#💎 Rukh Treasure (Aladdin)
universestreasures · 3 years
@blackmagi​​​ Continued From Here -->
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Judar had always had this ability to surprise Aladdin. Ever since they first met, everything he did and said was never what he expected. Getting a read on him was next to impossible, which is why the boy always struggled whenever he did appear before him. And he feels even more at war at himself as he sees Judar’s emotions on clear display, knowing they are true after being the one to reveal his past to him all that time ago in Balbadd.
How should he feel about this? Judar did do horrible things. He hurt people close to Aladdin like Miss Kagome and Uncle Sinbad. He was the one who chose to do those things. While dying his rukh black was not his fault, something Aladdin had come to understand now, it didn’t mean his actions to some extent were not his own. After all, he’s seen people overcome the darkness before, Alibaba being a prime example. So, why didn’t Judar? Was it because his wounds were so deep? Because no one...stretched out their hands to him?  
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“Judar...I...I need to know something.” Aladdin finally speaks, simply staring down at the other magi with a voice that is soft and open. “I need to know if you really wanted to do those horrible things you’ve done, like cursing Miss Kagome or betraying the Queen of Parthevia, or if you were just following Al Tharman’s orders. I...I can’t really give you an answer to your question unless I know that first.” 
He had to know the whole story before making a full judgement. Aladdin surely felt horrible for what happened to Judar, and yet even after learning it he still did bad things and as far as he knew was still with Al Tharman. If he really didn’t want to be like this, why didn’t he just stop? That was what the naïve young boy was failing to understand. 
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universestreasures · 3 years
@highseaskxng​​ Sent:
"He's getting stronger and stronger. It's almost impossible to keep David at bay for much longer. Aladdin, with your great power..put an end to me."
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“M-Mister S-Sinbad!?” The young magi’s eyes widen, the sudden request and just what that meant coming onto Aladdin all at once. David was a name Aladdin had learned through seeing the memories of his family’s past through Solomon’s Wisdom. He knew that was the name of his grandfather, the man who had set the original world he had come from on a crash course for ruin, but who would have thought he had a connection to Sinbad? Was that why Aladdin always had this weird vibe around him? Was that what he had been sensing this whole time? A little dark spot in the beaming light that was Sinbad?
Regardless of the David aspect of this, despite how severe it was, it was Sinbad’s actual request of the magi that made him grasp at his staff tightly. Aladdin wasn’t exactly a fan of death and killing. He knew death was a natural part of life, all people returning the Great Rukh one day or another. However, ending someone’s life when it was not their time or through petty violence was something he wanted to prevent. Things like that happened way too much already, both in his homeland and in this world. And while he could understand Sinbad’s intentions, he just...he just couldn’t do it. 
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“I’m sorry Mister Sinbad, but I just can’t do that.” The golden glow of Solomon’s Wisdom appears on his forehead, Aladdin channeling his powers as his rukh flows all around them. “Even with Grandpa David inside of you, killing you isn’t going to mean he’s going to vanish. He’ll just find another vessel, and then I would have killed you for nothing. I would have killed a incredible person with so many who need him and love him dearly.”
A small smile appears on his face, blue hues staring up at the King. “Besides, I know who Miss Kagome is already. Well, I know who she was before, and if her past life was my grandma, then that makes you my grandpa Sinbad! That makes you family, and I don’t plan on giving up on my family! I’ll find someway to stop David from taking over you, and make sure he can’t harm anyone again! I promise! Just hold on!”
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“Solomon’s Wisdom!!!” With the full force of his power now having been realized, he transfers his rukh right into Sinbad’s own. He planned to go into the very depths of his being in an attempt to try and get his grandfather out of him. Who knows what he could do if he managed to get the most powerful mortal under his grasp? Besides, Aladdin wanted to have a talk with him anyway for his own personal reasons, to finally meet the man who ruined his past world and perhaps figure out why. 
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universestreasures · 3 years
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@sapientiis​ you still get to experience Aladdin going through his rebellious teen phase cause he essentially said: SCREW YOU DAD I’M TELLING THEM. LMFAO
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universestreasures · 2 years
@riidcr​​ Sent:
❝ Hey ! Aladdin! Right on time, i got something for you ! ❞ the thief smiles, beckoning for the boy to come closer with one hand while the other hid something behind his back. Their travels since Balbadd had been nothing but draining and despite how cheerful the young Magi was, Flynn could tell he was feeling low on spirits. It couldn't be blamed, with how far they had to walk until the next town.
