#💙 ✩ Fulfill Your Duties . . .₎₎
cybersyndicate · 18 days
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Light blue Clematis Sua (Alien Stage) graphics 〜
F2U w/ credit ✦ for @winecovered ‘s 400+ event!
03 :: A flower that you think best represents you.
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AN :: I wasn’t sure what to do for this day, so I asked my friend what flower they think would suit me and they said Clematis. I IMMEDIATELY knew what I had to do. Besides that, I think the meaning fits me a bit too!
From what I read, Clematis are associated with spiritual growth and development as well as a soul’s journey from darkness to light. They also represent creativity and inspiration! I could go into detail about how I think that fits me, but I think that’s a post for another time.
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jacevelaryonswife · 1 year
Golden and Silver, my new colors | Final
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He doesn't know where the impulse of his next actions came from, but he felt he needed it. Maybe was the moment, maybe was the time, or maybe he wanted do that. He needed to break down the last and definitive barrier to be entirely yours.
∴pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Wife!reader
∴warnings and a note: fluffy and comfort, english is not my first language. See the note in the end.💙
Golden and Silver Masterlist
"How are you?" He asked quietly.
“I'm scared,” your confession was even lower. "Very aware of what is going to happen, or what can happen." You took a break before continuing. "This should be the most important moment of my life, from which I hear that it’s the destiny of all women, but I feel minimally prepared for it. What if I'm not a good mother? What if I can't love the baby? What if I die? What if I fail? Because everything will refer to my failure with duty," your voice trembled, "and I don't want that, I don't want to fail and I don't want to be unhappy either."
Over the months was it difficult not to deal with the subject in question. Your body was more different than ever, your back and feet hurt and your belly weighed like the seven hells. Although the development of the affective bond with Aemond has undermined part of the insecurity of pregnancy, the other part remained solid and constantly active. It was a real torture, mainly because you didn’t want to reveal to anyone what you were feeling, nor your mother, or the Queen (whose relationship with both of them had gotten back on track, but not as before) or your friends. But with him it was different, you learned that, you felt it. He needed to know and you wanted to say.
"Because I know what people will tell me to do, but that's not what I want to hear. I don't want to hear that childbirth is a woman's battlefield or that I must resign myself by fulfilling the only duty that was imposed on me. I don't want to hear this because I grew up knowing this, I grew up knowing that there was nothing else to expect, that this is all a woman can have, that my mission is to give birth to a son and it corrodes me all the time," you kept looking at the ceiling as you let the words escape. "And I transfer it to him, or her, to what's in my belly. I transfer such dissatisfaction to him, as if he were to blame, but I know he is not. I transferred my anger about you when we were fighting, and I transfer my frustration and fear about the future at this very moment. It's wrong, I know, but I'm terrified and angry and it seems impossible to individualize these feelings and forget them. Sometimes I didn't want to be pregnant."
“Sometimes I also wish you weren't pregnant,” he confessed. "Because I know what I should do, but I don't know how. I don't know what it's like to be a father, I don't know how to do it, and I don't like to fail, I don't want to fail with you, but I have no idea how to do this and I'm too proud to seek instructions, besides, who would I turn to? My father? No, he was Rhaenyra's father, not mine, never mine. What should I do?"
“I'm sorry about that, for everything you've been through,” you said as you held his hand on the bed, looking at him for the first time since the subject started.
"I'm also sorry for you, for everything you feel, for all righteousness, silence and lack of freedom," he didn't look at you when he confessed: "I'm scared too."
"I know." You purposely smoothed the injured part of his face, very close to the scar, leaving him tense and gaining a surprised and fearful look. “I know. Thank you for listening to me."
“Don't thank me for that,” he stared at you.
According to the Maesters, there were only a few weeks left for the baby in your belly to come into the world, maybe days, maybe weeks, and as it couldn’t be different, your lord father, the King and Hand were already talking excitedly to each other about the son that was to come. Fuck them all, you thought, and during the dinner with the family earlier you were very happy to oppose:
“A girl would make me happier,” you said calmly while drinking the sweet wine. It wasn’t a lie, although your greatest desire at that moment was to contradict them.
“It’s always expected that the first fruit of a young couple will be a healthy son, my lady,” Otto Hightower said in his stoic and falsely sympathetic feature.
"I know, but I mean my desire," you countered, not being intimidated by the negative look of most of the people who were at the table.
“My darling, don't say those things,” your mother tried to alleviate the situation with a nervous smile. "What will your husband find?"
Fortunately, Aemond and you were better than ever.
"It's my wife's wish, the fact doesn't bother me," was what he said before the matter was finalized.
Secretly, Queen Alicent and your lady mother whispered that at least you were in sync. And yes, you were very well.
That night, just like the others, you were lying side by side. It was difficult to find a position in which he could hug you, especially when he wanted so much to feel your body close, your sweet smell and the softness of your skin. He was living in your orbit in recent months, and he has never looked so good before. It was a little scary for Aemond to allow himself to love, to be loved, to be seen, to be touched and to be understood. He was used to the harshness of a job to be done, but emotional recognition made him restless and fragile.
"I hate having a weak point, a disadvantage or sensitivity that can be used against me. That's why it was difficult to lower the guard for you, I thought that if I bordered your image as inferior, as someone normal and not special it would be easier to keep me away, it was stupid, but effective, because it is almost agonizing to give in to the temptation to be loved. I know I've said this before, but I'm sorry for everything that happened before. I want to be a good father and a good husband to you."
“I know. I know,” you held his hand over yours and pulled her for a kiss on her palm. "Be by my side when the time comes."
"I didn't intend to be far away," he put his other hand on your belly and turned to face you. His beautiful wife. So beautiful, serene and scared. He hated not being able to heal your fear, but he wouldn't leave you again. "I promise."
“...Let me see you,” your voice was uncertain and anxious. What were you- "if it's not a problem."
Oh no.
The air was momentarily missed by Aemond and made you apprehensive, although still determined. You didn't want to see that, no, you didn't want to, how could you?
"You don't want to see that."
"I want to."
"No, you don’t."
"I want to, but only if you want to show it."
“You don't,” he said even more incisively.
“I want to, but only if you want to show it,” you said even softer.
"It's ugly," he breathed, "deformed," a frown formed quickly when he looked away.
"I don't care."
"You'll call when you see it, and I don't need it. I don't need you to feel disgusted or sorry for me."
You sighed and remained silent as you moved to be more seated than lying down, it was annoying that any movement was so tiring, even as simple as possible. But that was not enough to undermine your determination and when you held his chin, forcing him in the kindest way to look at you.
"I know you won't believe it, but I don't care, you're a very handsome man, Aemond, very charming and dashing, nothing in your appearance displeases me," you said, "in fact, I care that you can't see this, it bothers me actually, but I understand. What I ask is that you don’t transfer your insecurity to me, don’t think in advance that I will be afraid or disgusted by you."
“Everyone does. Even without having seen it and especially because they have seen it, everyone feels the same," was all he said.
Did you think he was handsome and dashing? It was a lie, wasn't it? It had to be. Almost no lady spent her time sighing for him, and yet... "do you really see beauty in me?"
"Of course I see it, and not just because you're my husband. Don't be suspicious of me."
"I just... I don't want to see the look on your face when you see myself completely," his voice was low and weak, contrasting with the previous determination in his tone.
You sighed again. "I'm sorry, we won't talk about it anymore."
“Thank you.”
“No need to thank you,” you held his hand again. "I love you, Aemond... you know that."
He sat on the bed and cradled your face with his other hand. “I know. I love you too."
It was the first time you said to each other, but not the last.
When the call of the Grand Maester Orwyle reached the ears of the one-eyed Prince, a silvery shadow moved faster than ever through the corridors of the Palace. He was nervous like the seven hells and a burning tormented his skin from the inside out. It was an attitude that contradicted the advice of his grandfather and some sighted men of the King's court, but incredibly served to make his mother and father agree with the option he took to be by his side at the moment.
"Are you sure, my prince?" Orwyle inquired again when they both approached the room where it was about to happen. “You don't ne-“
"I do."
And then, he opened the door to meet you in the center of the bed with the hand-keepers around taking care of you. A greeting was briefly made to him as you stretched out your hand seeking support from your husband.
"How are you?" He asked.
“The worst hasn't started yet, but I'm nervous,” was quite evident in your voice.
“Everything will be fine, I'm here by your side."
"I know, but I'm scared."
“You don't have to be afraid, my lady, everything will be fine and a healthy baby will be born,” one of the servants said to reassure.
But it didn't work much, since an unmizable pain dominated your body in the next few moments. It was terribly painful and you cursed Aemond internally for condemning you to such a fate. You wouldn't do that again! Not "that", but this here! Fuck anyone who says the opposite. When the pain intensified, all you wanted was to scream for the seven hells and all the existing profanity but you were afraid of attracting a bad fate into your life.
"Strength, my lady, it's almost there, I need you to push more!"
Screw the superstitions.
“FUCKIN' HELLS!” You crushed his hand in a brutal squeeze, making him squeeze his jaw.
The feeling of being torn was agonizing, terrifying and unbearable, almost too much to deal with, until a sudden relief along with fatigue took over your body and a loud cry echoed through the room. Finally.
"It's a girl, my prince," Orwyle said, taking her to her father.
You took a deep breath and felt a sudden desire to have her in your arms. They could reject her for being a girl, but you would never do that. She was exactly what you wanted. “I want to hold her,” you said, hating having done the horrible job of giving birth so that Aemond would be the first to see your baby's face. The baby of you two, actually, but you still wanted to have her.
