#🧸 — rain chatting...
riikive · 4 months
hi, i hope you are feeling well misti. it is me luna, and fufu (ai) told me about how it was actually (yk what i am talking about right). first of i wanna apologize, like i am honestlyyy realllyyyy realllyyy sorry for that bc i was suddenly not in your server anymore after i followed you, and you didn't fb which is okay cos it takes sometimes and i don't do it often either. but i took that as a sign that you don't wanna be friends and unfollowed bc i felt really awkward.
i am so sorry if it made you overthink or anything, bc ik how it feels. i am really sorry if that action of mine caused you any stress, ik an apology is nothing but still i want you to know i didn't do it out of ill will and i sincerely feel so bad for it, once again i am sorry if it made you overthink or anxious. i hope we can start fresh (if you want, and i need confirmation bc anxiety 😭). tysm for reading this and i am sorry for wasting your time, i hope there is no hard feelings and we can be friends !! 💗
Hello, luna! I'm doing good. It's okay! Ai told me your side, and it's all good. I understand your side. I also want to apologize for not reaching out to explain my side to you and figuring out the misunderstanding by myself. There are no hard feelings at all 🩷. I am glad it's all just a misunderstanding. 😊
I would love to be friends again. 🩷
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whimsicalpolitical · 2 months
Hi! I hope ur well!
could you possibly write with the prompt of "well good evening, nice of you to join us." with Ross please? 💕
I’m totally well, thank you, love.
sleepy dialogue prompt 🧸
^ "well good evening, nice of you to join us." (ross)
The soft glow of the fire casts flickering shadows across the room as you drift off on the couch, wrapped in a thick, cozy blanket. The book you were reading slips from your hand, landing softly on the carpeted floor. The warmth and the quiet murmur of Ross's voice reading aloud lull you into a peaceful slumber.
Ross notices you’ve fallen asleep and gently lowers his voice, closing the book with a smile. He carefully adjusts the blanket around you, making sure you're comfortable. His fingers lightly brush a stray lock of hair from your face.
There’s a gentle knock at the door, barely audible over the crackling fire. Ross glances at you, making sure you’re still asleep, before quietly rising from his seat and heading to the door. He opens it to reveal Matty, standing there with a bottle of whiskey and a grin.
“Evening, mate,” Matty says in a low voice, stepping inside. “Did I interrupt?”
Ross shakes his head, a smile playing on his lips. “No, not at all. Just a quiet evening in. Come in, but keep it down. She’s asleep.”
Matty glances over at you, curled up on the couch. “Long day, huh?”
“Something like that,” Ross replies, leading Matty to the kitchen. “Fancy a drink?”
“Always,” Matty says, setting the bottle down and grabbing a couple of glasses. “I brought the good stuff.”
Ross chuckles softly, pouring them both a drink. “I should hope so. What brings you by tonight?”
Matty leans against the counter, taking a sip of his whiskey. “Just thought I’d check in, see how you’re doing. It’s been a while. Also wanted to chat with you about the new album.”
“Ah yes, honestly I’m absolutely enjoying the break, she’s keeping me busy though.” He laughs.
“I can see that,” Matty says, glancing over at you again. “She suits you.”
Ross smiles warmly, looking over at you with a tender expression. “She does. She’s perfect, really. She’s...well, she’s everything.”
“Let’s do a double date in the future, yeah?”
“Of course.”
They both take a sip of their drinks.
“Now, let’s talk album. Thought it’d be good to get your input on some things since the others are all on vacation.”
Ross’ eyes light up, “sure, mate let’s hear it.”
Matty pulls out his phone, scrolling through some notes. “We’ve been playing around with a few different sounds, trying to see what sticks. Here, listen to this.” He plays a short clip, the raw, unpolished sound filling the room.
Ross listens intently, nodding along. “I like it. It’s got a good vibe.“
As the evening progresses, the sound of their quiet conversation blends with the crackling of the fire, creating a soothing background noise. Gradually, the voices and warmth rouse you from your slumber. You blink slowly, the firelight dancing in your eyes as you take in the scene.
