#💎 cheol
toruro · 10 months
https://youtu.be/G5B7Og1pgqk?si=KMfrHxDQlDwG6jZF (safe link)
0:24-0:50 pardon my french but I just wanna suck him off
i am unwell (link)
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lvlystars · 6 months
13:47 — c.sc
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"not again." you groan, turning around to face yourself with yet another problem: your boyfriend is missing.
if you had a dime for every time you lost seungcheol in your 3 years of dating, you would be filthy rich. how a person could be so bad at directions is beyond you, but nevertheless, you still love him all the same.
you attempt to jump a little, trying to see if you can at least spot his bright red hair he sported recently (you urged him to dye it under the guise of saying you missed his cherry hair, but in reality, it was just to help you find him in large crowds), but to no avail, you could only see heads of brown and black hair, with a couple of hats here and there.
"OH MY-"
you jolt as you felt someone poke your waist, whipping your head around to face the culprit, and you're met with seungcheol's face, adorning a cheeky smirk as his flaming red hair softly falls over his forehead.
"i thought i lost you, princess," he pouts, pulling out something from behind him. you scowl at him, your eyes catching a glimpse of what looked like a keychain, and any thoughts of scolding him immediately wash away as you realize what he was holding.
your eyes widen as seungcheol dangles the little pochacco keychain in front of you, the character looking like it was jumping in the air, with a green wristband saying 'pochacco' on it. he hands it to you, kissing your temple as he guides you to walk forward, his arm coming down to rest on your side.
"i saw you admiring it, but you didn't say anything to me. so i just decided to buy it last minute." seungcheol smiles down at you, feigning hurt at the fact that you didn't take advantage of how much money he's willing to spend on you (aka the love of his life).
you immediately intertwine your fingers with his, bringing his hand up to peck it softly as a silent 'thank you', and seungcheol hums, softly squeezing your hand in response.
oh, how you love this man.
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wc. 361
tags 🏷️ —
@arafilez @etherealyoungk @hannieheartuu @haowrld @kyeomyun @saiiidahyunee @shuahaes @seuonji @welcometomyoasis @wqnwoos @wheeboo @yoonzinuhh @shieunviya @shaminari
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nervousnerdkoala · 9 months
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I think I'm the one one who doesn't want the next chapter of Pathetic to be released because with each chapter we're getting closer to the end of the series and I don't want it to end. I am waiting for the next chapter but at the same time I'm also a bit sad. You write Jeonghan so beautifully I want to keep meeting your Jeonghan - 💎💎💎
Omg I’ve actually been thinking about that too. Like it really is coming to an end, and that’s so sad. I too really like the way I wrote this Jeonghan I am so fucking simping for him and everytime he does something I like i have to read myself that not only is it fiction I wrote it we love fiction 🫠
Thank you for all of the compliments, Di (triple diamond shortened??) You are literally one of the sweetest people in my life right now
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fairyniceyeah · 1 month
💎 I love my team, I love my crew (Part 1/7)
Title from Super (SEVENTEEN)
Summary: While filming on a small sailing boat a few SVT members start feeling sick - the very contagious norovirus is the most likely reason.
CW: emeto, diarrhea in the context of illness
Sickies: Woozi/Jihoon + Joshua + Minghao + S.Coups/Seungcheol
Caretakers: Wonwoo + Seungkwan + Vernon
“Wonwoo-hyung”, a voice called behind the rapper. Wonwoo stopped in his tracks and turned around. 
It had been Seungkwan calling after him, entering the ship’s hallway from the cabin he shared with Woozi, Minghao and Dino. For the next Going Seventeen Episodes they had decided to do a three part sailing experience. Well, it was less sailing and more fun and water-based games in the middle of the open sea. As far as Wonwoo knew, Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Dino were actually swimming at that very moment and Jun and Hoshi had said something about a table tennis match. He himself would be happy to just sit on a recliner and read a book. It was where he actually had been headed before Seungkwan had called him back.
Facing the young vocalist Wonwoo couldn’t help but notice the way Seungkwan was biting his lip in worry and was anxiously playing with the hem of his shirt. He had his legs crossed and leaned against the hall, which struck Wonwoo as very odd.
“What’s wrong, Kwan-ah?”, Wonwoo asked, immediately on alert, striding towards his dongsaeng in three big steps, “are you alright?”
“I’m fine, hyung. Have you seen the hyungs?”, Seungkwan asked, looking down at his flip-flops.
“Uhm, well, I think Cheol-hyung and Hannie-hyung are swimming. I haven’t seen Shua-hyung in some time now”, Wonwoo replied kindly, “is there anything I can help you with?”
“Oh, what the hell”, Seengkwan mumbled, then said louder, “it’s Woozi-hyung. He locked himself in the bathroom. I think he is seasick again.”
That at least explained on two levels why Seungkwan was standing this weirdly and was so fidgety. Wonwoo already felt worried for Jihoon - now that he thought about it, he hadn’t seen the vocalist since breakfast and it was after lunch. It wasn’t unusual for some members to skip meals, especially with the heat, but if he truly wasn’t well…
“Why don’t you go use the bathroom in my room?”, Wonwoo suggested, “I’ll go check on Jihoonie.”
“Alright, thanks”, Seungkwan said and hurried towards the room Wonwoo shared with Joshua, Minghao and Seokmin.
With a sigh Wonwoo entered the room Seungkwan had come from. Nobody was inside but he saw the occupied symbol on the bathroom door. He passed the two bunk beds, noticing how Jihoon’s bed sheets were pushed into a ball at the foot of the bed, half-way to falling off. It seemed like the bed’s occupant had been in a rush to leave.
Wonwoo walked over to the bathroom door and rapped against it. He didn’t hear anything from inside and was about to knock again when he received his reply: “Seungkwan, I told you to go away.”
“It’s Wonwoo”, Wonwoo stated, “Kwan-ah is worried about you. Frankly, so am I. Is everything alright?”
