#'La ilaha illAllah' will take you to Jannah
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Allah calls Himself Ash-Shaheed— The All-and-Ever Witnessing— on 18 occasions in the Quran. Ash-Shaheed is the witness whose sight no one can escape. He is the One with full knowledge of all matters, witnessing the apparent and hidden, anywhere, any time. Ash-Shaheed is the witness and observer of all creation, thoughts, and actions, and the ultimate witness on the Day of Judgment!
The Witness, the Testifier, the Certifier
Shaheed comes from the root sheen-haa-daal, which points to three main meanings. The first meaning is “to bear witness.” The second meaning is to offer testimony, and the third is to have knowledge of something.
This root appears 160 times in the Quran in nine derived forms. Examples of these forms include yashhadu (“to testify”), ashhidoo (“to take witness”), shahaadati (“the seen”) and shuhadaa (“witnesses, martyrs”).
Shaheed refers to Allah’s awareness of everything; He hears every sound, loud and quiet, and sees the small and the large. In addition, He is the One who will testify for or against His servants for their deeds.
Ash-Shaheed Himself says:
Say: What thing is the greatest witness? Say: Allah is shaheed between you and I; this Qur’an has been revealed to me that I may warn therewith – you and whomsoever it may reach. [Quran, 6:19]
Allah is Witness over all things. [Quran, 58: 6] Allah is sufficient as Witness. [Quran, 4: 79]
Allah (Himself) is Witness that there is no god save Him. And the angels and the people of knowledge (too are witnesses). [Quran, 3:18]
A Scene of the Souls
When Allah created Adam, He wiped Adam’s back and every person that He will create from him until the Day of Resurrection fell out from his back. [At-Tirmidhi and Al-Haakim] Allah stated that He brought the descendants of Adam out of their fathers’ loins, and they testified against themselves that Allah is their Lord and King and that there is no deity worthy of worship except Him. Allah then said,(and made them testify as to themselves (saying): “Am I not your Lord” They said: “Yes!”) [Tafseer ibn Katheer]
This was your first testimony and it means we will have no excuse on the Day of Judgement!
It will be said to a man from the people of the Fire on the Day of Resurrection, “If you owned all that is on the earth, would you pay it as ransom’ He will reply, `Yes.’ Allah will say, `I ordered you with what is less than that, when you were still in Adam’s loins, that is, associate none with Me (in worship). You insisted that you associate with Me (in worship).” [Tafseer ibn Katheer]
How Can You Live By This Name?
1. Say the sahahda, live the shahada. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Man shahida an la ilaha illallah dakhala al-jannah – Whoever witnesses that there is no god but Allah alone enters Paradise.[Saheeh Muslim]. Your testimony of faith in Allah is something you not only utter, but must live by. When you say I bear witness there is no god but Allah it means that in your talk and actions, in your house or outside you show that you love Allah more than anyone else, you accept Him as your Creator, Master and Ruler of the universe, that you worship Him alone in all matters and not your desires or others’ directions. Next time when you say the shahada in your prayer, reflect upon the meaning. Increase in saying la ilaha illallah to renew your emaan!
2. Trust in Ash-Shaheed. Ash-Shaheed says in this beautiful soothing ayah: So wait patiently for your Lord’s decree, for surely you are in Our sight. [Quran, 52: 48] Rest assured that any unjust treatment by the hands of others you go through, slander, gossip or abuse, Ash-Shaheed is your Witness and you will get justice.
3. Remember that you are a servant. It’s sometimes easy to shout at your family or children inside the house, or even oppress someone when you are in a position of authority over them. Remind yourself in each situation, wherever you are, whoever you talk to, whatever position you have, that you are a servant of Allah. Ash-Shaheed is witnessing every step you take and will you to account. Use this tip: when you are about to do something wrong, look up at the sky and imagine Ash-Shaheed watching you!
4. Don’t make your limbs testify against you.Use your tongue for speech beloved by Ash-Shaheed, your eyes to read the Quran, your limbs to pray to Him as they will all testify as what you used them for! The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: I was amazed at how a servant will dispute with his Lord on the Day of Resurrection. He will say, “My Lord, did You not promise me that you would not treat me unjustly” Allah will say, “Yes.” The man will say, “I will not accept any witness against me except from myself.” Allah will say, “Is it not sufficient that I and the angels, the noble scribes, are witnesses” These words will be repeated several times, then a seal will be placed over his mouth and his organs (or limbs) will speak about what he used to do. Then he will say, “Away with you! It was only for your sake that I was arguing!”)” [Muslim and An-Nasa’i]
5. Always stand up for the truth. Always stand up for the truth in your testimonies, even if it is against yourself! Sometimes it is hard to admit a mistake, or testifying for the truth might even endanger you, but know this characteristic is one of true honour of a believer, which earns you not just a place in Paradise, but a place of honour! And those who are in their testimonies upright and those who [carefully] maintain their prayer: they will be in gardens, honoured. [Quran, 70:33-35]
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
O Allah, Ash-Shaheed, we know that You witness all things. Guide us to live by the shahada and make us utter the testimony of faith on our deathbed. Help us remember that You are witnessing us, and make this awareness an inspiration for us to increase our good deeds. Make us always stand up for the truth and join us with the prophets and shuhadaa in the highest Paradise, ameen!
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আল্লাহ্র পরিচয় অর্থাৎ তাওহীদ জান্নাতে নিয়ে যাবে।
আল্লাহ্র পরিচয় অর্থাৎ তাওহীদ জান্নাতে নিয়ে যাবে। তাওহীদ উপাস্যের প্রকৃতিকে বোঝা��়: আল্লাহ্র একত্ব বা তৌহীদ অর্থ আল্লাহ এক এবং অদ্বিতীয়। আল্লাহ্ ব্যতীত কোনো 'প্রকৃত উপাস্য' নেই। তাওহিদ মুসলিমদের প্রতিনিয়ত আল্লাহর একত্বের কথা স্মরণ করিয়ে দেয়। মুসলিমরা বিশ্বাস করে, আল্লাহ বা 'সত্য ঈশ্বর' হলেন একমাত্র উপাস্য, যিনি অন্য কারো সাথে নিজেকে অংশী করেন না। তাওহীদে বিশ্বাস ব্যতীত কেউ জান্নাতে প্রবেশ করতে পারবে না। আল্লাহ্ একমাত্র 'সত্য মাবুদ'। আল্লাহ্ ছাড়া কোনো 'সত্য মাবুদ' নাই। আল্লাহ্ তায়ালা আসমানে আরশের ঊর্ধ্বে সমুন্নত আছেন। আল্লাহকে জানতে হবে তাঁর সুন্দরতম নাম ও পরিপূর্ণ গুণাবলী দ্��ারা। https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYea8guOsgY
#The identity of Allah#'La ilaha illAllah' will take you to Jannah#Tawhid will take you to Paradise#Tauhid will take you to Paradise#Tawheed will take you to Paradise#Allah#Tawheed#Tawhid is the key to Jannah#La ilaha illAllah#True Deity#True Elah#True God#Faith in Allah will take you to Jannah
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Imam Al-Nawawi’s Riyad-us-Saliheen
Chapter 369
Expiation for the violation of Commandments of Allah
Allah, the Exalted, says:
“And if an evil whisper from Shaitan (Satan) tries to turn you away (O Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam)) (from doing good), then seek refuge in Allah.” (41:36)
“Verily, those who are Al-Muttaqun (the pious), when an evil thought comes to them from Shaitan (Satan), they remember (Allah), and (indeed) they then see (aright).” (7:201)
“And those who, when they have committed Fahishah or wronged themselves with evil, remember Allah and ask forgiveness for their sins; – and none can forgive sins but Allah – and do not persist in what (wrong) they have done, while they know. For such, the reward is forgiveness from their Rubb, and Gardens with rivers flowing underneath (Jannah), wherein they shall abide forever. How excellent is this reward for the doers (who do righteous deeds according to Allah’s Orders)!” (3:135,136)
“And all of you beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful.” (24:31)
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said, “He who takes an oath and involuntarily says: `By Al-Lat and Al-`Uzza’ should at once affirm: `La ilaha illallah (there is no true god except Allah)’, and he who says to his companion: `Come let’s gamble’ should make expiation by giving something in charity.”
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
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Riyad as-Salihin, The Book of Good Manners, Book 1, Hadith 30
Chapter: Excellence of Conveying Glad Tidings and Congratulations
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
We were sitting in the company of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), and Abu Bakr and 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) were also present. All of a sudden the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) got up and left us. When he was late to return to us we began to worry lest he should meet with trouble in our absence. I was the first to be alarmed and set out in search of him until I came to a garden belonging to Banu-Najjar (a section of the Ansar). I went round it looking for an entrance, but failed to find one. However, I saw a stream of water flowing into the garden from a well outside. I drew myself together like a fox and slinked into the place and reached the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ). He said, "Is it Abu Hurairah?" I replied in the affirmative. He asked, "What is the matter with you?" I replied, "You were sitting with us and then you left us and delayed for a time. Fearing you had met with some adversities we got alarmed. I was the first to be alarmed. So when I came to this garden, I squeezed myself like a fox and these people are coming behind me." He (the Prophet (ﷺ)) gave me his sandals and said, "O Abu Hurairah! Take these sandals of mine, and whoever you meet outside this garden testifying that La ilaha illallah (There is no true god except Allah), being assured of it in his heart, give him the glad tidings that he will enter Jannah." (Abu Hurairah then narrated the Hadith in full).
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ISLAM 101: Basic Islamic Phrases: Part 5
Islamic Terms
Qadr: This term is often translated as “Destiny” or “Pre-destination.” This is not entirely accurate. It means literally “to measure.” The religious idea behind it is that Allah measured everything in the universe. The length of your life is “measured,” as is your fortune and your life’s circumstances.
Qiblah: The direction of Prayer. All Muslims make their prayers, or salat, facing Mecca. Allah commanded us to do this in the Qur'an as a show of unity and to remember Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) who built the first shrine there in that place so many thousands of years ago. Prophet Adam is said to have built an even older shrine many thousands of years before that in that very place.
