#🔥: fan mail! for me!
accendoignis · 3 months
Another Firebrand? I thought it felt warmer around here…
*He’s not flying, for once. In fact, his wings are drooping, one of them nearly torn in half. A large chunk of his right horn was missing as well.*
Nice to meet you! I’m Icedagger, but not the one you know.
Oh, yes! Hello, I could garner a guess you weren't haha!
My, looks like you took quite beat haven't you, pop- I mean, Icedagger?
[Firebrand puts on his gloves and folds himself over to look Icedagger in the eye. He grins with a hand outstretched for a handshake.]
The pleasure's mine, Icedagger.
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alizalayne · 7 months
Whats the ventilation and heat like in the suit head? I can't tell if it would be warmer or more cool to wear in compaison to a faux fur fursuit head. The only thing I worry abt is how durable needlefelting is and if it can be cleaned like a traditional fursuit head. That being said I really hope you continue making these, they're cool as hell 👍🔥👍
Okay first of all I'm super jazzed to be able to talk about this with people, and I kind of went overboard answering this, but thanks for asking! Putting this up in case anyone else is curious.
The main answers to your questions are 1: wool is cooler than acrylic fur and less stinky
2: A fursuit head is a swamp and i am snorkling in it.
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I mentioned this in my behind the scenes post and there are pictures there but I literally just made a snorkel out of a snorkel mouthpiece and two collapsible automotive funnels, the kind that you can bend into a shape so that you can get goo into a weird part of your car.
that snorkel piece goes straight out of a vent hole in the inside of the ear and I felted a pink skin flap in front of it and then felted white fiber into that so it just looked like a tuft. it worked perfectly, it's just that I couldn't talk in it that well. But I'm definitely going to keep using it if I can't think of a better mouthpiece for it because as SOON as I breathed inside the head instead of through the snorkel I was like oh my god everyone is living in hell.
You can see it in this picture a little bit. nobody noticed it at all!
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My friend had made a much more traditional head with a bigass electric fan in it and he was having more heat issues than I was, because I cannot stress enough that acrylic fur is like, one of the most horrifically hot fabrics you can wear. I don't know how everybody is even alive!! and there's a layer of ACRYLIC BACKING on it! Also check out how "short-pile" my fur is, most of the head is only an inch thick, it's a half-inch bucket head made out of foam covered in maybe 1/3 of an inch of wool? the less space you have between the fibers the less heat gets trapped. I was shocked by how comfortable I was, and I was having migraine symptoms that day and was extra sensitive to heat. The con where we were had the air turned down and it was chilly outside, but I was shocked when I took the head off and shook my hair out and I wasn't even sweating. I had long hair in a wig cap under that thing and I wasn't sweating. It was crazy.
As for cleaning the wool, I cannot find anyone else who has done this who has cleaning tips for me, but the foam is what I'm worried about. After a few hours of wear there's nothing wrong with the wool at all, but i can TELL the foam is ever so slightly nasty, because the foam is polyurethane and wool is what you make hiking socks out of. I have some wool cleaner coming in the mail that's made for delicate needlefelted items like scarves and deposits lanolin, which is what keeps wool "alive" kind of like how you have to care for leather. It's definitely an experiment! Nothing ventured nothing gained!
I don't have an idea in mind for a second head right now and the next thing I want to make is a cowl so I can wear lower-cut tops with this head, but I might try something else if I think of an idea! I'm probably never gonna sell these because I'm weird about selling sculptures for whatever reason. They're like my living beasts.
But I definitely hope this encourages other people who might be interested in bringing needlefelt or other fiber art sensibilities to this space, that would be a massive complement and a high honor to give people a new way to enjoy a hobby that I know means a ton to a lot of people.
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dangerpronebuddie · 3 months
id really like to see prompt 182 "you can't leave marks"
Hi Nonnie 🥰 this was a fun one!
182. "You can't leave marks."
