jungkookiexxx · 7 months
240304 - Jin's Weverse post
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strnsvt · 2 months
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moon junhui — unspoken feelings and misplaced priorities.
you sat at a quiet corner in the university library, tapping your pen against your open diary. the hushed atmosphere usually brought you solace.
you scribbled down a few more thoughts before closing the diary with a sigh. standing up, you stretched and gathered your belongings, slipping the diary under your arm.
as you walked out, your thoughts were still on the pages you had just written. lost in your musings, you didn't notice when the diary slipped from under your arm and fell to the floor. you continued walking, completely unaware.
a few minutes later, as you approached the campus café, a sudden panic gripped you. you patted your bag and realized the diary wasn't there. your heart raced as you turned on your heel and rushed back to the library, hoping it was still where you left it.
bursting through the library doors, you scanned the area where you had been sitting, but the diary was nowhere to be found. you retraced your steps, searching frantically under tables and chairs.
your phone buzzed in your pocket, and you pulled it out to see a call from your friend.
"hey, where are you? class is about to start," mina says.
"i need a second," you replied, your voice tense.
hanging up, you hurried to the librarian's desk. "excuse me, did anyone turn in a diary? i think i lost it here."
the librarian shook her head. "i'm sorry, i haven't seen anything like that."
you felt a wave of despair wash over you. "thank you," you murmured, turning away. your mind raced with thoughts of who could have found it and what they might do with the information inside.
you decided to check your locker, just in case. fumbling with the combination lock, you finally swung it open. as you leaned in to peer inside, the locker door suddenly slammed shut, making you flinch.
"you," you muttered, your voice tinged with annoyance and suspicion.
you see junhui standing there, looking somewhat amused. he held your diary in his hand, the cover slightly worn from his handling.
your heart sank as you realized he had taken your diary intentionally. "give it back, junhui," you demanded, holding out your hand.
he tilted his head, studying you with mild interest. "you write quite passionately about minghao," he remarked casually.
your cheeks flushed with embarrassment and anger. "that's none of your business," you snapped, trying to hide your unease.
"true," he agreed, his tone nonchalant. "but now it is, isn't it?"
you clenched your fists, feeling a surge of frustration. "just give it back," you insisted, your voice trembling slightly.
he held the diary just out of your reach, his fingers casually flipping through the pages. "you know," he started, his tone just nonchalant, "i didn't realize you had such a soft spot for art club's resident heartthrob."
your face burned with a mix of embarrassment and frustration. "give it back, junhui," you repeated through, your hand still outstretched.
he ignored your demand, his eyes scanning the pages with interest. "it's fascinating, really," he mused, his smirk growing more pronounced. "all these hidden desires and secret crushes."
"stop reading it!" you snapped, feeling exposed and vulnerable.
he finally looked up at you, amusement dancing in his eyes. "make me," he challenged, dangling the diary just a bit closer.
you were torn between wanting to snatch it from him and not giving him the satisfaction. "this isn't a joke, junhui," you warned, your voice wavering.
his smile softened slightly, a hint of something more serious flickering in his expression. "i know," he admitted, his teasing tone fading. "but maybe it's time you and i had a little chat about secrets."
"huh?" you stammered, caught off guard by junhui's unexpected proposition.
"set me up with your best friend," junhui continued, his expression serious now. "and i'll set you up with mine."
you blinked, processing his offer. the idea of cooperating with someone you considered your enemy was daunting, but the thought of getting your diary back and preventing junhui from revealing its contents was even more compelling.
"you expect me to trust you?" you countered, skepticism evident in your voice.
"i expect you to consider your options," junhui replied calmly, his gaze unwavering. "or we can both walk away empty-handed. except that the diary stays with me,"
your mind raced with possibilities. could you really trust junhui, even temporarily, with something as personal as setting up your best friend? and what would he expect in return? but deep down, you knew that without your diary, your secrets could potentially be used against you.
