#seung cheol smut
straylightdream · 2 days
dancing with our hands tied
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𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭: boss!choi seungcheol x employee!f.reader
You said there was nothing in the world that could stop it. I had a bad feeling, and darling, you had turned my bed into a sacred oasis.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: non-idol au, secret lovers, office romance
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: lots of tension, smut warning below.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.1k
𝐚𝐧: inspired by the Taylor swift song of the same name. I might make a loose connecting series to this with other seventeen boys. Let me know if you’re interested in any other boys stories mentioned in this.
here is my SVT taglist if you’re interested being add please fill out this form.
𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬.
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: unprotected sex (reader is on birth control), dirty talk, oral male receiving, big dick cheol, size kink (cheol is big and the mc loves how it feels), nicknames: baby (mc’s), sir (his)
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From the moment you met Seungcheol you knew you were in trouble. You both worked for a big tech company in the city. When you first started working there Seungcheol didn’t have the huge promotion he had now. He ran a small department that you technically weren’t a part of when you started what was supposed to be a little fling. Fast forward to three months later and Seungcheol is in charge of fifty percent of the company. You originally tried to end your secret relationship but he swore nothing could happen if you stayed together. It had been ten months and your secret romance was still going strong.
Walking into his office you closed and locked the door behind you. The moment the door locked he pushed up his glasses and closed his laptop. The smirk that plays across his lips is enough to make you weak. A few times you’ve you been bold enough to crawl under his desk and give him head, but that wasn’t your plan today.
“Yes, (Y/N)?” You love when he tries to act professional when he speaks to you at work. Silently you walk over sitting the paper work on his desk.
“What time are you leaving the office tonight?” If you don’t ask him you know he’ll stay late at work like he always does.
“According to Soonyoung I have to go to the office party tonight so I have to leave at a reasonable time.”
“I guess I should probably go.” You actually didn’t want to go. You originally planned on staying home but Seungcheol has been bugging you for the last week to go.
“I’ll pick you up at seven,” he says smirking.
“Do you think it’s a good idea we go together?”
“Yes.” He stands up walking around his desk. You turn around so you’re leaning against his desk. “The door is locked right?” He leans in closer as your lips brush. Silently you nod. His hands grip your hips helping you sit on the edge of his desk. He stands between your parted thighs. Tangling your fingers in his hair while your lips move together for a heated kiss. His strong hands grip your hips grinding against your parted legs.
“I want to fuck you so badly right,” he moans against your lips.
“You should wait to do it when we’re not in the office,” you pull back smiling at him.
A large hand rests on your cheek as he tilts your head back. “Is this your way of teasing me?”
“No sir, but I think it’s best for my job if I don’t fuck my boss at work,” you gently push on his chest getting him to step backwards. The look on his face lets you know you’re in trouble once you’re fully alone tonight.
“I’m not your boss, technically Jeonghan is in charge of you,” he always tries to remind you of this. Him and Jeonghan have the same position, but Jeonghan is in charge of your division that’s in his part of the company.
Pushing yourself off the desk you walk past him. Before you could leave his office he grabs your wrist stopping you in your tracks. “By the end of the night I’m going to have you screaming my name.”
Work parties always tended to be a little crazy But when Soonyoung and Joshua are put in charge of planning the parties they tend to get wild. They have a knack for hosting parties filled with people you’ve never even seen at the office.
You were walking closely with Seungcheol. Your hands brushing as you walked through the crowded club that was in a fancy hotel. With the small touch of his hand brushing yours you felt electricity run through your veins. Glancing over at him you see him wearing a smirk looking in your direction.
There was something thrilling about being in public with your secret lover. Nobody knew what you did behind closed doors. You made the choice to keep your relationship secret because Seungcheol and you didn’t want your friends questioning what was going on. Technically you could get in trouble at work since he was your boss.
You normally never went to anything work related with him, but he practically begged you to go to this one. When Joshua mentioned throwing a huge company party at this fancy hotel you originally didn’t even plan on going. Seungcheol somehow sweet talked you into not only going but riding with him. He swore to you nobody would know you were together. That you could come to the party as his friend. Everyone at work knew you were friends before he received his huge promotion. Everyone always joked that once Seungcheol was promoted he would become completely different, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. He’s still the same kind hearted goofy guy you met the first day at the office. He just has a lot more money now.
You were standing by the window on the balcony talking to Minghao about your job. He worked in a different division of the company. You became friends through Mingyu who you have both worked with. Minghao was asking you tons of questions about your new position that you had been promoted to recently. Minghao has always been interested in knowing more about you.
“I’m gonna go find Cheol,” you say to Minghao before heading inside.
You make your way through the crowded room looking for your secret lover. You glanced around and found him standing at the bar talking to Wonwoo with a huge smile on his face. You stared for a long moment before his dark eyes locked on to yours. He bit his bottom and stared at you as you walked towards the dance floor.
The feeling of his dark eyes burning into your back couldn’t be missed as you walked through the crowd. You found a couple of the girls who you’ve met before these parties. Most of them work with Minghao. You all started dancing together along to the beat. The music easily melts away your worries as you’re lost in the sound. Swaying your hips to the beat and you smiled singing along with some of the girls. You of the girls called cheers as one of them walked over with shots to pass around. You took the shot glass filled with gold liquid and looked over your shoulder to find Seungcheol eyes still locked on you.
“Cheers,” you all shouted as you knocked back the shots.
“So are you and Cheol finally together?” The blonde who seemed very interested in Wonwoo asked, taking the shot glass from your hand.
You looked at her for a long moment trying to figure out if you should lie and say no or come clean. Seungcheol and you had been living in the bubble and you figured the less people that knew the better.
“Nope were really good friends,” you lied because for some reason it felt like the safest bet.
“Well if you guys ever do get together I think you would make a cute couple,” she smiled before walking away.
You glanced back at Seungcheol to see that he was attempting to make conversation with Wonwoo while staring at you. You started swaying your hips to the beat again.
You felt as if you once again got lost in the music and next thing you knew you were being tapped on the shoulder by Cheol who had walked over and joined the group with Minghao and Soonyoung. The beat of the music picked up and everyone was dancing and having fun. Seungcheol kept his distance from you, dancing and having fun with the group. Even though you were like five feet apart you could still feel your connection as he kept looking at you. Even in a crowded room he seemed to only see you.
Pretty soon another round of shots were being passed around. This time with a clear liquid. You bit your bottom lip and held the glass up to cheers with the rest of the group. Seungcheol nodded his head to you before taking the shot.
The dance floor had seemed to get more crowded and your group was forced to dance closer together. Soon enough you were swaying to the beat of the music with Seungcheol less than a foot from you.
Both your eyes were filled with lust as you moved to the beat. It’s as if you were dancing with your hands tied trying not to touch. You couldn’t let people know that you were together. You wanted nothing more in that moment to just hold his hand or to even just touch him how you have been dying to touch him.
You turned your body around and started moving your butt against him. At that moment you didn’t care who saw. His large hand brushed against your hip sending a shiver down your spine.
“I need more alcohol,” you said as you turned around to face him.
He moved his face closer to yours and whispered into your ear, “let’s get drinks.”
He placed his hand on your shoulder and led you off the dance floor towards the bar. You felt like everyone was staring at you, even though you knew you were probably just being paranoid.
“Do you think people know?” You asked, leaning against the bar.
He shrugged his shoulders, “at this point I don’t care.”
“But you’re my boss?”
He shrugs his shoulders as he waves down the bartender ordering you each a drink. “Technically I’m a boss. I’m not directly your boss. That would be Jeonghan.”
The two drinks are placed in front of you. You stare at the dark liquid before glancing up at Seungcheol who is watching you carefully. You waste no time drinking half the strong liquor.
“I don’t like this being a secret,” you sigh.
He gives you a sad smile before quickly drinking his dark liquor. “It doesn’t have to be a secret.”
You bit your lip wondering if it was worth keeping this relationship hidden from the world. It has been the best ten months of your life. But you want to be able to proudly walk around with the man you’re in love with.
“Let’s go up to the room I booked,” he leaned over and whispered into your ear.
“People are gonna notice us leaving,” you sighed as he traced his finger up and down your arm.
“At this point babe I want people to know you’re mine,” he whispered in your ear.
A shiver went down your spine as you stared at him. He looked at you in that moment as if you were his whole entire world. You wanted nothing more in that moment to steal a kiss from him.
“Let’s go,” reaching down and lacing your fingers together.
You moved through the crowded room towards the elevator. Looking over at him he smiled and pulled your hands close to him.
You hadn’t done anything more than just hold hands walking through the room but you knew your secret was now out. People would now know you were together. People would officially know you’re sleeping with one of the bosses. But the thing is you don’t care. People can gossip all they want. It doesn’t matter because you’re happy.
He held your hand tight while you waited for the elevator. He held your hand as if he was afraid that you would disappear if he let go. You stepped out into the hallway and you gave him a smile. You looked out into the crowd and found Jeonghan smiling as if he was proud to see you together. As the doors closed he leaned over and gave you a gentle kiss on the lips. You leaned into his chest feeling safe with him. Your secret was officially out.
The doors to the elevator opened and he laced his fingers with yours and led you into the hallway at a hurried pace. You could tell he was ready to get you into his room. He flung the door open and wasted no time pressing you against the wall. Your lips are roughly connected. He held onto your face as your lips danced. His lips pulled away from yours giving you a moment to breathe. Your lusted filled eyes stayed locked onto his as he moved his largest hands from your face down to your shoulders. You stood in silence for a long moment before he slowly started to pull the straps of your dress down your shoulders. You bit your bottom lip as he slid the dress off you. His eyes looked like he was intoxicated by the sight of you.
As the dress you had been wearing fell off you and pooled in a circle around your feet. You wore nothing but a pale rose colored bra and a pair of cheeky panties. Slowly you reached between the two of you to start unbuttoning his dress shirt. He took your cue and quickly got out of his dress shirt. You reached between you and worked on getting his pants unbuckled.
Quickly he undid his pants and stood there in him his boxers and a grin on his face. Roughly he connected his lips to yours. Wrapping your arms around him you pulled him in close to you. His rough hands gripped your hips as your lips moved together.
Large hands roamed your back as he moved them towards your bra. With little effort he unclasped your bra letting it fall to the floor. Pulling his lips away from yours he started kissing your neck while his hands moved up and start massaging your breast. Leaning your head back against the wall you can’t help but moan, enjoying the feeling of his lips on your body. No matter how many times you do this he makes you fall apart effortlessly.
He moved his lips across your skin as you tangled yours fingers in his long hair. His lips moved lower and lower as he sunk down onto his knees in front of you. He placed a trail of kissed from your breast down to the top of your panties. He looked up at you with hungry eyes as he licked his lips slowly. His large hands slowly gripped the top of your panties and slowly pulled them down. Stepping out of them you stood completely naked in front of him while he sat on his knees looking like he was ready to eat you alive.
“Why am I the only naked one here?” You asked grinning. You love these little moments you get to tease him.
Silently he stood up and made quick work of taking his boxers off. He stood there naked and proud with his erection point straight at you. Biting your lip you sank down onto your knees in front of him. Reaching up and slowly stroking his already hardened erection. Leaning forward you slowly licked the tip. In the ten months you’ve been together you’ve learned all the ways to make him fall apart, just like he knows every way to make you scream. The faint gasp passed his lips is enough to make you wet. Your tongue moved down his length and he tangled his fingers in your hair. Taking him in your mouth you slowly bobbed your head taking in his large dick as much as you could. Seungcheol is the biggest dick you’ve ever had. The first time you hooked up you weren’t even sure he would fit inside you.
He kept moaning your name letting you know that you’re doing a good job. You release him with a pop and lick along his length again your tongue brushes the prominent vein that runs along the side of his cock. Bobbing your head again, taking in his length as you worked your hands at his base. A mixture of moans and whimpers keep passing his lips.
You’re caught off guard when he pulls your hair lightly.“Baby I don’t wanna finish in your mouth,” he looked down at you dazed, and on the brink of falling apart.
He pulled you to your feet and connected his lips to yours roughly. Your back was against the wall within moments. Roughly he lifted you up so you was pressed against the wall. You pulled your lips away from his biting on his bottom lip. He grinned and reached between you and lined his erection up with your entrance.
A loud gasp passed your lips as he thrust into you never giving you a chance to adjust to his size. Wrapping your arms around him as he thrust into you over and over again. Rolling your head back and resting it against the wall as you moaned.
“Fuck- you’re so big,” you moan.
“Sorry baby-“ he pauses like he’s trying to calm down. “I should have gone slower.”
“Fuck- it’s fine. Please keep moving,” you beg.
Your eyes rolled back in your head at the feeling of him stretching you over and over again. His hands roughly held your ass bringing you towards him with every thrust. “Oh my god,” a loud moan passes your lips. You aren’t sure if you’re even able to coherently speak. He’s left you practically brain dead with how good he’s fucking you. You’ll never get over the feeling of how big he is and how good it feels when he stretches you out.
“I'm a close baby,” he groaned.
He pressed you against the wall a little harder and started thrusting a little rougher. He’s not normally this rough but you won’t complain. You’re so cock drunk and lust filled he could practically do anything to you and you would beg for more.
“Cheol,” you moaned as your walls tightened around him. You fall apart quickly and you practically black out with how hard your orgasm hits you.
He got one more thrust in before he moaned your name loudly. You wouldn’t be surprised if the rest of the party heard you even from the bottom floor.
“So I think people know we’re together now,” you said softly as he slowly sat you down. Your legs felt like jello and leaned against him for support.
“Good I don’t wanna hide you anymore,” he said, wrapping his arms around you. You couldn’t help but smile at the fact you weren’t hiding anymore.
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jheeeeeellll · 1 year
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You are mine😭🫀🤰!
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wonuwrites · 7 months
Random things that turn seventeen on (doesn’t have to be sexy or smutty.)
Im curious 🤓
AHHHHH I'm SO excited for this. I absolutely love writing reaction posts like this. Hope it's first of many :D going to do them in a random order bc i'm feeling chaotic as hell rn and I'm not even sorry about it.
Warning: NSFW, Smut *Minors DNI*, also some might be so fluffy that they make your teeth rot.
listening to: (will add what songs I'm listening to while writing each of the guys parts <33)
example "Vernon" will be playing "Tell Me It's A Nightmare by Kim Petras"
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Lee Chan || Dino: Seeing You Wear His Clothes.
It's not that he is possessive of you, but seeing you wear his clothes fills him up with so much pride. Especially if you had taken a selfie and posted it on social media. He'd just be a beaming ray of sunshine and just want to kiss you, hold you, fuck you, and maybe shop for some more clothes that you could potentially borrow.
