#🦑squid rambles
hydroticsquid · 27 days
sometimes I want my art to look like it came from some old unreleased cartoony pilot thats very expressive and goofy but at the same time look like a beautiful surreal painting that's put on a teto vocaloid song
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undeaddyingheartz · 6 months
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fruitwanderer · 1 year
We usually don't do this, at least not publicly like this, but Skizz (primary protector) thought that some of these would be important to say openly.
New Boundaries and Information:
We are going to distance ourselves from the Life Series as both the fandom and the series have become extremely tiring for us.
Not going to go into it as this has been several years coming, but we are not going to do anything Scott related. If you are a fan of him, okay, you can stay and we won't hate you in any way I promise (/gen), but we're no longer answering questions related to him or writing him.
Note: Do not tailor your blog around avoiding either of the above, we have related tags and terms blocked.
The writing blog is going to be cancelled. The project's need to write several times a month, even a day, was extremely taxing on us. Other projects are also up in the air.
- Squiddo (ft. Skizz)
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saltbcrne · 3 months
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*  ♔  ◟     (   nicholas  galitzine,   twenty  eight,   demi  male,   he  or  him   )     the  capital  of  king’s  landing  welcomes  harlon  of  house  greyjoy,  the  lord  of  pyke.  news  borne  by  raven  sends  word  that  they  are  reputed  to  be  percipient,  but  with  the  eyes  of  court  watching  their  every  move,  they  might  prove  to  be  guarded.  when  songs  are  sung,  their  verses  speak  of  a  flower  growing  in  darkness  in  search  of  the  light,  stubborn  &  clinging  to  hope  as it reaches out, always reaching + bedecked in all sorts of fineries & ever so graceful, they are more silver-tongued siren than seaworn sailor + where sea & land meet, nestled within iron & stone lay in them an unending tenderness, soft & moist & pearl-pink.  whispers  throughout  the  seven  kingdoms  claim  that  their  allegiance  lies  with  their immediate kin, the ironborn back home, & the  innocent  whose lives are naught but numbers and tokens on a map,  where  they  conspire  to  learn from the greens & keep their kin out of it.  but  in  the  end,  fealty  means  little  when  you  play  the  game  of  thrones.    
🦑 — hello ! you're in the presence of a professional yapperina, but i'll try not to ramble too much. i'm very excited to be here & i hope to write with you all ! :D
harlon had always been of a softer sort. so disinterested in hunting & combat, he always wanted to go back inside and do whatever the girls were doing, things like needlepoint and music, or just be left alone to read somewhere. whereas he excelled in his book studies, his martial lessons were a source of shame & humiliation: harlon was utterly useless — and did not care to get better ( so he claimed after already trying & failing ); let them laugh! — and the culture of aggression that surrounded him, that filled the air & threatened to choke the life out of him, only made him want to run and hide, not inspire him to be better.
it wasn't even just the lessons either. he'd always had a fascination with the jewelry some of the wives wore and the fetching gowns they'd wear on occasion. they were so much prettier, so much more unique than the standard garb he was put in. he loved the way they walked and carried themselves, too, so much that he tried to copy them. harlon quite liked pretty things, he thought all men did, and so he wanted to be pretty, too. he was envious down to the bone and could not understand why things had to be so different, so strict, and so stupid.
thus, harlon's childhood was marked by a persistent & profound feeling of loneliness and wrongness. deep down, beyond what the eye can see, there were parts of him that he could not cede or wash away, that not even duty or pressure could deform and make anew. simply put: he could not be what he was supposed to be, what his blood & his name demanded he be. it didn't come naturally to him the way it did his peers, and he couldn't pretend that it did — would not pretend. whatever space they had carved out for him upon his birth was not one he could occupy, and so he would have to carve one out on his own.