Your call was heard clearly, but the feeling of holding his daughter for the first time was indiscriminate to the one-eyed prince, keeping him motionless for long seconds. The small and scandalous thing fit perfectly into the clumsy lap shape that Aemond molded in his two arms, admiring her fixedly. What would he do now? How should I act? Will he be a decent father? He doesn't want to fail with you.
“Aemond,” you called him. You just wanted to see her.
Your little girl, your daughter. Heavens, that was terrifying and so pleasant at the same time, especially when you took her on your arms. You would raise her differently from the other girls, yes, you would do that, she would not wear a veil of righteousness and walls that force her to be unhappy. She can fly wherever she wants, after all her little girl has dragon blood.
"Have you ever thought of a name?"
Time seemed to stop when you had her in your arms, your little Naerys. "Yes, we already have a name."
You and your daughter were bathed and fed by the maids, then you were transported to your chambers to rest and be pampered by a proud and enchanted Aemond. He just wanted to have the little thing in his arms again, even if clumsy and afraid to hurt her. Your diet began to be accompanied by the Maesters since certain foods could affect the baby, you obviously consented and spent most of the day lying down while the Queen, the King and their parents pampered your little granddaughter. Honestly, you just wanted to sleep and have her by your side and Aemond's, and that's what you did throughout the day, but with a small part of your mind lit on an important point.
"Does it bother you that I gave you a daughter instead of a son?" It was disturbing to keep such a question to yourself and it was necessary to release it quickly.
Maybe Aemond didn't wait for the question or just didn't know what to answer, since his face closed a little and a stillness remained until he found words he deemed appropriate. "A child is a blessing, regardless of which genital he has."
It wasn't enough. "That's not what I asked."
"Why would it bother me?" He knew exactly why, but at that moment all he would like to get into was a fight, which was contradictory since a clear answer could solve your doubts.
"Because it disappoints all men and most women not having a sob in their first pregnancy, and I know you know that. So I'll ask once again, does that bother you, Aemond?" You didn't look at him as you asked, restricting yourself to paying attention to the soft sheet that covered your body.
"No, it doesn't bother. What about you?"
“Not at all. I wanted, in fact, a little girl. I hope we can create her well, teach her the things I have not been taught, instruct her in the right way, choose beautiful dresses together...”
"I had plans if I was a boy. I would instruct him to study, to train with me and I would not neglect him. A girl doesn't limit me to two of these things and doesn't make me less happy," he said.
“Queen Visenya was an excellent warrior, I wouldn't mind Naerys choosing this path if she wanted and had the opportunity,” you countered.
“A point outside the curve within our story,” he stressed as he flipped through another page of the book.
"It's still possible. If my memory does not fail me, Princess Alyssa, your grandmother, was also comfortable with the chain mail and swords, even much better than Prince Vaegon."
"Where do you want to go?"
"I want our daughter to be what she wants without the pressure of tradition undermining her life."
“It's not easy to fight against tradition,” he looked at you.
"Especially when one of the parties does not want to give in," your gaze also found his, more serious than before, "It is easy for you to be like this, you have always had the option to do everything you wanted just like Aegon, without the worry of having your name disgraced or put to a buzz. It's your privilege, one I've never had. You can go wherever you want and whenever you want, we don't, we don't have this option of choice besides being a bargaining chip and a belly to bear a child."
"Is that how you feel about me? An exchange currency?"
"I love you, Aemond, I love what we have, but I hate the lack of freedom I've had my whole life, I've always hated it. I don't want her to feel that."
"What if she wants to get married and have children? Won't it be her choice, but of tradition?" He questioned him.
"Then it will be her choice, not an imposition, she will have the power to decide that. I don't expect you to understand this, but it's my wish, I hope it's not ignored."
Who was he to escape the tradition? His life was based on it, his family (a part of it) was based on it. Why should he follow another path? You were right, it wasn’t easy to understand that being in his position, but the prince was not blind to what was expected of women in relation to duty. Still, what if your little Naerys didn't want to get married or have children? What if she wanted a life away from duty? He wouldn't force her, would he?
You definitely wouldn't go. No, not at all. That night, when she stopped crying, you took her in your lap and fed her with your milk hidden from the others. "You will be able to be everything you want, without restrictions, and I hope you are and enjoy your life. Fly as much as you want and be happy, use the opportunity that many of us don't have. I love your father, I truly love him and I just want to be by his side, but I wish I had seen more things and could come and go. Don't tell anyone that I was the one who gave these advices, please," you kissed her little head.
The next few days were strange to both of you, not because of the conversation you had earlier about Naerys, but because of the way she completely changed your routine. Aemond and you thought about her all day, every day, and they always wanted to have her around. Yes, the crying was annoying, mainly because you didn’t know what afflicted your baby so much, but everyone with more experience and knowledge about motherhood ensured that it was normal, "newborn children are like that, they’re still getting used to our world," said Lady Fell.
While the prince still remained staring at her for long minutes, standing in front of the crib with his single focused eye and with several layers of his sketched feelings. Fear and adoration were visible at times, but then a change in your husband's posture made you swear that that was the reason your daughter was crying, because he was so tense and intense.
“What are you thinking?" You asked low, in your usual position in bed.
“In her. She's perfect," Aemond replied without looking at you. "Just like you."
You looked at him fond of him. "Just like us." And then he looked at you in an enigmatic way, but with a vulnerability shown a few times. Something as simple as a compliment shouldn’t cause so many reactions on him, it was annoying to have a weakness in something that happened so many years ago but still torments him deeply. He hates feeling insecure about his appearance, although nothing has been said directly to him about it in all these years.
But the looks don’t lie, they never lied, aversion and fear were things he was forced to live with and even helped him build his defense walls. But these same walls prevented him from seeing the phenomenal, intelligent, shrewd and incredibly beautiful woman with whom he had become just a body and soul before the Septon. You would never accept him, Aemond believed that, even though he was the brother who studied history and philosophy and tamed the largest dragon in the world, you would never see beyond the damaged shell he had. How wrong he was. How wrong he was with you.
Moving away from Naerys' cradle, the prince walked to his privacy to put on his bedding and join you. He was ethereal with his loose and white top that left the beginning of his chest exposed. He crawled like a cat to your side and was almost nested to you.
"Do you really think I'm handsome?" He asked low, almost ashamed of his vulnerability.
"Of course I think. You’re so handsome Aemond, my handsome husband, my beautiful man, all mine," you caressed him on the face and hair, leaning to kiss him on the forehead. "I love you." He nested even more to you, hugging your body carefully, leaning his head on your neck to breathe your smell and feel your comfort. "You have many admirable qualities, in addition to your sincerity, loyalty and intelligence, your appearance is one of my favorite things. I love your sharp nose and perfect drawn lips, your beautiful blue eye and silver hair, everything about you is beautiful. Your body too. Especially the present between his legs." Yes, he was amazing down there.
He laughed against your neck and hugged you even more. He really needed that. "Thank you, my love, I truly appreciate it." He kissed your jaw and smelled your hair. "How are you?"
“Tired, but fine. I can't stop thinking about her."
“Me too. It's strange."
"A lot, but a good stranger."
“Indeed,” he said. “I’ve been thinking what you said, and I want her to be happy the way she chooses. I want share the world for you two, all the things you deserve to see. I love you and I love what we have.”
Your heart warmed up and you kiss his forehead with affection. “Thank you for that my love, I love you so deeply, I love we have too.”
He doesn't know where the impulse of his next actions came from, but he felt he needed it. Maybe was the moment, maybe was the time, or maybe he wanted do that. He needed to break down the last and definitive barrier to be entirely yours.
"I want to show you... my eye, the sapphire and the scar, but only if you want to see it."
Oh, how you waited for that…
“Yes. I want to see you.”
Yes, I’d like to say a few words. When I started writing this story I thought it would be a one shot, since it has been many many since I concluded a fanfic with many chapters (so far). But I saw the potential of this idea and decided to embark, even with my terrifying laziness, procrastination and quick ease of getting sick of things. Much is due to the positive feedback I received from you in every kind comment and reblog, so thank you very very much to everyone who came here with me, much of this story is due to you and I am very grateful for that! To everyone who arrived here, see you soon and again, thank you very much for giving this idea a chance. 🤍💛🤍💛🤍💛🤍
Taglist: @immyowndefender @arcielee @malfoytargaryen @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @fan-goddess @dark-night-sky-99 @siriusdumblittlepuppy @let-love-bleeds-red @sassysaxsolo @cicaspair418 @yentroucnagol @mefools @risefallrise @auratiqs @glitterandgoldfinds @bellaisasleep @plzletmedaydream @padfooteyes @bellameshipper @zillahvathek @schniiipsel @little-duck @dc-marvel-girl96 @nina2697 @kaemond-zafiro @the-hufflebird-girl @panagiasikelia @whatsonthemirror @namgification @minttea07 @crazymusicgirl104 @sahvlren @aemonds-fire @partypoison00 @glame @rominaarcadiaa @theekinslayer @hb8301 @jennifer0305 @batmans-love
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
when your gut hurts — kyojuro, sanemi, giyuu
Author’s Note: wasn’t sure how to title this in a way that would accurately communicate the subject matter and show up in tags. 😅💩
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when your gut hurts — kyojuro, sanemi, giyuu
Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader, Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader, Tomioka Giyuu x Reader
Word Count: ~500
CW: explicit language, poop, vomit
Emergency Request Fulfilled: Hi i’m not sure what this constitutes as a pick me up, emergency or wtv- i’ve been having a lot of abdominal pains and a lot of bowel issues(I haven’t gotten off the toilet in 10 minutes and I keep going between pooping and throwing up) recently and I was just wondering if I could get a HC List on how the Hashira’s would deal with their s/o being stuck in a similar position. I totally get if this is a bit too gross- and it’s 100% ok if you don’t do it but I hope to see it 🙏🤞
Since this is an emergency request (aka ~shorter than “normal” fanfics), I’m going to focus on Kyojuro (fan fave) ❤️‍🔥, Sanemi (my fave) 🤍, and Giyuu (also my fave) 💙
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Very methodical and attentive ☺️
Genuinely unbothered bc he approaches your situation as
“They’re sick, and I get to take care of them.”
