mens-rights-activia · 2 years
Pokémon Choose Your Own Adventure Day 3
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polinsated · 4 months
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found--family · 8 months
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jensen knows lore even i didn't know
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d3rpydoods · 8 months
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Now two individuals have fallen victim to the density of this man's chest alone, when will it end 😭
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hazbingirliexoxo · 6 months
Alastor: Do you ever wonder how many houses you’ve passed in your lifetime that have people locked in the basement?😃
Reader: ….
Angel: Like in a kinky BDSM kinda way or…?
Reader: What the actual fuck is wrong with you two?
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buckevantommy · 26 days
Buck wakes slowly, his sore muscles protesting as he stretches out in the early morning. He needs more sleep, but he can hear tommy moving around the room getting ready for his shift.
Buck hums. "G'mornin'." His eyes are still closed. He takes his time edging towards full consciousness but can't help the smile that stretches his mouth wide as Tommy echoes his words back to him, voice low and gentle.
The bed dips at his hip as Tommy settles beside him. Buck sighs contentedly when Tommy's hand cards through his sleep-mussed curls. "How was your shift?"
Buck makes a face, head tilting this way and that, then deciding to push into Tommy's touch like a sleepy cat. "Gerrard's a real piece of work, huh."
Tommy's hand scritches at his scalp and a whine trips out of Buck's throat. He doesn't want Tommy to leave. He hates that their shifts haven't aligned properly in over two weeks, only managing to catch each other for a few hours of sleep together here and there.
"You wanna talk about it?"
Buck makes a noise of displeasure, his softened smile replaced with a pout, he knows. He folds his arms around Tommy's forearm, keeping him close. He can have his arm back later. And his hand. Buck's not finished with them just yet.
Tommy fits his other hand to Buck's cheek, thumb brushing under his eye. "Hey."
Buck finally blinks his eyes open to find Tommy looking at him, gaze soft and fond and mouth quirking to hold back a smile. Buck takes a breath and exhales in a huff, turning his face to press a lingering kiss to Tommy's palm. He wriggles in place under the duvet, wondering what the likelihood is of convincing Tommy to call in sick and spend the day in bed with him.
"Wish I could bring you to work with me."
That coaxes Buck's smile back. He presses another kiss to Tommy's palm. "Bring your boyfriend to work day should totally be a thing."
Tommy chuckles and it makes Buck want to record that sound and play it on a loop. Tommy fills his senses. He can smell the woodsy note of his aftershave and the ocean pine scent of his soap. The combined scent of their bodies mingled with Tommy's detergent in the sheets. He wants to bottle the redolence and take it to work to sniff whenever he's missing his boyfriend or just having a hard day. Because Tommy's presence soothes him.
"I miss you." His thumbs sweep over Tommy's wrist, his pulse steady beneath his touch.
Tommy sighs and leans down to press a kiss to Buck's birthmark. He melts, but still tilts his head up, pout returning a little, demanding a proper kiss. Tommy obliges. "We'll figure it out. I promise."
Buck wants to believe him. He knows Tommy will do everything he can on his end to get their rosters aligned. He also knows Gerrard has it in for both of them, meaning he'll continue doing everything he can to keep them apart - until Buck gives up and quits, probably. The guy really needs a hobby.
Brushing his nose alongside Tommy's, he nods. "Call me when you're on break? Or if it's not too busy?"
"Of course."
With one last kiss, Tommy pulls away and Buck lets his arm slide from his grip, fingers entangling for a moment before he lets Tommy go. He glances over from the doorway as Buck urges him to, "Be safe."
Tommy nods, his smile a private thing. A promise. "Get some rest."
Buck wants to say it. But they haven't said it. Not yet. Doesn't mean he doesn't feel it, or that he thinks Tommy doesn't. They're definitely on their way, even if Tommy's not there just yet. And Buck has a habit of rushing things and he doesn't want to ruin the good thing they have going. So, he doesn't say it. They have time.
As he listens to Tommy making his way through the house and out the front door, his eyes slip shut again. It's still early, and this time of year doesn't see much sun in Tommy's bedroom in the morning so sleep begins pulling him back under quickly. He lets Tommy's reassurance soothe him as he drifts off, cocooned in Tommy, hugging the covers closer and turning his nose into the pillow. They'll figure it out. Together.
