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buffy and jenny season six fic prompt? mayhaps?
Alternate Jenny-is-alive s6.
Buffy kicks a stone with her boot, looking anywhere but in front of her, where her friends are debating the best place to stop for takeout to bring back for movie night. They'd planned a whole evening: Scooby patrol, fast food, martial arts movie madness. All in an attempt to make her feel better, to make her think that things are normal and safe and OK.
"What do you want, Buffy?" Willow asks. Buffy glances up just long enough to see Willow's wide-eyed smile, earnest and open and a little bit apprehensive. "We're thinking Chinese, or shawarma?"
"I-I don't know, you guys," Buffy says. She doesn't know. She can't think about this. She can hardly stomach the feeling of the pavement, hard and unforgiving, underneath her feet. "I mean, on one hand you have noodles, and on the other..."
"Big pile o' meat," Xander says with approval. "I know."
Buffy doesn't need to look up to know the way her friends are looking at her: with a mix of concern and hope. No, not hope. Wishfulness. They're wishing she could be the way she was. The way she used to be.
Once they got back it would be another three hours, at least, before she could excuse herself to sleep. It's too much. She can't pretend for that long. She can't--
"You know, I think I saw that last vamp doubling back. I should go check, make sure he doesn't cause trouble."
"Oh... Well, if you think--do you want us to come with?"
Buffy lifts her head slowly, dredging up her last vestiges of energy to force a smile onto her face. Willow's lip has turned downward into a disappointed little frown.
"Nah, I'll be fine." Buffy gives a little shrug. "You guys go ahead. I'll catch up."
After a few more back-and-forths of persuasion, Buffy watches them go.
It's easier this way.
Buffy hears the soft rustle of a leather jacket and sighs. "I just want to be left alone."
"I know," a voice that isn't Spike's says.
"Oh--it's you."
Jenny comes to sit on a nearby headstone, using both hands to boost herself up. "You were expecting someone else?"
Buffy points her toes together, looking down at the grass. The grass is much softer under her feet than the paved streets. She feels more at home here. "Not really." They're both quiet for a minute. Buffy breaks it first. "Did Willow ask you to look for me?"
"After six years, I know you well enough to come looking on my own," Jenny says wryly.
"I'm fine," Buffy tells her, more out of habit than anything.
"I didn't ask." Jenny's words have a hint of a smile to them. "I wouldn't. I won't ask you to lie to me, Buffy. You don't need to pretend you're okay."
Buffy doesn't have a rote response to that, so she says nothing. She taps her feet against the headstone. Her mind, never fully present lately, drifts off between the rows of graves.
"Buffy..." Jenny hesitates for a moment, but continues. "You're allowed to not be okay. You don't owe it to anyone to feel okay."
"Don't I?"
Something deep within her twists and turns like a knife. With another kick to the headstone, Buffy turns to look at Jenny for the first time since she'd sat down.
Jenny's eyes are so unlike her friends'. No hope-wish-want-fulness. There is only compassion there.
"My friends brought me back," Buffy says. "They gave me my life back. Don't I owe them something?"
Jenny looks steadily back at her. "Of course not."
Buffy holds her gaze for a long moment, and then--with a shiver--she looks away. This world that was once hers is so much colder than where she's been. She wraps her arms around her, and speaks now to the ground in a quiet voice. "Why couldn't they let me go?"
"They love you very deeply," Jenny says. Her voice is quiet, too. "Sometimes that makes people do impossible things."
"Jenny, I don't think I'm supposed to be here. I feel... wrong." Saying it aloud lets Buffy breathe a little more deeply, a little more easily, just for a moment. "Please don't tell the others."
"I won't."
"I'll tell them when I'm ready."
"I know."
Jenny hops down from her perch and touches Buffy's shoulder, very briefly. Buffy feels a little warmer, somehow. Warm enough to uncross her arms and let her feet come back down to the ground.
"I'm glad you're here," Buffy admits, as they begin their walk back home.
Jenny smiles. "Me, too."
#this was a lovely prompt celia ily thank you so much. perfect energy for my brain tonight.#💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛#norakovacs#jenny calendar#buffy summers#mine
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One of the true tragedies of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and honestly Angel) is that there was never an Outsider episode.
Just following a rando high schooler or Los Angelinos as the gang saves the day in the background or around them.
Hearing conversations about the gang. Seeing the world from the average person. My god, we could have had it all.
#buffy the vampire slayer#angel the series#outsider perspectives are my jam#this brought to you by the ask norakovacs got
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@jactingjoices tagged me, thank you!
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
Status quo ante bellum
Castiel wasn’t just happy when he died. He was relieved.
2. Ignite your bones
Exterior. Night.
The stage is set.
3. Heal me with
It’s the sixth time that Cas has died.
4. Forget your perfect offering
Dean Winchester looks younger when he’s sleeping.
