias) is having
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Paper Thin Walls
Your neighbor, Nanami Kento, comes over four times complaining about noise. And then a fifth time. AO3
Warnings: SMUT, MDNI, 18+ Only. fem! reader, grumpy! nanami, angsty, some light vouyerism, through the wall masturbation overhearing (does that count?), cunnalingus, riding, penetrative sex, reader has female anatomy, dirty talk, kissing, not explicit spit this time but i sneak it in there (and i always will), DIRTY, NASTY, WET,
Word count: 8.2k,we looooove a bad neighbors enemies to lovers, sorry y'all but i eat it up every time, i hope y'all do too. This is probably the grumpiest i have ever written Nanami but i hope the soft at the end gave you guys the sweetie that we all know and love, especially on this blog.
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You nearly dropped the bottle of wine you were uncorking when you heard the loud, impassioned knocking on your front door. Your friends quieted their conversation and looked to the door, a mixture of shock and confusion on their faces. 
How embarrassing. 
You rolled your eyes, already fed up with what you knew would be on the other side of the wood. You gesture to your friends to continue enjoying themselves as you would handle it. They tentatively turn back to one another huddled around your small coffee table dressed with snacks and cups. You had worked hard on this party, you didn’t get to see your friends very often so being able to enjoy a night together to relax and catch up was so valuable to you. And no dickhead neighbor with a stick up his ass was going to ruin it. Walking to the door you drew in a strained breath, trying to smooth your irritation, before unlocking, unlatching and just barely opening the door. Even just a crack was enough to see him seething in front of you. 
Kento Nanami, your neighbor. Your very irritable neighbor. The one man HOA of your apartment complex floor. Your neighbor who, since you moved in three months ago, has stopped by your apartment three times to badger you about your noise level. You had lived in apartments your whole adult life, not once has anyone complained about you, you were a MODEL neighbor: kind, social but not overbearing, always said hello in the hallway, happy to watch pets or plants while people were out of town, you are a goddamn delight as a neighbor.
It was this fucking guy who had the problem, huffing at your doorstep in his stupid little American girl doll glasses and overly neat button up shirt that he probably pressed every morning before getting dressed. 
And once again, here he stood, vein in his head pulsing against his skin, elevens creased in his forehead between his scowling eyebrows, jaw muscle looking on the verge of snapping.
“Ms—.” He started but you cut him off. 
“Good evening Mr. Nanami, to what do I owe the pleasure,” you smiled jovially, as though his presence wasn’t a nuisance, “this time.” 
“Good evening. Yes, it is the evening, isn’t it?” He made a little show of checking his bulky silver watch.
“I’m sure the very expensive looking watch on your arm could tell you that it’s 8:45 pm. A very normal time for people to be enjoying themselves, especially on a Friday night.” You leaned your head against the doorframe looking at him, “Having a little…movie night in?”
He stared at you a moment, his eyes moving over your face coldly, eyeing your sly smile, 
“so you know I’m here about the noise.” 
“You’ve never come to my apartment for another reason.” You sighed, “call it a hunch, I guess?” 
A laugh came from inside of your apartment, louder than the ambient music you were playing, not exactly helping your case. 
Nanami rolled his eyes at the laughing,“Quiet hours start at—“
“10. And I plan on honoring them, I just have some old friends over tonight. We’ll be sure to keep our joy and fun to an acceptable level.” You were feeding him the lines you knew he wanted to hear, but your performance wasn’t exactly impassioned. 
His jaw tightened again, you imagined the sound of his back teeth grinding together. He looked down at you silently and you stared right back up at him. A silent battle was had between your stares, him trying to intimidate you into the silence he craved, and you not backing down even an inch.
Finally he caved, “I would appreciate that. I am sure the rest of the hallway would as well. Good night.”
“Enjoy the rest of your night, Mr. Nanami.” You called down to him as he turned and stomped down the hallway to his own door. 
Right. Next. Door. 
You rejoined your friends and enjoyed the rest of your night exactly as you had before. Not turning any music down, not stifling any laughter, not dulling any conversation for the sake of thin walls. Every now and again you took a private moment to imagine your neighbor seething in his quiet, perfect little apartment all by himself.
“So….are we going to talk about how hot your neighbor is?” Soph, your best friend, posed. 
“Thank you for saying something. I barely saw him but oh my GOD.” Kat, your oldest friend added. 
You laughed, it was undeniable how handsome he was, when you first saw him as you settled in in your first week you secretly hoped he might stop by to introduce himself, entertaining the fantasy of him coming over to help you “fix something” a few too many times before even finding out his name.
“Sure he’s hot, when he keeps his mouth shut.” You sighed, annoyed, busying yourself refilling glasses, “What a waste, honestly. I’m tired of guys who think they’re too hot to be nice to people. Not even nice, just fucking polite is fine.” 
Your friends laughed. 
“When I moved in, a bunch of the other neighbors stopped by to say hello. Not him, I would only ever see him in the hallway and he wouldn’t wave, wouldn’t say hello, nothing. He’s so…..serious.” You sipped your drink remembering the times you had tried to say hello to him in the hallway only to be met with a half nod and a hurry into his apartment, “First time he ever even spoke to me was to tell me the sound of my moving in was too much.”
Soph pouted, sipping her refilled, “That’s a shame. I was going to say you should try and hit that.”
“Who knows,” Kat posed, “maybe getting laid would help him relax?” 
The three of you laughed, surely sending the noise through the wall and into the subject of debate’s apartment. 
This had been your fourth offense against him. Nanami was fed up, he had been polite the first few times, but this was getting out of hand. You had only moved in a few months ago, there was no excuse for him to have had to go over there this many times already. Sitting on his couch, drafting a complaint email to the main residential office, another roar of laughter rang from the back wall of his apartment. Nanami groaned and slumped against the back of the couch, rubbing his aching forehead. This much irritation can’t be good for him.
He had been spoiled by the place next to him having gone unoccupied for so long. He’s lived in this apartment for two years, going on a third, and nearly all of that time has been spent with no one next door. At first he assumed he was just sensitive and needed to acclimate to having someone nearby, but it was like you were broadcasting every sound directly into his living room.
The worst part was the bedroom walls. He deduced that the layout of your apartment must be a direct mirror of his own, inverted but identical, meaning the back wall of his bedroom must be the back wall of your bedroom as well. He could hear the noise from you sleeping with your television on, a terrible habit that he abhorred. He could hear the music you would play in the mornings when you were presumably getting ready for work. And for you to be so curt with him when he politely tries to let you know how easily he can hear you? It was unreasonable. 
The first time had been within the second week of you moving in. You were setting up some furniture, sounds of hammering, scooting, drilling ringing through the walls and keeping him from sleeping in on a SUNDAY morning. He had gotten up from bed, thrown on some more presentable loungewear and knocked on your door. That was the first time he had really seen you, kind eyes, pretty smile, smooth, even skin. You smiled up at him when you opened the door, all too awake for such early weekend hours. 
“Excuse me. My name is Nanami Kento, I live next door. Would you mind keeping the noise down a bit? It’s still pretty early.” 
Your smile sagged a bit, “sure! I’m sorry, I guess I’m getting used to how thin the walls are here. I’ll keep it down.” 
“Thank you.” He nodded, “and…welcome to the building.” 
“Thank you! It’s nice to meet you.” You had smiled back at him, small dimples appearing by your mouth. 
He could have fallen for you, allowed himself the rare indulgence of crushing on you. If that had been your only offense. 
The second incident was how he discovered that your bedrooms shared a wall. He had come home late from the gym. It was around two o'clock in the morning, he drug himself back home and into the shower, sleeping threatening to take him even under the heavy spray. Work had been about four hours too long, his head was aching, his workout had offered some relief but the only thing that would truly fix it at this point was the hard reset of sleep. Nanami pulled himself into bed, not even bothering to dress, choosing to ignore the remaining water that would sink into his sheets. That would be a problem for another day. Head on the pillow, cool bedding soothing his heated skin he could barely contain how excited he was to finally sleep, when he heard it. 
It was so faint he assumed it was in his head, the product of an oncoming dream seeping over into his waking world. Ears tuning in against his will, he was able to hear the faint buzzing. He shot up, renewed energy brought about by the awareness of what was happening next door. You, his neighbor, were masturbating and he could hear you. He felt his ears get hot, his heart quicken, and --- oh christ his pants tighten. Soft moans sounding through the wall, quickening in pace, buzzing battering his brain to mush as he began to panic. He didn’t want to listen, it was wrong, this was wrong. Fuck, was his mouth watering? 
Fuck. fuck. Fuck!
He squeezed his eyes shut, covering his face with his pillow, clamping the cushion around his head over his ears in desperation. Nanami was relieved when your wimpers were snuffed out. Under the darkness of his pillow he hoped he could finally begin to fall asleep, but through the void an image began to appear behind his eyes. You, his pretty neighbor laying on your back, legs open, finger in your mouth trying to quiet yourself. How ineffective. You had been just the slightest bit sweaty when he first spoke to you. The act of dragging and pushing furniture having given your skin the slightest sheen. He was willing to bet that you had a similar glow about you now; working a toy between your legs, bed covers discarded at your ankles, a wet spot growing underneath your shaking hips---
Nanami sat up in a jerk, shaking his head side to side as though he could physically dislodge the picture out of his mind through one of his ears. With the pillow removed he could hear your moans rising in pitch, his dick pulsed. Fuck, this was so wrong. Were you about to climax? His heart was pounding, he was rock solid between his legs, he gripped the bed sheets tight to restrain himself from caving and pumping himself into oblivion with you. In the sickest part of his mind he wanted to press his ear up to the adjoining wall, listening to your languid moans, indulging himself fully in your passion. 
Finally, as though fate could feel his resolve starting to crumble, he heard a long high pitch whine escape through the drywall. Then silence. Then the sound of laughter from whatever tv show you put on to go to sleep. He was panting, trying to catch his breath, much as he imagined you were. He laid back against his pillow, staring up to the ceiling, mind reeling over the possibility of this happening again. How could he avoid this in the future? Should he politely inform you of the mirrored apartment layout and the thinness of the walls? 
Nanami purchased a white noise machine the following day. Only after stopping by your apartment and asking you to keep the television noise lower at night, saying he was a light sleeper. He hoped you would make the connection that he was struggling towards, voice clipped and cheeks blushing furiously as he nodded and retreated to his own domicile. He leaned up the door as he shut it behind himself, sighing in relief, praying that this would be the end of it and he could forget the saccharine sweet sound of your moans.  
The third incident was far less indecent, but no less annoying. He was home early from work, having taken off an hour or so before he usually would as he completed a big project that had taken over two weeks and was dead tired. All he wanted was to eat dinner, watch a movie, relax and push all the numbers and negotiations out of his head. Apparently you had the same idea. When you arrived home, he knew because your slamming door shook his wall as well. It had been a week or so since he last heard you but still the sound brought a crimson flush to his face. He didn’t hear much after that for about a half hour, that is, until you turned on your music. Loud, bossa nova or jazz or whatever it was sponging into the insulation between your two abodes and resounding around his own apartment. He couldn’t hear the movie he had put on, he couldn’t enjoy his dinner, hell— he could barely think. He had given you a pass when it was intimate noise but this was unruly and excessive. 
He stomped out into the hallway, the music echoing out there as well. And over to your door. He knocked, maybe a bit too hard, and waited for your arrival. When you did open the door, after just enough time for him to consider knocking again, he once again had to look down to meet your eye line. Music flooded out from the doorway, warm amber light, and the smell of sizzling peppers and oil wafting out, carried by the soundwaves. 
“Hello again, neighbor!” You greeted him, smiling warmly with big, full eyes. 
“The music.” He hadn’t meant to sound so stiff, he had intended to greet you politely and remind you of the wall's thinness but he had had it. Here you were enjoying your cooking and music and inhibiting his ability to do the same, it was unfair, unjust. 
You sighed leaning against the door frame huffing out, “We just can't seem to find a comfortable level, huh? You picked a good movie, very suspenseful soundtrack, one of my favorites actually.” 
Nanami straightened up like a shot, how could he have been so stupid? His television was right up against the “back” wall of his apartment, right against your kitchen wall. The sounds of his apartment, although infrequent, had echoed through your walls too. How many sounds, he wondered. 
“You--I’m sorry, I didn’t realize.” He began but then hardened again, “You should have told me to turn it down, I would have been more than happy to oblige.” 
“Hm.” Your lips formed a tight line, “I’m not really into ordering strangers around in their own homes.” 
It was the first and only time you had sassed off to him. He was taken aback, he could feel his neck heating up under the collar of his shirt, his fists balling up at his sides as he furrows his brow at your disrespect. 
Scoffing, he finds the words, “just be courteous to your neighbors.” 
Nanami descends down the hallway, flexing and un-flexing his hands in measured attempts at cooling himself, before he could step into his apartment you called down after him. 
“The therapist was dead the whole time, that’s why his wife won't speak to him! The guy at the beginning shot and killed him!” You shouted and slammed the door behind you.  
It was an incredibly childish move on your part. If someone had done that to you, or if you had even heard of someone desecrating the ending of one of the best mystery thrillers of all time, you would have been furious. But something about this man brought out such pettiness in you. You couldn't help it. You half expected him to knock again and berate you for spoiling his night once again, but instead you heard the sound of his apartment door shutting and the movie resume. 
Credit for sticking it out and watching the movie anyway. You couldn't help but smirk a bit, impressed. 
It has enough legs to stand on its own even without the twist, it really is a good movie, you felt bad for wrecking it. It really was one of your favorites, similar tastes. Maybe this whole time you could have been friends. Although, you couldn't imagine being friends with someone so stuffy and entitled. It didn’t matter that he watched some of the same movies, so did lots of people. It didn’t matter that he was handsome and well dressed. It didn’t matter that when he played music in the mornings it overlapped with your favorite artists. He was an ass and never even bothered to introduce himself once before complaining about you. 
This back and forth had brought you all the way to tonight, him trying to reign in your party, stifling your enjoyment of it and making you hyper aware of every loud burst of laughter or adjustment of the volume. Despite your efforts to ignore it at this point, the desire to be a courteous neighbor occasionally won you over and you found yourself engaging in more subtle, intimate conversations, lowering the music and talking softer. 
When the party finally came to an end and your friends kissed you goodbye and left, giggling down the hall, you waved to them and watched as they slipped down the hallway. Your eyes fell on the neighboring apartment's door, you checked the time. It was just after ten, Nanami was probably asleep, snoozing soundly after having gotten his words in about your party and your carelessness. Feeling the bile of anger rising in your throat, you decided to turn back and retreat to your own apartment. The soft unlocking sound brought you back to the empty hall. 
Nanami stepped out, wearing a pair of expensive looking sweatpants and a dark grey sweatshirt. Even through such baggy clothing you could see his impeccable build, thick, ropey neck, broad shoulders, long, sturdy legs. His hair was down and unstyled, sandy stranded falling onto his forehead, some even extending far enough to brush against the bridge of his nose. A pair of headphones hung around his neck. He looked right back at you.  
“You’ve had headphones this whole time?” Was all you could think to say. 
“Everyone has headphones.” He shrugged leaning against his door frame. 
You wanted to think of something snappy to say back, but your tongue felt fat in your mouth. You had never seen him like this before, completely undone, hair mussed, body relaxed in place of his rigid posture, clearly exhausted enough that bothering you would be too much energy. 
“Your friends leave?” He asked, peeking down the hallway past you. 
“Mmhm. Right on time.” You pointed to your wrist where a watch would be.
To your surprise a low chuckle emanated from his chest. It was warm and hearty and genuine. The sound tugged at your stomach. No -- lower than that. Maybe it was the wine, or your friend's insistence on his beauty that made him have this effect on you suddenly. 
“Sounded like a good party.” His voice mimicked his earlier clipped irritation but it felt less authentic this time, as though he were playing a part. 
“It was.” You smile already nostalgic for the company of your friends, their warm energy, “You could come to the next one, you know. We don’t actually have to not like each other.”
Nanami’s head cocked to the side a bit, dark amber eyes crinkling in confusion, “I don’t not like you.” 
You almost laughed out loud, to think that he could pretend that this whole time he has just been being neighborly? 
“Right. Because badgering people every other week for three months over petty shit is something you do to people you like.” 
Nanami made a small clicking sound, “There’s just…Rules. It’s not personal, you’re just loud and other people live here. I don’t not like you!”
