#🦁 (JAIME) there are no men like me
drunkcnsunlight ¡ 2 years
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--- jaime was exhausted, but that was mostly his own fault. he’d slept plenty the night before, but now, he was attending a public event, and instead of listening to the speakers on stage, he was stuffing his face with some of the goodies on the long tables configured outside. when he felt the tapping of a finger upon his shoulder, the man froze, and quickly spun around. “you caught me red-handed,” jaime admitted, that easygoing, charming smile lighting up his features. “actually, GOLD-handed, but you know what i meant.” 
closed for @bcssbitchs and @igcttabe and @ragdclls​ and @stillgrxwing​
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drunkcnsunlight ¡ 3 years
“I don’t… I don’t feel well.” ( jaime & brienne )
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--- jaime had yet to learn the news. working two jobs and helping to manage two households was finally catching up to him. he’d been falling asleep earlier and earlier, with each passing day, but this morning, he was up bright and early when he noticed his beloved stir in bed beside him. “yeah?” he asked, furrowing his brows, as he moved closer to his fiancee. he reached out, so that he could tenderly touch her forearm. “what is bothering you, brienne?” he studied her face with concern, before he lifted his hand-of-flesh and rested the back of his hand against her forehead. “you do not feel warm, but you do look a bit flushed, now that i’ve got a better look at you.” she was beautiful, all the same; when she did not feel well, the pinkness of her cheeks became more noticeable, and her freckles stood out. “even if i could catch your cold,” he started to tease, even though he was way off base, leaning forward until he caught her lips in a romantic kiss. “I DON’T MIND.” 
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drunkcnsunlight ¡ 3 years
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--- jaime could not help but to smile when he watched brienne frown, looking at her baby bump in the mirror. he did not take offense to her on-the-fencedness. how could he? the lion of lannister knew that brienne had never imagined pregnancy in her future: not until he’d entered her life. “having second thoughts?” jaime asked, half-humorously, as he snaked an arm around his beloved bride-to-be’s waist. jaime would have lowered his chin onto her shoulder, but she was taller than him; so, instead, he settled into the familiarity of her back muscles, enjoying her scent, as much as her closeness. “do you forgive me?” jaime asked out of context, his voice giving rise to more of the humor that he wanted to be present in his tone. “for making you become a BRIDE, as well as a MOTHER?” jaime knew that brienne loved him; still, part of him did feel guilty. he hoped that she was entering those roles because she WANTED to, not because she felt indebted to him or coerced into fitting into some heterosexual contract that jaime would never force her to adhere to.
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drunkcnsunlight ¡ 3 years
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--- JAIME WAS BEING AN IDIOT AGAIN. that was not a new occasion, of course. “no, no, love. i’m telling you. this is necessary.” those were the words that he whispered to his wife-to-be, in the bed that they shared, that morning. just before he slipped his cold, cold, cold hands beneath the fabric of her sleep shirt, upon the bare skin of her belly, just so that he could hear her squeal: and maybe so that she would slap him, too. what could he say? HE WAS SMITTEN WITH HIS SER. “what? i’ve done nothing wrong!” jaime defended, his green hues laughing as much as his mouth was. in truth, he’d wanted to feel her belly because this was all so new to him: CERSEI had rarely allowed him to touch her when she’d been pregnant with any and all of their babies. not unless she was in a particularly perky mood, and she decided to throw him a bone. but he always paid for it later. always. as if he was indebted to her, for even the smallest inklings of her affection. BRIENNE was different, though. she had been from the start. she was PROUD of the fact that he was the father of the baby growing inside of her body now. FEELING SENTIMENTAL, jaime reached for brienne’s hand and placed a sweet kiss to the back of it. “i love you, ser,” he told her lovingly, as he finally made eye contact. “YOU KNOW THAT, DON’T YOU, BRIENNE?”
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drunkcnsunlight ¡ 3 years
❝I’m sorry you’ve had deal with my pregnancy hormones lately…❞  (braime)
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--- jaime smiled with tenderness. as he grinned, he slipped his fingers of flesh through his beloved’s, and he scooted closer to her, where she was sitting on the couch. there was nothing but understanding in his big emerald hues, when he responded. “there are no apologies necessary, brienne,” he promised the woman who was to be his wife and the mother of his child. it amazed him, each and every day, that such a spectacular person could want HIM as not only her spouse, but as the spouse whom her babies called DAD. “believe me, i have heard much, much, much worse.” that was not what this was about, of course: COMPARISONS. but when cersei had been pregnant and he got on her nerves? gods save him, he used to joke. even the warrior would not be able to intervene on his behalf. “not to mention, i can only imagine how overwhelming some of these pregnancy changes have been for you.” especially for BRIENNE, who had not pictured motherhood, like most women, from the time that she was just a girl. “i just want you to know that... i’m HERE for you. to support you as i can, and to LISTEN, if you ever want to talk about what you are going through...” 
