#💖: Hizashi Yamada
Hi, there! 🥰
I'm really, really, really excited to announce you that I'm currently working with my beloved and talented friend @merrymonkey on an illustrated fanfic of Aizawa, starting from his U.A. days and moving into the present when he's the homeroom teacher of class 1A.
This is gonna be kind of long, we hope you enjoy the ride. 💖
Our Hero Academy
Chapter 1
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Pairing: Shota Aizawa x female OC
Genre: Shota Aizawa X female OC fluff, angst, high school romance, friends to lovers
Words: 2k
Summary: 15 years ago, Eraser Head was starting his hero studies with his best friends Hizashi and Oboro. Contrary to what people think, his teenage years in the U.A. were bright and lovely, filled with the laughter of his best friends and his girlfriend's unconditional love. What happened over the years? What changed him into a gloomy sensei?
Extra note: You can totally picture Y/N in the OC female name, it's just that it'd be cute to read Aizawa calling her pet names. 🤍
Chapter 1 - Welcome to the U.A.
On the first day of school, the UA’s enormous doors opened earlier than usual. Some teachers, the kindest ones, had come out to welcome the new students. Some of them already knew each other, having grown up in the same neighborhood and lucky enough to be in the same high school class. Such was the case with Hizashi Yamada, Oboro Shirakumo, and Shouta Aizawa.
While the first two talked quite loudly, drawing the attention of anyone who passed by, the last one was not only almost asleep but also remarkably quiet, he looked like a calm boy, someone who didn't look for trouble.
Starting with Hizashi, he was a tall and slim boy with blond hair, which he wore spiked upwards. His eyes were covered with some pretty cool sunglasses, and it was very common to see him with a large smile on his face. Hizashi had an eccentric personality, almost like a radio host. He even often posed when he talked and maintained a certain level of excitement or volume, regardless of the situation. Though he tended to be a jovial individual, Hizashi was capable of great rage, but that wasn't really common to occur, for he was the typical extroverted and popular guy.
Meanwhile, Oboro's light blue wavy hair was his charm, as well as his adorable and bright personality. He usually wore an expression of excitement. Very prone to making jokes and witty comments with innuendos, his energetic and goofy personality was similar to that of Hizashi, although Oboro never quite reached his friend's excitement. Due to his extravagant behavior, he was not the type of person who followed protocol and had little sense of shame, hence just as he was walking with his friends, he closed his uniform shirt as if he were in his room.
Finally, behind came the third of them, Shouta Aizawa. He was a slender and tall, tanned-skinned boy with messy, shoulder-length black hair, that partially hung in front of his face and half-opened black eyes. His worn-out appearance made him often look fatigued, especially because of his tired eyes. He was a very stern and reserved person; actually, he often came off as cold and apathetic, someone who preferred to take naps in every possible place over any other activity. Although quiet, the young hero student was very vocal and bold when expressing his ideas, which lead him to only had two friends. Despite his apathetic traits, he genuinely cared about his friends and was willing to do anything for them. In fact, he had already done it, he had already gotten into more than one problem because of Hizashi and Oboro. Shouta often grinned and even made jokes about his friends' eccentric personalities. Although it was more common to see him serious or rather shy.
While Hizashi spoke, or rather, he shouted expressing his immense emotion, Oboro adjusted his uniform. To tell the truth, it seemed that he was getting dressed, because now he was buttoning up his shirt.
“Do you really have to do that while we walk among so many people?” Aizawa asked.
“I didn't have time to get dressed. If you hadn't held us up for wanting to rescue that cat, I'd have been able to do it, so now you suck it up." He said with a mischievous smile as he tried to find his belt inside his backpack.
“Do you think they assign us the same section? I want us to be classmates again." Hizashi commented when they were already walking through the main gates.
Aizawa listened to Oboro's answer until something else completely stole his attention. Sitting on a bench next to a window, a girl was waiting for the doors of the academy's auditorium to open so that the professors could give them the welcome speech.
He was not the type of individual who paid special attention to admiring another person's beauty, he had had beautiful classmates at high school, and he had even seen some very pretty girls entering the academy, however, none of them had got to awake something on him, as it had happened to Oboro and Hizashi and their numerous dates. 
Yet, that girl just a few steps away had taken his breath away. Aizawa cut the conversation with his friends because, for a few seconds, he couldn't do anything else but admire that short girl with long, wavy pastel pink hair tied in a braid. She had been nervously playing with a pink hair tie while waiting to enter the auditorium. Suddenly, a gust of wind made her look at the branches of a tree through the window, allowing Aizawa to see a bit more of her face.
Possibly due to Aizawa's piercing stare, she realized someone was looking at her, and turning around, she discovered him. Her lovely and expressive green eyes were now fixed on the young man's black eyes. His usual tired gaze switched to a wide-eye one by noticing an undeniable sparkle in the girl's look. Such interaction struck Aizawa to the core; it was so overwhelming, that he was about to break that eye contact. Luckily, he did not do it and did not miss the kind but shy and fleeting smile that the girl gave him. Shota couldn't smile back not because he didn't want to, but because he simply couldn't, he just froze. Naturally, when the girl saw that the guy didn't even react back, she looked away from him and had to force herself to think of something else; otherwise, the auto cringe would have made her leave the place.
"You okay, bro? Are you that nervous? Your face's red." Oboro said looking at his friend, but Aizawa just shook his head.
"Let's go in, the doors are already open." Aizawa replied without forgetting the girl's smile. 
