riddlesimp · 1 year
Give your moots a genshin valentine!! 💝
im only gonna do a few of my moots that i'm close with
@achy-boo Alhaitham <3
@zeina-is-bored idk why but i feel like Dliuc-
@aster-sunshines Xiao.
@illnesscomm due to their chaotic self Venti
@saki-rosexoxo Kazuha <3
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sanaoria · 21 days
JJK men reacting to you purchasing ‘premium air’
❥ ft. gojo satoru, nanami kento, geto suguru, itadori yuji, choso kamo, sukuna ryomen
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A/N: This was a request from #🦋 anon! I had fun making this one.
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strawberrystrangers · 1 month
Do you think JJ would constantly stay over at readers house bc he feels safe there compared to his own??
I love this!! I also kind of love the idea of the reader having accepting parents too bc that scene with Kiara’s hurt hurt!!
This literally just became a “please let JJ have a win with a girlfriend’s family who actually loves him” write-up…
Yeah he loved the independence that the chateau gave him, but your house had the company and it had the warmth of family. Your parents have stern rules about bedroom etiquette but they’ve practically given him the spare room whenever.
He definitely swings by after altercations with his dad; he’s been walking the street for hours trying to get the courage to ask if he can see you (& he does this every time, even after the 50th visit) because his insecurity is so deeply rooted in feeling like a burden (fuck you, Luke) to everyone.
So when he says he should go, because he doesn’t want to overstay his welcome, you’re always responding to it with “please stay” and not a “you can stay if you want” knowing he needs the clarifying reassurance that you want him there.
You’ll ask your parents downstairs if he can stay, and they’re always happy to say yes.
Your dad will talk to him in the kitchen while he’s making the dinner, and JJ helps with his experience from his summer jobs in the golf club kitchen. Your dad will never fail to find out how bad the altercation was, and give gentle advice and care and love and reassurance to jj, emphasising that he’s always welcome and never alone. Your dad is basically the Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting to Matt Damon. Your dad will hug him for as long as JJ needs it and there’s a few shared tears between them.
At dinner, your parents are always so interested in what JJ’s been up to—and when he divulges about the gold and his adventures, they believe him and want to hear more. They always make him feel like they see potential in him and that he’s not destined to be like his father & that his name isn’t tainted with a pre-made future.
JJ will talk mechanics with your mum, she’ll ask him if he knows what’s up with their car and he’ll go on this whole nerd talk about it.
He’ll help clean up: he washes the dishes and you dry them while your parents sit at the table still, sipping beer or martinis.
The recurring thought they always have, and the recurring thing they’ll always tell JJ is: “you have the kindest soul who has found it’s other half in our daughter” and they always make it clear that they’d rather him with you—a Pogue with gentleness—than the boys who attempt to butter them up—Kooks with misogynistic views.
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rreids · 2 months
Ok ok this idea has been rotting in my head for a a WHILE- So, the truth or dare episode? but what about exBAU!Reader who left the team to take care of her and Spencer’s child, and she finds out about what JJ said? And she either gets angry or insecure? I keep picturing a badass reader but I could also see the insecurity too. -🦋
fem reader; 14 x 15 spoilers; reader is pregnant; spencer girl dad!; angst; fluff; we are anti-jeid in this household she is at most familial to him i take no criticism; spencer is so cheesy and in love (with the right person god bless); ~1.2k words
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“—to say something that would get your attention…” you walk up to Spencer and JJ, ready to tell them about the cake cutting, and pause. 
You’re not big on listening in to conversations and you trust Spencer, but something about the hushed tones has you on edge.
”Jennifer… truth or dare?” Your brows furrow at his voice and the question.
JJ pauses. And since when was she Jennifer? “Truth.”
“Did you mean it?”
You can’t wait. “Spence? JJ? They’re getting ready to cut the cake, you should come…”
They quietly exchange a few more words and your frown deepens, torn between worry and frustration. Spencer lingers a little too long on the spot, running his thumb over his wedding ring.
He looks up. “Hi, honey,” his voice is soft, almost apologetic.
You sigh. “Is it going to upset me?”
He nods. “Probably.”
“Then it can wait. We’re here for Rossi and Krystall. Come on, everyone’s waiting.”
Spencer follows you and you don’t have to fake your smile as everyone settles into cheers and celebration, even if it fades a little while dancing with your husband. His brow is pinched, and you don’t like the pit in your stomach. Something was wrong.
After you’re sure you’re no longer tipsy from the red wine, you find Rossi and Krystall — “listen, I’m so sorry, but our babysitter…”
“Go,” Rossi laughs. “I know it’s hard for you to be away from her.”
It was true. You’d left the team and gone back to the legal field — in a desk job, with normal hours — to spend time with your daughter. It was a hard decision, but you decided you needed the structure. To be available if anything happened. You still loved and adored your friends, meeting up with them often and providing structure for them too.
“I’m so happy for you two,” you tell them between hugs, and you find Spencer finishing his rounds.