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drunkcnsunlight ¡ 3 years
🩱 : Go swimming at a local pool ( jaime & cersei )
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--- there were often moments in his life when jaime desired to tell his dissenters something along the lines of... SEE? I TOLD YOU! so many people doubted that he and his sister could form a functional, healthy, mutually beneficial bond with each other, after all that they had done and been through; even he confessed to having had doubts. now, though, it was beyond clear to him that this bond was worth fighting for; after all, she was his closest friend, his dearest confidante, and the mother of his children. and there had been a time when she was the love of his life, too. that history did not need to be erased, simply because it needed to stop repeating itself. “did you put enough sunscreen on, princess?” he asked his daughter, when she bounded over, and boasted of needing some snacks, for her and her brother. “of course, of course! i take it you don’t want the GRAPES that me and mama packed?” when their girl made a face, jaime laughed from his belly and nodded. “all right, all right! you’ve won me over. OREOS it is!” once he handed the snack over, and their girl bounded off, back in the direction of her brother and some friends, jaime’s green eyes glittered, upon landing on his sister’s matching set. “we’ve done a pretty damn great job at PARENTING here, don’t you think, CERSEI? i’m proud of us!” 
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drunkcnsunlight ¡ 3 years
“You trying to be scary?” ( jaime & o’brien )
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--- jaime did not know exactly what had happened to his captain-and-friend. but he intended to find out by asking her, once work was out. BRIENNE had warned him that he needed to be on his best behavior in order to get on his new boss’ good side; she, of course, got along with the man just fine. after a few taunts about how they were both hard asses, jaime got his ass into the office. he was standing outside of o’brien’s door, lifting his golden hand in a wave; he intended for the gesture to be funny, but apparently, he did not come across that way. “scary? oh... no, no sir!” jaime lowered his hand right away, shaking his head as a sign of denial. “i was just... hoping to introduce myself. JAIME LANNISTER, sir. it’s good to meet you.” jaime cleared his throat, hoping that he had not just screwed up, as he’d promised brienne that he would not. “i, um... i lost this hand. not on this job, but... it’s just my version of a prosthetic, i suppose.” he hoped that he could explain why he had the golden hand; not that he needed to, but he felt inclined to. “and officer tarth, she... she is my fiancee, sir. i thought that you should know that.” 
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drunkcnsunlight ¡ 2 years
❛ After everything we’ve been through lately, I just want… to be together with you guys. ❜ ( CERSEI & JAIME )
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--- “with... with WHO?” jaime figured that he was entitled to balk no matter what cersei’s answer was. either way, it was bound to make him nervous. “are you talking about... TYRION and me?” that was possible. without context, it was hard to tell. he didn’t know what his little brother would think about spending time, all three of them together. jaime didn’t know what healing had gone on outside of his own awareness. he hoped some, but he also wouldn’t blame tyrion, if he didn’t feel able to forgive their sister. she had been harsh, unforgiving, unyielding, punishing. she’d never been even a tenth so kind to tyrion as she’d been to jaime; not even a fraction of that tenth, in fact. “or are you talking about... BRIENNE and me?” that possibility also caused a knot to form in his stomach. cersei had been nothing but DEGRADING to brienne; some of that hostility was out of jealousy, to be certain, but even a lot of the rest of it came with MALICE. brienne of tarth had a kind heart: one that was INHERENTLY kind, actually. cersei was not cut from the same fabric. her sweetness was returning, even if just a PINCH: jaime could see that, since cersei seemed HAPPIER here. that made him happy, too. but brienne was just as deserving of protecting herself and her feelings and the wounds that the mother of his children had done to her, the same as tyrion was. 
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drunkcnsunlight ¡ 3 years
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--- jaime thought that some of these lessons were rather silly. unlike many of the parents in their class, jaime was going to be a father for the SEVENTH TIME, once their twins were born! he had five children with cersei, and he was going to have two with brienne; he hoped to have even MORE with his beloved bride-to-be, if he was to be so lucky. right now, though, he was goofing around, at the same time that he, of course, attended to brienne’s needs. “the instructor really just told me to position myself BETWEEN YOUR LEGS, and he expects me not to LAUGH?! that’s ludicrous!” jaime said with far too wide of a smile, as he still did what he was told. “it’s not like you’re ready to pop NOW! i’m not gonna reach inside of you and pull out our babies!” jaime looked up at brienne and teasingly nudged her thigh with his golden hand, knowing that the coldness of the metal would make her yelp. “unless, of course, YOU’RE READY?” 
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drunkcnsunlight ¡ 3 years
❛ is it possible to get drunk on eggnog? pass the bottle❜   (CERSEI & JAIME)
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--- jaime chuckled, as he finished his latest glass of red wine. part of him felt guilty for drinking whilst his beloved could not, but brienne had assured him that she did not mind if he drank. he’d promised, in turn, that they would have a big, celebratory bash for when she could drink again. he intended to keep that promise, without a doubt. “you are that eager to drink up our supply of poorly made eggnog, huh?” jaime teased, before he looked up to examine his sister’s expression. “did something happen or are we just being silly?” he hoped that it was the latter scenario, but, of course, if the mother of his children needed to vent, then she would always have his ear, and whatever other form of support it was that she needed. “it isn’t TAENA, is it?” jaime and cersei had both done a lot of processing about how they moved forward; now, jaime was comfortable acknowledging and spending time with cersei’s partner. “is she all right?” at the same time that he asked his question, he passed cersei the bottle. 
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