Wen Junhui || Jun: Reading A Book
Jun knew what it was like to be lost in a good book, so when he saw you were so invested in a book he'd find it so adorable. Especially if you had not noticed him coming in. He'd find it so attractive and adorable. He wouldn't know if he should initiate something or just grab a book he had been reading.
Kwon Soonyoung || Hoshi: Watching You Dance To A Popular Kpop Dance
Soonyoung is one of the best male kpop dancers, if you disagree, argue with a wall and get your eyes checked. anywhore- Soonyoung would find it adorable if you were both just hanging out and you just broke out a dance move that was popular. He would automatically pull you into his arms and kiss your face while giggling. Bonus points if it was one of his songs and you were not one to dance often. He'd want you so bad.
Kim Mingyu || Mingyu: You Eating Food He Cooked For You
Mingyu is so husband material and cooking seems to be a love language of his. So of course, seeing his significant other enjoying what he put together would make him feel so fuzzy and warm inside. Especially if you were enjoying the meal and complimenting him while eating. Like if you were to say, "Oh Mingyu, what could I ever do to repay you for this delicious meal?" He'd take it sexual so quick and you'd be getting dessert a lot sooner than you thought.
Choi Seung Cheol || S. Coups: Seeing Your Competitive Side
This man should be named Choi Seung-competitive-cheol. He loves winning and a good competition. So when he see's you get competitive as well a switch inside him switches. If you are on same team, he will hype you up. However, if you were on opposing sides, he would get even more turned on and competitive. He'd come up to you and would be like "whoever wins is in charge tonight." asdfghjkl; idk im sorry lmao
Yoon Jeonghan || Jeonghan: Doing Dishes
This angel would be coming home from work and would see you doing dishes or whatever and his heart would just warm up. Seeing you do something so casual and domestic would turn him on and he honestly couldn't tell you why. He'd just smile while walking up to give you a back hug. He'd press a kiss behind your ear then giggle when he noticed a brush creep up across your cheeks.
Xu Minghao || The8: Watching You Be Creative
Minghao is such a creative person, so I imagine that if you were also someone who was creative he would really be into that. You could be in your art studio painting something you've been working on forever and his heart would swell up among something else. He just found you in your element so sexy. Might even make him play a more dominant role and ask if you wanted to be creative in another way... together.
Boo Seungkwan || Seungkwan: You Side-Eyeing One Of The Members
Seungkwan is infamous for side-eyeing his members. So when one of his members does a thing and he notices you are also side-eyeing them he would feel so much pride and just want to touch you because there was finally someone who understood what it was like. However, if you were to side eye him, that would be a different story.
Lee Jihoon || Woozi: Bringing Him Food At The Studio
Look, I get this is such a basic bitch answer but hear me out okay? Jihoon would find the gesture so kind and he'd just be so thankful that he would want to return a favor for you. He'd grab the food from you and just be so soft and give you a kiss. If you were both alone in the studio, he'd just lock the door and then spend some much needed and necessary time with you.
Jeon Wonwoo || Wonwoo: You Randomly Saying Something Smart lmao
Wonwoo gets clowned often for saying prestigious or smartass things by the guys but I mean, when you are smart, you are smart. Anyways, you would be hanging out with the guys and all of a sudden you would say something out of the ordinary and smart (not calling you dumb, you just don't use big words like Wonwoo often. ESPECIALLY not in front of him or the guys.) He'd just bite his lip and look at you with such admiration. He'd show you later just how impressed he was if you catch my drift.
Hansol Vernon Chwe || Vernon: TBH Quoting Shrek
First off lmao. Second off, you both would just be hanging out and something would come up that would make you think of the quote. You saying the quote randomly would fluster Vernon and honestly make him fall for you a little more. He always found you precious but this would make him just squish your cheeks and kiss you all over your face. He just was so happy you were his, and he was yours.
Lee Seokmin || DK/Dokyeom: You Animatedly Talking About Something You're Really Into.
It isn't a secret how precious Seokmin thinks you are. Anyone could see it. He wasn't slick. It was really obvious when you would talk about something you were really into. You would get into it and it would just make his already full heart even more full of love for you. Even though he was turned on, he'd wait until you were finished to initiate anything.
Hong Jisoo || Joshua: Your Hair Blowing In The Wind
Oh boy oh boy, Shua would be so embarrassed at how bad he was turned on by something so subtle and innocent. However, it wasn't his fault that you were just so damn hot. You looked like a model the way your hair blew in the wind. It was just so majestic. He just needed to have you as soon as possible.
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sorry these were rough and took awhile. hopefully they don't suck too bad <333
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bambikisss · 1 year
Kiss me thru the phone: S.Coups
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Pairing: Staff!Reader x Idol!SeungCheol
Summary: With how busy Seung Cheol is with the tour, it doesn't give him enough time to sneak off with his favorite stylist. So, he tries to make the best of it leading up to his one day off with you in Paris.
Warnings: unprotected sex (wrap it, people), Phone sex, descriptions of mutual masturbation, semi-public sex, biting, mentions of past recordings of sex, slight spit, use of nicknames (baby, princess, love),
Song recommendation: Kiss Me Thru the Phone by Soulja Boy, BTBT by B.I, Devita
Kiss me through the phone (kiss me through the phone) See you when I get home
A/N: According to the poll, S.Coups won, so he is next! Let me know in the comments which smut do you think I favored lol. Also yes, your best friend/Stylist partner is named Cherry, I thought it was cute lol.
Not Proofread
TAGLIST: @oceansletters @24p0t @smol-ggukie @appt2235
@christinewithluv @shuabby1994 @chanpvlento @marianamartinsthings @safsaf1980
Cherry: All stylists please report to standby
You sighed at the message before jogging to standby, watching as the other stylists got ready for the quick change that was about to happen. As much as you loved tours and the energy everyone had at concerts, it always heightened your anxiety.
"Here they come, everyone! 2 minutes!"
The boys quickly ran down the steps to their assigned stylists, breathing heavily as the last song was one with high energy. You quickly handed the passing boys water before handing one to Seungcheol, who was assigned to you and Cherry. He thanked you as you patted his face, working on fixing his makeup and hair while Cherry helped him change into his new set of clothes.
As you leaned closer to his face to fix his hair, he glanced over at you, shooting you a sly wink before stepping back to put on his new shoes. You had to look away so no one could see your smile, returning to face him with a focused face. Seungcheol often shot you secret winks whenever he could, wanting no one else to see them besides you as they were only for you, his girlfriend.
That's right, you were in a secret relationship with Seungcheol, A.K.A S.Coups of Seventeen.
You at first rejected the idea of dating the leader; your company wasn't fond of the idea of staff dating their idols and whenever it did happen, the staff were always harshly punished, as the company believed that they were "purposely distracting the idol from the duties." You found the whole thing bullshit- they couldn't control who fell in love.
But, after being around him for almost 3 years, you both began to fall and fall fast. You tried to change to a different member to avoid your feelings, but that only made him jealous and drove him to drive to your house in the middle of the night and confess to you. That was a year ago, and now you both were exchanging secret smiles and touches whenever you could.
"Please try to avoid getting wet, Cheol. I ran out of water proof foundation." You finished fixing his hair as he fixed the buttons on his black jacket, pausing when he tilted his head back to meet your eyes with a small smirk and a glint in his eyes. "But it'll give me more of a reason to sneak back here and see you." He left before you could respond, calling for his members to head to the lift. You couldn't help but roll your eyes before placing your items back into your holster, sitting back down on some boxes to try and enjoy the rest of the show.
"You know he's not going to listen to you, right?" You nodded at Cherry, crossing your arms as the next song started. He never listened to you, taking every opportunity he could within reason to see you. It sometimes both aggravated you and warmed your heart.
The rest of the show went off without a hitch, allowing you to now relax as the last song came on. You snuck off to your dressing room to start packing up your things, wanting nothing more than to head back to your hotel room early and sleep. "Running away?" You paused as Seungcheol snuck into your room, a smile on his face as he carefully locked the door. You raised your eyebrow as he carefully wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, humming about how much he missed you. You gently pressed your hands against his chest so you could look up at him, meeting his face with a small pout, which he kissed.
"Didn't I tell you to not get wet? I can tell you did," he chuckled as your hand gently cupped his face, leaning into your touch as he gently apologized. "Mingyu and WonWoo were actively trying to, despite my words."
"I'll make sure to give them a harsh scolding when I see them next, then." He nodded before leaning down to kiss you, obviously more concerned with kissing you than listening to how you planned on disciplining his members. If anything, he would take care of that for you, but, that wasn't important right now. He gently bit your bottom lip as he walked the two of you backward, stopping when your legs hit the counter, his hands then moving to place you onto the counter. He hummed against your lips as your hands moved underneath his shirt, smiling softly against his lips at the feelings of his warm chest and abs. No matter how many times you were intimate with him, you could never get over the feeling of him; whether in you or just like this.
"Cheol, no marks- remember where we are, baby," you sighed as his lips moved to your neck, pressing kisses to the open skin as his hands moved under your own shirt, moaning at the feeling of your skin. "I know, baby, I won't leave anything anywhere anyone else could see it." His tongue moved out to touch your neck, licking a stripe up to your jaw before biting it, leaving a faint mark. You closed your eyes as he tugged up your shirt, tossing it onto the floor as his fingers moved to unclip your bra as his lips met yours in a heated kiss.
"You look so pretty, baby, whimpering and whispering my name like a good girl." you nodded at his words, opening your eyes to meet him when he let out a soft chuckle. "I feel like you aren't paying attention to me, baby. I could say anything to you while you feel good and you'd just agree with me," he snickered, tossing your bra onto the floor as his face dipped down to leave marks along your chest, his lips leaving plush kisses against your skin. "No, I would n- fuck."
Your words were left into thin air as one of his thighs made contact with your covered pussy, giving you some sort of friction while his lips wrapped around your nipple, busying himself with your body while your hips moved to grind against the thigh. Your hands moved to grip your shoulders as you let out soft moans, licking your lips as he switched breasts, looking up at you with a small smirk at your ministrations. He couldn't help but moan when you dug your nails into his shoulder, trying to hold onto him tightly so you could earn more friction. If there's anything you do that drives him crazy, digging your nails into him is one of them.
He chuckled as your movements grew frantic, his voice now deep as he leaned over close to your ear, praising you as you felt your knot begin to tighten. His hands gripped your hips as you moved faster, his eyes now glued to your moving breasts. It felt like he was in complete heaven, wanting nothing more than to push you to the point of complete pleasure. "Come on, Y/N baby, give it to me, that's it." He pulled his lips from you as he watched your face contort into complete pleasure, watching as you began to shake along his thighs, a settle wet spot coming into view from the thin fabric of your shorts. Seungcheol cursed softly as you rested your head against the cold mirror, enjoying the buzz that was filling your head, only coming back to when he began to carefully dress you. When you looked down to notice the tent in his pants, you asked him about it, he only chuckled and shook his head, making you pout. "Do you hear everyone rushing around out there, Y/N? I don't think I'll be able to keep us both quiet while I-"
"Ok, Ok, I get it." You carefully got off the counter as he laughed, wrapping his arms back around you to press a kiss to your head, just like he did when he first came in the room. He definitely wanted nothing more than to have you coming over and over again on his cock, but with the mass number of staff running around and with how loud you both tend to get, he couldn't risk it- heck, he was risking it being in your dressing room this long. The last thing he wanted was rumors to start and for the company to come after you.
You must've had the same thoughts as him as you pulled back from his warm embrace, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips before gently telling him that he had to go. He sighed before nodding, a slight pout on his lips as he made his way to the door, turning back around to shoot you a quick wink and a kiss before slipping into the empty hallway, leaving you alone in your dressing room with the only reminder of him being your soaked underwear and shorts.
You made sure to check your appearance and make sure that you look sensible before joining everyone near the cars, your yearning for sleep once again returning.
"Yes, yes, I'll be awake in time for the meeting, don't worry Cherry. Sleep well, talk to you afterwards."
You rubbed your eyes as you placed your phone down onto the nightstand, sighing as your body relaxed into the cloud like mattress. The company would sometimes hold separate meetings for each individual member with their specific team if they had an event coming up, which was the case for you and Seungcheol tomorrow; and while you loved Cherry with all of your heart, you were still a bit upset that she was going to make you go into the meeting as the only sole stylist. While you had been in your position for a very long time, there was something about meeting with everyone, including Seungcheol that made you especially nervous. Now with the added secret of your relationship, you knew you'd be a bundle of nerves, so you needed to get lots of rest.
As you turned over to turn off your lamp, you noticed your phone buzzing, showing tomorrow's man of the hour calling you.
"Yes, Cheol?" You returned your head back to your pillow as you listened to the subtle sound of his sheets rustling, his voice soft as he asked you how you were doing. You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as you glanced at the clock, noting how late it was, even for him.
"You care about how I'm doing at midnight?" your coy laced voice made him bite his lip, shuffling once more in his silk hotel bed sheets before he cleared his throat. He knew he was caught. "I just wanted to know how you were before I asked for a favor, that's all."
At your silence, he took it as a sign to let you know what said favor was. "I miss you, Y/N."
"I miss you too-" your words paused in your throat at the subtle moan that slipped through his lips, moving straight to your core, the familiar sound making you cross your legs. While your body reacted, your mind immediately put two and two together, asking him if he was serious. "I thought I could take care of it when I got back to my hotel room or it would just go away but," he hissed as his thumb moved along his now leaking tip, collecting his precum to use as lube as he continued to move his hand along his length. "I need you, Y/N. Can you come to my room, even just for a little bit?"
You bit your lip as you sat up, weighing your options as your listened to his moans, wishing you were there to actually hear them in person. Your body almost leaped out of bed to rush to his room, but your mind cleared up before you could. Your coworkers were spread out all over the hotel, so it would be a problem if they caught you sneaking out to head to a different room at this hour, especially Seungcheol's. "I can't, Cheol, it's too risky."
"Fuck, then talk to me like this, Babygirl. Talk to me while I fucking jerk off to the thought of your body." You rested your body once again back against the bed as one of your hands immediately moved to slip into your underwear, a soft mewl coming from you as you felt how wet you were. At your moan, he couldn't help but release his own, his hand picking up speed. "Tell me how wet it is, baby. Tell me how much that pretty pussy is soaking at the sound of me getting off right now."
"It's so wet for you, Cheol, fuck," you let your eyes roll back as you pushed a finger into you, clenching around the muscle as you began to pump your finger the same pace as him; imagining him standing over you shirtless, his fingers pumping into you, stretching you out before you got to have his cock. One of his rules was that he would always prep you for him, not wanting to hurt you with his size.