“Honey…” Spencer starts and you swallow against the lump in your throat. “Can we talk?”
“Can it wait until we’re home, Spence?” Your voice is almost pitifully weak, and you don’t even have a reason for it to be. “Izzy needs Mommy and Daddy to say goodnight.”
Spencer melts. “Of course.”
And that’s what happens. He tells her a story — one he clearly remembers and is reenacting, memories from his mother when he was a kid — and you tuck her in with a kiss.
It’s tense. You hate it.
“Do you…” you can barely get out the words. “Something happened. With JJ. I know you two were trapped together with Casey — and he was huge on truth or dare, so that conversation today… it’s related.” You’re tripping over them but you can’t stop talking. “Do you… do you love her? What’s going on, Spence?”
He shakes his head quickly. “She told me she loved me.”
You bite your lip. “And you think the best thing to ask is if she meant it?” Your voice quivers with barely restrained rage. “We have a daughter, Spence. You have another kid on the way.”
Spencer clasps your hand in his. “And I want nothing other than a life with you and them. Let me talk, sweetheart, please,”
You want to pull back, but you know not to reject him. Not now, when it could seem so final. 
Spencer sighs. “She’s saying she was saying it to get my attention, to make it clear I needed to do something — that nothing would be good enough for him… nothing could be his needed confession.
And I wanted to know if she meant it because she knows I’ve been head over heels for you since the day you walked through the BAU’s doors, only a year after I did. I thought you were gorgeous, and I could barely get out a ‘hello—’” you smile at the memory: he had been awkward, tripping over a greeting while you introduced yourself “—and JJ knew that. She does know I’m head over heels for you, even now.
She actually gave me advice. On how to ask you out, that first time, when we went to the film festival and you pretended you knew everything about how camera language worked on screen and I pretended not to know any better…” Spencer laughs when you whine, embarrassed. “So she’s always known I was yours from the moment I laid eyes on you. And she’s always been Will’s. I wanted to know if it had all been some kind of trick.”
You hum. “Was it?”
“Well, somebody came to tell us the cake was getting cut,” he nudges his nose against your cheek and presses a kiss to your skin. “So I didn’t get to hear, not in exact terms. But I don’t think she loves me as anything but a younger brother. An annoying one, at that. It wasn’t a trick for me, some plan to win me over she was in the long haul for. It was a trick for Casey. I… I shot him. He was going to kill JJ, he said it wasn’t good enough to save her life. It gave me the time to get my gun and aim.”
“You have perfect aim,”
“Now I do,” Spencer laughs, and you melt a little. “Remember when Hotch had to train me?”
You do. 
“The next time a girl tells you they’re in love with you, I need you to laugh in their face and show them your ring.”
“I don’t want to do that to you,”
You sigh and lean into him, unable to stop the smile at the assuredness he has in your love, curling into his chest. “Okay, well, next time a girl who isn’t me does it, you tell me. I never want to be that upset with you again.” You trace your fingers over his stubble, his defined jaw, mapping out his features. “You’re mine. And I hate fighting.”
He kisses the top of your head, hand coming down to your beginning bump. “I’m all yours,” he agrees. “And I’m sorry for making you worry or making this more than it needed to be, I should’ve told you right after I got back from the case. After everything you’ve given up for me, I should kiss the ground you walk on.”
“You should.”
You can’t keep a straight face, dissolving into a fit of giggles as he murmurs praises of you and whispers of his adoration like a prayer. 
“Oh, my love, may I lay out the red carpet before every—” you cut him off with a tender kiss, sweet and warm. He smiles against you, and brings his hand up to undo the pins in your hair, letting it cascade down your shoulders and next to his face.
Spencer pulls back and tucks the stray pieces behind your ears before cupping your face in his hands. “You are the only woman for me. I promise I will always want and choose you, just like I promised before everyone else all those years ago.”
You smile. “And I always want you, Spence.”
“Even when I’m telling you about my new passion for crosswords and interest in designing one myself?”
“Especially then.”
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an emoji anon?? for ME>??? i love winning.. a little more angsty than badass but she is also angry. as she should be. (welcome im so so so happy KDFJKG i hope u like it <3)
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ohbo-ohno · 2 months
Vampire!Soap with his Sire, Vampire!Ghost (who turned him by force), and their shared captive bloodbag, the Reader. Maybe you’re a Hunter, maybe you’re just unlucky, either way you wind up chained to the floor in their lair and being given just barely enough to be alive and useful. While they’re waiting until you have enough blood to be fed from again, they fuck you while you close your eyes and try not to scream because it just gets them off more. Eventually the longer they keep you the more fond they become, and the more luxuries you’ll be afforded, like a pile of fluffy blankets, a stuffed toy or two, outside time (monitored, of course), and even time without your collar.