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lovereadandwrite · 4 months
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“I shall protect you, & you alone… even if…you stand as the last person on this earth”
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gunsatthaphan · 6 months
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mrsoharaa · 2 months
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Imagining Miguel going through Gabriella's teen years. Being an "overprotective" dad the moment she goes on a date!
You, were obviously okay with it, knowing she's just entering her ripe ol' age of curiosity and teenage normalcy of dating. But for Miguel. That was an entirely different aspect.
The sound of Gabriella's bedroom closes almost too enthusiastically, blaring and alarming everyone (in which case, was just only you and her at the moment, thus Miguel being away at work) in the cozy home of her excitement and thrill for her date tonight.
When you contently hum to yourself, readying dinner for the three of you, you can hear her weighted footsteps of joy prance through into the dining room/kitchen vicinity. A lifted giggle spilling from her lips as she gazes over her phone.
You turn to meet your daughters giddy expression, acknowledging that familiar delight and glee sprawl all over that gleaming face.
"Someone's excited for tonight" you smile happily at your grinning little bundle of joy (or at least, that's what you still call her since she is technically still your baby). Gabriella places her phone down for a second, practically hopping and throttling with pure exhilaration and eager.
"I really am mama! tonight is going to be so much fun! he's taking me out to that new nice restaurant that just opened up down the street! you know, the one by that one cafe you really like?! across the street from them!" She announces with pure elation, angling her phone as she glances through the reflection of her device to fix the little gorgeous strands of familiar dark mahogany from her adoring face.
"Oh lovely! sounds like fun! do you want me to put away some food for you later, mija?" you smile at her. ("Daughter")
"Sure, thank you mami!" she excitedly whips back.
The sound of a warping buzz elicits from the living room, a hulking, brooding stature of a 6'9 suited man, shuffles his self through the vast yellow portal that immediately dissipates behind him the moment he steps into the living space.
A weighted sigh expels from behind the dark maroon and navy mask that hid his beautiful face. He retracts his stiff shoulders, murmuring something under hefty grumbles. His attention quickly turns to your direction, noting the cutely attired and heavily anticipated daughter sitting onto one of the stools by the kitchen's island.
He dissipates his mask, thick brows raised in curiosity and confusion, heavy, tired lids of ruby stroll back onto you.
"¿Qué pasa aquí?" he tilts his head, still rotating his aching shoulders to try to rid of the pulsing, nagging weight pinching at his muscles from a long strenuous day. ("What's going on here?")
"Our daughter has a date tonight honey, isn't that exciting?" you grin coyly at the frowning man looming over next to Gabriella.
"She — what?!" Miguel's scowl quickly qwhips over to his daughter, watching her roll her eyes and head with a low giddy sigh.
"I already told you papa, remember? yesterday? before you dropped me off at school?" Gabriella twirls her phone in her hand, watching her fathers face twist with mixed emotions. Particularly one, to be precised — disapproval.
"I don't recall having this conversation with you, Gabriella" he states dryly, uncertainty clinging to his gruff voice.
You turn in his direction, eyeing him for his sudden disapproving tone.
"Yeah, I did! I told you right as you pulled into the schools front parking lot! you really have that bad of a memory dad?" Gabriella shrugs, watching her father glare over at you. Noting the head tilt and stern eye contact the two of you shared.
He groans inwardly, annoyed profusely by the fact that his little girl is going on a date. That he, oh so never recollected on, hearing about.
"Who is he? where does he live? What's his phone number? Where are you two goi- Miguel" you chuckle lightly, fully facing his direction as you met with his furrowed gaze.
"...Right right" he sighs defeatedly, glimpsing back over to his beautiful child as he smiles more tender heartedly. Takes a step closer towards her and embraces her with long, warm open arms. Easily engulfing her into his taller stature, one hand nestled around her comfortably as the other brushes over her hair. Places a gentle kiss on top of her pretty tresses.
"Just...be safe for me mija, make sure he doesn't try kissing you" Miguel mumbles into her hair, Gabriella simply laughs as she returns a squeezing embrace back to her doting, grumpy father.