"Add another finger for me, Y/N. Keep imagining me being there, stretching that pretty pussy out, getting you ready to take my cock nice and deep." His voice had become much deeper as he approached his orgasm, tossing his head back as sweat began to build up as his hand sped up, moaning along with you as you whimpered his name. Seungcheol didn't care if his members heard him moaning next door, too focused on both of your approaching orgasm to care. His hand gripped his cock harder as your voice cracked, letting him know that you were about to cum, pumping himself faster to meet you. "Add just one more finger in there baby, curl it nice and good- I'm almost there, princess."
You did as instructed, your body arching as you came while you whimpered his name into the phone. He moved his hand faster at your whimpers before his own come coated his chest, his lips stifling his loud groan that wanted to escape due to the pleasure. He continued to pump himself until he was sure he was done, sighing before he thanked you, sitting up to grab his tissue to wipe off the mess. You did the same, cleaning yourself before returning to your bed.
"Are you going to the meeting tomorrow? It's apparently a big surprise," he asked, pouring himself a cup of water before sitting back down onto his bed. You nodded, explaining to him Cherry's situation. "Well, I don't mind being alone with you, of course. As long as I get to work with the prettiest stylist, then I'm alright." You could already imagine the smirk on his face, a small groan leaving your lips at his laugh. "Just remember that you'll have to keep all that flirty energy to yourself tomorrow."
He agreed as he took a sip of his water, noticing a text from his members complaining about hearing him jerk off. He chuckled before letting you know he had to go deal with his members, wishing you a goodnight before hanging up. You took a second to once again check the time before placing your phone back onto the stand, sighing as the cold sheets wrapped your body, slowly helping you fall asleep.
Tomorrow's meeting shouldn't be that bad.
"I need you to prepare about 50 outfits for a photoshoot in Paris by tonight. You fly out with Seungcheol tomorrow morning, so be prepared."
You couldn't help but freeze in your seat at the demand, your pen falling from your hand to hit your tablet. You had never heard of a single stylist being assigned such a large number of outfits with such little time before. You had to hold back your words as the manager continued on with the meeting, not even shooting you a second glance to make sure you were okay with the assignment. Your hand trembled from your growing annoyance as you picked up your pen, biting the inside of your cheek as a thick folder was slid over to you, labeling all of the concepts that were to be done throughout the photoshoot.
Before you could ask for clarification on one of the concepts, the manager cut you off as he asked certain team members to follow him for a different meeting, leaving you alone in the large meeting room he had rented with a flimsy folder and a bunch of random pictures. Your mind hadn't even registered the fact that you were traveling with Seungcheol, giving you a chance to finally be alone with him; your mind was more concerned with how you were going to piece together so many outfits with such little time. As you went through your day, you barely had enough time to check your phone, which Seungcheol understood. He did slip you half of his sandwich to scarf down while doing a fitting, but other than that, he hadn't seen you much. He tried to hide how worried he was about you, even becoming a bit snippy with his manager due to giving you such a large load of work, stressing you out. He also did ask WonWoo to try and convince Cherry to offer you some help, but she refused as he had her own assignment to worry about. It made him feel helpless; watching you rush around late into the night to prepare many clothes for him with no help.
Even at the airport, he watched as you lugged around the different suitcases, rushing over to help you when one of the paparazzi knocked one over. He shot you a gentle smile from underneath his mask before taking another suitcase from you, walking with you to baggage claim before boarding.
Once you did get to your seat, you sent him a thank you text, smiling as he sent you a selfie with the message "anything for you, baby. See you in Paris for a night you won't forget 😉"
You smiled at his text before falling asleep, knowing you needed to rest up before the rush that was to come.
The company had planned a large photoshoot around Paris as a specialty for Seungcheol's season's greetings package, which explain why you needed so many different clothes; there were cafe looks, regular boyfriend looks, etc. He looked good in anything you put him in, which you and the team were happy about. With every time you came over to fix his outfit, he would whisper something flirty or sweet, making sure no one was around when he did so. While other team members thought you were both were being friendly, you were retorting every flirty thing he would say. When you weren't fixing his outfit and gently hyping him up, you were enjoying the sights as you hadn't been to Paris. It made you smile, honestly- being in the city of love with the man you loved.
It almost felt perfect.
Once the shoot was over, you all went out for dinner, celebrating the successful shoot and looking over the pictures taken over food and drinks. After dinner, you went to the hotel you and the staff were all staying in, being the last one to check in.
"Ah, there is no room reserved for you, ma'am,' You raised an eyebrow at her words, asking the receptionist to check again before sighing when nothing came up. You could've sworn you made a reservation, but you guessed not. While you paced the lobby trying to figure out where you were going to sleep tonight, you also vented to Cherry.
Cherry 🍒: Okay, I got you a room :) Room 173-C, top floor, penthouse too! You can thank me later.
You sighed out of relief, taking your bags up to the elevator to the floor. You pressed your phone against the door to unlock it before walking in, pausing when you saw the room: it was decorated with roses and random gifts, a sweet scent filling your senses due to the many boxes of chocolate that was stacked along a gorgeous wine bottle. You thought you had entered the wrong room, about to turn around and leave when you saw Seungcheol come into view. His freshly done blonde hair was blown out and styled perfectly, his grey shirt tight against his body to show off his body while he also sported dark grey sweatpants. Even though he wore such a simple outfit, you could feel some heat rush through your body at the sight of him. He removed his hands from his sweatpants before he held out his arms, as if inviting you into his embrace. You took one more second to memorize how he looked before taking a few strides to meet him in a rough kiss, making him moan softly. The kiss was needy and loud as his hands moved around your body, obviously showing how much he missed you through his grabs and caresses.
"Hop baby," he gripped your thighs as you jumped into his arms, gripping at the tight shirt as he moved you both over to the bed, dropping your body down onto the bed as you bounced. His lips only moved from yours when you began to move up the large bed, kicking off you shoes as he sat at the edge of the bed, his eyes darkening. "You have no idea how much I missed this, baby, seeing you up on my bed, ready to take whatever I give you," he paused to reach behind him and take off his shirt, tossing it away to expose his body to you. It was obvious to you that he had been working out more often; his biceps were bigger and obviously stronger, making you wonder if he could really break you in half or throw you around.
He moved to his hands and knees before he began to carefully stalk up the bed, his eyes never leaving yours as he moved to hover over you. "Have I mentioned how much I love you, Y/N?" You couldn't help but giggle at his sudden love confession, rising your hips as he pulled down your bottoms and underwear. At your giggle his hands moved to pin open your legs, slowly using them as leverage he began to move into what looked like plank position before resting his stomach against the bed, giving you a great view of his back muscles while he moved your legs to wrap around his head.
"Do you remember the last time I had you like this, baby? Had a camera out recording the two of us, just like this- me about to taste this sweet pussy while you were-"
"Seungcheol please," your whines were enough for him give you a subtle lick, silencing your needy cry with a bit of pleasure, but not enough for you. "Am I talking too much, baby?" He asked, his hands moving to rub your thighs before placing a kiss onto them, a small smirk on his lips as you begged again, this time a bit louder, complaining softly about how much he was talking. "Maybe you should pull my hair baby, keep my mouth busy." You did so, gripping the blonde locks to pull him closer to you, moaning softly at the feeling. "Harder, baby." You couldn't help but gently shake at Seungcheol's commanding voice, pulling on his hair harder so he was fully pressed against your wet pussy, just like he wanted.
You couldn't help but grind against his face, moaning whenever his own moans provided vibrations against you. You squeezed your legs around his head, his blonde hair peeking out from your tightly closed thighs as he continued to eat you out, moaning praises into you while you did so.
After one louder moans of his name, he ripped himself away to press his lips against yours, successfully silencing you while his fingers moved to carefully take off your shirt. "As much as I love hearing you say my name so sweetly baby, most of the staff is below or on this floor and I would hate if they heard us and ruined our fun, right baby?" You nodded as the last fabric left your skin, returning your lips to his while he removed his bottoms. You bit his bottom lip as one of your hands moved around his cock, pumping it a few times as he gently moaned into your mouth before he moved you to lay down on your stomach, rubbing his cock along your wet folds, lubing himself up. He slowly pushed into you as your hands gripped the sheets, moaning into a nearby pillow while he filled you up, your body embracing every edge and ridge of his cock as he bottomed you out.
He gave you a few moments to calm down before rested his hands on either side of the pillow you were using, gently moving his hips side to side to ensure you were perfect for him. There was something about having you on your stomach, his hips flush against your ass, you ready for him to have as much of you as he wanted, especially in Pairs, somehow made him slightly sentimental. "Tell me you love me."
"What- Oh fuck," You gripped the sheets once more as his hips began to move harshly, snapping against the flesh of your ass as your face returned to the pillow, only for one of his hands to gently cup your face, making you look up at him while he continued to fuck you roughly. '' You heard me, baby. I know it feels so good, but I gave you a command: tell me you love me while I blow your back out so fucking well." You tried to form sentences while he moved, your brain going fuzzy as he moved faster, not giving you any opportunity to try and answer is question. That's how he wanted you, though: only focused on his dick and how good it feels, not anything else or anyone else.
"That's it, baby, fuck me back. Arch your back while I fuck you from behind," he leaned down to bite your shoulder while you did so chuckling when you began to whine about being close to coming. "You're close? Good. Cum for me, Y/N. Oh my god, give it to me" Seungcheol moved his hips faster as you came, biting his lip as some of your cum began to coat the outside of his thighs. He only slowed down as you began to shake, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to your skin before pulling back, the hand that was holding your jaw now moved carefully and slowly down your spine, smirking as goosebumps erupted in your skin. "You know what, baby? That was just. Not. Hard enough for me." his thrusts added emphasis to his words, his hand now roughly gripping at the flesh of your ass as he returns to his rough pace, leaning down to press his face against yours so you could kiss him messily, your hips now meeting his while a whole new wave of pleasure ripped through you, now coating both of your thighs.
He gently praised you as you continued to move back against him, his other hand moving from the pillow to move the hair from your face, moving to gently cup your jaw to force it open before he gently spat into your mouth, letting your head drop back to the pillow before he ran a hand through his hair, giving you a moment to calm down before he began to move his hips, gently pushing the upper half of your body down into the bed while he continued to move his hips, biting his own lip as he held back, contemplating something for a moment before he leaned down to press another kiss to your skin, his hips picking up the pace once you began to mewl into the sheets. "That's its Princess, louder. Get louder for me while you're so lost in these goddam sheets."
"But what about-"
"Obviously I haven't done a good enough job if you're still out here thinking about other people instead of me, right now. Guess I'll have to fix that." He flipped you over so you were on your back, your legs wrapped around his waist while he leaned down to kiss you, his free hand moving to cup your jaw once more so you were looking right at him while his hips picked back up their rough and fast pace, Seungcheol meeting your eyes as he felt himself begin to lose himself within the pleasure. "Cum for me, Angel, come on. I don't give a fuck who hears, come on baby. Cum nice and hard for me, yes." His words were rushed as you screamed his name, Seungcheol doing the same as his hips stuttered against yours, filling you up as you dug your nails into his biceps.
His eyes gently rolled back as he came, a mix of a growl and a moan leaving his lips as he fell forward to rest on your body, his head in your neck while you both held each other, relishing in the afterglow.
After a bit, Seungcheol moved off you, carefully moving to run you a bath before returning, placing you into the beautiful marble that was filled with roses, bubbles, and hot water. You rested your head against the side as he joined you, carefully washing your body before getting you dressed in one of his shirts, laying you down in the large bed while he cleaned up, letting you drift to sleep calmly.
You woke up the next morning to your boyfriend at one of the tables eating breakfast, scrolling through his phone with nothing but a pair of boxers on. When he noticed you were awake, he looked up, offering you a smile before taking him and his plate of food to the bed, sitting down next to you. While you munched on one of the slices of toast he had, he only took a simple sip of his coffee before simply saying "I have a meeting with my manager and higher management about our relationship."
You couldn't help but cough at his sudden confession, asking what he meant. To just randomly schedule a meeting with higher management was already crazy, but to have it about your relationship felt insane to you. Seungcheol took a moment to laugh before placing the food onto the nightstand, then turning to you with a confident smile; the same confident smile you fell in love with. "I honestly doubt that he didn't hear us last night, and from the look he gave me this morning when I was getting breakfast, he probably was already planning on telling them, so there's no reason to wait any longer." At your slight scared reaction, he leaned over to kiss you, easing any of your nerves. "I'll make sure nothing happens to you, I promise. Plus, wouldn't it be nice to no longer have to kiss through the phone?"
Yes, it would be.
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leeehye · 1 year
Sweet Truth - pt.2
“…I couldn’t let her see my true self and now she has this impression of me”
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Summary pt2 ~ The next day things at the office things get tense when Y/n is offended before meeting. She questions why Mr. Choi (Seung Cheol) is undergoing strange changes
Warnings ⚠️ ~ fluff☁️, angst, may contain some smut in future parts, language, sexual assault ❗️- enjoy
a/n - it is finally here! I’m sorry it took long and I’m sorry if it seems like it’s all over the place but it will all connect! Thank you for all the love to part one! 💕
pt.1 recap (continued)
His gaze was fixed on me. He was hesitant to say whatever he wanted to say. I looked at him with innocent eyes ready to hear him.
“Um…I’ll see you tomorrow Miss Y/n” he said gently, patting my shoulder with his large hand and making his way around the car to the driver’s seat.
“Oh yeah! Yes sir goodnight! And I apologize again for my mom” I said with a nervous face and he gave me a small smile while getting in his car driving off. Releasing a sigh I whispered to myself
“Y/n what you were you expecting to hear from him...”
Next Morning
The next morning was like usual, everyone in their business and quietly working, meaning Seungcheol was here already. Setting down my bag on my desk I sat down and started to look through today’s schedule and started humming softly.
So focused on taking some notes my nose caught the smell of really nice cologne, gentle yet strong and…manly. It was bad that I knew who that was. I looked up and saw Seungcheol right next to me.
“Ah! Seung— Mr. Choi!” I exclaimed, jumping from his closeness. Clearing my throat hearing the awkward situation and workers now looking at us, I straightened my posture and looked at him.
“Um do you need anything sir?” I asked softly and he shook his head before checking his watch.
“Looks like you slept in today Miss Y/n…I was waiting for today’s schedule…” he said in a cocky voice I frowned, my eyebrows confused and quickly grabbed his hand looking at his watch. What was I thinking?
“Holy sh— so sorry sir I lost track of time!” I said gathering my stuff.
“You have an important meeting in like…less than... 5 minutes…” I said quickly, sprinting off to the meeting room.