~🦋 (yes I’m still alive and I’m still being weird about stuffed animals. Don’t call your autistic kids mature for their age and put them in GAT programs when they’re 9 or they’ll end up like me. Still sleeping with a mountain of stuffies and also being horny about it.)
big big fan of vampire au's where the human's emotions affect the way they taste
ghost likes the spice to your blood when you're afraid, so he likes to make himself as big as possible before he pins you to the ground to feed. he likes to chase you a bit, to give you a chance of escaping so he can taste your devastation when he wraps an arm around your stomach and holds you to him
johnny likes the sweet taste of you when you're coming for him. loves the overwhelming rush of endorphins he can literally taste, always overwhelms you with sensation just before getting you off when he wants to feed. likes to hurt you just a bit while getting you off, scrambles your little brain up until you have no idea what you're feeling (likes to moan in your ear about how much you enjoy it, how he can taste that you like it)
one of the most appealing things to me about captive blood bag vampire au's is the like... necessary aftercare, kinda? like ghost and johnny need you to stay alive, so they might do all sorts of horrible and cruel things to you when they want to feed (ie: whenever they want), but they'll hand feed you your favorite foods and keep you tucked up in a soft nest to rest
ghost in particular takes special enjoyment in bandaging your bites. he's got a sort of fascination with how humans heal (he's old enough that he hardly remembers what it was like to have a scab) and he checks your wounds on an extremely strict schedule. likes to compare your bruises, compare your scars and see how they're healing. never lets you hide from him or try to take care of the wounds yourself - if he did it to you, he's taking care of it too
johnny likes to use you as essentially a body pillow/emotional support human. he gets real needy after he feeds, and you're too weak to try and move away from him, so cuddles post-feeding aren't optional. it's not rare for ghost to find the two of you curled up in bloody sheets - no matter how hard he tries, he can't seem to train johnny out of being a messy eater
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charliemwrites · 7 months
Currently thinking about Simon waking up in the middle of the night because Feral seemingly is having a wet dream and is humping him in her sleep. Whatever happens next is up to you, oh mega-brained one!
Oh, 🦋, that’s such a good idea oh my goooood.
She’s climbed into bed with again, fell asleep wrapped around the closest arm and leg, face tucked against his shoulder. They fall asleep peacefully - totally normal night.
Simon wakes up late in the night to wiggling and groaning. For a second he’s worried she’s having a nightmare, shifts to gently wake her up. Except moving grinds his thigh between her legs and she moans softly, pressing closer, hips twitching.
He freezes, processing what’s actually happening. But that just makes her more frantic, whimpering softly in his ear as he tries to rock her hips against his thigh, panting softly.
And oh he’d be so conflicted. Because he’s not doing anything or initiating, and she’s trying to get off on his thigh in her sleep but also she’s asleep and he’s always so careful about giving her control of their sex life.
She starts whining, sounding frustrated and desperate. So wet that she’s soaked through her underwear.
He finally wakes her up, the hardest he thinks he’s ever been in his life.
“Mm, si?” She mumbles, half asleep.
“Having a good dream?”
She moans softly, rocks purposefully against him this time. “Mhmm.”
He squeezes her hip, gives her a better angle to press against. She makes a pleased noise in the back of her throat, one of those soft ones that make him want to give her the whole world.
“Help?” She murmurs. Oh, thank fuck.
“How can I help, pretty girl?”
“Fuck me?” she brushes her knee against his cock. “Please, want you to fuck me to sleep.”
It takes all his restraint to move slowly, roll her onto her stomach and ease her underwear down. She sighs, wiggles in a ridiculously cute attempt to help. Folds her arms under her head, perfectly content as he settles himself over her.
“‘S good, si,” she sighs as he sinks into her achingly slow.
“Just drift, pretty. I’ll take care of everything.”
“Course you do…”
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wilbursprincess · 5 months
Making out with Simpbur and mutually being super whiny and handsy. Bonus points if reader is lowkey kinda obsessed with him- Like she's been waiting for this moment for a concerning amount of time... I dunno; I just like the idea of Simpbur in specific being SUPER loud in bed.
(I'm so sorry for blowing up your inbox- I just love your writing)
“You’re So Cute When You’re All Whiny”
Simpbur x Female Reader
Warnings: So much making out lol, reader gives Simpbur a handjob while grinding on his leg, both reader and Simpbur being so whiny and needy for each other <3
Don’t worry about blowing up my inbox, dear 🦋 anon! Any chance to write about Simpbur is a goddamn GIFT!
Fic below cut!
I’d been dreaming about this for months.
I’d had a crush on the cute boy in my lecture hall since the first day of class, when he walked in, slightly late, and asked if the seat next to me was taken. We had slowly gotten closer, and eventually, he asked me to lunch at the campus cafe. One thing lead to another, and he was finally here. In my bed, shirtless in grey sweatpants, kissing me everywhere he could reach.
“I can’t get enough of you in those sweatpants,” I murmur against his smiling lips, one leg hitched over his hips. “God, you’re adorable.”
“You’re so hot,” he groans in reply, tugging my shirt off over my head so I’m left in a bra and leggings, slipping a finger into the waistband of the tight black fabric. “Can I take these off?”