“I’m not loud!” You shouted, which did not help your argument, “You’re just uptight.” 
“I’m not uptight! There are rules, both in this apartment and just socially! Who blasts music at eight am on a sunday?” Nanami stepped closer to you, almost at the midway point between your apartment doors. 
“Who goes to the gym and comes back slamming doors at two in the morning? You don’t hear me complaining about that, even though it happens every night.” You matched his advance, standing at the equivalent point to wear your living room wall would meet his inside of your apartment, “Some people are trying to sleep.” 
Nanami couldn’t stop the words before they spilled out, he leaned his head down to you venomously, “Doesn’t sound like a lot of sleeping to me.” 
Your eyes flew open, your chest caved and your throat knotted. You searched desperately for another meaning, scrambling your brain for recent late night annoyances he could be referring to, but you knew. And he knew too. Shames burned your cheeks, you felt so exposed. 
“You’ve been listening to me?” You gasped, “What are you, some kind of pervert?”
“Pervert?” Nanami gaped at you, “Our bedrooms share a wall, I’m not staying up late to listen to your little audio drama. You're whimpering practically loud enough for everyone on the street to hear.”
You flushed deeper, cheeks practically on fire, “y-you should have said something.” 
Nanami sighed, “I’ve been trying!” 
You started to put things together. His flushed, nervous expression whenever you ran into each other in the mail room or the hallway. The increasingly sterile way he spoke to you about the noise. This whole time he had heard you…intimately…and tried to tell you as discreetly as he could. A bit too discreetly. 
You buried your face in your hands, “Fuck. I’m so embarrassed.” 
Nanami’s gut twisted at your distress. This was the exact situation he wanted to avoid, he didn’t want to embarrass you, he didn’t even want to tell you if he didn’t have to. For the first time in this whole mess, he touched you. He reached out and gripped your shoulder lightly. The heat of his palm warmed your clammy, shame soaked skin. 
“Don’t be embarrassed. It’s…personal and I understand that, but it’s not anything to be embarrassed about.” He attempted to soothe you, his thumb experimenting with small strokes. 
You looked up at him, swallowing down the lump in your throat, “I never hear you…do that. You probably think I'm some weird sex freak.” 
A soft rosy blush came over his nose and cheeks. 
He decided to try and level the vulnerability, “I-uh…usually…do that… in the shower.” 
Suddenly his hand on your shoulder felt hot and heavy, he wasn't sure if he should remove it or if that would send the wrong message. What message was he hoping to send? This had suddenly become loaded and confusing. 
You nodded in response, feeling a bit better now that he had exposed part of himself to you. You couldn't keep your mind from picturing him  breathing hard in a steam filled shower, his head falling back in pleasure, hand running down his body to pump his-----
“I don’t think you’re a weird sex freak.” Nanami offered. 
“Thanks.” You let out a small laugh.
You looked up at him, catching his teak wood eyes. Long, dark lashes encircled them, a light dusting of freckles resting atop his chiseled cheekbones. Shapely, rose hued lips were parted slightly as he looked down at you. The air between the two of you became thick and sticky. He was curved over you slightly, maybe even subconsciously. 
“Can I ask you something?” He whispered, just barely loud enough to hear. 
He nodded. 
You nodded. 
Nanami swallowed, eyes scanning over your lips, “I haven’t…heard anyone else…with you.”
You waited a moment, “That isn’t a question.” 
“You sound, sometimes, like you might…want some help.” Nanami leaned in closer, his eyes flicking from your lips to your eyes, “Do you?”
Your breath left you, your voice had long abandoned you, you could only try desperately to parse out how you had gotten here. He waited patiently for an answer, suddenly suave and confident. He had always been self assured, you just assumed it was arrogant entitlement. It never occurred to you that he could be so charming, so flirtatious. He knew what he was offering, you knew what this would mean. The instances of rigidity morphed in your memory into a heated chase, reaching its end here and now. You had been caught. 
Finally, you nodded your head, “Yes.” 
He closed the distance between you, pressing his hot lips to yours in an instant. The hand from your shoulder moved to the back of your neck, pulling your chest against his, as the other arms snaked around your waist. After the initial moment of shock, you moved your arms around him to grip his rippling back. The first kiss is long, passionate and deep, his arms feel so strong around you, you can feel the curves and cuts of muscles that you hadn't even considered. He pulls away only for a second to move his head to the side and realign himself to give you a hot, fevered open mouthed kiss, sliding his tongue between your lips and massaging it against yours. You felt dizzy, gripping him tighter, for stability of course, you move your hands up his back and brush your fingers against the cropped undercut at the nape of his neck. He let out a low moan, almost like a purr, into your mouth. You couldn’t help but smile a bit, testing it again and pulling another throaty sound from him. You pulled your lips away momentarily. 
“I see why you need the shower.” You tease.
He nods against your forehead, catching his breath. You capture him in another kiss, leading him clumsily back to your apartment door, struggling with the knob a bit before he reaches around your hip to turn it for you and push inside, using his foot to swing the door shut behind him. Leaning back against your front door, he pulls you close to him once again, holding your body close to his, feeling the heat and weight of you in his arms. The way your apartment smells, like food and candles, earthy scented; sandalwood, laurel, magnolia. The dim, warm secondary lighting. He absorbs it all. It's so, you. 
Your tongue is moving against his now, and he finds himself being kissed as much as he is kissing. He likes how active it is, no part of you feels not focused on him at this moment and he's so grateful. You lead him back to your bedroom, exactly where his own would be on the other side. He lets his hand travel down your back, feeling down to your waist and over your hips, experimentally gripping the flesh there. Fuck, when you werent annoying the life force out of him, you were so gorgeous. A beautiful, full, woman’s body, confident movements, alluring in every sense of the word. Your bedroom was the same as his, no shock there, still just slightly too small to comfortably house a king bed, which he cursed himself for squeezing in. You had a queen, a perfect size, the window on the side wall had sheer cream colored curtains allowing moonlight to coat the room in a magic, blue glow. You had pulled away from him, doing some light mood setting, lighting a bedside candle, brushing discarded clothes and a book from your bed. He recognized the cover of your book, he had read it too last year. 
“She dumps the creepy coworker guy and goes back to working at another store. It’s incredibly cathartic. A shame you’ll miss out on it.” He runs his spine down the copy of your book on your bed, lifting it and flipping through a few pages, a devious smile itching the corners of his lips. 
You look at him, eyebrows raised in alarm. 
Nanami shrugged, “you ruined my movie. I ruin your book’s ending. Good read though.” 
To his surprise, you laughed through a wide smile, “It is a good read, especially the second time.” 
He laughed and shook his head. It was maybe the first time you had seen him actually smile, warm and easy. The just starting lines on his face extending around his mouth in little arches. He really was radiant, sharp features highlighted by the dream like light of the bedroom, blues and amber licking shadows over his face as the firelight moves. The laughter fades and you both look into one another. He looks over your features, lips swollen from his kiss, your eyes meeting his in a trusting, conspiratorial gaze. He feels his lips twitch again into a smile, and steps towards you. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He cups your face, tenderly, his other hand circling your waist as he brings you to his lips. 
The kiss has morphed into something deeper, kinder, less fevered, more focused and somehow even more passionate. When his tongue enters your mouth its not pushed or pressed, it slides languidly and easily against your own. As a polyglot’s tongue drips words, his drips kisses, sensuality. Your hands find the hem of his sweatshirt, slipping underneath, feeling the hardness of toned muscle and bone underneath. You did hear him return from the gym at god awful hours, it makes sense that he has something to show for it. Nanami hisses as you slide your hands around his hips to his back, moving up further, feeling every valley and peak of his hard work. Spurred by your action, he mirrors you, moving his hand under your shirt. Instead of following your lead, he opts to go for the front, gliding his hand up your abdomen and cupping your breast in his hand over your bra. He gives it a small squeeze, making you squeak. Another throaty hum comes from his chest. 
He guides you with his hips, not breaking the kiss just yet to seat you on the bed, with him stood between your legs. Encouraged by your pawing at his torso, he breaks from your lips to remove his sweatshirt, revealing rows of carefully built abdominal muscles, as you had felt already. What you didn't expect was the melange of scars in various stages of healing across his chest, stomach, and shoulders. Some white and flat against the surface, some pink and recessed still healing themselves. You couldn't help the small gasp you sucked in at the sight. 
What the hell happened to him? Or was it still happening to him?
“It's just skin, grows right back after enough time.” Nanami looked down at himself, following your eyeline across his body. 
You sat up further, carefully moving your hand over his toned stomach, across a particularly large, although healed line on his side. 
“Seriously, it’s--” Nanami started but you cut him off by removing your own shirt, pointing to a scar on the lower right side of your stomach, above your hip bone. 
“Appendectomy.” You smile at him wickedly, “You’re not so tough.”  
Nanami can’t help but chuckle, rolling his eyes and climbing over you onto the bed. 
“I didn’t realize I was in the bed of such a badass.” one of his big hands moves over your barely scarred hip, then up your side. 
You moan and arch up at his touch trying to control your shaking breath, “m-mhm, I’m very b-bad a-a…”
Another moan consumes your sentence as he kisses the side of your neck. Taking his time to suck and lick at the soft skin from your shoulder to behind your ear. You make no effort to hide how good it makes you feel, squeezing his large, tight bicep and rocking against him, head lolling to the side. 
“That’s right, you are very bad.” Nanami bites lightly at your jugular point. 
You whimper against him, his teeth on your neck setting your body ablaze. You nod. 
“You’ve been such a bad girl, whimpering just like that all night while i'm trying to sleep. Pretending you don’t know I can hear you.” The dirty words drip off of him like honey directly into your waiting mouth. 
He has moved to hover completely over you, one hand on your thigh, pulling it around his hip, leaning on the other crooked near your head. You can feel his hips against yours, even through his pants you can feel how hard he has become. He can certainly feel how hot and wet you are becoming, you pray that your panties and pants are helping you maintain some kind of decency. That prayer goes unanswered as Nanami moves his hand from your thigh to between your hot writhing bodies, cupping your sex. 
“Is this what you need, baby? You need someone to help you feel good?” He whispers into your ear, one finger starting to move up and down your clothed slit. 
You nod before you can speak. 
“Ask me. Ask for my help, baby.” He grunts against you, you can no longer feel his erection pressed against you, but you can hear his voice becoming strained and rougher, indicating his own resolve has wavered as much as yours has. 
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him back to your lips and plead into a kiss. 
“Please, please Nanami, please help me.” The kiss is sloppy and wet, saliva and sweat spilling between desperate lips. 
“Kento, please. When I’m fucking you, please use my first name.” He snakes an arm between your body and the mattress and removes your bra, moving down your body with hot, wet kisses. 
You arch up again, the eroticism of being undressed by him titillating your sense beyond your imagination. He latches onto one of your hard nipples, swirling his tongue around the sensitive flesh, dark eyes watching closely for your reactions. 
“Kento…oh Kento.” You try the name out, it fits perfectly in your mouth, tastes like honey when you speak it.
It was like he was studying you, gauging reactions and preferences in fractions of a second that other partners had been too hurried to discover. You returned your hands to his hair, threading your fingers and his blonde strands together. He bit and sucked and kissed and lapped at your breasts, giving each one equal, focused attention, squeezing them together and separately like he could never get enough. Finally he detached, a string of saliva connecting him to your skin. His eyes flicked up at you, catching his breath and moving down your body further, his hands moving over the waistband of your pants. Your breath hitched up in anticipation, your bottom lip clamped between your teeth. He met your eyes and searched for any sign of hesitation, if he were to allow his mind to process what was happening he might have stopped himself, citing how messy it could be to be involved in a sexual tet-a-tet with his next door neighbor, perhaps you were doing exactly that. 
But you moved your hand over the side of his face, brushing a few strands of hair off his forehead, smiling sweetly. 
“Please Kento…I need your help,” your voice was so sweet and so soft as you pleaded with him, “....please.” 
He kisses underneath your navel and slides your pants off of your legs, discarding them onto your bedroom floor. He took the moment of readjustment to remove his own pants, leaving both of you in only your underwear. He moved back in between your legs, he could practically see through your flimsy white panties, wetness having made the fabric dark and molded to your skin. He could see the curve of your labia, where they separated, the inner folds hidden but begging for him. Wetness has spread to your thighs, making your skin glisten and sparkle. He looped his thumbs into the band of your panties and slipped them off, joining the mess of clothes already on the floor. Now bare before him, he could feel himself drooling at the sight of you spread out on your bed. Just as he had imagined you, no. No, much better than he could have imagined. Soft, full body, marks blooming on your skin from his kiss, chest heaving and jiggling in turn as you pant for him. Between your legs a perfect oasis of petals waiting for him to part and indulge himself. 
“...stop staring..” Your cheeks burned as he sat back taking you in. 
Nanami leaned down, lips nearly brushing your mound, “I’m admiring.”
You open your mouth to say something sassy but he licks up your slit, silencing you. He smiles a cocky smile at you and does it again, this time taking even more time to reach the top. 
He’s fucked. He knows it from the first taste. He has always had a proclivity and a preference for eating pussy, enjoyed and indulged in the tastes of many women, but none like this. None that have brought him into a haze with a single taste. He dives further, separating your outer lips with two v-ed fingers, showing him the pearl of your clit and your drooling hole. He experiments with pushing his tongue into you, hearing and gauging your moans. It feels good, so good, but he knows he can do more. Feeding his tongue into you once more before he flattens it against you and laps up to your clit again and again. Your hips buck up at that, one of his big hands presses down on your stomach, keeping you in place. He swirls his devil’s tongue around your clit again and again in an agonizing whirlpool before sucking hard at the swollen bud. You can't contain the cries and whimpers spilling from you, you try to move against his hand, you try to pull at his hair to detach him from you, offering you a moment to catch your breath but he doesn't move an inch. He’s a messy eater, chin and nose dripping just as much as his mouth. He’s a loud eater too, moaning at your taste, at the sound of you writhing for him, grunting as his hips rut against your mattress unwittingly. 
“K-kento, I--I think I…” You struggle to string together cohesive words but the fevered lapping between your legs keeps you stammering. 
“Go ahead, baby. Cum on my tongue.” Nanami’s voice was low and gravely, full of need and desperation of his own. 
But this was different, there was a tightness in your abdomen that was unfamiliar, you were confused and panting, worried that something else may happen. 
“W-wait, I--” You tried to move yourself onto your elbows just as Nanami pressed further down on your stomach. 
Before you knew it you were cumming, squirting into his mouth, onto your sheets. You cried out in one long pleasure filled scream, partially his name, partially just exaltation. Nanami drinks from you like a holy well, reverent and indulgent all at once. As though he may never taste you again. FInally he lets you push him off of your twitching sex. His face is soaked, he licks his lips, fingers too, anything that may carry some of your release. You watch him with hazy, drunken eyes. Sat back on his heels, coming out of his own cloud of pleasure, he watches you come back to your body. You look beautiful, panting on your back for him. He leans over you again and kisses your lips softly, then deeper, and deeper still. His tongue tastes like you, your hands are quick to pull his hips to yours. 
“Think you can go again?” Kento huffs out as your grind against his clothed crotch, he can feel the wetness of your climax seeping into his boxers, commingling with his own leaking anticipation. 
“I need it. Please fuck me, Kento.” You have no room for coyness or pride anymore, you have only room for him. 
He nods, burying his head in your neck and removing his boxers with your frantic help. You feel his hard length freed against your thigh. He’s bigger than you imagined, thick and leaking already. You wanted to taste the beading precum, feel the heat and weight of him in your mouth, but you would have to find another time because Nanami was just as desperate to be inside of you as you were to be filled by him. He lined himself up with your begging hole, not yet pushing inside. He looks into your eyes before kissing you, hard and deep, no barriers, no holding back, as he pushes into you. He’s thicker than you even thought, the stretch burning as you arch up into him, whimpering. 
“Take it all baby. I know, I know, just a bit more. You can take it.” He soothes against your lips, thrusting further.
You let out a small, cracked cry as he continues, pressing kisses to your neck. You rake your nails across his hip, desperate for something to cling to. You’re grateful for your surprisingly wet climax earlier, the lubrication helping to ease the insertion. When he finally bottoms out, and you feel his hips flush against yours, he stills. His tip is kissing your cervix, he's trembling above you as he too struggles to adjust to the tight fit. 