In exactly 5 minutes all the executives walked in and some of them were already there. I was still setting up the projector, arranging the folders and just making sure everything was ready for Mr. Choi.
“You must be Mr. Choi’s new assistant” a male voice called to me and hearing my boss’s name made me turn. It was an older man, the important man that we were supposed to impress today. He was offering a great deal to Seungcheol.
“Oh um yes sir, I’m Y/n, Y/l/n Y/n” I said politely bowing my head. Before looking at him.
“That’s nice sweetheart, you’re a bit young huh sweetie?” he asked while some of his friends started to chuckle and some of my coworkers looked at him weirdly. I started to no like this guy.
“Um I’m Y/n sir…Please call me like that or just Miss, if it’s easier…And yeah I am young, yet Mr. Choi has never had a problem with my work” I said with not a harsh voice but not a soft one. I had to defend myself with this old dude.
He scoffed and started to eye me, his eyes moved down to my legs and towards my chest. I rolled my eyes and continued with my work. Yes I was uncomfortable, but it was still my job and I had to do it for Seung Cheol.
“Does Seung Cheol pay you well? I mean…unless you’ve already asked for a raise, you have the key to that” he said and I had lost it. I slammed the folders on the table and I was about to make my way to him but Jeonghan came in quickly held me back.
“Let go Jeonghan! this sick pervert is not even here for work!” I exclaimed glaring angrily at him as Jeonghan had his arm wrapped around through my stomach and waist and grabbed my slapping hand with the other one.
“Y/n please let’s just get out of here—” Jeonghan whispered, trying to avoid a big conflict. I was still struggling in his grip and the man laughed.
“Isn’t she a feisty one?” he said and kept on with his disgusting glances.
“Listen you idiot I don’t care if you’re Mr. Rich, Damn millionaire or whatever you are! You are a pervert and I know that you are married, you are disgusting!” I yelled pointing at him and Jeonghan’s grip slowly lightened and my eyes slightly glanced seeing Seungcheol already by the door. He had heard everything I just said. Shit! I huffed softly and stomped my heels as I started to walk to the door.
Stopping in front of Seungcheol I make a 90 degree bow.
“The projector is on, now excuse me sir. I can’t stay at the meeting I have…a…complaint to make” I said, squeezing my hands into fists, before leaving, not making eye contact with Seungcheol not even once.
30 minutes had passed and I was by my desk standing up. I couldn’t stay sitting down. It was impossible, I was anxious to know if that bastard would accept Seungcheol. Or if I had ruined it for him. God he will probably fire me.
I started to chew on a cuticle and suddenly the door opened, making me slightly jump. It was the perverted man from earlier. He walked out of the room, glared at me and walked away to the elevator followed by his workers. I didn’t know what to do. Should I go check on Seungcheol? I debated with myself for a few seconds when I saw Seungcheol walking out, and I quickly turned and pretended to arrange some papers. He said nothing to me and went into his office slamming the door.
There was mumbling from the people around and I saw Jeonghan walk out with his iPad. I made my way to him quickly tugging on his sleeve.
“Hey, what happened? Am I fired?” I whispered to him and he looked around grabbing my arm pulling me to the breakroom.
He was making me more nervous than ever, I looked at him with full attention.
“God Jeonghan! What happened?” I asked, slapping his arm gently. He looked at me and shushed me.
“I didn’t want to say it with everyone around listening, Mr. Choi wasn’t accepted with Mr. Kim, the guy you almost fought…hey let me finish” he said stopping me from arguing “he didn’t get accepted because he declined it, and threatened Mr. Kim with what had happened…he was on your side Y/n, he will make sure that other companies break partnerships with him” Jeonghan finished and I froze on my spot.
“Woah, wait what?” I managed to say still in shock of what I had just been told. Jeonghan gave me a few more details but I was lost questioning why Seungcheol was becoming nicer. It wasn't normal for him to put an employee before his own advantages for the company. But him defending me was quite a nice quality of him.
Minutes later, I had to go into Seungcheol’s office and I didn’t know if things would be awkward and had no idea what to expect. Should I ask him about it? Ugh whatever Y/n, Jeonghan told you what happened it can’t be bad.
I gave myself a pep talk before knocking on his door gently before walking in seeing him drawn into work that he probably didn’t notice me. His eyes finally left the screen when he heard my heels tapping against the floor.
“Um…hello sir, I need you to sign these papers…” I said handing him a few folders he hummed quietly and took them and started to read through them.
“Also sir, do you want me to start on something for the new project…with um Mr. Kim?” I asked gently, smoothing down my skirt. He frowned and looked up at me.
“No…The partnership was canceled…” he mumbled before signing the papers. I had decided to risk it and ask I wanted to hear what Jeonghan said from Seungcheol’s mouth.
“R-really um…why? it was a big opportunity for you—” I said softly and he closed the folders handing them to me.
“It wasn’t the best for the company…” he said and my shoulders dropped down. I slowly nodded but didn’t believe him one bit not because I already knew the truth but because he was a horrible liar.
“Mr. Choi…tell me the truth…a really honest truth” I said politely looking down remembering the scene I made earlier.
“Like my truth is…I was really offended—” I continued but he cut me off.
“No Miss Y/n…you did the right thing,” he stopped letting out a sigh. “I declined the partnership because one, it would be bad reputation for us to accept someone like him and two...you would have to be dealing with him...” he said and it caused a smile to form on my lips.
“But um, are you hungry? I think it’s been a long day…let’s go and eat something…it’s on me” Seungcheol said and stood up, I had to say this man was huge yet he was starting to show the sweet side of him.
“Oh sure yes…” I said politely, I really couldn’t say no I was starving.
Later we arrived at the restaurant and it was fancier than I thought. I had already seen myself in a fast food restaurant, I seemed to have forgotten that I was eating with Mr. Choi Seungcheol. He didn’t seem to eat fast food.
looking at the menu I started to panic, the prices were so high! I heard Seungcheol chuckle and I looked at him.
“Pick anything you want, I told you to not worry about paying” he said with a small smile on his face.
“Seungcheol the cheapest thing on here is sushi and it’s not even that cheap!” I whispered yelled making him smile wider and my eyes went wide.
He had such a pretty smile, one that I had never seen in him. He seemed to notice and quickly went back to his serious face.
“No, I…sorry you have a pretty smile sir” I said shyly as he took a sip of his wine.
“I’m flattered Miss Y/n” he replied with a gentle smile making me giggle.
“Oh and sir, I’m sorry if I was the one to ruin the opportunity you had…it was probably worth millions—” I said, bringing up the event from earlier. He gently raised his hand and stopped me.
“No…please…forget about it Y/n…um I guess taking you to lunch can be an apology for that man…” he said softly to me. “So what are you going to order?” he added as his eyes sparkled.
“um the chicken parmesan something ?” I said, trying to read the name making him chuckle again but he quickly stopped.
Lunch went by amazingly. We talked about embarrassing moments at work and in our childhood. We also got a bit into our personal lives. I was starting to feel comfortable with him, I felt like you could tell him anything and he would keep it. He gave me that security.
“…so yeah my parents are divorced and my relationship with my father is bad…like I told you yesterday” he recalled and I nodded while listening to him.
“Everything has to be perfect for him and well I inherited the company from him and he taught me all the way through, making me into “arrogant and stupid boss "" he said and I quickly covered my face in embarrassment.
“No sir, I didn’t mean it like that…um I was immature and well you gave that impression I mean— well about your father?” I said, trying to avoid talking about my opinion on him.
“Well the thing is…I guess my father taught me the cold and arrogant mindset you know? I lost some friends when I entered the company and drowned myself with work, and the only one that stood on with me was Jeonghan…and I think it also affected my…love life” he said and the last few words made me stop chewing swallowing hard.
“Did your father make you break-up with your girlfriend?” I asked, feeling curious and he shook his head.
“N-not exactly, I couldn’t let her see my true self and now she has this impression of me” he said softly and I had a feeling in my gut of what he might be trying to say. I opened my mouth to ask a reassuring question but my phone went off.
Incoming call…
Vernon 😎
“Oh I’m sorry…do you mind if I take this?” I asked softly. Seung Cheol's expression had changed into a neutral tone and just hummed, I bowed my head and slightly turned.
“Hi Vernon! What’s up!?” I asked with a happy voice smiling.
“Hey! Can we have our movie date tonight?” he asked, chuckling while I playfully rolled my eyes.
“It’s not a date Vernon, but yes we can, I'll see you around 8?” I asked him and he agreed and I hung up, turning back to Seung Cheol. He was quiet and now looking towards the group of guys playing the music.
“Um sorry sir, he calls at the worst times” I said giggling and he looked at me.
“It’s fine, he’s your... boyfriend it seems…” he mumbled coldly and I bit my lower lip gently. Thinking to myself that the old Seungcheol was back.
“Um no no…we’re just friends, he’s not really my type” I said softly shrugging my shoulders shyly.
Seungcheol looked at me, realizing that I was telling the truth. And it was, I was not interested in anyone right now. Vernon was my childhood friend and he was a bit clingy. My past experiences with men weren’t as good.
“hm then what’s your type Miss Y/n?” he questioned me and goosebumps spread throughout my body.
“oh well I think I go for the mysterious and quiet guys that turn out to be the sweetest, I like puffy long hair, um he should be tall, but the outside doesn’t really matter as long as he truly loves me and cares for me” I said smiling blushing lightly looking down.
“hm I can probably qualify on some of them…” Seungcheol said leaving me with my eyes wide open. He should really stop this, I still had that grudge against him but how he was behaving was turning him into my type.
Bonus Part!
Seungcheol’s POV
My body froze from the sudden warm touch of her hand grabbing mine. Her worried face looked so adorable on her I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself seeing her running to the meeting room. 
I placed my hands in my pockets still having the sensation of her hand on mine, a good sensation. 
I had never felt this warm before, she is a ray of sunshine to my cloudy days. She still panics when she makes a small mistake. I guess she is still scared of me I can’t forget the time I underestimated her abilities, she’s an amazing assistant. Not only in conducting my schedule appropriately, always punctual but to assist me in a way of honest company. Though I don’t think she notices. But my thoughts vanished when I heard yelling (her yelling) from the meeting room. 
“... I don’t care if you’re Mr. Rich, Damn millionaire or whatever you are! You are a pervert and I know that you are married, you are disgusting!” I was standing by the door with shock spread all over my face. I had never seen Y/n this angry, she had a good reason though. 
She got silent as soon as she saw me and made her way to me, apologized and left. I cleared my throat and made my way to the front, closing the door.
“What happened here?” I asked coldly looking around before stopping looking at Mr. KIm with a death stare.
“You should pick better assistants Mr. Choi, I get that she is really attractive but don’t just pick any girl to take her to bed” he said, not even feeling any shame. I scoffed quietly before leaning on the table on my hands. 
"you are mistaken Mr. Kim she isn't just any girl...she is my trusted assistant and I ask you to respect her," I said coldly and he rolled his eyes.
"You're kidding huh?" he asked me starting to raise his voice but I stayed calm and looking at him without expression. "I don't joke around at work Mr. Kim, consider our deal off" I said and he stood up.
"You have no idea who you are dealing with!" he yelled at me and I checked my watch. "yes I am dealing a pervert, for that reason I would hate to work with you. This better be a good lesson for you to not mess with Y/n, I care for her and I will not let anyone disrespect her" I said coldly, his face was full of anger as he took the folder throwing it at me. I sighed before turning to Jeonghan as Mr. Kim kept arguing.
"Jeonghan, send a message to all of our partners to cut business with Mr. Kim, make sure you include the reason, have a good day Mr. Kim" I said and he kept yelling before walking out shouting profanities.
I sighed and pushed my hair back frustrated, Jeonghan looked at me.
"You did good, he was being an ass to her" he told me softly and I nodded.
"I know, I will never let anyone hurt her..." I said and made my way out of the room and into my office slamming the door. Face palming myself.
"Fuck, Seung Cheol, you're falling for your assistant"
To be continued...
Sweet Truth - Part I
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yurababy · 2 years
your touch, my lullaby; c.sc
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synopsis all the members fall asleep when you come over for a movie night except seungcheol. four a.m. is quiet, dark and lit up with stars. the two of you confide in each other in the quiet.
notes reader x seventeen idolverse au, kinda like the movie thing mentioned in jeonghan’s, 3.8k, smut fluff angst ig, a lot of non-smut writing sorry, it’s for plot for jeonghan too, title from Ease by Troye Sivan, reference to To You by Seventeen, and Beautiful by Seventeen, make receiving oral, basically thigh riding, reader is referred to as “girl”, sex in a flashback. thank you for waiting
part of the don’t listen in secret series.
@zen003xx @seung-sungs @angelwonie @rubyreduji @vvsmydiamonds127 @shualicious @whyokoa @dreamhannies @313hwa @minnie-mouser22 @knucklesdeepmingi @lenireads @oolanderr @bestboysvt @misssugarlips @whereisgyu @kodzukein @i4kt @wonushuasworld  @aurumness @bibinnieposts @venusprada​ @ikissvernon  @listxn​ @starlight-nightz​ @svtrbi​ 
seungcheol totally related to cher horowitz.
at the end of the day, she was just trying to help everyone around her. if paul rudd thought all she did was for personal gain, how was that her problem?
the movie was stupid anyways. it’s taking too long for them to get together, poor cher has gone through so much, and nobody cares. nobody is paying attention to cher and seungcheol hates it.
he isn’t even talking about the movie anymore. nobody in the room is paying attention to cher.
well, besides two.
it was extremely rare for everyone to fall asleep, but his members were out. their limbs layer upon one another’s, pillows and blankets covering the living room. you didn’t usually participate in seventeen activities like movie night, but seungkwan told everyone how you were the “number 1 clueless fan!” looping you into the arrangement for a night. so, there you sat on the couch, next to (but not close enough to) cheol.
as the movie progressed, the two of you were comfortabley quiet. you and cheol had been close friends since you met seventeen for the first time, going out for dinners together regularly, but you didn’t usually go any further than making out with him. messy kisses were fun with seungcheol, but honestly rare. you weren’t complaining, though; he engulfed you the same everytime you shared space, like a quilt on the 21st of december. even so, he was usually the one supposed to be recieving the hug, but the size difference just meant he couldn’t not take you into his arms, deep dimples acting as brackets for his cherry lips. 
“what’s the ending like?”
your eyes fell from the tv to seungcheol’s, that being the first invitation for a conversation since the members fell asleep.
(”even... even jihoon? and chan?” you whispered, trying to observe the delicate faces around you for signs of activity.