One of my hands is tangled in his curls, the other teasing him through the fabric of his sweats. He’s panting like a dog from the slightest touch, having this whiny, needy boy in my bed is otherworldly.
Wilbur finally gets my leggings off, slipping his knee between my thighs and slowly rubbing it against the crotch of my panties. This leaves his hands free to paw at my chest, groaning as I dig my nails into his back from the waves of pleasure radiating from my core.
“I love those pretty little noises you’re making,” I sigh, starting to pull his sweatpants down. “Can I?”
“Fuck yes,” he replies, crying out as I wrap my hand around him and slowly start to move it up and down. Every single movement I make makes Wilbur whine or groan, and he can’t stop himself from thrusting into my hand. He’s so loud, so vocal, so whiny, every sound music to my ears.
He’s completely given up on any kind of mutual pleasure in just a few strokes from my hand, but I don’t mind. Every groan, moan, or whine makes me drip, and I start rubbing myself on his knee in time with my hand on his cock.
“So… so good,” Wilbur groans, pressing his face into my neck and letting out a long, low moan. “You’re gonna make me… cum… in my pants.”
“I’d… hope so,” I manage, sinking my teeth into his shoulder.
I’ve never been with anyone this vocal or handsy with me, someone so unafraid to let me know just how good I’m making them feel. And it was so. goddamn. hot.
Just as I shudder and soak the fabric of his sweats, Wilbur practically screams and releases sticky white all over my hand and the inside of his boxers, whining and shaking as I stroke him through his high before collapsing on top of me.
“Oh my God,” he gasps, sweaty skin pressed against mine. “That was…”
“…amazing,” I echo, kissing his forehead and sighing. “You’re so cute when you’re all whiny.”
Wilbur makes a soft, contented noise in his throat, snuggling closer to me. His breaths grow slower and slower as he slips into sleep, and I can’t help but grin.
This is everything I ever wanted.
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hanafubukki · 7 months
Currently having OT3 brainrot with Lilia -after waiting for centuries for the return of his time traveler wife having existential crisis because baby Silver awoke without explaination while Dawn still sleeping, and asking himself if he ever could be happy with his family ever again- just seeing one day in NRC the young woman coming from nowhere and being the exact copy of his wife. Same face, same smile, laugh, manners, everything. His own wife -just younger.
Now, Lilia starting to becoming a little bit possessive and protective with the newcomer. Like, weirdly always there when a problem occur to help. And strange things happen too...
Some guys were mean to you ? "Hi Youngster, just here for a little talk. What are you doing to my wife ?" Strangly, one day, the meanies sudlently started to avoid you like their life were in games.
Problem with schoolword ? You have a wonderful senior to teach you everything you need.
Malleus coming to see the little prefect ? Yes Lilia knows his wife. She was always like this. Incredible and kind and friendly and- wait- he fell in love with her for all this, some centuries ago..."Malleus ! Wait, you going out tonight ? Why not playing card with Silver, Sebek and I ?"
Weirdly, after this day, Diasomnia had now a card play everyday until late at night-
All little things which, when y/n goes and came back again with the memories of the past, become the ultimate teasing material. Lilia can think himself lucky if Meleanor never hear of this, because it would be inbearable.
- 🦋 Anon
Hello 🦋 Anonie 🌺🌻🌷
I’ve been hit in the feels as I read this over and over. Just think about it? The whiplash of feelings Lilia is going through?
He’s been waiting and raising Silver, of course he has family to help out, but Dawn and You are not here. He knew you came from the future, but when? When will he see you again? When will Dawn wake up?
Lilia is constantly plagued by these thoughts, until he sees you again and finally, finally, his world is moving again at a normal pace.
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Lilia sat thinking.
Would you two be proud of the the family he raised? Proud of him? It's been so long since he's last felt your warmth, since he last felt the companionship and support of Dawn.
Looking at Silver, Lilia is reminded of both of you.
Then one day, you appear and he's shocked. He observes you and that feeling of familiarity hits him.
It's you, his love, his wife.
Their Star.
Though it seems you don't remember him, and he remembers what you had told him in the past. How you were suddenly sent to Twisted Wonderland.
No matter, he will take care of you.
If need be, he was willing to make you fall for him all over again.
He was extra charming at this age if he said so himself.
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It wasn't surprising that NRC wouldn't like change, but to pick on a magicless student?
How cowardly.
He knew you had your strengths, after all, you had wooed both him and Dawn.
Which is not an easy feat, yet his instincts screamed at him to protect what was his.
He would do just that.
"Let's have a chat boys~ I don't like the way you are treating my wif-, I mean the Prefect. Is there no honor among youth these days?"
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You were so cute.
Lilia couldn't help but stare at you as you worked on your schoolwork.
Naturally, he had made it so you would come to him for help.
After all, wasn't he your cute upperclassman? He would always be happy to help those who need it.
...but that didn't stop the urge he felt in taking your hand.
He waited this long, he can wait a bit more.
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Lilia knew you would laugh at him if you ever found out, but he couldn't take the risk!
You had befriended Malleus, and why wouldn't you?
