#💎 Balbadd Treasure (Alibaba Saluja)
universestreasures ¡ 2 years
@riidcr​ Hearted For A Musical Lyrical Starter (Accepting!)
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“I know it sounds a bit fantastical and magical, but...!!!” Alibaba wouldn’t lie about something like this. He had Amon to prove he captured the dungeon! Did he really have to bring him out to prove to Flynn he wasn’t just spitting out a dream he had when he got drunk at one of the many taverns on his journey to Balbadd?
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universestreasures ¡ 3 years
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universestreasures ¡ 2 years
@sapientiis​ Sent: A First Impressions Sentence Starter (Accepting!)
“I’ve wanted to meet you for a long time.” / alibaba
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His head was spinning, his ears were ringing, and Alibaba didn’t know where he was. The last thing he remembers is being in a battle with Hakuryuu, fighting his heart out to try and convince his friend his plans at revenge were not what he should do. Guess he still needed a lot more training and work to beat the likes of a metal vessel wielder with the powers that the emperor of Kou had. Though, thoughts about that could be set aside as a voice calls out to him, Alibaba sitting up and turning around before his eyes threatened to pop out of their sockets as he stared in shock and awe at the voice’s holder.
Sapphire hues and braided hair that flowed in the breeze, the spitting image of Aladdin stood before the former prince of Balbadd. So many questions popped into his mind as he tried to process everything, hands gripping at his sides as he slowly tried to stand. After all, it’s not every day you met the god of his homeland. 
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“W-W-Wait...! A-Are you...A-Are you really...K-King Solomon?! A-Aladdin’s...dad!? B-But I thought that you died! D-Does that mean that I’m...does that mean I’m d-d-dead?!”
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universestreasures ¡ 2 years
@riidcr​ Sent:
He couldn't believe his eyes, it couldn't possibly be true... just an illusion or a figment of his memory. But in his mind Alibaba was always as young and bright as the first time he met him. Now, he seemed older, wiser, with a glint of confidence in voice and tone. For long Eugene dared to hope the news of his passing had been false, and that somehow, the kid managed to fight through with a firey spirit as he always had, not wanting to accept a loss that felt so heavy to his heart.
But years had passed since then, he never returned, not a word was delivered on his behalf, he was gone. And yet... there he stood, as if nothing had ever happened. ❝ How did you... ❞ the words felt trapped in his throat, lost between concern, grief and relief. If this is true, if he's alive, what exactly happened to him ? Where was he all those years ? And how bad was it for him to take so long to return ?
Instead of bombarding with a series of questions, he found himself moving to almost automatically towards him, arms extending to pull the young man into a tight embrace. ❝ I missed you, kid. ❞ // final arc feels bc I'm mean :")
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Ever since returning from death, Alibaba had been traveling. Every day was a new adventure as he learned about how thing had changed, and also searched for his missing friends. The fact the world was so different in only three years just showed how amazing a man Sinbad was. There was no other person like him, and the fact he gave the former prince access to transport so he could go just about anywhere, was really kind of him. Though, the threat of David looming overhead was always on his mind, but he had his faith in his hero like he always had.
His travels brought him back to a dessert city state, it too having changed with time. It was such a bustling little city now, magic carpets and other transportation everywhere. A world built on trade sure was bursting with new discoveries, and he was excited to explore everything. There was a sense, however, of an emptiness. Alibaba was someone who thrived on others, as much as he tried to be a loner due to his guilt over the death of his father until he met Aladdin. He missed them so much. He just wanted to be with them!
And luckily for him, he wouldn’t have to be alone for very much longer as the sight of an all too familiar brunette came into his view. Before he has a chance to even react, Flynn is already moving ahead to wrap him in his arms. The heat of the desert was abundant, but the warmth he feels from the former thief is something different. Alibaba can’t help but tear up at seeing him, having missed one of his closest companions in the time he’s been away.
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“I-I missed you too, F-Flynn! I’m sorry I was gone for so long, b-but I promise I’m not going anywhere! After all, I came back from the dead! Nothing anyone throws at me can be worse than that, haha!” The blonde chuckles, wiping a tear from his eye. “So, how have you been? Everything been alright?”
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universestreasures ¡ 2 years
@riidcr​​ Sent:  
 ❝ Soooooo, Alibaba, buddy, ol pal, what's with the skirt ? Did ya have to rob a nobel lady on the way or......? ❞
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“Flynn!!! Good to see you! Been far too long! And yes, I’m back from the dead! Pretty awesome, right? You won’t believe all the crazy stuff I went through in the-”
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“...” He then stops himself after processing Flynn’s pointing out of his attire, Alibaba then looking down at himself to notice he is wearing technically a skirt...
