quinnylouhughesx43 · 3 months
Run to You - lh43 - timeless
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summary: in which y/n’s first boyfriend is not a big fan of Luke and does one of the unspeakable acts to y/n. y/n needs luke.
warnings: TW! TW!: quick mentioning of significant other (almost) hitting other significant other, a lot of dialogue (I mean A LOT), soft luke, cursing, wrote this while half asleep and while at work sorry if it’s not my normal writing :(
word count: 1.7k
note: you are responsible for your own consumption of content on the internet. anything you interact with on my page is at your own discretion. this is piece of fiction. please do not take anything in this to be an accurate representation of anyone who is a real person to be literal. :)
time in life: senior year of high school
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Rosey's heart raced as she walked down the sidewalk, her sneakers scraping against the concrete. Her thoughts were all jumbled up. She couldn’t understand what wrong and when it wrong. She was having the hardest time wrapping her mind around the fact Jason had just broke up with her. He was her first true boyfriend, and she thought he loved her. He said he loved her. Jason had given her a choice, him or Luke. She didn’t want to choose and she wouldn’t choose.
He lost his temper with her, his voice raised and eventually so did his hand.
Rosey dodged out of his reach just in time, if she hadn’t, his open hand would’ve connected across her cheek. Terrified of the man standing in front of her, she managed to blurt out a few words to him and charged right out his front door. Now she was walking toward the Hughes's house, struggling to keep herself composed.
Luke. She needed him now more than ever.
Jason lives two neighborhoods over from where her and Luke’s neighborhood is. It’s a quick drive from one place to the other, that is when you drive. Problem for Rosey is she was dropped at his place. Leaving her in a predicament of needing a ride home or to do exactly what she was.
Rosey didn't dare stop her trek, too paranoid Jason might be following her. She was approaching the Hughes’s house when she was brave enough to look behind her. Nothing. She slowed down enough to catch her breath. When she got close enough, she caught sight of Luke's figure through their living room window. Just the sight of him helped her relaxed. Jim and Ellen were out for the day with Quinn and Jack for one of their hockey games and she knew he'd be alone.
Rosey flung open the front door and raced into the house, slamming the door behind her. "Moosey!" she gasped, her voice echoing through the empty entry way. "Luke, I’m sorry for just barging in but I" Rosey couldn’t finish her sentence before her cries broke out as she entered the living room.
When she laid eyes on him and she knew she was safe in his presence, she couldn’t choke her emotions back any longer. Luke practically lunged off the couch, collecting her into his arms.
"Hey, sweet girl, what's wrong?" he asked, taking one of his hands to gently smooth across her hair. He paused halfway as she tensed then quickly relaxed.
"He..he almost smacked me," she sobbed, her voice breaking when she choked on her cries. "Jason, he just..” She paused, having to take a moment to catch her breath. “He got really upset with me when I told him I wouldn't stop being friends with you."
His eyes widened in disbelief. "He did what?" Luke’s question was rhetorical, he heard what she said to him, but he wanted to believe he didn’t though. He did his best to keep his tone even, he didn’t want to make anything worse.
"He was going to hit me, Moose.” She repeated, her face buried in Luke's hoodie. "He said I had to choose, him or you."
Luke's jaw tightened, the veins in his neck becoming more prominent. "That's such bullshit, Ro. Listen to me. You don’t have to choose.”
She didn’t say anything back to him, only squeezed his torso a little tighter and moved her head to where her forehead pressed against his chest so she was now staring at their feet.
Luke moved the two of them to sit down on the couch. He wanted to go over to Jason’s and take care of him, but his first priority was Rosey.
Rosey scooted closer to Luke leaning over onto his shoulder. In the most natural movement Luke moved her to where she was in his lap and he was cradling her close to him. “Listen, I'm here for you, no matter what. Always. The only person allowed to dictate who you are and aren’t friends with is you Rosey.”
"But he was my first boyfriend, and it isn’t fair.” Her body slouched in his arms, officially showing signs of being defeated.
Luke’s ears perked at the word was.
“What a way to ruin my outlook on relationships right?” If the way she entered the house wasn’t enough to shatter his heart the humorous laugh that just came out of her did for sure.
Luke started to rub her mid-thigh soothingly. “Ro, don’t let him ruin your view on relationships. Most people go through a shitty one, do you remember Mia? She basically killed me last summer, with how she chose to end things, but I got through it because I had you.”
Rosey scoffed at him, for the first time since the two had moved to the couch she turned her head enough to look at him. “Yeah, but you’re you and well. I’m me. You could have literally anybody you wanted if you tried.”
“Except you’re wrong, I can’t have the one girl I truly want.” His mind was fighting his heart. He wanted to risk it all and spill his heart to her right then, but what happens when she doesn’t feel the same way.
Rosey sniffled and wiped her nose on her sleeve. "What, are you kidding me?" she asked, her voice still shaky and Luke shook his head. “Don’t worry about that right now, we’re focusing on you.” He pulled her back towards his body, his arms strong and steady around her. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, sweet girl.. I wish I could make it better." She buried her face in the side of neck. The feeling of her warm breath on his neck making it hard for him to steady his heartbeat.
“Do you need anything?” Luke asks her wanting to make sure he makes her as comfortable as possible.
She attempted to shake her head from where it laid on his shoulder. “I already have what I needed" Her voice trailed off as she tried to figure out how to say her next few words. “I came straight here because I needed you.”
“Needed me?” He asked incredulously.
“Yes. I know that you’re always going to be here for me whenever I need you and you make me feel safe.. Always.” Her words were soft spoken but said with such conviction he wasn’t sure what he was to do or say.
Luke’s heart rate had to be at an unnatural level. He had just been debating on whether or not he should go ahead and tell her why he couldn’t get the girl. And now the girl was telling him, he was ‘what’ she needed.
Was our relationship really just a friendship to her too? Or did she ever think of me as something more. Did Jason see whatever Jack and Quinn seemed to think they see all the time?
While Luke was reeling from everything that was going on in his mind, he hadn’t realized he had dropped out of the embrace that he had been holding her in. Rosey had removed herself from his and sunk into her self, playing with her fingernails worried that she’d said something.
“Luke?” She finally called out his name after a few minutes.
He cleared his throat, trying to pull himself to the present. “Yes, sweet girl?”
“You spaced out, look a bit terrified, and then you slipped away.. Did I say something wrong?
Luke remained silent, shifting his position on the couch.
“Oh.” Rosey’s picking, soon turned to hair twisting signifying the increase in anxiety. “I didn’t think it was a big deal to ne”
In one quick motion Luke was back in her personal space, Rosey was silenced by the shock of his sudden movement. He placed two fingers below her chin lifting her head to look up at him. Their eyes meet and a split second later their lips are connected.
Stunned, was an understatement of how she was feeling in that moment. Still she responded moving and wrapping hers arms around his neck, kissing him back. Luke moved back slightly, breaking their kiss almost as fast as he had initiated it. He placed a hand on her cheek to softly rub his thumb across her cheek. Rosey pulled him back to her. “It wasn’t long enough.” She whispered to him and brushes her lips back across his.
Luke pulled his body back. He pushes his hands through his hair and blows out a big breath.