Instead of answering, Jihoon opened the door’s lock. Before the producer could decide differently again, Wonwoo pushed the door open, careful as not to accidentally hit Jihoon. The bathrooms on the ship were tiny, but Jihoon had managed to curl himself into such a small ball that Wonwoo had no trouble opening the door. 
While he had expected it, Wonwoo was still taken aback by how awful Jihoon looked. The producer was slumped over the toilet bowl, one arm resting on it and cushioning his head. His other arm was wrapped around his stomach. Long strands of his blond hair were falling into his white face. He looked like he had gone through the wringer.
Jihoon turned around to look at Wonwoo and croaked: “Welcome to the party. The motion-sickness medicine does an awful job though.”
“I’d rather not be invited”, Wonwoo replied, happy that Jihoon seemed at least still able to make jokes. “Did you take other meds than unusual? Normally you feel okay when you take them, don’t you?”
Careful not to step on Jihoon or injure himself on a shelf or the door, Wonwoo sat down next to his younger chingu. Jihoon just shrugged and laid his head back down on his arm. It had been some time since he had been so awfully seasick.
“Have you thrown up?”, Wonwoo asked, daring to put a hand on Jihoon’s back. He supposed that if Jihoon hadn’t wanted comfort he wouldn’t have opened the door for him in the first place. And indeed, Jihoon even leaned a bit into the touch.
“Just, uhm, the sheets, only a mouthful, really”, Jihoon stuttered, flushing bright red, “I woke up feeling so nauseous and well, I uh, threw up a bit. Ever since …” He stopped and swallowed harshly. Speaking seemed to make him feel more sick. “... I’ve been in here. I’m so nauseous, Wonwoo.”
“I’m sorry you’re having such a bad time. What can I do for you?” Wonwoo rubbed his hand up and down Jihoon’s back, hoping it would comfort him even more than the simple hand on his back.
“Can you make it go away?”, Jihoon asked, an exasperated undertone to his light words.
“No, sorry. All out of magic potions”, Wonwoo joked, “I can go ask the staff for more or others meds if you want?”
“I … uh, could you just stay here?”, Jihoon questioned quietly. He seemed embarrassed by the question, despite it being a very legit request in Wonwoo’s opinion. Not wanting to make the producer feel more uncomfortable, the rapper quickly reassured: “Don’t worry, I’ll stay. Would it be okay if I texted staff for meds still?”
Jihoon nodded weakly. “Don’t know if I can take them though. I’m starting to feel really sick again.”
“That’s okay. I got you”, Wonwoo promised and finished up his text message to a manager. “Do you want me to braid your hair out of your face? You might be more comfortable that way?”
“If you would?”, Jihoon whispered. 
Wonwoo just reached over to gather the long, sweaty hair and started to braid.
Seungkwan rushed into Wonwoo’s cabin only to realize that the blinds were drawn and that Joshua was asleep on one bed. As quietly as his bursting bladder allowed, he rushed into the bathroom to relieve himself. 
He exited the bathroom just in time to get scared senseless when the door to the cabin was flung open, admitting Mingyu and Seokmin who were seemingly lightly arguing over something. Seungkwan frantically tried to calm his racing heart and shush them, hoping that by some miracle Joshua was not awoken by the abrupt entrance.
“Kwan-ah, what are you doing in here?”, Seokmin chirped, confused. 
Seungkwan shushed them again, waving his arms into Joshua’s direction, but it was too late. Their hyung opened his eyes, blinking up at them and frowning. 
“Wha’s go’n on?”, he slurred, clearly still half-asleep.
“Great, now you woke Shua-hyung”, Mingyu exclaimed, exasperated. 
“It’s not only my fault. You’re just annoyed that you lost at table tennis”, Seokmin countered.
“Well, you’re a terrible referee”, Mingyu said.
“Maybe you wanna take this bickering outside?”, Seungkwan suggested, still holding his hands to point at Joshua, who was now slowly sitting up.
“Alright, fine”, Mingyu and Seokmin agreed. The last thing Seungkwan heard before they shut the door again was Seokmin mumbling: “It’s not my fault that you were alone after…”
“Sorry, Shua-hyung”, Seungkwan apologized, dropping his arms and walking over to sit next to the older vocalist on the bed. 
“It’s fine”, Joshua mumbled and leaned his head on Seungkwan’s shoulder. “I probably should get up. I didn’t even mean to fall asleep - I just wanted to lay down a bit. My head hurts.”
Internally Seungkwan groaned. It was promising to be a really bad day if Joshua’s headache turned into a migraine, Seokmin and Mingyu kept bickering and Woozi was seasick. Seungkwan just hoped that Wonwoo got further than him with the stubborn producer who firmly believed that anybody younger than him was a baby and not to be involved in his issues.
“Do you want some painkillers?”, Seungkwan asked.
“Please. They are in my bag”, Joshua replied, nodding his head into the direction of the shelf at the headend of his bed and immediately wincing. “Actually, I think I will go back to sleep after I’ve taken them after all. I really don’t feel good.”
Seungkwan nodded and quickly managed to obtain the mild painkillers that Joshua took when a migraine was on its way. Joshua quickly swallowed them with a sip of water and sunk under his blankets. 
Vernon watched the table tennis match with interest. He himself had not wanted to play, enjoying the freetime while listening to music with one headphone on his ear, the other off to know how the game went. Mingyu and Minghao were playing against Hoshi and Jun with Seokmin as the referee. None of them had any real talent, Minghao the best of them but only due to his amazing reflexes. It was fun.
Below them in the water, Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Dino were swimming and snorkeling in the open sea together with a few staff members. Vernon didn’t know why anybody would willingly do that but he hoped they had more fun than Mingyu who was slowly getting annoyed over the table tennis game.
“Hao, I thought you were supposed to be good”, Mingyu groaned as Minghao missed another ball, causing cheering by Jun and Hoshi.
Minghao muttered a reply that Vernon didn’t quite catch, then pushed himself away from the table and left. Hoshi, Jun and Seokmin seemed as confused as Vernon felt. 
“He said it’s too hot to play”, Mingyu said, also a bit stunned, “uh, do we just go on?”