Ross notices you stirring and his face lights up with a gentle smile. “Good evening,” he says, his voice warm and playful. “Nice of you to join us.”
You stretch under the blanket, sitting up and rubbing your eyes. “I must’ve dozed off. How long was I out?”
“Long enough for Matty to drop by,” Ross says, gesturing to his friend.
Matty raises his glass in a mock toast. “Evening. Sorry to intrude on your nap.”
You chuckle, feeling the comfort of their presence. “No intrusion. It’s nice to see you, Matty.”
“Feelings mutual, anyway,” he turns to Ross, “thanks for your input and I’ll send you some other stuff f’ that’s alright.”
“Absolutely, thanks for stopping by. We’ll see each other on Sunday in the studio.”
Matty walks over to the door and grabs his coat, ready to step into the rain outside.
“Have a nice evening you two.”
You say your goodbyes and smile at Ross when he comes over and takes your face into his hands.
“Did you sleep alright?”
“Yeah, amazing actually.”
Ross lifts his eyebrows surprised, “amazing, yeah? I’m glad.”
You close the distance between you, your lips meeting in a gentle, lingering kiss. The fire crackles softly in the background, and the world outside fades away, leaving just the two of you in this perfect moment. Ross's hand slips to the back of your neck, pulling you closer as the kiss deepens.
When you finally pull away, both of you are smiling, breathless and content.
“Let’s watch something, come here,” you say, patting the spot next to you.
Ross chuckles and pulls you into his arms the second he sits down. “”What do you have in mind?”
You give him your all teeth grin wich means he won’t like your idea but you’ll try to get him to watch anything anyway.
“Oh no,” he groans and throws his head back dramatically which makes you hit his chest.
“Hey, don’t be mean,” you smile, “one episode ‘vampire diaries’ ross, please.”
He groans even more and hides his face in your neck, kissing your sweet spot and slowly biting where he kissed you. “Hm, turn it on then, doesn’t mean I have to pay attention, though.”
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hoonvrs · 1 year
Ta-da, it's 🧸 anonie, this is my reveal without being an anonie. It's not much of a surprise or anything 😅. You may call me Rain or Misti. Whatever you like the most. Everyone mostly called me Misti. But I don't mind any of those alias tbh.
I don't expect us to keep talking/chatting with each other and don't expect to be friends or acquaintances at all after I revealed myself to you.
Honestly, I wrote this message in my notes because I don't know what to say without being awkward, but then again, it is probably still an awkward ask or something 😅 and I don't want to mess up. 😖
Anywho, this was/is 🧸. I hope you had or have a wonderful day! Take care ♡
hi rain! that’s such a cute name😭
i’m happy you were comfortable enough to tell me who you are and wanted to let you know anon or not my inbox is alw free for you🫶🏼 this wasn’t awkward dw it was cute
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levi-supreme · 2 years
Happy New Year sunshine! I wish you and your loved ones a holiday full of happiness and rest. Thank you for sharing with us a bit of your culture! I'm really interested in Asian countries' cultures ❤️
Oh yes, I saw it! I'm sure that would be a nice way to celebrate your birthday haha! Same here, I'm really excited for the new season and to see Levi again 👀
I'm always so happy and in awe to hear you're glad to have me on your blog and that you consider me a dear friend of yours. My heart feels so warm right now and that's all thanks to you. I know I'm repetitive haha, but thank you from the bottom of my heart. You're playing a big role in my road back to recovery and for that I'm eternally grateful. Remember the same goes for you! Whatever problem you're facing, I'm here to help you and give you the love you deserve so much 💖
Omg you make progress really fast haha. So glad to hear you keep enjoying the game and that you're almost done with the first part of the experience. Haha yes, those hybrid flowers seem easy to breed, but actually it's quite hard at the beginning. I still remember my failed attempts haha. Congratulations for your first hybrid flower dear! I'm sure it'll be followed by many others. Oh I've never heard that game before and I wasn't aware it existed a mobile version of animal crossing. If you didn't like it you did a good thing deleting it. I have some games on my phone I don't really play anymore, but I don't want to delete theme because I feel like maybe I could have a change of heart. However, that never happens and then I end up with my phone's memory clogged! I wish you good luck with your progress! But with the rapidity with which you proceed, you probably don't need it 💕