“The girl Rosey. she’s you. I never wanted to say anything because I’d rather know I have you in my life securely one way than risk it all by admitting how I feel but I can’t sit here any longer.”
“Luke.” Reaching out to cup his cheek and giving him her soft smile.
“Just think if you had said something months ago, you could’ve been doing that any time you wanted to.” She teased him, pulling at his shirt to pull him to her. “Because, what if I told you that the feelings are mutual?” She was grinning at him, their faces inches apart, awaiting his reaction.
He looked at the girl who had his whole heart in the palm of her hands. The girl he’s had to suppress his feelings for by forcing himself to try to have feelings for other girls. The one girl he did have some feelings for, knew that he would never truly love anyone but Rosey.
“Rosey, I’m not joking.. so please.”
“Neither am l Moose. I never in a million decades thought I had a chance of being with you. So are we figuring this out or are you just never going to kiss me again?”
“Oh trust me. I’m definitely kissing you again, many many times again. But first we’re figuring out today’s situation, I am making sure you’re absolutely okay with what happened. I want to make sure that he’s taken care of too. He’s not getting away with nearly hitting you, and then we talk about us. You, your happiness, safety, everything about you has always been and will always be my first priority.” He kisses her forehead as he confirms her hopeful question. “I’m definitely going to get ‘I told you so’s from Jack and Quinn” He chuckled a bit.
“You? They’re going to tease me for crying to them about how I never stood a chance.
The two sunk into the couch cuddling into one another comfortably sitting in the silence that fell over them. Luke’s mind going over what to do about Jason, while Rosey’s had already moved on to thinking of what her and Luke’s time together would be like. Sometime after the two fell asleep cuddled up, nothing their families hadn’t seen before. Only somehow it’s as if Ellen just knew something had shifted between her two beloved babies.
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wintfleur · 3 months
₊˚ෆ roro’s au masterlist
━━━ ❛ I’ve never known someone like you
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ʚ ɞ the youngest hughes and her love story with rutger
ʚ ɞ being the only female f1 driver was a lot to handle, but thankfully Julie had her two lovers to help her through it
ʚ ɞ Gwen loves her job as the Habs photographer, and her boyfriend juraj loves it more
ʚ ɞ falling in love with your teammates sister was a rule jack never planned on breaking , but that rule is so easily broken when he meets her .
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comment if you would like to be added to anyone of my AU taglists or if you want to be added to them all .
copyright © 2024, all rights reserved. you can't copy, translate, reproduce, repost my fic, use my plot or layout.
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brrrkdslek · 10 months
wooyoung giggled excitedly as he rode the elevator upwards to your office, he'd plan to surprise you since you were getting off work early. he bought your favourite flowers and even dressed nicely to see you.
wooyoung had to be the luckiest boy in this entire country as an independent and rich woman like yourself would go for a guy like him, he was over the moon during the first few dates. and it lead to more.
the security guards didn't even bother to glance at wooyoung as he came all the time, so often some people thought he was your intern or something. he jogged and felt his heart race upon nearing your door. he held the handle and took a deep breath before pushing it open, smile dropping as he sees another man inside, holding your hand and saying nice words to you.
you weren't smiling, he noticed. but yet, he couldn't stop the bubbling thoughts in his head, does she not want me anymore? am i not good enough? was i just her entertainment? do i mean nothing to- "wooyoung." your calming voice never failed to send shivers down his spine, he looked around, "he's gone now, you can come here."
you patted your lap as wooyoung regained a small smile and walked over towards you, shoving the flowers in your face, "surprise! i got them for you since i knew you were getting off early today!" your smile only grew wider upon seeing his lovely grin. "oh, i'm so pleased my love." taking hold of the bouquet, you took a deep whiff and sighed before placing it onto your desk.
wooyoung then settled on your lap comfortably just like how he did so many times before. you held onto his waist as your lips connected. wooyoung hoped you couldn't hear how loud his heart was beating, but he couldn't help himself, you were just so, so intoxicating. he whimpered as you slid your tongue into his mouth, as if you were fucking him. did you kiss that guy like that too?
suddenly, wooyoung pulled away. his hands on your shoulders were slightly trembling as his eyes grew red, "is something the matter, woo?" did you call him nicknames too? "i-i... uh-" wooyoung took in shaky breathes as he averted his gaze, constantly blinking away. did you care for him like that too? you nervously cupped his face and looked into his eyes, "wooyoung, talk to me."
he gulped, "who... who was the guy just now?" oh. you put the pieces together, "some client that was trying to win me over, why?" you giggled at the thought of wooyoung being jealous, you know he is and you've seen his cute pout and glares but nothing could've prepared you for what's next.
"do you... not want me anymore?" although it was just below a whisper, you heard it. and god, the tears forming in his eyes stabbed at your little heart. "what?" you were so shocked, how could he think that? "i-i promise i'll do better...!" wooyoung holds both your hands as tears streamed down his face, "i-i promise..! so please, don't leave me, mistress." he couldn't help but sob pathetically.
you immediately pull his in for a gentle and soothing kiss, one of reassurance, proving to wooyoung that he's yours and you're his. pulling away, wooyoung hiccupped as he looked down in shame, shame of what he said, shame of doubting your relationship over some guy. "i-i'm sorry..." you shushed the boy, "no, it's okay." you pull him into your chest and carded your hands through his hair, "i'll never leave you wooyoung. you're one in a million and i'm so lucky to have that."
wooyoung exhaled into your chest, "i should be the one to say that," he tilted upwards to look at you and you thought your heart exploded at his pretty glossy eyes and dusted cheeks, "you're so strong and independent and, and rich. but you still went for a guy like me..." you kiss the tip of his nose, "i will, i will choose you in every lifetime. in every scenario i'd still choose you." wooyoung never blinks as you looked at him with such love, such care. "do you know why?" he shakes his head, "because i love you, woo. you're special to me and you're my everything."
wooyoung couldn't help but get emotional again, clinging onto your neck as he sniffled, mumbling apologies and i love you's as he pecked your cheek and neck every now and then. checking the time, you realised you could get off now since you didn't have any more clients until late tomorrow. "c'mon woo, let's go home. you can cry more in the car." you teased.
wooyoung only whined and shook his head, arms still tightly caging your neck. you sighed before holding his thighs, picking him up with ease even in high heels. picking up the bouquet and your purse, you left the office after locking your door and waving goodbye to your bodyguards who were trying their best not to burst out laughing. "baby, can you hold my purse? otherwise i'll drop you."
passing your purse backwards, he took it into his hands and nuzzled into your neck, intoxicated by your sweet fragrance. the elevator dinged as you got on, pressing B1 for the parking lot. "do you like this perfume?" wooyoung only nodded as he tightened his legs around your hips, "my baby." you kissed the side of his head as you got off the elevator, walking to the car in long strides.