“jihoon has been working a shit ton later than usual, so i guess movie night was just an excuse for him to sleep. chan...” cheol ran a hand through his hair and your lips involuntarily parted. “he was trying to prove that he could pull all-nighters.”
the both of you softly giggled, soonyoung’s head suddenly flopping onto mingyu’s thigh and making seungcheol cover his mouth with his hands. effortlessly cute.
you reached for the remote, turning the volume down slightly. “at least you’re still awake. let’s keep watching, it’s ending soon!”)
you exhaled through your nose, corners of your mouth lifting as your eyes shifted back to the movie. “happy. you’ll see.”
“how could it possibly be happy? the guy is such a dick and tai is on thin ice. poor girl,” he had to stop himself from getting louder in the middle of his sentence. serenity never really suited him, but he tried to bring it out for the calmer you. it was too late in the night, or, sadly in the morning, for him to disturb his sleeping family. even with his aggressiveness, you could see the smile tugging on his lips and it got a grin out of you, too.
you gave him a soft punch on the shoulder, the distance between the two of you allowing for that much. “impatient,” you tutted. “look, they’re sitting next to each other. keep watching.”
“we’re sitting next to each other, that doesn’t mean anything’s gonna happen!”
you raised an eyebrow towards his direction, shaking your head and going back to the movie.
josh, not the one passed out on wonwoo’s lap, is in the middle of calling cher beautiful when you get an idea, smirk playing on your face. you sit up a bit, tugging on cheol’s shirt to get his attention. suddenly immersed in the film, lips in pout and eyebrows knitted together, he only gives you a hum in response, but you know he’s listening. it’s almost a skill he’s picked up from leading thirteen young boys— at first he was too shy to scream “shut up!” so he resorted to hearing them all out. at once.
you calculated the timing of your actions to the movie’s in your head before going for it. “punch my shoulder, cheol.”
his eyes that were trained on the screen squinted at yours when your words matched the movie’s, him doing a double-take at the kiss scene that he almost missed. the second he saw it, he decided he could care so much less, fist nudging your shoulder and pursed lips breaking into a smile. with that, you leaned in and planted a kiss to his mouth, seungcheol responding immediately with a hand on your neck. the exchange was cut short when you lightly pushed him back. (your eyes lingered on his closed ones for a little too long, deep exhales from his ruby lips just barely illuminated by the tv in the dark room. how he managed to look like he had the most blissful fuck after one kiss was beyond you.)
he didn’t chase after you, rather he nonchalantly leaned back against the arm of the couch. cheol didn’t play games, he was more black-and-white, or, “if you want it, come and get it.” he didn’t like being messed with, and maybe it was his experiences that shaped him like that.
you put a pillow under seungkwan’s head after watching it off of minghao’s shifted knee. glancing away from the mess of sleeping members, you found the eldest’s hand and entangled your fingers. “we can hang out in your room while they sleep.”
he giggled again, fucking giggled. as the two of you rose from the couch, shoulders pressed together (or, cheol making sure he’s as close to you as possible) as you trek past the rest of the boys. what he did appreciate was intimacy, warmth, and communication. he would never done any kind of friends-with-benefits arrangement if it wasn’t someone like you, someone he knew would still be his ride-or-die, someone he could break in front of when he had to stay strong for everyone including jeonghan, someone he could find physical comfort in emotionally rather than just pleasure from sex.
the two of you made it into his room, your fingers unraveling from the grip on seungcheol’s sleeve. (you didn’t remember when that happened, considering the short time it took to get to his room.)
“fairy lights,” that’s new, you thought out loud as he shut the door, him raising a brow as your eyes met. you realized as you said it— it came out a bit awed, to which he let out a light chuckle. warm twinkles surrounded the perimeter of his walls in a neat, continuous line. that definitely wasn’t there before.
what has always been there were the real stars, the glimmers against a night sky even at dawn. those were the sparkles in seungcheol’s eyes: when he looked at the members he had watched mature into who they are now, when he scans the faces of carats at every meeting, when he can make out diamonds and hearts from the shapes of the clouds. when he looked at you now in his quaint, illuminated shelter.
the appearance of a dimple brought you back to reality, the boy breaking into a shy grin. “sure. i think they’re cute, right? lamps are a bit annoying, small area coverage and all.” he paused for a moment, glancing around the room with his hands shoved into his hoodie pocket. you had begun looking at other antiques and additions to his room, observing pictures he hung around his desk.
you weren’t facing him, but he softly shook his head as if dismissing a thought and settled by your side. you were now peering over his desk, trying to recognize faces in film photos.
your eyes crinkled at a particular image of him and the hiphop team members. “so cute. polaroids, i mean. really kind of…” you searched your mind for synonyms that could seem more appropriate, but none suited the topic well enough.
“endearing,” you finished, biting your lip at the loveliness of the word. “fairy lights, too. very cute of my manly-man seungcheollie.”
he beamed at the tease and you couldn’t stop yourself from returning the expression. “i don’t get many chances to be cute. the members think i’m cute nowadays, but back then, i couldn’t be.” cheol’s head hung low, stopping himself from looking at the pictures. “i think it’s relaxing, having reminders of where we came from. small things like polaroids to keep the good memories... and string lights, because, why not?” 
he exhaled almost dramatically but kept the smile on his face. “i feel like i’m on cloud nine. it’s so hard, every second of my life, you know?” you nodded as he spoke. of course you knew, for him and for you. “but the minimalism is like what fucking meditation and tea is to myungho.”
you both let out humored exhales at that, cheol exclaiming ever-so-softly, i’m serious! “it keeps me stable. after a.. swirling day. i need something this peaceful. i usually hate that shit, the quiet. it’s still not my favorite, it’s just not that bad.”
seungcheol had been pressing his palms against his desk, having found interest in the wood. the polaroids were long forgotten, one of your hands reaching up to play with the ends of his hair as he spoke. you noticed the way his breath hitched between words, the handful of gulps he had taken in the duration of the vent.
so, as you confirmed he was finished for today, you tugged one of his arms to the side, slipping your body into the free space and captured his torso within your arms. 
he reacted as soon as the touch came, melting into the embrace as his arms similarly wrapped around your shoulders.
he shushed your with a large hand pressed on your head, stroking your hair and making you whine. “my fault for spilling everything on my mind. no need to say anything, doll.”
“but- stop that!” seungcheol let out a low laugh at your protests to his fingers carding through your locks, teasing your skin. the corners of your lips lifted at the contact as you gave him a gentle push and settled atop his desk. “but, i want to. can’t i?”
“not today, baby.” you pouted a bit, but understood. it was late, cheol feared the topic would make him cry too easily, already being in a vulnerable state.
he took two steps forward, hands finding your waist and a smile on his face. it was a bit of a confusing expression— his dimples weren’t deep enough, his eyes were waning gibbous. it made you sigh, but you figured it would be best to not dote on the conversation. after all, he probably just remembered everything that he doesn’t have time to think about. he knows he has reassurance at any time, he just sought your presence as a non-member when it came to these kinds of things.
“don’t be so sad, it’ll make me sad. you know what’ll make the both of us happy?
seungcheol’s head was tilted, dangerously close to your forehead. you knew where this was going based on his lopsided attempt at a smile. 
you planted your palms onto his shoulders, slipping your fingers past the neck of his shirt to massage his skin. your lips twitched at cheol’s shudder that followed your movements. “i think i do, cheollie.” a pause for thought, you contemplating what’s appropriate to say in the blank. “it’s been a while.”
“i guess it has, hasn’t it?” a rhetorical question. you weren’t sure why it felt awkward.
maybe seungcheol was trying to distract from his emotions, didn’t want to overhear you with seungkwan in the kitchen asking has seungcheol seemed sad recently? maybe he thought he had let his burdensome self slip for a moment.
of course, that would never be the case.
you lifted a bit up to your tip-toes, cheol catching on and lowering his head. you pressed your lips to his jaw, kissing and mumbling the bone. “i miss you.” he was right there. “i like us like today.”
“you’re too good to me. i need you. now.” suspicions of your position together simply being a distraction crumbled at this. if it was joshua, he’d say i want you. cheol is a bit more dependent, instinctive, scared. he means it. a hand cupped your cheek, lifting your face from his jaw. “always?”
you weren’t sure if it was supposed to be a question, the lilt in his voice ever-so subtle. you answered anyways. if he questioned it, he would just have to assume you were repeating him. it was safe.
seungcheol was a happy virus. every reveal of his dimpled smile spread to you. you wanted to say it was just because he was that cute, but in reality, something in you longed so badly to make him happy. you had known him for so long, since he was just a kid in the lime backrooms of pledis, desperately trying to make some kind of connection with more kids even younger than he was. 
so you smiled back, bright but just for a moment before connecting your lips. he quickly placed a firm hand on your back and one on the desk as you leaned against it. you took his face into your hands to deepen the kiss, muffled noises of pleasure interrupting the silence of the dorms. 
it was cheol who broke away first, flicking a tongue over his previously-occupied lips while trying to find your hand through his half-lidded eyes. having been in a better state, you found his first and allowed him to drag you to the edge of his bed. he sat down, hand still gripping yours, and you waited for him to speak. with seungcheol, you could withstand patience— he was too much of an overthinker, so the times he could make decisions fast were always valuable.
you swung your hand a little, playful, watching him poke his cheek with his tongue before his dimples broke through. “you look sleepy.”
“just a little bit,” you laughed, light.
he raised his eyebrow, smile drooping into a smirk. “that’s okay. you don’t need to do too much work today. on your knees, baby.”
“what are we doing?” you asked, flush painting your cheeks at his words as you crouched down. in truth, it wasn’t actually his words, more the way his already deep voice seemed to have dropped an octave. in the midst of the night and the solitary of his room, you realize just how much you missed him.
“cheol-cheollie!” you panted, hair covering your face (which was pressed into the mattress anyways, so the majority of your sight would be covered even if you tried pushing it out of the way). 
said boy simply chuckled, watching your ass shake with every pound of his dick. “take it so good. too good for me.” (some things never change.) “having fun, y/n-ah? tell me- shit, tell me if you are.”
“like it, cheol! i-” the name you had known for the past couple of years faded into incoherant syllables as a big palm made contact with your ass.
“just like? damn, i thought i was a bit better than that.”
a moan immedietly escaped your lips, coming out more as a whine. “no! mmh- love it! love it so much, cheollie.... seung...”
“shh, y/n,” you heard above you, although quiet. it dawned on you that he had been speaking so calmly the entire time in contrast to your loud moans. “thank you, darling. you know what to do if it gets too much.”
of course you did— seungcheol didn’t even let you take off his shirt until you gave clear consent to what the two of you were going to do. you lifted your head a bit, craning it to the side to look at him through the wisps of your hair. “wanna... please- wanna cum!” 
cheol tucked your hair behind your ears, flashing his gums at your fucked-out state. “of course, baby. think you can wait a minute, though?”
present day.
a hand making contact with your hair brought you out of your reminiscence.
he tilted his head down at you, “you’re pretty. can i fuck your mouth?”
“so blunt,” you murmured, hands already reaching for his drawstring.
his hands engulfed your hair, crafting a makeshift ponytail with his index and thumb acting as the tie. “you like it better when i’m shy? like the first time?”
when you finally undid the knot (you wondered what his technique to tying bows was, so unnecessarily secure) he lifted his hips for you to pull the trackpant low. “liar. you weren’t shy.. i could barely walk the next day.”
“and now i’m gonna make sure you can’t speak tomorrow.”
once his pants were low enough, he took ahold of his dick before you could. giving it a few pumps, seungcheol held it by the base, a somewhat elated grin on his face. “open up, baby.”
and you did— flattening your tongue a bit for show while making eye contact with seungcheol. his cock was then shoved against your tongue, the culprit’s eyes narrowing above you. with your tongue on his underside, you licked a stripe up, holding the point of your tongue to the tip of his shaft. with a little boost of confidence from the sharp breath the boy offered, your lips wrapped around his tip, slowly starting to take him inch by inch.
a bit more pressure was applied against your head, sending you closer to his base in a swift motion. you whined a bit around his length, but seungcheol only chuckled.
“you’re a bit annoying sometimes. why can’t you be my good girl? just this once?”
you began to slide off his cock to protest, reassure, argue, something, but cheol only bucked his hips further into your mouth, your nose brushing against his skin.
he built up a bit of a rhythm, pushing your head up and down his dick at his own speed. and that speed was fast, your mouth not even moving around him. you figured it was worth it, worth hearing his deep grunts and pleasured moans, but you had better ideas.
you reached up and grabbing his arm, his movements halting immedietly. sensing his furrowed brows even if you no longer held eye contact, you didn’t let give him time to inquire your actions before you pushed off his cock and brought it back in. he hit so deep in your mouth, brushing against the back of your throat, you felt hot wetness streaming your cheeks as you tried not to gag. the discomfort disappeared as soon as it came as seungcheol released another, much louder, moan.
you hollowed your cheeks and continued to suck: up and down his cock, kitten licks and kisses around the diameter, mewls and hums vibrating down his length. it seemed to do the trick just fine, one hand previously having been gripping your hair abandoned to tangle the sheets and the other impressively strong on your scalp. 
his breathing was getting heavier, and you had already predicted his next words. “close, baby... m’ gonna cum soon,” he warned.
you made no effort to move, though, making sure he knew where his cum would go. on your lips. under your tongue. down your throat.
so, when he released with the prettiest sound, you held it in your mouth until his eyes fluttered open. (you always wondered if he had ever tried wearing mascara or something.) once sure his eyes were back on you, you gulped as visibly as possible and stuck out your tongue for him to see. 
see? i am a good girl. your good girl. i’ve always liked you, a bit more than the rest. don’t we have our own connection? i would do anything for you, i think. thank you for everything.
he offered a smile and pat his thigh, signalling for you to replace yourself on his lap. you did just that, tipping your head back as his mouth latched onto your earlobe. “i was lying, you know?” he spoke against your skin. “you’re always the best. a brat, but i love it.”
and you felt like this was a safe place, a place for honesty and love and comfort. so, regardless of knowing how he would take it, you spoke your mind.
“i’d do anything for you.”
it wasn’t your preferred reaction (you actually didn’t know how you wanted him to react or even what you expected from him, just not this) but it was still music to your ears, the dark chuckles that seemed to be his favorite way of expression today. “right back at you.”
a pause for him to suck your neck.
“i’m so happy. so happy i have you.”
and it was true. no matter what you were, you had each other.
“love you, cheollie.”
that much you could say without problems. he knew it was true. you knew it was the same for him, right?
“love you too, my y/n.”
of course it was, why did you doubt him? how could you think he would shake his head or lie when he said it so quickly, like it was the only thing he studied for on the entire test? why did you not believe him for a second? why do you care? what do you want from him?