Qur'an: This is the name of the Book Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad from the years 610-632. Allah revealed it in stages, one section at a time, as the Muslims were ready to follow it. It has 114 chapters called surahs. It was revealed in the Arabic language and has never been lost, changed or edited, like the Bible or Buddhist books have.
We have lots of translations of the Qur'an into English, but a translation can never be as good as the original words and their full meaning. All Muslims try to learn Arabic so they can read the Qur'an. Be advised, there are two different types of Arabic. The first is the language of the Qur'an, in other words, whatever vocabulary words are used in the Qur'an. The second type of Arabic is everyday Arabic, in other words, things that would help you talk about a sports game, a vacation or a day at the office. Many Muslims get bogged down by studying the second type of Arabic. You should work towards the first type if your main goal is to understand the Qur'an.
Pbuh: Peace Be Upon Him (said to invoke peace and blessings on the Prophet Mohammad)
Rab: Lord
Ramadan: The ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Muslims are required to fast from before sunrise to sunset every day of this month. There are many details concerning this so consult the section on beliefs and practices.
Rasul: This term means Messenger.
Ruh: Your spirit or soul. Allah gave it to you on loan and thus you had better not sin and dirty it up.
Sabr: Patience
Sadaqah: Charity.
Sahaba: A companion of the Prophet.
Sahabiyat: The female companions of the Prophet.
Sajda: (Sujood) Bowing on the floor in prayer; prostration.
Salafi: This is the name of a group of Muslims who took stance of Abdul Wahaab who was a reformer. Their name is derived from the Salaf, (ancestors) which is a reference to the Sahaba and the generation immediately after them. They tend not to follow a madhab.
Salat: (or Salah) This means prayer, the prayer in which you stand, bow and prostrate. The literal meaning of the word is: to make a connection with.
Seerah: The biography of the life of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)
Shahadah: The Declaration of Faith. By believing in and declaring the following phrase, a person becomes a Muslim: “Ash hadu an la ilaha illallah, wa ash hadu anna Muhammadar rasulullah.” “I declare that there is no god but Allah, and I declare that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” There are other ways to say this formula but this is the most common one. When a person accepts Islam, all his or her past sins are forgiven and his or her record is wiped clean and they start again from that moment as if they were just born.
Shaykh: Literally: Chief or Boss. It is the title that Muslims sometimes give to their scholars. It is not required in Islam but many people like to use this term. Muslim clergy
Shari'ah: It is usually translated as Islamic Law. It means the path of Islam.
Shirk: This is the greatest and most terrible sin. It is the one sin that can keep your soul out of Paradise and doom you to Hellfire. It means making partners with Allah. If a person says that there are many gods, or says that Allah is divided up into different people (such as the Trinity teaching of Christianity) then they are committing Shirk. Allah said it is the one sin He won’t forgive if you die while doing it. The Blessed Prophet Muhammad once mentioned also that a person who likes to feel greatness in their heart was also committing a kind of Shirk. This is because all greatness is for Allah and we should always try to be humble. The Prophet also said, “La Yad khulu al Jannah min kana fee qal beehee mith qalu habbatin min kibr.” “They won’t enter Paradise, the one who has even a little bit of the love of greatness in their heart.”
Shaytan: (or Shaytan) It means Satan. (The literal meaning is to separate from.) Islam teaches that a Jinn named Iblis didn’t want to bow when Allah commanded a bunch of angels to bow down to Adam in respect of his knowledge. Iblis thought he was better than both humans and angels. Allah banished him to earth and let him have extended life until the Day of Judgment. That is because Iblis challenged Allah and said if he had time he would corrupt all human beings. Iblis’s name literally means “Frustrated.” He is also known as the Shaytan, or Satan.
Siyam (or Saum) Fasting.
Subhanullah: “Glory to Allah.” This phrase is said whenever we’re happy or when we see something wonderful or hear about something wonderful.We as Muslims should say it as often as we can because of its GREAT rewards.
Sufi: This is the name for a group of another sect of Muslims who want to be super-spiritually oriented. Sufis tend to try and be as close to the Sunnah as possible and they like to do group dhikr and chanting. While most Sufis are okay Islamically, there are a few groups that go way out and are close to being outside of Islam. Most Sufis you will encounter are of the okay kind. They are distinguished by their traditional Islamic dress and turbans. The word Sufi comes from the term for wool cloth, which was a material early Sufis liked to wear to emphasize how they didn’t want to be captured by the love of fineries in this world.
Sufis organize themselves into “orders” or groups, called Tariqas. These groups are headed by a leader called a Shaykh who is considered the most spiritual man with the most Taqwa among them. Some famous Sufi Tariqas that operate all over the world are the Naqshabandis and Qadiriyya. The most famous Sufi Muslim scholars that ever lived are Jalaluddin Rumi, Muhammad al Ghazali and Abdul Qadir Jilani.
Suhoof: “Scrolls.” This is the name of the revelation given to Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) about 4,000 years ago. It was lost.
Sunnah: The example or “way” of the Prophet. How he lived his life and what his practices were.
Sunni: This is the name of the largest sect or group of Muslims. This group amounts to about 85-90% of all Muslims world-wide. Sunni’s believe in the mission of the Prophet as he taught it and try very hard to adhere to the Prophet’s example with no changes. This doesn’t mean that Sunni’s are somehow the only 'true’ Muslims, however, because the Prophet never taught that we should even label ourselves Sunni’s or Shi'as.
Sunni Islam is just closer to real Islam because it is the way of the Prophet and his companions as well as the righteous predecessors. The best thing for a Muslim to do is to drop all the labels and just say, “I’m a Muslim."But there are many Muslims in the world who get emotional about wanting to call themselves some kind of label besides the basic, "I’m a Muslim.” Have patience with them and do what is right. The term Sunni comes from the title, “Ahl as-Sunnah wal Jam'a” which means, “People of the Example (of the Prophet) and the Main Group (of First Muslims).”
Surah: It is a chapter of the Qur'an. The word literally means “a step up in progression” or a “fence.”
Tafseer: Commentary or explanation of the Qur'an. Many Qur'an translations will have footnotes on the bottom of the page to help you understand the meaning of an ayah. That would be called Tafseer.
Taqwa: This term means many things at once. The first meaning is that you are always aware that Allah is watching you. This brings you to the second meaning and that is that you will try to be good always. Do you see how the two things wrapped together can be so beautiful? When a Muslim has Taqwa, we say they are “Aware of Allah” “Conscious of Allah” and striving to be righteous.The main meaning is the fear of allah, because if we fear him then we will not go astray.Allah loves those most who fear him the most.
Tauhid: Sometimes it’s spelled Tawheed. It means the Oneness of Allah. Allah has no partners, He is not divided up into parts and He is not in need of anyone to help Him in anything whatsoever.
Taurah: The revelation given to Prophet Musa (Moses). The first five books of the old testament in the Bible are said to be the “Torah” of Moses, but no serious Bible scholar, whether Jewish or Christian believes that anymore. Musa’s message was lost long ago. Just take a look, everything about Prophet Moses in the Bible is written in third person: “And Moses said this,” and “Moses went there,” Someone else wrote those things, certainly not Moses!
Tawakkol: Reliance on God
Ukhtee: Means “My sister.”
Wahy: This word means revelation or inspiration. When Allah was revealing His messages to the Prophet, we would say the Prophet was receiving “Wahy.” The Blessed Prophet once said that after him, all Wahy from Allah was finished except for one thing: dreams that can come true.
Wuduu: Washing for prayer.
Yowm ul Qiyamah: The Day of Judgment. (Literally: Day of rising.)Because that is the day all creation from the begining till the end will rise on the plains of arafat and be judged on their life and actions.
Zabur: The revelation given to Prophet Dawud (David). The Psalms in the Bible are not the pure Zabur. Christian scholars admit that at least half of the verses in Psalms were written by temple priests, government workers, etc, in ancient Israel. And no one knows which half are from Prophet Dawud and how many have been lost or altered.
Zakah: This is often translated as “Charity” or “Poor-due” but the literal meaning of the word is actually, “Purifying."Zakah is the third pillar of Islam. It involves giving 2.5% of your yearly wealth, after expenses, for the benefit of the poor and the needy. The "purifying” part comes in by learning not to be greedy. If you give some of your money for the sake of Allah to the poor, you make your heart less prone to greed.
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Top 9 tips for Dhul Hijjah
Many people are eagerly awaiting the start of the 10 blessed days of Dhul-Hijjah. They’ve probably read a dozen articles on the virtues and blessings of those Days. But some still wonder: what exactly do I need to do to make the best of those days? If you’re not going to Hajj and you’re looking for a To-Do List or an Action Plan to make the best of those blessed days, then here are a few ideas: (Make sure you share the URL above with friends and family via email, Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp so they can learn also)
1- Recheck the intention: We’re doing this out of Love!
Take a few moments and recheck your attention. Ask yourself “what exactly do I want to achieve, and why? First and foremost, we want to do the best in those days because Allah loves for us to be in the best condition in them. And what’s beloved to our Beloved should be beloved to us. Remember this hadith and note the word “beloved”… Ibn Abbas narrated that: The Messenger of Allah said: “There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than those ten days.” They said: “O Messenger of Allah! Not even Jihad in Allah Cause?” The Messenger of Allah said: “Not even Jihad in Allah’s Cause, unless a man were to out with his self and his wealth and not return from that with anything.” [Jami` at-Tirmidhi]
So, Allah ‘loves’ good deeds during those days. Isn’t this an excellent opportunity to show the Owner of our souls, the Owner of Existence, The Owner of Jannah, The Most Merciful that we too love Him and love to be in a state that is beloved to Him?
Primarily, we’re doing this out of love to Allah (Glorified and Exalted), and we wish for Him to accept us and accept the little that we do that isn’t even worthy of the eternal rewards He has prepared for us… but we do what we do out of gratitude, sincerity and love to The One who deserves our ultimate love.
2- Desperately ask Allah for help with this
No success will happen without the Help of Allah. So, recite this dua after every prayer and throughout the day to ask Allah to aid you in doing the best and earning the best rewards these days: Mu’adh (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) took hold of my hand and said, “O Mu’adh! By Allah I love you, so I advise you to never forget to recite after every prayer: “Allahumma a’inni ala dhikrika, wa shukrika, wa husni ‘ibadatika (O Allah, help me remember You, to be grateful to You, and to worship You in an excellent manner).” [Abu Dawud].