"fine," you finally relented, your voice tight with resignation. "but if you do anything to betray this deal—"
"i won't," junhui assured, cutting off your threat with a mocking smile.
just when you were about to say something else, you get a call from your friend. your best friend. his crush.
you took a deep breath as you answered her call. "hey, mina," you greeted her, trying to sound calm despite the tension.
"where are you?"
you hesitated for a moment, glancing at junhui, who was still holding your diary. "i-i'll be there in a moment—"
"don't worry about it, the lecture got cancelled," she chirpped, "so, where are you now?"
"i'm just outside the library," you said, casting a sidelong glance at junhui. "why don't we meet at the café instead?"
"sure, see you there!" mina agreed, her tone brightening. she hung up, and you let out a sigh of relief mixed with apprehension.
turning to junhui, you spoke quietly, "meet her at the café in fifteen minutes. don't be late."
you found yourself making your way towards junhui the next day, determined to hold him to his end of the bargain. he owed you a favor now, and you intended to collect.
spotting him near the university courtyard, you approached with purpose. junhui glanced up from his phone, a faint smile playing on his lips as he noticed your approach.
"you owe me," you stated firmly, stopping in front of him.
junhui raised an eyebrow, pretending to consider your demand. "oh, do i now?" he replied casually.
"yes," you insisted, crossing your arms. "you promised to set me up with minghao and return my diary."
junhui leaned against a nearby tree, his expression thoughtful. "setting you up with minghao shouldn't be a problem," he mused. "but as for your diary..."
you narrowed your eyes at him. "junhui," you warned, the frustration bubbling up again.
he held up a hand, a small, teasing smile playing on his lips. "relax, i haven't forgotten," he assured you. "consider it insurance that you'll hold up your end of the deal."
you gritted your teeth, torn between wanting to grab the diary from him and maintaining some semblance of control. "fine," you reluctantly agreed, knowing you had little choice at the moment. "but make sure you set everything up with minghao. no games."
junhui nodded, his gaze serious now. "deal," he agreed, pocketing your diary with a satisfied expression.
as he turned to walk away, you called after him. "junhui," you called, stopping him in his tracks.
he glanced back at you, raising an eyebrow in question.
"you better not mess this up," you warned, your voice firm.
he grinned back at you, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "trust me," he replied cryptically before disappearing into the crowd.
watching him go, you couldn't shake the feeling that you had just made a deal with the devil. but with your diary in junhui's hands, you had to play his game—for now...
junhui caught sight of you on the staircase, ready to tease you as usual. but as he approached, he noticed you sniffling, your shoulders trembling slightly. his expression softened, and he sat down beside you.
"hey," he said gently, his usual teasing tone absent. "what's wrong?"
you wiped at your eyes, trying to steady your voice, "am i not pretty?"
"what?" he questions, his was a mixture of confusion and gentleness.
"what about him?"
"minghao likes mina," and more tears stream down your face.
junhui's eyes widened slightly as he took in your words. "i didn't know that," he replied, his voice careful.
"and she's so...beautiful," you continued, your voice laced with a mix of admiration but also envy "i love her, but...i just...i don't know. and now, knowing that both minghao and you...like her—it's just more evidence."
junhui listened quietly, his arm sliding comfortingly around your shoulders. "hey," he murmured, "it doesn't mean you're any less."
you glanced up at him, surprised by his reassuring words. "what do you mean?"
he smiled gently. "you're not bad yourself, you know," he said softly. "in fact, you're pretty cute. even when you cry."
your cheeks flushed at his unexpected compliment, and despite everything, you couldn't help but feel a flicker of warmth in your heart. junhui's presence, once so aggravating, now offered a strange comfort.