“let me make you feel good. grind on my lap, i know you’re wet.”
of course he did, he knew everything about you. he knew all the times you’ve cried, he knows your favorite color. he knows what breed pet you want in a few years, he knows your favorite seventeen song, he knows which members you’re with at all times for safety. why did you trust him so much?
your daze didn’t stop you from complying, rolling your hips on his lap and shamelessly moaning into his neck to chase your high.
of course, it was because he was one of your closest friends. he meant the world to you. you were so grateful to have him.
one day, someone else will have him, you reminded yourself. have the perfect boyfriend, husband, leader, best friend, choi seungcheol in their mouth like you did a bit ago. have him in their arms like you always find yourself begging for. and they’ll be in his heart, on his mind, in his life as his.
and of course, you had no right to be bitter. you were still a mess on top of his thigh, his hand still occupied your folds in this moment and you still pulled him in for a kiss. you still came on his hand, he still licked your cum off his fingers. he still pulled you beside him in his bed, under the covers. you still had him, for now.
you thought again: did you actually want something with seungcheol, or is he so close that it’s just too easy to imagine? would you actually ruin everything for seungcheol?
“you’ll always have me. i hope it’s the same vice versa,” seungcheol’s arms tightened around your shoulders.
“of course it is. go to sleep, my forever-boy.”
you could say that much tonight.
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jinxedmuse · 1 year
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fluff: ღ | suggestive: ✮ | smut: 𖤐 | angst: ☾ | fem: ❀ | gender neutral: ⟡ | male: ✰
works for: RIIZE (라이즈)
Osaki Shotaro (大崎将太郎)
— none so far
Song Eunseok (송은석)
— none so far
Jung Sungchan (정성찬)
— none so far
Park Wonbin (박원빈)
— none so far
Hong Seunghan (홍승한)
— none so far
Lee Sohee (이소희)
— best friend: your best friend sohee offers a "no strings attached" relief from the stress of your relationship but finds himself falling in too deep. 𖤐 | ❀ | ☾ (?)
Lee Chanyoung (이찬영)
— none so far
ot7 reactions + head cannons + scenarios + mtl
works for: bangtan sonyeondan 방탄소년단
Kim Seok-Jin
— none so far
Min Yoon-Gi
— none so far
Jung Ho-Seok
— none so far
Kim Nam-Joon
— none so far
Park Ji-Min
— none so far
Kim Tae-Hyung
— none so far
Jeon Jeong-Guk
— none so far
ot7 reactions + head cannons + scenarios + mtl
works for: seventeen 세븐틴
Choi Seung Cheol
— none so far
Yoon Jeong Han
— purple rose: you find out that your cranky boss at your bartending job turns out to be quite the mischievous co-host of an exclusive bdsm club. not wanting to back down, you try to ignore this new found info when at work. but once blurred lines are already crossed, can they really be forgotten? ☾ | 𖤐 | ❀
Joshua Hong
— let it happen: reader and joshua are in a confusing relationship. a constant tug of war over who can get each other more in love, and more heart broken. (based on gracie abrams “mess it up”) ☾ | ✮ | ❀
Wen Junhui (文俊辉)
— none so far
Kwon Soon Young
— none so far
Jeon Won Woo
— none so far
Lee Ji Hoon
— none so far
Lee Seok Min
— none so far
Kim Min Gyu
— none so far
Xu Ming Hao (徐明浩)
— none so far
Boo Seung Kwan
— new romantics: the “goody-two-shoes”, university athlete boo seungkwan encounters a “rebel against-all-odds”, biker!reader and truly learns what it means to have fun while living life for himself alongside new found, and utterly careless love. part 1 | ❀ | ✮
Hansol Vernon Chwe
— just wanna ease ya mind: based on jhene aiko’s “bed peace” ft childish gambino. (in other words, high sex with bf!vernon) ❀ | 𖤐
Lee Chan
— none so far
ot13 reactions + head cannons + scenarios + mtl
— if they had a black cat personality type s/o that showed affection (not so) subtly ღ | ⟡
— secret dating idol!svt — 95z line, & if you guys would get caught ⟡ | ღ
works for: t x t 투모로우바이투게더
Choi Soo Bin
— none so far
Choi Yeon Jun
— none so far
Choi Beom Gyu
— none so far
Kang Tae Hyun
— none so far
Kai Kamal Huening 정하원 休宁凯
— none so far
ot5 reactions + head cannons + scenarios + mtl
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woozigf · 2 years
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VOCAL unit
Yoon Jeong Han
Hong Jisoo | JOSHUA
Lee Ji Hoon | WOOZI
Lee Seok Min | DK
Boo Seungkwan
HIP HOP unit
Choi Seung Cheol | SCOUPS
Jeon Won Woo
Kim Mingyu
Choi Han Sol | VERNON
Wen Junhui | JUN
Knwo Soon Young | HOSHI
Xu Ming Hao | THE8
Lee Chan | DINO
Multi (multiple members)
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drabble headcanons oneshot reaction series smau
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angst comedy fluff horror slice of life smut* suggestive
*please only proceed if OVER 18 years old.
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idol non idol supernatural unspecified
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- most end up as lovers !
best friends childhood friends exes friends strangers enemies friends with benefits
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✿ AU
athlete [basketball , baseball player etc] band blind date brother’s best friend college established relationship fake dating neighbors pining roommate slowburn soulmate time travel tsundere university
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will be updated over time ^^ please don’t shy away and recommend some fics to me if you’d like !
+ @sushireads ‘s navigation was an inspo for this !! props to them ◠‿◠
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bx3dmlk · 2 years
why am i thinking about seung cheol wanting just a very soft night at first, slowly peppering you with light kisses at first.
even when he first enters you it's slow and gentle. he just wants to take his time with you, not any any rush.
but there's just something about the way you moan, tightening around him as you ache for just a little more...
and he can't help himself :(( he grows so needy and starts going faster to feed into his desires. he starts thrusting faster and harder before sliding one of his hands up your body, first cupping your chin to look at him before he slides a finger, and then another, in your mouth!!!
the way his eyes would darken more with lust as he watches you dribbling and drool over his fingers as he can't help himself but fuck you silly.
oh my god i just
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seawitch62 · 2 years
Birthday day boy.
Warning smut, stripping, pole dancing and lap dance.
Word count 1233
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Catnip man's birthday 🥳
Knock knock knock!
"Open the door Kitty I know you are in there!" A very disgruntled voice demands. 
Kitty, also known as Rose also known as Reader, groans.
'What is he doing here!'.
If I  ignore him, maybe he will go away!
Knock knock  knock.
Opening the door Jeonghan also known as Catnip man enters her apartment. 
Standing before expecting something, but what? she muses.
Why is wearing that birthday hat?
Rose can clearly see the man is very upset if not angry.
"Do you know what today is?" He questions her.
Clueless she runs through her memory banks, her computer chip mind scans her files.
SF9, smiling as she recalls memories of the 'Gods'.
The sexiest men on the planet in her estimation.
A dreamy smile lights up her face, upon noticing this, her guest, knowing the source. 
"Well?" He asks in a cold biting tone. Forced back to reality with her very perturbed guest.
"Hmm actually no" she answers somberly.
"October 4th! It means nothing to you?" He spits out angrily.
With a menacing step towards her "my birthday" he tells her not so pleasantly. 
"Oh I see, that explains the hat, happy birthday" she smiles.
Flabbergasted he just stares.
Staring at her with a cool expression, "not a text or a phone call from my Kitty to wish me a happy birthday!". 
Mumbling "I'm sorry", she is cut off as he continues his tirade.
"My friends,the guys who knew it was and is my birthday, unlike others" looking at her accusingly.
"They did their best to compensate, Mingyu jumped out of a cake". He smiles momentarily recalling the moment, "but" a long pause as he stares at his Kitty, " I thought for sure you would jump out of a cake, not Mingyu!" 
"Cake? What are you…" again she is cut off.
"Chocolate cake" he muses out loud. 
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"I'm assuming you do not have a present for me?" 
"No, I…." Once more he interrupts her mid sentence.
"I see, the guys tried to cheer me up" he tells her, "Seung Cheol and Joshua took me to a strip club!" Daring her to say anything degrotarty with his eyes.
"The ladies.." he smiles "lovely and very flexible, contorting their bodies on that pole" he pauses and reminisces, "but they are not my Kitty!".
"Seung Cheol and Joshua, well they made sure the ladies were well paid, shoving cash down their bras and knickers".
"Seung Cheol and Joshua danced with the  ladies, who knew they could work a pole!".
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"You?" Rose asks.
"What? I'm not allowed to enjoy my birthday? My present? Hurt the guy's feelings, be unappreciative?" He demands. 
"I..I was.."
"Jealous? I would stuff money down your bra and knickers and well…anytime Kitty!" 
"You can dance on my pole anytime" he grins.
Before she can respond, " so are you ready to mend my disappointment?".
"Disappointment? I'm not…"
"Time for you to jump out of a cake and work the pole, then work mine" he winks.
"I'm sorry I didn't know it was your birthday, but..but I'm…not jumping out of any cake or.."
"Are you deliberately trying to hurt my feelings? Ruin my birthday!".
"Of course not!".
A smile of decadence illuminates his face, "excellent! Let's go !".
"What? Wait!" She stutters as he takes hold of her hand and leads her out the door.
The empty  club, *Pussy Pole*, stale beer and cigar and cigarette smoke hit the senses like whiplash. The lighting, dim bar for the stage, which is the sole focus of the club and the bar. 
The multi coloured lights illuminated a cake, a birthday cake and a pole.
"What are we doing here?" She asks nervously.
With a derisive grin, "don't play stupid! Now get your pretty ass on that stage and jump out of the cake!".
"Ohh and I hope you can do a better job than Mingyu, he scored an eight!".
"Eight?" Jeonghan nods.
Sitting himself down, "let's get this show rolling!".
How hard can this be? Mingyu did it! An eight? I cant have Mingyu beating me!.
Rose settles herself inside the cardboard tower that resembles a birthday cake, "anytime now".
You can do this! One two three.
Wham jumping out of the cake, she yells "happy birthday".
Catnip man, smiles and claps, "well done!".
"Eight point five".
"What eight point five? Well I beat Mingyu" she mutters.
"Well you can redeem yourself" pointing to the pole.
One of her secrets, hidden deep within her consciousness, is the fantasy of dancing and stripping on a pole. Does he know? How can he?
"I'm waiting Kitty!" He states impatiently.
"And Kitty mine, this dance is for me, not those SF9 guys, me! Think and dance for me!".
Walking to the pole, "I have the song loaded to go" he tells 
The music starts and she begins her dance living out her fantasy.
Every movement enticing, items of clothing fly towards her captive audience of one.
^^^I said
It's gettin' hot in herre
(So hot)
So take off all your clothes
I am gettin' so hot, I wanna take my clothes off
(Uh, uh, uh, uh, oh)
It's gettin' hot in herre
(So hot)
So take off all your clothes
I am gettin' so hot, I wanna take my clothes off
(Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh)^^^
Hot in here by Nelly sets the mood, swirling on the pole, seducing the pole like a lover.
As the music fades the dance ends.
Jeonghan stares, completely astonished, his eyes reflect a lustful gleam.
"How did I do?" She asks.
"Seung Cheol and Joshua did not make me hard, but you Kitty got me throbbing" he tells her honestly in a husky voice.
"Lap dance" as he pats his thighs.
Standing there in her black Lace knickers and bra, "lap dance?".
"Consider it my birthday present!" He smiles, leering at her.
"Scared Kitty?" He challenges.
"Start the music" she tells him.
Do me baby by Prince plays…
—--Here we are in this big ol' empty room
Staring each other down
You want me just as much as I want you
Let's stop fooling around
Take me, baby, kiss me all over
Play with my love, ooh
Bring out what's been in me for far to long
Baby, you know that's all I've been dreaming of
Do me, baby, like you never done before
Ooh, give it to me 'til I just can't take no more
Come on and do me, baby, like you never done before
Ooh, I want you now, I just can't wait no more, can't wait, oh—-
Running her fingers through his hair, she grabs his hair and whispers in his ear "happy birthday", as she runs her breasts into  his face.
Straddling him while he is seated on the chair she moves her body in a circular motion, her vagina rubbing his cock through his trousers. Groaning Jeonghan grabs her ass, holding her in position.
As the lap dance continues she holds the back of the chair for support as her boobs tease, her pussy rubbing on his cock hampered only by fabric.
"Fuck Kitty I'm pre cumming".
Smiling, she continues her assault.
Silence the music ends all that can be heard, is  labored breathing.
Standing up, Jeonghan, also known as Catnip man, grabs her hand, "let's go, you have to finish what you started!".
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sxnnimoon · 3 years
writing guidelines
♱ hiii !! down below you will find the list of who I write for ! please do refer to these
i do smut(mainly), one shots, prompts, im opening to about anything but please ask to make sure, the worst I can do is say no :)
if you don’t see a group(kpop) i write for and you are wanting something about them please still ask! i’d love to branch out into more groups !!
when sending in a request ! i love nothing more than making your visions come to life! you can send your request through message or the ask feature! i hope you find this useful and happy reading :)
**please note if i don’t do your request right away i’m not ignoring you. some just take longer than others!! or im just really busy with outside activities and my personal.
all rights are reserved.
♱ ♱ ♱ ♱ ♱ ♱ ♱ ♱ ♱ ♱ ♱ ♱ ♱ ♱ ♱ ♱ ♱ ♱ ♱ ♱
Kim Namjoon
Kim Seokjin
Min Yoongi
Jung Hoseok
Park Jimin
Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook
Tomorrow x Together
Choi Soobin
Choi Yeonjun
Choi Beomgyu
Kang Taehyun
Huening Kai
Stray Kids
Bang Chan
Lee Know
Seo Changbin
Hwang Hyunjin
Han Jisung
Lee Felix
Kim Seungmin
Yang Jeongin (I.N.)
Kim Hongjoong
Park Seonghwa
Jeong Yunho
Kang Yeosang
Choi San
Song Mingi
Jung Wooyoung
Choi Jongho
Choi Seung Cheol (S Coups)
Yoon Jeonghan
Hong Joshua
Wen Junhui (Jun)
Kwon Soon Young (Hoshi)
Jeon Wonwoo
Lee Jihoon (Woozi)
Lee Seokmin (DK, Dokyeom)
Kim Mingyu
Xu Minghao (The8)
Boo Seungkwan
Hansol Vernon Chwe (Vernon)
Lee Chan (Dino)
***i am open to any other kpop groups, just ask!***
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Natasha Rominaff
Tony Stark
Peter Parker (tom hollands)
Wanda Maximoff
Sam Wilson
American Horror Story(not anymore)
Michael Langdon
(mainly michael but if you want a specific character just ask!)