harlon was never a warrior, but he was smart, immensely so. he didn't want to reave and raid, but build and create. there was an entire world out there, one beyond trading ports and seaside villages, and he wanted to experience it firsthand. sensing that there was no life for a young teenage harlon in pyke, and that he was dangerously close to a breaking point, his father arranged for him to live with another family in the green (main) lands for a time, where he could maybe learn a thing or two and experience a change of pace. [ ahem. 💀 ]
harlon treasured his father's mercy and that period of his life greatly, for he learned so very much, among which the sorry fact that he was too much of a squid for the green lands & too green for the iron islands. the irony was not lost on him that he grew up wanting to leave his home more than anything, but found himself missing it dearly when he finally did.
it wasn't for him, then: this "running away" business. all his life he had thought himself weak, but he was wrong, more wrong than he had ever been about anything before. just because his strength and hardiness looked different than that of the men he'd grown up with, that didn't mean it was any less true, that he was any less ironborn. it had taken time and torment to reveal this to him, but once he knew it, he could never un-know it. ironborn were indomitable. they persisted and held true to their ways no matter what. could the same not be said of harlon, who stepped off that ship and refused to shrink back? who now stood at his full height and dared to be?
harlon always had ideas — too many, one might even say — but he came back with even more. life on the rocks was hard, but he felt it didn't have to be. that there had to be some way to bring all ironborn into the fold of the new world without having to lose their ways. they were a formidable force, people with salt & sea in their veins. who was to say that an ironborn couldn't one day be master of ships? that their names couldn't invoke just as much respect and recognition as those of other houses and lands? that they couldn't engage in trade, security, ship building, and more? there had to be more to their lives than what currently was, and if none else could rise to the task of making it so, then he would. the world around them was changing, and if they didn't change along with it, they would be at risk of being left behind, washed away like the foundations that pyke was built on. he believed in that wholeheartedly, and he wanted others to believe in it, too.
which... was a lot easier said than done. harlon's voice didn't carry any weight on the islands. he wasn't an esteemed sailor or a fierce warrior. he was just harlon, which was putting it... extraordinarily kindly. so, he did what the women he grew up watching did: he kept his head down and spoke in whispers, waiting and watching for the political climate to begin to change.
harlon officially entered the world of trade and worked on a ship as a sailmaker, listening for any who might share his belief in the new ways or might be open to it. he planted ideas in the minds of others through gossip and small comments, and watered them with flattery. when home, he would build bridges and rapport with other houses on the islands. he has to believe that one day those seeds will take root and bring forth a new wave of cultural change to propel them into the new age. he has to, and would do anything in his power to accomplish this. if he cannot live like a lady in a folk tale, which is to say marry for love and have a family of his own, then he'll have this.
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prominent traits percipient, craven, lighthearted, guarded, clever, kittenish, sensitive, charismatic, distrustful, effete, sycophantic, visionary. defining characteristics tall stature ( 6ft ), heavy brown gaze that gives nothing away, an arch smile that suggests he knows something you don't, dark wavy hair that's currently just past his shoulders but usually worn longer, glimmering jewelry & fine clothes, a curious lack of sun damage or scars to his fair skin, a soft voice that he never raises and demands one listen closely. quirks hurt, shock, or touch him enough and you'll form a crack in his mask. after, you can watch as he visibly closes himself off again, snuffs the light in his eyes, and pretends it didn't happen. he also likes to have something in his hands to fiddle nervously with, lest he start messing with his rings. marital status unwed & actively avoiding it. his first and only courtship was a disaster he has no intentions of repeating. orientation his fascination with women confuses him, for he mistakes it as potential attraction that he, for whatever unspeakable reason, simply cannot follow through on ( or, rather: he wishes it was potential attraction, because his life would be so much easier if it was ). the unspeakable reason is that he may or may not just want to be them instead ( in small part because that means he'd be able to marry a man, and he's secretly a pitiful, absolutely pitiful (!!) romantic ). he knows he likes the company of men, though. that has never been a question, nor has he ever doubted it. gender he would rather not think about it. 🖤 skills artistry, problem - solving, archery, dance, planning, acting like things don't affect him, improv, and communication. threat level low. harlon is a much better fighter these days, and he has to be, but it isn't a strength of his. he will attempt to run, talk, or fuck his way out of a situation before resorting to a physical altercation. he doesn't want to hurt or get hurt.