Remember how well he handled Tanjirou’s abdominal injury?
That’s him w/ you and your pain + bowel movements 🥺
Among other things, Kyojuro: makes sure there’s plenty of toilet paper in the house 🧻, cooks a simple broth to replenish lost fluids and nutrients (dw, it’s hard to mess up a recipe that’s primarily water), happily unclogs the toilet if/when need be 🚽, willingly takes on emptying-the-vomit-bucket duty 😅, and constantly switches between rubbing your stomach or playing cards/watching shows w/ you — in other words, keeps you company 💞
Depending on how long your symptoms persist, he’ll eventually gently recommend taking you to the hospital
But if you decline his recommendation, then he’s content to continue monitoring you at home instead ❤️‍🔥
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Worried out of his fucking mind 😖
Gives zero fucks about how “disgusting” you currently are
Will immediately shush you and kiss your forehead/nose/cheeks 😤🤍
Altho, Sanemi’s equally likely to tease you, “Whoa, that one sounded especially wet 😏🥴💩,” if you seem to be in the right headspace for banter
Mostly, he’s attempting to lighten the mood so he doesn’t slip back into worrying 😃
Anticipates + takes care of your needs (i.e. liquids, meds, toilet paper, etc) before you do
But in a sort of stoic-nearly-grumpy manner 🙃
*cue Sanemi unceremoniously handing you a glass of lukewarm water*
*cue Sanemi staring at you until you take at least a couple sips*
Again, he isn’t upset
Just worried 🥲
Has to resist asking every other min, “How are you feeling?” bc obvi you’re feeling shitty ☹️
And he trusts you to tell him if you’re approaching the get-me-to-the-hospital lvl of concern
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Ngl, Giyuu’s a lil lost 😵‍💫
He doesn’t mind the pooping and vomiting
Albeit part of him winces every time (he wishes he could take on your pain and discomfort 😓) 
But he is bothered by how ill prepared he feels 😕
Like, is holding your hair back while you puke really helpful? 😕
Does sitting outside the bathroom as you poop—to keep you company—actually comfort you? 😕 Or is it just weird of him? 😕
Should he prepare something for you to eat, or would that prolong your symptoms? 😕
At what point does he insist on taking you to the hospital? 😕
Ofc, he doesn’t voice his self doubt 🫠
Instead, Giyuu does what he would want you to do for him 💓
Admittedly, it takes him a long moment to think about what he would want in your position… he’s used to taking care of himself, and gets a lil emotional when he realizes he gets to lean on you now — and you on him 😭💘
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reorientation · 6 months
hi 💙 i’m some kind of genderfluid, so i don’t know if it’d even count as detransitioning but… every month, when i start cramping, my mind goes to having a real man’s baby and fulfilling my duties as a woman. even before i came across your blog, it’s what i’d do… i mean, i’m almost always thinking of getting roughhandled by real men, but i only specifically think of being a mommy when i’m hurting during that dreaded time. my own body betrays me…
maybe i should have sent this to your other blog, since me being genderfluid barely matters much as long as I have the parts right? haha. i doubt there’s much to work with here but i wanted to confess this to you anyways, feel free to just delete it if you want. - ⚙️ (if that’s not taken already haha)
It's funny, really, how girls' own bodies punish them for not being pregnant. There's so much feminist discourse out there about how periods are so bad, and men just don't understand the pain, and it's such a serious issue - but that's just your own body saying that you should have let a man put a baby in you.
A lot of girls get feral with the need to be pregnant during ovulation, and that's only natural, but there's something charming about the need arriving with the cramps. It's a bit like when girls get wet while being spanked, isn't it? Your own body hurts you for disobeying, and you start thinking about how good obedience would feel. How you should stop pretending that "genderfluid" means anything, and just make a baby like you're supposed to.
You have the right parts, but you also have the right associations: cramps with babies, submission with fulfillment. Your subconscious mind and your fertile body will conspire to make sure you do what you're meant to do.
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divine-donna · 2 years
Please could I request headcanons of the house of the dragon crew where a marriage is arranged between them and their childhood best friend who secretly likes them 💙💙
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hi! of course you may. these took a bit longer because i moved back into my apartment for school. and requests will probably close within the next few weeks since this semester is going to be busy.
but please enjoy these head canons!
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ser criston cole
ser criston is a lowborn man, thus the arrangement comes as a shock. because arranged marriages were very much a highborn thing. but considering your own background, coming from a lesser house that served as a vassal under house baratheon, it seemed to be the right choice. he wasn’t exactly happy considering that it would interfere with his oaths and duties. of course, his disappointment and coldness towards the arrangement, despite the fact that you two have known each other for years, made you upset. especially considering the fact that you have liked him for quite some time now. perhaps this is why so many marriages tend to grow bitter.
“of course i care about you (y/n), but don’t you think you deserve someone better? someone who has time for your marriage? i have oaths, duties to fulfill! i cannot get married if i aim to be a member of the kingsguard.”
daemon targaryen
marriage arrangements are pretty awful. daemon knows from experience. and despite the fact that it’s attached to you, a friend he considers dear, makes it even worse. arranged marriages are boring. domestic life never satisfied him. and he doesn’t believe that domestic life will make him more appealing. domestic life won’t give him the love he desires. part of him wonders why you agreed with this arrangement when you know full well his stance on arranged marriage. perhaps it may have something to do with the fact that you have fallen in love with him, that you want to scavenge what little of his reputation and honor he has. you were always his defender and viserys could only shake his head, advising you to not forget yourself. but you would never forget yourself nor daemon. daemon was part of you and you were willing to be the good spouse necessary to salvage what is left for him.
“it pains me to see you waste yourself over this marriage. we can simply leave. are you really satisfied being my spouse for the rest of your life, (y/n)? i care about you too much to subject you to such a miserable fate. you deserve better.”
rhaenyra targaryen
rhaenyra loves you, yes. she cares about you. you’re her best friend. or were. she hasn’t seen you for years. and this is the first time she sees you, when her father has basically sold her off to join you in marriage. nothing more infuriates her and makes her feel sick to her stomach. it hurts to see that rhaenyra is in pain, but a duty has to be fulfilled. your family wants a piece of the targaryen dynasty and using your love for the princess, as well as your connection with her, provided the perfect opportunity to sink their claws into the iron throne. you try to be as courteous as possible but rhaenyra is almost never around to talk to you. it hurts, causes your heart to shatter.
“i went flying on syrax tonight. i don’t necessarily love marriage (y/n). the idea of becoming like my mother...i do not want to entertain the thought and reality. and my father has signed away my life as if i was his chattel.”
alicent hightower
alicent mentally prepared herself for possibly being arranged to marry someone from a young age. but she especially prepared herself for a miserable marriage to a man that would not love her. so she was ecstatic when she entered the room and saw you. she could not ask for someone better! and of course, you were happy as well. you have loved her since childhood and to be able to marry her? well, it was your dream come true. it appears the gods have answered your prayers and finally granted you a wish.
“i must be honest, (y/n). i was nervous walking into that room. but my heart soared upon seeing you. i could not ask for a better partner in this world.”
aegon targaryen
to be bound to duty from birth is a miserable existence. and part of that duty is to marry. the claim for the iron throne is at stake and it is a necessity to arrange alliances ahead of time, even against his own will. his mother understood the bloodbath of westerosi politics and attempted to minimize her son’s pain with you. you became aegon’s buffer, if you will. there is not a single person who would deal with his remarks, deal with his drunken episodes, more than you. you were willing to take care of him and he would often wake up to you by his bedside. sometimes awake, sometimes asleep. and he felt guilty. extremely guilty. your family was the perfect pawn needed for the war of succession, to cement his hold on westeros and the iron throne. he knew you loved him. it was no secret. you were horrible at keeping your emotions in check. you deserved not to be his buffer. you deserved to be with him without any malice behind the arrangement.
“i cannot promise to fulfill my duties. not all of them anyways. the people expect certain duties from me. there is a target at my back. and you can leave any time you want. you don’t have to stay. but if you do, know that i love you and do not stay behind for me. i am already a dead man.”
aemond targaryen
aemond meant it when he said he would fulfill his duty. he was an honorable man. you know this from childhood and part of you wished that you two were betrothed. you would do anything for your best friend and you were so hopelessly in love with him. he didn’t realize it when he was younger, but aegon did. and aegon taunted you with remarks about how you two would never be together. oh how he was wrong. so wrong. aemond showed up at your house’s seat with a rolled up piece of parchment and a demand to pledge loyalty to aegon ii. of course, your family rightfully asked what was in it for them, especially because they kept their oaths and swore fielty to rhaenyra. a marriage pact. with (y/n). is what he said. and you swore your heart almost stopped. it was a tempting offer, but you begged your family to let you marry him. they were no stranger to your strong feelings for the one-eyed prince and it looked like rhaenyra’s faction would be defeated. so with hesitancy, they swear fidelity to aegon ii and aemond takes you back with him to king’s landing. his hold on your hand the entire ride is gentle and you notice the smallest bit of pink painting his cheeks.