You were kind, sweet, loving-
All qualities he and Dawn fell for, so can you blame him for panicking a bit?
It was bad enough he and Dawn had to fight off so many noblemen in the past, and he won't mention his annoying sister either.
His boys humored him, but the smirk on Malleus' face told him he wouldn't be let off that easy.
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When YN returns from the past, Lilia is going to have to deal with teasing from all sides. At least he has his family again and they are all happy and whole again.
I also like to think that YN attracted all kinds of people, human and non-human. It’s their natural charm 💞💞
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d. di. dillo ml <3 could i maybe perhaps get hcs for the boys and a theatre kid! s/o? <3
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A/N: I’m a stage manager so I feel qualified to answer these asks. I went down the high school theater train here because it felt the most applicable and I felt most confident writing it so…yeah. Hope you enjoy!
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This man is an absolute saint and unofficially joined your set building crew once your show started because he works in construction kinda sorta and figured what better way to help your show than to help build everything you need
The rest of the cast and crew goes absolutely wild when he shows up the first time because let’s be real folks, Darry is absolutely stunning, incredibly strong, and an absolute gentlemen
He’s wonderful at helping you with lines too, if you need some assistance with memorizing or just someone to talk through them with, Dare is more than happy to help you out
Dare’ll give up his free time for that too, like in the evenings when he wants to do is crawl into bed and catch some rest before having to work again tomorrow, he’ll sit with you in the living room and recite lines until you feel confident
Come show time, he’s sitting in the front row with his brothers, grinning up at you when you’re on stage, clapping the loudest when it’s done <3
He brings you flowers too, a nice little bouquet that he gives to you after you’re done, congratulating you on such a good performance, he’ll tell you every show you do was even better than your last, no matter what happens
Sodapop absolutely loves that you’re an actor, he thinks it’s super duper cool and is literally so in awe of your talent no matter how talented you think you actually are-
He likes to joke, that if he were still in school, he’d be up on stage with you, acting right alongside you, playing every love interest you could ever have on that big stage
The theater director, I’m sure, would have loved to have Sodapop in the plays/musicals because just look at that man’s face and I will bet you actual money that Sodapop can sing too
On those rough days, the days where you can’t remember any of your lines, can’t hit any of your notes, miss every single one of your cues, Sodapop will be there to help you through it
Those days happen, I see them all the time, but Sodapop, with the gentlest voice you’ve ever heard and the sweetest smile on his face, will offer to help you with everything
Come showtime, Sodapop is sitting in that front row, right in the center of the stage, hearts in his eyes and flowers in his hands, eager for you to perform so he can see you doing your thing <3
Guess what buds, Ponyboy Curtis a stage crew kiddo because I said so and now it’s canon in this universe in which these headcanons exist-
He does lights or something, something where he’s around the cast enough to develop a huge crush on you but still separate enough so that he has to make an effort to see you
But once you start dating, Ponyboy finds himself being dragged into the cast circles and into your friend groups more often, being brought more into the acting group of people
One time, and I swear to you it happened one time, he was working one of the spotlights for a rehearsal and was so in awe of your acting talent that he just…forgot…to spot you during your big monologue…
When he notices that he missed his cue, he apologizes like a million times once he finds you again, and when you realize why he missed the cue, please give him a million more kisses because that’s really cute
After you guys finish your show, Ponyboy takes you out to the diner or something and have a little date with you and congratulate you on your job well done!
After talking with my dearest friend, thanks a bunch @a-person-who-didnt-wanna-be-here, I finally figured out what I was gonna say about this boyo, I stared at his section for WAY too long
But anyway! If you’re dating Dallas and you’re doing high school theater, prepare yourself for him either asking a shit ton of questions about what you’re working on or absolutely not caring about anything at all
For sure, he’ll show up at your shows and give you a rinky-dink little bouquet of flowers and congratulate you on a job well done and have absolutely no clue about what show you just performed
Dallas will literally get up in the middle of the show and leave because he’s bored when you’re not on the stage and he’ll just hang out outside and smoke until he’s bored of being outside and wants to go back in
If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation where you have to kiss one of your fellow actors for a scene, you don’t have any good options regarding Dallas
Either you tell him before and have to deal with him complaining and threatening your fellow actor or you don’t tell him and run the risk of him finding out <3 good luck!
Supportive! Boyfriend! To! The! Max! Johnny is absolutely wonderful with a theater kid partner and I just know it all the way done to the marrow in my bones
He would help you run lines, hanging out at your house until the late hours of the night until you’ve got all your lines down and just help you remember them because he just likes you so much
Johnny doesn’t want to be in the plays/musicals and he doesn’t want to be involved with the stage crew either, but he hangs around rehearsals when he can because it beats going home and he likes being able to walk you back to your house when it gets late and stuff
The rest of the cast loves him though, he’s a sweetheart and a little cutie and ya know, he just, he never does anything wrong. He’s a little baby boy and I love him-
He comes to all your shows! You can always find him sitting in the audience cheering for you at curtain calls and waving when he catches your attention
Johnnykid tries to get the rest of the boys to come with him too, mostly Ponyboy, because he wants to show off how talented you are and all that good jazz!