“You feel so fucking good, you’re so tight, so fucking wet for me.” He mutters against your neck, your jaw, anywhere he can find to kiss. 
“Fuuuuuuck, Kento.” Your pain finally gives way to pleasure. 
Just in time for him to pull his hips back slightly and thrust into you further. Both of you moan into the silence of the bedroom, as he repeats this over and over. Setting a medium pace of intense thrusts deep inside of you. You're squeezing him tighter and tighter. 
“Please baby, relax a bit. I can’t move much more.” Nanami begs, moving one hand to your clit and circling it gently, attempting to extend your pleasure. 
You try to obey, taking a deep breath and allowing him to make you feel good, as he promised. You release some tension and find his pace more languid and fluid, assisted by his careful thumbing of your clit. Your hands move up and grip the pillow behind you as he increases his pace, pumping into you faster and faster by just a deep. A dance begins with your two bodies, moving in sync, maximizing the joint pleasure. 
“Fuck! Ah, baby. Yes!”
“Oh! Kento, Kento! Yes!! Right there, fuck!”
“There? You like that? Of course you do, bad girl”
“Uh huh, Fuck me like a bad girl, Kento! Fuck” 
Cries of pleasure fill the room, Kento luxuriates in the fact that his own bedroom, sitting empty, is just on the other side of the wall, where the headboard is smacking rhythmically. He brings you to another mind melting orgasm with his thumb and cock working in tandem. You whimper out praises of his skill, his size, his words, Him. Once you have caught yourself again from the freefall of climax, you sit up, pushing on his shoulders. He's too big of a man for you to really push, but he sees your desire and rolls the pair of you so that he is now on his back. Your thighs ache already from being spread so long, but not to be out fucked you hitch your hips up and down his length as fast and accurately as you can. His hands settle on your hips, squeezing bruises into the supple flesh. 
“Fuck baby.” His jaw hangs open as he watches you bounce and grind on him. 
Emboldened by the blush settling on his face, you take one of his large, calloused hands from your hip and slide it up your body and to your mouth, where you suck two of his fingers into your mouth. He shudders and a dangerously loud moan spills from his lips. You swirl your tongue around his thick fingers, tasting remnants of your climaxes, tasting his heated skin. Your hips never stop, riding him and sucking his fingers. You see him sweating beneath you, eyes rolling back, mouth agape, tongue threatening to flop out. The hand on your hip squeezes and pushes you down further on him. 
“Baby I-- Fuck!” Nananmi hoped he would catch it in time but you surprised him and he couldn’t contain himself in time. 
He holds you down on his pelvis as his cock twitches inside of you releasing a heavy load of white into you. You both let out long, whining moans as he fucks up into you desperately. After his long release has completed, Nanami pulls his fingers from your lips and pulls you down to kiss him, whimpering as your shifting squeezes his overstimulated cock. The kiss is sticky with cum and sweat and spit, and delicious all the same. The combined flavors of your endeavor sweeter than any wine, better than any meal you could have shared over a candle lit dinner. Nanami licks into your mouth, holding you flush against his chest as his cock begins to soften inside of you. You pull away enough to look at him, foreheads still pressed together. You smile, and he smiles back, so warm and relaxed. He takes in a breath to speak 
You two look at one another. The confusion apparent on both of your faces as the knocking continues. You pull off of him, already mourning the feeling of his cock no longer inside of you. Nanami is ready to kill whoever is on the other side of the door for pulling him away from your tight, wet heat. You wrap yourself in your bathrobe, and Kento pulls on his sweatpants. You both exit your bedroom, although you want to assure Nanami he doesn't have to come with you, it feels comforting to have him there when answering the door at night. If he weren't in the room with you, you would have assumed it was him at the door, but since it can’t be you are lost for who could be knocking so late. 
You open the door to find Mrs. Sonomura, your neighbor across the hall. You often watched her collection of houseplants when she went out of town to visit her daughter. Her cheeks were dark pink and she was wearing her housecoat. You pulled the top of your robe tighter over your chest, praying your hair which you had not thought to fix wasn't too obvious.  
“Good Evening, Mrs. Sonomura. W-what can I do for you?”
She took you in and flushed even deeper, “I-I heard shouting and I…well..”
You were mortified, knowing that any respect this woman had for you must have completely dissolved. Before she, or you, could speak, you felt a heavy hand clap over your shoulder and Nanami’s body came behind yours. He had donned his sweatshirt quickly at the sight of Mrs. Sonomura. 
“My apologies, Mrs. Sonomure. I came over to complain about how loud her party had been tonight and I suppose things got a bit heated. I apologize for the yelling, we’re trying to find a way to be more….neighborly.” He looked straight at Mrs. Sonomura, smiling a charming smile, all while squeezing your shoulder. 
Mrs. Sonomura nodded hurriedly, seemingly happy to take such an obvious lie in place of the uncomfortable truth. 
“Well, I trust the two of you can work it out with the front office. Please keep it down after quiet hours.”
You nodded, “So sorry, Mrs. Sonomura. It won't happen again, Goodnight.”
You waved and watched her enter her apartment before shutting the door to your own. Nanami cocked his head down at you. 
“Won't happen again, huh?” He teased. 
“Oh shut up. We should be careful letting our ‘arguments’ get too loud again.” you sighed out, just relieved to have avoided the complete mortification of your kind, older neighbor thinking you're a slut, “Those walls really are thin.” 
Nanami wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in to kiss the top of your head. You hugged him, pressing your face into his chest. 
“You should probably spend the night.” You turned your face to the side, pressing your cheek against him as you spoke, “I’d hate for something to happen to you taking the train this late.”
Nanami laughed, you could hear it resonate from his chest, “That’s a good point. I’d hate to walk home in this weather.” 
The pair of you smiled before you led him back into your bedroom to sleep. 
OKAY YALL: I really hope you guys enjoyed this one, its been bouncing around in my head for a while and im so pleased with how it came out. Bonus Points if you know what movie//book got spoiled. Anyway, love you guys, and always i would love to know what you thought or if you have any ideas of your own! XX- Doodle.
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esoteriamaya · 9 months
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Hello! Decided to dedicate this observation list to some pretty sensitive placements. If you have any of these placements or know someone that do, I hope you enjoy the list I've created !
Neptune 7th house people have a urgency to help others. Their compassionate healers who walk out into the world and people grasp on to their presence not knowing the reason why. In due time, they'll recognize that neptune 7th house person spirit is like no others. They have this Mother Theresa spirit to them. Very honest and vulnerable to the ones they love, they can almost certainly have a few tricksters walk amongst their path. Although they are incredibly sweet, they're discernment levels are to the T. Its unfortunate when they don't use it, they just want to see the good in you. They have a dreamy like quality to their presence that others notice right away. Captivating, but mysterious. People have no idea what they're getting into when being with them, but they know if they don't act right the cosmic forces in these people don't mind a cute lil revenge. ;)
Moon in Pisces see the beauty in everything. And it reflects back into their beautiful spirits. They're okay with being misunderstood, its just their empathetic bodies take on so many unwanted reactions and energy it's hard for them to feel accepted. They have a honest approach with life, and try their best not to belittle others with this truth. Their honest with themselves however can sugarcoat the truth a little to put less pressure on their wounds and others. therapeutic souls, they naturally attract others to tell them their deepest thoughts. It purifies them. Just being able to converse with moon pisces babes cleanses their auras and makes the skeletons feel a lil dance inside. No more hiding in their, they can take off their masks with them. Moon pisces babes can also be a little too generous with their funds, do not allow others sob stories to be the reason your wallets are being sucked dry. Tell them no. Boundaries are important with this group.
Venus in Pisces have this dreamy, ethereal nature to them its like a fairytale. Their desires tend to realize itself in practical realities more often then they think. When around others, they are like a dream come true. They have unreal personalities.Their gift in this lifetime is to share the joy and beauty of the inner child. They have a love for the universe and in return the universe gives them more than what they could of asked for. It's a beautiful placement. Venus in pisces must be careful because they attract a lot of narcissists in their corner. The narcs can see their beauty, power, and light and know that it can benefit them. Be smart about who you allow into your temple. You are literally a walking God/Goddess.
Mercury in the 1st House ; Believe it or not they have an innocence to them thats hard to ignore. Their like a youthful little child that never grows old. Their charm is impeccable. They can be little tricksters but in a way that it oozes a beautiful quality to it. Its funny. You can talk to them about anything and you can feel your mind soar because your mind gets to expand itself when your with them. They show you the way to relax and just be in the moment. Their a gift to this world when they're just being themselves.
Moon in the 3rd ; Natural healers. They connect with the community in a way that touches every soul they come in contact with. Very empathetic and need more alone time than most. They have to discern people way more than they would like. No matter how stand-offish they can appear, they still have a regal, likeable nature to them that attracts people like flies. We can naturally feel the sweetness off of them no matter what. Boundaries are something that's difficult for this placement, as their auric fields process information when they're not asking for it.
MOON IN THE 1ST are very likeable and are naturally open individuals. They can be secretive, but that mysterious charm is what pulls in others truest feelings towards them. People who do this to them just have a knowing that they will take what they say and not throw it in their face. They have a naturally sensitive personality so they can push others away easily. Its not by force it's just the way things flow. People with this placement can actually be pretty popular. Its the sweetness we feel off of them, and we just want more of it!
Neptune in the 3rd ; Its their voice. Their voice can soothe people. Its meditation for the spirit. They should consider doing asmr or even meditation videos using their voice! Oracles who learn to trust their gut at a young age, they use this gift to help guide others. They are attracted to the unknown, but this darkness is filled with so much light deep inside. The things that scare us can easily be heavenly to them. They walked that path in order to fight the light. It's just what they do.
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theoccultz · 2 months
How do they really see you ?
Minors dni (18+ mention's )
General reading, take what resonates , leave what doesn't
Pics and dividers not mine , credits to their rightful owners
Thank you for all the reblogs , likes and comments i appreciate it 🖤
See ya at your pile !!
Pile l . Pile ll. Pile lll.
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Pile 1 .
Queen of wands , 8ofpentacles, 4ofpentacles
They see you as helpful and relient you will pass the opportunity if you feel like others need it more ,you guys are good at guiding others you may be a teacher or you're just that friend who is able to decode easily you can read faces like a book you guys look well put together you may know what suits you and what doesn't very well . They think you get a lot of attention although you look interested in what others have to say , your mind wonders somewhere else you may have r-b-f so its hard to read to read your expressions , you're professional in a sense . you look relaxed most of the time they may see you working a lot you always seem to be focused on something, they think others bother you ,people want to talk to you but they dont respect your boundaries and they kinda feel you get annoyed when someone is interrupting you in your day to day life , they thought you were arrogant when they first met you but they've gotten used to your rbf ,they understand it was them projecting.
They think you love food and you take care of your health, they think you have good hygiene, you may style your hair or they like your hair , you respect others space ,if you say No others wouldn't force you because there's this sternness in your voice , they think you're closed off though you may interact with others you kind of hate spending too much time with others , they love whatever language you can speak i'm picking up on an accent here , they think you have a graceful presence like say there's a meeting or a party you have dressed up exactly how the dress code expect you to be , they think you are a minimalist . You are not that person who sings like they own the party there's something very ethical and well mannered.You seem to do your own thing i dont think you need help in almost anything, you can figure out things for yourself this person seems to be impressed with your qualities or persona because they're somewhat like this too and they think its a rare quality to have . They think you're more head than heart /intellectual maybe ? They dont like to think of themselves as helpless and you exactly seem to replicate that , they think people are fake these days and would stab you without a second thought , this person is not like this they are loyal until they die , either you are this gossip bee just trying to be someone you're not LMAO this person has seen you turn down others it was satisfactory, there's a lot of gossip bess here hmmm , anyway they think you dont give a shit ☠️✋🏼 although its risky and you have to give in to social pressure but you just mind your own business even though you know about the disadvantages . Yeah
They think you shouldn't be disturbed for some reason , not like you're a wild person who'll start yelling at them but they just see you enjoying your presence and being relaxed?they dont think you get excited about a lot of things like you're very Sophisticated, you dont play games . I dont know if you speak to this person but this person is down bad for your voice ,for your vocabulary like what ...???they think you're kind of cutthroat that you can hurt them with your words if they mess with you ,thry think you have anger issues but they like it 😭a bad bitch with anger issues ? yes sir ....they may have seen you lash out and they think its for everyone's good you are silent fff this person was turned on .
They think you're very sweet & cute although no one would agree with them , they seem to look for you when you're not there like they randomly start to think about you , they kinda miss you when you're not around, this person unknowingly observes you i'm seeing a vision of someone working and the other person is like 👁️👄👁️ , this person is atrracted to your essence they're addicted to your mannerisms idk who is this ...could be a boss , a friend, but they really admire you , this person is a powerful person themselves, they share a good connections with others, they're more good at understanding & convincing others than you . They think how you're are a free thinker , you love to learn about things , you guys are great advice givers ,you guys are very open and direct to the point it intimidates them , you look youthful and dress creative you have energetic boundaries they wouldn't wanna touch , you guys carry individualistic quality,you dont get easily influence by societal norms , you're not gonna follow everything the world puts out , you use your own guidance.This is someone who has gained interest in you after a long time , you may knew each other or knew of each other but you didn't really care at first , i see even if this is a platonic connection the feelings are developing, this person finds you really beautiful physically and wants to be closer but they themselves is a little aloof and doent like to get attach to anyone ,they're everyone's friend but who is actually "their" friend? This person seems be a professional, they are mindful and careful unlike pile 3's person , this person do not wear this heart on their sleeve , they are over prorective of themselves, this person is still on that stage of getting to know you , like they think a LOTT.
Song : damn is this an ex?
Thanks for reading !!
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Pile ll.
Ace of pentacles, king of swords , the high priestess
Black swan
They see you as someone who'll be victorious wherever you are , you have a likeable personality and a charming aura that really draws others to you, they love your company, they love your smile the most, they love your hair , your lips , your dressing sense , your piercings, they think you ALWAYS look fabulous, they think you're a breathe of fresh air ,you light up their world , they're very grateful to have you in their life , they love to talk to you and they really look forward too .They kind of put you on a pedestal, this person really see "you" the crazy you , the childish you , the sweet you, the angry you and they love everything version of you 😭they think people are really lucky to have you , they think you have a healing presence , they see you as someone that needs to be protected you're just so kind , generous and welcoming ...they feel jealous that your energy is put there , they love your personality they love to spend time with you or they want too , you could be an introvert and they are like an open book .
This person is telling me that they feel accepted in your presence , they love your music taste, you feel s if you're their lost missing piece , your interets ate very similar,they think their inner child really flourish in your presence, i'm getting this .....when i'm with them all of my worries are taken by god kinda vibe ....they think you keep your issues to yourself and that you need to release and let go they want to help you in the process of it , you have a positive effect pn people,they think there are some people in your life who troubles you and they fucking hate that, they think you are photogenic, they love your hair , they think you're really fun to be around, you bring a lot to the table , they wanna heal & grow with you even if you lose contact someday they'll remember you as if you're there to celebrate every best thing that happened in their life , this person kind of feel pressured to do more because they see you doing so much , they're insecure and sad about something and nobody knows it and there isn't a lot of thing's that gets them excited or bring joy but you do , you may travel together, study together, you may know their family, they could be your cousin , they could be someone you have a crush on .
If this is someone not platonic & the feelings are Mutual , you should find out and openly give them hints . They think their efforts are ignored sometimes like they're that friend who do the most and they get ignored, they want to ignore you but they cant , there are some thing they dont communicate because they dont want to ruin this relationship but they really dont like others interference in your connection ,they think you ignore them when you have others company
Alright k thats it (: looking back at your reading, they seem to be someone you have helped in some way and that's why they like you so much because that was something really heavy weigh-in them down ,you helped them unknowingly or knowingly , they also seem conglict free and likeable but they dont like a lot of people thats the issue .
Your song: i love when the song matches the vibe of the reading .
Thanks for reading!!
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Pile lll.