“Jo, Vernon, you wanna join instead?”, Seokmin yelled as if Vernon was on the other side of the boat, not just a few meters away. 
“Nah”, Vernon replied, shaking his head and pulling off his headphones. He had a bad feeling about Minghao - the older would never leave in the middle of a game. Despite his regular meditations he was competitive. “I’m going to get myself something to drink. Have fun!”
The staff had stocked the living room below deck with a tiny bar - a few different sports drinks and some snacks to choose from. Vernon grabbed a Sprite and took a few sips before heading further inside in search of the missing Chinese member. He wasn’t sure what exactly was wrong, it wasn’t like Minghao to be sulky, especially since Mingyu’s words had been just in good fun and he was easy to read. 
The young rapper didn’t even have to go check the cabin he knew Minghao shared with Woozi, Dino and Seungkwan. When he left the living room he nearly collided with Minghao exiting the bathroom across the hall. 
For a second Vernon was confused - if Minghao had just needed to go to the bathroom they could have stopped the game for him. They may have made a bit of fun of him yet ultimately some stuff was more important than games. But then he noticed the way Minghao had his arms wrapped around his stomach and was doubled over. His complexion was ashen gray and he was covered in sweat.
“Hao-hyung?”, Vernon asked and reached out to the unsteady older member. “What’s wrong? Are you sick?”
“Nonie?”, Minghao asked and lifted his head. His eyes were a bit glazy and it was a bad sign that he only seemed to have noticed Vernon when he spoke. Normally Minghao was so aware of his surroundings. “I … uh… I don’t feel well.”
For a second Vernon contemplated getting Jun or any other of the hyungs, he himself not often in the role of the caretaker of a sick member but Minghao didn’t look good and Vernon didn’t feel right to leave him alone at the moment.
“Let’s sit down, okay?”, he suggested instead, hoping it was the right thing. Minghao looked really bad and so shaky. 
The older nodded and let Vernon guide him to a chair in the living room. He sank down with a wince, still holding his stomach tightly. 
“Can you try to drink something?”, Vernon asked. Maybe Minghao was just a bit sunburned, a bit overheated, and a cold, sugary drink would cure it all. The rapper held out his own bottle of Sprite, feeling a lot out of his depth just standing there watching the other look so unwell.
“I don’t really want to”, Minghao mumbled, “my stomach …”
“Have you thrown up?”, Vernon asked panically. Uh oh, this was not going as he had wanted. Maybe he should have gotten a hyung after all. He really didn’t like vomit.
But Minghao shook his head, flushing and stammered out: “I … I was feeling really hot and my stomach was feeling really upset. I, uh …” 
The last part was muttered and spoken so fast that Vernon wasn’t able to catch it. “Come again?”
“I had diarrhea”, Minghao mumbled, barely louder than before but not as fast. 
Vernon tried to school the grimace creeping up on his face into a neutral expression. There was no reason to make Minghao feel more humiliated than he already was. At least he wasn’t throwing up.
 “Do you feel better now?”, he decided to ask instead. 
“Barely”, the dancer replied, curling into himself more again, “my stomach is still cramping badly. Actually, I think, I need to …” Minghao’s eyes went wide and he pushed past Vernon to hobble to the bathroom again.
“I think I’m going to go back to the boat”, Seungcheol said through chattering teeth, “it’s so cold.”
“What are you talking about, hyung? It’s so hot”, Dino exclaimed, swimming up to where Seungcheol was holding onto a unicorn floatie and Jeonghan was floating on his back. The youngest had been happy to swim around the sea, pulling his eldest hyungs with him. Since it was a calm day there were barely any waves in their way and the maknae had been fascinated by the coral reef they had been able to see below them. The ship was anchored in a shallow area in the middle of the sea that day. So they had taken the opportunity to swim in the open sea when offered by the staff. It was fun but also exhausting.
Jeonghan moved from his position on his back to just paddle lazily by the other two. He had to agree with Dino, it truly was warm even in the water. But then again Seungcheol had always easily felt cold. And again, it was exhausting.
“I’m going to join you”, Jeonghan said smoothly and pushed the floatie closer to the ladder at the side of the boat that would take them back up to the deck. “I’m beat.”
“Don’t leave me here”, Dino pouted and quickly followed his hyungs. 
Seungcheol couldn’t seem to get out of the water fast enough. He moved the floatie to a staff member and started climbing up the ladder at a quick pace. It was lucky that a slight breeze of wind had pushed the floatie more to Jeonghan than to the staff member. Instead of climbing directly behind Seungcheol, Jeonghan was a bit away, trying to catch the floatie, when the leader lost his grip on the metal bars and fell back into the water with a splash and a surprised yell that abruptly stopped.
“Cheollie?”, Jeonghan called, feeling adrenaline course through his veins. It was useless, really, since the leader was still submerged when he spoke. Luckily, in the few strong strokes, exhaustion forgotten, Jeonghan needed to get to him, Seungcheol managed to resurface. 
He was coughing badly and clutched at Jeonghan tightly to keep afloat. Dino had swam over too, concerned as well, and together they held Seungcheol up until he managed to stop coughing and spitting out salt water. 
“Are you alright?”, Jeonghan asked, “what happened? Did you slip?”
“Lost my grip”, the rapper replied a bit breathlessly. “Can we go up? I’m really cold. I just wanna get warm.”
They managed to climb up the ladder without any incidents this time. Seungcheol was trembling, from shock or cold or both, but Jeonghan stayed directly behind him. Once on deck, Seungcheol collapsed backwards onto the warm wood, sighing in relief. 
“Are you feeling alright, Seungcheol?”, the main manager, who had likely seen the incident happen from above, asked and came over carrying three towels. 
Jeonghan was surprised by his best friend’s honesty as he answered: “I’ve been better. I’m so cold and my chest hurts from coughing. My stomach feels a bit upset too, I think I swallowed a bit too much of the salt water.”
“Take it easy for the rest of the day and let us know if …”, the manager said but trailed off as a loud voice called: “Hyungs? Hannie-hyung?”