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harlon is purposely lighthearted, at times bordering on irreverent. if he allowed himself to feel the depth of what courses within him, he would sink to the very bottom of that sea and drown, as he almost did in his youth. so, he puts on a brave face. he builds walls so that every brush against the world won't leave him bloodied and bruised ( or, so that you won't see it when it does, x ). plus, he knows that nothing is more infuriating than someone who is really and truly unfazed. it's equal parts power move, defense mechanism, and just how he is. harlon was a mild - mannered little shit as a kid. he's only moderately different now, in that he knows how to play the propriety game well enough to mostly cover it up. he takes notice of what people want and react best to, and tries to give them a version of himself that might most resemble that.
he's traveled to many places in his lifetime. his favorites are wherever he has a friend he can visit and the summer isles.
you may be asking yourself: dev, is harlon abandoning his duties? to which i say... takes deep breath. yes! 😍🖤 rip. so sorry to his pops. he's always coming up with excuses whenever anyone asks, or scheduling another trip out at sea just to not have to be there. truth is that he's hoping his sister will either inherit everything or she'll have a son who can. either way, it won't be him. he tried once and made it clear that would be the last time. advancing ironborn society is his main goal now.
he likes nice things, fascinating things, pretty things — shiny things especially, like a magpie ( and it shows ). he likes music, dance (!!), and art. he's particularly good with ink and needlework — embroiders extra designs into a lot of his clothes, like a golden kraken with jewels or pearls for eyes. it's why he took up sailmaking and it's helped him stitch up wounds, too. he's helped design figureheads for ships before, and makes a bit of coin doing that, along with other commissions. all in all, life can be bleak. he likes things which make it feel less so.
he is um how you say ... a floozy 🖤 both in actuality and metaphorically. he will flirt and schmooze and praise to get what he wants, because he can't get it by other means. but doesn't everyone want to feel wanted at the end of the day? he's practically doing a public service tbh. ugh, what an angel. and i did say he likes pretty things, too, so. can you really be surprised?
he's not fighting in anyone's war. sorry. he'll break his own legs to avoid it. might even become the first cis man to get pregnant if it means he'll get out of it for a few months lmao. he dgaf. he's a draft dodger and proud! he will support whoever keeps his sister safe ofc ( from a distance ), but he doesn't trust anyone to be able to do that. really, harlon just wants to go home. he detests the growing likelihood of more war and all of the horrors that follow.
tldr do you remember when cersei said "i should wear the armor, and you the gown"? harlon is the reverse of that. he wants to wear the gown, not the armor, and his entire life has been dealing with the consequences of that. the end <3
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wanted connections ( not limited to these only, ofc ) —
the reason harlon comes back a changed person is because of the best friend he made when he was sent to stay with another family. i picture this being a male character who is more "traditionally" masculine, in whatever way that means for your character, and who was quite kind to harlon. it was the first time that someone outside of his family and of the same sex had really validated him, and they became thick as thieves thereafter. harlon really, really loved them, and thought so highly of them. they could've kept in touch afterward, grown apart and are meeting again now, or maybe they had an unfortunate and nasty falling out for whatever reason. :) either way, this character changed his life for the better, and he'll always cherish that summer he spent by their side.
remember that failed courtship i mentioned? yeah. it likely would've been going perfectly fine, until maybe they attempted to do more than hold hands or even just the reminder of that eventual reality sent harlon into a category five panic attack, and things just weren't the same after. either raised enough hell to get his father to cancel any talks of a confirmed betrothal, or did something unbecoming enough that it forced such a conclusion while still sparing her dignity. maybe she can't forgive him. maybe she understands what he can't say. maybe they knew each other beforehand, and it made the rejection worse. anything goes!
his captain!
friends. please! all sorts of friends. unlikely friends, long - distance friends, frenemies, former friends, good friends, friends who debate so passionately that they seem like enemies but really this is so fun for them, friends who see through each other's shit which is sooo annoying, enemies who are unfortunately so alike / complementary that they can't help but begrudgingly be friends, etc etc. could be old or could be brand new and forming as we speak!
