#🫂 wow...
chrisbangs · 1 year
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bookinit02 · 6 months
shout out to all my religious trauma friends who have been forced to sit through a church service today👍🏼
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allfortzu · 7 months
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inklessletter · 1 year
Good morning! I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to pop in and say that you’re absolutely AMAZING. Every single time I see a piece of your work my jaw DROPS through the floor. Thank you for repeatedly giving me small heart attacks in the best way 🫶🏻
This is SO SWEET 🥹😭😭😭
Thank you SO MUCH for your lovely words, I am so happy that you enjoy my pieces, there is certainly a lot of love in the making.
There is so much more I want to do, so many new projects that keeps me so excited, and I can't wait to show you.
Thank you so so much for spreading love. You don't know how much I need positive thoughts lately.
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fearoffun · 1 year
feel like shedding a tear when i read wat ppl tag on my posts :.l
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ghostboyjules · 1 year
I want to explore the unknown with you
anon!! 💕 💕
woah.. very open ended, beloved... shall we go ghost investigating?? or we could make it a trio with last anon and go spelunking! either way, hell yes, let's go!!
from this reblog thing
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euphor1a · 1 year
💞 & 🍭 hiiiiii~~~ ☺️👋🏻
Moon!! Hihi 🥺, thank you for the ask!
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💞 what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language.
→ Whoo boy 🤓, I’m gonna ramble a lot so hold awn! First of all, I think all the aspects of writing are pretty important, but since we are humans, we are bound to have favorites and preferences. And I’m one of them! I think I focus on the plot, characters and worldbuilding almost equally, but I do tend to prioritize characterization more than often 🤭! I think it majorly comes from the fact that I, as a reader, try to connect with characters and put myself in their shoes. So yeah 🙈! Also, plot is definitely another important aspect I try to focus on (even if I’m writing straight up p*rn 😭)! You will find some sort of plot even in my thirst drabbles kshdbjdk. I just think it’s hard for me to keep the plot ambiguous because when I’m planning, I do have specifics in my mind for that certain fic. On that note, worldbuilding is something that I enjoy, but it can be seen in some specific works only. I think in my imagination when I’m planning out fics, I focus on worldbuilding a lot, but sadly, it’s not that prevalent once I start typing 🤕. The technical stuff... I’m actually very self-conscious about grammar & other errors. And that hits me especially hard after posting something. So like, I read and reread fics like a madman after posting, just in case I left some embarassing mistake 😭! If I find any, I fix them immediately and hope that no one noticed it kshdbjdk. Figurative language though... It’s kinda hard to tell because I never use it consciously(?) If that makes sense! As I mentioned before, my grip on English isn’t good enough for such writing qualities and my style is relatively simple and straightforward. But sometimes, I do get poetic while explaining emotions and such.
🍭 why did you start writing?
→ Uhhhhhh this isn’t exactly gonna be sunshine and rainbows. So tw//// just in case!!
I think I was 16-ish when I started writing, as far as I can remember. And it was purely an emotional let out to me. Back then, I was growing up in an environment that was toxic and abusive, and I was a very scarred human being who was forced to mature at a very early age. My writing used to be extremely, extremely angsty, reflecting the pain, anger and helplessness I felt. All my works used to have this similar base of either betrayal, trauma, depression, heartbreak and other similar experiences. It’s crazy to think that I was churning out chapters after chapters without any of the problems I face now. But then again, I’d really rather not go back in that place. Now, I just write for funsies (mostly)! Sure, there are times when I write to process difficult emotions because I know writing it out can help me, but that’s not so often.
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— let’s get real! fic writer asks ✉️ ( inbox )
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chrisbangs · 1 year
actually it's very cathartic for me now telling my close friends who never knew abt all the shitty things this person has done 🥺👍 never really realized how much i'd been bottling it up and how bad it was making me feel till i started telling ppl i actually trusted abt it 😕👎🤍
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brzatto · 1 year
i saw ages ago you talking about chaptered fics and if it comforts you i cannot write a normal sized fic to save my life with small chapters. it's always 45k chapters and my perfectionism stabbing me in the neck over it. it's a curse because im stuck on like 5 carmrich fics along with all my other ones so we're all in the same boat.
