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cheruib · 5 months ago
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j-restlessgeek · 4 months ago
Happy Halloween 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃.
Trick 🤡 or treat 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃
*hands out treat 💛💛💛💛
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Have this
And happy halloweening 💛💛💛💛💛💛
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faecaribou · 1 year ago
Is this anything?
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aprilblossomgirl · 11 months ago
Congratulation #WeAreSeriesEP1!!!
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screenshot via gmmtv x/twitter post 4.4.2024
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missdarhk · 2 months ago
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darehearts · 1 year ago
i love jim kirk so much
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buffyandwillow · 2 years ago
buffy and jenny season six fic prompt? mayhaps?
Alternate Jenny-is-alive s6.
Buffy kicks a stone with her boot, looking anywhere but in front of her, where her friends are debating the best place to stop for takeout to bring back for movie night. They'd planned a whole evening: Scooby patrol, fast food, martial arts movie madness. All in an attempt to make her feel better, to make her think that things are normal and safe and OK.
"What do you want, Buffy?" Willow asks. Buffy glances up just long enough to see Willow's wide-eyed smile, earnest and open and a little bit apprehensive. "We're thinking Chinese, or shawarma?"
"I-I don't know, you guys," Buffy says. She doesn't know. She can't think about this. She can hardly stomach the feeling of the pavement, hard and unforgiving, underneath her feet. "I mean, on one hand you have noodles, and on the other..."
"Big pile o' meat," Xander says with approval. "I know."
Buffy doesn't need to look up to know the way her friends are looking at her: with a mix of concern and hope. No, not hope. Wishfulness. They're wishing she could be the way she was. The way she used to be.
Once they got back it would be another three hours, at least, before she could excuse herself to sleep. It's too much. She can't pretend for that long. She can't--
"You know, I think I saw that last vamp doubling back. I should go check, make sure he doesn't cause trouble."
"Oh... Well, if you think--do you want us to come with?"
Buffy lifts her head slowly, dredging up her last vestiges of energy to force a smile onto her face. Willow's lip has turned downward into a disappointed little frown.
"Nah, I'll be fine." Buffy gives a little shrug. "You guys go ahead. I'll catch up."
After a few more back-and-forths of persuasion, Buffy watches them go.
It's easier this way.
Buffy hears the soft rustle of a leather jacket and sighs. "I just want to be left alone."
"I know," a voice that isn't Spike's says.
"Oh--it's you."
Jenny comes to sit on a nearby headstone, using both hands to boost herself up. "You were expecting someone else?"
Buffy points her toes together, looking down at the grass. The grass is much softer under her feet than the paved streets. She feels more at home here. "Not really." They're both quiet for a minute. Buffy breaks it first. "Did Willow ask you to look for me?"
"After six years, I know you well enough to come looking on my own," Jenny says wryly.
"I'm fine," Buffy tells her, more out of habit than anything.
"I didn't ask." Jenny's words have a hint of a smile to them. "I wouldn't. I won't ask you to lie to me, Buffy. You don't need to pretend you're okay."
Buffy doesn't have a rote response to that, so she says nothing. She taps her feet against the headstone. Her mind, never fully present lately, drifts off between the rows of graves.
"Buffy..." Jenny hesitates for a moment, but continues. "You're allowed to not be okay. You don't owe it to anyone to feel okay."
"Don't I?"
Something deep within her twists and turns like a knife. With another kick to the headstone, Buffy turns to look at Jenny for the first time since she'd sat down.
Jenny's eyes are so unlike her friends'. No hope-wish-want-fulness. There is only compassion there.
"My friends brought me back," Buffy says. "They gave me my life back. Don't I owe them something?"
Jenny looks steadily back at her. "Of course not."
Buffy holds her gaze for a long moment, and then--with a shiver--she looks away. This world that was once hers is so much colder than where she's been. She wraps her arms around her, and speaks now to the ground in a quiet voice. "Why couldn't they let me go?"
"They love you very deeply," Jenny says. Her voice is quiet, too. "Sometimes that makes people do impossible things."
"Jenny, I don't think I'm supposed to be here. I feel... wrong." Saying it aloud lets Buffy breathe a little more deeply, a little more easily, just for a moment. "Please don't tell the others."
"I won't."
"I'll tell them when I'm ready."
"I know."
Jenny hops down from her perch and touches Buffy's shoulder, very briefly. Buffy feels a little warmer, somehow. Warm enough to uncross her arms and let her feet come back down to the ground.
"I'm glad you're here," Buffy admits, as they begin their walk back home.
Jenny smiles. "Me, too."
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fujiblackthorne · 2 years ago
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grace @ german comic con 2022 💛
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asunasano · 1 year ago
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Park jimin
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phoebe-delia · 11 months ago
send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💕💕💕💕
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j-restlessgeek · 1 year ago
My häärijä merch order arrived yesterday and wow, its all so freaking soft and warm, as if they turned häärijä into a fabric, so nice. Freaking love it. The shirt is soft and the print is so neat and it fits very nicely. Same about the hoodie, big and soft, with the softest fabric inside. The absolute highlight to me were the sweat pants. Damn these are the best sweat pants i ever bought, they have (no idea what the english word is) Bündchen (picture below) around the ankles and middle that make them fit very snug but in a comfy way.
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Which is nice cause pants rarely fit me, either they are too tight or too loose in places. But these ohhhh these fit so well and the pockets are deep too. :3💛💛💛💛💛
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(Added a picture of the tag (same size in hoodie and sweat pants)
And i got a card too :3
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ow1et · 1 year ago
Just wanted to say how much i adore your writing your graphics - EVERYTHING!! 🤍✨ it is a joy to see you on my dash!!
i have literally had this sitting in my inbox forever just because i was afraid i imagined it!! but genuinely this means a lot!! especially, when your graphics and formatting and writing and everything is just gorgeous 💛 the way you've developed felicia is just so fun and refreshing to see!!!!
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southfarthing · 1 year ago
HIIII SUNNY FIRST OF ALL OUUUGFHNNGJ THE DIARIES. ORDERING ONE ASAP. second of all i looked at them for too long and was seized by the Need to learn hobbiton lettering. here is a picture of my first attempt for ur amusement. oh fountain pen we’re Really In It Now
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HIIIIII SORRY THIS TOOK ME A STUPID LONG TIME omg yessss I hope you're having a blast!!! it's so fun I practised by writing stupid sitcom quotes and memes and stuff 😭 q is the worst tbh but I really struggled with d for a long time too 😩😩😩😩
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olberic · 2 years ago
the birthday girl. btw
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kirexa · 5 months ago
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