The voice was followed by Vernon’s body as he slid around a corner to reach them. “Oh, I’m glad you’re out of the water”, he said, “Minghao-hyung isn’t feeling well.”
“What’s wrong exactly?”, Seungcheol asked immediately and Jeonghan forgot about Seungcheol to focus on the gasping Vernon. He must have run all across the boat to reach them and he looked frazzled in a way that seemed quite worrisome. What the hell had happened while they were in the water?
“Well, he, uh, he said he had diarrhea earlier and now he locked himself in the bathroom but it sounded like he was throwing up too”, Vernon replied with a frown. Before they had a chance to react the manager’s phone beeped and he read the message that had plopped up.
“Uh oh”, the manager exclaimed and stared at his phone. “Damn. Wonwoo-yah just texted me, asking for meds because Jihoonie is really seasick and threw up.”
“This isn’t good”, Dino said what they all thought. Jeonghan felt a bit of panic start up - he had made sure to get himself and Jihoon the seasickness medication and he himself felt fine. If Minghao was sick too then it was much more likely that Jihoon wasn’t seasick but sick sick. And if two members were sick on this tiny boat… he really hoped it was just food poisoning but he knew they had all eaten the same food and then everybody would be ill by now. A gastrointestinal sickness was much more likely. 
Jeonghan quickly explained his train of thought out loud and the others nodded in agreement, looking as worried as Jeonghan felt.
“What do we do?”, Vernon asked. Jeonghan met the eyes of Seungcheol and the manager for a moment, before nodding.
“I’ll go look for Jun and go check on Minghao with him”, Jeonghan decided, “manager-hyung and Cheollie will go check on Jihoon-ah. Dino-yah, Vernonie, please don’t worry too much. Find the others but only tell Joshua at first, okay? We don’t need worry and panic now.”
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Masterlist - SEVENTEEN
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wongyuseokie · 2 years
Masterlist: Seventeen 💎
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Key: ☆ 18+ minors dni |☀︎fluff | ☁︎ angst | ♕smut | ♥ completed works | ✍️ work in progress | 💯 written I just need to post it. 
Indi’s Note 1: I’m aware that this might be a very long masterlist hahah. Bear with me heheh 💎💕 Indi’s Note 2: These fics are most if not all NSFW and contains mature elements, if you are a minor please do not engage with my works. 💕 Quick member links below because this is a very long masterlist to save you some time💕...these will be updated accordingly!  Seungcheol | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Soonyoung | Wonwoo | Jihoon | Seokmin | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Chan © wongyuseokie 2023. All rights reserved. Do not, copy, edit, translate, my works, on any platform. I work hard on these stories. If you find it absolutely imperative to translate anything, MESSAGE ME FIRST 💕
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🍒 Olive You ☆☀︎♥ Summary: Your boyfriend attempts to cook you breakfast after tiring you out the night before. Only problem? He’s not the most talented cook, but he’s a determined lover.
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🍒 All Too Well ☆☀︎♕♥☁︎ Summary: You thought you met the man of your dreams. He was everything you ever wanted, but what happens when that dream falls apart and when that man is no longer the one you recognise? You want to love him against all odds because you believe things can be better. 🍒 Bake a Wish ☆☀︎☁︎ ♕ Summary: Seungcheol knows it’s silly. Getting this mad that you forget his birthday, but it only happens once a year. He’s too prideful to let it go so quickly, and you’re too determined to continue letting your boyfriend sulk.
🍒 One Trick Peony ☆☀︎♕ ♥ Summary: Choi Seungcheol could only do one type of floral arrangement, and the rest he’d pawn off to you, granted he got a ton of orders, but he would always take the orders for arrangements that he could never do. This time he went too far. He took an ‘only peonies’ arrangement–a painfully delicate flower–and took an order for a wedding, and with your luck, you’re the only two florists available that weekend.
🍒 Silky ☆☀︎♕ ♥ Summary: Your boyfriend got his hair permed and wants to know if it still feels as soft when you tug on his hair, mainly when he’s laid between your thighs. 🍒Count for Me ☆☀︎♕ ♥ Summary: You’re unsure what to get your boyfriend for Valentine’s. Thankfully, he has a plan, and you might just be very spent after giving him exactly what he wants. 🍒 Practice Makes Perfect ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Mingyu needed some help sexually. So his Hyungs decided to ask a simple favour of you, and who are you to say no to them? Besides, who could deny them pleasure? 🍒 Setting the Mood ☆☀︎♕ Summary: After a gruelling day, you want to make your boyfriend feel better and care for him. You think you’re in charge, but that lasts only a little bit. 🍒 Your Loss ☆♕ c.h.v | k.m.g | c.s.c | y.j.h | b.s.k Summary: Your ex-boyfriend and you broke up a few months ago, but you two remained friends, and of course, his nosy friends can’t help but pry and get as detailed as possible to find out what ended the relationship, and then, of course, offer to make only you feel better. However, they can. All while your ex-boyfriend watches.
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🍒 Daddy Cheol (Fake Text) ☆☀︎♕ ♥ Summary: The one where you can't sleep, so you decide to text and tease your boyfriend until he snaps and tells you that you only come undone for him. 
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😇 Gotcha! ☆☀︎☁︎  Summary: Jeonghan loves pranks, creating chaos and mischief, and you love it too, but one day he goes too far, and he’s unsure how to fix it because how do you fix a broken heart?  😇 Your Loss ☆♕ c.h.v | k.m.g | c.s.c | y.j.h | b.s.k Summary: Your ex-boyfriend and you broke up a few months ago, but you two remained friends, and of course, his nosy friends can’t help but pry and get as detailed as possible to find out what ended the relationship, and then, of course, offer to make only you feel better. However, they can. All while your ex-boyfriend watches.
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🦌 Relax ☆☀︎♥ Summary: You and Joshua try role-play. He’s not very good at it, but he’s hot, so it works out anyways. 🦌Teardrops on My Guitar ☆☀︎♕♥☁︎ Summary: You loved him, but he was your best friend, and while he sometimes blurred the lines, he never saw you more than a friend, but since he was your best friend and you were so in love, you’d break yourself apart for him. You watched him fall in love with everyone, but you, only question for how long?