Oh god! I've always wanted to play God of War Ragnarok!! Unfortunately I have a Xbox and the game isn't avaible there, only on ps4/5. I hope your bf likes it and that he's having a good time. When I was younger I used to play Cooking Mama with my brother and we loved it so much! It may seem childish but it's actually a good game. Glad to hear you were able to convince him to buy it and that everything worked out in the end. Once or twice I played GTA with my cousin, I never learned how to drive properly there and I always broke the car by crashing into something. Omg same! I have those Pokémon toys that used to come with McDonald's Happy Meal too. Unfortunately, I don't know anymore where I put them haha 💙
I'm glad to hear you came to a decision regarding Levi's birthday this year. Keeping mind of your creativity, I'm sure it'll be a great event! I'm excited for it and I can't wait to se what you have in mind 💗
Talking about shyness, I feel like I'm ready to reveal myself to you! But I remember you saying once that you enjoy not knowing who I am. So I want to let you decide! I'm happy with being one of your emoji anons so please don't feel pressured! 😊
Yes, you're right. We've come a long way together and likewise, I'm thankful to have you as one of my dearest friends! 🥰🥹
No need to thank me! I read your shipping fics in the past and I was in awe! Like you said, you and Levi are perfect for each other. I feel like with you Levi would be so happy and content with life. I'm so glad to hear you've overcome your insecurities and that you're enjoying this experience!
Thank you so much for the message! You saying that I make you happy makes my heart melt! I'm the one who should thank you for your support, for chatting with me and for letting me become one of your emoji anons! Never apologize for taking your time to reply! I understand you perfectly. Enjoy your holiday sunshine, I love you 💞 ~[🧸]
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Hi there my dearest 🧸 anon!!! Good day to you! Thank you so much for the well wishes! It's been raining the entire day and even though I'm not complaining... it's too cold XD I'm glad that I can show you bits and parts of East Asian and Southeast Asian culture over here!!! I'm so happy to hear that you're interested in learning about my culture too. There's probably only a few people here who understands my culture, and I'm really touched to hear these from you hehe. Other than spreading my love for Levi, my blog will also be here to spread the love for East and Southeast Asian culture too!!
Hahha for SNK to air on my birthday is either the best or worse way to celebrate tbh... But yes!! I can't wait to see Levi again 🥺💖 I'm sure everyone misses him terribly and we can't wait for him to appear on the big screen again <3
Hehe. I think I'm also very repetitive, because I'm always talking about how grateful I am to have such a supportive friend like you too! There may be lots of bad things happening on the internet all the time, but I'm glad to have found you! ^^ let's continue to support each other for a long long time ☺️
Hehe, yesterday (21/01) my new Residence Services opened and now I have Isabelle on my island!!! Yay!!!! And Tom Nook just started talking to me about building that campsite to invite K.K. Slider over 😂 and urgh I have to farm for iron nuggets again................ :/ I'm making friends with my island's residents and I'm having so much fun!! I love it when I gift them something and they give me clothes in return haha, it's so cool!!
Talking about hybrid flowers, I got a second pink windflower again! And I got an orange pansy too, and a second one is blooming ^^ I'm trying to manifest for my other flowers to have hybrids too... other than windflowers and pansies, I have hyacinths, cosmos, and mums!! My tulip seeds are still in my storage because I have too many flowers outside my house XD
Pocket camp is actually quite fun!! It's similar to acnh, but you're at a campsite instead of an island. I kinda liked it, but it was hard earning money and I wanted to get those spring-limited kimonos and sakura decorations etc, but then I didn't want to spend money on those lol... so I gave up pocket camp XD but I'm the same!! Sometimes I keep games on my phone because of nostalgia, and I think I'll go back to playing them one day. In the end, I don't and it's just there wasting space.... hahaha.