can't call him a floozy and then not have him be a floozy, so. hehe. if anyone wants a piece... or if anyone wants a dynamic where harlon flirts with them just to tease them and it's all in good fun... or perhaps even old crushes and flings... perhaps some will they, won't they tension... some history like first times or experimentation... a "you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" dynamic... maybe they fooled around before and harlon doesn't remember oops or is pretending to not remember bc he can be petty like that. anything, whatever the case may be, do let me know. :3
speaking of which, idk if harlon has been in love before. or loved romantically. if anyone would like to explore that, whether past or present or future, lets do it!
guard dog x master, "there's no manipulation involved—it is loyalty, brutal, dogged loyalty. and it goes both ways."
"you say you'll be teaching me to fight, but if every man fights differently, seems to me what you'll really be teaching me is how to defeat you." / "i'll take my chances."
"i'm just wondering where you and i stand." / "keep wondering."
"sometimes i try to sync our dreams so i can terrorize you in different dimensions"
"[he] was my husband. i loved him and he loved me. but what he shared with you? it was entirely something else."
"i'm sorry, [harlon]. i'm just not interested in you, not like that." / "'not interested in you like that'? look at the state of you."
"there's an undeniable secret level of romance that can only be achieved between two people who have divorced badly"
"gay sex will not fix this situation. honestly, it'd probably make it worse. that being said i think we should give it a shot anyway"
genuinely, i will say yes to every connection ever. idc. gimme them all. so if there's something you want that you think harlon is a good fit for, i'm all for it! 🫶
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2smolbeans · 5 months
Hi there long time lurker first time asker, before everything else I just think you are a fantastic writer like you do the horror elements really. I genuinely feel suffocated some times reading your work.
Yesterday I realized 'Yandere best friend x obstacle reader' is my Roman Empire and I was just thinking about you explaining how Marco is a giant and defeating him is almost impossible but that what you are not understanding about, I don't have to win we can both lose. When I kill Marco and lay dying in a puddle of my own blood, I'd atleast be able to look at Angela with a shred of dignity on the other side.
Also I need to know did Marco poison Mila against us?
Can I be squid annon?
AKDKWJSISIQAAAA?!?!? Thank you so much?!?!?! That means a lot!?!? 😭💖
Im happy to know that you enjoy my writing and that it can convey a certain emotion haha!
And yes ofc you can be squid anon lolol ^^
Okay now that you mentioned Marco (one of my fav ocs), my neurons are activated and I'm gonna happily go on a long ramble ^^
Marco surprisingly didn't plot Mila against you! If anything, he only encouraged her habits of being anti social!
With you and Mila, you two were never really close in that friend group during your college years. You would only talk to each other when there were others like Angela or Matheias to hype up the conversations. Otherwise, when it was just the two of you alone, you just never clicked with each other. Conversations with Mila never seemed to go anywhere, and hangouts with you didn't feel as fun as it did with the others.
Now don't get me wrong, the two of you didn't hate each other! You were just awkward together..
So Marco didn't really have to do much with what the two of you already had (which was nothing). So really, all he had was not mention your name to Mila, and that was it! Mila simply just forgot about you ever since she moved on from the friend group.
Now, will he try to poison your relationship in the present? (The present being that the two of you are kept hostage in his apartment.) Probably, but not intentionally. He will play favorites which will cause the both of you to feel a discomfort towards each other. (Either due to stockholm syndrome or just a general disgust of "The way they are together is gross").
And yeah..Regarding fist fighting Marco and dying in the process, you would die a idolized warrior in the eyes of his previous victims- hell you'd be given a medal for being able to sucessfully take him down by the them! Unlike poor Angela..
Like everyone who's crossed Marco's path has been defamed, at the brink of death- fighting for their life as he inflicts the most gruesome beatings to their body- giving them a dramatic death as the cops have to fight the urge to gag when they see the aftermath..And Angela just dies by a bootleg foreign brand convience store snickers bar.