“i apologize for the...suddenness of this arrangement, (y/n). i advised my mother to let me marry you and convinced her. not only is your house necessarily for securing allegiance, but i...have loved you for some time. there are few people who took care of me when i was younger. i wanted to pay my debt.”
helaena targaryen
many people would not want to marry helaena targaryen, believing her to be peculiar and already declaring her a spinster for her lack of interest in more domestic activities. you, however, love her for her interest. after all, she helped you get over your fear of bugs. you’ve been in love with her since. so when you were given the chance to marry her, you took it. helaena was surprised when her mother said your name and you walked in, pride ingrained within your posture. she couldn’t help but rejoice in private, for a miserable life of marriage would not be her future. instead, it would be with someone who cared for her and hugged her tenderly.
“please stay over tonight, (y/n). i miss your touch. it has been a long time since we have layed like this. your lap is still as comfortable as ever. i do not want this day to end.”
jacaerys velaryon
it’s important to have some sort of grasp on the houses in westeros. many of them swore fidelity, but rhaenyra knows how they really think of her. a woman sitting upon the iron throne is inconceivable. but she had a strategy and sent her son over with a list of demands, asking for fidelity from your family. your family was very influential and perhaps could sway the region to swear fidelity to rhaenyra. and she sent someone you have loved since you were a child: jace. you were surprised to see him in your home. but the offer was something that you had wanted since you were younger: marriage to him. you were ecstatic and so was your family, so of course they agreed. and when you met him later that night, he revealed that he was happy to be marrying someone he knew.
“most people tend to not meet their betrothed until their wedding ceremony. or a little before that. i have the fortune of being betrothed to you, to someone who accepts me as i am.”
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I have to say something important...
And at FIRST : I will NOT justify war, genocids and others. This post is ONLY to say, to attack or blame someone because of they prefer a character is NOT okay! I am AGAINST war. Against Genocid, I am from germany and my family were pursued and murdered for that they say: NO we will NEVER support the Nationalsocialism in the 2nd worldwar
My family has fought for the weak and protected the persecuted!
Until the end!
Back to topic:
A lot of us (Quaritch fandom) be attacked because we ARE definitely Quaritch fan's...
Because they say....
How can you like him.
He is a murderer, genocist, crimes against humanity...
Aaand so far and more...
MILES QUARITCH was a soldier and that's a FACT
🔹A marine who FOLLOWED the INSTRUCTIONS and the ORDERS he got from his General, Supervisor whatever.
🔹A marine who does everything for hir country, his loyality and his squad.
🔹He has a task and he fulfilled...
Also a fact:
🔸Every soldier on this planet is a potencial murderer
🔸Every soldier who kills people is a murderer
🔸Every soldier fulfilled their DUTIES
🔸Every soldier who murders acts as a possible genocidal monster
So tell me...
Why it is okay to celebrate soldiers who fight for your country, dies for your country, kills people, genocides and more...
And in fact WHY is it a problem that WE are fan's of our big blue guy and mayve before this also his human form?
In the movies we only see Quaritch ON DUTY
Never in PRIVATE situations, never as a friend, a lover, teacher or something.
It is OUR fantasy to create a personality for him, far away from his duties, hir job and instructions
So please be fair to each other.
And NO ONE have the right to say that we are not allowed to,
Or that we have to feel ashame for that...
@milknhonies @angelltheninth @blind0demon @cats-and-fiction @cuethediscoandthedrinks @ikranwings @kxnxrki @lostboysmate4ever @lina-lovebug @nqify
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musette22 · 10 days
Hey darling, how are you doing? I hope you're doing amazing, but either way, please know that we (I should speak for myself only, but I'm sure there are plenty of others here who feel the same!) appreciate you talking about anything you like/want to talk about, whether it's about your personal life, or other hobbies and interests, shitty dates, nice dates, literally anything! I for one love to read everything you have to say, whether it's negative or positive; I love the gorgeous pictures you take and share with us from your trips, and just.. THANK YOU for sharing yourself with us! This was just a side-note though.
Ashamedly, I'm not always vocal enough about these things, but I just remembered that you've expressed how much it means to you, so here I am, writing this because I suddenly thought of you for some reason, and just the thought of you made me feel better (I'm sick and soo whiny right now by the way, lol) so I was like I GOTTA spam her. Duty is being fulfilled, I guess. 😂
But my real message is this:
I love your fics and writings and I mean it. you have absolutely no idea just how many times your fics -that I've reread dozens of times and will continue to do so eagerly!- helped me cope with different situations, whether it was when I'm sick and feel weak and depressed like I am right now, or if I was going through a professionally or an emotionally stressful period of time, it doesn't matter. I always read your fics, and a lot of other people's whom I don't know unfortunately, but I hope every writer knows this nevertheless. Just know that right now, I'm so incredibly grateful for your existence and your works, and putting yourself out there, because that's why I'm able to cope right now, and oh so many other times. This is a very awkwardly structured paragraph and I'm completely aware of that. But I just want you to know how deeply grateful I am for you, your fics and writings specifically, they've been huge parts of many of my days for the past couple years, and they've always made it better, easier for me. And that's a LOT, okay?
You may not be appreciated enough, but you are appreciated.
The same goes for every other writer, if you're a writer and you're seeing this, you deserve the best & thank you for sharing pieces of yourself so gracefully.
I wanna say that's all, but it's not, rest of it is beyond my vocabulary though, so again, thank you! Take care sweetheart! 💕💙
Oh wow 🥺 I'm literally blow away by your message, sweetheart. You're so unbelievably kind and sweet and generous, I'm just a little bowled over by it! Thank you, so so much, for your kind words and your thoughfulness, you have no idea how much it means, truly 💖💖
I'm so very sorry to hear that you're not feeling well at the moment, that's awful! I hope you'll feel much better very soon, and please take care of yourself!! Drink lots of tea and eat healthy foods, sleep lots and be as kind to yourself as you are to me and others, okay? ❤️ And in the meantime, if you ever need to get anything off your chest, please don't hesitate to message me to rant or vent or share anything at all! I'm always more than happy to listen and offer whatever advice or relief I can 🙏🏻
And thank you for appreciating me 😭 I'm so grateful for everything you said about me sharing bits of my life on here, that's honestly so heartwarming to hear! I will definitely keep that in mind, thank you so much, lovely. And as for your wonderful words about my writing.... you're gonna make me cry, but in a good way... Aaaahhh I'm just so 🥺🥺 Writing is hard sometimes, especially when life is exhausting, but it's so fulfilling too, and so rewarding when you get amazing feedback like this from lovely people like you! I am overjoyed to know that my stories have been able to bring you some joy and comfort whenever you needed it, that means more to me than I can say. Thank you for sharing that with me! 🫶🏼
And I know exactly what you mean - I'm also deeply, deeply grateful for every other brilliant writer whose work I've enjoyed at various times in my life, and I am just so happy that there are so many people out there who love things so much that they'll create beautiful things for others to enjoy for free. How crazy wonderful is that?? Forever grateful for fanfiction and fanart etc., and so so happy to share my own creations with people who appreciate them as much as you do 💗
You're appreciated right back, my darling! So, so much. I am hugging you so hard in my mind right now, and I am wishing you the speediest of recoveries and sending you all the love and healing vibes!! Hope you feel better soon, and once again: THANK YOU 🙏🏻💫❤️
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wastheheart · 3 months
💙 What aspects of your relationship would you expect and/or demand your partner to keep private? What would happen if they violated those expectations/demands?
I think the biggest part of their relationship Esme would like her significant other to keep private is their financial situation. Canonically, they're incredibly well off and it's hardly a secret when you consider the house they live in and the cars they own. However, Esme really isn't one for flaunting these things, nor does she feel comfortable discussing it with other people.
She also prefers that their disagreements stay between them. Charles used to run his mouth about her to his friends and colleagues, and at times, it would seep further into their community. The abuse she suffered at his hands was largely excused for her disobedience and lack of fulfilling wifely duties, so she was always discredited in her experience. As much as Carlisle would never do that, she still prefers to work through and resolve things privately.
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smurphyse · 2 years
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Would you like to be on my taglist? Send me an ask and let me know which fandom you'd like to be notified for! 💙
I know I say this a lot, but it never really seems to resonate: Please comment and reblog fics and chapters! Likes are great and all, but it doesn't spread works around Tumblr for others to see! Reblogging is what keeps writers and artists and creators motivated, and if you want more content, that's how you're going to get it! If you're not comfortable with commenting on a reblog, then send an anonymous ask! I jump excitedly when I get asks, and I'm more than happy for you to keep your anonymity while we chat about anything and everything, not just fics :)
~ Smurph <3
P.s. don't forget to follow my main blog @smurphsbookshelf
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AO3 | Wattpad | Tumblr
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Out Of The Cold - August Lione, King of Mydenya, is in love with his dead wife. Admittedly lonely and touch starved, he reluctantly marries Lyca Ingemar to stifle the requests of his advisors and to have an heir or two. He begins to fall for his new wife while she treats their marriage as one of duty and convenience, wishing she was at her cottage in the woods instead of with him.
As war looms and Lyca's past comes to light, can her and August's budding relationship survive the revelations coming out of the cold?