“You can't leave marks.” “Why not?” Eddie says against his throat, adding just a hint of teeth. Buck gasps, his grip on Eddie's hair tightening. “Because I-” His reply is cut off by a moan as Eddie bites down on the juncture of his neck and shoulder. “What was that?” Eddie smirks. He trails open mouthed kisses from Buck's bare shoulder to behind his ear. Buck rocks against Eddie's thigh, chasing friction. Eddie grips his hips, guiding his movements and delighting in the endless stream of noises coming from his fiance's mouth. “Baby,” Buck gasps out. “You can't leave marks, I don't want to- oh fuck.” His head thumps back against the wall as Eddie shifts his knee higher. “You don't want to fuck?” Eddie asks, pulling away. “Why didn't you say so?” “You're such an asshole,” Buck says breathlessly, pulling Eddie back to him. “But you love me,” Eddie says before nipping at his collarbone. “I do love you,” Buck says, “but the photographers are going to hate you, and me, when I show up tomorrow like this.” Eddie grins against his chest. “Maybe they won't cover them up.” “They'll have to, I'll look like a slut,” Buck huffs. “No. You'll look like the love of my life,” Eddie says with a casual shrug, looking into his eyes. Buck smiles, so wide his eyes crinkle, and he wraps his arms around Eddie's neck. “I'll never get tired of hearing that.” “And I'll never get tired of saying it,” Eddie says, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. “Besides… I like the way you look like this.” He brushes his thumb over the darkening bruise beneath Buck's jaw. “You want people to know I'm taken,” Buck points out, and… well… he's not wrong. Those calendars are notorious for causing trouble. Poor Chim got fan mail for an entire year when he was Mr. April. Buck getting Mr. June is liable to yield the same result. “Baby, I'm yours,” Buck says, carding his fingers through Eddie's hair. “Just yours. And besides, you get to have pictures of me shirtless in my turnouts. I'd say it was worth it.” “Okay,” Eddie says, “I'll make you a deal: I won't leave any more marks, and you steal your turnouts tomorrow after shift.” “I'll make you a better deal,” Buck counters with a smirk. “I'll let you leave marks, and I'll steal my turnouts.” And how can Eddie say no to that?
Send me a (buddie) smut prompt 🔥
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octopanko · 3 months
saw your post about the big cal guy. thats like his 3rd Tumblr acc. i'm adding you to my list of victims and if he ever reachest out to you again please tell me bc I have black mail against him ^^.
dont be afraid to point others in my direction so I can add them to my list of people bigcal better leave alone or else
normally I wouldn’t condone trying to blackmail people but this guy spammed my friend once again and sent them nasty NSFW shit so uh. yeah guys if bigcal spammer bugs you again hit this guy up 🔥 dudes gotta learn someday his consequences have actions! spamming is one thing but if you send unsolicited NSFW to someone then I consider you a major asshole who needs to be thrown down a peg
plus this guy is absolutely ruining bigcal for everyone. for every completely normal bigcal fan out there, I am so sorry, the ship is actually totally fine and pretty cute, I’m so sorry this guy is making your reputation worse
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johnica-weeks · 2 years
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A week for Brian and Roger's canon pairings!
🗓 When? From Wednesday 12th to Sunday 16th April
🔍 Where? On Tumblr and AO3!
✨️ Tumblr hashtag: #BrianRogerShipsWeek23
📚 AO3 collection: Brian_RogerShipsWeek23
How? This event is open to all kind of content creators! Writing, fan-arts, video edits, meta and photo appreciation, moodboards, music covers...
RULES under the prompts!
Each day will be dedicated to a specific CANON pairing that involved Roger and Brian in a meaningful and official way in their real lives. This means no crack ships such as Queen x Queen, Queen x Roadie, Queen x OC, etc.*
Only Roger x Dominique/Debbie/Sarina and Brian x Chrissie/Anita!*
Day 1: Roger and Dominique (12th April)
Language barrier
Surprisingly powerful
Take me anywhere, I'll follow you
When I look and I find I still love you
Day 2: Brian and Chrissie (13th April)
Hair, hair, so much hair!
Opposites attract
Please, I really need you to hold me right now.
White Queen, how my heart did ache
Day 3: Roger and Debbie (14th April)
Under the sunshine
Growing family
Baby you got a fire in you
If I could only reach you, if I could make you smile
Day 4: Brian and Anita (15th April)
I love to do everything at your side.
You're really stubborn!
Vegetarian dinner
Baby I know what my poor heart needs
Day 5: Roger and Sarina (16th April)
This would be a great tattoo!
It's not a matter of age
Touring with Q+AL
Incredible how you can see right through me
💕 *Poly ships are allowed as long as they include at least two people from the canon ships (random examples Roger x Dominique x Crystal OT3, Brian x Anita x Roger x Debbie OT4, Brian x Anita x OC OT3 etc.)
👑 Looking forward more crack ships that involve Brian and Roger or for Queen events without shipping? Soon there will be Poly Week > @queenpolyweek and Gen Weekend! So check out @queen-fandom-calendar for all related events!