(I'm not joking, this is canonically how she dies in the og timeline and obstacle au)
He was literally like, "Nah she's not worth the effort." Got the bar from his local shady convience store, knowing full well that it had some form of peanuts and that the text on the wrapper was in a another language (she wouldn't know what was in the bar at the moment or bother checking at the moment since why would Marco give her something with peanuts, right?) while making sure to take her Epi-pen away, then geniuely forgot about it the next day.
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jolapeno · 2 years
I'm really falling in love with your Squid x Soap fics. What was your inspiration for her? She's such a beautifully well-rounded character, it's almost impossible not to empathize her. I always enjoy a good ramble from a creators point of view on a character, and Squid is really peeking my interests. Thanks darlin, much love 💛🦑🧼
awww my little squidie. she’s the most like me of all the people i’ve written—but a lot stronger and more confident for sure. i think when i was writing her i channeled more of my anxiousness into her than i have done previously? and then to balance that, i added snark and sarcasm… which again, comes natural to me 😂. and then she just began forming around this idea i had that soap needed someone who would both ground him and push him to think more. she wouldn’t ask that of him, but she would be there, nestling in the back of his head as a reminder he has something to not immediately throw himself into danger for. which was important for his character in my eyes?
she comes from a similar place to him in that she’s a loveable puppy. she prefers everyone to have a great time, so she’ll stuff things down. but, her difference is that she knows when she needs to stop, she just struggles to. her finding little ways amongst the group to seek that out. it’s why i wanted to have her have someone who is legit just a friend, and gaz seemed the best option. their relationship i have a ton of notes on too, cause i wanted that to be so concrete before i began writing squid, as it becomes the foundation for much of who she is.
i also make all of my characters very willing to be themselves. whether that is that they need a cuddle, that they wanna fuck their feelings or they want to be angry at the world. and with squid, i wanted to take it a step further and have her debate what to do with the feelings she had. how do i turn it up a thousand to make the two of them just… be complete idiots for one another without seeing it. if any of this makes any sense? 🦑
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ceruleanmusings · 2 years
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#also like how hil felt for him right away and then got annoyed or crestfallen at seeing her with another girl who isn't decidedly a
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Holes: D-Tent Aesthetic [1/9]       ↳ Alan / Squid 🦑
“Maybe my mom’ll stop drinkin’ and my dad’ll come home.”
32 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
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See the full post
37 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
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@digiweek Prompt 3: Recess / Humor
Let me tell ya, there’s nothing from this movie that tickles me more than the fact that tiny Terriermon knocked over an entire child just from walking.
48 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
Another Holes head cannon - Sam wasn’t shot, he was lynched. We all know how a certain group of people like to sugar coat their doings. They burned down the school house with his body and that’s why Hector and Stanley ever see Sam’s skeleton.
Oh i totally agree with this! I've always wondered what happened to his skeleton because, if it were in the boat, it'd be found by then wouldn't it? Even with the heat and dirt and dust storms, something would be left behind. Though I imagine even Louis Sachar didn't want to be THAT traumatizing for realism's sake 😂.
50 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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@digiweek Prompt 2: Sports Day / Relationships
“Willis, I’m not your pet, I’m your friend...”
I love this friendship/partnership so much that it’s (part of) the reason Terriermon is my favorite digimon. They just fit so well, I can’t imagine anyone else being Willis’ digimon partner. Maybe they would’ve bonded and worked well together but they wouldn’t have been the friend that Willis needed.
Time and time again Terriermon showed his unconditional love and loyalty to Willis as they spent years watching Cocomon get taken over by the virus and follow him around to try and stop him from hurting others while also trying in vain to find a way to help him. Yes sometimes Terriermon complained about walking, about the heat, about having to do everything alone but not once did he ever think about leaving Willis. It was his brother so Terriermon always had a stake in fighting, but he never left Willis’ side. They were friends, partners, and if Willis was going to do everything he could to help his brother, Terriermon was going to be with him.
It’s Terriermon that ultimately helps Willis realize he’s never truly alone and that letting others into his life isn’t a bad thing. That getting help and having others to lean on is a choice of the brave and not something to be seen as weak. That trying to do everything himself, that blaming himself and self-isolating wasn’t the answer. Terriermon was the right voice, the right friend for Willis to grow past his shame and guilt and accept others into his life.