Death, the devil , the world rx
Well what do i say , the cards speak for itself + i dont get any different vibe from the original interpretation of cards
Alright let's start this is about to be confusing......this person finds you attractive, they think about you obsessively and they dont want you to know , you're a though that cross their mind and stays there forever, this is someone who is sexually attracted to you or they admire your body , they kinda have wild assumptions so stick with me ,i'm not getting toxic vibe rather a really enamoured one ,they think you are more sexually experienced than them , they compare themselves to you a lot , they think you'd up for fwb without emotional connection, this person thinks of you as a mystery they want to know "Everything" about you , you intrigue them , wouldn't be surprised if they stalk you online , this person try to hide so much its Insane , they dont want to let you know that they are interested in you they feel as though you will avoid them or you will make fun of them ? They could annoy you on purpose, this person is a little annoyed themselves, they feel stuck and they want to take action , they cant just keep fantasizing about whats not real . They want to be friends with you .
This person wants to be involved in your life and be there for " you" , they think you guys are compatible although they are more sociable than you , I'm feeling surprised because they seem to be wayy invested than they think they would be , they would analyse your mood and wonder about it , they think you dont pay much attention to them like heck you dont even seem to know them that well even though you may have known them longer than they think , this person's energy is straight up hopeless i think this is someone who gets a lot of attention and praise , they seem to have it all , they could be in a authoritive position in life , like they could own libraries or they are the big sister /brother of the family or their friends rely on them for support, they have this natural ability to make others feel secure , they are helpful and sweet , they dont like drama and they are big on action and manifestations , they are also very stubborn and wants things their way , they could fit in to societal expectations but they feel as though they put up a front and pretend to be someone else , they get drained easily and they seem to like books especially mystery books , they like to have their own space they could own a bigg ass house as well , they seem to work a lot like they're damnn busyy in their life but they still like to check up on you its their daily routine, this person has had a lot of hope from the very beginning, they kind of accepted they liked you, this person is possesive asf , it ticks them off its their insecurity. How would you recognise this person? Others see them as a fun but a disciplined person , They are the well liked cool person in their community and they are intelligent with their words , they have attractive eyes and they wear lighter colours , they are their neighbours favourite, they also dont seem very fashionable, they stick to formals and basic . Yeah , this person also think you are imaginative and artistic and they want to like your interests so bad to connect deeper with you and to make themselves familiar , they could have water placements specially pisces , i feel like they may look tough and big but as a child ??? they were just everyone's little troublemaker but also a sweetheart awwww this is so cute . Their friend circle is influential tho , they are judgemental as well hmm interesting. This could be an online connection but it doesn't have to be , you guys just don't interact that much although both of you are intrigued, this person could have a controversial past lol ,its just something about their eyes they seem like a deep thinker although they may not look like one , this person reminds me of suga from bts , you know how he's so tough on the outside like he doesn't care but he's so aware & invested about his friendsdislikes & likes , he knows them better than they think he does
ahhhh anyways this was heavy .
Your song : see i told you
Thanks for reading!!
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srngrque · 7 months
low tolerance, you say
trent alexander arnold x fem!reader. fluff. Being drunk with fruitful intentions.
One thing Trent realized while dating you was to literally not put alcohol and you at the same place, at the same time. But, not many people know that aspect since you and Trent do not go out often, staying home in each other's presence.
Many people not knowing your low alcohol tolerance is absolute shit is what made Trent's job hard tonight. After picking up your call, he became more alert noticing it was not your angelic voice; rather greeted with a huskier male tone but was relaxed immediately as the person from the other line claimed, "She had way too many drinks to handle, but if the address is right. We are outside your house. Please take her away from me."
Every fiber in Trent's bone eased up. Rushing down wearing his flip-flops, frantically opens the door to see your male friend followed by three other girlfriends move you out of the car. His eyes darted on your fragile limping drunk legs almost giving out, Trent could not help but chuckle at your friends trying to keep you well.
"My boyfriend is here." You screamed loud, your eyes squeezed your eyes to scan your boyfriend coming out from his front yard to pick you away from the world for the night. Trent walked toward you, but you ran behind your friend's car.
You sat down on the road, hiding your face on your lap. Trent glanced at your friends in question since some of your drunk actions are still concerning and confusing. He is not surprised, just picking up pieces real quick.
With no words exchanged, Trent walked behind your friend's car where you were crotched down hiding your face. He bent down on his knees to meet your eye level. "What's wrong, baby?" He whispered in the shell of your ears, his fingers slowly cupping your face to glance up at him.
"You are not angry at me?" You tilted your head, clenching his hand which was settled on your face. Trent stared at your eyes slowly shutting themselves before you shook yourself up. His nose wrinkled to force himself from laughing at your drunk gesture.
He shook his head, "Never, princess. Come, let's go home." Trent gently lifted you from the ground. With his single action, you enveloped your body securing your arm around his neck. Trent silently thanked your friends for dropping you off. You shifted your head safely on the arc of his neck, eyeing your friends. "I love you guys, thank you for tonight." You waved your hand.
Trent laid you down on the sofa. For you, the whole world was spinning. It was even worse than the roller coasters you enjoyed back in some of those expensive amusement park. This cycle was endless, even if your body knows you are home, your eyes and mind are not helping at all.
"Trent, are we sure we are back home?" You asked with your eyebrows furrowed. Your hand waved around but was beaten around by the air, not being able to hold Trent. With no answers returned, you took matters on your own hand.
Standing on your own feet to only fall back on the sofa. Your legs had given out all the energy. In the spinning world, you had resulted that Trent was just a hallucination. With that, you wailed loudly, eyes shut as tears sprinkled down your cheek.
You covered your eyes with your forearm, thinking you are alone in this whole world and the person you love, is not even real. It was just a fragment of your imagination. In between your thoughts and your sobs, you paused. Wait, you thought, Was I not drunk? You removed your forearm away from your eyes, soaking in the cozy and humbling living room in front of you.
Before you could process everything, the face of the man, you swore you dreamt of popped in front of you. "You are real?" You whispered, your fingertips reaching out to draw out his face.
Sun-kissed skin, doe-eyes, and the perfect plumped lips you wish you could ju-
"Please stop eye-fucking me."
He also speaks. "Yes, I speak." He spoke, shaking his head, pulling you forward to sit on the sofa. Trent sat in front of you carrying your makeup remover, a few clothes to change, and a blanket.
"So you are my boyfriend?" You hesitated to ask, not sure how you bagged a hot scrumptious-looking boyfriend. Trent leaned on his knee, using his elbow as leverage to stare at your drunk swollen eyes and pink lips that has been abused too many times by you with the continous biting.
Trent nodded, "We have done way too many times, princess. For now, please do as I say." You raised your eyebrows, and a line formed between your eyebrows in question. You gave him a lopsided smile, "So how do you want me?"
"On your back."
You froze. Being drunk does not mean you did not understand the intention of his words. Trent snorted cockily, "Are you serious? Let me remove your makeup." He asked, waving his hand and gesturing you to lay down on the sofa so he could remove your makeup.
So lying down on the sofa, you did. Trent sat on the edge of the sofa near your arm as he leaned forward to press the wet wipes onto your face, forcefully closing your eyes after every aggressive wipe.
In silence, Trent removed your makeup. Giving you enough time to admire his face closer once again. Up close, he . . seemed so familiar. All the small freckles that are not spoken about, the light wrinkle settled on his forehead, and the vein that pops out on his temple. With it all, Trent was simply so beautiful.
"We should definitely have babies." You said breaking the silence. Trent paused his action with his third use of makeup remover wet wipes. He lazily smiled, grinning ear-to-ear. You glanced upward to the ceiling as the tension was peaking its roof.
Trent clicked his tongue, "I don't know. Don't you think we should get married first?" He proposed, his eyes twinkling with the hint of mischievousness but your mind was too hazy to process through what he was saying.
"Then why are we not married yet?" You curiously asked, your arm finding its way to his neck pulling him closer to your face. "Or we can just do everything the opposite. I heard there are many people who do that." You justified your reason on wanting kids, slurping on your own words.
Trent giggled hiding his face on the nape of your neck at your utter misery and cuteness. He had the urge to pull his phone and record the amount of random crap was coming out; it is the same routine when you are drunk.
"I am serious though." You softly laid down your guards. With mind intoxicated and eyes about to give out to the lights. But this, you know, Trent was the man you want your kids grow up calling father; it is not a dream so hard to not want considering how dearly Trent is to you.
He removed his face away from your neck, coming face-to-face. "Baby, you are drunk and we have spoke about wanting kids and getting married like hundreds of times when you are drunk." He confessed trying to retrieve back to his original position to finish off your leftover makeup.
You pulled him forward caging him in your arm. "Then ask me tomorrow morning when I am completely sober if I still want to have your kids, Trent. I will say yes." You dared, eyes not fazing away from Trent.
Your eyes glanced down at his lips, "And I swear if you stop me from doing this, I will say no." You threatened before pressing your lips against his. You moaned loudly in his lips pulling him closer. Trent moved to straddle his legs as his hand shifted under your shirt.
Your hand itself tangled to pull his sweater off his body. He tsked away, continously shaking his head. "Let's do this tomorrow, baby. Let's go back to bed." He insisted only for you to shake your head whining, already missing his lips on you.
"We can only stop this operation if i accidentally vomit."
"What operation?"
You shrugged your shoulder, "To have your kids."
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lovendermist · 16 days
Hii I hope your doing well you can full decide not to do this if you don’t want to haha but would it be ok to request a Hange x reader where their like the younger siblings of some such as Moblit or just like on of the other Veterans but they don’t know and they they find out it’s all just funny and cute idk if this makes sense sorry 😅
Hange x Levi's Sibling Reader
He's your what?
Type: Scenario, fluff
WC: 3,029
Pairing: Hange x Levi's Sibling Reader
hange masterlist
A/N: Yes!!! 😭😭😭 Yes I live for this but I did Levi I am so so sorry I wanted to self indulge so bad but I can make a Moblit one is someone out there is desperate enough. But this was super fucking fun I can't believe I only did this in 2 days! I hope you enjoy this Frog, also I always enjoy seeing u in my notifs hwaaa
Being a volunteer who helped out with the veterans with their plans and expeditions, you've grown to be good friends with Hange, taking a liking to their plans for their experiments and cheery personality, much to your older brother Levi's annoyance, but he doesn't explicitly say anything about your connection with him to Hange. You two maintain this connection as a secret, not wanting to cause more attention towards another Ackerman, much less being the intimidating Captain Levi's more optimistic younger sibling.
Hange says they‘ve always adored your deep, stark black hair. They said it was a silky kind of texture they didn’t often see around the base, but they don’t really think too much of it. They've also told you they found it amusing how blank-faced you usually are, and it reminds them of someone they can't quite name.
That, your wit, sometimes snarky remarks and comments have also found a way to amuse Hange and make a mark in their heart. You remind them so much of somebody, but Hange can't figure out who it is to save their life. They're too busy with all their experiments and tasks to even come to the conclusion of who, and you were thankful they were such a busy person to even think too much about it.
One day, Hange sees you and their heart skips a beat, but seeing Levi beside you, something else clicks in their brain.
You and Levi we’re catching up late at night in a hallway rarely used by soldiers, updating each other about how the expeditions were going and if you've been doing okay lately. Truth is, Levi put you as a volunteer himself and not as a scout just to make sure you don't get into any kinds of trouble and still be kept close to him. You know how he is given your family's background and history, he's just being protective like the big brother he is. 
He fought hard for you to get such a position, daring the higher ups just for you to stay close and safe with him. It was an odd title that was new and unheard, and it sure wasn’t easy to keep your history and the sudden formation of this position under wraps either. There were certain deals made, the gossip and rumor flew around, but thankfully, none about the suspicion that you were in the slightest bit related to Levi.
Someone’s footsteps draw nearer where you talked, interrupting the conversation you two were about to delve deeper into.
"Levi!" Hange's voice echoes out in the empty hallway, and momentarily stops in their tracks the moment they see the two of you in the hallway.
Hange sees how Levi is all relaxed in your presence, his shoulders sagged down and his face not twisted into some kind of growl for once, and concludes that you must be someone close to him to be able to speak freely like this. They also notice the soft smile on your face and how comfortable you are, and Hange smiles to themselves, thinking how adorable you are and how they've stumbled upon quite a rare sight.
"Oh?" Hange settles just right beside you two, and while you were nervous, you can already feel your brother’s annoyance at the disrupted moment, "I didn't know you two knew each other."
Despite being siblings, you two still had quite the difference in personalities, and in your shocked and flustered state, you have a feeling that Levi will handle this situation better than you will, so you glance over at him to let him speak.
"I'm a Captain. Of course they'd know me." Levi crosses his arms.
"Right, right! I know, but like... you know," Hange’s actions are animated before settling their hands by their hips, Hange smiles, "Since when did you two get so close?"
Finding both of you in such a secluded spot this late in the night, they’re not sure whether to be jealous or not, so Hange looks at you, expecting an answer. You gulp at the sudden eye contact, feeling nervous under their watchful, yet unknowing gaze. They don't know your little secret and there’s an easier lie, but you feel yourself grappling at some half-ass excuses buried in your mind anyway. With just one glance, Levi knows that there's a chance you'll accidentally slip up in this interaction, but he keeps his hopes up.
"Well..." Your voice comes out a bit more high-pitched than intended, "Just work."
Hange scoffs at the dry response, almost ready to let it go and accept that yes, you were right, you would only know and be close with Levi through work, but they glance between you and Levi, and something brews in their mind.
They squint at you, making you uneasy. Hange's always been a bit unexpected when it comes to their actions, but now you really don't know what they're doing or thinking. Levi, on the other hand, is growing a bit impatient as he has a much better knowledge of what usually goes on in Hange's mind, like right now.
"Are you done interrogating us? We were discussing something, you know. Privately." Levi's sharp voice comes to speak up for both of you this time, his annoyance growing. But despite that, there's still a bit of amusement playing around in his beady-eyed gaze.
"No, no, hold on." Hange eyes you and Levi, making sure that their eyes weren't playing tricks on them.
As you stand side by side, they see something in both of you, something similar, and they want to make sure they get it right before they even say another word.
Hange glances at your hair, then at Levi's. It's the same shade of black– and no, it wasn't like the other scouts with black hair kind of texture. It was a bit more silky, flowed more smoothly, almost like it was styled perfectly according to your wishes, and Hange tucks away this piece of information in their head for later questioning.
Hange's eyes now flash back and forth between your very own, and back at Levi's, to which he rolls his eyes at. He already knows what's coming, and he knows there's no turning back from this moment, so he lets Hange have their fun. Hange notes that you do indeed have the same beady eyes as Levi, although the shape of your eyes seem just a tad bit more rounded than his. You squirm under their gaze, your eyes growing a little wider at the sudden eye contact and inspection, their eyes boring holes into you from behind their glasses.
Hange now thinks about your personalities. You had that same, snarky, dry humored personality, just in a much livelier tone than Levi’s. There were tons of contrasts and comparisons to be made, but they tuck that thought in for another day as well. They note that your skin is just a tiny shade bit different from Levi's shade, a certain physical trait they've heard and known from others to be some kind of a sibling thing.
And finally, they tilt their body a bit back to get a better look at both of you, to which you look to Levi nervously at. He only shakes his head in disapproval at Hange's actions. From Hange's point of view, it seems like you're almost even in the height department as well, with you just towering an inch or so over Levi. Yet another physical trait they've heard to be a sibling thing, where the younger one is usually taller than their older sibling. And from what they remember, you are indeed younger than them and Levi. Though they do find it entertaining how you’re not exactly that much taller than him either.
"Hey now," Hange speaks again after what seems like minutes, their amusement heavily evident in their tone, "Are you two related?"
"So what if we are?" Levi barks back, still eager to get back to the earlier private conversation. You two were just about to get to the part where you tell him about your own stories of what's been happening in your life. He was always eager to hear from you after their expeditions. It was like a reward for him, to see and hear from you right after risking his life outside the walls.
But right now, deprived of the time and privacy, Hange's grin widens further at Levi's answer, noting the lack of denial in his tone, "I was just asking! But you're not denying it either, Levi."
"I think we just look similar, with the hair and all."  You attempt to pry them away from their thoughts of your relation, and also just because you weren't sure how your own brother would react to this information being out there nor did you want to find out, but Hange shakes their head.
"No, no, you even have the same shitty humor. It's just that yours comes out in a better tone than Levi's." Hange smiles at you before mumbling to themselves, a hand flying up to pinch their lip as if deep in thought, "You really do look similar too, I don't know how I didn't see it before."
"First you interrupt our conversation and now you’re calling my humor shitty?" Levi crosses his arms and leans against a nearby wall, watching as Hange now circles you where you stand. 