The Vampire Diaries/ The Originals(sometimes)
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Kai Parker
Jeremy Gilbert
Tyler Lockwood
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Jack Kline
Harry Potter/Maruaders
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
Tom Riddle
Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter
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blushnote · 5 years
hi can i request seungcheol smut where reader rides him and he has like. daddy kink but it’s also soft sex?? where there’s lots of praise to the reader bc she’s just been needing some love and affection..... cheol’s being the sweetest guy and holding her close to him n kissing her everywhere n saying stuff like “so good for daddy” “daddy’s good girl is eager isn’t she?” “tell daddy it feels good” AAAAAA
↳ requested | 2.0k words
↳ seungcheol smut
a/n: okay this literally KILLED me to write… i had to take several breaks from the keyboard because i was burning the hell up. but i enjoyed it thoroughly! 
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you can’t help but feel overwhelmed with the urge to cry, the harsh, stinging salts burning against your eyes as you unlock seungcheol’s apartment and slip inside quietly. everything started falling apart at work. you despise the management who expects you to perform flawlessly, the entitled customers baring their teeth to your face as they press their frustrations down on you; even some of your coworkers are greatly testing your patience.
nothing has been going right. you feel like a paper boat that has to endure an endless, wicked trip across the sea. to make matters worse, seungcheol hasn’t been home for a few days, leaving you to do some ‘apartment-sitting’ while he was occupied with his own schedule. he only came home today, right after you left for your closing shift. now, it was nighttime outside, everything cold and slippery as the morning snowfall hardened into black, treacherous ice.
you aren’t sure if seungcheol is asleep or not.
with cautious movement, you remove your button-down coat and slip off your shoes. at the kitchen sink you wash your hands beneath the warm water, hoping to heat them up. no matter what you do, you can’t stop sniffling, making pitiful attempts to suckle back the tears that desire to flow so badly. you keep scrubbing and scrubbing the flesh of your hands, thinking that somehow your sadness will eventually swirl away, deep down the drain.
suddenly, you detect the light sound of footsteps. seungcheol enters the kitchen, though you’re too afraid to face him, so you continue rubbing your hands beneath the warm water.
“i haven’t seen you in a while.” seungcheol greets you happily.  
you feel him gently grasp your hips as his presence fills the space behind you, his chest snuggling against your back. he’s warm and smells of faint vanilla. you yearn to melt into him, especially when his lips touch the base of your shoulder and he’s kissing your skin sweetly.
“how are you, baby?” he murmurs against your ear’s cusp, the depth of his voice igniting a comfortable heat in your abdomen.
“fine,” you respond curtly, unable to peel your gaze away from the sink, “how was your schedule?”
seungcheol doesn’t respond immediately, rather he stiffens slightly behind you, sensing that there’s something a little peculiar about your behaviour. you haven’t even spared him a glance, your voice is uncharacteristically lacklustre, and the manner in which you harshly scrub your hands imbues an air of uneasiness. whatever is it, the situation isn’t sitting right with him.
“my schedule was alright.” seungcheol replies while reaching out to shut off the taps, “but i don’t think you are.”
he then spins you around, attempting to examine your face. it instantly becomes clear to him that you’re upset. your eyes are slightly reddened, akin to glass that’s close to shattering. upon grabbing you a tea towel to dry your skin, seungcheol cups your cheek and tilts your head up, his thumb picking up a cold, pained tear. you can’t even be bothered to wipe your hands properly. you simply rub them out on your tight, black work pants.
“what’s wrong, sweetheart?” seungcheol urges you calmly. “did something bad happen?”
“i-i don’t know,” you stutter, turning your face into seungcheol’s palm, “i’m kind of having a bad time right now, like, at work and stuff.”
“oh no. i’m so sorry, baby. it must be really difficult.” seungcheol tenderly sweeps his thumb below your eye. “do you wanna talk about it? i’m not even tired. i can listen to you all night.”
you manage a weak shrug. right now, you’re unsure of what you want to express. as much as it might be rewarding to open your muddled heart, you don’t think you’re in the right mind frame for tolerable coherency and articulation. you feel it’s better to wait until tomorrow, when you have the entire day to yourselves. then, you can really mope, maybe even tear into a pint of ice cream if need be.
“n-not right now.” you tell seungcheol.
instead, you long for a different kind of care. swallowing thickly, you look into the soft honey of his eyes and ask him politely: “can you please just kiss me?”
you love seungcheol because you know he’ll be there for you unconditionally. even through his kisses, you can sense the solace and compassion. his warmth is one of the few remedies that effectively heals your wounds. things escalate quickly. you and seungcheol move to the living room where he sits back on the couch. you pop the clasp on your work pants and shuffle the constricting material down your legs, which feels like shedding a second, abysmal skin.
seungcheol instantly reaches for you, pulling you into his lap. he kisses your mouth until it’s as bright as a ruby gem. you love the sharp taste of mint on his tongue, to which you can’t help but suckle on the wet muscle, baring through the messy saliva that wets your chin. seungcheol unbuttons your white blouse. per every inch of skin he reveals, he makes sure to leave a soft, open-mouthed kiss. your fingertips sheath into his shoulders as he pushes your bra down.
“does this feel good, baby?” seungcheol hums, gently squeezing your breast in one hand just before he lightly drags his tongue across the other.
“y-yes, daddy,” you stumble, “fe-feels so good…”
he gently takes your perked nipple between his teeth and tugs. you release a small, delicate cry at the sensation. beneath you, his thick length pokes against your thigh, growing harder from hearing your sweet sounds. he laps over the bud soothingly, and you sigh in bliss. seungcheol then pushes your blouse from your shoulders and removes your bra. his hands are quick to warm to your skin. he strokes your waist, placing gentle bitemarks along your collarbone.
“your body is so soft, baby, so beautiful.” he rumbles in his husky voice. “this is only for daddy to touch, hmm? only i can see you like this, sweetheart. isn’t that right?”
alongside the dizzying heat that infiltrates your head, there’s an intense slick pooling from your core. it soaks through your underwear, even forms a small wet mark on seungcheol’s sweatpants. you’ve never craved his affection to such an unfathomable extent.
“mmhm,” sounds your sultry whine, “o-only you, daddy. i only want you to touch me…”
seungcheol notes that your hips are grinding subtly against his cock. you reposition yourself slightly, attempting to feel that hardness press right against your core. seungcheol chuckles at your neediness. he finds it indescribably endearing, and it only makes him love you more.
“awe, baby,” he whispers in a molten tone by your ear, “are you eager, sweetheart? does daddy’s good girl want to feel my cock deep inside her? will that make her feel better?”
you’re practically drooling at the simple thought. you have to swallow the abundant saliva that gathers in your throat before humming a latent response. the thrumming between your thighs grows stronger, to a point where it inhibits your conversation. you want to reply to seungcheol, but you’re so drenched, so rightfully in need of his attention that your words keep melting on your tongue, like bits of cotton candy. seungcheol suddenly slides his hand between your legs.
“tell me what you need.” he urges, resting his forehead against yours, “you need daddy to touch you here, sweetheart?”
“y-yes,” you whimper as his fingers trace your folds over the fabric, “but not t-too much teasing, daddy – really wanna feel your cock.”
even just from the light grazing of his fingertips, seungcheol finds himself surprised by how thoroughly soaked you are. indulging in his curiosity, he presses his index and middle finger flat against your underwear, feeling the huge wet patch. at the slightest pressure against your clit, you keen out loudly and sense the overwhelmed tears prick your eyes. seungcheol licks his lips. he doesn’t think you’ve ever been this wet. in response, his cock impossibly stiffens.
seungcheol chokes out, “you’re fucking soaked, sweetheart,” as he twists your underwear aside, running a finger through the abundant gloss.
“i really need you, daddy!” your face buries into his shoulder, the tears dampening his shirt.
he strokes your swollen clit with his fingertip, to which your hips spasm against his hand.
“pl-please fuck me!” you cry out, feeling seungcheol’s fingers massage circles against your aching bud. “c-can’t wait anymore, daddy! i need you so bad, it hurts…”
seungcheol cups your face, his thumb brushing away the tearful beads.
“are you sure you can take me already, sweetheart?” he asks, locking eyes with you. “i don’t want to hurt you.”
you nod doubtlessly in response. “i swear i can, daddy. you won’t hurt me. promise.”
seungcheol smiles at you and nods. you grab the arm of the couch and raise yourself marginally in order to let seungcheol adjust his sweatpants. he pulls them down a bit, then reaches into his underwear. he groans as soon as he wraps his hand around his length. just the mere sight of him creates a new wave of slick to douse your core, and you can’t dissuade your mind from thinking about how wonderful he’s going to feel fully fleshed within you.
evidently, seungcheol is just as aroused as you. the deep red shade to his cock has your stomach performing somersaults, especially as he pumps himself a few times, using the thick, white pearls of cum at his tip like a lubricant. you’re biting your lip, your heartbeat dancing sporadically in anticipation. seungcheol pushes away his black bangs and grins.
“you see how hard daddy is, baby? hm? you’re the only one who makes me feel this way, sweetheart. remember that, okay? now, let’s see my good little girl sink down on daddy’s cock.”
your face flickers with a sweltering heat. you grab seungcheol’s length and position him appropriately. then, with your teeth biting a bruise into your bottom lip, you start lowering your hips. the second seungcheol’s tip pushes against your clit, an unbridled moan escapes your chest. he loves whenever you rub his sensitive head between your folds. he loves watching his cum mix with your arousal, the incredibly obscene, filthy noises that the act preludes.
once you spread your thighs a little wider and proceed to sink down, down, down, seungcheol’s head falls back against the couch, his adam’s apple tensing. he clutches onto your hips with a steely strength, growling a dense array of curses. he’s right – you’ve never been this wet. you’re completely sopping and it drives him to an unprecedented level of insanity. when you’re seated right to the hilt, a shiver wracks down your spine and you need a moment to simply breathe.
“ff-fuck,” seungcheol grunts once you begin to roll your hips, “baby l-looks so pretty like this, stuffed with d-daddy’s cock. mmm, just like that, sweetheart. you feel ah-amazing.”
you slump forward into seungcheol’s chest and wind your arms around his neck. he hits so deep inside of you that you swear you can see his tip press against your abdomen. the sight makes you whine, cry and openly drool, to which seungcheol tenderly kisses the side of your head, whispering gentle praises. his hands slide down to your ass. he grabs you firmly and thrusts up into you, hearing your voice crack. a bolt of pleasure sears through your hot, glimmering flesh.
“mm-more, daddy,” you babble senselessly, each of your stresses being plucked free, “pl-please, g-give me m-more. ff-fuck me and f-fill me, daddy, please!”
“of course, baby,” seungcheol purrs, “daddy is going to take care of you, fill you n’make you feel really good, sweetheart. daddy loves you so much.”
everything starts coalescing into a blur of euphoria and heat. there’s not one part of your brain that ruminates on the tribulations of your workday. instead, you’re focused on how profoundly seungcheol loves you, how he treats you like you’re the most precious artifact in his life. you wish you could stay like this for an eternity, simply partaking in the other’s pleasure, and experiencing true bliss. you hold onto seungcheol even tighter, and let yourself fall into his care.
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thekidultlife · 4 years
seungcheol + vibrator, fluff... lol jk ofc smut
[Incoming call from Choi Seungcheol. You answer it immediately even though you’ve just awoken. He seems to be driving, but his tone is dark and you know what that means: he’s thinking of stripping you naked and fucking you and the moment he speaks, he confirms this. You smile sleepily.]
I hope to God you’re not asleep, because you have no idea how much I’ve missed you. Are you? [Pauses as you answer.] Good. Now I want you to put this on speaker and do as I say. Put me on speaker now…good. Good. [Smacks his lips as he chuckles darkly.] Undress. I want you to undress. Take off my shirt you’re wearing, take off your pink panties, take it all off. I want you naked and in bed. I want you to open your legs and I want you to think about my hard, pulsing cock right now. Yes, baby. Think about it…right now. Because I am so hard for you, baby. Two nights without my cock driving your wet cunt crazy is too much torture. Oh, baby…please…for me…could you… rub between your legs and stick a finger inside your cunt? [Seungcheol’s voice turns down a notch, and you shudder at the change.] Tell me…are you wet for my cock right now? Tell me. Say it. Good. Touch yourself like I would. Touch yourself and fuck yourself with your fingers until I tell you to stop. And you know how I like to put all my fingers in. [Groans while he listens your moans as you fuck yourself with your fingers, each of them sinking and sinking inside you.] Now taste yourself. You always taste good, baby. Lick your fingers. Rub your breasts. I want to taste your cunt on them later. I could feel your breasts on my hands already—shit. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Goddamn traffic. Looks like I might have to stay a little while longer. Baby…take the vibrator out. Use it. I’m holding my cock in my hands now and I am so hard for you I could just blow off in here. [Patiently waits until you are back in bed.] Put it inside your cunt. I want to hear your scream. Put it as deep as you can. Fuck. [Curses more as he hears your jarred pants as the vibrator presses on your sensitive walls and sends you writhing in bed, soaked with sweat and cum.] Pinch your nipple. Are you twisting in bed right now? Oh, baby I’m so sorry you had to make do with the vibrator for a while. Don’t worry; I’ll fuck you senseless once I come inside. [Moans as he hears your strangled cries.] Was it that good, baby? No, don’t stop. No. No. Don’t take out that thing until I tell you to. [Curses darkly.] Rub your clit. Keep rubbing your clit. Be noisy while you’re at it. I want to hear you until I come inside that room. I’m parking now. [You hear a thud and you know he’s outside. You feel yourself coming as your fingers and the vibrator work your cunt up so crazily.] I’m going upstairs. [You beg him between pants to run until the reaches the bedroom door. He does. The call ends.]
The moment Seungcheol sees you, he curses, drops everything he’s holding to the floor and undresses so swiftly. His eyes are hooded and hazy as he takes in the sight of you, sitting on the bed, your mouth giving out whimpers, your breasts bobbing up and down as one of your hands holds the vibrator deep between your legs while one keeps fondling your breast; he clenches his jaw as he sees you close your eyes and inhale sharply, almost at your breaking point, and your cry of pleasure that drove him crazy, your juices dripping on your fingers and on the mattress. Violently, he rips away the vibrator. Pain and sudden emptiness in your cunt make you whimper. He pins you onto the bed. His erection nudges at your entrance, rock-hard. He is panting as he looks at you lustfully one more time. “I won’t wear a condom when I fuck you because I have to compete with that goddamn vibrator now,” he says grumpily, his eyes so dark and his voice so low. “You got that?”