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😼Crossing Lines ☆☀︎♕♥☁︎ Summary: Your boss is a dangerous man, and you foolishly messed up his schedule, now he’s pissed and you’re the only one that can fix the problem you caused. 
😼 Lollipop! ☆☀︎♕♥  Summary: You’re distracting your boyfriend while he’s working, and you do so by sucking a lollipop, but you’d much rather be sucking him. After a few moments of teasing, he snaps and decides to indulge you by tasting just how sweet you are. 😼Ugh! As If! ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend decided to take you into a drive-in movie for date night. Only problem? He looks scrumptious, and now your task is to ensure he knows just how good he looks without the others knowing.
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😼 Sulky Jun (Fake Text) ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Jun looks incredible in his new drama, and you couldn't be more proud. You're just a little sulky about the amount of kisses. 
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🐯 There Was Only one Bed ☆☀︎♕☁︎ Summary: You like Soonyoung, and Soonyoung likes you. You won’t tell him, and he won’t confess either, and your friends are tired of the back and forth and after concocting an elaborate plan that leaves you to share a room with the man you’re hopelessly in love in the hopes of a confession, or at least a night of torrid lovemaking.
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🐱 Cuffed ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend’s latest photoshoot has you reeling and wanting more, and lucky for you, you have just the thing to keep him in place as you overstimulate him. 🐱Forgive Me? ☆☀︎♥ Summary: Your boyfriend is late and buys a giant teddy bear to help make his case. He just forgets how adorable he is. 🐱 Tasty ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend said the word tasty in a deep voice, and now he’s showing you what other things he likes to call tasty in that ocean deep voice.
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🐱 Leaf Me Alone ☀︎☁︎ ♥ Summary: Jeon Wonwoo is the newest hire at your flower shop, and he’s handsome, tall and painfully shy, and worst of all, in the last three months, you’ve exchanged three whole sentences and nods, you never know what he’s thinking, but you can’t help but wonder if he’s annoyed by your presence. 🐱 Like a Cowboy ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Your boyfriend sang the line, “like a cowboy,” and that’s precisely how you want to ride him. 🐱 Practice Makes Perfect ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Mingyu needed some help sexually. So his Hyungs decided to ask a simple favour of you, and who are you to say no to them? Besides, who could deny them pleasure? 🐱 Super Shy ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend gets super shy when showered with affection, and it’s really adorable, so you won’t stop.
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🐱Collage BF Wonwoo (Fake Text) ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Wonwoo has been sulking about the fact everyone is clowning his collage skills, so to show you how good he is, he decides to make a collage of your nudes. 
🐱Enough For You Social Media AU ☆☀︎☁︎ ♥ Summary: You care for Wonwoo a lot, arguably more than a friend, but he has reservations and feels smothered and instead tries to push you away because he's scared he can't be enough for you.
🐱Wonwoo’s Approach to a Threesome (Fake Text) ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: The one where Mingyu sees a nude of Wonwoo's girlfriend, and instead of getting mad, Wonwoo asks the involved parties if they want to have a threesome instead. 
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🍚 Ruby Lips ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Your boyfriend looks incredibly hot while working and you can’t help but get distracted.
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⚔️ Dolphin Like ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend once screamed like a dolphin, and you want to know if he can scream like that during sex, too, so what do you do? Overstimulate him until he does. ⚔️ Saddle ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend has gloriously thick and muscular thighs and accentuates them by wearing tight jeans, which only makes you want to climb and ride them.
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⚔️Buzz Buzz ☆☀︎♕♥  Summary: Your boyfriend discovers your sex toys and is now wondering why you need them if you have him, but more importantly, he wants to see what they do to you.
⚔️Neural Networks ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary The Escape allowed Dokyeom to gain a new life, one full of feelings. When he meets you when you save him, he experiences all of them - but did you? Strange things start happening once Dokyeom meets you. You embrace him, love him, and protect him. But when the dust from the chaos settles, Dokyeom can't help but doubt you. You have needs different from his. It's almost as if you're not like him at all. ⚔️Sharing is Caring ☆♕♥ Summary: You and Mingyu have always fooled around, and no one really caught on, but today, Mingyu was feeling rather bold, and so not only do you now have an audience, but you also have two new joiners.   ⚔️Sleep Talking ☆♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend has a habit of talking in his sleep, and usually, it’s something very random, but tonight? He mumbled that he loved you in his sleep.  ⚔️ Stitches☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Seokmin is nothing if not the perfect boyfriend, so he decided to manscape a little to spice things up. Unfortunately, he wasn’t paying enough attention, and he’s been stitched up for a week. He’s determined not to let you in on why he’s rejecting your advances, but all it’s doing is making you think he’s not interested. Seokmin sees that you’re upset, but he just doesn’t know how to tell his girlfriend that he accidentally cut his penis and now has stitches in it. 
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⚔️Better Than Me (Social Media AU) ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary: You and Seokmin have been dating for a few years, but now you're the star of a new drama with your co-star Rowoon, which makes Seokmin insecure. Seokmin tries his best to be supportive and understanding, but sometimes it's too much, and you're both unsure if your relationship can survive the jealousy and fights.
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🐶 Pussy Drunk ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend loves your pussy. 
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🐶 Drift Away ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary: You made the biggest mistake of your life, and now, Mingyu is trying his hardest to forget and forgive you, but how long till your infidelity rips you both apart? Besides, it’s not like you’d blame him. You hurt him. You did the one thing you promised never to do.  🐶 Exile ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary: You two were high school sweethearts, and your love story was something only found in the scripts of a shitty teenage rom-com, but he was a jock, and you were shy and quiet. It shouldn’t have worked, but somehow it did. Now, fast forward ten years, and things aren’t the same. Your lives aren’t the same; he’s stuck in the past, and you only focus on the future. Neither of you has your priorities straight, and neither realises that your present is a complete and utter mess. You won’t let him go because he’s all you’ve ever known, and he won’t let you go because you’re the only thing right in his life, but will love and high school promises keep you two together?