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Over Your Shoulder - A familiar face from Spencer's past joins the BAU, his ex-girlfriend Jasper Donnelly, who left him fourteen years, two months, and fifteen days ago. A slow-burn love story in which Jasper and Spencer figure out who they are together and apart, and whether or not the horrific things they'd done and been through over the years are enough to keep them together... or destroy them. [Smut] [Long Lost Love AU] [Angst with Happy Ending]
Operation: Sand Leopard - A year after leaving the BAU, Spencer Reid is restless and struggling to adjust to civilian life. Not finding any fulfillment or respite in it, he decides to take a position with Homeland. On assignment he meets you, a former Master Gunnery Sergeant with the USMC, struggling to find a drug trafficker and terrorist on one of the most dangerous bases in the world- Balad Air Base in Iraq... aka Bombaconda. [Eventual Smut] [Angst with Happy Ending]
Room 405 - You looked forward to Room 405 each week. Sitting at work, you would pout to yourself and lightly drag your pen up and down your thighs, thinking of all the wondrous things you two got up to in that hotel room. Chains, whips, spankings, anything could happen on Friday nights, 7 pm in Room 405. [PWP - Dom!Spencer] [Angst with Happy Ending]
A Devastating Affair - When the Reader ends her affair with Spencer, they both spiral and start playing a toxic game of emotional chicken. [Toxic Relationship]
Bunny and the Beast - When Reader's neighbor Spencer decides he just can't sit and watch her being all pretty by herself, they begin a toxic game of cat-and-mouse. [Dubious Consent/Toxic Relationship]
Mutual Irritation - A year after prison, a jaded Spencer Reid takes on a special assignment at Emily's request... to babysit Finn Doyle's ex-girlfriend while the BAU hunts for him. He doesn't want to do it, nor does he want to be solely responsible for her safety. When the two meet, they don't get along, but over time they find they quite enjoy one another... even with the threat of a jealous Irish Arms Dealer hanging over their heads. [Angst with Happy Ending] [Jaded!Spencer Reid]
The Arrangement - After Loki's lost bet with Thor, D.B. Cooper causes chaos on Midgard, and a war with Vanaheim rises in the East, so Odin proposes a wager of his own to his youngest son: An arranged marriage, one for the public. If the terms of the deal are honored for twenty years, Loki will be let out of the union and free from Odin's intervention or wrath ever again. Loki thinks this bet will be an easy win, but our boy is very wrong. His new wife has an agenda of her own, and Loki is determined to figure out what it is. Loki quickly finds himself out of his depth, unprepared for husbandry or fatherhood, and learns that marriages -arranged or not- are hard work. [Pre!Avengers Loki] [Arranged Marriage AU]
Death From Above - Tim has a bad day. His girlfriend dumps him, he punches an FBI Agent, and they're getting a new girl in the office. He hooks up with a mysterious woman from a local joint, only to find out that she's their new co-worker. As Helen O'Malley settles more in Harlan County, her past comes back knocking, and it will send the whole office into an epic shitstorm that they may not recover from. [Tim Gutterson, Justified]
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I Want You - Reader makes Spencer jealous enough to act after he refuses to make a move [Smut]
Touch - Spencer and the Reader are forced to room together six months after their breakup, and when she wakes to him spooning her, she freaks out a bit [Ambiguous Ending, Angst]
No Funny Business - Forced to bunk with Luke and the Reader, Spencer finds himself a bit in over his head when he gropes the reader in her sleep [Threesome, Married!LukexReader and Spencer]
Inkpot Gods - After giving birth to their son, Reader has complications during delivery. The doctors tell Spencer she might not wake up, and he has to prepare for a life without her for the sake of their son. Since he's not great with talking about his feelings except with her, Spencer decides to write a letter to nobody to work through his emotions. [Angst with Happy Ending]
Closet Confessions - A late night at the office leads to Spencer and Reader getting stuck in the supply closet. [GN!Reader]
A Real Father's Love - Spencer proves how much he wants to spend time with Reader's son, and it... sets something primal loose inside her. [Breeding Kink]
The View From Here - Reader locks herself out of her apartment when she comes home drunk, and her handsome neighbor comes to the rescue.
Drunk on You - Spencer's nervous about never having had sex, but he wants to lose his virginity to you [First Times, P*ssy Drunk Spencer]
Southern Belle - Loki is dating a young woman who is a fantastic cook and one day he realizes his pants are a tad tight. He’s gained some weight!
Fruit of the Flower - Loki helps Thor retrieve some magical plant and Loki gets too close when it blooms.
You're Not Them - Our dear reader has entered The Void! And she can't find Loki... but he finds her. The catch? It's not *her* Loki.
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Here's the link to my old Masterlist!
Would you like to be on my taglist? Send me an ask and let me know which fandom you'd like to be notified for! <3
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cybersyndicate · 17 days
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Elphelt Valentine (Guilty Gear XRD) icons ++ banner 〜
F2U w/ credit ✦ for @winecovered ‘s 400+ event!
04 :: “All of the prompts have been about you so far, what if you make something about someone else?”
PSD CRED :: 1 & 2
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AN :: LAST DAY,,,, I made these for my partner sys! They don’t have tumblr so sadly I can’t tag them, but I did show these to them once I finished !!
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blossom-adventures · 8 months
Not sure if I'm from the fandom your "Guard and Glaive" work is from, but the name really caught my eye! I'd love to hear more of it nonetheless! 😄
I don’t think you are in the fandom for this one, it’s Final Fantasy 15, but I’d be more than happy to talk about it ☺️
Sorry if it comes off to some as a little patronising but I want to explain this fic to people who are not in the fandom 💙
My OC is twin sister to one of the games main characters - Gladio Amicitia - her name is Violet she’s 6 foot tall (her whole family is pretty tall) with the same dark brown hair and amber eyes that her brother and younger sister - Iris - have. She lives in the Lucian capital city of Insomnia, with her siblings and her father - Clarus.
Her story revolves around her family’s duty to protect the royal family (with her father and brother being personal guards to the King and Prince respectively) her duty is to take over the position of Marshal (head of the City guard) when her godfather - Cor Leonis - retires. That is all she has known, training to one day take the position…
Obviously plans and training are all well and good, but the Crown City of Insomnia falls to the enemy in a massive attack that cost the lives of hundreds of people (even some she cares about) so once Violet and some friends and family have escaped the city she goes on the long journey with the Prince, her brother and other close friends to fulfill the prophecy revolving around the Prince.
This story follows the main storyline of the Kingsglaive film and the full FFXV game (and DLCs) with a couple of tweaks in the story (some people stay alive in my story who die in game, one in particular is a good guy when he’s a major antagonist in the film, little things like that)
It also has some content before the canon events happen, some relationship development between family and friends some context to motives etc
Guard and Glaive is so named because of the 2 main relationships I will be writing about in this story are Violet (a Guard) x Nyx Ulric (a Glaive) and Cor Leonis (a Guard) x Titus Drautos (a Glaive)
I’m very excited to share this… just need to write it now 😅
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sigyn-foxyposts · 1 year
🥀『Introducing the mistresses of death's children themselves』
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Lorielle the bringer of plague and death.
(Lori-li) She/Her, probably bisexual.
Morriel the dead souls judge.
(Morri-el) She/They. Aroace.
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Born from the crows eggs that was nested within helheim emerged the two daughters of beings so powerful and feared, many did not dare speak their names. The Morrigan the goddess of war, bloodshed, a phantom queen and Hel the ruler of helheim, both goddesses of death. Their union creating more then children but a path for the Norse and Celtic people to finally interact.
But what was their childrens names? Lorielle and Morriel, both destent to rule over something their mother Hel could not care for herself. The children would always reside in helheim as it was the safest option and easier to keep their existence hidden from gods or beings not so fond of their parents. Growing up there wasn't too bad, but over time to one of them it became restricting. The morrigan too ended up living there with them as Hel's wife but still fulfilling her duties in Ireland! But once of age, the sisters would learn their purpose!
Morriel 💙☠️
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Morriel, who had the same grim expression as her mother Hel, out of the two girls was much more calmer and collected, blunt and forward and probably to your very surprise, excellent at reading faces and see through lies. Almost a perfect copy of the queen of helheim herself! Morriel was perfect for the job of holding judgement upon whoever entered her mother's realm and so was blessed by both her parents.
Now Morriel stays in helheim, helping to judge who gets to stay and who is punished for their crimes! Always making sure to be fair and bring justice to the deceased.
Lorielle 💜☠️
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Unlike Morriel, Lorielle had always been the more type of child to always be on the run and do however she pleased! A wildfire, a daredevil is what she can best be described as. Ever since her personality shined and blossomed her parents knew what she would do, she would be out venturing, to have the freedom she sadly never got growing up. Now lorielle, using Hel's horse Helhest rides and ventures around the Norse and Celtic regions spreading sicknesses, plagues and death for the mare fun of it!
But do not get her wrong, she does not do this unfairly and will be protective of the souls she carries back home, wherever they belong.
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spicyliumang · 1 year
Hii! ♥ 8,9, 19 and 24 for the edgy oc ask game? :3
HI TRIXI!! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝ꕤ*.゚
8. Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
Enya on her own? Definitely not 😭 the guilt would eat her alive SDLALSDFS but if she had an accomplice...with a certain experience of that expertise...maybe🤔 😭
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote that you associate with your OC?