So keep reciting this and especially when you feel weak or lazy: “O Allah, help me remember You, to be grateful to You, and to worship You in an excellent manner.”
3- Seize the generous reward of fasting the 9 days of Dhul- Hijjah
“’Allah, the mighty and sublime, said: Every deed of the son of Adam is for him, except fasting; it is for me and I shall reward for it.” [Sunan an-Nasa’i] The reward for fasting is too big in fact, that it is something that angels won’t be able to record, and instead they’ll refer it to Allah to set His generous reward for it! In addition to that, fasting grants you a guaranteed answered dua! It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “There are three whose supplications are not turned back: A just ruler, and a fasting person until he breaks his fast. And, the supplication of one who has been wronged is raised by Allah up to the clouds on the Day of Resurrection, and the gates of heaven are opened for it, and Allah says, ‘By My Might I will help you (against the wrongdoer) even if it is after a while.’” [Sunan Ibn Majah]
So basically, by fasting, you’re getting unfathomable reward that you didn’t even think of PLUS you can ask for something that YOU want. Amazing Opportunity!
Definitely aim for fasting all 9 days, or as much as you can of them, or at the very least, the day of A’rafa. It was narrated from Abu Qatadah that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Fasting on the Day of ‘Arafah, I hope from Allah, expiates for the sins of the year before and the year after.” [Sunan Ibn Majah] Who doesn’t want that? It’s an opportunity not to be missed, insha’Allah.
4- Start building Your House in Jannah
Praying on time is among the most beloved acts to Allah. ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I asked the Prophet (ﷺ), “Which of the deeds is loved most by Allah?” Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “Salat at its proper time.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Let’s think about it: when you call someone, you appreciate when they actually pick up the phone and answer you. Right? Imagine if they take 2-3-4 hours to get back to you… Not the best attitude, right? Might even reflect that you’re not really a priority to them. Now, to Allah belongs the Highest Attributes and Most Noble Mention, when the call for prayer is made and we delay answering… it isn’t exactly the best deed. So, these days, aim to make everything you can to pray on time. This if for the obligatory prayer. Now to start building your house in Jannah, follow this hadith:
The Prophet [saw] says: ‘Whoever persists in performing twelve Rak’ah from the Sunnah, a house will be built for him in Paradise: four before the Zuhr, two Rak’ah after Zuhr, two Rak’ah after Maghrib, two Rak’ah after the ‘Isha’ and two Rak’ah before Fajr.’” [Sunan Ibn Majah] These are voluntary prayers. These prayers complement the shortcomings in our main obligatory prayers. So, if you pray without enough concentration/khushoo’/if you’re not fulfilling the rights of prayers adequately, then the voluntary prayers complement the shortcomings in the obligatory prayers to help us earn better rewards and be in a better condition with regards to prayer—which is the first thing we will be asked about on the Day of Judgement. The Prophet (ﷺ):
“The first thing about which the people will be called to account out of their actions on the Day of Judgment is prayer. Our Lord, the Exalted, will say to the angels – though He knows better: Look into the prayer of My servant and see whether he has offered it perfectly or imperfectly. If it is perfect, that will be recorded perfect. If it is defective, He will say: See there are some optional prayers offered by My servant. If there are optional prayer to his credit, He will say: Compensate the obligatory prayer by the optional prayer for My servant. Then all the actions will be considered similarly.” [Sunan Abi Dawud]
5- Fulfil a primary rite of Dhul-Hijjah: Dhikr, remembrance, mentioning the name of Allah
Allah says in Surat Al Hajj: “And proclaim to the people the Hajj [pilgrimage]; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every distant pass – That they may witness benefits for themselves and mention the name of Allah on known days over what He has provided for them of [sacrificial] animals. So eat of them and feed the miserable and poor.” (Qur’an 22: 27-28)
And He says: “And for all religion We have appointed a rite [of sacrifice] that they may mention the name of Allah over what He has provided for them of [sacrificial] animals. For your god is one God, so to Him submit. And, [O Muhammad], give good tidings to the humble [before their Lord]” (Qur’an 22: 34)
Mentioning the name of Allah and remembering Him is a main- if not THE main- component of those blessed days. It is all essentially about truly remembering and acknowledging Allah and connecting with Him and supplicating to Him.
So increase dhikr throughout those blessed days. Dhikr doesn’t take any effort really, but its reward is immense.
Make sure to: 1- Daily recite Tahmid (AlhamduliAllah), Tasbeeh (Subhan Allah), Takbeer (Allahu Akbar), Tahleel (la illah illah Allah). And internalize their meanings: internalize that truly all praise is due to Allah for all His blessings, that Allah is Greater than anything and anyone, that there is no deity worthy of worship but Him, that He is High Above any imperfection attributed to Him… This is the essence of true faith and worship.
Remember that saying “La illaha ila Allah” is the best dhikr, so increase in reciting it. “I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: ‘The best of remembrance is La ilaha illallah (None has the right to be worshipped but Allah), and the best of supplication is Al-Hamdu Lillah (praise is to Allah).’” [Sunan Ibn Majah]
2- Start incorporating the adhkar of morning and evening in your daily routine if it isn’t a part of it already. The reward of dhikr is really immense, additionally, it protects you from a lot of harm you’re not even aware of and it keeps you in close connection with Allah Almighty.
6- Spare an hour a day for Qur’an recitation
Reciting the Qur’an, the verbatim Words of Allah and remembering Him through His own Words is among the greatest acts one could do. In normal days, reciting the Qur’an brings immense barakah and rewards. Each letter you recite is equal to at least 10 hasanaat and Allah gives more to whom He wills. Now, in these days when rewards are multiplied even more and it’s more encouraged to do what’s beloved to Allah, it’s essential to engage with the Qur’an further- we shall at least give it our best try to the best of our ability. If you managed to dedicate an hour to the Qur’an every day, you can actually do khatm (completing the recitation of the entire Qur’an) by the end of the 10th day of Dul-Hijja! We have 30 parts in the Qur’an. Each part is around 20 pages. If you have an hour, you can read 60 pages (3 parts a day) and finish the entire Qur’an in 10 days. We ALL have an hour or more to spare a day. But it’s a matter of time management and priorities. We do surf the Internet and our social media for hours—which are probably acts that won’t bring us much reward. So what really prevents us from dedicating an hour or 2 to complete reading the Qur’an during those days which will bring us immense rewards?
Allah says: “And indeed We have made the Qur’an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?” [Qur’an 54: 17] Let’s aim to be among those who remember…
7- Revive the night with the ultimate source of peace
One of the most praiseworthy acts to do also is to recite Qur’an during the night prayer. Allah says: “And from [part of] the night, pray with it as additional [worship] for you; it is expected that your Lord will resurrect you to a praised station.” (Qur’an 17: 79)
If you can’t seem to find an hour to spare for reading the Qur’an during the day, then make it an hour of the night. Leave your bed for an hour, make wudu purifying yourself and your body, wear clean and beautiful clothes, get onto your prayer mat and start reciting the Qur’an… slowly, in humility and peace. You have no idea how this will bring immense peace, serenity and tranquility into your heart and mind, and how this will energize you and put a lot of barakah in your time. It is worth trying. Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-‘As: The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “If anyone prays at night reciting regularly ten verses, he will not be recorded among the negligent; if anyone prays at night and recites a hundred verses, he will be recorded among those who are obedient to Allah; and if anyone prays at night reciting one thousand verses, he will be recorded among those who receive huge rewards.” [Sunan Abi Dawud]
Note: the highest reward mentioned at the end of the hadith for reciting a thousand verses can be easily accomplished by reciting the last 2 chapters of the Qur’an (Juz’ Tabarak 29 and Juz’ ‘Amma 30).
8- Dua, Dua, Dua
Throughout the 10 days and especially on the Day of ‘Arafa: MAKE DUA! The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings upon him), said: “The most excellent dua is the dua on the Day of Arafa, and the best of what I and the prophets before me have said, is ‘There is no god but Allah, alone, without partner.’” [Muwatta Malik]
9- Sacrifice with ihsan, feed the poor and bond with your family
Of course “audhiya” or “qurbani” is a main ritual that we follow. But it is important to do that with ihsan (excellence). On the authority of Abu Ya’la Shaddad bin Aws (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Verily Allah has prescribed ihsan (proficiency, perfection) in all things. If you slaughter, then slaughter well. Let each one of you sharpen his blade and let him spare suffering to the animal he slaughters.” [Muslim] Allah gave us blessings to benefit us and help us benefit others and bond with our families. So, let this be about the gratitude to Allah Almighty who provides for us from the heavens and the earth, and let this be with mercy and excellence befitting to His Mercy and Excellence.
Now, you might look at this list and feel overwhelmed. But remember a few things: We were created to worship Allah. These things are part of our purpose in life. We do not lose anything by doing them. These are acts we start here, they bring benefit, peace and barakah in our lives here, and then later they earn us eternal rewards, eternal peace, safety and nearness to The Creator. So, remember the intention; we do this with love and out of love to Allah. Also remember that if Allah wills, He can make anything possible, if He knows of your true desire and sincerity, He WILL enable you to do these acts and more, so easily in fact that you will not understand how you did it. Trust Allah! Now, BismAllah… enjoy the most blessed days of the year!
By Dina Mohamed Basiony
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Fwd: A Muslim brother request's for Dhua from everyone for his son An emotional moment for him and his family. Mohammed Fardos (Birmingham) 07402 600506 Salaam brother's My son's name is Tanbir and And he is 23 years old. I beg you as a Muslim that you send this letter to all your friends and acquaintances to reach as many people as possible. I want Du'a/supplication of you all please because my son will be operated on with a very low chance of recovery. He has stomach cancer disease. If you love Allah don't close this message until you've forwarded it !!! Say "LA ILAHA ILLALLAH MUHAMMAD RASSOUL ALLAH". I beg you with the names of Allah Al Aziz Al Jabbar that you send it to as many people as possible... Your prayers for My son that Allah heal him and give him shifa. Make Du'a for his healing. And if Allah takes his soul to him, ask Him to have mercy on him and grant him highest place in Jannah. May Allah Ta'ala heal heal him. AMEEN *Please recite al Fatiha for the brother*
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Tips for those who have exams and work during the last ten nights of Ramadan💛
The Night of Laylat-ul-Qadr which falls on one of the last ten nights of Ramadan is worth more than a thousand months of reward. Any good deed completed on this single night is the equivalent to if you had performed that one act for more than 80 years.