"Miguel" you warn once again with a lenient smile, the three of you chuckle in unison.
Gabriella pulls away "I promise I'll be so safe papa! I'll call you if anything happens, I promise!" she leans on her tip toes to give her father a soft peck to his right cheek, he rumbles a relaxed grumble.
"Esa es mi chica, ve a divertirte mija" he gives her another head kiss, feeling her reel from his embrace and rush out the door, waving to her loving parents. ("That's my girl, go have fun daughter")
The sound of the door slamming close grates through Miguels ears, the familiar same scowl from before returning back onto his churning face.
With your back facing him and your attention drawing back to your cooking, you could feel the searing burn of his dim eyes peer at the back of your head. A simple hum dwindles from your pursed, curled lips.
"So, she's dating now? since when?" he finally flushes the thickening air, leaning over the island, eyes strictly focused on you.
"She's a teenager Miggy, you have to let her go through these things" you insist, peppering the seasoned chicken breast in the bowl in front of you.
The sound of his teeth lowly ticks through the air, his retracted claws tapping amongst the marbled tile of the island he leaned over.
"She'll be fine my love, you and I both raised that little girl right...she knows how to defend herself" you peek over your shoulder to wave an irate Miguel one of your reassuring smiles. The very same one that always made his heart melt and feel at ease.
You can see the tensity of his body softly, hardly, unwind, his dim lidded irises softening to your tender gaze. He emits a long sigh.
"I know I know...I just...worry about her is all" he exhales, watching you take a step back and bend over to place the bowl into the oven.
A feeble giggle lilts off your lips, straightening yourself up and walking over to your overly exerted husband, you cup your hands onto his cheeks and brush your thumbs gingerly along the warm, supple flesh. A deeming smile weaving onto your cheeks.
"And that makes you such an exemplary father, baby" you softly cooed, feeling his head lean into your homely touch instantly. Almost purring to the welcoming feeling of your smooth skin caressing his hardened face.
"She'll be okay Miggy, I promise" you lift up onto your toes and place a soft kiss to his full lips, smirking as you feel him lean downward to keep his lips onto yours, growling lowly as he feels you pull away from his pursed, needy plush of skin.
"You remember what it was like when we were teenagers, don't you?" you coy, playing with the plump silken flesh that formed into that familiar pout you had grown to love and adore.
"How we use to sneak out of our parents houses at night to meet...take your fathers car to come pick me up and drive through the city after midnight...going on starry night dates and peaceful drive ins, before you became Spider-Man" your heart practically swoons through your fluttering chest from the recommencing loving memories flooding through your head.
Miguel nearly feels his heart thrashing violently against his chest, pupils dilating widely as you sigh dreamily.
"Wait — she's sneaking out of the house now? that I DON'T KNOW ABOUT?! SINCE WHEN?! ¡Oh, por el amor de Dios!" Miguel snarls, you burst into a fit of laughter, holding and pulling his face back down to meet your level. Carefully planting your head against his, as you continue to smooth his cheeks with your fingers. ("oh for fucks sake!")
"No no baby! of course not! I'm just saying!" you chuckle lightly, reeling him into your subtle massage amongst his face. His body relaxes, breaths steadying out as he lowers his enraged eyes, gently gazing down at you.
Hums at the supple touch of your hands slowly drifting down to his broad shoulders.
"She's going to be alright honey, you just have to trust her...trust me" you feel his weight slowly ease further into your touch, the pulling, tantalizing pressure of your fingers massaging at his stiff shoulders basking him in a trance of relaxation and tranquil. He sighs softly, leans forward to plant a sweet kiss onto your forehead, then your nose and finally your lips.
"I trust you...I trust the both of you more then anybody"
"I know you do Miggy...now come, let me help you relax, your shoulders feel very stiff and stagnant" you lull him into another kiss, giggling cunningly as you pull away and listening to him rumble another irritated grumble from your swaying motion from his lips.
A shorten, pitched yelp cranes from your lungs as you feel your body abruptly being pulled back to his body. Your own being hoisted and pinned against his, his arms wrapping your legs around his slim waist as he nuzzles into your chest, resting his chin onto the comforting mounds.