"woo, you have to get off, i need to start the car." the boy whined as he shook his head, tickling your neck. you rolled your eyes, "if you don't get off, i won't watch that movie with you anymore." wooyoung climbed off after that, eyes still red and puffy from all his crying as he got into the passenger seat. no, his seat. he watched from the rear mirror as you wrapped the bouquet as to not crush it before putting it into the trunk.
the car ride home was quiet as neither of you decided to talk, wanting to leave it until you arrived home. however you had a hand on his thigh the entire time, and was slightly brushing against his crotch.
moans filled the bedroom as you pounded into wooyoung's ass. your nails digging into his hips as you continuously thrust your own forward, making him cry out.
you paused for a moment and flipped the male over, making him land onto the pillows with a plop. you smirk as you run your hands over the dark purple spots on his skin, and your red lipstick that smudged most of his face. wooyoung whimpers and leans into your touch, "m-mistress, can i cum? please?" he jolted when you fiddled with his nipples, "i- ah! i really wanna cum..."
"you'll cum when i'm done showing you my love, since you don't believe me." wooyoung whines when you reapply your red lipstick, "i-i believe you...! so please, mistress let me cum!" wooyoung whimpered as he bucked his hip at nothing, precum dripping from his cock and onto his stomach as he twitched painfully.
you smack your lips and check yourself out in the mirror on your vanity for a few seconds before turning back to the boy, nearly laughing at the tears that were forming in his eyes. you got up and straddled his hips as wooyoung let out a high-pitched moan. he gripped your hip as you tutted, "ah, ah, ah. if you move even an inch, you won't get what's next."
wooyoung deflated back into the mattress as you brushed your hair back, "do i look pretty?" wooyoung's eyes sparkled as he admired your perfectly red lips, "the prettiest..." you chuckled and leaned down to peck his nose, leaving a small red lipstick print on his nose.
"can you fuck me now...?" you laughed, "yes, of course."
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sideeve · 1 year
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→ 📁 ;; i literally can’t wait to play mk1🤭 (fem!reader , actress!reader , NO MK1 SPOLIERS , pwp , piv, semi-soft sex in the beginning , soft!johnny)
“come on, princess. don’t play hard to get now.” he teases, the pad of his thumbs rubbing over your pebble-like nipples.
you had just finished shooting a scene for one of his long awaited films. it was one of the more…sensual scenes in the movies, making him (in his words) rock hard. he has you bent over one of the vanities in the makeup rooms.
you were stand-offish with johnny at first. you’ve heard the many stories from your fellow actresses. hearing how unprofessional and perverted he was. but he was gentleman with you. making sure you were always comfortable with the scenes you were about to shoot.
“i’m not gonna hurt you. that much anyways.” he chuckles, softly thrusting into you. your hole clenched around him every time his tip kisses your cervix.
“johnny.” you whimper, gripping at edge of the vanity. your knuckles were turning white from how tightly your grip was.
“you okay, sweetpea?” he removes one hand from your chest, rubbing his thumb on your cheek.
if you were another woman, he would’ve fucked the daylights out of you. not in a good way. just for his pleasure. he was enamored with you. he’s watched every show, every movie, any and every films you’ve been in, he’s watched. jacking off to them.
he made an oath to himself that if he ever met you, he would treat you like the queen you are. taking the utmost care. to be a gentleman to you.
“go a little faster, baby.” you whine, cunt squeezing around his base. “fuckin’ hell.” he groans. his grips at your hips, pulling you into his groin. “you asked for this.”
for the next few minutes, the room was filled with sounds of skin slapping, the noises ricocheting in your ears, and moaning, loud enough for the hall outside to hear.
“j-johnny. calm down!” you pant. but you couldn’t. the way your ass ripples with each thrust was intoxicating. “i can’t, princess.” the wet sounds of your cunt were sending him over the edge.
he paints the inside of your walls with his creamy thick load. “fuck, princess.” he pants, his body softening.
he hums in response.
“i didn’t finish.”
he closes his eyes. you’ve gotta be kidding me.
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simdertalia · 1 year
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🌙 🎃 ACNH Halloween Set 🎃🌙
Sims 4, Base game compatible. 50 items
It's that time of year! It's currently almost 1:00 AM October 1st for me, I'm so excited about this set so here it is! As usual, all original swatches included with some extras added by me! The extra swatches for the dead trees were inspired by the bonus material for The Hobbit, where they showed the set design for Mirkwood ☺️💗 I hope you enjoy!
Always suggested: bb.objects ON, it makes placing items much easier. For further placement tweaking, check out the TOOL mod.
Use the scale up & down feature on your keyboard to make the items larger or smaller to your liking. If you have a non-US keyboard, it may be different keys depending on which alphabet it uses.
Set contains:
Buy: -Arch | 6 swatches | 3604 poly -Candy Bucket | 8 swatches | 610 poly -Candy Piece | 7 swatches | 530 poly -Candy Pieces | 10 swatches | 2650 poly -Carriage | 4 swatches | 5698 poly -Cauldron (steam animation) | 10 swatches | 1196 poly -Cauldron (no steam) | 10 swatches | 1196 poly -Centipede 1 | 3 swatches | 938 poly -Centipede 1 (wall) | 3 swatches | 938 poly -Centipede 2 | 1 swatch | 902 poly -Centipede 2 (wall) | 1 swatch | 902 poly -Cockroach | 2 swatches | 960 poly -Cockroach (wall) | 2 swatches | 960 poly -Cookie Plate | 5 swatches | 1202 poly -Dead Tree 1 | 7 swatches | 2602 poly -Dead Tree 2 | 7 swatches | 2602 poly -Dessert Setting | 4 swatches | 1226 poly -Garland | 5 swatches | 278 poly -Gravestone (Japanese) | 5 swatches | 1195 poly -Gravestone (Western) | 5 swatches | 2104 poly -Hat Decor - Bear | 7 swatches | 906 poly -Hat Decor - Cat | 8 swatches | 906 poly -Hat Decor - Horns | 6 swatches | 1034 poly -Hat Decor - Witch | 9 swatches | 1202 poly -Hay Bench | 3 swatches | 1870 poly -Hay Table | 5 swatches | 2380 poly -Hay Table V2 | 5 swatch | 2380 poly -Iron Fence 1 | 1 swatch | 564 poly -Iron Fence 1 V2 | 1 swatch | 564 poly -Iron Fence 2 | 1 swatch | 272 poly -Iron Fence 2 V2 | 5 swatches | 272 poly -Jack-o-Lantern Decor | 8 swatches | 610 poly -Jack-o-Lantern Tree | 4 swatches | 4810 poly -Lollypop | 8 swatches | 416 poly -Pipe Organ Decor (slotted on top for decorations) | 7 swatches | 2404 poly -Place Setting | 5 swatches | 1073 poly -Pumpkin on Hook (left) | 8 swatches | 1207 poly -Pumpkin on Hook (right) | 8 swatches | 1207 poly -Pumpkin Shadowbox | 4 swatches | 736 poly -Pumpkin Stack | 4 swatches | 1204 poly -Rug | 1 swatch | 320 poly -Rug - Skull | 3 swatches | 357 poly -Scarecrow | 8 swatches | 1194 poly -Seat | 4 swatches | 1194 poly -Socks (wall) | 33 swatches | 1142 poly -Table (2 versions, with & without jack-o-lantern face) | 5 swatches each | 2420 poly -Wand Decor | 2 swatches | 590 poly -Witch Shoes Decor | 11 swatches | 820 poly
Build: -Halloween Wooden Floor Tiles | 2 swatches -Halloween Wallpaper | 2 swatches
Type “acnh halloween" into the search query in build mode to find  quickly. You can always find items like this, just begin typing  the title and it will appear.