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“H-Hey! I didn’t steal this! I may have lead the Fog Troupe once upon a time, but I don’t steal anymore!” Not from people who were innocent, anyway. But he sure is well would love to swipe Amon’s sword back from wherever Sinbad and the International Alliance are holding it. “A hermit magician gave it to me, said it was the peak of fashion in Sinbad’s day! A-And it’s a manly skirt that I so happen to rock! What about you, huh? Did you steal your clothes like always?!”
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universestreasures ¡ 3 years
@highseaskxng​​ Sent: A LOWKEY  AWKWARD  SENTENCE  STARTER (Accepting!)
“ aren’t you a little old to be doing that? ” (To Ali)
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He had been out in the palace of Sindria’s garden making another flower crown that afternoon, the young former prince delicately weaving them together to make something beautiful. One might find the fact a man such as him could perform such a skill weird, but it was nothing Alibaba himself thought was shameful. It was something he had learned how to do from his days in the slums of Balbadd, something his mother taught him at a young age to try and preserve any precious flora that so happened to pop up in that poor place. Though, his concentration is soon broken one the voice of the king reaches his ears, causing Alibaba to drop the flowers he was stringing together and making quite the mess on the grassy garden. 
“S-Sinbad?! D-Don’t sneak up on me like that!” Alibaba says to the man, but quickly realizes how rude it must have been. Sinbad was, after all, the king of this country and the man who had helped him, his friends, and his home country of Balbadd so much. He should be showing him the proper respect, and he’s about to apologize until he finally grasps what exactly the older was commenting on. 
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“Huh? You mean making flower crowns? I guess I never saw it as a childish activity. Though, I did learn how to do it when I was a kid so maybe that counts?” He nervously smiles before moving back to continue his work. “This isn’t going to be for me, but for Lady Kagome. You told me she does all the palace gardening, right? So, I thought this might be a nice thank you gift for all that she’s done for me and my friends since we got here, but if you think it’s too childish I could try and find something else...”
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universestreasures ¡ 3 years
@highseaskxng​ !!!
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“Hey...Sinbad?” The young former prince speaks, Alibaba deciding to take the rare moment the king was alone to try and ask him something he’s wanted to for quite a while now. “Sorry if this question is out of the blue, but uh...How did you tell Lady Kagome how you felt?” 
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universestreasures ¡ 3 years
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You are not afraid of the sufferings and sorrows of other people, even when they are acted out in unappealing ways. Beneath even defensiveness and self-righteous behaviour, you know that deep down people need nurturing and consolation. One danger is being naive about people’s dark sides. But at your best you know you can be mean yourself, which helps you to sympathise. You bring strength and forgiveness where other people might panic.
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You have a strong sense of potential and an intense drive to accomplish difficult things. The core of this is your ability to hold together the big goals and the daily efforts. Where other people’s hopes collapse when they encounter the tedium of the journey, you keep coming back. Oddly, it is actually your ability to endure feeling unheroic that counts. You know the power of working away solidly on what’s in front of you.
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One part of your character is anger in all its forms: frustration, outrage – and when anger is suppressed – bitterness, grumpiness, and bodily aches. Fundamentally, frustration comes from hope: you get upset because you expect your life will be more than a valley of tears. One way to deny aggression is to direct it inwards, as self-criticism. But you’re at your best when you acknowledge anger, and act it out clearly and in a focussed way, with honour.
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You are good at seeing what’s funny, at relaxing and finding the pleasure of the moment. Play is random, whimsical, fantasy-driven behaviour which releases internal tension. Because it is detached from some pressures it allows you to act on weirder, perhaps neglected, parts of yourself. The downside is that it is no help in sticking with things that are not much fun but which need to be addressed. So it is well complemented by its opposite, Stoicism.
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You have a tendency, after a setback, to turn your emotions towards restriving. What attracts you is the idea of wiping out a humiliation by resumed action – overcoming weakness, repressing your fear. Because part of your motive is pride, you can sometimes be unwilling to admit weakness or to receive aid. But at heart, tour insistence on coming back and never folding has taught you a valuable pessimism: you know that important journeys are never easy.
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Tagged By: @senpujin​​ (TYSM TC!) 
Tagging: @consequor​ @siamxshade​ (Whatever muse you’d like!) @waterlord​ @fragmentedimensions​ (Whatever muse you’d like!) @chxmpionofjustice​ @reflectingliight​ (Whatever muse you’d like!) @thcsevoices​ (Whatever Muse You’d Like!) @adversitybloomed​ @acollapsar​​ and anyone else who’d like to do this!