Here are some tips for those who may busy with exams during this time but still want to make the most of it!
1. Feel at peace knowing that Allah SWT is the Most Loving, the Most Generous, the Most Merciful. Even if you find yourself busy, if you have the sincere intention to worship Allah SWT to the best of your ability then He will reward you, forgive you, and bless you in ways beyond you can imagine. Place your hope in Allah’s mercy rather than in your own actions BUT make sure to try your very best to worship Allah SWT in these extremely valuable nights.
2. When studying make the right intention so that when you are studying with the intention of beneficial knowledge then inshAllah by Allah’s mercy He will reward you the whole time.
“Verily the deeds are according to the intentions, and the person will only have what he intended.” (Al-Bukhari 1)
3. Make duaa. Ask Allah to allow you to be from the most successful on Layat AlQadr and ask Him to bring you closer to him and to facilite the best acts of worship for you. Know that Allah is capable of everything. Allah can allow you to have the time and strength to complete your studies and work while having time for special acts of worship.
4. A practical tip: try to work during the day (as much as you can) especially during the odd nights so that you can free up time during the night for worship
5. If you need to study for an exam try to alternate while you study. For example Study for 40 mins then take a 20 min break to pray, or do read Quran, or to make duaa. Then repeat. That way you can have some time for worship to reconnect your heart and at the same time you are constantly refocusing and reenergizing.
6. Set a minimum number of prayers that you try to do each night no matter what and have a duaa list to make make sure to ask Allah for all the goodness of this life and the next.
7. Constantly make the duaa “O Allah, truly You are all-Pardoning, You love to pardon so pardon me." اللهم انك عفو تحب العفو فاعف عني
Make duaas that are all encompassing such as this duaa “O Allaah, I ask You for all that is good, in this world and in the Hereafter, what I know and what I do not know. O Allaah, I seek refuge with You from all evil, in this world and in the Hereafter, what I know and what I do not know. O Allaah, I ask You for the good that Your slave and Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) has asked You for, and I seek refuge with You from the evil from which Your slave and Prophet sought refuge. O Allaah, I ask You for Paradise and for that which brings one closer to it, in word and deed, and I seek refuge in You from Hell and from that which brings one closer to it, in word and deed. And I ask You to make every decree that You decree concerning me good.”
7. Know that Allah SWT has made it easy to gain endless reward. Just make the right intention and fill your heart with love of Allah SWT. Always remember that He is the most merciful, and that he can reward you beyond what you do!
8. Engage in these easy deeds which result in great reward:
1. Get a treasure in Jannah. Say: لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللَّهِ
The Prophet (s) said, “Be frequent in saying ‘There is no might or power except by Allah, (Lā ḥawla wa lā quwwata illā billāh)’ For verily, it is a treasure from the treasures of Paradise.’” [سنن الترمذی :3601]
2. Get a palace in Jannah. Say: Surah al-Ikhlas (10 times)
The Prophet (s) said, “Whoever recites Surah al-Ikhlas ten times, Allah will build a palace for him in paradise.” Umar said, “Then we will have many palaces in Jannah?” The Prophet (s) replied, “Allah has even more and better than that.” [السلسلة الصحيحة:589]
“By the One in Whose hand is my soul, it is equivalent to one-third of the Qur’aan.”
(Al Bukhari: 6643)
3. Landscape Jannah. Say: سُبْحَانَ الله وَالْحَمْدُ لله وَلاَ إله إِلاَّ الله وَالله أَكْبَرُ
The Prophet (s) said, “I met Ibrahim on the Night of Ascension (Al-Isra), and he said to me, ‘O Muhammad, convey my greetings to your Ummah, and tell them that Jannah has a vast plain of pure soil and sweet water. It is a plain levelled land. The plants grow there by uttering: Subhan-Allah, Al-hamdu lillah, La ilaha illallah, and Allahu Akbar.” [السلسلة الصحيحة : 105]
Or say: سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ الْعَظِيمِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ
The Prophet (s) said, “Whoever says ‘SubhanAllahil ‘adheemi wa bihamdihi’ a tree is planted for him in Paradise.” [سنن الترمذی:3465]
4. Get all your sins forgiven. Say: SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi (100 times)
The Prophet (s) said, “Whoever says, ‘Subhan Allah wa bihamdihi,’ one hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea.” [صحیح البخاری: 6405]
Or say: Astaghfirullahal ladhee laa ilaha illaa huwal Hayyul Qayyoomu wa atoobu ilayh
The Prophet (s) said, “Whoever says أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللَّهَ الَّذِي لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الْحَىُّ الْقَيُّومُ وَأَتُوبُ إِلَيْهِ (I seek forgiveness from Allah, the One besides whom there is none worthy of worship, the Living, the Sustainer of all, and I repent to him), all his sins will be forgiven, even if he had fled from battle.” [Sunan Abi Dawud 1517]
5. Earn a thousand good deeds. Say: SubhanAllah (100 times)
The Prophet (s) said, “Is anyone amongst you powerless to earn one thousand good deeds every day? …. Say tasbeeh one hundred times and one thousand good deeds are recorded and one thousand sins are erased.” [صحیح مسلم:7027]
6. Fill the Scales. Say: Alhamdulillah
The Prophet (s) said, “Cleanliness is half of faith and al-Hamdu Lillah (Praise be to Allah) fills the scale.” [صحیح مسلم:223]
7. Fill the space between the sky and the earth. Say: Allahu Akbar
The Prophet (s) said, “Allahu Akbar fills what is between the sky and the earth.” [مسند احمد:22908]
8. Gain to ajr of a whole night. Recite: The last two verses of Surah al-Baqarah.
The Prophet (s) said, “Whoever recites the last two verses of Surat al-Baqarah at night, that will be sufficient for him.” [صحیح البخاری: 5051]
Ibn Hajar said, أَيْ أَجْزَأَتَا عَنْهُ مِنْ قِيَامِ اللَّيْلِ بِالْقُرْآنِ “Meaning, they will suffice him for qiyamul layl” [Fathul Bari]
9. Earn the reward of giving charity. Say: SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, Laa ilaha illAllah, Allahu Akbar.
The Prophet (s) said, “In the morning, charity is due from every bone in the body of every one of you. Every utterance of glorification (i.e., saying SubhanAllah) is an act of charity. Every utterance of praise (i.e., saying Alhamdulillah) is an act of charity, every utterance of profession of His Oneness (i.e., saying Laa ilaha illAllah) is an act of charity, every utterance of profession of His Greatness (i.e., saying Allahu Akbar) is an act of charity, enjoining good is an act of charity, forbidding what is disreputable is an act of charity, and two rak'ahs which one prays in the forenoon will suffice.” [صحیح مسلم:720]
10. Share this khayr
The Prophet (s) said, “Whoever introduces a good practice that is followed after him, will have a reward for that and the equivalent of their reward, without that detracting from their reward in the slightest.” [صحیح مسلم: 1017]
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Allah calls Himself Ash-Shaheed— The All-and-Ever Witnessing— on 18 occasions in the Quran. Ash-Shaheed is the witness whose sight no one can escape. He is the One with full knowledge of all matters, witnessing the apparent and hidden, anywhere, any time. Ash-Shaheed is the witness and observer of all creation, thoughts, and actions, and the ultimate witness on the Day of Judgment!
The Witness, the Testifier, the Certifier
Shaheed comes from the root sheen-haa-daal, which points to three main meanings. The first meaning is “to bear witness.” The second meaning is to offer testimony, and the third is to have knowledge of something.
This root appears 160 times in the Quran in nine derived forms. Examples of these forms include yashhadu (“to testify”), ashhidoo (“to take witness”), shahaadati (“the seen”) and shuhadaa (“witnesses, martyrs”).
Shaheed refers to Allah’s awareness of everything; He hears every sound, loud and quiet, and sees the small and the large. In addition, He is the One who will testify for or against His servants for their deeds.
Ash-Shaheed Himself says:
Say: What thing is the greatest witness? Say: Allah is shaheed between you and I; this Qur’an has been revealed to me that I may warn therewith – you and whomsoever it may reach. [Quran, 6:19]
Allah is Witness over all things. [Quran, 58: 6] Allah is sufficient as Witness. [Quran, 4: 79]
Allah (Himself) is Witness that there is no god save Him. And the angels and the people of knowledge (too are witnesses). [Quran, 3:18]
A Scene of the Souls
When Allah created Adam, He wiped Adam’s back and every person that He will create from him until the Day of Resurrection fell out from his back. [At-Tirmidhi and Al-Haakim] Allah stated that He brought the descendants of Adam out of their fathers’ loins, and they testified against themselves that Allah is their Lord and King and that there is no deity worthy of worship except Him. Allah then said,(and made them testify as to themselves (saying): “Am I not your Lord” They said: “Yes!”) [Tafseer ibn Katheer]
This was your first testimony and it means we will have no excuse on the Day of Judgement!
It will be said to a man from the people of the Fire on the Day of Resurrection, “If you owned all that is on the earth, would you pay it as ransom’ He will reply, `Yes.’ Allah will say, `I ordered you with what is less than that, when you were still in Adam’s loins, that is, associate none with Me (in worship). You insisted that you associate with Me (in worship).” [Tafseer ibn Katheer]
How Can You Live By This Name?
1. Say the sahahda, live the shahada. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Man shahida an la ilaha illallah dakhala al-jannah – Whoever witnesses that there is no god but Allah alone enters Paradise.[Saheeh Muslim]. Your testimony of faith in Allah is something you not only utter, but must live by. When you say I bear witness there is no god but Allah it means that in your talk and actions, in your house or outside you show that you love Allah more than anyone else, you accept Him as your Creator, Master and Ruler of the universe, that you worship Him alone in all matters and not your desires or others’ directions. Next time when you say the shahada in your prayer, reflect upon the meaning. Increase in saying la ilaha illallah to renew your emaan!