🐶 Posey Bee ☆☀︎☁︎ ♥  Summary: Mingyu is the new hire and the walking definition of pretty privilege. His clumsy thumbs have broken more vases than you can count, yet he brings in the most orders to your shop. It's all thanks to his handsome face, it’s annoying and unfair, and you’ve vowed that if this week he breaks another vase, you’ll feed him a cactus.
🐶 Practice Makes Perfect ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Mingyu needed some help sexually. So his Hyungs decided to ask a simple favour of you, and who are you to say no to them? Besides, who could deny them pleasure? 🐶Sharing is Caring ☆♕♥ Summary: You and Mingyu have always fooled around, and no one really caught on, but today, Mingyu was feeling rather bold, and so not only do you now have an audience, but you also have two new joiners.   🐶 Snuggly ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: It’s cold outside, and your annoyingly handsome roommate keeps leaving his very comfy leather jacket everywhere around the apartment,  and you’ve returned it to him multiple times, but this time you’re sure you’ll just keep it if he forgets it again. Except for the one time he returns to retrieve the jacket, he finds you in the most compromising position possible. 🐶 Tall Boyfie and His Tall Friend (feat. Rowoon) ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend has been neglecting you for long enough, and you decide to take things into your own hands. Is it your fault that your boyfriend’s very attractive colleague is there the night you decide to do so?  🐶 The One in Red ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: You had a plan for New Year, go out and find some hot guy, you found a hot guy, but he won't stop with his crappy puns and pick-up lines, but when he looks that good, you can ignore it.  🐶 Three’s a Company ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Your best friend claims that she’s better in bed than you, and your fuck buddy Mingyu doesn’t like that, but he’s open to sharing and changing your mind as well as hers. 
🐶 Your Loss ☆♕ c.h.v | k.m.g | c.s.c | y.j.h | b.s.k Summary: Your ex-boyfriend and you broke up a few months ago, but you two remained friends, and of course, his nosy friends can’t help but pry and get as detailed as possible to find out what ended the relationship, and then, of course, offer to make only you feel better. However, they can. All while your ex-boyfriend watches.
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🐶 Jealous Mingyu Texts (Fake Text) ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: The one where Mingyu gets jealous about the outfit you're wearing to an event but can't do anything about it because no one knows you both are together. So what do you do? Naturally, you tease him until he snaps. 🐶 Wonwoo’s Approach to a Threesome (Fake Text) ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: The one where Mingyu sees a nude of Wonwoo's girlfriend, and instead of getting mad, Wonwoo asks the involved parties if they want to have a threesome instead.
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🐸 Sharing is Caring ☆♕♥ Summary: You and Mingyu have always fooled around, and no one really caught on, but today, Mingyu was feeling rather bold, and so not only do you now have an audience, but you also have two new joiners.   🐸 Sweetest Kiss ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day, and you and your boyfriend are determined to make it the best one ever, and a little edible lingerie never hurt anyone in the process. 🐸 Zen ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: You have muscle soreness, so your boyfriend suggests yoga. It’s hard to stay calm and focus when he looks that good though.
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🍊Slide ☆♕♥ (On Hold) Summary: You are sore after a very intense night, but you’re still very horny. So your boyfriend proposes an alternate solution.  🍊Your Loss ☆♕ c.h.v | k.m.g | c.s.c | y.j.h | b.s.k Summary: Your ex-boyfriend and you broke up a few months ago, but you two remained friends, and of course, his nosy friends can’t help but pry and get as detailed as possible to find out what ended the relationship, and then, of course, offer to make only you feel better. However, they can. All while your ex-boyfriend watches.
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🐢 Your Loss ☆♕ c.h.v | k.m.g | c.s.c | y.j.h | b.s.k Summary: Your ex-boyfriend and you broke up a few months ago, but you two remained friends, and of course, his nosy friends can’t help but pry and get as detailed as possible to find out what ended the relationship, and then, of course, offer to make only you feel better. However, they can. All while your ex-boyfriend watches.
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🦕 Taste of Metal & You ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Your boyfriend got his lip pierced and wants to know if you can feel it when he’s laying with his head between your thighs. 🦕The Best Day ☆♕♥ Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day, and your boyfriend has everything perfectly planned. 