He knows Hange’s just brewing up their thoughts as they observe you further, but the scene unfolding before him is making him a bit uncomfortable. "Are we done ogling here?"
"No, no we are not. You two are related and one of you is going to have to admit it," Hange continues circling over you like a predator to a prey, a sly grin playing on their face, "I just have to wonder who, since I know you both have this tendency to shy away from telling the truth sometimes."
Eventually, Hange's strolling comes to a stop in front of you, their arms crossed and bending over a little to meet your gaze.
"You two are siblings, aren't you? If not, you’re related in some way, I just know it." They interrogate you as you try your best not to burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. You try to meet your brother's gaze, but Hange covers the view.
You can hear Levi sigh before his footsteps come into focus right behind you.
"We are. Now stop acting weird towards them." You let your shoulders sag a little, relieved that he was the one to break the silence and to reveal your little secret.
"Ha!” Hange looks over at Levi, and back to you once more. “No way, I was right. Are you two really?"
“God, four-eyes. Yes we are. Happy?” Levi scoffs in response.
“They’re your younger sibling? You’re a big brother? You’re Levi’s sibling?” With a huge smile on their face, Hange turns you over and holds you by your shoulders, presenting you to your own brother like they still can’t believe the situation despite already making the conclusions in their head earlier.
A glare is what Levi gives as an answer. He then looks over at you, and you give him a tiny smile and a slight shrug as Hange holds you.
“He’s… my brother, yes. I feel a bit guilty hiding it from you now.” You think of all the times you’ve interacted with Hange, joining them in their banter and rambles about their experiments.
“Aha! Don’t be, this is… this is something else, really.” Hange twists you again, this time turning you to face them. You can almost hear the gears shifting in Hange’s head, but you’re not aware that they’re looking at you and thinking about how you’re just as attractive as your brother, if not more.
“No wonder you kept reminding me of someone. Turns out that someone was your own brother,” Hange chuckles to themselves as they continue holding you by your shoulders, grip unwavering yet gentle. They look over to Levi now. “But why keep it a secret?”
“Why do you think so? You’re the only who knows other than Erwin, and this is how you react. Imagine the ruckus if this got out.”
“I see your point, to know that another Ackerman in the base is… definitely going to cause some commotion. How cute though.”
You tilt your head at Hange’s comment. Smiling, they reply. 
“You’re really more like a… friendlier, lovelier version of Levi.”
“Hey.” Levi’s comment goes unnoticed. 
“Does he know I pick you up and squeeze you often? Cause you’re so cute and all?”
You open your mouth to defend yourself against Hange’s actions, but you find yourself at a loss for words. You can’t lie in front of your brother, Hange has indeed picked you up occasionally. They said it was because they found your height difference so cute. And as for the squeezing part, well, it was a one-time thing, but Hange has plans to change that. 
”You what?” Levi’s cocks his eyebrow at the new information presented to him, “God, Hange, they’re not a toy.”
Levi turns to ask you, “Do they really?”
“Well… like once or twice. Only if they’re that excited and I happen to be beside them.” You find yourself grinning even wider as you continue to speak. The ridiculousness of the situation is getting the better of you, but you have to admit, it was kind of fun having the secret out.
Levi is thinking the same thing as well. In a way, it feels like a burden has been lifted from his shoulders. He just hopes Hange will be quiet or else the leakage of this information will be the death of him.
“You were snuck in here, weren’t you? There was no such thing as a volunteer position in the Corps before you came in.” Hange’s tender gaze looks at you expectantly, with no intention of snitching nor gossiping about you. They know you and your brother’s past enough to not hurt you like that. They’ve always been curious about your title and couldn’t wait to hear how it came to be.
You glance over at Levi for a split second before nodding, “He snuck me in, yeah. Didn’t want me back in the underground but didn’t want me to risk my life as a soldier here either.”
“It all makes sense now,” Hange’s eyes soften at your words, “Your position was a surprise to all of us, you know? You were quite the mystery already, even before knowing grumpy pants over here is your brother.” Levi grimaces at the nickname.
Hands on their hips, they turn over to look at him this time, “You must’ve pulled some heavy strings to get them here, let alone get them a position that didn’t even exist before.”
Levi’s gaze softens, their tone coming somewhere more homely and far away, “You’d do it too if you were under the same circumstances.”
”Ah, brotherly love.” Hange smiles contentedly to themselves.
“You better not tell a single soul.” Levi’s warning is stern, yet his tone doesn’t hold much threat.
“That humanity’s strongest soldier is first and foremost a loving, protective, big brother?” You and Hange chuckle at their description of Levi, much to his dismay. 
It’s bad enough to know that you’ve grown close with Hange, but it’s another thing to have to deal with both of you. Regardless, a small smile plays by his lips as he watches you laugh at his expense.
“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. But don’t think I won’t be teasing you both about your similarities. It’s quite cute, you know. It’s not often that we get siblings in the Corps.”
Hange ruffles your hair playfully, noting the softness of it under their fingers. “Even your hair is the same texture. God, this is driving me crazy. It’s so cute.” As the minutes drag on, they realize how they’re possibly taking a deeper liking to you than they realize, and it’s even harder to act now, knowing who your brother is.
“Stop touching them.” Levi orders, but it doesn’t go unnoticed how amused he appears as well.
“I know, I know, big brother will get mad.” Hange retracts their hand, a smile painted on their lips, “I’ll leave you be before I lose my mind about all this. Gosh.”
“See you around, Ackermans!” Finally walking away, Hange’s giggles echoed the hallway right after waving you two off, with Levi’s warning to keep their voice down following suit.
“Secret’s out.” You sigh.
“I hate to say it was inevitable. It only took one glance at both of us right next to each other before Hange figured it out, the damn smartass.”
“Is that why you told me not to show up in the same room when you were around?” You smile at him.
“Huh,” You think to yourself of all the times you two planned to barely interact at all just to keep the secret going, avoiding all the drama and questions that would for sure come your way the moment someone noticed the resemblances, “I just don’t think we look that similar.”
“Of course not. I look better than you.”
You send him a disgusted look.
Soon enough you continue your conversation that was long overdue. Meanwhile, as Hange returns to their room, they can’t help but think of all the similarities they’ve missed between the two of you and all the questions that will surely arise in future conversations. They tuck away their growing feelings for you deep in a corner of their mind, but they couldn’t disagree that taking a liking to you, even after knowing who your brother was, puts a bit of a thrill on the whole situation.
As they let their mind wander, they shriek at another realization, thinking about something they’ve overlooked the most, and Hange feels taken for a fool. They wondered, did anyone else have the same realizations as they did? They think of the ridiculousness and subtlety of it all— your name was a damn near rhyme to Levi’s and started with an ‘L‘ as well.
A/N: I already have a name for my oc that's Levi's younger sibling, so I took inspo from that. See my AU idea post here about it. No name reveal yet though, haha!
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Fanfic Idea! (Lucemond, modern-ish au, where the dominoes fall)
Aemond wasn't coming home tonight. Again. Lucerys felt stupid for even thinking Aemond would remember their anniversary. He quietly blew the candles he had lit and re-lit hours ago and placed the food in the fridge. He looked in the mirror, seeing himself dressed up in a beautiful green dress with a surprise lingerie underneath that Aemond would have no doubt loved, wearing the soft make-up Aemond told him he adored. He felt stupid all over again.
So to make the sting hurt less, he opted to open the bottle of the expensive wine they were given on their wedding day. It was strong, a bit sweet with a bitter aftertaste. He ignored the glasses and just chugged a quarter of it down straight from the bottle before stopping, the burning was strong from his throat to his chest. He sat on the floor of their bedroom next to their bed, well, just his bed most of the times. He honestly didn't know what to do anymore.
Like most couples, they weren't immune to fights and disputes and problems, and one of their more recent fights happened when Lucerys asked him to take some time off his busy schedule and be with him, go in their beach house, relax back home in Driftmark. Apparently, that set off a bomb, because Aemond snapped hard and an argument ensued. Yes, Lucerys knows that the project was important to Aemond since it was the first time Viserys ever entrusted anything of that importance to him. Yes, he knows that Aemond needed to prove to his family that he can manage such a project, that they could trust that he do well with the opportunity given to him. Yes, he knows it might be the only chance he gets to have a shot at being given at least a portion of the company. But what about them, their relationship?
They haven't seen each other in weeks, almost a month, Aemond too busy to even return home at times, and Lucerys, also dealing with the affairs of his own company. Both are tired, barely even saying anything to each other, other than a few I love you's, good mornings and goodbyes. Lucerys misses his husband, and thought he needed a break. Apparently, Aemond took it as Lucerys not believing he could do it. Lucerys knows of Aemond's insecurity issues, and did his best to show him that no, he knows Aemond can do it, that he was already doing great so far, it was just that Lucerys wanted both of them to feel relaxed and happy, to have some time for themselves.
Aemond was still frustrated, telling him that he wouldn't get it, that he was given everything in a silver platter and didn't need to fight for what he has. That offended Lucerys, who had to make sure everything was running smoothly because he can't afford a mistake, lest Vaemond uses it as an example of why he didn't deserve the company. Round after round of arguments, silent treatments, and when they finally did talk, they both apologized, the words too heated, both were tired and it was a slip of the tongue, and Aemond did tell him he, too, missed being together, just the two of them enjoying each other's presence, without work in their minds.
So they compromised, and everything seemed to go smoothly. Aemond even got what he wanted, moving up in the company and getting the praise Lucerys knows he deserved. Then he began overworking again, then Lucerys calls him out with the amount of plans he had to cancel because Aemond had work to do, and they argue. Then they apologize, make excuses, fix their schedule, and so on and so forth, the cycle neverending.
And it seemed Aemond decided to break his promise again. Lucerys knows it's not fair of him to think Aemond would drop everything to be with Lucerys all the time, especially since he has a lot to lose, just as Lucerys does, but he was able to do it, to prepare in advance, to finish his work early, to come home and prepare dinner, to dress up nicely and to set the mood for a romantic night. Just to be stood up again.
And honestly, he was getting tired of it. Tired of having to plan for special days only to have to cancel it, tired of feeling excited only to be met with disappointment when met with the usual text (or lack thereof). He was tired of spending too much energy trying to keep their relationship a happy one, only to be met with the "I'm busy's", and the "next time's". Honestly, it was foolish of him to think their anniversary would be different, I mean, he didn't even come to his own private birthday party, and Lucerys had to embarrassingly explain to both their parents and siblings why the birthday celebrant wasn't able to make it to his own birthday party, even after learning how to bake the cake, prepare his favorite meals, and even brought out a couple of movies Aemond enjoyed watching after. He forced himself to enjoy the party, and gave most of what he made to his family, insisting that they won't be able to finish it all anyway. Most of the family seemed to be showing varying degrees of pity, even Alicent, who really disliked their marriage, seemed to hesitate saying anything negative towards him that day.
As Lucerys drank away his blues, he can hear the rustling of keys. He was surprised Aemond even decided to return home. He can hear the door opening, knowing it revealed petals guiding him to their dining table with the unlit candles and the untouched dinner plates. He heard the quiet curse, before the footsteps got louder. Then the door opened, and Lucerys glanced at him, red faced, office clothes a bit untidy, most likely from running, with what looked to be flowers in his hand, and a box of cake he knows would be lemon cake on the other.
If it was the past, Lucerys would just laugh and gladly accept the obviously last minute preparation, now Lucerys just stares at him oddly, before drinking straight from the bottle again. He stood up unsteadily, took the flowers and the cake, and lead them to the sad dining table. Aemond tried to grab the lighter to re-light the candle, but Lucerys just told him it wasn't needed. Lucerys didn't bother getting their dinner out of the fridge, saying they should just skip to dessert. He cut the cake and placed two small pieces on their plates. Aemond tried talking, making excuses, and Lucerys just hummed, not really listening anymore. They soon stayed silent and finished up the cake. Lucerys couldn't even taste it, he just ate mechanically.
Aemond volunteered to clean up, and Lucerys just nodded, the wine making him sleepy. He just went to the bathroom and wiped off the make up, stripped and changed the lingerie to more comfortable sleepwear. By the time Aemond was done, Lucerys was already in bed, looking away from Aemond's side of the bed.
He silently changed and laid down next to him, seemingly hesitated before hugging him. Lucerys does nothing, neither accepting nor rejecting.
When Aemond whispered a "Happy Anniversary", Lucerys quietly allowed tears to fall, letting his tired self succumb to sleep.
Exams were brutal, therefore 'tis time to make it everyone's problem😌
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theslasherslut · 1 year
Human Wally darling x married reader ( part 3)
A/n: It took so long to bring this out I had life issues and I was researching the right terms for the trial.
Y/n woke up to the sound of Wally's alarm clock. She rubbed her eyes and stretched, feeling a bit groggy. She looked over at Wally, who was still sleeping peacefully. She smiled, feeling a surge of love and admiration for him. He looked so handsome and peaceful, his blue hair tousled and his face relaxed. She leaned over and kissed him softly on the cheek, whispering "Good morning, handsome."
Wally stirred and opened his eyes, smiling when he saw y/n. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him, kissing her back. He whispered "Good morning, beautiful."
They cuddled for a few minutes, enjoying the warmth and comfort of each other's presence. They knew that today was the day of the trial, the day that they would face Nick, y/n's abusive ex-husband. They knew that it would be hard, but they also knew that it was necessary. They had to stand up for themselves and for all the other victims of domestic violence. They had to make sure that Nick would pay for what he had done to y/n and never hurt anyone again.
They got out of bed and got ready for the day, feeling a mix of emotions. They felt scared, angry, hopeful, doubtful, tired. They wondered if the jury would believe y/n or Nick, if they would see through his lies or fall for his act. They wondered if they would get justice or injustice, if they would be free or trapped. They wondered if they would ever be able to move on from this nightmare or if it would haunt them forever.
They looked at each other, feeling a sense of comfort and love. They held each other's hand, giving each other a reassuring smile. They whispered "I love you" to each other.
They left the apartment and drove to the courthouse, feeling a sense of support and solidarity. They hoped that the jury would see the truth and do the right thing. They hoped that they would be able to start a new life together, without fear or pain. They hoped that they would be happy.
They arrived at the courthouse and walked into the courtroom, holding each other's hand. They looked around the courtroom, seeing familiar faces. They saw Sally, Frank, Barnaby and the other members of the book club, who had come to support them. They saw their lawyer, Mr. Jones, who had been very helpful and understanding throughout the process. They saw the judge, who looked stern but fair. And they saw Nick, who looked angry and defiant. He glared at them, making them shiver. He looked like he wanted to kill them.
They took their seats, waiting for the trial to begin.
The judge called the court to order and asked the prosecution to present their case.
Mr. Jones stood up and addressed the jury, explaining the charges against Nick and the evidence that supported them. He showed photos of y/n's injuries, medical reports, police reports and witness statements.
He explained how Nick had been abusing y/n for months, physically, emotionally and sexually. He explained how y/n had tried to escape from him, but he had always found her and threatened her.
He explained how one night, he had gone too far and beaten y/n so badly that she had to be hospitalized. He explained how the police had arrested him and how y/n had filed for a divorce along with a restraining order.
He explained how Nick had violated the restraining order several times, trying to contact y/n and intimidate her into dropping the charges. He explained how y/n had been living in fear of Nick ever since, but had also found the strength to move on with her life and find love again with Wally.
He then called y/n to the stand, asking her to tell her story in her own words. "Y/n, please state your name and occupation for the record," Mr. Jones said.
"Y/n L/n," y/n said nervously. "I'm a writer."
"And how do you know the defendant, Nick M/n?" Mr. Jones asked.
"He's my ex-husband," y/n said.
"And how long were you married to him?" Mr. Jones asked.
"About a year," y/n said.
"And during that year, did he ever abuse you in any way?" Mr. Jones asked. Y/n took a deep breath and nodded.
"Yes," she said softly.
"Can you please tell us what kind of abuse he inflicted on you?" Mr. Jones asked.
Y/n looked at the jury, hoping that they would believe her and sympathize with her. She then proceeded to recount her relationship with Nick and the abuse she had suffered at his hands. She told them everything, from the first time Nick had hit her to the last time he had raped her. She told them how he had controlled her life, isolated her from her friends and family, made her feel worthless and afraid. She told them how he had accused her of cheating on him with Wally, even though she had never met him before joining the book club. She told them how he had threatened to kill her if she ever left him or told anyone what he was doing to her. She told them how she had finally gathered enough courage to call the police and get away from him. She told them how she had met Wally and fallen in love with him, how he had helped her heal and start a new life with him.