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universestreasures ¡ 3 years
@chukazanmai​ Sent:
"Now what is a little prince like you doing around here?" (for Alibaba, Inu verse!)
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“Be on your guard, boy. I sense a strong demonic aura approaching.” 
The seventeen year old didn’t need the fire demon bonded warning him via telepathy. He could sense the presense already, having gotten used to being able to feel demonic energy. Despite the situation he and the old timer had found themselves in being less than desirable, Alibaba can’t help but be amazed by the abilities he had access too and how much stronger he had gotten because of them. Though, getting Amon to allow him use of his powers did definitely take some time. 
To prepare himself for the possibility of a fight, even if it wouldn’t be his first choice, Alibaba takes out the cursed sword and readies his stance. His scarred arm is the one to wield the blade, while the other is held behind his back as is the custom of those who use the royal swordplay style. Golden hues narrow as what appeared to be a bird demon appeared before him, the hues widening slightly at the other addressing him as a prince.  
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“Whose asking? Another minion of that bastard spider?” After all, it’s not Alibaba outright carried himself like a prince. He wore more common clothes since leaving Balbadd, and while they definitely did not match the clothing style of those in this country, they certainly did not scream royalty. So, how else could this guy know who he is unless he worked for Naraku? “Well, answer me bird brain unless you wanna be fried to a crisp!”
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universestreasures ¡ 3 years
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Hit that heart mutuals for a starter from one of my magi muses: Aladdin, Alibaba, and Princess Serendine! 
Other multis please specify, and feel free to specify a verse too! 
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universestreasures ¡ 3 years
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Ja’far’s Reality Check 
(Magi: Labyrinth Of Magic Episode 18)
 @consequor​ <3
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universestreasures ¡ 3 years
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Alibaba is both the son Sinbad never had, and his foil all at the same time and it’s wonderful. 
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universestreasures ¡ 3 years
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universestreasures ¡ 2 years
@crimsonasterism​​ Sent:
❛ experience is a brutal teacher, but you learn. ❜ @ Alibaba
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Despite the amount of work that kept the boy busy helping the Kou Empire’s trading company, Alibaba still decided to dedicate some of his time to training. He had been out of commission for three years, and despite the new powers he’s gained, he still felt a bit out of shape without Amon’s sword to use. It showed him just how much he had relied on his metal vessel, which meant he’d have to adapt in a world without them. That’s why he had asked Koumei and Kougyoku to help him out with some training, the blonde currently just having finished a sparing match with the former.
Koumei was as strong as he was intelligent, seeming to counter every move Alibaba made with a blade. The Balbadd former prince always had a reckless fighting style, which while effective in some situations wasn’t as refined for everything. Even his new powers were not full proof, either. Dodging is great, but if he can’t find an opening or hit his opponent, then what good was it? He needed to start using that brain of his in combat just like he had been using it with the trading company, and it’s thanks to Koumei that he got the wake up call he needed.
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“Yeah, you’re right. It might seem like I’m just wasting time doing all of this in this peaceful world Sinbad has made, but I know Aladdin and Morgiana and Hakuryuu are out there getting stronger too. I can’t fall behind! Because no matter what comes our way, we will be prepared for it!” 
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universestreasures ¡ 3 years
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Alibaba Saluja From The Magi Series has been added as a Secondary Muse! Headcanon based and mainly written in the timeframe the anime covered/mainly anime based! 
All pages have been updated to reflect his addition! 
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universestreasures ¡ 3 years
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what's your role in a found family dynamic?
The "comic relief"
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yes, alright, you tell your jokes and do your bits. you break awkward silences and sing silly songs. but what about when you're not keeping the levity? what else makes up the person who makes others feel good? you're kind. you connect with people. you hate to see others sad. you have a vice or two--who doesn't--but the point is, you are the epitome of what it is to be human, and you are able to encompass the absolutely zany improbability of life as we know it. people are comforted by you. they cherish your spirit and relate to you. but it can be difficult when you're not laughing. comedy becomes a wall to keep worse feelings out, or in. a person who feels any emotion to the extreme will undoubtedly feel others the same way. laughing is great, but... perhaps a big reason you appreciate your family is because there's something you can't stand in a silence.
Tagged By: @siamxshade (TYSM Jay!)
Tagging: @lostinvitation​ (Cosmos!) @kizuhanyo @chukazanmai @rcportcr @fragmentedimensions (Shun Kurosaki!) @kychma @whorunthewcrld (Morgiana!) @kaizokv @consequor​ and anyone else who’d like to do this!
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