💕 Genderbends are allowed, and any Alternative Universe as well! (A/B/O, different historical period, non famous, fantasy, Soulmates, etc!)
🔥 NSFW works ARE ALLOWED. Be careful to tag everything properly and do not engage with adult content if you're a minor.
💕 The invite is to write fics that celebrate these couples and the love they brought to Brian and Roger's lives. Angst is allowed, but since most of the already existing fics regarding these couples (specially Brian-centric) are already angsty, about cheating and/or marriage issues, the main suggestion for this event is to focus instead on the positive and good aspects of them. Romance, good endings, rekindling a relationship or building a family, touring together, acceptation, having fun...
What can you do:
Like all Ship Weeks, this is a fandom event to share love and creativity related to a particular couple, so be sure to engage with the entries and support all the artists and writers that chose to join! Reblog, leave likes/kudos and comment on the artworks to keep the fandom alive! 💜💖💕💜💖💕
If a work is not tagged appropriately, you can reach out to me via DM and I’ll warn the author. If anything makes you uncomfortable, simply close the work! Do not engage by leaving nasty comments or messaging the author!
If you need a hand, HERE'S a useful guide for tagging your works.
And HERE'S a guide on how to post anonymously on AO3!
📖 As a reader:
Positive interactions are always much welcomed, don't be shy! Support the authors by leaving likes, a comment (even a little one!) and sharing their work through recs and reblogs. On AO3 you don’t need an account to leave Kudos and Comments! (Unless the author has willingly prevented guests to comment). To leave a comment on AO3 as guest you simply have to choose a temporary mail and set your email to get a notification for an eventual reply.
During the event, if any of you/your entries gets hateful comments or messages towards you, your entries, any of the ships, the event or other creators, please DELETE the hateful comment/message right away with no interactions and let me know! This is no place for haters, just for creativity and love.
If you see a hateful comment on other works do not engage, instead leave a positive comment to the same work and support the author! 💜
I hope you're all going to have fun and write beautiful stories for the event! As usual, if you have any doubt or question reach out to this blog's askbox! 🥰 Don't forget to share!
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mxmoth · 6 months
I want the SPICIEST. Like "we don't serve this to white people without a waiver" kinda spice
This is definitely gonna get me hate mail on this site, but...
I fucking hate reader-insert fanfic with a burning passion. It's ruining fandoms across the board and is directly correlated to toxic parasocial fan relationships, especially in RPF fandoms.
Just make an OC and write a story with fleshed-out characterizations and dynamics. Despite what certain contingencies would have you believe, OCs are not bad. They're good! They're fun! We love them! They allow people to get attached to your characters and not some bland shell of a personae that makes Bella Swan look complex.
I've never in my life read a reader-insert fic that didn't make my soul cringe out of my body.
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tvlandofficial · 2 years
🔥 Dear Tenna,
| Hi! I'm a really big fan of yours, so I wanted to send
you a letter to tell you about how much I enjoy your |
| show! It's so entertaining to watch you read all this fan
mail and respond to it, and inspiring too! I want to be |
| like you some day! I especially love all the comedic
violence you do on the show. My favorite has to be |
| the explosions. Since I want to be like you some day,
I was hoping to try some of that myself and maybe |
| get some feedback! That's why in this letter I've _
enclosed a stick of Comedically Timed Dynamite, the |
| fuse of which is lined along the text of the letter so___
that the flame will follow along with you as you read, |
| such that when you finish reading the letter it will |
explode. Please let me know how you like this gag, and|
| how it could be improved! Thank you so much!!!
_ |
With love, 🧨__|
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📺 ...
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prongsfoot1028 · 10 days
Escape from harsh reality
Good books for me are an escape from reality and into other ppl’s( who r now my ppl) drama. I laugh with them I cry with them even though sometimes they leave me staring at the wall because of some random plot twist I did not see coming. As far book recs go, many are often unappreciated heavily. You may or may not have heard these before but I personally will never stop recommending these istg.