He wasn't the typical guy who got a lot of smiles or kind looks, perhaps because his eyes were usually on the ground, or because his gaze was a tired one, not precisely a cordial one. Whatever the reason, it was not common for him to receive such a kind facial expression like that. All his life he was used to Hizashi and Oboro turning out to be the ones who stole peeks and received compliments. To tell the truth, Aizawa had never minded that since social interactions were not his thing at all.
Yet, he did not have time to think more about it, the professor who welcomed them had already started with his talk. He explained to the students how the academy worked and how they would be assigned to a class. That was how that day, once again fate wanted Aizawa, Oboro, and Hizashi to be together in the same class. Though that was not the only surprise. When they entered the room, Aizawa saw the girl again; apparently, the four of them would study together from now on.
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That was how they spent the first days at the UA. The professional heroes didn't give them a break, it was training after training, in addition to master classes, of course. Knowing and trusting each one's quick was a must to survive the UA classes; therefore, Aizawa was definitely not having a good time. Meanwhile, Hizashi and Oboro not only controlled theirs better, but they also felt comfortable with their powers and were confident that they would become excellent heroes. However, the shy young man constantly doubted his ability, and when possible, he trained alone so as not to slow anyone down. But that changed the second week when one of the teachers asked them to pair up for the next lesson in one of the many training camps.
"Okay, this is it! I'll ask Hoshino to work with me!" Oboro said, adjusting his uniform and referring to the pink-haired girl, who turned out to be very quiet and introverted. Even though she had all her classmates drooling over her from the first day, she was always alone and studying in her spare time in the library.
"Don't even dream about it, Oboro, I'll ask her," Hizashi replied. "You are very noisy, she won't want to be your partner." 
“What the fuck, Hizashi!? You scream instead of talking! Besides, you'll scare her, you're too aggressive."
"I'm not aggressive!"
"And you're not very bright either, why would the best of the class want to work with you?"
Aizawa, for his part, chuckled upon hearing his friends and continued tying his shoelaces. In the meantime, Hizashi and Oboro were so focused on arguing among themselves that they didn't realize when the girl approached where they were.
Thus, she touched the least expected person's shoulder and spoke.  “Hi... Hum, excuse me, would you mind if we worked together? I've seen your quirk and I think we could make a good team.” As determined as she was to train with him, there was a hint of shyness in her voice.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" Oboro and Hizashi asked looking at how she had chosen Aizawa as her partner.
Although the two outgoing boys had come to her since day one to introduce themselves, Aizawa hadn't said a word, preferring to stay behind. So, her proposal was quite unexpected for everyone, especially for Aizawa, who looked at her as if hoping that she would realize that she was speaking to HIM and not to his friends.
"I see... you already have a partner, I'm sorry." Wishing that the earth would swallow her, the girl was about to disappear, she didn't do it only because Oboro was faster and prevented her.
"No, he doesn't have one! It's just that Aizawa's very shy." Oboro replied as Hizashi practically pushed his friend to his feet.
“Did you hear that, Shota? You'll be able to work with the best of the class!” The blonde said.
"Are you sure you want to work with me?"
"Come on, Shota, don't be so humble, your quirk's awesome!" Hizashi said pushing him to such an extent that the young black-haired man almost lost his balance.
That was how Aizawa and the girl ended up teaming up together. The mission they had been given to train was to enter the forest that surrounded the UA and find a hidden bomb as quickly as possible. For that, they would have the whole class, for the terrain was huge.
All the way Aizawa was wondering the same thing. "Why does she want to work with me?" The girl had passed the entrance exam with the highest score, and despite only taking two weeks of classes, all her teachers had already recognized her as the best of her generation.
“So, you erase quirks with your gaze…" The girl said, interrupting Aizawa's analysis. "That's so cool! You have one of the best powers I've ever seen.”
“The effect lasts until I blink. It's not very useful." 
"Have you tried using eye drops? That way your eyes will be moisturized, and you can train them for a longer use of your quirk. Maybe they'll be a little dry, but at least they won't hurt afterward."
Aizawa remained silent, contemplating the option that the girl gave him; truth be told, she made a lot of sense. After some minutes of walking in silence, the boy talked. “What about your quirk? Can you manipulate any kind of energy? If so, you have unlimited potential."
"It's not that easy." She responded by shaking her head. “When I transform energy, I use my own. The more energy I manipulate, the less I have left to fight. Also, it's not unlimited, quite the opposite. If I intend to control some type of energy, I first must know it thoroughly, know how it works, and what risks can come."
"That's why she studies so much..." Aizawa thought.
“If I don't know the type of energy, or if I convert more than what my body resists, things don't end well. It's happened a couple of times and it hasn't been nice." She confessed somewhat embarrassed. "That's why I think we could make a good team, you could give me a hand if things get messy." 
"You barely know me, are you going to trust me that much?"
"I saw how you helped your friend when we floated higher than expected."
The girl giggled remembering how during one of the first practices, Oboro used one of his clouds to float. He was just bragging; yet, thanks to the wind, the cloud flew higher and quicker. It was Aizawa who controlled the situation by erasing his quirk and helping him get back to earth. 
"Oh, you saw that..." He whispered just about to laugh. Not even Shota could deny how funny it was to see Oboro fall over Hizashi. 
"How not to? Your other friend, the blond one, kept yelling at the cloud guy to get off of him."
"Yeah, that's kind of common when it comes to Hizashi and Oboro."
"Well, we'd better hurry if we want to find that bomb first."