If there's any song that literally screams Enya its
Caitlyn Scarlett - Happy When (Miko Waye Remix)😭 there are a few segments from it that rly suits her 😩
[Verse 1]
Try to keep you, try to wrap you up and set the feelin' For when I really start to need you, you don't belong to anybody So I just wait, try to give you time to want the same things Say you don't believe in soulmates, I know it's real 'cause I feel the hole in me-e-e
I'm just a piece of a two-part puzzle Nothin on my own, only happy when I'm lovin' someone Happy when I'm lovin' someone I'm drinking singles but I see double Lonely but I know I'll be happy when I'm lovin' someone Happy when I'm lovin' someone
19. How does your OC behave when enraged?
Enya normally has really bad outbursts and she tends to have a huge meltdown afterward, the worst was finding out Tendo killed her bio parents 😭💔, In that case, she had to literally be pulled off of him after he got knocked because she was so mad she would have killed him with no hesitation😣 in the past though Sometimes it would consist of throwing small things and screaming in a pillow, but that's when she was much younger and had to live with her stepmom 😭😅 24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
Honestly, I do think about that a lot 😭 In Y7 if her parents lived and time went on as usual, she possibly would have encountered the gang in Kamurocho years later, but chances are she would have had an office job or possibly married to a salaryman or even inherited her family's business.. there's no telling how her encounter with the gang would be or even if she'd really be close to them, but I like to think maybe fate would bring them together 😭 and in terms of her being with Zhao, it would really depend, but I rly love the soulmate theory you have and a huge fan of it too😭💙 so it would really depend on whether or not she's married by the time she encounters Zhao or even the state of it (since let's face it, Enya's has a bad boy streak and knows how to pick em 😭) Not to say the guy would be Shoji 2.0... but Enya likes excitement despite her meek personality, so she would always try to seek out someone spontaneous and full of life, an office worker she'd be complacent at first... not to say she has a wandering eye, but chances are she'd break it off if it would be too mundane, or at least if she doesn't feel that... spark
Ishin!Enya is a different story 😭
IF nothing happened to Todo that day or even if she managed to help him just in time for him to be able to recover, with no question she wouldn't leave his side. She would probably nag him if he did anything too strenuous while his wounds are trying to heal because we know he wouldn't sit still for the life of him 😭 he's probably attempting to brush it off and go back to fulfilling his duty, but Enya would care and tend to him once he's better. Ideally, I like the idea of them getting married, but at the same time, I feel them maybe cohabiting for a while would be great at first. Enya knows better than to beg Todo to settle down so she'd be willing to go anywhere he does, as long as he's safe 🥺 this is the good ending at least
IF she never encountered Todo at all and remained living with Shoji, unfortunately, it would be far worse. She'd still have to live under the same circumstances, but soon would officially be bonded to him legally. So there are no more excuses why she can't sleep with him much less avoid him at all. She would eventually bear his children. Even if she didn't want to be a mother she would still care and treat them well, look after them, and teach them the best she could. She would protect them any way she could and would fight back if need be. Eventually, it does become too much and Enya runs away with her children. Maybe she'd have 2 or 3? And she'd raise them alone. I'd like to think she'd be supportive of those in the city who would allow it since she still has a terrible rep because of her dad and naturally the children have the same fate because of Enya "breaking her sacred marriage" with Shoji or something dumb like that, which she would raise them to have thick skin and encourage them. They'd be raised well and would go very far because of that
IF the same fate happens to Todo no matter what and Enya doesn't pass from broken heart syndrome, she'd work at Teredaya as usual. Otose would keep her company and help her with her duties at the inn. On a mundane day though Shoji would reappear and cause a real scene Eventually finding his way to Enya back even against her will because of the arranged marriage. Unfortunately, even poor Otose can't save her. Enya would also find out Shoji was actually in cahoots with Takeda unbeknownst to her and he would not hold back giving every detail of Todo's suffering pretty much tormenting her every way he could. He would make it even harder for her to run off again, letting everyone know to "keep an eye on her" and anyone trying to get too friendly risks their lives in the process, which most people wouldn't do. Enya would still have to bear his children in the end and live under his means. She'd be miserable but would try to put on a brave face for them trying to be a good mom. In order to keep herself grounded, she would plant flowers, much like the ones in her hair and the ones on Todo's kimono. It would be a comfort since her love was snatched away. And it's the only covert way where Shoji won't attempt to destroy or ruin anything of sentimental value, especially if it is something that reminded her of Todo. Since she wasn't able to get Todo's kimono from Teredaya successfully from Otose, she held on to it. hoping one day Enya will be able to break free. That day wouldn't come. For a long time, so it was kept in storage hidden away.
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ailendolin · 2 years
Whump Wednesday - 50 - BBC Ghosts
Title: Missed Chances [AO3]
Characters: The Captain/Lieutenant Havers
Prompt: The Captain reaching out to Havers. - Prompt sent in by the lovely @fanfictionfrog.
A/N: I'm sorry this went in a different direction than you probably had in mind when you sent me that prompt but I do hope you'll enjoy it anyway 💙
Prompts are open, so if you want me to write a story for you as well just send me an ask with the fandom, characters and your prompt. I’m writing for Ghosts, Yonderland, Horrible Histories and Bill at the moment.
Six Idiots Whump Wednesday / Fluff Friday masterlist is here.
Missed Chances
He has pretty eyes – that was the first thing the Captain noticed when his new second-in-command arrived at Button House and stood at attention before him. Then Havers smiled at him for the first time and – Good lord, the Captain thought, knowing on some instinctual level that he was in deep trouble. He felt his face flush and his throat close up, forcing him to clear it quite awkwardly.
“Do you think your new posting here will fulfil you, Lieutenant?” he managed to ask.
Havers briefly glanced down at his shoes and bit his lip. “I am quite sure of it, sir. Especially after the warm welcome you have given me.”
“Well,” the Captain said, trying not to feel too pleased about that. “I sure am glad to have you around, Havers. Reinforcements will arrive next week and Lord knows I can’t train all these young men on my own.”
“Don’t you worry, sir,” Havers smiled. “I’ll come up with a roster that will provide the new recruits with a thorough training and allow us enough time to work on the actual operation.”
The Captain nodded, wondering what he’d done to luck out so much. Handsome, intelligent and diligent – he couldn’t have imagined someone like Havers in his wildest dreams. Not that he’d ever dreamed of pretty brown eyes that crinkled at the corners with joyful laughter or bashful smiles that were directed his way … Not to mention holding warm, gentle hands between his own that seemed hesitant to let go.
“I will let you get settled,” he said at last, forcing himself to end the handshake and return his hands behind his back. They were tingling pleasantly. “Dinner is at 1800 hours. I would be honoured if you would join me, Havers.”
Havers inclined his head in acknowledgment. “The honour would be mine, sir. I am very much looking forward to working together with you on this project.”
He gave a perfect salute before turning around and marching out of the room. The Captain watched him go with a wildly beating heart. Every fibre of his being ached to stop Havers and call him back just so he wouldn’t lose this brief but beautiful connection he’d felt form between them during this meeting. No other person had ever made his heartrate skyrocket like that – had smiled at him as if he truly enjoyed his company. While the Captain was not naïve enough to think that there was more to it than mere politeness on Havers’s part he couldn’t help but feel there could be more to it one day. Maybe even a real friendship that went beyond the professional relationship between commanding officer and second-in-command.
It would be nice to have a friend, he thought wistfully to himself as he sat down behind his desk. He looked down at Havers’s file and sighed. If only …
Havers turned out to be everything the Captain had hoped for and more. He worked tirelessly, was strict but fair to the new recruits and came up with brilliant thoughts and ideas that would help advance their operation. The Captain had worked with many people before in his life, both inside and outside of the military, but he’d never felt so in tune with anyone as he did with Havers.
“Say, Havers,” he said one evening as their off-duty time approached. He reached into the drawer of his desk. “I happen to find myself in the possession of this very fine bottle and was wondering if you’d like to share it with me. After the breakthrough we’ve had today, I’d say we deserve a little treat.”
Havers’s eyes widened in surprise before a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “I certainly won’t say no to that, sir. Thank you.”
The Captain returned the smile and stood up to get them two glasses.
Three hours later, the Captain could say he was well and truly on his way to getting drunk and so was Havers. He did not usually indulge like this but seeing Havers’s flushed face, the colour high upon his cheek and highlighting his eyes so mesmerizingly, he couldn’t say he regretted it.
“I really should go, sir,” Havers said – not for the first time that evening.
“Stay,” the Captain insisted, pouring him another glass.
Havers chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m afraid I’m getting a little drunk, sir.”
The Captain laughed. “That makes two of us, then. Cheers!”
It was just after midnight by the time Havers finally got to his feet.
“Careful,” the Captain said, reaching out to steady him but stopping short when Havers managed to find his footing.
“I’ve got it,” he grinned, most likely not realising how enamouring his smile was. “Thank you for this lovey – lovely – evening, Captain, but I really must go to bed now or I won’t be of any use to you in the morning.”
The Captain let his hand fall. “Of course. Sleep well, Lieutenant.”
Havers’s smile widened a fraction. “You too, sir. Goodnight.”
He staggered out of the room, a lot less coordinated than he usually was, and the Captain tried not to think about the way he looked with his tie undone and hair messed up from carelessly running his hand through it as he drank the final dregs of the wine straight from the bottle.
“Havers,” the Captain mumbled, blindly reaching out to him.
“I’m right here, sir,” Havers said in that lovely voice of his that always reflected his equally lovely smile.