As she spoke, she tried not to break down or lose her composure. She answered honestly and calmly, trying to make the jury understand what she had gone through.
She looked at Wally, feeling his love and support radiating from him.She looked at Nick, feeling nothing but hatred and disgust for him. She finished her testimony, Feeling drained but relieved. She hoped that it was enough to put Nick behind bars for a long time.
Mr. Jones thanked y/n for her bravery and honesty, then asked the judge if he could rest his case. The judge nodded, then asked the defense if they were ready to present their case.
Nick's lawyer stood up and said that they were. He then proceeded to try to discredit y/n's testimony and paint Nick as an innocent victim of false accusations.
He argued that y/n was lying about the abuse, that she was actually the one who was cheating on Nick with Wally, that she was trying to get revenge on Nick for divorcing him. He argued that y/n was mentally unstable, that she had fabricated the evidence, that she had bribed or coerced the witnesses.
He argued that Nick was a good man, a loving husband, a respected member of society. He argued that Nick deserved a fair trial, a chance to clear his name, a chance to rebuild his life.
He then called Nick to the stand, asking him to tell his side of the story.
"Nick, please state your name and occupation for the record," Nick's lawyer said.
"Nick M/n," Nick said confidently. "I'm a lawyer."
"And how do you know the plaintiff, y/n L/n?" Nick's lawyer asked.
"She's my ex-wife," Nick said.
"And why did you divorce her?" Nick's lawyer asked.
"Because she cheated on me with another man," Nick said.
"Who was that man?" Nick's lawyer asked.
"Wally Darling," Nick said, pointing at Wally. "The blue-haired freak over there."
"And how did you find out about their affair?" Nick's lawyer asked.
"I saw them together one night, when I came home from work. They were kissing and cuddling on the couch, like they owned the place. I was furious. I confronted them, and she admitted it. She said she had been seeing him for months, behind my back. She said she didn't love me anymore, that she loved him. She said she wanted me out of her life, that she wanted a divorce. She said she was sorry, but she didn't look sorry at all. He looked happy and smug, like he had won her and She looked at me like I was nothing, like I didn't matter."
Nick looked at the jury, hoping that they would believe him and pity him. He then proceeded to lie through his teeth, denying everything that y/n had said, accusing her of being a liar, a cheater, a manipulator.
He said that he had never abused y/n, that he had always loved her and treated her well. He said that y/n had been unfaithful to him with Wally, that she had made up the abuse to get sympathy and money from him.
He said that y/n had been the one who had attacked him, that he had acted in self-defense.
He said that y/n had been the one who had violated the restraining order, that she had tried to contact him and harass him. He said that y/n had been the one who had ruined his life, that she had taken everything from him.
As he spoke, he tried to sound convincing and sincere. He answered confidently and smoothly, trying to make the jury doubt what y/n had said.
He looked at Wally, feeling jealous and angry at him. He looked at y/n, feeling nothing but contempt and hatred for her. He finished his testimony, feeling confident and smug. He hoped that it was enough to get him off the hook.
He smirked at y/n, then asked the judge if he could rest his case. The judge nodded, then asked the jury to deliberate and reach a verdict. The jury left the courtroom, leaving y/n, Wally, Nick and their lawyers waiting.
Y/n pov:
I waited anxiously for the jury's decision, feeling a mix of emotions. I felt scared, angry, hopeful, doubtful, tired. I wondered if the jury would believe me or Nick, if they would see through his lies or fall for his act. I wondered if I would get justice or injustice, if I would be free or trapped. I wondered if I would ever be able to move on from this nightmare or if it would haunt me forever.
I looked at Wally, feeling a sense of comfort and love. He held my hand, giving me a reassuring smile. He whispered "I love you" to me.
I smiled back, feeling a surge of courage and love. I whispered back, "I love you too."
We hoped that the jury would see the truth and do the right thing. We hoped that we would be able to start a new life together, without fear or pain. We hoped that we would be happy.
We were not alone in our hope. Our friends and family were also waiting with us, offering their support and encouragement. They had come to the trial to stand by us, to show us that they cared and that they believed in us.
Sally Starlit, my best friend, was sitting next to me, holding my hand. She had been away on a business trip when the abuse had happened, and she had felt guilty and angry for not being there for me. She had been shocked and horrified when she had learned what Nick had done to me, and she had vowed to do everything in her power to help me. She had been there for me throughout the process, listening to me, comforting me, advising me. She had been there for me at the trial, cheering me on, defending me, supporting me. She was proud of me for my bravery and honesty, and she hoped that I would get the justice I deserved.
She looked at me with a smile and said, "You did amazing, y/n. I'm so proud of you."
I smiled back and said, "Thank you, Sally. You're the best friend I could ever ask for."
We hugged each other, feeling a sense of gratitude and friendship.
Frank Finklesworth, the owner of the bookstore where the book club met, was sitting behind us, along with Barnaby Bumblebee, the Local Comedian who was also a member of the book club. They had both been witnesses at the trial, testifying about how they had seen Nick abuse me and how they had helped me escape from him. They had also been friends of us, welcoming us into their book club and their lives. They had seen how Wally and I had fallen in love with each other, how we had helped each other heal and grow. They were happy for us, and they hoped that we would be able to live our lives in peace and happiness.
Frank leaned forward and said to us, "You guys are awesome. You've been through so much, but you never gave up. You're an inspiration to us all."
Barnaby nodded and said, "Yeah, what he said. You guys rock. You deserve all the happiness in the world."
We turned around and thanked them for their kind words and their friendship.
I looked back at Wally and he smiled at me, both feeling a sense of warmth and safety in each other's presence. We kissed each other passionately, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation for our future together.
I left the courthouse, feeling a sense of liberation and joy. I had done it. I had won. Nick was going to prison for a long time, and I was finally free from him.
I was greeted by my friends and family, who hugged me and congratulated me. They thanked me for my courage and honesty, and said that they were proud of me. They said that they had a surprise for me, and that I should follow them.
I followed them to Frank's bookstore, where they had prepared a celebration party for me. They had decorated the place with balloons, streamers, and banners that said "Congratulations y/n!" and "Justice is served!" They had also prepared a cake, drinks, snacks, and gifts for me.
I was overwhelmed by their kindness and generosity. I thanked them for their support and love, and said that I couldn't have done it without them.
I then joined the party, feeling happy and grateful. I ate, drank, laughed, and danced with my friends and family. I felt a sense of belonging and happiness, knowing that I had a lot of people who cared about me and who were happy for me.
I also spent some time with Wally, feeling a sense of love and intimacy. He kissed me, hugged me, whispered sweet nothings to me. He told me how much he loved me, how proud he was of me, how happy he was with me. He gave me a beautiful necklace with a heart pendant, saying that it was a symbol of our love. He then took my hand and led me to the center of the room, where everyone was watching us. He got down on one knee, holding a small velvet box in his hand. He opened the box, revealing a stunning diamond ring. He looked at me with a smile and said, "Y/n, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. You are my soulmate, my partner, my best friend. You make me laugh, you make me smile, you make me feel alive. You have been through so much, but you never gave up. You are brave, strong, beautiful, amazing. You are everything I ever dreamed of and more. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, to love you, to cherish you, to protect you. I want to be there for you in good times and bad, to support you and encourage you, to make you happy and fulfilled. I want to grow old with you, to share our dreams and memories, to create our own family. Y/n, will you marry me?"
I felt a surge of joy and excitement, as tears filled my eyes. I looked at him with love and gratitude, as I nodded and said,
"Yes, yes, yes!" He slid the ring on my finger, saying that it was a promise of our future together.
He then stood up and kissed me passionately, as everyone cheered and clapped. He lifted me up and spun me around, as we laughed and cried. He hugged me tight and whispered in my ear,
"I love you so much, y/n. You've made me the happiest man in the world."
I whispered back,
"I love you too, Wally. You've made me the happiest woman in the world."
I felt a sense of peace and happiness, knowing that I had him and that we were happy together. I knew that we had a lot to look forward to, a lot to celebrate, a lot to enjoy. I knew that we were the perfect couple, and we couldn't be happier.
The End.
What do you think? Do you like it? Do you want me to continue? Let me know your feedback And/or requests in the comments cause my request things not working
Tag list: @rainingdandelion @randompanther17
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veggie9961 · 1 year
Gen Z Saturn Placements
Saturn is time---past, present, and future. It represents both past golden age and future utopia. It tends to denote opposites---it is the planet of the poor and downtrodden and the planet of the extremely wealthy; it is an isolated and depressed planet, and yet it is a planet of success, fame, and social connections. Saturn represents the climb, the process, and the gamble---the effort and the risk of going out of your comfort zone to achieve something new and innovative.
In short, your Saturn sign is an energy which is foreign to you. Most of Gen Z has Saturn in the signs Taurus, Gemini, Cancer or Leo. These signs all have to do with presence and connections with the immediate environment. Gen Z might have collective challenges with enjoying the present moment due to the worldly pulls of technology and globalized education. This signs also have to do with the simple and personal enjoyment of life. This generation might be able to enjoy life more with age.
Saturn in Taurus
In Saturn in Taurus we find an inability to remain stable or at peace. People with this placement might remember a simpler time, a time when things were steady, a time when they had everything. The punishment of Saturn in this sign could indicate a rupture or vulnerable period in the stability of their household or in their ability to support and feed themselves. Insecurity can make room for a competitive attitude. This might be a determined, bold individual whose patient, deliberative instincts are suppressed deep within. A goal for these natives is to relax, and to make sure good values aren't lost in the game for power. As they mature, they build a wealth of luxury, security and influence to protect themselves. They might be famous. If not, they are generous and guide others with what they know at the very least.
Saturn in Gemini
In Saturn in Gemini we find an inability to think or speak freely. People with this placement might lean more toward maintaining identity for themselves by following certain morals and ideals in what they allow themselves to think or say. They remember a time when they could converse instinctively and critically, but their newfound anxiety can usually only allow them to converse with maturity. The good news is they can connect with anyone of any background. This placement can feel dissociative, and to combat that, an individual should get comfortable with having a unique way of speaking, thinking and doing things, and surround themselves to learn from a diverse variety of individuals who can bring out dynamic shades of their inner conversationalist.
Saturn in Cancer
In Saturn in Cancer we find an inability to express our emotional vulnerability or the need for help without feeling like the scapegoat. Those with this placement have a soft, imaginative spirit trapped deep inside like a ghost in a machine. They might remember a time when they expressed their softer, angelic side, but they have since resolved to a life of working hard to achieve traditional ideals of success. There could also be a disconnect from a parent, the family or from culture. This is a painful, nostalgic placement. It is Saturn in detriment. With time, these individuals earn comfort after putting in the effort to work through their emotions. Perhaps at that point, their journey rationalizing the concept itself of comfort will have allowed them to discover a more mature ideal of comfort and care-giving.
Saturn in Leo
In Saturn in Leo we find an inability to have fun and display confidence without overthinking about others. There is anxiety around performance for people with this placement. They come off as serious and shy. They are unable to act on their ego. They mask their personality in favor of ideals such as remaining objective. They might put things they want off to the future. Saturn in detriment in Leo can be painful as the existence of objective awareness prevents the native from truly and simply being the person they want to be. Whether they know it or not, though, these people are main characters, and they redefine what it means to be a main character. If they put in the effort, or just took the risk, they are truly able to do whatever they want. They are talented folks, and their skills age like fine wine as they open up and surprise everyone.
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meowzilla93 · 4 months
Happy Birthday to the Silliest of Monochrome Men <3
@minthe-drawings thank you for hosting such a lovely event for him! i cannot wait to see the rest of the months submissions for him, mine included!
August wakes to the late morning sun, pouring through slightly parted curtains, and hitting her in the face. Blinking against the bright rays, she mumbled a curse, before pulling the quilt up close to her face, turning in the bed to look away from the windows. As she moved, a presence around her waist had tightened and she found herself being pulled, being pressed against a warm body.
Hands pressed against a chest, August tilts her head up to see the peaceful, at rest face of the man that holds her heart. The light she cursed out just earlier was now lighting up Baxter’s face, and as always, it took her breath away at how beautiful he was. Even more so when he was at his most relaxed, where his perfected persona wasn’t on show, and he was simply just ‘Baxter’.
He was still asleep, and was just as, if not more averse than August, about waking up in the mornings. They seemed to take turns in waking up to the other still asleep, a pattern she noticed in the few times they have been able to spend the nights together. Living on the other-side of the continent to each other made things hard to be able to see one another regularly, but the moments they managed to steal away for themselves were all the more sweeter for it.
It was August’s turn to visit Baxter, and this time she had managed to secure just over a week with him; Her work did allow August to be able to work remotely if the cards landed right, though this time was no end of trouble to try and organize it. Though, that wasn’t something she was going to tell him.
What made this trip all the more important, was that it would be the first birthday August would spend with Baxter, and she wanted to make sure he got to properly enjoy it. No stress, no work, no expectations. Surrounded by the people he loved, and those who loved him back; His own stitched together family.
As she gazed at her lover, who glowed in the radiance of the sun, she couldn’t help but caress his cheek, the smooth skin warm under her palm. At her gentle ministrations, Baxter started to stir, grip on her tightening as his dark amber eyes slowly blink open. Though this lasted for barely a moment before Baxter tucked his face into the hollow of Augusts neck, hiding from the rays of the sun.
Letting out a small chuckle, August wraps her arms around Baxter, holding him close as he nuzzled into his hiding spot, lips just barely brushing the soft of her exposed skin. After a moment, August felt a rumbling at her shoulder, but couldn’t make out what it was, before realizing that Baxter was talking.
Carding her fingers through his hair, she couldn’t help but be endeared by his hopelessness in the mornings.
“Love, my shoulder doesn’t have any ears.”
There was a momentary pause before she felt his lips kiss her neck, warming her, before pulling back, though still hiding from the sun,
“Hmm, I was asking why you are up so early…”
“You only think its early cause you are still asleep. I have a feeling its past the hours you shun.”
Baxter grumbles at that,
“Feel like I could spend the day here, I’ve been run- “a quick pause as Baxter yawned into his pillow before continuing like nothing happened, “-run ragged at work recently.”
The hand that was previously carding through his hair now slowly massaged the back of Baxter’s neck, eliciting a small moan from him as she found the tense muscles that didn’t release even after a night’s rest.
“Well, it is your birthday after all. I do have a few plans set up, but if you want to spend the whole day in bed, I’ll find a way to make it happen.”
At this, Baxter seemingly was able to finally wake, as he pulls back, though not releasing his hold from August, to be able to look down at her properly. He had a surprised look on his face, like he was questioning what he was hearing,
“My birthday?”
Cocking an eyebrow at him, August tried to figure out the reason for his bewilderment before coming up empty handed.
“Yeah, your birthday. 19th May, yeah? That would be today. The day after the 18th?”
Brows furrowing at her cheekiness, Baxter proposed another question,
“Yes but… I’m sorry. I think I’m questioning why you brought it up.”
“You think?”
August couldn’t help the incredulous look appear on her face as Baxter continued to look at her questioning, though there seemed to be a slight blush appearing on the tips of his ears and cheeks. His mouth opened and closed a few times, unable to find the words he wanted to say. Bopping his nose with a finger, August tries not to laugh at his inability to speak,
"Cat got your tongue? Baxter, its your birthday; The best excuse to celebrate you, and you can't get out if it. I don't make the rules."
Blinking at August, Baxter seemed a lost for words before a gentle smile brightens his face, eyes tender as he takes August in, before that seemed too much. Instead he found himself looking over her shoulder instead, fingers playing with a section of her hair.
“It seems like a fox got my tongue instead. I… did not expect you to remember, as silly as that sounds. I haven’t really celebrated my birthday these past few years and admittedly, it slipped my mind.”
August would be lying if she said she was surprised at that confession. For so long, Baxter hid himself away from everyone, not letting people in that, of course, the one day that should be about celebrating him would come and go without a thought. However, this was not something she would allow to continue, not for as long as she was around.
Leaning in to bop her nose against Baxter’s,
“Guess that won’t be happening anymore, love. All the big celebrations, and small ones. I won’t let them pass you by anymore. Officially starting today.”