So while him and Alibaba were busy restocking their supplies for the road, Flynn took the liberty to spend some of his own money on a little something to cheer Aladdin up, ( with a little help from Alibaba of course )
❝ close your eyes and put both hands forward, no peeking ! ❞ once he makes sure he wasn't going to look, Flynn carefully places his gift into his hands, the biggest melon he could find in the market. ❝ Alright, you can open them now.❞ // <33
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Staying in Sindria had been a time of rest and recuperation. Aladdin and his friend’s battle in Balbadd had been a strenuous one on both their minds and bodies, and everyone was taking the events of the whole thing in different ways. Though, it was clear that Aladdin and Alibaba were taking it the hardest, which is why they spent a lot of time eating and sleeping and not much else. This, of course, caused concern for those around the young children, prompting them to propose a little trip that might help get them back into shape.
Being one for adventure, the young magi was over the moon at the idea of taking a small trip. He had been helping Alibaba with the preparations, sapphire hues noting the sadness on his best friend’s face. Aladdin was concerned for both the well being of his loved ones, but also on the knowledge he had learned during his visit to the Sacred Palace. There was a new found responsibility on his shoulders, and he wasn’t quite sure he could he could handle it. He was still just a child, after all.
He is brought out of such deep thoughts as Flynn Rider approached him with the prospect of a surprise. Aladdin’s eyes lit up like stars, quickly following his instructions. He was curious as to what sort of thing the elder thief had brought him, the young one shaking in anticipation. And once the little one opened his eyes, he instantly went from 0 to a 100 in a matter of seconds.
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“Oh my gosh! A giant watermelon! How did you know these were my favorite? Thank you, Mr. Flynn!” He beams, quickly tacking a giant bite out of it that one would swear wouldn’t be possible coming from such a small boy. “Say! Why don’t we share this? I’m sure you’re hungry too!”
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universestreasures · 3 years
@highseaskxng​ (You knew this was coming Jay)
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“Mister Sinbad! Looks like I finally found you! Can I ask you about something?” The young magi runs up to the older man innocently in the Balbadd palace hallway, finally managing to have a chance to speak to him alone after all the stuff went down in Balbadd. Alibaba was busy trying to form the council of representatives, while Morgiana, Mister Ja’far, Mister Masrur, and a woman named Kagome were all helping the people recover from the climatic events that had taken place. And there just was...something about the new individual who seemed close to the king and his vassals that the young boy just couldn’t shake.
It was a  sort of connection he felt when he saw her and felt her rukh. Not to mention, he remembers what Judar had spoke of during their encounter that night, the mention of a ‘Lady Moron’ and a magi catching Aladdin’s attention. However, he always got a distrusting vibe from the other magi, and wanted to get some information from a reliable source. And ever since they met all those weeks back, Sinbad had been one. The boy would, of course, meet with the woman eventually on his own time, but why not take the chance to ask while he has Sinbad’s attention? Plus, he liked speaking with the king! He was an incredible person, after all!
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“Just who is that pretty lady you, Mister Ja’far, and Mister Masrur came back with after everything happened the other day? Is she another one of your subordinates?” 
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universestreasures · 3 years
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Please let Aladdin walk up to your muses everyone and introduce his best bud Ugo from within his flute so we can get reactions like the one Ja’far had LMFAO
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universestreasures · 2 years
@ofrukh​​​​​​ Sent: A Alice In Wonderland (1951) Sentence Meme (Accepting!)
"Curiosity often leads to trouble." -Alibaba to Aladdin
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“Come on, Alibaba! Where’s your sense of adventure?” The young magi retorts, not heading Alibaba’s warning at all. There was some truth in the words the blonde was saying, but Aladdin would argue that curiosity leads to more good things than bad. If he wasn’t so curious about the world, then he would probably not be where he is now or meet the people he had. Those were experiences and people Aladdin cherished deeply, and is forever grateful to have been gifted. 
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“Doesn’t that island look super interesting?” A small hand points to a small yet murky looking island off the coast of Sindria. “We just gotta go there and check it out! We won’t even need to ask Mister Sinbad for a ship. We can fly on my turban since it’s so close!”