😭 literally and it’s worse when it’s for a rarepair because content is so scarce i feel bad for taking my sweet ass time and withholding it from everyone waiting for an update like i KNOW what it’s like to be starved for content and check the tag obsessively often just to not get new fics for weeks if not months on end. aside from bcm i have at least 4 other fics for carmy and richie i’m very dead set on finishing (…eventually) but instead i wake up every day stare at my google docs like this and then close my laptop
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allfortzu · 7 months
momo standing next to you challenge........ momo dancing to standing next to you..... standing next to you choreo with momo.....
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theloveinc · 2 years
oh my fucking god I've never sent in an ask before or anything but I just had to to say I'm so fucking sorry your therapist said that shit to you and treated you that way! thats so uncalled for and unprofessional of him and I'm so sorry you had to go through that. like who tf would ever make that comparison with you and the baby in general- let alone while in therapy? I know its not possible for everyone and its definitely a privilege but I highly recommend you get a different therapist (again ik it might not be possible for you though and sorry if thats the case). but either way you don't deserve to be treated like that especially while in therapy. I hope you're able to heal and feel better soon 💙
you are very sweet to say so🖤
I guess it didn’t come across very well in my initial expression of what happened, but I think a lot of his anger came from him trying to get across to me just how bad the circumstances that I’ve put myself in are. He’s normally a great therapist whom I like and trust but the conversation ended up extremely heavy and difficult for me to … respond to in a way that… helped alter my thinking to something better.
He himself also actually suggested that maybe he’s not the right doctor to address the things I need to heal, but he also said it seems like I’m someone who shouldn’t be coddled bc … I don’t make any improvements that way (which 😭). Plus, tho the Auschwitz thing was weird… I think it was meant to be a comparison of the treatment I experienced as a baby to how the babies were treated there, but… ???
But anyway, in good faith, I’m gonna keep at it with him, at least for a couple more weeks to see if things improve. Normally our meetings aren’t as emotionally intense and hard for me to get through, but I do think they’re helping and because help is what I want… that’s a good thing.
However, your concern and wishes (and the opportunity you’ve given me to explore this in conversation) is super appreciated. It’s gonna take some work but I’m hoping it won’t be like this every time🌹
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hael987 · 2 years
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Showcasing the SPYAIR love this year apparently, makes sense as I listened to only SPYAIR for like a solid 3 months earlier this year.
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mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
first impression was crazy impressed and intimidated by ur analyses and i still am i cannot fathom having such thoughts and articulating them so coherently. but also u are less intimidating now um idk how to say this in a way that isnt bizarre but when i was younger my dad did voices for all my stuffed animals and i had a pink elephant and he was a very smart british dude and like. those are your vibes now when i see your posts im like ooh what thoughts is my smart friend mutual sharing with me today! sorry thats so weird i promise this is a compliment 😭 this is adrian s2willbyers btw
ADRIAN SHSHDHFHF HELP i love that actually <33 i am glad to exude the vibes of a smart elephant stuffed animal 👑
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notyuta · 2 years
loveee you marti 💓💖😇💓😊
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kookjinnies · 3 months
seokjin’s pretty pretty hands with jewelry 😭 give him aaaaall the rings i’ve always loved how pretty and delicate his fingers look 😫 and his short hair makes him look extra hot omg
KRAAAA his lovely lovely fingers!!!!! i’m zooming in on these photos and just losing my mind ㅠㅠ why does he look so good. those chonky rings on the photos released look so pretty on him🥹 im looking forward now on him wearing these accessories 😭❤️‍🔥😵‍💫‼️
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caffeiiine · 9 months
feel free to keep filling my inbox i am going to bed
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