"Those can wait, seems like my wife wants to keep pulling away from my kisses...I think a punishment is in order, no?" he grins slyly, wickedly as he cups your rear with his large hands, adoring the upbringing fluster pooling into your cheeks.
"M-Miguel no! I have dinner to tend too!" you chirp with a giggle, feeling his wide hands playfully smack at your voluptuous bottom, quickly smoothing over the rounded clothed flesh. Leans up to kiss your chin.
"Dinner will be fine cariño...It won't take long anyways...maybe" he nuzzles beneath your chin, laughing at your adorable resistance to his cheeky advances.
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 4 months
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imactuallyreallycool · 9 months
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Byler 🫶
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earththings · 1 year
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filmbyjy · 2 years
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PAIRING > lee heeseung x fem!reader
synopsis > who knew you could become famous overnight for paying $8 for a single blue checkmark? however, it does come with consequences…what happens when the actual BELIFT Lab comes knocking at your door. all because you simply impersonated your bias.
GENRE > twitter update au? idol! heeseung & enhypen. engene!reader
FEATURING > mae & subin (ocs) and of course the rest of enhypen :) more idols will be added if chapter requires!
SCHEDULE > inconsistent schedules bc I just post whenever I want to🙃
TAGLIST > just drop an ask or fill out this form to be added!
START: 20 March 2023 | END: 18th June 2023
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prologue: tf elon musk
one: gen old people
two: out of besth
four: please don’t embarrass yourself
five: he anti-romantic
— idk why the read more disappeared on me😒 —
six: she’s gonna fly
seven: BL MOMENT??
eight: take you out to a nice place
nine: your fruitiness is showing
↳ special: enhypen disbands
ten: well I be damned
eleven: father to future kids added
twelve: what is air?
↳ special: private rants thread 📌
thirteen: mhm, he’s broken
fourteen: fvck you 🫶🏻
fifteen: the punishment
sixteen: let me sniff [written]
seventeen: us when-
eighteen: smelled it and her eyes rolled back
nineteen: can YOU guess?
twenty: i THINK I like her
twenty-one: heerizz (very effective)
twenty-two: thanks 👍🏻
twenty-three: I hate feelings
twenty-four: is that ENHYPEN? [written]
twenty-five: y/n had a boyfriend
twenty-six: clean the dishes, you furry ass
twenty-seven: unforgiven, she’s a villain
twenty-eight: kiss the girl [written]
↳ special: enhypen behind the scenes
twenty-nine: i’m gonna resign
thirty: now the squad has boyfriends~
thirty-one: breaking my silence
↳ special: is the duck drunk?
thirty-two: ENGENEs flame her!!!
thirty-three: jieun’s downfall
thirty-four: mamma mia pisa is back
thirty-five: my other half [written]
got a question for our cast?
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pendwelling · 6 months
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chuuu~ 🌷🔥🌊
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hazbingirliexoxo · 3 months
Angel: *angrily, reading through Val’s texts* ARE YOU-
Reader: *nonchalantly* fucking
Reader: fucking
Angel: IDIOT
Husk: Uhh, what the hell was that?
Reader: Charlie banned Angel from swearing so I offered to help him out
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buckevantommy · 2 months
"You know," Buck rested his hips on the edge of the counter, arms crossed on his chest, watching Tommy push the new bulb into the socket, "I don't usually mind doing these things myself, but I have to say, I really like not having to anymore."
Tommy laughed quietly as he started turning the bulb clockwise to set it in place. He looked at Buck and raised his eyebrows. "So that's why you keep me around, huh? Not because you like me, but because you want someone to do things for you?"
Buck shrugged, pretending to be nonchalant about it. "I mean, free labor," he said, trying to suppress a smile that was fighting its way onto his mouth. "You can't let the opportunity slip away just like that."
"Wow," Tommy nodded, looking back at the bulb, and when he finally felt it lock into place, he grabbed the old bulb and put it in a plastic grocery bag. "You're lucky you're adorable. Otherwise, I'd be out of here in no time."