5. Full of Grace
It’s his third day in heaven. Or at least, what feels like the third day.
6. Life Skills
“No Cas, you gotta hold your palms flat on the table.”
7. Godot ain't got nothin' on me and my baby
Dean looks at himself from the outside.
8. I said show me something
Dean decides to make an effort.
9. my body aches to breath your breath
Dean’s laptop had long ago been shoved aside, and was now tottering precariously at the foot of his bed, the credits scrolling across the screen obscured by Castiel’s hurriedly discarded sweat pants.
10. The Calculus of Infinitesimals
After Eyghon, Jenny doesn’t think there’s anything else to learn about Rupert
Tagging @casgape @wanderingcas @icefire149 @restlesshush @autisticandroids @yesitsterriblysimple @valleydean @destiel-wings @norakovacs
#spn#destiel#btvs#calendiles#fanfiction#meme#Doing this i realize that i like my opening paragraphs a lot more than just the opening sentences#some of these could really use some more pizzaz
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8 shows to get to know me better tagged by @saintemiliosandoz
(got this and was like, bestie, do i even know 8 shows?)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: does this even count as getting to know me better? Either way I have nothing to say for myself, there's no excuse
Elementary CBS: this show fucked so severely and on the one hand it deserved way, way more hype than That One British Show but on the other hand I'm so so glad it didn't get the insane rabid awfulness That Fucking British Show bred. Also Lucy Liu <3
NBC Hannibal: Yeah.
Shameless: I've seen this all the way through like,,, at least twice? But now I can never rewatch it again bc I will never be able to see Lip Gallagher without thinking about that "my roommate said he'd be worth the yeast infection" tweet (side note: Cristina, I think that really cute waitress at Ayat heard me loudly quoting that tweet when we did byob with Emily that one time and she literally never looked at me the same afterwards.)
Daredevil: ever since they announced they were cancelling this to create Disney+, my hatred for Disney bubbled over and I have never watched a single Marvel series ever since, I refuse to.
Killing Eve: I haven't seen like the last 3 episodes and I am living in the most blissful ignorance where the series ends exactly as I wanted it to
That Netflix original Hollywood: what can I say, I am not immune to a Ryan Murphy miniseries (honorable mention to Pose which was objectively better but also I haven't finished the last season)
(I am literally going through my netflix and hulu history now bc like damn there is no way I only love 7 TV shows ahdkjasjksdfjsfkd)
8. I dunno??? Northern Exposure?? Jane the Virgin?? I'm watching Devil Judge rn?? (I <3 Lame Men)
tagging @teatimewithgiles @summrsbuffy @chasingfictions @danneethai @norakovacs @slaygentford @strathmoresketches but no pressure, and also anyone else who wants to :)
#i couldn't finish yellowjackets yet i got too scared#it spooked me#every time I go on first dates with ppl and they ask the 'so what TV shows do you like' question I always realize#that I mostly just watch the same several TV shows very slowly over and over#and im realizing that again now#was really scraping the bottom of the barrel here#anyway than you for tagging me i love any opportunity to show off my impeccable taste#sorry @everyone i tagged who has sent me messages i havent replied to#for what it's worth i know and im ashamed :)#also jana i know you literally just tagged me in a diff one of these games and i havent replied so. sorry xoxo <3#running out small business has been very taxing you know how it is busy days at the shop lately
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top 5 rare btvs ships that you're mentally unwell about??
jennyangel mainly bc of @norakovacs 's postings about them
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I did the fanfic tropes tier thing and it just randomly worked out so it's all almost exactly even lmao.... individual tiers are in no particular order ftr. also i didn't want to come up with creative tier names
i think this has been a weewoo thing but i'm breaking containment for some of my tags (no pressure!) @tijuanabiblestudies @norakovacs @anderperries @lesbianvenom @butchjerry @gillybeanss @evcndiaz @lucydonato @singlethread plus anyone else who wants to do it!
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i find Giles really interesting, but i think he failed as a father figure to Buffy in many ways. like i won’t deny for a second that he loved Buffy, but that in and of it self doesn’t make you a good parent (i know he wasn’t Buffy’s parent, but you know what I mean)
As Buffy joked more true than she knew, would he like to be an absent uncle? Giles strikes me as someone who has so much love and compassion, but is still bitter about the responsibility he has (ask @norakovacs about Jenny trauma) and is always one second away from running off.
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I was tagged by @norakovacs <3
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
1. Second Thoughts
It was strange how comfortable she felt, Jenny thought.
2. Snackcident
It was Riley’s pager that alerted him.
3. A “Visit” from St. Nicholas
Giles hummed happily as he poured himself and Jenny another mug of mulled wine each.
4. R.A.D.I.O.
Our scene opens in a car park on the outskirts of Bristol.
5. Turnabout
The Scoobies had gathered in the library.