No matter what, he would protect Willis, even going so far as to go one-on-one in a very uneven battle as a rookie vs a champion when running into Wendigomon in New York. Even then Terriermon held his own because Willis needed him.
Maybe it took a while for Willis to get out of his own head that his “pets” were more than that, that they were autonomous beings, but it was clear he and Terriermon had a strong bond. He cared for him (and Cocomon), played with him, ensured he had enough blankets to keep from being cold the night before the big Wendigomon showdown, allowed him to give his legs a break by carrying him around. In one view it could be WIllis doing the bare minimum, but having Terriermon around and wanting to keep him protected and safe and out of harm’s way so badly shows how much Terriermon has meant to him over the years.
And he was afraid to put the label “friend” on him because that meant he could be another one, another friend, that could be taken away from him too. But holding Terriermon at arm’s length was only hurting them both and they needed each other to learn exactly what being partners and friends meant to get them to the place where they could fight together and be a proper team.
But in the end they’re exactly what one another needed: a friend.
74 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
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sparkcentralis · 3 months
heehoo hello i sawww ur post and as promised i am here to bother you with my weekly appearance ^_^ its MEEEE and i came over here as directed
i actually remember seeing u on the dead bird app first!!! and i am SUPER HAPPY 2 have found ur tumblr now that im over here YIPPEE
there is SO MUCH MORE 2 know abt me lolsies buuut im not telling yet ^_^ for now i am here to bother and ramble ok FAREWELLLL
There are two glitch duo anons in my asks (/SILLY) but I'm glad you found me here!! I'm way more active....... And way more personal I ain't airing all that on Twitter dot com. This is my House
Hehe feel free to come back and talk ^-^ I have set tea and snacks for my anons..... You are now my Friends
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squidyyy23 · 2 years
happy friday! nope. it's saturday now. happy saturday! hi. here. have a thing. blame @gallawitchxx and @heymrspatel for sparking things. it's been a week around here, yall.
The lights are still on, but beside him, Mickey’s chest rises and falls in the steady, familiar beat of sleep. Ian knows he’ll be comatose for at least the next hour, always is when Ian works him over like that. But Ian’s wide awake, his blood still pumping too hard, energized exhaustion like after a long run. So he props himself up on his elbow and lets his gaze linger on his husband’s spent, naked body.
His eyes land on his misspelled name. They always do. Etched into Mickey’s skin in a desperate plea for Ian’s attention. Powerless back then but irresistible now. 
Bruises bloom around the scared letters, small patches of skin darkening till they almost match the ink. Ian traces the circles with the tip of his fingers. Light, gentle, not enough to wake him.
He draws a path from mark to mark across Mickey’s chest. Some already fading to pink and will be gone by tomorrow. Others deepening purple and threatening to stick around all week. Ian’s favorite reminders.
Next, up to his collarbone, tracing the red crescent of imprinted teeth that's bumpy beneath Ian’s thumb, licking his lips at the memory of the taste of Mickey’s sweat. He slides his palm over the warm, raised scratches running the full length of Mickey’s upper arm, all the way down till his hand comes to rest over top of his husband’s. The same hand that not long ago was squeezing its own marks into Ian’s flesh and now lies lax atop his stomach. 
Ian laces their hands together — the silver of Mickey’s ring shining bright under the light from the bedside lamp — and even in his sleep, Mickey’s fingers instinctively curl around Ian’s, pulling them closer.
How does he get to have this? When did this become Ian’s life? The freedom to let himself go, to release all inhibitions, to entirely consume the man he loves. And for that man to give back just as much of himself.
If someone had told a young Ian, cheeks still red and numb from an afternoon romp in the store’s freezer, that one day the boy he was fucking would be in his bed, exposed like this, he’d have laughed in their face. The boy who couldn’t even look him in the eyes when their dicks were out. Or even later, when things had changed between them — in private at least — the thought of leaving any trace, any evidence of their sins, would have sounded preposterous. 