The dynamic between the two students turned out to be quite good, not only did they complete the mission successfully, but they also had time to get to know each other a little better, because by finishing before all the other groups, they had almost an hour free. Thus, sitting on some rocks on the banks of a river, Shota discovered that her family lived in the countryside and that to pursue her dream of becoming a hero, she had moved to the city alone. The academy had dormitories for students with similar situations, so she had no problem finding a place to live. That short interaction was enough for Aizawa to judge her as a nice and extremely sweet girl. 
Without knowing how or why, she quickly felt comfortable with Aizawa, so much so that she made a couple of jokes and even imitated him. Apparently, in that week the young heroine had analyzed him enough to discover several of his habits.
“You have a lot of free time in class.” The boy commented unable to avoid laughing just a little when he saw her imitating the way he yawned.
“The first week has been calmer than I imagined.”
“That's because you're talented. I barely approved the physical performance exams.”
Once again, the girl started to play with her hair tie, anyone could tell she was struggling to decide if saying what she was thinking or remaining silent. In the end, she mustered some courage and dared to say it.  “We could train together in the afternoons.” 
Aizawa raised his gaze and looked at her as if looking for any sign that he had listened wrong. “YOU are going to train with me? You, the number one in the class?”
“I also need to train, and I think we could complement ourselves. I mean... our quirks." She corrected herself while blushing. 
Aizawa was the first classmate she actively approached and, to tell the truth, it had been hard for her to summon up the courage to speak to him. Judging by his actions during those two weeks of classes, it was highly possible that he would say no. After all, Shota hardly talked with his two friends, why would he say yes to training with her?
"I mean, it's just an idea. But if you already train with someone else, that's fine." She said feeling how her face was turning even more red.
Noticing that he was making her feel uncomfortable, Aizawa reacted. “It's not what you're thinking. Honestly, I didn't expect you to want to team up with me. You caught me off guard."
Understanding that it wasn't that he was rejecting her, but that this was all very unexpected for him, she felt less embarrassed. “I'm not very good at making friends and many of our classmates already knew each other. Besides…. You seem like a very trustworthy person and your quirk is wonderful. I'm sorry, I think I already told you this a dozen times.” She said between a shy giggling.
The black-haired hero looked at her for a few moments. "She's really cute. No wonder why Hizashi and Oboro say it all the time." 
"Well, I don't want to put you on the spot. If one day you have some free time, we could train together, Aizawa.” She said getting up, it was time to meet up with the rest of the class.
"Shota, call me Shota."
“My name's Kaori. Thanks for working with me today, Shota.” She responded with a sweet smile.
Next chapter
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corndog-patrol · 2 years
I am 5000% positive I have said something similar to you before, but HANDS DOWN you draw some of my absolute most favorite depictions of Hizashi Yamada. It's just INSANE how much I love your art of him. It always just makes me the happiest bean. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing your art and bringing me some serotonin today 💜
oh my goooooosh thank you anon!!!! 🥺🙏❤❤❤❤❤💖🧡💛💚💙💜💖💖💖💖 i love drawing him sooooo much it makes me so happy to hear this!! you are so kind!!! 💘💘💘💘💘
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iloveyumi · 2 months
Hi, I'm Neph (she/they) and I run this fanblog! It's my first one so please be kind to me.
I made this because I really like Todoroki Fuyumi, and feel like she needs more love, so most of my posts and reblogs are gonna be about her. However, I also really like Hizashi Yamada, so a good chunk of this is gonna be him and Erasermic as well (also a bit of Inko, I love her too). By extension, there's gonna be a lot of the Todoroki family, the Rooftop Gang, and the Midoriyas (but not Izuku).
This also works as a space for me to practise my writing skills - I have loads of thoughts in my head I wanna turn into stories but I also suck at writing, so I need a space to figure things out - and a place to post my art, whenever I infrequently make it. Expect some fanfic recs as well, I have so many I wanna talk about.
I don't expect NSFW stuff, but it's not off the table, so Minors DNI.
I'll post any ongoing work tags here, if I ever get them.
Have a nice day! 💖
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thats-how-i-like-it · 5 months
★ list of my f/os!! (and making special tags for them <3)
I don't mind sharing as long as your respectful, but I would like to ask for those who have my parental f/os as their romantic f/o to please keep some space/tag their stuff appropriately.
I may edit this list when I get a new f/o or something.