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classicslibrary · 1 year
Seventeen Fic Recs: Volume VIII
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Indigo’s Note: Here’s round eight?? (how did I even get here? Omg) of my fic recs. As these fics may contain both SFW & NSFW elements, minors dni. Happy reading, and show these amazing authors some love!! Indigo's Note 2: I'm very sorry for the disproportionate number of fics for my bias line...I was in a bias-rot ig? I shall diversify my reads for the next round 💕
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🍒 Cheol Drabble by @wonwoonlight (pg, fluff, minor angst) 🍒The Great War by @amourcheol (18+, smut, fluff, angst) 🍒Just Friends by @lvscoups (18+, smut, fluff) 🍒Gamers Do It Better by @sluttyminghao (18+, smut) 🍒In This Life by @trblsvt (pg 15, fluff, angst) 🍒Cake in the Back by @toruro (18+, smut, fluff) 🍒Contusion Confusion by @seungkwansphd (18+, smut) 🍒11:42pm by @seokminkisser (18+, angst) 🍒Angel (or devil) by @amourcheol (18+, smut) 🍒You're Mine by @the-boy-meets-evil (18+, smut)
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😇 Blame It On Me by @onlymingyus (18+, smut, fluff)
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🦌 Late Night Confessions by @multiland (18+, smut, fluff) 🦌 Eyes Meeting, Hearts Apart by @lovelyhan (18+, smut, fluff, angst)
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😼Shea Butter Baby! by @sunnylovespickles (18+, smut) 😼Anatomy Lesson by @rubyreduji (18+, smut) 😼Show Me What You Do by @onlyhuis (18+, smut)
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🐯 Crazy, Stupid, Love by @toruro (18+, smut, fluff, minor angst) 🐯TILF by @cheolism (18+, smut)
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🐱 Meet Cute of the Century by @lovelyhan (18+, smut, fluff, angst) 🐱 Homewrecked (18+, smut, fluff, angst) 🐱Gamers Do It Better by @sluttyminghao (18+, smut) 🐱Chase Me, Make Me Yours by @wonuhour (18+, smut, fluff, angst) 🐱Pretend It's Someone You Care For by @beefboyandbabygirl (18+, smut, angst, fluff) 🐱Your Games Suck by @onlymingyus (18+ smut) 🐱Meant To Be Yours by @cheolhub (18+, smut, angst) 🐱Licentious by @wonusite (18+, smut) 🐱Marriage by @yikesmary (pg, fluff)
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🍚 Girl Code by @beefboyandbabygirl (18+, smut, fluff, angst) 🍚 Don't Sweat It by @miraclewoozi (18+, smut, fluff)
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⚔️ I ❤️ DILFS by @beefboyandbabygirl (18+, smut, angst, fluff) ⚔️ Needy Seokmin Drabble by @seokgyuu (18+, smut)
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🐶 Puppy Parents by @yikesmary (pg, fluff) 🐶Foolproof Stupidity by @shuarush (18+, smut, fluff, angst) 🐶Out of Love by @babyleostuff (pg 15, angst) 🐶FWB Drabble by @cheolhub (18+, smut, fluff) 🐶Eating in the Car by @roseandpeaches (18+, smut) 🐶Everlasting Love by @sluttyminghao (18+, smut, fluff) 🐶Pup Code by @beefboyandbabygirl (18+, smut, fluff) 🐶The Secrets Kept From Roommates by @cheolism (18+, smut, fluff) 🐶Things Mingyu Likes in Bed by @teasteeper (18+, smut) 🐶Evening Glow by @cheolhub (18+, smut, fluff)
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🐸 The Letter by @toruro (18+, angst, fluff)
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🍊Strip Tease Drabble by @love-strike (18+, smut)
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🐢Jealous by @cheolism (18+, smut)
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🦕 By The Pool by @sluttyminghao (18+, smut)
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💎Here Comes the Sun by @seokgyuu (18+, smut, angst, fluff) 💎Challenge Me by @seokgyuu (18+, smut, fluff, angst)
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scoupsnumber1simp · 1 month
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Happy 29th Birthday to the love of my life🩵I hope you know how loved and appreciated you are Cheol💎Keep healing well and stay healthy and happy✨️🍒
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svt-yexi · 1 year
Weverse | Yexi
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Yexi Happy Birthday to our leader. I have now acquired the knowledge on how to schedule messages in KKT so now I'll never be late wishing you happy birthday Oppa.
(carats he was pouty about it all day because I fell asleep early and didn't make it to midnight to wish him HBD 🙄)
🍒 If you automate it it's not the same! It loses its meaning! 😑
💎 Yexi woke up this morning and chose violence 😂
💎 I've never met someone as pouty as Cheol Oppa.
😇 Even after getting a present and an apology he's still pouty. Acting like the rest of us don't matter lol
Taglist: @multiplums @giverosespls @sunflower-0180 @smoooore @kimhyejin3108 @enhacolor @wcsterias @kimhyejin3108 @allthings-fandoms @cixrosie @alixnsuperstxr @honeylovemoon
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soranatus · 2 years
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Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld 💎 By Jo Cheol-Hong (Mi-Gyeung)
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toruro · 1 year
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lvlystars · 1 month
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29 reasons i love you — c.sc
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pairing. choi seungcheol x fem!reader
genre. fluff. just pure, teeth rotting fluff.
summary. gifting your boyfriend by just handing him the gift is overrated!!! (pls kill me i suck at summaries)
warnings. none
wc. 1.2k
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you chew at your lip as you scroll through a blog, talking about how to gift your partner in various special ways. of course you had a special gift for him—you just felt like you wanted to do something small as a thoughtful little present.
“birthday kisses…their age equates to how many kisses you give them…too simple…” you mumble to yourself. your eyes widen when the next idea says the idea can apply to how many gifts you give them in the day.
no matter how much you love him, there’s no way you can gift seungcheol 29 gifts. your wallet would sob.
“baby?” you shove your phone under your pillow as your boyfriend walks into the room, drying his damp hair with a towel. you eyed the oversized white t-shirt he wore, the shirt hanging loosely over his broad shoulders as he hums to himself. 
“wanna help me with skincare?” he asks, pointing to the bathroom for you to follow him, and you nod. it was endearing how he never forgets every night—your nightly routine of doing his skincare for him, despite the fact that he is very much capable of doing it himself.
a comfortable silence envelops the both of you as you rub in seungcheol’s skin products into his soft skin, the way he grips your waist softly and stares down at you with that stupid boyish smile he always looked at you with awakening all kinds of butterflies in your stomach. that stupid smile that never seemed to give you a break ever since you met him at your old local library—when he shot that smile at you every time you spotted him on fridays, studying for your university courses, or just finding a book to read for some pass time.
“daydreaming?” his voice pulls you out of your little trip down memory lane, making you smile softly before applying some lip balm on his plump lips. you shake your head. “no, just thinking about tomorrow.” seungcheol’s eyes lit up at the mention of the special day tomorrow that he looks forward to every year: his birthday.
when his birthday rolls around, seungcheol claims that he can ‘tell’ when people are his true friends—through the test of how fast they wish him happy birthday. god knows how many times your boyfriend has sulked over one of his friends not wishing him at 12 o’clock on the dot, and lucky for you, you haven’t missed a single birthday ever since you met him. you’ve held the longest streak so far.
“sooo…what did you get me?” seungcheol grins teasingly, and you huff, rolling your eyes. “just a few more hours, you big baby. you can wait.” you scold him, making him pout just a little, his stance deflating.
“now let’s go to sleep. i promise to wake you up and wish you at 12 on the dot, i have an alarm too. now come.” you reassure him, grabbing his wrist and leading him to the bed before sliding in. seungcheol’s arm immediately wraps around your midriff out of habit, pulling you flush against his chest as he softly inhales your scent and presses a chaste kiss to the crook of your neck.