Now, Ian eyes the cluster of bruises extending along Mickey’s neck all the way up to his ear. Bruises Mickey won’t even bother trying to hide. Bruises he’ll wear proudly, “fuck you, you’re just jealous you don’t get dicked down this good” when one of the siblings gives him crap about it. His husband who is absolutely nothing like the boy he once was but also exactly the same.
Ian looks around the room littered with discarded clothes, half their damn toybox scattered across the bed, dried lube starting to form a thin crust of some of their favorites. But there’s no need to jump up and tend to any of it. This is their home. Their space. No one's going to walk in on their mess. They are safe here. Free. Together.
Mickey’s hand still wrapped around his own, Ian slides down, nuzzles into his husband’s neck, and closes his eyes. Drifts off to the soft sound of Mickey’s breath.
When they wake, he’ll fetch Mickey a snack. Make sure he drinks plenty of water. He’ll kiss each and every remaining mark. Apologize for being too rough, too much, and Mickey will tell him to shut the fuck up about it. But later, Ian will make it up to him anyway with another round of tenderness that they’ll enjoy just as much as the first. Because that’s the kind of shit they get to have now. All of it.
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s0ulryo · 2 years
hi!! i’m one of your followers and i just wanna say you’re so cool!
- 🦑
you just made my day omg ily <333
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hydroticsquid · 8 months
Gonna redesign all my ocs like how mlp fans redesign the ponies on Instagram
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undeaddyingheartz · 5 months
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anon-cult · 3 years
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#anon cult - 2 posts
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#rhinestone and hikkomo got married apparently and now rhinestone is cheating on hikkomo with toothpaste-
My Top Posts in 2021
So squid, how does it feel to have people who you considered as friends turn against you to plot bullying schemes?
12 notes • Posted 2021-07-19 17:23:58 GMT
Every fucking year we just bully the shit outta one anon, this year we are bullying squid
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-( that includes me of course, bully me good )-
-Sincerely, Helen
:( - 🧈 🐝
14 notes • Posted 2021-06-29 14:34:31 GMT
Would you like to buy fresh new Hands(TM)???
no thanks
17 notes • Posted 2021-09-11 21:52:33 GMT
*kicks open door* AU where everyone but Clan is a muppet.
•Animal Anon•
27 notes • Posted 2021-06-18 23:55:10 GMT
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“I stand by what I said, every bit of it”
38 notes • Posted 2021-06-27 16:46:23 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Poem tree? 🦑
(I did not mean to leave this in my inbox all night, my bad 😅 but thank you squid for giving me a chance to ramble lol)
Mr. Oz: Ah, yes, of course. I sometimes forget it's not a common tradition around the holidays.
Essentially, the Poem Tree is just another method of giving out gifts. We prefer to use it to give the kids their most expensive/exciting present. Saving the best for last [chuckles].
The way it's set up, presents are left under the tree and each present has a ribbon attached to it. Each ribbon is then attached to an ornament on the tree with a picture of the person it belongs to and a poem. Usually the poem includes hints about the gift and ties in the experiences of the person throughout the year.
It's a lovely tradition the kids seem to enjoy every year. Speaking of which... We should probably start thinking about what we're getting everyone soon...
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hydroticsquid · 14 hours
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hydroticsquid · 1 year
pizza tower characters as animals/creatures becasye I AM BORED
peppino: a fast opossum ORR chinchilla <3 gustavo: Munchkin cat!! or a hamster mr stick: fox!! or racoon but foxes are sneaky and awesome pepperman: I THINK ERRRM buffalo or a cow or hippo vigi: HAMPTER !!! or TOAD!! or a tiny cow LOL noise: fucking RAT cuz ur a stupid RAT TO ME!!! noisette: BUNNY because she loves bunnies and i want her to be HAPPY. fakepep: same species peppino but more taller :3 pizzahead: dumbass DEER thats hops around all lalalalalala or a foxy fox gerome: i think errrm chinchilla or hedgehog !! . . . John: same species w gerome since hes his older brother ig :3 snick: the porcupine
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