2. Trust in Ash-Shaheed. Ash-Shaheed says in this beautiful soothing ayah: So wait patiently for your Lord’s decree, for surely you are in Our sight. [Quran, 52: 48] Rest assured that any unjust treatment by the hands of others you go through, slander, gossip or abuse, Ash-Shaheed is your Witness and you will get justice.
3. Remember that you are a servant. It’s sometimes easy to shout at your family or children inside the house, or even oppress someone when you are in a position of authority over them. Remind yourself in each situation, wherever you are, whoever you talk to, whatever position you have, that you are a servant of Allah. Ash-Shaheed is witnessing every step you take and will you to account. Use this tip: when you are about to do something wrong, look up at the sky and imagine Ash-Shaheed watching you!
4. Don’t make your limbs testify against you. Use your tongue for speech beloved by Ash-Shaheed, your eyes to read the Quran, your limbs to pray to Him as they will all testify as what you used them for! The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: I was amazed at how a servant will dispute with his Lord on the Day of Resurrection. He will say, “My Lord, did You not promise me that you would not treat me unjustly” Allah will say, “Yes.” The man will say, “I will not accept any witness against me except from myself.” Allah will say, “Is it not sufficient that I and the angels, the noble scribes, are witnesses” These words will be repeated several times, then a seal will be placed over his mouth and his organs (or limbs) will speak about what he used to do. Then he will say, “Away with you! It was only for your sake that I was arguing!”)” [Muslim and An-Nasa’i]
5. Always stand up for the truth. Always stand up for the truth in your testimonies, even if it is against yourself! Sometimes it is hard to admit a mistake, or testifying for the truth might even endanger you, but know this characteristic is one of true honour of a believer, which earns you not just a place in Paradise, but a place of honour! And those who are in their testimonies upright and those who [carefully] maintain their prayer: they will be in gardens, honoured. [Quran, 70:33-35]
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
O Allah, Ash-Shaheed, we know that You witness all things. Guide us to live by the shahada and make us utter the testimony of faith on our deathbed. Help us remember that You are witnessing us, and make this awareness an inspiration for us to increase our good deeds. Make us always stand up for the truth and join us with the prophets and shuhadaa in the highest Paradise, ameen!
#allah#islam#revert help team#asma al husna#revert help#muslim#ayat#daily#allah’s name#dua#pray#prayer#salah#muslimah#hijab#religion#reminder#mohammed#new muslim#new revert#new convert#how to convert islam#convert help#convert islam#become a muslim#welcome to islam#hadith#daily ayat#prophet#god
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Allah calls Himself Ash-Shaheed— The All-and-Ever Witnessing— on 18 occasions in the Quran. Ash-Shaheed is the witness whose sight no one can escape. He is the One with full knowledge of all matters, witnessing the apparent and hidden, anywhere, any time. Ash-Shaheed is the witness and observer of all creation, thoughts, and actions, and the ultimate witness on the Day of Judgment!
The Witness, the Testifier, the Certifier
Shaheed comes from the root sheen-haa-daal, which points to three main meanings. The first meaning is “to bear witness.” The second meaning is to offer testimony, and the third is to have knowledge of something.
This root appears 160 times in the Quran in nine derived forms. Examples of these forms include yashhadu (“to testify”), ashhidoo (“to take witness”), shahaadati (“the seen”) and shuhadaa (“witnesses, martyrs”).
Shaheed refers to Allah’s awareness of everything; He hears every sound, loud and quiet, and sees the small and the large. In addition, He is the One who will testify for or against His servants for their deeds.
Ash-Shaheed Himself says:
Say: What thing is the greatest witness? Say: Allah is shaheed between you and I; this Qur’an has been revealed to me that I may warn therewith – you and whomsoever it may reach. [Quran, 6:19]
Allah is Witness over all things. [Quran, 58: 6] Allah is sufficient as Witness. [Quran, 4: 79]
Allah (Himself) is Witness that there is no god save Him. And the angels and the people of knowledge (too are witnesses). [Quran, 3:18]
A Scene of the Souls
When Allah created Adam, He wiped Adam’s back and every person that He will create from him until the Day of Resurrection fell out from his back. [At-Tirmidhi and Al-Haakim] Allah stated that He brought the descendants of Adam out of their fathers’ loins, and they testified against themselves that Allah is their Lord and King and that there is no deity worthy of worship except Him. Allah then said,(and made them testify as to themselves (saying): “Am I not your Lord” They said: “Yes!”) [Tafseer ibn Katheer]
This was your first testimony and it means we will have no excuse on the Day of Judgement!
It will be said to a man from the people of the Fire on the Day of Resurrection, “If you owned all that is on the earth, would you pay it as ransom’ He will reply, `Yes.’ Allah will say, `I ordered you with what is less than that, when you were still in Adam’s loins, that is, associate none with Me (in worship). You insisted that you associate with Me (in worship).” [Tafseer ibn Katheer]
How Can You Live By This Name?
1. Say the sahahda, live the shahada. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Man shahida an la ilaha illallah dakhala al-jannah – Whoever witnesses that there is no god but Allah alone enters Paradise.[Saheeh Muslim]. Your testimony of faith in Allah is something you not only utter, but must live by. When you say I bear witness there is no god but Allah it means that in your talk and actions, in your house or outside you show that you love Allah more than anyone else, you accept Him as your Creator, Master and Ruler of the universe, that you worship Him alone in all matters and not your desires or others’ directions. Next time when you say the shahada in your prayer, reflect upon the meaning. Increase in saying la ilaha illallah to renew your emaan!
2. Trust in Ash-Shaheed. Ash-Shaheed says in this beautiful soothing ayah: So wait patiently for your Lord’s decree, for surely you are in Our sight. [Quran, 52: 48] Rest assured that any unjust treatment by the hands of others you go through, slander, gossip or abuse, Ash-Shaheed is your Witness and you will get justice.
3. Remember that you are a servant. It’s sometimes easy to shout at your family or children inside the house, or even oppress someone when you are in a position of authority over them. Remind yourself in each situation, wherever you are, whoever you talk to, whatever position you have, that you are a servant of Allah. Ash-Shaheed is witnessing every step you take and will you to account. Use this tip: when you are about to do something wrong, look up at the sky and imagine Ash-Shaheed watching you!
4. Don’t make your limbs testify against you.Use your tongue for speech beloved by Ash-Shaheed, your eyes to read the Quran, your limbs to pray to Him as they will all testify as what you used them for! The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: I was amazed at how a servant will dispute with his Lord on the Day of Resurrection. He will say, “My Lord, did You not promise me that you would not treat me unjustly” Allah will say, “Yes.” The man will say, “I will not accept any witness against me except from myself.” Allah will say, “Is it not sufficient that I and the angels, the noble scribes, are witnesses” These words will be repeated several times, then a seal will be placed over his mouth and his organs (or limbs) will speak about what he used to do. Then he will say, “Away with you! It was only for your sake that I was arguing!”)” [Muslim and An-Nasa’i]
5. Always stand up for the truth. Always stand up for the truth in your testimonies, even if it is against yourself! Sometimes it is hard to admit a mistake, or testifying for the truth might even endanger you, but know this characteristic is one of true honour of a believer, which earns you not just a place in Paradise, but a place of honour! And those who are in their testimonies upright and those who [carefully] maintain their prayer: they will be in gardens, honoured. [Quran, 70:33-35]
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
O Allah, Ash-Shaheed, we know that You witness all things. Guide us to live by the shahada and make us utter the testimony of faith on our deathbed. Help us remember that You are witnessing us, and make this awareness an inspiration for us to increase our good deeds. Make us always stand up for the truth and join us with the prophets and shuhadaa in the highest Paradise, ameen!
#allah#islam#revert help team#asma al husna#revert help#muslim#ayat#daily#allah’s name#dua#pray#prayer#salah#muslimah#hijab#religion#reminder#mohammed#new revert#new convert#new muslim#how to convert islam#converthelp#convert islam#become a muslim#welcome to islam#daily ayat#prophet#god#revert
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Allah calls Himself Ash-Shaheed— The All-and-Ever Witnessing— on 18 occasions in the Quran. Ash-Shaheed is the witness whose sight no one can escape. He is the One with full knowledge of all matters, witnessing the apparent and hidden, anywhere, any time. Ash-Shaheed is the witness and observer of all creation, thoughts, and actions, and the ultimate witness on the Day of Judgment!
The Witness, the Testifier, the Certifier
Shaheed comes from the root sheen-haa-daal, which points to three main meanings. The first meaning is “to bear witness.” The second meaning is to offer testimony, and the third is to have knowledge of something.
This root appears 160 times in the Quran in nine derived forms. Examples of these forms include yashhadu (“to testify”), ashhidoo (“to take witness”), shahaadati (“the seen”) and shuhadaa (“witnesses, martyrs”).
Shaheed refers to Allah’s awareness of everything; He hears every sound, loud and quiet, and sees the small and the large. In addition, He is the One who will testify for or against His servants for their deeds.
Ash-Shaheed Himself says:
Say: What thing is the greatest witness? Say: Allah is shaheed between you and I; this Qur’an has been revealed to me that I may warn therewith – you and whomsoever it may reach. [Quran, 6:19]
Allah is Witness over all things. [Quran, 58: 6] Allah is sufficient as Witness. [Quran, 4: 79]
Allah (Himself) is Witness that there is no god save Him. And the angels and the people of knowledge (too are witnesses). [Quran, 3:18]
A Scene of the Souls
When Allah created Adam, He wiped Adam’s back and every person that He will create from him until the Day of Resurrection fell out from his back. [At-Tirmidhi and Al-Haakim] Allah stated that He brought the descendants of Adam out of their fathers’ loins, and they testified against themselves that Allah is their Lord and King and that there is no deity worthy of worship except Him. Allah then said,(and made them testify as to themselves (saying): “Am I not your Lord” They said: “Yes!”) [Tafseer ibn Katheer]
This was your first testimony and it means we will have no excuse on the Day of Judgement!