There is a pause, where you lift your eyes to Seungcheol, and whisper hoarsely, “Fuck me hard, baby.”
Seungcheol groans and drives his shaft inside you so roughly, so forcefully that the bed rocked, and you let out a sharp cry. He silences you with his mouth, briefly, and then grips on your breasts hard as he steps into a manic rhythm. He thrusts and thrusts, faster and faster, so deep that any pleasure you had with the vibrator and your own expert fingers could not compare to this…this rough, animalistic feeling. The slick sounds as he pounded and pounded into you filled your ears. You hold onto him, pain and pleasure making you feel like you are about to faint. You feel yourself tighten around him inside you, and Seungcheol feels it, too. He bites his lip and grunts, going faster.
“Seung…cheol,” you breathe out as a plea, your eyes watering, “please let me come now.”
Seungcheol rams into you even harder and you cry out again.
“Baby, please,” you beg again. You feel yourself throbbing around him, and Seungcheol cries out.
“Come,” he growls, as he grinds into you for the last time, and you come, your body pulsating as your orgasm came, making your body quiver violently. Seungcheol moaned and released himself onto you, shuddering as he spilled his seed onto you, every last drop of it. Then he lay on top of you, panting loudly, matching his gasps with your own. The moment he finds his breath, he wipes the sweat on your face and kisses you, long and sweet.
“Mmm,” he says as he runs his tongue around you’re the entrance of your mouth, teasing. “I can still taste you.” He runs a hand down your spent body, massaging them gently. He smiles down at you and you smile back. “A+, baby.” Then he jealously pouts. “But I don’t think I want you using that vibrator again. Why do you look so turned on by that thing when I saw you? Is it really that good?”
- Leanne
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agust-june · 4 years
Three is better than two
Seventeen smut
Joshua x reader x Seung Cheol
This is for @clareisa 😈😈
Warning well do I need to warn you if you already know what it is? Also I just wanna say this is my first threesome smut I've never written one before sooooo it might be a little cringy... that's all enjoy.
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"Shh we wouldn't want to let anyone know were here remember?" Seung Cheol teases you kissing your neck as Joshua was up your skirt licking your folds. You were sprawled out on the bed one man was in front of you touching your boobs while the other is eating you out. "Y/n if you keep making noise we'll have too keep you quiet" Seung Cheol warns you making Joshua stop you whine as his sweet tongue was pulled away. "I'm sorry I'll be quiet I promise"
"I don't know you said that earlier your not good at keeping promises princess" Joshua smirks as you shook hour head. You didn't want them to stop.
"Hmm how about we put something in your mouth to make you quiet?"
"Kitten you want to come tonight right?" You nod as Joshua takes off your skirt spreading your legs licking a long stripe against your folds.
"Why don't you be a good girl and suck daddy off"
He pulls down his pants and underwear and comes towards you. Joshua then grabs your thighs and pushes his tongue inside you once more. Before you can moan out loud Seung Cheol pushes his cock inside your mouth. You couldn't fit all in so you had to use your hands. Seung Cheol's head goes back as he let's out a sigh. You then start sucking him off you hum tasting his precum then start moving your tongue around soon you began bobbing you head up and down.
That's it baby keep doing that" Seung Cheol was trying so hard not to make noise but once you started moaning around him it was harder to have self control. Joshua was so good with his tongue you couldn't help to be moaning on Seung Cheol's cock. Joshua decided to put two fingers inside you while still keeping his tongue in place causing you to open your mouth and accidentally gagging Seung Cheol trying to pull you off but you kept going. Wanting to be a good girl for daddy he then loses it feeling your mouth pulling back down on him. Causing him to move his hips in your mouth.
"F-fuck I'm going to cum!" Seung Cheol announces pulling you off of him. He didn't want to finish at least not yet. "Josh- shua...I'm gonna-" you pant out trying to catch your breath as your cut off by your own moans. You felt yourself coming undone as you came on Joshua's face. He then licks all the mess you made on his face.
"You taste so delicious baby wanna taste" before you could answer Joshua puts his lips to yours. As soon as you feel his tongue dance with yours, you begin to taste yourself. When you ans Joshua pull away Seung Cheol then turns you to face and kisses you roughly.
As you listened to his breathy groans you continued to straddle his muscular thighs, everytime you rutted closer towards his bulge. Your chest rose up and down as you got more and more turned on, proving to be a great view to Seung Cheol. As you grounded yourself down on his thigh he touched your chest and teased soft kisses everywhere he could reach. One harsh movement and you were arching reaching closer, your chest in his face. Seung Cheol tensed his thigh making you yelp even more. His eyes met with yours as he went to suck at your nipple, flicking his tongue around your sensitive hardened nipples due to the temperature change.
He switched to your other, sucking on nub. He then bit down refreshing yet another loud moan escaped your lips. Your face was red from embarrassment at how loud you were but you really couldn't help it you were overwhelmed.
The throbbing between your legs continued as you grinded on his bulge and thigh, pulling his soft hair which got a moan in response. His moans were like music to your ears. Which made you more and more crazy. It made you want to cum there and then on his thighs. You move your hips faster feeling yourself getting close you your high.
"She's close" Joshua announces as he pumps his cock. He moans watching you get off on Seung Cheol's thigh.
"Are you gonna cum kitten? Are you gonna cum for daddy?"
"Y-yes daddy" Seung Cheol clenches his thigh again as you grind harder on his thighs your moans getting louder as you came. Seung Cheol then gently flips you onto the bed kissing your neck as he marks you as his.
"Please" you whine as Seung Cheol pushes in two fingers.
"Please what kitten?"
"Use your words" Joshua adds
"Daddy please fuck me"
"Me? What about our guest? You should please him too kitten" SeungCheol teases you pumping his fingers in and out of your hole.
"I want him too daddy"
"Of course you do your such a slut you can't just have one cock" Seung Cheol pulls his fingers out of you and switches his place with Joshua. Joshua then slowly slides himself inside of you. You both let out a breathy moan and groan as he completely filled you.
You buck your hips signaling for him to move. Taking your hint Joshua starts to move his hips at slightly fast pace. He smirks as watches your pussy swallow his cock. As his cock disappears you let out loud moans each one getting louder than the next.
Joshua places one of your legs over his shoulder while the other is down hitting the right spot. He slowly lifted you a little and pounded into you hitting the gspot continuously without fail. Bliss overtook your body.
Seung Cheol watched and pumped himself you watch as he thrusts himself in his hand whimpering as he feels himself getting closer to his release. His head tilted back as his hips buck into his head. Joshua movements speed up as he feels your walls tighten around him.
"Joshua I'm coming!" You yell as Joshua pounded in and out of you as he was on the brink of coming too. You feel yourself cum around him. As your tight walls clench around him Joshua cums inside you. He then thrusts a few more times feeling his cum being pushed
"Kitten do you think you can come one more time for daddy?" Seung Cheol asks as Joshua moves out the way again.
"Yes daddy"
"Are you sure? Maybe you should rest?" You shook your head no
"I can take it. I need it I need you inside me so bad daddy please give me your cock" you beg as Seung Cheol aligns himself at your wet folds.
"Tsk you always were such a slut for daddy's cock Joshua's cock wasn't enough to keep you satisfied huh?" Without warning Seung Cheol thrusts inside you and you let out a huge whimper.
"Fuck baby your always so tight" he gunts as his hip roughly smacks against yours and nothing but your screams can be heard. "You like that? You like the way daddy pumps his cock in you?"
"Yes I love your cock daddy!"
"Fuck yes you do kitten you love daddy's cock" Seung Cheol groans he brings his hand onto your neck and slightly squeezes his hips moving faster.
"Oh daddy I'm gonna- fuck I'm gonna cum!"
"Cum kitten cum for daddy cum all over my cock!" And so you do. You cum around Seung Cheol this time harder than the last. Seung Cheol's movements starts to get sloppy as he's almost close to his own orgasm.
"Fuck kitten I'm gonna cum inside you" Seung Cheol groans as he feels himself twich inside you as a reflex you clench around him once more making his seed fill you. Exhausted he pulls out of you and collapses next to you. Both of you panting trying to catch a breath. After a couple minutes you notice something.
"Where did Joshua go?" You ask as Seung Cheol looks around.
"I don't know?" He says confused yhen you both look at the door someone was coming in
"Alright you two play time is over now. I had fun. But I need to clean my sheets. Oh and Hyung next time you plan this do it in your room because I wanna sleep and also I ran a bath for the both of you" you and Seung Cheol both look at Joshua who had nothing but a towel wrapped around him. You both start laughing at him as he tells both of you to leave. Eventually do but after Joshua complains about the mess in his sheets.
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yurababy · 2 years
you are my answer— h.js (teaser)
hong jisoo x afab!reader, will be smut, part of the Don’t Listen in Secret series! can be read alone or w/ the other members’ (as of 04/15, cheol, han, & jihoon)
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synopsis joshua tries, he really does try to be the calm and composed member, but his patience is just too short. when it runs out, he knows exactly where to go to cool down, or, technically, heat up.
notes fiction. this is fiction. i don’t think shua acts like this. i don’t know him. only a tiny tiny bit of my personal subconscious analysis as a fan and psychology major. i’m not s jihancheol shipper :3 that part is just for laughs ! i love shua and don’t think of him in any strange way… it’s just to build character bc this is fiction. even the parts of him thst i do think are somewhat accurate are more endearing then annoying. if u have a problem lmk. also jeonghan!! dlis!! jeonghan!! ok thanks. 800-ish wordcount. idk when this will be out i’m like 1.6k in so far...
➤ title is from “lean on me” by the one and only seventeen hiphop team.
part of the don’t listen in secret series.
taglist ♡ @zen003xx @seung-sungs @angelwonie @rubyreduji @vvsmydiamonds127 @shualicious @whyokoa @dreamhannies @313hwa @minnie-mouser22 @knucklesdeepmingi @lenireads @oolanderr @bestboysvt @misssugarlips @whereisgyu @kodzukein @i4kt @wonushuasworld  @aurumness @bibinnieposts @venusprada @ikissvernon  @listxn @starlight-nightz @svtrbi​ @bakugosbottombitch @kooklovesu @alluringlino @hiddlesdweeb
“are you serious right now?”
the voice immediately had you and dokyeom’s eyes enlarge as they made contact with one another. you had been watching seokmin respond to a few fans on weverse, the boy having been recording a cute video of himself before leaving, when a group seemed to enter the hybe hallway.
“calm down-” could be heard in the echo, but you interrupted the voice before the rest of the sentence could be heard.
“can’t use that take,” you made sure dokyeom very carefully clicked the delete button rather than the post to ensure no fans overanalyzed the mystery situation. somewhat hypocritically, you did the same thing you wished others not to do and came to a conclusion as to who one of the voices would be.
joshua was not one to display his anger.
in fact, he was noted as one of the calmest members when it came down to a hasty situation. he was the one to deal with jeonghan’s games and call junhui cute and pat vernon’s head. 
and he liked his reputation, he liked being someone that could comfort. only, you knew that even he could get stressed out sometimes, and you knew this very well.
(“it’s so fucking annoying sometimes, like, even if they know i’m the mafia, can’t they just pretend they don’t? maybe they just pick me for fun! i’m a pretty good actor!”
“shua... do you know how to play mafia?”
“i’m better now! i practice sometimes, watch.”)
(“i can’t believe he just fucking ate the cookies. those were literally my favorite fucking cookies—
“shua, you told chan he could have them, in front of me. you said ‘of course you can, channie!’”
“that doesn’t mean he’s supposed to! can you imagine if i told him he can’t eat my cookies?”)
but these were secrets kept from the members. of course, he was more than comfortable around them, but after years of having to work up this image for his idol-side, he can barely swear without following or preceding it with a soft apology through a clenched jaw.
seokmin’s phone clicked off and the two of you finally were in the presence of a seething joshua parallel to a side-by-side seungcheol and jeonghan.
that was definitely concerning.
joshua scoffed. “why should i when i have literally every reason to be upset?”
this particular trio did not often find themselves in disagreements at all, so it was more subconscious for both you and dokyeom to intervene.
once closer, you took in the situation as dokyeom started with a far too happy, “hey guys! what’s going on?” he walked directly among the trio while you kept some distance, a bit behind joshua so he wouldn’t be distracted by your presence.
jeonghan looked a bit uncomfortable, seungcheol had his lips pressed in a thin line, but joshua turned to seokmin. “i wouldn’t know, because these two go everywhere without me recently. have i even seen you guys in the dorms? is it because you two are older than me? are you dating?”
the last one made you cover your mouth with your hand for a moment, dokyeom’s eyes widening and the two oldest members furrowing their eyebrows. seungcheol shook his head and trailed towards joshua’s side. he held one shopping bag in one hand, the brand miumiu, while jeonghan held another, dior. on the way to joshua, he slipped the bag handles out of jeonghan’s fingers, gripping both before presenting them to joshua. 
it didn’t take a genius to understand the brands’ significance to joshua. his face fell slightly blank at the epiphany.
“we’re so busy around the time of your birthday, shua, that’s all. we don’t mean to leave you out, never.” he threw an arm around jisoo’s shoulder, and your gaze shifted to jeonghan’s. jeonghan made eye contact with you as if he predicted you would check on him, eyes more relaxed than before. seungcheol started walking, so jisoo starting walking. jeonghan walked a bit in front, looking back at you once. once.
“don’t think so fast. we love you, why would we do that?” cheol continued, joshua’s pursed lips curled into an upside-down smile, not meeting his eyes as much as they usually do.
you could tell there was plenty of room waiting for jisoo to respond, apologize, accept the sweet gesture for his birthday. he seemed to know this too, mumbling an apology for swearing and getting upset. seungcheol nodded and rubbed his shoulder.
you walked further away until you could only faintly make out the second eldest’s, “we wouldn’t date without you, shua-ya.”
joshua was being irrational, jumping to conclusions before even processing what was going on. a bit after you sat back down with seokmin, your phone lit up with a text notification. the expansion read, “im so pissed rn do u know what just happened wait i can tell u if u come over later,” and you pretended your giggle was in response to a funny post rather than his obliviousness. at least shua knew how to manage his anger in a way that left him content.
you didn’t mind it either, what, him fucking you relentlessly instead of actually ranting? why wouldn’t you text him with a confirmation, and why wouldn’t you rummage through your closet for lingerie?
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berrigxxd · 4 years
masterlist | berrygxxd
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—— request are currently closed!
❣️= Fluff | 💦 = Smut | ☔️ = Angst
☑ = Completed | ☒ = Discontinued | ✎ = Ongoing
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