•Harry Potter- JK Rowling- These books were my childhood
Fourth Wing - Rebecca Yarrows- absolutely slow burn 🔥 just read for 13+ * has smut scenes *
Percy Jackson- Pure childhood stuff bro absolute best friends to lovers anyone who hasn’t read this I will shove Medusa’s face into ur face (maybe via mail…)
Throne of Glass - Sarah J Mass-I’ve heard it’s amazing I haven’t actually read it completely yet
Legendborn- Tracy Denonn - Great book! Harry Potter fans will love it many references to other books best friends to lovers troupe
Shatter me- Tahreh Mari- these were recommended to me by a friend and I absolutely fell in love #Aaronforlove #kenjiisallweneed
Powerless-Lauren Roberts- amazing book overall must read if u want good ‘hunter’ ‘hunted’ type enemies to lovers
The Cruel Prince- Holly Black- first enemies to lovers I’ve ever read and it got me addicted to it ever since. 9+ good book
Twilight - Stephanie Meyer- honestly was so surprised when my parents bought this books for me but it’s true love that makes you yearn for your own Edward
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder-Holly Jackson- a beautiful murder mystery. Mature 11 year olds can handle it. My first mystery series( that was not not Enid ablution) book that I ever read and I fell in love with Ravi
Divergent-Veronica Roth- The first 2 books of the three were pretty decent but then I hated the ending of the third book which kinda ruined the series for me but still a great book
Twin Crowns- Katherine Weber and Catherine Doyle- amazing book it’s about witchcraft probably mature 11 year old + few hot scenes but none too spicy
Heroes Of Olympus- I mean it’s a pretty decent continuation of pjo I personally found the first book boring ,cuz guess why -no Percy .( Spoiler alert ahead)( like if u agree )I bond with everyone who cried when Percabeth fell into Tartarus and sorta boycotted the series for 2 years weeks in their memory cuz poor 12 year old me thought they died. Spoiler alert they didn’t. ( end of spoiler alerts)So YAY. If y’all have any recommendations for me too read pls lemme know in the comment
hope at least 1 in 3 Ppl found this useful
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bisexualbard-writes · 9 months
not a ama, but this is pretty long, sorry 🥹. Ispent the last 1.5 days camping in your ao3 profile to read your ffs for kimchay and I AM SO GLAD I DID IT.
I have read the amnesia fic too many times before and I can’t believe I took this long to actually camp on your profile. Now I’ve read all your instalments for the fan mail curse and how do you even come up with these!!!! I’d read them reconciling post canon, in a thousand different ways coz you write all of it so beautifully 😭. Just completed the soulmate fic and im absolutely floored… chay wearing clothes like his brother and eyeliner🔥 lord thank you for putting that visual in my head. And the kiss in the rain I was literally blushing and kicking my feet in the air!!
One thing im so happy about your fics are how im always willing to reread them (forget me always has been reread atleast 10 times im not even kidding atp).
idk how im gonna conclude this whole rant but I had to let you know that im loving your writing so that’s the conclusion ig.
!!!!! thank you so much!!!! I am so DELIGHTED by this message. I've been in a huge writer's block slump for the last two months or so, so this is genuinely so helpful to hear that my words brought you such joy!
and WOW, I'm so in awe that you read forget me always that many times??? Thank you SO MUCH FOR TELLING ME. I hope you have a GREAT DAY. And I've been vibing with the group chat this morning, so I'll try and post some snippets of the new idea that came to me last night <3 <3 <3
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rustbeltjessie · 11 months
☝ - How tall are you?
😳 - Age you get mistaken for? (I have a vague idea you're close to mine, but genuinely I have no idea)
🎤 - Top 5 favorite bands?
🔥 - Something spicy you like?
💌 - Fan mail me? (Does this feature even still exist? 😂)
🍇 - Favorite fruits?
☝ - How tall are you?
5'9" and a bit.
😳 - Age you get mistaken for? (I have a vague idea you're close to mine, but genuinely I have no idea)
Well, I don't know how old you are, so I don't know if your assumption is accurate, lol. I'm not sure what age I get mistaken for. From my teens to my early 20s, people often thought I was older than I actually was; from my mid-20s onward, people tended to think I was younger than I actually was. Now? I just don't know how people perceive me, age-wise. In any case, I'm in my early 40s.
🎤 - Top 5 favorite bands?
I already answered this one! But y'know what, since I felt sad about having to leave so many of my favorite bands off of that other list, I'm going to make another top five here. So, in no particular order:
The Pogues
New Order
Bikini Kill
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
The Slits
🔥 - Something spicy you like?
Hot sauce on pizza! (I like lots of spicy things, but that's the first one that popped into my mind.)
💌 - Fan mail me? (Does this feature even still exist? 😂)
Lol, I don't think it does, but in any case: I think you're pretty neat! Does that count?