Well my bf finished God of War Ragnarok already!!! He was complaining about how ridiculously hard it was to get the platinum trophy for the game on the PS achievements, so he stopped playing and he's going to uninstall it haha. I don't follow the God of War series, so it was interesting to watch him playthrough Ragnarok too! Aww cooking mama is really fun!! I used to play it on my cousin's PSP and that's how I got to know cooking mama lol. He loves playing cooking mama now XD
Don't worry, I'm terrible at GTA too. I tried playing it and I failed my first mission miserably???? I keep banging my car and killing people too, so I gave up on the game HAHA. I think my pokemon toys are still somewhere in my room though... I hope I can find them some day hehe.
Since Levi's birthday falls on Christmas, my idea for Happy Birthday Levi this year somehow coincides with the theme of gifting hehe. I'll leave it as it is so that I don't drop anymore spoilers~
Awwww!! 🥺💖 haha, tbh I'm okay with either too! I would love to know who you are, but at the same time, I love the anonymity about you too! I love seeing you as my emoji anon! It feels like I am talking to a secret admirer XD don't feel pressurised to let me know your identity as well, I actually really do enjoy this 'mysterious' factor about not knowing who you are hehe.
Haha I'm glad I overcame that insecurity too! Ultimately, I started writing Levi fics because it makes me happy to show my love for my favourite character is this way, and I started selfshipping because it makes me happy too. I realised I shouldn't be embarrassed for being such a huge selfshipper, and as long as it makes me happy, why not! Even though not many people read my Reivi stuff, I know that there will always be people out there who do read them and that's good enough for me 🥰
Thank you so much for this very thoughtful message too my dearest 🧸!! I appreciate you a lot and I am always keeping you in my thoughts 💚 also, not sure if you saw, but I made a discord server for my followers here!! There's not many of us yet, and I'm still trying to make it a nice cosy place just like my blog too hehe. If you have discord, feel free to join my server!! But same thing: please don't feel pressurised to do so as well ☺️ take care of yourself, and I'm looking forward to hear from you again!!! (*^^*)
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jardaddy-a · 2 years
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@bellusnymphine delivered a letter ! ( ❝ you always seem so lonely , and i feel sorry for you . ❞ (Rainflower) ) ┊☔ RAINFLOWER┊   🧸❀ ━ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋  // ACCEPTING !    
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       ˗ˏˋ☔❀┊ ( * THE MISTRAL RAINFLOWER ) ━  ❝ mmm . . .  is that so ?     i suppose i seem melancholic like this . . . but I feel more of longing than loneliness , to be frank .  ❞  HER WISTFUL GAZE WAS VEILED BENEATH A PAPER MASK ,   she leans closer , her voice was hushed like the light pitter-patter of summer rain ,   airy vocals like a strum of a lute's strings . ❝  although ,   to give you a word of advice .  . .   most people would prefer if strangers would not point such things out .     if you truly pity them ,   accompanying them is enough without the need to further make them feel as if they are outcasts in exile . ❞ FORTUNATELY ,   Rainflower was a patient woman  . . .  although there were others with bitter hearts who may not take such sentiments lightly .   
       ˗ˏˋ☔❀┊ ( * RAINFLOWER ) ━  SHE DIPS milky feet into the cool water ,  a jovial laugh slipping out of her lips as she pats the empty tuft of soft grass beside her ,  ❝ now ,   are you going to sit down and join me for a chat or are you just going to stand there and keep feeling sorry for me ?     don't be shy ,  dear .     i don't bite . ❞
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crownin-thestars · 3 years
Hola!! Our system name is Constellation Crown! Our collective name and pronouns are Juniper (we respond to the original name as well which is Jam) and we use they/star
And now to keep this looking short the rest will be under the cut
Yes we do own @inclusysboxes :]
Warning for system d word in the next part!!
Alter emojis!
Names in bold are our most frequent fronsters!