Two-Bit is not in any of the shows. He’s never on a cast list, never in the crew, he doesn’t help with anything at all. But he’s always at rehearsals-
Why is he wasting his time at rehearsals you may ask? Why is he spending afternoons in that old theater, sitting in the uncomfortable seats and watching people practice a show he’s not even in? Oh, it’s because of you, of course!
He doesn’t do much, especially not when he’s got you sitting next to him, and a majority of his time is spent sitting with you and running his mouth about the other cast members and stuff
A large chunk of what he says are compliments on your acting and mumbled remarks into your ear about how you’re better than whoever is on stage or how the two of you could be off somewhere else, doing something else…
But everyone else thinks he’s kinda funny and he doesn’t cause too many problems when he’s around cause you keep him on enough of a leash that anything he does can be considered more funny than problematic
When opening weekend rolls around, he tells everyone he knows to come see you perform, hyping you up consistently and making sure when you come out for bows, you’ve got an audience full of people waiting there to cheer you on!
I feel like I boil Steve’s character down to a cheerleader boyfriend way too often but like- that’s just the way he is- I don’t know what else you want me to say-
But anyways, just imagine for a moment, sitting in the garage of the DX while Steve’s covered in grease, working underneath a car, while you sit pretty by the toolboxes and run lines with him
He offers to pick you up from rehearsals and drive you home for multiple reasons because a) he likes taking care of you, b) he likes hearing about your rehearsal, and c) he’d never miss an opportunity to drive you around
He drags Sodapop along to your shows because he feels weird going by himself but still really wants to show up out of the blue and surprise you by sitting in the audience with flowers
Triple bonus boyfriend points, he takes you out for dinner after your final show to congratulate you on a job well done and treat you to something while simultaneously showing you off!
While you’re rehearsing and stuff, he calls you his superstar because he’s goofy like that and will state how you’re the next rising star and compare you to all these famous actors/actresses and ask you not to forget about him once you make it to Broadway
Tim popped by your rehearsal one time because…I don’t even know why, probably cause you forgot your script at his house or something and everyone absolutely lost it cause Big Bad Tim Shepard is at a theater rehearsal
He doesn’t really talk to anyone but you, handing over that script and offering to pick you up after you’re done and take you out to dinner or something <3
Tim’s a pain in the ass to work on lines with, but he’ll help you out if you really need a hand with memorizing them-
I’m getting this visual of you sitting in the Shepard kitchen late at night, deep in thought at the kitchen table while Tim sits on the opposite side and reads from your script, feeding you lines when you need a little hint
He drops you off at the theater on opening day, way earlier than the actual showtime because call times are a thing and they absolutely suck, but he sends you off on your way with a good luck kiss
Tim doesn’t sit in the front row, doesn’t sit with your family, doesn’t bring anyone else along with him, but he’s there at your shows and always gives you a little wave when you bow, winking at you when he manages to catch your eye
Imma just be real with you, there’s a really high chance that Curly might be thrown in reform during your show run, he’s a delinquent and ya know, he has a rough time staying out of the pen sometimes
In that case ^^ he sends Tim in his stead so that Tim can tell him all about how you did so that Curly can shower you with praise once he gets out
If he’s not in the pen! Yay! He comes to all of your shows and never buys a ticket, sneaking in every time because no one’s gonna stop him from seeing you perform during your big moments
He hangs out during rehearsals, causing a ruckus when he can and loping off with a smug smirk when he gets kicked out, after blowing you a kiss of course
Curly’s not gonna bring you flowers but it’s not because he doesn’t care it’s just cause he doesn’t have the money or the memory to get you flowers so he just gives you a bunch of kisses instead!
Random to finish, but don’t ever try and get Curly to run your lines with you because he’ll end up turning it into some sort of, remember-a-line-and-you-get-a-kiss game and then y’all will just end up making out instead of working on memorizing lines sooooo……yeah
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riddlesimp · 1 year
I am going to regret this..
A lore of Hopper, March and the twins.