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here they are:
shinsou hitoshi (mha) -> #lavender hues 💜 | unlabeled
hatsume mei (mha) -> #dear machinery baby 💗 | qpr
underswap papyrus (undertale au) -> #honey bones 🍯 | unlabeled/familial (shipcest)
geto suguru (jjk) -> #against all odds 🖤 | romantic/familial (shipcest)
uraraka ochako (mha) -> #floating candy cloud 🍬 | romantic
bakugou katsuki (mha) -> #my future number one 💥 | qpr
portia and julian devorak (the arcana) -> #the mischievous redheads 🍒 | alterous
asra alnazar (the arcana) -> #that wonderful magician 🔮 | romantic/familial (shipcest)
fresh sans (undertale au) -> #colorful swagger 🌈 | qpr
joanne harcourt (kuroshitsuji) -> my little blond boy ✨ | sexual/familial/younger brother (shipcest)
riley andersen (inside out) -> my sunshine girl ☀️ | familial/younger sister (shipcest)
fizzarolli (hb) -> #best clowns forever 🃏 | platonic
verosika mayday (hb) -> #hot pink sweetheart 💖 | platonic/fwb
gojo satoru (jjk) -> #sapphire crystals 💙 | qpr
kaminari denki (mha) -> #electric angel pals ⚡ | platonic/fwb
montgomery gator (fnafsb) -> #rock and gator-aid 🐊
kenji sato (ultraman rising) -> #ultrasecret affairs🦸 | sexual/romantic
sero hanta (mha) -> #tape-worm buddies 🧡 | platonic/ambiguous
aizawa shouta and hizashi yamada (mha) -> #the loud and sleepy fam 🌓 | familial/parental (my fathers <3)
cross sans (undertale au "xtale") -> #silly bonehead 👾 | familial/younger brother
yuugo and lucas (tpn): #the bunker duo ⚔️ | familial/parental (uncles/parental figures)
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jointhearumanati · 2 years
👁️Head Alpha🚫:Shota Aizawa(manages pack Alphas and Betas)
🗣️Head Omega🔊:Hizashi Yamada(manages pack omegas)
🌫️Second Alpha💤:Kayama Nemuri(substitutes for Head Alpha if head Alpha is not present)
💙Dekusquad Alpha💙:Tenya Iida(reports to head Alpha)
💚Dekusquad Omega💚: Izuku Midoriya(reports to head Omega)
🤍Second Dekusquad Alpha❤️:Shoto Todoroki(substitutes for Squad Alpha)
Rest of Dekusquad: 💗Ochako Uraraka🖤(Alpha), 💚Tsuyu Asui🖤(Squad Beta reports to head Alpha)
🧡Bakusquad Alpha🖤: Katsuki Bakugo(reports to head Alpha)
💛Bakusquad Omega🖤: Denki Kaminari(reports to head Omega)
❤️Second Bakusquad Alpha❤️:Eijiro Kirishima(Substitutes for Squad Alpha and Damage Control on keeping Squad Alpha calm)
Rest of Bakusquad: 🧡Sero Hanta🤍(Squad Beta reports to head Alpha), 💗Mina Ashido💗(Alpha), ❤️Kyoka Jirou🖤(Beta)
❤️Momosquad Alpha💛: Momo Yaoyorozu(reports to head Alpha)
💗Momosquad Omega💙: Toru Hagakure(reports to Head Omega)
Rest of Momosquad: 🖤Fumikage Tokoyami🖤(Squad Beta reports to head Alpha), 💙Mezo Shouji💚(Beta),💜Yuga Aoyama💖(Omega) 🤍Mashiro Ojiro💙(Beta), 🧡Koji Koda❤️(Omega), 🧡Rikido Sato🧡(Omega)
💜Wildcard Alpha🖤:Hitoshi Shinso(Reports to head Alpha about all squads to avoid Bias also secretary to head Alpha)
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punkpresentmic · 2 years
Hi C. I just wanted to pop in and say I've been following you here for a while now and despite the fact our pages could not be more different, I want to thank you because I too would die for Hizashi Yamada. and thank u for keeping my aizawa and mic obsession going. Your posts appear on my dash and I think YES. golden retriever loud man and his black cat husband. my interest in mha wavers but them? transcends space and time.
thank u.
Have a Fantastic day and slay today <3 -K
This is very sweet 💖💖 Thanks so much! Glad to help keep that love alive for these funky lil guys we enjoy.
Hope you also have a great day :-)
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nartothelar · 3 years
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erasermic family doodle dump for @athenoot!
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domxmarvel · 2 years
My hero academia Masterlist
💙=Male 💖=Female 💛=Neutral 🌈=Fluff 💦=Smut 💀=Angst 💜=Mtf 🖤=Ftm
A/N: I know there's different spellings for some of the characters names but these are the ones I’m using
Shoto todoroki
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Not easy 💖💀🌈
Izuku midoriya/Deku
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Mina ashido
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Tsuyu asui
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Tenya Iida
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Midnight visit 💖💦
Denki kaminari
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Eijiro kirishima
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Fever 💖🌈
Red leather💖💦
Mezou shoji
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Kyouka Jiro
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Momo Yaoyorozu
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One of a kind 💖🌈
Tamaki  Amajiki  
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Missed me?💖💦
Until the sunrise💙💦
Again and again 💖💦
Fumikage Tokoyami
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We are Venom💖🌈
Tokoyami headcanons-only one bed 💖🌈
Hitoshi Shinso 
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Mei Hatsume
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Dabi/Toya todoroki
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Himiko Toga
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We’re not monsters 💙
Tomura Shigaraki 
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Hawks/Keigo takami
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Cats always win 🖤💦
The rabbit and the bird 💖💦
The birds and bunnies (+Mirko)💖💦
Check in 💖🌈
Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead
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President mic/ Hizashi Yamada  
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All might/ Toshinori Yagi   
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Cold night 💖🌈
Fatgum/ Taishiro Toyomitsu
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If that's what you want 💖🌈
Gang orca/Kugo Sakamata 
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Mirko/Rumi Usagiyama 
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My favourite thing 💖🌈
Vlad king/Sekijiro Kan 
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flufftober · 3 years
There's a lot of Fluff ahead of us...
With the survey closed, it is time to look at the results - and be excited about what lies ahead of us 😊
We had 103 responses in the end 🥳
Within those 103 responses, we have
93 writers
2 artists
8 writer&artists (both)
For the artists, we have one ambitious enough to try all 31 days, the others plan to create art for 1 to 10 days.
For the writers, more than half of you (54) plan to create fluffy fics for 1 to 10 days, 18 want to write for 11 to 20 days, and five for 21 to 30 days; 22 of you amazing souls are so ambitious and plan to write for all 31 days... and one is actually planning to write more than 31 fics, meaning some days have multiple fics!! (Dare we say crazy? Yes, it's crazy! We can say that; we know the person who's attempting to do it 😉)
Most of you hadn't started by the time they filled out the survey - but that's okay, we still have time 😊
Now, as for the fandoms and ships we have to expect, the variety is far more spread than we ever expected (or dared to dream of) and it would probably explode this post if we tried to list them all; so only to name a few, we have (in alphabetical order)
911 & 911LS with Buddy, Tarlos, Marcy, Parjan, Judd/Grace
Avatar: The Last Airbender with Zutara
Harry Potter with ... too many ships to count 😂 but it covers everything from the canon ships to the most beloved fanon ships to rare pairs to crossovers (seriously, HP fandom... you're wild!)