The Captain turned his head towards him without opening his eyes and murmured, “It seems I’ve caught that pesky flu that’s been going around.”
“Don’t you worry about it, sir,” Havers said. He sounded a little closer now, as if he was leaning forward in the chair he must have pulled up to the bed. “I have the troops well in hand. You just focus on getting better.”
“All right,” the Captain mumbled. He imagined warm, gentle hands tucking the standard Army blanket in around his shoulders and, influenced by the fever coursing through his veins, made an attempt to grasp Havers’s hand.
His fingers passed through nothing but air and when the Captain finally forced his heavy eyes open, the chair beside his bed was empty.
“Well, that’s me, then,” Havers said, offering him a small smile that tugged at the Captain’s heart. He looked handsome with his woollen coat and duffel bag slung over his shoulder.
The Captain cleared his throat. “Yes. Off to see the family.”
Havers paused. There was something in his eyes that looked terribly like hope when he said, “You could still come with me, sir.”
“Ha,” the Captain laughed even though he didn’t feel like laughing at all. “Someone has to keep things running here while you are off gallivanting through the fields behind your parents’ house with that dog of yours. What was his name again?”
“Barry,” Havers said softly. “I didn’t think you’d remember.”
The Captain suppressed the instinct to shrug. “It’s all a bit hazy – the fever, you see – but I do remember you being there and talking to me. It … it brought me some comfort, I must say.” He cleared his throat again. “I suppose I never thanked you for it so – thank you, Havers. I really appreciate it.”
His heart ached when Havers ducked his head in that shy way of his. “It was no hardship at all, sir. I’m glad my worried ramblings had some effect.”
Worried, the Captain thought. He was worried about me.
“They did,” he said quietly.
They looked at each other for a moment before Havers readjusted his duffel bag. “I better go or I’ll miss my train.”
“Of course,” the Captain said. “Save journey, Lieutenant. I will be eagerly awaiting your return.”
“Thank you, sir,” Havers smiled. And then, as if the Captain didn’t already find it difficult enough to let him go, he added, “Should you change your mind, you know where to find me, sir.”
For a brief second, the Captain’s arm twitched at his side, desperate to stop Havers from leaving, to join him in where he was going.
He balled his hand into a fist. “Give Barry a scratch behind the ears from me.”
He was sure he did not imagine the disappointment dimming of Havers’s smile. “Will do, sir. See you in two weeks.”
The Captain already began counting the days until his return before Havers had even walked through the door.
Dear William –
The Captain had never thought he would write this letter and had certainly never believed he would ever have need for it. Havers’s presence at his side had always seemed like such a certain, everlasting gift that couldn’t possibly be taken away from him. They did good work together, after all – excellent work if the Captain might say so; work that would save many lives in the future. No one in their right mind would tear a great team like them apart.
“I’m afraid I’m leaving you, sir.”
It had never crossed his mind that Havers himself would be the one to do it. The worst thing about it was, that the Captain couldn’t even fault him for wanting to leave. One didn’t become a soldier to stay at home and watch the war play out from a distance, after all. That urge to fight at the front line resided in them all.
He’d just hoped Havers’s would stay dormant a little longer.
“I say, Havers,” he said, desperately trying not to let this moment, this last chance to turn something that had only ever tentatively existed in his mind into reality, daring and dangerous as it might be, slip through his fingers. But when Havers turned around, so fast it almost seemed as if he’d been waiting to be stopped, his courage failed him and the hand that was aching to reach for the letter and hand it over – his only chance of stopping Havers from leaving – stayed firmly at his side. “It’s a bally shame we won’t get to finish the operation together.”
Havers smiled at him, sad but composed, and nodded. Then he was gone and the letter the Captain had spent many sleepless nights composing and agonising over rested heavily over his heart.
+ 1.
Havers had often considered writing to his former captain. He still remembered vividly the first time the thought had crossed his mind. It had been his second night at the front – not the first because he had still been behind the lines then, waiting both for his orders and his new captain. By the time the second night came around, he had been in the thick of it for hours, and the longing for the quiet evenings at Button House filled with small smiles and meaningful glances had grown so strong that he had pulled out a pencil and a crumpled sheet of paper from his jacket. Then he’d faltered. What was he supposed to write? That he missed his captain? That he regretted leaving him for this? That he wanted to come home?
It would have made him sound like a coward.
There were other times when he’d sat somewhere, his hands caked in dirt and blood, and looked down at another empty sheet of paper. His fellow officers had taken to calling him The Poet after catching him a few times at it, making fun of the fact that he only ever stared and never wrote a single word. Havers sometimes wondered what the Captain would say about that. Would it make him smile? Or perhaps even chuckle?
It hurt to know that he would never find out.
Years passed and he lost count of the number of letters he never wrote. The war raged on, grew worse, cost him a leg and was suddenly over – first for him, and shortly after that for everyone else as well. Havers knew he would never forget the sight of his mother’s face when he stood there in front of his parents’ house for the first time in over a year with his crutches, changed and not quite whole anymore but at least alive.
It didn’t take him long to realise that the war was not actually over at all and in fact might never be. It still existed in his mind, haunted his dreams with the sound of gunfire and shells exploding and the sight of blood and boys desperately reaching for the pictures of their loved ones before the light in their eyes grew dim and eventually went out. Despite that it still took him several years to gather up the courage to finally sit down and write the letter he hadn’t been able to compose before. He kept it simple – I hope you are well, sir, and if it’s not too presumptuous of me to ask I was wondering if you would be interested in meeting up. I happen to find myself missing you our conversations. – and hoped his shaky handwriting didn’t betray his nervousness too much.
Then he waited. He knew the post could be terribly slow but with every day that passed his worry grew. What if his former Captain did not want to talk to him? What if he had put the war behind him for good and avoided any and all reminders of it? What if–?
“Will! There’s a letter for you!”
His mother’s words almost caused him stumble down the stairs.
“Careful,” she laughed and handed him the letter with a fond smile, at least partly aware of why it was so important to him.
Havers smiled at her, a little sheepish, before he looked down at the letter. His smile fell. He didn’t have to open it to know something was wrong. Ever after all these years, he was sure he would recognise his captain’s handwriting anywhere and this – this was not it.
With shaking fingers, he opened the envelope.
“Will?” he heard his mother ask as he read the neatly written lines and barely registered any of what they said: Dear William – I am deeply sorry – happened five months ago – often spoke of – where he was stationed – still so young.
He thought of crinkles around expressive eyes that he would never see again, of the sound of a throat being cleared that had once been so familiar to him he’d regarded it with fondness, and of shy smiles that had been both endearing and maddening at once. Most of all, though, he thought of silence and lost chances, and the guilt of leaving his heart in his Captain’s hands so many years ago and never telling him about it.
His mother touched his arm and Havers looked up at her. Tears filled his eyes and he felt like a child again when she wordlessly drew him into her arms.
“He’s gone,” he choked out.
The letter fell from his hands and drifted to the ground. The world caved in on him just as quietly.
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chloeworships · 2 months
​it may take time for the other person to accept the apology.
Sometimes others need time to process what you’ve said and the new/old emotions that come up.
From The LORD spoken by the Prophet Daniel:
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The LORD will hold back and delay YOUR blessings when we do not act right babes. Make peace with others and make peace with the LORD. Admit your mistakes.
I had a dream last night of the actor Jeremy Allen White who was an Angel from the LORD in this dream. He was the actor in the hit Hulu show “The Bear” 🐻 I walked over to him and the LORD told me he was planning something. Behind him was a library. It reminded me of Jeremiah 29:11. He also reminded me of the Angel Gabriel who I had seen before. Right below this intercessory prayer from the Prophet Daniel, is a message from guess who❓ (ding 🛎️💥 ding 🛎️ 💥 ding 🛎️💥)
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What’s even crazier is, the same thing happened to me a day after I did intercessory prayers for everyone so I too, apologize for the delay 💐 I was so exhausted after 😓
Recall, the LORD had spoken to us about the Prophet Elisha, the two female bears 🐻🐻 and the gang of boyz. They were disrespectful to Elisha after all he had done to restore the city. Because of their lack of respect and appreciation, they were cursed and eventually were killed by the hungry FEMALE bears. 42 BOYS and back then having a son was everything!!! The son carries the family name, the family legacy and inheritance. A son grew up to be a protective shield and warrior for his family and nation. To lose a son then, was a devastating loss to a family. The more sons the bigger the army. A woman was said to be blessed and would have fulfilled her wifely duties if she had SONS 💙🩵 especially if a son was the firstborn. A man could divorce his wife if she was infertile or produced no sons… a heir to the throne. Understand what the LORD is trying to say here….
The cost is too high!!
Don’t misunderstand me. Even in my own community. It’s too much and I grieve over it considering I too have a son who is my world 😣💔 This is why the LORD tells us he SACRIFICED his own SON Jesus Christ to save us. The LORD took a LOSS for us.
Some of you have been disrespected by people just like Elisha was and you could be a world leader or in ministry serving the LORD faithfully and dealing with this foolishness and childish behaviour.
Some of you were true friends or partners to someone and they were disrespectful to you and betrayed your trust. The LORD did not take that lightly and consequences are coming for that kind of behaviour or speech. Someone in your life has been cursed because of how they treated you. Everything fell apart and they took some major hits because of this act and their arrogance.
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Elisha saved these people from death and infertility (which we now know can happen to men as well as women) through the power and authority given to him by God and they disrespected him like that. No!!!! Of course God would have been livid considering the cost of death and infertility. That’s how ungrateful these BOYS were. Though young and lacking maturity, the LORD took their lives anyway. This is how God feels towards you when people who you were kind to, run their mouths. He don’t play about you. You’ll see. He loves you.