you srs put this on anon when ik it's you Achy LMAO
Ahem anyways~
Tw: Sh mentions and abuse mentions please don't read this if you have issues with this thank you <3
Lore twins first~
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Angelo was the first one to be borned, He was never wanted and Zerachiel tried to get rid of him when he was little, Angelo was mentally abused by his father Zerachiel and that’s the main reason why he never wants to ever go back to heaven, Angelo actually is the reason why Angel was one of the head Cupids because of their mother being the head Cupid before them and Angelo have Angel her bow and Lovesick isn’t his fr last name it’s Diamond *Lore for Angelo so far*
Now time for Angel
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Angel was the last one to be borned out of the twins, She has a love curse on her making her fall in love really easy, Angel was Zerachiel little princess when she was little, Her ex unfortunately got killed by Zerachiel due to him just being a human, Angel was gonna be the heiress but due to her running away she was not allowed to be the heiress anymore, Angel was once the favorite child of Zerachiel but not anymore, she was also mentally abused by Zerachiel and was forced to be perfect, she would also self harm and hide it from Angelo but he found her and stoped her *lore for Angel rn*
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princessbrunette · 6 months
lifeguard!rafe …
that’s all i have to say
he’d be awful skdjfjdjs he’d literally turn a blind eye to someone drowning if they had disrespected him in the past 😭
❀ꨄ︎⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ꨄ︎❀
let’s say ward completely cut him off because they had a big fight, and told him rafe needed to get a little job to support himself to prove himself worthy so ward would start supporting him financially again. he gets a day job at a public pool as a lifeguard, thinking it pretty easy work. he turns up everyday in his red swim shorts and sunglasses, grumpily sitting on his lifeguard seat blowing his whistle every 5 mins to yell at kids 🙄
“hey, hey — no running y’little shit.”
he puts in half the work necessary, not doing a whole lot of patrolling just showing up to yell from his seat and order people around — and no one’s gonna tell him to quit slacking off, because well— it’s rafe cameron and they’re honestly a little scared.
the one highlight of his day is flirting with milfs who bring their kids to the pool, suddenly switching off the grumpy-woe is me act and turning on the charm, big pearly white smile and compliments that make the women flustered and tell him he’s a ‘mischievous young man’ and sometimes even ‘you’re just like your father when he was younger, you know that?’
that is until one day, you start to show up with your younger sibling— and he instantly just is obsessed? you’re so sweet in your little pink bikini, sat on the edge with practically a mini version of you, kicking your feet in the water, all smiles as you look after them. you’re the girl next door type, the type he always wanted but never would be around to find one. he sits on his lifeguard chair twiddling his whistle in his mouth thoughtlessly, occasionally catching eyes with you and watching you shy away nervously. adorable.
your little sibling is fairly well behaved, but obviously they’re a child so occasionally they break a rule or two. he finds himself turning on the same charm he would to mindlessly flirt with milfs, but instead with genuine interest. leaning forward on his chair when you walk past to catch your attention instead of blowing the whistle and yelling.
“hey, just tell the little one to be careful running by the side of the water, a’ight? would hate to see ‘em slip. gotta be careful.” he informs you, voice softer than he was anticipating and a smile teasing at his lips. you’re instantly all doe eyes and apologetic nods, promising to keep an eye on your sibling better. “thanks, sweetheart.” he smiles before leaning back, dismissing you. you’re head over heels instantly.
ward calls him up a week on, telling him he’s heard good things about rafe at the pool and wants to welcome him back with some financial aid. rafe shrugs him off, deciding to stick around a little longer ‘til he can secure you before he welcomes you into his world.
❀ꨄ︎⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ꨄ︎❀
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permitoffice · 3 months
Our team of dedicated and loyal staff would like to give you a warm welcome to the wonderful world of permits and permits and permits and permits and p
Monday CLOSED Tuesday CLOSED Wednesday CLOSED Thursday CLOSED Friday CLOSED Saturday CLOSED Sunday OPEN 2PM-3PM (5 minute break included) Every April 1st OPEN 9AM-5PM
If you would like to suggest any areas of improvement, please do hesitate to send us a message through the complaints box. We will totally definitely look forward to reading them!
READ BEFORE SENDING MAIL: i get really silly and sometimes a bit passive aggressive (its funnier okay) so prepare to be trolled
In place of the outdated trading hours schedule, our staff would like to inform you that the Permit Office is INDEFINITELY CLOSED for business. We apologise for the inconvenience and we appreciate your cooperation. @dhpbackrooms is evil dont associate (/joke i love them so much)
say hi to sister location @hermit-permits where you can get ACTUAL REAL PERMITS dont come to me ill troll you
Helpful information hyperlinks!! timezones? complaint boundaries?
Thank you for visiting the Department of Hermit Permits! We hope you have enjoyed your stay! Please do not come back soon!
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l3viat8an · 1 year
rooo, about the bros with a sweet mc ask i send youu, i never really make an nsfw ask so this is probably the first time i did it lolol (i'm also really bad at it😭)
like..the mc is probably also a virgin too yknow yknow, they are probably too shy to initiate things with others so when they were introduce to the thing they don't really know what to do with it...so the bros teach them all about it and corrupt their mind too- AAAA this is so baddd
-🦋 anon
Nsfw content MDNI
Okayyyy so I tried to come up with something 🦋!!! But was a little lazy on this- I never know what to write for virgin stuff hdjshsjsj
Lucifer, Levi, Satan & Belphie
Fuck he’s been watching you for what feels like forever, but never going too far, never pushing more then he should.
But there’s just something about how you look, eyes wide, sweet smile and most importantly is how you look at him.
Always innocently making eyes at him, looking up and smiling whenever you see him.
Now you’re finally here. In his bed for the first time and he’s trying so hard to be gentle, using his fingers to work you open, knowing it’ll help you, after all this should be about you and your pleasure first.