📁 Download (SFS, No Ads): HERE
📁 Alt Download (still no ads): HERE
As always, please let me know if you have any issues! Happy Simming!
✨ If you like my work, please consider supporting me
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Thank you for reblogging ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
@sssvitlanz  @maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters  @coffee-cc-finds  @itsjessicaccfinds  @gamommypeach  @stargazer-sims-finds  @khelga68  @suricringe  @vaporwavesims  @mystictrance15 @public-ccfinds
If anyone wants a few of the items from this set for TS3, @bioniczombie has converted the rug, dessert place setting, and cookie plate here!
The rest of my CC
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we1sh · 3 months
📁 📁
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Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have . accepting .
gwen always keeps a firearm in the house in case of an alien threat or the government comes looking for her and the family . it's kept in a sewing tin on top of the cupboard away from the kids . there's also a gun in the back of her wardrobe in a hat box .
gwen is very uncomfortable with having a babysitter since one of them turned out to be an alien and attempted to kidnap anwen . the only people trusted to babysit are her parents and rhys' parents ( only if they're desperate ) . and jack . . . with supervision .
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scr-ppup · 5 months
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[ID/A dark red line with gold lining and a repeating star and half moon pattern./end ID]
Med-jack role system
[PT/Med-jack role system/end PT]
The med-jack system(med- / -jack); a role system related to being a med-jack and a [—]; related to medicine, being a medic, and medical knowledge aesthetics, [—] aesthetics & themes, and to Lurkerian genders and lutorhood & lutoricity.
You are not required to use this text template when coining if it limits the description of the coining you have in mind.
This flag template is supposed to be overlaid with a ten stripe flag for it to work properly. :3
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[ID/A rectangular flag of 4 stripe sections upon blank space, the colors go from top to bottom as vivid green, stale green, light blue and creamy white./end ID]
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[ID/A dark red line with gold lining and a repeating star and half moon pattern./end ID]
Requested by none.
📁: Lurkerian post link
Taglist: @radiomogai @obscurian @role-systems
[🪦]Please do not tag my neogenders as xenogenders they aren't xenogenders! Kiitos (thank you).
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bdsmerogenky · 2 months
Un poco de quien soy
📁🐾Kardex de Cachorro/Sumiso🐾📁
Nombre y alias: Joaquín/Jack/ Cachorro Genky (Casado con hombre) en matrimonio abierto desde hace 18 años Ubicación: EdoMéx Me identifico como: Cachorro sumiso, los Test de Bdsm me han hecho ver que mi naturaleza es ser sumiso. Busco: Amigos, manada, handler, lo que se pueda ir dando o lo que quedemos como mutuo acuerdo. Kinks: Sesiones coitales-no coitales/ Lanzar-atrapar/Entrenamiento/Olores/Frotar/Bozales (siempre y cuando pueda respirar) /Pup gear/After care/Provocación/Dominación-Sumisión/Humillación verbal (poco)/Feminizarme (solo si fuese requerido) por el Handler o Dominante Hobbies: Leer, cine, salir con los amigos Redes sociales: Twitter: @unintermas Extra: Soy de Personalidad ENFJ-A, Raza soy un Gran Danés, dulce, moderadamente juguetón, cariñoso, amable, paciente, complaciente, me llevo bien con los humanos, me llevo bien con otros cachorros o razas, Soy complicado de adiestrar, aunque algunos puedan decir que soy un aprendiz bastante tozudo, l Leal con: Cachorros, Dueño/ Amo/ Dominante/ Handler/ Alfa (cuando lo tenga) y reservado con los extraños. Intereses: tengo quien me adiestre en obediencia (Amo Israel Pontifex) para asegurar que cuando sea domesticado al 100% sea muy noble y cariñoso como buen Cachorro, aunque algo distraído para aprender (pero con toda la actitud para hacerlo) me gusta comer bien, no puedo dormir en el suelo por mi tamaño, pero si en las piernas de alguien, en alguna cama o espacio adaptado para dormir, si no me maltratas soy muy accesible, tardo un poco, pero si aprendo de lo que me enseñan. Pasatiempos: me gusta que me acaricien mucho, que me toquen, que toquen mis tetillas, oler a la otra persona y que me huela, jugar con hueso, pelotas, lamer, soy muy oral, caricias en la pancita, en general busco servir y ser usado por Cachorros, Dueño/ Amo/ Dominante/ Handler/ Alfa, dependiendo se pueda.
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gaytedlasso · 1 year
📂 <3
Every time Cas has healed Dean it's left an imprint on his soul, leaving it absolutely covered in handprints/marks of Cas. This is not typical (Sam or Jack don't have them) it's only because of the soul bond from Cas raising Dean from Hell
Send me a 📁 and I'll tell you one of my headcanons
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jacktyerman · 1 year
📁 Jack Tyerman for Náutica Australia
📅 Spring 2023
📷 ?
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theratsprotege · 6 months
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hii, i'm jack and i use he/they.
i mainly made this account to engage with parties are for losers content. i am not active on tumblr, please ask if you want my discord (for whatever reason you'd want it? lol)
⚠️DNI do not interact
✩ if you engage with LGBT discourse
✩ anything AI art related. support real artists
📁INTERESTS please interact!
✩ anything vocaloid, especially PAFL or Ferry related
✩ MILGRAM! I love milgram so much
✩ manga: dungeon meshi, blue period, chainsaw man, villain
✩ anime: frieren: beyond journeys end, fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood, hells paradise, kaguya-sama love is war, madoka magica, evangelion
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 3 months
Rosey Red
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summary: quick blurb (rough rough rough writing) on how y/n got the nickname rosey.
notes: UPDATED 6/21!! Still rough writing im exhausted and i wrote through tumblr drafts but i fixed spelling errors and added some details. hoping to get the new word count when i get to my laptop top!!I will most likely rewrite this so it isn’t such icky writing when I’m not at work. I got asked to stay over :(
word count: unsure now that it’s updated
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This takes place around age 11, mid-January for it to be so cold.
It was the dead of winter, -4° Fahrenheit, and the three Hughes brothers were out in the street playing ball hockey. Having the time of their lives, or at least that’s what it looked like to those who caught a glimpse of them. The girl who lived directly across from the boys’ house, often watched them play from her living room window. Today was no exception to the rest, standing behind the window wrapped up in a cozy blanket while sipping hot chocolate she watched them run back and forth.
Despite the freezing temperatures she couldn’t help but be drawn outside by the boys' laughter and energetic game. Luke, the youngest Hughes, noticed her first. He paused, mid-swing for his shot with a wide grin spreading across his face, and he waved over to her. "Hey, want to join us?" he asked jogging over to her. Her eyes widened a little as she considered the invitation. Her and Luke were in the same class at school and knew of each other, but didn’t speak to one another unless they were grouped up. Their friend groups didn’t cross paths often, if at all. So the fact that Luke spoke to her, let alone invited her to join their game, it surprised her. After a moment of sheer shock shook through her, she nodded, setting her mug down on the porch railing. "Uhm sure, but I've never played before," she admitted, a bit embarrassed but excited at the chance to join her neighbors, and her classmate - the boy every guy wants to be friends with and every girl wants to ‘date’.