InuYasha with InuKago
Lucifer with Deckerstar
MCU with Stucky, Stony, Frostiron, WinterFalcon, Loki/OC
My Hero Academia with Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi and Shota Aizawa/Hizashi Yamada
Rosewell New Mexico with Malex
Schitt's Creek with David/Patrick
Shadowhunters with Malec, Clace, Sizzy
Star Wars with Reylo and a few x reader fics
Supernatural with Destiel, Sabriel, Saileen
The Old Guard with Joe/Nicky
And this is really just scraping at the top, there are so many more and from so many different genres. Animes, Mangas, Comics, Movies, TV Shows, Books... Let us just tell you, we are blown away and so, so excited by how far this has spread 😍 it's also very humbling (and a little bit intimidating tbh 😅)
Most of you plan to write their fics about the ships, but there are also many, many who plan to have it focus on friendship, family feels, platonic relationships, or simply the characters. Or who want to combine it all.
What made us squeal in delight was the fact that - with the exception of two people - all of you are interested in more months with fluffy prompt lists! We've taken note of that and we certainly won't forget about it 😁
But for now, let's focus on FLUFFTOBER 🥰
How are you all doing? How is planning and writing and arting going? Send us an ask and let us know about your progress - we're always happy to hear from you. And as always, if you have more questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us. If it's something you would rather discuss in private, simply state so in your ask and we swear we won't reply publicly!
And now... back to preparing all the fluff 💖
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pantheramore · 3 years
Mod | no pronouns | selfshipper | furry | follows from @modmonsterra
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I've been a selfshipper practically my entire life. I also love mid century modernism, worldbuilding, media analysis, and theory crafting. Feel free to send me an ask on any of my blogs about any worldbuilding/analysis/theory for media we're both interested in, I'd love to hear it!
Non selfship fandom blog: @nekojarashishi
click read more for more info about
current focus f/o
other f/os
f/o sharing
main f/o - Mordecai Heller 💖current focus💖
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Okay with sharing only with people I know
ship info TBA
Secondary F/O - Ibuki
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not ok with sharing
about my ship
Secondary f/o - Hyodo
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not ok with sharing
ship info TBA
minor f/os & crushes
Free - beastars
Puss - shrek/puss in boots
oc x canon ships
(characters that I ship with ocs, but not with myself)
Tomoyasu Chikazoku/Skeptic x Allure - my hero academia
Professor Laventon x Anala - pokemon legends arceus
old flames
(past f/os that i still revisit every once in a while)
Buddy Pine/Syndrome - the incredibles
last visit: 4/24/22
Teruteru Hanamura - super danganronpa 2: goodbye despair
last visit: 3/9/22
past f/os
not in perfect chronological order
main f/os marked with heart
2016 - 2021
Professor Laventon
Tomoyasu Chikazoku/Skeptic
💖 Hizashi Yamada/Present Mic
Dazzle (oc)
Alameda Slim
Lars (101 dalmatians 2)
Rolfe DeWolfe
Rhythmi (oc)
💖 Buddy Pine/Syndrome
💖 Teruteru Hanamura
2013 - 2016
Lorelei (oc)
Lance Rhapsody (oc)
Nylocke (tome)
Jasper (steven universe)
Hau (pokemon sun/moon)
2005(?) - 2013
Clement (pokemon xy)
Purple Eyes (pokemon ranger guardian signs)
Armin (attack on titan)
💖 N (pokemon black/white)
Lucian (pokemon dppt)
Volkner (pokemon dppt)
Roark (pokemon dppt)
Tails (sonic)
Betty Barrett/Atomic Betty
Velma (scooby doo)
Kim Possible
Bloom (winx club)
Ms. Frizzle
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#mod art - art
#mod thought - original (sometimes non-selfship) posts
#nsft - nsfw content
Mordecai & Anita tags
#anita - any posts relating to my s/i, Anita including aesthetics, art, memes, etc
#mordecai - any posts relating to my f/o, Mordecai including aesthetics, art, memes, etc
#mordenita - Mordecai x Anita ship tag
Ibuki & Vosco tags
#vosco - any posts relating to my s/i, Vosco including aesthetics, art, memes, etc
#ibuki - any posts relating to my f/o, Ibuki including aesthetics, art, memes, etc
#ibuco - Ibuki x Vosco ship tag
Hyodo and Fūri tags
#furi - any posts relating to my s/i, Fūri including aesthetics, art, memes, etc
#hyodo - any posts relating to my f/o, Hyodo including aesthetics, art, memes, etc
#hyori - Hyodo x Fūri ship tag
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Art credits
top image
blog header
all other art by me
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drabblecat · 3 years
Hiii could I please get a bnha matchup? Preferably with a male pls. My pronouns are she/her. I am 5’4, an ambivert and a Latina. My enneagram is type 4. I have pale skin, mid-length brown wavy hair with bangs, and hazel eyes. I am described as someone who comes off as cold or aloof when I’m around people I don’t know. After getting to know me, I am the complete opposite. I’m just a bit shy at first lol. My friends have told me that I give good advice but like to joke about my stubbornness. I like to make people laugh and try to make the best of any situation. However I have a hard time expressing my emotions. I’m also described as easy going and fun to be around. I love animals especially dogs. I am a hip hop dancer and love to perform. Dance to me is very freeing and I'm usually dancing anywhere anytime haha. I choreograph a lot as well. I also enjoy reading could vary from manga to non-fiction. I love music especially hip hop, rap, & reggaeton. I also love to write music/poetry. I never show anybody though since I’m really shy about it. I'd love to one day tho! I can be playful and love to tease my friends. I also really like to eat and travel. I am a bit of a homebody but I enjoy hiking because of the exercise. I really enjoy having deep conversations. I can’t stand people who bully others and people who are fake. I like to be honest and helpful in any way I can. My style is usually anything comfy/casual and I don’t really like wearing skirts or dresses. I speak English and Spanish (learning Japanese & Portuguese). I would love to learn ASL and Hawaiian one day as well. I enjoy watching crime investigations, probably one of my favorite things to watch. I don’t really any fears, just not being able to accomplish my goals/dreams. I tend to daydream a lot and I’m also a big procrastinator 😭. I'm usually in my head a lot which tires me a bit. Alone time for me is definitely important. I would say my love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch. I’m usually really cold towards the person I like lol. Only because I test the waters to see if I should spend time and energy on them. I tend to be a bit jealous/possessive, not in an unhealthy way though. Just wouldn’t match with someone who is very flirty with other people lol. What I look for in a partner is someone that is selfless, mature and has depth to them. Also if they are really accepting because I’ve never had that growing up. I'm a bit touch starved lol. Thank you so much 💖💗💕
I match you with Hizashi Yamada!