"thanks," you managed to say, as you wiped away the last of your tears.
junhui chuckled softly, squeezing your shoulder lightly. "anytime," he replied, his teasing tone replaced with genuine warmth, "hey, wanna bunk classes?"
you found yourself in a troubling routine, spending more time bunking classes with junhui than attending them.
days blurred together as you laughed and explored the campus, pushing thoughts of responsibility to the back of your mind. but reality hit hard when you received your grades—a stark reminder that you needed to get your act together.
determined to catch up, you headed to the library, hoping to find solace in the quiet study environment. you chose a secluded corner and buried your nose in a textbook, trying to absorb as much information as possible.
not long after, junhui appeared, sliding into the seat next to you. "i was looking for you," he said casually, but you ignored him, focusing on the page in front of you.
unfazed, he reached over and snatched the book from your hands. "hey!" you protested, reaching for it. "give it back."
he studied the cover briefly before handing it back with a smirk. "this stuff is too easy."
"oh, really?" you shot back, raising an eyebrow. "then tell me, what's the answer to this question?" you pointed to a complex problem on the page.
junhui leaned back in his chair, feigning ignorance. "i don't know that one."
not that one, either. no. skip.
you rolled your eyes, frustration building. "c'mon, at least get one right. i'll give you kisses!"
his eyes widened in surprise, and without a word, he snatched the book from your hands again. for the next five minutes, he scanned the pages intently.
"ask me anything," he finally said, a confident glint in his eyes.
you quizzed him on various problems, and to your amazement, he got most of them correct. "impressive," you admitted.
he leaned in closer, his eyes locked onto yours. "grant me my kisses," he demanded with a playful smirk.
reached into your bag and pulled out a small packet of hershey's kisses chocolates. junhui's expression shifted from confident to utterly blank. "wait...you meant the chocolate kisses..."
you couldn't help but burst into laughter at his realization, watching as his cheeks turned a faint shade of pink. "what did you think i meant?" you teased, handing him a chocolate.
junhui grumbled under his breath, unwrapping the candy. "you tricked me," he muttered, but a small smile tugged at his lips.
you glanced around to make sure no one was watching. then, without warning, you leaned in and placed a quick kiss on junhui's cheek before darting away.
he stood there, momentarily stunned, before a slow grin spread across his face. "i'll get you back for that," he called after you, his voice filled with playful promise.
you and junhui walked side by side in the hallway, the comfortable silence between you both a welcome change. but as you stopped abruptly, junhui furrowed his brow in confusion and followed your gaze. there it was—minghao kissing mina.
junhui called your name softly, but you couldn't tear your eyes away from the scene. "y/n," he tried again, more firmly this time. you simply turned on your heel and rushed away, tears threatening to spill.
you bolted to the rooftop, the place where you always found solace. junhui followed closely, calling out your name repeatedly, but you didn't stop. finally, he caught up to you, turning you around to face him. but you kept your eyes downcast, not wanting to meet his gaze.
"why do you care or even know?" you say, still looking at the ground. "minghao—" you started, your voice breaking.
junhui cut you off, his frustration boiling over. "you're so selfish, y/n," he began, his voice filled with a mix of anger and hurt. "do you think you're the only one whose heart got broken today? do you think minghao is the center of the universe?"
you flinched at his harsh words, but he continued, unable to stop the torrent of emotions. "you only ever talk about minghao—minghao this, minghao that. but have you ever stopped to think about how i feel? have you ever cared about me, even a little?"
the rain started to pour down, soaking you both. junhui's voice softened, but the pain was still evident. "i've been right here, y/n. all this time, i've been here. but you never noticed."
you stood there, drenched and speechless, his words cutting deeper than you expected. junhui turned to leave, but when he saw you still standing in the rain, unmoving, he sighed deeply.
"c'mon, y/n," he urged, but you didn't move. he took off his jacket and draped it around your shoulders, his touch gentle. holding you close, he tried to shield you from the rain as much as possible. "we need to get inside."
you looked up at him, his face a mixture of concern and frustration. the warmth of his jacket and his arms around you brought a sense of comfort you hadn't felt in a long time. slowly, you nodded, allowing him to lead you back inside.
the next morning, get up from your bed, wishing a good morning to mina. you sneeze, making mina laugh, you chuckle as well.
you opened the door to find a book laying on the ground. it was yours. it was your diary lying on the ground. you picked it up, noticing a note that had fallen out. 'sorry' was scrawled on it in junhui’s handwriting.
you took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of relief and trepidation. still in your pajamas, you headed straight to junhui's room.
you knocked firmly on the door. when it opened, you were met by minghao, who looked surprised to see you.