💎 - Vegas (he/vwoop/ve/pearl/voi, host, anger holder, socializor, secretary)
🧸 - Tommy (he/him, symptom holder, trauma holder)
🐝 - Tubbo (he/they/bee, gatekeeper, symptom holder) [Taken]
🦋 - Camilo (he/him, hyperfix host)
💤 - Sylvester (Sylvie, he/they, therapist, drowser, nightmare absorber) [I'm fixing everything]
🌈 - Charlie (he/him, ED holder) [Taken]
🧋 - Tao (he/him, Charlie's token straight friend /nsrs) [Taken]
💖 - Ben (he/him, sexual protector)
🌿 - Corvus (he/they/fae, artist, socializor) [Taken]
🍦 - Steve (he/him, protector, caretaker) [Taken]
🌺 - Celandine (he/him, trauma holder)
🔫 - Tommy(innit) (he/him, death processor)
🦝 - Apollo (he/him, healer) [fuck you Siren]
🚪 - Naethan (they/vae/wy, role unsure)
🪄 - Honee (he/they, illusionist)
🗨 - Chat (they/them, mood lifter)
🧭 - Jinx/Amadeus (he/they, drowser)
🍎 - Digit/Twig/Pebble (?, possible trauma holder)
🪶 - Nerion (mirror, role unsure)
🐞 - Sneeg (he/they, Vegas's protector, optimist)
🎮 - Katrina/Cordelia (she/they, ED holder, socializor) [Taken]
🍵 - River (they/them, worker)
🔑 - Tich (he/him, role unsure)
🔓 - Tin (he/him, role unsure)
📖 - Max (he/him, journalist)
🐖 - Bee (he/him, mood lifter, soother, emotions holder)
💰 - Schlatt (he/him, caretaker)
🚨 - Red Panda (he/him, gatekeeper, protector)
🌃 - Kronen Katze (he/they, protector)
💣 - Yellow Jacket (he/they, protector)
🍓 - Jam (she/they/pol/dragon, core)
🏉 - Mark (he/him, caretaker) [Taken by Theo]
🏳️‍🌈 - Theo (he/him, mood lifter, ED holder, artist) [Taken by Mark]
🧃 - Aimee (she/her, secretary, story writer)
📚 - Tobias (he/they, role unsure)
🐽 - Cyber (he/they, protector, placeholder)
🥪 - Squish (he/bun/squeak/quack, soother)
🎶 - Taro/Tommyinnit (he/him, mood lifter)
🎵 - Toby/Tubbo (he/him, gatekeeper, Taro's protector)
🎼 - Rain/Ranboo/Mark (he/him, Taro's protector, meme maker /hsrs)
🧨 - Dynamite (he/boom/bang, prosecutor)
💙 - Ghostbur (he/they/ghost, soother, mood lifter)
⚘ - Bloom (they/pol, placeholder)
🚬 - Papyrus/Cheeto (he/him, gatekeeper, symptom holder)
🌫 - Haze (he/they, gatekeeper, reformed persecutor)
🌊 - Mer (he/they/bub, d0rmant)
💜 - Lisa (she/her, d0rmant)
🍃 - Nix (he/him, d0rmant)
🍬 - Mintina Gob Chocotasia (d0rmant)
Subsystem: Moonlit Valley •🌙🌾•
🌼 - Thomas (he/him, subsystem host, mood lifter, protector)
🌔 - Marcus (he/him, protector)
💀 - Bill (he/him, avenger)
The 'who am I help' tag will be for when blurred
Posts made by littles will be tagged as 'little at front'
Regressed alters will have 🍼 next to their emoji
All littles and persecutors names have been left out for safety reasons
Alters who only work in the background have also been left out
The RP list thingy from before
So those who still want to RP still can ^
The anon list is also there ^w^
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exilesblack · 3 years
GREETINGS & SALUTATIONS, tumblr bestie. this is my introduction. i hope you will read this and understand :)
🎞 — about me
aurora/moony, minor (xiii), they/she, infj, asian (filo), ravenclaw, may gemini, chaotic academic, mediocre artist and writer ࿐ ˚ . ✦
🕰 — likes
the marauders era, writing (angst!), horror films, any type of book really, rain & thunder, big fluffy sweaters, genshin, minecraft, coffee, hell’s kitchen, gilmore girls, studying, annotated/annotating books, musical theatre, acting ࿐ ˚ . ✦