“Luuuuke! If she’s never played before we will have to explain everything.” Both of the younger children whip their heads towards the slightly older boy who was whining.
“Oh. If I am going to be a problem I won’t play. I can keep watching from my window.” Defeated she turned to go back into her house. Luke reached out and grabbed her wrist before she could grab her door knob. Luke was unsure what to say. He’d never grabbed ahold of a girl before with the intent to have her stick around. He acted impulsively. He knew that he was intrigued by her at school and he saw an opportunity to get to know her outside of school. A chance to be friends where their other friends’ opinions didn’t matter.
In the moment he says the first thing he thinks, “Wait.. Please? My brother Jack he is just so, well he’s all hockey and nothing else really and takes every style serious. He can play with Quinn and we can hang out?” He talked so fast he had to pause to catch his breath. “We could go watch a movie at my house or play a game or something .” He finished his offer plea and shifted awkwardly, silently pleading for her to come with him.
Her expression slowly shifted from upset that Jack had denied Luke’s invitation for her to join them, back to pleased.
“What do ya say Rosey?” He asks as she’d been quiet for quite some time. “Rosey? That’s… That isn’t my name.” She quietly mumbles, her cheeks darkening more than they were tinged from the blistering cold. “I know.” Luke chuckled a bit and shook his head. “I know that it is y/n, but I’m going to call you Rosey. Every time I catch you looking at me and smile back, your cheeks turn this Rosey red color.” Luke gave her a big cheeky smile. The kind of smile that crinkles the corner of your eyes. “Come on my mom has cookies and the best cozy blankets. I bet it’s better than the one you were bundled up in earlier. Plus your rosey red cheeks are giving you away for how cold you are”.
And from that day on, she was Rosey to the Hughes’s and to any one she was introduced to by Luke.
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note: hii thank you for reading this blurb about Luke and Rosey! keep in mind Rosey is intended to be the fem!reader. I wanted to try something different for this au/series. I wanted to be able to write with the female reader and luke as the main characters in the piece and not consistently use y/n every time someone speaks about her. I feel like it will flow better. When we get to the point where we have other people’s as the main characters or thoughts, depending on who it is, Rosey will be referred to as y/n.
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dioneq · 2 years
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# intervención : el asesinato de jack rowland / @lacupulaint​
*     📁        INTERROGATORIO DE DIONE QUARSHIE . ( 2 / 4 ).  20 de febrero , cinco días desde el arresto.
Le gusta pensar que cualquier persona, al menos, cualquier persona que tuviera una mínima idea de lo que es el amor, si los hubieran visto podrían haber dado fe de lo mucho que se querían, estaban enamorados, de esos amores que necesitan letras de más para ser descritos: enamoraaaados. Émile Delamarche entra en su vida tartamudeando, de postura incomoda y aura tensa. A Dione le parece uno de esos chicos que es mejor mantener a un brazo de distancia, de esos que, si se lo permites, comienzan a idearse escenarios perturbadores acerca de ti. Pero Alabaster se encuentra aterradoramente desolado y quizá ella esté en necesidad de no sentirse tan sola durante esas semanas en lo que los pasillos se empiezan a llenar, en lo que aparecen personas más interesantes con quienes intercambiar pensamientos. Así que le sonríe devolviéndole el saludo. Y así es como todo comienza.
A la mañana siguiente Émile aparece en el marco de su puerta, obsequio en mano, una nimiedad en forma de una rosa repollada. Al otro día es un café para contrarrestar el frio. Un separador de página porque se ha dado cuenta que le hace falta uno, el almuerzo debido a que a ella siempre se le olvida en favor a los pendientes por atender. Hasta que se queda con una pequeña colección de las baratijas y recuerdos atesorados de una relación. Hasta que Émile trata su habitación como la propia y cuando quiere darse cuenta lo tiene ahí, acomodado sobre el edredón, a cien frases por segundo. Tartamudear con él, dejar de tartamudear, incluso no decir nada era tan hermoso, tan dulce. Apareció en ese momento justo donde no había a nadie a quien impresionar, cuando podía ser solo ella, con sus planes e ilusiones. En fin, comienza a creer que quizá es él es la persona interesante a la que ha estado esperando.
En algunas ocasiones solo se reían al compartir sus cosas favoritas, como dos niños en el patio de juegos, la alegría jovial de encontrar a alguien dispuesto a compartir, inocuo y divertido al igual que una carcajada. En otras ocasiones hablan de verdad, fragmentos de sus vidas que terminan con el rompecabezas completo para ser admirado. Aquellas noches que tarde se convertía en más tarde y luego en más tarde y en muy tarde, hasta que entre las almohadas ella apoya la mejilla en su pecho, caliente, adolorida y ruborizada de tanto sonreír, cerca, cerca, cerca, para no perderse ni una sola palabra. Tal vez debería ponerse a conferir acerca de profecías, afirmaciones desgarradoras de que estaban destinados a ser, chispas que estallan en caos, efervescentes y fuegos artificiales, pero no cree que sus iniciales estén talladas en algo inmortal, mucho menos incrustadas en el propio cosmos.
Lo que quiere decir es que están de acuerdo en todas las cosas que merecen la pena ser recordadas, se comprenden el uno al otro. Lo que quiere decir es se entiende, se conocen. Ella que pensó haber nacido solo para amarse a sí misma, inclusive si algunos días tampoco eso resulte del todo cierto, le gusta ese chico que le habla de películas mientras las reproducen en su habitación en un tarde particularmente aburrida, ese chico que podría ser feliz entre cámaras fotográficas y filmes y sin mucho más. Nunca ha entendido lo que es ser feliz o de lo que se trata ser feliz, sin embargo, durante esas semanas, le parece que lo es, simplemente feliz, estando con él.
Es una vez, en uno de esos días de invierno de Portland que no es del todo insoportable, cuando se han pasado un rato observando los lagos en el jardín de rosas porque a ella le gusta la manera en que se forman reflejos del sol sobre el agua que levanta la mirada hacía el, observando su perfil, pensando, le parecía como si… como si se pertenecieran. El primer beso condenatorio. Y los que vendría después, faltos de aire, sonriendo con los labios pegados, susurrando ‘¿dónde has estado toda mi vida?, nadie más me ha encontrado, excepto tú’.  De repente nada le importa además de la forma en que encorvando los hombros los dos, mirándose directamente a los ojos, sus cuerpos forman un corazón que claman por estar uno cerca del otro, porque todos los movimientos están cargados de electricidad. Durante esos perfectos instantes, la vida pasa a segundo plano porque tiene alguien a quien amar y alguien quien la ame. Es la historia que le contó a Linda Wallace, la que repite ahora, palabras más, palabras menos.
—Pero el semestre estaba a punto de iniciar— explica, para rematar.
—¿Fue un problema?— Silva arquea las cejas, tiene los brazos sobre mesa y el mentón descansando en sobre falanges zurdas, rascándose el mentón, expectante, mientras que con la zurda toma notas.  