6. H.O.L.L.A.N.D.
When Jenny arrived in the frankly twee cloud-filled landscape, the first thing she saw was Rupert, large as life and five times as gorgeous, waiting for her, loving, patient and true.
7. S.W.A.L.K.
A week after the funeral, Willow knocked on the door of the Calendar-Giles place.
8. Guardians of the Giles-axy
At the end of a week which had contained way too much grading, far too many Cyrusian gremlins, and an unfeasible amount of line dancing (because of the aforementioned gremlins), and not enough relaxation, wine, or quality time with Rupert, Jenny flopped onto the sofa after dinner, glass of wine in hand, intent on finding something suitably mindless to occupy her attention till bedtime.
9. Every Bird His Worm
Heading towards her car after a LAN party at her friend’s place, Jenny had taken two steps onto the sidewalk … at which point the block paving had fallen away under her feet, taking her with it.
10. Something Good
In much the same way that she’d suddenly decided to ask the hot librarian on a date, Jenny had more or less suddenly decided that she was going to ask said hot librarian to marry her.
I think most of my fic-writing mutuals have already been tagged in this, but if you see this and fancy giving it a go, consider yourself tagged :D
#fics#btvs fic#friend tags#a sequel to something good is very much in the pipeline#and expect more SWALK verse too at some point!#no. 8 should definitely be 2 sentences...
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The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, March 28
Anya: Your conjuring powder is grotesquely over-priced. Giles: Anya... Anya: I'm sorry. I'm nearly out of money. I've never had to afford things before and it's making me bitter. Giles: The change is palpable. That stuff doesn't come cheap. Anya: Well, you're getting ripped off. I could hook you up with the troll that sheds it.
~~Buffy Season 5 Episode #83: "No Place Like Home"~~
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor! Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here. If you saw the phrase "HTML template" in our previous calls for editors and that was what made you decide that Herald duties aren't for you, you may be glad to hear that we've set up an alternative posting process!
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
Все в порядке (Buffy/Spike, G, Русский) by Esty
Lessons (Angelus, Spike, T) by SomeKindOfADeviant
No one Needs To Be Afraid Of Me (Giles/OC, T) by phantombmoll
[Chaptered Fiction]
Price of a Soul Chapters 7/13 (AtS Ensemble) by RavenTyrs
The Rocky Road to Dublin Chapters 9/13 (Buffy/Spike, M) by My_Barbaric_Yawp
Forgotten Conscience Ch. 9 (Buffy/Faith, M) by
One Girl in All the World Ch. 11 (Ensemble, T) by Brenna's Urbangirl Projects
Two Mules for Brother William , Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, E) by alittlemoretime
Spiderwebs, Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Willow25
We Are Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made On, Chapter 28 (Buffy/Spike, M) by VeroNyxK84
Behind Blue Eyes, Chapter 27 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Passion4Spike
Jigsaw, Chapter 28 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Dusty
Now That I Saw You, Chapter 28 (Buffy/Spike, E) by scratchmeout
Make Me Stay, Chapter 28 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Grief Counseling
Mad Hatter - My Cuppa Tea, Chapter 28 (Buffy/Spike, E) by MissLuci
Belonging , Chapter 24 (Buffy/Spike, E) by honeygirl51885
Trying, Chapter 27 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Pet35
Echoes of Beljoxa Ch. 43 (Buffy/Spike, E) by myrabeth
Nowhere To Go 13: Me (Buffy/Spike, unrated) by myrabeth
[Images, Audio & Video]
Artwork:Buffy and Spike () by sundayroadkill
Artwork:Buffy () by jeffpennington
Artwork:“…Wicca good and love the earth and women power…” (Willow and Tara) by whatshisfaceblogs
Artwork: John and Ripper hangin out () by myskillsofanartist
Video: sweet talk (giles x ethan) () by Celia
[Reviews & Recaps]
now for Today’s go ask malice by stellernorth
[Fandom Discussions]
Angel telling Buffy what was going to happen in I Will Remember You by petpluto
Giles to Buffy in season 6 by nevergonnabemuchmorethanweather
Okay I really do know, really, that the Buffy/Angel ship is valid. by dreamcaught
as much as I’ve enjoyed the final episode I’m still not over spike’s death. by alistair69
i have a theory that whether or not a slayer dies a, as the show puts it, “human death,” impacts the slayer cycle by fiapple
buffy at the start of season 6 by loves-bitch
I’m glad you’re liking buffy! I think they show teens so well despite them being involved in supernatural. by tuiyla
I really do wish this character addressed her shows-long struggle with her emotional complex trauma by the show’s end. by girl4music
tara maclay headcanons by evilwickedme
Top 10 Spuffy fics I’ve read (March 2023) by mcgnagallsarmy
I love how the show accidentally gave Giles the healthiest sex life. by norakovacs
If Faith had received word that Buffy had died at the end of season 5 by xanderdude47
Big Bad of Season 6: Trio or Dark Willow? by Skywalker_1995