🍇 - Favorite fruits?
Pears, plums, peaches, pomegranates.
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☝ - How tall are you?
✔ - Sexual Orientation
🚬 - Do you Smoke?
🍷 - Do you Drink?
♒ - Do you Take Drugs?
😳 - Age you get mistaken for?
💉 - Have Tattoos?
✏️ - Want any tattoos?
✂️ - Got any Piercings?
✌ - Want any piercings?
👌 - Best friend?
♥ - Do you like anyone?
🎤 - Top 5 favorite bands?
🎶 - Top 5 favorite songs?
😒 - Biggest pet peeve?
📝 - Story from your childhood.
💬 - I wish…
‼️ - Something you’ll change?
💦 - What makes you horny?
🌟 - A wish you’ll wish for?
🔥 - Something spicy you like?
👃 You hate the smell of ….
👊 - Something you hate?
🚶 - Are you single?
💬 - Can we text?
💌 - Fan mail me?
💍 - Marry me?
💘 - Be my tumblr crush?
💭 - Favorite foods?
☀ - Story about your day.
💘 - Top 5 celebrity crushes?
🎥 - Top 5 favorite movies?
📺 - Top 5 favorite TV shows?
✏ - Random fact about yourself.
✈️ - Where are you from?
🚀 - Where do you wanna visit?
😍 - Do you have a crush?
😷 - Something you hate eating?
🙈 - What makes you shy?
💃 - Can you dance?
💏 - Do you love anyone?
👟 - Favorite shoe(s) to wear?
🌴 - A island you would visit?
🌎 - A country you would visit?
🌀 - Favorite type of weather?
🔮 - Do you believe in luck?
📱 - What kinda phone do you have?
📅 - Favorite time of the year?
📚 - Career goal you want?
🍴 - Favorite food(s) to eat?
🍭 - Favorite Candy?
🍇 - Favorite fruits?
🚘 - Dream car(s)?
🚔 - Have you ever been arrested?
🚑 - Have you ever driven in an ambulance before?
🎫 - Do you have a license?
🚼 - Do you have or want kids?
🔞 - Are you under 18?
🐶 - Do you own a pet?
😔 - Something that makes you sad?
😡 - What pisses you off?
😏 - What turns you on?
😈 - Are you a freak?
💪 - Do you work out?
👋 Send Me Emojis 👀👌
☝ - How tall are you?
177cm (5'11")
✔ - Sexual Orientation
A bisexual disaster.
🚬 - Do you Smoke?
On occasion.
🍷 - Do you Drink?
♒ - Do you Take Drugs?
Not really.
😳 - Age you get mistaken for?
19. Very specific.
💉 - Have Tattoos?
I would, if Japan would get over their shit.
✏️ - Want any tattoos?
✂️ - Got any Piercings?
Do I even have to answer this question?
✌ - Want any piercings?
More in my ears, primarily.
👌 - Best friend?
♥ - Do you like anyone?
🎤 - Top 5 favorite bands? Babymetal Black Pink Halsey Halestorm Imagine dragons.
🎶 - Top 5 favorite songs? Play With Fire - Sam Tinnesz Daisy - Ashnikko Rise - The Glitch Mob, Mako, and The Word Alive. Flesh - Simon Curtis. Control or Gasoline - Halsey.
😒 - Biggest pet peeve?
Answered here.
📝 - Story from your childhood.
There was a brief time I was convinced I was adopted. Why? I don't know. I was a stupid child.
💬 - I wish…
I had better control of my emotions.
‼️ - Something you’ll change?
My clothes, at some point.
💦 - What makes you horny?
🌟 - A wish you’ll wish for?
To get the fuck out of here in one piece.
🔥 - Something spicy you like?
Spicy miso ramen.
👃 You hate the smell of ….
Fresh caught fish.
👊 - Something you hate?
Only one? There's a long list.
🚶 - Are you single?
(Varies depending on the SL)
💬 - Can we text?
💌 - Fan mail me?
I will spam the shit out of you.
💍 - Marry me?
💘 - Be my tumblr crush?
💭 - Favorite foods?
Anything quick and simple.
☀ - Story about your day.
It's the Borderlands, most days are the same. Try not to die.
💘 - Top 5 celebrity crushes?
I don't pay enough attention to celebrities to have many crushes.