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Presentation Micheal had a passion for languages, music, and a ton of other interesting hobbies! If you want someone to listen to music, or make music with, Hizashi is one of the best. Expect him to make you mixtapes and/or playlists for you that shows how he feels for you. Even if you don't pick up on that, he is very vocal about it too! Seeing as he's so close with Aizawa, it's totally fine if you start off cold around him. He's such a people person that he's easy to fall for in the end. Not only that, but with all of his jobs and hobbies, he's a great motivator. If you need a hype man to help you accomplish your dreams, he's your guy. If Aizawa is the stray cat type, Hizashi is an excited golden retriever! He'll be by your side constantly, giving you hugs and cheering you on. All in all, Powerpoint Microsoft is a great guy that shares many of your passions. He's caring and will always be there to support you!
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Requests are always open 💕
Wanna request or leave a tip? Buy me a Kofi!
My Wattpad: Lori
Started: 6/10/2020
Last Updated: 5/17/2023
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When Yall First Met
Dating Legoshi 🐺 
Dating Gouhin 🐼
Dating Haru 🐰
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Dating Headcanons: 
Izuku Midoriya💕
Shouta Aizawa🥺
Shoto Todoroki😌
Katsuki Bakugou💥
Eijiro Kirishima🤘🏼
Stain 🩸
Toshinori Yagi😋 
Hizashi Yamada🎶 
Kaminari Denki 🌩️
Gang Orca 🐋
Dating Twice🌚
Text Message Headcanons:
 Breakup Prank
Regular Headcanons &Preferences:
When They Get A Nosebleed
Gif Series:
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Dating Headcanons:
🌟Hinata Shoyou🌟 
😝Dating Lev Haiba😝
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Dating Headcanons:
Daryl Dixon🥺
Rick Grimes🥰
Merle Dixon❤️ 
✨Your Kids✨ 
Daryl Dixon
Daryl Dixon
Daryl Dixon 
Daryl Dixon:
I Still Love You (Oneshot)
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Dating Headcanons:
Bucky Barnes💘
Tony Stark😏
Erik Killmonger 🥺
Steve Rogers✨
Bucky Barnes
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Turning Human Headcanons: 
Breakdown, Knockout, and Megatron😉
Optimus, Bumblebee, & Ratchet🥰
Soundwave & Wheeljack 🥺
Predaking 🥰 
Regular Headcanons &Preferences:
 How He Kisses You (Rescue Bots)
Dating The Tfp Wreckers🤣🥵
Cute Moments In Bed 💋🥺(Random Bayverse Autobots)
Argument Headcanons Pt.1 (Autobots)
How He Kisses You (Requested Bots)
Dating Headcanons (Bayverse Jazz)
Dating Headcanons (MTMTE Drift)
Baby Preferences 🥰 (Select Autobots) 
Dating Headcanons (Bayverse Ironhide)
Dating Headcanons (Tfp Wheeljack)
Hearing Their S/O Sing (Requested Bots)
Depressed S/O Headcanons (MTMTE Swerve)
Dating Bumblebee and Charlie Would Include
Dating Headcanons (Tfp Ratchet) 
How He Kisses You (Requested Bots)
Friendship Headcanons (Optimus Prime x Reader)
Baby Preferences 💖(Select Decepticons)
Dating Headcanons (Bayverse Ratchet)
Bayverse Barricade x Black Fem!Y/N Headcanons
Dating/Friendship/Random Headcanons (Bayverse Crosshairs)
Dating Headcanons (G1 Prowl)
Baby Preferences❤️(Requested Bots)
Baby Preference🥺 (Requested Decepticon)
Late Night Drive Headcanons (Bayverse Crosshairs)
Dating Headcanons (Armada Red Alert)
The Wrecker Crew Headcanons
Sneaking Out Shortcanon (Bayverse Ironhide)
Be Safe (Bayverse Optimus x Reader)
Nice And Clean (Bayverse Bumblebee x Reader)
Surprise Surprise (Bayverse Bumblebee x Reader) 
Pregnant (Bayverse Optimus x Oc Reader)
Bumblebee Gifs [1]
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Marcel Gerard 
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Dating Headcanons:
Paul Lahote🤤
Edward Cullen🥰
Jacob Black 🐺
Regular Headcanons and Preferences:
Imagine Being Sam Uley's Little Sister
The Pack Headcanons (African American Fem Headcanons👑)
Getting Hurt (Jacob Black x Black Reader) 
Pregnancy Headcanons🤪 (Sam Uley x Fem! Reader)
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Say No To This 💋
Elijah Mikaelson 😘
Donatello 🤓
El Diablo 🔥
Damon Salvator😙
Joker 😉
Harley Quinn 🤪
Smutty Shouta Aizawa
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The Hearts Choice Masterlist 
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Swagger Jagger Masterlist