—Me avergonzaba.
—¿De Émile?
—No, de haberme comportado como una idiota enamoradiza— ¿cómo era esa canción: wise men say only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you?. Dione echa un suspiro. —Le pedí si podíamos pretender que nada había sucedido.
—¿Cómo en un juego?
—No, pensé que, si nos seguíamos queriendo una vez que el semestre hubiera comenzado, entonces significaba que todo era real, que lo que él sentía por mí era real, que lo que yo sentía por él era real, no solo un romance de invierno, que no era solo que nos elegimos el uno al otro a falta de otras personas con quien estar.
—¿Y empezaron a salir con otras personas?
—Émile me dijo que le interesaba una chica de nuestro equipo.
—¿Cléo Vekemans?—. Propina un asentimiento taciturno, como sintiéndose incapaz de siquiera pronunciar su nombre. —¿Y tu? ¿Empezaste a salir con Daniel Covarrubias?
No se le escapa el intervalo para revisar uno de los documentos pertenecientes al tajo de la carpeta. Dione se da cuenta de que debe tratarse de la confesión de Émile, imagina las cosas que habrá dicho, trinando como si se tratasen de verdades absolutas, le deja la boca amarga y las cienes palpitando con un pinchazo agudo.
—A Dani lo conocí hasta mucho después, cuando se retomaron las pruebas el semestre pasado— desgano que tiñe las palabras, en realidad, no tienes deseos de charlar acerca de ello. Pero ese mañana tiene otra cosa preparada para ella. Momento surrealista, y en serio no me le gusta abusar de la palabra surrealista, pero no existe otra palabra para describir lo que se siente cuando el agente deja folios en sobremesa, llenos de una recopilación extraída directamente de la aplicación de Alabaster, los tips, acusatorios, como el titular cruel de una revista amarillista.
—Da la impresión de son cercanos.
—Éramos cercanos.
—¿Y Mozzie Fiedmann? ¿Geonwu Rhim?—. Le entran ganas de reír, le entran ganas de llorar. El peso de su preocupación atándose en su garganta la vuelve incapaz de producir una respuesta. Recae en lo que Silva quiere lograr, atribuir algo cómplice en el crimen o alguien que pudiera terciar entre lo que contó Émile y lo que contó ella. Tampoco le queda tiempo suficiente ni se sorprende para cuando vuelve a inquirir: —¿Santhiago Wahle?
El corazón repiquetea atormentado por el cargo de conciencia. Mozzie que le ha dicho: podrías dar tu mejor versión si dejaras de creer que no existe una y aun así yo ya te quiero, aunque no ha hecho absolutamente nada ser un recipiente digno de esos sentimientos. Mozzie que cree que ella es genuinamente una buena persona aun luego de todas las palabras innecesariamente crueles que dedicado durante ese periodo que estuvieron peleadas. Mozzie que siempre es tan propia y prolija y se ha ensuciada la ropa y pringado el cabello de nieve haciendo ángeles en el suelo solo para animarle el día. Que le regalo ese collar en navidad, el mismo que ha usado en la fiesta de San Valentín, ese que quedo arrumbado en un cajón llenándose de polvo, una idea que le pareció tan horrible, como si la mismísima Mozzie Fiedmann hubiera sido encerrada junto con ella, un destino que nadie se merece.  
Geonwu con su: no deberías agradecer el que quiera preocuparme por ti, que le pregunta consternado por su estado cada vez que sus caminos se cruzan, como si hablarlo sirviera de algo, como si él pudiera ver sus heridas y pensara que necesitan atención, a lo mejor con la idea de que podría curárselas. Geonwu que en varias ocasiones ha espantado a las personas indeseables de su presencia como si no fuera ella la persona más desagradable para interactuar y la que debería ser ahuyentada. Geonwu que le habla de las caminatas mañaneras, que serían buenas para despejar la mente, al igual que la natación, y le preocupa si lleva el abrigo adecuado y le ajusta la cremallera inquieto de que algo malo pudiera sucederle. Que ella sigue sin entender, por qué lo hace, que ha hecho ella que fuera tan extraordinario aparte de comportarse como un desastre frente a él.
Y por supuesto estaba Santhiago, la única otra persona a la cual a accedido a ver además de su padre, por aquella vez que le indicó: espero que sepas que no necesitas ser perfecta cuando estas conmigo. Santhiago que parece filtrarse en sus recuerdos como si siempre hubiera estado presente, en las barbacoas, cumpleaños y fiestas familiares y ahora no logra imaginarse cualquier cosa que fuera diferente. Santhiago que la cuido desde un inicio cuando a ella ni siquiera se le ocurrió que podrían ser amigos. Santhiago que la conoce, y hablan más o menos de nada, más o menos de todo. Que trata de entenderla y la quiere a pesar de que no terminar de hacerlo. Que lo ha visto entrar a la sala de visitas y ha querido rodearlo con sus brazos. Te necesito, te necesito, por favor. Pero no hace nada. Piensa que ya ha provocado suficientes problemas en su vida.
Y, en su lugar, se sentó frente a él, no le responde la pregunta de: ‘¿cómo te encuentras?’, porque nunca ha sabido cómo responder honestamente a esas cuestiones. Estaba cansada, asustada y rendida, temblando pegada a su asiento. Sobre todo, estaba en la cárcel. Por instinto le entra el impulso de responder que se encuentra bien, evidente mentira, desde pequeña aprendiendo que uno no debe mostrar esa clase de debilidades, pero como se trata de Santhiago, que la conoce, así que concluye que es mejor quedarse en silenció. Lo que sí puede hacer en contarle un minúsculo fragmento de la historia de Émile y ella, le pide que no le crea a nada de lo él tuviera que decir, que tampoco le diga nada a sus padres de lo que sucede en Alabaster, a pesar de que se le antoja una precaución innecesaria, Santhiago tan desconfiado, tan talentoso para las conjeturas acertadas.
Cuando le menciona que en la universidad están preocupados, le preguntan y quieren saber de ella y si les quiere enviar algo mensaje. La mente de desborda vocablos. Era el itinerario de para una vida alternativa.  Si las cosas no hubieran mutado en dirección a lo peor, quizá se encontraría con ellos, son todas las expediciones que no realizo con Santhiago, los atardeceres que no disfruto con Mozzie, todas las charlas que no tuvo con Geonwu, lo que se quedó sin reparar con Dani, las hamburguesas que no comió con Frankie, las películas que no vio con Jaesang, las tiendas que ropa que no visito con Whitney, el mandarín que no practico con Davina. Es culpa mía, es culpa mía, es culpa mía…aun cuando ustedes me ha querido. A pesar de su estupidez y pomposidad. A pesar de su egoísmo, a pesar de su quejas, a pesar de que no es nada perfecto ni especial, a pesar de que no ha sabido apreciarlo.