“even if you didn’t get me a gift, you’re the best present, y’know? waking up next to you is like…the best thing in the world. the best gift in the world that i get everyday.” he hums, making you chuckle at his groggy words as he slipped into his slumber.
you wake up and check the time, mentally thanking whatever forced you to wake up at this time, since it was about half an hour before midnight. you try to unravel yourself from seungcheol’s hold, making him stir a little before sighing again, lying on his back.
you pull out your phone, reopening the blog, and you wait for the page to refresh when an idea pops into your head, making you immediately pull out every sticky note you had in your study.
you were quick to grab a pen and doodle on 29 sticky notes, each sticky note having a small drawing and under it a little 'nth reason why i love you: check (certain location where another sticky would be)', boasting at your original idea and giddy at how your boyfriend would react.
a while later, the clock finally strikes 12, and you sigh in relief when you finally put the finishing touches in your gift before running to your shared bedroom to wake seungcheol up, who was snoring softly in the covers.
“seungcheol…” you hum, coaxing him to wake up softly, and he doesn’t respond. frowning a little, you pat him, and he groans, shaking his head. finally, you yell at him.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEUNGCHEOL!” he jolts awake, eyes snapping open as they dart around the room in panic before settling on you, pouting while squinting from the hallway light hitting his face. “wha…?”
“get up! i have to give you my gift!” you pull on his arm, and he groans, sitting up while rubbing his eyes awake. he whines something about it waiting until the morning, until he finally realises why you woke him up.
“birthday surprise?” he grins, his eyes now wide awake, and you nod.
“it’s like a scavenger hunt. i placed sticky notes around the place up until the present, and they’re numbered. each sticky note has a clue for where you should look for the next sticky note.” you grin, proud of your little idea, and he raises an eyebrow, endeared at your little activity for him. “there are 29 sticky notes for your age. go look!” you urge him, pushing him to the night stand. as he starts looking, you quickly go to hide with the present.
after what seemed like eternity, you finally hear the door to the study room open, and seungcheol pokes his head inside, his hand filled with yellow sticky notes. you held a small jewellery box in your hands, along with a birthday cake lit on the desk, and seungcheol beams when he takes in the sight.
“happy birthday, coups.” you smiled, and he walks up to the desk, his face in awe as he admired the cake, which had a small lion perched on the top with a tiny birthday hat. “for me?” he murmured, looking at you softly, and you nod, handing him the jewellry box excitedly.
when he opens the box, his eyes widen as he admires the charm bracelet you bought, the charms carefully picked by yourself as a small gift for how much he’s done for you ever since you met him. a cherry, a charm of his star sign constellation, and a series of certain charms that had him begging you to tell him the meaning behind each one.
“what about this one?” he asked giddily, pointing to a book charm, and you stared at him with a deadpan look on his face. “how we met? at the library? when you would harass me every single friday by—” “OKAYYY i get it i get it.”
you both walk back to bed once you finish explaining every single detail about the charm bracelet, seungcheol picks up his phone to be bombarded with numerous ‘happy birthday’ messages. he eagerly showed you every single message, showing you all the people who wished him a happy birthday as you cuddle up next to him in bed, lying your head down on his chest and smiling up at him. once you both get comfortable, seungcheol finally puts his phone away, hugging you close to his chest and kissing your temple.
“happy birthday, cheol.”
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tags 🏷️ – @arafilez @etherealyoungk @fairyhaos @georgia-hong @gyuguys @voidsatoru @kyeomyun @starshuas @welcometomyoasis @wqnwoos @wheeboo @yoonzinuhh @seuonji @shieunviya @mykpopficblog @chaatandchai @haowrld
networks 🔗 – @c-bouquine @cacaokpop-fics @k-labels
send an ask or drop a comment if you want to be added to my general taglist!
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ⓒ lvlystars
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sunmiyane · 2 months
My personal opinion on songs that don't fit from this year's Caratland: 🩵🩷💎🩷🩵
Hani cutiefied Tap.
Hao put his damn hips to work, YES.
Noni hidden performance team member... no one above him like that 2nd Supernova!? Exactly.
Jun forever underrated member of the performance team... man fits all songs.
Gyu babygirl and that's okay bc he has to be all his our face with hht.
Woozi manified How Sweet.
Dk just dking... wouldn't have expected anything else from him.
Kwan proving he's just that good and that it's his decision to usually go for a gg slay bc he can bg just as well.
Dino: Future AND Present of Kpop. He should've been given a better song but it wouldn't have changed a thing, he is dance.
Wonu made this segment his bitch... again!!
Cheol only gave 70% ass but it's okay bc he gave hips AND already gave into Smart... I bet his Leo pride got hurt a bit.
Shua's gonna lose a vocal chord on this segment one day.
Hoshi just doesn't know how not to give a 100% while having fun... he said walk in the park.
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reiderwriter · 7 months
Those look so so fun! I'd love to be able to go to birthday events. What's your favorite song off Seventeenth Heaven? For me it's SOS or Headliner!
I'd love to say that it's Monster but I have actually listened to God of Light Music (the fucking BOMG Trot version ft. Pi Cheol In) a criminally insane amount of times so far thus year. Me and the seventeen deep cuts 💀
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YOU HAVE TWO UNPUBLISHED CHEOLIE FICS??? SCHEDULED FOR AUGUST??? I JUST IMAGINED HOW MUCH MORE YOU COULD WRITE UNTIL AUGUST? ARE YOU EVEN HUMAN DO YOU SLEEP? I'm excited!!! And if I have to answer what I want you to write after Pathetic I'd answer "another Jeonghan fic" but I can't be selfish like this. I read everything you post and I'll be waiting to meet another Jeonghan of yours. -💎💎💎
You coullddddd be selfish like that haha maybe I should change my blog name, YoonJeonghanownsmyheart 😂
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milfgyuu · 2 years
U think cheol would pay my rent if I asked really nicely 🌌
i absolutely think he would because he has chronic caregiver syndrome 💕💎
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