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universestreasures · 3 years
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universestreasures · 2 years
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Dash Game:
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Tagged By: @sapientiis​​ (Ty!)
Tagging: You!
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universestreasures · 3 years
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Hit that heart mutuals for a starter from one of my magi muses: Aladdin, Alibaba, and Princess Serendine! 
Other multis please specify, and feel free to specify a verse too! 
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universestreasures · 3 years
@crimsonasterism​​ Sent: 𝐚 ‘𝐬𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐲’ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 (Accepting!)
To Aladdin. [ BLANKET ]: having found the receiver either sleeping or just lying on the couch, sender gently takes a blanket and drapes it over them.
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After a long journey, Aladdin was finally back on this side of the world. He had reunited with old friends, managed to save Miss Hakuei, and was ready to go confront Mister Sinbad. Well, that last part would have to wait until the morning, the reunite trio deciding to stay at the Kou Empire for the evening before heading out again. After all, they had all been working so hard and Alibaba and Morgiana just got engaged! A night of celebration wouldn’t hurt, especially with the world at peace for the time being.
Still, he can’t help but worry about what might happen, Aladdin laying down on a couch in his chamber. He does not think what Mister Sinbad has done is a bad thing, but rather what he intends to do beyond this peaceful world. It makes him wonder if his grandfather David is going to show his face now that the teen is back here, considering Arba wanted his Solomon’s Wisdom power so badly. He and his friends had all trained so hard for whatever might come their way, and they couldn’t fail. No way was Aladdin going to let this world fall to ruin like his homeland, a promise he had full intentions on keeping.
However, he is brought out of his thoughts when a gentle fabric is placed upon his body, more mature sapphire hues looking up to see it was Ren Koumei who had placed it on him. It was a comfort the young teen had much appreciated, a small gesture that spoke volumes considering he didn’t find the former second prince of this land to be very much the talkative type. He offers him a smile all the same.
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“Thanks, Koumei. And thank you for helping out Alibaba while we were gone. I know he couldn’t have done it without you and everyone else. I promise we’re gonna do whatever we can to make sure this world stays a peaceful one. You can count on it.”
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universestreasures · 3 years
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(Well @consequor​ , @highseaskxng wanted this so... HERE YOU GO JA’FAR LMFAO) 
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“Wow, Mr. Ja’far! Your hat is so much bigger than it looks! It’s pretty soft, too!” 
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universestreasures · 3 years
@chukazanmai​ Sent:
Ren drags Aladdin by his turban through the school corridors " Alright shiny forehead, enough sleeping, time to go to class. " (for Aladdin!)
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Ever since arriving at Magnostadt Academy, Aladdin had been worked to the bone by his teacher. He thought learning magic was going to be super fun and exciting like it had been when Miss Yamraiha and Miss Kagome taught him things back in Sindria, but all he’s done so far is being put through the physical ringer. He understood why it was important and all, and yet the little magi can’t help but feel like this was all too much. No wonder so many of his classmates kept dropping out by the day.
Honestly, he was thankful Ren was there to help him out of bed. His bones were hurting so much that it pained to even walk. However, Aladdin knew better than to be late to class. That just meant more push ups and pull ups, and his little body could barley take the required amounts! If only he didn’t have to suppress his magi abilities with the magic tool from his water mage teacher. Then he would have been able to go into the normal classes with Ren probably. Though, this was probably for the best. Aladdin needed to be stronger for everyone’s sake, and despite the pain he did feel himself getting better physically. He just hopes that will have benefit when the actual magic lessons began.
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“I know...I know...I’m just so tired...I decided to sleep a bit longer since my body hurts so much and needed the rest, but then I missed my chance to get breakfast this morning and now I’m really hungry and tired...”
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universestreasures · 3 years
Your best features
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“Wow! Thanks a lot for the compliment!”
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universestreasures · 3 years
When you just wanna introduce everyone to your magical genie friend in your flute
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universestreasures · 3 years
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Aladdin From Magi: Labyrinth Of Magic has been added as a Secondary Muse! Portrayal has some canon divergence, with a lot of the canon aspects of the portrayal pulling from the anime and the time frame portrayed there!
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