This is also a reminder to teach our children MANNERS and to respect the elders in our community even when we disagree with them.
Babes, we can disagree with each other RESPECTFULLY, without resulting to personal insults. Too much of this harsh and degrading rhetoric is what is leading up to the upcoming judgement on some people and nations. We need to tone it down before it leads to rebellion both in our homes, countries and in the spiritual realm because you are not going to believe what Our Father has shown me….
Whole countries will be affected because some leaders have crossed red lines that they cannot cross back from 🌉
[More on this later. Remember this and remember the bridge in Baltimore the LORD tore down].
🔥Bridges were burned 🔥
We speak of hatred with zero compassion and mutual understanding for one another and it will lead to violence and corruption🩸Mark the LORD’s words, so make peace and don’t delay any further. Pride is a sign the Evil One has a hold on YOU and Pride is STILL a cardinal sin.
As the Angel Gabriel said, and I’m paraphrasing here, but the LORD (The Anointed One aka Jesus) is coming to make things right because ain’t nothing gonna go right for those who continue to live and speak like this to each other. Israel 🇮🇱 was enslaved by the Babylonians for 77 years and it cost them their homeland which they are still fighting to hold onto TODAY. Palestine 🇵🇸 has lost thousands of lives because of the hatred spoken from their leaders towards Jews. Russia has sacrificed almost 500,000 young men because of their unjust war against Ukraine 🇺🇦 The cost of not listening to the LORD and causing harm to each other is a cost most people cannot BEAR 🐻 (see what God there?)
On the flip side, please be forgiving babes. We are all going through it. Forgiveness doesn’t require reconciliation but at the very least healing can begin for all involved when we apologize.
PPS. I know that these are Angels in my dreams because of the way their eyes light up. They FLASH and are super bright like stars ✨ It’s INCREDIBLE 🤩
Some of you are celebrities (STARS) and your words have deeply wounded another and this person was innocent or this was done to you. They did not deserve it.
I am sorry (not sorry - see what I did there 😉) to say, make amends for this because what I saw coming for people if they do NOT heed the warning ⚠️ to change, will not be positive. I know this because I was also shown the plus sign ➕ as confirmation. God is about to SUBTRACT ➖ and DIVIDE ➗ what he MULTIPLIED ✖️ in the lives of those people. They will feel it in their pockets 💰 or their health 🌡️
Money, power and fame doesn’t make you better than anyone else. Remember where you came from. Remember when you had nothing and the LORD turned you from a nobody to a somebody. Remember when people rejected you and didn’t believe in you and the LORD proved EVERYONE WRONG…. from an unknown shepherd boy to a King like David 👑… from an orphaned lonely Hadassah to a Queen Esther 👑🥰 Yes, remember when you had nothing and then God gave YOU EVERYTHING. He can do the reverse in a heartbeat 💓 Tables can turn rather quickly when you’re dealing with God’s Chosen Remnant.
Humble yourselves my loves, before the LORD humbles YOU. If he can rip whole kingdoms away from arrogant Kings and Queens in ancient times, what makes us think he won’t do the same to us and take our wealth, health, peace of mind and success away SWIFTLY? I had to learn this too babes… to watch my MOUTH and I paid a high price for it. Avoid this at all cost. I speak to you humbly as a woman who is also flawed and I don’t want anyone to lose what they love the most because of their SLICK MOUTH 👄😂 Use that slick mouth and apologize 😂 We can be angry and voice our displeasure but we do not have to RAGE 🔥😡🔥 and take it there ALL the time.
PPPS: some people are feeling so ashamed of their behaviour towards you 😔 so try and be kind when they return with their tail between their legs 🦊 I had a vision a few weeks ago of a bunch of legs 🦵🏾 that made a circle ⭕️ It reminded me of those psychedelic visions ppl have when they take shrooms. It was WILD, to say the least. Things are coming full circle.
Someone could have been high off drugs when they hurt you and they are sorry and if they ain’t sorry, they will be. Drugs and alcohol will do that.
For others, many people will be coming back to apologize to you and for others you could be gang affiliated. Keep the peace 🕊️ because it could escalate beyond even what you’re willing to handle 🩸⛓️🚔
Others were fighting their own demons and it had nothing to do with you. I mean LITERALLY fighting demons 👹 and curses.
Forgiveness is never easy (especially for me) and somethings are not worth starting a war over.
I use to be an eye for an eye person. Actually worse. If you took an eye, I’d take both of yours 😅 so trust me when I say, I know how difficult this is 😭 I had to make a vow to God to not seek revenge. I took an OATH babes. He promised me he’d avenge me and BOY OH BOY DID HE!!!!! All ama say is…. there was BLOOD🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🔪👀 So I know what I’m talking about. I gotta keep my hands *squeaky* clean okuuurrrrrr 🧼🙌🏾🤣 Now I don’t have to worry when ppl do me wrong. I just pray and I know
The LORD would like me to share the curses of Deuteronomy 28 The LAW of Moses because this is what is going to happen to some. I tell you, when Angels show up, it’s a BIG DEAL
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I had to remove the trippy shrooms photo to FIT in the word of God.
Pray for your enemies becaw all hell ah BRUCK (broke) loose 🇯🇲
They will see what it’s like to struggle with poverty, sickness and death 💀 It will get UGLY🎶
You will witness their fall.
The other day the LORD told me AUDIBLY
“The tables have been REVERSED” ♻️
Now you know.
PS. I don’t want to say to anyone that they didn’t receive the warning. ⚠️ in others words “I told you so”. That sounds arrogant but sadly, the coming days, weeks, months and years will be like that for those who run their mouths. I had to say that to make a point and God is doing this to the haughty and proud to also make a point and example to the WORLD 🌎 Leave his children alone and respect HIS name.
God just said to me
“I detest the arrogant” 👀
The LORD told me I missed RACE…. Discrimination is a form of disrespect. Funny I had a dream of a Muslim woman disrespecting me in the UK 🇬🇧 This is for someone there as well if that happened to you.
Discrimination doesn’t just happen to people of colour, white folks can be discriminated against too especially when they are the minority. I jokingly refer to this as “REVERSE racism”. Understand what our God is saying here.
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Tw: depression, self harm, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt. Implied eating disorder.
The reason he's still alive
Belphie is the avatar of sloth, yet Mammon was more tired than him. Beel needs to eat a lot, why not give him all his food not like Mammon will eat it anyway. Asmo was perfect, a model that didn't really need to try when fishing for compliments, Mammon was struggling with self care. Satan's wrath was just a small wave, compared to Mammon's Tsunami of emotion. Greed that was once so strong it led to a crippling hoarding, vanished completely because who has time to hoard when you can just..sleep. Lucifer a prideful demon known for his harsh punishments towards the 2nd eldest, now angry that the eldest wasn't fulfilling his duties yet not knowing why. Oh well.
"Why" mumbled Mammon staring at his wall biting his lip so hard he could feel the blood escape. "Why can't I Just do it already? Everything would be So much better no one would be fighting upset, worried, or anything. I'll be free from the shackles of life and they'll be free from the burden of me being around.." he felt his throat swell as he processed these dangerous thoughts. "Hah...so easy". Greed forced itself out of bed, stumbling over to the closet where it kept it's chest full. Slowly said chest opened, out came a large sword only accessible to holy beings, a sword he has kept since the war. One still so sharp it could easy kill demon, human, or angle with ease if it's user felt the need. "Oi oi oi! Look at me Mammon avatar of greed....about to end all greed with the simple stabbing of this holy blade," soft laughter fills the room. How the tanned demon wished to cry his eyes out, but truama said: fuck you give me them tears.
The house was quiet, everyone aside from Mammon had been relaxing together. The other 6 had just returned from a day out, likely to the mall first then to a restaurant, before being dragged off to spend time at the pool. All without greed to ruin anything lovely. "They're so calm" he chuckles his grip on the blade tightens. "They wouldn't notice..I.. I could..." thoughts speeding rampantly through his fucked up mind, hands bringing the weapon very close to it's masters stomach, an automatic movement of its own truly.
*buzz buzz*
"Huh- what-" hands freeze in place.
*buzz buzz*
"Who could.." reluntictly he drops his blade, heading his way over to his d.d.d.
*buzz buzz*
Shaking hands pick up the device, checking whose texting.
*buzz buzz*
* 1 new message from: 💙the gay prince*
Mammon do you want to look at the cute doggies with me?! There's this particular puppy at the animal shelter that reminds me of You!
*1 new messsge from: omg peppermint butler*
Mammon,do not go to the animal shelter with Diavolo he has a meeting to attend.
*1 new message from: the wizard with deadly brownies*
Mammon, Dia and I just are at the animal shelter and Dia's right there is a dog that acts just like you! You gotta come see
*1 new message from: imagine getting kicked out of your own club lmao*
Mammon help me and Barbados find Diavolo and Solomon. Please! I already got kicked in the balls today
Mammon could only softly chuckle, a single tear managing to escape as he remembered his very gay boyfriends. He couldn't bring himself to leave them, then need his only anchor to happiness in this world, so much that being around them makes him forget his miserable life. Quickly the demon of speed rushes to the animal shelter. He found his reason to live just a little bit longer.
Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, and mephistopheles were the reason he's still alive.
A/n: I needed a scapegoat to write out all my feelings. So here we are.
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