It will be said to a man from the people of the Fire on the Day of Resurrection, “If you owned all that is on the earth, would you pay it as ransom’ He will reply, `Yes.’ Allah will say, `I ordered you with what is less than that, when you were still in Adam’s loins, that is, associate none with Me (in worship). You insisted that you associate with Me (in worship).” [Tafseer ibn Katheer]
How Can You Live By This Name?
1. Say the sahahda, live the shahada. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Man shahida an la ilaha illallah dakhala al-jannah – Whoever witnesses that there is no god but Allah alone enters Paradise.[Saheeh Muslim]. Your testimony of faith in Allah is something you not only utter, but must live by. When you say I bear witness there is no god but Allah it means that in your talk and actions, in your house or outside you show that you love Allah more than anyone else, you accept Him as your Creator, Master and Ruler of the universe, that you worship Him alone in all matters and not your desires or others’ directions. Next time when you say the shahada in your prayer, reflect upon the meaning. Increase in saying la ilaha illallah to renew your emaan!
2. Trust in Ash-Shaheed. Ash-Shaheed says in this beautiful soothing ayah: So wait patiently for your Lord’s decree, for surely you are in Our sight. [Quran, 52: 48] Rest assured that any unjust treatment by the hands of others you go through, slander, gossip or abuse, Ash-Shaheed is your Witness and you will get justice.
3. Remember that you are a servant. It’s sometimes easy to shout at your family or children inside the house, or even oppress someone when you are in a position of authority over them. Remind yourself in each situation, wherever you are, whoever you talk to, whatever position you have, that you are a servant of Allah. Ash-Shaheed is witnessing every step you take and will you to account. Use this tip: when you are about to do something wrong, look up at the sky and imagine Ash-Shaheed watching you!
4. Don’t make your limbs testify against you. Use your tongue for speech beloved by Ash-Shaheed, your eyes to read the Quran, your limbs to pray to Him as they will all testify as what you used them for! The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: I was amazed at how a servant will dispute with his Lord on the Day of Resurrection. He will say, “My Lord, did You not promise me that you would not treat me unjustly” Allah will say, “Yes.” The man will say, “I will not accept any witness against me except from myself.” Allah will say, “Is it not sufficient that I and the angels, the noble scribes, are witnesses” These words will be repeated several times, then a seal will be placed over his mouth and his organs (or limbs) will speak about what he used to do. Then he will say, “Away with you! It was only for your sake that I was arguing!”)” [Muslim and An-Nasa’i]
5. Always stand up for the truth. Always stand up for the truth in your testimonies, even if it is against yourself! Sometimes it is hard to admit a mistake, or testifying for the truth might even endanger you, but know this characteristic is one of true honour of a believer, which earns you not just a place in Paradise, but a place of honour! And those who are in their testimonies upright and those who [carefully] maintain their prayer: they will be in gardens, honoured. [Quran, 70:33-35]
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
O Allah, Ash-Shaheed, we know that You witness all things. Guide us to live by the shahada and make us utter the testimony of faith on our deathbed. Help us remember that You are witnessing us, and make this awareness an inspiration for us to increase our good deeds. Make us always stand up for the truth and join us with the prophets and shuhadaa in the highest Paradise, ameen!
#allah#islam#revert help team#asma al husna#revert help#muslim#ayat#daily#allah’s name#dua#pray#prayer#salah#muslimah#hijab#religion#reminder#mohammed#new muslim#new revert#new convert#prophet#god#become a muslim#welcome to islam#how to convert islam#convert islam#convert help#daily ayat#revert
12 notes
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Allah calls Himself Ash-Shaheed— The All-and-Ever Witnessing— on 18 occasions in the Quran. Ash-Shaheed is the witness whose sight no one can escape. He is the One with full knowledge of all matters, witnessing the apparent and hidden, anywhere, any time. Ash-Shaheed is the witness and observer of all creation, thoughts, and actions, and the ultimate witness on the Day of Judgment!
The Witness, the Testifier, the Certifier
Shaheed comes from the root sheen-haa-daal, which points to three main meanings. The first meaning is “to bear witness.” The second meaning is to offer testimony, and the third is to have knowledge of something.
This root appears 160 times in the Quran in nine derived forms. Examples of these forms include yashhadu (“to testify”), ashhidoo (“to take witness”), shahaadati (“the seen”) and shuhadaa (“witnesses, martyrs”).
Shaheed refers to Allah’s awareness of everything; He hears every sound, loud and quiet, and sees the small and the large. In addition, He is the One who will testify for or against His servants for their deeds.
Ash-Shaheed Himself says:
Say: What thing is the greatest witness? Say: Allah is shaheed between you and I; this Qur’an has been revealed to me that I may warn therewith – you and whomsoever it may reach. [Quran, 6:19]
Allah is Witness over all things. [Quran, 58: 6] Allah is sufficient as Witness. [Quran, 4: 79]
Allah (Himself) is Witness that there is no god save Him. And the angels and the people of knowledge (too are witnesses). [Quran, 3:18]
A Scene of the Souls
When Allah created Adam, He wiped Adam’s back and every person that He will create from him until the Day of Resurrection fell out from his back. [At-Tirmidhi and Al-Haakim] Allah stated that He brought the descendants of Adam out of their fathers’ loins, and they testified against themselves that Allah is their Lord and King and that there is no deity worthy of worship except Him. Allah then said,(and made them testify as to themselves (saying): “Am I not your Lord” They said: “Yes!”) [Tafseer ibn Katheer]
This was your first testimony and it means we will have no excuse on the Day of Judgement!
It will be said to a man from the people of the Fire on the Day of Resurrection, “If you owned all that is on the earth, would you pay it as ransom’ He will reply, `Yes.’ Allah will say, `I ordered you with what is less than that, when you were still in Adam’s loins, that is, associate none with Me (in worship). You insisted that you associate with Me (in worship).” [Tafseer ibn Katheer]
How Can You Live By This Name?
1. Say the sahahda, live the shahada. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Man shahida an la ilaha illallah dakhala al-jannah – Whoever witnesses that there is no god but Allah alone enters Paradise.[Saheeh Muslim]. Your testimony of faith in Allah is something you not only utter, but must live by. When you say I bear witness there is no god but Allah it means that in your talk and actions, in your house or outside you show that you love Allah more than anyone else, you accept Him as your Creator, Master and Ruler of the universe, that you worship Him alone in all matters and not your desires or others’ directions. Next time when you say the shahada in your prayer, reflect upon the meaning. Increase in saying la ilaha illallah to renew your emaan!
2. Trust in Ash-Shaheed. Ash-Shaheed says in this beautiful soothing ayah: So wait patiently for your Lord’s decree, for surely you are in Our sight. [Quran, 52: 48] Rest assured that any unjust treatment by the hands of others you go through, slander, gossip or abuse, Ash-Shaheed is your Witness and you will get justice.
3. Remember that you are a servant. It’s sometimes easy to shout at your family or children inside the house, or even oppress someone when you are in a position of authority over them. Remind yourself in each situation, wherever you are, whoever you talk to, whatever position you have, that you are a servant of Allah. Ash-Shaheed is witnessing every step you take and will you to account. Use this tip: when you are about to do something wrong, look up at the sky and imagine Ash-Shaheed watching you!
4. Don’t make your limbs testify against you.Use your tongue for speech beloved by Ash-Shaheed, your eyes to read the Quran, your limbs to pray to Him as they will all testify as what you used them for! The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: I was amazed at how a servant will dispute with his Lord on the Day of Resurrection. He will say, “My Lord, did You not promise me that you would not treat me unjustly” Allah will say, “Yes.” The man will say, “I will not accept any witness against me except from myself.” Allah will say, “Is it not sufficient that I and the angels, the noble scribes, are witnesses” These words will be repeated several times, then a seal will be placed over his mouth and his organs (or limbs) will speak about what he used to do. Then he will say, “Away with you! It was only for your sake that I was arguing!”)” [Muslim and An-Nasa’i]
5. Always stand up for the truth. Always stand up for the truth in your testimonies, even if it is against yourself! Sometimes it is hard to admit a mistake, or testifying for the truth might even endanger you, but know this characteristic is one of true honour of a believer, which earns you not just a place in Paradise, but a place of honour! And those who are in their testimonies upright and those who [carefully] maintain their prayer: they will be in gardens, honoured. [Quran, 70:33-35]
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
O Allah, Ash-Shaheed, we know that You witness all things. Guide us to live by the shahada and make us utter the testimony of faith on our deathbed. Help us remember that You are witnessing us, and make this awareness an inspiration for us to increase our good deeds. Make us always stand up for the truth and join us with the prophets and shuhadaa in the highest Paradise, ameen!
#allah#islam#revert help team#asma al husna#revert help#muslim#ayat#daily#allah’s name#dua#pray#prayer#salah#muhammed#revert#convert#convert help#convert islam#how to convert to islam#become a muslim#welcome to islam#prophet#god
11 notes
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Allah calls Himself Ash-Shaheed— The All-and-Ever Witnessing— on 18 occasions in the Quran. Ash-Shaheed is the witness whose sight no one can escape. He is the One with full knowledge of all matters, witnessing the apparent and hidden, anywhere, any time. Ash-Shaheed is the witness and observer of all creation, thoughts, and actions, and the ultimate witness on the Day of Judgment!
The Witness, the Testifier, the Certifier
Shaheed comes from the root sheen-haa-daal, which points to three main meanings. The first meaning is “to bear witness.” The second meaning is to offer testimony, and the third is to have knowledge of something.
This root appears 160 times in the Quran in nine derived forms. Examples of these forms include yashhadu (“to testify”), ashhidoo (“to take witness”), shahaadati (“the seen”) and shuhadaa (“witnesses, martyrs”).
Shaheed refers to Allah’s awareness of everything; He hears every sound, loud and quiet, and sees the small and the large. In addition, He is the One who will testify for or against His servants for their deeds.