⌛️— comfort characters
the dead poets, the marauders + girls, lorelai gilmore, richie tozier, stan uris, hermione granger, luna lovegood, george and fred weasley, patrick (perks of being a wallflower), theodore finch, amy march, leo valdez, luke danes + more! ࿐ ˚ . ✦
🕯— artists
taylor swift, mitski, lana del rey (her music only), phoebe bridgers, ben barnes, david bowie, syd hartha, lyn lapid, zayn, marina, yerin baek, st. vincent, barrett wilbert weed, taylor louderman, meryl streep and many more! ࿐ ˚ . ✦
📜— spotify & instagram
࿐ ˚ . ✦
🧸 — about exiles black
dnf/dni — nsfw account, disrespectful (racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.), pro-jkr/tom felton/robbie coltrane, snape apologist, deeply dislike any of my comfort characters, older than 35, basic dnf/dni criteria ࿐ ˚ . ✦
extra! — please do not dm if +18 ࿐ ˚ . ✦
🎻 — content
marauders era, dead poets society, gilmore girls, taylor swift, wolfstar, starchaser, jily, anderperry, cheeks (nuwanda x steven), platonic prongsfoot, and more! (these are often textposts or headcanons) ࿐ ˚ . ✦
extra! — if you wish to post my content on other platforms, feel free to do so as long as you credit and-or tag me! ࿐ ˚ . ✦
🏹 — reminder
my account is a safe space for pocs, lgbtqia+, neurodivergents, feminists, etc. (basically anyone with good intentions!). i encourage sending me asks and chatting with me as if we‘ve been friends for a long time. also, it’s a great idea to talk to other people on my page as long as things are kept respectful and fun <3 ࿐ ˚ . ✦
ALRIGHT, that’s all :) have a lovely day/afternoon/night!
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kuroppiii · 4 years
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  third gym as   🍼 and 🥖🥕🦴 ᵕ̈        third gym incorrect        quotes ( pt. two ) ˎˊ˗
⋮⋮ ˒ ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ 𖥻 ⿻ : user @ikmaizu​ says ... ⋮⋮  “ i am once again asking for  ⋮⋮  3rd gym gc part two ”
📋 content      ♡ # 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘦𝘰𝘶𝘴 🎱      ♡ # 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘲𝘶𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘴
🧺 extensions ⋮⋮  part one。
🧸 directory  ‹ ✩  like what you read ? check out more of my blog !  •ᴗ•
💬 kuroppiii ─ “ here are more incorrect quotes based on conversations my friends and i have exchanged since the last post . this time , focused on interactions between pairs ! ”
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،   私と   ✧   男の子    🌱 𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗼𝘆𝘀 ...
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🔉 🍼﹒and﹒🥖🥕🦴
   /mē and THǝ bois/ noun
    the group chat among four best friends; a     space in which it’s normal to be unhinged.     "𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 🍼𝘢𝘯𝘥🥖🥕🦴 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘱𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘵.“
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،   男の子   ✧   に会う    🌱 𝗺𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗼𝘆𝘀 ...