Podríamos haber sido, es lo que les quiere decir. No sabe cuánto tiempo podrá resistir sin un amigo. Solía tener la habilidad de continuar con suma facilidad, pero eso era antes de saber lo que se sentía tener un amigo. Es preferible no saber algunas cosas en ocasiones. Las pestañas se le empapan de lágrimas. Llora porque siente que tendrá que pasar el resto de su vida sin volver a verlos, sin ellos. Llora porque no soporta la idea de volver a verlos luego de que se sepa toda la verdad. Llora porque se siente atrapada en un situación que nunca va a poder ganar. Por eso le responde que: “no tengo nada que decir- pero si puede puedo pedirte un favor, si no te molesta hacer algo por mí, devuélvele el collar a Mozzie”.
—Nadie sabe. Solo Émile y yo. Y Jack.
—¿Por eso lo hiciste? ¿Porque Jack sabía acerca de Émile y tú?
Si y no. No responde.
—¿Porque sabía algo de tu familia?
¿Quién no conoce esa sensación en la que el mundo empieza a girar a mil kilómetros por hora y de repente no hay nada que puedas hacer para detenerlo y luego empiezas a sentir que no hay nada que puedas hacer al respecto de tu vida nunca más? Es la sensación que le provoca esa pregunta. Sabe que Émile le ha contado acerca del secreto, el secreto que él no sabe, pero está al corriente que existe, ese secreto del que ni ella misma debería saber. Ese del que después de enterarse de la mano del mismo Jack, ha acudo a él, a Émile, pensando que entendería al haber pasado por lo mismo, la inocente seguridad al creer a las personas que quieres incapaces de algo así y tu vida desmoronándose al entender que lo han hecho, debí haberlo sabido, pero ¿cómo podría haberlo sabido?
Ella que ha llorado desconsolada en su hombro, no puedo vivir así, no puedo vivir sabiendo lo que sé, no puedo vivir con Jack también sabiendo. Ella a quien nunca, ni siquiera durante el más efímero instante, se la ha ocurrido hablar de Sacha Delamarche, aun con todo lo que sabe. Ella, cuando Émile le relataba la turbulenta biografía de su vida, cuando le confesó quien en su padre y lo que ha hecho, cuando le respondió; ¿por qué querría hacerte daño con algo que sé que no puedes controlar?. Y ahora le gustaría preguntarle: ¿por qué no me has mostrado la misma consideración?, se supone que alguna vez nos amamos de verdad.
El día de la fiesta de San Valentín, Émile preguntó en qué momento cambio su opinión acerca de él, acerca de ellos. Habría sido fácil responder. Cuando me entere de que te acostaste con Cléo. Cuando me enteré de que te acostastes con Fiona. Cuando me enteré de que sucedió algo con el hermano menor de tu supuesto mejor amigo, Ari. Cuando me entere te besaste con tus supuestos mejores amigos, Frankie y Milo. Cuando en la fiesta de Vermilion me dijiste que todo se había terminado con Fiona y lucias condenadamente triste. Cuando en la prueba de conocimiento te volví a preguntar por Fiona y me dijiste que todo había terminado, pero pude oler su perfume en tu ropa, me mentiste como si yo fuera cualquier chica estúpida. Todas las respuestas serían ciertas, pero ninguna de esas se compara con las dolorosas convulsiones que su pecho sufre en ese momento. ¿Así se siente tener el corazón roto?
—Émile me odia— que es la frase que ha repetido a la largo de las ultimas tres semanas, nunca con tanta convicción, nunca le parecieron tan ciertas y reales. —Émile me odia y haría cualquier cosa para lastimarme.
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simdertalia · 11 months
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🍫 ACNH Jack Doll Set 🍭
Happy Simblreen! Here is my first treat for weekend two! I will have another treat tomorrow!
📁 Download all or pick & choose (SFS, No Ads): HERE
📁 Alt Download (still no ads): HERE
Type “simblreen 2023" into the search query in build mode to find  quickly. You can always find items like this, just begin typing  the title and it will appear.
Always suggested: bb.objects ON, it makes placing items much easier. For further placement tweaking, check out the TOOL mod.
Use the scale up & down feature on your keyboard to make the items larger or smaller to your liking. If you have a non-US keyboard, it may be different keys depending on which alphabet it uses.
Set contains: -Jack Doll | 5 swatches | 1972 poly -Jack Doll (sitting) | 5 swatches | 1972 poly -Jack Doll (functional toy) | 5 swatches | 1972 poly
Happy Simblreen and Happy Spooky Season!
Thank you for reblogging ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
@sssvitlanz  @maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters  @coffee-cc-finds  @itsjessicaccfinds  @gamommypeach  @stargazer-sims-finds  @khelga68  @suricringe  @vaporwavesims  @mystictrance15 @public-ccfinds @simblreenofficial
The rest of my CC
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ainclcn · 2 years
📁   /   remembranzas   de   un   antihéroe.
el   silencio   reinaba   en   el   lugar   del   interrogatorio,   no   entendía   la   motivación   de   sus   compañeros   de   cantar   como   gorriones   machos,   listos   para   defenderse   y   su   territorio.   este   no   era   el   territorio   de   ainelen,   todo   lo   contrario,   sabía   lo   que   podía   costarle   el   hablar,   nada   le   aseguraba   que   no   la   sacarían   de   contexto,   tenía   todo   que   perder   y   nada   que   ganar.   y   aun   así,   no   tenía   miedo,   solo   le   generaba   más   coraje   estar   en   aquella   situación.   las   preguntas   se   repetían   una   y   otra   vez,   solo   para   ser   recibidos   por   el   silencio   como   única   respuesta,   solamente   lograban   cansarla.   así   fue   como   una   acusación   desmesurada   de   parte   de   los   investigadores,   provocó   que   la   argentina   enfocara   su   mirada   en   el   investigador   que   decidió   faltarle   al   respeto.   ‘   pelado   de   mierda   ’   dijo   por   lo   bajo   antes   de   mirar   hacia   otro   lugar,   lamentablemente   ya   había   abierto   la   boca.   
Si   respondes   nuestras   preguntas   te   vas   a   ir   de   aquí   rápido   ¿no   es   eso   lo   que   quieres?
lo   era,   pero   no   le   agradaba   que   lo   pusieran   sobre   su   cabeza,   solamente   era   una   persona   de   interés   como   todos   sus   compañeros.   sin   embargo   volvió   su   mirada   llena   de   odio   y   desagrado   hacia   el   que   no   paraba   de   hablar,   debía   hacerlo   aunque   no   quisiera.
¿Qué   estabas   haciendo   en   el   momento   del   accidente?
‘   caminaba   en   el   laberinto   ’   responde   con   un   tono   inocente,   si   aquello   era   sospechoso,   entonces   a   todos   debían   encerrarlos   solo   por   caminar   a   donde   los   habían   enviado,   no   recordaba   exactamente   si   estaba   contestando   algo,   hablando   con   alguien,   sabía   que   estaba   dando   pasos   hasta   el   final   del   laberinto   y   eso   era   realmente   todo.