Ash-Shaheed Himself says:
Say: What thing is the greatest witness? Say: Allah is shaheed between you and I; this Qur’an has been revealed to me that I may warn therewith – you and whomsoever it may reach. [Quran, 6:19]
Allah is Witness over all things. [Quran, 58: 6] Allah is sufficient as Witness. [Quran, 4: 79]
Allah (Himself) is Witness that there is no god save Him. And the angels and the people of knowledge (too are witnesses). [Quran, 3:18]
A Scene of the Souls
When Allah created Adam, He wiped Adam’s back and every person that He will create from him until the Day of Resurrection fell out from his back. [At-Tirmidhi and Al-Haakim] Allah stated that He brought the descendants of Adam out of their fathers’ loins, and they testified against themselves that Allah is their Lord and King and that there is no deity worthy of worship except Him. Allah then said,(and made them testify as to themselves (saying): “Am I not your Lord” They said: “Yes!”) [Tafseer ibn Katheer]
This was your first testimony and it means we will have no excuse on the Day of Judgement!
It will be said to a man from the people of the Fire on the Day of Resurrection, “If you owned all that is on the earth, would you pay it as ransom’ He will reply, `Yes.’ Allah will say, `I ordered you with what is less than that, when you were still in Adam’s loins, that is, associate none with Me (in worship). You insisted that you associate with Me (in worship).” [Tafseer ibn Katheer]
How Can You Live By This Name?
1. Say the sahahda, live the shahada. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Man shahida an la ilaha illallah dakhala al-jannah – Whoever witnesses that there is no god but Allah alone enters Paradise.[Saheeh Muslim]. Your testimony of faith in Allah is something you not only utter, but must live by. When you say I bear witness there is no god but Allah it means that in your talk and actions, in your house or outside you show that you love Allah more than anyone else, you accept Him as your Creator, Master and Ruler of the universe, that you worship Him alone in all matters and not your desires or others’ directions. Next time when you say the shahada in your prayer, reflect upon the meaning. Increase in saying la ilaha illallah to renew your emaan!
2. Trust in Ash-Shaheed. Ash-Shaheed says in this beautiful soothing ayah: So wait patiently for your Lord’s decree, for surely you are in Our sight. [Quran, 52: 48] Rest assured that any unjust treatment by the hands of others you go through, slander, gossip or abuse, Ash-Shaheed is your Witness and you will get justice.
3. Remember that you are a servant. It’s sometimes easy to shout at your family or children inside the house, or even oppress someone when you are in a position of authority over them. Remind yourself in each situation, wherever you are, whoever you talk to, whatever position you have, that you are a servant of Allah. Ash-Shaheed is witnessing every step you take and will you to account. Use this tip: when you are about to do something wrong, look up at the sky and imagine Ash-Shaheed watching you!
4. Don’t make your limbs testify against you.Use your tongue for speech beloved by Ash-Shaheed, your eyes to read the Quran, your limbs to pray to Him as they will all testify as what you used them for! The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: I was amazed at how a servant will dispute with his Lord on the Day of Resurrection. He will say, “My Lord, did You not promise me that you would not treat me unjustly” Allah will say, “Yes.” The man will say, “I will not accept any witness against me except from myself.” Allah will say, “Is it not sufficient that I and the angels, the noble scribes, are witnesses” These words will be repeated several times, then a seal will be placed over his mouth and his organs (or limbs) will speak about what he used to do. Then he will say, “Away with you! It was only for your sake that I was arguing!”)” [Muslim and An-Nasa’i]
5. Always stand up for the truth. Always stand up for the truth in your testimonies, even if it is against yourself! Sometimes it is hard to admit a mistake, or testifying for the truth might even endanger you, but know this characteristic is one of true honour of a believer, which earns you not just a place in Paradise, but a place of honour! And those who are in their testimonies upright and those who [carefully] maintain their prayer: they will be in gardens, honoured. [Quran, 70:33-35]
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
O Allah, Ash-Shaheed, we know that You witness all things. Guide us to live by the shahada and make us utter the testimony of faith on our deathbed. Help us remember that You are witnessing us, and make this awareness an inspiration for us to increase our good deeds. Make us always stand up for the truth and join us with the prophets and shuhadaa in the highest Paradise, ameen!
#allah#islam#revert help team#asma al husna#revert help#muslim#ayat#daily#allah’s name#dua#pray#prayer#salah#hijab#new muslim#new revert#new convert#reminder#mohammed#muslimah#prophet#god#become a muslim#welcome to islam#how to convert islam#convert help#convert islam#daily ayat#revert
10 notes
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Allah calls Himself Ash-Shaheed— The All-and-Ever Witnessing— on 18 occasions in the Quran. Ash-Shaheed is the witness whose sight no one can escape. He is the One with full knowledge of all matters, witnessing the apparent and hidden, anywhere, any time. Ash-Shaheed is the witness and observer of all creation, thoughts, and actions, and the ultimate witness on the Day of Judgment!
The Witness, the Testifier, the Certifier
Shaheed comes from the root sheen-haa-daal, which points to three main meanings. The first meaning is “to bear witness.” The second meaning is to offer testimony, and the third is to have knowledge of something.
This root appears 160 times in the Quran in nine derived forms. Examples of these forms include yashhadu (“to testify”), ashhidoo (“to take witness”), shahaadati (“the seen”) and shuhadaa (“witnesses, martyrs”).
Shaheed refers to Allah’s awareness of everything; He hears every sound, loud and quiet, and sees the small and the large. In addition, He is the One who will testify for or against His servants for their deeds.
Ash-Shaheed Himself says:
Say: What thing is the greatest witness? Say: Allah is shaheed between you and I; this Qur’an has been revealed to me that I may warn therewith – you and whomsoever it may reach. [Quran, 6:19]
Allah is Witness over all things. [Quran, 58: 6] Allah is sufficient as Witness. [Quran, 4: 79]
Allah (Himself) is Witness that there is no god save Him. And the angels and the people of knowledge (too are witnesses). [Quran, 3:18]
A Scene of the Souls
When Allah created Adam, He wiped Adam’s back and every person that He will create from him until the Day of Resurrection fell out from his back. [At-Tirmidhi and Al-Haakim] Allah stated that He brought the descendants of Adam out of their fathers’ loins, and they testified against themselves that Allah is their Lord and King and that there is no deity worthy of worship except Him. Allah then said,(and made them testify as to themselves (saying): “Am I not your Lord” They said: “Yes!”) [Tafseer ibn Katheer]
This was your first testimony and it means we will have no excuse on the Day of Judgement!
It will be said to a man from the people of the Fire on the Day of Resurrection, “If you owned all that is on the earth, would you pay it as ransom’ He will reply, `Yes.’ Allah will say, `I ordered you with what is less than that, when you were still in Adam’s loins, that is, associate none with Me (in worship). You insisted that you associate with Me (in worship).” [Tafseer ibn Katheer]
How Can You Live By This Name?
1. Say the sahahda, live the shahada. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Man shahida an la ilaha illallah dakhala al-jannah – Whoever witnesses that there is no god but Allah alone enters Paradise.[Saheeh Muslim]. Your testimony of faith in Allah is something you not only utter, but must live by. When you say I bear witness there is no god but Allah it means that in your talk and actions, in your house or outside you show that you love Allah more than anyone else, you accept Him as your Creator, Master and Ruler of the universe, that you worship Him alone in all matters and not your desires or others’ directions. Next time when you say the shahada in your prayer, reflect upon the meaning. Increase in saying la ilaha illallah to renew your emaan!
2. Trust in Ash-Shaheed. Ash-Shaheed says in this beautiful soothing ayah: So wait patiently for your Lord’s decree, for surely you are in Our sight. [Quran, 52: 48] Rest assured that any unjust treatment by the hands of others you go through, slander, gossip or abuse, Ash-Shaheed is your Witness and you will get justice.
3. Remember that you are a servant. It’s sometimes easy to shout at your family or children inside the house, or even oppress someone when you are in a position of authority over them. Remind yourself in each situation, wherever you are, whoever you talk to, whatever position you have, that you are a servant of Allah. Ash-Shaheed is witnessing every step you take and will you to account. Use this tip: when you are about to do something wrong, look up at the sky and imagine Ash-Shaheed watching you!
4. Don’t make your limbs testify against you.Use your tongue for speech beloved by Ash-Shaheed, your eyes to read the Quran, your limbs to pray to Him as they will all testify as what you used them for! The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: I was amazed at how a servant will dispute with his Lord on the Day of Resurrection. He will say, “My Lord, did You not promise me that you would not treat me unjustly” Allah will say, “Yes.” The man will say, “I will not accept any witness against me except from myself.” Allah will say, “Is it not sufficient that I and the angels, the noble scribes, are witnesses” These words will be repeated several times, then a seal will be placed over his mouth and his organs (or limbs) will speak about what he used to do. Then he will say, “Away with you! It was only for your sake that I was arguing!”)” [Muslim and An-Nasa’i]
5. Always stand up for the truth. Always stand up for the truth in your testimonies, even if it is against yourself! Sometimes it is hard to admit a mistake, or testifying for the truth might even endanger you, but know this characteristic is one of true honour of a believer, which earns you not just a place in Paradise, but a place of honour! And those who are in their testimonies upright and those who [carefully] maintain their prayer: they will be in gardens, honoured. [Quran, 70:33-35]
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
O Allah, Ash-Shaheed, we know that You witness all things. Guide us to live by the shahada and make us utter the testimony of faith on our deathbed. Help us remember that You are witnessing us, and make this awareness an inspiration for us to increase our good deeds. Make us always stand up for the truth and join us with the prophets and shuhadaa in the highest Paradise, ameen!
#allah#islam#revert help team#asma al husna#revert help#muslim#ayat#daily#allah’s name#dua#pray#prayer#salah#hijab#new muslim#new revert#new convert#reminder#mohammed#muslimah
7 notes
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Allah calls Himself Ash-Shaheed— The All-and-Ever Witnessing— on 18 occasions in the Quran. Ash-Shaheed is the witness whose sight no one can escape. He is the One with full knowledge of all matters, witnessing the apparent and hidden, anywhere, any time. Ash-Shaheed is the witness and observer of all creation, thoughts, and actions, and the ultimate witness on the Day of Judgment!
The Witness, the Testifier, the Certifier
Shaheed comes from the root sheen-haa-daal, which points to three main meanings. The first meaning is “to bear witness.” The second meaning is to offer testimony, and the third is to have knowledge of something.