Does Faith have a Rebel Alliance patch on her jacket? by Beached-Peach
Dawn by chemeli888
riley by Brain-First
caleb is the most annoying character on the whole show by 2000scinema
is Xander in the whole show? by Thestickleman
Example of times when a villain thought Buffy was weak/helpless and she proved them wrong? by BriaFaustian
Socks by chemeli888
This is probably my favourite with my two favourite characters. by Mavakor
How does it really end?? by NoNormalNova
Shag, Sire, Slaughter! A BtVS/AtS Discord Game by girlpire
the fact that both riley and giles don’t remember a castle being in sunnydale by calliopeos
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
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WIP Game
I was tagged by absolutely no one I just saw this and it looked SO FUN because I have so many wip's so I wanna play! Please ask me stuff I love ask games!!!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title(s) that most intrigue them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one)
Everything I have at least STARTED so it currently exists at in draft form:
Non-Girl Talk Buffy and Jenny
College GSA
Adult Married Fuffy
Bigender Buffy Summers human AU Faith scholarship
Am I Here to damn you? Or to help you navigate this maze? (Fuffy Catholic boarding school)
Coffy PWP
Buffy/Faith Textfic Love, Simon
Buffy/Anya Neighbors AU
Fuffy Hope in a Bottle
Fuffy Closets, Coffins, and Claustrophobia
Fuffy Genderfluid
Fuffy Season 3 The List
Fuffy Fairy Tale
Fuffy Pre-Series
Tori/Jade Christmas PJ's
Christmas Present for Echo (Fuffy Fake Marriage)
Coffy Rivalry
B. Summers They/Them
Fuffy Crush
Fuffy Season 3 Anne
Fuffy Season 5
Fuffy 2020
Fuffy Wicked
Gender Wishverse
Fuffy Post-Chosen
Fuffy Season 7
He Slays Monsters
if you're lonely, come be lonely with me
I was also going to list everything that exists in concept form only in my never ending list of ideas but the list got too long so maybe another day! Tagging: @summrsbuffy @norakovacs @juanabaloo @falsestardust and anyone else who wants to play! :)
#fuffy#coffy#buffy x anya#buffy x jenny#btvs#pls ask me stuff im having an awful week#i want to do something silly and fun!#ask game
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also btvs hot take kennedy is a precious gem and willow/kennedy isn’t built to last BUT is extremely funny bc willow is dating someone who looks and acts like her high school computer teacher
completely agree!!!! in my recent rewatch my reaction to kennedy was "she is an absolute delight actually????". i love short-term willow/kennedy, too. i think that kennedy's confidence and willingness to express what she wants is good for willow, even if you can feel they won't be an endgame relationship. also gfhkfhfhjflj i had not put that together but.... ok..... very good point......... kennedy has baby jenny attitude....
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@norakovacs omg look at this nice creature

I made a little guy
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was tagged by @norakovacs :) <3
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
All I Wanted was You
He could see her face every time he closed his eyes; could see her there screaming, tears streaming down her cheeks
After We Saved the World
“I need a vacation.” Jenny had said as they’d stood by the edge of the sinkhole that used to be Sunnydale
Mourning Glories
He’d seen her through the darkest of days and been the architect behind some of her brightest.
Giles had wept the first time he saw her tombstone
The Blame Game
Three weeks. It’d only been three weeks since she died, and Buffy still felt like she was living in a fog.
The Little Things
It was the warmth of his skin against her hand, the softness in his eyes when he smiled, and the way his fingers fluttered when he was nervous.
Happy Birthday Rupert
Jenny paced back and forth on the porch, waiting anxiously for the mail truck
Everything I Never Said
Giles approached the desk slowly, his face draining of colour when he noticed the piece of paper lying squarely in the centre.
Janna of the Kalderash
The wind brushed through Jenna’s dark brown hair as she stepped out of the car, glaring at the place she was to live for; well, she wasn’t exactly sure how long.
Babies on the Brain
Jenny flittered around the room anxiously, occasionally hovering in Giles’ line of sight as he lay sprawled on their king-sized bed.
tagging @milliejean @backwvengeance and anyone else who wants to join in!
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11 + any fandom for the ask meme <33
wrote it for another prompter! tysm for the prompt
#i appreciate so much that u still follow me even tho i havent' talked abt btvs in like two years KSJDGH#local jenny calendar/btvs in general scholar follows my dumb little weeb blog. amazing#norakovacs#answered
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@norakovacs i saw this and thought of art!
young child with pureness in his heart: theres no more dinosaurs 🦕 😔they all died out😢
me: birds are dinosaurs!
him: its not the same!! *clenches his fists*
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