🎥 - Top 5 favorite movies? Spirited Away Shutter The Conjuring Scream The Ring
📺 - Top 5 favorite TV shows? Black Butler Death Note You Inuyasha Demon Slayer
✏ - Random fact about yourself.
I was born on a Tuesday.
✈️ - Where are you from?
Born and bred in Tokyo.
🚀 - Where do you wanna visit?
😍 - Do you have a crush?
I don't do much in the way of "crushes."
😷 - Something you hate eating?
Seaweed salad.
🙈 - What makes you shy?
I'm not a shy person.
💃 - Can you dance?
Tequila tells me I can.
💏 - Do you love anyone?
Contrary to popular belief, yes.
👟 - Favorite shoe(s) to wear?
My boots.
🌴 - A island you would visit?
Does New Zealand count?
🌎 - A country you would visit?
The States, if my English wasn't shit.
🌀 - Favorite type of weather?
Slightly cool, cloudy.
🔮 - Do you believe in luck?
To an extent.
📱 - What kinda phone do you have?
An iPhone.
📅 - Favorite time of the year?
📚 - Career goal you want?
I have the career I want.
🍴 - Favorite food(s) to eat?
🍭 - Favorite Candy?
I would fuck with pocky every day.
🍇 - Favorite fruits?
Watermelon and strawberries.
🚘 - Dream car(s)?
I don't drive enough to have a dream car.
🚔 - Have you ever been arrested?
This may come as a surprise... but no.
🚑 - Have you ever driven in an ambulance before?
I assume this is to mean whether I've been taken to the hospital in one. In which case, yes.
🎫 - Do you have a license?
Yes. It doesn't get used, often.
🚼 - Do you have or want kids?
I do not, no. Zero interest in them.
🔞 - Are you under 18?
No. I haven't been for a bit.
🐶 - Do you own a pet?
I do, a dog.
😔 - Something that makes you sad?
😡 - What pisses you off?
A very long list of things.
😏 - What turns you on?
Aggression, biting, violence...
😈 - Are you a freak?
💪 - Do you work out?
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accendoignis · 3 months
(a huge, skeletal beast with an inky substance around it trudges through the firey domain. How it got here? Not even it knows… but it doesn’t care for that. It seems careful not to end up in any lava that littered the place.)
(…. Hey… it looks.. familiar.. doesn’t it?)
Flying above, Firebrand took careful note of this strange creature, banking in between volcanic vents to stay relatively hidden as he simply watched with his lone eye.
The domain was smoky and smelled overwhelmingly of sulfur... but unlike a "normal" Firebrand this domain was full of skeletons.
A vent erupts near the beast, burning it.
What kind of mockery is this thing...? And why does it kind of look like Banhammer?
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sarahhillips · 1 year
Things an Avatar Theme Park Would Need
No, I’m not talking about the aliens. We already got that. I’m talking about this masterpiece. Cause if Universal ever tears down Hogsmeade/Hogwarts because JKunt Rowling decided being a terf was more important than keeping her franchise alive, this is what they must replace it with.
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As for food, we definitely need food. So,
First, a Jasmine Dragon tea shop obviously
Cactus water (strictly for adults)
A place that serves noodles, dumplings, or foods inspired by the show.
Rides? Oh fuck yes there will be rides.
Wanna ride a mail cart in Omashu? Your wish would be granted.
Wanna fly through the Four Nations on a flying bison? This will be THE ride that you get up at five am to ride because the line will be long af all day. You get on Appa and the ride doesn’t start til you shout ‘Yip yip!’
Also, in both rides, you will destroy the cabbage mans cart.
Entertainment? You got it!
How about parades featuring our Kyoshi Warriors, acrobats, and other memorable side characters?
A show about the history of the four nations with pyrotechnics and shaking seats? Yes.
The Ember Island Players do make appearances but rarely, so if you want to see them, you better check with the park to see which days they’ll be performing.
Yes, there is a secret tunnel. You may be followed by a guy with a guitar singing the secret tunnel song.
Face characters? Fuck yeah! I think guests should get to meet Aang, Toph, Zuko, Sokka, Katara, and Uncle Iroh would make rare appearances. You’ll most likely find him near the Jasmine Dragon.
And oh yes, there will be merch. Lots and lots of merch.
So Universal, if you guys come to your senses, call me and lets make this park a reality.