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  .* ∅ º  🍼  𝗕𝗢𝗞𝗕𝗢𝗞 𝗔𝗦 𝗕𝗢𝗞𝗨𝗧𝗢,,
 *◌   . ☆  🥖 𝗚𝗥𝗔𝗩𝗘 𝗔𝗦 𝗔𝗞𝗔𝗔𝗦𝗛𝗜,,
 ♡ ˙ 。  º ∘  * 🦴    𝗠.𝗖. 𝗔𝗦 𝗞𝗨𝗥𝗢,,
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  ଘ akaashi       im not a bold person
         ଘ kurō             𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐈
       ଘ kurō            now you are
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           ଘ kurō                 ok but pigstep is                kighkey a banger tho
   ଘ akaashi        it really is
      ଘ kurō          *video of him in his minecraft          world playing it on a jukebox          in the middle of the nether          and the paper doll model in          the corner of his screen is          crouching dancing*
           ଘ kurō                like are you hearing this
     ଘ kurō         damn idk who lena raine         is but they really went off         with this one
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  ଘ akaashi      *tiktok of “who lives, who dies,      who tells your story” from       hamilton narrating what it’s like      to beat the ender dragon in a      minecraft world then finally having      to leave that world behind since      you’ve accomplished it’s main goal*
        ଘ akaashi             👁👄👁             💧     💧
  ଘ akaashi       tears because of the mc tiktok
            ଘ kurō                 WTF AKAASHI
     ଘ kurō          IM SO SAD RIGHT NOW
                    ଘ akaashi                         IT WAS SO SAD
            ଘ kurō                 NO
   ଘ kurō        SO HA JOKES ON YOU
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   ଘ akaashi        like i will run out of japan
ଘ kurō      then get japan restocked
     ଘ kurō         wait no that’s not         what you meant
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  *picture of akaashi*
        ଘ bokuto             AKAASHI SERVED WTF OMG             SHHSJSHSJSGS. HE CALLED             ME INSECURE IN 17             DIFFERENT LANGUAGES
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      ଘ bokuto           my purpose in life is to confuse           and annoy akaashi ✨💖🧚‍♂️🥰
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           ଘ akaashi                *to bokuto, unprompted*                 i will give you answers to                the homework
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 ଘ bokuto      AGAAAHIIII
       ଘ kurō            HM ?? ? ??
   ଘ bokuto        i spelt it wrong
            ଘ bokuto                 shit
         ଘ bokuto              hhhhhh
ଘ kurō      oH WAIT AKAASHI?
               ଘ bokuto                   yeah 😔
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      ଘ kurō          *video of bts jungkook dancing           to “rock with you” by michael           jackson instrumental*
ଘ kurō     hehehehehe i like this video
            ଘ tsukishima                 i also like that video
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ଘ kurō     *posts the pictures he took     in the mirror while on call     with the rest of 3rd gym*
         ଘ tsukishima              that’s what you were doing
   ଘ kurō         yeahh
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   ଘ kurō         i win
ଘ tsukishima     no me
         ଘ kurō               no u 😔
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    ଘ tsukishima         i win
           ଘ kurō                 you win ☺️
 ଘ tsukishima      no, it’s your birthday
   ଘ tsukishima        i win 😌
             ଘ kurō                   jfksjfksngks
   ଘ tsukishima        JFK?!?!?!🤯
         ଘ kurō               NO I DINT MEAN               TO DO THAT
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           ଘ tsukishima                i wonder if they’ll spell                ur name right on the diploma
     ଘ kurō          I SURE DAMN HOPE SO
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       ଘ tsukishima            kufō
           ଘ tsukishima                kurō
             𝘁𝘀𝘂𝗸𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗺𝗮_𝗸 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗮 𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝘁
                         𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗱
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riikive · 2 months
It has been a while. How is everyone doing? I hope you are doing alright. I am still on hiatus, but I am slowly working on a oneshot. I am mostly on wattpad nowadays. If you want to chat or read full-length stories, then feel free to check my account!
Here is one of my books
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riikive · 11 months
Didn't soob almost become your bias before gyu snatched you?
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Perhaps or perhaps not, who knows
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riikive · 11 months
Add me to the to the boys I loved before taglist 🙏🏻
All? Or one of the members?
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riikive · 11 months
Can I be in the taglist for lca and for txt fics?
Of course!
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riikive · 2 months
I have decided to move accounts since I want to start over and didn't feel like deleting everything here to start brand new. If you want to still read my oneshots and such then please follow @iovestuck for now on! I wil still be posting txt and enhypen content with a little more to it! Take care!
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riikive · 4 months
your blog is amazing frfr, and you navi??? ✨perfection✨
Thank you! 😊
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