¿Te   encontrabas   cerca   o   lejos   de   la   escena   del   crimen   una   vez   que   comenzaron   los   gritos?
sus   ojos   se   mostraron   tristes   al   escuchar   las   palabras   utilizadas   ‘   ¿esto   es   en   serio?   es   realmente   traumatizante   de   intentar   recordar   lo   que   sucedió   ’   comenta   con   el   tono   lleno   de   tristeza   y   disgusto,   ella   era   solo   una   pobre   victima   más,   se   habían   encargado   de   asesinar   a   su   amigo   tan   preciado,   al   compañero   de   equipo   más   querido   de   todos   y   los   policias   decidían   usar   palabras   sin   tacto.   ‘   estaba   lejos,   me   hubiera   gustado   estar   cerca,   quizás…’   comenta   manteniendo   el   tono   triste   en   su   voz,   debía   aplaudirse   porque   creía   que   estaba   mostrando   las   emociones   que   quería   mostrar   ‘   quizás   podría   haberlo   ayudado   ’   añade   con   un   pequeño   movimiento   de   cabeza.
¿Cuál   era   tu   relación   con   Jack?
‘   éramos…   es   difícil   de   explicar   ’   no   le   importaba,   no   era   su   amigo,   ni   siquiera   hablaban   más   de   dos   palabras,   pero   tampoco   podía   decir   que   era   un   completo   extraño,   sería   raro,   esa   no   era   la   narrativa   que   quería   para   su   historia.   ‘   estábamos   en   el   mismo   grupo,   pero   se   podría   decir   que   éramos   amigos   aparte   de   eso   ’   pedía   por   favor   a   cualquier   espíritu   que   se   encuentre   con   ella   que   la   golpeara   si   arrugaba   la   nariz   con   asco   involuntariamente   al   contar   tantos   cuentos   de   su   propia   invención   y   lo   mejor   es   que   estaba   dando   una   actuación   convincente.
¿Le   conocías   personalmente?
suprime   inmediatamente   las   ganas   de   reírse   que   surgen   en   lo   más   profundo   de   su   ser,   cambia   su   mirada   a   sus   propias   manos   para   intentar   encontrar   una   respuesta   ‘   no   lo   sé,   creo   que   jamás   lo   sabré   ’   contesta   casi   formando   un   puchero   con   sus   labios,   incluso   si   pudiera,   no   le   interesaba   conocer   más   de   lo   que   sabía,   era   una   persona   asquerosa   y   estaba   aliviada   de   que   no   estuviera   ‘   jack   era   una   persona   muy   profunda,   sé   cosas   de   él,   pero   quizás   solo   era   el   nivel   superficial   de   su   persona   ’.
¿Alguna   vez   tuviste   algún   conflicto   con   Jack?
toda   amistad   tenía   conflictos   y   peleas,   eso   lo   creía,   pero   en   la   narración   que   estaba   formando   en   su   cabeza   no   había   lugar   para   un   conflicto,   jack   era   simplemente   maravilloso   y   tenían   charlas   profundas,   esa   era   la   idea   con   la   que   iba.   ‘   ¿es   raro   que   no?   no   teníamos   mucho   para   pelear   ’   expresa   por   fin   su   telar   de   ideas.   ‘   a   lo   sumo   discutíamos   por   estrategias,   pero   eso   es   normal,   ambos   queríamos   que   crimson   gane   ’   asumía   que   esa   era   la   mejor   área   para   una   supuesta   discusión,   algo   en   lo   que   no   podían   enojarse   concretamente.      
¿Cuál   fue   tu   última   interacción   con   Jack?
‘   oh   ’   suponía   que   aquella   pregunta   era   de   las   más   obvias   que   sucedería   y,   sin   embargo,   ainelen   genuinamente   tenía   la   cabeza   en   blanco,   no   tenía   idea   de   cuando   fue   que   lo   vió   ¿acaso   su   recuerdo   había   sido   antes   de   ingresar   al   laberinto?¿la   noche   anterior?   no   podía   ubicarlo   en   un   espacio   tiempo,   pero   había   tenido   que   tener   una   ultima   interacción   con   el   fallecido   ‘   hablamos,   pero   no   recuerdo   en   que   momento,   esta   borroso   ’   cuenta   con   una   verdadera   mueca   de   confusión   en   su   rostro.   ‘   ¿creen   que   ya   me   pueden   dejar   ir?   ’   pregunta   antes   de   recibir   un   asentimiento   de   parte   de   los   investigadores.
era   extraño   decir   que   se   había   ido   feliz   del   interrogatorio,   pero   había   dado   su   mejor   actuación   y   esperaba   que   la   dejasen   en   paz,   solo   era   una   extranjera   buscando   una   educación   superior,   no   quería   hablar   con   policías   nunca   más   en   su   vida.
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sethcertified · 2 years
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「 WHO I WRITE FOR ! 」 . . . 📂
a compilation of the characters I write and take requests for !
「 FILM ! 」 . . . 📂
⊹˚.⋆ american psycho - ,, patrick bateman
⊹˚.⋆ avatar - ,, neteyam sully, jake sully, & lo’ak sully
⊹˚.⋆ black christmas - ,, billy lenz
⊹˚.⋆ bullet train - ,, ladybug & tangerine
⊹˚.⋆ house of wax - ,, bo sinclair & vincent sinclair
⊹˚.⋆ laid to rest - ,, jesse cromeans
⊹˚.⋆ scream - ,, billy loomis, stu macher, & mickey altieri
⊹˚.⋆ the boy - ,, brahms heelshire
⊹˚.⋆ marvel - ,, steve rogers, loki laufeyson, thor odinson, peter parker (andrew garfield), pietro maximoff (evan peters & aaron taylor johnson), charles xavier, scott summers, logan, & erik lehnsherr
⊹˚.⋆ dc - ,, bruce wayne (christian bale, robert pattinson, & comics), dick grayson, jason todd, tim drake, the riddler (paul dano), & scarecrow (cicillian murphy)
「 GAMES ! 」 . . . 📂
⊹˚.⋆ genshin impact - ,, alhaitham, kazuha, neuvillette, zhongli, albedo, baizhu, childe, wriothesley, ayato, itto, diluc, kaeya, kaveh, thoma
⊹˚.⋆ obey me - ,, lucifer, mammon, leviathan, asmodeus, satan, beelzebub, belphegor, simeon, solomon, diavolo, & barbatos
⊹˚.⋆ twisted wonderland - ,, riddle rosehearts, ace trappola, deuce spade, trey clover, cater diamond, leona kingscholar, jack howl, ruggie buchi, azul ashengrotto, jade leech, floyd leech, kalim al-asim, jamil viper, vil schoenheit, epel felmier, rook hunt, idia shroud, malleus draconia, lilia vanrouge, silver, & sebek zigvolt
「 LITERATURE ! 」 . . . 📂
⊹˚.⋆ harry potter - ,, harry potter, ron weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, draco malfoy, cedric diggory, james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, & tom riddle
⊹˚.⋆ the outsiders - ,, darry curtis, sodapop curtis, ponyboy curtis, & dallas winston
⊹˚.⋆ percy jackson - ,, percy jackson, leo valdez, nico di angelo, magnus chase
「 SHOWS ! 」 . . . 📁
⊹˚.⋆ criminal minds - ,, spencer reid
⊹˚.⋆ supernatural - ,, sam winchester, dean winchester
⊹˚.⋆ the walking dead - ,, rick grimes, carl grimes, daryl dixon, & negan smith
⊹˚.⋆ you - ,, joe goldberg
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©️ sethcertified 2023
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