I’m not as avid of an Avatar fan as a lot of you, so if you have corrections or ideas you’d like the add, lets make a list! 🌊🪨🔥🌪️
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morganlefaye79 · 2 years
ᴜɴᴜꜱᴜᴀʟ ᴏᴄ ᴀꜱꜱᴏᴄɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ
ᴛᴀɢɢᴇᴅ ʙʏ @imaginarycyberpunk2023' - Thank you for tagging me, I'm gonna do this for Valaire (With Kerry's help) and then for Joris and Vicco together. Because I think it's gonna be fun.
Kerry (It should be gold but we are limited here)
"Val, you need to help me! Is rosemary and thyme correct?"
"Depends. You're writing a recipe?"
"Would be more likely poison, but no. Try to figure out what your seasoning is."
Val frowns, "you wanna cook me?"
"Ugh!" Kerry sticks his tongue out in mocking disgust, "I'm doing one of those association games for you! Gonk!"
"Alright, let me see!"
Sᴇᴀsᴏɴɪɴɢ: Rosemary and Thyme
ᴡᴇᴀᴛʜᴇʀ: clear sky with cool temperatures
ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ: "That's a no-brainer!" Purple (gold)
Sᴋʏ: clear blue sky
ᴍᴀɢɪᴄᴀʟ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀ: Electricity
ʜᴏᴜsᴇ ᴘʟᴀɴᴛ: none
ᴡᴇᴀᴘᴏɴ: Archangel (another no-brainer)
Sᴏᴄɪᴀʟ ᴍᴇᴅɪᴀ: none "I get enough dead threats by mail already from your fans because I married you"
"I wouldn't called them fans."
ᴍᴀᴋᴇᴜᴘ ᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛ: Black and purple eyeliner, golden lipstick.
ᴄᴀɴᴅʏ: 90% chocolate
Fᴇᴀʀ: failing
ɪᴄᴇ ᴄᴜʙᴇ Sʜᴀᴘᴇ: Never thought about the shape of my ice cubes
ᴍᴇᴛʜᴏᴅ ᴏf ʟᴏɴɢ ᴅɪsᴛᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴛʀᴀᴠᴇʟʟɪɴɢ: car / plane
ᴀʀᴛ Sᴛʏʟᴇ: symbolism "Huh, didn't know that one yet."
ᴍʏᴛʜᴏʟᴏɢɪᴄᴀʟ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ: Phoenix "What a shame, if you had chosen a satyr, I would have allowed you to chase me around the house!"
"Where do you get all that energy, old man?"
ᴘɪᴇᴄᴇ ᴏf sᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴᴀʀʏ: Stylograph
3 ᴇᴍᴏᴊɪs: 💜☕🍪
ᴄᴇʟᴇsᴛɪᴀʟ ʙᴏᴅʏ: Mercury
"Ah, look who's visiting! Vicco and my brother!"
"They can do this thing too!"
Vicco and Joris looking at each other, thinking if they should run immediately to not get dragged into something.
"What thing?"
"An association game."
Sᴇᴀsᴏɴɪɴɢ: Savory / smoked paprika
ᴡᴇᴀᴛʜᴇʀ: snow flurries / hot summer day me sitting in the shade with a cocktail
ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ: blue / red
Sᴋʏ: snow clouds / clear blue sky with no clouds
ᴍᴀɢɪᴄᴀʟ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀ: fire / water "You did that on purpose"
"I don't know what you're talking about!"
ʜᴏᴜsᴇ ᴘʟᴀɴᴛ: basil "those are not plants" "why?"
ᴡᴇᴀᴘᴏɴ: "I mostly use my cyberdeck if I have to, everything else I can handle with my sandevistan and monowire."
"I don't engage in open combat so I guess a pocket knife and my monowire are enough."
Sᴏᴄɪᴀʟ ᴍᴇᴅɪᴀ: "all of them" / none
ᴍᴀᴋᴇᴜᴘ ᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛ: black eyeliner, eye shadow and lipstick. / *inhales* ...
ᴄᴀɴᴅʏ: Koffie leutjes or stroopwafels / Pop rocks
Fᴇᴀʀ: nothing specific / Darkness
ɪᴄᴇ ᴄᴜʙᴇ Sʜᴀᴘᴇ: I don't care about ice cube shapes / hearts
ᴍᴇᴛʜᴏᴅ ᴏf ʟᴏɴɢ ᴅɪsᴛᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴛʀᴀᴠᴇʟʟɪɴɢ: car or plane / motorcycle or train
ᴀʀᴛ Sᴛʏʟᴇ: Bauhaus / Fauvism
ᴍʏᴛʜᴏʟᴏɢɪᴄᴀʟ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ: Griffin / Gremlin
ᴘɪᴇᴄᴇ ᴏf sᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴᴀʀʏ: boxes
3 ᴇᴍᴏᴊɪs: 🎸🤘🏼😄 (Joris) / 💗🔥😴 (Vicco)
ᴄᴇʟᴇsᴛɪᴀʟ ʙᴏᴅʏ: Moon / Venus
You see this and want to do it?