Buck laughed quietly and placed his hands on the counter, watching Tommy. Something about seeing him move so comfortably around Buck's apartment made him feel funny in his stomach. It was like... he belonged here. Together with Buck. Tommy disposed of the old bulb and then came back to plug the lamp in. As soon as he did that, the lamp was glowing warm white again. Buck raised his eyebrows. "Hot damn, maybe you missed your calling."
Tommy shrugged. "Well, good thing I can find fulfillment here, then," he said, smiling softly at Buck. Buck couldn't help but return the smile and reached out his hand in Tommy's direction, suddenly a little irritated at the distance between them. As Tommy started making his way to Buck, Buck noticed that his heart began beating a little bit faster. Oh, now, this is just embarrassing. Maybe Maddie was right. Maybe he really was a 14-year-old girl trapped inside a grown man's body. How else should he explain all those reactions inside of him to Tommy simply existing in his space? He felt Tommy interlock their fingers and rest his free hand on Buck's hip. He planted a quick kiss on the corner of Buck's lips and Buck hummed, smiling involuntarily. "But I have to say," Tommy added suddenly. "The free labor thing is not going to cut it for me."
"Oh," Buck raised his eyebrows, a funny feeling spreading in his chest. "Well, isn't my happiness and satisfaction enough?" he asked, but when he saw Tommy's look he knew he wouldn't keep up the facade and was about to agree with him instead. And funnily enough, this is not what he was aiming for. He quickly placed his hand on Tommy's neck. "How about payment in kisses, then?" And before Tommy could answer, Buck leaned in closer to capture Tommy's lips in his. He felt Tommy smile into the kiss and couldn't help himself but smile back. But before they could immerse themselves in the kiss, they heard a strange buzzing sound behind them. Tommy frowned, backing off slightly, and the space around them suddenly went dark. He sighed, defeated, and theatrically rested his forehead on Buck's shoulder. Buck laughed, placing a hand on the back of Tommy's head. "See, I told you that lamp is cursed," he said, stroking gently the strands of Tommy's hair.
"No, you just suck at buying decent light bulbs," Tommy muttered under his breath. "From now on, you have to let me handle the buying."
"Mhm," Buck agreed, letting go of Tommy's palm and placing both of his hands on Tommy's chest. He pushed him back gently so he could see his face again. "We'll talk about this later," he said and looked at Tommy's lips. "Now this," he added, and clenching his hands on Tommy's shirt, he pulled him into a kiss. Tommy hummed into his mouth, clearly pleased with Buck's actions, and returned the kiss, gently grabbing Buck's thighs to lift him up and place him on the counter. Buck let out a surprised, but nonetheless satisfied, sound, and was just about to move one of his hands to Tommy's neck when he suddenly thought of something. He pulled back to look at a now clearly disoriented Tommy. "Oh, speaking of- did you know that the human brain runs on enough watts of power to light a bulb? I read about it recently, and it made me think of all the cartoons where the imaginary light bulb would turn on every time someone had an idea," he laughed, expecting Tommy to do the same. But Tommy didn't laugh. Instead, he smiled softly, and Buck suddenly realized what an utter idiot he was. He had turned him off. There is a time and place to bombard your partner with fun facts, but it certainly isn't right when you're trying to go at it with them. "Fuck," he said, panicking a little. "Fuck, I've ruined the mood, haven't I? I'm so sor-"
But as soon as Buck said that, Tommy shook his head and gently grabbed his chin to guide him to his lips. Buck let out a surprised hum, but soon after he started kissing him back, forgetting that he had even said anything. He placed both of his hands on Tommy's hips, trying to pull him closer to him. He let out a quiet moan from the back of his throat, when Tommy started sucking on his bottom lip, and all of a sudden he grew a little frustrated that Tommy was still wearing a shirt. He pulled it up just enough to get his hands on Tommy's bare skin when suddenly Tommy pulled back. Buck looked at him, visibly confused.
"Tell me more," he heard him say a little breathlessly, but his mind latched onto only the last word that came out of his mouth. More. Yeah, that sounds good. So why did Tommy pull away?