"hey y/n—" he began, but you didn’t let him finish. you pushed past him, rushing into the room.
junhui was just getting up from his side of the bed, his expression shifting from groggy to alarmed as he saw you enter.
not giving him a chance to speak, you jump on him, making him fall back on the bed with you on top of him. a tear rolls down your cheek as you apologize again and again. not sure what about.
to which junhui flips you over and smashes his lips onto yours.
“junhui,” you whispered against his lips, your voice trembling. “i’m sorry... i never meant to push you away. i was just so caught up in my own feelings that i didn’t see what was right in front of me.”
minghao, still standing at the door, looked between the two of you with a mixture of surprise and understanding. he took a step back, giving you both space, and quietly closed the door.
"i know this doesn’t fix everything,” jun said, his voice steady. “but maybe we can start over, yeah?"
you nodded, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. “i’d like that,” you replied, squeezing his hand. “i’d like that a lot.”
junhui gave you a small, relieved smile. you mimicking his emotion now etched on your face as both of you knew that a new start was needed.
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thranduel · 1 year
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the speak now cardigan is screaming will the wise and I LOVE IT
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melouma · 7 months
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thieving, stealing, taking what’s not yours 🎭🔎💟
and. the full drawing!!
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nanakorobiyaokii · 2 years
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gotta have them ALL. 💜
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itsjustoctavianhere · 1 month
“it’s incestuous” so is every ship in pjo lol. so is zeus and hera. persephone is hade’s niece. theyre all related in a weird way that you just gotta roll with. leave people and their ships alone, it’s so easy to just block someone. its so niche and these are not even real people.
Yap yap yap yap yap yap 🤏🏼🤏🏼🤏🏼🤏🏼
Este pendejo pensó que era correcto LMAOOO
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dormiloncito · 5 months
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the emerald wasp cast! 🐝
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miles kane - colour of the trap @ the leadmill, sheffield (14/12/23)
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wildbluesorbit · 1 year
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I love you, but my opinion is you over think, you stress yourself out, it sucks, but I promise it’s okay, you are okay
Oh waffles 😭😭 oh my beloved captain…🥹
I do admit I was about to say “it’s not that bad” and realised it truly is…very much that bad 💀💀
I really needed this
I’m glad to say that I’ve been making some improvements lately.
Thank you my dear💜🌸 I love you tons 😭
Anonymous opinions
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beyourownanchor6 · 1 year
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✨it feels like a perfect night✨
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jungkookiexxx · 10 months
231211- J-hope's Instagram story
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ashmp3 · 4 months
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fashion moodboard pt.1 for @zolpidemz
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joocomics · 6 months
The warm breeze of the wind coming through the small crack of the car window, mixed with the soft and gentle rain tapping on the entire car makes for a cozy and comfortable atmosphere as your boyfriend roams his hands over your thighs. You're on the backseat, skirt hiked up, your hands tangled in Jiseok’s hair and he’s kissing you sensually as he slips his fingers down your panties. He ever so slowly pumps them in and out of you, making sure to feel all of you well. You had planned on being home already by now, but you didn't want to leave each other just yet. “Love you so much, baby.” Jiseok sighs against your lips just before kissing them again, “gonna miss you tonight.”
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i felt silly when i shared about this to you but you made it SO good 😭😭😭
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mrsoharaa · 7 months
I was originally looking for some pretty aesthetics for my blog (because my heart is now set on purple) and I…kinda got distracted with this cutie 😶‍🌫️🥺🖤💜
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nanakorobiyaokii · 2 years
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cutest sanrio collab pair💜🖤
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