This root appears 160 times in the Quran in nine derived forms. Examples of these forms include yashhadu (“to testify”), ashhidoo (“to take witness”), shahaadati (“the seen”) and shuhadaa (“witnesses, martyrs”).
Shaheed refers to Allah’s awareness of everything; He hears every sound, loud and quiet, and sees the small and the large. In addition, He is the One who will testify for or against His servants for their deeds.
Ash-Shaheed Himself says:
Say: What thing is the greatest witness? Say: Allah is shaheed between you and I; this Qur’an has been revealed to me that I may warn therewith – you and whomsoever it may reach. [Quran, 6:19]
Allah is Witness over all things. [Quran, 58: 6] Allah is sufficient as Witness. [Quran, 4: 79]
Allah (Himself) is Witness that there is no god save Him. And the angels and the people of knowledge (too are witnesses). [Quran, 3:18]
A Scene of the Souls
When Allah created Adam, He wiped Adam’s back and every person that He will create from him until the Day of Resurrection fell out from his back. [At-Tirmidhi and Al-Haakim] Allah stated that He brought the descendants of Adam out of their fathers’ loins, and they testified against themselves that Allah is their Lord and King and that there is no deity worthy of worship except Him. Allah then said,(and made them testify as to themselves (saying): “Am I not your Lord” They said: “Yes!”) [Tafseer ibn Katheer]
This was your first testimony and it means we will have no excuse on the Day of Judgement!
It will be said to a man from the people of the Fire on the Day of Resurrection, “If you owned all that is on the earth, would you pay it as ransom’ He will reply, `Yes.’ Allah will say, `I ordered you with what is less than that, when you were still in Adam’s loins, that is, associate none with Me (in worship). You insisted that you associate with Me (in worship).” [Tafseer ibn Katheer]
How Can You Live By This Name?
1. Say the sahahda, live the shahada. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Man shahida an la ilaha illallah dakhala al-jannah – Whoever witnesses that there is no god but Allah alone enters Paradise.[Saheeh Muslim]. Your testimony of faith in Allah is something you not only utter, but must live by. When you say I bear witness there is no god but Allah it means that in your talk and actions, in your house or outside you show that you love Allah more than anyone else, you accept Him as your Creator, Master and Ruler of the universe, that you worship Him alone in all matters and not your desires or others’ directions. Next time when you say the shahada in your prayer, reflect upon the meaning. Increase in saying la ilaha illallah to renew your emaan!
2. Trust in Ash-Shaheed. Ash-Shaheed says in this beautiful soothing ayah: So wait patiently for your Lord’s decree, for surely you are in Our sight. [Quran, 52: 48] Rest assured that any unjust treatment by the hands of others you go through, slander, gossip or abuse, Ash-Shaheed is your Witness and you will get justice.
3. Remember that you are a servant. It’s sometimes easy to shout at your family or children inside the house, or even oppress someone when you are in a position of authority over them. Remind yourself in each situation, wherever you are, whoever you talk to, whatever position you have, that you are a servant of Allah. Ash-Shaheed is witnessing every step you take and will you to account. Use this tip: when you are about to do something wrong, look up at the sky and imagine Ash-Shaheed watching you!
4. Don’t make your limbs testify against you. Use your tongue for speech beloved by Ash-Shaheed, your eyes to read the Quran, your limbs to pray to Him as they will all testify as what you used them for! The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: I was amazed at how a servant will dispute with his Lord on the Day of Resurrection. He will say, “My Lord, did You not promise me that you would not treat me unjustly” Allah will say, “Yes.” The man will say, “I will not accept any witness against me except from myself.” Allah will say, “Is it not sufficient that I and the angels, the noble scribes, are witnesses” These words will be repeated several times, then a seal will be placed over his mouth and his organs (or limbs) will speak about what he used to do. Then he will say, “Away with you! It was only for your sake that I was arguing!”)” [Muslim and An-Nasa’i]
5. Always stand up for the truth. Always stand up for the truth in your testimonies, even if it is against yourself! Sometimes it is hard to admit a mistake, or testifying for the truth might even endanger you, but know this characteristic is one of true honour of a believer, which earns you not just a place in Paradise, but a place of honour! And those who are in their testimonies upright and those who [carefully] maintain their prayer: they will be in gardens, honoured. [Quran, 70:33-35]
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
O Allah, Ash-Shaheed, we know that You witness all things. Guide us to live by the shahada and make us utter the testimony of faith on our deathbed. Help us remember that You are witnessing us, and make this awareness an inspiration for us to increase our good deeds. Make us always stand up for the truth and join us with the prophets and shuhadaa in the highest Paradise, ameen!
#allah#revert help team#islam#asma al husna#muslim#revert help#ayat#daily#dua#allah’s name#pray#prayer#salah#muslımah#hijab#religon#reminder#mohammed#new muslim#new revert#new convert#how to convert islam#convert help#convert islam#become a muslim#welcome to islam#hadith#daily ayat#prophet#god
9 notes
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Allah calls Himself Ash-Shaheed— The All-and-Ever Witnessing— on 18 occasions in the Quran. Ash-Shaheed is the witness whose sight no one can escape. He is the One with full knowledge of all matters, witnessing the apparent and hidden, anywhere, any time. Ash-Shaheed is the witness and observer of all creation, thoughts, and actions, and the ultimate witness on the Day of Judgment!
The Witness, the Testifier, the Certifier
Shaheed comes from the root sheen-haa-daal, which points to three main meanings. The first meaning is “to bear witness.” The second meaning is to offer testimony, and the third is to have knowledge of something.
This root appears 160 times in the Quran in nine derived forms. Examples of these forms include yashhadu (“to testify”), ashhidoo (“to take witness”), shahaadati (“the seen”) and shuhadaa (“witnesses, martyrs”).
Shaheed refers to Allah’s awareness of everything; He hears every sound, loud and quiet, and sees the small and the large. In addition, He is the One who will testify for or against His servants for their deeds.
Ash-Shaheed Himself says:
Say: What thing is the greatest witness? Say: Allah is shaheed between you and I; this Qur’an has been revealed to me that I may warn therewith – you and whomsoever it may reach. [Quran, 6:19]
Allah is Witness over all things. [Quran, 58: 6] Allah is sufficient as Witness. [Quran, 4: 79]
Allah (Himself) is Witness that there is no god save Him. And the angels and the people of knowledge (too are witnesses). [Quran, 3:18]
A Scene of the Souls
When Allah created Adam, He wiped Adam’s back and every person that He will create from him until the Day of Resurrection fell out from his back. [At-Tirmidhi and Al-Haakim] Allah stated that He brought the descendants of Adam out of their fathers’ loins, and they testified against themselves that Allah is their Lord and King and that there is no deity worthy of worship except Him. Allah then said,(and made them testify as to themselves (saying): “Am I not your Lord” They said: “Yes!”) [Tafseer ibn Katheer]
This was your first testimony and it means we will have no excuse on the Day of Judgement!
It will be said to a man from the people of the Fire on the Day of Resurrection, “If you owned all that is on the earth, would you pay it as ransom’ He will reply, `Yes.’ Allah will say, `I ordered you with what is less than that, when you were still in Adam’s loins, that is, associate none with Me (in worship). You insisted that you associate with Me (in worship).” [Tafseer ibn Katheer]
How Can You Live By This Name?
1. Say the sahahda, live the shahada. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Man shahida an la ilaha illallah dakhala al-jannah – Whoever witnesses that there is no god but Allah alone enters Paradise.[Saheeh Muslim]. Your testimony of faith in Allah is something you not only utter, but must live by. When you say I bear witness there is no god but Allah it means that in your talk and actions, in your house or outside you show that you love Allah more than anyone else, you accept Him as your Creator, Master and Ruler of the universe, that you worship Him alone in all matters and not your desires or others’ directions. Next time when you say the shahada in your prayer, reflect upon the meaning. Increase in saying la ilaha illallah to renew your emaan!
2. Trust in Ash-Shaheed. Ash-Shaheed says in this beautiful soothing ayah: So wait patiently for your Lord’s decree, for surely you are in Our sight. [Quran, 52: 48] Rest assured that any unjust treatment by the hands of others you go through, slander, gossip or abuse, Ash-Shaheed is your Witness and you will get justice.
3. Remember that you are a servant. It’s sometimes easy to shout at your family or children inside the house, or even oppress someone when you are in a position of authority over them. Remind yourself in each situation, wherever you are, whoever you talk to, whatever position you have, that you are a servant of Allah. Ash-Shaheed is witnessing every step you take and will you to account. Use this tip: when you are about to do something wrong, look up at the sky and imagine Ash-Shaheed watching you!
4. Don’t make your limbs testify against you. Use your tongue for speech beloved by Ash-Shaheed, your eyes to read the Quran, your limbs to pray to Him as they will all testify as what you used them for! The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: I was amazed at how a servant will dispute with his Lord on the Day of Resurrection. He will say, “My Lord, did You not promise me that you would not treat me unjustly” Allah will say, “Yes.” The man will say, “I will not accept any witness against me except from myself.” Allah will say, “Is it not sufficient that I and the angels, the noble scribes, are witnesses” These words will be repeated several times, then a seal will be placed over his mouth and his organs (or limbs) will speak about what he used to do. Then he will say, “Away with you! It was only for your sake that I was arguing!”)” [Muslim and An-Nasa’i]
5. Always stand up for the truth. Always stand up for the truth in your testimonies, even if it is against yourself! Sometimes it is hard to admit a mistake, or testifying for the truth might even endanger you, but know this characteristic is one of true honour of a believer, which earns you not just a place in Paradise, but a place of honour! And those who are in their testimonies upright and those who [carefully] maintain their prayer: they will be in gardens, honoured. [Quran, 70:33-35]
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
O Allah, Ash-Shaheed, we know that You witness all things. Guide us to live by the shahada and make us utter the testimony of faith on our deathbed. Help us remember that You are witnessing us, and make this awareness an inspiration for us to increase our good deeds. Make us always stand up for the truth and join us with the prophets and shuhadaa in the highest Paradise, ameen!
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