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kairi-chan · 2 years
Was clearing mail the other day and came across all your fic notifications from 2018-2020. Can't stress enough how much i miss the crippling jolt of anxiety and excitement i used to get whenever i would see a new update from you (especially with fics like IGY and HYD with all the uncertainty and drama 💔🤧). The absolute change in heart rate, head feeling all warm and fuzzy, chest feeling tight, mouth going dry, fingers slightly shaking while clicking on the chapter link... 😵
And then the absolute brainrot it would give me for the rest of the day...🔥 (or even weeks~)
Suffice to say, I miss your chaotic BoruSara stories, but if I had to be absolutely honest, i miss the trance they used to put me in even more... 🤯💫
Hope you're doing well! 🥰🤗
Happy 2023!! 💕💕💕
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me an ask. You have no idea how happy this made me.
I’ve been thinking about going back to writing and taking on less fandom events lately so this is so timely! Because like you, I also miss the heart stopping, inspiration filled moments I used to get while writing. I miss creating content, collaborating with other fan creators, and just vibing. The brainrot is also something I miss 😭
Darling, are you a writer yourself? Because your descriptions are on point 👌 and I feel you so much. As much as I miss writing, what I miss the most is the “trance” they used to put me in as well. Lettuce sea if the ship will still have the same spark like it used to with me and writing, or if I’ll be moving on to my other ships like GojoHime or maybe even KawaSumi! Lol!
I’m busy and stressed more than usual these days but that’s because I started a new job and it’s been challenging af. But it’s okay. I’ll get to my normalizing point soon. Thank you for dropping by to check in.
Happy 2023! I hope you have a marvelous year ahead, darling.
All my love,
Kairi 🌹
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nrhartauthor · 2 years
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🌸🌸🌸 I love my fans. I have the best fans from around the world 🌎 Thank you for ordering my books and my newest book Twin Flame Love 🔥 Merry Christmas to you 🎄🎁 Repost from @tracey8737 • Hey!! Look what came in the mail!! A Christmas gift to myself 🤗😍 None other than @n.r.hart 's book 'Twin Flame Love:Soulmate Poetry. ✨✨✨ • I wanted to write a fairytale , a love story and a romance novel all in one. 📖👑 N.R.Hart. ♥️♥️♥️ Twin Flame Love : Soulmate Poetry by N.R.Hart This book will be for anyone who has shared a sacred bond - an unexplainable bond - an unbreakable bond. a soulmate or twin flame experience. This poetry will reflect this special bond. “An ancient bond between souls.” ©2022 N.R.Hart] 🕊 🕊🕊 • Poetry and Pearls I & II are in full color 🌈 with all my original floral posters inside divided into the four seasons Winter Spring Summer Autumn because I feel there are seasons of the heart too. 💗 These books are beautiful works of art.🍃 • Love Poems to No One ,Beauty and her Beast, The Last of the Romantics 🌹 beautiful rose floral hard covers in black including all my original black & white posters divided into the four seasons Winter Spring Summer Autumn. The perfect little size to carry with you everywhere. 🍃🍃🍃 These books are a trilogy series. Pick up your copy today. You will want the set! 👉🏻 If you have pictures of my books please tag me. I love seeing where my books end up around the world 🌎 Thank you! Love, N.R.Hart ❤️ All my books are available @amazon https://www.amazon.com/poetry-pearls-romantic-n-hart/dp/1512179272/ https://www.amazon.com/Poetry-Pearls-Romantic-II/dp/0578428660/ https://www.amazon.com/Love-Poems-No-One-Romantic/dp/0578451166/ https://www.amazon.com/Beauty-Her-Beast-Romantic-Poetry/dp/0578616440/ https://www.amazon.com/Last-Romantics-Romantic-Poetry/dp/0692168591/ https://www.amazon.com/Twin-Flame-Love-Soulmate-Poetry/dp/B0BND3GH3W/ #nrhart #twinflamelove (at Elizabethtown, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmls-gZubqI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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