"More?" Buck asked, panting quietly and looking at Tommy's pink lips. But it wasn't a question, really; it was a request. He nodded as if giving himself permission to keep going, and he placed one of his hands on the back of Tommy's neck, trying to gently pull him in. But just as their lips were about to meet again, Tommy smiled instead and pushed back as if he wanted to avoid giving Buck what he wanted. Buck frowned, visibly frustrated. What is this guy's problem?
Tommy looked assertively at Buck as if he wanted to make sure he had Buck's attention. All right, he must have clearly misunderstood something. Buck shook his head in an attempt to suppress his desire to taste Tommy's lips again for a moment and forced himself to focus on his eyes instead. Tommy nodded, the corners of his lips lifting slightly. "More."
It took Buck a few seconds to register the remaining two words that Tommy had said earlier and even longer to remember what they were talking about just before the kiss. When he did, however, he let out a quiet laugh, a little confused. "A-about cartoon light bulbs?"
Tommy laughed, shaking his head. "About brain. Or anything, really," he shrugged. "What else do you know?" he asked, his eyes scanning Buck's face almost as if he was admiring some piece of art. Buck felt his heart pound in his chest as if he had just run a marathon. His cheeks suddenly got unusually warm.
"Um," he closed his eyes, trying to come up with another fact he had read recently in the Encyclopedia of the Human Brain. God, if he hadn't ruined the mood earlier on his own, now Tommy was about to make him. He opened his eyes and looked at Tommy again. "So... The information from our bodies to our brains can travel up to, I- I think, even 350 miles per hour."
Tommy nodded, taking his words in, and raised his eyebrows. "So if I do this–" he started, placing his hand on the bulge of Buck's trousers, which made Buck immediately hiss in response. "–you're going to feel it pretty damn fast, aren't you?"
"Yeah," Buck nodded, perhaps a little too fast for his liking, and this time he finally managed to pull Tommy back into another kiss. He grabbed the side of his shirt and started pulling it up as much as he was able to, hoping that Tommy would take the hint and remove the shirt himself. And when he did, Buck couldn't help but smile triumphantly.
He was just about to grab Tommy's lips with his own again when Tommy suddenly changed course, his lips landing on Buck's jawline and slowly making their way down his neck. Buck closed his eyes and tilted his head back. He was already breathing pretty heavily, but at the moment he couldn't care less. In between the kisses, he heard Tommy's voice again, "Go on."
Buck let out a low sound from the back of his throat, his brain already having a hard time focusing on anything else but Tommy's touch. "Um, the- the brain can't multitask," he said, almost like a plea, and Tommy laughed, warm air hitting Buck's skin. He felt goosebumps forming all over his body.
"If you want this to carry on, yours will have to do it somehow," Tommy replied cheekily, and started gently sucking on Buck's skin right next to his collarbone. Buck moaned Tommy's name a little louder than necessary and laid his hand on the back of Tommy's neck. All of this felt so ridiculously good. It shouldn't really be surprising because he had always loved sex. But was it ever this exciting? It must have... Right? Tommy pulled back slightly to give himself a moment to breathe and Buck took this opportunity to get rid of his own shirt. Tommy grinned at the sight and leaned in, planting a quick kiss on Buck's swollen lips. "Continue," he whispered into his mouth before he sloppily carried his lips back to Buck's neck, his hands finding the zipper of Buck's trousers.
Buck felt his heart pump blood like crazy, feeling both extremely frustrated that Tommy was making him focus on those trivial things instead of fully immersing himself in Tommy's touch, but also excited because, for some weird reason, this whole interaction made Buck even more aroused. Is talking about brain really this sexy? Why then didn't he feel the need to jerk off when he was actually reading about it? Or is it rather because Tommy actually takes interest in what he has to say no matter the place and time? Whatever it was, though, he was going to dwell on it later. The only problem in Buck's head right now was that they had only just started and he was already running out of fun brain facts to say. He might have to be forced to start improvising. He's by no means religious, but for their make-out session to stop this early would be a sin. And this once he really felt like complying with God's will. No matter what, the show must go on.
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tommy loves when evan gets in fun fact mode (in or out of the bedroom) and it makes sex even more fun for both of them. it’s one of buck’s favourite discoveries about his relationship with tommy: that all of him is wanted, appreciated, encouraged, and supported.
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