Pressing a quick kiss to his lips, August pulls back, only to push Baxter onto his back, and straddle him. Looking down at him, August couldn’t help but be proud of the surprised blush that now covered Baxter’s face. It was always a novelty to put Baxter on the back foot and take control of the dance they step to.
“Baxter, you mean everything to me. That means that everything that allows me to celebrate you, or with you, become key dates in our lives to spend together; Being happy, content, and hopeful for a bright future that we are always making our way to. Hand in hand.”
She leans down closer to him, hand cupping his cheek again, giving him her most winning and mischievous smile. One she knows he adores,
“And if that means I get to spoil you every so often like today, you best believe I’m going to take advantage of that.”
Dark amber eyes search her mismatch green gold ones, the look of slight embarrassment of his earlier confession making way to hope and love. Hands that had settled on her thighs make their way to her waist, and slowly up August’s back, causing her to lean in further, being almost nose to nose with her sweet lover once again.
“What did I ever do to deserve you darling?”
��Pressing a kiss to his nose August sweetly replies,
“You were yourself. My sweet, darling, monochrome man. You were simply, yourself.”
Wrapping his arms around her back, Baxter finally pulled August flush to him, relishing in the weight of her body pressed against his, and the warmth of her love flowing through him. Chuckling lightly, August adjusts herself to lie more comfortably on him, leaving little kisses on his jaw and cheeks, wherever she could reach at the time. Baxter simply hummed at her tenderness and enjoyed the spoilt treatment he was receiving before he spoke up again,
“Well then darling. I think I might just find a few ways I want to spend my birthday with you.”
“Oh, is that right? Do any of them involve this bed?”
Unable to suppress a snort at that comment, Baxter instead cleared his throat as it escaped him,
“Perhaps a few. Though I think first, I would very much like to start it by staying just like this for a few moments longer.”
“Whatever you want Baxter. This day is yours. All you have to do is let me spoil you. I do have a few plans, but you say the word and I'll cancel them all. I have a whole week to spoil you, those plans can happen later.”
Nuzzling into August’s shoulder, he softly replied,
“As long as I am with you darling. That’s all I truly ask of this day.”
“I am yours Baxter. Always, and forever. Happy Birthday”
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francines-pages · 6 days
lingering doubts (susan pevensie x wife!reader)
a/n: requested by @fairy-geek-ackerman!!
warnings: not proofread (many of my fics arent proofread😭)
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GIF by theaskywalker
How you were able to earn the heart of the most beautiful woman, or rather queen in Narnia, you didn't know.
This morning, Susan had pulled you along to your first council. You tried arguing with her, but she kissed you on the cheek reassuringly. "You can handle anything, my dear," she said.
"All the lords and ladies dislike me," you protested. The more you spent time with Susan, the more others looked at you. You wanted to fade into the background, not up high on a throne. You loved Susan very much, but you particularly didn't enjoy the attention you were getting. The love of your life shook her head. "They only dislike you because I chose to marry you." She took your hands in hers. "Others marry for power or wealth, but I truly believe in love."
Your cheeks pinked at her words. "What will I contribute to the council anyway? I'm a nobody. You're a queen."
"You're not a nobody," said Susan firmly. "My siblings love you. I know all you need is trust in yourself. Now come on!"
You couldn't help but laugh as Susan dragged you to the main hall, where everyone was waiting. Instantly your jitters came back, seeing everyone's eyes pressed on you. They were whispering amongst themselves, though thankfully Peter managed to silence them. Your hands gripped the arms of your chair nervously.
"Greetings," Peter announced, "lords, ladies, and my fellow kings and queens," he added, acknowledging his siblings' presence and not forgetting to incline his head toward you. Surprisingly, the council wasn't as dragging as you thought. With Susan by your side, you relaxed slightly and none of the guests questioned you, unlike at your wedding. You tried not to grimace at the thought. They ambushed you once Susan went away to find a drink, and pestered you with a dozen questions. Of course, you couldn't understand a thing in the council, only the dryad populations were declining. Suddenly, a lord spoke up.
"Perhaps...the Queen Susan's wife would like to suggest a solution?" he asked and looked pointedly at you.
That's how you were addressed. Queen Susan's wife, not even given a title. You noticed the Pevensies were gazing at you intently, Susan especially. She nodded slightly. "Yes...my lord," you said uncomfortably. "Perhaps, we could...encourage Narnians to grow trees?"
You immediately wished you hadn't said it. Most of the ladies were stifling a laugh, and fanning their faces. The lord who questioned you merely tilted his head. Lucy, Susan's youngest sister, interjected, "Well, that's a wonderful suggestion, if I may. Another may be..."
You silently thanked Lucy for saving you. The youngest Pevensie was so brave and kind. Yet they still looked at you. Embarrassed, you stared at your lap. Susan's hand grasped yours, drawing circles on your wrist to calm you. But you pulled away, feeling that you weren't enough for the Gentle Queen of Narnia.
"The council is adjourned," Peter said at last. Already on your feet, you involuntarily hurried away from Susan, scrambled up the staircase to the chambers you two shared and sighed. As newlyweds you felt uncomfortable sharing a room, much less a bed, so Susan had two beds separated, but close enough.
Sitting down on the your side of the room, you glanced up to see the door open and Susan stepped through it, looking troubled. You immediately knew you worried her and sprang to your feet. "I didn't mean to walk off like that," you stumbled on your words. "I'm completely new to this, I'm sorry--"
"Please don't be sorry, darling." Susan gently took your hands in hers. "It's always hard to start. Believe me," she laughed, "I wasn't so composed in the beginning."
You both sat down next to each other on Susan's bed, and you listened intently to her story, when she doubted Lucy's tale about the wardrobe that had a whole new world in it, namely, Narnia, and trying to warn her siblings against going. Even the most logical person you knew had doubts about herself. You rested your head on her shoulder, letting the anxiety and fear disappear as Susan finished, "And so, it will not be easy, darling. I hardly got used to the paperwork I received after our coronation."
You smiled. "I don't know why I didn't ask you sooner. I just..."
You trailed off, unable to describe in words how you felt about getting involved in royalty. Abruptly, Susan stood and held out her hands, a twinkle in her eyes. Instantly you got the message, letting Susan pull you to your feet. You wrapped an arm around Susan's waist, the other on her shoulder. Slowly but surely, the two of you waltzed in the afternoon light, gliding on the oak floor.
Dancing was how you met, after all. You weren't as timid as before, focusing on enjoying the dance. Although there was no music, you both waltzed to a slow tune in your head, smiling and blushing at each other like young girls.
Being married to a queen does have its benefits.
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enamation · 2 years
Alright, then that's perfect! Could I request headcanons for 25-ji Luka with a reader that's really kind and loving, almost motherly, but also has big trust issues? They would share their affection and love with everyone, but avoid getting too close, growing more scared the closer they get? TYSM!!
Hello hallo hello to you, Krow !! First vocaloid req LETS GOOO ~ !! This might be a BIT (maybe alot actually..) ooc since im still figuring out how to write the characters of the variants, im sorry for that, but lets get it !!
Type: Headcannons
Warnings: Mention of Trust Issues
Edit: Are these still considered hcs.. this is an essay..
headcannons utc <3
❥ (25-ji) MEGURINE LUKA x Reader: Distant Love
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- You're naturally what people would label as "the mom friend"
- You always make sure everyones okay, that theyve eaten and taken care of themselves, youre so kind and loving, there seems to be no flaws with you whatsoever!
- But people had learned to take advantage to your kindness, your care, and it led you to be careful who you trust
- So when you go to the Empty Sekai and meet LUKA, she short of feels.. off?
- She mostly ignores the feeling and can tell she enjoys being in your presence, often being able to relax and have chats with you as she rambles along
- LUKA tries her best to get closer with you, but although youre so close, you seem so far away.
- Its not that you hated LUKA or feel uncomfortable around her, but youre scared of getting closer. What if she take advantage like the others? What if she hurts you too? As these thoughts spiral in your head, you hear a hum, and the taps on your shoulder takes you out of your trance
❝ Y/N? ❞
- You turn around and greet LUKA as she gives you a small grin and crosses her arms, laying her head on her right hand
❝ Fufufu, sorry to ask this a bit out of the blue, but sometimes when I'm talking to you, or we really bond at a moment, you feel.. uneasy. Oh? No no, I don't mean it in a rude way, but you seem a bit distant. ❞
- You slightly froze up, trying to think of a friendly excuse, but it was a little hard, considering how she's looking in your eyes while waiting patiently for an answer.
- You end up nervously telling her everything as she hugs you while patting and rubbing your back as the tears stream from your pretty eyes
- She doesnt say much, but listens instead, nodding and humming to show shes still paying attention
- LUKA has become your safeplace when you need a break from the world, so please talk to her, and as much as she appreciates how selfless you are, its okay to be selfish once in a while ♡.
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merryfortune · 2 months
I Scream for Ice-Cream but You Scream For Me
Written for the Rarest of Rare Pairs Fic-a-thon on Dreamwidth
Prompt: Any: Any/Any(+) - Sticky situation
Title: I Scream for Ice-Cream but You Scream For Me
Ship: Sharena/Nerþuz
Fandom: Fire Emblem Heroes
Rating: M
Word Count: 1,675
Warnings: Choose Not to Warn
Tags: Food Kink, Food Play, Sexual Content, Smut, Consent Issues, Kissing, Groping, Licking, Size Difference, Inappropriate Behaviour, Semi-Public Lewdness, 
   Always dress for the appropriate occasion!
   Sharena had been told that over and over again since she was a child. 
   She had always been something of a ball of energy, hard to direct into practical means and typically a little clumsy. Sharena had plenty of fond memories of being scolded by her mother for what she wore and what she did in her clothes. Whether it was for dragging her good and pretty little dresses through the mud or trying to argue that she ought to wear her play clothes to a fancy dress gala, Sharena had been a handful. Her Mother’s ire made her chuckle in recollection but her wisdom continued to be pertinent.
   For example, her work clothes which marked her as the heroine princess of the Order of Heroes was not appropriate beachwear. Even if she had foregone her armour and scarf upon learning the agenda for the day.
   Waking up, putting on her clothes, Sharena paid no attention to if it truly matched the day’s intentions. It was a day in, day out humdrum beat of her schedule. Perfectly normal so she wanted to wear something which was comfortable and practical. Even if it ended up being a “take the day off and go check on the new Heroes who are celebrating all things fun in the sun” kind of day and Sharena thought… Yippee! Too easy! She loved the beach and she only had to say hello. After that she could do anything she liked and she thought maybe she would enjoy having an ice treat from the side lines.
   Yes, well, about that…
   Just as much as Sharena hadn’t thought about what she was going to put on to wear today, she had thought equally as little about how she was going to take it off. Wrongly assuming it would occur closer to her bedtime rather than the middle of the day.
   Five new Heroes had rolled up for a wonderful beach day: Olivia, Hríd, Gullveig paired with Seiðr, and oh… Nerþuz!
   It was always lovely to see Nerþuz, of course. Even if Sharena was, ahem, very surprised to see Nerþuz in such… little clothing. But this was a beach, it would make sense for her to wear swimwear. The colour and cut of said fabrics really suited her, however, not that Sharena was examining her or anything. Just an innocent and harmless observation.
   Honestly, wearing a swimsuit and chat about the warm, balmy weather was one of the more normal things Nerþuz had ever done in Sharena’s presence, actually.
    Things had been off to a strange start with her, Sharena would be the first and fastest to say, but she now considered Nerþuz to be a dear friend. She was a little eccentric, yes, but seeing how she was able to get Olivia out of her shell was proof that deep down, Nerþuz had a heart of gold. Her head was just a little in the clouds.
   With the other Heroes greeted, Sharena happily allowed herself to get drawn into Nerþuz’s infamous atmosphere. She was so peculiarly easy-going and relaxed with a certain charm to her, a glint in her eye, she was utterly alluring vision of the summertime divine in this instance. So, Sharena kept yap, yap, yapping with Nerþuz whilst the other Heroes opted to socialise amongst themselves or with the Summoner. 
   Sharena had all of Nerþuz’s attention and vice-versa. Which made sense since Nerþuz had something that she wanted to show Sharena.
   “Tada!” Nerþuz said. “Isn't it cute? I have been wanting to show it to you all afternoon.”
   “Wow, it's me.” Sharena gawked at the ice-cream that Nerþuz had thrust closer to her.
   A very strange and one of a kind ice-cream given that it was imbued with a certain power to allow Nerþuz’s transformation in battle but still an ordinary ice-cream in that it was, well, ice-cream. A chilly treat perfect for a warm afternoon, vanilla soft serve piled high inside of a thick paper cone and dusted with raspberry sherbert. The curves of the ice-cream were adorned with crunchy, edible pearls that shone in the sunshine, a berry flavoured madeleine, and a sugar cookie which looked just like Sharena.
   “It's so well-painted, it looks too good to eat.” Sharena laughed.
   “Indeed.” Nerþuz agreed. “But, it is very tasty.”
   She ever so elegantly plucked the sugar cookie off its perch atop one of the mid-to-lower curves of her ice-cream cone. She was ever so careful as to not touch the cookie in a way that her fingers never obscured Sharena’s face in the painted cookie. Such care, portrayed ever so effortlessly by Nerþuz, made Sharena nervous. And rightfully so.
   Nerþuz put the biscuit towards her mouth and she bit hard through it. The face of the Sharena cookie shattered, spooking the actual Sharena as Nerþuz ate coyly. She cared not for crumbs as they scattered over her plump lips and even atop her breasts. 
   A shiver ran down Sharena’s spine as she made long and sultry, sustained eye contact with Sharena. She chewed, like the masticating animal she really was beneath her unearthly glamour as a goddess then swallowed lasciviously. Sharena watched as her throat showed a slight lump as it travelled down before she smacked her lips together contentedly.
   “It makes me curious though, is the real deal as delicious as it?” Nerþuz wondered aloud as she finished swallowing.
   “Ah, well, um-!” Sharena squeaked as Nerþuz surprised her.
   She swooped in and kissed Sharena’s cheek. She bent down and swallowed all of Sharena’s vision, causing her to go red in the face. Her lips trailed against Sharena’s skin, even the pale hairs along her jawline and made them stand on end as a sudden intensity spurred between them.
   “Mmhm,” Nerþuz murmured to herself, “just as sweet but… so much softer, oops-”
   Nerþuz interrupted herself as she oh so accidentally got ice-cream all down Sharena’s front. She had to bend down so far to meet Sharena, a mere child of Midgard, and then acting like a child herself, she purposefully worked the ice-cream into Sharena’s clothes - and her body underneath.
   “Hey, st-stop it, that’s cold.” Sharena squeaked, embarrassed. “Wh-What if someone sees us?”
   Shiver after shiver ran down her spine as her body reacted to being touched like this and being smothered in freezing cold ice-cream. It smeared down her front and with the mess guided by Nerþuz’s hand, the sticky sweet cream found its way onto her skin as well. 
   “That’s okay,” Nerþuz whispered, “I’ll clean you up. No one will even notice.” Her voice was silky smooth as she tried to console Sharena who buzzed with all sorts of pent-up, nervous energy.
   Sharena tried to lean away but Nerþuz followed her, utterly unfazed. She got up nice and close and personal with Sharena, licking her intently and kissing her afterwards. 
   The meeting of their lips was messy, a clash of mismatched and engulfed Sharena in how ravenous Nerþuz was in her pursuit of all things sweet. Her lips were plump and greedy, she stole Sharena’s breath away as she was kissed and kissed again. Nerþuz’s taste was stained with the sweet sensations of vanilla ice-cream and flecked with buttery crumbs. It would have been delicious were it not so forceful but Nerþuz wanted what she wanted and what she wanted above all was Sharena.
   Sharena buckled underneath her own embarrassment and closed her eyes hard. She was entirely unconvinced that none of the other Heroes wouldn’t notice her being all but molested by Nerþuz in the shade of the far tree at the north of the beach. Sure, all of them had gone further down the shoreline in search of the Summoner but still! It's not like they were completely alone out here even if the seagulls had ceased their crowing in this part of paradise. 
   Nerþuz began to unwrap Sharena from her clothes. Sharena shimmied out of them in some vain attempt at helping. Or if only to get the smashed to smithereens madeleine crumbs off her or the pearls now lost in the folds of her clothes. Nerþuz pulled and grabbed and groped at her, Sharena moaned lewdly as she was manhandled by the goddess.