Slowly bottoming out inside your tight hole.
He lives for your wines, shaky touches and those pretty tears falling from your eyes at the pleasure flooding your body….Fuck now that he has you, he won’t let you go until he’s completely corrupted you~
Mammon, Asmo & Beel
He’d never tell you that your innocence is such a huge fucking turn on for him…..he’ll be patient, so, so patient, letting you be the one to set the pace and decide how fast everything moves. He doesn’t want to rush you.
And it worked so well! Here you are and he finally has you spread out on his bed, pulling your hips to his face and burying it there, watching your face intently and even when you’re cumming all over his tongue, he doesn’t let up.
Hands pulling you closer. Maybe he can pull at least one more orgasm from you-
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nyastuffs · 1 month
Ser magra o suficiente para experienciar isso no meu casamento 🤍
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sqtorux · 8 days
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look how happy they are
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ohbo-ohno · 7 months
in reference to the last Serial Killer!Ghost Captive!Soap ask: first off, HOLY FUCKING CHRIST. Second: I’m already thinking about how a reader may factor in.
Maybe she’s there with her friends, partying it up in the woods by a bonfire, and everyone is too drunk to notice she wanders off after hearing some whimpering from the thicket. She stumbles on Soap, muzzled tight and filthy and frantic and cradling his twisted ankle, and knows something is seriously wrong.
Immediately she drops everything and starts trying to help. She asks him if he’s okay, what happened to him, don’t worry, she’ll get him out of that muzzle. She picks at it with her fingers and nearly gets it off before she hears and FEELS a gunshot whizz right past her head.
Ghost found them. And seeing this precious little thing trying to help his good boy, immediately putting herself in front of him to keep him safe if need be, makes him start to wonder if Johnny could use a friend. And he hoists his rifle again, misses on purpose to make her yelp, and watches her back into a tree while he checks on Johnny. His ankle is fine, just a bit sprained, he’ll be back on his feet in no time. But he’s whining and shaking his head, trying to plead with Ghost through the muzzle not to kill this kind stranger who almost cut him free. He doesn’t want to see her die!! And Ghost turns back to the Reader, trembling against the tree and trying to hide behind her arms, and he comes closer like the menacing brick shithouse he is and she nearly sobs and begs that she’ll do anything, god, just please don’t shoot her!!!!
Maybe Ghost goes and kills all her friends first, comes back to find her still curled up against that tree with Johnny next to her, and she screams when she sees him fucking drenched in blood. Or maybe he takes her home first, puts her and Johnny in a crate together and locks it to make sure they stay out of trouble, and then goes out for blood; maybe he comes back to them dragging the bodies of Reader’s friends and it’s all she can do to keep from passing out. Maybe she gets included in their little chase game later on…
someday i'll write my actual serial killer au but it is NOT TODAY so let's indulge in some variances <3 (ask is referencing this post)
i don't usually puppify my reader inserts to the extent that i do soap but holy SHIT if this ask doesn't beg for a puppy reader
ghost hunting his hound down, finds his poor boy injured and what seems to be an equally feral girl standing above him, totally protective :/ even when soap tries to shover her away, she stays crouched in front of him, hardly even flinching at the gun in ghost's arms
and isn't that interesting? this little thing so eager to protect what's his? oh, ghost is hooked immediately. (what's better than one guard dog? two guard dogs!)
manages to finally scare her away from soap with a few well placed bullets, poor thing tries hard as she can not to go skittering away but instinct gets the best of her eventually. she's not quite brave enough to tackle ghost when he gets closer, but he sees her eying his gun. ghost is quick enough checking soap that she doesn't have a chance to try anything
he'd come with a leash for soap (always makes the man crawl back to the car after their little hunts, just to keep him in that puppy headspace so he doesn't start struggling) but doesn't have an extra. good news is, soap is so desperate to keep ghost from killing his new friend, he's perfectly willing to follow without the leash when ghost hooks his collar and leash on the new girl
she doesn't have a muzzle (ghost doesn't have an extra, and none of them would fit her anyway), so he ends up tugging this wriggling and shouting thing along while his pup stays right at his side, providing such a good example for their new pet. ghost is already planning his rewards
he tucks them both into johnny's crate after wrapping the pup's ankle. gives his new girl a bone to chew on (plugs her nose and stuffs the gag between her teeth, tightens it until she growls at him and then ruffles her hair, locks her hands into some paw gloves so she starts to understand what's happening) and covers the crate in a blanket. smiles when johnny looks up at him nervously and his girl tries to cover her fear with anger
takes about an hour to kill & get rid of all her little friends.
and oh how she howls when he comes back home without hosing himself down. she squirms and writhes, kicks johnny's ankle and goes still when he whimpers. ghost can't help but laugh when she taps her forehead to his, an apology. his pups already get along so well, he can't wait to see how she'll fare after a little training
it's about time he got soap a friend, anyways. pups are social creatures, and he knows johnny needs someone to play with when ghost's busy. the new pup showed up at just the right time <3
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