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0lshadyl0 · 5 years
I think it's time for me to make my own master list, although I don't know if I've done it well but here it goes
the rules for request asking 
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Mirio Togata/Lemillion 
Yandere headcanons  Part 2
Katsuki Bakugo
Yandere headcanons
finding out his s/o still sleeps with a teddy bear
Koji Koda
Yandere headcanons
Fumikage Tokoyami
Yandere headcanons
cryptid  general and Nsfw headcanons
Hitoshi Shinsou
Yandere x deaf fem reader headcanons
trying to cheer his s/o up after they’ve had a really bad day
Headcanons of Darling who makes it seem like they aren’t interested in them but actually deeply love them
Kaminari Denki
finding out his s/o still sleeps with a teddy bear
trying to cheer his s/o up after they’ve had a really bad day
s/o who is really really stressing over school headcanons
Todoroki Shoto/Shoto
finding out his s/o still sleeps with a teddy bear
trying to cheer his s/o up after they’ve had a really bad day
s/o who is really really stressing over school headcanons
Hawks/Takami Keigo
Yandere headcanons
Gang Orca/kugo sakamata
Yandere headcanons 
small s/o that has an otter quirk  
Tsuyu Asui /Froppy
reader that loves princesses and wants to be one 
Yaoyorozu Momo
 male s/o who’s Russian headcanons 
Mashirao Ojiro
 fem reader headcanons 
Headcanons of Darling who makes it seem like they aren’t interested in them but actually deeply love them
 Midoriya Izuku
 s/o who is really really stressing over school headcanons 
with a s/o that is really calm and chill but she actually has a bit of social anxiety
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
small s/o that has an otter quirk   
Engaged  with young reader headcanons 
a chill reader headcanons  
with a s/o that is really calm and chill but she actually has a bit of social anxiety
Hizashi Yamada/Present Mic
small s/o that has an otter quirk   
a chill reader headcanons  
with a s/o that is really calm and chill but she actually has a bit of social anxiety
Toshinori Yagi/All Might
a chill reader headcanons  
Hawks/Takami Keigo
Indifferent  /yandere Hawks x Reader/ 
[You are his greatest love, but you just give him the cold shoulder]
part 1, part 2
Lucky bird /Hawks x reader/ 
[On rainy nights like these, Hawks is glad to have someone waiting for him at home]
only part
connected /yandere Hawks x reader/ 
[things changed for both of you that day when he caught that criminal and his eyes made contact with yours]
part 1, part 2 , 
Fumikage Tokoyami
My little flower of light /Yandere Fumigake Tokoyami x reader/
[He was Hades and you his Persephone]
part 1, part 2
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
Words of contempt /Yandere Aizawa Shouta x Reader/
[your words are cruel but it hurts more the fact that you don't move]
only part
No time left /Aizawa Shouta x Reader/ 
[A kiss that shows all the love you have for him... in exchange for your own life]
only part
Monoma Neito
Hard weekend  / + Hitoshi Shinso /  NSFW
[you're going to spend a fucking shitty weekend, but you better listen up and hang in there]
only part
Todoroki Shoto/Shoto
Get you back to me /Yandere Todoroki Shoto x Onryo Reader/ 
[It doesn't matter that you have a boyfriend, that he raped you or that you are dead, you will come back to him]
part 1, part 2, part 3 
Hitoshi Shinso
Hard weekend /+ Monoma Neito x reader/ 
[you're going to spend a fucking shitty weekend, but you better listen up and hang in there]
only part
Shigaraki Tomura
 Chapstick /Shigaraki x Reader/ 
[It doesn't matter if he's the most dangerous villain in Japan, he has chapped lips and you can't leave it like that.]
part 1
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
Aizawa Shouta’s reaction to death s/o 
Kirishima Eijirou
getting turned on by his girlfriend perfume
Katsuki Bakugo
getting turned on by his girlfriend perfume
Alternative Universe /AU/ 
Experiment heroes AU
💖, 💛 and ❌ for Hawks, Shinsou and Aizawa
the coffee shop
[a coffee shop where its clients are exclusively villains, where there isn’t morality but there are rules and where heroes are killed if they just step a foot in the place]
Concept - Hawk x reader x Dabi
[Hawks loves his girlfriend and Dabi likes Hawks' girlfriend, but she is not what they both think.]