   With her white shirt pulled off and tossed into the sand around them, Sharena only had her mini-skirt for chastity. Oh, it made her knees knock. The beach breeze tickled her and caused her nipples to pebble underneath her bra but her bra came off soon as well. Completely bare, if she hazarded a look down at herself and Nerþuz, Sharena saw the extent of how she had been painted in ice-cream.
   It was soaked in and smeared between her small breasts. It left a sticky residue on her but it wasn’t necessarily uncomfortable, just humiliating. What if someone saw? The pair of them looked an unusual sight with Nerþuz coming down to her knees and placing herself at Sharena’s chest height, licking her clean of the mess that she had made of the mortal.
   The late afternoon heat intensified through the lens of Sharena’s reddened embarrassment, causing the ice-cream smeared on her to melt faster than it may have otherwise. The sherbert once powdered atop the soft serve now tingled upon her skin and Nerþuz licked it all up with sexual glee. Her tongue was textured with an unusual and inhuman roughness but Nerþuz appeared mindful of that as she was gentle with how she used her tongue. She appreciated the softness - and the sweetness - of Sharena’s body and the ice-cream, too. 
   Nerþuz lapped at Sharena’s chest incessantly, with her eyes alight with hunger. She sucked Sharena’s left nipple noisily and pinched her right, massaging Sharena’s small breast with the rest of her palm that cupped her flesh. Sharena panted, her heart raced and her earnestness made Nerþuz’s dessert all the more delicious to her. 
   And, of course, confirmed to Nerþuz that the sugar cookie Sharena was far, far inferior to the dulcet perfection of her precious and most favourite child of Midgard. 
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
A Meeting in the Garden
Dire Crowley x Clara Cristalería
A young Dire did not think he would enjoy the ball until he meets a strange girl.
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“Dire, stand straight.” Aunt Dreadful scolded for the fiftieth time that night before they had even entered the ball room. “I should have left you at home if I knew you were going to act like this. I will not have poor posture on my watch.”
   “Yes, Ma’am.” Dire straightened his back even more than it already was. He knew better than to argue back at this point. It was always the same, he would be scolded for every little thing that would not be worth notice in his cousin, and he would be silenced at any word of protest. Dire stopped trying to defend himself at this point since it had become a fruitless task.
   His cousin, Dour, looked at him sympathetically as they walked into the ballroom. The severe scowl of Dreadful melted away into the smile of a different woman as the hostess came over to greet her. 
   “Mistress Crowley, good of you to come.” 
   “Lady Hooke,thank you for your invitation. My husband Edgar you've met. But not my boys. My son, Dour.” She gestured to him, “and my nephew, Dire.” 
   “Hello ma’am,” Dire greeted.
   “Thank you for inviting us.” Dour added.
   “You’re very welcome.” Lady Hooke smiled. “Dreadful, with such handsome boys, you’ll have your hands full with them.” 
   “Yes, well, not to worry. I make sure they behave themselves.”
   “I’m sure.” Then she added with a whisper as they walked further into the ballroom with the boys dutifully following behind, “Miss Jane has decided to grace us with her presence for once.” 
   “You don’t say,” Dreadful replied with interest. Dire didn’t know who this Jane woman was, but knowing his aunt she must have been someone of some importance. 
    “She also finally brought her daughter out of that castle too. She’s been hiding a beauty from us all this time. I say she’d make a good dance partner for your son.”
    “I think you’re right,” Dread replied. Dire couldn’t see from behind his aunt who she was looking at in the crowd. But she seemed pleased. “Dour, come. Dire, do not make trouble while I'm gone.” 
   “Yes, Aunt,” He replied as Dreadful and Lady Hooke ushered Dour to some blonde woman across the dancefloor. Dire was finally able to relax his spine a bit now that her attention was elsewhere.
    “Perhaps you should go find a dance partner for yourself, hmm?” His uncle Edgar finally spoke. 
    “I’d rather not.Wouldn’t want to take any prospects from dear Dour.” 
    “You worry too much,” Uncle Edgar waved it off, fully oblivious that his wife would be angry at Dire for talking to any girls she did not pre approve of. Which usually consisted of the girls no one liked to begin with. She always said once Dour had secured a future wife, then they could discuss someone suitable for Dire. Uncle Edgar seemed unaware of this, “A young man your age ought to dance with a nice girl. Unless it’s other lads your interest lies in, in which case I wouldn’t worry about Dour at all then.” 
       “That’s not it Uncle. I simply don’t want to.”
      “Suit yourself then.”
    After Aunt Dreadful and Dour returned from speaking with that Jane lady, she was extra snappy and irritated and took it out on her nephew. 
          Dire don’t slouch. Dire eyes straight. Dire fix that nest you call hair. Dire this Dire that. As always nothing he did was correct for the woman no matter how hard he tried. 
        Over the course of the ball, Dire had figured out why in hearing his aunt and uncle talk. Apparently the Jane woman rejected any attempt to set Dour up as daughter partner for the evening, and the daughter herself had no interest in Dour past the one polite dance. Dreadfuls frustrations meant they must have been from some prominent fae family that could afford not to care about setting their daughter up. 
        Dour saw the toll his mother was taking on Dire and decided to distract her. “Mother look, The Merryweathers. We haven’t seen them in ages.” 
       That had done enough, and Dire shot his cousin a thankful look before slipping out into the gardens. He needed a breather, away from all the people. He wandered down to the pond on the grounds, the full moon shining on the water. He let out a heavy tired sigh as he sat on a stone bench that was under a tree, and allowed himself to enjoy the quiet for a moment.
       “Um…excuse me.”Dire glanced over to see a white haired girl looking at him curiously. “Are you alright?”
       “I’m fine,” He said hesitantly, “Why?”
      “It’s just, I saw that Dreadful woman yelling at you earlier, and I thought I’d check on you when I saw you come out here.”
      Dire was taken aback.He wasn’t used to the kindest of strangers. “It’s fine, nothing I'm not used to already.”
      “But that’s not fine at all,” The strange girl replied as she strolled closer and Dire could see the crystal blue of her eyes more clearly. “No one should treat you that way.”
       “Well my aunt thinks it’s her seven given right to do so. It is what it is.” He looked her over before asking, “What are you doing out here anyway? It can’t just be to check on me” 
       “I needed some air.” the girl replied, taking a seat beside him on the stone bench. “I like balls but this one feels stuffy. I don’t care much for it.” 
       “Can’t say I blame you,” Dire replied. 
       “I mean everyone keeps introducing their sons to me left and right, it’s exhausting. Is it always like this?”
       “Pretty much,” Then something clicked in Dire mind. “Is your mothers name Jane by any chance?” She nodded. “That explains a lot then. My aunt and her friends keep talking about you and your mother like you never come out. The guest lists for these things are usually the same, but you are something different. Like a shiny new toy everyone wants a turn with.” 
       The girl made a face at that and Dire could not help but laugh. “I don’t like that phrasing at all.” 
       “Well it’s the truth.” he chuckled. 
       “And just what is so funny?”
       “Your face right now,” he answered honestly. “You looked like an angry pixie.” That only seemed to make her frown more. Her cheeks puffing and going pink from her face to the tips of her pointed ears, making it stand out even more against her hair, and Dire could only laugh more. 
        The girl shoved him on the shoulder and nearly sent him tumbling off the bench. “Don’t laugh at a lady!”
        He shoved her right back, “Well ladies don’t shove!” 
       They continued the childish squabble until they were both laughing at it. They only stopped when a voice called out. “Dire? Are you out here?” 
       He peeked behind the tree to see his cousin, likely coming to check on him ,walking down the path to the garden. Something in Dire didn’t want Dour around at this moment. He looked over to the white haired girl and asked, “Do you want to talk to him?” she shook her head. “Then follow me.” 
      They ran off further into the garden, past the rose bushes and decorative hedges into an area with much denser foliage where they were less likely to be seen.
      “Where are we going?” Asked the girl.
      “Anywhere but that ball room.” He replied, stopping at a gazebo in the center of the trees, the music spilling out from the ballroom still could be heard from here. “This looks like a good spot.” 
      “That Dour boy just now, is he your brother? You look very similar.” 
       Dire shook his head. “My cousin. Though I was raised by his mother, so I guess in a manner of speaking we’re like brothers.” 
       “He seems alright, but his mother was so pushy. I felt forced to dance with him. I’ve never been so uncomfortable in my life.”
       “My Aunt Dread has a knack for ruining things.” He snickered. “Though I will say it’s refreshing she doesn’t get her way for once. Even if it makes her even more unbearable” 
        “I can tell she’s a delight to be around,” The girl said sarcastically before her face turned a bit more serious. “Why does she talk to you like that?”
         “Like what?” he said, playing dumb.
         “You know what I mean.”
         His only response was to shrug. “Because she’s vindictive and cruel. I’ve never known her to be any other way.” 
        “Just because that’s how it’s always been doesn’t mean it’s right.” 
       “I know. But don’t worry too much about it. I won’t be here forever. I’ll leave as soon as I'm able, I'll leave and I won’t ever have to deal with her again.” He leaned against the railing of the gazebo and added. “Now tell me about you, pixie.”
        “Don’t call me pixie,” she replied, clearly unamused by him. “I know you’re saying it to tease and that is very rude to all the pixies I know.” 
          “And you know a lot of them?”
          “I do, actually. They keep our castle running. Anyway, I have a name. It’s Clara.” 
          “Well, Clara, I’m Dire. Now that we have formalities out of the way, tell me about you. A friend of my aunts said your mother finally brought you out of that castle of yours. What’s that all about?”
          Clara walked over next to him and leaned against the railing as well, looking up at the sky. “There isn’t much to say. I grew up in a castle far away from here, and I didn’t leave the little island it was on until recently. All my friends had gone home for the summer. We run a school on the grounds you see, and I didn’t have anyone but the mice and pixies to talk to with everyone gone, so mother thought it was time for me to come out to Fae society.”
        “Ah I see. Wait- you talk to mice?”
        “They make excellent company.” She said defensively. “They're cute and fun to make little sweaters and houses for.”
        Dire couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re a weird one, Clara.” 
      “And you’re very rude, Dire.” She replied, shoving on his shoulder. Though this time it was a playful gesture that didn't almost send him to the ground. “Though I will give you credit, you’re one of the few decent people I’ve met out here.”
      “Gee thanks. It’s not like the expectations weren’t in the underworld already.”
       Clara simply rolled her eyes before perking up and looking in the direction they had come. 
       “What is it?”
      “I love this song,” Clara answered and Dire could hear the sound of music spilling out all the way in the ballroom.
      “Well if you hurry back now you can probably still find a partner for it.” He felt a bit disappointed that their time was coming to a close. 
       “But I want to dance with you. Come on, let's go.”
       “I-I can't,” Dire said. “My aunt will throw a fit.”
       “Oh yeah…” Clara looked disappointed for a moment before immediately looking back at him with a grin. “Then we can dance out here!”
       “What?” Was all he had to say before Clara grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the gazebos railing and putting her hand on his shoulder. Standing this close he finally noticed the faint trace of freckles across her face. “A-are you sure?”
       She nodded. “I’d like to dance with someone I picked for once.” 
       Dire couldn’t argue with that and put a hand on her waist and spun her around the gazebo to the music.
      He wasn’t sure how long they were out in the gardens. It felt like time had slowed out there while he laughed and danced with Clara. But it was certainly long enough for someone to come looking. 
      “Clara! Where are you, dearest?” Called a woman's voice. Clara glanced between the sound and Dire.
       “I have to go.” She said, “We’ll be staying around here for a couple months, so hopefully I’ll see you around.” 
        “I’m sure we will.”
        Clara stood from where she sat on the and hurried off down the path. “Coming, Mama!” 
       After a few minutes in the silence, Dire walked back to the party. Soon Dour found him, looking exhausted. “Where have you been? I’ve been covering for you so mother wouldn’t notice you were gone.”
       “I lost track of time.” Was all Dire had to say. He didn’t want to tell his cousin just yet the real reason. “Sorry. Has she noticed?”
       “No, but we’re cutting it close. Come on, Father was just starting to ask where you were so we could leave.”
        The boys rejoined with Uncle Edgar, Dreadful off somewhere saying bye to Lady Hooke. “I was wondering where you had gone off to.” 
        “Nowhere in particular.” Dire replied.  
        “It’s alright, I won’t pry,” Edgar said before looking over to his wife. “Are you ready to go dear?”
         Aunt Dread sighed. “Yes, let's go,” She hurried everyone back to their carriage. All the way back home she lamented all about Clara and her mother. “Stubborn and full of themselves is what they are. That Clara doesn't understand a good young man when she sees one. And that mother of hers, ugh!”
         Dire tried not to grin at his aunt's irritation, hiding his face by looking out the carriage window. 
        “To think the Merryweathers invited them to their garden party next week. I just hope that girl gets some manners by then and doesn’t hide from everyone again.” 
        For the first time in a while, Dire found himself looking forward to something.
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musecheerios · 1 year
What Color are you?
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Yellow character
Yellow characters tend to be positive and upbeat people, who try to see the bright side in most situations (although the older a character is, the less likely they’ll be as openly positive). They’re friendly and energetic much of the time, and while often genuine it can become a cover for their more negative feelings. They tend to have a lot of skill in one specific area which they have to work hard to harness and use properly. Because of this skill they can be put up on a pedestal and have high expectations placed on them to perform. Often these expectations also come from themselves. They have a strong sense of responsibility and duty placed on them that can cause them to develop a bit of a savior complex, blaming themselves for not being able to protect everyone around them. They are diffusers and peacemakers, preferring to be in harmony with everyone, sometimes making it confusing when others around them are not this way. They’re pretty cheerful and bubbly and usually the light of their friend group. They care about their friends a lot, and go out of their way to show it, although it can cause them to be jealous when they feel as if they aren’t being included. While kind people, they also have a competitive streak and like to win. They love fun and are likely to get sidetracked and drag their friends along with them. Others are able to relax in their presence and enjoy themselves, and it’s hard not to like a yellow character. While these characters may be warm and diligent though, they also have a hard time taking risks, generally preferring to stay in their comfort zone. They can have a bit of both a main character and a savior complex because of how much responsibility they put on themselves, and while well meaning it can irk other characters. Sometimes they go too far trying to help and interfere with others, and when they don’t want to do something they will often shut down and distract themselves from it. They are surprisingly mature for how innocent they seem, and when in a healthy place they always give their best effort. They are wise and interpersonal and really tie their friend group together. Yellow characters need to be given a safe space to release negative emotions without letting them build up, and they need people in their life who will help them keep a healthy balance of work and play without pressuring them too much.
Tagged by: @dragvnsovl Tagging: Steal it, bbies
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zoranzeal · 1 year
what color character are you?
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Yellow characters tend to be positive and upbeat people, who try to see the bright side in most situations (although the older a character is, the less likely they’ll be as openly positive). They’re friendly and energetic much of the time, and while often genuine it can become a cover for their more negative feelings.
They tend to have a lot of skill in one specific area which they have to work hard to harness and use properly. Because of this skill they can be put up on a pedestal and have high expectations placed on them to perform. Often these expectations also come from themselves. They have a strong sense of responsibility and duty placed on them that can cause them to develop a bit of a savior complex, blaming themselves for not being able to protect everyone around them. They are diffusers and peacemakers, preferring to be in harmony with everyone, sometimes making it confusing when others around them are not this way. They’re pretty cheerful and bubbly and usually the light of their friend group. They care about their friends a lot, and go out of their way to show it, although it can cause them to be jealous when they feel as if they aren’t being included. While kind people, they also have a competitive streak and like to win. They love fun and are likely to get sidetracked and drag their friends along with them. Others are able to relax in their presence and enjoy themselves, and it’s hard not to like a yellow character. While these characters may be warm and diligent though, they also have a hard time taking risks, generally preferring to stay in their comfort zone. They can have a bit of both a main character and a savior complex because of how much responsibility they put on themselves, and while well meaning it can irk other characters. Sometimes they go too far trying to help and interfere with others, and when they don’t want to do something they will often shut down and distract themselves from it. They are surprisingly mature for how innocent they seem, and when in a healthy place they always give their best effort. They are wise and interpersonal and really tie their friend group together. Yellow characters need to be given a safe space to release negative emotions without letting them build up, and they need people in their life who will help them keep a healthy balance of work and play without pressuring them too much.
Tagged by: @valorborn. Hi! And thanks!
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