Concept,  My friends... My family - Hawks x readers/ocs (platonic)
[Hawks deserves to have friends and a family that loves him not for being the hero Hawks, but for being Keigo Takami]
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Trafalgar Law/Surgeon of death 
Yandere Headcanons
Boa Hancock/Pirate Empress 
Yandere headcanons
Male yandere Boa Hancock headcanons
Platonic Yandere Namur headcanons
Monkey D Luffy/Straw hat Luffy 
Yandere Headcanons 
Yandere ASL Platonic/Romantic Polyamorous Relationship
Franky/General Franky
Franky villain AU headcanons
Eustass Kid
Yandere Eustass Kid x Shy Reader Headcanons
Yandere Headcanons
Akagami no Shanks
Yandere Headcanons
Benn Beckman
Yandere Headcanons
Yandere Headcanons
Yandere ASL Platonic/Romantic Polyamorous Relationship
Portgas D Ace/Fire fist Ace
Yandere Headcanons / Part 2
Yandere ASL Platonic/Romantic Polyamorous Relationship
Whitebeard/Edward Newgate/Shirohige
Platonic yandere Whitebear’s pirates
Akagami no Shanks
The naive must be punished /Yandere Shanks x Younger Reader
 only part
Yandere reaction (platonic and romantic) of the ASL brothers to their sister having a romantic partner
Boa Hancock
Yandere reaction of s/o bought by a Celestial Dragon   [THE BAD ENDING]
Yandere reaction (platonic and romantic) of the ASL brothers to their sister having a romantic partner
Yandere Sabo reacts if their darling show interest in another person
Yandere reaction (platonic and romantic) of the ASL brothers to their sister having a romantic partner
Akagami no Shanks
Yandere shanks reacts if their darling show interest in another person
Shanks reacts if someone close to him got attached to his darling
Alternative Universe /AU/
Communal Yandere crew - Whitebeard pirates
Yandere Shanks and Yandere Boa Hancock sharing a darling - opinions
Shanks’s plan backfires and only makes her more determined to fight and become stronger
the Kuja pirates come in and rescue S/O.
Spiderman Across The Spiderverse
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Alternative Universe /AU/
Genshin Impact 
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Alternative Universe /AU/
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yandere Naruto Headcanons
Alternative Universe /AU/
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Alternative Universe /AU/
Let's talk about Umbratras  Part 2  Part 3
Amaris Van De La Rosa / Umbratra oc
One Punch Man 
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Flashy Flash 
Flashy Flash Yandere Headcanons
speed-o sound sonic
speed-o sound sonic Yandere Headcanons
Alternative Universe /AU/
My drawings
Nejire Hadou
Nico Robin
Boa Hancock
Teka Todoroki
Wander eatin a leaf (wander over yonder) 
Wander (wander over yonder)
Charlotte Pudding
Amaris Van De La Rosa / Umbratra oc
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tartagliove · 3 years
Hey Zeb! I hope you're doing great. CONGRATS ON THE MILESTONE. You are an amazing person and totally deserve it. Can I just say this event is so cute? Omg 🥺💖 May I have a blograte with 💥🏐, please? For a random fact about me, uhm, I don't know how to ride a bike 💀
I send you lots of hugs, lovely Zeb 💕💕💖
Ahhh thank you so much for your kind words, Fati! I hope you’ve been doing well! ^u^
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💥 boku no hero academia blograte 💥
role ✧ civilian | support engineer | pro hero | sidekick | vigilante | villain quirk ✧ quirkless | emitter | transformation | mutant | paralysis age ✧ first year | second year | third year | adult friends ✧ usagiyama rumi, yamada hizashi, kayama nemuri s/o ✧ aizawa shouta aesthetic blurb ✧ blanket over shoulders, lazy weekend on the sofa, cat cafes and warm pastries, quiet background music, warm and calloused hands
🏐 haikyuu!! blograte 🏐
school ✧ karasuno | aoba johsai | nekoma | fukurodani | date tech | inarizaki position ✧ setter | middle blocker | libero | wing spiker | ace | decoy | pinch server | coach | manager age ✧ first year | second year | third year | adult friends ✧ kita shinsuke, suna rintarou, miya osamu s/o ✧ sauksa kiyoomi aesthetic blurb ✧ cheering on the sidelines, glances that say a million words, intimate conversations, little texts throughout the day
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want a blograte? join my followers celebration! (closed)
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Bnha Chatfic- We're all like Family!
Bnha Chatfic- We're all like Family! by xXGround ZeroXx
Shoto Todoroki- DaddyIssues Aoyama Yuga- SparkleBoi🌟 Izuku Midoriya- GreenInsomniac Shinsou Hitoshi- MindFuck Denki Kaminari- PikachuOrJolteon Mina Ashido- BestAlien🥰 Eijirou Kirishima- Sharkbae🦈 Hanta Sero- TapeFixesEverything Tenya Iida- ClassBigBrother Momo Yaoyorozu- ClassBigSister Kyoka Jirou- GothCentric Katsuki Bakugou- Katsuki💖🐈 Fumikage Tokoyami- OurEmoBirb🐧 Ochaco Uraraka- UravityWithGravity Tsuyu Asui- GayFroggo 🐸 Toru Hagekure- 💨PoOF💨 Oijirou Mashirao- FluffyTail Koji Kouda- Pure 😇 Rikido Sato- OurPersonalBakery Mezo Shoji- GiantOctopus Shota Aizawa- TiredDad 💞 Hizashi Yamada- LoudDad💕
Words 693, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M, Multi
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Tokoyami Fumikage, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Iida Tenya, Sero Hanta, Yaoyorozu Momo, Jirou Kyouka
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Shinsou Hitoshi/Tokoyami Fumikage, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Hard of Hearing Bakugou Katsuki, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Mitsuki's Bad Parenting, Bakugou Masaru's Bad Parenting, Bakugou Katsuki Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Protective Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinsou Hitoshi is in Class 1-A, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Training Shinsou Hitoshi, Insomniac Shinsou Hitoshi, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Pining Todoroki Shouto
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/22999258
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